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A slow build up over several chapters as they gradually succumb to their taboo desires. Warning: Sexual interactions in a carer-patient or family relationship can be fun in stories and fantasies. In real life it is entirely different. It is often causing trauma and pain. Seek help from a professional if needed
A few days have passed since I’ve taken a bath together with my daughter Ava. I’m more conflicted than ever. What happened in the bathtub is exactly what I feared would happen. I can’t control myself when I’m cuddling with her nude. But yet she keeps insisting on it and I’m too weak to say no. Concerns aside, it was an extremely blissful experience. Ava is so incredibly attractive. Her body is just perfect. Feeling her bare skin against mine, it flicks a switch inside me and I’m going wild. I was so full of desire. I craved to touch her. I just couldn’t resist any longer. And when I finally felt her breasts with my bare fingers, when I slid my fingers up and down her flower, circled them on her inner lips, dipped them inside her just a little, I felt so much pleasure, too much to contain. Literally. I’m so fogged by my grief for my late partner Debbie. I can’t think clearly. I would never have done this if Debbie was still alive.

I still can’t believe I actually ejaculated while my member was squeezed between Ava’s butt cheeks. She must have felt it. No doubt. At least the soapy, foamy bathtub water hid my mishap. I’m utterly torn inside. On one hand I’m terrified of cuddling with her again, on the other hand I can’t wait to feel this immense pleasure again. I am concerned though. This is going way beyond cuddling. And I know Ava isn’t stupid. She is likely well aware that I orgasmed between her butt cheeks and that I washed her in a way which is more sexual than it should be. It really sucks that she seems to want me to do this. And it sucks that I’m not strong enough to say no.

After the bath tub experience Ava has been in a good mood for over a week but soon her facial expression turned darker. This was about the same time when I started noticing some unusual spots on the bedsheet she’s using to cover herself. They looked yellowish and weren’t big – similar to the size of a coin. First I didn’t think much about the stains – I thought I may have spilled some milk when I fed her breakfast cereals, but I’m looking at a fresh stain right now although I’ve fed her hours ago - impossible. Ava looks unhappy and concerned. “Darling, how are you feeling?” Ava is avoiding eye contact with me and starts squirming a little. I have rarely seen Ava like this. Usually she’s happy to communicate any issues straight away but today she’s hesitating.

A few moments pass. Eventually Ava breaks her silence: “Dad, my breasts are really sore. They feel swollen, tender and…” Ava’s face is turning into a grimace of disgust: “…and I think small droplets of milk are dripping out of them from time to time!” I can’t hide my surprise. Both my eyes and mouth open involuntarily. “Can you pull the sheet down and help me check? Dad, this is so disgusting! What’s wrong with me?!?” Ava almost seems hysterical. I’m trying to find my composure and immediately try to calm her down: “Don’t worry Ava, I’m sure it’s nothi-“ As I’m pulling down her sheet, exposing her full breasts I can’t help but to stop mid-sentence.

Ava is right! A small milk droplet has formed just next to one of her nipples and the area under both her nipples looks wet. Quickly I’m trying to be as composed as possible: “Oh – you’re right darling. Don’t worry, honey. We’ll get to the bottom of this.” “Is there really milk dad?!?” “Um… yes honey. But-“ “Eew!!! That’s so disgusting! Oh my god! Am I pregnant?!?” Ava is freaking out. Her eyes are tearing up! Honestly I’m freaked out as well. Is that even possible? But she’s got a birth control implant under her skin – the most reliable birth control method I know of. And she didn’t have sex. A quick thought flashes through my mind. Could it be? Did she get pregnant when I ejaculated between her butt cheeks under water in the bathtub? Or did some of my precum enter her when we cuddled naked? Her pussy did touch my shaft after all.

I’m noticing I’m starting to panic. Oh my god – how would that look if she was pregnant and I’m the only person she had contact with? I’m quickly dismissing my thoughts and try to calm down Ava: “That can’t be! It doesn’t make sense! There must be another reason. Let me schedule a telehealth appointment with your doctor. Oh – the earliest one we can get is tomorrow morning. I’m sure she’ll tell us what’s really going on. I really don’t think you’re pregnant honey, it’s impossible.” Ava doesn’t look satisfied – if anything she looks even more worried. She seems to think hard. “Dad, I want to be sure that I’m not pregnant. Can you get a test from the drug store – just to be sure?” I’ thinking about it briefly: “Alright darling. If it makes you feel better – I’ll get one.”

