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A corrupt priest and an old Japanese pervert debauch, torture and abuse a young American girl, her mother and sister.

This tale is not for the sensitive and only a true pervert would give this story a positive rating. Even in this edited version we have not read the complete story, read at your own risk. You have been warned. If it reaches a thousand down votes it will be deleted by the poster.
Communion of Degradation

Chapter 1

The flies maintained a droning buzz amid the stifling heat. The mulatto priest stared down the tracks as he heard the old steam engine in the distance. The Padre Pietro, spiritual leader of a small village to the south, had come to Robore to meet the train. He used a pudgy black hand to wipe at the beads of sweat that seemed to run in a steady stream from his scalp across his jowls and disappeared into his cassock beneath his grimy clerical collar.

The heat, the flies, the stink. He sighed, one never got used to it. One only wallowed it in, resigned to the fact that it was their lot in life. The dusty blackness of his garb clung to his large belly and only added to his discomfort, seeming to soak up the heat and humidity. His cloths seemed to have been designed with penance in mind, to inflict a daily suffering.

As he wiped his forehead his chunky arms drew the sleeve of his cassock taunt. He looked around as the peasants rose from there idleness in the hopes that they could sell something to those on the train as it made a brief pause on its way to Corumba across the border in Brazil. Brazil, home, or it was once. He moved to this area of Bolivia to best serve his god and to avoid past unpleasantness. At 54, he now shepherded the illiterate and impoverished members of the village. A mixture of Indians of the Chaco, some Japanese, a few European and Mennonites and Andean Indians, failures all. The Chaco is not kind to settlers. Mostly broken and destitute, their homesteads abandoned, they cling to life in the village called Resorte del Diablo, Devil's Spring, site of the only water for miles around during the dry months, an island in a fetid swamp during the wet season.

The shrill whistle brought him back to the task at hand. The gringo lay missionaries from the Stados Unidos. The church does its works by any means, he thought. He was sent to meet a Baptist missionary and his family. Lead them to his village and assist them with whatever they needed. So be it. He rose, lifting his sweating hulk, and shuffled toward the platform as the passenger cars screeched to a stop. Shielding his eyes from the dust and he height enabled him to look over the heads of the peasants. His nose wrinkled at the dust and the fetid stink of humanity that rose around him.

He saw the white gringo as he stood in the car's doorway clutching a bag. Father Pietro waved getting his attention. And began to wade through the small crowd toward the man. He watched as the man, turned to speak to someone behind him. He then turned with a smile as Padre Pietro halted in from to him.

The man presumptuously handed him several bags and leapt from the steps and turned to help a young woman down. The woman clad in shorts and shirt jumped from the train steps, her hiking boots landing heavily on the rotting wood. As she landed the plump heavy bags of her breasts bounced and giggled sloshing within the confines of her shirt.

With a belch of steam the train began to pull away. The trio stepped away from the train carrying their bags, the young woman walking quietly beside them. Reaching a corner of the platform Padre Pietro set his load of bags aside.

"Buenos Tardes", Padre Pietro said in his Portuguese tinted Spanish.

"Steve Falwell, glad to meet you", the man said as he extended his hand. "This is my daughter Rachel. She'll be attending Purdue in the fall for pre-law," he said smugly. The beautiful teen raised her blue eyes to Father Pietro's face as she offered her small hand. Padre Pietro clasped her hand in his, her small white fingers in stark contrast to the black skin of his pudgy hand.

"Hi, My name is Rachel Falwell," the gorgeous girl said. A faint haughty smile flitted across Rachel's lips, her big blue eyes taking in the nappy grizzled salt and pepper hair, the dark eyes, surrounded by the lined face. The Priest's broad nose, and high cheeks betrayed his mixed blood ancestry. "A mulatto", she thought with not a little distaste. Rachel knew he had probably descended from a union of African slaves and Brazilian Indians. Her skin crawled as she saw the grimy sweat stained clerical collar buried amid the old Padre's double chin. She forgot her own discomfort in the heat as she observed the dark sweat stains marking his cassock beneath the fat man's arms and around his large belly.

Padre Pietro returned the smile, his eyes taking in the beauty of the teenager. Even the remaining indios on the platform were staring at the young woman. Her large blue eyes held his for a moment then looked away as if the eye contact was somehow repugnant. Her light blond hair was pulled back away from her high clear forehead and captured by a tie revealing the small pale shells of her ears. The old Padre noticed that the heat had brought a flush to her high cheeks that was visible under the slight tan that highlighted the upper surfaces of her face. Her delicate nose had a sprinkling of freckles. He studied the perfect face, the startling blue eyes separated by the petite upturned nose, wide mouth framed by the plump lips; the perfect white teeth above the small delicate chin and the clear, flawless skin of her cheeks. This sculpture of perfection was balanced upon a smooth neck, supported on wide athletic shoulders.

"Where to next", a voice said. The old Padre turned to face the man.

"A few of the men from the village are here with their mules, we load your bags and can be on our way. It is a day's ride. If we leave now we can be to Resorte del Diablo just after dark. The women of the village were preparing your hut.” The loading of the mules took only a few minutes. Padre Pietro observed his guests as he rested his sweating girth in the shade.

The beautiful young woman stood about 5'8" and weighed about 125 lbs. he guessed. She stood watching her father supervise the loading. The Padre for the first time noticed the woman's breasts, Madre de Dios! The huge mounds seemed out of proportion for the trim figure they crowned. Their heaviness was evident in the tautness of the shirt fabric that sought to restrain them. Little did he know that they were cause of the premature end of her gymnastics career. When she was 11 years old her small buds had burst forth beginning the growth to the firm heavy orbs now before him. Their rapid growth spelled an end to her days of competition on the balance beam and tumbling mat.

Down from her graceful neck was a plain of lightly tanned flesh that sloped outward to form the majesty of her bosom. The Padre could tell from how her breasts hung low that the large bags of flesh were beginning to feel their own weight, but it would be years before she had the stooped posture and sagging breasts of an old woman. The teenager's long narrow torso seem nonexistent beneath the shelf of her breasts. The slight flair of her slim hips curved round to the prominent globes of her muscular buttocks. Her muscular thighs and calves were clearly visible beneath her shorts. Over the last 5 years she had grown over a foot in height, her long legs now lithe, muscular, and firm. At 18 she was a picture of trim athleticism mixed with excess sexual endowment.

"Perfectiones de Dios", he thought to himself the young woman's mother must have been a beauty with good genes. Her father was typical gringo he thought, light haired and skinned, medium build with sandy brown hair. In his early forties the Padre thought. A handsome enough man, but not remarkable. Obviously, the teenager owed her mother much.

The sweat stained tee shirt beneath her blue shirt barely held her large breasts in check, dark crescents of sweat marked the undersides. Even in the stifling heat, the impression or her long thick nipples were visible through the double thickness of cloth. The taunt roundness of her firm buttocks was obvious beneath her the shorts hugging her hips. The swell of her hamstrings clearly announced her athleticism to the world. The khaki shorts were sweat stained dark at the top of the crevasse that divided the proud cheeks of her bottom. Her broad shoulders filled her shirt, ending in long supple muscular arms. The beautiful teenage girl was the picture or perfection.

The father sighed, "Madre de Dios, to be 20 once again." Then the sharp pain of long suppressed memories lanced into him as they welled up like pus from a ruptured cyst. A similarly graced dark haired senorita whom he loved confronting him in her nudity, the sneer on her lips as she reminded him he was mulatto. That she wanted "un hombre magn fico", not "el esclavo indio negro", a black Indian slave, the words still burned him. He had turned and ran, ran to the church, ran to forget, leaving his manhood and pride behind.

The old Padre looked at the man's back as the rode along the overgrown track. The mules rhythmic plodding tempting him with sleep. Only the heat and the man's incessant talking about his relationship with god kept him awake. Steve Falwell obviously felt he held a rather exalted position in god's plans, the Padre thought to himself. Well if he was wanting to save the world for god's greater glory, he would surely assist him. One thing the good Padre had learned over the years, god helps those that help themselves, he protects those that keep themselves out of harm's way.

If he wanted to save those that truly needed saving. He would send him to the village, Refugio del Muerto to the north. The village had been beset by rebel guerillas as it sat near a potentially valuable iron ore deposit along the border.

Chapter 2

The next days were spent settling his new guests into their quarters and introducing them to the villagers. Dinners were spent discussing future plans, and evenings passed writing letters.

Rachel Falwell cursed her father under her breath as she watched the fat priest stuff another fork full of boiled yucca root into his mouth. The sight of the man repulsed her, it wasn't that she disliked blacks or Hispanics for that matter, after all she cheered the almost all black football and predominately Hispanic baseball teams on to victory as a member of her high school's cheer leading squad. She even spoke to the boys on occasion. Hadn't she mingled with them and even tolerated their futile advances at post-game parties? Rachel came from a different world. A perfect world, until several months ago when it had crumbled. Her mother had left unexpectedly with no explanation, and her father had announced they were coming here for the summer. Rachel still didn't understand why, she only knew she was thousands of miles away from her friends and all she knew and was thrust into a world of filth and brown skinned foreigners.

Steve Falwell in his early forties was a pious man bent on winning a place in heaven. Since his wife had forsaken the path of god and had become a fornicatrice, he had been determined to save both himself and his daughter from the taint of his wife's sinful ways. His heart still seethed with self-righteous rage at the adulterous scene he had witnessed not too long ago.

Coming home early from a bible study session, he found his wife bent slavishly over another man. The man's engorged cock obscenely stretching her red lips as his hips rose rhythmically from the bed feeding her the vein wrapped length of flesh. He had stood transfixed in the doorway of their bedroom, unable to move or speak. He stood there long minutes watching through tear blurred eyes, ears ringing with the grunts and slurps, the wet smacking sounds coming from his wife's throat as she swallowed the man's long thick cock. Sounds that made her sound like a lowly whore. He saw the thick cum oozing in a miniature river from between the swollen lips of her sex, dribbling down the columns of her thighs. So lost in his private hell, he failed to hear the cursed grunts powering stiff jets of cum into the back of his wife's spasming throat. He saw everything, the beads of perspiration that dotted the small of her back as she labored, the muscles of her back as they flexed, the perfect downward hanging breasts as they bobbed, the flushed mottling of her skin, the surge of her body as she pushed down to capture the entire length of his erupting cock in her throat attempting to make it good for her lover as he spewed gob after gob of his rich load into her throat. It was only when she raised her head licking the thick white leavings from her hands and chin that she noticed him. Looking him straight in the eye, she lowered her lips to give the purple head of the strangers cock a wet lingering kiss....

He pushed the memories back into the shadows of his mind. The forced himself to dwell on the love of Jesus. Let it blossom and fill him mind like some earthly narcotic. He sat for a moment his nerves tingling with his lord's divine presence. Yes, he would go to the village to the north there he could proselytize the villagers, the rebels, bring them into god's fold. He would not be interfered with by some broken down priest and his medieval beliefs. He owed no allegiance to a pope, only to the personal god he carried within his heart. He resolved to leave in the morning.

Chapter 3

Rachel's eyes were still blurry with tears as the beautiful teen watched her father's back disappear around the bend in the dirt trail. Composing herself, she thought of what she would do next. Her father had decided it was best that she stay here for the time being rather than face the uncertainty of the village to the north. He said he would send for her. In the meantime she was to help Padre Pietro minister to the villagers and help as he saw fit. She would have her own room in the church annex and the run of the village. She turned and walked back down the dusty road toward the old stone church.

Having spent the last few days learning her way around the village, she knew there were more people than there appeared. Brushing a pale hand past her face to dispel the ever present flies she glanced down the alley that led to the open barn that housed the cockfighting pit. As there had been on her visit with the Padre she could see a number of men lounging in the sparse shadows to escape the building heat. The Padre had said they occasionally fought dogs there too. She shivered at the thought despite the intense morning heat, feeling her large nipples harden and lengthen into the long thick fingers that caused her so much embarrassment. Her short walk had caused sweat to soak her white blouse, making it fit her upper torso like a glove her large heavy breasts joggling within her bra with each step. She knew by the way they felt and from experience that soon her puckered aureoles and long rigid nipples would be clearly visible through the sweat soaked fabric despite the bra beneath. She quickened her pace causing the fleshy bags on her chest to wobble and swing from side to side even more, their liquid weight rippling within the confines of her custom bra.

Half way to the church she passed the open fronted building which sided the river serving as a communal laundry. The wizen old man standing beneath the awning watched as she walked by. She attempted to ignore the lingering stares of the old oriental man. She felt his eyes roam over her like slithering tentacles. She heard the sing song dialect as he called out to someone and soon his eyes were joined by those of hulking figure of his son. The Padre had said the son was slow witted. Neither said a word as she walked past, but she feel their eyes worming over her probing every curve and crevasse. The thin wet cotton of her blouse was clinging to the large firm cones of her breasts. The dark ruddiness of her aureoles were clearly visible beneath the fabric as her inch long nipples tented the saturated fabric. Her long thick nipples in all their knobby beauty looked like reddish pink raspberries. A blind man could have read the prominent Braille written by her thoughts across the surface of her puckered aureoles. Suddenly Rachel realized the throbbing in her swelling breasts was being matched by a tingling between her legs. The forbidden realization that the roaming hungering eyes of the men excited her sent a gushing tingle through her vagina. Her face colored as she felt her labia become slick from the excitement of such shameful thoughts. What would her father say if he knew she had felt nothing but repulsion at the hint of what those men were thinking. She started to pray beneath her breath fighting back her evil and shameful thoughts.

Another gushing tingle ran through her as her mind swam at what they might be thinking, what they might want to do to her. It was only after reaching the church standing in the quiet of the dark stifling entryway, that the realization of what she had seen entered her mind. She licked her lips as her breath came in short gasps. Her mind flitted guiltily around the edges of the thought as if it was too obscene to touch, to contemplate. Finally her mind embraced it, the thought blossomed and she accepted what she had seen in the loose pantaloons of the two men. Her vagina flooded and wet the downy curls covering her labia, as she remembered the bulging pantaloons of the men as their cocks had hardened at the sight of her lascivious but unintentional display".

Her mind was a tangle of confused thoughts which she couldn't sort out due to the pulsing distraction in her groin and the burning tips of her breasts. Confused and disgusted, she eventually found room in the church annex and locked herself behind the sturdy wooden door. Huddled in the corner of her room she struggled with her feelings, how the gaze of the men repulsed and thrilled her, how she was disgusted with herself, but craved the new feelings coursing through her young body.

In anger and disgust she tore off her shorts to get at the maddening center of her distraction. In anger she grabbed the swollen throbbing nub of her clitoris and gave it a violent pinch, forcing a moan to escape from her lips as she increased the pressure between her thumb and finger.

Several hours later the old Padre knocked at her door to say good night. A muffled response all he got in return, but he was satisfied the teenager was safely behind a locked door. He took his candle and waddled to his room at the other side of the annex. "A Protestant gringo bitch", he thought, "Too good to even open the door." Pushing his more prurient thoughts to the darker corners of his mind. He thought of how he could put the young woman in her place.

The beautiful teen sat on her haunches on the bed, back pressed against the corner of the wall. The flicker of the light on the wooden night stand offered up a dim illumination in the room. The light of the candle was caught in drool running down her chin from her protruding tongue and was mirrored in the wetness on her fingers. Her eyes were blind to the light, screwed up tight, head lolled back, her face creased in dreamy concentration. The room was silent except for the wet sticky sounds coming from the fingers ravaging her vagina. The fingers of her other hand worried at the inch long scarlet nub that was her clitoris. Its sheath pulled back from its blood engorged length, nearly the size of a cigarette filter. She shuddered, her fingers plucking and rubbing the turgid bundle of nerves. A patina of fluid coated her inner thighs, her hands were a mess of rich musky juice. The room smelled heavy of musk. A glimmering ribbon of liquid coalesced at the bottom of her crotch and dripped into the spreading wet spot beneath her quivering bottom. The movement of her fingers increased their tempo, her body pressed tighter against the wall as she stiffened, a low moaning wail dribbled from her parted lips climaxing in a choking prolonged shudder.

Rachel opened her eyes, moved them furtively around the room, and closed them again and relaxed. Her breath caught, in her throat as the lewd and disgusting thoughts once again spewed through her mind like the stink of some sewer run amok, the thoughts and their vileness pushed all before them. She licked her parted lips as her wet fingers once more began the now familiar private probing....

Chapter 4

An early morning haze hung in the air that smelled of cooking food and the acrid smoke of cooking fires. A parrot squawked from its perch in the tree. A green tree sloth moved in slow motion as it followed the progress of the two pedestrians as they walked thought the twin doors of the church. The church fronted the square, dating back to the first Jesuits in the area. It was a formidable structure, its thick mud brick walls laid out along traditional lines of a naive and transect representing the holy cross and built lying east to west. Better to catch the early light of morning through the church's stained glass. The glass was now covered with dust and many panes were cracked or missing.

Rachel walked quietly behind the Padre as they crossed the town square and made their way toward the communal laundry. The square was empty now. It would be busy soon enough as it was every day in the morning and evenings, the coolest parts of the day. Rachel glanced back at the church and thought of last night, and a wave of guilty hunger washed over her as she thought of how she had explored, tormented, and pleased herself in the darkness of her room remembering the hungry stares of the two oriental men.

When the fat old Padre had told her she would be helping in the communal laundry, her mind filled with indignation, but her stomach pulled tight as she felt her vagina throb in a mixture of excitement and dread at the prospect of meeting the two men whose mere gaze had driven her to do things to herself that she knew were sinful and disgusting. How many times had she touched herself? Four, no five times? Her vagina felt swollen, its fulness pressed tightly against the crotch seam of her shorts. The very motion of walking was a confusing mixture or pain and pleasure. The friction and her thoughts brought a slow ooze of wetness along the lips of her vagina.

She walked as the condemned walks to the gibbet. Within her ripe body she felt the near certainty that something within her was on the verge of dying. The slow death of the fetters of pious hypocrisy had begun by her own hand last night. She saw the first glimpse of the pleasures that might await if she was freed of the restraints of archaic moral superstitions. A part of her secretly welcomed it but she was unaware that two filthy oriental men would be the executioners.

The heat of the square seemed to lift a bit as they neared the river and the laundry. The fat Padre ducked as he stepped under the thatched roof of the porch that served as the counter area. He peered into the gloom of the back of the hut that projected over the river bank supported by pilings.

"Hatori, are you here?, his voice boomed out? "Hei", came the reply from somewhere back in the gloom.

Rachel heard the scrape of wood on wood as a shoji like door slid back revealing what looked like a storeroom off the left. An immense dark shape trundled out of the shadows ahead of a frail and wizen looking man. A black mastiff-dane mix shoved his nose up at the Padre in recognition as the old owner announced his arrival with a wracking cough hawking up a robust wad of phlegm which he spit into a dirty cloth hanging from a rope tied to his waist. Rachel shuddered not knowing if it was from the disgusting display, or the penetrating stare of the man as he addressed the Padre.

"Konichi wa, Padre san", he said in a low screech, a hint of spittle glistening on his unshaven chin. "This must be the new helper you promised". Speaking of her as if she was a new utensil.

"This is Rachel Falwell, she is here to assist in the lord's work with the villagers", the padre said.

Rachel was a full head taller than the old man who wore loose fitting peasants garb, stained and dirty with an occasional rent and tear. His longish hair was pulled back and confined in a greasy knot and a few whiskers grew from his chin and upper lip. Two dark penetrating eyes stared out of an otherwise featureless oriental face. His lips cracked into a nearly toothless grin as Rachel hesitantly presented her pale hand in greeting. The old man's penetrating gaze had never lifted to Rachel's face but roamed her body as he stepped forward and presented a hand that more resembled a scarred and arthritic claw. She knew that she should feel revulsion at the touch of the man's scabby hand and his violating stare, her stomach was churning, with a butterfly mixture of revulsion and nasty anticipation.

She felt naked in front of him, as if he were peeling the clothes from her a piece at a time, until she envisioned herself naked in front of him. Not just naked, but soul naked, helpless, body and mind laid bare. She pulled her hand back but still he held it, his stare never leaving her breasts. Could he sense the firestorm of emotions consuming her mind she wondered? Her eyes darted to the Padre for assistance, but he smiled seeming to enjoy her distress. Hatori ran his thumb in a mockery of a caress across the back of the girls hand and much to the poor girls distress brought his phlegm flecked lips to the girls hand in a parody of a kiss.

Rachel's oversized nipples blossomed in an embarrassing display, blood rushing to fill the rigid probes as her aureoles contracted in sympathy with her leaking vagina. Rachel wanted to die as her nipples expanded in full view of the old man. His smile seemed to expand, his eyes rose to her face as if to acknowledgment her lack of physical control.

Poor beautiful Rachel's mind was a confused welter of emotions, the disgust she felt toward the old man was mirrored in the contempt she had for how her own body betrayed itself at his touch. This only seemed to cast fuel on the fire of her unexplained lust. Her rational mind fought to rise above the swirling flood, drowning in wave after wave of disgusting, forbidden and sinful feelings. All the while her flesh reveled in it, her over ripe body seemed to revel in the knowledge that a lifetime of teachings were being violated and broken, but only in her mind. She felt wave after wave of nasty pleasure course through her hungry body as her swollen clit protruded between her leaking labia like a fat tongue. Her oversized breasts swelling with the contained heat pushing her distended nipples tighter into the thin fabric revealing themselves to the old man even more.

"Rachel is eager to get started doing whatever it is she can help with", the voice of the Padre intoned. Rachel blushed as she pulled her hand free and quickly stepped back crossing her arms self- consciously across her chest. Her clit still tingling maddeningly between her legs.

"Bueno, she can help Maria and Tahio in the washroom." Hattori grunted, appearing somewhat disappointed. "She can begin now, the work will last most of the day."

"Rachel", the old Padre said turning to her. "I will leave you here with Hattori, he will introduce you to the others." "I will be gone to another village today but will return tonight." With that he turned with an amused smile and started back to the church.

Rachel stood transfixed, feeling lost and vulnerable. To her surprise the old man looked at the broad back of the padre as he walked across the square, snorted, and turned. He stopped and cast a lingering glance in Rachel's direction. "You come with me", he said with a grin, revealing the stained remains of his teeth, the brown rotten stumps of several were the hallmark of his smile. With that he walked back into the shadows of the washhouse.

Chapter 5

The day was purgatory. The attractive teen had spent her time bent over the wash and rinse tubs and carried wood to feed the fire for heating the wash water. All the while she and Maria had to fight off the unwelcome advances of Conquistador, the large black mastiff mix. His cold wet nose seemed to be everywhere to her embarrassment, but amusement of everyone else. While Maria seemed moved at all by the dogs advances, Rachel burned with shame at the thought that his interest was fueled by the musky smell of the guilty secretions of her drooling vagina.

The old man had introduced her to his son, Tahio, he was her age but a near retard of hulking proportions for an oriental teenager. Taller than the Padre, but not as heavily built due to his youth. The dumb slack jawed look of the teenager was accentuated by the drool that seemed to perpetually wet his chin. Rachel felt profound sympathy for the boy, as he was worked like a dog by his father. His barefoot hulking form shuffling about from one task to another. Once in a gush of sympathy, the thought had entered her mind in that under different circumstances she....but she caught herself in disgust having to turn away as the youth grinned at her, his tongue probing at a string of green snot that cascaded from his left nostril.

My god, she thought, what has my father gotten me into. Forgotten for an instant were the noble and charitable reasons for her being here. She lost herself in a torrent of self-pity. Broken down under the heat and filth of the day, she suddenly fought back tears, the memory of her carnal display and the betrayal by her body fresh in her mind.

"Our father who art in heaven...." she prayed under her breath, trying to fight back the rush of pity, disgust, and filthy thoughts that fought for her attention. The buzz of her clit and the continuous burning in her breasts and nipples was fought back when she pinched herself fiercely on the inner thigh.

She kept looking at Maria her workmate who was a mestizo, or Castilian Indian mix, older than Rachel, in her early 20's and very attractive. Thick black hair accenting her flawless light brown skin, pulled back in defense of the pervasive heat. Full breasted for an Indian with large and dark aureoles and nipples typical of her skin coloring. She had what the men crudely referred to as "la colon grande", the big ass typical of most Indian women and dirty bare feet. The young woman carried herself as if beaten down, her true height obscured by the down trodden posture she maintained, she never lifted her eyes to the old man and did as she was told. The girl wore the typical loose fitting native garb; a rude calf length dress of loose weave off-white cotton, held close at the waist by a rope the front of the dress held closed by wooden buttons.

Rachel had realized that it was cooler and more practical than the close fitting blouse and she wore. The old man had given her a similar dress to wear, which she had donned to replace her ruined blouse and shorts which had become a filthy mixture of powdered soap, soot, and dirt. The dress was not as transparent when wet from her time at the wash tub.

The two young women did not talk, but only conversed as their tasks demanded. Rachel had caught glimpses of several livid welts across the top of Maria’s ample breasts and the glint of light on metal before the young woman changed position or pulled her blouse closed. Her movements were always accompanied by metallic tinkling of what sounded like little bells.

As Rachel bent over the wash basin arms in the water up to her elbows, time seemed to pass as in fog of boredom and humidity. As her thoughts wandered her peripheral vision caught movement behind her. The dog, she told herself, and prepared for the inevitable assault with a wet nose. Rachel froze as she felt the hem of her dress lift and fleeting touch of something against her inner thigh. Simultaneously she felt something push her upper back causing her to have to catch the other side of the wooden basin to keep her balance. Jerking her head to the left and over her shoulder she was met by the leering grin of the old man standing at her left hip. His left hand was firmly planted in the middle of her upper back clenching a fist full of her cotton dress. His right hand was busy beneath the lower hem of her dress, his bony fingers worming like a blade between her firm thighs. Rachel was too off balance to offer much resistance, her upper body hanging over the water filled basin, her hands clutching the far side, the near side cutting into her hips.

Fighting to regain her balance Rachel moved her feet, this only allowed the old man greater access to her inviting crotch. Her mind reeled as she looked to the left in Maria's direction only to see her disappearing into the rear of the shop. Fighting the increasing pressure against her back, she felt the old man's bonny fingers digging through the thin blonde curls fringing her labia. The plump soft lips of her outer labia were no match for the insistent probing. She looked to the right with a frightened and questioning look only to get a silently evil grin that exposed the man's rotting teeth.

"You have been wanting this, senorita, hei?" he hissed, his rancid breath assaulting her delicate nostrils. "You are wet like del rio, how you say, like a river", he said with a laugh. No response was necessary as his fingers slid easily into the tight wet pit of her cunt, its dripping lips announcing her wordless reply. Rachel wanted to die, the guilt of her feelings burned into her chest, driving the breath from her lungs, her mind a swirl of conflicting lifelong beliefs and desires. Her mouth moved soundlessly like a waterless fish, hands clutching whitely at the basin side.

Surrendering, she closed her eyes as his fingers probed the fleshy end of her cervix, his thumb strumming the rising nub of her clit! The beautiful teens body betrayed her as she felt her hips rock and trim ass rise as she slightly opened her thighs to allow the stinking old man greater access to cunt, increasing her masochistic shame. His dirty fingers were now exploring the wet confines of her most secret parts, round and round they ran teasing her cervix as it stood like a lonely obelisk mashing his thumb against the thick stub of the teens engorged clit. At the same instant she jerked as she felt something cold against the back of her leg. In an instance she knew!

"Conquistador likes your wet little pussy too senorita", the old man said with a cackle. She looked around in time to see the large tongue of the animal make a long swath through the oily liquid coating the old man's hand and her crotch. She felt a hardness against her hip through the old man's filthy pantaloons the slut in her marveling at the size and hardness of his hidden member which seemed to surge with each new indignity she suffered. The prim voice in her shamed her, when she caught the slut in her wondering what it looked like, and to her thrilling disgust, what it might taste like....!

She tried to pray, to find a reason for her martyrdom, but it was too nasty, too horribly thrilling to concentrate on virtuous thoughts. Seeming that god wasn't pleased with the level of her degradation and humiliation, she felt hands on the side of her face holding her firmly to the front. Opening her eyes she saw the imbecilic face of Tahio, the hulking retard. As she whimpered he held her as he moved the stained front of his pantaloons even with her face. As he shuffled forward she saw the outline and of the log of his cock through a tear in the fabric. Standing in front of her he grasped her by her blond ponytail and thrust her face into his groin.

She felt a surge of masochistic delight as her nose brushed against the hardness of his rod through the rent in the fabric and his bristly pubs scratched her nose and cheek. She caught her breath her delicate nostrils were assailed by the stink and filth of his unwashed privates and a wave of goose flesh rose across her back and arms at the delightful dirtiness of it. The image of her mother and father flashed through her mind, if only they could see me now a little voice cried out!

Rachel’s soul burned as she felt her cunt contract uncontrollably at the repulsive touch of the boys organ. She knew the old man could feel her guilty response around his dripping fingers. He knew her inner secret and in a mind searing flash, Rachel realized what she had known secretly all along. Her life as a prim and proper church going deb, was a sham. Just as sure as the facade of her happy family had collapse amid a storm of adultery and betrayal, the lie of her true nature was being revealed by these filthy peasants. The lily white personae she portrayed was as hollow as her empty begging cunt. Here she stood, a depraved strangers hand probing her cunt, while she relished the feel of a strange cock against her face, her body betraying her, responding with masochistic delight to the humiliating and degrading treatment at the hands of strangers.

She knew now there was no god. There was no right and wrong, no afterlife, only the here and now, only the cravings of the flesh, only the inflamed and gnawing need between her legs. Her brain the center of her intellect, seat of what she called her soul, repository of her eternal salvation, had surrendered control of her life to the half-inch long bundle of nerves of her clit. The thick blood engorged little bishop, sang like a choir with each touch of the old man's calloused thumb. Like a tiny alien possessing her body, it now controlled her every craving. Red and swollen from the incessant attention it coaxed her, with wave after wave of guilty pleasure, deeper into the mire and filth of her sexual depravity. Her mind was a willing accomplice as it thrilled to the forbidden acts she willingly allowed others to perform on her virginal body. Her skin burned with the guilt and anticipation, the shame and pleasure of being used like a whore!

Now Rachel needed no coaxing as she pushed her face into the boy's stinking crotch, seeking out the hard tube of his cock. She thrilled to the feel of it against her lips, her little pink tongue thrusting out in desperate pursuit of just a taste of the sinful object of her lust. The vile tool of rapine and degradation of so many women through history, but holy enough to be the instrument of god's covenant with the Jew's. Her mind reeled, that was it, it would be the instrument of a new covenant, between her and her new god, the god of her flesh. She would sacrifice all to satiate her god and to please her. Her life would be cocks, hard, swollen spurting cocks. It was her destiny to service them to please her god, to make them hard and swollen, to coax them to give up their rich hot creamy offering to her god. She would please them every way she could, with her tits, cunt, ass, and mouth. Her life would be a long ride of thrusting, rubbing, sucking, and spurting cocks!

She felt her legs being swept apart by the old man's hips, as he raised her dress. His hand gone, the cry of emptiness from her stretched and drooling cunt was about to be answered. The boy pulled aside the buttonless fly of his pantaloons to free the thick vein choked length of his cock. Rachel nuzzled the length of it against her cheek, drawing back as the boy leveled it with her mouth. He skinned back the delicate foreskin, revealing his encrusted purple glans.

Chapter 6

Rachel stretched her slender neck forward like an infant bird, yearning hungrily for the boy's cock, pursing her lips, wetting them with her tiny pink tongue leaving them gleaming with the saliva that rose in deliberate anticipation. Behind her she felt the old man's cock searching for her cunt through the sodden curls of the matted hair lining the lips of her cunt......

The sound of a door latch in the dark startled the teenager as she stood guiltily in the pool of light in the middle of the room. She struggled to push the filthy fantasy from her mind but her hands continued their mechanical torment of her cunt and clit. The oily juices flowing from her mixed with the soapy water coating her glistening form. Her mind reeled as she remembered where and who she was.

"Are you so lost?", her rational mind cried out. "You are a good and holy woman!" it said. "Reject the pleasures of the flesh!!", Rachel's only response was a guilty groan as the split fingers of one hand, pulled back and exposed the swollen angry red nub of her clit to the direct tormenting attention of the fingers of her other hand. Just as her fingers began to pinch the thick projecting fleshy nub, a voice jolted her back to reality.

"Rachel, my child is that you?" the voice of the old padre said, filling the room. His hulking form materialized at the edge of the light cast by the flickering candles on the tall stands near the nude girl. Padre's late arrival at the washroom was to wash away the dust of the road. He had seen the young woman bathing and had intended to spare her the embarrassment of knowing of his intrusion.

Something rooted him to the spot. Like some obscene voyeur, his mouth became dry as he relished watching the perfectly formed teenager bathe, watching as she sponged every curve of her flawless white skin. The firm muscles of her shoulders rippling under smooth skin as she sponged the muscular expanse of her upper chest and watched the suds run over the swelling curves of her huge breasts. He marveled at the heavy weight of them as they stood high and proud revealing only a hint of sag on the downward curve where they joined her lean ribcage. Soap flowed down the deep cleavage between the succulent orbs that rippled and jiggled with every movement. Beneath the pale white skin was a network of light blue veins feeding her blood engorged nipples. He wet his thick black lips as the wet elongated nipples shown like diamonds under the reflected candlelight and lengthened as her aureoles tightened in their cool wetness. His gaze followed as stream of soapy water as it ran from her cleavage down the long flat plane of her stomach and through the sparse patch of blonde curls gracing her mons. His eyes widened as the miniature river was divided by the large protuberance of her clit to drip from the downward hanging labia that projected like a fat pink tongue from her hidden slit.

He was frozen as her gleaming thighs trembled while she debased herself in selfish pleasure, abusing the nub of her clit with greedy fingers. There was a stirring beneath his cassock that he had thought to be long dead. The young woman was perfection incarnate, debasing herself like a common Puta. He felt a profound loss, and sympathy mixed with contempt for the sluttish girl.

"She has the world", he thought, "yet wants to play the whore". Priestly thoughts overwhelmed the carnal desires with outrage, "The slut violates god's will in his very house", he thought. The girl must do penance and the priest in him was enraged at the long dormant feelings she had resurrected in him.

"Surely the slut is a vessel of lust, put on this earth to tempt the holiest of men. Satan must be driven out of her", he thought as she continued to abuse the sensitive flesh between her legs like a needy whore.

Lost in lust Rachel smiled at the old Padre, and unashamedly fought for sexual release, her fingers a blur as she worried the stiff nub of reddened flesh. Before she could move the old Padre stepped forward, "Puta!" he spat and sent her reeling as his open hand crashed into her cheek.

Chapter 7

Her lithe form landed on the wooden floor with a thud, in a fan of water and suds across the dusty dry floor. Rachel raised herself on her left hip supporting herself with her left arm as she rubbed the red welt on her cheek. Dust and rotting wood sticking to the wet flesh of flank and curve of her left breast. Rachel smiled and licked her lip tasting the saltiness from the blood and feeling how her lip was thickening from the blow. Pushing herself erect, breasts jiggling with the effort, she crawled to where the black clad figure towered over her.

"You have behaved like a common whore in the house of the lord, my child. What have you to say about this sluttish wickedness and abomination you have performed in the sight of the lord?" he intoned.

Without a word the girl ran her palms along the outline of his cock visible through his cassock and slowly snaked her hand through the opening between its buttons, searching for what she needed to find. Fingers marching like tiny Christian soldiers up the length of the old Padre's burgeoning erection. Smiling up at him as he stood rooted to the floor, too shocked to react, a groan escaped his lips as the rooting fingers explored, found, and cupped his heavy scrotum. Forgotten feelings surged through him at her touch, broad nostrils flaring at the overwhelming smell of musk exuding from her. Her other hand impatiently fumbled first with the buttons of his cassock and then the fly of his under garment.

Even in the dim light of the candle the contrast of her pale hands on his large black rod was clearly visible. The uncontrollable rise of saliva in her mouth, matched by the clenching in her guts as her pussy welled up with hot musk. The Padre stood rigid, suddenly raised his pudgy hands to the heavens and clenching them into fists. As the girl continued her vile ministrations.

Rachel knew now that her fantasy was not a dream but a vision, a vision of her destiny, her purpose. Lost in a maelstrom of lust and need, she struggled to push such thought from her mind and grasp the old Rachel, the intelligent independent Rachel, the one dedicated to self-denial in the name of a religious mythology, instead the more she struggled within herself the more tangled she became in her religious fantasies. She now perceived that she had no choice that the loving god she for so long sought to please had charted a new course for her existence. She was to please in a new realm, not of the spiritual, but of the flesh. In an instant she saw things clearly and was freed from the restraining burden of a lifetime of lies.

Eagerly pulling The Padre's under garment down his thick thighs, cheek resting against his sizable paunch, long stiff nipples brushing teasingly along in their wake. Kneeling, dripping bottom resting on her heels, raising her hands with a whimper of excitement, to lovingly cup the large black sack of his testicles, hanging heavily beneath his large gut. Her hands could barely contain the hot fullness as she dipped her head to place a loving kiss on each of the plumb sized orbs, forehead pushing tightly against the overhang of his belly. Cupped hands kneading their precious cargo tenderly, she buried her nose and mouth in their wrinkled softness.

Rachel felt her guts contract as she inhaled the fragrance of the Padres manhood, felt the churning of his balls beneath her lips and fingers and felt the coarseness of his nappy pubes against her pale cheeks. Overcome and blinded by lust, her tongue thrust out to trace the heavy veins decorating his sperm heavy scrotum beneath their covering of tightly curled hair. She lathed the firm orbs until they were lathered with her saliva, her tongue paying homage to the offering they contained. The offering she would soon have jetting forth in a warm fountain from which she would drink in a new kind of communion.

The Padre's body betrayed him even as he cried silently out to god in futile prayer, the years of self-denial in the purgatory of celibacy were melting away as the young girl stoked the long banked embers of lust in his loins. The blind rage he felt at the girl was doused in wave after wave of long forgotten carnal pleasure, as the girl made oral love to his churning balls.

Suddenly in an epiphany of faith driven delusion, it was clear to him. Like the saved drowning man's surety of divine intervention, the old Padre knew the reason for his tempting. The girl was a vessel, a vessel into which he would pour his lust, he would purify her, he would use her to cleanse others of their lust. Why else would god send him a soulless whore in the form of a perfect virginal woman. Such carnal perfection had only one use. With the certainty born of zealotry, the old Padre was freed of his guilt. He lowered his pudgy hands to the girl's blonde head as she dipped her head sideways to catch the thick staff of his cock between her eager open lips.

Rachel trembled with anticipation as she brought her hand to the stiff rod of black flesh, guiding it to her mouth, hand slick with the saliva coating his sperm sacks, it filled her mouth to overflowing. Shucking his swelling cock with her small white fingers to reveal the dark grayish purple head, lust drugged mind reveling in the depravity of it. A prim and proper white Protestant teenager, on missionary with her pious father, groveling naked before a fat mulatto priest, making love to his cock with her swollen red lips and pink tongue.

Mind reeling as she visualized the scene, once flawless face bruised, lips swollen from the abuse she knew she deserved, cheeks distended, face glistening with mingled secretions, her jaw distorted as she tried to swallow the length of flesh. It was so awful, so depraved, her heavily secreting pussy throbbed at the mental image.

Digging upturned heels into her groin to satisfy the need, the wet swollen flesh of her cunt flooded her feet with its thick oily discharge. The groveling girl marveled at the hardness of the old Padre's cock in her hand. Her swollen lips leaked a moan that was a mixture of need and anticipation as she brought the throbbing black cudgel to her wet lips. Pulling the glossy swollen head to her lips in a soulful kiss, paying homage to the offering the laid before her god, deliberately, almost ritualistically, she kissed the length of the fleshy rod, tracing each pencil thick vein with her delicate pink tongue as it surged under her ministrations. Bringing the plum sized knob to her lips she lathed her tongue around its girth and played into the cleft beneath its wordless mouth, pursing her lips she gently kissed the head, and with a purr engulfed it with her watering mouth.

A moaning growl escaped the fat old man as the head of his cock was encased in the wet warmth of the young white girl's mouth. His balls churned as he felt the girl's tongue swirl around the sensitive head, playing and dipping in to the precum leaking slit as if plumbing for its rich liquid treasure, coaxing it to fountain forth. Head swimming, legs trembling the Padre staggered back and collapsed into a heavy framed wooden chair, the eager girl never releasing the vacuum of her mouth around the old Padre's cock, scuttling after him on all fours, heavy swollen tits swaying beneath her like a nursing calf reluctant to give up its mother's teat.

Chapter 8

The old Padre reclined in the chair and could finally see the entire portrait of the young lust driven slut, the dim light of the candle, her body gleaming under a sheen of bath water and sweat, highlighting the curves of her athletic and lush figure. The sight made his loins burn, his throbbing cock threatening to burst as lust heated blood pumped into the black rod trapped between the girls hollowed cheeks. The old man watched the impassioned face of the young girl, flaxen fair plastered to her high clear forehead with sweat, hanging in matted strands about her shoulders. Pale blue eyes unseeing, clouded with lust, tears of rapture glistening at her lashes, as a patina of sweat formed on the upper surface of her cheeks. Delicate nostrils flaring as she struggled for breath around the fleshy invader distorting her beautiful features as it filled her oral cavity. Her fine chin glistening under a river of spit, mouth filled to overflowing as she bent to her delicious task. Her long neck worked with the exertions of her sucking as her flushed cheeks hollowed and hollowed again as if she struggled to get sustenance from the fleshy rod. She relinquished her loving oral embrace only long enough to caress his length with her delicate pink tongue and to swallow the cherished mixture of saliva and seminal emissions that clogged her mouth to overflowing.

The last threads of self-respect and decency in Rachel's mind screamed with outrage as she hungrily suckled at the black rod. Her blue eyes beheld the man that was in this moment her master, the focus of her existence, barely seeing beyond the rod of flesh that held her spellbound, the spayed cassock exposing the sprawled flabby charcoal thighs with their scabby covering of tightly curled black hair; the distended fat abdomen mapped with dark stretch marks rising like the black belly of a whale from just above his groin and the leering pig eyes staring from above the wide flat nose. Independent intellect fought a losing battle with primordial need as reason and pride slipped away as she slavishly groveled before the black staff. The studied intelligent girl within her, cried as it died poisoned by the corrupting bile of lust that reduced her to a creature controlled by a throbbing nub of needy nerves bathed in sexual secretions. Surrendering, she wedged herself further into the cleft formed by the old Padre's flabby thighs, rubbing her hard nippled breasts against him in a desperate effort to increase his pleasure.

Above her the dark eyes of the old Padre stared from his black face sitting pumpkin like, supported by the fat rolls of his neck. Staring at the obscene sight before him as the once proper young white woman groveled before him, thick tongue darting from his corpulent face to lick his fat lips in pleasure.

Rachel She searched his panting face for some shred of approval as she debased herself for his pleasure. "Suck it, filthy whore, suck the sinful lust from me, make me a pure instrument to do god's work," the old Padre wheezed in near delirium.

Flinching under the sudden verbal onslaught, the words raising goose flesh of pleasure along the curve of Rachel’s arched back, disturbing the beads of sweat that dotted the flawless skin. She found solace in the obscene words as they confirmed the revelation she had had about herself, knowing now that it was true. She smiled and raised the black rod, running her pink tongue along the length of the underside, pausing at intervals along its length to plant loving kisses, then swallowed the length of it in in masochistic delight. The raised spear of flesh lanced into the back of her throat as she forced her mouth down its entire length, forehead glued to the underside of his bloated belly, she pushed with a force born of need and self-hatred.

"My god, help me, what have I become," her rational mind desperately cried out only to be doused by a gush of obscene pleasure at the Padre continued his verbal abuse, breath coming in snorts from her nose as she sought to breath around the plug of flesh imbedded in her throat.

"Yes-s-s-s, take back the sinful lust that you have awakened slut," the Padre said with a groan as Rachel's lips met the prickly cushion of his spit matted pubic hair. "Lance the abscess on my soul that you have given rise to take from me the puss of sin into the wretched whorish vessel that god has made of you."

Losing all control and self-respect, with a grunt, the young woman wiggled tighter between the old man's legs, pushing her pillowy breasts against his scrotum as she forced her mouth harder and harder onto the fleshy shaft. Tears formed in the young girl's eyes tears of anguish at that part of her she could not control, tears caused by the masochistic invasion of her virginal throat and tears of delight as she wallowed swinishly in her trough of sin.

"You are the embodiment of woman, the evil slut whore that has since the Genesis has caused the downfall of man, take from me the sin that you have wrought through the ages, and satisfy your insatiable hunger!"

The old man's hands clenched at Rachel's head as his cock ballooned in her throat. Rachel's throat was making the long elevator ride up the fleshy tower when it erupted in a fountain of thick rich sperm. She could not stifle a cough as the thick cream clogged her esophagus, spraying the mucus like liquid from her nose and mouth spattering the skin of the old man's belly and his cassock. Lifting her sperm dripping lips from the glistening cock she plunged at the spewing delight, ruby lips wide, tongue extended in an effort to capture more of the yellowish cream fountaining from the old man's balls, seed stored for over 30 years fountained forth in gush after rich gush.

Rachel's right hand cradled the old man's heavy balls kneading them in an effort to keep the spring flowing, her greedy tongue flicking out capturing the flow, till finally her lips sealed the runaway fountain and suckled at the tip greedily swallowing the viscous life giving fluid. The old man's hands fell to his sides as Rachel suckled on his cock, hand busily kneading his testicles in an effort to coax more from the empty sacks. When she was satisfied that no more was to be had from the softening tube of flesh, she busied herself lapping the spilt cum from his belly and sucking the dregs from his curly pubes.

The old Padre watched as the young girl preened catlike as she licked her fingers and hands in desperate attempt to find every last drop of his delicious sperm. The wanton sight brought a life back to his deflating cock as the depravity of the once pure teenager burned into his brain. Rachel could think of nothing but the thick wonderful jism that had spouted from the old man's cock. It was the wine and bread of her new communion, she savored it, running the dregs she had siphoned from his pubes and licked from his distended belly, over her lips and tongue. Her corrupted soul hungered for the pungent taste and smell of the viscous fluid, loved the way it made her teeth and tongue feel as it coated them with its sticky sediment.

Chapter 9

Rachel's heart skipped a beat as she felt the flaccid cock growing in her hand, needy eyes searching the Padre's face as she kissed the growing cock in a superfluous gesture to encourage its resurrection. The fear that this might be a tease, that the Padre might be so cruel as to take from her this second delight was more than the lost teenager could stand, so needy was the throbbing between her supple thighs. The desire, the need, the maddening throb, like a new addiction, overwhelmed Rachel, she faltered, then the damn burst.

"Please, give it to me, please, please give me...cock!", the poor teenager whispered as she bathed the black snout of the growing member with her little pink tongue. Without a word the old Padre unbuttoned the front of his cassock to reveal the enormity of his belly and the twin peaks of his drooping fat pectorals, grasping her forearm and pulling her to her feet.

Needing no encouragement, Rachel moved to mount the old man’s cock, swinging one long muscular leg over the old man's waist like she was mounting a horse, and hunching up against his large paunch gripping it with her thighs. Supporting herself with one arm on the back of the heavy wooden chair she fished between her spread buttocks for the hardened black cudgel that she hungered for. As she leaned forward, the massive ivory globes of her breasts hung down like water filled balloons, heavy and swollen. A small white hand found the throbbing staff and slid if up and down the slick grove of her swollen labia, finding and pressing the swollen black knob into the yearning mouth of her cunt.

Their groans echoed one another as her flexing thighs pushed her split buttocks downward toward his pelvis forcing the black ram slowly into her virgin guts, wiggling from side to side in an attempt to widen the channel and ease entry of the black invader. Face knitted with concentration, Rachel licked at her bottom lip, tongue extended like a greedy sow as she forced more and more of the old man's cock into her unused channel of flesh, splitting asunder her maiden head, tender flesh parting before the ram of masculine muscle. Rachel reveled in a shower of masochistic feelings as she forced the thick cock into her tight wet cunt. The slow impossibly long ride down the old Padre's cock ended when she felt her swollen labia against the tight black curls around the root of his cock.

Rachel felt impossibly full as the old man's cock expanded in the hot wet clasp of her cunt. She was sure they were forever joined as she felt the pulsing of his cock beat in time with her own labored breathing as she squatted bandy legged, the expanse of his large belly forcing her knees apart at an impossible angle. Her knees and upper thighs rested astride the bloated abdomen of the old man, their groins touching only where her labia suckled around the base of his cock. Her large, engorged clit being divinely tormented by the abrasion of his aboriginal pubes. The depraved teenager panted as she rested her cheek against the sweating mound of the old man's belly, her insides churning as her cunt pulsed and contracted around the fleshy alien invader. The teenager's mind was lost amid the competing feelings and cravings, the contractions of her hungry cunt answered by the instinctual throbbing pulses from the old Padre's long neglected cudgel.

Rachel's long thighs flexed, raising the nursing lips of her labia from around his cock with an audible wet sound. Up and up the clinging lips rode, swabbing his cock as in a lingering kiss, her fleshy inner lips leaving his cock glistening as they drooled in their silent hunger. The young teenager halted her rise as she felt the bulbous head nearing the mouth of her cunt, then her cunt clenching uncontrollably, she dropped her hips down, lancing the fleshy spear back to its full depth. The masochistic act brought an involuntary whimper from her as the bulbous head crashed against the fleshy stump of her cervix.

The Padre moved only to capture a large hanging breast, directing its impossibly hard swollen nipple to his fat lips. Content to watch the girl debase herself to please him as she let her own demented cravings control her once rational mind. The fat man rolled the teenager's finger thick nipple between his lips, nipping and chewing on the thick protuberance, finally capturing the thick, rough nub in the roll of his tongue and nursing on it with cruel force that brought a whimper from the lust crazed teen.

Rachel's thighs flexed again and again, as like some demented engine she drove her pelvis up and down the rigid cock. Her labia swabbing and lubing the staff in an obscene parody of a cylinder and piston, the air heavy with the stink of sex and sweat, the sour smell of the old man mingling with the sweet musky smell of young cunt as the two rutted like common animals. The silence of the room broken only by Rachel's sow like grunts and whimpers as she struggled for release and an occasional wheeze and snuffling snort as the old man labored under the girl.

The old Padre growled and grunted with appreciation as he gnawed on the girl's cow like udders, his fat lips smacking with appreciation at the taste of her virgin teats. His sharp teeth occasionally bringing a squeal or whimper from the preoccupied teen as he worried first one tasty nipple, then the other, causing the fat fleshy fingers to swell under his constant sucking and chewing. Red marks and welts marred the vein mapped surface of the girl's pale oversized tits from his merciless kneading and biting of the soft flesh.

"You’re the foulest whore in god's sight. Take this sinful offering that you in your obscene depravity coax from me. Take upon yourself as Christ did, the sins of a holy priest, so that he may better serve god", the Padre gurgled around the stiff nipple that filled his mouth. "Crack!", his free right hand came down upon the unprotected flank of the laboring girl.

"Wallow in your depraved obscenity, lend yourself to purification at my hand", he said punctuating it with another sharp blow against her buttock and thigh. "Yea-s-s-s-s!, " the soulless girl moaned under the merciless hand.

"Know that your damnation will prepare others for entry into the kingdom of heaven.", the old Padre grunted as he raised his flaccid buttocks to bury his dripping cock in to the guts of the eager grunting teen. "Crack!" another in a storm of blows rained down on Rachel's flanks as the old man railed at her as a godless whore, a pig a slut, the lowest creation on god's earth, a vessel for lust spent sperm, he chewed at the fleshy bags that pummeled his face as the young woman struggled to satisfy the maddening bum in the fleshy finger of her clit. The words of the old Padre rang like thunder in the ears of the godforsaken girl, pushing her closer and closer to the small death she sought.

"She was vile, she was a whore, a slut...she had become, was becoming everything her hypocritical parents had tried to prevent." she thought as she labored slavishly over the old man's cock. "And she loved it!!" she admitted to herself as her heart cried over the lost innocence.

"I am a s-s-lut, a whore", she moaned. "Use me......p-p-p-ule-e-eze!" she wailed in abject surrender to the black rod of her new master. She finally knew who and what she was. No longer would she be ashamed of her voluptuous and prematurely ripe body. It was there for him, for anyone, to use, so long as they filled her, and gave her hot steaming cum. "Oh, god help me," her mind moaned.

Their entwined bodies looked like some grotesque animal in its death throes. The squelching of his bursting cock in her drooling quim sounded the tempo of her symphony of lust. The cramping in the girl's thighs was forgotten as she labored for release, an exquisite tension building as her shoulders screamed with exertion. The old man's balls contracted suddenly, pumping stream after stream of yellowish cum in an endless geyser into the young woman's bruised cunt. The feel of the expanding cock, it's pulsing contractions and the hot flood of cum sent the girl reeling, pussy cramping in a string of mind bending contractions. Eyes losing sight in a blinding white light as her nails cut furrows in the old man's fat chest, plump lips tight as she gritted her teeth and veins stood out in her neck. A crimson flush covered her bobbling chest as the old man chewed at her nipples and flailed her flanks. In her greedy quest for satisfaction she ground her groin against his scrubbing her maddened clit against the woolly root of his cock. Rachel was filled with searing wave after wave of obscene pleasure, her contracting cunt pumping out streamers of her own cum mixed with that of the Mulatto priest, their leavings forming a puddle beneath the old man's flaccid ass. A gurgling moan escaped her swollen lips as her orgasm ran its undulating course. Every fiber of her body was tuned to wring every delicious second from her delicious delirium. The explosion of obscene and depraved pleasure forever branded itself on young Rachel's being. Never would her life be the same.

