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Please read chapters 1-3 first.
My mom, the slut...




Chapter Four

After the greeting, Master Nathan told slave aaron to collect their bags from the car, before then ordering slave maryanne to prepare drinks for everyone. For a few minutes Sandy and Steven sat awkwardly alone in the living room opposite the new couple. After fielding a few basic questions from Nathan and Erin, Sandy gave her brother a little shove as she saw their mother walk back into the room carrying a tray full of drinks. Their mother walked over and knelt in front of the visitors, bowing her head and offering them their drinks.

Seeing their mother down on her knees in front of her Master and Mistress again in the space of just a few minutes served as a solid reminder that this older couple were not just some long lost aunt and uncle or old school friends. Master Nathan used the tip of his shoe to gently pry slave maryanne's knees a little further apart before taking a drink from the tray. Mistress Erin smiled as she leant forward to take her glass, but first ran a finger over the side of slave maryanne's face, her thumb also trailing over the younger woman's lips.

The older couple both thanked her not by name, but just as "slave", before she then stood and turned to offer her children a drink as well. Sandy was a little surprised at her mother giving them an alcoholic beverage without them having to ask/beg for it first. It had only been in the past few months since the twins had turned 18 that their parents had on occasion let them partake in an alcoholic beverage. Sandy rightly wondered whether there was some external influence behind that decision.

When slave aaron came and announced that dinner was ready, slave maryanne scurried off to the kitchen to help him, as the others moved to the dining room. After bringing out four plates of food, Sandy noticed her parents clearly looking a little lost, standing back, their own places at the table empty. Master Nathan and Mistress Erin complimented the sibling's parents on the food, and both enjoyed a mouthful before Master Nathan finally invited the two slaves to join them at the table. The two parents finally returned from the kitchen with their own food and sat at the table.

Much of the conversation as they ate centered around Sandy and Steven, as Nathan and Erin asked about their schooling, friends, likes and dislikes, in much the way you would expect an older couple to quiz a young pair of late teens. That was until Master Nathan asked them both if they were sexually active yet. Sandy almost spat her food in shock at the forwardness of the question, and Steven also choked a little, both of the siblings turning at least a little red. Mistress Erin pointed out it was just a question like all the others, but as they were not the couple's slaves, they of course did not have to answer. She added however that if they did answer, honestly was expected. When the twins were both reluctant to talk, Master instead asked, or perhaps really ordered, slave maryanne to tell them about her first time giving a blowjob.

The kids' mother blushed fiercely, but with only a moment to compose herself, she complied with the request. To their surprise, the children learned that it had not been their father who received their mother's first blowjob, but rather a boy at a party when she was 15. It had been on a dare, and no, she had not swallowed. "But you swallow now like a good girl, don't you slave?" Master chided her til she agreed.

Not to let him feel left out, Mistress Erin then asked slave aaron to share his answer to the same question. Sandy automatically opened her mouth without thinking as her father sat looking very embarrassed. "Don't you mean the first time he" - she paused briefly - "licked a woman?"

Mistress Erin smiled. "No Sandy, dear. I don't. Please don't correct me."

And with that slave aaron admitted to a drunken blowjob with his roommate in college. "And you are a good swallower now too, aren't you slave?" Master helped to finish his story, making his face go an even redder shade as he confirmed the question. Sandy stared at her father, as did Steven, both seeing a side of their father the had never imagined before.

Master Nathan took in the looks on both of their faces, though particularly that of Sandy. Her clean-cut parents that she had known all her life were both having a light shone on them that didn't fit the vision she had grown up believing. "Is there something wrong with a man sucking another man's cock, Sandy?" he asked her pointedly.

"No, of course not," she replied automatically. Her parents had raised her to be respectful to other people's sexuality, but she had never imagined it applying to them.

"Then if your father so wishes, and is not being coerced, he should be able to be a cock sucker?" Master deliberately chose his words.

Sandy's eyes flickered to her father again, her eyes drawn to his lips by the topic of the conversation, and some of the images she had been viewing online jumped into her mind. "Y-yes... if that's what he wants...?"

Finally after they finished eating, everyone moved back to the living room. Sandy and Steven sat on one sofa, Master and Mistress on the other, with slave maryanne and slave aaron kneeling on cushions near their owners. Sandy couldn't help but feel awkward as she sat there, staring at the four adults opposite her, trying to apply this new, strange dynamic that she had been reading about online to her very own parents. Every now and then Steven would quietly remind her not to stare, as they continued to talk about everything from the weather to politics and occasionally something more illicit.

Master again broached the subject of whether or not the two siblings were having sex. Sandy turned to her brother as he hesitantly admitted to having gotten to third base a few times. Mistress asked him to clarify as bases can get so confusing, and he admitted to having fingered two girls, and receiving a blowjob. Sandy just stared in silence. Surely she would have known this if it were true? She suddenly felt very naive, and also very inexperienced.