I’m returning from the drug store and read the instructions to her: “Hold into the stream of urine for 10 seconds, then wait to develop. Shall we go to the bathroom and get it over with? It’s time for your bath anyway.” “Yes please!” I’m sitting Ava down on the toilet. As I’m planning to bathe her afterwards anyway, I’m wrapping the splints on her arms with a waterproof cover. I’m noticing that Ava is slowly sliding forward on the toilet seat as she can’t stabilize herself well due to her splinted arms. “Are you ok darling? I thought we’ll try and sit you on the toilet but maybe we should move you over to the bathtub, what do you think?” “Yeah it’s a bit odd, I’m sliding down a little, but since we’re already here, let’s just give it a shot. It’s not too bad.” “Ok then.”

I’m taking a test out of the package. In the meantime, Ava has slid forward too far on the toilet seat. It would be hard for me to reach down between her legs into the bowl to hold the test into her stream. I’m positioning Ava towards the back of the seat: “Alright honey, I’ll just spread your legs for a bit. Here we go. Now please try and pee and I’ll hold the test right into it.” “This is so weird, dad!” “Yeah, who would have thought we would ever end up in such a situation!” I can’t help but smile warmly at her. This situation is so bizarre there’s something comical about it. Even Ava starts to giggle “So weird!!” and bursts out laughing. I join in and we’re laughing off the tension and awkwardness.

After a while we stop laughing and get back to business: “Ok, now. Please try to pee.” Ava is trying but she can’t: “This is too weird, dad! And besides, I don’t have to go.” I’m thinking for a few moments: “Alright, darling, I’ll get you a big glass of water, that should help. Besides are you comfortable and warm? Should I switch on the infrared heater?” “Yeah sure, dad, that would be nice.” “Done.” I’m returning with a glass of water and Ava looks relaxed now and cozy sitting naked on the toilet, still with her legs wide spread. I can’t help but noticing how beautiful she looks, even in these unusual circumstances.

“Ok here’s the water.” I’m holding it to her mouth and she’s taking a few big gulps finishing it. “Well done! This should help!” We are waiting for a few minutes and I’m asking: “Shall we give it another shot?” Ava nods and I’m re-positioning her toward the back of the toilet seat, kneeling down in front of her, holding the test close to her pussy. Ava is trying again to pee and this time a small trickle is running out between her lips but it’s hard to immerse the test in the stream like this. Ava notices: “Dad, um… I know this is a weird request, but can you spread my lips a bit? I would do it myself but I can’t because of my splints. It will help the stream to shoot out better. I just don’t have to go that much.”

I’m mesmerised by the sight in front of me. I’m realizing that I have never watched a woman pee, let alone so closely. Clear fluid is exiting her shaved pussy in a thin, winding, ever changing line. There’s something very special about witnessing this intimate moment. She wants me to spread her pussy? Oh my goodness! Even in this situation I can’t help but getting excited! “Ok, darling, I’ll try and spready your flower a little.” I’m moving closer to her, forgetting to notice that Ava has slid down towards the front of the bowl. I’m gently touching the sides of her lips with my fingers and spreading her apart slowly. The stream changes shape and suddenly shoots out in a straight line. The warm liquid hits me on my shirt on my belly. I can feel it running down my belly and into my crotch, wetting my member and balls. It is an unusual but oddly arousing sensation.

“Sorry dad!” “Don’t worry about it, darling!” I’m noticing how Ava’s gaze is changing. Her worried expression seems to be replaced by another one. Is she as intrigued by this as I am? I’m changing the way I’m spreading her lips and manage to direct her stream into the bowl. I’m placing the test into her stream. Nevertheless some splashes of the liquid keep hitting my belly, further wetting my dick and my balls. I can’t believe I’m getting semi-hard even in this situation! Ava seems to notice and is staring at my dick. I can’t believe this is happening.

I don’t want this to stop and keep the test in the stream, enjoying the sensation of her warm liquid on my body. After 10 seconds I’m removing the test and Ava stops peeing. I’m gently releasing her petals, her flower closes and we’re waiting for the result. Finally, the lines are popping up. “Negative!” “Phew!!”, Ava sighs with relief. Although I was expecting this result I’m relieved too. Ava is exclaiming: “Oh my goodness! How crazy is my life?! The accident, the splints, all the medical issues, the rehab and now I’m even expressing milk?? What’s happening? Am I in a movie? I can’t take it anymore!” I’m laughing softly, agreeing: “This really is nuts! But we’ll get through it together and hopefully one day we can laugh about it.” Ava looks relieved and a smile is appearing on her face.