Rachel fell forward in exhaustion and shivered one last time as the remnants of pleasure strummed her clit wallowing in a languid pool of depraved excess. Reveling in the obscene memory of the moment, she formed a mental picture of her flawless body sprawled across the nauseating fat form of the black priest. Their lust spent, sweat mingling. She breathed in the stink of the man and ran her delicate fingers through the sparse curls that dotted his fat sunken chest reveling in the thought of what her righteous father would say if he could see her now. Or her unfaithful mother. Her freshly stretched and abused pussy throbbed at the wicked thought knowing that that she would never be the same. She was an addict, not to the needle, but the delicious high that a demanding cock could bring her, wallowing in the delight of being used submissively, being mastered by a stranger, any stranger, with a hard demanding cock. Somewhere within her the old Rachel cried as her pussy throbbed around the deflating black cock still filling her.

The Padre caught his breath and pushed the girl from him as if she was suddenly repellent. Rachel fell to the sweat and cum speckled floor, staring upward at his dark face, eyes drawn to the glistening black cock projecting through the half open front of his cassock. Rising up to her knees the abused young woman caught the dripping cock between her swollen lips, licking their commingled juices from the rod with rapacious delight.

The old priest suddenly grabbed the girl's matted hair in his left hand. "You are to be a whore for god my child, but you must be cleansed of the lust you take unto yourself from others." He pulled her face upward by the blonde tresses he clutched. The pathetic young woman raised her face to his in desperation, looking for something, even she did not know.

"It shall be my service to god to use this vessel of lust to do god's will" he said raising his right hand to the heavens. He then brought the hand down in a fist against Rachel's upturned jaw sending her into an oblivion of darkness.

Chapter 10

The old Padre sweated as he tied the last knot, the old Jesuit texts had been invaluable, they knew and understood, pain and humiliation cleansed the soul. What better way to cleanse the vessel of lust the young woman had become. The Padre tried to ignore the stirring in his groin as he looked at the unconscious young woman. She was on all fours, draped over a stool , leather straps were secured behind her knees with buckles, the sections of old leather belts having been nailed to the floor. Her hands were secured in a similar fashion. Her head was hooded with an old black velvet bag from the sanctuary. The front of the hood came down to the tip of her delicate nose where it met the twin tined hook with blunt tines that disappeared into each nostril keeping her unconscious head upright it's weight resting on the cord suspending the hook. Her mouth was gagged by the thick nub of an old candle pierced and held in place by a cord around her head. The Padre strummed his finger on the taunt string that ran from her left nipple to the nail in the wooden floor. The reddish teat had already swollen and was turning a purplish blue.

"How ingenious the Jesuits were." he thought to himself. When the pitiful girl regained her senses, he would remove the stool and she would be forced to kneel her head kept aloft by the nasal hooks and suffer the pain from the tight cords secured to each of the obscene projections of her filthy teats. The bonds assured that she could not move to relieve the pressure on her knees and arms. Attempts to do so would result in increased tension on nose or breast. She would have plenty of time to contemplate her new purpose in life, and service to god.

The Padre's thoughts were interrupted by moans from the girl as she regained her senses. Rachel struggled to clear her head but every movement seemed to result in pain. Her heart pounding with terror, she blinked her eyes to clear them but saw only blackness. Her nose throbbed in pain but she was powerless to move her hand to explore her injury.

"Slut", a voice said out of the darkness. "Soulless whore", you are doing penance to cleanse yourself of the lust you have partaken in the name of god." The past hours came back to Rachel in a flash, her skin burned with the realization of what she had done, her skin turned red, as embarrassment and excitement raced through her and stiffened as a thick finger traced the tender length of her cum oozing quim.

"God has ordained that you are worthy only to be a vessel of lust. You are fit only to receive the sinful lust of others, your womb shall be barren, poisoned by the sinful seed that is to fill it.", he chortled. "Like the sin eaters of old you will suckle the sin poisoned seed filling your belly, and then do penance, that other more worthy creatures shall be saved."

"Godless whore, you shall remain here to contemplate your new life, until I return. Pray for forgiveness and thank the lord that you have been chosen to serve him to this worthy purpose".

The girl felt the surface her upper torso rested on being pulled from under her. The sudden shift of weight caused an increase in the pain in her nose. As she struggled to ease that pain she felt the pulling in her nipples increase. In panic she began to buck and pull at her bonds. The Padre chuckled at her struggles.

"Poor child, your struggles only make it worse. Accept this as you must accept your new life." With those final words, the poor girl heard the Padre's footsteps fade and a door close.

Rachel's struggles ceased as she found a position where the pain became a constant. Her knees throbbed, her wrists ached and her nose was numb. The burning in her nipples had become a dull ache as the long nubs had become engorged with trapped blood and turned blue black due to the tight twine that encircled them. Minutes seemed hours, and hours seemed like an eternity. Her empty quim was a mass of raw nerves as it throbbed with the memory of her willing violation, the memory burning hot as she relived the uncontrolled lust that had consumed her. She struggled to visualize her life only weeks before but could not. It was as though the depraved acts of the last day had burned away the last vestiges of the young woman that had been her. In her place was a hollow shell of flesh, a dripping running cunt that begged to be filled. She had become a trollop, no decent man would want her. A hairy hole to be used as any man saw fit.

She loathed herself but reveled in the depravity. Pain brought her out of her orgy of self-hatred as she realized she had deliberately rocked back on her haunches pulling against both the nasal hooks and nipple bindings bringing a fresh wave of pain to her dulled brain. Through the fog of pain that roared in her ears, the helpless girl heard the door open and the soft pad of multiple feet.

Chapter 11

It was early in the morning as Hatori entered the rectory to do the regular cleaning and collection of soiled linens. He stopped in mid stride when he saw the sight before him. Tahio his son and the large mastiff nearly collided with him, his halt was so sudden. For a moment he was bewildered at what lay before him. He knew the old Padre would be gone till midday, but why was the young American girl displayed so? It could only have been done by the Padre he reasoned, as he was her guardian. A not so benevolent guardian it seemed. Maybe he and the Priest had more in common than he thought. Silently he approached the table looking for something that might explain the puzzle before him. He saw the old books and leafed through the Jesuit texts gleaning enough from the engravings to know what the priest was doing to the girl. Why he could only imagine.

"So primitive," he snorted under his breath. Looking toward the girl, he motioned to his son to remain where he was, the large dog straining at his collar at the scent of musk heavy in the air. He could not believe his good fortune. He could think of nothing else since laying eyes on the American girl the day before. He took his lust and frustration out on Maria these last few days. Even now she suffered for his pleasure, tied and trussed with coarse hemp waiting his return.

Rachel could sense a presence in the room but could see nothing through the hood. "Look at de leetle missy" a familiar voice hissed. "La Puta, si, Hatori?, the old Japanese laundry man said as ran a rough hand over the smooth skin of the teen's finely muscled back. The thick muscles along her spine standing out in relief as her back arched. His hands cupped the heavy breasts, drawing a whimper from the girl as they pulled on her swollen blue nipples. The old man's hand slid down the girl's back and around the curve of her buttock. He cupped the firm flesh and squeezed it in appreciation.

Unceremoniously he wormed a bony finger between the exposed lips of the defenseless girl's pussy, still slick with the Padre's leavings. "Can I fuckee, the Missee, papa?" the youth babbled as he watched his father finger the girl.

The naked girl shuddered not at the sound of the idiot babbling, but at the wave of delight as the bony finger explored her bottom. His other had joined the first, spreading her for inspection, the nub of her clit rising in response. There was a feeling of near nausea in her stomach, not at her exposure, her debasement, nor the repellent touch of the old man. but a sick empty feeling that they might leave her, that they might not use her. Might not fill her with their filthy squirming seed. This should have sickened her, but she felt only satisfaction, that her womb might receive yet another baptism of viscous sperm. The helpless teen began to buck and grunt around the candle that filled her mouth. Trying to feel more of the maddening fingers that probed her exposed sex. The old man used one hand to pry her slick labia apart, the old Padre's sperm still clinging to the sparse hairs.

Hatori sniggered at the sight of the red raw flesh wet with the spent seed of the old priest and grinned at the sight of the raised red finger of the girl's inflamed clit. With sadistic glee he caught the livid bundle of nerves between thumb and forefinger and pinched it as the kneeling young woman thrashed and bucked in her bound position.

The old man motioned to the retarded youth to bring the mammoth dog, champing with agitation, forward. Jerking his fingers from the girl's privates he held them in front of the slobbering dog's muzzle. Sniffing at the oily goo coating Hatori's fingers the dog immediately began to lap at the musky smelling slime.

When the dog had finished with the man's hand his head raised his nose searching for the now familiar smell. Tahio had a hard time restraining the large animal as he strained at the chain collar slowly pulling the youth toward the two half-moons of the girls ass. Rachel jerked at the first cold contact of the dog's nose with the hot flesh of her quim. Her nerve endings sparking and sizzling as the dog assaulted her exposed privates, her tight ass cheeks standing tall and exposed on the firm columns of her long thighs.

the lean buttocks standing high and firm, her sex exposed in the wide cleft between the firm cheeks the sparse blonde hair covering her plump swollen labia, beaded with the priest's slime. Her swollen inner labia protruding out like some greedy tongue, red and swollen. With a cursory sniff, Conquistador's broad tongue began to lap at the long labia, in a perverted parody of French kissing. The dog seemed intent at plumbing to the very depths of the girl's womb to get the mixture of musk and cum.

Rachel thought she would die when she felt the old man’s wriggling fingers leave her open and empty waving the split half-moons of her ass from side to side in an obscene effort to recapture the feeling. The wet touch of the dog's warm tongue brought a wave of excitement coursing through her.

The wailing "No-o-o-o-o-o! that rang through her mind when she deduced the true identity of the brute assaulting the treasure of her upturned pussy, came out a muffled moan through the plug of wax filling her mouth. She thrashed and jerked as the perversion invaded her mind and senses. Each pull and jerk caused agony in her nipples and nose, pain and humiliation competing for space within the girl's consciousness. Rachel thought she had sunk to the depths of depravity, but she was wrong, the hungry ministrations of the dog's tongue began to assuage the girl's pain. Once again the fire in her cunt began to betray her and a low pitiful whimper vibrated in her throat as the dog continued to lap at her.

The old man stood watching the depraved display, idly squeezing the girl's left breast as it hung heavily beneath her, his own right hand rubbing the erection that tented the front of his loose pantaloons. "Tahio, Conquistador, no mas", he barked as he motioned with his arm. His babbling son pulled the animal away from the girl, her elevated bottom wet with dogs sticky saliva.

"Now Missee...we see if I feet yor leetle pussy...", he said as he fumbled with his pantaloons, shoving them to his knees. The hooded girl was spared the sight of the old man's scab covered bandy legs as he waddled to the waiting girls elevated buttocks. The old man positively drooled at the cleft of flesh before him, the firm buttocks at his waist level, their muscular firmness creating a wide cleft showing the bruised slit of her pussy and pink rosebud of her sphincter.

The wide glistening cleft of her ass, elevated on the muscular columns of her thighs displaying her charms obscenely. Impatiently, the old man fisted his rancid cock, waddling up to the charms the bound girl offered up. Running the knobby head of his cock up and down the angry red lips of her labia luxuriating in the slickness left by those before him and with a grunt rammed his warty shaft into the swampy cunt.

His claw like hands clutched the girls narrow hips and his pelvis began a rhythmic motion. Rachel moaned at this new invasion, her hips moving in time with the fleshy piston drubbing against her battered cervix. A steady low moan growing in her throat, as her thighs flexed pushing her ass back against the pelvis pounding against her upturned ass. She was truly lost as she thought not an instant of the cock or its owner, but focused on the thrill it was giving her, how it's creamy load might taste and feel on her tongue. He mind was lost in an effort to create an image of what it looked like lancing in and out of her poor battered pussy.

The old man stared at the back of the girl though his slanted eyes, sweat dripping from the ends of his greasy mustache onto the upturned curves of her ass, watching the subtle flexing of her muscular back as she pushed backwards against him. "Such a whore she is, he thought", with contempt. "It took over three years for him to train Maria, to the point that this young puta has come to in a day!" he marveled to himself. He watched as beads of sweat formed along the thick muscles of her back and coalesced to pool along the hollow of her spine. Drops from her upturned ass running down to join the pool as she labored to milk his cock.

The old man groaned inwardly at the soft flesh encasing his rod, the warty growths of his ancient member chaffing and tearing at the tender near virginal flesh that clung to it with each outstroke. He could feel every squeeze of the girl's cunt muscles, milking him. His eyes traveled upward at the motion of his idiot son, as he stood questioning by the girl's hooded head. A grim smile spread across the old man's face as he nodded. Fumbling with the knot, the spit wet candle soon fell with a clump to the wooden floor and the youth removed the hood, the girl blinking wildly as she became used to the light. Her eyes brimming with tears, from pain, relief, humiliation, it mattered not, as she wormed her ass backward as best she could, not missing a beat of the old man's tempo as his bony hips thudded into the muscular cheeks of the buttocks offered up to him, arching her back to make her quim more accessible.

Chapter 12

The bleary eyes of the young woman could see nothing but the large log of flesh before her, head still pulled harshly up and back by the tension of the nasal hooks, mouth hanging open slackly now that the thick candle was gone. He brought the thick vein wrapped post toward her defenseless but eager mouth, the pink tongue involuntarily darting out to wet the oval of her lips, her eyes watched him pull back the foreskin partially revealing the oversized fleshy knob, purple and gleaming wet. A huge scrotum hung beneath the wrist thick shaft, their contents hanging heavily fully the size of tennis balls. The slick knob sliding easily across her lips as the youth guided it into her waiting mouth. Rachel's eyes seemed glassy as her tiny pink tongue explored the head mind lost in contemplation of new sperm laden delights.

Rachel was an automaton as her hips rocked and squeezed in an effort to please the faceless owner of the pleasuring cock. Mouth watering as she explored the hard rod of flesh forcing its way into her mouth. The pressure threatening to tear her nose from her face as the nasal hooks bit deeply holding her head in position. This increased the tension on her swollen nipples, looking like blue black strawberries from the restricted circulation.

"Mmmmmpppf, grlllgl", the teen struggled for breath. Near the edge of sanity, Rachel pushed back against the cock filling her mouth, forcing her jaw ever wider, her breath snuffling and spurting through her nose around the restraining hooks as her mind threaten to dissolve, and she struggled to please the faceless man filling her bruised bottom. She attempted to swallow the staggering length and girth of the cock forcing its way into her mouth. The retarded boy babbled and giggled, a stream of slobber wetting his chin as he watched the girl swallow his mammoth rod. Grabbing the helpless girl by the head, he began to imitate his father, pumping his enlarged cock in and out of the defenseless mouth as he blathered and giggled.

"Lookee, papa, I fuckee the Missee......" he babbled, unconcerned with any distress he was causing the unfortunate girl as his thrusts pummeled his groin against the unresisting girls face.

"Good, boy-y-y-y-y-y." the old man said with a shudder as his ancient balls spewed their rancid seed into the raw channel of the girl's cunt. He clutched the prominent hips and welded his groin to the pale cheeks of the upturned ass and felt the girl push back against him as his foul spunk spewed against the dilated mouth of her battered cervix. Asian and Negroid sperm competed in her cum clogged womb, wriggling out their brief lives for eggs that were not there. The old man felt every pulsation of the young cunt around his old cock. The wet velvet lining of her quim melding and kissing every crevasse and warty knob on the old man's member, bathing the dry cracked surface with an ocean of musk that pumped from her young flesh in a seemingly endless stream.

Rachel felt the old man's liquid explosion but had only begun to climb the peak of pleasure herself. Distracted by the twin penetration by the two men, the young slut had become too intent on pleasing them. The youth's abuse of her mouth made worse as she docilely tried to cover her teeth with her swollen lips to protect the invading cock from her teeth tearing and scraping the tender flesh of her mouth in a sacrificial gesture of submission. The boy caring little for her gesture as he plunged his cock into her throat to the roots, holding it there savoring the warmth and rippling convulsions of her throat as he triggered her gag reflex. Jets of air sent mucus streaming down her upper lip as her breath exploded from the restricted airway of her nostrils. The boy holding the young slut's head in an iron grip as she thrashed about trying desperately to breath around the cock buried in her convulsing throat.

"Mmmmmmmmh, mmmmmmmfp", she gurgled as she felt the heavy balls slap against her chin the thick post becoming thicker as the shaft prepared to baptize her with its rich cream. As the old man withdrew his ruined slime covered cock from the willing tramp's sodden cunt the he saw the girl pushing her torso upward voluntarily making the thin cords encircling her painfully swollen teats cut further into the tender flesh. Sniggering to himself he walked to where his son had tied the massive dog untied the beast and sat to watch the spectacle.

Chapter 13

The great black beast immediately buried his snout in the girl's dripping quim, thick tongue lapping up the mixture of the old man's spent seed and the musk drooling uncontrollably from the slut's pussy. Conquistador shambled from side to side his tongue a blur as he struggled to get at every musky drop. The greasy hair on Hatori's upper lip moved as his lip curled in amusement. His slanted eyes never left the underside of the big dogs stomach as the red club of its penis slowly extended from its hairy sheath. Ever since Hatori had acquired the large dog as a pup he knew that the dog's endowment was "special" and had taken great delight in forcing Maria to allow the dog to do "whatever" the dog had liked. The dog liked the smell and taste of women and had never needed encouragement to mount Maria, the first time had been when she was on her knees cleaning, and as it happened she had been in season. He remembered the panic in Maria's face when the 200lb dog had mounted her. Hatori had had to grab the surprised little Hispanic by the hair and after a few sharp blows, the young girl had let the dog have his way. After that, the dog had acquired a taste for her, using her just about as often as Hatori.

Tahio's cock seemed on the verge of splitting its' own skin, the pulsing of the choking girl's throat and the milking of her tongue along the underside of the sensitive shaft sent him over the edge. "He-e-e-e,uh-uh,huh-huh,hee hee" the moron babbled as his shaft exploded and balls sent pulse after pulse of cum into the girl's throat. Gagging and struggling, her breath exploded out of her nose carrying with it streamers of thick white cum draping her lips and greasing the great tube of muscle that to ravaged her mouth and throat. Pulse after pulse of white ribbons of sperm splashed her throat, coating her tongue and teeth as the great cock continued to piston in and out of her face. The poor girl could taste nothing but the delicious white spunk as it coated her tongue and cloyed her taste buds. At last the boy withdrew the delicious prong far enough that she could suckle at the bulbous end, cheeks hollowing as she suctioned as much of the thick cream as she could. dribbling down her chin, her small mouth filled to overflowing.

"M-M-M-M-h, a-a-a-h, M-m-m-muh", the teen mumbled struggling to suck and swallow every drop of the boy's thick sperm laden semen. Rachel vaguely felt a new onslaught on her raw cunt as she bent to the task before her. To the poor girl, the thick white fluid was precious nectar, the symbol of the new communion that marked the new covenant between her and those she sought to please her old religious crutch replaced by a new and more powerful addiction. She was forever to be a servant, gone was the old Rachel, replaced by a groveling wretch, eager to please anyone with a hard spewing cock to fill her and to make her whole, to validate her new existence. Her eyes gazed upward at the boy idiot as he withdrew the meaty prong she had been suckling, drawing a childish whimper from the girl, as though been denied a toy.

The shapely teen's petulance lasted but a second as her muscular back absorbed the full weight of the huge black dog's chest and shoulders. "Uh-h-h-h-h, ah-ah-ah-ah!", the teen groaned as her arms momentarily buckled under the weight causing excruciating pain in her nostrils as the hooks pulled at her tender nose. The large dog shuffled forward on his muscular hind legs, his great back forming an arch over the girl's kneeling form. Each vertebrae of his back standing out in clear relief under his sleek coat, his front legs grasping the sleek flanks of the trapped girl's torso. Panic born of the sudden pain rushed through Rachel's mind, realization fought through the fog of fear slowly. Only when she heard the cruel mocking words of the old man's did she know how much further humiliation would go.

The boy had joined his father to watch the great dog struggling to take his turn at the willing slut, the sleek columns of the girl's thighs rippling with the effort to accommodate the dog's weight. The muscles in her firm arms and arched back standing out as they took up the weight of the 200lb dog. Conquistador's member was nearly fully extended now, the thin hairy sheath still encasing the knob of his knot some 9 inches from the tip of the thick blunt nose shaft. The bright red tube glistening with thin purple veins. Widest in the middle, it's blunt shape dancing between the upright thighs of the teenage girl as it hung downward underneath the dog. Hatori could see the dog's great scrotum as if filled the gap between its muscular rear legs.

The dog's huge cock drubbed against the girls engorged clit as it hung too low to reach the leaking mouth of the girl's cunt. Realization dawned in the mind of the pretty young slut as she felt the constant maddening drubbing against her swollen raw clit. "No-o-o-o-o-!! uh-uhnn", the teen whimpered in pathetic resistance.

"The mongrel dog is mounting me", the girl's mind screamed, she knew then what the old priest said was true, she truly was the lowest whore in god's creation, a slut bitch, low enough to be the lover of a common cur dog. The thought hit her demonic licentious nerve like an electric shock, guts knotting in exquisite anticipation, skin prickling as the depravity of the act permeated her body like a vile invisible poison, contaminating and degrading flawless flesh. Every part of her responded, the tips of her tortured breasts throbbing as the thin cord cut into them, the majestic heavy bags of her tits swelling and throbbing as her raw and ravaged cunt gushed its liquid approval at the depraved thought of it.

The last tattered shred of decency and self-esteem died as her knees flexed to lower her bottom in an effort to offer an easier target for the bestial lover. Reason no longer existed in the girl's mind, only the desire to play the cur bitch to the mindless beast. The mindless desire to please, to get in return the wonderful release of the flesh had undone a lifetime of learning, of teachings, the young slut clenched her eyes as she endured the pain that her efforts to captured the fleshy invader brought to her nose and breasts.

Conquistador pranced and danced on his thick hind legs, his fleshy spear skittering between the bitch's thighs leaving slick trails across her stomach. His thick tongue trailing strings of saliva across the girl's muscular back as his hunched form seemed to meld with the arched back of the human bitch beneath him. His insistent pressure matched by the backward push of her firm buttocks, both were rewarded as the blunt nose of the engorged red spear slotted between the sodden lips of the swollen labia, caught for an instance in the distended mouth of her raw cunt, then with a rush slid in to the hilt sheathing itself in her guts.

Chapter 14

"Uh-n-n-n-n-h", was all the girl could manage as the blunt head of the great dog cock speared into her, crashing into the swollen cervix, and sliding beneath, invading a portion of her abused cunt that had only recently been touched by exploring fingers of the old Japanese pervert. The fleshy spear buried itself against the wall of her vagina stretching and bruising the tender flesh. The fingers on her bound hands dug into the wood of the floor, eyes wide but unseeing as the enormity and utter depravity of what just happened broke upon her.

"She had let it happen, No, she wanted it to happen, she willingly helped it happen", she thought. "You utter slut, you, sick perverted whore", her mind screamed out. "You are worthless, you are the lowest creation on earth, a mere sperm sump, destined to be a haggard slut, diseased and forever marked by the debased sins you are willingly committing."

These exhortations, the last whimper of the dying morality rang hollowly in the vacuum of her mind. "Oh, yes, this is s-o-o-o- perverted, so-o-o- nasty,....and I love it," another voice in her head countered as she arched her back pushing her ass back towards the bestial lover. The beautiful young woman wallowing in the depravity of her situation. Mere days ago she would have been physically ill at the thought of the act she now performed with relish. Like a maggot squirming in the moldering filth of a decaying corpse bathing in the supreme depravity of the act and the degradation she willing pursued.

The thick red canine shaft, fully 8” around at its thickest point pistoned in and out of the groveling slut as the black dog rutted between the spayed cheeks willing offered up, playing the bitch to the humping animal. The mouth of her abused cunt stretched around the slick red member, strained tissue of her labia caressing the length of the slimy bestial cock as it withdrew then to rush back as the great animal's hips pounded out a rapid staccato against the firm globes of her white ass. The red lips stretched to a pale band wet with a white foamy paste as the tortured lips swabbed their mingled juices from the pounding rod like a hydraulic seal. A puddle of drool pooling warmly on her back mixing with the beads of sweat along her arched spine the great beast's thews flecked with foam from his exertions.

She heard nothing but the heavy breathing of the huge dog and her own whimpering mews, rutting like a common cur bitch, whore to the mindless beast satisfying its animal urge. The slut licked her cum covered lips, tongue protruding from her open mouth as if to make room for the huge animal cock that filled her to bursting.

"Uh-h-h-h-h-h-h", she groaned as the blunt ram continued to bruise the far wall of her cunt. It's passage lubricated by her own secretions as she struggled to take the punishing cock, to accept the wonderfully wicked feelings it gave her. Her red swollen clit pummeled repeatedly as the dog's knot pounded against her stretched labia. The old Japanese stared with a wicked grin as he saw the dog's knot beating against the stretched mouth of the girl's quim. No, he admitted to himself, it was too big. The girl mustn't be hurt, today. She was still the property of the old Padre.

The two lovers seemed like one, the form of the girl, pale flawless skin glistening with sweat, the huge dog arched over her laboring form, sleek black coat shining in the light, joined by the wrist thick shaft of red meat. Her pale skin began to flush as she neared release. The torment of her red raw cunt had turned to the tension of pleasure as her bruised clitoris continued to swell under the hammer blows of the dog's hardening knot. She felt it before the mindless the red shaft swelling to bursting, wringing yet another whimper from her bruised cum clogged throat. The first hot jets from the impossibly swollen cock bathed the abused walls of her stretched cunt, jet after jet of hot dog cum washing the pain away in a soothing shower of bestial essence. The rush of hot animal release sending the girl into a long mind bending orgasm, dirty fingers scrabbling against the rotted wood floor, the toes of her filth caked feet curling as her tense muscles bunched and knotted in the rapture that she sought. She arched her back, tensing the round globes of her buttocks in an effort to squeeze every second of pleasure from the humming nerves of her throbbing clit. The crazed girl could feel the entire shape of the bestial shaft as it filled her bottom, pumping her full of its life giving load. Her system alerted to the flood of alien sperm and beginning to annihilate the squirming hoard as it labored up the opening of her dilated cervix.

A shudder wracked the girl’s body as the huge dog dismounted, his dripping cock dangling beneath him like an obscene red sausage. In the afterglow of her orgasm, the girl began to sob crying with the realization that she was forever lost. The dog walked to the door and whimpered. Hatori motioned to his son to remove the dog. As the door closed behind the boy. Hatori fisted his cock as he watched a stream of dog cum run like a string of mucus from the stretched and dilated mouth of the girl's cunt.

He walked to the raised head of the girl and surveyed her swollen cum encrusted lips. "You suckee mee missee, and maybe I let the doggie have you again. You like?, the old man chorled. Rachel had been born again, only as a mindless whore, a lowly slut. The old Rachel would have died as the head of the bound girl struggled against the confining nasal hooks, to nod her head in agreement, as she extended her pink tongue in invitation to the old man's swollen cock.

** Chapter 15

Alone in the now dark room, Rachel heard the door open as the old Padre returned. She recognized his steps on the wooden floor, which stopped abruptly halfway across the room. He paused and raised the lamp to better see the girl. The sympathy he felt evaporating in a cloud of rage when he saw her in the lamplight. Her pale skin was streaked with dried semen, on the floor beneath her swollen open labia was a pool of congealing animal cum. The skin of her round firm ass, once flawless now a network of scratches from the old Orientals scrabbling fingers.

The hood was gone, her head only covered by a matted clot of blond hair. The candle gag was gone, in its place a dried crust of cum around the girl's mouth. Her lips swollen and puffy. "So, you truly have found your calling you brazen whore!!", he roared. "Being a slut for god is not enough to satisfy your hungry cunt, you soulless abomination!!"

The Padre walked to the wall and removed a leather scourge that some of the more zealous locals sometimes used during festivals to do penance. "Uh-h, Uh-h, No-o-o-o-o, the girl protested as the first blow landed on the smooth skin of her muscled back and ass.

He began to flail at the helpless girl, her white, white skin making an unmissable target. "You foul abomination, you are to god's purpose and none others, only he can debase you for his will. You offer yourself up like a common slut, in violation of his will...." He eyes blurred and it was no longer the poor young vessel of lust before him but the hated woman that had once betrayed his with another. He lashed out his anger at her, smashing the sneering smile, the faithless flesh that had robbed him of his manhood...

The long leather tails of the lash raised livid red and blue welts across the flawless skin of the beautiful teens back and buttocks as the crazed priest bent to his demented work. His arms knotted as he flailed at the helpless trembling form before him his black bulk towering over her as she groveled kneeling. The long leather tongues seemed to caress and lick the girl as they wrapped themselves lovingly around the curves of her jerking and trembling form, kissing her flanks and the sides of her heavy hanging breasts. The girl jerked and tossed bringing renewed agony to her discolored and swollen nipples, and the angry red pits of her nostrils where the cold steel hooks held her fast.

Nothing was spared the unforgiving kiss of the lash. The Padre paid special attention to the ripe wet target made by the cleft of her ass cheeks and the swollen dripping labia that nestled between the columns of her white thighs. The merciless hard edged leather did its work without conscience, bringing piteous whimpers from the attractive young woman.

Rachel's mind exploded with insane pain as the coarse leather bit into her sensitized flesh. She thrashed and jerked but soon knew that any movement brought only more pain. Soon the pain in her back, a swollen mass of hot welts gave way to the searing pain of her cunt as the old sadistic priest laid the lash into the swollen wet cleft between her legs. Her whimpers were soon lost amid the heavy breathing of the old priest as he labored over his defenseless victim.

"May god' save your unrepentant soul, you foul whore's spawn.." he wheezed as his anger abated. His anger clouded eyes now saw the wretched sight before him and his heart clutched in sympathy.

The bound girl trembled, her once flawless skin now a network of livid red and blue welts, some weeping where the leather had nearly drawn blood. Her pitiful whimpers broken by quiet sobs, the floor beneath the girl spotted with tears amidst the drops of dried cum. The old black Padre was ashamed for what he had done to the girl. True she had behaved as a brazen slut for an unknown man or men, that was certain. But, she had been in no position to prevent it. His heart felt sad and he was sickened that he had lost control of himself and had in part enjoyed it as the throbbing in his groin attested. He victimized the girl to assuage the anger he felt at himself and the betrayer of his heart. He hurried to the poor teens side and gently unbuckled the restraints binding her hands and knees. He cut the thin cords that cruelly pulled on her luscious breasts and lifted her semen stained face from the metal hooks.

The poor girl looked at him with gratitude as she crawled from her perch, legs too numb to stand. She faltered, mind awash with memories of the days pain and pleasure. The spark of lascivious depravity springing into flame as she caught her reflection in the mirror that stood fastened against the wall. She looked intently, her pink tongue peeked out to wet her swollen cum encrusted lips. Her beautiful hair matted with sweat and semen. She raised her hand to a swollen discolored nipple still painfully bound and felt it's blood swollen sensitivity. Her eyes beheld a wretch that she could scarcely recognize, bruises and welts covered her once flawless skin, dried yellow cum stained her face, and she could see the red raw flesh of her bottom glisten with others leavings and her own guilty secretions. Without thinking the lost slut lowered her head to the floor as if to find comfort. Her cheek pressed against the dirt of the rotting wooden floor. Her hands ventured back along her flanks, fingers splayed she gripped the firm cheeks of her abused ass and splayed them exposing the angry wet mouth of her cunt. The thick red sentry of her clit erect and swollen, she arched her back elevating her bottom, wagging her splayed cunt in invitation to the old Padre.

Chapter 16

The morning sunlight leaked through the old shutters on the window and woke Rachel from her dreams. The young woman's head swimming with visions of spurting cocks. She was imbibing from their creamy fountains, their viscous loads filling her mouth to overflowing, bathing her face and chest. Other muscular tubes assaulted her cunt and ass, stretching her, their throbbing girths making her feel safe and secure with their filling presence. The maddening throb of her swollen oversized clit under the persistent rubbing of the demanding cocks was a reassuring constant. She was on a long liquid ride, heavy breasts swaying and bouncing with her labored exertions.

The young girl rose in a trance like state, barely aware of the actions she had willing performed over the last hours. Her fall had been so far in so short a time that it too seemed a dream. Each step reminded her it was reality, her new reality, she had become, of her own accord, a willing and enthusiastic whore, a slut to every virile cock that wanted to use her. Her abused cunt was raw from the men and, beasts that had used her. She felt the sticky wetness that still dribbled from her stretched and aching cunt wetting her bottom, the crevasse between her firm cheeks thoroughly greased by the leftover sperm. Her back and buttocks throbbed from the lashing she had received from the old Padre, her nipples, face, and knees hurt too. Then she remembered, the pain in her knees was from the fucking the old Padre had given her. Her face burned with shame as she remembered offering her dripping bottom to the old priest, how his cock slicked into her distended cunt on the spent sperm that coated her insides. She could still feel the raw ache as her knees and cheek, grated across the old wooden floor while the old black Padre had fucked into her upturned cunt with a maniacal fury. She remembered the insane lust as she helped in her own degradation, the cramping in her stomach as she used her strong supple muscles to milk the old man's cock, how she had reached back to fondle and cradle his swaying balls, trying to make it good for him, the long orgasm she had as she pinched at her swollen clit with her own grimy fingers, scratching and clawing at the sensitive nerve bundle to heighten her own pleasure as the old priest filled her raw and aching cunt with the dregs from his withered balls.

The beautiful 18 year old walked to the hook on which hung the simple cotton peasant dress, all that remained of her belongings. The Padre had removed her suitcase and other belongings, even her footwear. She raised her arms painfully, the welts and bruises crying out from her movements. The light from the window shone across the broad white expanse of her large breasts as she put on the old dress, heavy breasts swaying within the loose confines of the dress, long fingers of her red nipples clearly visible through the light fabric. She walked out of her room and down the dark hallways of the church, dreading what awaited her at the laundry, mixed with a sick sense of anticipation. What did she have to hide from them? They had taken her, they had degraded her in a way that was beyond her imagination. And still she was excited at the prospect what might await. She stepped from the dark church into the bright light of a new day.

Chapter 17

The young missionary girl walked into the laundry, her bare feet leaving dust footprints on the floor. The front of the shop was empty, the wash area vacant. She continued to the back looking for Maria or Hatori and his son, the thin cotton of her dress already beginning to cling to her in the hot humid air of the shop. Her big titties joggling heavily on her chest within the loose confines of yhe dress, their size and weight pushing the front open, as the crude belt tried to hold the front of the dress closed. Walking into the back of the shop she paused as her eyes adjusted to the relative darkness. Her breath caught in her throat, saliva rising as she saw the young Bolivian girl, Maria on her knees naked to the waist, Tahio's log like cock filling her mouth. The girl's thick black hair obscuring her face as she bent to her task. The large mixed breed cur was busily lapping at the crevasse of the young girl's swaying bottom, Tahio's large right hand playing with the dark brown saucer sized nipples capping the girl's large tan breasts.

Rachel’s bottom throbbed at the realization that she had looked like this just the night before and she could tell that this was not the first time for Maria. Her practiced hand kneading and caressing the wrinkled sack of the boy's oversized scrotum, mews and whimpers of satisfaction coming from her gorged mouth as the boy's hands tormented her.

Rachel had but an instant to feel the fleeting pangs of jealousy and envy that blossomed in her as bony hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her toward the waist high counter. Offering no resistance as the old man pulled her toward him, unable to pull her eyes away from the huge cock locked between the young girl's lips. The hungry smacking and gurgles from Maria's lips filled Rachel’s ears as she felt the old man's bony fingers at the neck of her dress. Unable to pull her eyes away from the lascivious display, as the old man peeled the thin cotton dress away from her shoulders and pushed it down to bunch uselessly around her waist.

The old Japanese looked at the tall American girl the withered yellow skin of his hands contrasting with the pale white skin of her naked torso. The old man's slanted eyes narrowing at the livid red and blue welts marking the girl's shoulders and sides. He ran a withered finger along a livid blue line that marked the creamy white side of one of the girl's heavy breasts, she seemed in another world as his bony finger traced the circumference of her pink aureole, it's surface erupting into a forest of bumps as it contracted, the long thick nipple crowning the mound of flesh hardening. The old man scooped up one of the huge mounds in his withered hands, marveling at its heavy firmness.

Rachel stood lost in envious desire unable to pull her eyes away from the carnivorous display as the girl swallowed the huge yellow cock. Suddenly she felt the old man's warm mouth engulf the aching nipple of her left breast. She looked down as the old man's rotting teeth sank into the sensitive flesh of the swollen mound. Her heart leapt as the familiar twisting knot flowered in her stomach, its tentacles reaching out to strum the bundle of nerves between her trembling legs.

A feeling of bliss came her at the feel of the old man's tongue as he suckled hungrily at the swelling nub of flesh locked between his lips. The sensitive, bruised nipple swelling as he sucked and chewed at the tasty flesh. Releasing the one, he turned to the other and unbidden the girl lifted the heavy bag of flesh with her own hand, lips bared in a tense smile as she offered the luscious orb to the foul hungry mouth of the perverted old man.

"Uh-h-h-h-h, M-m-m-m-m-h," was all that escaped from the young sluts lips, standing head back, slack jawed as the wizen old man feasted on the heavy swollen breast like a nursing child.

"Now you suckle", the old man demanded pushing the tall blonde girl to her knees.

"M-m-m-m-m-m", was all the she could manage, as she willingly fell to her knees, hands eagerly pulling his pantaloons down, mumbling happily as she bared the old man's gristly uncut rod. The warty shaft that had so recently used her, looming over her eager face like a ship's bowsprit. Cooing excitedly she eagerly nestled between the old man's spindly splayed legs, smiling up at her tormentor, little pink tongue snaking out to bath the drippings of the day before from the stinking spear of flesh. Lovingly tonguing the matted sparse pubes at its base to its swollen discolored knobby head.

Only days before she would have gagged at the mere thought of what she willingly and happily did now, gurgling with delight as she lapped the milky discharge from the cock's leaking tip. Lovingly kissing the tip, licking from her swollen red lips the thick discharge, then engulfing the head in her anxious young mouth. The old man leaned back against the counter and watched the young white woman make love to his old diseased cock, eyes burning into the girl as she bent to her thankless task.

Running his calloused hands over her soft skin he capturing a swollen red nipple to torment, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger, twisting and pulling it viciously. The gurgles and wet slurping were music to his old ears as the young slut worked herself in a frenzy as she tasted his rancid pre-cum. He groaned as the teen swallowed the length of his cock, swirling her tongue around the rigid length.

She could hear the babbling of the retarded youth as he filled the mouth of the pliant young hispanic girl with his genetically defective sperm, but quickly put it out of her mind as she lovingly caressed the old man's balls. She could smell his stink, a combination of days of sweat and sex, and his unwashed ass.

"Oh, god", she moaned in her mind as her pussy frothed at the disgusting depravity of it all. She loved it, she wanted more, she wanted the old man and his son, wanted them to take her, to hurt her, like the old Padre had. The old Priest had opened a door to the dark side of her soul. Male cocks, any cock, was her world, the old Padre's cock had lanced into her soul and released the foul abscess of repressed feelings. She wanted the pain, the humiliation, the degradation that only hard spurting cocks, hard unforgiving twisting pinching hands and the dominating minds behind them could inflict upon her once virginal flesh.

The old man suddenly gripped the girl's head and pumped wad after wad of yeasty cum into the girl's throat as she gagged reflexively pulling her mouth back down the lovely shaft. An errant gout splashed across her cheek as she quickly recaptured the head to suckle at the spouting tip, filling her mouth with the watery rancid cum erupting from the old man's withered balls. Her clear blue eyes looked up at the unforgiving face of the old Japanese. There was no mercy there, looked for none, she wanted only one thing from him, his cock!

Hatori gazed at the lovely face of the young white teen. A strand of his yellowish cum dripped from her cheek to the side of her full breast. Even beneath the layered filth, the bruises, the dried cum, there was perfection. He would break her, ruin the young woman so that no decent man would want her. He would degrade her till she would willing offer herself to the lowest gutter dweller and suck any cock offered her.

Chapter 18

"You will stand quietly, missee", the old man hissed as sweat dripped from the nose of the young woman in the heat of the small room falling on her bared breasts. The deep cleavage between the two immense breasts damp with perspiration as she stood meekly the cotton dress bunched around her waist. He tongue nervously licking the old man's spent cum from her lips.

Her cheek was livid from the open hand slap she had received a few minutes earlier. She had followed the old man in to the small room off his living quarters and he had positioned her under a large heavy beam and then for no reason, slapped her across the face with all his strength. A sneer was all the response she got when she searched his face for an explanation.

"Had she failed to please him", she asked herself. "Hadn't she siphoned the foully delicious sperm from his withered balls, licking and lapping at his deformed cock?"

"Missee will remove her dress, please", the old man said as he stared at her intently, his smile baring the stumps of his rotten teeth. Doing as she was told, she untied the simple belt, the cotton dress falling to the floor revealing her once perfect body, now bearing the marks of a common whore. Welts from the lash crisscrossing her back and flanks, the long swollen nipples standing out, still impossibly long thick and swollen, circled with bruises and hickeys from abusive and demanding mouths and teeth. The white vein mapped surface of the large breasts showing the finger marks of the men that had used her. The lips of her abused cunt were red and swollen beneath their sparse covering of fine blond curls, the red swollen finger of her clit protruding out like some obscene appendage, beneath it her long inner labia hanging like an inverted cock's comb red and raw, quivering with her every move.

In a flurry of activity the old Japanese laundry man bound her hands, the rough hemp rope chaffing the skin of her slender wrists. When the old man was finished he hoisted her arms above her head so that she had to stand on her tip toes to take the weight off her wrists. Her huge breasts drawn upward sp they sagged only slightly with their own weight, the round globes full and taunt. He then secured the young woman's ankles, drawing them slightly outward and apart, resulting in more of her weight falling on her wrists.

"I am master of nawa shibari", the old man stated. "You will be my new subject". The teen clearly did not understand, her face vacant. "I will create with the ropes, a work of art, of pain, of torment." he said. "You will come to love the ropes". And with this he set to work.

The thin ropes of the shinju constricted her breath, but the worst was how the rough hemp chaffed the bruised skin on her back and breasts. The old man showed great skill, the hemp lying closely together it circling her torso above and below her large breasts, squeezing them into an shelf of flesh projecting outward from her chest. Under her arms the cords circled again cinching the cords tighter creating a rope vise that squeezed the firm breasts in a biting embrace.

Rachel felt as if her chest was encased in a vise, she hungered for air, only to find that the embrace of the rope only allowed for shallow breaths and she became lightheaded. The panic subsiding to be replaced by a feeling of serene security as her mind lost focus.

The hands of the old man continued as he ***********ed a hemp rope of thinner diameter and began to encircle each of the heavy breasts. The first loop bit into the billowy flesh near its base where it ballooned from her chest. Each successive loop lay close to the first biting deeper and deeper into the constricted flesh. The cord was thin enough that twelve loops made a band of solid hemp two inches wide at the base of each breast, the heavy tits projecting nearly horizontal, constricted by the rope corset, drooping like lopsided ice cream cones as the compressed mass of flesh oozed out and hung down.

Hattori's wrinkled face split in a grin. "Missee, see t big titties changing color already." he said with satisfaction. "The tight ropes make blood pool in your big titties, they make stretch and swell!!" he said with a giggle. "Titties become even bigger!!" The oversized breasts were changing color, the normally pale surface marked only by the traces of livid blue veins beneath the translucent skin had changed to a deep red as blood pooled in the massive bags. The old man turned to the table, he was little interested in the woman now, only the end result of his handiwork.

When he had done this to Maria's breasts they had swelled to immense distorted globes, he knew this young slut's tits would surpass even that. He sorted through several pieces of split bamboo and found several that were a quarter inch wide by four inches long, deftly spliting the flat sections lengthwise between two joints. Taking the long nipples between his fingers worried each one in turn until they stood out longer and thicker than the first joint of his little finger. Then bending the bamboo sections toward the rigid nipple so that the slit he had made opened he carefully fit the swollen teat between the sharp jaws. With a simple release of the strip the halves closed brutally on the sensitive bud.

"Oh-h-h-h, no-o-o-o-o-o-o, ple-e-e-e-ez-e-e-e", the girl gasped as the pain roused her from the stupor induced by the constricting ropes.

"H-e-e-e-e-e-e, Missee, no like?" the old man sniffed. He quickly snapped the other bamboo piece on the remaining nipple. "Hm-m-m-m-m, tittie, swelling nicy", he said as he harshly squeezed the girl's discoloring right breast. The color had turned from read to bluish crimson and no longer lapped over the constricting rope band but was beginning to stand further out as the internal fluid pressure increased and the skin took on a shiny sheen as it stretched and billowed outward.

Then kneeling between the helpless teens legs, he gripped the girl's inch long clit, and brutally captured it in another bamboo clip. "A-a-a-a-a--e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e", the girl screamed, her body going rigid as she thrashed and pulled at the confining ropes. The livid red nub of her clit looked as though it might burst from the confining grasp of the thin bamboo strips.

Hatori had one additional task, he quickly confined and secured the lips of the young girl's cunt between two smooth sticks, securing the ends tightly with strands of string. The thick swollen slabs of flesh were pressed tightly together constricted to pass through a mere quarter inch space. The old Japanese fingered the slabs of feminine flesh as they immediately began to swell, looking like hanging strips of sirloin as they discolored. Hatori knew that time alone would now inflict the pain he wanted and the girl needed. He turned and left the room to find Maria, his ancient cock twitching in his pantaloons as his withered balls churned.

Seconds turned to minutes in the dim light of the room. Rachel's face was partially hidden by strands of damp blond hair as her head hung down limply. Her once bright eyes dulled from the unceasing pain. The smooth skin of her face lined, eyes sunken from the continued stress. The pain in her wrists was all but forgotten as the throbbing in her breasts and cunt increased with each passing minute. Her red rimmed tear blurred eyes looked with disbelief at the bluish red monstrosities her once large perfect breasts had become. Bulging veins were visible through the shiny stretched surface of yhe skin. The pooling blood had caused bruising as small vessels ruptured under the pressure. She saw with horror the incredible size her swelling blue tits had gained, fully half again as large as normal, the grotesque bladders standing out starkly against the pale whiteness of her torso. Slowly the horror gave way to satisfaction as self-loathing replaced fear, hatred and disgust was redirected inward as the realization dawned once again that she liked this and that she had sunk to yet another, newer depth of depravity.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-mh", she moaned as she moved her torso from side to side causing the heavy distended bags to swing from side to side. They looked like bluish swollen water bags, skin taunt to bursting, slapping from side to side, stretching and pulling in exquisite pain.

"Missee, like h-m-m-m-m-m?, the old man whispered from the shadows. He stepped forward and captured one heavy swinging breast, and squeezed it harshly, his fingers barely denting the swollen hardened bag. From his left hand he held a loop of leather fastened to a large hollow gourd. He quickly looped the leather around the bamboo fixed to her painfully swollen nipple. He affixed one to her other breast and yet another to the sticks binding her swollen labia.

"Maria! hai!!", was all he said as he left the room. He was replaced by the stooped form of the young Bolivian girl carrying a bucket of sand. She quickly added sand from the bucket to each gourd until they were half filled, ignoring the moans from the young American missionary.

In truth, Rachel moaned from pleasure and pain as the weight pulled at her tender flesh. Stretching and pulling the sharp edged bamboo drew blood as it cut into her hard swollen nipples. She could feel and reveled at the stretching she felt in her swollen labia and remembered how the hard cock of the old Padre had felt as he stretched her virgin pussy.

Numbness had set in before an eternal hour passed and the girl returned to finished filling the gourds.

Two hours passed when the old man returned and punctured the girl's now impossibly swollen breasts with thin slivers of bamboo. With each prick fat bubbles of crimson bloomed on the taunt blue surface of each breast dribbling streamers of red down the teen's pale torso.

When the numbness set in once more, the beautiful girl's face split in a depraved and indifferent smile.

"A-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-, yes-s-s-s-s-s-s-s, she moaned between clenched teeth as she began to move her torso from side to side, the heavy sand filled gourds swinging from side to side, pulling and stretching her swollen flesh. Small rubies of crimson sprinkling the floor around her as rich red drops dripped from her ravaged nipples and breasts filling the air around her with a red haze.

Chapter 19

Rachel stood suspended in the sweltering room. Her long blond tresses hanging in damp matted strings about her beautiful sweating face. Her shoulders throbbed dully, their joints stretched by the ropes around her wrists from which she was suspended. Her head hung head hung slackly, drool leaked from her swollen lips trailing down her delicate chin to drip into the chasm of her cleavage. Her eyes were half closed as if drugged, as unseeing as her ears were unhearing. Only the dull roar of pain and need filled her senses. The delicate hands at the end of her slender arms were blue from the lack of circulation, the sweat from the pits of her harms had mingled with blood to stain the hemp ropes that formed the karada that criss crossed the pale skin of her torso, the diamond pattern cutting deeply into her smooth white skin. The shinju wrapping that bordered her enormous breasts constricted her breathing inducing her near catatonic state. The wrappings at the thick base of each breast were buried in the swollen flesh, appearing like the stems of two enormous mushrooms, the delicate flesh of her tits, ballooning out like the obscene bluish red caps. Their flesh so engorged with with trapped blood that their skin had a glossy sheen, veins raised angrily along their surface, nipples impossibly thick and prominent. Her pale torso was striped with the dried blood from her pricked breasts. Despite her pleas the old man had thankfully removed the weighted gourds and the bamboo clamps from her nipples and clitoris to prevent permanent damage and disfigurement. Like some pathetic autistic, the beautiful girl had sought sharp self-induced pain to pierce the dull throbbing ache of her bondage, and the self-loathing she had for herself. The loathing and the freedom of self-degradation and depravity it gave her was like a drug. She knew now there was no limit to what she could endure if it gave her pleasure.

The dull ache in her hips increased with time. The rope securing her right foot was still in place. Her left leg was now hoisted up hanging from the same beam that supported her arms. Bound around the knee, her left leg had been hoisted up, her thighs cranked apart till the muscles and tendons of her inner thigh and buttocks stood out in bold relief. The sadistic old man stepped into the room, his pantaloons bearing a dark stain that outlined his cock. The secretions of the Bolivian girl mingled with his own staining the dirty fabric. He approached the American girl and fingered her exposed pussy. The twin sticks were still in place constricting the swollen lips of her labia. The teen barely moved as he played with the obscenely swollen tongues of flesh that were her labia minor and majora. They hung heavily down thick and swollen with blood, the two tied sticks acting as a thin vise. Above the thick slab like lips, projected her clitoris. Abnormally large under normal circumstances, the normally half inch bundle of nerves was angry red, its thick hood retracted, standing proud as if asserting dominance and control over the will less girl.

Knife in hand, one quick stroke freed the girl of her torment. "A-a-a-a-a-ah, oh-h-h-h-h-h", she suddenly moaned as the old man's practiced hand deftly sliced the string holding the stick vice in place. The agony of returning circulation piercing the curtain of pain dulling her mind.

Rachel floated in bliss as cool compresses bathed her tortured flesh, the agony of hot pins cooled by soft tender caresses. "M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-h", she sighed. Her lidded eyes slitted opened, mind racing with confusion as she saw the sleek back of the huge k-9. Conquistador's foaming muzzle was pressed to her exposed crotch, his thick tongue dueling with the slabs of swollen flesh that were her labia.

"No-o-o-o-o-o-o", was all she could manage before she surrendered back to the exquisite feeling of the cool wet tongue against the tormented flesh of her cuntlips, riding the cloud of bliss as the beast's tongue probed and wormed into every crevasse formed of the swollen thick flesh.

As suddenly as it began it ended, Tahio, the babbling retard, pulled the large dog from the room and quickly returned, his log of a cock swaying ponderously between his muscular thighs. The uncircumcised head peeking tentatively from beneath the thin foreskin, the thick veins encrusting its surface pulsing with the oriental teens excitement as he waddled toward the girl, thick cock swaying as he looked to his father sitting quietly in the dim corner.

"You must ask for his cock Missee", the old man said as he fingered his thin mustache. "You must tell the boy that you want him to fuckee your hungry leetle pusseeee." he said with obvious delight.

The girl turned her head in obvious confusion first to the old man then down to the wrist thick cock swaying between the boys legs. Her hooded eyes widened with a soulful need as she greedily feasted her eyes on the rod of male flesh. The purple head waving back and forth with the boys heartbeat, hypnotizing the girl, the snake charming the charmer, the lost teens lips mouthed the words involuntarily. No sound passed the dry cum encrusted swollen lips as she tried to vocalize the need that flared white hot, consuming her being. Scarlet tongue licking her cracked lips, the taste of dried sperm bursting across her tongue as her uncontrollable need vomited forth in a pathetic soul wrenching wail.

"Pu-u-u-u-le-e-e-e-e-e-z-z-z-z-z , I-I-I n-e-e-e-e-e-d yo-o-o-u-r c-o-o-o-ck....!" the broken girl wailed as her hungry eyes devoured the boys staff. "G-g-g-g-g-ive it to-o-o-o-o me-e-e-e-e, pul-e-e-e e-z-e!" she pleaded tears welling in her eyes. She thrust her hips forward as much as her awkward position would allow ignoring the pain in her throbbing shoulders and legs, the awful gnawing addictive need in her empty cunt overriding her true physical pain.

