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Here's a commission I wrote a bit ago. If you like it, consider getting one of your own. I don't judge. Suggest whatever you want.
“You did not,” Phoibe says through laughter,

“I swear on my life,” I assure, “Quick jab to the nose right in front of his kid. Made him look like his nose was in dire need of a tampon.”

Phoibe laughs even harder both from her joke and just thinking about the scenario.

“You are hardcore,” she says through her laughing fit,

“Don’t slap my ass without my written consent,” I joke, “Seems like a pretty fair exchange if you ask me.”

“Language,” mom says, walking past us and placing down two plates of her famous custard cream pie,

“Sorry,” I reply, slightly embarrassed. How was I to know she was there?!

She brings a hand to my chin, giving it a few scratches before walking off.

“Enjoy, girls,” she says, walking off.

I pick up my fork, ready to dig into the deliciousness before me. But I immediately notice Phoibe. Her demeanor has completely changed. She’s not laughing anymore. She looks fixated on something. I turn to see what suddenly caught her attention, catching mom bending over to unload the dishwasher. I turn back to Phoibe, chuckling before snapping at her, grabbing her attention.

“Hey,” I say, “My eyes are over here.”

“Yes, I can see that,” she retorts before turning her attention back to my mother, “And my eyes are over here admiring something a lot more interesting.”

“Wow, love just radiates from you, huh?”

“Yes it does. Especially for those that are deserving of it.”

“Come on, Phoibe, that’s my mom.”

“And that’s a pie, that’s an apple, and that’s a jar of cherries. Call them whatever you want. I still wanna taste how sweet they are.”

Wow. We share a chuckle at her statement before I say,

“You’re so bad.”

“Yeah, I’m such a bad girl,” Phoibe cosigns, “Looks like mommy needs to teach me a lesson.”


“What, you’re gonna lie to me and say that you don’t think the same thing?”

“What? Phoibe, how could I possibly look at my own mother like that?”

“Easy, like this.”

She turns my head to look at my mother moving all over the kitchen. Everything she does just accentuates her body. When she reaches up to put up the cutlery, her shirt slightly rides up her torso, creating a brief midriff to show off her toned stomach. When she heads back to the dishwasher, her ass looks more firm and plump. When she leans over the counter to try and remember what she needs to do next, her bust is noticeably prominent.

Oh my. Phoibe is actually right. My mother’s a stunning woman. I mean, I’ve always known this, but she’s shown me how to appreciate it more than I have been. She interrupts my revelation with a noticeable snicker. I turn to her, saying,

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh, nothing,” she says in a taunting tone before pointing at my crotch, “I just didn’t know your little friend would enjoy the view that much.”

I look down, discovering my erection protruding through my sweats. I immediately try to hide it, pressing it against my thigh. Phoibe chuckles before saying,

“That’s quite a way to appreciate your mommy. You think if you show it to her, she’ll kiss it and make it better?”

“Shut up,” I reply, rolling my eyes with a smirk, “This is your fault, you know.”

“Yeah. I guess you’re right. You want me to kiss it and make it better?”

“Only if you’ll finally let me finish on your face this time.”

We share another laugh before eating our pie. Soon afterwards, it gets time for her to go back home, so we say our goodbyes before she heads out. I walk back in the kitchen to clean the dishes we used, spotting mom wiping down the counters.

“You know, that little friend of yours is really something,” she says,

“You have no idea,” I reply, turning on the water,

“I’d charge her rent for coming over so much if she weren’t so darn cute.”

We share a laugh as I scrub my plate. Mom then maneuvers over to the counter in front of me, wiping it down. As she does, I can’t help but notice her perfect plump ass again. I then notice her pants slightly riding down her waist, giving me the slightest view of her bare ass. Fuck.

“I’m just glad you’ve got someone to talk to,” she continues, snapping me out of my impure thoughts, “It’s always nice. Especially in your case.”

“Oh, really?” I ask, switching to the next plate, “Why do you say that?”

“Well, with you being friendless for a while, it tells quite a story.”

“I don’t see you with any friends.”

“Honey, take a moment to consider that you exist.”

“...I don’t want to.”

“Exactly. Conversations like these are never fun with your mommy, are they?”

I don’t answer, giving her the impression that she’s right. But for some reason, she isn’t. Damn you, Phoibe.

“Exactly,” she says matter of factly before folding her rag and placing it on the edge of the sink, “Mommy for the win.”