“Alright darling, let’s get you in the bathtub.” I’m helping Ava to get off the toilet and sit her in the bathtub on one end. I’m taking off my pee-soaked shirt and shorts. To my embarrassment my dick is semi hard. I’m trying to hide it with my hand from Ava as much as I can and I sit in the bathtub on the other end, in front of her, facing her. I’m switching on the water and start rinsing her private area with the showerhead on the hose.

As I move on to clean her lower legs and feet, I hear Ava say: “Dad? How many pregnancy tests were in the package?” “Two, why?” “Do you think they are accurate?” I’m puzzled: “Yeah I guess.” “But why are there two?” “I’m not sure, maybe for couples who are trying, I don’t know.” “I think there are two for a reason. So that the test can be repeated to make sure that the test has actually worked.” “I’m not sure-“ “But dad, I’m still concerned. Don’t you think we should repeat the test to get absolute certainty?” I’m looking puzzled at her face. “Please, dad?”

I’m confused. Is she really still concerned about the pregnancy? A positive result wasn’t really likely to begin with and now she wants me to do another test? I keep looking at her face and I come to the conclusion that she doesn’t look concerned. If anything, she looks excited. Did she enjoy peeing while I spread her flower? Is that why she wants to do it again? Memories of her warm liquid running down my belly, weeting my shaft and balls, memories of my dick swelling up because of the unusual sensation are flooding me. Oh my goodness. I can’t help it. I want to do it again too!

“Um… Ok darling. Let’s do another one, just to be sure.” “Thanks dad!”

I’m helping her spread her legs as much as the cramped bathtub allows. As she’s adjusting her position sliding down a little, her shaved asshole appears above the beautiful arches of her butt-cheeks which are pressed against the bathtub floor. I’m taking in her whole stunning teenage body. Her M shape of her spread legs, her flat stomach, her gorgeous breasts and long, dark hair. I can’t help myself. I’m getting excited. I’m imagining rubbing my hard tip against her wet flower, pushing my tip against her lips, parting them. Moving my tip further down, pushing it against her backdoor, while my shaft rests between her round cheeks. I’m imagining how I lean forward and kiss her as I’m massaging her breasts.

I’m forcing myself to return to reality and I’m noticing my dick is already half-engorged. I can’t help myself. I can’t wait to feel her warm liquid all over me. I’m taking the test out of the packing and sit down in front of her. I’m moving as closely as possible to her. Ava’s gaze is glued to my dick. She seems to be turned on by the sight of my member. In turn, that turns me on even more. I’m placing the test in front of her flower: “Whenever you’re ready.” Ava hesitates: “Dad, can you help me again – I’m not sure if I need to go enough to get enough on the test.” “You want me to spread your lips again?” “Yes, please dad.” “Alright.”

I can’t wait to touch her blossom. I’m leaning forward and spread her petals gently with my fingers, exposing her pink center. I can’t resist my urge to touch her and I’m resting my thumb on her backdoor and press my palm against her soft butt cheek. I’m placing the test in front of her opening. “Whenever you’re ready, darling.” “Ok I’ll try.” Ava pushes her hips forward a little against the tip of my thumb. Her backdoor is relaxed. The tip of my thumb enters her, just a little. She’s trying to pee and I feel how she’s pushing out the inside of her backdoor against my thumb. Oh my goodness, what a feeling!

“It’s not working, dad. Let me try again. This is so weird!” “Sure no problem darling.” By now my heart is pumping like crazy and adrenaline is washing over me. Ava starts squirming, rocking her hip forward and backwards a little and even sideways. As a result I feel the tip of my thumb gently entering and exiting her backdoor the tiniest bit, massaging her. The sideways movement catches me off-guard and my fingers slide towards her center, feeling her soft inner lips and clit beneath. She keeps squirming for a few moments and my fingers keep gliding over her pleasure center. “Sorry dad, I’m trying! I’ll get there soon.”

Although I’m enjoying this beyond anything I’m hearing myself say: “That’s ok darling, but please try to hold still.” I’m spreading her lips again, this time resting my fingers a bit higher so that I’m also stretching her hood a little. Telling from the expression on her face she is feeling the increased pleasure. “Ok dad, I’ll do my best.” I feel that she’s pushing again, and suddenly a stream shoots out missing the test, straight on my dick. I was so distracted by Ava’s sensual squirming I only realize now that my dick is hard. I feel Ava’s warm champagne hitting my tip, flowing down my shaft over my balls and down between my buttcheeks. It’s a heavenly feeling.