A nod from his father was all the boy needed. Grasping the thick yellow tube of muscle with one hand, he bent at the knees in order to slot the huge purple head between the thick swollen lips of the girls vagina. Slowly straightening his legs he pushed the thick cudgel in to the yawning mouth of the girls cunt. The retard grimaced and let loose a torrent of babbled nonsense at the terrific pressure exerted on his cock as he forced it into the eager stretching mouth of the cunt. The hulking youth flexed his thighs moving the first inches of his club in and out in an attempt to lubricate the thick invader.

"Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh" the girl moaned as each new thrust expanded another inch of her nearly unused twat. Her cuneal channel expanded inch by exquisite inch, painfully molding itself every vein, every undulation of the boys dominating rod. It seemed forever to both the young teen and the hulking boy before his curly pubes met the swollen lips of her sex signaling success.

"I’ve had taken all of him," she thought with misplaced pride. Maria had sucked the magnificent rod, but she had it all sheathed in her cunt. It was hers. The boy luxuriated in the hot wet clasp of the girl's cunt and slowly began rhythmic thrusts that battered the helpless girl against the hemp restraints, cutting into her flesh. On strong thighs he thrust up again and again, raising the girl and piercing her guts with his lance of muscle and gristle. The girl was lost in bliss as he gored her over and over again, head lolling on her neck in a lust induced stupor, luscious mouth locked in a dreamy smile. The boy's fleshy horn punishing the girls insides as it drubbed against her bruised cervix, battering the walls of her dilated and stretched womb. The boy buried his large hands in the swollen blue flesh of her bound tits, lifting the heavy swollen bags to his mouth. Biting and chewing on the thick teats sprouting from the crinkled swollen aureoles. Rachel responded with delighted moans that gurgled around her tongue as her greedy cunt milked the invading cock.

Sitting in the dim corner forgotten by the lust intoxicated girl the old Japanese watched as the broken girl surrendered to consuming lust his old cock responding to the depravity. Not the acts inflicted on the once innocent young American, rather the degradation and perversions she was willingly inflicting upon herself. Her soul and self-esteem had rotted and was dribbling out of her gaping cunt. She shrugged off all the indignities and violations heaped upon her flesh and acted like a greedy sow begging to be stuffed with hard cock.

The old man ruminated upon this as his retarded son abused the teen cunt, his oversized cock sluicing in and out of her stretched orifice with a wet smacking sound. He knew the girl could take only so much despite her pleadings for more, the ravenous demon between her legs caring only for its own debauched satisfaction. He had learned this to his sorrow many years ago when he had broken another such as this and had taken her to her limit and beyond only to find she was a fragile and mortal vessel indeed and had to flee his native Japan to retain his freedom.

The old man walked to the couple joined by the fleshy coupling of his son's cock watching as the massive staff threatened to rupture the girls innards as it pushed and pulled her clasping tissues in and out of her now gaping cunt. The old man bared his stiffened member and moved behind the girl. With one hand he spread her straining buttocks and found the puckered mouth of her virgin ass. Hawking and spitting on his fingers he greased the pouting tissues not bothering to loosen the orifice first.

With his free hand he scooped some of the viscous slime dangled beneath the girl's punished cunt and greased his rod, then with one swift brutal motion, he slotted his cock in the tight hole. Ramming the fleshy spear in to the roots it colliding with the rigid post of his son's cock imbedded in the womb of the poor girl. Their two members began a merciless assault on the tender tissues separated by only a thin membrane as they battered her between them.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-h. A-a-a-a-a-a-a-h, y-e-a-a-a-a-a-h-s-s-s-s-s," the girl moaned. As the two sank their fleshy spears to the hilt in her guts the old man reached around and fondled the swollen discolored tits of the young whore holding them as his son chewed and sucked at the firm flesh.

"More, cock, give me more....." she wailed.

Chapter 20

Rachel woke from a terrifying nightmare, her involuntary shudder brought a moan from her lips as pain lanced through her chest and crotch. Fighting to clear her mind she pulled down the coarse blanket that covered her and saw the hideously abused and discolored flesh of her once alabaster breasts. She remembered it hadn't been a nightmare. She brought the fingers of one hand up to the The oversized mounds and shuddered again. She ran her fingers lightly across the reddish blue flesh, the bruising would be days in going away. Her small fingers plucked at her thick prominent nipples, swollen and distorted from teeth of the hulking oriental boy. She shuddered again as the remembered pain and pleasure caused her bruised pussy to throb, a spurt of hot musk wetting its swollen and discolored lips and dampened the sparse blond curls that lined them. Her tiny fingers probed the swollen flesh of her labia, lingering at the growing nub of her clit. A groan of pain and delight leaked from her as she felt the abused and cum encrusted tissue of her twat.

"H-m-m-m-m", she said as she licked the leavings of the two men from her slimy fingers. "The Padre should be here." she thought to herself before noticing the long shadows. It was late afternoon, she wondered how long she had been asleep. She had lost track of time and had no idea how she had gotten back to the church. With a start she realized he would be back soon.

She rose tentatively, to go to the rectory to wash herself. Every movement caused pain in her twat or breasts. As she moved the heavy liquid bags of her bruised breasts jiggled and wobbled on her chest, causing her to wince. The proud alabaster globes, now reddish blue and heavy with edema, hung low on her smooth chest. Their lower sides billowing out in a graceful curve where the belly of each breast was. She raised her hands to support the heavy flesh as she walked. She stopped with a gasp as her fingers involuntarily plucked at her long thick swollen nipples. Her pussy throbbed with a gush at the self-inflicted pain.

As she neared the door, it swung inward and revealed the old Japanese and his hulking son standing in the door way. The young beauty felt her womb pull tight beneath the firm flat skin of her stomach at the sight of the two men. Her young pussy began to gush its oily musk in involuntary delight. He eyes never met theirs, she knew what they were here for, knew what they wanted, knew what she was for, and knew what she truly wanted.

Without a sound the young naked American teen slowly dropped to her knees as they advanced into the room, the bulge of their cocks obvious to her searching eyes as her small pink tongue flicked forward to moisten her thick lips. Rachel sat docilely, her trim heart shaped ass perched on her heels. As they neared her, her small hands lifted her heavy liquid breasts in offering as her face broke into a tense smile.

Before either of the grimy sweating men could react the naked young woman's greedy hands reached out to caress their hardening cocks through the thin cloth of their soiled pantaloons. Like a rooting sow, the beautiful girl rummaged at their clothing until her hands emerged holding their throbbing prongs. In unison they stepped toward her as she scuttled forward to kiss first one then the other of the filthy cocks before her. Her breasts hung beneath her like water filled balloons as she leaned forward, her dainty hands skinning their foreskins from the moist and sticky glans. The young slut could smell the mingled smell of sweaty cock and fucked pussy. Her giddily wondered if it was from her or the young Bolivian girl. The thought quickly left her mind as she arched her back and lowered her head to the side to lovingly nuzzled the stiff rods of flesh, her moist lips wetting them from tip to root as she tongued and kissed the rods that projected outward above her. Her pale face flushed with excitement as she tasted the slime from the dirty cocks, smearing her smooth cheeks as though it was some precious balm. Her deep blue eyes glazed as she rooted her delicate nose under the shafts turning her attention to the men's heavy hanging balls, eliciting a chorus of groans as she sucked, kissed and nuzzled the soft sacks, reveling in the feel of their coarse hair on her face, and their weight, heavy with delicious sperm.

The two men stood, one babbling incoherently, drool wetting his chin, the other gazing at satisfaction at the total dominance he now had over the once haughty anglo girl. What good would her college education serve her now, as she groveled on her knees before him. The old man giggled at the sight of the once proud young woman as she craned her neck, struggling to get her perfect red lips around his balls as she tried to stuff her mouth with his withered testicles. Her cooing moans told him she was now his to do with as he pleased. As white American slut to be his whore. She would provide many years of pleasure before he and his son had tired of her. Many years of pleasure and not a little income as they sold her to others.

The girl continued to suck and coddle the swelling testicles of the men, gaining satisfaction from her service and their obvious pleasure. She swallowed first the old man's cock, relaxing her eager throat as she forced herself down on his dong, thrilling to its presence lodged firmly in her spasming throat. She used her swollen lips now dripping with saliva to swab up and down the hardened members length enjoying its musky taste. She left the old man's cock dripping as she turned to the yellow wrist thick shaft of the teenage boy. The blue veins wrapping the shaft appeared to squirm before her lust hazed eyes. She ran her small pink tongue around the plum shaped head, gathering in the rancid secretions beneath his foreskin. Engulfing the head with her small mouth her smooth cheeks billowed out as she forced herself to swallow the fleshy spear. The young missionary girl loved the control they exerted on her it was so filthy, so obscene, so.. Wonderful. Her pussy throbbed as she felt the old man's cock firmly between her shoulder blades, as he stood behind her. His bony hands fondled her heavy fluid filled breasts as he pushed her forward on his son's cock. His dark hands contrasted against her breasts as he pulled and squeezed the veiny bags like money filled bank sacks. His merciless hands soon turned to twisting and pulling her painfully swollen nipples, rolling the long marble sized teats between his thumb and forefinger.

The young girl gasped and gagged as she force herself onto the thick cock. Her pussy throbbed with delight as the old man plucked and twisted her poor swollen tits that hung heavily from her chest like obscene udders. She waggled her firm bottom in delight as the old man tormented her. Suddenly she found herself roughly pulled to her feet an involuntary whimper escaped her wet lips as the delightful prong was pulled from her grasp. The old man roughly twirled her around and slapped her full across each cheek. The beautiful girl was stunned her ears ringing, but quickly dropped her small hands to the old man's cock.

"Good, good" he thought, "The slut wants nothing more than to please."

His dominance of the once proud young American was complete.

"Tahio, you fuckee, Missee." the old man said as he pulled the thin mattress from the bed and threw it in the middle of the small room.

The young slut's heart leapt as she saw the boy lay down, his cock lying against his hard stomach like a thick hose. The old man pushed the eager young whore in the direction of his son.

"You fuckee", was all he said.

The beautiful young slut crawled quickly to the prostrate form of the teenage boy, pausing only long enough to push her pouting lips lovingly against the blunt snout of his cock in an obscene kiss, paying homage to the thick staff. She swung one long muscular leg up and over to straddle him. Her firm pale buttocks rest on his hips. The young retard lay on the mattress grinning and babbling as the girl raised herself and reached between her splayed thighs with a small white hand to grasp the boys hard thick cock. She held it up as she flexed her thighs raising her dripping cunt. With a look on her face that was pure rapture, the once pious and chaste young missionary slotted the blunt nosed shaft into the mouth of her cunt and slowly began her willing impalement.

Rachel's head spun with dizzying delight as inch by inch the massive column of flesh forced its way into the narrow confines of her spasming cunt. The pink lips of her ravenous pit were stretched translucent and seemed to cling to the yellow invader. The beautiful girl rocked forward to rest her small hands on the muscular chest of the young man beneath her, her heavy oversized breasts swinging pendulously beneath her narrow torso. The skin of her high smooth forehead furrowed with concentration, a slender pink tongue hung between full lips as she forced her needy cunt down the thick post piercing her guts. She felt full to bursting as the thick invader pushed against the soft tissue of her cervix and stretched the walls of her cunt. Mechanically in a lustful fog, she worked the stretched band of her labia up and down the hard shaft leaving it glistening with her musky lube, announcing to the world her shame and guilt.

The old priest entered the rectory and walked to Rachel's room his heart heavy with no small burden of guilt. He realized that his own hatred and lust had cause him to violate the innocence of the poor girl. He could only beg her forgiveness and pray for absolution. As he neared her door he could hear grunts that rang familiar in his ears. Grunts not unlike a greed sow. The wet smacking of flesh on flesh and the gurgling rasping breaths of laboring bodies. The Padre worked the latch and slowly opened the door to look into the dim lit room.

His vision reel at the sight before him. Emotions of jealously and betrayal struggled with the paternal emotions of his calling. Rage fueled the conflagration raging in him as his eyes stared stared directly at the lascivious view of the wrist thick post burying itself over and over again in the willing young girl's cunt framed between the taunt splayed cheeks of her ass. The brazen crevass glistened with her guilty secretions the rosy star of her ass winked at him in silent mocking as she labored to impale herself time time again on the thick brown post. He heard her bestial grunts and moans as he watched the fine muscles of her back flex and flex again under a patina of sweat the fading welts of the lash still visible across the firm pail smooth skin. He watched watched the sides of her strangely swollen breasts as the wobbled to and fro beneath her as she rocked back and forth as she worked her obscenely stretched cunt up and down the huge cock.

He dragged his eyes from the filthy sight to see the leering grin of the old Japanese where he stood at the girls head. His fists were wrapped tightly in the girl's hair her head as it moved on its own, back and forth in rhythm with the old man's pumping hips as he fucked the beautiful American's face. The old Japanese offered a sigh and exaggerated the movement of his pumping hips for the Padre's benefit as he continued to use the attractive young woman's mouth like a surrogate cunt, her plump lips clinging and sliding along his wet yellow prong as he sawed it in and out.

Rachel relaxed her arched throat to permit the repeated invasion by the old man's cock. Her gag reflex was a distant memory as her once viginal throat accustomed itself to the hard fleshy invader. Saliva pooled around her tongue and cheeks as her jaw hung slack, spit running down her chin and stringing from the pistoning cock. Her small pink tongue busied itself tickling the underside of the old man's fleshy glans, perversely trying to please him as he used her like a common whore.

"You come see your leetle norte American bitch, huh, Padre? You like what she let Tahio and I do to her?" the old man taunted. "She is a bueno slut, this yanquee puta."

Rachel was for the first time aware that the Padre was in the room. Her skin burned with a masochistic fire, her sore nipples hardening and swelling with the humiliation of knowing she was watched as she debased herself for the filthy old man and his son. He pussy throbbed around the thick post of flesh as she thought of once again receiving the thick sperm of both the father and son.

She could only see the Padre in her peripheral vision as she slid her lips down the side of the old man's warty yellow staff, swabbing it with her tongue and swollen lips, leaving behind a thick layer of saliva. Her eyes involuntarily dropped to the tented front of the black Padre's cassock, her face breaking into a distorted inviting smile as it stretched around the old man's pulsing cock, her lips hollowed as the once innocent girl lovingly sucked the old man's aged cock.

The attractive slut reached behind her, her trim firm arms extending down her bent torso. Her weight rested on the large hands of the mixed blood youth beneath her as the retard mauled the swollen mounds of her expansive tits. She grasped the white mounds of her buttocks in each hand, her small strong fingers digging into the muscular flesh, and pulled the bulbous cheeks apart in an obscene invitation to the old black Padre.

"Lookee, the prettee yanquee slut wants you too, Padre," the old Japanese chorled.

The healthy young American dug her nails deeply into her own flesh as she held her firm as cheeks splayed in invitation. Her abused anus, red and raw from the day before, winked at the old priest as the thick yellow post of the Asian half-breed sawed in and out of her distended cunt. She thrilled at the thought that three men would use her, would want her at the same time.

"Oh, gawd, what would Daddy and Mommy say if they saw me now!!" she thought as her cunt cramped with the obscenity of it all. "What would they say if they saw their precious young daughter stuffed with three demanding cocks and none of them belonging to a white man!?" Her young pussy pumped out rivers of musk and her abnormally large clit buzzed at the thought, sending her reeling into a vile and base orgasm even as she offered up her sore anus to the old priest.

With a grunt the fat old padre hurridly removed the heavy cassock to reveal the thick hose like cock that projected from beneath his sweating gut. Fisting his black crudgel, he wet the hard probe with his own saliva as he waddled up to the girl's upturned white ass. With eager and practiced ease he slotted the purple black head of his thick member in the slight depression of the eager young slut's sphincter as he leaned his weight into the muscular frame of the athletic young woman.

"Uh-h-h-h-h-h, a-h-h-h-h-h-h, they chorused as the Padre's thick prong popped through the tight ring of Rachel's unresisting ass. The dry friction soon eased as the Priest scooped up several fingers full of the girl's slime to lube his punishing shaft.

Resting his portly belly on the young slut's upturned ass he leaned into her to drive his black prong again and again into the unresisting girls tender pink anus, its tissue clinging to his punishing Negroid cock. Rachel arched her back, bracing her legs and arms to bear the added weight of the obese old priest.

The beautiful American never felt so full. Her cunt and ass were stretched to bursting as the two cocks sawed in and out of her greedy holes. Their slurping mingled with the sounds coming from her eagerly sucking mouth as the old Asian continued to fuck her face.

"My gawd, it feels so go-o-o-od"" her mind screamed as she moaned around the gnarled shaft impaling her mouth.

The room soon filled with the ecstatic moans and grunts of the stuffed slut as she labored to satisfy and please the three men that were using her like a common whore. Mindlessly she sucked and fucked, milking the rods of male flesh that stuffed her, pausing only when a frequent orgasm wracked her tireless frame. A high thin wail would leak from her plugged and stuffed mouth, her muscles contracted and stood out as she shuddered out one exquisite orgasm after another.

Her mouth and cunt drooled oceans as she worked with undisguised relish to please her abusers. She lived for their cocks, thirsted for the fountains of hot sperm that would soon fill her mouth, cunt and ass to overflowing.

Rachel labored, climbing the same slope over and over. Each slope leading to a new orgasm which she rode like some speeding sled, only to reach the bottom and start the climb once again. Her shoulders and arms streamed under the weight of the old Priest's bulk, but her young muscular frame braced itself, like a lowly bitch in heat and she reveled in the feeling of helplessness as the men abused her willing orifices.

"Un-n-n-n-h, m-m-m-m-mh, gl-g-g-g-gh" was all she could manage, "God help me", her mind screamed as the thick demanding cocks speared into her guts, rubbing her clit raw and sending her into one obscene orgasm after another.

The old Padre marveled at the skill with which the young athletic American serviced the three punishing foreign cocks. She moved in a circular back and forth up and down motion the impaled her on the thick yellow post like cock beneath and at the same time took his coal black rod to the hilt in her ass stretching her cuntal and anal membranes to the limit and synchronized her mouth to the thrusts of the old, withered Japanese's cock as he fucked her mouth. Her body glistened with sweat as her muscles flexed and unflexed in tireless motion as she willingly debased herself. Her grotesquely swollen and discolored breast bobbing and swaying beneath. The cruel attentions of the young man only seemed to inflame her as he twisted and pulled at the thick dark stubs of her painfully distended nipples.

Her begging moans and grunts mixed with the labored breathing of the three men went on late into the night.

Chapter 21

The foursome had been reduce by one as the old Japanese had sent his son Tahio off to do his morning chores. The two old men lay on the cum stained mattress discussing the young American slut as she groveled between them, her pale ivory form contrasting against the chalky blackness of the priest's and the oily yellow of the Asian's thighs.

Moans of satisfaction came from her as she cuddled her lithe form between then suckling on their partially erect cocks. Her perfect figure lay curled between the men, thighs and buttocks streaked with dry and drying sperm that had leaked from the distended holes of her overflowing cunt and ass, the twin orifices still oozing the mingled seed of the three men. The old Padre talked about her as she raised his hardening cock and lapped at the cum streaked shaft with her little pink tongue.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-H, mo-o-o-r-e.....cock, m-m-m-m-m-h, mo-o-o-r-e...cum", was all she could think of as she milked the semi had cocks of the two old men.

Her blond head was matted with sweat and cum and strands of hair were stuck to her high forehead and cheeks. She smiled, her pretty face stained with the dried sperm she had failed to swallow when she enthusiastically sucked the three men throughout the night. Her bright blue eyes looked at the old Priest searching for approval but in finding none, she bent more eagerly to her task of suckling his thickening cock.

The old Japanese ran the finger of his right hand along the ligature marks that encircled the girl's large breasts. Her ass rested against his crotch as she leaned across the fat priest's leg gobbling his new erection. The old Asian dipped the fingers of his left hand between the swollen lips of the attractive girl's twat to grab and pinch the swollen engorged flesh of her clit. The trim figure of the young American shuddered as her cunt spasmed in a mini orgasm at the cruel touch of the old Asian.

The men continued to talk and resolved to share the young American missionary. Each recognizing that it was better to degrade the willing girl together than to compete with one another like dogs over a succulent bone. The young willing American slut had demonstrated that she was able and eager to satisfy both of them and more.

They each had their own reasons and uses for degrading the young girl, and so long as they did not compromise one another, they could accommodate each other.

Hours later, the Padre returned to Rachel's room where she had been sleeping. Hattori and his son had long since returned to their shack along the river. Armored with indifference, the old Priest grabbed the sleeping girl by her long blond hair and dragged her with little resistance to the wooden table in the rectory.

Quickly working the old Padre securely bound her to a wooden chair, each leg to the chair leg and hands behind her back. He pushed the chair backward against the table, affording himself unfettered access to the beautiful girl's cunt. He next turned to the small bag he had placed on the table earlier. He removed a needle like an awl and a collection of brass rings of various diameter and thickness.

He walked behind the bound girl and before she could react, reached around and stuffed the familiar stump of a candle into her mouth and bound it in place.

"That should keep you quiet," he said to no one in particular.

He bent to his work quickly, grabbing the thick flesh of her outer labia between thumb and forefinger. Pulling it outward, he gripped the flesh and pulled it taunt. He raised the awl and positioned it against the flesh inward of her thin inner labia and her thigh. A full half inch from the slit of her cunt. Rachel jumped at the first prick of the needle sharp tool. The Priest quickly grasped a chunk of cork from the table and without pausing thrust the awl through the flesh into the cork. The muscular body of the beautiful girl twitched and jerked with the pain of the piercing and her bladder voided forming a puddle under the chair.

"You stupid slut," the Padre sneered. "These will serve to mark you as the whore you are." They will give me some control over what you do with that cunt you bear between your legs."

Grasping an inch thick ring he forced it through the puctured flesh and secured it by expanding the gap and fitting in place a perforated brass bead. Over the next 40 minutes he performed the operation 7 more times, affixing four rings through the the thick flesh of the girl's cunt, lining her labia with the rings of the yellow metal. With a satisfied grunt he stood back and surveyed his handiwork. The smooth skin of a naked bound girl seemed paler than normal against the dark piss stained chair. Her body trembled from the burning pain in her crotch. The old Padre's dark eyes looked at the pain fogged eyes of the once proud American girl, now his willing slut and whore. He glanced at the kaleidoscope of color in her groin, the glittering gold of the brass rings against the pale white canvas of her skin, fringed the platinum curls of her pubes, highlighted by the ruby drops of her blood where it seeped from her violated flesh. Where each ring invaded her flesh the skim had an angry rose like blush.

In time he would be able to secure all the rings with a lock, denying all but the possessor of the key, access to the beautiful girl's cunt. He turned one last time to the table and lifted the piercing tool. In his hand he also held a length of string. In a quick motion he captured the helpless girl's oversized clit between his thumb and forefinger and securely tied the string around the thick projection. The priceless bundle of nerves quickly began to swell. Rachel's blue eyes became as large as saucers as she watched the Padre placed the blood stained lump of cork against her clit now swollen to the thickness of the Padre's little finger and half as long. He placed the needle like an awl against the tender flesh and pushed it slowly through the sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Uh-n-n-n-n-ny-y-y-y-y!!" the helpless girl screamed though the gag in her mouth. Rachel's scream echoed only in her brain as the gag muffled her cry. The burning agony of the Priest's sadistically slow piercing bloomed and grew, it grew to engulf her thighs, it crept upward to compressed her breathing, raced up her throat, her chest heaved, her great breasts flopped and rolled across the narrow expanse. Her nipples grew hard and her pale blue eyes rolled in their sockets as the expanding bubble of agony burst into a blinding orgasm. The old Priest twisted the awl bringing spasm after spasm to the orgasmic paroxysms of the bound girl. The ropes holding her to the chair cut into pale smooth flesh as she thrashed and jerked, dancing out her ecstasy of carnal release.

When the trim form of the young girl grew still the old Padre fixed the last ring in place. On it he hung a chain of quarter inch links supporting a heavy two inch crucifix. He nodded his head in satisfaction.

"You are now marked as god's whore," he said. "The weight of this cross will remind you to who's service you are dedicated."

He reached down an removed the binding string from her clit and lifted the cross from its resting place on her thigh, and let it drop. The sudden jolt of the chain on the ring in her clit sparked a mini orgasm as the pain soared through her debauched body.

The young white college girl looked down at her newly adorned cunt. The yellow of the brass flashed in the light and the weight of the heavy rings pulled at her swollen cuntlips. The cool metallic caress of the rings against her abused labia coursed through her like tiny electric pulses. Her pussy throbbed at the sight and feel, her mind a confusion of contradicting thoughts. Pride at the mark of her new life fought with a spark of indignant outrage at the abomination the Priest had inflicted on her perfect body. A body that had never known sex born of love and was now a willing and vile sump for every perverted lust that ever entered a man's mind. A second shudder ran through her as the cold metallic crucifix brushed her thigh and tugged at her clit as it swung to and fro.

"Gawd, it's wonderful", her mind oozed, as the tugging and metallic thrill coursed through her each time she moved.

His work done, the Padre began to untie the attractive American, her face stained with tears. As he finished and stood back, the young slut fell to her knees, eagerly nuzzling his crotch.

"Very well", he sighed as he leaned back against the table as the eager girl fed his rod of black gristle, holding it in her small white hands. Her dainty fingers stroked and cradled his sperm filled balls as she hungrily engulfed his purple plum sized glans with her plump lips. A gurgle of delight escaped her throat as she gobbled and slurped at the coal black tube. The dull throb coming from her newly mutilated cunt forgotten as she tied to coax the thick cream she so desperately needed from the stiffing black cock.

She dragged her lips the length of the black tube of gristle, pressing her sweating forehead against his overhanging gut as she struggled to swallow the length of the thick black cock. She thrilled at forcing her mouth down the shaft until the swollen purple-black head lodged in her throat. She felt pride in her ability to hold it there despite the spasms in her rebelling throat at the invasion of the thick rod.

The girl's pretty face shone with sweat as she labored over the thick black rod that was now her master. She pressed her pale white form, so defenseless in its nudity against the fat thighs of the man who had just mutilated the mouth of her most cherished possession, her womb. She debased herself for his vile pleasure, in return for having indelibly marked her as a brazen whore for the rest of her pathetic life. Her life's aspirations forgotten in a rain of strange men's sperm, she had become a groveling whore, nothing more than a hairy slobbering hole to be filled by their hard masterful cocks.

The coal black staff erupted with a fountain of thick viscous sperm as the pretty American's lips left the swollen head.

"U-h-h-h-h", the girl moaned in disappointment as a long thick string rose and fell on her face, crossing her nose and lips. She struggled to capture the spouting snout of the throbbing cock to catch and savor the thick cream she had struggled to bring forth.

"A-h-h-h-h", the old priest grunted as the former college student suckled the sensitive head of his black cock. She lapped at the cum streaked shaft licking and sucking the excess sperm from her fingers. Her pink tongue snaked out to scoop the large gob of spunk from her upper lip as it dripped from her pert freckled nose like some obscene string of snot. Her face was radiant, blue eyes sparkling as she gazed up with adoration at the indifferent face of her mutilator, his thick masterful black rod still clutched in her hand.

Chapter 22

The next few days, the old Padre kept the young American missionary confined to her room as the lips of her newly pierced vagina healed. He visited her to bring her food and medicine and she gratefully sucked his black cock. As much as the young white American begged and pleaded he could not bring himself to fuck her cunt for fear of infecting the fresh piercings. Instead he did relent and allowed the young slut to impale her anus on his thick black cock. Entry into her once painfully tight nether passage had become easier as the days passed as his fat cock stretched the tender tissues of her sphincter.

He would sit on the small bed and watch with feigned indifference as the sex addicted young American girl impaled herself on his fat black cock. She would stand backward between his thick hairy black thighs on her long ivory legs and lower her firm ass onto his stiff prong, one small white hand holding his black rod erect, the other gripping on firm buttock cheek splaying it to reveal her red raw anal opening, her tongue greedily licking her pouting lips, brow furrowed in concentration. He watched as his fat coal black cock sank between the pale white cheeks of the young desperate slut. Over and over again she would flexed her thighs squatting to ride up and down the stiff black member, to the Padre it looked like the beautiful white girl was shitting a long black trued, as her sphincter clung to his thick column of black gristle.

The young attractive woman would the hard cock rhythmically, up and down, her large ivory breasts rippling and swaying liquidly as they bounced heavily against her chest, the long nipples capping them hardening into thick fingers. The ligature marks and bruising had all but disappeared with the passing days leaving the luscious ivory globes marked only by the vivid blue veins that stood out through her nearly translucent ivory skin. Seldom could the Padre resist the temptation to reach around and maul the large firm bags as they heavily hung melon-like from the slender young woman's chest. He would captured one heavy orb in each hand hefting them like money filled bank sacks in his large black paws. The large firm sacks would oozed between his fingers as he squeezed them cruelly, rolling her long hard nipples between his thumb and forefinger, pulling and twisting.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m-h, ye-e-e-e-s, hurt me like that", the attractive slut would say urging the black Padre to demean and dominate her.

The beautiful 18-year old would hump her ass up and down the Priest's black dong, the heavy crucifix hanging from the ring in her freshly pierced clitoris jerking and swinging, stimulating the obscenely large finger of nerves that served as the young girl's demon. Driving her to lower and lower levels of self-debasement. Her orgasms would culminate when she felt the thick invader swell and pulsate pumping its load of sperm deep in her pristine bowels, greasing its invasion and soothing the red raw flesh of her sphincter. It was then that the teenager would crest the peak and go sliding down into the abyss of a vile wonderful climax. She would wallow like some obscene sow, in the wickedness of her act. Acts that were foreign to her intellect but not her nature, for as the Padre told her and she now believed, all things were for a purpose.

One look at her ripe body, the obscene abundance of her sexuality, and it was clear that her purpose was to be a whore, a slut, to drain men of the lust that she inspired in them.

One look at the clear pale skin of her beautiful angelic face, framed by pale blonde hair, the delicate ears, and slender upturned freckled nose, the startling blue eyes, high clear forehead, small perfect chin and long smooth neck, inspired awe. A single glance at the wide strong shoulders, the firm arms, the huge heavy breasts hanging from her slender muscular chest, the taunt muscles of her back and the flat plane of her stomach inspired desire. One gaze at girl's the navel standing as a sign post pointing the way to hidden treasure, the firm defined globes of her buttocks round and independent, and the long muscular legs like indestructible columns supporting the clutch of feminine flesh between them, guarding her feminine trove, would send a man into uncontrolled animal lust. No one save god could have created such a creature, and to what purpose?

Rachel saw and accepted the path that she had taken. A new world had opened for her, it was filled with a forest of hard swelling cocks, hard masculine bodies, demanding hands, and hungry sucking mouths. They would be large and small, pristine and diseased, the cocks all spurting fountains of rich slick sperm to fill her, to satiate her thirst, to coat her skin, to wallow in and to soothe her ravaged flesh.

The beautiful young slut often smiled at the thought.

Chapter 23

Maria gathered the flasks in her arms and began her walk to the village well to get drinking water for the shop. The jingling of her bells accompanied her every step. She felt herself becoming wet as the chain and ring tugged at her clitoris as it swung swung between her thighs beneath the thin cotton peasant dress. Sweat began to form on the brown skin of her cleavage as she walked in the stifling heat of the narrow streets. The tinkling of the bells attached to the rings in her long dark nipples called vaqueros and peasants to the windows like children to an ice cream truck. The young latina's skin flushed beneath her slight tan, her skin darkening with embarrassment as the dance of her plump cone like breasts continued the musical call. Sweat had soaked through the thin cotton of her dress beneath her breasts and along the crack between her ample buttocks. She was the possessor of la colon grande, as the locals would say, a big plump and because of her age, firm ass. When the young woman reached the well a crowd of men had gathered and the other women of the village collected there things and silently departed. Maria's brown skin was hot, not from the heat alone, but from the maddening stimulation of her pierced clit. Her nose flared as she imagined the thick smell of sex in the air as she played out the well-rehearsed charade. Bending over the adobe wall that encircled the well, she reached for the rope and bucked, her ample breasts weighing heavily against the fabric of her dress, her erect nipples clearly visible.

She felt the hands of the first man at her hips as he lifted her dress and roughly pushed her bare feet apart with a booted foot. Her breath caught in her throat when she heard the sound of a zipper and felt the firm head of the man's cock move up and down the slick wet groove of her sex worming through the thick thatch of black hair that protected her cunt. Her heart beat faster as she felt the unseen man's weight push against her pressing her into the hard worn surface of the wall. She ground her plump ass back against the man as his cock slid effortlessly into the wet well of her open vagina.

"Uh-n-n-n-ng-g-gh," she moaned as the cock bottomed in her tight passage.

She felt the whiskers of the man against the side of her neck, and smelled his hot stale breath as he whispered in her ear.

"Mi amado hija" he said, causing her cunt to spasm at the words, "My darling daughter", the man, her Papa, had said.

Her pulsing cunt flowed a river at the realization that her own PaPa would be the first of many to use her this day. The first creamy load to fill her would be from her own father. The young woman shuddered as a small orgasm streaked through her at the thought.

"Oh madre di dios", she thought as another small death pulsed through her nerves, "Mi padre y mi hermanos". Maria nearly wept at the delightful thought. "If my Papa is here, so are my brothers!!" Her womb cramped with the anticipation of being taken by her brothers as well.

This was more than the young girl could have hoped. She dare not hope that they would take her away from the old Japanese. She had been bought and paid for long ago. Her life as Hatori's slave was conclusive.

The hard calloused hands of her Papa pulled at the cloth belt holding the front of her dress closed, rough fingers pulled at the thin fabric spilling her billowing breasts into the sunlight, the bright yellow rings and brass bells at her nipples tinkling as the large orbs jiggled and bounced in time with her father's pumping hips.

The willing girl bent at the waist leaning her crossed arms along the top of the low wall, her breasts hanging beneath her horizontal upper torso, available to the squeezing hands of her Papa. She ground her plump bottom toward him and felt the coarse fabric of his work pants against the sensitive lips of her cunt each time his powerful strokes thundered into her plump ass, sending ripples through the ample flesh.

"Oh mi amado hijo", he repeated over and over as he plugged her hairy hole, as if in disbelief that the young whore before him was actually his own flesh and blood, the young nina he had carried on his shoulders. She was indeed the young girl he remembered, the one he had sold to the old Asian, had sold into a life of sexual slavery and debauchery. This whore, available to every man in the town was indeed his little girl. The guilt he felt was in an instant forgotten as the cum simmering in his balls boiled over and bolted down his cock to bath the inside of his darling daughters womb. He felt the young whore reach back between her legs and gently cradle his pulsing balls, coaxing the dregs of his cum to fill her dripping cunt.

"Mi amoroso PaPa", she said as she wobbled her ass against the man with a shudder, "My loving father" she thought as an orgasm ran through her.

He stepped away, and the young girl looked over her sweat stained shoulder at the two dark haired boys standing at the head of the line of eager men that snaked away from her.

"Olla, Ernesto, Fidel, no hay de gue disposicion" she said with a faint smile. "You are welcome to it", the young slut said as she spread her legs and braced her arms and legs.

"Come fuck your little sister the puta, the whore." she goaded. "Come and fill me with brothers cum, squeeze and milk your little sister's big tits, show the others how to treat a whore, hurt me if you can", she said with a self-conscious laugh she did not feel.

She looked away as she felt the hard demanding tube of her brothers cock slide deeply into her offered cunt. She drifted away, concentrating on caressing and squeezing the invading cock with her cunt. The squelching and smacking of her overfilled dripping cunt could be heard long after her father and brothers had had spent themselves. They watched her, their own flesh and blood, being used by the men of the village. Watched as the men in their impatience, began to use used her mouth as they used her cunt. They watched as she eagerly took their burgeoning cocks into her mouth to suckle and caress. They watched until they too overcome by the obscene spectacle took their turn at the eager slut's mouth.

Maria smiled, her lips dripping cum as she wrapped her slick fingers around her brothers vein wrapped cock. Her lips pursed as she brought the flared head to them, flicking it lightly with her cum streaked tongue before eagerly engulfing the head in her warm wet mouth. Her fat tongue swirled around the sensitive head. She smiled as she felt her brothers hands on her head pulling her down forcing her to swallow the pulsing shaft. She grunted as the strange cock in cunt hit her cervix causing a dull ache deep in her guts.

They watched her take all the dripping cocks, licking and sucking, eating the river of cum offered to her mouth. Her cunt and thighs ran a river of slimy sperm from the generous offering the village men had given her. Her father and brothers watched until the long line of eager men had thinned then left to drift back to their mean farm.

The day was spent before the sore cum stained young latina made her way painfully back to the laundry bearing the containers of drinking water. An unseen puddle of thick congealing cum filled her belly and sloshed from side to side. A dripping trail of dribbling sperm marked her passage and served as a testament to the ordeal she willingly and eagerly endured.

Chapter 24

The old Padre sent Rachel to the laundry for the first time in over a week. Her cotton dress swished as she walked stirring the dust of the dry street. Her bare feet made barely a sound as she stepped under the thatched awning and entered the dark humid interior of the laundry. She heard the tinkle of Maria's bells as she the young Latina busied herself over the washbin. Her ample bottom turned toward the door, she paid not notice of the attractive young teen's arrival.

"Uh-h-h-h-n, heh-heh, ha-ha, heh-heh, Missee here, heh, heh", the imbicilic Tahio babbled when he saw the young blond. He grabbed the bulge in the front of his pantaloons and danced around the room. Rachel's quim, already in an uproar from the crucifix dangling from her clitoris, pulled tight in her stomach as she remembered the pleasure the idiot's long tube of hard male flesh had given her. Her mouth flooded with saliva as she remembered the pungent taste of his half-breed sperm. She fought back the urge to fall to her knees and take the teens cock in her mouth and left the room to seek out the boy's perverted father, Hatori.

She entered the dark store room, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the dim light. The room was empty save for a large wooden table surrounded by chairs. The wooden floor was bare. A sudden movement caused her heart to leap into her throat as a large shape came shambling out of a dark corner. To the startled girl's relief she saw it was only Conquistador, Hattori's large dane-mastiff, his sleek black coat shining in the dim light. The dog immediately shoved his large muzzle into the girl's crotch, sniffing at the hot moist pit. Her face colored in the shadows, the dog's interest was testament to the frothing state of her pussy. The clit ring and heavy crucifix had done its work, the constant pulling and tugging of its swinging weight during the girl's walk had aroused the nub of nerves as assuredly as flipping a switch. The young slut stood expectantly, looking around for the old man but saw no one. Her hungry twat was in an uproar as the dog's wet nose rooted at the front of her dress. Reaching down the girl grabbed two fists of the cotton fabric and pulled it up to her waist baring her legs and crotch to the dog's wet muzzle. The beautiful young girl flexed her knees and waist thrusting her pelvis forward as she spread her sleek thighs. The coraline lips of her twat parted slightly under the weight of the six heavy brass rings that lined her nearly hairless labia. The sparse curls along the fat lips sparkled with beads of her own excitement. The dogs large flews left trails of saliva along the girls supple thighs as his head shot forward as he sniffed at the cloud of thick female musk that exploded from the hot wet recess of the teen's sex. The dog's long mottled tongue thrust forward and lapped at the beautiful young woman's cunt, the long flaps of her inner labia blossoming like the petals of an exotic flower under the dog's wet probing tongue.

The wanton college girl felt her nipples harden to painful stubs as she offered up her dripping cunt to the black beast rooting between her muscled thighs. The feel of the dog's wet tongue as it played amongst the brass rings decorating her sex and tugged and pulled at the chain dangling from the ring in her clit caused electric sensations to course though her. Her breath came in shallow gasps as she felt the dog's tongue lifting her to a vile and debauched climax. Her skin burned with the obscenity of it as the beast tongued her sex in mindless pursuit of her sexual secretions.

"Un-g-g-g-g-h," she groaned through clenched teeth as the vile and lewd act forced a climax from her inflamed clitoris. She trembled as her eyes rolled and her legs gave way beneath her. She lay on the coarse wooden floor, her large liquid breasts lolling on her small chest. As her head cleared she shivered as the dog's assault on the sensitive flesh between her legs continue. Her inflamed clit sending spasms as the dog's coarse tongue assailed the now overly sensitive bud.

As her vision cleared her eyes drifted up to the dangling mass of flesh beneath the huge dogs belly. The massive tube of canine flesh wobbled back and forth beneath its muscular hind legs. The teen's womb pulled tight in her belly as she remembered the stretching sensation and how the dog had filled her when it had mounted her. She now knew why.

"My god, it's huge." the giddy girl thought. "Even bigger than the idiot's cock."

With a small tentative hand she reached out to touch the furry black sheath that covered all but the head of the deep red cock. Her small white had look tiny against the black fur covered sheath as she pumped it gently up and down. An unfamiliar feeling of power flooded through her as she felt the thick rod expand beneath her palm as the soft sheath glided over the hard rough surface of the dog's dong. She noticed the frothy yellow white band of smegma around the mouth of the sheath as it squeegee along the moist surface of the dark red cock. Her blue eyes were perversely drawn to the glistening surface of the cock, its barrel crisscrossed by a myriad of dark blue veins but looked and felt smooth to the touch. Her pert nose flared at the rich musky smell evolving from the dog's loins, as she subconsciously pulled the dog's thick dong toward her.

The dog continued to slather his tongue over the girl's frothing cunt and it's metallic adornments. She braced her tiny feet against the floor and lifted her pelvis upward pushing her shoulders into the floor, offering the dog an easier target. Her tiny hand remained locked around the large rod of canine flesh pumping the sheath back and forth as more and more of the bestial cock protruded immodestly from the protective covering. Like an immense hose the cock elongated and thickened, its blunt snout hanging downward like some and obscene elephantine trunk. The young girl reached up with the other hand, to feel at the hardened bulge of the dogs swelling knot, still encased in the furry sheath. The knot felt like as large and as hard as a baseball. The girl pumped the swelling cock with more and more enthusiasm as she neared a second vile climax. The long hose like cock swung from side to side and swiped a livid glistening trail across her cheek and lips of bestial slime. In reflex the pink dart of her tongue shot out and collected a glistening wad of bestial pre-cum. Her taste buds registered the pungent taste as her clit exploded in a sympathetic climax. She wallowed in her depravity as the taste burned into her and her body convulsed beneath the beast that towered over her frail form. A depraved hunger suddenly drove all reason from lust drugged mind. Hunger turned to overwhelming need as she twisted beneath the large panting beast. Resting on her right hip she arched her neck upward as she used her small hands to guide the swaying pipe of bestial flesh to her open lips. Her pink pointed tongue bore into the deep dimple in the end of the blunt snout. She painted her pouting lips with the tube of living flesh like some gigantic lipstick playing its leaking tip from side to side over her lips and tongue. The clear musky fluid coated her lower face and teeth as she and the dog panted out their low mindless lust in unison.

Sliding further under the beast she pushed her gaping mouth onto the thick pole capturing the blunt tip in the warm wet cavern of her mouth.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m-h." she moaned as she gobbled the impossibly thick shaft. Rachel's mind roared, she nearly gagged at the thought of the pure degeneracy and obscenity of her willful act. Her cunt exploded in another climax as she groveled beneath the mindless beast degrading herself for its mindless pleasure. Her tongue lathed the thick red shaft exploring it, seeking to learn its myriad of new tastes it offered her. The pungency of the thick rich lubricant that coated the cock cloyed her sense of taste, her swollen clit throbbing in unison to her ravenous sucking. She forced her jaw wider and wider as she attempted to swallow more and more of the inflamed prong. Her left hand milked the sheath up and down the thick shaft. The monstrous dog whinnied and stepped from side to side over the girl. Rachel's large tits projected from her chest, their weight pressing one onto the other as she lay on her side, where they wobbled to and fro as she labored to please the beast. The beautiful young girl lay on the dirty wooden floor and swallowed half the dog's thick cock. Her breath came in labored rushes through her nose as her plugged throat convulsed around the red shaft. Fully three inches thick at its midpoint she could swallow no more and continued to milk and suck the pungent nectar from the bestial shaft.

Suddenly the creature stiffened and the shaft trapped in her throat spasmed flooding her throat with hot animal sperm. She gasped and choked on the flood of cum. Streamers flying from her delicate nostrils to coat her face, its glistening ribbons dripping to decorate the slopes of her quivering melons. Trying to retreat she pulled her head back only to have the dog advance driving his prong back into the attractive teens mouth. The girl swallowed gulp after gulp of the rich cream unable to taste the treasure she labored to win. Planting a hand in front of the dog's massive knot she pushed back as she withdrew her mouth to the spouting tip to capture the last great gouts and suckled the dregs from the great beasts massive balls.

The obscene girl wallowed beneath the huge dog, one hand feeding the pipe like cock to her mouth, the other delving into the frothing pit of her sex. Her finger diddled amidst the rings and the clit chain that were liberally coated with the girls own cunt slime. As she suckled and licked the long heavy shaft she grasped the large clit ring, twisting and pulling it until she exploded in a mind bending orgasm only a degenerate and perverted soul could know.

Having lost interest the great beast withdrew unmindful of his lover as she wallowed on the floor in a pool of their mingled secretions.

Chapter 25

The old man found her lying on the floor her mind groggy from herself debauchery. She slowly became aware of his presence and roused herself. The ever present leer was on his face as he watched the young girl rise and stand meekly before him. Her dress fell modestly back in place hiding her wet sex. She wiped at the wet mess that coated her face and chest.

"The Padre said I was to come to you today." the teenager whispered.

"I have been wondering when he would send you to me. I was beginning to think he was keeping you to himself." The old man said as he hawked up a wad of phlegm and spit it on the floor.

"I see you remember Conquistador," he said with a contemptuous laugh. "Let me have a lookee at you." he said with a grin the exposed the stumps of his rotted teeth.

The girl hesitated for a second, unsure of what he wanted.

"Smack", the old man's right had caught her full on the left cheek.

"Do not make me ask you to undress, missee. You have nothing but your big titties and leetle pussy that I want to see." He hissed. "You are only for fuckee and suckee."

The 5'7' teenager stood a head taller than the old Japanese whose stood stooped and wizened. His dark eyes roamed the girl. The thin cotton fabric of the girl's dress, damp with sweat, hugged every curve of her overripe figure. Her breasts stood out prominently from her chest like two rounded peaks separated by a broad valley. The two halves of the cheap dress met in the valley and were held in place by a cloth belt tied at her narrow waist. Her prominent nipples and dark red aureoles were clearly visible through the thin light colored fabric.

The pretty teen raised her hands to untie the knotted belt at her waist, her fingers trembling with anticipation. The short withered Asian noticed that the beautiful young girl's nipples had hardened and her aureoles had puckered as she began to strip for him. The thing cotton dress gaped open as she let the belt drop to the wooden floor. The old man caught a glimpse of the firm rounded curves of her breasts in the gap, just before she shrugged her shoulders and the dress fell down her pale arms to form a puddle around her feet.

Hattori felt his withered cock twitch in his loose pants as he once again saw the young American girl in all her naked glory.

"Shit" he thought to himself, as he literally drooled at the sight of her. He reached out a withered bony hand to cup one of the girl's large breasts. She smiled a tense smile and pulling back her shoulders and pushing the large orbs out to him in offering. The young pussy began to secrete heavily as she remembered the torment and the pleasure she had experienced at the hands of the old pervert the last time she had been here.

Her cupped the heavy bag of flesh running his thumb over her inch long nipples, smearing the drops of dog cum over the dark flesh. Her nipples appeared larger and more swollen than remembered here. It must be the Padre's attention he thought to himself. His face showed none of the appreciation he felt for the perfection of the beautiful girls breasts. So large and firm, only a hint of sag under their prodigious weight, at her age. The long teats, fully an inch long and as thick as a man's index finger. The large, raised aureoles puckered to the size of a silver dollar, their surface a tight circle of raised constricted flesh. The old man could not resist the impulse, he leaned forward to suck one of the thick nipples into his mouth.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-h", the young American moaned, oblivious to the rank odor of the old man's breath as he sucked voraciously on her right breast. She pushed her chest out in an involuntary motion feeding the old man even more of the pale ivory globe. The old man felt the thick nipple swell against his tongue as he sucked and chewed at the girl's flesh. He stood back leaving her right nipple glistening with his foul smelling saliva. His eyes followed the plane of her stomach to the cluster of yellow metal at her groin.

"So I see missee has new decorations", he huffed, stepping forward to finger the six brass rings piercing the thick outer lips of her labia wet from her heavily secreting cunt. He hooked a finger under the chain dangling from the thick ring through her clit and raised it, the chin running past his finger until the heavy crucifix rested in his hand. He shook his head in amusement, then turned and walked toward the table pulling the surprised girl along by the chain. She let out a surprised whimper and winced in pain as the thick stub of her newly healed clit was jerked by the tension on the thick ring running through it.

"Missee sits here," he said motioning to the edge of the table. With that he let the cross drop and the girl shuddered as it was jerked to a stop by the short chain, sending an electric thrill through her swelling clitoris. She hopped onto the edge of the rough wooden table her trim pale bottom making a plopping noise as she wiggled into position. The old man quickly ran a four foot length of bamboo between the girl's arms and her back, looped a cord around each wrist and tied them in front of her, locking her arms around the pole. He then tied a rope harness around her waist to which he secured her wrists. His final act was to secure a skull cap harness connected to nasal tines which he inserted in the girls pert nose, which he secured to the back of the bamboo pole, pulling her head up and back. He took a moment to appreciate his work, the girls shoulders were drawn back, causing her ample breasts to be thrust forward, her back arched, and neck extended as her head was drawn back by the cruel pressure on her delicate nostrils over the crown of her head, leaving her eyes wide and her mouth agape. Satisfied her left the room.

He returned a short while later with a short portly man that Rachel had seen in the village square, eyeing her hungrily. She felt the black eyes set narrowly in the dark brown face crawl over every inch of her exposed flesh, his thick tongue licking his lips nervously. The nervous twitch in his left eye became more pronounced as he stood and rubbed his sweating hands up and down the front of his trousers. The stained white jacket announced that he was of the medical trade or had been in some distant past.

"You may begin doctor, the yanquee slut does not mind" the old Asian said. "She will probably like it." he said as he fingered her seeping cunt and holding up two dripping fingers as proof.

The white coated man produced a black bag which he sat on the table next to the helpless girl's pale thigh. He produced a wicked looking stainless steel syringe with a heavy gauge needle, some cotton swabs and a bottle of alcohol. A glass topped bottle contained liquid and several thick brass rings.

"Who did the piecing of the puta's cunt?" the man asked.

"Our good Padre must have done it, they were not there the last time, I used the girl", the old man replied.

"He did good work, a pity though, I would have enjoyed doing it myself", the man stated, as he raised a hand to squeeze the girl left breast.

"Such fine big pezonas on this one", he said as he twisted and pulled on her swollen nipples. "I will not have to clamp them or apply suction as I did on the little latina whore I fixed for you last time, eh?"

"No, the leetle missee likes her neeples they should be treated rough." Hattori said as he pointed out the faint ligature marks and the healed punctures from her last visit.

"Her big titties, they connected straight to her leetle pussy, I think", the white coated man laughed in appreciation. "Clamps?, no we don't need no stinking clamps!!" he said as he pulled and twisted on the red rubber flesh of her teats.

"Oh-h-h-h-h, m-m-m-m-mh", the attractive teen moaned and arched her back even more pushing her huge tits at her tormentor.

Rachel looked down at the thick long nipples the laughing man had between his fingers and despised them. She felt the buzzing in her clit as the stranger twisted and pulled at her prominent teats. She hated how they fed the burning fire in her cunt, a fire that ruled her. The educated woman that had once been her fought with the mindless whore she had willfully become within the shell of perfect flesh that was her lust inspiring body. The whore and slut in her wanted to be used and degraded, in this the old Rachel agreed. She should be chastised, her flesh mortified and punished for its violation of all things decent and moral. The thrill of punishment made her grind her breast at the stranger, then pull back stretching her nipples. An excited whimper leaked from her slack mouth, her pussy leaving a telltale stain of wetness on the wooden table as she squirmed beneath the stranger's brutal fingers.

The Stranger released her swollen nipples and picked up the bottle and swabs. The acrid smell of alcohol reached Rachel's panting nostrils as he swabbed her hardened teats, the liquid stinging the irritated flesh.

"Bueno, now we see if the slut is truly a whore like Maria. He said as he brandished the syringe.

"Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h, n-o-o-o-o-o," the attractive teen's mind screamed in silent protest and final resignation.

The white coated stranger held a rubber stopper against the inside of the girl's left nipple and pressed the thick needle to the outside slowly twisting it as he pushed it through the sensitive resisting flesh. As he pushed he lowered his face to within inches of the beautiful face of the bound girl.

"You like? Does the leetle slut like the way Emilio treats her leetle titties?, he hissed, his breath foul from last night’s singani, the local equivalent of vodka.

Rachel barely heard the man, the lancing pain in her nipple bringing only a long low moan of pleasure as her cunt convulsed under the reverberation of her swollen clit.

"No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o" she moaned as the intense wave of pleasure rippled out from the long livid finger of her pierced clit. Her guts cramped and twisted as the pain induced climax coursed through her. Her glassy eyes failed to see the Strangers satisfied smile only inches from her sweating trembling face. Her ivory body shuddered and jerked as the climax completed as the needle imbedded itself in its rubber target impaling the swollen flesh of her thick teat. As the Stranger watched with sadistic satisfaction, a thick drop of ruby colored blood dripped from the rigid flesh that capped her out thrust breast to drop on her pale thigh.

Detaching the needle and leaving it in place her turned his attention to her other painfully hard nipple. With the same practiced care he pierced her other thick nipple. Playfully he pulled and twisted the newly violated few bring one orgasm after another cascading through the attractive young slut's body.

"She is a whore, no? The pain she makes her cum easily, si?, the Stranger said to the old man as he sat stroking his cock as he watched the lewd performance play out before him.

