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All characters are over 500 years old.
They've captured me, imprisoned by a ruthless band of orcs. It was a massacre. They’ve killed all the men and have taken the women for their pleasure, including my parents. They've kept me here in my own cell, wearing the one piece of cloth I managed to keep when they took my clothes from me. I've ripped it into strands and tied them together and managed to make a tiny loin cloth. It just barely covers my nipples, and my pussy is technically hidden, but maybe not from the sides. But what goes over my ass is just embarrassing. I have to be careful how I walk and sleep or do anything! But no one is here to see me. This place is completely empty, just me. I think they have something special planned. I hope my mother is ok.

Jroll the Hammer: There she is! Wakey wakey, little princess. Its breakfast time! And we’re gonna make sure you’re well fed.

Jroll is the first to reveal his thing and brushes aside his loin cloth. Nine inches and full of warts.

Amy: Eww, what is that?

Jroll the Hammer: My cock, sweetheart. This is gonna give you a nice shot of jizz to fill your belly. Just work it real smooth with your mouth and I’m gonna fill you up nice and good.

Amy: You want me to, like, suck on it like candy?

Jroll the Hammer: Suck on it like candy, that's a nice way of putting it!

God it stinks. But I’m awfully hungry. I don’t really have a choice. I put my tongue on it. I can feel something slimy.

Jroll the Hammer: It looks like a little bit of jizz is leaking out. Go on, taste it. Tell me if you want more.

Amy: It’s really bitter! What is this?

Jroll the Hammer: That’s our sperm, sweetheart. Coming out of our phallus. I called it a cock earlier. The damn thing drives us mad! Orc women are so rare, and ugly anyways. To find one that isn’t gutted out is impossible. But we love you human women. There’s many of you around. And the babies we breed with you females turn out to be premium quality.

Amy: What have you done with my mother?!

Jroll the Hammer: She’s falling in love with our soldiers as we speak. Don't worry, they're begging for it. You might have a new brother in a matter of months.

Amy: Begging for it?

I swallow. Could what they're doing really be that pleasurable?

Jroll the Hammer: Oh yes! They love the way we're gutting their insides. Screaming in pleasure. You'll be joining them soon enough! But not yet, the last time we tried that with a girl your size, there was blood everywhere! She didn’t survive, but we're trying something new this time. That little girl throat looks nice and tight.

His cock started growing.

Amy: You want that down my throat?

Jroll the Hammer: Now you’re getting it.

I slurp up the precum around the tip and let it sit on my tongue. It’s so bitter, and I don’t want to swallow it.

Jroll the Hammer: Go on, girlie. Drink it up. I don’t want you to starve.

I swallow it down slowly. I feel my body shiver. I gag. I want to throw up. I feel it coming up.

Jroll the Hammer: Sorry girl. Not an option!

He shoves his cock into my mouth as I vomit, plugging the hole in the back of my throat. Oh god, he’s sending it down my throat. I try coughing, but he’s not letting go! It just sinks further down. My throat hurts! I can feel the bulge with my hand. It keeps going down my neck. I try coughing again, but it can’t go anywhere. My eyes are watering up, I can barely see. Oh my god, he got the whole thing in. He slowly takes it out only a few inches, then shoves it back in. Ugh, it feels hard now. And bigger.

Jroll the Hammer: Ooh, she’s tight! I think we found a real treasure here.

He is sending his cock down to my stomach then back up to my mouth. A splash of semen lands on my tongue. For some reason it made me salivate. I swallow.

Jroll the Hammer: This is too good! I’m gonna cum right down your little girl throat!

He sends his hips towards my face. I feel his thick semen enter my stomach. God, he’s jolting like mad! Pumping that icky mess into my belly! At least I don’t have to taste it. Although, it wasn’t that bad. For some reason I want to try it again. It’s like those sour olives, it’s repulsive at first, but your tongue changes. It’s hard to explain.

Hurgor: Out of the way! I’ve got to try!

He shoves Jroll the Hammer out of the way and sticks his cock through the iron bars. I take my lips to his stomach in one go.

Hurgor: She sucks it right in! Look at her go! She’s liking it! Oh god, that’s good! Down to the hilt! She's gonna make me, fuck, I’m cumming! Right into her little girl mouth! Oh yes! Wring my cock. She’s swallowing it all down! Fuck me! She likes it! She’s drinking it all down! Girl, you got me. That’s every drop. Girlie! That's enough!

Hurgor stumbles back from the cell. It’s weird. I kinda like the taste now. It’s really salty, it makes my mouth water. God, I’m still so hungry.

Amy: Thanks Hurgor, that was tasty, but I’m still a little hungry, can we go again?

