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Please start with chapter 1
Chapter 10: Caught with my pants down

So, here we are. Mom is riding me, cowgirl style. She just had an orgasm and had got a little noisy. Lacey must have come into the house, looking for me, because we heard her calling my name. How much did she hear? What is she thinking? I am still balls deep in my mother. Now what do I do? My mind is racing through the options, but they are very few. Should I act like I am not home? No, I love Lacey and cannot deceive her. It would never work anyway.

"Just a minute" I call out as mom dismounts from my penis and climbs out of my bed. It creaks with the movement, and I can see she is still trembling from her orgasm. I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, my heart is pounding in my head, and my dick is shrinking rapidly. I get up and scramble to get some clothes on. Mom wraps the towel around herself and hurries into my bathroom. Her feet pounding on the floor as she runs.

"Hi, Lacey," I say as I emerge from my room. I cannot meet her gaze. "Are you here alone?" she asks, probing. "No," I reply, "mom's here." I answer honestly. Lacey and I sit down together on the couch. I sneak a peek out of the corner of my eye at her. Now she cannot look at me. Oh boy, this is bad. How much did she hear? Mom is stuck in my bedroom with only her panties. I get the feeling that I smell like sex. We are well and truly busted. I might as well be honest and tell Lacey the truth. She might hate me for it and think that I am a creep, but I don't think that she would tell anyone else. The only problem is that I swore to my mother that I would never tell.

The silence was becoming awkward. Lacey took me by the hand, looked into my eyes and asked, "Is there something that you are not telling me?" I cannot tell her the truth, and I cannot lie to her. What am I supposed to do? Looking into her face it seems that there is a trace of amusement while at the same time she is trying to be serious. "Lacey," I finally say, "I am not sure what to tell you. I will never lie to you, but there is something that you do not know and I am not free to tell you." Lacey is looking past me and I follow her gaze. Laying discarded on the patio floor I plainly see mom's yoga pants and sports bra.

At that moment my bedroom door opens and mom steps out. She is wearing a pair of my stretchy jogging pants and one of my tee shirts. It is way too tight for her, especially without a bra. Our eyes follow her as she walks over to the couch and sits down beside Lacey. We both wait expectantly for mom to say something. She clears her throat and pauses before speaking. She looks directly at Lacey, head high and full of confidence. "So I know this might be difficult for you to understand, and I am not sure how to tell you, but I have always believed that honesty is the best policy. So here it is; What you are probably suspecting is almost exactly what is happening. Ricky and I are having sex, Lacey. Ricky loves you very much, and he also loves me. Do you understand what I am saying?" We pause to let the words sink in. My head is spinning and I feel faint.

Looking at Lacey, she is difficult to read. Her mouth is ajar as if she is about to say something, but cannot get the words out. She is looking at mom, then at me, then back at mom. Finally she turns to me, and her eyes are brimming with tears. "Please be honest with me, Ricky. Do you really love me, or is it just the sex?"

This is not hard for me to answer, "Lacey, we have been friends for a very long time. I have never lied to you or tried to mislead you. I love you with all of my heart. I always will. But I also love my mother, and I love her in a sexual way, too. I love each of you with all of my heart. I understand that doesn't make any sense, but it is true." Lacey thought about it for just a beat, then she smiled, threw her arms around me and began crying in earnest. They are happy tears. I look over at mom. She let out a long breath and smiled in relief.

We embraced for a long time. Mom quietly got up and went to her room to clean up and change clothes. "How long has this been going on? I mean between you and your mom?" Lacey asked. I handed her a box of tissues and she wiped at her tears. "Not long," I answered "We started when you were gone to California, and this is the second time we, uuhh, you know." I stammered, unable to utter the words aloud.

"Wow", Lacey said, "that is quite something. I always knew that the relationship you had with your mom was special. I had no idea it would develop to this." she added.