Master Nathan thanked Steven for his honesty, before he cast his eyes down to his slave kneeling at his feet. Standing, he again addressed the youngest members of the house. "Excuse us, please." With that, he put his hand out to slave maryanne, who stood up and followed him out of the room, clearly heading to the master bedroom. For a moment no one spoke. Sandy's eyes slowly opened wide as the realisation struck her of where, and why, they had left the room. As if on queue, they started to hear noises emanate from the bedroom; sharp slaps followed by muffled feminine moans. What was he doing to their mother in there?! Did Sandy really want to know?

Neither of the kids knew what to do, where to look, or what to say. The spanking noises soon gave way to louder moans and then their mother's unmistakable voice, begging, pleading for Master to fuck her. To fuck her married cunt. To own her body that she was giving to him. Words that made them both now blush as they sat in front of the wife of the man who was fucking their mom, and their own father who remained kneeling in front of her. Mistress Erin could see the siblings' discomfort, but also saw the erection that Steven was trying to hide. It wasn't missed by his sister, either.

"slave aaron, do you like hearing Master Nathan enjoy His beautiful slave?" Mistress inquired firmly.

Their father nodded his head, but Mistress made him vocalise his response. "Yes Mistress, i love hearing slave maryanne serving Master Nathan. she sounds so happy."

Mistress Erin pulled slave aaron up onto the sofa with her, so he was facing his children. "And, tell us slave... We heard about her first blowjob, but who took slave maryanne's virginity?"

For a moment, with everything that they had learned over the past week, the twins started to doubt the stories their parents had told them about how they had been each other's "first"... but their father's story remained true to the mythology. "i took her virginity, Mistress."

"And slave aaron, how long was it before slave maryanne enjoyed a new cock in her sexy cunt?"

With their knew knowledge, Sandy and Steven thought they knew the answer to this question, and were both then shocked at the answer.

"After we were married... B-before the kids..."

Sandy couldn't believe what her father was admitting. Her mom had fucked other men before Sandy and her brother were even born?

"Dad..?" she whispered.

Mistress continued. "Was it just one new cock that she fucked?"

"No... one guy just a couple of times, but then - another guy for almost a year... til she got pregnant and wanted to stop." The slave thought about his words for a moment. "Pregnant by me that is."

They could still hear the sounds of slave maryanne taking Master's cock from the other room. The thumping of bodies, gasps and moans.

"And whose idea was it for your wife to fuck these other men?"

Steven noticeably adjusted himself in his pants hearing his mother being fucked just a small distance away, and hearing his dad admitting to her slutty behavior before he had even been born.

"It was my idea, kids. Not your mom's. she really wasn't sure at first, but... i convinced her to try and... she loved it..." his voice trailed off.

From the other room their conversation was cut short as they heard slave maryanne scream out begging loudly for permission to orgasm. They all turned to look in the direction of the bedroom as they heard her gasps and moans as Master told his slave to cum on his cock. Sandy felt her face flush, her nipples were suddenly feeling very exposed pushing against her bra, and her panties were unmistakably wet, making her feel incredibly self conscious.

Mistress gently rubbed her hand on their father's clothed crotch. She smiled at him and whispered "Good boy, Mistress is proud."

For a moment, there was silence in the house.

The sounds of her mother's orgasm were ringing in Sandy's ears. Whilst she had heard her parents making love before through the walls, her mother had never sounded like that. Ever.

As she sat there, she noticed just how hard her brother had become. Clearly this was doing things to his body as well as hers. If she was honest with herself, hearing those sounds had made her think of being in her mother's place... think of being like those girls she had seen online... But - what was her brother thinking to make him so hard? Was he thinking about being in Master's place - with their mom? Or...?

The silence was finally broken as they heard footfalls coming back toward them. Master appeared in the doorway to the living room, wearing - Sandy and Steven both noted - their father's dressing gown. As Sandy grappled with the obvious knowledge that this stranger to her life was now standing in front of her naked except for a gown tied loosely with a sash, she gasped loudly as he continued into the room, leading their mother via a dog leash which was attached to a leather collar around her neck!

The collar was the only thing she was wearing.

As Master walked forward, slave maryanne followed on her hands and knees, completely naked. Out of sheer shock Sandy practically climbed out of her seat, as Steven's mouth simply dropped open, his eyes glued to his mom's body, her breasts swaying under her. Master walked his slave over and had her stop and turn to face her Mistress. In so doing, slave maryanne's two kids were effectively presented with her exposed rear. Their eyes were initially drawn to their mother's exposed pink star, however it was her pussy that then begged their attention, her pink labia glistening wetly as Master's cum slowly leaked out and down her thighs.

Master did not give any attention to the two shell-shocked teens as he handed the leash to his wife. Mistress Erin took the leash, smiling at how obedient slave maryanne had obviously been for her husband, and at her acceptance of being walked out like that in front of her own kids. She tugged a little on the leash to bring maryanne's attention to her. "Good girl," she cooed, and again stroked her fingers lovingly over the woman's face.

"Come on, little one; your turn," Master said to slave aaron, extending his hand, and then leading him from the room before his bewildered children's eyes.



