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A slow build up over several chapters as they gradually succumb to their taboo desires. Warning: Sexual interactions in a carer-patient or family relationship can be fun in stories and fantasies. In real life it is entirely different. It is often causing trauma and pain. Seek help from a professional if needed.
I am an utter emotional mess. I don’t know what to make of the events in the past days. I feel like this situation is getting out of control. My daughter Ava and I are crossing more and more boundaries. It isn’t right. But why does it feel so good? It has become obvious that Ava needs sexual release. I won’t blame her for that. It’s natural and she does seem to come after her mom; her sex drive seems to be considerably higher than average. But I would feel much better if she found another way to satisfy herself without involving me. It’s so wrong. I’m her father!

Should I be brave and just ask her if I should get her a masturbation device? One she can control from her computer tablet? I really can’t stand cuddling with her. It’s so wrong when my dick gets in contact with her body. The worst thing is that I get so aroused when cuddling with her, that sometimes I’m feeling that I’m losing control. But it’s so hard for me to deny Ava’s wishes. I’ve always had trouble with that. She’s too sweet, too beautiful. I just can’t resist my desire to make her happy and most of the time I give in. If only her mom Debbie hadn’t passed away. Then I wouldn’t be in this terrible situation. I’m really feeling sorry for myself. I have to admit I can’t deal with this grief and this whole mess. I can’t think clearly.

Over the last few days, I have avoided cuddling with Ava. I even skipped bed bathing her to avoid temptation. I think that may be the reason why Ava once again has been in a fairly bad mood. During the telehealth appointment today, the nurse strongly advised us that Ava should take a proper bath once in a while, not just bed-baths. The nurse was under the impression that this had been communicated to us previously, but it hadn’t. I had no idea that the splints on Ava’s arms could be wrapped with a waterproof sheet. When the nurse learned about Ava not having taken a bath since the accident, she told us to do this immediately today. I feel sorry for Ava. It seems that I didn’t take proper care of her. At the same time, I’m also dreading bathing her, being exposed to her nude again. I really hope this will go well.

I’m in the bathroom with Ava. She’s naked and looks as beautiful as ever. I’m gently lowering her into the bath-tub. “Here you go, honey. Are you comfortable like this? You won’t slip down into the bathtub? All safe?” Ava is wiggling her body sideways a few times and replies: “Yeah, comfy and safe dad. It’s all good.” Ava’s mood is slightly better now. She seems to enjoy the change of scenery. I’m feeling sorry for her. Having to spend so much time in bed, no wonder she’s prone to being in a low mood.

I’m switching on the tap and adjust the water temperature. The tap has a long swivel neck. I’m positioning the water stream over Ava’s thigh: “Temperature ok, honey?” Ava giggles, not being able to contain her joy: “Haha, yeah it’s fine. It feels so good! I haven’t had a bath in so long! Ah!” “It was about time,” I’m telling Ava with a cheeky voice, pinching my nose, making a facial expression and hand gesture implying a bad smell. “You’re so mean dad!” Ava replies laughing. “First of all I’m not smelly at all and even if I was, then it would be your fault!” I’m laughing as well and positioning the tap so that the water stream is between Ava’s knees.

Suddenly a thought is hitting me: “She can masturbate with the water stream!” My heart is jumping from joy. Oh my god! This is excellent. I can just give her some private time with the water stream. She’s able to turn the neck of the tap in the right position with her hand and she can adjust her body, just a little, enough to make this work. Maybe then she won’t request to cuddle nude with me again! I’m excited! I’m adjusting the water stream to a decent pressure: “I’ll let this run for a few minutes until the tub fills up. I’ll go out in the meantime, finishing some chores. Give me a shout when the water is up until here, ok, then I’ll come back?” “Sure dad.”