She walks past me, kissing my cheek before leaving the kitchen. Fuck you, Phoibe. I finish washing the rest of the dishes before heading up to my room. After shutting my door, I head over to my bed, collapsing onto it before grabbing my phone from the charger to find something to get my mind occupied on something else.

But that proves to be too much to ask for. I accidentally open an app, not even paying attention to what it is, and all I see is an ad for Mother’s Day. It’s not even the right season for this ad. Why’s it showing up now? I scroll away from the ad and I’m introduced to a step-mom meme. I don’t even read it. I just want it out of my sight. I scroll again, seeing a post about Oedipus. Post after post, scroll after scroll, all I see is mother themed content.

Ok, fuck this app. I close the cursed app, opening my music app to at the very least, clear my mind. After the app loads, I connect my headphones and hit shuffle, just letting the tranquil playlist carry me to my happy place.

This is so nice. Just me, myself, and I. No thinking. No perversion. No intrusive thoughts. Just being carried through the sound of light drums, pianos, and “Hey, Listen!”. Music truly is the greatest.

Now, that doesn’t mean my mind is absolutely clear. Especially when I’m this enthralled with a song. My mind gradually starts wandering, recalling recent events. The guy slapping my ass pops up, the lady I had that really intricate conversation with makes its appearance, traffic then makes its presence known, and finally the conversation I had with Phoibe.

I realize my mistake of allowing that last thought to pass soon after having it, but it’s too late. Mom appears in my mind soon after the thought occurs. Her perfect curves, her tight clothes, her sexy face, her luscious lips, I can’t get her out of my head.

My mind then goes into wondering more intricate things about mom. How soft would she feel against me? How far would she be able to take me in her throat? How tight would she be? How would she look with my cum coating her face? Would she swallow it? How would she look with my cum leaking out of her pussy?

Vulgar thought after vulgar thought. And I can’t stop it. No matter how hard I try to think of something else and no matter how long I wait for the thoughts to pass, it just relents. They’re even getting worse. Her image in my head of all the scenarios I’m putting her in are getting more and more vivid. It’s like she’s right here in front of me in the flesh.

But that’s not all. With these worsening thoughts traversing through my brain, I’m getting more and more turned on with each thought that passes. And the music isn’t exactly helping my case. It’s just making the scenarios in my thoughts more sensual. But I can’t stop it.

I shouldn’t be having these vulgar thoughts or these perverted feelings. That’s my mom. My creator. What’s wrong with me? This isn’t right. But why can’t I stop it? And why is it making me feel even better knowing that I shouldn’t be having these thoughts or these feelings?

With every moment that passes, I feel my member testing the limits of my pants. The discomfort of my flesh pushing against my clothing is just too much. I need to take care of it. I sigh, giving in to my intrusive desires and sliding my pants down my legs, freeing my erect aching shaft. I bring a hand to it, lightly stroking it as the subtle music plays through my headphones. I keep my eyes shut, just letting my mind run as I jerk myself.

As expected, mom appears in my mind, smirking at me as she watches me rub my cock. As she does, the pleasure grows. Just the thought of her watching me sends jolts of pleasure throughout my body. It’s so wrong, but it’s so good.

I then imagine her reaching her hand out and taking over, guiding her hand up and down the length of my member. It’s even slightly starting to feel like her hand replaced mine. I let out a soft gasp as I savor mom’s touch on my dick, slightly speeding up her strokes. She locks eye contact with me as she continues her actions, inching her mouth closer and close to the tip of my cock.

With every advancement she makes, the more my cares for how wrong this is starts slipping. This is only just a thought, after all. Everyone has these kinds of thoughts, right? It’s perfectly fine as long as they remain that way. I’d never act upon this. Not in a million years. I’d never strip naked in front of my mother. That’d just be awkward. I’d also never have her stroke my cock like this. No one in their right mind would ever want that to be a possibility of happening. And I’d definitely never allow her mouth anywhere near it. I don’t even think I’d enjoy the sight of that very much.

But right as I have that thought, mom giggles before opening her mouth and wrapping her lips around the head of my shaft, giving it a small suck as she continues her strokes. Fuck, that was No. That was just a figment of my imagination. My uncontrollable imagination, might I add. It’s not real. This isn’t real. This isn’t hot. This isn’t sexy by any means.

She then leans down again, this time taking more of me in her mouth, lightly and slowly bobbing her head up and down my length. As she worships my cock, she looks up at me, giving me a coy grin. I moan slightly louder as she takes me into her mouth. Shit, that feels so good.

Ok, ok, whatever. It’s just my thoughts. If my mind wants to find this sexy, then there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not real. It’s just my hand. Nothing about this is too weird.