Chapter Five

Sandy's eyes followed her dad out of the room, holding Master Nathan's hand like an errant child as he went. Having just heard the sounds her mother had made whilst in the bedroom with Master, she quickly began to wonder what was in store for him. Steven meanwhile couldn't take his eyes off his mother as she remained on all fours in front of Mistress Erin. The view was better than any porn he had ever seen. His mother's curvy ass cheeks naturally parted perfectly to expose her anal star, and her creamy pussy lips were still parted from the pounding Master had just given her. He did wonder briefly what was in store for his father, being lead away just like his mother before him, and he wondered if the trail of cum leaking from his mother's pussy was a good indication of what that may entail.

From the opposite sofa Mistress Erin watched the two teens, smiling at the ever larger tent in young Steven's pants, and seeing Sandy's eyes slowly returning from the doorway to look at her, and her mother's exposed ass. "Did you miss Master's cock, my slutty slave?" She asked of her pet.

"Yes, Mistress, i missed Master's cock, a lot," slave maryanne answered with barely any hesitation. The slave was trying her hardest not to think about the 2 sets of eyes on her at that moment, and the image that her body must be presenting to them, even though such a task was near impossible.

"We heard how much you enjoyed Master's cock, didn't we kids?" Mistress posed the question, not expecting a reply.

"Yes," Steven answered almost as if in a trance, before checking himself and staring awkwardly at the floor.

Sandy glared at her brother, as if his admission had in some way betrayed her.

Mistress tilted her head as she eyed off Sandy. "Sex should be enjoyed, and what better way to let people know how much you have enjoyed it than to be loud about it?" she posited with a grin.

Mistress locked her eyes on her sexy slave. "I enjoyed listening to Master Nathan enjoying you. It made me feel very excited knowing you were pleasing him." She glanced mischievously at the twins. "Normally, I'd have you find out just how excited it made me..." Mistress Erin's legs parted suggestively.

At that moment, as before, they heard a loud slapping sound coming from the bedroom, followed by their father's voice, counting. Another slap was followed by another number, and another, and another, til the count of 10. Sandy slowly cast her eyes back to her mother's ass, and noted for the first time how red her cheeks appeared compared to the rest of her bared flesh. The connection between what they had heard earlier, and the obvious results before her eyes, suddenly made Sandy feel incredibly uncomfortable as she predicted what sounds may soon follow the spanking that Master had just administered to her father - her sweet dear father - sounds that she knew she did not want to hear.

Abruptly Sandy stood. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed." She began to walk out of the room, causing slave maryanne and Mistress Erin to exchange a glance, before slave maryanne halted her.

"Sandy," she called out, still down on all fours.

Sandy halted, but didn't turn around to face her mother.

"Sweetie, your father is going to need Steven's bedroom to sleep in this weekend." The comment was equally made to Steven. "So, Steven will have to bunk in with you, okay?"

"Fine," Sandy replied, still without turning around, wanting desperately to be gone before the noises could start. She hurriedly left the room.

"Hmm," Mistress pondered, staring after the departing young woman.

From the master bedroom Steven could hear Master saying something to his father, but couldn't make out the words. Still on the floor, having turned her body toward her fleeing daughter, slave maryanne now had no illusion to the fact that her son was staring at her body, her breasts swaying under her. A timid smile crossed her lips as she gave him a little nod, before he quickly averted his gaze.

Mistress Erin, still holding slave maryanne's leash, slowly stood from her seat and crossed over to sit where Sandy had been, next to Steven. As she wandered over, slave maryanne followed as the leash tugged at her collar. Steven's eyes were again on his mother, the view of her breasts intoxicating to his teenage mind, even though he could now do little to hide where his gaze was falling with his mom so close. He felt Mistress Erin awaiting his attention, and tore his eyes from his mother's body to see what the slightly older lady wanted from him.

Mistress placed her hand on Steven's arm. "I understand you're the 'big brother' here, yes?"

"Yes, by 10 minutes." he confirmed.

"Your sister really needs you tonight, Steven. She needs her big brother. This week has been a tremendous shock for her, and clearly we've gone a little too far, too fast for her. Though - " she moved his arm a little with her hand, and gave his tented pants a pointed glance, "Perhaps not too fast for you, I suspect?"

Steven's face again flushed at having his erection highlighted, feeling a huge sense of shame at being so erect because of his own mother.

Mistress put a finger on his chin and brought his face up to hers. "Don't be ashamed of being aroused, Steven. Your mother is a very sensual, sexual, attractive women. Yes?"

Steven nodded his head, but Mistress shook a finger. "Answer properly, please."

"Yes, she is a beautiful woman," he admitted, and gave his naked mother a shy smile.

"Good boy," Mistress smiled at him. "And here she is, naked before you, having just declared how much she enjoyed being fucked by my husband."

There was no real question here, but Steven still answered, "Yes."

"And I know you liked seeing his cum running out of your mother's horny cunt, didn't you?" Mistress Erin, didn't let the boy avert his gaze.