I’m closing the door to the bathroom behind me. I’m thrilled. This could be a game changer. I’m getting started with some chores, staying close to the bathroom so that I won’t miss Ava’s call when she’s ready. Several minutes pass and I’m hearing: “Dad, there’s enough water now. You can come back!” “Coming!” I’m entering the bathroom. Ava’s lying in the bathtub. Her head, shoulders, breasts and angled knees are peeking out of the water, the rest of her body is submerged in the translucent water. The bottom part of her long, dark hair is wet, slightly wavy, resting on one of her shoulders, the tips flowing down towards the center of her breasts. A smile is on her face: “Ah, this feels so gooood! It’s been so long!” She’s pushing her knees together, then slightly parting them, repeatedly, creating small waves.

I can’t help but think: “Hopefully she has successfully finished her business with the stream of water and is satisfied now. I really hope she doesn’t want me to get in the bathtub with her.” I’m putting some body soap on a sponge and kneel down next to the bathtub. As I’m about to start washing her shoulders I’m hearing Ava: “Don’t you wanna wash my hair first? It’s been a while!” I’m pausing briefly, then: “Ok, if you want to, the sequence doesn’t really matter. Let me just grab the shampoo and conditioner.” I’m returning to Ava. As I’m about to put some shampoo on my hand, I’m noticing Ava’s unhappy facial expression.

“Is something wrong, honey?” Ava sighs deeply and pauses for some time. “You have been avoiding cuddling with me, haven’t you?” I feel like I’m struck by lightning. I’m thinking: “Oh no, here she comes!” I’m struggling for words: “No honey, of course not!” “But it’s been so long!” I really don’t know what to say. She’s got me. I did avoid cuddling with her. Ava continues: “Would you mind getting in the tub with me? It would be so lovely. Just like mom used to. And besides it’s easier for you to wash my hair that way.” I’m scrambling for excuses, but everything would just sound like I’m avoiding her. I’m looking at her face, her begging eyes. Oh no. I can’t say no! For a moment I’m thinking of getting my bathing shorts but I know she would protest that. I know she wants to cuddle nudist style. She has made that clear several times before. I can’t take any more drama. I can do this! Just get it over with.

I’m taking off my undies and I’m fully nude now. I’m placing the shampoo and conditioner on the ledge beside the bathtub. I’m lifting Ava under her arms and put her in a sitting position. “You ok to sit like this, darling?” “Yeah, all good dad.” I’m carefully stepping into the tub. It is not very spacious. I would never have thought I’d actually use it. The water is warm and feels pleasant. I’m sitting down behind Ava, spreading my legs, squeezing them past her body. “You alright, Ava?” “Um… actually it’s quite tight. Can you just lift me up a little? Let’s try it this way.” Ava sits on my lap, my soft dick pushing against her body. “Better?” “Yeah, this is more comfy, dad.”

The sensation of her soft butt cheeks on my lap, on my dick, her legs on mine, the small of her back against my belly, it is sensational! I’m immediately overcome with a desire to squeeze her breasts and to kiss her neck. I’m pulling myself together. I’m taking the shower hose and wash her long dark hair so that it falls onto her back. I’m putting shampoo on her hair and start massaging it into her scalp. Ava’s butt cheeks – they are so soft! They feel so fantastic! I’m trying to steer my thoughts towards the hair washing task. I’m taking the shower head and wash the shampoo out of Ava’s hair. I’m so proud of myself. I’m still soft!

“How does it feel, honey? Taking a bath, having your hair washed properly in while?” “I never would have thought I’d enjoy taking a bath this much! It feels fantastic!” I’m massaging the conditioner into Ava’s scalp and hair. Never have I washed an adult person’s hair before I started caring for Ava. It is such a strange thing to do, but I’m enjoying it. It is novel. I’m washing off the conditioner. “Done!” “Thanks dad!” “Now let’s give you a scrub!” As I’m grabbing the sponge, I’m hearing Ava: “Dad, would you mind not using the sponge this time? My skin is sore from all the bed baths with the wet towels. Now that I’m the bathtub, can you use your hands and body soap? It will be gentler on my skin.”

