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Every character in this story is 18+. Mind-control is inherently non-consensual but keep in mind that the user in this story is particularly heartless.
The creaking of footsteps coming down the stairs made Felix turn around.  He didn't really care about football, but he still never passed on an invitation to visit his old friend, Earl, if only for a chance to catch a glimpse of his son's girlfriend, Danielle. It was a ridiculous infatuation, he knew it. What would a youthful pink-haired girl full of life and promise want of a balding old married man like him? Nevertheless, seeing her walk around smiling in her cute little outfits was the highlight of his week. He had written off this visit as a dud, having not seen her while he was upstairs, and it wasn't likely she'd have any business in the basement. He spared a glance anyway.

Adorable little feet with pink nail polish... this was it! He couldn't believe it. Oh, what beautiful long slim legs she had. Today was such a blessing. Freshly waxed pussy lips rubbing against each other as she walked down the steps, a ray of sunshine from the opened door shining through the small gap underneath, between her thighs. That... was impossible. Had he finally lost his mind?

Whatever mental disorder was causing this apparition of a beautiful girl, it was unmistakably a mirage of Danielle. The long pink hair, those big green eyes, sweet smile. He had only seen her bra-less in a thin, white belly shirt, her perky breast visibly bouncing through the see-through fabric, but he was quite happy with the way his hallucinating brain was picturing them in the nude. To top off the perfect fantasy, she was carrying two beers in each hand.

Danielle walked past the sofa Felix shared with two other weekly football acquaintances and headed towards Earl's recliner, her perfect bubble butt's cheeks swaying entrancingly. That's when Felix's heart skipped a beat; everyone on the couch was looking at her too. This was real? How could this be real?

Danielle offered Earl all four beers, he looked up from his phone, grabbed one and pointed to the couch with no reaction indicating this was an unusual circumstance. He then looked back down at his phone instead of admiring the smooth soft bottom of the young vixen walking across the basement.

With a smile, Danielle handed the remaining three beers to the speechless trio of middle-aged men. Now beerless, she paused for a minute, as if asking herself what it was she came down here for. Then it came back to her and she headed back to Earl's armchair, kneeled in front of him and started unbuckling his pants.

Felix's couch neighbor Oscar, a new member of the group, was the first to break the awkward silence: "Errrrm, Earl? What's... Who'd you got there?"

Danielle successfully got Earl's rapidly hardening dick out of his pants and stuffed it in her mouth like she'd been waiting to do this all day. The guest could only see her head bob up and down but the sound of her sucking, slurping and occasional moans of satisfaction filled the man cave.

"Oh, that's Nick's girlfriend. She has a little crush on me I suppose."

"And it has nothing to do with the neural collar she's wearing, right?" Oscar replied unimpressed.

Felix had no idea what they were talking about, but the pink choker around Danielle's neck now became painfully obvious.

"Oh, hehe, you know about those, huh? Well, give me some credit, it's not like they work like that out of the box. These collars were designed to help stabilize your mood. For this kind of control, you have to jailbreak it and install hundreds of mods.

"You're... controlling her?" Felix finally spoke out.

"Kind of. I don't make her do things but I can give her a very specific, uncontrollable urge. It involves stimulating thousands of small areas of the brain, which goes way over my head, but there's a growing community of programmers that are making all sorts of open-source mod packages. Like the desire to bring me beers: complex emotion... but just one button away." Earl showed off his cellphone screen: a long list of commands with a few of them currently highlighted. By the size of the scroll bar, this was only a tiny part of the full list.

"What does Nick think about all this?" the third couch-mate, Gary, asked.

"Ha! I don't plan on telling him. Honestly, it's fun to sneak around behind his back; he's done that to me so many times. Makes me feel like a teenager again. I had her blowing me under the table this morning while he was walking around the house looking for her. It was hilarious!" Earl grabbed a handful of pink hair and assisted Danielle in her task while he continued. "I gave her the collar for her birthday. Once it's on, it's over. The most important background function you need to keep running is the constant need to keep the collar on. Everything else I control from my phone. Oh man, the first time I tried a custom command we were having dinner, right..." Earl could barely contain his laughter. When he chuckled, his belly bounced and it made Danielle's busy head bounce in turn. "So, during dinner, I make her really, really want to go to the bathroom and masturbate... TO ME. Hahahaha. She comes back 10 minutes later, all disheveled, and the rest of the dinner was the most awkward thing ever!"

"Does she remember... stuff?" Oscar asked, knowing a lot less about neural collars than he thought.

"I can clear the cache whenever I want. I'll do that today for sure. But the best part is that she really wants to do these things, on a neurological level anyway. So I like to let her keep the memories of her waking up in the middle of the night desperately craving my cock and being all discreet so Nick doesn't discover what she thinks is her terrible secret.  I've been enjoying this piece of ass all month and he hasn't caught on. Check this out." Earl scrolled down and eventually tapped his phone. Danielle stopped bobbing and stuffed Earl's cock all the way down her throat and kept it there. It was as if she was desperately trying to get deeper even if she had impressively reached the end. Her tongue could be seen straining for another inch of flesh and washing Earl's balls in the process. "Pretty great, right?"