The white coated man cleaned and emplaced the thick brass rings through the fresh piercings in the moaning girl's nipples. Before he sealed the ends with a large bead, Hattori handed him ceramic jar from which he removed two brass bells. He affixed them to the rings and sealed them.

"You are now truly a puta, a village whore. All will know you by the bells. You will be free to use by everyone." the stranger sniggered.

Hattori nodded in response to the Strangers inquiring glance.

The man hurridly opened his fly, his stiffened prong curving upward in the dim light. He grasped the young girl behind the thighs and pulled her toward the edge of the table. Freeing his right hand he slotted his throbbing cock between the sopping lips of the moaning girls twat.

"Uh-n-n-n-n-n-h, y-e-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-s", the girl squealed as the Strangers cock lanced deep into her cunt. His rapid fire and urgent thrusts buffeted her as his hips pounded the back of her thighs causing her newly pierced tits to jounce and jiggle as they rolled across her chest, the tinkling of her new nipple bells burning indelibly into her consciousness.

Her clit exploded at the realization that she had been marked a whore, she hunched against the Stranger as her clit chain swung and pulled at the insane flesh between her legs. Another and final climax coursed through her as she felt the Strangers scalding seed geyser into her stuffed cunt and run down the crack between her firm cheeks.

"I am a whore" a part of the beautiful American thought to herself with a thrill...another part of her cried.

Chapter 26

The young teen lay glistening like a large white fetus on the wooden floor in the dim light. Her pale for stood out in stark contrast to the dark rotting wood. Her arms were no longer bound and the blood oozing from her freshly pierced nipples had turned a rusty brown. The only movement was the rise and fall of her chest which caused her melonous breasts to jiggle. Her supple arms and thin wrists still showed the ligature marks from the thin cord that had bound them. Her face bore an angelic look of satisfaction and peace. A slight smile curved the full lips. A healthy glow lit the smooth flawless cheeks. The sparsely haired freshly fucked gash between her legs was visible, clenched tight by her long thighs. Her long labia protruded like an obscene tongue dripping saliva, only the saliva was the spent seed of the three men that lounged around the dark room. Hattori finally rose and nudged the girl's thigh with a sandaled foot.

"Time for Missee to go home", he said curtly. "We done with slut Misse for now."

The Stranger and Tahio, watched as she rose slowly and stood stark naked in front of them, not sure what to do, as her new whore's bells tinkled as her breathing caused her balloon like breasts to jiggle.

Hattori threw her the soiled rags that passed for her dress and the men watched as walked to the door clutching the garment to her newly violated chest. She nearly collided with Maria. She raised her eyes and saw the vacant look of the young Bolivian. The young Indian girl stood as she did, naked save for the whore's bells that hung from her pierced nipples. The ivory brown skin of the young Bolivian bore similar marks as the young American's. Her breasts, while not as large, were full and heavy, her large dark aureoles circled long nipples pierced by thick brass rings. A thin chain ran between the two rings and was joined by another that disappeared into the thick thatch of black hair between the woman's legs. A rounded belly stood above the woman’s strong thighs.

Her brown eyes searched Rachel's face for a moment, then she lowered her head, her long black hair forming a veil around her bowed head and walked into the room. The young American left the hut stopping only to drape the thin cotton around herself, she heard voices rise as commands were given to the Bolivian girl now entertaining the men.

Rachel paused on her way toward the church only long enough to pull the thin dress over her naked form. She walked in bare feet through the humid evening air her mind a torrent of conflicting emotions over her new role in this corner of the world.

Laughing voices came from out of the dark as three men came into view as music played in the distance. The men staggered from the direction a cantina on a side street. Their laughter and uneasy gait attested to the effects of singani and cerveza. Rachel tried to blend into the shadows of the large trees of the central plaza but to no avail. One of the men stopped at the tinkling of her new bells.

"Atencion! I hear the bells of la puta." one of the men announced over the laughs of his compadres. His dark eyes searched the shadows and he caught a faint glimpse of Rachel as she moved off toward the church.

"You there, Puta! Come here, there are some muy macho hombres for you to service!, he yelled after the young American girl.

Rachel felt her pussy pull tight in her belly, she slowed and began to walk toward the men as if her feet had a will of their own. The beautiful teenager could not suppress the excited thrill she felt at the what loomed before her. The men kept up a drunken banter laughing and making lewd comments only a few of which the young girl could understand. She understood enough to know that the men were oil field workers here for a night of drinking. The dark of the night apparently hid the young American teen's identity from the drunken Bolivian men. With a thrill she realized that they thought she was a Bolivian girl, probably Maria. They knew her only by the whore's bells.

The men advanced and pulled the young girl into the entry of a narrow alley. In there drunken state they didn't notice the former missionary's height as she fell to her knee's before the drunk and dirty men. In an instant the once proud future lawyer busied herself as her small white fingers helped the calloused hands of the Indian laborers free their stiffening cocks from their khaki work pants.

The young girl's head reeled as she freed the hard cocks. The smell of sweat of days of hard work in the jungle heat sprang from their unwashed bodies engulfing the excited teen in a cloud of masculine smells. Her excited hands tugged and pulled at the belts of the men trying to expose more than just the luscious shafts to her oral attentions. The men laughed and talked coarsely about the frustrated whimpers that came from the groveling young woman. As she rummaged at the men's pants in the dark, their calloused hands played over the young girls body. Appreciative grunts and comments welled from the drunken men as they felt up her huge breasts, pulling and tweaking the long stiff nipples that bore the brass bells that marked her shame.

"Madre di dios, la pechas grande!" one of the men said as he palmed one of the massive bags of flesh hanging from her chest. They jutted out from her small rib cage like a shelf of flesh. The cleavage between the firm orbs a dark cleft in the horizontal surface formed by the tops of the huge bags of flesh. His hand traced along the near horizontal upper surface of one breast, his rough palm pausing at the long finger like pierced nipple, that stood proud, thrusting through the thin fabric, refusing to droop under the weight of the thick brass ring and bell that hung from it. The thick projecting nipple marked where the huge breast curved downward in a deep graceful arc under its own prodigious weight to rejoin her small trim ribcage. The beautiful American teen groaned with pleasure as three pair of hands roamed her chest squeezing the firm orbs in appreciation. She raised her arms as the men felt her up allowing them greater access to her big titties. Her hands played to the front of their dirty pants, her slender fingers tracing the outlines or their swelling cocks as the men laughed at her greedy behavior.

The beautiful young American was overcome with excitement as her hands freed the three brown cocks from the dirty fabric that imprisoned them. Her thin dress was pulled from her shoulders and she surrendered her grip on the cocks long enough to shrug the garment immodestly down her smooth arms. Her pale chest shone like ivory in the night as she buried her face in the groin of first one then another of the strangers. Her mind was a riot of obscene feelings and images. Her poor pussy pulled tight at the thought of what her mother would see if she could see her now.

Her she was the once prim and proper Rachel Falwell, half naked on her knees before three men, men that were complete strangers, Indian men, common workers that her mother would never think of letting into her home! Her she was allowing them to run their hands over her body, as she pushed her face into their hairy filthy groins, her petite nose inhaling the delightfully masculine smell of their sweaty balls and unwashed asses. All thoughts of law school, home and family disappeared as her small pink tongue snaked out to trace the pulsing veins that crisscrossed the sperm filled balls of the oil field workers. Her plump pouting lips shone wet with her excited saliva as she sucked and lapped at each filthy scrotum in turn. Her dainty hands holding the pulsing cocks upright as she dipped her head wedging it between each pair of muscular thighs in order to fill her hungry mouth with the men's pulsing sperm sacks.

"My gawd, I'm sucking the cocks of three complete strangers." she thought. A week ago the thought of them merely touching her would have caused her stomach to heave, and now she knelt nuzzling their stinking balls and her stomach churned not with disgust, but excitement. She wanted to feel their coarse hair on her smooth cheeks, the weight of there sperm filled balls in hands, their plumpness in her mouth. She wanted to taste and feel their swollen cocks in her mouth and taste the pasty slime of their cum across her tongue.

"Gl-l-l-g-g-g-h, m-m-m-m-m-m-h" she moaned as she stuffed her mouth greedily with the short thick prong of one of the faceless strangers. He grunted in satisfaction, as her lips slid up and down his brown cock, sliding the foreskin with it. Her mouth filled with the taste of the rancid secretions that had built up beneath his foreskin. The young teen's swirling tongue cleaned the swelling knob and she giggled with delight as his hands forced her head further down his rigid staff. Her pert nose snorted into his coarse black pubes as her face mashed against the paunch of his stomach. She gurgled and cooed as he thrust the prong into her throat. She carefully covered her small pearl like teeth with her lips as she raised her face as not to scrape the sensitive flesh of the stranger cock fucking her face.

The hands of the men became more demanding as they wanted their share of the feminine feast before them. Rachel was oblivious to the sharp gravel that cut into her knees as she worked to please the men, sucking on one cock as her dainty hands pumped the other two up and down. All the while the men milked her swelling breasts, pulling and twisting the thick rings that violated her thick pink nipples.

The wanton young girl moans or pleasure were lost to the fleshy stalk that pumped in and out of her violated yet unresisting throat. Finally overcome by impatience, the man to her right pulled free and stepped to the side out of her field of view as she turned her cock-stuffed face. She felt him pull her dress above her waist, his demanding fingers probing for her wet sex. The young slut braced herself, her back arching as she spread her knees leaning into the faceless man fucking her mouth. Her forehead pressed into his fleshy paunch as she steadied herself with a left hand as it continued to pump the rigid cock of the man to her left. A deep moaning groan leaked from around the cock plugging her mouth as the man behind her drove his slotted cock deep into her sopping cunt.

The young slut giggled in giddy delight as the strange Indian pumped his short thick cock into her willing cunt. His dirty brown hands spread the firm muscular cheeks of her ivory colored ass. He playfully thrust his dirty thumb against the raw pink mouth of her once virgin ass. His dirty nail scraping the sensitive flesh as it forced it's way past the rubbery mouth.

Her round buttocks flexed atop her long thighs as she pushed back against the stranger fucking her from behind as she sucked ravenously on the two cocks that her hands fed to her eager mouth.

Her huge breasts hung heavily beneath her as she knelt like a great cow waiting to be bred. Her thick pierced clit throbbed as the heavy chain and cross swung between her thighs as the Indian’s pelvis pounded against her upturned ass. The buzz grew into a roar as a dirty vile climax washed over her, the hands and cocks of three strangers plucking at the young American's strings and playing her like a well-worn guitar. Vile pleasure like a too powerful drug rose and nearly gagged the young girl as she wallowed in its forbidden excess. The horrified faces of her mother and father drifted along pushing her orgasm to new heights as she continued to please the men that were using her.

Almost in unison the men groaned, their filthy degrading talk reached a peak as their throbbing cocks began to spout the slimy contents of their hairy brown balls. The eager young slut felt the cock in her cunt swell and pulse, the liquid wet explosion of his filthy seed sent her sliding down the slimy ramp of another obscene climax. Her sucking mouth went slack as the dirty climax turned her vision white, the cock in her mouth erupted catching her off guard, her throat momentarily clogged with the thick spume that clung to her epiglottis and rear molars like a great wad of immovable mucus. Her throat spasmed as she fought for breath, the thick plug like cock driven forward by the strangers khaki clad hips. The brass teeth of a zipper cut her clinging lips as she drove her face against the bristly mat of pubic hair around the cock's root, as she desperately tried to swallow it's girth. In defeat desperate for air she withdrew her as a thick final gout of yellowish sperm erupted skyward from the mouth of the erect cock, the thick ribbon landing across the eager upturned face of the young girl. The yellowish scum left a scar like trace across the pert white nose and blushing cheek of the young American.

"A-a-a-w-w-w-w-w-w-h", she groaned in frustration, her mouth open like a feeding chick, tongue flicking the underside of the upright cock.

Her eager eyes turned to the left toward a masculine groan her educated hand pulling the erupting cock to her open mouth. A long serpentine rope exploded from the brown column of gristle firmly clenched in her dainty fist. It sparkled in the moonlight as it rose and fell wetly across her upturned face. Her eager flicking tongue caught a thick portion as it fell across her open lips and she gulped it down gluttonously. Her lips and tongue making smacking gurgling sounds as she feasted on the thick yeasty seed of the faceless Indian. Her tongue played over her paste covered teeth as she savored the fluid thick with pasty sperm.

The stranger behind her withdrew his shrinking cock and patted her wiggling upturned ass as he stepped away. Her cum stained face turned toward him in the dark, her Anglo features hidden in the shadows.

She nuzzled the two other cocks licking and sucking the dregs of their cum like some starving wretch, oblivious to the meaning of the coarse and demeaning words in Spanish the laughing men heaped on her head like so much shit. The intent of the men's hissed Spanish was clear, as they called her "pig", "whore", "slut" "cum eater" and every vile demeaning name their small intellects could muster.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m-h" the young slut moaned as she rubbed the deflating cocks across her face, smearing the thick paste like cum across her attractive features. The words of the men sending throbbing shock waves through the disgustingly swollen tube of her pierced clit. The young American knelt before the stranger men, having received their corrupting lust, and wallowed in their contempt. She shuddered as another climax ran through her fueled by self-contempt and disgust.

The Indian workmen pushed the young whore away, laughing as she fell from her knees to her side in the dirt of the street, her obscenely large breasts wobbling across her chest ringing her whore's bells in the night.

Chapter 27

Rachel sat at the wooden table and watched as the old priest entered the room accompanied by a short fat man in a tattered uniform.

"This is Senor Juan Domingo, he is with the state postal service and has a letter from your father."

Rachel sat silently but her heart leapt at the news.

"The Senor has come a long way to deliver the letter", the Padre intoned. "I told him you would be very appreciative if he delivered it in person and show him your gratitude."

Without a thought Rachel rose from the table and faced the short fat man. He looked at her and nervously licked his lips, sweat beading his forehead as he gazed on the tall Anglo beauty. A tense smile formed on the girls full lips as her arms crossed her chest to opposite shoulders and pulled the thin cotton peasant's dress down her arms.

The young girl heard the appreciative intake of breath as the fat man saw the naked majesty of her breasts but dared not look him in the eye. The fat postman drew his pudgy frame up on seeing the submissiveness of the tall Yankee teen. Bolstering his courage his he reached forward with a thick fingered hand and cupped one of Rachel's massive breasts.

A sudden intake of breath at the touch of the stranger was the only response the young girl gave as she stood there motionless.

The Padre nodded to the fat man and left the room closing the door behind him.

The fat postman could hardly contain his glee. "Never, never in his wildest dreams cold he have hoped to have at his beck and call such a beauty. And an Anglo beauty at that! Here was some haughty Anglo bitch from the Stados Unitos and she was his to do as he liked", he thought incredulously. As the realization sank in he seemed to gain in height as he looked up at the tall girl.

"Take off the dress, puta", he said with sudden confidence. "And get on your knees."

In silence the young American did as she was told. Her dirty peasant's dress falling into a rumpled pile at her feet, she kicked it aside as she dropped to her knees naked in front of the fat little man, her large breasts jiggling.

"You are here to show me gratitude. You can do that by giving me pleasure and doing all that I ask without hesitation;" he said as he fumbled with the buckle of his belt. He half turned as he drew the black leather belt from around his waist like a sword. Without warning he brought his arm in a sweeping arch and lashed the heavy belt full across the surprised girl's breasts.

"Aie-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e", the young teen screamed as the belt lashed across her naked flesh again and again. Livid welts sprang from the pale flesh as she fell to a fetal position in an attempt to protect herself. The blows stopped and the corpulent little man stepped over to her cowering form. Wrapping a pudgy fist in her dirty blonde hair he raised her head and sneered into her whimpering face.

"You are to bring me pleasure." he said simply. "Your pain pleases me." He dragged the whimpering girl by the hair across the floor to beneath an over hanging beam. His short fat form contrasted greatly with the tall Anglo girl that cowered at his feet as he drew a length of thin cord from his pocket and threw it over the beam. With practiced ease he tied the thin cord to the rings in the young girls large nipples, forming an inverted "y" and pulled her to her feet as he jerked on the opposite end hanging over the beam. Rachel groaned as she clambered to her feet under the tension on her fat nipples.

The fat postman laughed at her distress and raised her on tiptoe. Holding the rope in one hand he used the other to run the free end through the rings in the attractive teens labia and clit and quickly harshly pulled up the slack. He ran the cord through the rings several times and tied it off securely. The beautiful girl now stood immobile, the tension on the rope holding her heavy breasts suspended by their nipple rings and anchored to the rings imbedded in the tender flesh of her pierced labia. He then clipped the cords along their length to form one double strand running from the girl to the beam. To the traveled eye the poor girl looked as if she was playing out a bad parody of the Sioux initiation rites whereby young warriors were hung by their pierced pectoral muscles. She stood on tiptoe, tension of the cord lifting her immense breasts by their thick nipple rings and stretching her labia by the merciless pull on the six rings imbedded there.

The sadistic fat man walked behind the girl as he pulled another cord from his pocket. The young slut had her hands under her aching breasts attempting to relieve the pull on her labia and nipples. He pulled first one then the other of the unresisting girl's sleek arms behind her and tied together above the elbow. The thin cord cut harshly into the smooth white skin of the whimpering young teenager.

The fat man stood sweating profusely. His hands trembled with excitement, His thick tongue flicked out to lick at his lips. The pig like black eyes imbedded in the fat face look malevolently at the now helpless girl. He walked quietly around the pale pillar of flesh that hung before him, the black strip of leather belt trailing from his right hand like a dead snake.

Despite his outward calm, he was beside himself with excitement. His stump of a cock had hardened, his palms were wet with sweat, and his breath came in quick gasps. His mind reeled at his good fortune. Here before him was a beauty beyond his wildest dreams, entirely at his mercy. Sadistic fires gleamed behind his dark eyes. Here was a village slut, a white Anglo beauty whom he could vent his perverse desires upon. Without the restraint imposed by the Padre, he would gladly kill the girl for his own pleasure. Denying him that only fueled his desire to draw every ounce of pleasure he could from that which was allowed.

The black leather strip snaked out caressed the underside of Rachel's breasts. A large livid red welt immediately sprang from the smooth pale flesh. She screamed and twisted in a futile attempt to avoid the next blow from the heavy leather. The fat man's arm rose and fell as the helpless girl turned and twisted under the rafter. The cord pulled and jerked as her breasts jiggled and joggled as she moved to avoid the punishing blows.

A island of pleasure rose through the beautiful girl's torrent of pain. The blows burned her skin like fire, raising angry blood red welts across her pale white skin. The merciless cord pulled and jerked at the ring in her clitoris and nipples. Her mind chose to focus on those feelings rather than the pain. Each blow to her breast brought a burst of pleasure mixed with pain as the heavy bouncing flesh jerked the cord and thick swollen clitoris. With each burst of pleasure she hated herself more and tried to the blows less in punishment, and only increased the degree of pleasure she felt. As suddenly as the pain began is subsided as the flood of endorphin saturated her brain. Only the pleasure of her torment remained cutting clearly through her bodies self-induced high. She drifted on a cloud, the buzz in her obscenely thick and swollen clit exploding in a series of firecracker like climaxes with each blow of the fat man's belt.

"U-h-h-h-h-h-h-h, a-h-h-h-h-h-h-h", she moaned as she grunted out a vile and base orgasm through slack drool wet lips. She no longer even attempted to avoid the incessant blows that rained down upon her unresisting flesh. Her once flawless skin was a riot of red welts, the sweat that ran in rivulets down her form shimmered in the light, as the belt struck her with a wet thudding sound.

Rachel convulsed as one climax after another seared her consciousness. She smiled a drugged smile as she wallowed in a sea of endorphins. She her back to offer up her chest to the bite of the Fat man's belt, knowing her reward would be yet another climax as the kiss of the strap on her sensitive skin would cause a jerk on her impossibly swollen clit. Every conscious movement of her muscled body was calculated to offer a new target to the corpulent sadist, or to voluntarily increase tension on her tortured parts.

She willingly wallowed in a cesspool of self-hatred and abuse, needing the Fat man to do what she could not. She needed, no she craved the mortification of her flawless flesh as penance for what she had become. Yet she knew that far it was far from penance, it was pleasure, so far had she fallen, she was beyond punishment. She now extracted pleasure from every act of perversion, degradation or punishment, no matter how vile or obscene.

She looked down at her striped breasts, the blood red weeping welts that crisscrossed the once flawless white skin, and a vile shuddering climax ignited her swollen clit. The thought, oh, the vile obscene, thought of it, excited her such that she relaxed her legs caused the taut cord to pull and jerk at her violated clitoris and nipples causing yet another climax to burst in her fogged brain.

The fat Postman stood back as his arms and shoulders cramped from the effort of the prolonged flogging. "Never had he seen a slut such as this", he thought as the sweat streamed down his piggish face. His stump of a cock throbbed in his pants as he considered resuming his work while he watched the beautiful Anglo slut debase and torment herself, jerking and pulling the cord causing herself to cum. He looked at the wet stain beneath her pale red striped body. Her sweat ran in streams dripping from her bound arms, matting her blonde hair to her face and shoulders.

The girl's firm bottom bore angry weeping welts from his belt, her sleek muscular thighs were marked by the bit of the belt as well, flexing as she pulled at the cord to torture and pleasure herself. The flat expanse of her belly, her muscular back and shoulders, and the immense upturned mounds of her breasts all bore the mark of the belt. Angry, swollen red welts crisscrossed the once smooth flawless white skin. He reckoned it would take years if ever for the marks of his work to disappear. He smiled as he thought that here he had added his own signature to perfect work of god. Like a hack sculptor adding details to Michelangelo’s David, he had indelibly marked the perfect body of the young Anglo slut.

Stepping forward, he produced a knife and cut the cord above the girl. Unprepared she fell to the floor in a wet heap a dreamy faraway look to her lovely blue eyes. Bending forward, the fat man cut the bonds holding her arms. She sighed as circulation returned to her bluish hands.

Standing with his fat hands on his hips he watched as the girl struggled to pull herself toward him on her numbed arms, the severed cords dragging behind her. She paused once shuddering though an orgasm as her knee caught the trailing cord jerking the ring in her clit.

Reaching the squat man's legs she pushed her throbbing breasts against his leg as she rose up and kissed the hand that held the stained belt. Her numb fingers struggled with the zipper at the front of his uniform pants, marching up and down searching for the short stump of his cock. Once open she pushed her face deeply into the pocket of coarse fabric, her eager tongue searching out the short brown column of flesh. I took only a few moments for her suctioning mouth to coax his small churning balls to give up their load of thick yellowish cum. She suckled his wilting stump until with a grunt he shoved her away and watched her fall into a dreamy sweaty heap on the dirty floor, a string of rancid sperm hanging from her bottom lip across her small chin. As the beautiful young American drifted off into a dreamy slumber her fading eyes watched the fat little man place a single forgotten envelope between the rings that punctured her tortured sodden labia before he walked toward the heavy wooden door.

Chapter 28

Hattori watched counting a stack of dirty bills as Maria sat on the thick prong of the roughneck's cock imbedded in her ass. Her legs were splayed by the dirty hands he had behind her knees. The thick mat of pubic hair that normally shielded her pussy was gaping, it's lips adorned with the glittering brass rings marking her enslavement and clogged with the white paste of the most recent stranger's sperm.

The old Asian surveyed the room full of Bolivian oil field workers, fresh from months in the jungle of the Robore. Their pockets were as heavy with hard earned pay as their scrotums were with pent up sperm. The young Bolivian girl's hands worked at the cocks of the two men that stood to either side of her chest. Their rigid angry rods projecting menacingly over her face. She guided them deftly one at a time to the oval of her mouth licking them as she skinned back their foreskins. Her flicking leaving the rods of flesh glistening and wet as she prepared them to fuck her cunt.

As she labored at the cocks in her fists, another stranger took his place between her splayed legs, slotted his thick brown cock between her swollen sodden labia and sank his staff into her to the roots.

"Unh-g-g-g-g-g-h", she grunted as she felt the new invader slip into her well-oiled cunt alongside the thick resident in her stretched ass. The twin invaders filled her to bursting. The movement of the two cocks pushed her once again over the edge as she squealed out another orgasm around the spa de-like cock head that stuffed her mouth.

The stranger beneath her pumped his hips against her soft ample bottom, rocketing her up against the cock that drubbed against her thick cervix.

She bounced back and forth between the two roughnecks as they labored to relieve the throbbing in their heavy sperm laden balls. An incessant chatter came from the surrounding tables as the men, both those waiting their turns, and those that had finished and returned to their beers, watched the young brown skinned whore take on all comers.

Her sperm stained dress was bunched around her waist baring her cunt to the view of all as the two cocks stretched and stuffed her. The top of her dress hung around her middle, her ample breasts jiggling and bouncing across her chest as she was buffeted between the pistoning cocks. Her brown nipples stood erect in the cool night air, the brown skin of her chest flecked with white drops of sperm spilt from her hungry mouth.

She swirled her tongue around the head of the slim cock she fed into her mouth. Her head reeled at the musky taste that filled her mouth. "How many had it been?" she asked herself, forgetting the question and the answer as a strong hand turned her head and the spongy snout of a cock pressed against her pursed brown lips. Eagerly she opened her mouth to the demanding invader and engulfed it in the warm wet confines of her eagerly sucking mouth. No hand need guide her as she forced her face forward to accept the length of the fleshy rod into her throat. A groan of satisfaction greeted her ears as she swallowed the entire length of the strangers cock. The strangers moans of satisfaction mixed with the wet smacking and slurping sounds that emitted from the stuffed wet confines of her cunt and ass.

The attractive young Bolivian slut shuddered out a gut wrenching climax as she felt the two cocks expand as one and begin pulsing as they spewed out their liquid slime into her clasping spasming orifices. The grunts and moans of the fuckers brought forth a cheer from the crowded room as the spectators watched with appreciation as the girl and her lovers groaned their mutual climax.

Hatori wasted no time in recruiting eager new roughnecks from those waiting a turn at the young whore. As one positioned himself on the table, Maria finished lapping at the pasty sperm she had coaxed from the cock in her mouth.

The bony hands of the old Asian gripped her by the arm as he helped her mount the table and position her plump bottom over the upright column of the new cock. With practiced ease she squatted over the upright cock, as she reached between her splayed thighs and guided it into the stretched mouth of her raw anus.

"U-h-h-h-h-h-h", she groaned as she felt the thick post sink into her guts as she let her weight carry her down till her plump ass cheeks rested on his thighs. She laid back on the strangers chest and sighed at the full stretched feeling in her bottom and the feel of the miner's rough hands as he reached around and cupped her full breasts.

He had just begun a rhythmic pumping when a second stranger positioned himself between her splayed knees and slotted his cock between the rings marking the opening to her well used cunt. He strummed his dirty thumb across the erect nub of her clitoris and was rewarded when the young slut shuddered in a quick orgasm, her eager eyes searching his whiskered face in gratitude. He placed his strong hands behind the unresisting girl's knees and cranked her legs up and open, pushing her plump bottom down against the thick cock drilling into her rectum. He sank his long cock into the willing cunt of the girl as she pulled him forward, her small hands on his denim clad hips.

Soon two cocks filled her small hands as two other impatient roughnecks sought relief at the young Indian girl's mouth. She smiled as she brought first one, then the other stiff prongs to her mouth like lollipops and eagerly lapped and sucked at the musky masculine flesh.

Near the end of the long evening, as Maria sat lapping at the sperm that clung to the foreskin of a softening cock, she had lost count of the number of spurting cocks she had taken in her mouth, cunt and ass. The attractive Bolivian girl felt as though her belly sloshed with the collective sperm of assembly of men. Her jaw ached and her poor lips felt raw from the demanding cocks that had been offered to her mouth and she had willing accepted. She sighed with contentment at the singular throbbing that came from her abused cunt and ass as a stream of semen leaked from the two stretched orifices and dribbled down the back of her thighs.

The conversation between the Hefe and Hattori went unnoticed by the girl as she eagerly lapped and suckled at a newly offered cock. The old Asian eagerly accepted a wrinkled stack of paper bills and added them to the tall stack of bolivianos the young whore had already earned for him.

A few barked commands from the hefe and the girl was lifted from her spot on the floor and placed on her knees on a table in the center of the cantina. Several of the roughnecks held her arms out to the sides forcing her to rest her cheek on the beer stained table. Two others sitting at the table grasped her calves with one hand while retaining their grip on their cervesas with the other.

Maria grunted as she felt the Hefe's fingers force their way between the raw swollen lips of her cunt. He forced two, then three and finally wormed all four of his fingers into her stretched bottom. His fingers feeling like worms tunneling into her guts as he struggled to force his hand in past his knuckles.

"A-w-w-w-w-w-w-wh-h-h, u-u-u-u-h-h-h-h!!!", she groaned as he dug his thumb in under the stretched mouth of her cunt as it constricted around his big hand.

Worming and pushing, the Hefe forced more and more of his hand into the girl as she squirmed against the hands restraining her. Her piteous moans and pleas were drowned out by the laughter and cheers of the room of drunken men as they watched their company Hefe fist the struggling young woman.

With an almost audible "pop" the Hefe's big hand slid in past the palm and the elastic mouth of the girl's stretched cunt closed around his thick wrist.

"Uh-h-h-h-h-h-n-n-n-n-n", she groaned as an orgasm ran through her triggered by her sheer humiliation. The big man's fingers wormed and clawed at her insides, scratching and digging into her cervix as they squirmed amid the thick mass of sperm that filled her overflowing cunt.

One after another the climaxes took her as she wiggled her plump upturned bottom from side to side, the men cheered as their Hefe pumped and twisted his fist into the pretty Bolivian girl's cunt.

Chapter 29

The tall teen sat strapped into the chair as the Priest busied himself with instruments laying on a strip of black cloth on the wooden table to her right. The young American teen was secured to the chair by cords binding her feet to the front legs of the chair and her arms were tied to the heavy wooden arms rests. The old Padre had also secured her head against the back of the chair by a two cloth bands, one around her forehead and the other around her mouth. The only movement from the attractive young woman was the darting of her fear widened blue eyes.

She sat wondering in fear seeing only the broad back of the black priest as he stood at the table. Her thin cotton peasant's dress molded to her majestic chest, her large breasts separating heavily creating a large deep valley between them which was beaded with perspiration born of heat and fear.

Vivid red welts marked the pale skin of the girl that was not covered by the tattered dress. In spots the fine smooth skin had been ruptured by the bite of an instrument of discipline and were weeping or had scabbed over. Her bare feet were dirty, her fine blond hair matted and dirty.

The fat old Padre turned from the table to face the girl that had been place in his keeping by her trusting father. He gazed on the wretch he saw before him. In little more than two weeks the beautiful young teen had gone from a haughty self-righteous bitch, playing the benevolent and condescending missionary, to village whore, forever marked, her once perfect body bearing the lasting marks of her trade. Her soul forever stained with the vile lust born sperm and semen of strange men. Her mind and body had become addicted to the pleasures of the flesh, turning the once beautiful 18 year old into a slave of pain and humiliation, obscenity and perversion.

Even as she sat facing the unknown in fear, her insatiable quim simmered, heated by the unquenchable fire in her thick rigid clit. The abnormally long and thick bundle of nerves projected like a small finger from its protective hood, held in perpetual state of arousal by the thick brass ring that pierced it. A small trickle of vaginal secretions ran from her cunt and ran between the firm cheeks of the girls ass.

The Padre held a long skewer in his right hand. He swabbed it with a damp square of medical cheese cloth. Without a word he stepped toward the girl. He placed the thumb and forefinger of his left hand on the young girl's nostrils. He pulled back to reveal the pink flesh of the septum that separated the nostrils of her fine delicate nose. Without a word he pushed the skewer though the cartilage with a "crunch".

The girl whimpered through the cloth that gagged her and held her head immobile as he turned the skewer to enlarge the hole and then withdrew it. The Padre turned to the table and picked up a ring an inch and a half in diameter and made of heavy thick brass. With some effort he pushed the forged ring though the hole in her septum which was slightly smaller. He then secured it with a large, perforated bead which had to be inserted in the gap in the ring.

When he was finished he removed the gag from the whimpering girl's mouth. The heavy ring hung below her pert nose and rested just above her full bottom lip.

"If it oozes wipe it with this." he said as he handed her a square of cheesecloth dampened with alcohol.

"We will be leaving the village for a few days. But we will first stop to see Hattori...."

The sun was hot as they rode along the jungle track. The Robore was not a tropical jungle but a hot dry tangle of seasonal swamp and forested scrubland. The horses plodded along in the heat, the vegetation along the narrow trail swishing back into place after their passing. Rachel looked at the back of the Priest as his horse walked slowly ahead of hers. The ropes that Hattori had used to bind her swelling breasts chafed and rubbed her bruised and welted flesh with every movement of the horse. The twin strands of the karada was tied at the back of her waist, where it dipped into the crevasse between her firm muscular cheeks. A large knot was positioned at her anus, and the twin strands continued forward between her pierced labia. Her naturally large clit, trapped between the coarse twin strands of hemp stood out like an obscene finger red, swollen and wet. The engineered discomfort caused a riot of sensations to pulse through the twisted young teen. The rings in her pierced labia, and the chain attached to her pierced clit hung down into the opening in the top of the old framework saddle. She clutched the reins tightly and clung to the pommel with her left hand, her right was buried in her crotch, pulling and twisting at the ring imbedded in her trapped clitoris. During the ride she had gutted out several silent orgasms wallowing in the pain of the breast and clitoris bindings and her own depravity. Like some naughty adolescent, she pleasured herself behind the back of the Padre, reveling in the obscene act. With each cum she scooped up her own flowing juices and licked her slimy fingers clean, imagining in her twisted mind they were really the leavings of some faceless stranger that had just used her.

They had been riding in silence for several hours before the Padre suggested they stop for a break. He reined his horse into a clearing and dismounted his great bulk. The girl followed suit, noticing with a thrill the dark wet spot on the framework saddle left by her leaking cunt.

The Padre sat on a rotted log and looked at the young slut. "Come here." was all he said. The words set off locks and springs within the young girl that were beyond her control. She raced over to the old black Padre and fell to her knees between his outstretched thighs. She hungrily dipped her head between his two flabby black thighs, burrowing her head under his cassock. She knew he no longer wore and undergarment beneath it to allow her greater access. She rooted beneath the heavy cloth like some greedy sow and delighted in how the coarse hair of his thighs and groin chaffed at the pale cheeks.

Her enormous tits throbbed as they swung beneath her, compressed by the tight binding the old Asian had fitted on her. Every movement of her body caused the karada to chafe at her poor tormented and swollen clit.

She felt a thrill as her rooting tugged and pulled at the freshly placed ring in her nose sending sharp pains lancing through her face setting off the sparks and crackles of a mini-orgasm. Using her hands she peeled back the lower halves of his cassock to expose his fat pasty gray thighs.

The beautiful white teenager sighed as the curly black hair of his thighs pricked and scratched her cheeks as she ground her face between his legs to tongue his wrinkled scrotum. She cooed and moaned as the musky taste filled her mouth and the masculine smell of sweat filled her nostrils. Leaving his balls wet with her saliva, she trailed her little pink tongue up the length of his inflating black cock. With one small white hand she held the swelling black sausage upright so she could lick and tongue it like some black popsicle. She became giddy with delight as she traced each throbbing black vein with her tongue, she closed her eyes and for an instance she fancied herself a little girl, safe in her parents’ home savoring a summertime treat. A singular grunt of approval brought her back to reality, a reality where she was a marked, beaten and pierced slut whore, a whore for a small village church. A vessel of lust for an old mulatto Padre and a perverted old Asian and his son. No longer was she the beautiful college bound Deb on a missionary lark to serve those she deemed less fortunate. She now served them as a whore. She served any man who wanted to take her, served them with her pouting sperm hungry mouth, her tight pink cock hungry cunt and stretched and clasping ass.

She groaned at the thought as it sent sparks shooting through her setting off yet another orgasm as her pinched swollen clit, the little demon responsible for her fall, throbbed between the rough hemp strands that held it swollen in its angry red excited state, its thick glittering yellow brass ring standing out in vivid contrast, to the glossy red surface of the swollen turgid flesh of her abnormally large clitoris.

She continued to gobble at the thick coal black staff beneath the protruding gut of the old the old Padre. The girls matted blond hair standing in contrast to the chalky gray skin of the old black priest. The bristly hair of his groin and thighs pricking her peach colored cheeks. Mindlessly she licked and slurped, the animalistic and obscene sounds blending with the sounds of the jungle.

At length, the young slut's labors were rewarded as she felt the black cock in her mouth balloon and throb in preamble to it spewing its load into her small clasping mouth. She raised her delicate white hand to gently cup the old man's churning black balls. Her hand cradled the wrinkly black sack beneath her chin as she swallowed more of the spewing prong, greedily gulping the thick spunk that pumped from the blunt purple head.

The old man's breath came in ragged gasps as watched the tall white teen preen and clean his deflating cock.

His eyes flitted in the direction of a noise from behind the girl. His mount, an old uncut stallion was pissing onto the dry ground as it stood tied in the shade of a nearby tree. His eyes followed the long arching curve of the thick stream of yellow piss is it jetted from the fire hose-like length of the old horse's prick. He chuckled as he gazed on the thick black length of equine cock that hung from beneath the horses belly. The glossy tight skin of the extended prick and its sheath shone in the sunlight.

The old Padre wrapped a meaty hand in the beautiful girl's matted hair and turned her head toward the horse. She whimpered in frustration as he pushed her head around, like a disappointed child, her lower face glistening with the wet of her saliva. She froze, her hands still on his wilting prick as her eyes took in the monstrous tube of equine flesh that waved to and fro beneath the black horse.

"A-a-a-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-h", the attractive 18-year old whined through slack lips, shaking her head in objection as the obscene sight registered in her lust glazed eyes. Her eyes widened brimming with tears in a mixture of panic and hunger as the Padre's hand dropped from her hair as she pulled away and propelled herself on hands and knees like an automaton toward the horse. She cast a panicky glance back over her shoulder at the Padre, tears streaming down her face, a mind trapped in a prison of greedy flesh, as her body once betrayed her once more and involuntarily carried her toward the bestial monstrosity and an act of utter degradation.

The Padre watched her crawl toward the horse, catching glimpses of her white, red welted bottom beneath her tattered dress, the brass rings piercing her privates glittering in the sunlight. He could hear the tinkle of the bells hanging from her enormous breasts as they swayed beneath her as she crawled.

He heard the poor girl groan as she knelt in the puddle of mud the horse piss had formed on the dry ground. Kneeling beneath the horse, her pale hands played over the rigid tube of equine flesh. Her small hands struggled to encircle the fat tube as she pumped it. Her panicked tear filled eyes staring at the huge balls that hung nestled between the muscular hindquarters of the beast.

"Aw-w-w-w-w, n-o-o-o-o-o, m-m-m-m-m-m-m-h", she groaned in protest as her own hands brought the fat blunt tip of the horse cock to her lips. The fluted head appeared almost too large to fit in her mouth. She ran her small pink tongue over and around the blunt cudgel, exploring the thick urethra tube that projected from the blunt snout. Her hands guided the long tube of flesh to her mouth like an obscene parody of a young girl playing an oversized trombone. She wagged the fluted head from side to side until she had squeezed her small mouth over the head, stretching her lips and ballooning her cheeks. With a self-conscious groan from her grotesquely distended face she began to suck.

She pumped her mouth up and down the pulsing horn of horseflesh, fucking her equine lover with her mouth. The old Padre tried not to watch as the poor girl debased herself unable to deny the carnal impulses that drove her. The obscene grunts and liquid sounds coming from the girl as she used her mouth and throat as a cunt to please the beast pulled his gaze back to the degrading spectacle. The horse whinnied and knickered as the gourd sized balls between his thighs churned under the ministrations of the gluttonous young slut.

The beautiful girl's tears mixed with drool that leaked from her stuffed mouth and hung from her small chin as she worked her face over the thick veined fleshy rod. The horse moved forward in impulse as it felt its own impending climax. Snorting as though mounting a mare, it pushed it's swelling cock against the attractive teen's sucking mouth.

Rachel's oversized clit was inflamed by the chafing rope and the obscene vision she had of herself sucking the horse's monstrous cock. Her head was spinning from the outrageous vileness of her actions, all the while the dirty perverted slut in her reveled in the act. As she felt the heat of the stallions spunk beneath her hand milliseconds before the first thick homelike spurt hit her mouth, her fat clit exploded in a searing climax. As her climax broke, the first of many jets of mucous like sperm filled her throat and mouth. Her mind bending orgasm was lost in her struggle to swallow the torrent of hot thick spunk that hosed into her oral cavity. The thick slime leaked from around the vacuuming seal of her mouth as pressure from the beast's huge balls pumped the thick cream into her gulping mouth.

A thick stream of spunk clung to her chin dripping into the wide valley between her heavy breasts wetting the front of her thin tattered dress. She moaned in a mixture of horror and delight as the animal spunk continued to pulse into her throat and pool in a growing warm puddle in her distending belly. As hard as she tried there was not enough time to savor her hard won prize. An attempt to swirl her small tongue around the pulsing head left her choking and gasping, sperm spewing from her dainty pierced nose when gobs of sperm clogged her airway when she failed to clear her throat of the endless torrent of animal seed.

Finally the horse stepped back pulling his elephantine cock from the girl's sucking mouth. The lower half of her angelic face was covered by a blanket of white pasty spunk. The cleavage between the large firm orbs of her breasts glistened with the thick fluid, the front of her dress was wet with it to her waist. She crawled after the horse on muddied knees, and in a final degrading act, wedged her face beneath the shrinking cock to nuzzle the huge balls that hung between the horses muscled thighs.

Chapter 30

The young girl rode in silence focused on the torment between her slender legs. The respite of the cool creek had been fleeting. Gone was the thick coat of sticky animal cum that had coated her face and chest, but the unremitting torment of the tight hemp cords running through her crotch were still there. As she rode silently behind the Padre she watched with morbid fascination as the huge balls of the stallion swinging back and forth between the beasts thighs. Her mind kept playing back the awful scene of her sucking the horses huge cock like some endless film loop. The obscene image and the memory of the feel of the heavy balls against her face, the hot thick animal cum in her mouth and on her skin caused her empty aching quim to spasm.

The trail led into a clearing in which stood a small cluster of huts. The path ran through an opening in a fence near the huts. As the two riders neared the huts, their path was blocked by a young man dressed in cut off fatigue pants and boots, wearing a scruffy T-shirt and holding an assault rifle at port arms.

"Buenos Tardes, please let Lieutenant Rodriguez know that Padre Pietro has arrived and would like to see him." the old Padre said before the young soldier had a chance to speak.

The young woman squirmed in her saddle trying to relieve the chafing pressure of the large knot in the hemp karada harness as it pressed against her raw anus. Every movement of the horse caused the rough hemp rope, now sodden with her own secretions to saw back and forth along the swollen finger of her clitoris protruding between the two rope strands that were drawn tight between her wet labia.

Pausing to look at the young woman on the horse behind him, the young Bolivian trooper turned and jogged to one of the huts and knocked on the door. He entered the hut briefly and returned to the two riders.

The young American barely noticed the return of the young soldier, her mind was focused on the humming demon between her legs.

"The Lieutenant will see you." he said as he made to hold the horses reins.

The old Padre laboriously dismounted. The young trooper noticed not at all, he was engrossed in the spectacle of the chained crucifix dangling from between the attractive girl's legs as she swung her bare bottom over the saddle to dismount. His mouth hung open as he watched her turn, his dark eyes were glued to the massive bags of flesh that wobbled and jiggled on her narrow chest. The young soldier was confused by the revealing way the young Anglo woman was dressed. The angry red welts that he had seen covering her thighs and buttocks had added to his confusion as did the glint of gold at her crotch. His eyes now lingered on the thick metallic ring through her nose, and the rings visible through her thin dress that appeared to pierce her long protruding nipples.

The young soldier watched as the old Padre walked ponderously to the hut followed by the tall American girl who walked silently but for the tinkling of bells in her dirty dress behind him.

The hut was clean but Spartan and looked to serve as both office and quarters. A trim man in a clean fatigue uniform stepped from behind a table and extended his hand.

"Buenos Tardes, Padre." he said kissing the fathers extended hand. "I was expecting you earlier."

"We were detained along the trail." he said as he sat in a chair the officer offered to him.

"Nothing serious I hope?" the officer said as he sat on the edge of the table.

"No, No" the Padre said, shaking his head. "I have brought you what I promised." the Padre said flatly, motioning to the girl standing quietly with her head down.

"She is a whore, chosen by god to help save those such as you and your men from the damning influence of their own lustful thoughts. The Church knows what temptations lie in wait for men serving on such remote outposts such as these. Weak men fall victim to temptation in the form of unholy relations amongst themselves only to be damned for all eternity. Others betray their holy vows of marriage and are too damned. Still others violate the prohibition on Onanism and are cast into sin."

The Padre stood and faced the attractive girl.

"This thing," he said motioning to the submissive girl, "Is a vessel for your lust and that of your men. She has been chosen by our god to be a tool to save those worthy of salvation. Her own wanton nature has condemned her, and by her own willful obscene acts she has shown herself to be unworthy to be in God's sight. Use her as you will to purge yourself of lust and sin."

Rachel burned with shame and embarrassment at his words, but her heart fluttered at the prospect of at last having the aching void between her legs filled with the spurting hardness of a man, any man, no any male anima, she shamefully thought!

The Padre walked behind her and lifted the back of her dress. His hands fumbled at the small of her back and she felt the sudden release of pressure on her clit and anus as he unlocked the Karada harness around her waist. He let the sodden hemp fall about her feet, the wet segments like a guilty confession to the watching eyes of the Lieutenant.

"As the lord hath said, by their signs shall ye know them. She has been marked so that all decent men will know her for the slut whore that she is and not treat her as they would a decent woman."

With that he pulled her dress open and let it fall from her shoulders. His fat fingers tweaked at the rings in her nipples and played at the brass rings piercing her labia.

The officers eyes went wide as he saw the adornments and saw the livid welts marking the beautiful girls body from her shoulders to her knees.

The Padre picked up the harness and held it to the naked girl's mouth. The smell of her own musk filled her head as she eagerly licked at the slime that coated it with her small pink tongue.

"As you can see, nothing is too low, too degrading for her tastes." "Vent your most vile secret thoughts and lusts on the slut and preserve your immortal soul."

"She is now yours, I will return in a few days." the Old Padre said. "You may use the harness to restrain her activities if you see fit."

Rachel's heart sank at the same time her greedy cunt pulled tight in her belly at the delicious uncertainty the immediate future held.

The old Padre rose and was walked to the door by the officer. He soon returned and looked at the young American girl intently. The officer was in his thirties, trim and of average height. His looked the part of a south American military officer down to the slicked hair and thin mustache.

The young American continued to stand silently her face burning with shame at her stark nakedness. She stared down at her dirty bare feet hands loose at her sides as she had been taught.

"Raise your arms and put your hands behind your head." the officer said.

Lieutenant Luis Rodriguez felt a fleeting pang of sympathy for the young woman as he looked at her as she stood. She had once been a beauty that is true. She was now marked a slut if the physical scars weren't permanent, the psychological ones were, certainly.

He glanced at the picture of his wife, Gloria, on his desk as he advanced on the beautiful young girl and began to explore her body with his hands. He compared his wife to this woman before him. Gloria, so pious and pure, mother of his children, the product of hundreds of years of stifled catholic teachings, so ready to refuse him sexually. Here stood this young blond goddess totally unknown to him yet ready to allow him to use her for his pleasure.

The girl groaned with pleasure as he lifted one of the heavy bags of flesh that hung from her narrow chest and rolled the thick pierced nipple between his thumb and finger. He noted the stark contrast between her alabaster skin and the red welts that crisscrossed it. He marveled at weight of her fat udder compared to the withered brown bags of skin that hung from wife's chest. The reddish pink aureoles puckered and her impossibly long nipples hardened under his touch as he thought of Gloria's flaccid brown nubs lost amid the wide flat featureless expanse if her dark pan sized aureoles. He rolled the fat thick nipple between his fingers like one would a cigar, noting how the thick brass ring passed through it near its base. He saw how the fat nub resisted the weight of the bell showing little drooping from its weight. He idly wondered if the scarring from the large piercing had destroyed her ability to nurse if she were to have children. He caught himself, he knew that this lump of curvaceous flesh would never bear a child unless it were to bring another whore into the world. She would spend her life as a slut fucking and sucking her youth and looks away until she was a wizen old hag, begging for centavos in some village square.

He knew his thoughts of the superiority of his Maria over this poor girl were false bravado. Maria clung to the bankrupt morality they were all taught from birth. She used it as a shield to fend him off whenever he wanted sex. "The bitch,... no she was the mother of his children, she was pure," he thought as the conflicting emotions soared through him. He thought he would never be sexually fulfilled, living out his fantasies at night as he masturbated himself alone in his quarters. But now, NOW, he had this trembling Anglo goddess, not to worship, but to degrade. He would use her to act out his twisted desires and purge them from his mind once and for all. He would never again need to desecrate Gloria in his fantasies. He would vent his lust and anger at having been so long denied and upon this slattern before him. His already stiff cock throbbed painfully at realization of the complete control he now enjoyed.

He felt the girl shudder with anticipation as he ran one hand down over the flat plane of her stomach as the other caressed the long blond hair that cascaded down her finely muscled back. He thought of his wife's bulging fat stomach, marred with dark stretch marks of childbirth, the ratty black hair that hid the short stump of a neck and rounded shoulders. His hand slid down, his center finger parting the sparse blond pubic hair that crowned the trembling teen's mons and slid effortlessly into the slick groove of her swollen sex. His mind pictured the tangled mat of thick black hair between his wife's flabby thighs even as his finger felt the ring piercing the thick nub of the teens clitoris. Rachel felt her thighs flex as her legs parted slightly as her body betrayed her, granting the stranger greater access to her cunt in it's never ending greedy search for pleasure. She felt the familiar tight knot in her chest as anticipation and arousal began to build as she felt the officer's calloused finger play over the surface of her thick clit. She felt him play with the rings that pierced the fat flesh of her labia, an audible groan escaped her lips as he simultaneously tugged at the chain attached to her clit ring and twisted the ring through her left nipple. Her eyes rolled and her tongue licked at the ring that laid against her upper lip as white hot lust burst in her brain blotting out all reason.

He pulled and twisted the turgid flesh of the beautiful wretch's nipple as he pulled her along by the short chain that hung from her cunt. He laughed as he watched her walk bandy legged, pausing as one orgasm after another wracked her pale frame.

"It seems I have found what the senorita likes, eh?" he said to himself as the teens ears heard nothing but the roar of one filthy climax after another. Her legs slowed at each climax her body shuddering as if giving up some foul spirit that possessed her. She stood motionless as the officer continued to move, his forward progress pulling on the chain stretching her thick clit obscenely away from her body. Only when she felt a new climax building did she move forward, as his cruel fingers pulled and twisted the thick posts of her nipples into fleshy corkscrews.

He marched her round and round the room, enjoying the way the young American willing participated in her own degradation. He began to see that nothing was too base for this beautiful whore. His cock throbbed at the thought.

He pulled the girl in front of his desk and roughly dipped his fingers into the sodden pit of her cunt. He enjoyed the feel of the coolness of the metal rings and the hot wetness of her swollen flesh.

He withdrew his dripping fingers and offered them to the girls mouth as he pushed her to her knees.

Mindlessly Rachel felt her mouth open and suck the dripping digits into her warm mouth. The musky flavor of her own juices exploded across her tongue as she sucked and licked the thick musk coating his fingers greedily.

"I have always wanted to have a big titted slut," he said as he started undoing her belt with his free hand. "I wanted to know what my cock would feel like between some big tits."

Rachel raised her hands and eagerly helped him unfasten the pants of his fatigues. Freed, she pulled them down his legs and helped him step from them. His medium sized cock soared from a patch of thick black hair between his legs. The purplish head peaked out from the tip of his foreskin. Rachel swallowed guiltily as saliva filled her mouth at the sight of the rigid fleshy prong. Her blue eyes bored into the large, wrinkled sacks of his balls that hung heavily beneath the upright spear of flesh.

She mumbled with delight as he pulled his fingers from her sucking mouth and stepped forward to rub the slick cock head across her pouting lips. The pink snake of her tongue darted out to duel with the slick purple snout each time it passed over her glistening lips. Beside herself with lust her hands darted out to cup his heavy balls, pulling the delicious rod into her suckling mouth. Her plump lips vacuumed around the hard throbbing rod, her tongue swirled around it bathing it in her warm saliva as her small hands milked his churning balls.

With an audible pop, he withdrew his dripping cock from her eager suctioning mouth.

"Aw-w-w-w-w-h," she whined in frustration, a thick string of saliva connecting her swollen lips to the purple snout of his wet cock.

"I've always wanted to do this, senorita," he said as he lifted her the heavy billowing sacks of her breasts, slotting his cock between them.

The beautiful young teen looked at him with confusion as he captured his saliva wet cock between the fleshy mounds of her breasts. Understanding dawned across her face and she quickly placed her small hands under her heavy udders lifting them up for him to fuck. Her clit throbbed at the thought of this new way her body was being used, her heart fluttered at the thought of his hot spunk spewing between her tits. Her strong slender arms helped him push her huge tits together capturing and squeezing his wet cock in a fleshy tunnel. She lifted her blue eyes up to the stranger as he grunted and huffed, pumping his prong between her tits, hoping to see approval, only to see a mask of lust across the man's face. She knew she was only a tool to coax his hot seed from his roiling balls. She pressed herself against him raising up on her bruising knees granting him better access to the artificial cunt he was making of her tits. The tinkle of her nipple bells rang merrily in her ears as the voluminous flesh of her tits jiggled and woggled with the impact of his thrusts.

