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A slow read of a man that meets his daughter's beautiful friend that reminds him so much of an old school crush. The man and the friend's relationship slowly develops as time passes, with the man enjoying every step along the way.
Paul was startled out of his daydream when Mike knocked on his office door to see if he was ready for lunch. It was Friday and most Friday's they would go out for a proper sit down lunch at their favorite diner. It certainly did not hurt that Rosie, the young, hot 22 year-ld waitress with big tits and plenty of cleavage always welcomed them with a big flirty smile. They pretty much had a standing reservation at their favorite booth in the corner.

Earlier, Paul had been in a fog thinking about the night before. When he got home from work, the day before, his daughter was at the kitchen table working on a project with a friend of hers he had never met. She had come over to work on an assignment that was due the next day, so they were scrambling to get it done. The craziest thing about meeting his daughter's young friend was that she brought back some old memories that he could not seem to shake out of his head. The memories of a crush he had as a kid many, many years ago.

When Paul was in grade school, he developed a crush on a new girl that had joined his classroom during the middle of the school year. From the first day she walked into class, he was hooked. She looked exactly what he thought an angel would look like. She was a beautiful blonde with stunning blue eyes, a cute button nose and pouty lips that formed a smile that could light up any room.

Unfortunately, she moved away the next year and he never saw her again. That was exactly what Lucy, his daughter's friend, looked like. She too was a beautiful little girl with blonde hair, striking blue eyes and a smile that immediately brought back those memories. He was impressed when she stood up and actually shook his hand. Most of Ava's other friends acted shy and would just wave at him.

After lunch, the guys headed back to finish up their day. At the end of the long week, Paul grabbed his keys and made his way home. He managed to get Lucy and his grade school crush out of his mind. He was lookin forward to a three day weekend of getting out of his clothes and just lounging around the house the house the whole weekend. It was just gonna be him, his wife and their daughter, Ava. A family secret was that they were nudists. They had been even before Ava was born.


Paul and Nancy became nudists while they were still in college. They showed up to one of their events out of curiosity and fell in love with the freedom it offered. Soon after their first event, whenever they were alone in their apartment, they walked around sans clothing, Their apartment became a clothes-free zone. It's wasn't always about the sex, although with two horny college students, it made things easier.

It was also about the freedom from clothing. Just being able to sit around in a natural state, just like mother nature intended. Taking on this new lifestyle, they became more involved in the club. They started visiting clothing-optional beaches and attending parties and other events where they could be in a natural state while socializing.

Three years after graduation, Nancy and Paul got married. From the very beginning, they agreed that just because they were married did not mean anything was going to change. They had met many married nudists couples that had brought their children along with them. So when Ava was born, nothing changed. When Ava got a little older, they did talk to her about not sharing what they did at home with anyone else. They preferred not having to explain and defend themselves against any bible-thumping wacko. They certainly had some in their family.


When Paul finally got home that Friday, he went straight to his room, took his clothes off and headed downstairs and grabbed a beer before joining the girls in the pool. His wife and daughter were already enjoying the cool water wearing the same outfit as Paul. After being married for more than eighteen years, he still got excited when he saw his wife. If he was feeling horny, there were times he would quickly excuse himself before his erection became obvious, although Ava had seen it by accident on a few occasion.

They had 'the birds & the bees' talk with her at an early age. It's funny how some things are accepted as normal if you treat them as such. For the Robinson's, being nude around the house was normal and dad getting an erection was also normal. It just meant that he loved mommy and was happy to see her. That was the normal that Ava grew up with.

As planned, Paul managed to stay home the entire weekend without ever having to wear a stitch of clothing. Nancy did all of the cooking and he did some grilling, managing to not get burned. He was so determined, he had even refused to wear an apron. When Monday morning's alarm went off, it was back to the grind.

The next week, on two different occasions, he came home to find Lucy visiting with Ava. He had absolutely no complaints about that and was always happy to see her. Lucy and Ava were fast becoming best friends. In fact, for the next several months, it seemed like Lucy was spending more and more time at the Robinson home. Ava loved having her over and Paul struggled limiting his glances at the girls, more so at Lucy. In fact, he would scold himself for looking at her. She was his daughter's friend and he felt he was going to creep her out if he stared at her too often.