The orcs look at each other.

Hurgor: I should let the others know.

Jroll the Hammer: Right.

In one minute the room outside the cell is filled with over thirty orcs, and more wait outside.

They whip out their cocks and stick it through the bars. I attach to the one in the center first. I can see his dog tag, Horg the Butcher, he grabs my hair and pins me to his cock. This one needs it bad. I pull my face to his belly and suck his cock extra hard. I guess it’s good I can provide relief for their swollen cocks. These things drive them mad. I don’t want them to go killing again. I grab his hips and bob myself on his cock. His hand relaxes and I hold him in my throat as he fills my gut. His shots of jizz burn my insides. I start to sweat. He falls to the ground and gets carried out unconscious.

Ridrock: Hurry up and get to me!

Narel the Vain: Come on, do me! I can’t wait!

The orcs yell impatiently as I continue absorbing his semen into my belly. As soon as he’s done, an orc grabs me and moves me one cock over, I sink down to the hilt.

Yixman: Fuck! That is heaven.

Yixman ejaculates so hard he loses his balance. I follow him as he kneels to the ground, continuing to catch his load. My stomach is starting to feel a little full. Maybe all these orcs might be satisfying after all. Someone grabs the back of my head and I am impaled with another cock. He’s thick and has to force it down my throat. I relax and let him have his way with me. He pulls my head down over and over. I sense he’s about to cum so I milk him extra hard. My whole body jumps to every throb. My head gets yanked off and forced on another cock.

Yangrell: Hey, that was my turn!

I take my right hand and stroke his dick.

Yangrell: Oh that’s nice. Sorry for yelling, I know you’re trying your best.

I feel my hand saturate in semen. Not enough to be a full load. Still, I work the cock in my throat at the same time. He doesn’t take long. His semen drains into me and I feel my stomach start to bloat.

Breggan Thrasher: Look at that, she’s starting to swell! Could it be you’re getting full?

Amy: Getting full? I’m just getting started!

Something about this jizz makes me want to have more and more! I suck off another orc as I jerk off two more with my hands. The orcs cheer. I admit my stomach was getting a little packed, but their jizz is so addicting! This orc is shooting his load down my throat, my stomach starts to hurt. He takes his cock out and I feel the urge to vomit again. I bring my hands over my mouth and fight it.

Garrik: Here, let me help plug your throat. He knocks my hand away and jams his cock in. I had semen in my mouth that got squirted out. He has both hands on my head as he fucks it. He brings his cock down and my stomach is given this sharp pain. But the look of pleasure on his face makes it all worth it.

Nareth: I’ll keep her plugged, bring her here.

I can’t help it. I start throwing up again as his cock enters my mouth but his cock forces its way down just in time. I continue to heave uncontrollably.

Nareth: Ooh! She’s still trying to throw up! Sorry girl, that semen can only go out the other end.

He fires into my stretched out bloated stomach and I feel it expand with my hand. This guys load is crazy huge! It’s like they get bigger and bigger! The room is even more packed than before! Where are these orcs coming from?! Someone found the key and opened the cell. I was swarmed with eager cocks and cheering orcs.

Dirk: God I’m gonna cum!

Karrgoud: Get Dirk to the front of the line!

The orcs: Dirk! Dirk! Dirk! Dirk!

Dirk rushes to fill my mouth. He takes no time in having his way with me.

Karrgoud: He’s well known for his spontaneous eruptions. We've had our time laughing at him, but in the end, we're brothers, and we want him to have his fun too.

It throbs and shoots out hot jizz as he sends his cock down and up my throat. Finally ending with my tongue drenched in semen, with me cleaning his head. It tastes almost sweet now. I swallow, but my stomach hurts so much. I don’t think I can continue. I sit back and catch my breath, but then someone grabs me.

Boril: Girl, you’re gonna love my thick load. I’m gonna send it right down your throat.

Amy: I don’t know if I can take any-

He’s not hearing it. It was his turn. And then it will be the next orc, and the next. How are there so many? There's an army of them. Ugh, his jizz enters my stomach. I’m gonna pop! My stomach is so big! I start trying to throw up again. This time it’s coming up. As his cock gets pulled out, semen comes flying out. Landing right on the floor.

Boril: A little much for you, is it?

Weevle: Out of my way!

Weevle was at his tipping point. He starts firing jizz immediately. I feel my guts churn. I start passing gas. Jizz must be packed deep inside my guts right now. He takes his cock out and I hold my hands over my mouth as cum shoots from the sides.

Hardball: Heh heh heh, this is gonna fill her up good.