She then manages to slide all the way down to the base of my shaft, slightly speeding up her bobbing. I moan even more as she swallows my cock. It feels so fucking good. She looks so damn sexy. That’s it. Take it. Take your daughter’s cock deep in your fucking throat.

Wait. What am I thinking? That’s not what I meant. No. That’s just more intrusive thoughts. They weren’t my words. I didn’t say that. That was just the deepest recesses of my mind. So with that being said, if it were just so happen to be said again, I can rest assured that I’m not at fault for it being said, right?

She sucks harder, speeding up her pace even faster, earning louder moans from me as I arch my back. Yes. Yes. Suck on it, mommy. Fuck, it feels so good. I love it so much. Please, don’t stop.

Minutes pass of me savoring the feeling of mom’s throat on my cock. It couldn’t possibly get any better than this. No one compares to her. Leave it to a mom to have the best sex with you. It’s what they do.

I eventually feel myself reaching my limit closer and closer with each descent, moaning louder and louder. I don’t even care if I’m being too loud. It feels to good. Mommy’s making me feel so good. What kind of daughter would I be if I didn’t let her know how good she’s making me feel?

After a few more moments of her sucking me, I let out one last moan before shooting my cum deep inside of her throat, moaning as rope after rope of my essence pours down her throat. She unsurprisingly swallows all of it with no problems, sucking the last drops of my milk before popping me out of her mouth and giving my cock a kiss. She giggles before blowing me a kiss, winking at me, and fading out of existence, presenting me with my cum coated hand and a small pool of my cum on my sheets.

I lay back on my bed, groaning at myself as I see the mess I’ve made. How could I be that careless? Nevermind that, how could I be that gross? I just envisioned my mom sucking me off. And I liked it. What’s wrong with me? You know what? Nothing. Nothing at all is wrong with me. It’s all just intrusive thinking. Just secluded thoughts that stay within your mindset and no one else’s. No one gets hurt and you never have to worry about acting upon it because it’s too outlandish to do so. So I’m perfectly fine. It’s perfectly natural.

And speaking of acting upon something, I should probably take these sheets to the washer. It’s probably not good to leave it here with jizz on it. So I put on my pants and get out of bed before taking my sheets off the bed and heading over to the laundry room. Seeing that the washer’s already running, I place my sheets in the basket and turn to head back out.

“Excuse me,” I hear, feeling mom squeeze in the room behind me, “Just need to put this here. There we go.”

I step out of the room to give her more space, turning to look at her. But once I do, I’m instantly turned on again. Probably more than I was a few minutes ago. Because before me is my mother bending over to push her clothes in the basket in her overshirt. Just her overshirt.

“You spill something on your sheets already?” she asks, “I thought you just cleaned them yesterday.”

“U-uh-...y-yeah,” I utter out, not able to turn away from the view, “You know me. Just a cluts sometimes.”

“Eh, it’s not your fault. You get it from mommy, after all. You just can’t help it, can you.”

She pulls my blanket out of the basket, curiously looking at it, unknowingly sendin my heart to my stomach by doing so. Why is she looking at it? What if she asks me why it’s so cum-stained? How am I supposed to explain that? Oh, God.

“So what exactly was this?” she asks, obsercing the fluid, “Did you spill a drink or something?”

“U-uhh...yes? Yes,” I reply, “Yes, it was just a drink that I got. A weird smoothie. I wouldn’t reccommend it. It was really bad. Just...ugh.”

“Hmm. You don’t say.”

She then completely takes me off guard by taking my blanket and dragging her tongue across it, licking up my fluids. This sends an unfamiliar feeling coursing through my veins. She didn’t just do that. I could not have seen that right. Wait, is she...smiling?

“Mmm,” she says in delight, “How could you not like this? It’s amazing.”

She gives it another lick, proving my earlier thoughts incorrect.

“You need to tell me where you got that smoothie. It’s remarkable.”

She scoops up a bit more with her finger before tossing my blanket back in the basket, sticking her finger in her mouth as she walks back to her room. I’m completely floored by what just happened. Did she-...Did she just lick up my cum from the blanket?...Did she like it?...Did I...enjoy watching her do it? I hastily go back to my room, reflecting on what just happened.

The next day approaches and the thought is still as fresh in my mind as if I’m still in the moment. My mother just ate my cum and liked it. Hell, she looked like she loved it. I don’t know how to feel about that. That’s my mom, after all. And that actually happened. That wasn’t just an internal thought. It was real. It happened right in front of me. Why did I even let it happen? I had full ability to stop her. But I didn’t do anything. I just stood there and watched. What kind of daughter am I?