The three guests got the point rather quickly and were getting impatient for him to 'release' her. He wasn't touching her head at all; choking herself on Earl's dick, though inceptioned, was entirely her will. Instead, Earl started to share more fun facts. "I like to let her cum on her own most of the time. The app makes her love my cock so it's natural for her to cum while getting fucked by it. But it's still really cool that I can do this whenever I want." Earl tapped his phone and Danielle with her red face and neck bulge instantly had an intense orgasm. Her whole body tensed up then started shaking. She didn't make an attempt to touch her genitals or to undock herself from her gagging fixation, this was a completely independent assignment.

"I can put any number I want as the intensity. They warn to never go past 30. This is 30. And this is 35":

Danielle started shaking even more violently and her screams of pleasure could be heard even muffled by the long cock in her throat.

"I did 40 once but it took her all day to recover. I swear one day I'm going to accidentally add a zero and make it 300."

"Earl, dude, can you please?" Felix pointed at the quivering girl who, despite having the time of her life, looked like she was badly struggling to breathe.

"Relax guys, she has the mental experience of a thousand pornstars. Two weeks ago I fell asleep in this exact situation —throating me balls deep, orgasm set to max— and when I woke up she was still at it. I tell ya, it was the best night's sleep of my life and there's no better sound to wake up to than the gurgling of a pretty young thing. I'm hooked now; I can't sleep without my dick in her throat. I wake her up at night and when Nick gets his lazy ass up, he thinks she left for an early morning class. I just realized she probably flunked all her subjects by now."

Earl was still scrolling... "Anyway, most people don't bother with any of this. They get the zombie mod and just make their pet kinda just passive, you know. Like a sex doll but much cheaper. I don't understand why they would prefer that to this:" Earl had been scrolling and swiping for a while when he finally found what he was looking for. Danielle pulled the slime-drenched cock from her throat and, after swallowing a mouthful of spit, screamed in pleasure. Her mouth free of obstruction, she could finally express her bliss properly.

"Whoops, sorry, a little loud..."

Danielle suddenly stopped screaming. She was now panting from her previous oxygen limitations and mind-numbing orgasm but otherwise looked perfectly content sitting on the floor.

"Wait, that's not what I want to do..."

Danielle, leaning on one hand, swiftly reached for her crotch with the other. Her back arched, her muscles tensed and her eyes rolled behind her head as she rubbed herself furiously. Her moans of intense pleasure resumed. When Earl finished adjusting the settings, she was definitely still coming in debilitating fashion but her screams stopped abruptly and soft moans of satisfaction replaced them. This was the difference between ordering her brain to cum and ordering her brain to be insatiably horny. After a few more phone taps, she looked around, spotted the prize that matched the one in her database and sprung up with blurring speed. After getting close enough, she turned around, spread her creamy butt cheeks and adjusted her butthole against Earl's hard and sloppy dick.


"OK, there we go. See? Definitely worth going the extra mile."

Danielle was jumping up and down expertly on Earl's crotch, her tight asshole dangerously stretching outwards whenever she was on the upswing showing her aghast public how tight she was and how little regard she had for her own well-being. Earl had his hands running along her slim waist, feeling the curve of her hips or reaching under her short shirt caressing her under-boob. He could do whatever he wanted, Danielle was doing all the work.

"Oh Daddy, you're so big!" She said in a sultry voice that made almost made Felix fail to contain the building excitement in his pants. The other two guys laughed at Earl's choice of kink.

"That's part of the assfuck-craving package. I don't know how to turn it off!"

Nobody believed him.

Felix couldn't take it anymore. When Danielle was choking on Earl's dick, he wanted to punch him in the face, rip off her mind control collar and save her from this life of torture. But the way she looked now, legs spread, tits bouncing, laughing and moaning... he couldn't lie to himself: that's what he would do to her too if he was in control. "Say Earl... you think I could borrow her this weekend. Like, not a regular thing, just to try... because..."

"Tell you what, guys: I'm probably going to be done with her soon, so y'all can come up with a way to share. There's a script being worked on that lets you take a picture of someone, and the pet will feel an urge to attach a second collar to that person. I think I want to upgrade to Danielle's sister and having two pets would probably be too hard to keep secret.

"First!" Gary called

"Second!" Oscar yelled immediately after.

Felix cursed his reaction time but was still quite happy from the turn of events, although now he was curious to see what Danielle's sister looked like.

A bubbly nymphomaniac still reshaping her asshole on his cock, Earl added: "Fair warning, she is probably pregnant."

"Doesn't matter to me," Oscar said, as he was getting up.

"Where you going, Oscar?"

"Need to take a piss."

"Pffft, I don't remember the last time I used a toilet to pee. Sit down, I gotcha" Earl picked up his phone from the armrest and a few taps later Danielle suddenly got really thirsty.
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