He just couldn't help himself. She looked so much like his crush from long ago. If he was being honest with himself, which would require that he admit to himself that he was checking her out, he would realize that Lucy was even more beautiful than the girl from his past. She was the cutest thing with her long hair made up in a pony tail and her eyes were a light shade of blue, almost grey.

As the school year rolled along, they all got to know Lucy a lot more and she got more and more comfortable with the family. They learned that she did not exactly have a stable home life. It had always just been her and her mother, and whatever guy her mother was dating at the time. Sometimes, it was just her when her mother decided to go out Friday nights and sometimes not come back until Sunday. After that, whenever Ava asked if Lucy could spend the night on a Saturday, Nancy was quick to say yes.

After that, it seemed like Lucy was over almost every weekend. But, no one seemed to care. When she wasn't around, they missed her. It gave Paul and Nancy the freedom that they so much loved, but they always asked about her. In fact, whenever they made plans for the weekend, they would take her into consideration. They started to think of her as their part-time daughter.

One Saturday, while the girls were hanging out in Ava's room, Nancy walked in and found them running around her room only wearing their panties After Lucy went home, they asked Ava what that was all about, and she said they were bored and started daring each other to do different things. Long story short, she dared Lucy to get naked. In the end, they both got naked and were just having all kinds of fun.

The next time Lucy came over, Nancy once again found them only in their panties, running around Ava's room. She asked if they were having fun and they both laughed, screaming out as they ran around. She called Paul over and he went to see what all the ruckus was about. When he popped his head in, he saw both girls smiling at him, but Lucy right away tried covering herself. Nancy quickly assured her that there was nothing to worry about, explaining that Ava often ran around the house naked.

The idea of running around the house topless with a man present was completely foreign to her. How could that possibly be okay, she asked herself. Lucy gave Nancy a look of concern, but Ava told her it was true and ran and out the door past Paul, calling out for Lucy to join her.

Lucy looked at Nancy, then at Paul and then back to Nancy, who once again assured her that it was okay. It's not like there was anybody else in the house. It was just them. She hesitated for a moment, processing the situation, wondering if she was ready to go topless with Mr. Robinson in the house. Something clicked in her head and she decided to throw caution to the wind. She dropped her arms and ran after Ava.

From then on, it became normal for the girls to walk around the house only in their panties whenever Lucy came over to visit, especially on sleep overs (which were plenty). It was normal to have the girls running around the house practically naked. On weekends, even Nancy joined the girls. It didn't seem to faze anyone. It was just a normal weekend at the Robinson's.

Sitting in his office on the Monday morning after the first weekend he got a chance to see Lucy only in her panties, Paul kept reprimanding himself. Nudity was normal, but for some reason he could not get Lucy out of his head. The whole weekend, he struggled not staring at her. As much as he tried not to admit it to himself, she was gorgeous. Her A cup titties were sprouting out perfectly and her butt filled out her panties quite nicely. As much as he fought it, he yearned to see her completely naked. He wondered what her pussy would look like.

This scenario went on for several months. Lucy was over at their house almost every weekend. It definitely cut into his nudist lifestyle, but knowing her broken home situation, he did not complain. After all, keeping on his clothes in order to see this little angel running around topless was worth it. He also stopped with his moral struggle of feeling guilty for lusting after Lucy. After all, it's not like he was acting on his urges.

One evening, Paul was watching TV and the girls were bored. They came downstairs and found Paul watching a documentary on wildlife in Africa. Ava always loved watching these kinds of shows, so she went over and sat on Paul's lap, like she had done so many other times. Paul looked over and saw Lucy sitting next to them with a pouty look on her face. He asked her what was wrong and she softly mumble that nothing was wrong, but it was obvious something was bothering her.

Knowing her situation at home and suspecting she was feeling left out, he asked if she would like to sit on his other lap. Before he could even start counting, she was on his lap with a big smile on her face.

“Yay, now we can be sisters!” Ava exclaimed, telling her that Paul could be her pretend daddy and they would be pretend sisters. Both girls leaned their heads on his chest as they sat on his lap, wearing only panties while watching TV. He could not ignore the fact that Lucy's boobies were pressed up against him as she rested her head on his shoulder. For some miracle, he managed not to get a full erection.