I hear mom coming downstairs as I watch TV. I glance at her, trying not to look at her too closely so as not to have any more perverted thoughts. It’s bad enough I can’t stop the ones I’m having. I don’t need more to add to it. She’s wearing her gardening hat, jeans, and her yellow blouse.

“Going out to do some gardening,” she announces, walking past me, “I’m gonna be a bit thirsty afterward, so, whenever you’re available, you mind getting me that smoothie from yesterday? It was amazing. Really hit the spot.”

“U-umm...o-ok,” I reply, hiding my discomfort of the request,

“Thanks, baby. You’re the best.”

She blows me a kiss before heading out to the garden. Fuck. Now what? I can’t just jack off in a cup and give it to her. That’s not only gross, but that would be incredibly messy. And I can’t just get her a random smoothie because it’s not gonna taste the same and she’ll wonder what’s up. What do I do?

I decide to watch TV to at least try to ease my worries about it. Maybe I’ll come up with something when the time comes. But for now, I’m just drawing a blank. I mean, how do I go about this? Nothing I do could possibly be the right answer. I’m fucked either way I go about it. It’s either I get something she doesn’t want or I do something beyond unsanitary and morally wrong...Unless I can suggest something else for her. Yeah. Yeah, that’s completely within the bounds of morality. I’ll just suggest a different flavor for her, convince her that it’ll be better than...that one, and I’m completely off the hook. No nefarious actions included. I’m a genius.

I stand up from the couch and head over to the patio door. But as I do, I catch a glimpse of her pulling out the weeds. Fuck, she’s already worked up quite a sweat. Look at her, so rough with those plants as the sweat drips from her body. Holy shit, that’s...wrong. That’s wrong. Stop it. She’s just gardening. In the sunlight. With a shirt that hugs her chest and shows its movements with each rough pull.

The more I watch her, the more I feel myself losing control. But I can’t help but to keep watching. It’s doing things to me that I never thought possible. Once again, she has me testing the limits of my pants. But I have no means of relieving myself this time. If I do it in the bathroom right now, I might lose my confidence. And I can’t just go in my room. If the way I took care of it yesterday is any indication, I’ll definitely take too long. And I can’t just whip it out and do it here. She’s right there.

I’m stuck. And I can’t possibly talk to her like this. What sane person would have a conversation with a raging boner protruding from their pants? I just need to wait it out. That’s my only option. I just need to calm down and I’m home free.

But that’s easier said than done. I’ve still got the actual issue of looking at her. I just can’t turn away. The way her chest moves with her actions, her gentle touch when tending to the flowers and plants, her humming while doing it all, it’s all just too alluring. I can feel myself getting harder and harder with each passing second. I then start thinking about the scenarios from yesterday, turning me on even more.

A few minutes after thinking about the scenarios, I hear something odd. It sounds like something’s tearing. I then start to feel a draft on my crotch. Fearing the worst, I instinctively bring my hands to my pants to try and keep them together. But it’s too late. My cock bursts through my pants, taking me by surprise. I immediately lean on the wall to hide it from mom. This isn’t good. I need to change pants. But all the others won’t hide this. I need to take care of it and fast.

I try thinking about other solutions, but I can’t think of anything. There’s nothing else I can do. By the time this goes away, she might be done. Then she’s gonna wanna know why Ihave a hole in my pants. I can’t explain that. So I’m gonna have to make this quick.

I take a breath, bringing a hand to my shaft, gently, but quickly stroking it. I shut my eyes, basking in the pleasures of my own touch, wishi- pretending it was mom’s. Then, just like yesterday, I envision her being right in front of me, crawling over to my cock with hunger and lust in her eyes. She grins at me, observing as I stroke my cock right in front of her. I can’t help but to lightly moan as she looks at me. The look she’s giving me is turning me on so much.

Then, again, just like yesterday, she leans forward, taking the tip of my cock in her mouth and sucking on the tip. I moan lightly louder, trying to keep my voice down. But I can’t. It feels so good. She then starts bobbing her head up and down, taking more of my member in her mouth.

Yeah, just like that. Suck on it just like that, mommy. Suck your perverted, dirty, lewd daughter’s cock. Please don’t stop, mommy. Mommy, please keep making me feel good. Your mouth feels incredible. Fuck, it feels so good.

“Language,” I hear, immediately grabbing my attention.