The Lieutenant looked down at the attractive blond girl, as she eagerly helped him push her huge tits together for him to fuck. He looked at the jello like flesh as it rippled and jiggled under his thrusts. He could see the faint blue veins that mapped their surface, bringing blood to the elongated nipples that scraped against his stomach and thighs as he drove his rod up and down between them. The livid red welts that crisscrossed their surface contrasted with the alabaster hue of her smooth skin. As he felt his lust build the more he wanted to hurt the slut, he wanted to punish her for his own failings. He shrank in his own mind as he succumbed to the lust that dwell within himself, and she would have to pay. He understood now what the old Padre had said. She was here to purify him, to take within her hollow soulless body the lust that had lay dormant within him, putrefying his soul.

Rachel willingly played the part of the lost and mindless slattern she had become, her tongue extended down her wet chin as she licked and laved the swollen head of his cock when it popped out the top of her cleavage. She tried latching her sucking lips around the elusive prize as it pumped up and down the fleshy tunnel between her large udders. At long last she let out a delighted giggle with a start as the first hot string of thick sperm jetted from the blunt hose of his cock to strike her under the chin. She quickly darted her head down, mouth agape to capture the next gout of creamy white cum. He pumped faster as the sticky spunk jetted and sprayed across her face and dripped down her chest. Slicking the cunt she made for him to fuck.

"Si, S-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i," the Bolivian officer groaned as the young American teen fastened her greedy lips around his pistoning cock. "Madre di Dios"

Spend he leaned back against the desk to watch the attractive girl act like a greedy sow, as she rooted beneath his balls kissing and licking the sensitive flesh. She bathed his balls and cock fastidiously kissing the head of his softening cock tenderly whenever her mouth passed by.

"M-m-m-m-m-mh-h-h", the beautiful young teen mumbled lost in lust as his cock began to stiffen once again under her oral ministrations. Her cunt throbbed at having been empty for days. She looked up hopefully at the stranger, her blue eyes searching, pleading.

The Lieutenant stood suddenly pulling his cock from the slut's grasp as he grabbed the attractive girl by her long blond hair. She whimpered as she staggered behind him on her knees as he pulled her to the center of the small room. The tinkling of her nipple bells filled the room as her big tits jiggled with her efforts. His boots clumped loudly on the wooden floor as he walked around her. She knelt upright, naked before him her firm fat tits thrusting out like a shelf. Suddenly she felt his strong hand press her forward as she felt his bare legs against the side of her hips. She caught the fall of her upper body with her arms and willingly laid her cheek on the dirty wooden floor. Her tender nipples scrapped against the rough wooden floor as her large breasts were mashed beneath her. Like the slut she had willingly become, she reached back and spread the cheeks of her firm bottom for the stranger.

"Bueno", the Lieutenant grunted in approval as the young American slavishly parted her buttocks for his inspection. The separation of the youthful muscular globes caused her sparse pubes to bristle and the wet pink lips of her pierced cunt to gape like a hungry fleshy mouth. The Lieutenant's eyes ignored the dripping pierced lips that hung between the girl's thighs, instead they settled on the raw pink mouth that nestled in the deep valley between her muscular ass cheeks. He quickly hawked and spit a glob of saliva over the winking eye of her raw red sphincter.

When she felt the coolness of the stranger's spit against the tender flesh of her ass her stomach lurched, in mixture disappointment and anticipation. The rope knot of the karada harness had been forced by the saddle against the mouth of her anus and had chafed and tormented the tender flesh.

"N-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o", she moaned even as her small hands spread her cheeks wider in anticipation of the blissful pain she had come to relish.

Straddling the kneeling girls upturned bottom, the Lieutenant centered his rigid pole against the wordless mouth and leaned forward, allowing the weight of his body to complete the perverse act he had guiltily fantasized about for years. "At long last", he thought as the tight ring of flesh easily gave way beneath the pressure of his spearing cock, he was performing the forbidden act.

"U-h-h-h-h-h-h, m--m-m-m-m-m-m-mh," the attractive slut moaned, her hands prying her cheeks farther apart as his swelling cock sank its length into her bowels. The Lieutenant watched as her fingers, nails digging into the firm flesh strove to open her completely to take all of his rigid pole. His black pubes mashed against her welted red cheeks as she took him to the root of his cock.

He paused, letting his throbbing cock luxuriate in the hot dry embrace of her spasming anus.

"Oh--oh--oh--oh--oh," the American teen whimpered as the stranger's cock throbbed in her ass. She braced her legs like a bitch being mounted as the Lieutenant placed his hands over hers, and leaned forward, shifting his weight against her. He flexed his knees, his legs wide spread straddling the girls kneeling form and began to pump the post of his cock in and out of the dry mouth of the girls anus.

The excruciating pain in the raw mouth of her sphincter set off electric sparks along Rachel's well trained nerve endings. Her swollen clit tingled as the pain induced impulses jumped and sparked through it. The bone jarring thrusts against her upturned ass caused the heavy crucifix swinging from her pierced clit to jump and jerk. Within minutes the poor attractive girl's system overflowed in her first filthy climax, as she groveled beneath the stranger sodomizing her.

"Uhh....uhh....uhh....uhh....uhh," he grunted between clenched teeth as with each stroke the dry mouth of the girls stretched anus scraped up and down his cock.

He watched with fascination as sweat began to bead on the girl's back and coalesce into miniature streams running down her finely sculpted back before disappearing beneath her damp blond hair.

Chapter 31

His dusty boots scuffed nervously as the young soldier peered through the crack in the shutter covering the window. After eating he had slipped away from the barracks, his curiosity overwhelming him. Ever since the old priest and the young Anglo woman had arrived at his checkpoint, he could not get her out of his mind. Never had he seen such a lascivious display, the woman oozed sex.

Private Hector Uyuni had been in the army for only a short while, spending most of his time since being drafted in Santa Cruz, here at this outpost along the Paraguayan border. The army was not so bad for him, he had been raised in the hot dry area east of the Andes, not so the other Indian boys from high in the Andes. They hated this place worse than being away from home.

He quickly lost track of his thoughts as he peered into the room at the spectacle of the Lieutenant and the Anglo girl's coupling. He licked his lips as he watched the Lieutenant treat the young woman like a well-trained animal, parading her about by a chain connected to her privates. The young Indian soldier saw how the attractive yanqui girl's body had been mortified by the whip and permanently marked by piercings and adornments. He wondered if it was the work of the old Padre and if so, what meaning it could have. His mind reeled as the Officer treated the girl like a common whore. The only Anglo women he had ever seen were wives of missionaries or businessmen and had always been haughty or condescending. He had always felt like an insect when they laid their eyes on him. Their blue eyes as often as not, not even acknowledging his existence.

He shifted from one foot to another repositioning his aching cock within his cutoff fatigue pants, as he watched the beautiful blond American willingly take the Lieutenant's glistening cock into her mouth.

Never had he seen a woman behave so wantonly. She acted as if she worshipped the Lieutenant's rigid staff of flesh, covering it with kisses, lovingly licking it from balls to purple head. As he watched in fascination the officer slotted his vein wrapped prong between the eager girl's oversized breasts and fuck them as he would a cunt. His eyes never missed any of the pretty girl's desperate actions as she worked to please his Lieutenant. He watched as eventually the officer stiffened and groaned as a fountain of white sperm shot up and across the eager girl's face. His breath came in short gasps as the young girl ate the Lieutenant's spilt seed and nurse his wilting cock back to life.

The young Private watched the officer turned the girl and mount her from behind like a common she-bitch, her small hands eagerly spreading herself to make her pink anus more accessible to the man that towered over her. As the Lieutenant sodomize her, her blue eyes rose to the shuttered window and she emitted a long groan. Hector watched as the Lieutenant's cock sank inch by inch into the tight grip of the girl's up turned anus.

A noise coming from the direction of the barracks made him withdraw from the window and sink farther into the shadows.

"Shit!", the sergeant thought as he walked toward the Lieutenant's quarters. Once again the evening patrol was over do. Probably lost in the bush again. Some good this prickless pack of city boys and Indians would do if the Paraguayans ever decided to come back and take more Bolivian land than they did in the first Chaco war.

Veteran Sergeant Hillo Ayamara, referred to as "El Serpiente Indio" by his men behind his back, he was proud of his Chaco Indian ancestry and was as at home here as the others felt lost. As he stepped on to the hut's porch the noise from within stayed his hand as he began to knock. His wide brown face broke into a leering grin at the sounds he easily recognized.

"The Lieutenant was putting it to some slut from the sounds of it." he thought to himself. He leaned his short stocky form over to the right and peered through the small window. His breath hissed through his strong white teeth as he saw the object of his commander's attentions.

In the center of the room the half-naked Lieutenant was hunched over a pale form of a young woman. The Sergeant could tell from the pale legs rising like two marble columns between the Lieutenants splayed legs that this was not some local Indian whore, but a tall Anglo girl. The Sergeant caught a glimpse of the jewelry affixed to the girl's upturned privates as the Lieutenants balls swung rhythmically against her empty dripping cunt.

"So the boy-Lieutenant does have some cajones after all", the Sergeant said to himself as he watched the officers cock slide in and out of the white teen's anus.

"He seems to like the path less well traveled", the veteran Sergeant said with a smile as he saw the flesh of the girl's rectum cling to the Lieutenant's vein wrapped cock on each outstroke.

The Sergeant opened the latch of the door and stepped into the room. The Lieutenant looked over his shoulder as he sensed his entrance into the room.

The Lieutenant's face was a mixture of embarrassment and then annoyance. "Don't you knock, Sergeant?" he said without missing a stroke.

"Excuse me, Sir." he said stifling a grin. I came to report that the evening patrol is overdue. Is there anything I can help you with Sir?"

"Help me fuck this yanqui bitch, she is here for our pleasure!!"

"Uh-h-h-h-h-h-a-h-h-h-h-h-h!!" the Lieutenant groaned plunging his cock to its full length into the girl's ass as she pushed back, sensing his imminent climax.

The attractive American girl opened her blue eyes when she heard the second voice. Her pale cheek was pressed tightly to the rough wood of the floor, her hands behind her spreading her ass cheeks to ease the entry of the officers sodomizing cock. Her small pink tongue Flicked around her lips, toying with the brass ring hanging from the pierced septum of her nose. She groaned at the mixture of sensations from the cock spearing her anus and the grinding of her swollen sensitive nipples into the roughness of the wood floor. She shifted her upper body against the floor, grinding her breasts mashed beneath her against the floor, pulling and tugging the rings that pierced the thick long stubs of her red brown nipples.

Rachel groaned and her empty cunt throbbed as she felt the cock in her ass balloon and begin to pump its hot load of cum into her guts.

The lost young woman whimpered and whined, gripping her cheeks, nails digging into the pale flesh spreading herself to take more of the ejaculating prong. As she did so her hungry eyes watched the burly Bolivian sergeant open his pants and discovered why his men called him "The Indian Snake".

Chapter 32

Rachel shuddered as she felt the man's cock expand and throb as it pumped wad after wad of mestizo cum into her stretched Anglo anus. The tug and pull of the crucifix swinging from her elongated clitoris stoking the raging sexual storm in her guts. Her heart vaulted at the delightful stretching sensation and fullness in her bowels. Once again her thoughts slid into the cesspool containing all her secret thoughts and fantasies. As if watching someone else, she saw her mother and father watching her degrade herself beneath yet another brown skinned man.

"No-o-o-o-o-o-o-aw-w-w-wh", she moaned damp blond hair mopping the floor as her head shook in denial. Her hands grasping her own flesh, nails rending the pale skin, as she opened herself for the third worlder that using her like a common whore. The thought causing her bowels to clench around the stiff invader as though to lovingly caress the rigid veiny length. As her lust built she moaned aloud as she saw in her mind's eye, her phantom mother step forward to cup the man's hanging ball's with a carefully manicured hand, and gently coax his hot cum to fill her daughter's stretched anus.

"No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o,... Ma-a-a-m-m-a-a-a, p-u-h-l-e-e-e-e-z-z-z", the poor girl wailed in response to her own fantasy a deep guttural groan emanating her throat as the sick fantasy freed the last shackle from the beast within her and a vile climax erupted from her clit like a rolling avalanche. Her sweaty pale form thrashing and trembled as the lust drunk beast that was the new Rachel sprang into her mind riding the orgasm like an apocalyptic horseman. Fingers clawing and scraping at her own tender flesh, spreading her ass as she bucked up and back against the startled officer, sucking his spewing cock to impossible depths in her bowels.

"A-r-r-r-r-gh,...y-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-s" she screeched as her hesitation and denial evaporated like water on a hot stove. "!" she whimpered in a hoarse alien voice. The beautiful girl's mind screaming as the demon within her swollen pierced clit freed itself from her crumbling resolve and fought to overpowered her dwindling reason.

Lust blurred eyes watching the manicured hands of her mother caressing and milking the officers balls as the last dregs of his sperm spewed into her daughter's bowels. The teen's eyes were glazed and half hidden beneath a mop of sweat sodden hair. Chest heaving, breath coming in gasps between whimpers as the Lieutenant's cock wilted and slod from the grasp of her stretched sphincter.

She felt a fist wrap itself in her damp yellow hair lifting her head from the sweaty imprint her cheek had left on the floor. Rising to her haunches, stingy hair hanging down her face like fine strands of Spanish moss, cheek marred with dirt, bits of wood sticking to her fine pale skin with sweat. The girl squatted arms hanging between her red and chafed knees framing her enormous cum streaked breasts. Sweat dripping from her thick cherry red nipples, stretched under the weight of the heavy brass rings that pierced them.

Swaying amid the glow of orgasm on her dirty bare feet, rasping breath occasionally puffing the damp strands of hair that brushed her swollen lips, and stuck to her sweat streaked face as her heavy breasts jiggled with her labored breathing. Her sunken blue eyes gazed out half lidded as a small drop of sweat formed at the bottom of the ring that hung from her septum. She was a sight nearly devoid of humanity, a female animal of the lowest kind.

Swaying mindlessly on firm haunches the chain attached to the angry swollen finger of her pierced clit pulling and tugging against the heavy crucifix resting on the floor beneath her like an anchor. The obscenely long and thick clit throbbed as she squatted, a pool forming beneath her as the Lieutenant's cum dripped silently from her distended sphincter.

With a startled whine as her eyes watched a manicured thumb hook itself in the ring hanging from her nose, wrenching her head back, mouth agape, her tongue flailing in the wide pink cavity in protest. Her eyes widened as through her blurred vision the apparition of her mother looked down at her, face a mask of utter contempt and disgust. Tears welled in the girls eyes as the red painted lips mockingly form the words, "I know what the little whore wants. Open wide little puta."

"No, mamma, no, ma-m-m-a-a-ah, p-u-h-l-e-e-e-z-e." she wailed trying to thrash her head against the hand whose thumb was hooked in the thick septum ring and fingers wrapped in her bangs. Past the hand she saw the blurred face of her father leering down at her. His obscene grin matching the one on her mother's face. Rachel's saucer sized eyes followed her mother's right arm to the hand that grasped the impossibly long cock jutting from between her father's thighs. Their face's split in mocking smiles, laughing silently as her mother's manicured hand drew the snake like cock to her gaping lips.

"Suck the cock like a good little whore, senorita. You know you want it, little puta." the sneering voice said. The hand swabbed the blunt weeping nose of the swelling cock around the young girl's lips leaving them gleaming with musky pre-cum. She thrashed her head in a vain attempt to free herself, even as her tongue shot out to lick and lap at the musky dew coating her lips. Her eyes looked up at the two faces that towering leeringly above her looking for mercy or tenderness. The contemptuous look of total disgust she saw in the blurred faces of her once loving parents lancing through the heart of her impaling the only soul that remained for her, the thick glossy red grub of her clit jangled like a bell sending the sparks and shocks of yet another base climax born of sick perversion shooting through the lost young girl.

As she shuddered her pink tongue waggled out in welcome, swollen red lips enclosing the thick snout of the fleshy snake held out as an offering. As the cock bore deeper, endlessly into her throat, she swallowed, the hand grasping the long hose of flesh feeding it into her throat like a breathing tube being incubated into a patient. The roar in her ears giving way to laughter, as the blurred sneering faces of her mother and father above her dissolved, to reveal the leering shiny brown faces of the Lieutenant and the Sergeant.

Her clit exploded in a series of eruptions like a string of firecrackers as reality replaced her delusion fantasy. Her body bucking and hopping as her muscles twitched, swaying on her haunches, massive teats bouncing and joggling on her chest, their bells ringing mockingly. She watched helplessly as the burly sergeant fed his long snake like cock into her mouth, holding her head immobile. The poor girl could only swallow in an attempt to ease its entry, gulping throat working frantically to take the fleshy invader as tears streamed down her upturned cheeks as her tongue involuntarily caressed and lapped at the thick post filling her mouth, even as her stretched lips began to worm along the rod of flesh in welcome.

Chapter 33

Rachel's throat burned beneath the balm of the Sergeant's thick cum, pink tongue playing idly with the sticky paste coating her small white teeth. Her glazed eyes swam, the face above her fluctuating between the grinning face of the Lieutenant and her father. Her head seemed to loll crazily on her neck as the Sergeant buffeted her from below, his long snakelike cock slithering in and out of her stretched anus.

The Lieutenant stood before the seated Sergeant. His thick legs splayed, looking between the girl's widespread thighs, smooth pale skin marred with healing welts and fresh bruises. His greedy eyes watched the supple muscles of the girl's long legs flex beneath the pale marked skin as her bent knees raised her bottom, only to relax sending the brown rod of the burly Sergeant's cock pistoning in and out of her stretched rectum. The teen's feet rested midway up the Sergeant's thick brown thighs, dirty toes clenching at the skin of the Sergeant's thighs like little fingers. Sweating form resting back against the chest of the seated Sergeant. His rough hands circling her torso to maul and squeeze the veined breasts that hung heavily on her narrow chest. His fingers worked the heavy, resilient flesh mercilessly, finding the sensitive fibrous glandular lobes amid the voluminous fatty bags and grinding them between his stubby fingers, bluish bruises blossoming amid the kaleidoscope of veins and welts that covered the massive fleshy bags.

The young girls mouth hung in a slack smile, hair matted and filthy, dried tears of joy and horror, pleasure and pain staining pale cheeks, red lips swollen and chaffed, in a faint smile of pleasure while strings of drying cum spotted her small smooth chin. Her heavy breasts excruciating at first were now centers of dull aching pain.

Rachel felt herself as a cesspool. She wallowed in it, bathing in the soothing slime that coated and filled her, its vileness coating every fiber of her being. She gratefully accepted the vile and filthy lust of others and made it hers. She claimed as her own the lust she willingly created and freed in others. She needed it, it now defined her, she could not live without it. Not to be used and defiled; without the thick pasty cum to fill her and satiate her thirst, without the pain and abuse to dull and douse the sharp flames of self-hatred, she was an empty shell devoid of purpose her life was without meaning.

Her head lolled on her boneless neck as she focused on the wonderful riot of conflicting sensations coursing through her as the men used her voluptuous body to sate their endless sadistic lust. Like an automaton her splayed knees flexed and relaxed as she rode up and down the Sergeant's impossibly long cock guided by the demanding calloused hands grasping her engorged breasts. Her mind registered each throbbing vein that wrapped the serpentine invader as the tight ring of her sphincter nibbled along its length to his hairy balls.

Her left arm hung loosely to her side as her right hand played busily with the hard demonic finger of her clit. The nails of her right hand scratched and clawed at the prominent inch and a half long projection, flicking and pulling at the thick ring that pierced it near its base. Her self-abuse was at the verge of drawing blood from the glossy sensitive flesh.

The lazy slack look on her face changed into a rictus as the converging sensations pushed her abused body to yet another climax, as she grunted and shuddered, flecking her lips with foamy saliva.

When the thrashing of the yanqui bitch subsided the Lieutenant stepped forward. One hand grasped the heavy chain hanging from the mindless girl's clit ring where it hung heavily between her swollen dripping labia. With the other hand he slotted his swollen prong between the gaping lips of the young woman's cunt. Her wet cunt gaped, the held apart by the weight of the three heavy brass rings that pierced her thick labial lips. His breath hissed between his strong white teeth as the thick head of his cock encountered the cool rings on its way to be enveloped by the liquid heat of the missionary girl's dripping pussy.

"Madre di Dios!!" he said with a grunt as he forced his swelling cock into the tight confines of the young woman's spasming cunt, made tighter by the presence of the Sergeant's long cock only a millimeter away in her rectum.

"A-h-h-h-h,.. u-h-h-h-h-h!" the girl groaned as the two invading cocks wormed their way deep into her guts, stretching her twin openings and threatening to rupture the thin membrane that separated them. Her blurry eyes looked down between the large, discolored mounds of her breasts clamped in the Sergeant's torturous hands, at the flat plane of her stomach. Her eyes watched the combined bulge of the two cocks slowly move beneath the pale welt streaked skin like a burrowing mole. She felt the razor like pain of her stretched holes mutate into a dull nauseating ache. She was impossibly stuffed as the blunt snouts of the invading rods rooted upward shouldering aside any organs in their way. Her nausea mitigated by a flash of pride as she soullessly gloated over successfully taking the twin invading cocks. Pain and discomfort, degradation and humiliation mutated into pride and pleasure in her confused mind. Her cum encrusted lips turned in a faint smile as she began to buffet between the two pistoning cocks.

The Lieutenant looked down at the sodden lips of her vagina and smiled as he felt the smooth cool kiss of the heavy rings lining her cunt against his churning balls. He watched as the obscenely swollen and thick grub of her clitoris dragged along the top of his cock as he sawed it in and out of the young woman's gorged cunt. The two men settled into a punishing cadence of thrusts that pummeled the tall muscular girl like a rag doll between them. The Lieutenant's heavy hanging scrotum swung like a bell clapper against the Sergeant's wet brown rod.

Rachel's head lolled back as she emitted a moan like wail that ended as though choked off in a guttural huffing series of grunts. The two men emitted only breathy sniggers as they fucked the girl, working with a deliberateness that was sadistic. The Sergeant's efforts to maul the attractive teen's oversized breasts served to hold them erect and prominent for the Lieutenant's attentions. The Lieutenant sucked and chewed at the girl's long thick nipples until they stood painfully swollen and distended, the long raspberry-like nipples reddish blue in their torment. His oral craving's satisfied, he began to pull and twist the sensitive teats by the thick rings piercing their base.

"Lieutenant, she is a godless whore this one is, eh? Uh-h-h where did the Anglo slut come from?" the sadistic Sergeant said as he continued to fuck into the unresisting girl.

"M-m-m-m-m-h, y-e-s!" the Lieutenant gasped as he felt the girl use an idle hand to cup and caress his hanging balls. "The old Padre brought her to us. She is here for our use until he returns." He punctuated his words by sinking his rigid prong into her wet hungry sex to his balls.

"He says she is a godless whore by her own choosing. Not fit to any other purpose in this life."

"A-h-h-h-h-h-h-h, n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o...!! the girl wailed mournfully as the words registered on the fragment of her lust drugged mind capable of reason, only to be lost in the turbulent maelstrom of another orgasm triggered by the obscene finality of the words themselves.

"U-h-h-h-h, glu-g-g-g-gl, n-o-o-o-o, u-h-h-h-h" she grunted and gurgled as the filthy climax churned through her guts. The sight of her disgustingly abused breasts fueling another wave of pleasure through her. As the pulsing fullness filling her stretched holes increased, Rachel raised her glazed eyes upward and looked lovingly at the swimming vision of her father's leering face. The heat of the liquid explosions filling her leaking cunt and anus pushed her to the pinnacle of yet another climax and began again the long gut wrenching slide, dragged by the apocalyptic horseman freed from the thickly swollen clit that projected like a young boy's erect penis above her weeping cunt. Her head fell back slackly as she surrendered to the wonderful vileness of yet another climax. She let the little demonic rider drag her through the slimy filth that surrounded her existence. Her obscene thoughts and desires oozed like pus from ruptured abscesses to fill her mind and lubricate her slide into abject and complete degraded obscenity.

The leering grin of her father hardened as she felt his balls begin to empty, filling her clutching cunt with his seed. As she blinked back burning tears of joy and pleasure, the face of her mother appeared at his shoulder dripping with hatred and contempt. She reached upward toward her mother's face. "Please love me....." she said as her world dissolved into darkness.

The Lieutenant looked down with a mixture of sadness and contempt at the sweat and cum stained face of the young woman they were using to purge themselves. The mountainous mounds of her breasts discolored and swollen as the Sergeant continued to maul them. The once beautiful young woman was the image of a contemptible whore. He stiffened as his balls began to empty into her clutching cunt. He felt the Sergeant's long cock swell against his own as he climaxed. The vacant eyes of the girl locked on his as she reached toward him. He lashed out with a clenched fist, catching the young girl on her upturned jaw. He burned with outrage and contempt at the suggestion of the desperate words that echoed in his ears, "Please love me....."

Chapter 34

Rachel awoke not fully knowing where she was. She was curled in a slight crescent like a sleeping cat in the corner of the room on the dusty floor. She began to straighten her legs and groaned with pain as her nerve endings sent pleading signals from her battered flesh. As she lay on her side, her fat and swollen breasts rested on one another beneath her chin like two large water filled balloons. One look at their swollen discolored mass and memories flooded back into her brain. The purple bruises beneath the thick blue veins that criss crossed the rounded expanse of once smooth flawless skin reminded her of the merciless hands of the burly Sergeant. With the memory her cunt cramped with excitement as her stomach churned with revulsion. Her cunt and ass throbbed dully as she remembered the delightful sensation of stretched fullness from the two strangers rampaging cocks. Her tongue snaked out to moisten her dry cum caked lips and she felt the swollen cut on her lower lip and felt the dried blood and remembered vaguely the presence of her mother and father. Hopefully, she shifted her eyes around the room but only saw the half-clad men sitting at the table talking in low tones amongst themselves.

She shifted her legs and felt the wadded towel stuffed between her bruised thighs. As she pulled it away she felt the towel tug the tender swollen flesh of her labia. She shivered as the rough fabric rubbed against the swollen finger of her clit. A sudden feeling of panic flared as she felt a stiff band around her neck, her hand shot up to feel the thick leather collar circling her pale neck and she sobbed inwardly.

Looking down she saw that her crotch was bloody, the towel put there to staunch the flow of her period. She never realized that the dual assault by the twin male prongs had done more than shower her in the delicious vile filth that greased the latches and locks freeing the obscene beast with her. Lost amid the bloody flux was the dead fruit that had rooted in her womb like a foul festering growth. It was the bastard product of countless millions of rampant sperm, the commingled seed of her lovers, human and beast that had inundated her defiled womb during her obscene couplings of the last weeks, like a horde of maggots, squirming and writhing in their repeated assaults. Fleeting victory was theirs as the putrescent host had polluted the pure fruit of her womb just as sure as the throbbing staff from which they spurted had corrupted and seduced her once pious and reasoned mind.

Her ripe body had born obscene fruit, plucked like a weed from a newly plowed bed. Yet the fruit had fathered changes of its own, her overly pulchritudinous body was now awash with the hormones of her aborted pregnancy.

She groaned inwardly as she felt the sukaranbo cords running through her crotch, the twin cords squeezing and chafing her fat clit to arousal with her slightest move and the thick hemp knots pressing firmly against her stretched and swollen anus.

"So the little Anglo puta is awake." the Sergeant said. He looked at her with a look of contempt as he sipped Singhania from a dirty glass. He was still naked except for his boots. He rose and walked toward the corner where she lay, the flaccid length of his cock swaying like a hose between his thighs. She began to sit up as his hand closed on the chain that connected the stiff collar circling her neck to a ring in the wall.

"You like being leashed like a little she-bitch, puta?" He jerked the chain up lifting the beautiful girl upward. Her face lifted toward his as the collar bit into her neck. The quiet of the room was broken by two gun like reports as his hand caught her on the side her pale cheek followed quickly by the back of his hand against her other cheek.

Rachel looked up at her new master her eyes filling with tears as she struggled against the choking pressure of the collar and the stinging pain in her cheeks. Her pink tongue dabbed at her swollen cut lip as it began to bleed anew. She glimpsed the gloating sadistic face that loomed mockingly above her, and she submissively lowered her eyes only to see the thickening rope of his cock swaying only inches from her face.

Her eyes focused on the swaying member as it lengthened and thickened in sadistic delight at her helplessness. She became mesmerized her empty hands fidgeting and scrabbling at the floor in confusion. He eyes became glassy as she played her role in a divine parody. The obscene reversal of the Indian snake charming played out in the small hut in the Bolivian, Chaco. The attractive teen tongued her parted cut lips, as her mouth filled with saliva in anticipation. Only the confining pressure of the collar against her neck kept her from the delicious male flesh that waved temptingly before her.

The Sergeant raised his hand to strike the slut again but stayed his hand as he watched her sway from side to side, her glassy eyes staring at his stiffening cock. With a contemptuous laugh he lowered his hand and offered it to her as one would a dog.

The calloused hand brushed her reddened cheek where a moment before it had brutally struck her. Her pride was drown in a flood of need as she turned to kiss and nuzzle the hand of her abuser. Tears of need and shame streamed down her cheeks as she lapped and kissed the hand like a cur. As she had hoped the hand holding the chain relaxed enough to allow her to reach the delicious rod of flesh that teased her. As her lips kissed the hardening tube, her little dirty hands quickly cupped his heavy balls and caressed them as they nestled within the hairy sacks of his scrotum.

Rachel felt the familiar and wanted pangs of hunger radiating from her empty cunt. As she nuzzled and sucked at the meaty orbs within the Sergeant's hairy sacks, she hunched her hips and up and down sawing the sukaranbo cords back and forth along her trapped clit. Forgotten was the Lieutenant, sitting at the table watching the teen suck ravenously at the burly Sergeant's cock. Her sore tortured muscles became supple and limber as she bent herself to her delightful task, her body responding to the need growing within her.

The Sergeant looked down at the angelic face of the mindless slut rooting and groveling between his legs. Her startling blue eyes, sightless except for his cock. The lower half of her face glistened with her own saliva as she bathed his swelling balls with her warm spit. Her yellow hair hung in dirty strings framing her smooth cheeks, spotted here and there with a bruise and filth from the floor. The young teen sobbed quietly, her eyes darting as though the delightful morsel might be taken away. Her swollen cracked lips alternating between a satisfied smile and a rictus of revulsion, only to open in loving wet reception each time her small hands offered up a piece of his throbbing flesh for them to taste; the firm orb draped in the soft comforting flesh of his scrotum, or the firm purplish snout of his staff of masculine power. Each her mouth ultimately accepted, her empty dripping pit pulling painfully tight within her flat belly.

The heavy fleshy bags of her tortured breasts swung ponderously from her narrow chest as she groveled on her knees. The lower surface of the discolored orbs bellied out where they rested against her fine ribcage, the flat horizontal expanse of their upper surface rolling in graceful curves to her armpits and plunging into her wide cavernous cleavage. The heavy glands had grown, swollen and weighted by fluids collecting from the multiple edemas and expanding ducts due to furious hormones. The once faint blue veins had become prominent raised vessels criss crossing the pale bruised surfaces. They grew in a desperate effort to feed the throbbing demands of the thick pierced knots of fleshed that projected from the raised saucers of puckered flesh capping the wobbling tits.

The man towering over her grunted in satisfaction as she captured the throbbing crown of his long cock in the hot wet cavern of her mouth. Her tongue was a blur as it swirled and caressed the throbbing blunt snout as it pumped in and out of her suctioning mouth. The girl's pale hand smacked wetly against her suctioning mouth as her fist shucked up and down the pistoning rod. The degraded teen scrubbed her dribbling bottom against her dirty heels pulling and chaffing the rough hemp along the angry tortured flesh of her clit. The chain hanging from her clit dangled between her legs anchored by the heavy cross that tapped against her leg sending delicious sparks through her stretched and engorged clit.

Rachel felt the soft brown bags of the Sergeant's scrotum pull tight and his legs tense as his climax approached. The hot flesh of his cock head swelled in her mouth as her tiny pink tongue probed it's slitted mouth in a miniature French kiss.

Her saliva wet fist pumped at the veiny rod, the sensitive skin sliding up and down its expanding girth. The young missionary's mind reeled with anticipation of the creamy treat that would soon be her's. Her mouth suctioned at the swelling head, bringing a groan from the stoic stranger standing over her.

"U-h-h-h-h-h....a-h-h-h-h-h-h," he moaned as his free hand joined hers on the length of his cock. The young teen whimpered as the collar around her graceful neck pulled taunt wrenching her lips from around his purple knob.

"O-h-h-h-h, please, n-o-o-o-o", she whined in frustration as her expectant lips sucked at air. Her eyes flitted in confused panic from his face to the fat snout of the purple god before her. Tears of frustration welled in her eyes as her tongue flitted back and forth between her parted lips in greedy supplication. As sudden as a storm from the heavens, the object of her desire spat white streamers arching skyward, like Zeus casting his bolts from the heavens. The thick liquid lightening rained down again and again on the needy face of his supplicant.

The demon burning between the young teen's legs throbbed and exploded as the first streamer of hot sperm touched her face, sending a nova of sensation coursing through her sex drugged brain.

"U-h-h-h-h-a-w-w-w-w-w-w-h", she moaned as one thick rope of hot sperm after another cast itself across her upturned face. Her tongue flapped greedily lapping at the thick gelatinous filth, her swollen parted lips sucked at the viscous threads like obscene noodles as they landed wetly.

"Here my puta bonita, a-a-h-h-h-h... have mine too", said the Lieutenant as he stepped next the groaning Sergeant, rapidly pumping his spouting cock. With a muffled groan his cock spewed streamers of yellowish seed across the squirming girl's face.

"G-l-l-l-l-u-u-u-g-h", she gurgled as the thick seed mingled to clog her mouth, coating her small teeth and curtaining her mouth as it ovaled like a beached fish. Hot sperm joined the tears in her eyes as she moved in frantic blind attempts to capture the delicious cum in her mouth. Her obscenely fat clit, stretched and swollen by the trapped blood tingled as sparked as her greedy body pumped more and more blood between the taunt cords that confined it. The cells of its flesh and nerves stretched and expanded like some unholy growth. Like an evil brain, it triggered pulse after pulse of sensation coursing through the helpless girl drowning her self-restraint and respect in a flood of endorphins. As sure as the addict loses themselves and all that is of value to their heroin or crack, poor Rachel had lost herself and all that is holy in her desperate need for the drug only the obscene evil between her legs could give her.

Chapter 35

She lay in the corner like a soiled discarded rag. Her hair hung in matted strands plastered to her pale forehead with clots of drying sperm. A chain hung from the hook on the wall connected to the black collar circling her neck. Her cum encrusted lips were curled in a satisfied smile as she slept, the musky taste of sperm filled her mouth and a warm puddle of the delightful fluid filled her flat belly.

The two soldiers had left her chained in the corner in place of the cur bitch that had recently died while giving birth to a litter of mongrel pups. The tall Anglo girl lay on the filthy mat that had once been the dog's.

The slept soundly, the two soldiers having left to attended their duties. She lay on her side her peach colored cheek streaked with dried cum rested on her left hand, her right arm stretched over her head. Her lower leg was extended, the other was drawn up near her belly. The ruby red lips of her swollen cunt were crusted with her dried secretions. The hemp cords of the sukaranbo wove through the brass rings piercing her fat labial lips. The cords were matted and darkened where they emerged from the thick folds of her labia, sodden with her liquid guilt. The red swollen projection of her clit was visible between her legs where it was trapped between the taunt strands of cord, still engorged with blood, it glistened, the flesh tight and livid.

Rachel murmured and whimpered in her sleep, reliving her debauching at the hands of the two men. The taste of their seed still fresh in her mouth as her delicate tongue dabbed at the dried film coating her lust swollen lips. She felt their hands crawling across her chest, tormenting her painfully sensitive nipples. She sighed as she felt a touch at her swollen clit as thick pierced appendage was strummed and tweaked. The warm salve of someone's saliva moisten the swollen lips of her sex.

The attractive girl's long matted lashes parted slightly as she roused from her fitful sleep. Her breath caught in her throat as her struggling eyes focused not on demanding male hands tormenting her breasts, but the writhing shapes of several hungry pups.

Rachel's heart pounded as her mind resolved the scene before her with the sensations coursing through her sluggish nerves. An aggressive black pup had latched onto the swollen nipple of her left breast sucking and gnawing on it as he would his mother's teat. His needle like teeth pricked the oversized nub as the hungry animal strove to sate his hunger at the poor girl's breast. The confused girl was horrified as she realized that yet another hungry beast was rooting at her chest, his sharp nails scratching and clawing, leaving red tracks on her pale flesh as he sought another teat at which to feed. A feather touch at her groin sent shivers through her as her lust deadened nerves awoke as the now familiar tendrils of lust snaked through her young body.

Her blue eyes glanced down as she parted her sleek thighs. The black head of a third hungry pup wormed its way between them, his tongue avidly lapping at the thick ooze coating her leaking labia.

A forlorn groan started in her throat and rose to a shrill whimper as she shook her head in desperate denial. Her stiffly matted hair half hid her face as she sobbed in pathetic resignation, her smooth thighs parting involuntarily, allowing the hungry pup unrestricted access to her leaking cunt.

Her small white hands, rather than pushing away the parasitic pup at her left breast, raised the heavy slab of flesh, allowing the other hungry beast access to the teat of her right breast. As she lifted the firm swollen orb she rolled partially onto her back, parting her thighs as she did so. Her awakened cunt throbbed with obscene delight as her movements caused her mammoth tits to separate heavily on her chest, dragging one pup across her chest, his tiny teeth imbedded in her thick nipple. She groaned as his hind paws clawed against the tender skin of her belly as he tried to get a better purchase on the thick leaking teat.

The sharp pain in her nipples shot through her bringing a throb to the swollen finger of her clit, trapped between the taunt strands of hemp.

She lay on the dead bitches blanket, her pale thighs gaping obscenely, her arms spread above her head, as the three hungry pups nipped and clawed at her sensitive flesh.

Her blue eyes watched in horror as the two pups gnawed at the long thick projections capping the mounds of her breasts. She moaned in pleasure, helpless to stop the tiny carnivores as they tried to feast at her swollen tits. A flash of painful pleasure blinded her eyes as the forgotten beast between her legs mistakenly began to suckle at the nipple like projection of her clitoris. The needles of his tiny teeth pricked at the livid flesh swollen with blood as he nursed, the blebs of rich salty blood springing forth spurred him on. Streamers of pain radiated from her nipples and clit coursing through her, blossomed and erupted into a filthy climax. Her breath caught in her throat, her blue eyes rolled and her back arched as the foul sensations released the craved tide of endorphins. She writhed on the dirty blanket as though strapped in place by invisible bonds. No bonds existed except those in her lust drunk mind. She was slavishly bound to her own selfish needs. An addled giggle escaped her wet lips as she watched the pups nurse and chew at her turgid flesh. Streamers of colostrum ran down the high slopes of her breasts as the swollen ducts threading through the firm flesh of her breasts, opened under the avid attention of her four legged children. Her lust besotted brain was dulled to the fact that the hungry beasts were sating themselves on nourishment meant for her aborted bastard child. She could only arch her slim back and revel in the sensations coursing through her as the pups used her as they would have the dead bitch.

The attractive young American writhed there obscenely besotted by the uncounted and loathful climaxes afforded her as her mongrel companions had their fill. The tide of shame and guilt rose as the endorphin rush of her polluted orgasms faded. She began to quietly sob, her form shaking as she cried the tears of the damned.

Chapter 36

Steve Falwell knelt by the frame of the rickety bed, his elbows resting on the wool blanket that served as the mattress. His eyes were closed as he was lost in prayer. The bed sat in the corner of the hut that served as a church when the Padre came up from the lowlands for his monthly visit to the village of Refugio del Muerto. Falwell's stay at the village had been hard. His presence had been grudgingly accepted among the predominately catholic villagers. The people here were mainly peasants scratching a living out of the jungle, or guerillas aiming to extort money from the government by threatening the production of iron ore form the surrounding hills. He had promised to send for Rachel, but after his arrival he realized how dangerous a place it was. It was best he had decided, that she remain in the safe keeping of Padre Pietro. While he held the catholic faith in contempt, seeing as a collection of outdated superstitions and dogma held over from the middle ages, he thought that the exposure to the teachings of another denomination would help in furthering her education.

There were few women and many men in the village. There were the wizen hags that seemed to be in every village square, begging. The others were wives, whores, or both. Not at all a place for a young attractive Anglo girl like his daughter. God forbid that she be exposed to the leering lecherous stares that the local women had to endure.

He pushed the thoughts from his mind as he immersed himself in prayer, secure in the knowledge that a man of his benevolent god watched over his oldest daughter.

After an hour of prayer, Falwell rose and left the hut and made his way down to the stream that served as the villages water source. He stripped to the waist and splashed water on his torso to wash away the night sweat. He picked up his towel and as he dried himself he noticed the dark haired girl standing quietly in the small copse of trees to his right.

Roselita Cocho watched the handsome Anglo her curiosity overcoming her basic shyness.

The girl seemed to be his shadow, she followed him at a discrete distance whenever he was about. When he asked about her, the villagers had told him she had been orphaned at a young age by the vagaries of life in the jungle. The girl eked out an existence through the charities of the village. Always one step ahead of those that would exploit her.

As he dried the girl stepped to the stream edge and pulled the shoulders of her tattered peasant dress down to where it bunched around her waist. Falwell watched as she bent to splash water over her torso as he had done. Her pendulous brown breasts capped by dark nipples attested to the Indian blood that coursed through her veins. He saw the patches of dark hair beneath her arms as she splashed herself. His watching eyes saw her prominent nipples pucker at the touch of the cool water as it ran down her hanging breast to drip from the elongated tips.

His mind reeled in righteous indignation as he watched the girl expose herself to his probing eyes. "Another typical Indian slut." he thought to himself with contempt. "She obviously is not familiar with the word of god and his teachings on modesty and chastity."

Before he could gather his things to give her privacy, the young Indian girl raised her dress, revealing a thick thatch of black pubic hair. She thrust her bared hips forward and splashed a cupped hand of water over the thick patch. She unashamedly ran her middle fingers through the thick mat spreading her reddish pink labia, cleaning herself.

Falwell's face crimsoned in a mixture of rage and embarrassment. His mind filled with words " such as "slut", "shameless whore", in his anger and self-righteous rage he no longer saw the innocent nudity of a young Indian girl. Instead he saw the mocking display of his faithless wife. No young girl shamelessly bathing herself, but a taunting licentious display designed to humiliate him. Seething, he hurriedly gathered his things and stomped off toward the village, the young girl looking bewildered and confused in his wake.

Fighting to control his anger, he tried to ignore the tingling in his groin as his penis began to engorge itself with blood. He began to recite the Lord's Prayer to himself, but the vision of the girl's lascivious display kept invading his thoughts like an unwelcome serpent.

He rushed to the hut and hurried to the makeshift altar, bare chested, the thick brown hair on his chest still beaded with water. He knelt in desperate prayer, knowing this was yet another test his Lord God was subjecting him to.

He knelt silently lost in prayer, drugged on the opiate of sanctimonious righteousness. He saw himself risen above the unsaved multitudes, lifted above the temptations and consequent retributions meted out by his just and loving god. In his zealous contentment, he could not see beyond the serene, bearded mask, to see the vengeful hateful face of the being that ripped nursing babes from their mother's breasts with dripping fangs. The eyes of his god watched with glee, this world of his that was nothing more than a death machine. It's creatures suffering pain and death so that others might live. The strong subjugate the weak, the meek mere toys for the domineering.

Falwell jumped at the touch against his chest. Looking down he saw a brown arm connected to the hand caressing the thick mat of hair on his chest. His eyes followed the arm to his right and met the smiling face of the young Indian girl. Close up he saw that she was the age of his own daughter, no more than 18 years. Her half lidded brown eyes were soft pools in a copper face framed by a wealth of straight black hair. The smooth high cheeks topped the soft line of her jaw, forming a graceful oval before meeting at her small cleft chin. Her nose was fine and flawless hintingly flared, a tribute to her Indian blood. Her lips were turned up in a faint smile, revealing strong white teeth. The upper edge of her full lip curled into a perpetual pout casting a sexy shadow above her upper lip. Her eyes flitted between his face and her hand now entwined in the hair of his chest.

He suddenly realized he was the first Anglo man she had ever seen, the hair on his chest was a revelation to her. She played with the hair on his chest, the little, little soldiers moving farther down his chest and stomach. He felt the hot flush of arousal seep through him. The despised throbbing in his groin had returned with a vengeance. His arms lay frozen in their posture of supplication, his clasped hands unable or unwilling to stop the girl's inquisitive probing fingers.

The trusting affection in the girl's face was obvious. He half turned toward her, the beguiling smile on his thin lips screening the conflict within him. "Here was an innocent child of god," his mind said one instant, the next she was a wanton godless slut, bent on seducing him. She was the picture of unspoiled innocence, no, she was a calculating whore like his ex-wife, bent on humiliating him.

His eyes darted between the innocent features of her face the quivering globes of her full breasts barely concealed by her tattered dress.

Fuming hatred ate at the thin veneer of Christian love he had used as a plaster to cover the festering wounds inflicted on him not too long ago. He raised his hand and touched the girl's cheek, she giggled at his touch. The laughter rang like an echo of his faithless wife's laughter at his horror as he watched her tongue her lover's cock, still slick with her own secretions.

His hand brushed past her cheek and entwined itself in her thick black hair and wrenched her head back with a snap. The look of amused affection was replaced by one of surprised horror as his smiling lips turned into a snarl.

"You fucking whore, you're just like all of them. Using pretty smiles and soulful eyes to lead us on, to humiliate us. "You want to play, I can play," he said as his used his free hand to rip open the frightened girl's tattered dress.

The old fabric tore easily ripping from neck to hem and gaped invitingly. The girl's torso bent back in a graceful bow by the pressure of his hand tangled in her hair. The flat bare expanse of her chest and stomach lay beneath his gaze, her full breasts separating heavily on her chest. He ran his free hand over the soft brown mounds feeling the dark brown nipples harden under his touch.

Seething with rage he ignored the girl's sobbing whimpers as he dragged her to the corner of the room and pushed her to her knees by the bed. Her bewildered face looked up at his, catching only glimpses around the strong arm that held her head captive, hand entwined in her thick hair. Her full brown breasts jiggled and swayed as her breath came in panicked gasps as her wide brown eyes watched the Anglo man unfasten his trousers with his free hand. Fear bubbled to the surface as the young girl began to whimper and sob.

Falwell tightened his grip on her hair as he heard the sob, the rigid pole of his cock throbbed as he felt an awful power course like a foul contaminant through his veins. He sadistically twisted the girl's hair as he raised his arm, pulling her face closer to his groin.

Rosalia’s stomach convulsed at the sight of the rigid pale rod that thrust from the nest of brown hair between his thighs. The young girl sobbed as her eyes stared at the clear fluid that leaked from the tiny wordless mouth that cut the surface of the reddish plum atop the thick white stalk. Bile rose in her throat as she watched it grow like some loathsome snake, dripping venom as it slithered closer to her trembling lips. In her terror she saw the thick blue veins wrapping its surface pulse as it grew more larger feeding on her fear as the man tasted his abject power.

"This is what you really wanted. Isn't it you fucking puta!" he hissed as he drew her tear stained face closer to his cock.

His blood seethed as he felt total control, he reveled in the fear that wrote itself in the girl's face. No hymn sounded sweeter to his ears than the tearful whimpers and sobs that tore themselves from the young girl's throat.

Fisting his cock with his free hand, he guided it to the girl's full trembling lips. He glossed their soft fullness with the stagnant ocher that leaked from his pious balls. He mashed the firm softness of his cock head against the white barrier of the girl's teeth, dragging it along as a child would a stick along a picket fence. Her lips and cheeks distorted as he scrubbed the thick invader back and forth, reveling in the sensation of warmth and wetness as her unwilling lips caressed the sensitive head.

The young Indian girl gagged as she felt the thick knob slide across her teeth and the taste of the gross slime assaulted her senses. She forced her tongue against the bulwark of her teeth in an attempt to reinforce the ivory barrier.

Tiring of the game, Falwell brutal twisted the girls head up and back, breaking the seal of her jaws as he threatened to tear the fist full of hair from her skull.

"Aw-w-w-w-w-w-h!!" she sobbed against the pain forgetting for an instant the cudgel of flesh that lurked at her lips. Falwell thrust his hips forward as he drew the girl's unresisting head to his groin. His hard shaft of swollen flesh slid between Roselia’s parted lips, her teeth scraping down it's pulsing length. The poor girl struggled for breath as the plum like knob bulled past her epiglottis and lodged in the back of her throat. Her slight frame was wracked with heaves as she gagged in response to the thick invader. Her writhing form hung like a fish impaled on a spear. Her arms and legs flailed pitifully as she was rendered powerless by her for air and her bodies involuntary efforts to expel the foreign invader nesting in her throat.

Falwell held the flailing girl's head in a vice-like hold as he pulled her head tightly to his groin, his upper body hunching over in effort.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m_h, don't fight it bitch!" he spat as he ground his hips tighter against the unresisting girl's face.

The young girl felt blind panic as her vision was blotted out by the tight flesh of the man's stomach. The coarse hair of his groin pricked her nose as the thick shaft forced her jaws apart as it slithered into her convulsing throat. Unable to breath she pushed against his steely legs in futile protest. Her brain screamed in protest as she fought against the mindless heaving as her throat struggled to expel the merciless shaft.

Her mouth ran rivulets of drool warming and caressing the thick pole as she calmed enough to breathe through her nose, and her throat grew accustomed to its new tenant.

He held his thick cock imbedded in the girl's throat until he felt her struggles subside. Her small hands rested on his flanks and the faint breath from her nostrils caressed his groin.

With a groan of satisfaction he drew his hips backward breaking the tight seal with a wet "smacking" sound. He drew his dripping cock back to where the swollen knob lay against the tip of the girl's tongue. As slow thrust drove the shaft home again as the girl knelt, her lips parted in unresisting welcome.

Chapter 37

Rachel knelt naked in the center of the room, the stiff collar around her neck connected to the leash that led to the Sargent’s calloused hand. The lamplight in the shone off her pale naked flesh. Her hands were clasped together, her arms beneath her heavy swollen breasts. She knelt silently head down the taste of the two soldier's cum still fresh in her mouth. They had offered her their cocks to suck, and suck them she had, filling her grateful mouth with their rich creamy sperm. Feelings of revulsion and shame mixed with the warmth of pride she felt at the thought that she could so easily bring them to climax, her practiced hands coaxing the thick seed from their tight scrotums. Lost in her private tangle of emotions, she heard a declaration that cut to her soul, like a clarion bell rang in her skull, filling her with hollow dread. Tonight she would be taken to the barracks. She would be given to the men of the camp like a common whore. Her stomach knotted as the bile rose, surely they would not do that to her, she was theirs. They would protect her. She belonged to them. The mirage of security she felt in their company vanished as the Sergeant pulled at the leash forcing her head to raise.

"Puta, tonight you will visit the men. They will like you, I think, yes." the Sergeant said with a laugh. "You will be the good whore, I think." he said underscoring his words by bringing the looped end of the leash down savagely across her bare buttock leaving a livid red welt. The bells hanging from her pierced nipples tinkled as the flesh of her heavy breasts woggled from the blow.

The attractive teen bit her lip to the pain as it flashed through her. She groaned not because of the blow, but at the sick feeling of anticipation it released in her. The empty dread and revulsion that filled her gave way to the tentacles of perverse, sick excitement. Her mind flashed with images of strange men and their erect cocks. Dark faces filled with leering lust, connected to torturous hands playing out obscene, demonic needs. The realization that she would be the instrument of their fulfillment caused her stomach heave as her pussy convulsed, a thick jet of guilty musk leaking through the thin hair that fringed her swollen pierced labia.

A tug at the leash caused her stomach to heave, driven by a moaning wail, as she leaned to the side to vomit up a pool of white cum. The sight of the rank fluid she had so recently swallowed sent guilt scalding through her. "You are a whore", her conscience screamed at her. "Not even these vile men would want you." it laughed at her. "You are nothing, good only to be used and to give others vile and obscene pleasure." The maniacal laughter she heard was her own, as she dipped a small finger in the congealing pool of vomitus cum and licked at it with her tiny pink tongue.

Another tug and she came to all fours behind the Sergeant her whore's bells tinkling as the heavy liquid filled sacks of her breasts fell to hang heavily beneath her like twin udders.

"Uno momento", the Lieutenant said. He stepped forward and unclipped the harness from her waist. He pulled the twin ropes clear of her crotch, noting the slimy wet section that had been imbedded between her labia.

The young Anglo teen groaned as her swollen clitoris burned and throbbed as the tension of the two rough ropes fell away and circulation returned. The first moan was followed by another as the Lieutenant forced his thumb into her upturned sphincter at the same time he buried three fingers in her clutching wet cunt. She glanced back at the man and waggled her plumping bottom in offering. He pulled his fingers dripping from her snatch and offered them to her. Tears sprang to her bright blue eyes as her tongue snaked out from between her smiling lips lick and suck at the evidence of her own sluttishness.

"Arrer!" he said bringing his hand down on her bottom with a "crack" as one would a horse. "Seguir adelante! Go ahead, puta, the hungry men await!" he said with a laugh. "It is claro that you are ready." he said looking at his wet fingers.

The Sergeant stepped from the Lieutenant's hut, trailing on the leash behind him she began the slow crawl across the camp to dark barracks door.