After a while, that too became a normal thing to do. Whenever Lucy was visiting, the girls would sit on his lap in the evening and he would wrap his arms around each little angel. He knew he shouldn't, but he always allowed himself the guilty pleasure of caressing their arms and thighs. He loved the feeling of their nakedness as he ran his hands over their skin.

Fortunately for him, the girls loved it too. Whenever he would start caressing them, they would shake as goosebumps appeared on their arms. The girls would feign discomfort and then quickly ask him to do it again.

“STOP DADDY! That tickles. Huh, Lucy?”

“Yeah, Mr. Robinson, that tickles!”

After a few minutes, they would ask him to do it again, over and over until their body would get used to it and would allow him to continue enjoying their soft bodies and Lucy's titties on his chest with no other complaints from them.

Lucy continued coming over and spending the night at the Robinson's. She did not have the most loving and caring mother, much less the happiest home life. The Robison's was the family she always dreamed of having – a loving mother and father. They were what she had seen on different TV shows and longed for all her life.

When she came to visit, she secretly pretended that it was her home and her family. Because of this, she never shared with her mother the fact that her and Ava were allowed to run around only in their panties. Although it felt normal when she was at their house, she knew her mom would not allow her to return.

She would always come over on a Saturday and leave close to the end of Sunday. It was always hard for her to leave. The first time she came over to spend the entire weekend, she and Ava came straight home from school on a Friday. When they arrived, Mrs. Robinson instructed Ava to go up to her room to change out of her school clothes and make sure to put her dirty clothes in the hamper. The girls did as they were told and decided not to put anything on other than their panties. They planned on being free the entire weekend.

Late that evening, Mr. Robinson was up late in the living room watching TV and unwinding from the long week that he'd had. As he sat there, he saw Lucy coming down the stairs, only in panties, as she had been since he got home. When he looked over, he couldn't help himself from appreciating the beautiful girl that was coming towards him.

“Hi, sweetie. What's going on, why are you up? It's late.”

“I can't sleep. Can I watch TV with you?”

“Sure.” Sometimes, you can be so lucky that some things will just fall on your lap. In this case, it literally fell on Paul's lap.

Lucy walked over and stood in front of him, waiting for permission to sit on his lap. He looked at her for a moment before asking if she wanted to sit on his lap. Feeling shy, she looked down and just nodded her head. He spread his legs and she climbed onto this lap. He wrapped his arm around her and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

He knew it wasn't right, but he couldn't help it. He loved the way she felt. Her naked flesh felt so soft pressed against him with his arm wrapped around her. He could feel himself getting excited. As wrong as it was, he couldn't help himself. He slowly started caressing her and she loved what he was doing to her. No other man had held her so tenderly and lovingly. She was in heaven, loving every minute of it.

A few of her mother's boyfriends in the past had started off by being extra nice and inviting her to sit on their laps, but the way they would touch her felt wrong. In the end, her mother would end up yelling at her, accusing her of being a needy little brat.

She sat on his lap, feeling loved and protected, loving that he was giving her the same love he gave Ava. She sat there in his arms for a long time, contemplating whether she would share her secret with him. After thinking it through she decided to tell him.

“Mr. Robinson?”

“Yes, sweetie?”

“Can I tell you something silly? But, you have to promise not to laugh.”

“I promise. I won't laugh.”

She went to explain to him how she liked to pretend that this was her family and how she would pretend that Mrs. Robinson was her mom and how he was her dad. She told him how happy she got when Ava had said they could be pretend sisters. Paul understood why she felt the way she did and did not laugh, He simply wrapped both arms around her and gave her a bear hug.

“Mr. Robinson, when we're alone, would you mind if I call you dad? I've never had anyone to call dad and you've been so nice to me.”

“Lucy, if it makes you happy, you can call me dad or daddy whenever we're alone. I don't mind. I can be your secret daddy. Would you like that? It would be our little secret.” He felt tormented. He wanted to be there for her, but wicked thoughts were running through his head, wondering how he could use that to his advantage.

“REALLY?!? Can I? Thank you, Mr. Rob....I mean, daddy!” she said with a big, bright smile on her face. She never thought in a million years she would get that response.