"I did," came his shy response.

Mistress gave him a warm smile, and petted her slave. "Such a good boy you have there, slave." She turned back to Steven. "You were hoping to see your mother lick my pussy, weren't you, Steven? I know, all boys love some girl on girl action. But not tonight. Now, why don't you go and get ready for bed, and then go join your sister."

Slowly standing up, Steven momentarily wondered why he was obeying this woman, but a quick glance at his mother reassured him she was right. Sandy was upset, and he knew that at the moment - the last person she would want to see was either their mother, or father.

"Um, okay, well - good night then." Steven looked down at his mother. "Goodnight, mom." He quickly bent down and gave her a kiss on her cheek, and instantly became hard again.

As he walked toward the door to the hallway, Mistress called out to him. "And Steven, keep it in your pants. She needs a big brother, not a horny one." Steven stopped and turned, his brow furrowing at the implication of impropriety toward his own sister. "Yes?" Mistress prompted him to reply.

"Yes," he muttered, and continued walking.

As he reached his parents bedroom, he heard a long low moan. He paused and listened. He could hear his father mumbling, muttering, "Yes Master, oh god, you're so deep." Steven felt butterflies in his stomach as he eavesdropped, knowing he was hearing such an intimate moment. He noticed that the master bedroom door was slightly ajar. All the better for sound to escape, he thought. For a moment he considered going to peep inside... but as his pants brushed over his hard erection, he instead rushed to his bedroom.


When Steven knocked on the door to Sandy's bedroom, there was no answer. He was wearing his normal night attire - a pair of boxers. In fact, he slept naked; the boxers were only for modesty and in this case - because he was going to be sleeping with his sister. He knocked again, but still there was no answer. Hesitating a moment, he opened the door and glanced inside. Sandy was laying in her bed, with her headphones turned up so loud he could hear the music from the doorway. "Oh," he thought to himself, as he peered at the common wall between Sandy's room and the master bedroom. He could hear the obvious sounds of Master and his father engaged in sex, though they were more subdued compared to the sexual cacophony their mother had made earlier.

Steven waved at his sister a little awkwardly and crossed to her bed. They had often shared a tent when going camping, and even shared a bed several times when they were younger on holidays, but this was a little unusual for both of them. Sandy attempted a smile, and started to take the headphones off her head. Hearing the sexual noises again, she put them back on with a pouty-frown, but turned the volume down so she could talk to her brother.

"Do you want me to - " Steven flopped on the bed, his feet up near his sister's face. "Top n tail?" he asked her.

"I don't want your stinky feet in my face all night!"

Steven crawled himself round on her bed til he was right way up.

"Just get in," Sandy told him, and Steven obeyed, climbing under the covers with her.

She nibbled her lip for a moment. "Did they... talk about me after I left?" Sandy quietly asked her brother.

Through the wall they both heard a series of grunts, and tried to ignore them.

Steven frowned. "Mis, er - Erin was worried they might have upset you."

"Bit late for that!" she retorted, then stared at her covered toes. "I can't believe mom let him walk her around like a dog... naked."

"What were you expecting?" her brother replied.

"Mom said no nudity. She said they weren't getting naked in front of us. She lied!"

Steven thought on this for a moment. "Maybe she was telling you the truth, but - the truth changed?"

"How does the truth change, Stevie?" Sandy asked her brother.

"What I mean is - When she told you she wouldn't be naked, that's what she believed was going to happen, but then... Stuff happened."

Sandy shrugged.

"Did... did you see... mom didn't make him wear a condom..."

Steven chortled. "That was pretty hard to miss."

Sandy gave her brother a shove. "Yeah, kinda like it was hard to miss how hard you got seeing mom naked!"

Her brother blushed fiercely at her observation. "Well... I'm only human. And... mom is - well she's a very sensual lady. Don't tell me you didn't get even a little bit excited, too?"

This time Sandy blushed. Steven gave her a playful shove. "You didn't, didn't you?"

"I just - "

"Admit it. You got excited, too."

"I got excited, too." Sandy whispered her reply.

From the master bedroom came the unmistakable sound of a male grunting in orgasm. They both stared at the wall not entirely sure who had made it. Steven hoped that his sister hadn't noticed what was happening to the covers on his side of the bed as they lifted slightly.

"Sounds like someone's excited in there." Sandy said quietly.

"Sandy... you know he's still our dad, and - what Nathan said at dinner - if dad is happy, and not being forced, then..."

Sandy shrugged again. "Do you think that mom and Little Miss Long-Legs do it too?"

"I'm sure they do..." he answered honestly.

His sister lapsed into silence.

Steven turned to face his sister, gave her a peck on her forehead and went to put his arms around her. "It's okay, we're all human here," he smiled.

Sandy hesitated at his open arms. "You aren't still aroused now, are you?" she half joked.

"No," he replied. "I took care of it when I got changed," he grinned sheepishly.

"Eww! Well, no doing any of that in my bed tonight, big brother!" She finally accepted his embrace, and they held each other for a long moment.

