Twins Sandy and Steven learn about their parent's exploration into Domination and submission...
This is the introduction to the story - the first 3 chapters. FYI - It is a slow-burn. This is about the journey of exploration, not just a quickie. Some tags are for future chapters.
My mom, the slut
by Darkride
Sandy strode into her parents' bedroom and sat herself down upon their bed, crossed her legs, and watched through the open bathroom doorway as her parents finished getting ready for their night out. Her father Aaron was already dressed, and seemed to be fussing over one of the straps on his wife Maryanne's dress as she tried to finish applying her mascara. Sandy heard her mother asking her father a question, before she called out to her daughter, "Your father ordered the pizzas for 7 o'clock. We might be late home; thought we might check out that new wine bar after the movie, okay, so - don't wait up."
As Aaron came out of the bathroom he paused to adjust the crotch of his pants briefly, before giving his daughter a slightly awkward smile. He crossed over and, leaning over the bed, gave her a warm hug and kiss on her forehead. "Love you, sweetie," he said softly. Sandy returned the smile and briefly hugged him back before he headed for the door. "Two minutes, hon," he called out to Maryanne as he left the room.
"Coming!" Maryanne replied, as she too left the bathroom and walked over to give Sandy a quick hug and kiss, before using her finger to wipe the lipstick off her daughter's cheek. Sandy's earlier smile for her father however was gone. "What's this, like - three Friday's in a row now, mom?" Sandy quizzed her mother with a frown. When she didn't get a reply, Sandy added "Do you really need to get that dressed up just for the movies?"
Maryanne was wearing a rather sexy black open-backed dress. As a 42 year old mom of twin teens, she was no longer the lithe young girl that Aaron had fallen in love with in their final year of high school, but she still cut a sexy curvy figure, with her long red hair cascading over her shoulders. "Let's not do this again please, Sandy. I've been a mom for 18 years, I think I'm allowed to have a few nice evenings out with my husband?" she retorted, walking toward the door.
"And please, try not to fight with your brother while we're gone," she said, before heading out into the hall. Sandy remained on the bed, pouting.
Maryanne knocked on the door of the room opposite her own, then popped her head inside. She yelled out "Steven!" to get her son's attention as he sat staring at his dual PC screens, headphones over his ears. "We're going now. Pizzas are coming. Look after your sister." Steven gave a brief nod, before turning back to his game. Maryanne closed the door, and hurried off toward the garage where Aaron was waiting.
As the car pulled away, Sandy opened the door to her brother's bedroom, entering without hesitation. Steven looked up as she moved straight over to his desk. "Well?" Sandy said after staring at him for a moment, her hands gesturing openly.
"Dad definitely ordered us pizzas," replied Steven.
"So the screen sharing worked? You saw what he was doing? What else did he do?" Sandy asked her brother.
"You know they're our parents, and we're their children, and they probably deserve some privacy, right?"
"You saw something! What was it?" Sandy turned her gaze toward her brother's screens but saw only a battlefield.
Steven took a breath. "I watched him while he order the pizzas... he got you a margarita..."
"I don't care about the fucking pizzas, Stevie!" Sandy exclaimed in frustration. "I want to know what they're doing every Friday night. I want to know what they're not telling us."
Steven looked at his younger sister. He was the older brother, by 10 minutes. Even though it was only a few minutes, he still felt the role of big brother on his shoulders.
"Ok, look, I was busy killing people," Steven admitted, talking about his game, "but, when I looked up again, I saw him confirming a motel booking. He closed the window before I could get a snapshot, and yes - I checked - there was no history, so he must have done it in a private window. But, that doesn't mean they are doing anything wrong. Maybe they just, you know, want some privacy cos of their snooping, obsessive daughter."
A hand shot out and smacked Steven up the back of his head, half playfully, as Sandy pouted. "I'm not obsessive."
Her brother raised his eyebrows. "Says the girl who kept a diary of how many times our parents have gone out at night in the past 9 months. Not obsessive..."
"You admitted you were curious too!" she retorted.
Steven shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just glad mom and dad seem to be happy. Hasn't always been that way."
"So, what was the name of the motel?" Sandy asked, trying not to sound too obsessed.
Thirty minutes later, inside a comfortable clean room at the moderately priced Twin Oaks Motel, Maryanne and Aaron stood staring eagerly into each others eyes, as he slowly undressed his wife, carefully placing her clothes over the back of a chair. As Aaron pulled down his wife's panties, he inhaled her excited scent, staring at her wet, smooth pussy lips.