The moonlight shone off her pale skin lending it the hue of ivory. The flash of yellow marked the instant when the rings of brass in her labia and bells hanging from her nipples caught the moonlight. Her heavy breasts swayed beneath her, their heavy load of colostrum filling them, the tinkling bells hanging from her long distended nipples nearly dragging the ground beneath her. Her taunt buttocks flexed as she crawled, broader than weeks before due to the raging tide of hormones that were only now abating in the wake of her empty womb.

Her mind raged as she crawled, ordering her arms and legs to cease moving as her wide eyes watched the black doorway grow larger, looming before her like a maw set on devouring her. A giddiness fought with sickening dread as she crawled propelled by the obscene desire that ruled her. The heavy crucifix hanging from the ring in her clit tapped a steady tattoo against her thigh as it swung tugging and pulling at the sensitive bundle of nerves.

The Sergeant stopped, the dark doorway stood but eight feet away. A low moan escaped her throat as he stooped to remove the collar and leash.

"O-h-h-h-h-h, n-o-o-o-o", she wailed at the realization that he was taking away the last shred of vaporous pride. No he would not lead her like a cur into the barracks. She could not hide behind the lie that she was being made, that she was being forced to give herself to these faceless men. These peasants. She would crawl willingly into their coarse caresses. She would know that she craved their stiff rods and lusted for the thick foaming sperm that boiled in their heavy balls.

The Sergeant took a step back and watched. With a moan, she placed first one hand then the other as she began to crawl toward the dark open doorway. Like a black hole it drew her inexorably onward. She could hear the nervous and excited murmurs from the darkness within as the countless eyes caught their first glimpse of her lascivious form.

Her pale had paused at the threshold of the door, her face turned back toward the lighted doorway across the camp. Her eyes paused at the twin figures illuminated in the door. Their laughter echoed in her ears. With a sob, she turned her pretty face, tears streaming down her pink cheeks. She extended her arm and the sick need pulled her into the dark maw of the hut. A low roar of excited male voices rose as her ivory form was swallowed by the black perversion that waited for her within.

Her wide eyes brimmed with tears as they sought to pierce the dim light in the barracks. Her little pink tongue snaked out to nervously lap at the heavy ring resting above her full upper lip. She continued to crawl, the doorway leading to a gauntlet of short dark men. The excited murmuring continued as she crawled, subdued as the men were awed by the perverse spectacle they could have only dreamt about in their unspoken twisted fantasies.

The narrow corridor of men led to a line of dirty cotton quilts in the center of the barracks. At the base of the long walls were their sleeping mats. A hearth stood at the far end. Several oil lamps lit the dim interior.

She crawled as the assembled men, nearly twenty in all closed on her as she neared the center of the room. A man, a boy really stepped forward as she crawled, her eyes met his and a smile of recognition flitted on her lips. The young soldier from the day of her arrival. The boy, several years younger than Rachel, reached down with a hand to brush away the strands of matted hair that obscured her face.

The murmurs rose as the men saw the girl's beauty. Even through the dirt, the mortified and marred flesh, the young Anglo girl looked like an obscene vision of the Madonna herself. Alabaster skin reddened and chaffed, the flesh mortified by the rings, the swollen, leaking milky breasts. Every lust filled mind saw the same adolescent vision, felt the hot rush of guilt sear their loins and twist into guilt driven anger at the blameless girl. The foul and obscene melding of carnal lust and religious iconography was as old as religion, the old tools of lust and guilt worked their magic as each mind vilified and blamed the object of their own lustful vision and thus absolved themselves of blame.

Rachel smiled up at the boy past the heavy ring hanging from her pierced septum. As she watched, the boy's smile turned to a leer as his hand tightened in her hair pulling her forward. The feeling that flickered in Rachel, died, as she saw the swollen knob of the boy's slim cock snaking out of his fist. His young hand slid down her face to hook it's thumb in the ring hanging from her nose. With a chuckle he pulled the thumb upwards forcing her face up and back. He continued to pull her forward her mouth agape. She groaned at the humiliating pain in her nose forcing her lips to part and accept the slimy knob into her wet mouth. A low moan rumbled in her throat as the consuming dread and revulsion were extinguished by the hot wind of lust that roared from the furnace of her clit.

Against her will she raised her hands to the hard luscious cock the young boy offered her. She mewed as she sucked and lapped at the delicious prong. The boy looked around the room at the other men, many older than he, in triumph.

The tension broken, a dozen hands descended on the young American, caressing, squeezing, probing, pinching, and pulling. Dirty nails and calloused hands marred the girl's pale skin as they hungrily pawed the form that only existed in their dreams before tonight.

Rachel groaned in guilty pleasure as she felt the many strange hands roaming her body. Her mind floated within a jar of thick obscenity. Like a preserved laboratory sample her brain's mind eye watched from where it floated suspended in the rank foulness, watching the mixed crowd of Indians, mestizos, mullato's and other racial mongrels feasted on her lurid sexuality. Dirty hands caressed and squeezed her soft yielding flesh, pinched, and pulled, each yearning to hear a whimper or groan issue from the girl in response. Other fingers pushed and probed exploring the clinging wetness of her quim, toyed with the wet glistening rings in her labia, pulled and tugged at the suspended crucifix which was an extension of her grotesquely swollen clit. Fingers squeezed and milked at her heavy hanging breasts, drops of colostrum flowed down her whore's bells dripping to bead on the packed dirt floor beneath her.

The attractive girl moaned around the cock stuffing her mouth as she began to shudder beneath the strange hands. Her mind’s disembodied image of herself pushing her inflamed clit to climax. She grunted and snuffled around the cock like a rooting sow as she surrendered control of her body to the black orgasm. The finger stuffing her cunt felt the guilty spasms, watching eyes saw the telltale flexing and contracting of her finely chiseled muscles.

Twenty masculine throats laughed at the girl's guilty display, and as many minds absolved themselves of any lingering guilt, for surely this was a puta, a low and base whore. All doubts were gone.

Suddenly as if one mind, they pulled her free of the young boy's cock, her mouth working like a waterless fish as hands picked her up and deposited her kneeling on the collection of mats in the center of the hut. Eager hands grasped her fleshy hips, spreading her firm cheeks. A dark burly figure kneed his way between her splayed legs. Fisting his cock he ran the thick head up and down the pink crevasse of the American girl's fleshy labia, luxuriating in the feel of the cool metal rings along his pulsing rod. He grunted with satisfaction as his knob caught in the throat of her cunt and he leaned into her forcing his thick brown post between the white and pink flesh of the girl's offered labia.

"Muy bueno puta", he said with a chuckle as he felt her hips surge back towards his as the girl's cunt eagerly enveloped his surging cock.

Hands jackknifed the unresisting girl at the waist, as stiff cocks were offered to her pale white hands, which her small fingers gladly embraced. Her slender throat extended with a groan as she felt the thick post of an unseen cock first plug and begin to stuff her wet welcoming cock. She eagerly pushed her ample hips back forcing her dripping cunt against the cock that speared into her bottom. She relinquished her grip on a throbbing cock to reach between her spayed thighs to cup and caress the hanging balls of her first rapist. She was rewarded with a grunt of appreciation before her arm hand was pulled away and placed on yet another throbbing prong.

The young American’s blood began to race, poisoned with black lust, as her inflamed clit convulsed under the crude caresses of the countless hands that mauled her. Her blue eyes searched the milling crowd of sweating male bodies that gathered around her like a pack of feeding dogs. Hairy hard muscled legs bumped against her. Her eyes swam from one brown greasy face to another, leering grins framed with thin greasy moustaches and filled with rotten teeth rained obscene phrases in coarse Spanish down upon her blond head.

The foul lust filling her veins transmitted her shame and humiliation into pride and hunger. No longer did the degrading words burn her ears and pierce her heart. The words spurred her on to lower and lower levels of self-abasement as they filled her with pride. How could she not be proud that so many men wanted her, that she could instill such lust in so many with her naked body? She groaned not in pain, as pitiless fingers twisted and pulled at the rings embedded in her tenderest flesh. She groaned in pleasure. Her debauched mind found wild pleasure at the degradation of her vile physical self. She ground her breasts in to the coarse hands that squeezed and mauled the heavy milk laden udders. She pulled against the fingers that twisted the rings piercing her thick swollen nipples. She groaned in encouragement at the impatient hands that squeezed and pinched at her pale flesh, eager to have their turn at degrading her, venting their black lust into her drooling orifices in a mouthful parody of religious absolution.

Her body cried out in one shuddering climax after another for their foul secretions, her mouth hungered for their thick seed, her skin burned to feel the coarseness of their beards, their rough demanding touch.

With a volcanic like roar the attractive teen pulled the slender cock in her right hand to her full lips. Her eyes smiled at the short dark man connected to the cock she began to kiss and suck. A moan gargled in her throat as the liquid pulsing of the cock embedded in her sucking cunt pushed her into yet another climax. She felt an instance of cool air against her gaping empty cunt before a new stiff prong slicked up and down her drooling groove and stuffed her full!

She felt a new set of hands grip her fleshy hips and pull her back against him. Her supple thighs began to rock her back and forth onto the thick cock. Her swollen labia swabbed up and down the fat gristle kissing every pulsing vein.

The pretty blond worked her plump lips up and down the cock spearing into her face, her tongue busily caressing the underside of the strangers fat glans. She heard the groan above her and felt his hands grip her head hard. The tube of gristle filling her mouth throbbed and began to spew gobs of thick yellow scum into her throat. She struggled to pull the cudgel to her lips so she could suckle at the spewing tip and savor the strong flavor of the faceless man's seed. She whimpered as he jerked his spent cock from her suctioning lips, and his fat balls fell away from her chin. She groaned with delight as two hairless thighs took his place. Rachel glanced upward and saw a face younger than her own, the teenage boy towered over her, his face a mask of contempt and lust. In an instance the boy had stuffed his hairless cock into the young girl's willing mouth, his hairless balls rubbing against the tender skin of her cleft chin.

Chapter 38

Rachel's mouth ran like a drain to some great foul sewer as cock after cock spewed its load of hot liquid lust into her suctioning orifice. Her pretty lips were swollen with lust, her cheeks smeared with strings of congealing scum as cock after cock fucked her eager mouth. Some dripped with the scrannelous liquor of her abused cunt, which drooled a mixture of her own uncontrolled secretions and the rancid seed of the group of racial mongrels degraded her and used her to sate their own lusts. The sight of the attractive American teen on her knees taking every colored cock offered to her with relished enthusiasm was enough to bring each drained cock to new life. Eager to use her just once more. The girl's blue eyes never saw the winces her voracious sucking brought to the face of the owner of each cock as she attempted to sucked the slimy thick dregs from the bottom of each set of churning balls.

Her swollen raw and abused pussy provided ever more friction to each new cock as if to offset the overabundance of lubrication that leaked from the ravaged opening after each temporary tenant vacated the wet welcome domicile. Her pale ass was marked with the prints of more than one palm when the movements of her hips failed to exhibit enough enthusiasm for the current tenant occupying her cunt. Her lean back arched gracefully from the ample hips that had grown along with her breasts, in preparation for the bastard embryo that had been expelled by her body like so much human refuse, to make room for her first master...a stiff hard cock!!

Rachel felt her young body once again awash on a tide of endorphins. Her hands, mouth, and cunt mere appendages to be used to acquire for her, her needed fix. The delivery was not by some cold sterile device, no, her syringe was hard, true, but of hard flesh, hard male flesh. Like syringes they plunged repeatedly into her body, mouth, and cunt over and over again until they released their rich liquid load, bringing her to climax time and time again. Leaving her a quivering groveling mindless cull. Grunting and shuddering out one vile, low climax after another. No one, too low or base to grant her satisfaction, never one to raise a flicker of guilt or self-reproach. They only served to make her grovel lower, farther, in search for the next.

"Basta!!, Enough!!" an impatient voice of authority boomed out. Every eye turned to the gray haired cook standing at the corner of the blanket on which the young white missionary girl knelt, studiously sucking at a fresh cock sprouting from the loins of a boy younger than her 18 years.

The fat cook strode through the crowd of men unfastening his trousers, his portly form pushed the young man eagerly fucking the girl's proffered cunt aside with a sweep of his arm.

"The puta has three guarida, it is time to make use of them all!!" With this preamble he scooped up two fingers of the slime hanging like a line of drool beneath her swollen labia and plunged the lubricated fingers between the brazenly spread cheeks of her ass. His stubby brown fingers bulled through the token resistance of her stretched sphincter. The sudden invasion brought a grunt from the young girl's cock stuffed mouth, as her swollen weighted clit exploded once again, sending renewed sparks through her lust sated nerves. Her unbridled ass began to hump back against the fat cook's twisting fingers as he sought to stretch the opening to the evenings last virginal orifice.

The fat cook wrenched his wet fingers from her ass and immediately, stuffed the fat brown stump of his cock into opening before the girl's stretched rubbery flesh had a chance to retract. His brown hands splayed the firm pale flesh of the young girl's red streaked ass cheeks. A muffled groan rumbled in her chest as his thick cock stretched her flesh to the tearing point. The young Indian boy whose thin cock filled her throat filled each fist with her fine blond hair and rode her face as she bucked and thrashed in protest to the brutal invasion of her anus. He laughed and felt his cock surge as he watched the fine muscles of her arched back flex and ripple beneath the marred pale skin as she fought the twin invasion. The young slut choked and gagged her way through yet one more orgasm as the chain hanging from her clit swung like a bell clapper between her muscular splayed thighs, each jerk sending sparks of pleasure coursing through her corrupt soulless nerves. The stretching and tearing sensations mixed with the foul pleasure spurting from her demonic clit like some black venom, pushing her ever downward to lower levels of base pleasure.

Grunting with effort, the cook leaned his sweating gut over the pale form of the girl grasping her beneath the arms.

"Stupido!, Help me turn her over!!" he grunted as he lifted her up, her mouth leaving the boy's cock with a loud pop as her suctioning mouth broke free...

"U-h-h-h-h-h, o-h-h-h-h-h-h!!" the young girl whined as brown hands lifted her, the cook's fat cock still embedded in her inhumanly stretched anus. The cook flopped his bulk down on the blanket in the girl's place, his back against a camp bedroll, with Rachel sitting hard upon his pelvis, the fat stump of his greasy brown cock imbedded like some boring parasite into the tender flesh of her bowels.

"O-h-h-h, m-m-y, the young girl murmured as she sat on the thick cock. The pudgy hands of the cook circled her chest to grab handfuls of her fat tits and pulled her backward to lay splayed against his chest. The tinkling of the bells hanging heavily from her nipples accompanied their movements.

She lay sprawled across the large bulk of the cook, her fat breasts weighted with milk separated heavily on her chest, capped by the obscenely swollen and pierced minarets of her nipples. They glistened ruddy in the dim light, standing brazen and defiant they rose like two elongated raspberries, blood engorged, from the pebbly surface of her large dark puckered aureoles. Each fat globe rose proudly from her supine chest against the heavy liquid load contained in its swollen ducts. The taunt alabaster skin was stretched across the pulsing blue veins that mapped their surface, radiating from her dark aureoles like the blue static from a Van de Graf generator in some demented science demonstration. The curved and looping veins seemed rooted deeply in their fleshy mass holding their shape like tree roots in a loose mass of soil. Remove them and the glorious rising masses of firm female flesh would collapse into obscene puddles of flaccid fat. They seemed alive, beings all their own, inciting lust in the men, lust, and hatred. Reminders to the men of how little control they possessed.

The swollen lips of her labia, gaped obscenely, the heavy rings piercing the thick swollen flesh glistened yellowly in contrast to the livid ruby red flesh of her inner cunt that shone wetly. The sparse yellow hair fringing her lips hung with congealing gobs of spent seed, the wriggling sperm of the faceless men squirming and flagellating in search of her unreachable ovum.

The girl looked past her wobbling tits at the sea of leering brown faces.

"C-c-c-ome on, what are you waiting for? Fuck me. Isn't that what I am her for? I-I-I want more, fill me up...." She spread her sleek white thighs in a gesture of welcome, an act that spurred the sea of brown faces to descended upon her. The first of many stiff male prongs plunging into her upturned pierced cunt to wedge tightly alongside the cook's thick cock stuffing her anus. Hairy belly after hairy belly rubbed against the erect pierced spire of her swollen clit sending her on one liquid ride after another.

Rough hands caught her ankles to crank her slim muscular legs up and out, eager bystanders grabbing them as first one then another, and another, huffed and grunted as they labored between her soft splayed thighs for foul debased relief. The onlookers grinned and laughed as her huge, engorged tits swayed and sloshed across her chest with the impact of male pelvis against upturned female thighs. Fists filled with blond hair steered her ovaled mouth onto one after another stiff erect cocks. The young men laughed and punched each other as they watched her shudder, her cock stuffed mouth moaning as each new climax brought color to the rising mounds of her swollen tits. Merciless fingers hooked the thick rings imbedded in the rich red flesh of her nipples and pulled upward, lifting the heavy sacks of her breasts upward until the immense weight of each hung suspended. The thick ring stretched and distorted the piercing threatening to tear through the resilient rubbery flesh of her thick nipples. With a laugh her torturers released the rings and watched the elongated sacks of heavy breast flesh rebound to wobble and jiggle across her chest, their bells tinkling merrily.

Rachel's body was wracked by yet another polluted orgasm as her wide blue eyes watched the degrading abuse of her own flesh. Her eyes welled with tears, overflowed and her pale freckled cheeks glistened with the tracks of tears as she watched. Not with horror but perverted joy. Her heart filled with gratitude, her eyes sprang with tears of joy, at the prospect of yet another climax, no matter the source.

"Yes, use me, hurt my flesh, I am your whore, punish me..." she thought. She would have screamed the admission had not her smooth cum streaked cheeks been distorted by the black cock that filled her mouth.

The waiting crowd of me grew closer, those too impatient to wait grabbed pawed and squeezed at her breasts as they stroked their waiting cocks as if polishing treasured scepters. A brazen few ignored the streamer of errant cum that streaked her torso to capture a turgid teat and suckle at them, their tongues playing at the rings and bells affixed to the hard blood engorged flesh. These were rewarded by gouts of rich mother's milk until another wishing a taste of the same pushed them aside. Fighting for a taste like pups at their mother's teats.

The young girl sucked and fucked at the ceaselessly erect cocks of the near twenty men. Her mind a numb sump of debauched pleasure. She mumbled to herself as one cock after another was fed to her ovaled welcome lips. The thick finger of her clit emitted a mind numbing buzz, sickening in its intensity, causing her bottom to convulse and her guts to cramp with an intensity that brought her to her knees. So she groveled, easier still, like some large pale grub, between the hard muscular legs of the brown hairy men. She moaned with emptiness as hard hands lifted her and lowered her on yet another stiff prong to fill her anus, like some maniacal tool, punishing and boring its way into her guts. She let them guide her, use her. Her slender pink tongue explored the rank depths of muscular spread ass cheeks, immune to their laughter. She swallowed and gargled the hot yellow stream of their piss as they heaped on her degradation upon degradation.

Finally as the fountain of sperm began to pump empty. Her mind began to panic. The reality of the night began to emerge from behind the comforting fog of lust and the truth threatened to unhinge the lost girl's reason. Her clear blue eyes welled now with tears of humiliation and despair as they fought to focused on the dark visage of the sergeant as he stood nude over her. The space between her splayed legs empty as the soldiers lounged around, their lust sated. Her once innocent eyes brimmed and streams of tears cut rivulets through the congealing sperm that streaked her smooth cheeks.

The Sergeant held in his hand a belt of leather. Her lust drugged mind flew like a caged bird from corner to corner in search of memories, Deja vu. His pitiless face leered down at her, even as his sperm was mixed within the congealed mass that leaked from her distended swollen labia and mixed within the warm writhing mass of sperm that puddled in her stomach like a warm vanilla shake. With a nod the forgotten man beneath her snaked his arms under her armpits and his feet around her ankles anchoring her Christlike across his body. She felt the lance of his cock throb and expand as it lie buried in her rectum.

"La puta." Is all the Sergeant said. He watched the panicked girl the muscles of her arms and legs taunt, panic driven as she struggled to get free. Tearful blue eyes met pitiless brown and her struggles ceased. The mouth beneath the greasy thin mustache slowly split revealing crooked brown teeth.

The girl's matted blond head gave a bare discernible nod, and her mind gave out a mournful wail.

"Oh-h-h-h-h, p-u-hleeze..." as her thighs and arms fluttered, not sure whether to resist or welcome the coming torment.

The grinning Bolivian sergeant lashed the thin leather belt down across the swollen mounds of her breasts. "La Puta bonita," he droned like a mantra as he flailed at the fat leaking mounds of the young girl's breasts. The thin belt cut like a razor across the proud spires of her erect nipples.

The teenage missionary groaned and shuddered as another vile climax lanced through her. Her pale breasts becoming livid with criss crossed red welts where the belt had kissed her flesh. Each new welt brought a new wave of searing burning pain the stoked the seething flames within her demonic clit.

Her blond head flailed matted tresses from side to side, her mouth slackly agape, gurgling choking sounds gargled from her throat as each new orgasm wracked her frame. Blood began to run down into her cleavage and pool at her neck and navel as the Sergeant continued to flail at the obscenely flayed mounds of her breasts.

Silently the men of the platoon watched their Sergeant beat the girl. They watched as she dissolved into one orgasm after another. Her glazed eyes and slack drooling mouth were a wonder to them.

The sweating Sergeant paused, and the moaning girl raised her matted head to look between the mortified mounds of her heaving breasts. Her pink tongue peeked out to lick at the heavy ring hanging from her septum. Imperceptibly, she parted her thighs, her hips rising slightly. A groan leaked from her cum crusted lips as the forgotten cock buried in her rectum thrust upward intent on retaining it's warm nest.

The Sergeant saw the thick red spire, projecting obscenely from between the fat lips of the young American's cunt like a miniature cock. The thick red projection hung, glistening ruddy above the thick ring piercing it's base.

The Sergeant brought the thin belt down to flick at the target offered by the demented girl. The thin wet leather kissed the turgid rod of nerves and the girl arched as if suddenly electrified.

A thin piercing scream rose to dissolve in a choked gurgle as her body was wracked by another low climax. Even the watching men blanched that the girl could find vile pleasure in such mean degradation.

His energy renewed, the soldier flailed at the glistening red target of the girl's cunt. The girl thrashed and bucked as blow after blow marked her inner thighs and lower stomach. Her grunts and mindless giggles mesmerized the watching men, as the young attractive girl wallowed in her own private hell. Moaning through one orgasm after another as the Sergeant flogged her.

Rachel floated above looking down upon the wretched vessel of flesh that lay sprawled across the leering Indian. A rigid brown cock lewdly stuffing her stretched and leaking anus. She watched the pitiless soldier flailing at the young girl's splayed cut. She nodded in satisfaction as the wet leather landed blow after blow on the livid flesh of the wretched girl's cunt. She nodded in approval as her eyes took in the proud heavy breasts wobbling across the young girl's chest. The fleshy mounds marked with weeping welts, their nipples swollen, distended, and beaded with drops of milk.

"Yes, the vile slut deserves this and more", she thought. "Here is the lowest whore in all creation. She could have been so much more, but she chose not to control the demon between her legs. She who sows the wind, reaps the world wind."

Another orgasm cramped her cock stuffed guts as the thin leather kissed the tip of her throbbing clit. Her mind returned for an instance and she remembered who and where she was, the proud, blond American, the aspiring attorney, her daddy's little princess. The thoughts dissolved into a string of shrieking babbling laughter.

The Sergeant had had enough, his arm numb, face dripping with sweat. Under his direction and with firm quick orders, two men, one the young Indian that was first to use her, bind her bleeding breasts tightly around the base of each with thin hemp.

The men lust sated, watched in the dim light as the young Anglo princess's breasts grew into impossibly large mounds of blood and milk engorge flesh. Each man drifted to sleep with the moans of the young north American beauty filling his ears and fueling the fantasies of his night.

Chapter 39

In the darkness of the night, one faceless brown man after another tossed and turned. The vision of the girl wallowing in pain, raking the muck and filth of degradation and finding pleasure, rekindled lust in the men old and young alike. A perverse melding of sexual and religious imagery wriggled and squirmed in their minds like maggots feeding on the rotten carrion of ridiculous religious myths. Had they seen the true Madonna, in the flesh, suffering mortification at their hands for their salvation? Repressed sexual guilt fueled notion after notion, like the image of the Madonna in a tortilla, or reflected in a dirty window. The girl was the Madonna in the flesh, returned to show them the perils of indulging in desires of the flesh. No! What had the Padre said, she was here to rid them of their sins born of guilty lust. He knew that within the girl resided the spirit of the true Madonna!

Their simple minds could not grasp that the girl was just a wretched slut, fallen and falling in her own polluted search for fulfillment.

Quietly brown men crawled to the moaning form of the girl. She lay sprawled on her side and raised her leg to give access to each so that he could bath his throbbing cock in the warm depths of her swollen ring lined cunt. Slowly they stoked their tubes of hard flesh in and out until they fountained a wet white offering for the girl.

As she lay, others brought offerings to her swollen lips, swabbing them gently. She met each brown snout with a lingering kiss before welcoming them to the hot embrace of her clinging mouth. She lay contentedly suckling on each offered prong, forgetting the scorching pain in her cunt and breasts as the warm succor of sexual arousal once again began to course through her. Her delicate nostrils flared at the mixture of sweat and musk that coated each new cock. She thrilled to the feel of their pubes against her cheeks as she lapped and sucked at their filthy balls, marveling at the machinery that fueled her mad passion. The throbbing of her breasts all but forgotten as she pushed them against the hairy legs that lay before her as she stretched her slender neck as she rooted her nose beneath one set of hairy balls after another. Her mouth and nostrils filled with the heady taste of maleness.

So went the night. More cocks to stuff her eager squirming bottom, still others to fill her hungry sucking mouth. Slow unhurried she could savor their offerings, thick and sweet, thin, and acrid, some seed she relished rolling it on her eager pink tongue, others vile and rancid, heaved her stomach as she gulped it down with sick smacking sounds. He long liquid ride continued into the night as she was tossed and carried along on the endless wonderful procession of fountaining and spurting cocks!

Rachel heard the shuffle and clink of equipage and the hushed excited murmurs of men. The returning patrol had arrived and others left to take their place.

The pretty young American sensed the newcomers excitement and it fueled her own. Soon a forest of fresh cocks replaced the slimy spent ones that had been her succor.

Wordlessly the attractive young girl rolled to her hip and with a small hand pried one cheek of her ample ass upward to reveal the twin eyes of her cunt and ass open, red, and wet. Two of the men quickly lay beside the panting girl, thrusting their cocks into the twin sperm slick holes she so eagerly offered to them. A third knelt by the girls head and cupping his brown hanging balls with a small white hand drew his pulsing cock to her pursed lips. Soon the soldiers were pumping in unison, the four bodies melded into a precision machine, their steel hard rods pistoning in and out of the young girl's holes, her swollen, wet flesh, clinging to the reciprocating rods like hydraulic seals, her vile secretions like obscene fluids lubricating the lust driven machine.

Rachel stretched languorously, wincing as she raised her arms, her movements pulling the scarred flesh of her swollen breasts. She moaned around the cock buried in her throat as hands roamed her abused body, arousing numbed nerve endings as they once again began to send signals to her preoccupied brain.

All that mattered were the delightful pulsing cocks that stuffed her. The wonderful feelings of stretching, boring and pummeling that the male rods brought to her once again filled her senses.

She stretched and squirmed between the men like a bathing beauty, not the obscenely abused sperm soaked wretch she truly was. The men cared not, they lusted for her hot clinging flesh and the relief it gave them. The fat swollen mounds of her whipped breasts rolled and wobbled on her small chest, as they pulled and twisted her distended nipples in disbelief. The crusted welts began to weep anew as the pale mortified flesh parted anew under the harsh attentions of the new hands.

On and on she rocked and floated along the river of lust that carried her. In the early morning she was alone. She moved slightly as she felt a familiar probing at the mouth of her swollen labia. She shifted her thigh expecting the blunt nose of another welcome cock. Instead she felt the wet caresses of a small tongue. He eyes flitted open to see the soft muzzles of the pups root along her fat breasts. Raising her hands she lifted her fat teats and offered them to the eager pups. The burning rush of her falling milk was like a balm to the abuse flesh of her engorge and throbbing tits.

The attractive girl moaned as the two pups feasted at her fat udders and the other busied himself lapping at the vile stream of cum that leak congealing from between the livid lips of her abused bottom.

Chapter 39

In the darkness of the night, one faceless brown man after another tossed and turned. The vision of the girl wallowing in pain, raking the muck and filth of degradation and finding pleasure, rekindled lust in the men old and young alike. A perverse melding of sexual and religious imagery wriggled and squirmed in their minds like maggots feeding on the rotten carrion of ridiculous religious myths. Had they seen the true Madonna, in the flesh, suffering mortification at their hands for their salvation? Repressed sexual guilt fueled notion after notion, like the image of the Madonna in a tortilla, or reflected in a dirty window. The girl was the Madonna in the flesh, returned to show them the perils of indulging in desires of the flesh. No! What had the Padre said, she was here to rid them of their sins born of guilty lust. He knew that within the girl resided the spirit of the true Madonna ready to inspire and take upon herself all their vile putrescent lust!

Their simple minds could not grasp that the girl was just a wretched slut, fallen and falling in her own polluted search for fulfillment.

Quietly brown men crawled to the moaning form of the girl. She lay sprawled on her side and raised her leg to give access to each so that he could bath his throbbing cock in the warm depths of her swollen ring lined cunt. Slowly they stoked their tubes of hard flesh in and out until they fountained a wet white offering for the girl.

As she lay, others brought offerings to her swollen lips, nudging them gently in supplication. She met each brown snout with a lingering kiss before welcoming them to the hot embrace of her clinging mouth. She lay contentedly suckling on each offered prong, forgetting the scorching pain in her cunt and breasts as the warm succor of sexual arousal once again began to course through her. Her delicate nostrils flared at the mixture of sweat and musk that coated each new cock. She thrilled to the feel of their pubes against her cheeks as she lapped and sucked at their filthy balls, marveling at the machinery that fueled her mad passion. The throbbing of her breasts all but forgotten as she pushed them against the hairy legs that lay before her as she stretched her slender neck as she rooted her nose beneath one set of hairy balls after another. Her mouth and nostrils filled with the heady taste of maleness.

So went the night. More cocks to stuff her eager squirming bottom, still others to stretch the screaming tissues of her raw anus and others to fill her hungry sucking mouth. Slow unhurried, she could savor their offerings, thick and sweet, thin and acrid, some seed she relished rolling it on her eager pink tongue, others vile and rancid, heaved her stomach as she gulped it down with sick smacking sounds. Her long liquid ride continued into the night as she was tossed and carried along on the endless wonderful procession of fountaining and spurting cocks!

Rachel heard the shuffle and clink of equipage and the hushed excited murmurs of men. The returning patrol had arrived and others left to take their place.

The pretty young American sensed the newcomers excitement and it fueled her own. Soon a forest of fresh cocks replaced the slimy spent ones that had been her vile succor.

Wordlessly the attractive young girl rolled to her hip and with a small hand pried one cheek of her ample ass upward to reveal the twin eyes of her cunt and ass open, red, and wet. Two of the men quickly lay beside the panting girl, thrusting their cocks into the twin sperm slick holes she so eagerly offered to them. A third knelt by the girls head and cupping his brown hanging balls with a small white hand drew his pulsing cock to her pursed lips. Soon the soldiers were pumping in unison, the four bodies melded into a precision machine, their steel hard rods pistoning in and out of the young girl's holes, her swollen, wet flesh, clinging to the reciprocating rods like hydraulic seals, her vile secretions like obscene fluids lubricating the lust driven machine.

The slickened rods pumping in and out of her gaping channels shone like polished steel in the lamplight. Their foreskins rolling back and forth as if they were being peeled by the clasping wordless lips of her eager holes. Her ravage cervix was numb as cock after cock drubbed a tattoo against the swollen stump, as if pleading for admittance through the guarded entrance to her womb. The entrance that just a day ago had vomited out the bastard product of unknown mongrel sperm.

Even now her violated womb was awash with the maggot like gametes writhing and squirming in a black effort to complete her pollution. The thick seed of untold brown little men clogged and clotted her orifices. Her flat stomach heaved and churned as her digestive juices struggled to keep up with the steady stream of thick liquid protein that pooled in her belly like a rich white pudding that she sucked from their thick straws of flesh.

Rachel stretched languorously, wincing as she raised her arms, her movements pulling the scarred flesh of her swollen bound breasts. She moaned around the cock buried in her throat as hands roamed her abused body, arousing numbed nerve endings as they once again began to send signals to her preoccupied brain.

All that mattered were the delightful pulsing cocks that stuffed her. The wonderful feelings of stretching, boring and pummeling that the male rods brought to her once again filled her senses.

She stretched and squirmed between the men like a bathing beauty, not the obscenely abused sperm soaked wretch she truly was. The men cared not, they lusted for her hot clinging flesh and the relief it gave them. The fat swollen mounds of her whipped bound breasts rolled and wobbled on her small chest, as they pulled and twisted her distended nipples in disbelief at the fat swollen orbs. The crusted welts began to weep anew as the pale mortified flesh parted under the twin effects of harsh new hands, and the swelling caused by the tight hemp wrapped around the base of each huge breast, trapping the product of swollen milk ducts, and enlarged veins that tunneled through the turgid flesh.

On and on through the night she rocked and floated on the ocean of perverted lust, rocked, and nurtured on the tide of sinful pleasure that carried her on her way.

In the early morning she was alone. Her delicate nostrils flared at the heavy stench of sex that permeated the barracks. She moved slightly as she felt a familiar probing between the slimy rings at the mouth of her swollen labia. She shifted her thigh in welcome, expecting the blunt nose of another brown cock. Instead she felt the wet caresses of a small tongue. He eyes flitted open to see the soft muzzles of the pups rooting along her fat swollen breasts. Her small hands lifted her painfully swollen teats and offered them to the eager pups. They continued to sniff at the swollen welted flesh. The attractive girl sobbed in frustration, eager to relieve the throbbing pressure in the swollen balloons of flesh. The discolored bladders were heavy with the trapped milk of her swollen ducts and pooled blood from the tight hemp binding the base of each distended gland. The pale flesh had turned a dark blue highlighted by the raised tracks of her swollen veins and the red weeping marks left by the Sergeant’s belt.

Grasping each of her inch long, finger thick swollen nipples she squeezed the tortured flesh between thumb and forefinger in self-abasement, pulling and tugging on the hard swollen flesh, milking her own fat breasts for the dogs. Soon rich white drops of milk began to bead, then spray, from each long pierced nipple. The young girl offered the dripping teats to the eager mouths of the hungry pups which they ravenously began to suckle. Rachel's chest heaved with delight and her grotesque pierced clit exploded in a squalorous climax as she felt the sharp teeth of the little beasts nip and cut at her turgid flesh.

"A-a-a-a-h-h-h-h-h, y-e-s-s-s-s!" she sighed as the burning rush of her falling milk was like a balm to the abuse flesh of her engorge and throbbing tits.

The attractive girl moaned as the two pups feasted at her fat udders and the other busied himself lapping at the congealing stream of vile cum that leaked from between the swollen livid lips of her cunt and mixed with that running from her raw stretched anus to drip snot like beneath her abused bottom.

The former law student gazed at half lidded eyes as the pups feasted at her abused flesh. Now and then she winced and sighed as a sharp tooth pricked tender flesh, or a sharp claw scrapped along an open welt. Her eyes watched with sick fantasticated hunger as the small red cocks of the pups peaked out from their immature sheaths. Just as the feasting pups had eaten their fill the Sergeant burst into the room with a vengeance.

"Madre di Dios, puta para perro! You little dog whore!" he swore, as he kicked the nearest dog with a heavy boot, scattering the yelping pups in all directions.

Hooking a brown finger in the ring in her nose he pulled the young American girl to her knees, her swollen bound breasts, hanging heavily from her narrow chest, waggled ponderously from side to side.

"A puta para perro you want to be, eh?" his garlic laced breath hissed in her cum streaked face. "I think we can make you happy, no?" he said with an ominous chuckle.

Glancing around the barracks at the waking soldiers, he yelled orders to the four closest. Rising rapidly the half-dressed men followed him and the naked Anglo girl as he led her by the nose to the dark end of the barracks nearest the door. Rachel crawled quickly behind the uniformed man, ignoring the pain in her bare knees as they scuffed along the rough wooden floor, her curled toes dragging behind her. The men following enjoyed the obscene view as her ample buttocks and hips pump and swayed atop the long columns of her white thighs. The heavy cross hanging suspended by a chain from her pierced clit bounced between her thighs like a bell clapper, strumming her swelling clit as it tugged and pulled. The little brown men chuckled between themselves as the caught a glimpse of her raw red anus nestled between her proud firm cheeks. The ravage orifice leaked a thin stream of cum that ran down to join the stream of ooze that threaded between the rings lining the painfully swollen lips of her vagina.

Rachel's graceful back arched as she crawled like a ringed sow, plodding barefoot and naked. Her huge hanging breasts hung beneath her, heavy, veined, swollen with fluid, swinging from side to side as she crawled. Her long pierced nipples grazing the floor as she crawled. She crawled like a mindless sow, her brain dulled with lust. Hands caked with dirt mixed with cum and her own secretions fingered her bottom as she crawled, others slapped her buttocks. She groaned as others harshly squeezed her heavy swaying breasts.

With a word the men gripped her arms harshly as they lifted her to her feet. The grinning faces filled with rotten teeth and reeking of rancid breath laughed and sniggered as they followed the Sergeant's orders.

Hard hands bound her long pale arms behind her, tying them together near the pretty girl's elbows, and again at the wrists forcing her narrow chest out, projecting her weighty breasts upwards. Booted feet kicked at her sensitive bare ankles until her feet were shoulder width apart. A length of wooden rod was lashed just above her trim ankles to form a makeshift spreader bar. Rachel grunted wordlessly in pain as she was stooped forward at the waist due to the un-natural and painful position of her arms.

She stood helpless as the assembled men played with her multiple piercings, pulling, and twisting the rings in the fat red nipples that capped her swollen bluish breasts. The young boy she recognized pulled and tugged at the cross hanging from her clit. Rachel's face split in a tense sick smile, as he pulled and tugged, and she finally shuddered with wonderful release gurgling through a wretched and malodorous climax brought on by their cumulative abuse and degradation.

A thin stream of drool seeped from the slack lips of the attractive girl, to form a thin string to hang from her swollen lips. It dipped lower and lower until it fastened itself to the inside swell of one of her immense abused breasts. It lay there gleaming in her cleavage. Her sweat and cum caked hair hung in thick strands around her face, clotting on her broad pale shoulders. She raised her glazed blue eyes and offered him an embarrassed look and offered as much of a smile as her numb lips could manage. They pulled back in a rictus like grimace, and she whinnied and grunted as he pulled and twisted the thick chain attached to her obscenely swollen clit, forcing her to hobble towards her in a perverse waddle her breasts wobbling across her chest as she struggled to relieve the tension.

The other men milked at her breasts laughing as the pups scrambled for the white liquid that jetted from her swollen breasts to settle in puddles on the dirty floor. Dirty brown fingers played with the slimy rings lining her cunt and probed the raw open entrance to her anus. Filthy fingers smeared libelous ooze across her face and breasts as the indulged themselves, forcing the bound girl to lick the rank secretions from their wormy digits as they laughed at her. The attractive teen complied as they willed licking and sucking at the fingers that pried open her lips to dab at the little pink snail of her tongue.

As hands played over her degraded form, she missed the deliberate fashion at least a few pair of hands worked. Her tongue blindly lapped at the fingers that fiddled with the thick ring piercing her nasal septum.

"U-h-h-h-h, a-w-w-w-h!" she yelped in protest as a taunt hemp line pulled her head upwards as the ring was wrenched toward the ceiling. She staggered, her hobbled feet scuffing the floor to regain her balance lest she fall and disfigure her pretty nose.

Her neck was cranked upward made all the more difficult her arms bound behind her. A groan escaped her swollen lips as she felt each of her heavy breasts lifted high on her chest and deliberate fingers working at the ring in her clit and understood the meaning. When the hands supporting the heavy bags of liquid sodden flesh that were her breasts were removed she felt the weight of the heavy orbs pull on the ring in her nose and clit. A thin cord of hemp was connected to each and looped over the twin rafters above her. Her breasts were held aloft by the rings that pierced the base of her impossibly thick nipples, the weight kept her head held aloft and pulled mercilessly at the sensitive finger of her clit.

A chorus of laughter greeted her pathetic shuffling as she struggled against the unremitting tension. Her heavy breasts formed banana shaped melons as the rings pulled and stretched her nipples upward> The rings elongated the piercings, appearing to nearly tear through the deceptively tough flesh of her nipples.

Her lividly red clit was pulled upward and lifted clear of her swollen labia, the thick digit looking like a small penis. She shuffled and groaned as each movement her head or swaying of her heavy pendulous breasts brought more torment.

The half-naked men laughed and punched at each other as the girl shuffled and scooted her bare hobbled feet along the dirty floor. The attractive girl's shuffling increased but not in response to the laughter. Rachel, like a greedy rutting sow, was too busy reaching toward a corrupt climax. The bucked her head and woggled her breasts causing the cord to pull and jerk on the ring through the thick bundle of nerves between her sleek thighs. Her tongue hung from her defiled mouth as she licked obscenely at her swollen lips with the effort of working toward her filthy climax.

The men saw and understood, hooting, and laughing all the more. some reached out to strum at the cords bringing grateful grunts from the attractive cull that stood before them.

Rachel head back, cast her blue eyes sheepishly around her. Her labia dripped with her renewed excitement casting pearls of dew amid her shuffling feet. Her plump lips broke into a pathetic smile as she continued her perverse dance to bring herself pleasure.

Chapter 40

The old Padre lowered the hand holding the letter. "Two days" he thought. His hard cock swelled all the more within the mouth of the naked Indian girl that knelt between his thighs. Maria purred with satisfaction thinking it was in response to her voracious sucking.

The young Bolivian girl took great delight in being summoned by the old Priest. The sheer evil of being used by this man of the church delighted her. It went against everything she had been taught. It was so...delicious. With that thought she pushed her pretty face down harder on the long black pole while one hand busied itself with his large churning balls and the other pulled and pinched at the swollen nub of her clitoris that hung like a miniature tongue amid the damp tangle of black pubic hair.

The fat old Padre smiled as he thought about the letter and the village's new arrival. Sandra Falwell, daughter of Steve Falwell and younger sister to Rachel, was to arrive in two days. He chuckled to himself as he gazed down at the dark haired slut laboring over his throbbing cock. "The young girl up and runs off to join her father and sister on their great quaint," he thought.

His cock throbbed and in the hot wet cavity of the girl's mouth.

"Enough. Up here." he said motioning for her to mount him. The old Padre reveled in the new power he wielded. A power that the young wretch Rachel had released in him, and the old Japanese Hatori had honed like a razor. With an eager moan, the naked young mestizo girl bounded to her feet and mounted the fat man's thighs. She slid her lithe form up his belly reaching between her splayed thighs for his swollen rod of flesh. With practiced ease, she wrapped her small fingers around the saliva wet staff rooting it's blunt wet snout up and down between her hairy lust swollen labia to slot the blunt head in the throat of her cunt.

"M-m-m-m-h, A-a-a-a-a-h!" she moaned as she forced herself back onto the thick post and felt it stretch the clinging flesh of her dripping cunt. She wiggled her ample bottom down the long black rod, luxuriating in the feel of its throbbing veins against her fat labia as they swabbed down its length. She raised her arms to rest them on the black Priest's shoulders leaning her breasts into his face. He mumbled with satisfaction as he licked and sucked at the inner curves of the girl's brown cleavage, ignoring the welts that marked the smooth brown skin. His own hands found the soft fleshy swells of the Indian girl's hips and guided her as she began her rhythmic rise and fall along the shaft of his cock, accompanied by the tinkle of the bells suspended from her fat brown nipples.

"U-n-n-n-ngh." he grunted, the clinging tightness of the girl's cunt too much for him, as his cock spasmed and began to spew thick cloying sperm against the battered walls of her womb. His mind spun to images of Rachel, pale skinned, her large naked breasts wobbling in his face as he used her as he used the young Indian girl now. His spurting cock throbbed at the thought of another young Anglo girl arriving to be in his safekeeping.

The men watched Rachel as she struggle obscenely to give herself yet another orgasm. Her heavy breasts swayed and jiggled, from her grossly stretched nipples, their impossible weight hanging from the two rings imbedded in the thick elongations of flesh. A string of drool swayed dripped and swayed from her chin as her mouth gaped open her pink tongue lolling. The tension from the tug of war between her nose and her massive fluid swollen breasts pulled on the ring piercing her nasal septum and pulling her pretty head upward. She squatted and hopped causing the heavy weight of her own breasts to pull and jerk at her thick pierced clit suspended at the end of the brass chain. Hopping, squatting, grunting she was a perverse spectacle, a mindless animal, searching for one thing, the rush of endorphin only the next climax could bring. A wet gurgle signaled yet another reeking climax, as she shuddered and moaned as the wave of filth consumed her, saturating her being. As soon as it passed she began the obscene dance again, her filthy bare feet scrabbling across the dirty floor.

Finally one of the men had had enough and walked behind the writhing girl. Dropping his pants he fisted his rampaging cock and mounted the girl from behind.

"M-m-m-m-m-h, N-o-o-o-o!" the wretched slut moaned in frustration as the young man clutched her fleshy hips halting her gyrations as he drove his veined cock into the wet pit of her cunt.

"O-h-h-h-, Y-e-e-s-s!" Rachel gurgled as the man's pounding hips renewed the tugging and jerking that gave her so much pleasure. Rachel's mind spiraled in animal lust. The pain in her horribly stretched nipples and nose formed a warm glowing cloak that dampened and smothered her being. Only the sharp cutting sensations from her abused clit cut through the fog and electrified her sated nerves. Her lust drunk brain swirled amid the vile sensations, her brief sentient thoughts, sent her spiraling into another vile climax, as she saw and understood what she had become and where she was. The filthy realization appalled another, but the disgust and self-loathing only thrilled the rank depraved part of her that ruled her now and spurred her to seek lower obscenities.

She felt the punishing cock thrusting against the abused knob of her swollen cervix swell and gush wetly, and she groaned in satisfaction. Her stretched wet labia bristled at the cold air as the spent cock withdrew only to be replaced by another brown vein wrapped shaft. On and on it went as her womb was assaulted by a deluge of writhing brown seed. Her ripe ovum carrying the secrets of her blue eyes, flax like yellow hair and pale alabaster skin, were engulfed by a horde of wriggling spermatozoa, like Attila's horde, spawn of the dark short ignorant men that sweated and rutted between her bruised white buttocks.

Steve Falwell grunted in the dark as the tightness enveloped him. He gritted his teeth at the exquisite pain as the tight brown sphincter of the girl's as threatened to peel the skin from his rigid cock. He his mind reeled at the vileness of this forbidden act the young slut seemed to enjoy so much. The young Indian girl had begun to teach the teacher. She had led him down paths of carnal pleasure he had never dreamt of. The libido he had unleashed in her was unfettered by the years of pious nonsense that bound his in leaden chains. Her joyful innocence in the pleasure he gave her and she him had broken through his most earnest reservations and doubts. Yes he knew he would be tormented by guilt and remorse. But all his lust driven mind could comprehend at this moment was the incredible squeezing heat of the young girl's anus and the luscious sight of her smooth brown buttocks rising and falling, swallowing engorged shaft of his white cock. He watched with glazed eyes as the brown ring engulfed his cock sliding down the thick shaft till the soft brown cushions of her sweating ass rested on his thighs. He watched the smooth brown skin of her back ripple as her muscles pulled her up. Beads of sweat ran down the hollow of her spine as her back arched. She leaned toward his feet, the wordless puckered mouth of her anus nibbling along his cock, the flesh of the tight ring pulling outward as if reluctant to relinquish even one inch of his swollen shaft. His hands spread the cheeks of her ass to reveal the deep brown flesh that nestled between. She moaned at the touch of his fingers as he explored her. His nostrils flared at the rich musk of the young girl's cunt mixed with the earthy smell of her ass as she rode upward stopping just below the knob of his cock. She forced a grunt from him as she constricted her muscles with a giggle, threatening to strangle the stalk of his cock. With a deep groan she masochistically thrust down impaling herself on his white prong, driving his lance into the hot steamy depths of her bowels stirring her guts.

"Attentione! Report to the parade ground in three minutes with full combat gear. Rapido! Rapido! The morning patrol has been ambushed by banditos!" the Sergeant yelled as he burst into the barracks. He glanced at the spectacle of the young American girl being mounted by one of the sweating young Indian troopers.

"Enough! The puta will still be here for your pleasure, I think, after you have earned your pay!" he grunted toward the half-clad men waiting their turn at the girl's dripping cunt.

Reluctantly the men turned and rushed to don their tunics and combat webbing. The lone young man huffing and grunting between the attractive young girl's splayed white cheeks grunted and shuddered as he pump long streams of thick sperm into her already clogged cunt. He pulled his rapidly deflating cock out of the girl's swollen clasping flesh. A mixed gob of congealing sperm fell wetly to the floor between the pretty girl's dirty bare feet. Rachel groaned helplessly in frustration as her empty quim cramped and throbbed trying to caress the phantom cock that her sated nerves could still feel stuffing her bottom. With a low moan she began her dance of perversion pulling and tugging at the hemp strands that distorted her flesh.

The Sergeant called the fat cook to him. "You are to watch after the young American puta until we return. The Padre should return for her soon." With that he turned to the group of men assembling in the cleared area of the camp. The Lieutenant had taken his place at the head of the milling group.

"Okay, single file, stay alert. We must assist our comrades. We go!" With that the Lieutenant led the file of young troopers as they began to wind their way into the thick jungle growth in the direction of the mountains. The clink and chink of the men and their equipment could be heard long after the thick growth had swallowed them up.

The fat cook waddled into the dark interior of the barracks to where the young girl shuffled and jerked in her mindless pursuit of her own vile degradation. The fat man stood watching the white form of the girl as she writhed and twisted pulling and tugging at the cords fixed to the rings imbedded in her tortured flesh. His greasy face split in a grin as he remembered last night and the feel of her clasping flesh around his fat stubby cock. The stalk of flesh began to swell beneath the dirty apron he wore. He waddled toward the girl, as she stood lost in her own twisted world. Without a word he clasped his hands front and back of the girls dripping crotch burying his thick dirty fingers into the sperm clogged pit of her cunt and the stretched mouth of her rectum.

"A-h-h-h-h-h, gl-u-g-g-gh!" the trapped girl groaned as his fingers dug into her tender private flesh.

"You like? You like your pozo filled, no?" he hissed through stained teeth only inches from the debauched face of the beautiful girl. The young woman only groaned, ignoring the stench of garlic on the man's breath, as his fingers rooted and scrapped amid the tender flesh of her scum choked holes.

"M-m-m-m-m-H, so caliente and wet." he whispered as he bent toward her ear.

With a quick thought he pulled his hands free and producing a knife cut the hemp that bound the young American. The taunt strands parted and Rachel's swollen breasts dropped to spring up and down on her thin chest to hang heavily. The mounds of turgid flesh projected out obscenely, the tight wrappings of hemp around their base biting deeply into the swollen flesh. The hemp was stained dark with sweat and cruelly constricted the mounds, squeezing the once alabaster flesh into bluish mushrooms. The heavy caps of her breasts shined, the flesh swollen and taunt from the pooling milk and blood. The reddish welts lost in the tissues now darker hue.

She moaned standing, wobbly and unsteadily on suddenly tired legs. Her nipples and clit glistened wetly, their tortured stretched flesh throbbing painfully. She stood moaning as her twisted brain sparked and jumped as it transmuted the pain to pleasure.

"Come with me, puta." the fat cook said hooking a finger in the girl's nose ring. Pulling her toward the nearby table. He pushed the unresisting young woman to her knees as he plopped his bulk into a chair.

Rachel's mind was a confused fog of need, frustration, and self-loathing. Her glassy glue eyes spied the brown stump of the fat man's cock as her pulled it free of his soiled trousers. With a pitiful moan the young, disfigured girl crawled between the man's splayed thighs. Her head shook in unavailing denial as her small hand reached for the stiffing stump of the corpulent brown man's cock. Her eyes watched in detached horror as her hand brought the dripping prong to her lips like a precious offering. Her serpentine tongue explored the delicious circumference of the throbbing pole, as her practiced hands retracted the wealth of foreskin that covered the swelling head. The little pink worm of her faithless tongue snaked out to lap at the pestilent head of the wretched cock. An involuntary groan bubbled from her lips as her tongue lapped up the smegma that coated the glossy head, the sebaceous secretions burning across her tongue like quicksilver, stoking her banked lust, into flickering flame. Her lips parted and engulfed the plumb like head in a wet suctioning embrace, as her small hands rooted within his soiled pants to free the hairy sack of his scrotum. Her practiced hands rolled the freed orbs of his sperm swollen balls like Captain Queeg, caressing the firm orbs within the wrinkly sacks of flesh.

The cook watched, his eyes bulging from his fat sweating face, as the young American girl caressed and sucked his loathsome member with enraptured intensity. His tongue licked at slack lips as his mind reeled at the sensations and sights that assailed it.

The dark squat woman in the doorway watched with growing outrage and disgust as the young girl rooted and grunted between the fat man's hairy thighs. The groans and wet smacking sounds coming from the girl's mouth drown out the woman's footsteps. The fat cook groaned as the fat stump of his cock fountained in the girl's voraciously sucking mouth. Rachel's lips sealed themselves around the spewing head, her lips hollowing as she sucked the thick streamers of sperm into her mouth, gulping them into her gullet.