Sandy took her headphones off finally and snuggled down under the covers, turning to face away from her brother. He also settled into the bed, before Sandy suddenly reached an arm back and hunted until she found his hand, and pulled on it until he moved closer to her. He cuddled up to his sister, though mindfully kept his waist at a distance so as to not rub up against her ass with his hard cock.

Laying there with his cute sister, in her bed, having just seen his naked, freshly fucked mother paraded around like a sex object, and then hearing his father perform just as wantonly in the room mere feet away, he couldn't help but want to jerk his cock again, but his sister needed him to be a bigger man than that. As he drifted off to sleep he wondered what the next day would hold for them.


When Sandy woke her bedroom was in total darkness. She had been dreaming. Even as the dream slipped away, she knew it had been an erotic dream. It must have been several hours at least since she had gone to bed with Steven. The first thing that she noticed was that he was no longer spooning her. The second thing she noticed was his gentle but persistent snoring. Not as loud as her father who she often heard through the wall, but the sound was so close to her, she could tell Steven was laying on his back even though she couldn't see him. The third thing she noticed was the moaning.

Not as obviously bombastic as earlier, she could hear her mother making consistent and persistent little gasps and gapes; Master, she surmised, must be having sex with her again. Unlike when she had been sitting listening in the living room, this felt very intimate, unlike the earlier performance. As she lay there in her bed listening to her brother's snores, and her mother's moans, every now and then she could also hear Master making noises of his own. Whatever they were doing, they were enjoying it together.

Sandy's hand seemed to find its way into her pyjama bottoms of its own accord. She bit her lip as her fingers found just how wet her pussy was. The dream must have already excited her young body. Perhaps her subconscious had heard her mother and Master, she thought. Perhaps she wanted to be like her mom? Wanted to be her mom, in the other room, right now, making those noises, the moans and groans, to experience the sensations Master was giving her mother. Could that be true? Her fingers seemed to think so, as she slowly started to circle around her clit, teasing herself, still mindful to not move the bed too much as Steven continued to snore softly next to her.

The snoring reminded her to be quiet. She couldn't seem to stop herself now even after chastising her brother earlier over the idea of jerking off in her bed. Yet now here she was, playing with her wet pussy, whilst laying next to her sleeping brother. What kind of a pervert was she becoming? Masturbating next to her twin brother! Her other hand casually roamed up her body and firmly squeezed her breast, making her shudder and tremble, biting her lip hard. Her mother's moans were increasing, rising in tempo, and her own body seemed intent on keeping pace.

Two of Sandy's fingers slid along her labia, coating themselves in her juices, before she buried them inside, forcing a gasp from her lips. As she started to finger herself, she chastised her pussy for the wet sounds it was making. Her palm started to grind on her clit. Sandy heard her mother's moans change to a repeated mantra, "Yes, yes, yes," and she instinctively knew that Master was driving her mom closer and closer. She could feel her own body getting closer too, hearing the sounds of sex so close, her pussy aching and throbbing as she quietly tried to bring herself to a climax in sync with her own mother.

Sandy's body was tingling, on edge, as she heard her mother now begin begging for permission to cum. "Please Master! Please let me cum! Please!" her mother was begging. Sandy's pussy was flowing down her thighs and ass, soaking her pyjama bottoms as she played with her horny body. She closed her eyes in the dark and imagined Master on top of her mom, just on the other side of the wall, her legs wrapped around him, his penis deep inside her. Sandy heard her mother continuing to beg and whimper for permission to come, begging him to cum deep inside her horny slave cunt.

Her mother seemed so desperate for his cock, so horny, Sandy couldn't help but wonder what it must feel like. If her mother was enjoying herself so much - wouldn't Sandy also enjoy feeling his cock inside her? Making her his sex slave too; his slut? Through the wall Sandy heard her mother say breathlessly, "Yes, i'm your slut, i'm your dirty little slut!" Sandy rubbed her fingers faster over her clit, her body tensing from head to toe.

Master's voice came through the wall, "Cum for me, my slut," and with that Sandy's body started to shake, her fingers pressing hard on her g-spot as her legs tensed before her thighs gripped her hand tight, her pussy flooding more of her juices all over herself, her clothes and the bed. She couldn't hold back a shuddering gasp of pleasure as the orgasm ripped through her body.

Beside her Sandy heard a long guttural moan! She froze in the darkness, and instantly realised she hadn't heard her brother's snores for some time. Had he just orgasmed too, in her bed, next to her? She didn't dare move a muscle, trying hard to control her heavy breathing, hoping that feigning sleep would solve her situation. Yet as she lay there, all she could smell was the scent of her sex, her hand and thighs soaked by her pussy juices. After a minute of silence, Sandy knew she could smell something else in the air. The funky smell that was ever present in her brother's bedroom...

Had her brother experienced a wet dream in his sleep, or was he just as awake as she was right now, laying there in the darkness, having just masturbated with her?