Iopen my eyes and before me is the sight of half of my shaft deep within the mouth of my mother. I’m taken aback by this sight. My mind is going a million miles a second. When did she get here? Why is she here? Why is she doing this? Is this real?

Those thoughta along with a whole lot of others are then immediately pushed aside as she takes all of my cock inside of her mouth, holding her position and winking at me. Fuck, that’s hot. She giggles before taking me out of her mouth and shifting her attention to my balls, sucking on them as she strokes my cock, never breaking eye contact with me. I moan more as she works my shaft and balls, savoring every feeling that’s coursing through my body.

This is way better than anything I’ve ever felt before. And it’s all thanks to my mother. Why is that so bad? It feels good. She’s having fun. I’m having fun. No one’s getting hurt. Why shouldn’t I find it hot that my mother’s worshipping my cock? I do. I love the feeling of mommy’s mouth on my dick.

She then returns her mouth to my shaft, grabbing onto my wrists and guiding them to her head. Catching on to her subliminal message, I grab onto her hair, thrusting my cock in and out of her mouth, moaning louder and louder as she endures it. Her throat is so perfect. It’s so tight.

After minutes of savoring the feeling of her throat, I start to feel my orgasm building. I instinctively tilt my head back, moaning wildly as Ipush mom’s head all the way down my shaft. I then let out a final moan, shoving mom all the way at the base of my cock as I shoot my load deep inside of her throat. She takes it all, swallowing every single drop without wasting any.

Once I’m all spent, I fall limp, enjoying the sweet, sweet feelings of my afterglow. Mom takes my member out of her mouth, giggling as she gives it a long lick from the base all the way to the tip.

“Thanks, baby,” she says in a sultry tone, “That ‘smoothie’ is way better than yesterday’s. It’s always best when it’s fresh.”

We share a laugh before she crawls up to my face, planting a deep kiss on my lips as she straddles my lap. She’s so generous. There’s still some of my cum in her mouth and she’s sharing it with me. I taste so amazing on her tongue.

I feel her unbutton her pants and pull them down. I aid in her undressing, pulling her jeans down her legs and tossing them to the side as we continue locking lips with each other. She then briefly breaks the kiss to take off her blouse, giving me the opportunity to take off my shirt. Once we’re completely topless, she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me in for another deep kiss. I reciprocate the kiss, grabbing onto her hips.

She then starts slowly grinding her bare pussy against me, earning light moans from us both as we continue embracing each other. I maneuver my right hand from her waist all the way to her perfect ass, gently squeezing and pulling on it. She moans into the kiss, pushing herself deeper into it. Seems like someone really likes that. Well, let’s see how much she likes this.

I snake my other hand behind her, bringing my finger to her now exposed anus, lightly circling it as I continue kneading her ass. She moans even more as I toy with her butt, gently fingering and squeezing it. She pulls away from the kiss, saying,

“Yes, baby. Play with mommy’s ass. Stick your fucking finger inside of it. Finger mommy’s tight little asshole. Do it. Please. I need it.”

I grant her wish, pushing my finger inside of her asshole, shoving it as deep as I possibly can. She tilts her head back, moaning loudly as I start sliding my finger in and out of her. I then take advantage of her exposed neck, latching onto it and sucking on it as she continues rocking her hips back and forth against my hard cock. She moans even more from my actions, gripping onto my hair.

As I bask in the effect I’m having on my own mom, I can’t help but notice that my actions are going unrewarded. That’s not really fair. I love making her feel good, but I think she needs to do her part, too. So I grip her ass tighter, lifting her body up and guiding my eager cock to the entrance of her dripping wet cunt. Once I’m aligned, I lower her onto me, sliding inside of her pussy. We both moan in tandem as I slide deeper and deeper inside of her. She then guides herself up and down my cock, sliding it in and out of her soft, tight, warm, little pussy. It feels a million times better than I ever thought it would.

I speed up my fingering, adding another finger as she rides me, sucking even harder on her neck as she moans louder and louder. Fuck, she sounds amazing. Her sounds of approval are so hypnotizing. I love spoiling her like this. The rewards I get for it are making me even harder.

“That’s right, baby,” she says in between moans, “Fuck mommy’s holes. Shove that beautiful cock deep inside my pussy while you shove your fingers deep inside of my ass. That’s it. Faster. Deeper. Give it to me. Thrust into me, baby. Fuck me. Fuck your mommy.”