"Are you grossed out by what we are doing?" I asked timidly. Lacey looked down and said "So I guess that I have a confession to make. Do you remember the night you came to my house to watch my brother, Allen, and and his girlfriend, Amber, have sex?" "Well, yeah. I remember" I replied. "I didn't get a chance to tell you the details of how it all came about. I got into our hot tub with Allen and Amber to cause trouble. They were making out and I interrupted them. I ended up taking my top off and started fooling around with Amber and then with my brother. I touched his cock and then sucked on it. Then Allen started fooling around with me while I was eating out Amber. He removed my bottom and was messing around with me down there. Suddenly I realized he was behind me about to fuck me. I freaked out because I did not want to lose my virginity to him. Amber got mad at Allen for messing with his little sister and thought he had penetrated me. She thought he had raped me. I had to convince her that had not happened. She thought Allen owed me something, so I asked to watch them fuck." She covered her mouth and giggled at the thought.

"So, you were fooling around with your brother?" I asked. "And that's not all." Lacey added. "In California I tried having a little fun by being a cock tease to my Uncle Steve. Things got a little out of hand and we did some fooling around. I mean like heavy petting. And more than once." She confessed. "You messing around with your mother does not bother me except one thing. I am not in love with my brother or my Uncle Steve. I fooled around with them for the sexual thrill of it. But your relationship with your mother is different. Do you know what I mean? You are in love with your mother. That feels threatening to me." and Lacey began to cry again. "I have not been able to make love to you, but your mother has. And you will always be comparing me to your mom. There is no way that I can compete with her." Now the tears really began to flow.

I took Lacey in my arms and let her cry for a while. When the tears began to diminish I held her out so I could look right into her eyes. The flush of her face made the patches of freckles on her cheeks stand out. Her red, full lips were pursed into a pout, and her green eyes were bright with tears. She just looked so damn gorgeous. "Lacey, you are special to me. Even though I love my mother, I will always love you too. The relationship with my mom is a little different. Mom needs me right now because she has no one else. She is lonely and misses my dad. Someday she will find someone new and our relationship will change. She might not need me in the same way again. I cannot say if we will be having sex five, ten or fifteen years from now. I hear of some sons who make love to their mothers for a long time, if infrequently.

I don't like to use old cliches, but in this case it is true: you are my soulmate. I really believe that, don't you?" Lacey threw her arms around my neck and hugged me fiercely, laying her head on my shoulder. I put my hand on the back of her head and buried my face in her hair. Her smell filled my nostrils. She smelled of the outdoors with just a hint of vanilla. When I looked past her I saw my mother peeking out of her bedroom door, smiling. I guess she must have heard most of our discussion. Lacey pulled back a little, and she smiled a thousand watt smile as she looked into my face. "Your soulmate" she repeated. "I rather like the sound of that." and she pulled me in for a kiss.

"We still haven't had breakfast yet. Will you help me whoop up something and stay and eat with us?" I asked. "I would love that." Lacey replied. "Wait until you have tried my southwestern omelet." she added. "They are almost as good as sex," she beamed. While Lacey worked on the omelets, I made cheese grits and toast. Mom soon joined us, set the table and put milk and orange juice on the table. There was no awkwardness as we visited while eating together. It was apparent that mom and Lacey were getting along well. I think that they are getting along better now than ever before. Was it because of what they had in common, now? It might be that a special bond had formed because we had all become so vulnerable and shared our deepest secrets. It felt good to have this out in the open. Thinking about it, I decided that it might not be wise to share too many details about the love life of my mother and I with Lacey. I will try to answer her questions, if she asks, but maybe I should not offer too many details. This has the potential to foster jealousy.

After we put away the breakfast dishes, Lacey said, "Let's go for a walk." We headed for the creek, hand in hand. Lacey seemed to be deep in thought. "Lacey, I really appreciate your acceptance of our relationship. It reminds me again what an awesome girl I have. "How could I not accept it?" Lacey asked. "You and your mom have been completely honest with me and that lets me know that I can trust you. If the roles were reversed, I am not sure I could have been so brutally honest. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you two." Lacey lapsed into silence as we covered the remaining distance to the creek. I let her think, considering what she now knew. We got to the creek and sat together in the grass, leaning against the old oak tree. Lacey finally spoke. "Is this really going to work, Ricky? You and me and your mom?"