Ava’s gaze is stuck on my dick being showered by her. It’s so unusual but I don’t want it to stop. After a few moments I’m gathering enough composure to put the test in the stream. There are a few splashes but I’m still being showered by her. The big glass of water she had before helped to increase the pressure of her stream. I can’t believe this is happening. My daughter is peeing on my hard member. I’m overcome with so much pleasure from this sensation, from the kinkiness of this act, my dick is getting rock hard. My veins are popping out, I’m throbbing in the rhythm of my heartbeat and my tip is getting purple. Ava keeps staring at my dick as if her gaze was glued to it. That turns me on even more. I don’t want this to end! I have never experienced anything like it before.

Suddenly Ava’s stream gets weaker and stops. I completely forgot to count to 10. It felt like it was much longer than that. “That should do”, I’m announcing. I’m so horny! I’m looking at Ava and lust is written in her face too. I’m stuck. I don’t know what to do. I would love to kiss her, embrace her, part her petals and enter her, and thrust till I burst deep inside her – but I can’t do it.

I’m rinsing away the pee from our bodies and start filling up the bathtub as we’re waiting for the test result. After a few minutes the result shows up. I’m grinning: “Negative again honey, told you!” “That’s wonderful!” Ava exclaims but I doubt she genuinely worried about the second test result. I start washing her using just my hands and shower gel. I’m noticing that her breasts still express small droplets of milk. When I wash her breasts, Ava flinches. “Are you alright honey?” “Um… my breasts seem so full and tender at the moment. It really feels like there’s pressure on them. Am I really expressing that much milk? What on earth?” I’m looking at her breasts: “Um… they do look fuller than usual. You may be right.”

“Dad, can you please quickly look up what’s wrong with me? I don’t want to wait till the doctor’s appointment tomorrow.” I’m taking out my phone which I’ve just left next to the bathtub and immediately come across the term “Galactorrhea”. I’m reading to Ava: “It is the spontaneous flow of milk from the breast, unassociated with childbirth or nursing. It is common and mostly benign.” This time Ava’s face seems to genuinely lighten up. She’s smiling at me: “Really?” “Yeah. It’s new to me too but they say it occurs in up to 32% of women!” Ava is raising her brows and sighs with relief.

She’s relaxing her posture and starts giggling: “I’m so happy dad!” “Me too, darling.” I’m reaching over and give her a hug without noticing that I’m slightly squeezing her breasts in the process. Ava is flinching again. “I’m so sorry darling! I completely forgot-“ “It’s ok dad. Umm… dad, I know this is weird, but I really think it would help if the milk was expressed. I’m sure it will relieve some of the pain. I’d do it myself, but my arms can’t reach.” I’m looking at her, thinking of what to say. Ava continues: “Can you please look up how to do that?” “Sure darling.” I’m browsing the phone: “Ok, so there’s a video explaining how to do it by hand. Are you comfortable if I give that a go?” “Of course dad, you have been washing and caring me for months now, that’s totally fine with me.” “Ok, let me try, just tell me if it hurts, ok?” “Ok dad.”

I’m moving a bit closer to Ava, as much as the cramped bathtub allows and rest one of my hands under her breast. With the other hand, I gently apply pressure above the nipple, pushing towards the nipple, trying to squeeze out the milk. A small droplet comes out but Ava’s frowning face tells me it’s painful. “I’m so sorry honey!” “Don’t be sorry dad. Can you try again, but please be gentle, ok?” “Sure.” Again, I’m trying to gently squeeze her breast, closely monitoring Ava’s facial expression. This time it doesn’t seem to hurt, but no milk is expressed.

“A bit firmer, dad!” “OK.” I’m trying again. I’m feeling Ava’s full, soft breast between my hands and start to squeeze more firmly. “Ouch! Stop dad! Too firm!” Sorry!” I’m taking my hands away. It’s terrible. I hate inflicting pain on her. I’m feeling horrible and helpless. My dick is limp now. At least that’s an upside of this frustrating situation. “I wish I could do more for you today, but I’m no doctor. Maybe we should wait till tomorrow’s appointment?” Ava seems to be thinking hard: “Dad?” “Yeah?” Ava is pausing. Her face is flushing a little. “Um… dad? I know this may be a bit much to ask from you, but, you know, I’m in a lot of pain and want it to stop. You know, the most natural way of getting milk out of a breast…” She lowers her gaze. Oh my! I haven’t seen Ava this embarrassed in a long time. Normally she’s ok with anything, but this Galactorrhea situation seems to really get to her.