"I love how wet you get, now..."
One of their phones buzzed, and the couple looked expectantly toward the door.
Chapter One
One Month Later...
Steven and his mother Maryanne were sitting at the dining table, facing each other. Steven had his phone out, scrolling, as his mother fidgeted, waiting. She glanced nervously toward the hallway.
Sandy was in her bedroom, with her father standing in the doorway. He preferred not to venture too far into her clothing-strewn room. "C'mon hon, family meeting remember," he told her in his normal calm voice. Aaron was 5'11" and went for a run most mornings, so although middle age was catching up with him, sending his black hair salt and pepper and showing a modest pot belly, he was in reasonable shape.
Sandy rolled her eyes and dramatically stood up from her desk where she had been trying to attend to her homework. "Okay, fine, but seriously dad - if mom tells me off for not cleaning my room again..." As Sandy stalked past him, Aaron took a deep breath, adjusted his pants, and followed his daughter to the dining room.
As father and daughter joined the table, Maryanne asked Steven to put his phone away, then smiled at her husband as she felt his hand reach out under the table toward her. Taking it in hers, she turned back to look at their children. The twins were in many ways like chalk and cheese. Steven was tall like his father, whilst Sandy was barely 5'4". Sandy definitely had her mother's temper, whilst Steven took most things in his stride. Little wonder then, she thought, that Sandy was already glowering at her before she could even start the meeting, whilst Steven sat patiently waiting for her.
Maryanne took a deep breath. "We called this meeting because your father and I have something important we need to talk to you both about." She felt Aaron squeeze her hand. The expression on Sandy's face changed only slightly as she listened, realizing this may not be about her messy room at all. Steven leaned back in his seat a little, giving her his full attention.
"It's also something very... personal... but you are both adults now, and we want to treat you as such. I'm sure you have noticed that we have been going out a lot lately, and..." Maryanne had practiced this numerous times in her mind already, but the words were still a struggle. "You may have been curious about the late nights and... the nights we didn't get back til morning..."
Steven glanced at Sandy and stifled a chuckle. Were they finally going to get answers to the questions Sandy had been obsessing about for months?
Aaron interrupted his wife. "This is not easy for us to talk to you about. I doubt many parents would ever have this kind of conversation with their kids, but as your mom said, you are both young adults now, and we should be able to be honest with you."
Sandy couldn't help herself. "Well I know me and Stevie would sure appreciate you being honest with us."
Maryanne turned to her daughter. "Of course, Sandy. Going forward, no more lies. Just being honest with each other. We... We have..." Maryanne faltered. Aaron's hand gave hers a squeeze under the table again, and with a smile she drew their hands up and placed them on top of the table, holding firmly. "We have been - exploring." She let that last word hang in the air for a moment, until -
Aaron blurted out, "Sexually." Both parents instantly flushed bright red in front of their children.
Sandy's eyes and mouth both opened wide. "Woah! What?! TMI. TMI!" She recoiled to the back of her chair.
"Sandy, please," her mother almost pleaded. "I know you weren't expecting to hear that from us, but - "
Steven, unlike his sister, was still sitting casually, and interjected. "When you say - exploring sexually...?" he asked, without actually asking anything.
"First, its important you understand - you're mother and I still love each other very much. Probably even moreso, now."
"Yes, absolutely," Maryanne smiled, leaning over and kissing her husband on the lips. "But, we decided we wanted to try some new things..."
"Things that we couldn't do by ourselves," Aaron finished his wife's sentence.
Sandy suddenly felt ill. Her head was swimming with confusion. Her mother was... was cheating on her dad? "You're having sex with other men." She looked directly at her mother. "You're fucking other men!?"
Maryanne reacted instinctively, correcting her daughter. "Language, Sandy!"
Aaron reached a hand toward his daughter. "Yes, but - "
Refusing his hand, Sandy instead loudly pushed her chair out from the table, yelled "You Slut!" at her mother with as much venom as she could, and ran from the room.
Maryanne sat, stunned. Aaron rose from his chair and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'll go," he said, and went after his daughter.
Maryanne quickly wiped a tear from her eye, before she turned back to Steven with a wry smile. "That could have gone better..." she said to her son. "Are you okay, Steven? I know this was a huge bombshell for us to drop on you."