“Thank you, daddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.” she said over and over as she showered his face with kisses. She went a little overboard with the kisses, but she didn't care, she was feeling really happy. When she her lips landed a quick kiss on his lips, they felt wonderful and could fell his cock shift a bit. She got up from his lap and straddled him, pressing her boobies against his chest as she hugged him. He too wrapped both arms around her and held her little panty-clad body tight as he enjoyed her plump lips on his face. He felt like a pervert holding his daughter's friend in his arms, but knew he was making her happy.


Over the next few months, whenever she came over for a sleepover, she would come down late at night hoping to find her “daddy” alone in the living room. Coincidently, he was always there. She was always happy when she found him sitting on the couch. She would walk over and climb onto his lap. She would greet him and give him a quick peck on the cheek.

“Hi, daddy.”

“Hi, sweetheart.”

This was her time to be alone with her daddy. Sometimes they just sat there quietly, watching whatever was on TV and other times they would talk about her week and the issues that were going on at her home. The more she shared with him, the more he felt so sorry for her. There was not much he could do for her other than just listen and be there for her, so he knew her time with him was very special to her.

Subtle changes happened over time, that after a while, they just felt normal. Lucy had been sitting on his lap and asked him to give her goosebumps. He started caressing her arm, like he normally did when both girls were on his lap, when she asked him why she only got goosebumps on her arms.


“Yes, baby?”

“Why do I just get goosebumps on my one arm?” she asked with a big smile on her face. She loved when he called her 'baby'.

“Well, that's the only place I'm touching you with my hand.”

She immediately reached over to grab his other hand and placed on her silky, smooth legs, telling him she wanted him to give her goosebumps on her legs. After that day, he enjoyed himself softly running his hands up and down her legs, Their softness and her sweet giggles had him hard as an iron rod, but she never complained. She felt it, but she did not want to end what she had going on with him. She was afraid she would never be allowed to return. She wasn't willing to lose that.

As time went on and they spent more and more time together, Lucy started to really think of him as daddy. He showed her love and kindness and most of all, he gave her his time and attention. He tried to do the right thing by giving her what she had craved for her entire life. But, even then, he couldn't help himself to think of what he could do with her. Thoughts he shouldn't be having of his 'secret' daughter. Having his hand come very close to her sweet, young pussy as he caressed her legs did not help.

Lucy started looking forward to her visits to the Robinson's, not because she would be hanging out with her BFF, but because of the alone time she would be spending with Paul. She knew it was silly to have a pretend daddy, but she couldn't help it. He gave her praises and compliments, always telling her how beautiful she looked. Plus, she loved the way he would caress her, it made her feel special. Because of that, she was willing to overlook that fact that she could feel his hard cock when she sat on his lap. She was well aware it was his hard penis.

It made her happy that she also made him happy. Either way, it didn't matter. He was her daddy, so what if he got a little excited. He gave her the love and attention no other man had ever given her.

Paul had tried his best to resist the temptations that Lucy offered. Every time she came to sit on his lap, he loved how her titties would just be there, her nipples looking so tempting. There were so many times he fought hard the temptation to take them into his mouth to have a taste. The way her little nipples would stick out when he ran his hands all over her body drove him crazy.

They had been spending time together, alone, close to a year when he finally gave in to sin.

Late one night, like any other Saturday, Lucy was laying down on his lap with her legs stretched out. She leaned her head back and used the arm rest as a pillow for her head, her body fully stretched out with her boobies on full display when she asked him to touch her. She laid there, feeling completely safe.

“Daddy, can you give me goosebumps all over my body?”

“Sure, sweetie.” he answered as he started running his free hand up and down the length of her legs. He always went as slow as possible, savoring every part of her soft skin. Lucy quickly started shaking, but told him not to stop. She loved how it felt and she could feel his cock getting hard under her back. It was getting her excited that she turned him on.

He ran his hands up and down, running his hand up her leg and pull away right before touching her panties, centimeters from her young vagina. This happened several times and he noticed that her breathing was getting heavier and heavier. He brought his hand up and it landed on her tummy.

“What are you doing, daddy?”

“I just wanted to feel you breathing.”


He held his hand there for a moment as she slowed down and started breathing normal before he started caressing her once more. He slowly brought his hand up to her shoulders before he started touching her chest as he caressed her breasts for the first time. When she felt his fingers on her titties, she quickly brought her hands up to cover herself.

“What's wrong, baby?”