I took a few moments to consider her question. "I think it will. What are your concerns?" I asked. Lacey looked troubled. "I just don't measure up to the woman that your mom is. And can you handle that much sex?"

"To your last question, I don't think mom is going to want sex that often. And being a teenage boy, I can handle quite a lot," I said smiling. "Also I am learning so much about sex and how to be a good sex partner from my mother. I am sure that it will make me a better lover to you. You will benefit from the things that she is teaching me. Things like what feels good to a woman, how to last longer in bed and the differences between men and women and so much more. She is helping me understand the needs of women and how that is different from my own. I had just assumed that you felt just like I do, but now I am coming to understand that your feelings and experiences are much different. I wonder if that misunderstanding is at the root of why some women think that men are pigs. As far as comparison goes, I cannot promise that I can keep comparison thoughts out of my head. But I love you, Lacey. They say love conquers all and I believe that. You are my soulmate and I will always love you." We kissed for a while as the sun filtered through the leaves and illuminated our faces.

We both looked up at our tree house at the same time. I thought about the exploration we had enjoyed up there. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lacey asked, snuggling into me. "What's that?" I asked. "A penny for your thoughts." As she spoke she looked into my eyes, "we have had a lot of fun together. Just look at how far we have come. I am so lucky to be with a guy like you." We kissed again.

We got up and headed towards Lacey's house. Lacey seemed to be settled and confident now. She smiled and walked with a spring in her step. As we came near the barn lot, we came upon a strange sight. The miniature horse with the huge dick that I had seen while Lacey was gone to visit her Uncle Steve seemed to be trying to jump up on the female horse. We ran over to the fence to see what was going on. Lacey showed great distress, not sure what was going on with her beautiful horses. The small stallion's cock was huge now and it became obvious that he was trying to mount his mare, but for some reason couldn't get it in. "Ahah," Lacey said. "Dad has been wondering why she does not produce a colt and now we see why."

"I wonder what the problem is?" I asked. The stallion came up behind his mare again, his penis long and hard. He jumped up to try again. An idea occurred to me and I quickly made my way through the fence and into the lot with the two horses. Coming up behind the stallion, I reached around him and got hold of his huge dick. He was bucking around trying to get it in. I guided his dick a little higher and helped him hit the bulls eye. Once it was in place, the stallion thrust it in deep and the mare whinnied. She stood still and at attention. I backed away a few steps and watched as his balls and penis pulsed, shooting his load inside the mare. The mare's vulva were pulsing strangely, at the same time. It looked like she was trying to suck the seed out of his dick with her pussy. "You did it, you did it!" Lacey shouted, excited. "Not me" I said, "he just needed a little help with his aim."

"What did it feel like, his dick I mean?" Lacey wondered as I climbed back through the fence. "Just like mine. Same size and everything" I joked. We both laughed at that. "Maybe you will have to play with it on your own, some time." Her eyes widened and she looked deep in thought. "Anyway, I was just worried that he was going to kick me, or step on my foot or something. I'm glad it worked. Maybe now you will get your little colt." I said. I washed my hands at the faucet in front of the barn.

Lacey led me toward her house. On the way in we met her brother Allen leaving. "Hey, you two want to come over next weekend and watch a little action with Amber and me?" He asked. Lacey shot back, "I think you need to watch Ricky and I and learn how it is really done." Allen stared slack jawed at his sister as we walked past.

Lacey found her dad in the den, reading the paper, and told him that we saw the horses breeding. "Maybe now I will get my little colt," she added. He flushed a little and looked at her speechless and embarrassed. Does he really think his little girl is that naive? He didn't say a word. We walked out the patio doors and sat on chairs near the hot tub to talk.