Her son held up his hands. "If you and dad are happy, then I'm happy for you, mom." He thought for a moment, before adding with a cheeky grin. "So long as you're playing safe, cos - if it's not on, its not on - right mom?"
Maryanne blushed even redder, knowing the answer to that particular question, and ignoring it.
"It's just - you know Sandy - she knew that you and dad were up to something for months. She hated not knowing - shes such a control freak." Steven sighed.
Maryanne frowned at her son. "I'm sorry Steven, I knew she would be curious, but didn't think she would be this upset."
"You sure shocked her with this," he chuckled. "Me too," he added, and accepted his mom's offered hand.
Sandy was laying on her bed, her face in her pillow. Aaron sat on the bed next to her. "You owe your mom an apology, young lady."
"She's fucking other men, and I owe her the apology?" Sandy practically spat into her pillow.
"Sandy, you're being childish. And, you need to understand the situation before you call your mother names." Aaron looked down at the back of his daughter's head, before he drew another deep breath. "There's an expression in this lifestyle... It's not cheating if your partner is encouraging you... This wasn't your mom's idea, not by a long shot." He saw his daughter's eyes peep out from the pillow.
"What? You wanted her to...?" the teen's voice trailed off as she quietly contemplated the concept.
Aaron shifted on the bed. "Things were so uncertain with COVID... we lost people we cared about, and - it got me thinking about things. About a lot of things."
Sandy emerged fully from her pillow. "You mean like when you updated your wills, and tried to teach me about the importance of a 401k and stuff?"
Aaron nodded. "That is important. But... so is being happy in your life, and... hey I have two great kids, a great job, but - your mom and I... sweetie, I know this isn't your problem, but - our sex life was broken; it had been for a really long time..."
Sandy avoided her dad's eyes as she again heard him talk about his sex life. Still looking away, she muttered "I've heard you and mom, sometimes..." and nodded her head toward the common wall between their bedrooms.
A nervous chuckle slipped past Aaron's lips. "Yes, these walls are pretty thin, huh."
"Why do you think Steven's always got those headphones on late at night - so you don't hear him listening to porn." Sandy said without thinking.
Aaron really laughed this time. "Yeah - like we don't know, right? But hon, your mom and me, we weren't happy - in the bedroom. We've never really been a great 'fit'. And that's not her fault, not my fault... But, she agreed with me to work together to find a solution..."
Sitting up, Sandy finally fully gave her father her eyes. "A solution with other people..."
"Well, a few different, other people at first, but, then this couple."
"A couple of other people," Sandy tried to understand.
"No. A married couple. Sweetie," Aaron took Sandy's hand, "Please come back, let your mom and I finish talking to you and your brother. Come on... Be brave for me. And - apologize to your mother. She is not a... slut."
The pause as the last word left his lips was almost palpable as Aaron's own mind argued that particular point.
When Aaron walked back into the room with Sandy following sheepishly behind, Maryanne and Steven went quiet. Sandy walked over to her mother, but couldn't look her in the eyes. "I'm sorry," she proffered simply, and gave her mother a brief kiss on her cheek, before rushing back to her seat. Maryanne knew she would need to have a one-on-one conversation with her daughter later, but accepted the apology for now.
Aaron whispered "We're good," nodding his head toward their daughter.
Under the table, Steven poked his sister's thigh. Sandy glanced down and saw her brother's hand, and took it in hers, feeling him squeeze her to show his support.
"Have you mentioned Ma-..." Aaron quietly asked his wife. Maryanne gave her husband a small shake of her head.
Maryanne took another deep breath. "We met a couple, last year. They are a bit older than us. Their names are Nathan and Erin. The weekend we said we were going to the Pink concert - when you were upset because we didn't get you tickets as well - we actually met Master and Mistress for the first time."
Both of the siblings mouths fell open hearing their mother's words.
Continuing before they could interject, Maryanne added, "We had a really good time with them, and they liked us too, so we've been spending a lot of time with them. But, they live nearly an hour away, so sometimes we meet at a motel in the middle, and sometimes we go to their place, and sometimes... if we've ahh - managed to convince the pair of you to stay at a friends house - we've even had them visit us here."
The stream of information was ticking boxes in Sandy's head. All those questions answered, but now giving way to so many new questions. She felt her brother tighten his grip on her hand as he studied her worried face.
Sandy slowly asked the biggest question on her mind. "Are you going to get a divorce..?