“Mommy told me never to let anyone touch me there.”

“That's right, baby, never let anyone touch you there. But, I'm your daddy. I'm the ONLY man that's allowed to touch you there. Don't you love me?”

“Yeah, but it feels weird.”

“Okay. Well...mmm...maybe it's best you go back to bed.”

His response hit Lucy hard. It shocked her that he was pushing her away. Her daddy that she had come to love so much was rejecting her and she didn't like it. She felt hurt and didn't know what she had done wrong.

“Go on, Lucy. You should get back to bed.” she noticed that he had called her by her name, instead of using one of the many pet names he had for her. That stung even worse.

She looked at him with glossy eyes – tears were forming in her eyes; she was losing what she had come to love. All kinds of thoughts went through her head. She had a lousy mother and up until a year ago, she had never known the love of a father. She felt desperate, thinking of what to do not to lose him.

She reached out to grab his hand and brought it up to her chest. She pressed his hand on her titties and asked him to give her goosebumps. They looked at each other, both with big smiles on their faces as Paul lightly squeezed both her titties.

“Thank you, baby........You love being a good little girl for daddy, don't you?” Lucy nodded as she looked up at him. He knew he had her, the only question was how far was he willing to take it.

“You are such a daddy's girl!” That alone made her love for him grow tenfold. That was the first time he had ever called her that and she loved it! The fact that she was making him happy drove her crazy. What also made her happy was how good it felt to have his hand on her boobies. Never did she imagine how good it would feel as he cupped her titties as he ran his hands all over her chest. She also realized that her vagina felt like she had wet herself; what he was doing to her felt too good.

This new development in their special relationship went on for several weeks. After everyone had gone to bed, they would meet in the living room. Soon, thereafter, Paul would be caressing all of her as he enjoyed her breasts.

During one of those nights, he was groping her titties and by the way his cock was pressing up against her back, she knew he was excited. Suddenly, he grabbed her tiny body and brought her up to have her straddle him as he gave her pecks on her pouty lips. He couldn't believe how soft they felt, wondering if that's how it would've felt if he ever got the chance to kiss his crush from years ago. He had been playing with her titties and had been wanting to kiss her probably from the first time he met her.

His hands started roaming up and down her back as their lips started pressing harder against each other. She had kissed other boys before and knew exactly what he wanted, so when his mouth opened up a little and his tongue probed her lips, she too opened her mouth and let him in. That was the moment she realized she was starting to feel horny.

She brought her hands up and wrapped them around his neck as they started kissing. She felt her pussy starting to get very moist as she started grinding her pussy against his cock. She was acting on instincts, not exactly sure what she was doing, all she knew was that it felt good.

He slowed things down and slightly pushed her away as he lowered his head, bringing it close to her exposed chest. He slowly started licking and sucking one of her boobies, something he had been dying to do since the day he first saw her topless. They felt soft, but firm as he started sucking hard on her hard little nipples.

What surprised him the most was when she did not pull away; instead, she started lightly moaning as she increased her grinding against his cock. Lucy loved the way it felt. She had never felt such pleasure. Her daddy's warm mouth was licking her little nipples and it felt wonderful. Her grinding and moaning continued as he alternated between her boobies, licking and sucking on them. As this went on, he sucked harder and harder and her moaning got louder and louder until she finally came.

Of course, she had masturbated a few times before, but never had she felt such an explosion throughout her entire body as she shivered all over. This was an orgasm like no other. Paul held her in his arms, excited as he felt her trembling while she enjoyed her first orgasm with him. He could only hope that there would be many more.

After she composed herself and her heaving stopped, they went back to kissing for a moment. He told her how much he loved his little girl and assured her that she was daddy's special little girl. In return, she too told him how much she loved him. He told her it was best she go to sleep before someone came down, assuring her they would have their alone time the following Saturday. He reminded her that she needed to keep her time with her secret daddy a secret. She happily agreed and made her way upstairs.

After that night, Paul had the pleasure of enjoying her boobies every time they saw each other. She would come down, sit on his lap, and they would give each other what they needed. He would be the concerned father as she talked about her week, intently listening to her. She would share any issues she was going through and he would offer her fatherly advice. Afterwards, they would slowly start kissing before she got up to straddle him. He loved the way her little tongue felt as their kissing got more and more passionate.