I’m shocked, but I’m trying not to let it show. She wants me to wash her with my bare hands.? Sliding them over her nude body? Oh my goodness! I can’t help myself but I’m getting excited. ”Sure, darling.” I’m putting some liquid body soap on my hands and start washing Ava’s neck, arms, hands and her back. Her skin feels soft under my soapy hands. I’m enjoying to be able to touch her like this. It is sensual, especially when I’m washing her hands with mine, sliding my fingers through the gaps between her fingers. Mmh! I’m rinsing the remaining body soap off. “Your back is done!” To my surprise I’m still soft. I’m very proud of myself.

“Thanks, and Dad?” “Yes?” “Would you mind if I lean back? My arms are getting sore in this position?” “Ok.” Ava leans back on me. I’m leaning back myself into the bathtub. As it’s a small tub, I’m reaching its end which is slanted, like a backrest, made for lying down, leaning against it. I’m lying in the bathtub, my torso sticking out of the water. Ava is lying on top of me, her back on my upper body. I’m feeling her soft, round butt on my soft dick under water. Oh my goodness. It feels so wonderful! “Ah, this is so nice!” Ava purrs. I’m putting more soap on my hands and continue washing Ava, sliding my hands over Ava’s body. First her face. “Close your eyes, darling.” It is kind of peculiar to wash her face, her eyes, her nose, her temples, behind her ears, her cheeks. But I’m also enjoying it. “I’ll rinse your face now. All done.”

I’m continuing with her neck, her shoulders, the area above her breast. I’m feeling her collarbones. My dick is still limp! I can’t believe how composed I am today! I’m purposely skipping her breasts to avoid getting aroused and wash her flat belly. Her skin feels so beautiful beneath my hands. I have rarely been able to feel Ava like this. There was almost always something in between me and her. A wipe, a towel or a sponge. Today there is nothing separating us. It’s pure. It’s raw. Skin on skin. She feels heavenly. Oh no! I shouldn’t have thought about this. My dick is slowly swelling, pulsating gently against Ava’s butt crack.

I’m feeling a strong urge to touch her breasts. I have never felt her breasts with my bare hands! I’m sliding my soapy hands up her flat, firm belly. I’m feeling her under-boobs! Oh my god. They feel so firm. I’m sliding my hands further up feeling the round shape of her breasts. They are perfect. What will her nipples feel like? The middle parts of my fingers reach her nipples. I’m feeling my fingers run over her nipples, one by one. My fingers are spread and the nipple gets squeezed by each finger, then pops back into his natural position, then gets squeezed by the next finger and so on. By the time my pinkie slides over her nipple, her nipple feels hard. Oh my goodness! That was fast! I’m repeating this motion a few times, realizing too late that my dick is now almost fully engorged, starting to throb between Ava’s butt cheeks. Ava must feel it. This is so bad, but an overwhelming feeling of pleasure and desire is washing over my body. I want to lick her neck, suck on it! I want to nibble on her ear-lobe!

I’m using my right hand now to wash her left breast. I’m making circling motions, squeezing her breast, resting my fingertip on her nipple, circling it. It is so hard. My other hand rests on Ava’s inner thigh. I want to feel her pussy! I’m washing her inner thigh with circling motions, moving closer to her pussy. I want to play with her inner lips! I’m moving my hand over to Ava’s other inner thigh, sliding my hand in straight lines from her knee close to her pussy. Back and forth back and forth. Closer to her pussy every time. I can’t resist! I’m spreading my pinkie out a little. I want to feel her pussy! Oh my goodness! I just felt it! I touched her soft inner labia! Just a little, brushed her!

What I am doing? Why am I so shy about touching her pussy? I’m washing her after all. I have to wash her everywhere. I shouldn’t be a prude. I’m remembering how the nurses advised to announce what I’m going to do, so I’m saying: “I’m just gonna wash your private area, honey. It won’t take too long, ok?” “M-hm, dad.” Oh my goodness! I’m about to feel her pussy with my bare fingers! My dick is by now rock-hard, throbbing between Ava’s butt-cheeks, one step closer to cumming. Neither of us have mentioned anything about my erection. It seem that we’re both pretending it isn’t there. I’m making circling motions on her inner thighs, circling in on her outer lips. I’m repeating this on her other side. Now I’m circling up, towards the center of her crotch, but well above her hood and clit.