Almost in unison her parents replied "No!".
Aaron put his hand out again across the table, and this time his daughter took it, her chin trembling slightly. Steven still held his sister's other hand under the table. "It's like I said. Before, things were broken, but now - we're both happy."
Maryanne smiled with flushed cheeks, "Now it is amazing, and it's all because of your father."
Steven had been sitting quietly, absorbing what his parents were saying, and had his own question. "Why are you telling us all this, now?"
His parents gave each other another nervous glance.
Aaron took the lead. "On Friday night, Master and Mistress are coming over and staying for the weekend. We know the two of you don't currently have plans. If you don't want to meet them, you can always arrange to visit a friend. Otherwise, you can stay home and meet them."
Sandy didn't let it go a second time. "You said that again - 'Master and Mistress'. Do you mean..." her voice faltered, but her face said it all.
Biting her lip, Maryanne nodded her head but couldn't find any words.
"Like - Christian Grey?" Sandy continued.
Maryanne was a little surprised to hear her daughter mention that name specifically. "Yes sweetie, like 50 Shades of Grey... but - less whipping!" She promptly turned bright red, as did Aaron, as they both felt a rush of societal shame at the admission.
"Wow...!" cooed Steven in surprise. "So, you're both submissive?"
For another moment neither of his parents could find any words.
"Even you, mom?" he asked quizzically, which wasn't lost on his father - Aaron's own son was not surprised that he was a submissive - just that his mother could be.
"Sorry," he apologized, seeing their embarrassment.
"It's ok, son." Aaron finally found his voice. "Yes, we are both submissive to Master Nathan and Mistress Erin. And... that will mean that if you do choose to stay and meet them - you have to understand that you will see us doing - things."
"Ewwww! Mom! Dad!" Sandy shrieked at the thought of her parents being sexual in front of her with these strangers!
Maryanne couldn't help but laugh, feeling a little of the tension break. "No sweetie! THAT stuff will be in the bedroom. But... being submissive isn't just sexual."
"So you'll still have your clothes on - and - they will too?" their daughter sought clarification.
"Yes," stated Aaron. "We just want to make being with Master and Mistress a bigger part of our lives. We were expecting you both to go off to college, but then you decided to stay local and keep living at home, and that's fine, but - well we talked with Master and Mistress and they suggested that they should meet you both and we could work out how to make this work better."
Sandy closed here eyes for a moment, processing the family meeting's revelations, before she slowly stood back up. "Okay, can we call this meeting to a close and just... I've got homework and... a messy room and... This Friday?"
Maryanne smiled at her daughter. "Yes hon, this Friday."
Chapter Two
Later that evening, Sandy was laying on her bed, staring at her Instagram feed on her laptop, but not absorbing anything. The events of the family meeting kept going round and round in her head, not to mention her father's heart-to-heart. She had more questions now than ever. Were her parents swingers? Was her dad having sex with - "Mistress" - or was it just her mom having sex with "Master"? Was her father really that bad in bed - was that why her mom was suddenly now so happy? What did her mom mean by less whippings? Her mind wouldn't stop.
Opening a new window on her laptop, Sandy started googling. She had been occasionally viewing pornographic sites for a few years, when the "mood" took her, but she had mostly kept to pretty tame websites. It was one of her friends who had convinced her to watch 50 Shades of Grey on a sleepover, and she had mostly spent the night with a pillow over her face. As soon as she started searching some of the new terms inspired by her parents revelation, a bunch of sites started popping up that were clearly a lot more intense than what she had seen before.
Just as she started to disappear down the rabbit hole, a knock at her door saw her slam the laptop shut. "Yes?" Sandy called out, and sat up a little as her dad entered, carefully picking his footfalls through the dirty clothes to her bed.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" Aaron asked his baby girl.
Sandy curled her lip. "It's just a lot to process, dad..."
Aaron pulled Sandy into a hug, and was relieved when she put her arms around him, though Sandy felt her father was keeping a little distance between them.
"I know, I know. Just remember we both love you, and your brother, and always will."
Aaron kissed his daughter on the forehead and said goodnight.
Sandy re-opened the laptop and resumed her inquiries before again slamming the screen shut as her mother knocked once and walked into her room. "You could like, at least pause before you walk in, mom. I could have been in here masturbating or anything," Sandy quipped snidely.