I don’t know how to respond. “Ava, you mean to suck on your nipple, right?” Ava is nodding. It pains me to see her so shy. It really isn’t like her. Normally I would put up resistance as it’s inappropriate, but given her pain it really does seem to be a quick solution. “Ava, I know it’s odd since I’m your father, but you’re in pain, aren’t you?” Ava nods again. “I am happy to do try this for you. After all it’s a medical emergency, isn’t it?” Ava nods again. She’s looking up now and I can see that her eyes are watery. It’s breaking my heart. “Sometimes I feel really helpless because of these splints! It’s terrible!” A tear is rolling down her cheeks. I’m wiping it away with my thumb. “Oh darling. I get it. I do feel helpless sometimes too. But this whole situation will pass. Just give it time.” Ava nods again and a smile is on her face now.

“Alright, dad. I’m ready. Please be careful. Right now my breasts are super tender. I really need this.” “Ok darling, I’ll do my best.” I’m leaning forward towards her breasts. I’m now so close, almost touching her. I can’t believe what I’m about to do. I had dreamed of licking her breasts and sucking on them, but not under these circumstances. I’m opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue. I’m gently licking her breast just below her nipple. Her breast feels so firm, yet soft! I’m running my tongue across her nipple to wet it. “Painful?” “No, it’s fine, dad.” I’m licking her nipple a few times and can already see a small droplet of milk coming out of it. I’m tasting it. It tastes sweet, like the milk which is left over after eating cornflakes.

I keep licking her nipple, feeling how my tongue gently pokes into her firm, young breast. Just the stimulation of my licking seems to get the milk flowing. More and more droplets are pouring out and I’m licking them all up. I keep going on her other breast and more and more milk is flowing out. “It seems to be working, dad!” “Yeah I think so, darling.” I keep running my tongue and up down her nipples. Suddenly I’m noticing that I’m getting hard. Fortunately the water in the bathtub has risen, hiding my erection. It is so arousing to lick her full teenage breasts. Ava too seems to thoroughly enjoy this. Her mouth is parted, ,here eyes are closed and is there a slight smile on her face? Is it just pain relieve? Or is she getting turned on as well?

“Dad, can you try and suck on them? I don’t think this is expressing enough milk.” Ava is breathing faster now. Is there lust in her voice? “Sure, darling.” I’m taking one nipple in my mouth and gently start sucking on it. A small amount of milk is entering my mouth. “Does this hurt, darling?” “No dad, please keep going.” I keep going, again and again and swallow her sweet milk. I’m repeating it on her other breast. This is so wrong! But I’m loving it! My dick is rock hard by now, pulsating under water.

“Are you comfortable like this, dad?” Ava is looking at my forward leaning awkward position in the bathtub. “I’m alright, honey.” “Dad, let me move a bit closer to you. It will be more comfortable for you. Can you hold me under my arms for a moment?” “Sure darling,” Before I know what’s happening Ava has moved closer to me and straddled me. I’m flinching. Her pussy is sitting right on the tip of my dick, pressing my dick flat against my belly under water. I’m rock hard. I’m about to lose control.

I’m feeling so much pleasure. “Dad, would you mind to keep going for a bit. I know this is super awkward, but it really helps with my tenderness in my breasts.” “Yes, ok honey.” I keep sucking on her breasts while she’s squeezing the tip of my dick against my belly with her pussy under water. She keeps moving her pussy, just a little, applying pressure on my dick, rocking her hips ever so slightly. Oh my goodness! I’m so horny. Her full, young gorgeous breasts in my mouth! I’m sucking on her nipple and I’m taking both hands, gently squeezing her breast. “Is this ok Ava? Are you still tender?” “I’m not that tender anymore dad. It’s feels good. I think it’s helping to express more milk. I’m feeling so much less pressure and tenderness now.” “That’s great, honey!”

I’m getting carried away, licking her boobs and nipples as I’m massaging her breasts. Small droplets of milk are running into my mouth. That taste! So sweet! Some of her milk is running down the side of my mouth. Ava keeps griding her pussy ever so slightly against the tip of my dick. She’s done it before, but it was only my shaft. Today she’s sitting right on my tip. It feels heavenly almost as if I was entering her a little. I’m so close to cumming. I keep sucking on her breasts, applying vacuum and licking her nipples, massaging them with my hands. Ava is breathing faster and faster.