In the end, he always made her cum as he sucked on her boobies. She loved the feeling of having her titties sucked on, most especially the way she felt when she would orgasm. This had become their normal interaction on Saturday nights and it went on for several months until he got a little help from his daughter, Ava. .


Paul was happily shocked the first time he saw Lucy completely naked. She looked so sexy running around the house topless in cute little panties, but he had longed to see her pussy. It was a Saturday and unfortunately, he had been required to go into the office. He got up early and was back home by 1pm. When he got home, he found all three girls in the pool, completely naked. Ava quickly got out of the pool and came up to hug him, but Lucy stayed in the pool, She felt shy, not sure she should come out.

“Daddy, are you gonna swim with us?!? We need a fourth person!” Ava excitedly asked him.

“Sure, sweetheart. Let me put on my trunks. I'll be right back.”

“Don't bother, daddy. We're all naked in the pool. Even Lucy jumped in naked.”

“Well, maybe next time.”

Nancy often joined the girls when they ran around topless, but this was all knew to him. He never expected to find all three completely naked. He looked over at Nancy and she quietly shook her head. She thought it best that he stay clothed. One thing was for the girls to be naked around each other, but not the same for a grown man to run around naked with his prick hanging out around a girl that was not his daughter.

He quickly changed and came out of the house running and jumping into the pool, making a big splash as he landed in the water. Everybody had a big laugh as they enjoyed their time in the pool. He loved the feeling of the girls naked bodies as they hung onto him for a ride on his back. They would grab him by the neck and enjoy a ride as he swam around. He couldn't help himself enjoying both girl's boobies pressed against his back as he swam around. As hard as he tried, he couldn't stop himself from getting a hardon. Even the feel of his daughter's titties were getting him excited.

When the girls got tired, they got out of the pool and decided to lay down on the two-person chaise lounge they had by the pool. As the girls stepped out of the pool, it was the first time he got a glimpse of Lucy's naked ass. Her butt cheeks were exactly how he had imagined them to be, flawlessly smooth, full and round. Perfect for a beautiful angel!

Nancy also got out and made her way inside, announcing she would be making sandwiches. As the girls laid down, they helped each other with the suntan lotion. He felt like the biggest pervert as he stared at the girls running their hands all over each other's backside. He refrained from grabbing his cock, he was certain he would come the moment he touched himself. The hottest moment was when Ava started running her hands over Lucy's ass. The girls were giggling, paying no attention to him, and Nancy was busy in the kitchen. There was no one there to scold him as he stared at the girls with all sorts of nasty scenarios running through his head.

The biggest surprise came when Nancy announced lunch was ready. She brought everything out and set it on a table under the patio cover. The two girls got up and made their way over to the table without bothering to put on any clothes. This was exactly what Paul had been wanting to see for the longest time. His dream was finally coming true.

For Paul, it all played out like a movie. Everything seemed to slow down as the girls walked by. His only focus was Lucy as she flirtatiously waved at him as she bit her lower lip. She looked magnificent. Her pussy mound was puffy and bald with her slit tightly shut. In his lustful imagination, this was proof that his daughter's young friend, the object of his obsession, his Lolita, was pure. He barely realized that both girls had said “Bye, dad” simultaneously.

“Wait!! You just called him 'dad'. Oh my god, you are so funny!!!” exclaimed Ava, before they both walked away laughing. The sound of them bursting out in laughter snapped Paul back to reality. Ava was obviously comfortable being naked around both her parents, but Lucy noticed the way Paul was looking at her and loved it. There was a look of desire in his eyes for her and she could feel herself getting excited.

They all decided to be lazy and spent the rest of the day in and out of the pool. Paul even ended up grilling dinner as he enjoyed Lucy running around naked. There were several times for one reason or another that both Ava and Nancy were inside the house, either getting this or that. During a couple of these instances, Lucy made her way over to Paul to ask him if he liked the way she looked, seeking validation from him. Their relationship had developed to more than that of daddy and daughter and she was excited to be completely naked around him, desperate for his approval.

“Do I look pretty, daddy?”

“You look beautiful, sweetheart.”

Those four little words made her day. She loved that her daddy was happy to see her completely naked.