No way, I’m gonna pop! His cock is huge and he’s a foot taller than the rest. His cock is almost his third leg. Maybe a leg of one of the smaller guys. He rips through my throat and pushes deep into my stomach. He’s fucking me slowly, making sure he’s as deep into me as possible. His cock rubs the walls of my stomach like he’s searching for something. My small intestine. I think he found it. Oww! Yeah, he found it. He’s sending his cock down my small intestine! It must be further than my belly button.

Hardball: She took it all! She fucking took it all! Agh! This feels so good!

He flexes and lifts me off the ground with his cock alone. My loin cloth doing nothing. My ass and pussy catch everyone's eye. He grabs me by the legs and sends it deeper. He’s fucking me so god damn hard! In and out of my intestines, god he’s so deep! Somebody found my pussy, he's gonna put it in! I'm about to lose my virginity! Oh god, he's rubbing my pussy lips, but why hasn't he done it yet? I'm leaking juices and my pussy keeps twitching, oh put it in, please! I reach down and rub my clit, brushing his cock with my fingers. I can't take it, I need his cock now! I grab it and stuff it into my pussy.

Amy: Mmmpffff!!!

Orcs: Wooooo!!!!!

This orc is overtaken by lust and pummels my pussy. God, I have never felt such pleasure! It is scratching a very deep itch. I am lost in ecstasy.

Amy: Mmmmmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmmmmm. Mmmm.

Jroll the Hammer: Oh, she loves it! And that pussy is tight! Do you like the feel of my warts, darling?

Amy: Mmmm hmmm!

I am completely skewered by their cocks, I can feel them overlap inside my belly. My feet are dangling in the air, I'm suspended by their cocks. They are really letting loose. They need this! I need this! I can feel something building, I think it's gonna feel really good, oh god am I gonna cum? This feels amazing! My first orgasm, this is so intense!

Amy: MMMMMMM!!!!!

They've pushed me to my limit! My pussy clamps down and bursts into tremors, crushing his cock uncontrollably. My legs shake and squeeze together as I feel his fingers dig into my hips and his cock crushing my womb. Then it gets hot. Real hot. My belly catches fire as their throbbing cocks stuff me deep with their jizz. My pussy milks his cock, pulling his jizz straight into my womb, making it stretch. Oh god, I love how it stretches. Blowing me up. The feeling is indescribable, it's just what I needed. It feels natural to mimic this with my mouth. I suck his cock past the hilt and enjoy the throbbing of his urethra. My stomach is in deep pain, but I can't help but hunger for more!

Jkill: Girlie, I think you're ready! I forgot to mention something. Once orc semen gets digested by a girl, it makes for a great fertilizer, especially if she cums while it's inside her. And we need you to help grow our fields of mushroom.

That’s their plan? Using me to process semen? Is that why they don’t want me to vomit?

He's fitting a large hose with some ball or plug at the end into my ass. I can feel it stretching out. Ugh, it just plopped into me.

Jkill: Boys! I want you working overtime to get our fields saturated! Start waking those who passed out, we don’t have much time left this season.

The Jroll the Hammer takes his leave, but Hardball might take another minute! Again, my pussy gets stuffed by another cock. Holy shit, they're gonna make me cum again! And after that? Oh my god. An endless string of pleasure. My eyes roll in the back of my head. I'm in ecstasy. These orcs, an entire army, all here to serve me, to pleasure me over and over, without end. Day and night and while I sleep. The line goes out the door. This is my life now, a queen, fit to receive an endless amount of pleasure. The cock inside me erupts, I can't help it, it's making me cum! I drain his balls into me, milking out every last drop. I need their cum, I need all of their cum! They spin me face up and surprise me with the biggest bukkake I think possible. I hold my hands out and catch some midair. Surrounded by hard, throbbing, ejaculating cocks. Hardball passes out and another cock takes his place, placing the head in my mouth and erupts. God, I love the taste! I drink it down quickly, but my cheeks still puff out. I watch his balls swing in front of my face and grab them, feeling them throb. Then I squeeze his urethra towards my tongue to catch every drop of his delicious nectar. Suddenly, he gets brushed aside and replaced with another eager cock, a lick away from cumming. Then a fresh cock enters my pussy. The orcs are keeping themselves at the edge all the way until it was their turn. Their cocks throb seconds after touching me, sending me into orgasm every single time! I can't stop cumming! Their cocks are making me do it! Something about their semen, their first shot must have something special in it. My womb, it feels so full! Am I gonna get pregnant? I wouldn't mind having orc babies. So long as right after, we go back to making more! Their cocks throb again, making me cum. The room is spinning. I feel their semen rush down my guts and into the tube like a never ending river. I hope it never ends. I love my new family.
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