I do as instructed, thrusting my hips and reaching deeper inside of her. She moans even louder in my ear, tightening her arms around my neck as she matches my rhythm. I then get an unyielding urge to do something I never thought I’d ever be able to do. I try suppressing the urge, but considering what I’m doing right now, to hell with second thoughts. Hell, she might even like it. So bearing all that in mind, I decide to go along with it, removing my right hand from her ass before sending it crashing into it, earning a loud smack to echo throughout the room with a light gasp following behind. As soon as I start to think about the fact that I just spanked my own mom, I hear her say in an almost needy tone,

“Do it again. Spank me again.”

Loving the neediness in her voice, I follow her order, slapping her ass again, garnering the same reaction.

“Come on, you can do it harder than that.”

I spank her harder, earning a more pleasurable moan.

“That’s it. Punish me. Spank me like you mean it.”

I slap her again, earning another pleased moan from her. Then again, then again before giving her a barrage of slaps on her ass. I love this so much. The gradually increasing sting on my hand from the slaps, her moans in response to them along with my other actions, me reciprocating the noise because of the same actions, they’re all sending me in a frenzy. I feel like I’m about to explode.

A few minutes pass of the otherworldly pleasures coursing through my body before the familiar build up of a powerful sensation makes its presence known. With each movement from the both of us, it gets closer, causing me to moan louder. And judging from her moans, she’s not too far behind. I stare deep into her lust filled eyes, moaning,

“I’m gonna cum, mommy. I’m gonna fucking cum. You’re making me feel so fucking good.”

“That’s it, baby,” she replies, “Cum for mommy. Shoot all that creamy baby batter deep inside of me. Breed me. Fill me up with your cum, baby. That’s right. Cum for mommy. Cum for me. Let me feel your warmth. Oh, God, do it. Spill it deep inside.”

After moments of savoring the sweet feeling of her pussy wrapped around my cock and her asshole wrapped around my fingers, I finally reach my limit. I squeeze my eyes shut, moaning loudly as I flood my mother with my cum. She embraces me tighter as she coats my dick with hers. I return the embrace as we ride out our orgasms. Best. Sex. Ever.

Once we calm down from the overwhelming sensation, all my energy leaves my body, causing me to slump over on the wall, still holding mom in my arms as she lightly rubs and kisses my chest, giggling. She then trails kisses from my chest to my lips, letting me taste her again before kissing my nose.

“Such a good girl,” she says, poking my nose, “You really know how to treat your mother, don’t you?”

“Only the best for mommy, right?” I reply with a chuckle,

“You’re certainly right about that. How is it that I was lucky enough to have such a considerate, loving, accommodating daughter like you?”

“Well, it’s only fitting that said considerate, loving, accommodating daughter ended up with a mommy that knows exactly what she wants at all times somehow.”

“Well, that has a much simpler answer. Similar to how you were when I was stepping inside a few minutes ago and your little alone time yesterday, it definitely helps me when you moan out exactly what you want when you’re deep in your own fantasies.”

Wait, hang on a moment. You mean to tell me that all of what I was thinking was actually being screamed at the top of my lungs?

“Hm,” I say after realizing it, “That’s good to know. Um, you mind reminding me to kill Phoibe later?”

“What for?” mom asks through a chuckle,

“She was actually the one who put those thoughts in my mind. Right after you gave us those pies, she went on and on about how great your ass looks and stuff. Had she not said any of that, I probably would have better control of my desires.”

“Well, consider what that one interaction between you two led to. I mean, here you are, sitting on the kitchen floor with mommy dearest straddling your lap full to the brim with your warm, sticky, creamy, delicious cum. So it’s not all bad, huh?”

“I guess you’re right.”

“I know I am, baby.”

She gives me a couple pats on the cheek before reaching into my pocket and pulling out my phone. She then stands up, saying,

“Now, open up.”

Confused, I do as instructed before she brings her hand to the back of my head and pulls my face into her pussy, moaning as I start licking her clean. After a few seconds go by of me collecting my fluids from her cunt, I hear the sound of my camera as she giggles at me before saying,

“Instead of killing her, maybe she deserves a reward like the sight of your adorable little face being stuffed with a different kind of cream pie.”

“You proud of that joke?” I ask after she releases my head,

“Very. Now, with her being too secretive about her interests in me, I feel it’s only fair that she be punished. After all, secrets are only for the deceptive. And this isn’t a deceptive household, is it?”

I shake my head, grinning ear to ear as I already start envisioning different ways that we could punish that little monster.

“Exactly,” she continues, “So how about we invite her over to show her why it’s always good to let your feelings be known?”

“Mom, you read my mind.”
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