At a different moment during the evening, even Nancy made a comment regarding the girls running around completely naked, more so towards Lucy. She was not sure how he felt about Lucy running around naked, unware of what had been developing between them while she and her daughter slept.

“Looks like our daughter is introducing her little friend to our nudist lifestyle. Lucy certainly seems to be enjoying it. You don't mind do you?”

“I think she'll be fine.” he responded to her. In his mind, he was thinking of getting his hands on Lucy the next time they found themselves alone and wondering how far she would allow him to go.

Later that name night, Paul was sitting in the living room by himself. They'd had a long day by the pool and the girls, including Nancy, had gone to bed early. He thought he had the downstairs to himself, not expecting Lucy to join him that evening. He quickly grabbed a robe and loosely tied the rope around his waist. He made his way downstairs and found himself alone. After punching in his secret code, he laid back and got ready to watch some soft porn.

It was barely at the beginning of the movie when he saw Lucy coming downstairs. After all the running around and swimming earlier in the day, he did not expect to see her. However, after the turn of events from earlier in the day, there was no way she would not force herself to stay up to be with her daddy. Lucy got a big smile on her face when she saw him. She was aroused by the way her secret daddy was lustfully looking at her.

“Hi, daddy.” she stood there in front of him. They were finally alone and she looked so alluring in the sexy red panties he had ordered for her. They looked great on her, making her tight little ass look nice!

“Hi, sexy.” she could feel her pussy getting wet hearing him call her sexy.

A lot had happened over the past year during their alone time, Lucy had developed a strong attraction to Mr. Robinson – he was both her secret daddy, but she also loved the way he would touch her; most especially when he would make her cum by playing with her titties. There was something in the way he looked at her that gave her butterflies. By this point, she had given herself to him and decided she would do anything he asked of her.

She was now standing in front of him, wearing only a pair of red panties, knowing that just a few hours earlier he had seen her completely naked. She felt shy before leaving Ava's bedroom and had put on her panties before walking out the door. The way Paul had been looking at her during their time in the pool, Lucy had felt loved and desired. She tried climbing onto his lap, but he stopped her. She was confused and gave him a quizzical look, wondering if she had done something wrong. Was he rejecting her once again?

“Wha- wha-what's wrong, daddy?” she stuttered.

“Nothing, Princess. Nothing's wrong. I just want to get a really good look at you. You look like an angel.”

A big smile came across her face.

“Can you do me a favor?”

“Uh, huh.”

“I want you to slowly turn around and show daddy your beautiful, sexy body. Can you do that for me?”

“Oh! Uh, okay............Like this?” she asked as she slowly started turning around.

“Hold on!”

“What wrong?”

“You looked so sexy when you and Ava were running and swimming with no clothes on. Can you do that for me? Can you remove your panties?”

“Yes, daddy. I can do that for you.” she answered, but hesitated for a moment before she stuck her hands into the sides of her panties and started pushing them down. She felt nervous, but excited. Suddenly, he once again stopped her.


“Yes, daddy?”

“Will you allow me to do that for you?” Paul's cock was as hard as it had ever been, forming a tent under his robe and quite obvious to Lucy.

She did not answer him, she just moved closer to him and smiled at him as he reached out and grabbed her panties. As he slowly pulled them down, both Lucy and Paul's breathing accelerated. Her pussy was drenched and she could feel how much he wanted her. His hands were shaking and his heart was beating at a million beats per minutes as he slid her panties over her ass and down her legs.

He gasped the moment her pussy came into view. There it was, the same smooth pussy he had admired earlier, coming into view as her panties were pulled down. In less than a minute, she was standing there in front of Paul on full display. He was finally able to appreciate her up close, loving everything about her.

“Baby, now you can turn around to show me how beautiful you look.” There was something exciting in the way he looked at her, she could feel herself tingling between her legs. She had felt this way when she would catch him looking at her, but tonight it got her extra excited showing herself to daddy.

The whole time she looked at him with a beautiful, innocent smile on her face as she turned around several times, making sure daddy got a good look at her. She looked like a sexy little stripper standing there as he stared at her.

“Fuck, you're beautiful! Come here, sit with me.” His cock was hard and he loved feeling her rubbing up against it as she sat on his lap, leaning her head on his chest. She was beyond ecstatic. She could feel his excitement poking her in the ass and knew she had really made him horny. After all, this was her daddy and she wanted to be a good girl for him.