Chapter Six

Sandy couldn't remember falling asleep, but when she next opened her eyes it was morning. Steven was again snoring softly next to her. Not wanting to wake him - not sure if she could even look at him after what had happened during the night, she slipped quietly out of the bed. Sandy was immediately conscious of the fact that her pyjama bottoms were - not exactly dry. Casting a quick glance at Steven's sleeping form, she ran her hand over them, and then sniffed her hand. Oh yes, she thought to herself. Not pee, but a very musky scent of pussy. Sandy became flustered remembering vividly the events of the night. For a moment she considered changing into some fresh pyjamas, but then - would she get changed right there with her sleeping brother ready to wake at any moment and see her?

In the end she decided coffee would solve everything, and left the room as she was, slipping quietly into the toilet to relieve her very full bladder. For a brief moment as she emerged from the toilet, she felt as though the day were just any normal Saturday morning. Not hearing any other noises, she thought she had the house to herself and wandered barefoot toward the kitchen. She was rather surprised therefore when she saw Master Nathan sitting at the dining table, a cup of coffee in one hand, and iPad in the other. Sandy's view of the dining table was obscured by the breakfast bar between the kitchen and dining rooms. As soon as she saw Master, he heard her, and put the coffee and iPad down.

"Good morning," He said with a little nod of his head.

"Good morning," Sandy replied, not sure how to handle chit-chat with the man who she had not long ago heard fucking her mother, twice.

"Sandy, I'm glad you're awake. I owe you an apology for last night," He said sincerely. "Please come, sit down?" He gestured to the seat next to him.

The fact that Sandy was standing in her kitchen conversing with the man who had fucked both of her parents the night before, whilst she was only wearing a short sleeved cotton t-shirt and baggy cotton boxer pants - that smelled of her own sex - suddenly made the young woman deeply regret not grabbing a dressing gown before she left her bedroom. Eyeing off the coffee machine forlornly, Sandy walked around the breakfast bar and started into the dining room when she suddenly came to an abrupt halt.

From her new vantage point she could see that her father was on his knees underneath the dining table, in front of Master Nathan's chair. Her view of her father was still obscured, but he was clearly naked, and as she stood there her mind could only come to one conclusion as to why her father would be in such a position - he must be sucking Master's cock!

The teen felt frozen to the spot, her spine tingling like she had been shocked. "Dad..." she whispered.

"Sandy, eyes to me." Master Nathan drew her attention back to him. "Don't think about anything else. Come and sit down."

It was impossible not to think about her father. Under the table. With his mouth around this man's penis. Right there before her, even if she couldn't see it - Master Nathan's lap was hidden because of how he was pushed into the table. She couldn't hear any - noises - to confirm her theory either. But, why else would her dad be under there?

"Sandy, sit down next to me," Master repeated a little more firmly, before smiling softly as she stumbled forward and sat down at the table.

"Did you sleep well, Sandy?"

Master Nathan's question caught Sandy a little off guard. She wasn't expecting pleasantries. Instead, she was reminded again of what had happened in the middle of the night. Hearing her mother. Touching herself. Those smells. Laying frozen next to her brother. Her wet, wet fingers. As the images came to her mind, she felt sure the only reason that this man had asked that question, was because he wanted to know if she had heard them fucking. A little fire ignited in her. "Yes, I did. Slept like a log. Did you sleep well with my mom?"

Master's lips curled into a smile at her response. "Oh, we did get a little sleep in. I like to make the most of my time when I am with your parents."

"But not dad, you sent him to sleep in Steven's room?"

"Yes I did, eventually, but we had fun first, too. And, it is only a queen sized bed. Hmm, we may have to change that now." Master said thoughtfully.

"So you just decide things for this family, and - it happens?"

Master Nathan smiled at the girl only one third of his age. "Sandy, your parents were looking for a Dom - a man who they could explore Dominance and submission with. As I said last night, I am not forcing either of them to do anything. I am guiding them, helping them to explore a world that intrigued and excited them. Your father isn't under the table because I forced him under there; he is under the table because he enjoys submitting himself to me."

The mention of slave aaron again brought Sandy's eyes back down to the table, and what was under the table. Sitting where she was, she couldn't see her father, but when her foot moved a little too far it brushed against his thigh, making it all very real. Sandy cast her eyes back up to Master and studied him. If her father really was under the table - which he was - and really was sucking Master's cock right now - which she assumed he was - why wasn't Master moaning, and groaning like in porn? Why wasn't he responding? Surely guys loved getting their cocks sucked, right? Was her dad not good at it? Oh god, was she really thinking that?

"Your mother also loves to submit to Dom men. I'm sure being the smart girl that you are, you know that your mother wears the pants in this house. But what she has wanted for a very long time was a man to take charge of her. To be able to surrender herself, and not be in charge. But, you already know that, don't you, Sandy? As soon as your parents told you about Erin and I - you started investigating, didn't you. You wanted to understand. You're a very inquisitive young lady."

Sandy wondered for a moment whether her parents had checked out her browser history and reported to Master Nathan what she had been looking at.