Maryanne walked straight over top of Sandy's clothes, and sat next to her. "Then I hope you've been cleaning that dildo I bought for you, a lot better than when I found it the other day," Maryanne replied with an innocent smile.
"Mom!" Sandy blushed and quickly conceded the war of words that she'd started, checking the bedroom open door and hoping her dad and brother were not in earshot. The arrival of the dildo into Sandy's life had been completely unexpected, especially coming from her mother, but had quickly become very welcome. It wasn't huge at around 5", and she had quickly added it to her self pleasure routine.
Maryanne clearly wanted to say something, ask something, but in the end all she could manage was to ask her daughter if she was okay, and then told her not to stay up too late, before giving her a kiss goodnight.
As soon as the door was closed, Sandy went back to her laptop. For a while she scrolled through a plethora of sex sites, sometimes gasping in shock at the de***********ions and images, sometimes hurriedly closing windows in fright at what she had seen, as she tried to learn more about what it was that her parents were exploring, based on the limited information they had offered. Imagines of people clad in leather, PVC, or in nothing but ropes and chains seemed a common theme. Bare red bottoms, or worse - bottoms bearing harsh red marks and even welts - shocked Sandy's rather innocent mind. When a third knock came at her door, she cursed under her breath. "For fuck's sake! Yes what now?!" she yelled as she again hurried slammed her laptop shut. This time, Steven entered her room.
"Hey sis," he said as he wandered casually over lay across her bed on his side.
Sandy sat up and apologized, before lying about doing her homework, but everyone was interrupting her. As she moved into a cross-legged position facing her brother, Sandy was surprised as she noticed something unexpected. Perusing all of those sex sites had left her feeling more than a little aroused. Her nipples were poking against her pyjama top, and sitting as she now was, she could feel that the fabric of her cotton boxer bottoms was clearly damp against her privates. She instinctively pulled her pillow onto her lap as Steven asked the question of the night - was she okay?
"Everyone wants to know if I'm okay tonight! I don't know if I'm okay! I just found out my parents are fucking other people! That's a lot of not okay, I think?!"
Steven smiled at his sister, the infuriating smile he did when she was exasperated.
"You can stop that, too!" Sandy snarled briefly, but then gave her brother a grin and threw the pillow at him.
Steven threw it back at her, and then asked the million dollar question. "So... have you thought about it? Are you going to stay home this weekend?"
"I don't know," Sandy replied with a shrug. "What do you think they meant by - we'll see things?"
This time Steven shrugged.
"Are you going to stay?" Sandy returned the question.
Her brother paused for a moment. "I'm thinking about it... I mean - by the sounds of it mom and dad want these people to be in their life, so we're going to meet them sooner later, right? May as well get it over with."
Sandy's eyes widened slightly. "Oh god... I hadn't really thought.... this wont be a one time thing, will it?"
"That Pink concert was what - nearly a year ago?" Steven pondered.
Sandy changed the subject. "Do you think... I mean... I know you haven't had sex, but if you had a girlfriend, would you want her to be having sex with another guy?"
Steven laughed. "Yeah, cos you're having sex all over the place, Little Miss Virgin. I don't know. I don't think so? But - if it works for mom and dad..."
"I wouldn't want my boyfriend having sex with anyone but me!" Sandy thought out loud. "And I wouldn't want to have sex with a bunch of other people..." Sandy looked at her brother as he clearly contemplated that concept himself and smiled. She threw the pillow back at him. "Pervert!"
Steven caught the pillow, and gave his sister a wink, before adopting a more sombre expression.
"You really shouldn't have slut-shamed mom."
Sandy frowned. "I know... it just came out. You know what I'm like. All mouth. I'll apologize properly, I promise," she said as she crossed her heart with her finger.
Maryanne was sitting in her bed, covers pulled up, with her laptop on her lap. In the bathroom Aaron was in the shower.
slave m - yes, Master, she seems to be ok now. i still can't believe she called me a slut.
Master Nathan - Remember, this was a big shock for her. you are her mom, she has spent the past few years since puberty trying not to think of you or her father as sexual beings, and she has grown up in a very Christian-centric culture. Remember how you felt before you met me.
slave m - lol yes Master, You are right, as always.
Master Nathan - I'm very proud of you both for having this conversation with them. I know it was very difficult. Is slave aaron still in the shower?
slave m - yes Master he is.
Master Nathan - When he gets out he is to lick you for 10 minutes, but no orgasm.
slave m - yes, Master. i understand.