"So how was sex with your mom?" Lacey asked. I'm not sure what to say, I don't want to offer too much information. "It was good, Lacey. She is a good teacher, but I have a lot to learn." She looked thoughtful, then said, "Ricky, I'm scared. How am I ever going to lose my virginity? I don't think it should hurt so badly. I don't know what is wrong with me! Maybe I need to see a doctor or something, but I cannot talk to my mother about it. She would have a fit if she knew everything that is going on. Sex is a taboo topic with my parents. Sometimes I wonder how I was conceived."

"Sometimes I think maybe it's me, Lacey. And technically, are you really still a virgin, I mean with everything that we have done together? Anyway, we will figure this out together. I don't know what I am doing, maybe my technique is wrong." I said. "It might be like your horse and we just need some outside help." An idea began to form in my mind. "How would you feel about me sharing our problems with my mother and see if she has any ideas? Honestly she seems to know everything there is to know about sex. She was once a girl who lost her cherry, too."

Lacey considered. "Would you really do that for me? I just feel so dumb, and I sure can't ask my mom about stuff like that. She just barely let me start dating."

"I would be happy to." I offered. "She will probably know just what to do. But I do want to respect your privacy and be careful how much I tell her about us. Please let me know if you have any concerns about boundaries. I am confident, though, that she will not be judgemental." I confided.

I noticed the hot tub and thought about Lacey, her brother and Amber. "So this is where you had your party?" I asked. "Yeah" Lacey looked embarrassed. "Amber was furious with Allen. Amber felt that Allen needed to do something to make it up to me and that is when I suggested he make love to her and allow us to watch. That was pretty hot, wasn't it."

"Sure was," I agreed. "You sure deflated Allen this afternoon with your comment."

"Yeah, I know," she said. "We have always been so competitive, so at each other's throats. He is really a pretty good guy, I guess. Anyway, I feel bad about what I said to him."

"I wouldn't mind watching another show like that again", I mused.

"Yeah, I should not have shut him off like I did. Maybe if I apologized to him." She thought aloud.

Smiling, I said, "What if he wants to take you up on the offer you made?" Lacey looked up at me, "What offer?" "To watch us," I replied. Lacey's face began to redden. "But I wasn't serious," she stammered. "Yeah, but you did offer. What are you going to say if he calls your bluff?" I asked. "He wouldn't!" Lacey was horrified.

I laughed a little, but Lacey didn't seem to think it funny. Changing the subject I asked, "When are we going to have a private hot tub party of our own?" "Hummm. That could be fun" Lacey smiled and looked at the hot tub dreamily. She thought about Uncle Steve's hot tub and what went on there. It was the only time she actually got her hands on Uncle Steve's huge cock. She wondered what went on under the water between Brad and Vanessa. She was too occupied at the time to pay attention. She suspected there was more going on than met the eye.

"Earth to Lacey. Come in Lacey. Are you there?" I joked. Lacey laughed and took my hand. "Sorry, just reminiscing" she quipped. Then she turned more serious, "Do you still want to fuck me?"

I turned to look her full in the eye,"Oh, yes, now more than ever. I can hardly wait to make love to you. I have so many ideas of how to bring you pleasure. After watching Allen and Amber, and from my mom's teaching. I am straining not to take you right now. We just have to get past our little problem."

Lacey snuggled into me. "You're learning all these new ideas. What if I am not any good. I might be really clumsy?"

I replied "You are a natural. We are learning together, that's part of the fun. You just being yourself is all I need."

We lapsed into a comfortable silence, Lacey's head resting on my shoulder, sitting comfortably in the shade of the patio. After a while, Lacey spoke again, "Ricky, if you had to give up one of us, me or your mother, who would you choose to be with?" She looked off into the distance as she asked this, afraid to see my reaction and hear my reply.