"I am really hoping that you and I can become friends, Sandy." Master Nathan broke her line of thought.

"Why?" she asked suspiciously.

"I enjoy spending time with your parents. I want to spend more time with them in fact, and they with me and Erin. Your parents had chosen to keep our relationship a secret from you and Steven, but now it's in the open, I'd much rather you are both comfortable with us, than not."

"And by comfortable... You mean - like having my dad kneeling under the dining table sucking your cock when I get up in the morning?" Sandy asked sarcastically.

"Yes," was Master's simple answer, with a wicked grin.

Sandy had no reply.

"Sandy, you seem more accepting of me and your mother, than you are with me and your father. Yet last night you said there's nothing wrong with men being sexual together."

Again Sandy opened her mouth to reply, but had nothing but thoughtful silence.

"Sandy, would you be able to do something for me? Could you please look under the table, and tell me if you can see anything on the floor, under your father?"

For a moment she just stared at Master as if to say - "You want what?" But her curiosity gradually got the better of her. She hesitantly bent and looked at her father, under the table. Her suspicions were immediately confirmed as she experienced a profile view of her father, her eyes immediately drawn to the union of his mouth on Master's cock. Her father's face was buried in Master's lap, and Sandy could only guess as to how much cock must be in her father's mouth. She noticed that her father's hands were behind his back as he knelt there sucking. Sandy's breathing became a little erratic as she came to terms with what she was witnessing. Casting her eyes lower, she gasped to herself as she saw that her father was wearing a shiny metal cage on his own penis. The revelation was startling, though her research online had certainly exposed her to the concept of chastity devices.

This however was not what Master had asked her to look at, even if it was part of what he had obviously wanted her to see. Looking further down, Sandy tried to look under her father, but couldn't immediately see anything. "I don't see - oh..." she paused as she leaned a little further under the table, and finally understood what Master had desired for her to see. Underneath her father - directly under his caged penis - there was a little puddle of clear fluid. Sandy did not know a lot about sex, but she had learned that when they get sexually aroused, males released pre-ejaculatory fluid from their penis. Her dad was leaking pre-cum, and there was a puddle of it.

Sandy sat back up, full of thought.

"Tell me what you saw, Sandy?" Master asked her.

The teen studied the man again. She knew he was manipulating her. Was she letting him do it?

"Dad is... excited." she managed to say shyly.

Master gave her a smile, and reached out a hand about half way to her and put it on the table between them. "Our bodies show our excitement in many ways, but when we are really excited our bodies get ready for sex by getting wet. Last night, when I took your mother to the bedroom, her body was very wet. And then, when I came back and took your dad with me - he was also wet." Master told Sandy. "They both look forward to when we can spend time together to fuck and play." Master emphasized the expletive.

"But, dad is - caged. How does he - " Sandy's voice trailed off.

Master leaned closer to Sandy. "Your father accepted being locked in his cock cage as part of his submission to me not long after we met."

"But - that means - he's been - he's had that thing on him for - how long?"

After a moment's thought, Master responded. "Almost 10 months now."

"But he only wears it when he's with you, right?"

Master shook his head.

"Then - mom and dad haven't had sex together for 10 months?!"

Master smiled. "They've had plenty of sex, Sandy - but not with each other. Does that upset you, Sandy?"

Sandy ignored the question as she had another of her own. "What about your wife? Does she and dad...?"

Master shook his head again. "No. The cage has only come off your father's cock once a week so he can wash himself." The experienced dominant tried to question Sandy again. "You think that's mean of me - to lock your dad's penis so he can't enjoy sex?"

"Well, yeah. Would you let someone do that to you?!" she asked him, rather exasperated, and half forgetting that her father was right there in the room.

"I am not submissive. But you should know that cage doesn't stop him from experiencing an orgasm. Just - a different orgasm."

Sandy took his words in. She hadn't given "gay sex" a lot of thought, and it certainly wasn't something they'd spent more than a second talking about at school. It made sense after what she had heard the night before from the bedroom - Master Nathan having anal sex with her dad.

A question suddenly struck Sandy as she remembered the events of the night before. "Did you spank mom and dad last night?"

Master laughed aloud at the question. "Sorry - you are full of surprises, Sandy. Yes, I spanked them both last night. They were both being punished."


"They know that when they present themselves to me, they are to be naked."

"So you spanked them because they wore clothes."

"Yes, 10 spanks each, and not nice ones; they made their asses quite sore."

"Nice ones?" Sandy both guffawed dramatically, and blushed slightly.

Master leaned slightly closer still toward Sandy conspiratorially. "I can make your mother orgasm just by spanking her."

The idea that being spanked could trigger an orgasm seemed completely absurd to Sandy. "Bullshit," the teen vocalised without thinking. If her parents had been present she would have got a warning for swearing, even though she was 18. Then she remembered her dad was present.