"Mom?" Sandy walked quietly into the room, making her mother startle and slam the laptop closed. "Can we talk?"
Maryanne moved the laptop aside and sat up a little, the tops of her breasts clearly showing that she was at least topless under the covers. "Of course, Sandy." She patted the bed next to her. Sandy perched herself next to her mom. It was not a surprise to her that her mother was naked under the sheet. She knew that of all of her family, she was the only person who still slept in pyjamas any more. Her parents always kept robes by the bed that they could easily put on if needed, and her brother pretended to sleep in boxers, but they were usually on the floor if she was ever sent in to wake him up in the morning.
"I'm sorry I called you a slut, mom." Sandy spoke sincerely to her mother. "I just... I wasn't expecting... and..."
"I want you to understand, really understand how much I love your father, Sandy. I know you were thinking that I was being some horrible cheating - slut - but it isn't like that..." Maryanne tried to explain.
"What is it like...?" came Sandy's timid reply.
Maryanne put her hand on her daughter's cheek. "It's different to anything I'd known; its fun and exciting, and it feels amazing."
"That's all very vague mom," Sandy gave her mother a little smile.
"Do you want details - "
"No!" Sandy exclaimed, before chewing her lip. "Maybe? No! Probably not."
"Have you thought about whether you are going to stay home on the weekend?" Maryanne hesitantly asked her daughter.
Sandy looked at the floor. "I talked with Steven... We... we decided we would stay."
Maryanne's face broke into a broad smile. "I'm so pleased to hear that, sweetie. I was hoping you would both agree to meet Master and Mistress."
As they were talking Aaron had exited the shower. Upon hearing his daughter's voice, he quickly grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist, and another to dry himself. He emerged from the bathroom and walked around to the other side and sat a little awkwardly on the bed, making sure his towel did not fall. Sandy couldn't help but find it a little odd. Just as she knew her family all slept naked, it also was not super unusual for "nuddie runs" at shower time. It made her realize that this wasn't the first time in recent memory that her dad had avoided being seen naked...
Sandy kissed her mom good night for a second time, went round to her father's side of the bed and kissed him, too, before leaving the room.
Maryanne had her laptop open as soon as the door was closed.
slave m - Master! The kids are going to stay home!
Master Nathan - Excellent! We're both so pleased that we will finally get to meet them.
slave m - Sandy just apologized for what she said, too.
Master Nathan - See, I told you you had raised two good kids.
slave m - Thank-you, Master. goodnight. xxx
Maryanne looked at Aaron, who had finally ditched his towel and gotten under the covers. "Now get down there and lick my cunt!" she grinned, pulling at her husband eagerly. Aaron couldn't help but smile at the new confidence and forwardness of his horny wife.
Chapter Three
It was Friday afternoon.
Sandy was sitting on one of the two large sofas in the living room, watching Netflix. Every now and then Aaron or Maryanne would scurry through the room as they prepared for Master and Mistress' arrival. In truth, Sandy was spending more time watching her parents than the television. Occasionally she would get up and help when she was asked, usually with a groan and moan - keeping an eye on the dinner, making sure there was cold water because apparently that was important - but mostly she observed the nervous energy that was building inside the house.
Her parents had suggested she might be more comfortable if she changed out of her school uniform, but Sandy didn't want these people to think she had gone to any effort for their arrival. Steven however had changed out of his uniform into some nice black pants and a button shirt, and, having helped his mom prepare dinner, was in his room no doubt on his computer. Stalking around the house, Sandy found her mother and followed her as she went into the main bathroom to make sure it was presentable.
"Should you be naked when they arrive?" Sandy asked her mother, and not for the first time.
Maryanne tried hard not to blush, picturing in her mind the many times by now that she and Aaron had presented themselves naked to their Master and Mistress. "I told you, we wont be naked in front of you and Steven." Maryanne kept a calm voice.
"Will you get down on your knees?"
Maryanne left the bathroom, with Sandy still following her.
"Yes. It is a sign of respect for us to kneel and present ourselves to our owners."
"But, you'll have your clothes on."
"Yes, hon. Clothes on."
Maryanne moved away and Sandy sought out her father, who was in the back yard giving the outdoor furniture a quick clean on their patio. The backyard was dominated by a lovely sparkling blue swimming pool, and the high fence and trees around the boundary of their property meant they were afforded privacy.