The woman's sandaled foot caught Rachel's kneeling form full in the crotch between her splayed cheeks, sending her sprawling to her side. The cook's rampant cock continued to spew streamers of thick seed into the air, raining down upon the supine form of the girl. Thick clots of sperm splattered the abused form of the girl as the fat man's own hand replaced the girl's as he continued to pump his spurting cock determined to drain the last dregs from his orgasm.

His ears were deaf to the rants of his wife as she continued to kick the defaced young woman. His eyes only saw the thick white arcs of his seed as it pumped from his cock to land wetly across the quivering gelatinous mounds of the young woman's scarred and bound breasts. The clots of sperm liquefied to run like a soothing balm across the tortured flesh of the girl's vein mapped mammaries. The grossly swollen spires of her cum varnished nipples glittered like the brass rings embedded in the tender flesh, catching the lamplight, as his enraged wife kicked the young whore, causing the engorged mounds of her breasts to vacillate across her chest.

Rachel's mind was a confused mass of jangling nerves as a hard climax rippled through her as the gut wrenching pain from the kick to her crotch cramped her stomach. The pain from the woman's repeated kicks to her firm thighs and buttocks added to the flame like tendrils of pleasure that singed and threatened to consume the tattered remnants of her sanity.

"I'll kill you, you bitch!!" the cook's enraged wife screamed.

"No, Selma, you must not hurt her! he blurted, thinking of the Colonel and their own safety if his toy were to die. She is puta del Diablo, she bewitched me." he said springing to his feet, cock dangling wetly, to pull his wife away from the unresisting form of the girl.

"Puta del Diablo?" she repeated, her anger draining from her squat frame as she looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Si, the Colonel, ordered me to look after her until his return. She bewitched me and performed...well you saw for yourself. I was helpless in her spell." he lied.

"We must be rid of this demon puta." she said the red leaving her fat cheeks as she looked at the young naked teen moaning on the floor at her feet. "How can we keep her and protect ourselves?" she said aloud turning her head to face him wiggling the long braid of hair that hung down her back. "I know." she said flatly. "If she must bewitch something, she can bewitch the curs." she said with sadistic satisfaction. "We can put her in the pen near the kitchen with the dogs." --

Chap 41

The burst of 7.62mm rounds stitched across the chest of the young Lieutenant, three of the rounds passing through him in an explosion of crimson to embed themselves in the head of the young trooper walking behind him. The crack of the rounds broke the early morning silence. The Lieutenant unwisely walking point, slumped to the ground dead, never knowing he had led the platoon into a well laid "X" ambush. The veteran sergeant walking drag, heard the signal shots that killed the Lieutenant, then was hammered to the ground by converging bursts from right and left. As he fell a round hit the back of his head, the shock wave through his liquefied brain matter exploding his eyes from their sockets.

It was over in minutes, as leaderless, the young troopers huddled in clumps like sheep as the bandit's automatic weapons fire raked up and down the trail riddling the unresisting recruits.

The in moments silence returned to the jungle. Only the swish of the bandits moving through the brush broke the silence. Soon the rustling of clothing and the clink of equipment could be heard as the dead were stripped of anything useful. Silently the leader signaled his men and they returned to the jungle as wraithlike as they had come.

The clotting blood that pooled on the trail soon attracted the creatures that lived on carrion. The droning buzz of the blue flies intensified in the rising heat as they began to feast on the ruptured wet flesh of the corpses lining the trail. The eyes of the young Lieutenant stared sightlessly at the rising sun. It would be months before their remains were found.

The ferrocar chugged persistently along the tracks. Sandra Falwell had insisted on leaving Santa Cruz as early as she could. So the "Iron Car" a small gasoline driven car on rails that ran between the regular scheduled trains was her only alternative. She sat in the back seat and thought about the pending reunion with her father and sister. She looked at the missionary trip as a lark, a vacation away from the smothering presence of her overbearing mother. Her blue-gray eyes drifted to the vista outside the open window. The tall mesa's clad in greenery were a surprise to her. She wrinkled her pert freckle clad nose at the odor coming from the driver several seats in front of her, with a toss of her short red hair she dismissed it and her mind went on to other things.

She wiggled her ample bottom on the plastic of the seat, her shorts clinging to her sweat wet skin. Sandra was 2 years younger than her sister Rachel, her 5' 5' frame one measure of the difference. She had always been jealous of her older sister's classic Nordic beauty, Her’s was of a different sort. Her beauty was more earth mother, all red hair, and freckles. Just as attractive as her sister, her lips full, pert freckled nose, high cheeks, and clear forehead. Her small chin crowned a smooth jaw. Her shorts revealed that at 16 she already had the full hips of a mature woman, topping two muscular freckled legs. Her freckled shoulders were as broad as her sister's. Her sleeveless top showed that her freckled arms were just as sleek and firm. The fabric of her top was filled out just as well as her sister's. Her heavy pendulous breasts, the bane of her existence at school. Her sister's breasts had always been full and firm, Sandra's heavy and pendulous. Somehow she had always felt sloppy in a bikini next to her sister. Her prematurely ripe body not the sleek athletic one her sister possessed.

Sandra pushed the catty wish that maybe her sister's stay in the wilds of Bolivia had somehow reduced the beauty of which she was so jealous.

Exotic thoughts drifted in and out of Sandra's head as the heat of the day, and the rhythmic clickety clack of the car over the rail joints lulled her to sleep.

The cook's fat wife pulled Rachel along by her nose ring, the 18 year old crawling as swiftly as her swaying swollen breasts would allow. The woman had hobbled the young girl, connecting her ankles and wrists to one another with a length of cord, making it impossible for the teen to run, forcing her to shuffling along like some sort of pet.

Esuela took sadistic delight in her humiliation of the young Anglo slut. Her beauty was a source of intense hatred on the part of the squat Indian woman. She smiled to herself as she quickened her pace pulling the struggling girl, her pitiful whimpers a source of satisfaction to the fat woman. Esuela knew how the men had spent the night before. She heard the groaning, the laughter. She knew the kind of woman this one was. She had seen the whores bells before. Knew how the men talked and lusted after women such as her in the villages.

"If she wanted to play the part of the bitch slut, she would have her chance." Esuela thought as she neared the wooden enclosure. Sudden shuffling and barking erupted from behind the wooden slats. Harsh words from the Bolivian woman quelled the barking but the dogs within congregated near the door in anticipation. The woman reached up with her free hand and loosened the twisted wire holding the gate closed. When she opened the gate four large curs, paced a respectful distance from the opening. Rachel looked into the filthy interior of the enclosure. It's four foot high roof was made of wooden slats. It was open to the weather except for a narrow box like structure along one side providing protection from the elements. Several large ceramic bowls contained water, and here and there a dirty blanket lay in a heap in the dirt.

Rachel let out a piteous moan as Esuela pulled her by the nose ring toward the opening.

"In you go, puta!" she said with a sadistic laugh. "Your new friends want to meet you I think!"

The fat brown arm of the woman pulled Rachel into the enclosure as far as she could reach. Releasing the ring, she quickly planted a wide sandaled foot on the naked ass of the crawling girl and shoved her into the enclosure.

"U-u-u-u-u-h," was all the surprised girl said as she sprawled forward, the hobbling cords preventing her from catching herself. She landed on her pretty face, skidding across the hard packed earth. A moan gurgled from her mouth as her weight fell on the taunt bags of her filled swollen breasts. She rolled to her side, fine dust sticking to her perspiration. She wallowed there afraid to move as the four dogs moved closer sniffing, towering over her as she lay.

After a few minutes, the dogs moved back to the far corner, away from the feces covered area near the door.

Rachel rose and crawled to an area clear of filth and claimed a soiled blanket on which to lay. She curled on her side, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin through the overhead slats. She had no doubt that she deserved to be here. She remembered back to the acts she had willingly performed for the men the night before. How she had debased herself in exchange for pleasure. Yes, she deserved this.

Her mind wandered, thoughts of the soldier's return drifted through her mind, the sudden remembrance of the Sergeant's belt brought an almost painful throb to her neglected clitoris. A scrabbling noise to her right made her look up and she saw the three cur pups wiggling through the wide spaced slats of the enclosure. The sight of the three pups made her breath catch in her throat. The burning of forbidden pleasure burned in the pit of her stomach. Her blue eyes darted as if she was afraid someone would see. A bitter laugh bubbled to lips, "As if they haven't seen me do worse." she thought to herself. Her small white teeth caught her full bottom lip in anticipation of relief from the dull ache of her swollen udders.

"Yes, here you go," she said as she lifted the large heavy orb of her tightly bound right breast. Her small hands sinking into its meaty weight as she expressed large drops of milk from the elongated nipple capping the bluish mound, trying to entice the hungry mongrels.

"O-h-h-h-h-h, that's right-t-t-t-t!" she groaned as the largest pup latched onto the swollen reddish brown nipple that she offered. Her clit buzzed as his sharp teeth sank into the swollen turgid flesh. She felt the burning rush in her breast as the painfully swollen milk glands convulsed and their precious fluid fell as the pup voraciously sucked. Mumbling eagerly she groped for her other painfully swollen gland and offered it to a second eager pup.

Rachel lay on her back on the dirty blanket, the tight mounds of her breasts standing on her chest, held erect by the tight cords that circled the wide base of each breast. The pups feasted at the fat swollen teats capping each blue veined breast as they separated heavily on her narrow ribcage. She closed her eyes groaning and reveled in the feel of the sharp pinpricks at her elongated pierced nipples and the precious relief as her milk flowed. The mongrels whined and shuffled lapping and sucking at the copious flow of milk that dribbled from their flews as they greedily fed at her swollen mammaries.

She parted her thighs slightly in invitation to the third pup. The thick musk smell exuded from her damp labia, not only enticed the pup. The four adult curs soon began to sniff the air as well.

Rachel heard the shuffling from the far corner and pretended not to hear, concentrating on the pups. The familiar sick excitement rose like from her groin to engulf her reason, forcing her to spread her thighs in unacknowledged welcome to the sniffing curs. Fleeting memories of the huge black Dane and his monstrous tool flitted in her mind. She shook her head in mock denial, as her knees splayed and her slickened labia parted. A hot thick cloud of musk rose from her damp leaking cunt. The wet evidence of her greedy need mingled with the rank male emissions from the night before to form a disgusting odorous broth that belched forth a chemical signal to the curs. The attractive 18 year old refused to accept the truth, pretending not to notice the approach of the largest of the curs. His mangy hair a dark brown. She averted her eyes as she parted her thighs and raised her bottom slightly. The sick excitement welled in her stomach as the pups gnawed and chewed at her fat nipples. She heard the beast growl at the pup between her legs and felt the large dog's ear brush the inside of her thigh as he dipped his nose to sniff at the thick slime that leaked from her abused hole. Her fingers were curled into fists, knuckles white with anticipation, sparks flew from her nipples tingling her oversized clit from the pricks of the pups teeth. Her clit exploded in obscene delight at the first touch of the big dogs tongue. The young teen grunted, her lean form shivering as the climax ran through her. The sick feelings of filthy pleasure bubbled up as the brute lapped his tunneling tongue into her splayed cunt, lapping up the gruel of spent seed and vile need.

Rachel lifted her ass from the packed dirt in her eagerness to give herself to her new bestial lover. She levered her round ass up on sleek thighs, her tight cheeks dusted with dirt from the floor. Her firm thighs splayed wider as the dog busily lapped his tongue from top to bottom between her firm cheeks and thick swollen slabs of her labia. The click of the brass rings lining her labia was audible above her lust labored breathing as the dog's thick tongue wormed into every crease of her intimate flesh in search of her fragrant slime.

In her lust, her blue eyes darted between the peaks of her quivering breasts and through the legs of the shuffling beast. Her mind refused to accept the true treasure for which she searched, feigning disinterest when her eyes saw the heavy blue gray tube of the dogs phallus hanging from its hairy sheath. Her heart leapt as her guts knotted in sick fascination and her skin burned with obscene excitement at the sight of the heavy swaying canine dong. Her blue eyes traced each detail with greedy eagerness. The thick wet tube swung heavily beneath the belly of the beast. A dribble a thin semen dripped from the tiny point projecting from the bottom edge of the red tinged blunt snout. A web of dark red veins covered the slimy gray blue tube. Thicker at the snout the heavy swaying dong tapered toward the large bulge of hard flesh that was its knot. Her heart raced at the sight and size of the knot, still encased in the dong's retracted sheath, and swollen to its full size. Rachel knew that only the enclosed heat of her own greedy perverted sex would trigger that....

Her mind rebelled at the hungry thoughts that rose like vile puss, a vomitus sea of filth that consumed her hungrily, fueling the rising flames of lust that colored her skin crimson, and sent a hot tingling tide rushing across her body.

Her eyes refused to obey her screaming mind, the sight of the thick, wet, grayish tube, its surface seeming to writhe with red veins, hypnotized her as its heavy weight swayed beneath the dog's belly. Rachel ignored her mind's pleading as her back arched and the dog tunneled his wet tongue deeper into her weeping cunt. The mindless brute lapped and licked at the girl's willing offering, his wet cold nose bumping against her swollen throbbing clit, sending shivers of delight radiating through her pale form.

The large cur sniffed and licked, the scent of the girl's rich musk penetrating his dull brain. His hairy muscular haunches quivered as he pushed his scarred muzzle between the splayed thighs of the young woman. His ears perked at the girl's eager whimpers and he paused and raised his matted head to growl menacingly at the pups and the other dogs that had were closing in. A quick snap of his head and the other curs backed away and the pups scatted a respectable distance.

Rachel looked between the domed peaks of her bound breasts, the mauled spikes of her nipples glistened wetly with her milk and the pups saliva, at the beast that loomed dominatingly over her. Raised pulsing veins radiated away from the turgid knobs, thick and distorted by the teeth of the nursing curs.

Her eyes rose and met the dark eyes of the large male cur, she shivered, and her clit throbbed, her belly knotting with obscene anticipation. Her mind dredged up memories of the huge black Dane, her womb pulled tight in her belly at the sick thoughts of the stretching and stuffed sensations of the vile bestial act. Her guts cramped as she remembered the thick crugel hammering against the sensitive stump of her cervix, the weight of the beast on her smooth back and the feel of the coarse hair of huge dog's belly against her tense buttocks. She shuddered and came.....her filthy cunt flooded, a tell-tale gleam of new wetness shown between the red lined lips of her sex.

Barely able to tear her greedy eyes from the heavy swaying dong, the young teens body acted of its own volition as she rolled slowly to her side, her ears tuned to the slightest growl of displeasure from her new master. Her back and flanks were powdered with the dust from the packed dirt floor of the pen, scraps of cloth and hay hung in the fine hair of her unshaven legs. Rolling to her side, the weighty swollen bags hanging from her chest settled heavily to the side, rolling in the dust as she carefully sought to rise to her hands and knees. The desperate need that burned within her drove her to debase herself before the mindless brute looming over her, his flews dripping with foamy saliva mixed with the vile secretions from her own needy cunt.

Her foot bumped the cur's front foreleg, bringing forth a warning growl as his scarred saliva flecked flew quivered revealing chipped yellow canines. A whimper leaked from the girls mouth as she felt a hot knot of anticipation burn in her chest and rise slowly to her face. Her tortured nipples burned and her pierced clit tingled. The young teen forced herself to her hands and knees, her once pristine alabaster form striped and marred with the with the marks of days past. The marks of the belt were visible through the dirt clinging to her flanks and her dull blue breasts. The blotch of bruises left by hard demanding fingers and hands marked her sleek thighs now glimmering with vile wetness. The encouraging imprint of more than one hand was still visible through the dust powdering her firm white buttocks.

Rachel never raised her head from the dirt floor. She merely raised her buttocks up on her firm thighs, keeping her head slavishly mated to the dirt floor, her muscular back rising upward in a graceful arc to the splayed cheeks of her ass. Her swollen bovine breasts formed a pillow beneath her, her distorted nipples leaking puddles of wetness in the dust as the weight of her upper body expressed the white fluid. She groaned, grinding the painful bags into the filth beneath her, the rings in her nipples catching and pulling as she scrubbed them into the hard dirt floor.

Lost in the self-abuse of her gyrations, her the splayed crevasse of her raised buttocks waved invitingly before the muzzle of the mindless cur standing behind her. The rank musty odor of the teen's well used cunt wafted to the dripping wet nostrils of the watching beast. A low growl and the feel of the dog's wet nose between her splayed cheeks brought her back to the presence as a renewed thrill burned through her. The hot feel of obscene defilement ran through her and a smile came to her abused lips. She was once more to commit the ultimate in loathful acts. She had submitted to foul and arrant deeds with men, men she had willingly let use her as whore, slattern, trollop. Her own flesh was a record of her hideous needs and the scurrilous acts she had so eagerly enjoyed. But to lie prostrate before a mindless brute, to debase herself before a master of another species, this was the foulest depravity and the greatest pleasure she had yet experienced. Her pale dust covered cheek moved with the smile that rent her pretty face at the thought.

Her delicate nostrils blew puffs of dust from the hard packed floor as she wormed her arms beneath her, the girth of her swollen breasts forcing her arms out the cords connecting to her wrists and ankles limiting her movements.

The large cur stood behind her watching her grunting efforts, the dull brain behind his dark eyes uncomprehending of the irony of the heavy brass cross suspended from the creature's thick clitoris by a length of heavy chain. His meager brain was awash with the heavy veil of musk that welled up from the females dripping labia. The twin rows of dripping brass rings adorning the kneeling bitch's cunt held no interest for him, only the promise of procreation of his line interested him.

The eager girl's hands appeared beneath her, winning the battle against the weighty bags of her abused tits. Her fingers wiggled along her wet thighs like thick worms as she grunted with effort, reaching her labia to pull them further apart in invitation.

A wave of fresh musk burst in the cur's tiny brain, his front quarters lifted as his muscular rear legs skittered him forward, his loins crashing into the splayed buttocks of the eager young teen.

Chapter 42

Rachel grunted as the full weight of the large dog slammed down on to the small of her back, it's hairy belly mashing into the striped cushions of her up raised ass. A wave of nauseating excitement welled up in the beautiful girl's belly at the feel of the beast's forelegs griping her flesh hips and the coarse hair against her buttocks as it molded itself against her. The hideous cur's rear paws scratched her calf's as they pranced and hopped between the beggarly girl's splayed knees.

The thick log of the cur's cock slotted itself between the thick glistening slabs of the girl's swollen labia, missing the begging oval of her vagina as it arched downward in a heavy arch under its own blood engorged weight. Rachel whimpered and grunted in frustration as she felt the roughness of the canine cock rubbing against the swollen finger of her clit as it slid back and forth between her thick ringed labia, only an inch beneath the pleading mouth of her drooling cunt. Her depraved mind thought how different, how wonderful each dog cock felt as the pistoning dong brushed against her wet fingers as they gripped the thick rings and wantonly splayed her cunt. The Dane's thick, slick cudgel, and now the this. She groaned as the rough gray tube grated against her thick swollen clit. The thin coating of smegma gone, the rough swollen flesh of the gray, red fringed club rasped again and again against the angry sensitive flesh of her distended clit. The heavy cross marking her guilt swinging beneath it tugging and pulling as it bounced between her splayed thighs.

The pretty athletic teen twisted her upper body hard to the right, her cheek still pressed slavishly to the packed dirt. A wave of pleasure coursed through her as her movement scrubbed her inflated nipples against the roughness of the packed dirt. She shuddered, her eyes fluttering, her tongue licking impotently at the ring piercing her septum as a putrid climax slithered through her veins at the sight of the mangy cur mounting her. She watched in bitter frustration as the large dog's hindquarters bounced fruitlessly against her upturned ass as his club like cock sawed back and forth between her slick labia.

Trembling with need her right hand reached for the elusive swaying tube, her eyes consumed the swaying dong, it's length swathed in tiny dark red veins, like some ancient hieroglyphs, her mind ensorcelled by the dong as it swayed before her. Like a demented prayer wheel, it's hypnotic swaying wordlessly casting forth the spell written in the obscene *********** of its encrusting veins.

Sweat beaded the inflated cheeks of Maria's pretty face in the stifling confines of the fetid banyo. The vile sounds coming from her stuffed mouth rang loudly in her ears in the small confines as she slurped and gobbled the thick black cock. The Priest's cassock was bunched up on his swollen belly and she knelt between his splayed thighs. The stench of the toilet and filthy floor made fleeting intrusions past the thick aroma rising from the old Priest's sweating balls. The young Indian girl's lips were already swollen from the sebum on the old man's skin, fueling her enthusiasm. He guts knotted with the evil thrill she never tired of, degrading herself for a man of the cloth. Her ignored clit buzzed with vile evil as she forced her eager mouth down onto the swelling cock to be rewarded with the wet spasm she knew was imminent. A mini climax coursed through her defiled nerves as she gulped the Priest's thick load. The corrupted old Priest sighed as his thick black cock pumped spurt after spurt of sperm into the sucking girl's throat.

His depraved mind toyed with the memories of all the ripe young women that had passed through his helping hands down the years. All the missed opportunities. Never again the defiled Priest thought. His churning balls constricted as yet another thick gout of sperm clogged the moaning girls throat. His heavy cock and withered balls for so long so much dead meat between his legs, a reminder of his stolen manhood. "Never again." he thought, as his cock surged spewing one last wad of viscous sperm into the gleeful Indian girl's mouth.

Maria stood nervously by the side of the old Padre. Her eyes darted from side to side wondering at the absence of vendors that usually lined the platform awaiting the arrival of the train. They would descend upon the windows and down the isles hawking their wares, food, souvenirs, in the few minutes the train paused on its way to Columba, Brazil. She didn't know that today only the Ferrocar would arrive. The Padre thought that Sandra Farrell would be more at ease in the presence of another woman. After all they still had a long ride back to the village.

Sandra moaned as she felt the hand on her hip hold her in place. A broken tooth leer split the dark face below the expressionless eyes. His eyes never left her green eyes as his hand slid beneath her top to cup and squeeze her large breast. Bile rose in her throat as she felt her nipples harden at his touch and the beginning of the despised buzzing between her legs.

"No, I...please, por favor...", she mumbled as she squirmed beneath the exploring hands.

"Senorita, por favor, the station, it is near." the driver of the Ferrocar said as he shook her gently.

She awoke with a start the driver's leering face looming above her. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and noticed that her shorts had wedged themselves nicely between the fat lips of her labia, the classic camel toe, the combination of sweat and musk leaving a dark stain along the buried seam. She giggled with embarrassment as she realized the cause of the driver's leer. She shuddered at the dream and wondered at its meaning, a feeling of sick guilt lay sourly in the pit of her stomach. She could see the approaching station in the distance. "At last" she thought. She felt she was at the threshold of a new life.

Rachel's fingers guided the pumping gray rod to the mouth of her cunt. She groaned as she felt it's roughness under her small white fingers. Her little digits eagerly guided the thick red rimmed snout until it caught itself in the throat of her cunt. The clasping mouth of her cunt held the thick snout for an instance's lingering kiss, before the dog's pumping hindquarters drove the thick tube of gray bestial meat into the writhing depths of her guts. A white hot flash filled her brain as the hard fist of the dog's knot punched into her splayed labia, and the fingers of her left hand. Her clit jangled as the swaying cross tugged under the impact. The thick animal cock bored into the depths of her teenage cunt, it's thick snout driving against the spongy stump of her abuse cervix, glancing away and jabbing into the resilient flesh of her womb. The excited flesh of her vagina rippled and clutched at the bestial invader in delight. The teen's depraved body responding independently. Her rational mind trapped in a prison of lustful need. Unheeding the plaintive cries of reason her body continued its abominable journey, as it pushed reason deeper into the solitary confines of a cell only corrupt satisfaction would reveal.

The impact of the stiff rod of animal flesh against the bottom of her cunt brought a grunt of physical pain from the mortified teen. A glorious feeling welled up within her like the pus from a suppurating wound, as the walls of her young cunt contracted and rippled around the thick intruder. The once pristine young teen shuddered in pleasure as the thick bestial cock began to piston in and out of her clasping cunt. Her clear blue eyes fluttered as she watched the scrubby flanks of the large cur dance between the dirty pale columns of her thighs as the mindless beast labored to act out his primal instinct of reproduction. The dirty beast hunched over her raised white buttocks, his deep chest molded to the arched curve of her back. His foam flecked muzzle dripped hotly on her sweating back as she ground her swollen breasts into the filthy dirt floor in self-abasement.

"Ungh, ugnh, ughn," she grunted with each thrust of the cur's flanks. Her blue eyes watched half lidded as the red rimmed gray cock buried itself inside her. Rachel watched as the bestial dong pistoned in and out of her clasping cunt, slick with her own guilty juices. The large plums of the cur's balls danced in her eyes as she watched the beast's swollen knot, still hidden within the hairy foreskin hammer time again and again against the swollen pierced lips of her sex.

Unseen by the lust blinded teen, Escuela leaned heavily against the thick corner post of the pen. Her clouded eyes watched as the young Norte American puta played bitch to the large cur. The fat woman licked at the hair that faintly lined her upper lip as she arched her thick back, pushing her fat dimpled buttocks backward. "Ahh, bueno, bueno!!" she groaned quietly as she felt the thick stump of her husband's cock reach deeper into the rank confines of her slovenly cunt. She sighed as she felt his fat belly rub against the porcine expanse of her ass exposed beneath the raised hem of her dress.

"The puta is so mallo, so foul." she thought, wallowing like a sow in the depravity of the beautiful teen's act of perversion. The sight of the statuesque blonde beauty slavishly giving herself to the mongrel cur sent shivers of depraved delight through the fat middle aged woman. She had heard of such things, but....never did she think she would enjoy watching... She shuddered as a thick lurid climax washed over her. Her hushed whispers urged her husband to renewed efforts as he stood between her flabby fat thighs and labored at her sodden pit. Their malodorous eyes devoured the unholy spectacle before them like twin bottle flies buzzing around a putrefying corpse.

Rachel groveled beneath the arched form of the humping dog. The scrubby fur of the beast grinding into her pale flesh as the dog mindlessly gripped her fleshy hips with his forelegs. The labored breathing of the brute rang in her ears as she grunted and gurgled through one orgasm after another beneath the masterful stroking of his heavy dong. The lips of her wet drooling sex swabbed along the pistoning rod of animal scepter, leaving it dripping with the cankerous secretions of her depraved worship. The mindless, soulless brute labored to fulfill a instinctual need, while the polluted teen offered herself for black debasement, her pride and reason imprisoned in a purgatorial prison constructed of her own vile lust.

The teen grunted with effort as she squirmed her jackknifed torso further to the right. Her slender arms forced past the compressed balloons of her swollen breasts as she groped between the splayed columns of her thighs. Her nimble fingers wriggled like tiny worms, driven by the squalorous motives. A moan of delight oozed from her deflowered throat when her questing fingers clasped around the hard bulge of the dog's knot. Threading her fingers around the swollen ball she forced the hair skin of the dog's sheath back behind the hard knot. Her greedy fingers desperately pulled at the apple sized ball forcing it between the swollen lips of her dripping sex. She grunted and groveled like a serf before his master as she forced the hard knot slowly into the dilated throat of her stretched sex.

"Uhh, uhh, uhh, ahh, ahh, yes-s-s-s-s!" she moaned as the knot popped past the taunt flesh of her ravaged cunt. The shimmering wave of another virulent climax seethed through her sated flesh as she felt her vagina spasm around the fist like knot stretching her.

Even as she wallowed in the vomitous pit of her own defilement, she could feel the cur's knot beginning to swell under the vile caresses of her unholy cunt. She lay groveling on the dusty ground, he eyes locked on the juncture of union between slave and master, her copious vile juices wetting the union, hanging in vile glimmering strings, a libidinous offering sealing their obscene coupling.

She purred and gurgled, her wet hands laying aside her head in the dust, no longer needed. The swollen knot firmly linking beast and woman, master and slave, cur, and bitch. She floated in a drugged state from the endless chain of depraved orgasms, as she felt the repeated jets of hot animal sperm bath her tortured cunt. Her bottom was awash with the bottled up mixture of her own secretions and the vile bestial seed of the scrubby cur, his large swollen knot corking her greedy cunt.

A long sonorous moan emanated from her throat as the cur's cock throbbed in endless contractions, filling her over stuffed cunt to bursting. Her languor was broken as the dog jumped from her back, his cock twisting in her cunt as he faced away from the kneeling girl. The first brutal tug at her constricted cunt caused her to thrust her hands beneath her to grab the cur's hind legs. Only two pair of eyes beheld the obscene sight of the large dog struggling forward dragging the tall kneeling teen behind him as she desperately struggled to keep him from wrenching the now softball sized knot from her cunt. The dog seemed to content to halt his movement when he reached the clay water bowl. Rachel moaned with relief as the tearing pressure left her bottom. It was then she saw the dark eyes of the fat woman leering through the wooden slats of the pen. Escuela licked hungrily at her fat lips, her chin wet, as the sweating cook labored behind her his hands gripping her fat swaying hips. Rachel's blue eyes rolled eye lashes fluttering as another blinding orgasm born of humiliation and degradation rippled through her.

Chap 43

Sandra was amazed by the thickness of the jungle. Her cloths were sticking to her as the stifling heat seemed to melt them to her freckled skin. He view was limited to the broad back of the fat old Priest perched god like on the horse in front of her and the thick green vegetation that rose like a wall next to the narrow trail. She noted that the Padre seemed not to notice the heat, despite the large dark sweat stain on his black cassock in the center of his back. The young Indian girl rode behind her on the narrow path. She had been introduced simply as Maria and looked pathetic. The thin cotton dress she wore left little to the imagination. Her brown aureoles were clearly visible through the thin fabric. Sandra heard the tinkle, and by close inspection had concluded that the girl had bells hanging from her thick nipples. She would have been the envy of every "gothic" gal she knew back at school.

Sandra had been a little surprised that neither her father nor sister had been to meet her. After reassurances from the Priest she had agreed to go with him to the village where he said they would meet her. "On the whole, quite an adventure." she thought to herself. "Wait till mom finds out where I am." she giggled to herself as the horses plodded along in the heat.

She ignored the pain in her knees as she raised her chest from the dirt floor to brace herself. Her little fingers scrabbled in the dirt as she felt the hairy brute's knot stretching her dripping hole. She had laid for a full thirty minutes luxuriating in the obscene feeling of the cur's cock and knot filling her clenching cunt. The muscles of her quim had memorized every undulation, every detail of the twin hemispheres of the gorgeous lump of blood engorged canine flesh. The reality of the act had sent her cunt on a continued orgy of spasms, the tender flesh rippling and clenching around the log like invader, unsure whether to expel it or embrace it for all time. The depraved demon that was her clit assaulted her senses with climax after filthy climax, as if to bludgeon the remaining reason in her brain to jelly. Her once articulate voice was reduced to the bestial grunts and moans of a bitch in heat as the she wallowed in the wanton depravity of her bestial domination. Now his instinctual needs sated the cur was finished with her, an ocean of his seed filling her dilated womb, dammed up behind his shrinking knot. Now half its previous size, the cur was attempting to pull free.

With a sickening wet sucking sound the grayish knot popped free, followed by a gush of liquid filth, a soup of their mingled fluids that streamed from the gaping mouth of her distended cunt, wetting the rings marking her for what she was. The thick vileness decanted along the heavy chain suspended from her clitoris to drip luridly from the heavy cross that hung at its' end. Rachel moaned as she looked back between her heavy hanging breasts as the liquid guilt pooled beneath her and shuddered as yet another black climax tingled along her nerves to rouse her polluted senses.

The thick wet log of her master's cock swung heavily between his flanks as he walked away disinterested, his primal urge met. The cur flopped to the dusty ground and began to clean himself as his human bitch knelt before him forgotten.

The young Anglo missionary, once a promising law student, daughter, knelt in the filthy kennel, her long slender thighs glistened with spent animal sperm and the depraved secretions of her defiled womb. Her red streaked buttocks stood high and proud on the alabaster columns of her thighs. The faint red welts and bruises of the previous days and fresh scratches from her recent lover's dew claws, giving her flesh the look of some exotic marble. The lean moons of her buttocks separated by a wide chasm, revealing the ravaged flesh of her anus and the pierced lips of her labia. The dripping mouth of her cunt gaped silently like some wordless guilty mouth, silent in the face of its revealed depravity. Beneath it, the master of her downfall, her glistening red cardinal of lust, her engorged clitoris. It hung there pulsing, red and shiny with lust driven blood, it's flesh puckered around the thick ring piercing its base. Beneath it, covered in the slime of her loathsome act, hung the heavy cross and chain, cloyed with the thick congealing filth of her hideous guilt, symbolic of her defiled self.

Rachel's head hung slackly on her smooth neck, the tendrils of her matted filthy blond tresses her only modesty as they hung down to hide her wistfully smiling face. A bead of sweat hung from the apex of her upper lip to drip to the powdery ground beneath her. Her slender muscular arms extended like miniature ivory legs, supporting her upper body. The grotesque balloons that were her purplish swollen breasts, hung from her chest, fat nipples like chewed cigar butts, projecting wetly from the pebbly expanse of her thickened red aureoles. Their weight pulled the skin of her ribcage taunt, her ribs standing our clearly beneath her pale skin. The hemp cord circling each breast, stained with sweat, and caked with dirt, cut deeply into the base of each heavy liquid filled bag of flesh. The muscles and sinews of her back like the cables of a mighty bridge, stretched taunt, supporting the downward curve of her back till it rose majestically to join the brazen ivory globes of her buttocks.

All shame forgotten in her emptiness, she knelt, alone, hollow. Her keepers forgotten, were exhausted from their voyeuristic driven coupling.

A low moan rose in the silence, her soiled blond tresses shaking in denial even as her pale arms braced, and her sperm streaked thighs tensed to accept the weight of yet another shaggy bestial lover.

Sandra was surprised by the serenity of the village. It was not at all what she had expected on the long ride from the train station. The sun was dipping beneath the horizon as they dismounted in the village square.

"Come my child, I will show you to your place in the church." intoned the chocolate voice of the old Padre. "Maria will see to your things." he said with a nod to the Indian girl.

The pretty redhead followed the hulking form of the old black priest toward the church. The gaze of her green eyes flitted around the plaza as they walked in the gathering darkness. Her pendulous breasts swayed and jiggled freely within her sleeveless blouse with each clump of her hiking boots. The freckled legs beneath her tan shorts were stout and firm supporting a set of womanly hips. The glint of her navel ring shone on her bare midriff. As she walked her slim freckled arms swung energetically along her sides. A small hand pushed her short red tresses behind her right ear as her pert freckled nose sniffed in an attempt to decipher the gumbo of smells from the village and surrounding jungle.

The church door opened with a resonating creak, the sound resonating in the hollow sanctuary. The Priest led her into the darkness of the church. She followed his shadowy form willingly as he led her toward the rectory, their way lit by the flickering flame of a single candle. The air of mystery caused the pretty young girl's skin to tingle. Soon she would be reunited with her sister and father. She had made the right decision to come here she thought as she stepped through the doorway into the rectory.

She barely felt a wisp as the cord of the noose slip over her pretty head an instant before it drew taunt. Her panicked eyes flew to the grinning face of the black priest as he stood just out of reach. Her eyes blurred as her oxygen starved brain began to fog, her fingers digging at the thin cord cutting into her neck. The pretty girl fought driven by mindless panic twisting and turning, thrashing at the end of the pole pressed tightly against her neck from which the noose extended. Her clouding green eyes searched for the figure at the end of the pole in the dim light. Her struggles drove her into the center of the room, dragging pole and handler behind her. Before shadowy night descended over her eyes she saw the nightmarish face of an old oriental man, lifeless cruel eyes consuming her above the gnarled grin of crooked rotten teeth.

Chap 44

The old man sat back, the sweat coating his face gave the wrinkled slits of his aged Asian face a simian quality. Long wet strands of his thinning hair hung down his yellow forehead sprung free from the knot at the back of his head. His thin lips pulled into a tight smile of satisfaction as he observed his work. He turned to the old black Priest and his smile broadened to reveal the brown rotten stumps of long neglected teeth.

"Nice? Yes?" he said, not really expecting an answer. As his eyes returned to the taunt arch of pink and white flesh suspended in the center of the room. The young, freckled teen with the womanly curves hung four feet off the floor. A human bow of muscle and bone. Her arms were drawn back, elbows almost touching, welded together by a solid wrapping of coarse hemp rope to her wrists. Her white legs, bent at the knees were drawn back over her ample buttocks. A spreader between her knees splayed her thighs, the strain on her wide hips clearly seen in their taunt flesh. The solid wrappings at her ankles were joined to those at her wrists, her nubile body bent into the shape of a rocking "A". The pale pinkish flesh of her torso and waist was imprisoned in a tight sheath of still more wrappings of coarse hemp rope. Her large pendulous breasts hung distorted, squeezed though a narrow gap in tight corset of rope. The thick red nubs of her nipples were wrapped with thin cord from which hung empty rings. Her fat pink aureoles were swollen and wet from the attentions of the old man. The rope creaked as the bound beauty slowly turned suspended from a single rope affixed to the rope corset at her body's precise center of balance. Even in the dim light of the rectory the cruel vise, formed by two thin dried stalks of cane, trapping the swollen pouting lips of her swollen labia was visible.

Her head was held up and back, her pretty features distorted by the twin hooks inserted in her nostrils. Her clear freckled chin hung down, her mouth agape as her breath rasped quietly from her throat. Her red hair framed her quiet face, beads of sweat sparkled in the fine red hair of her brows. The pink tinted finely veined skin of her lids sheltered innocent eyes soon to open to madness.

The old Priest stepped toward the suspended form and turned her for his inspection. He noted the smooth white skin was marked only by a fine sprinkling of reddish freckles. Here and there Blue veins were visible beneath the translucent paleness. He skin seemed to possess a tender pink cast, adding to her helplessness. His wandering gaze fell on the dark crevasse between her splayed legs and it's pink hued flesh.

"This one might well be a virgin. No telling with the sluts from Norte America." he intoned in his deep voice. It was a struggle to keep his building excitement out of his voice. The aphrodisiac of control he had become addicted to was working it's magic as it transformed a lump of inert flesh into a pulsing mace of power, a club with which he would dominate. He would train this one too, with the old man's help. She would become another slobbering vessel of lust, begging to be filled with the spent lust of men. She would learn to worship her new master, her new god, the phallus. In doing she would damn herself so that others might be saved.

His mind continued to ramble, but his fingers were purposeful. His thick black digits slid between the buttocks of the unconscious girl. He grunted in satisfaction as his index finger met resistance as it wormed it's way between the damp clinging flesh of her pink labia. His demanding probing brought a waking whimper from the young teen.

Hatori saw the stirrings of the girl, and stepped to her head, gag in hand. He quickly stuffed the crude ball gag into her mouth, forcing it past her full pink lips and between her small white teeth. The girl's eyes opened in wide panicked confusion. She tried to buck but the tense contorted shape of her body prevented anything more than a moaning wail of desperation and confusion.

Sandra woke to pressure on her jaw, with a start of panic she felt something hard and unyielding being forced into her mouth past her teeth prying her jaws apart to rest heavily on her tongue. She tried to scream, snorting a breath through her freckled nose only to feel a crushing pressure on her chest preventing all but a shallow breath. Her mind besotted with panic she tried to move, tried to thrash her arms, her legs only to feel them pinned in a numbly in a seeming immovable vice. She began to moan and wail, utter confusion mapped across her pretty face. The faint sounds of laughter began to penetrate the veil of panic that cloaked her mind.

All was madness as she saw the room spin, the walls turning, two laughing figures to the side, no, behind her, no, wait. The room wasn't spinning, she was. Vomit rose in her throat as the dull ache of her shoulders and hips penetrated the rapidly evaporating shelter of unconsciousness. The icy fingers of panic once more gripped her brain threatening to crush it, her wide green eyes rolled as she tried to buck and thrash, only robbing her of what little air her starving lungs were rationed by the merciless ropes.

Panic engulfed her, devouring her reason and consumed her strength. Exhaustion finally claimed her helpless pink form. Hanging from the single rope she looked like a plump pink grub imprisoned in the brown wrapping of a giant spider. Helpless, the only evidence of life, her pitiful whimpering sobs. The high pitched "hmee hmee hmee" of her sobs partly stifled by the gag in her mouth and constricted chest, sounding like some demented laugh, reflective of her tenuous grasp on reason.

Surely this was madness she thought, a horrible dream, a nightmare. He mind was distracted by the dull aching throb from too many places to track. She couldn't move, numbness competed with pain for space in her confused brain. Suddenly a face, a voice, a floating straw in a boiling sea, her mind lunged, coughing and screaming toward the one desperate hope.

"You wakee, missee?" the greasy face said to her. "You like your new home? You be new toy for Hatori, yes?"

The babbling of the wrinkled face only confused her. Her tear filled green eyes focusing and unfocusing on the leering gash of a mouth, not able to comprehend what he was saying.

'Hmee, hmee, hmee." leaked from behind the gag as despair threatened to threaten the brain once again beneath the short red hair.

"There is nothing to be afraid of my child." the rich sonorous tones of a familiar voice soothed her. "You are where god willed, my child. You have been brought to here to serve." the voice continued. She felt a warm hand on her side, turning her. The dark face of the old Padre loomed above her. "You will be taught to serve. Your flesh will become a temple upon which the sinful can redeem themselves." he said as his thick fingers probed between her splayed thighs.

"You must first be cleansed of the foul taint of self and selfishness that have polluted this vessel of the lord." he said raising his wet slick fingers before her eyes.

"This is not an easy lesson. It is learned only through abject repentance and humility. You must debase yourself before us, before all, and only then can you fulfill god's purpose." he said as he wiped his soiled fingers across her gaping lips.

The girl struggled in revulsion at the man's words and actions. Her mind reeling as he continued, his hands exploring her helpless body.

"To this end I place you in the hands of my friend. He shall show you the path. In his demanding cruelty you will find your way, your ultimate purpose."

Vestal Whore: Communion of Degradation Chap 45

Rachel lay curled at the side of the pen a respectful distance from the male curs. Her red rimmed blue eyes darted nervously to and from the resting males. Her arm rubbed nervously at a scabbed bite on her thigh, a souvenir of a lesson learned. Her blond hair was matted and clotted with filth, as dirty as her pale skin. When the soldiers had not returned after several days, she had removed the tight bindings on her swollen breasts. The cook and his wife only saw her when they came to feed the dogs or when they fucked while they watched her being mounted by the curs, which was often. There were also the times late at night or early in the morning when the cook would offer her choice scraps in exchange for her sucking his thick cock through the slats of the pen. It seemed a better alternative than fighting the curs for food. She sniffed the odor of food through the stink of the dog droppings near where she lay. Her part of the pen was where the rest came to relieve themselves. She heard the whimpering yapping and knew it was time. She rolled on her side as the three pups came to nurse. Her fat milk swollen breasts rolled to the side, melding together, a pile of curvaceous flesh. The livid marks of the Sergeants belt had begun to fade to reveal the bluish veins that mapped her laboring breasts. She sighed with a mixture of relief and pleasure as her milk fell in answer to the voracious sucking of the pups and her thick clit began to tingle. She no longer had to prompt the pups, the rooted amid the luscious pile of flesh till they found the swollen nipples centered in the expanse of her thick red pebbly aureoles. Her long swollen nipples had become tough and distorted from the sharp teeth of the hungry pups. The thick rings piercing the flesh near their base slightly stretching the swollen flesh. Her small white fingers idly traced the thick blue veins running under the skin of her breast bone down to the heavy swollen udders that wobbled under the pups feeding. The throbbing ache of her engorged glands began to abate as one pup finished and another took its place. She knew and was grateful that they would be back before the day was out.

As the last pup finished her eyes darted to the far end of the pen, one of the curs had risen to his feet and was padding slowly toward her. Her stomach knotted with fear as she recognized it as the one that had bitten her the day before. She had only move slightly as he was at the water bowl and he had snarled, his snapping jays closing on the meaty part of her thigh below the hip.

The cur walked to where she lay. The yellow eyes of the brute met hers then the great shaggy head turned, his muzzle dropping to sniff and nudge at the back of her closed thighs. Rachel felt her womb spasm as guilt and humiliation mixed with filthy feelings of anticipation and desire to form an intoxicating brew that swept all before it. Her supple legs flexed as if in control of themselves, her arms pushing her up on all fours. Tears welled in her blue eyes as her mind fought a losing battle, her limbs responding to the tingle in her clit, now a commanding throb.

The beautiful young teen braced her arms locking her elbows, her strong white thighs spread and tensed. The cur sniffed at the air catching the thick rank musk that rose from between the splayed buttocks of the bitch braced ready and waiting before him. The blond bitch raised her head, the tears running down her cheeks diverted around the smile that slowly pulled her dry cracked lips upward. Her tiny pink tongue peeked out in anticipation of the pleasure to come. She waited for the heavy thick post of canine flesh that would fill and stretch her. The pounding hot lust that would fill her despairing brain. Her nostrils flared at the thought of the hot pulsing spurts of animal sperm that would soon fill her cramping womb, trapped behind a pulsing hard knot of blood swollen flesh.

A wave of putrescence pleasure coursed through her as she felt the sharp dew claws of the animals forelegs dig into her hips as his hairy loins pressed into her buttocks. She felt giddy with sick pleasure as she felt the cur's thick dong prod wetly along the backs of her thighs to invade the stinking crevasse between her brazen buttocks. A small white hand snaked back running the gauntlet of her heavily swaying breasts to capture and guide her lover's red phallus into her eager welcoming womb.

She whimpered as she felt the dull throb of her labia. The confused red haired teen hung bound as the wizened yellow man went about his task jabbering as he did.

"You are my slut girl now, missee. Just like your sistor, she makee a very nice slut girl, very nice." the old man giggled as he busied himself between the helpless girl's spread thighs.

The old man's words burned into her brain like acid, causing a new wave of nausea in her already empty gut. He mind swirled with a thousand questions. "Had they done this to Rachel? Where was their father? Why were they doing this? What would become of her? Her mind seemed to be drowning in a sea of uncertainty and she felt herself once again sliding into the dark water of panic, like a swimmer who has taken one step to many and teeters on the edge of deep swift moving water, her mind desperately fought to regain the shallow water of familiarity and certainty.

"I teach you to be good slut girl like sister. She likee to suck cock, man cock, dog cock, all cock..." he tittered enjoying the look of disbelief and panic on her face.

The pretty freckled teen felt her skin crawl as she felt the old man's hands at her most private places. She felt the prodding and feather light touch of his fingers between her thighs through the dull throb in her labia. She tried in vain to turn her head against the upward pressure of the twin tines imbedded deeply in her nostrils.

The old man looped a cord around the thin reeds clamped cruelly around her pouting labia. The pinkish flesh looked like a dark red Kaiser roll as it bulged from between the constricting reeds. The swollen flesh thick and dark it's covering of red hair bristling from the engorged flesh which seemed to part on its own, heavy with trapped blood from the constricted circulation. He ran his dirty fingers down over the damp cleft finding her clit as it peeked anxiously from beneath the swollen hood like a miniature tongue. Trapping the sensitive flesh between his finger and thumb he gave it a cruel twist, pinching it harshly and was rewarded with a muffled sob from beneath the gag, the girl's bound form making a pathetic attempt to twist away from his grasp.

The old man threaded the cord around her labia between the tensed cheeks of her ass. He giggled as he spread her lush pink cheeks to glimpse the dark red flesh of her anus. The old man hawked a wad of phlegm and spat it onto the crinkled depression of her sphincter before worming his forefinger into the virgin flesh.

Sandra groaned into the gag that filled her mouth, sobbing as she felt the strange old man defiling her body. All modesty had been stripped from her by the strange men, her mind had clung to the shreds of self-respect the old man was now obliterating.

Her eyes looked toward the movement near the wall and her mind reeled as she recognized the young Indian girl stood there meekly. It was then that she realized she was lost, that they could do whatever they wanted and she was powerless to stop them. Despair filled her being like a dark saturating fluid, it's inky filth pervading every cell. Her mind saw her once pristine self forever defiled, an invisible black stain wherever the old man's hands touched her. From beneath the pall of humiliation came blame, blame for herself, for letting it happen, for being too weak to stop it. The old man's experienced hands probed and explored playing the girl's flesh like a symphony. Ringing out note after note of clear degrading humiliation. He lowered his head his face near her soft freckled shoulder. His breath rasped excitedly through his rotted teeth, his foul breath washing over the pretty girl's gag distorted face as he reached beneath her to fondle her pink pendulous breasts. He grinned to himself as he played with the soft heavy bags playing yet another movement in his symphony. He knew that blame would slowly began to twisted and change beneath his hands until it became a virulent corrosive self-loathing. It would eat away at the young woman's reality, destroying her will to resist, to reason, ultimately preventing her from blaming her abusers at all. They would become the righteous tools in her own quest for degradation. She would ultimately seek to use them in a quest to punish herself. The old oriental smiled inwardly, "The mind is a two edged sword."

His withered hands squeezed and pinched at the soft flesh of the young teen's fat breasts. He tweaked and plucked at the thick stubs of her bound nipples coaxing them to increased hardness only to cruelly pinch and twist at them. Then he began again. Tiring of the cat and mouse game with her nipples he deliberately mauled the fat bags, digging his fingers harshly into the flesh as if he were kneading dough. His fingers explored every variation of the inner flesh of the girl's firm fat breasts. Her muffled sobs and animal like whimpers only excited him to further cruelty. When he was finally bored, her sobs had become a sustained high pitched whine, punctuated by sobbing inhalations of breath through her tortured nostrils. The milky pinkish white skin of her freckled breasts was splotched with red as the bruises from his hard fingers began to discolor.

The old man snapped his fingers and motioned to Maria from his position hear the helpless bound girl. Maria went to the table near the wall and returned carrying three heavy clay pots, each pot was suspended by three cords, planter fashion. They contained varying amounts of sand.

Hattori ran the cord up to a ring affixed to the rope supporting the bound bundle of pink feminine flesh. Standing near the girl's head, he tugged at the cord which brought a muffled cry from the girl as the tension on her swollen labia began to upended her like a teapot, as she pivoted beneath the rope from which she hung. He released the tension on the cord and she seesawed back down.

"A-w-w-h-h, y-e-e-h, y-e-e-h, h-e-e, h-e-e!" the helpless teen gurgled into the gag as her decent was stopped abruptly as the cord jerked at the livid pouch of tender flesh trapped between the compressed reeds. The old man giggled as he began to tilt the helpless pretty thing up and down, varying the distance he let her travel before halting her movement with a vicious tug on the cord held firmly in his hand.

The girl's muffled sobs and pitiful crying whimpers were music to the old man's ears. His withered cock began to spring slowly to life. Maria felt her own bottom throb in sympathy feeling the familiar pain from memory, memories that caused the hair covered lips of her vagina to begin to drool.

The old man directed her and she picked up first one then another of the pots and hung them by the attached cords from the rings affixed to the suspended girl's nipples, the weight pulling her head down. The pitiful sobs from the girl's tortured throat increased at this newest humiliation at the hands of the young Indian girl. The pain in her bound and swollen nipples increased under the stretching pull of the weight of the heavy weighted pots. The old oriental cackled at her sobs and moans of discomfort as he watched the young Indian slut hang the third pot from the helpless girl's bound labia. Maria then set about transferring and adding sand to the pots till the moaning form was once again suspended level.

The dark eyes of the old oriental pervert gleamed as he looked at the twisted piece of living sculpture he had wrought.

Sandra's body formed a milky white crescent, framed with the tight brown wrappings of the coarse hemp encasing her torso, arms and legs. The pale skin of her freckled shoulders was a reddish hue from the tension on the tortured joints as her arms were drawn back and formed a perverted hemp wrapped steeple over her arched back. Like the forestay of a mighty sailing ship a cord ran to the top of the girl's forehead and ended with the twin metal tines embedded deeply in her nostrils pulling her head back at an acute angle, her pale neck forming a graceful curving column of pink, white flesh. Her darting tearful green eyes lent a measure of animation to the sculpture, her cheeks bulged out from the bulk of the gag filling her mouth. The tight hemp wrappings around her chest hid the finely sculpted ribs clearly visible through the blue veined nearly translucent skin drawn tightly across her ribcage by the arch of her muscled back. Her heavy pendulous breasts hung fatly between the compressing wrapping around her chest. The blotched white flesh of her breasts was stretched to points by the heavy weighted pots hung from her tightly wrapped nipples. The flat plane of her stomach was pulled tight by the upward arch of her thighs, her vivid red pubes bristling. Her pale thighs were accented by the tight wrappings above and below her knees, holding the long spreader bar securely in place, as it forced her knees a bone cracking distance apart. The dark red brown flesh of her anus and swollen thick meat of her clamped labia shone redly between her splayed thighs, pulled cruelly downward by the weight of the heavy sand filled pot. The arch of her body was completed by her tightly wrapped ankles pulled up over her back to join her wrists, drawing her fleshy buttocks tight.

Stepping to the girl's head, the old man began to fumble at the front of his filthy soiled trousers. His eyes watched the wide green eyes of the girl. The thick hooks embedded in her nostrils prevented her from seeing what was going on just beneath her chin.

"You look so pretty missee. You are such a good leetle slut for like no? You let old Hattori do these things cause you like, no?." he droned above the girl's pathetic whimpering sobs. He could see the confused denial behind the girl's wide green eyes.

"I have something for you for being such a good slut toy for old Hattori. You like?" he said in a wheedling voice as he tugged on the cord upending the helpless bundle of pink flesh.