"It's true. Your mother didn't believe me either, at first. First I spanked her ass. Not the hard spanks like last night - softer ones, but many many spanks on her lovely round ass, spread out over her flesh, warming her up inside. Then her breasts." Master Nathan grinned as Sandy winced. "Gentle spanks on your mother's big breast, on her nipples, making her flesh slowly turn pink like her ass, and both of them leaving her pussy wet. Then, finally, spanking directly on her pussy, light taps at first, then faster, and faster, firmer, harder as her clit continues to engorge with blood til she was begging me to let her cum." Master stopped, and gave Sandy a little wink as he saw the girl's nipples clearly poking out against her pyjama top, her breathing coming in little jagged bursts.

Sandy felt very very small as she sat there, flustered and embarrassed at her reaction, as the idea of having an orgasm from a spanking suddenly seemed quite possible.

Master grinned.

"I could make you orgasm with just one finger, in just one minute," Master teased playfully.

Sandy went to admonish him for the thought, but then decided better. She sat back in her chair and subconsciously moved a hand down her chest to rest in her lap. She felt her face flush as she admitted to herself that her pussy was tingling in her pyjamas.

Master stared into Sandy's eyes. "Can I ask you, Sandy. Did you like the sounds your mother was making last night?"

For a moment Sandy's mind went back to her bedroom, laying there touching herself, fingering her pussy as she listened to her mother being fucked by Master, and then hearing Steven next to her.... before she realised that he was talking about when they had been in the living room, and he had taken her mother to the bedroom.

He didn't wait for an answer. "Did you like seeing her when I brought her back to the living room? You didn't seem too upset by that? It didn't make you leave the room."

Watching her squirm a little, he allowed himself a little moan as slave aaron's mouth squeezed on his cock. "Did you imagine... that you were your mother?"

Sandy's eyes bulged at the proposal, the image Master was planting, the fact she had already considered it. She didn't have to answer him, they both knew already, even if she was too nervous to admitting it.

"Sandy, can I ask one more thing?" He locked his eyes on the young girl's. "Do you trust your father?"

"Of course I do." Sandy replied without any hesitation.

"Sandy, are you excited right now?"

Still Sandy found herself speechless, her mouth opening and closing without a sound. Nervously speechless and knowing the answers to all of this impertinent man's questions.

"You don't have to answer me of course - you are not my slave. But," he paused, staring at her. "Just between you and your father, who you trust, open your legs, pull your pyjamas aside, let him see if you are excited - or not."

"I couldn't do that!" Sandy practically whispered back.

'Why not?" came the simple reply.

"He's my dad!"

"And? Has he seen you naked before?"

"Yes, but..."

"Are you 18?"


"And you said you trust him."


"And he himself is naked, exposed, and leaking pre-cum on the floor."

A little chuckle escaped her lips. "Yes..." The image she had just seen of her father under the table flashed back into her head.

"Just pull them aside, just a little, just for a second." Master's voice intoned.

Sandy pictured her father, under the table, on his knees, looking at her pyjama bottoms. She couldn't see him of course, but her hand was already down there, fidgeting slightly with the leg of her pyjama bottoms. Master held her eyes in his as she sat there, clearly contemplating his suggestion.

They were interrupted as giggling voices came down the hall. Mistress Erin and slave maryanne were walking toward them, sharing some private joke as they emerged into the dining room. Mistress Erin was wearing a very sexy very short satin gown, whilst slave maryanne was naked except for her collar. They quieted as they saw the scene before them. Sandy moved consciously back from Master, flushing as if she had just been caught red handed. As Mistress Erin said good morning to her, Sandy hurriedly returned the greeting.

Only Sandy and her father knew that in that moment before the women arrived, she had exposed herself to him, to her own father, just for a second, and that the sight he had just beheld was that of a very wet, glistening, beautiful pussy, lightly covered in soft red hair. The puddle of pre-cum grew in size.

As Sandy tried to compose herself, her mother walked over and, bending over slightly, kissed her on her forehead, asking if she slept well. Her mom then gasped as Master's hand found her pussy. Sandy watched her mother's eyes close and her lips curl as his fingers teased her. After a moment he pulled slave maryanne onto his lap. He had closed his robe, slave aaron no longer sucking on his cock, but still kneeling under the table. With a smile, slave maryanne used a foot to give her husband's cock a little rub. "Morning sweetheart," she lilted with a smile, as if it was totally normal for her husband to be underneath the table.

"Good morning, Master's slave," Came slave aaron's reply from under the table, along with a low moan at his wife's intimate touch. It was the first words that Sandy had heard her father speak that morning. "Good morning, Mistress," came another greeting from the slave under the table. "Good morning, sweetie," he added lastly to his daughter.

"Clean up down there, little one, and then you and slut can start breakfast." Master again used the 'little one' name that Sandy had heard the night before, as well as calling her mom a slut, making her brow furrow. She looked at her mom and saw her face was a little flushed at being called a slut in front of her daughter. Sandy couldn't resist quickly peaking under the table, and saw her dad licking his pre-cum off the tiled floor.

"Sandy, can you please go and wake up your brother. Then we can all eat breakfast together."



Chapters 7, 8 and 9 to follow...


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