A jolt of apprehension spread through my body as I considered the question. This dual relationship was bound to have some complications. I realized that jealousy could easily poison things for Lacey and even for mom. Communication would be key to keeping everyone happy and secure. As I thought about it, I realized that honesty had served me well up to this point. I turned to look at Lacey, and then she turned to meet my gaze. "I am so lucky to have two wonderful women in my life right now. The two of you together make my life complete. But like I told you this morning, mom and I will likely move away from each other as time continues. This is especially true if she develops a romantic relationship with a man, and surely she will in time. Lacey, you are my girl." She sighed contentedly and laid her head back on my shoulder. Disaster averted, for now.

Suddenly she sat up and faced me. "Wanna go up to my room?" She asked excitedly. "We haven't had a chance to fool around since I came back from California. Besides, you have me curious. I have to see if your dick is really as hard and as long as my stallion." Lacey took my hand and pulled me to my feet. "Come on, let's go." and she led me to her room.

She closed the door and after making sure it was locked, Turned and looked at me mischievously. I stripped off my tee shirt while she lifted her mattress and retrieved one of her brother's girly magazines. I did not think we would need that, but it was what we were used to. I noticed something off-white and cylindrical lying there next to her stash of magazines. "What is that?" I asked in astonishment.

"Just a little something I picked up on one of our shopping trips in California." She lifted the mattress again and pulled out a small, white vibrator with a rounded tip. "It is small but amazingly powerful. Eats up batteries like a bitch, though". She gushed. Turning it on, it buzzed in her hand impressively.

"OK," I said. "Now I am the one afraid of not measuring up to the competition." I joked. "At least I know what to get you for your birthday." I added. "Batteries. Lots and lots of batteries." Lacey laughed, rolling her eyes at me. She threw the vibrator on the bed and turned to a Bluetooth speaker that sat on her dresser. She ***********ed some slow, sensual music.

Coming up behind her, I wrapped my arms around her. My arms pressed her boobs together from the sides and my hands clasped across her abdomen. She sighed contentedly and we swayed gently with the music. Reaching down, I planted a kiss on her cheek beside her ear. I could feel my dick stirring and getting hard. After a couple minutes, I placed my hand over her hand, which was at her side and stroked her fingers and the back of her hand. Then I brought both hands up her arms, gently stroking as I moved up. I paid special attention to the insides of her elbows, on up to her shoulders. I kneaded her back between her shoulder blades then worked my way back down. Now I settled my hands on her hips and pulled her back against my erection. I slowly rotated my pelvis into her butt.

Lacey's breathing was getting heavier and so was mine. Remembering what mom had taught me about breath control, I practiced for a while as we continued to sway with the music. It was very relaxing and I felt we could go on all day. The closeness with my lover is delightful. As the song ended and the next began, Lacey turned around and said "Let's get naked." She reached down and started to unfasten her belt, and I covered her hand with mine to stop her.

"Not so fast, sweetie". She stopped and looked at me in anticipation. Starting near her belt, I slowly unfastened the bottom three buttons of her shirt, stopping just beneath her bra. Then I began stroking her belly slowly, stopping just under her plump boobs and going down just under her belt, feeling the waistband of her panties. I felt her shiver and increased pressure to be sure that I was not tickling her. I repeated this exploration, Lacey's breathing coming faster. I had to do more breathing exercises myself, feeling the tension building in me. I imagined the tension going out with my breath.

Then I unfastened the remaining buttons of her shirt, and slipped it from her arms. I could see goosebumps rise on her flat stomach, even though it was not cold in the room. I pulled her against my bare chest, and swept her long hair back from her face and over her shoulders. Still pressed against her, I touched her jawline with my fingers. She closed her eyes and moaned softly. Tracing my fingers slowly down her neck I reached my fingers down her back and unfastened her lacey pink bra. Before she could shrug out of it, I turned her around to face me, wrapped my arms around her back and pressed her into me, with her loose bra between us. She reached up and kissed me desperately with an open mouth. I took her plump bottom lip into my mouth and very gently nibbled on it.