My dick seems to get harder and harder. I’m feeling more aroused by the minute. Is this really happening? Is Ava rocking her butt back and forth, ever so slightly? Squeezing my dick between it and massaging it? Oh my god, it feels so good! I’m getting close to cumming! I can’t focus anymore. I need to feel her pussy. I’m resting my thumb on her mound and place my fingers directly on her inner labia. Ava flinches a little, squeezing my dick further. So much pleasure! “Are you ok, honey?” “Yeah dad, sorry, I’m just a bit tickly.” “Sorry darling, I’ll just wash your flower. It’s a good opportunity now to wash her thoroughly being in the bathtub. Please let me know immediately if you’re feeling uncomfortable, ok?” “Sure dad.” I’m starting circling motions on her inner lips. Ava tenses up for a moment and pushes her butt crack against my dick again. Oh my god! It feels so good! I will cum soon!

I’m making another circle on her inner lips. How soft and wet her pussy feels! What a heavenly sensation. I’m moving up, resting one of my fingers on her hood. I can feel her clit beneath. It feels firm. Ava is breathing faster now! Her tanned, flat belly is rising and falling, and so are her perfectly shaped, youthful breasts. She looks so hot! I’m losing my mind! I’m running my finger up and down her clit, up and down! Oh my god, my dick! Is she rocking her butt? I’m so incredibly aroused, I’m about to cum!

Ava is tensing up, pushing her butt firmly on my dick. I keep stroking her clit, alternating with circling movements on her inner lips and dipping my fingertip inside her just a little. All of a sudden I’m feeling her pussy twitching. She’s pressing her hips down on my dick rhythmically. Oh my god! This feels so good! She must be cumming right now! The thought of her cumming while she’s lying naked on top of me turns me on indescribably. It’s so blissful! Without realising it, I have wrapped one of my arms around her upper body, squeezing one of her breasts firmly. My other arm is now around her narrow waist, pressing her closer to my body! Ava keeps thrusting her hips ever so slightly but noticeably, grinding her ass on my dick.

What a heavenly feeling! I can’t get enough of it! It is so good! Have I ever felt better? It’s just so- Oh no! Suddenly I’m feeling pure ecstasy washing over my body. I’m closing my eyes, opening my mouth, barely holding back a scream. I’m feeling like I’m one with the universe, like nothing else exists but pure bliss. Ava’s soft, warm body on mine! The feeling of her breasts pushing against my arm. Her round ass grinding against my hardness as I’m hugging her tiny waist! Feelings of delight, so pure, so thorough, stream through me as I’m exploding underwater and pumping out my semen. I don’t want this to end! It’s heaven on earth.

I keep pumping, contracting, over and over again under water! Eventually it is over. I’m releasing my firm hug of Ava and relax my whole body. Ava relaxes hers too, slides up my body a little and rests her head sideways on my chest. I’m trying to compose myself, get the shower head and rinse Ava’s body. “Done, darling. Shall we cuddle for a bit while the water is still warm?” “M-hm,” Ava replies as I’m wrapping my arms around her, feeling warm and fuzzy. I’m so glad the foamy, soapy bathwater has hidden my mishap. Now I can fully immerse in a feeling of cosiness and post orgasmic content. The thought that the nude, beautiful woman cuddling with me is my daughter seems distant, faded and irrelevant in this blissful moment.

Copyright Normann Blaze 2022

Please let me know if you like the story and if you'd like me to write more chapters. It will motivate me :) thank you


2023-04-07 19:35:11
I love a daddy bath night. What a slow burn adorable daddy daughter sexy story.


2023-03-17 00:06:47
Just finished this story. I enjoyed reading it, A little slow to get where it is but that isn't a problem. I do feel it is incomplete and needs further episodes leading up to full penetration and showing how it continues after Ava has fully healed.

Your choice of course, just a suggestion.

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