"Should you be taking your clothes off now, dad?" Sandy asked her father.
Aaron was a little taken aback. "N-no, Sandy, we told you that." He thought for a moment, then looked at Sandy. "Why, did - did your mother say something?"
Sandy raised her eyebrows. "Well, don't you normally kneel naked for your Masters? It is a sign of respect after all."
Aaron blushed red, easily getting flustered by his daughter's questions, before realizing she was playing him.
"Why don't you go top up the ice machine," he instructed, trying to sound authoritative, and failing.
"I think I'll just stay here and watch you. Or maybe I'll go get a good seat to see all the kneeling." Sandy teased, and casually walked inside.
Instead of doing as she had suggested, Sandy went to Steven's room and walked in. Sure enough he was sitting at his computer. Without a word, she went over and flopped on his bean-bag dramatically.
Steven did not respond, continuing to stare at his computer.
"Humph," sighed Sandy.
Steven cast an eye in her direction, but then went back to his computer.
"Are you nervous?" she finally asked her brother.
Steven tore his eyes from the computer screens, then stood up, crossed over to his sister, and sat next to her.
"Sure, a bit..." he admitted to her. "But... well they're just people at the end of the day, right?"
"Of course, they are people that mean a lot to mom and dad."
"So, I'm not real nervous about meeting them, but, well - wouldn't it be nice for mom and dad if we made a bit of an effort to make this go well - for them?"
"Yeah..." Sandy pouted.
Aaron and Maryanne came out of their bedroom. They were most definitely not naked, rather they were dressed as if for one of their nights out, with Maryanne wearing a rather short dress that accentuated her natural d-cup breasts, strappy smallish heels, and moderately tasteful fishnet stockings. Whilst she was not naked, she was panty-less, as per her arrangement with Master. Aaron was wearing a rather short pair of shorts with a very tight salmon shirt. If the shirt were lifted at the back, the high waistband of a pair of sexy pink panties would have been visible.
What did look striking was that both husband and wife wore a leather collar around their necks. The one single accessory that they had secured around each other had brought goosebumps to them both, knowing they were about to show this private, intimate side of themselves to their children. Sensing her nerves, Aaron caught Maryanne's hand, and gave her a kiss. She smiled, letting her husband's lips linger, knowing that such intimacy between her and her husband would no longer be at their own discretion once Master and Mistress entered their house. Moving a little closer to him, she reached down and rubbed her hand slowly over the front of his shorts. She smiled at what she found there, making Aaron moan softly.
"You look wonderful, my beautiful wife," he said to her with a smile.
Maryanne looked down the hallway toward the front door, then to the kitchen where she could hear someone rattling a pot. "Are you ready for this?" she asked him.
He put a hand on her cheek, and kissed her again. "Together," he said.
As they entered the kitchen they found Steven keeping an eye on dinner. He glanced up as his parents appeared, then back to the stove, before immediately staring back at his parents, their collars very obvious additions to their usual appearance. Before he could comment, Aaron's phone buzzed. Maryanne looked expectantly at her husband as he pulled his phone out, and after checking the message, said - "2 minutes away". Maryanne's breath caught in her throat. Aaron gave her a squeeze and whispered for her to relax, before turning to Steven. "Where's your sister? Our guests are almost here, we err - need to..." his voice trailed off.
As he finished speaking, Sandy came out of her bedroom and into the main hall. She had changed out of her uniform and into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and had even taken a moment to freshen herself up, her hair in a pony tail and Aaron was sure he could smell a little perfume. Sandy had emerged feeling self conscious, expecting a fuss to be made about her change of appearance, only to then see her parents, their black leather collars immediately reminding Sandy of the many pictures she had seen over the past few days. She simply stood and stared, like her brother.
The two parents felt incredibly self conscious as they stood there, with their children staring at them, before Aaron broke the spell and moved over and gave Sandy a kiss on her forehead. "Thank-you," he whispered, before taking Maryanne's hand and hurriedly moving over to the front door.
Coming to stand together in the hallway, Sandy and Steven watched on as their parents lowered themselves down onto their knees just a number of feet in from the front door. Maryanne whispered to Aaron, "Tell me to stop panicking," and her husband put his hand quickly on her thigh, rubbing it briefly before they both did a last quick check, parting their knees, straightening their backs, and then bowing their heads to look at the floor. Neither of them dared look back at their kids in this position as they waited for Master and Mistress.