She pulled away and quickly shrugged out of her bra. I took both breasts into my hands and lifted them to my mouth, kissing each nipple gently. She brought her arms forward against the sides to point her boobs up to meet me. I kissed the sides and bent down to kiss underneath each one. Then I knelt before her and finished unfastening her belt. Slipping my hand into the waistline of her jeans, I unfastened the button and slipped the zipper all the way down. She had pink lace panties that matched her bra. I worked her jeans down her hips and she stepped out of them.

"I am so fucking wet down there." She gasped. "What the hell are you doing to me!" I smiled up at her and continued to work. I was aroused, for sure, but the arousal was tempered by my breath control and the fact that I had already come once this morning inside my mom. Still kneeling I reached around and began to knead her buttocks through her panties. At the same time I kissed her up and down her belly. I turned my head and planted my cheek onto her belly, pushing her to me with my hands on her round ass. Her hands caressed my hair and I could feel her belly tremble a little.

I pulled away and brought my hands to her front side. Looking into her face, "Lacey, my soulmate, I love you so much." I placed the fingers of one hand under the waistband of her panties and traced my fingers back and forth. My fingers brushed the top of her trim little bush. Then I started lightly tracing my fingers up and down her thigh, just as my mother had done to me. I increased the pace and pressure and began to move to her inner thighs. She moaned and bent slightly at the waist. About every third time my hands moved up, I lightly bumped into her labia. Her panties were wet at the crotch and now her legs began to tremble with her abdomen. I sensed that she was about to cum.

I stood and removed my remaining clothes. Lacey was rubbing her breasts and tweaking her nipples. She managed to bring one of her nipples to her mouth and sucked at it a little. Now I felt about to cum. Removing her panties, I lowered her to the bed. I spread her legs and bent to the task of eating her out. I did not get far before she began to cum, hard. Her face and upper chest were flushed. She cupped her hand over her mouth to stifle her cries. I knew that she was extra sensitive right now and did not need my touch, so I reached over and increased the volume on her speaker to conceal our sounds. It was just the diversion I needed to keep me from cumming all over Lacey's bedroom carpet.

She lay on her side gasping, her hand holding pressure on her pussy. I lay down beside her and spooned her, wiping her long hair out of her face. We lay together like that for several minutes until her breathing returned nearly to normal. She turned her head back so that she could look at me. She smiled a post-coital smile and said in her best bedroom voice, "Now it's your turn, big boy."

She got up and straddled my shoulders as I lay beneath her on my back. She bent and kissed the tip of my erection, then moved to kiss it from all sides. She was facing the opposite direction as me, so I looked up between her legs and into her pussy. Her lips were still engorged and her pink inner labia glistened with her juices. I reached up the bed and grabbed a pillow, propping my head up. I had to fold it in half to get to my target. Lacey now licked up and down my shaft, holding it by the sensitive head. I kissed her inner thighs and worked my way up to her pussy. She took my dick into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the head. I began to lick along her inner labia and circled her clit with my tongue.

I felt myself reach the point of no return. "I'm cumming, Lacey!" I said in warning. I knew she did not like to swallow and I expected her to finish me off with her hand. Instead she plunged my cock down her throat and I felt my balls draw up as I spilled my seed way down the back of her throat. She sucked hard until I was spent. I had felt her tongue moving and knew she had swallowed every bit.

She wiped the saliva from her mouth with the back of her hand as she turned around and lay facing me. "You are the most amazing man." she said, "my soulmate." Then we kissed.

I awoke hearing Lacey wash up in her bathroom. I had dozed off without realizing it. Lacey had turned off the music, but she was humming a contented tune. As I thought over the happenings of this day, I could not help thinking what a lucky fellow that I am. All of my dreams and so much more had come true.

I had seduced my mother for sex for the second time, was learning to control my orgasms, opened up our relationship to Lacey and learned about her incestuous relations. I had helped Lacey's horse to get lucky and had a memorable makeout session with Lacey.

Now I just needed to figure out how to approach mom about our problem with Lacey's cherry. Would my mother be able to pull a trick out of her bag that could help us as I had promised?

Trib FanReport 

2023-03-02 17:18:48
Foreplay....So fine....
Make it last!

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