She sat there for a moment. Paul pressed play and they started watching a movie about a young girl enjoying her time with her father. This was something new for them, as well. Other times it had always been some TV show, but never any sort of porn. However, incest had recently become Paul's favorite genre for obvious reasons. He had ***********ed this movie, not expecting Lucy to join him.

A lot had gone on earlier in the day with his secret daughter. More importantly, he had finally had a chance to see her completely nude and she was prettier than he could ever have imagined. To him, everything about her was flawless, from her smile to her breasts and down to her pussy and her smooth butt cheeks.

His hands were trembling as he ran his hand all over her smooth body. One hand caressed her arm as the other worked on her soft legs. This was Lucy's favorite part of her visits, but tonight was extra special. She was sitting on his lap naked for the first time and felt her pussy getting extra moist.

The movie and Paul's hands had turned her on. The father and daughter on the screen were starting to kiss as he ran his hands all over her and Paul was doing the same to her. As Lucy watched the movie, Paul started giving her neck light kisses that he knew she loved as he continued running his hands softly up and down her legs.

There came a part in the movie where the father and daughter found themselves alone in the living room with the daughter sitting on his lap. He reaches under her skirt and starts rubbing her pussy. That was also when Lucy felt Paul's fingers run up her slit for the first time. She jumped at being touched there for the first time, but did not dare push his hand away. She hadn't fully realized it, but she was starting to enjoy being used by Paul. It made her happy knowing she was making him happy.

“I love when you do that to me, father. That makes me feel so special.” was the girls comment in the movie. As weird as it felt, Lucy agreed with her, as she gave out a soft moan, letting Paul know he was on the right track. He continued running his finger up and down her slit, feeling her breathing starting to increase more and more.

He paused the movie and told her to lie back. With her butt on his lap, she rested her head on the arm rest and stretched out her legs across the couch. His hands landed on her legs once more, as he started caressing her. His strokes got longer and longer, until his fingers were back on her wet cunt. He heard Lucy take a deep breath before she gave out another moan. For her, it felt so much nicer than the few times she had tried it herself. Her moaning told him he had to continue.

As he stroked his finger up and down, she started trembling with labored breathing. Her love for her daddy was only increasing as he went on molesting her. She looked up at him with a look of love and admiration as she tried telling him something. Everything was happening so fast. She felt frantic, but she felt a need to thank him for what he was doing to her. She had never felt so loved and it was only getting more and more intense.

When she opened her mouth, she struggled to speak. He looked down at her and knew she was very close to cumming. Those sexy, full lips were in the shape of an O as he played with her clit. The intensity was getting stronger and stronger. She was on the edge. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

He inserted his finger into her pussy and she came hard, with an orgasm exploding throughout her body the moment she felt a finger penetrating her tight, warm pussy for the very first time. She started pushing up her hips, desperately trying to get more of his finger in her warm, wet pussy. He could feel her warmth as her pussy contracted around his invading finger, trying hard to keep it in place. He slowly brought out his finger before he pushed it back in. As she kept trembling and crying out, he started finger-fucking her faster and faster. She quickly covered her mouth with both hands, afraid she might wake up Ava or her mother.

After a few minutes, Paul took mercy on her and removed his finger from her tight little cunt, allowing her an opportunity to catch her breath. Lucy just laid there on his lap with love in her eyes as she looked up at him, wondering what he had just done to her. She felt like her whole body had been drained of all it's energy and she loved it. She had played with herself alone at home many times, but she had never experienced an orgasm as powerful as the one that just ran through her body.

He told Lucy they'd had enough fun for the night and it was time for her to go to bed, assuring her they would continue their fun the following Saturday. She got up with the biggest smile on her face as she kissed him before wishing him a good night and walking away with Paul staring her tight ass.

The moment he heard her close the bedroom door, Paul had his cock out and was furiously stroking it as he sucked Lucy's sweet nectar off the same finger that had been in Lucy's pussy. He just couldn't hold himself back. She had practically begged him to touch her, how could he say no? His arousal was through the roof and he came in record time.

He fell asleep that night recalling what had transpired with his little angel, wondering what the next Saturday would bring. He knew exactly what he wanted, but was unsure on how far he would go. Was he willing to give her what he knew she wanted?
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