Sandy and Steven waited also, neither of them feeling terribly comfortable seeing their parents in such a submissive pose inside their own home. Sandy felt a strange tingle down her spine, full of expectation of some kind of power couple about to burst through the door and make their parents perform deviant sexual acts of debauchery. Steven felt a tension all of his own, having also done research on the subject. He felt something brush his hand and glanced down to see Sandy's hand reaching for his. He took it and gave his sister's slightly trembling hand a firm squeeze.
They all heard the car pull into their driveway. Heard the engine stop, and after a moment, doors open and close. They heard the footfalls of two people walking across from their drive to their front door. Sandy and Steven both expected a knock, as would be customary for a visitor, however instead the door simply opened, and Master Nathan and Mistress Erin stepped inside. He was barely an inch taller than Steven, certainly shorter than Aaron, and looked nothing like either of the kids were expecting. No Christian Grey, he was clearly on the other side of middle age, his hair silvery grey, and his features were more that of a grandfather than a young hotshot businessman.
For just a fleeting moment Sandy felt his eyes on her, but there was no acknowledgement that she or Steven even existed. Sandy noted that the woman was clearly younger than her - husband? - by perhaps 10-15 years. But she no more gave off the air of a dominatrix than he resembled a dominant "bull". Erin was quite tall, thin though not skinny, with a respectable bust that was clearly on display in her tight dress.
The couple stood for a moment, taking in their kneeling slaves, the front door still wide open. Sandy thought to herself - if the neighbors cared to look right now, they would surely see everything! Nathan slowly walked a lap around the twin's parents before coming to a halt in front of Maryanne. Staring rather sternly into Maryanne's eyes, he moved his shoe between her open knees, and lifted her dress slightly. From the rear, the kids couldn't see, but Master Nathan saw what he wanted to see, and smiled. He reached down and let his fingers trail over her collarbone before indicating for her to rise to her feet, where he instantly had a hand in her hair, and one around her waist, pulling their mother to him and kissing her hard on the lips, his tongue clearly entering her mouth.
As Nathan kissed Maryanne, Erin had similarly pulled Aaron to his feet. She reached around and gave his ass a quick playful spank, and then very obviously rubbing her hand on the front of his shorts, giving him a deliciously wicked smile as she did, before she also kissed their father on his lips, her tongue more delicately playing with his for longer than either of the kids felt comfortable. But it was the next moment that made both of the kids squirm, as Nathan and Erin then side stepped each other, now standing in front of the other parent. Nathan also rubbed his hand on their fathers shorts, making him shudder a little before he put both hands on Aaron's cheeks and kissed him. It was not like the kiss he had given Maryanne, rather somehow even more intimate, clearly still entering Aaron's mouth with his tongue, and ending with a little pat on his ass. Erin meanwhile had pressed their mother to the wall, one hand holding her raised thigh as their mouths pressed together, Maryanne clearly breathing heavily, her cheeks flushed.
An audible gasp escaped Sandy's lips, followed by a loudly whispered "Oh my god!"; her mouth gaping open. Steven watched on in quiet awe as he noted that the front door of the house was still wide open.
Erin slowly released slave maryanne with a big grin across her face, before she moved to rejoin Nathan. Their parents automatically fell back into their own position in front of their sexual owners. Master Nathan quietly praised the couple, telling them He was happy with how they had presented themselves - considering the clothes they were wearing.
"Now, before your daughter catches any flies - introduce us please, little one," he said to slave aaron, finally acknowledging the young pair, giving them a warm smile.
The submissive parents both turned with bashful glances to their children, knowing what they had just witnessed. Their father introduced his children to Master Nathan and Mistress Erin. Master put his hand out, and when Sandy hesitantly went to shake it, he swept her hand up and gave it a quick kiss. Mistress Erin meanwhile was giving Steven a rather sultry little kiss on his cheek, making him blush, before the older pair swapped around much like they had just done with their parents.
This time, Erin leant forward to give Sandy a kiss on the cheek, her eyes locked onto the young girl's. Sandy swayed backward slightly as the woman approached her, but Erin's lips found Sandy's cheek all the same. As Master Nathan took Steven's proffered hand as if to shake, similarly in an instant it was swept up to his lips instead, kissing the back of Steven's hand and making him feel suddenly rather feminine.
The moment was over in less than a minute, and yet would linger in everyone's minds for some time to come.
The Bull BhorrReport