“Dad?” “Yes honey?” “I know this might be a weird question, but what does it taste like?” “Um… it tastes sweet. Like the sweet milk which is left over after having corn flakes.” “Is it good then?” “Yeah it actually tastes good.” A few moments of silence pass. “Dad?” “Yes?” “Um… I’m really curious. Would you mind giving me a taste?” “Oh really?” “Yes, please. I know it’s weird but I’d really like to know.” “Aright, let me just get up and grab a glass – I might be able to-“ Ava interrupts me: “No that’s too much work. Would you mind to just pass some into my mouth – it’s much easier.” I’m almost freezing. My heart is pounding fast. What is she suggesting?

“What do you mean, honey?” “Would you mind to just pass some from your mouth to mine? Just very quickly? So that I can get a quick taste? Pretty please?” Oh my goodness? Is she asking me to kiss her? I can’t think clearly. I’m feeling her pussy grinding against my rock hard tip under water. I’m so close to cumming, I can’t think straight anymore. Sucking the milk out of her nipples has turned me on beyond anything. “Alright. Just really quick, ok? I’ll try and suck some of your milk into my mouth.” I’m leaning forward, gently grabbing her breast with one hand. I’m licking her breast and nipple and suck it into my mouth. As I keep sucking, I keep noticing that Ava’s grinding motion and her breathing are getting slightly faster. She seems to enjoy this – and she’s not the only one. I’m so close to climaxing, I can barely contain it. I’m feeling a few droplets of her milk accumulating in my mouth. This should be enough.

I’m moving my head up, close to hers. I’m looking into her large, dark brown eyes. Oh my goodness, is this really happening? I’m moving my lips closer to hers. I can feel the heat of her skin radiating onto mine. She’s closing her eyes. I’m moving my lips even closer. Oh my goodness! Our lips are touching. Her lips feel so full, so soft! I’m trying to put some pressure on the milk in my mouth and pass it on to hers. A tiny bit seems to enter her mouth, but the bulk is just spilling out of my mouth, running down my chin and dripping onto our upper bodies.

Ava is retracting her head, licking her lips. “Did you taste it?” “Barely, dad! You did such a bad job! Almost everything spilled!” “Sorry darling.” “Can you please try again? I really wanna know what it tastes like!” As Ava is talking, her facial expression is clouded by lust. She’s almost whispering. Her gaze seems distant, as if…? Oh my goodness. I think I’ve seen this expression before on Ava. She’s close to cumming! “Alright, I’ll give it another shot.”

As I’m leaning down and sucking and massaging her other breast, I suddenly feel Ava contracting her butt cheeks. Oh my goodness, she must be about to cum. I’m sucking in a few more droplets of milk and press my lips against her mouth. This time with more pressure. Our lips lock. She’s parting her lips a little and I’m passing on the milk into her mouth. I can feel how her milk is entering her mouth. She seems to swallow it. Our lips are still locked. She’s opening her mouth and running her tongue over my lips. Oh my goodness. This is it! I’m feeling so much lust and extasy, I can’t contain it anymore! Suddenly I’m feeling an explosion underwater as my dick shoots out cum in heavy gushes. It feels like Ava’s pussy is sitting right on my tip as I’m cumming. My cum must shoot right onto her pussy, maybe even inside her opening. A feeling of pure extasy is washing over me.

Suddenly Ava is spasming too and breathing heavily into my mouth as she orgasms too, grinding her pussy against the tip of my dick which is still hard as a rock. I’m so glad this is all happening under water. My cum must be smeared all over her pussy. It is the best pussy job I’ve ever experienced. It takes me a few moments to gain composure. Our lips are parting and I’m looking into Ava’s eyes. They are still closed. Her face is an expression of bliss. “And, did you taste it?” Ava is half-opening her eyes with a dreamy look on her face: “Yeah, it’s just like you said. It tastes like the sweet milk left over after eating corn flakes.”

Copyright Normann Blaze 2022

Please let me know if you like the story and if you'd like me to write more chapters. It will motivate me :) thank you


2023-04-23 11:30:08
Please continue this story. Waiting on next chapter(s).


2023-04-10 23:32:32
I think I know where you are going. Keep going.


2023-04-07 19:58:18
Oooooh I want to produce milk too.Wild sexy story

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