Sandra was a drift in a sea of pain, the tattered shreds of her humanity were being blown away in the maelstrom of sensations that seared her senses. The agony in her shoulders and hips had filled her brain, dulling it as endorphins unethnicized her ravaged nerves. Only new agonies pierced the veil as pain found new untrodden pathways to her brain. Her pretty green eyes, swollen, spouted an endless stream of tears as her distended mouth groaned a litany of piteous whimpers. Her tortured brain, starved for answers, cast aside reason and found answers to her unremitted agony in herself. Unanswered questions rang in the black cavern of her despair. "Oh god, what have I done that you would cast me into the hands of such madmen?" only silence echoed her desperate cries. Was not one of her captors a servant of god? She had failed somewhere, god had forsaken her, she was somehow at fault. She begged for the pain to stop, pleaded in heartfelt prayer to a pitiless god. In return she received more pain, pain to bombard her dwindling senses, pain to punish the vile being she was convinced existed within herself, pain to drive her to a low bestial plane.

Her green eyes widened as she felt her world teeter. Her ears barely heard the mocking words before her eyes met the waiting monstrosity that projected from the old man's loins. The pain shrouded brain of the young teen barely registered the object before her, faintly felt it's hideous touch as the old man carefully rubbed the blunt leaking snout of his erection cock across the pale skin of her freckled face. She moaned with newfound humiliation as he varnished her pale skin with the rank emissions of his knobby cock. The old man snorted with excitement as he grasped the helpless girl's short red hair steadying her head as he painted her fair skin with his foul discharge.

The whimpers of the helpless girl changed to the old man's listening ear. Starved for sensations other than searing pain the foul touch of his scabrous rod seemed a soothing caress to the scourged and pathetic girl. The gurgling whimpers turned to mews as his rank slime felt like a medicinal balm in her distorted reality. His withered balls churned pulling tight in their withered bags as sperm boiled. He glossed the young womanly teen's full lips with the leaking fluid and watched with glee as her green eyes lit with gratitude.. A sigh and a grunt issued from his rotting mouth and he thrust his skinny hips forward as a yellowish fountain of rancid sperm vomited from the laughing mouth of his cock. Thick viscous ropes of sperm lashed the helpless girl's upturned face, clotting her eyes and parted mouth. The warm balm of his stinking seed brought mews of delight from the arched throat of the bound girl, her gurgles of delight lost in the grunts of his orgasm. His thick stump spewed it's venomous discharge until his aged prostate pumped vainly at the empty well of his balls.

He released his grip on her head and the cord, as he stepped away. Her pale bound form see sawed back and forth, the weighted pots swinging, bringing new daggers of pain that pierced her temporary delusion of comfort. New tears sprang from her green eyes with the realization of another threshold of degradation passed. Tears of her lost innocence mingled with the yellowish drops of filth that indelibly stained the distorted mask of her pretty face. They mingled to form a vile mixture of innocence and depraved perversion to drip from her chin like a libation, a grotesque and obscene offering to her pitiless god, her moans like some sick religious chant filled the silence of the church.

Vestal Whore Communion of Degradation Chap 46

The old priest watched from the shadows as the old oriental man and his gibbering son worked their magic on the poor young woman. He felt his cock twitch in the hot wet confines of Maria's mouth. The sexual power he felt overriding any sympathy he might have felt for the innocent womanly teen he had delivered to the clutches of the old oriental pervert and his son. As the young Bolivian woman gorged her mouth with his black cock, he watched as the pale pink form bound in a reverse hog tie, teetered up and down beneath the rope suspending it from rafter. His eyes moved from the helpless girl to the giggling form of the young man, sprawled on the solid table positioned near the pretty girl's face. His ears heard the mélange of sounds, the sobbing gurgles from the girl's throat, the boy's inane laughter and the liquid sounds from their union. The padre's eyes followed the curving arch of the oversized prong of flesh that projected upward from the boy's pelvis and ended in the pretty girl's mouth. The old oriental man stood on the far side of the table pulling on the cord that controlled the seesaw motion of the bound girl. Every tug on the rope connected to the swollen knot of clamped labial flesh sent her bound red head down stuffing her gaping mouth with the boy's vein wrapped cock. With every dip the heavy weighted clay pots clomped on the floor only to be jerked up and hang from the young girl's thickly swollen nipples. The fat orbs of her breasts hung heavily, distorted and stretched from the heavy weight.

The Padre's dong surged in the Maria's mouth as he saw where the redhead's tears streamed down her face wetting the dried crust of dried sperm that caked her smooth freckled skin. Her wide green eyes welled with tears, uncomprehending, confused and devoid of reason like those of a small animal. The twin hooks in her nostrils pulled her head and neck back in a painful arch, leaving her mouth agape like a willing cunt, a cunt the boy now eagerly fucked. The priest's balls churned and his corrupt sperm frothed at the sight of the boys cock glistening with the tears and spittle of the unwilling girl. The padre noted that the boy's cock was merely filled a gaping hole. The girl didn't show any of the enthusiasm of her sister or Maria, not yet at least. He would allow the training to continue, Hatori and his son could continue their games. He leaned his head back and a sigh rumbled in his throat as the village puta's small hand pumped his thick cock as she forced her head between his fat thighs, her eager mouth ovaled to capture and suck at one of his plum sized balls.

Sandra's mind was clouded by the numbing pain coming from every corner of her body. When the ball gag had been removed by the old man her mouth merely hung open slackly, the pooled spittle dribbling down her chin. Her confused brain to addled to even feel gratitude. If it had it would have been short lived as a giggling young man nude at the waist sprawled on a table to position himself beneath her pretty blank face. The pretty girl felt his hand in her hair as he pulled her face up to wedge the reddish head of his weeping cock between her full gaping lips. The blunt invader pressed down on her newly freed tongue filling her mouth with an unfamiliar musk. Suddenly a new pain filtered through the drumming cadence of agony as she dipped down and the fat tube of blood and gristle slid across her tongue and plunged into her throat. Spittle dribbled from her mouth as the prong plunged in and out of her throat with each plunge of her head. She felt nothing, not revulsion, not anger, only surrender. The overwhelming pain had locked her in a cocoon of indifference. She was lost, theirs to use, a waif adrift in a world of perverse torment that seemed interminable. Her wide glassy eyes streamed tears as the plunging rod forced her throat to convulse trying to expel the foreign invader. Her spittle flowed from her slack lips to coat the shimmering shaft of flesh and trickle down to grease the tight pouch of the young retard's balls.

"Fuckee, suckee, fuckee, suckee!" the young dolt chanted as he abused the young woman. With a grunt and a sigh like that of escaping steam, his swollen prong began to spew it's sick thick load of yellow seed into Sandra's throat.

"Glug-g-g-g, kha-c-c-k." she gasped and croaked as she choked on the thick white clots of sperm, sucking it into her nasal passages and spewing it out her flared hooked nostrils. Twin streamers of sperm jetted from her nose like strings of off-white snot to hang obscenely on her upper lip as the boys demanding cock continued to impale her spasming throat.

Her eyes were glazed and hunger ate at her guts, as she licked at her cracked lips. The snapping jaws of the male dogs had driven her from the food bowl for the last several days. Rachel nursed fresh bites from her last attempt to claim her share of the table scraps placed in to the pen. She sighed under the renewed pangs, her hunger growing each day under the demands of the nursing pups as they fed at her mild swollen breasts.

The cur stood in the shade at the end of the pen, drool and water dripping from his flews as he walked away from the water bowl and flopped down in the dust. The other dogs had been taken by the cook, and they had disappeared with him into the jungle followed shortly by Escuela the cooks wife, with the noon leftovers. The remaining cur had eaten his fill and the bowl was still a quarter full. It had been days since she had eaten, the three male curs wolfing the leftovers from the couples table. The cook had come for one of his late night visits and she had eagerly sucked his greasy smelly dong to a thick yeasty climax, only to hear his wife's laughing voice from the darkness.

"Enjoy your meal, yanquee puta, that is all you will get to eat tonight, my leftovers, ha ha ha!" She had continued to suck his slimy cock unaware that the drippings were from the foul fat woman's cunt. Her guts knotted with hunger as the memory faded to be replaced by the figure of the cur lying in the dirt.

Driven by courage born of need, she raised herself and began to crawl on filthy hands and knees toward the cur, hobbled by the wrist and ankle ropes. Every movement set her heavy engorged breasts swaying beneath her gracefully swayed back, her lean buttocks rippling with the effort. The crucifix hanging from her pierced clit swung between her sleek thighs, tugging, and jerking at her large clit. She shook her head in futile refusal as the little demon of her clit awoke. The brass bells hanging from distended nipples which projected from the pebbly surface of her darkly swollen aureoles nearly touched the ground as her heavy breasts swayed from side to side like stormed tossed lanterns as she crawled.

The cur lay on his side his mangy head tucked beneath a raised leg, as he busily licked his hairy balls. His head snapped up as he heard the scuffing as the young woman crawled toward the food bowl. An ominous growl rumbled in his throat as his wet flews raised to reveal the sharp points of his teeth to the girl. Rachel stopped, her nervous blue eyes flitting between the menace of the growling dog and the dregs of food that remained in the bowl. Her small pink tongue licked nervously at her plump dry lips as her dulled brain vainly tried to think. Her desperate scared eyes caught a wisp of red between the cur's legs and were drawn like a magnet to the bright red point of the cur's cock as it peaked out of its hairy sheath. Her breath caught in her smooth white throat, as her empty aching womb pulled tight in her bottom. The hot embers of arousal in her clitoris fanned into flame at the sight of the thick tube laying heavily between the cur's legs, hidden in its hairy sheath. A forlorn moan escaped her lips as her arms and legs began to propel her toward the cur, her hungry eyes lingered on the remaining nourishment in the bowl as she crawled away. The gnawing hunger in her stomach was slowly replaced by the hot lust growing in her bottom.

The cur ceased growling as the girl crawled away from the bowl. His dark eyes watched her with curiosity as she crawled to him with lowered head. The pretty blonde had learned from experience and lowered herself to her elbows 6 feet from the male cur and crawled the remaining distance with her head down, nearly resting on her forearms. The girl's pretty face was nearly hidden by the matted strings of her dirty blonde hair, her eyes darting between the strands, careful not to meet the eyes of her master. She pushed herself forward with her dirty toes, scooting her elbows along as she inched toward him. She groaned and whimpered with arousal as her heavy fat breasts dragged across the rough ground, dirt sticking to her milk wet nipples. The pretty girl's nose flared as she smelt the heavy stench the dog. Her clit tingled as her feral instincts took control, unconscious olfactory memories relating the smell with past pleasure. Her animal instincts signaled her body and her empty cunt gushed as it pulled tight, wetting her swelling vaginal lips as they pursed and parted in preparation for her master's dong.

The male cur lay as he was as the girl groveled before him. She groaned in frustration as her achingly empty cunt throbbed with greedy need. A wailful moan escaped her lips as she groveled the last few feet forward and buried her head between the hind legs of the reclined beast. The cur's massive brown head turned and watched with indifference as the blond head of the pretty girl rooted along his belly. Blinded by animal lust the pretty teen slid her pale face forward, her pink kittenish tongue leading the way like a perverse probe. The lingual slug of her tongue found the cur's dormant rod where the slender point of its lower edge peaked out of its hairy sheath. The beautiful girl grunted like a greedy sow in delight. Her greedy left hand snaked forward to grasp the heavy tube of canine flesh and lovingly retracted the soft sheath to expose a generous length of the glistening pink tube to her ovaled lips. Her lust went full bloom when the tangy taste of the cur's dong filled her mouth as she greedily licked the thick yellow icing of smegma from the mouth of the retracted sheath and lathed her tongue lovingly along the length of the cur's dong. The experienced fingers of her hand slid the hairy sheath back to the twin nodules of his dormant knot, exposing nearly the full glorious length of her master's cock. Her blue eyes were glazed with lust as they raked the length of the slumbering dong. Their skin burned and flushed, her empty cunt cramped with desire as her left hand caressed the hard meat of the unswollen knot, remembering how it's like had filled and stretched her greedy cunt only the night before. With an animal-like moan she dipped her head turning her pretty face to the left to fit her ovaled lips around the fat girth of the cur's heavy dong. Her clear pale cheek rested on the warm belly of the reclining beast, his coarse hair pricking her ear as she scooted her face forward as she tried to swallow the length of the cur's masterful rod. She ground and scraped her fat tits into the hard earth, receiving a measure of pleasure from the self-inflicted discomfort. Her mind screamed not enough. The pretty teen wormed her right arm back beneath the full bags of her breasts to the swampy pit between her thighs. Her conscienceless fingers grasped the leash of chain that dangled from her clitoris and began to pull and jerk the fat finger toward release, like a reluctant pet.

Her buttocks stood proudly on her sleek thighs and waved from side to side in hungry impatience. The telltale sheen of her excitement painted her swollen labia with guilt as her worn cunt milked itself for her master's pleasure.

"M-m-m-m-h, u-h-h-g-g-g-h!!", she grunted around the bestial dong stuffing her greedy mouth, as a leprous climax roiled through her diseased nerves. She happily forced more of the cur's swelling dong into her clasping throat as her left hand stroked and milked the thickening tube. Her mouth began to fill to overflowing with a mixture of semen from the cur's leaking cock and her own excited saliva. The scalding fluid leaked from the tight seal her lips made on the beasts vein wrapped prong, dribbling hotly down her small smooth chin. She forced the cock's soft sheath down and behind the hard ball of the cur's knot freeing the length of his heavy shaft. Giddily she was able how raise her head a bit and swallow even more of the cur's leaking cock. She paused long enough to clear her mouth with a groan, swallowing the thick reservoir of fluid that leaked past her lips, delighting in the taste as the hot fluid formed a warm puddle in her flat belly.

Above the liquid sounds coming from her slobbering mouth could be heard the laughter of her two keepers. The fat husband and wife watched and laughed as the beautiful young American played the whore to a mangy Bolivian cur dog. The couple's laughter and vile degrading words were lost in the roar of lust in the beautiful teens ears. Rachel knelt in her own wilderness of lust, all rational thought lost in a tempest of animal desires and need. Her green eyes lay riveted on the swelling hardness of the cur's knot only inches from her greedily sucking lips suctioning around the fat dong. Only animal thoughts filled her once reasoning brain. Her mind fought to forget, but her willing body remembered. Remembered the feel of the thick tube of canine flesh filling her young cunt and battering again and again against the sensitive stump of her ripe cervix. It welcomed the memories of the tight fullness of her greedy womb, awash with hot sperm trapped behind the swollen knot filling and stretching to near bursting the distended throat of her cunt. Her body gratefully recalled the feel of hot bestial sperm running down thighs as the engorge knot slipped from her stretched cunt like a plug. Her vile instincts had no recollection of her black degradation as her violated womb vomited it's vile contents in a futile attempt to cleanse itself. Nor her humiliation as the slimy dregs dripped from her thickly swollen gasping labia, and canine sperm launched assault after assault on her human ovum in futile attempts to cross the species divide to create a mutant bastard offspring. The greedy young girl took no heed as the fat cook opened the gate and returned the other two cur's to the pen. The beautiful girl's lips pumped up and down the slick swollen shaft of the cur's shaft like a machine. She paused only briefly when she felt the hairy forelegs of the largest cur wrap jealously around her hips. "H-m-m-m-m-m!!", she moaned. Her lips stretched tightly in a smile around the red shaft filling her mouth as she felt a heavy swollen shaft against the back of her right hand. Releasing the leash affixed to her clitoris, she happily guided the thick gray dong of the large cur into the open wet and welcoming mouth of her upturned cunt. A shuddering gross climax ran through her as she once again leapt into the black void filled with putrescent pleasures. She groaned with greedy delight as her body climbed toward another orgasm driven by the hammering of the thick blunt snout of a bestial dong against her violated cervix.

Chapter 47

Hatori had finally succumbed to the lure of her helpless white flesh. His wizened cock hard with lust-heated blood, demanded quenching, a demand he could no longer deny. "Yes", he thought, it was time, time to validate his total power over her. He would prove to the young American slut that there was no going back, only the future was open to her, her past life was dead. The old man fumbled with the front of his pantaloons, pulling his rigid cock free of the dirty cloth. He stepped to the bound pale pink figure and untied the cords securing the spreader bar between her knees. He ignored the babbling from his son, as the muscular mixed breed youth swabbed his semi-hard cock around the girl's tear stained face.

"Fuckee, suckee, you like?" he babbled over and over as he tormented the bound girl, her sobs merely quiet shudders as she hung suspended from the rafter.

The old Japanese stepped between the girl's alabaster thighs, cranking her legs apart as far as the coarse rope binding her ankles would allow. His hard fingers dug into the soft white flesh of her sleek thighs just above and behind the knees and steadied her as he bulled his way deeper into the "V" formed by her legs. Her bound ankles, drawn up and over the center of her arched back allowed him to push his bony form between her smooth thighs. He coughed wetly, his ragged excited breath catching in his diseased lungs. He spit a clot of phlegm onto his extended fingers to wet them. His excited slanted eyes watched as he wormed two filthy phlegm coated digits between the pristine pink lips of the girl's vagina.

The old man chuckled as he felt her body stiffen as his fingers invaded her last inviolate sanctuary. "Soon," he thought, "Yes, soon, I will own all of you, my sweet puta!"

The old man's cock surged to diamond hardness when his index finger encountered the slight resistance of the thin membrane. He nearly missed it in his lust driven eagerness.

"No!" he thought, "Surely the young American whore could not be a virgin!" He shook with eagerness at the thought of such a blank slate on which to write. Virgin clay from which to mold the perfect whore. Yes, Maria had been a virgin when he had bought her from her father, but she was merely an Indian. This young pale pink thing was a norte americano, of perfect european stock. All white, pink, and freckled, full breasted, and red haired. He nearly drooled from between his rotted teeth at the thought.

"Ah, so you are a virgin my little puta!" he said aloud. "After your whore sister, I did not expect this. It will be my pleasure to make you a woman, my little puta. You are not the eager puta your sister is, but you will learn. You will learn that your true Master is the cock. The man or beast behind it is not important. You will learn to serve and please the cock, to hunger for it. You will be nothing, an incomplete shell without it."

The girl barely heard the biting words uttered by the man. Her mind was lost in her own private hell. Her disbelieving eyes watched as the young man that had violated her mouth and throat rubbed his sperm dripping cock back and forth across her pretty young face. The youth babbled insulting nonsense as he used the thick blunt snout of his hard crugel to smear the thick congealing slime of his spent seed across her face. He dragged the leaking snout between her swollen lips to coat her small white teeth anew. Her belly heaved as she relived the taste of the rancid wet eruption as her teeth parted under the pressure and her tongue darted forward in defense, only to liberate a blob of putrescent seed from the mouth of his cock. She moaned with disgust, and relief as she felt the bone cracking pressure in her hips ease as the spreader bar was removed. Her mind roiled with mixed feelings of gratitude and horror, and pitifully confused the relation.

The old man coughed again as he scooted forward, guiding his swollen yellow cock toward the pink-white lips of the girl's exposed vagina. The heavens cried at the sight, as the old yellow man guided his gnarled warted cock between the pale pink lips of the young redhead's vagina. He snaked his cankered staff up and down between the pink unblemished flesh, coating her with the vile effluvium leaking from his demonic weapon in an effort to mimic a carnal welcome.

The yellow head of his leaking cock caught in the narrow throat of the young woman's vagina. Hattori smiled as he felt the warm flesh of her labia close over the head of his cock. With a grunt, he grit the rotten stumps of his teeth and pushed forward. The surprised girl swung forward against the rigid cock resting against her lips. The thick spear slid between her unresisting lips forcing itself deep into her throat until her arched forehead rested against the boy's hard belly.

Hattori felt the forward movement of the girl cease as his cock butted against the throat of the girl's virgin vagina. With glee he leaned his slight body into the Vee of the girl's thighs and was rewarded as the vice like grip around his cock increase as it bored inch by inch into the guts of the bound girl. As it inched forward, like a blind man searching for a dropped coin, the sensitive nerves of his cockhead sought out and found the slight resistance of her maidenhead. The old Asian pervert paused luxuriating in the vise-like grip of the virginal flesh around his diseased cock. He relaxed, like an addict upon insertion of the needle into a vein. Like some pagan savage, lance raised, poised to impale a beseeching medieval maiden, he snapped his bony hips forward with power belied by his wizen stature. His scabby cock lanced into the depths of the girl's last sanctuary, the snout of his filthy cock like a ram, rending her hymen to bloody splinters to debauched into the narrow temple of her womb defiling it for all time. The rapine and defilement of the cathedrals of Europe by the Mongol's of old was once again played out in microcosm as this son of Asia defiled the holiest of temples of this daughter of Europe. The dry hot clasp of the girl's resisting flesh felt as though it was peeling the rough warted flesh from his scarred cock.

Cherished European blood flowed at the hands of the Asian barbarian as his pagan lance of flesh buried itself in the pristine virginal flesh of the european teen. The old man rocked back and forth between the girl's white bound thighs, twisting and turning his gnarled spear in the writhing teens guts. Her hot spilt blood began to wet the tight airless seal of his tool in her flesh as he twisted and turned his relentless spear in her once virginal flesh.

Pain traded for pain, slight bartered for great, her confused mind taking the lesser for the greater with relief, even gratitude. The slight piercing pain between her legs was lost amid relief as the throbbing ache in her hips subsided and was lost in the continuing agony in her shoulders and the convulsing of her violated throat. Like a speared fish she began to buck and jerk from the rope that suspended her as her body attempted to dislodge the fleshy log that plugged her throat. The nasal prongs holding her head back dug deeper into the depths of her violated nostrils cutting and plundering her pert upturned nose as her movements caused the hard steel to imbed itself ever deeper.

Sandra's wide green eyes teared anew and flames of panic consumed her mind as her lungs fought for air against the thick hard flesh that blocked her throat. The gleeful babbling of the youth fell on panic deafened ears as her pink lips scrabbled against the coarse black pubes that nestled like a vile demonic halo around the base of the boy's soaring shaft. Her throat spasmed and jerked in a vain attempt to dislodge the evil prong. She slipped into oxygen starved blackness never feeling the rhythmic stabbing of the blood stained spear between her pale white thighs.

Masculine grunts and moans of pleasure filled the rectory as the father and son labored at the violation of the young woman. The young pale-pink form hung suspended belly down between the two sweating men, pale arms drawn over her arched back elbows bound together, to join her ankles as the two sadistic buried their hard cocks in her unresisting body. The squelching of the youth's engorged cock as it plunged into the young woman's bruised throat could barely be heard above his constant obscene babbling. His father labored silently between the white alabaster thighs, his hard fingers leaving livid red furrows in her flawlessly smooth pink-white flesh. The serpentine eyes of the old pervert watched with libelous glee as the pretty young woman's violated flesh clung to the cankerous surface of his bloodied shaft. The tender flesh of her recently virgin labia kissed and caressed the rough and bloody surface of his cock drawing itself elastically across every sinuous vein and warty knob on the putrid rod with each withdrawal. It's painful passage lubricated only by her own drying blood and clots of diseased phlegm he periodically coughed up and spat on his blood streaked Asian cock as it pistoned in and out of her pink flesh.

No sensations of pleasure seeped into Sandra's brain. To her agony addled brain pleasure was but pain and degradation of a lesser magnitude. Slowly in begrudged gratitude, her cunt began to lubricate the passage of Hattori's invading cock. Like the tribute paid to the barbarian hordes of old, her body gave reluctant homage to the demanding cocks that proved to be her master. Cloying strings of saliva drooled from her mouth to hang from her smooth chin as one swollen cock plunged in and out of her slack mouth, her tongue lolling limply beneath the punishing rod. Guilty wetness began to sooth the old man's pillaging dong, a libation poured forth by the vanquished in tribute to the conqueror.

Sandra hung suspended, her tortured mind devoid or reason, aware only of variations of her torment, reason smothered beneath a cloak of senseless consciousness. She was but a lump of unresisting flesh for the use of the two men. Her young naive mind had been pushed beyond its rational limits by the ceaseless torment and pain.

The sounds of the surrounding jungle were lost beneath obscene liquid sounds. Rachel savored the taste of the hot bestial seed as it flooded her gluttonous mouth. She forced her swollen lips downward to form a tight seal in front of the cur's blood engorged knot for a brief instant before she began to choke on the geyser of thin hot sperm. She drew her lips slowly back along the delightfully thick animal dong feeling the rough veiny surface scourge the tender inner surface of her lips. She stifled a heady giggle as she felt the thick log pulse again and again as jets of hot seed spewed from the blunt tip to fill her mouth to overflowing. She gurgled as the hot filth filled her ravenous mouth, washing over her teeth and tongue, ballooning her cheeks. Her throat spasmed as she swallowed, desperately trying to clear the mixed swill of the cur's hot sperm and her own saliva from her overflowing mouth.

There was no hiding the beauty of the girl. Not even the layer of filth caking her pale skin, the scratches and bruises could hide the obscene beauty of her abused body. Her ample hips shifted beneath the weight of the cur that jealously clasped her hips with hairy forelegs as he mounted her. The cur's thickly muscled hind legs pranced and danced between her trim calves as his hindquarters rhythmically drove his heavy red cock in and out of the splayed cunt she offered him with animal energy. The beast's large head was outstretched over her downward sloping spine, his deep chest molded as one to the smooth marked skin of her back. Her heavy milk laden breast jounced and giggled beneath her with every impact of the large dog against her upturned bottom.

The pretty girl moaned with pleasure around the bestial cock filling her mouth. Her drooling bottom clutched at the second wrist thick cock as it hammered against the defiled stump of her cervix. The heavy cross, sign of her shame, swung between the ivory columns of her thighs suspended by the thick ring piercing the base of her enormous evil clitoris. Sated with degradation she her body sought more as she ground the fat engorged bags of her scarred breasts against the dried dirt floor of the pen, scourging her raw swollen nipples as they oozed milk. Her scurrilous dripping cunt suckled along the foul length of the bestial cock in obscene mimicry of her mouth as she sucked and slurped at the spurting tip of the second animal dong.

The thick girth of the center of the cur's heavy tapered cock stretched the tight oval of her lips as she drew back to suckle on the last few inches of the pulsing hose. The little pink worm of her defiled tongue explored the veiny grey, red length of her masters dripping cock. Her heart filled with giddy delight as her wide blue eyes beheld the swollen knotted length of pulsing bestial flesh that was her god. The pretty girl's smooth cheeks hollowed as her mouth voraciously sucked the pulsing dong in lust driven hunger. Her free hand pumped the beast's hairy foreskin up and down the length of the dripping tube. The glistening tube of bestial meat throbbed before her coveting blue eyes. Her perverted world was ruled by this thick blood engorged appendage and it's kin.

A long low moan escaped her clamped lips as she felt the swollen knot of the second cur battering against the swollen ringed lips of her slobbering cunt. An excited arm reached back between the liquid filled bags of her swaying veiny breasts. Her nimble practiced fingers found the swollen ball of the second cur's knot and pressed it into the eager hungry mouth of her dripping cunt. The elastic riven mouth gaped in protest and surrendered as the large ball of hard canine flesh bulled its way into the once treasured confines of her now beggarly womb.

Chapter 48

The girl no longer hung suspended in the dark room, rather she now stood on shaking legs. The room was lit only by a single flickering lamp on the table near her. Her arms were still bound behind her, wrapped from wrist to shoulder with coarse hemp. A length of cane was securely lashed to the backs of her ankles effectively spreading her feet and hobbling her. The large, freckled bags of her plump breasts projected from the rope wrappings around her chest. Her arms extended behind her at near shoulder level, making her stoop forward. A single rope lifted her arms back and up toward the overhead beam, passed over it and ended wrapped tightly in the first of the old oriental standing behind the girl out of sight. She was held in the grasp of what the Jesuits of the Inquisition called the Strappado. She stood stooped at the waist, her large pale freckled breasts hanging pendulously beneath her, each red nipple projecting from their puffy fat aureoles were captured in the constricting grasp of a slit in a flat section of split bamboo. The old man had secured each in place by wrapping cord around the bamboo on each side of the distended nipple, compressing the two edges of the split on her swollen nipples like a vise. The muffled gurgling moans and screams of the young woman had long subsided as the piercing pain in her breasts had turned to a dull ache but the pain in her shoulders was all consuming. A slight tug on the rope sent fresh bolts of pain searing through her as the joints threatened to dislocate.

Her physical pain paled to the mental anguish that robbed her of all reason. The horrible acts that had destroyed her innocent world and changed her life for all time were for a time forgotten in a mind that sought to remain sane by blotting out what defied reason. The unanswered questions she had asked of an empty sky, the deliverance she had pleaded for never came. So she had found solace in answers from within herself. The emptiness her desperate mind filled in she found only more despair as reason warred with faith. The god she loved had forsaken her because of her own weakness. She was the source of her torment. It sprang from within. Her degradation and pain began at her own hands, her own "free will" and were just punishment from the god she loved. God's will be done. "No!", her once rational mind had screamed out, she never deserved this. No loving god could condone or allow this to happen to an innocent. The thought that her well-loved god could allow this pierced her to her very core her as surely as the young half-breed's oversized cock. Before the veil of denial descended over her young mind, her mind's eye conjured up the obscene vision of her beloved celestial father, his billowing beard filth flecked, tongue extended from between wet lips, slouched on his throne on high, an omniscient pervert. His flowing robe bunched at his waist, his omnipotent hand stoking the gargantuan swollen cock that projected from between his skinny thighs, as red rimmed eyes beheld all the rapine, degradation, and death that he allowed for his amusement. Her beloved god, the omniscient voyeur, sat flushed with masturbatory glee as he too misogynistic delighted in the deflowerment of young virgins by sadistic perverts, and the torture and pain of innocents. She watched in horrific fascination as his hand slid up and down his cosmic rod, all the while two white robed golden haired angels, crouched between his thighs, one lapping at the oversized knob of his cock, the other sucking and licking his majestic balls.

She shook her pretty tear stained face in an attempt to rid herself of the obscene imagery but only succeeded in distorting her face as the nasal times were still deeply embedded in her small pert nose. A cord connected these to her bound wrists, pulling the girl's red head back, arching her neck.

Livid welts and imprints marred her legs from where the hemp bonds had cut into the flesh of her legs while she had been suspended. The finger marks across the pale flesh of her thighs, from the old Asian’s efforts were turning to faint blue blotches. The inner planes of her thighs were wet with the remnants of the rancid filth of the old man's corrupted seed, as it dripped obscenely to the floor as though her violated womb sought to purge itself of evidence of its defloration. Occasionally a thick clot would vomit forth in a viscous string to land wetly on the stained wood floor between her splayed feet.

Tears wet her freckled cheeks as her vacuous mind reeled, the dull ache of pain blunting her brain. Her jaw hung slack, her plump sperm clotted lips parted in pain induced idiocy.

Her head jerked at the new sound, dislodging a string of congealed sperm from her small chin to drip to the floor.

He green eyes widened, with hope or horror one could not say, as the young man step from the shadows into the light.

The old Padre watched Hattori and his son at work. He felt the log of his cock twitch beneath his black cassock as the old man tormented the pinkish-white form of the young woman tugging her arms upward inflicting excruciating pain. His eyes devoured every inch of the pale freckled form. He watched as the youth lumbered forward, the yellow log of his swollen cock swaying heavily between his muscular legs. The Padre chuckled as he watched the youth hold his cock toward the girl as if in offering, as his father released the upward pressure on the pretty girl's arms. A slight hesitance by the girl brought a hard upward tug on the rope. Soon she was sucking the swollen head of the boy's cock. He eagerly watched as the strong hands of the oriental idiot explored every inch of the unresisting girl. The girl learned quickly, he thought with satisfaction. But then any animal did after being broken. She stood docile, broken, compliant, the only sound that of the boy's labored breathing and the liquid sounds coming from her sucking mouth. No longer any tears. The constant pain and degradation of the last several days, the unanswered questions, the conflicting emotions had conspired to turn her into a meek cow. A lump of compliant flesh for her two tormentors to use and to share. The myth of her free will was extinguished, as her life was now in the hands of a new god, a god of flesh and bone. A god no more callous and unfeeling than her ethereal one, but this one had a cock of demanding hungry flesh.

Her only succor in her pain and degradation had been the soothing touch of a cock. Her addled brain decided this totem of flesh she would now serve and worship as her deliverer from torment. Torment she deserved, she admitted in her confusion, "God had ordained it." she thought. She needed and welcomed the chastisement to earn her way back to his favor. "No!" the last threads of reason shrieked, "You did not deserve this!'. The flash of coherency stopped her lapping tongue and hollowed lips, only to be met by blinding pain as the old oriental jerked upward on the rope.

Satisfied, the Padre turned and walked from the room. It was two days to the Army camp. Rachel had serviced the soldiers long enough. He had many miles to travel before night. His thick black cock twitched at the thought of the spectacle he left behind him. He walked into the bright sunlight, the day's heat already rising. A few strides brought him to the horse and he slipped his hand beneath the Indian girl's loose fitting top his fingers feeling the sweat that coated the smooth skin of the heavy globe as he squeezed a fat dangling breast.

"M-m-m-m-h!" the girl moaned.

"A-h-h-h, Maria, we must hurry. he said as he rolled her pebble hard nipple between his fingers. "The day is long and we have many miles before our first stop..." he said with unmistakable meaning.

Behind them in the dark confines of the rectory, the stooped pinkish white form of the girl rocked beneath the shuddering thrusts of the young mongloid's cock. The pretty girl's slack lips emitted faint grunts as the thick vein wrapped shaft stretched the mouth of her abused cunt. The long yellow length buried itself deeply between the pink lips of her red fringed labia. The meaty knob of the invader caromed again and again against the once pristine nub of her cervix to gouge into the back wall of her vagina with bruising force. The dull nauseating ache in the pit of her young stomach melded with the other continuous agony she endured. The raw elastic mouth of her cunt spasmed around the rhythmic thrusts of his thick post as her torment continued.

Chap 49-50

She brushed back the errant strands of blond hair with an annoyed flick of her perfectly manicured hand. The scarlet red of her nails matched the gloss on the perfect bow of her lips. The tall woman let out a sigh through her pursed lips as she stood on the dirty platform, her eyes looking down the rails for the late train. The American stood out in the milling crowd of Indians and mestizos. The tan safari outfit they had sold her at Neiman Marcus was beginning to show the stains of sweat as she stood in the sweltering heat. Genevieve Falwell gritted her dainty teeth in frustration and cursed first her prickless ex-husband and then her daughter for the necessity of her being here. She seethed as she thought of Sandra her youngest daughter and how she had run off on a lark to find her father. He was out saving the heathen world from damnation, with her oldest Rachel in tow. "The prickless bastard and stupid slut!" she though. "Now he had lured Sandra, her youngest to join his senseless mission too!"

She tapped her fashionable hiking boot in impatience as she raised a manicured index finger to the side of her perfect Morgan Fairchild nose catching a bead of perspiration before it had a chance to drip. She sighed again heavily causing her large breasts to rise and fall beneath her khaki shirt. Genevieve was the culmination of perfection, that is all the perfection money could buy and modern cosmetic surgery could provide. In fairness, she had always been a very attractive woman, only advancing years and vanity had made her go under the knife. Strands of highlighted auburn hair stuck to her clear damp forehead. A pert nose separated aqua eyes that could impale a man and stop him dead in his tracks or bid him hither and drive him to flaming lust. Her high cheeks accentuated the curving line of her jaw, and the plump luscious lips could split into a welcoming smile or wilt a man with a blood curdling sneer. The tailored khakis disguised her figure but little. The mature former model's hour glass figure was obvious. The wide shoulders narrowed to a small waist and swelled to rounded hips. The expanse of her chest filled the khaki top to bursting, the under wire supported shelf of flesh dropping away to a flat stomach that curved gracefully to a narrow plain between her thighs. Her long legs, tanned and sleek, were bare from mid-thigh to the tops of her socks, the product of hours on the tennis court.

An annoyed smile touched her lips when she heard the distant whistle from somewhere down the tracks. "At last!" she thought as she turned to retrieve her backpack and carry-a ll..

Unseen brown eyes followed her every move as she shouldered her bags. The short brown man in the sweat stained cloths watched a while longer before bulling ahead of several people waiting at the ticket window. He flicked open his bi-fold to reveal the gleaming gold shield of the Policia Especial Bolivianos.

"Rapidamente, d nde va la mujer americana?" he growled.

The cowed clerk stuttered that she had bought a ticket for Robore and asked about accommodations there.

"Tres boletos entonces, para Robore." he said.

"Bueno, gracias." he sniffed, wiping a thick brown finger across the thick black moustache that covered his lip. He turned, his eyes boring into the woman, undressing her as she stood.

"H-u-h" he grunted with appreciation as he turned to gesture to two other similarly dressed men. They quickly put out the cigarettes they had been smoking and hurried over to the Inspector.

"Si Senor, que es sus ordenes?" the tallest said with a deferential nod.

"We will be going to Robore to investigate allegations of smuggling." he said matter of factly as he handed them each a ticket.

"As you know, we turn a blind eye to los campesinos bringing in the odd television or stereo from Corumba across the border. However, we have word that criminales and los druggas are bringing in large quantities of goods. We shall observe for ourselves and report to the governor militar local in Robore. He paused. "That is if he is not involved."

The wail of the approaching trained drew their attention as the people on the platform seemed to move as one. His dark malevolent eyes sought and found the tall American woman and his thick lips drew back in a tense smile. "Veremos lo que veremos." he said aloud. "We shall see, what we shall see."

The old man's cock throbbed as he pulled the pale pink form of the young American girl across the table. Her vacuous eyes stared and she grunted as she was pulled forward till her bound body was centered on the coarse wood. Her ankles waved helplessly in the fetid air of the room still hobbled by the bamboo spreader bar. She groaned as the split bamboo pinching her distended nipples, red almost to bleeding, were mashed beneath her swollen breasts by the weight of her bound torso.

Hatori felt his cock surge from his feeling of power as he looked at the young girl lying on the table. Her red head was drawn back by the tight cord strung between her nasal tines and her bound arms. A few words to his imbecile son and the girls head was locked in the boys muscular hands. The old man's hands trembled with excitement as he pried the unresisting girl's mouth open and gripped her wet tongue with the dirty cloth he held in his bony fingers. The old pervert's cock swelled at the sound of the pretty pink girl's squeals as he pulled the pink lingual digit out as far as he could. While his imbecilic son giggled, his nimble left hand slid the tongue clamp, formed by the two halves of a length of bamboo, over the squirming worm of the piteous girl's tongue. When he stepped back the clamp securely gripped her tongue the twin edges of each half digging into the wet flesh. It looked like a bridle of sorts, extending past the corner of her mouth and shoved back into the hinge of her jaw. The old man's cock surged again as he looked at the girl's distorted face, reminded of the guardian dog statues used to scare away evil spirits at home, kneeling, tongues extended from a snarling mouth.

He snarled a word to the boy as his wizen form waddled to the hearth in the adjoining room, the heavy meat of his cock swaying between his bony legs. He quickly returned. The pretty pink girl's red head began to thrash in the strong grip of the boy's hand as her green eyes saw the glowing skewer in gripped in the old Asian's hand.

"Hokay, hokay, my prittee, I make quick. We makee you my animal favorito, how you say, my pet? You belong to Hattori now. You see you be velly happeee. He gripped the girl's extended tongue with a cloth gripped in black nailed fingers, as the other hand guided the smoking skewer to the center of her plump pink tongue. The boy's arms flexed at the sound of sizzling flesh. A high wailing moan tore from deep in Sandra's throat as the sizzling metal bore through her tongue in a cloud of greasy steam. She gurgled in pain as the tip ate through the center of the fat pink slug just in front of the septum beneath. Hattori smiled as he ran the hot length of the skewer back and forth in the hole cauterizing and enlarging it as they did so. His cock throbbed with each jerk and twitch of the girl's futile struggles. The greasy steam abated and the metal cooled, quenched by the melting flesh of the girl's tongue.

The skewer clattered to the floor, dropped by the old man as he waddled back between the girl's splayed legs.

"You can finish, my son. Fix the ring in place, while I pleasure my new pet." he chortled as he slicked the warty knob of his swollen cock between the sperm greased slabs of the girl's pink labia. A satisfied groan rumbled in his throat as he sank the length of his yellow cock into her splayed young cunt. As ordered the young boy slid a thick brass ring in the hole piercing the young teenage girl's tongue. Pliers in strong young hands crimped the ring closed as the hunched bony figure of the old yellow man labored in the pale notch of the bound American teens thighs.

The Padre could smell the stench before he saw the cause. "Madre di Dios!" he said as the horse rounded the narrow trail and he saw the first moldering corpse. The heavy air droned with fat flies as first one then another of the mounds of dead flesh came into view. The bodies, stripped of anything useful by the rebels were now only stinking greasy piles of writhing maggots. The old Padre crossed himself and traced the sign of the cross in the air as a pitiful benediction to the dead soldiers. Their "souls" long departed, replaced by the stinking cloud from their rotted earthly remains that hung heavy in the air. Maria covered her mouth with the hem of her thin dirty dress, recently stained with the black Padre's sperm as it dribbled from the splayed lips of her well used young cunt. The Padre coughed as the thick cloying cloud of rot hung in the humid air, invading his mumbling mouth. As he gave an impatient wave of his arm as he nudged the horse forward. The young Indian girl followed, her plump breasts jiggling and woggling beneath her loose dress to the tinkling of her whore's bells as her horse hurried along. The old Padre could feel the bile rise in his throat as they passed the piles of rotting humanity that lined the trail.

The clack of the train along the tracks lulled the passengers in the crowded passenger car. Genevieve sat at the window, her gaze watching the hills in the distance. She never noticed the man lean close to the ear of the woman sitting next to her. A few whispered words and the Indian woman gathered her things and disappeared in search of another seat.

The Inspector's leering eyes crawled over the exposed rounded flesh of the American woman's exposed cleavage. He already felt the tendrils of possessiveness weeding their way into his twisted mind.

"Disp nseme se ora, es usted de los estados unidos?" he said. He smiled with satisfaction as the woman jumped at the unexpected sound of his voice.

"What?, I mean, Soy arrepentido que yo no hablo el espa ol. Do you understand?" she said in a nervous voice.

"Oh, yes, I understand." he said with a chuckle. "I understand English perfectly." His greasy lips split in a smile at the attractive woman's nervousness. He knew that the hunter must establish his dominance over his prey from the start or it was not much of a hunt.

"What happened to the lady that was sitting there?" she said bewildered and angry that she had lost her buffer.

"Oh, the Senora asked to change seats to closer to a member of her family." he said with a sincere smile. "If my presence bothers you I will move...."

"No, no that's okay. I was only startled, you know...not expecting someone else." she said a faint smile turning her red lips.

"You are a long way from home, no? Joining your husband, I suspect, our country is full of oil men from the Stados Unidos." he said already having noticed the empty ring finger.

"No, I am looking for my daughter. She came down her for a visit without telling me. Teenagers!" she said with her best attempt at an exasperated smile. The attractive woman's mind already calculating how she could use her new acquaintance. 'yes I am far from home. I will be staying in Robore until I can locate her." she said turning toward the dark man, aligning her ample cleavage with his gaze.

"I too will be staying in Robore! Maybe I can be of service to you. My name is Alfredo Torquemada." he said extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I am Genevieve Falwell." she said with a plastic smile as she shook hands with the spider.

Chapter 50

Steve Falwell laid naked crosswise on the bed leaning against the wall, bare legs splayed. He felt a bead of sweat run down his spine as he lay in the stifling hut. He watched as Roselita helped the other Indian girl out of her simple dress. His cock twitched as his eyes devoured the flawless brown flesh of the two naked teenage girls. They giggled as Roselita took the other 17 year old's hand and led her to the bed. Falwell's eyes etched the image of the two teens in his brain. The innocent angelic faces framed by long thick black tresses, dark eyes behind which flickered the unbridled lust of pagan wantons. The firm fat breasts, jutting out from the brown expanse of their chests, the raspberry like nipples set in the dark chocolate aureoles. He licked his lips as his eyes traveled across the soft plains of their stomachs, to the rounded hips and strong thighs. His breath caught as his eyes saw the glistening of dew along the fleshy tongue of labia hidden in the thick thatch of black pubic hair. His mind reeled as his nostrils caught the unmistakable musk of female arousal. I came to him like a thick rich cloud he could taste saturating his senses. Roselita extended a smooth brown arm as she squirmed close to his left hip and wrapped her small fingers around his swollen white cock and hold it erect. Falwell felt a pang of guilt lance his heart as he watched the young teen extend her maroon tongue and lick the soaring column of flesh from root to tip like a youngster would lick an ice cream. Other small brown hands joined the first as another warm brown form curled against his right hip to nuzzle and lick as his hardened staff.

Roselita giggled as she offered the upraised cock to the other and dipped her head to lick and suck at his churning balls. The newcomer eagerly took the weeping head of his cock into her small mouth and suckled her tongue a busy blur. A gurgle rumbled in Falwell's throat and his eyes swam as the two warm set mouths worked their magic. His large hands traced the curves of the two girl's smooth hips and dipped into the wet crevasse between their sleek thighs. He felt the hot slickness of their excited cunts as it coated his probing fingers. In his swimming eyes their giggling and squirming forms blurred and paled, smooth brown becoming ivory white, glossy black became flax yellow and red.

His smoldering guilt belched into flame as green eyes in the freckled face met his. Rachel's plump red lips rode up and down his fat cock as her smiling eyes bored in to his silently saying, ""Oh, thank you, thank you, daddy."

His mind bubbled with guilt as his panicked eyes dropped to the mass of flaxen hair spread across his thighs. He felt the warm soft lips and tongue rooting and nuzzling his balls stoking the boiling sperm within.

"A-h-h-h-h, yes. That's daddy's good little Sandra. That's right, just like daddy showed you. That's a good girl, suck daddy's balls." he mumbled, the words spilling over the damn of guilt he had erected so long ago to hold back the vile thoughts that filled his mind when he gazed on his daughters.

The two girl's giggled at the words they did not understand, their brown eyes searched his lust etched face for approval and found it. Their smiling faces dipped and they redoubled their efforts as his fat fingers probed and stretched their dripping cunts.

Falwell squirmed his wet fingers in the hot slick confines of his daughters vaginas. He watched his cock surge in Rachel's stretched mouth as he played with the fleshy stumps to their young cervixes. He greedily forced yet another fat finger into the elastic mouths of their hungry bottoms churning and twisting them in the dripping wetness.

Black guilt seeped into his soul like a foul virus carried along by the overwhelming input of his senses. He felt the tangle of matted sodden hair beneath his palms, the slickness coating his fingers, the hot sucking wetness around his cock, and churning balls. The smell of rich ripe musk filled his nose as his young daughters groveled and squirmed to please daddy. Sperm boiled in his balls as he watched the red and yellow heads bob up and down in sinful depravity all for his pleasure. No reason, no self-delusion could disguise the corrosive cankers that covered his soul. The writhing blotches ate away at the facade revealing the black scurrilous truth beneath.

"Y-e-e-s-s-s-s, suck it, suck daddy's cock!!" he moaned as his throbbing rod spat out a wad after wad of thick hot seed.

"Yes, that's it, eat daddy's sperm, eat it! That's right, be good little sluts for daddy. You know you..uh-h-h...always wanted to be...u-h-h...always needed to please daddy!!"

The two young women giggled as their pagan tongues flicked and cum stained lips sucked in hungry competition. Their bright lustful eyes shown from glistening sperm slick faces. White streamers of gooey filth vomited from the snout of the thick cock to rain down like thick wet ropes across their upturned eager faces.

Rachel grunted as Esuela led her from the dog pen, a dirty finger hooked in the ring in the young American teen's nose. The blond haired young woman struggled to stand.

"No!" the fat woman screeched as she sent a vicious kick into the girls thigh. "A dog slut like you cannot stand like a decent woman! You will walk as a dog. What if your many lovers want to use you? You must think of them!!" she laughed as Rachel's leg buckled sending her back to her knees.

The Bolivian woman once again grabbed the ring and started down the dirt trail that led to the nearby creek, pulling the white missionary girl behind her.

"Come along my little perro slut. It is time for you to clean yourself, you pig!!" the fat cook's wife spat.

Rachel struggled to keep up as she crawled along on her hands and knees. Her fat swollen breasts swayed beneath her chest, woggling back and forth their liquid load stretching the fat bags till the bells hanging from her pierced nipples dragged the ground. Rachel could hear the pups yapping and yelping as they ran along her flanks ducking beneath her belly dodging between her prancing arms to nip at her distorted fat teats to feed. She felt hot shame color her face as she arched her back to raise her swaying breasts to give the pups a better chance. Her clit throbbed when she felt the needle like teeth of one lucky pup lock on the fat swollen finger of a dripping nipple. Her pussy cramped as she felt the new crisp pain in her breast as she dragged the nursing pup along.

The depravity of the scene and her own willing humiliation made her womb pull tight in her belly and her pale skin burn and flush. A smile came to her pretty face as she felt the guilty squirt of lube dribble down the stretched mouth of her filthy cunt. The drops of guilty filth mixed with the dried crust of canine sperm that coated her bottom like a layer of paste. The pain in her knees and the tugging of her heavy swollen breasts caused her pierced clit to tingle anew. Pleasure and pain lanced through her simultaneously as the heavy cross dangling from the angry red digit of her thick clit caught on vegetation as it swung to and fro beneath her pumping thighs.

She paused for a second as a filthy climax rooted in her guts only to be jerked painfully forward by the finger in her nose ring. She waddled along till they reached the edge of the creek. Rachel paused in confusion as Esuela walked behind her.

"It is time for you clean yourself you filthy pig!" the fat woman said. Rachel's turn of the head was cut short as the fat woman sent a hard kick into her exposed wet cunt.

Rachel felt the hardness of the woman's shoe sink into the tender flesh of her upturned bottom. The hard leather drove into the turgid finger of her pierced clit propelling her over the bank. Her hands scrabbled for footing in the thin air as a climax exploded in her brain and her head plunged into the dark water.

Her mind was a void filled with the pain. The piercing pain in her violated tongue cut through the throbbing in her shoulders and abused cunt. No rational thought visited her once active mind as a dulling cloud had mercifully descended on her. Only an occasional grunt had issued from her defiled mouth as the old oriental pervert emptied his vile and hateful lust into her young cunt. Hattori squealed with relief as his withered balls pumped stream after viscous stream of yellow puscuous sperm into the young red headed teen's womb. Finished he stood on shaky legs as his deflating cock slipped worm like from between the wet lips of the young American's quim. He snickered as the sight as his rancid seed dribbled from the weeping slit to dirty the fine red pubes that graced the girl's plump mons.

Breath rasped in his diseased lungs as he ordered his imbecile son to remove the clamp from the girl's freshly pierced tongue. The old man stepped from between her splayed white legs and grasping a hand full of red hair as the boy fumbled with the split bamboo that imprisoned the girl's tongue. The old Japanese felt his cock twitch as he gazed on the young tear stained face. He knew the young American saw little and felt less. He smiled at the sight of the distorted freckled face, the twin nasal tines pulling her small nose harshly back. As his son removed the clamp her tongue retracted back into her gaping mouth only to stop when the large ring clacked into her small white teeth. The imbedded in the center of her tongue, the ring was large enough to prevent the poor unfortunate from speaking. The pink flesh surrounding the piercing was charred where the hot skewer had pierced and cauterized the sensitive flesh.

The old Japanese watched for a moment as his son shimmied from his pantaloons and amused himself by rubbing his oversized cock across the unresisting girl's upturned face. Only a pitiful whimper came from the tortured girl's throat. Hattori smiled at the thought of the bestial state he had reduced the young vibrant woman to in only a few days. He walked around the girl trailing his bony fingers across the smooth pale skin. His hand slowly drew across the plump mound of the girl's flawless buttock. The dirty fingers and cracked nails of his hand contrasted against the milky freckled skin like a maggot on a white rose.

His black eyes seemed shine like lumps of lustrous coal as he waddled toward the adjacent room and the flickering hearth.

"Tahio! "Hold the girl down as we practiced." he said without turning. The large boy giggled as he pushed her torso back onto the table and climbed up and straddled the unresisting girl. He squatted trapping the girl's head beneath his muscular buttocks. Reaching forward he grabbed the arms bound behind her and pulled them toward him, using her own arms as a lever to drive her torso into the table beneath him.

"A-a-a-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h, h-a-a-a-a-a-h, h-a-a-a-a-a-h!!" the teen cried as one agony surpassed another, as her arms threatened to pop from their sockets.

"Good, my son, good!!" the old man said with fatherly pride as he waddled back into the room, his way lit by the glowing iron grasped in his hand. The black iron glowed red in the dim light, the kanji symbolizing his clan popped and crackled as beads of sweat dripped from his excited face. The old man felt his cock thicken as he neared the helpless form with the hot iron. Only a few women had he branded in such a way, and never a white woman. He walked to a place behind and between Sandra's pale freckled legs. The old man had forgotten the power of true ownership, it coursed through him now, and inflamed his diseased cock. He felt young again as he planted a foot firmly on the spreader bar tied to the young American's ankles. The old man breathed deeply smelling the rich aroma of the girl's splayed sex. He fixed his eyes on the quivering mound of her right flawless buttock and sighed. A swift and deliberate movement of his right hand brought the glowing red iron flush upon the pale quivering mound. The skin sizzled and popped at the touch of the hot iron. A ragged muffled shriek tore from Sandra's tortured throat. Her trapped body thrashed and jerked in agony as the old man bore down on the hot iron as it melted into the fatty tissue of her taunt buttock. Steam and oily smoke rose from the hissing iron as it ate its way into the flesh of the trapped girl. The old man felt a rapture at the act as his ownership became inviolate. The girl's life passed truly and inexorably into his hands. He sighed as his erect yellow cock began to spew thick wads of corrupt seed, the dregs of his withered balls, on the backs of the helpless girl's thighs.

The obscene hissing began faded as he withdrew the iron from the new brand. The imprint of his clan's kanji was clearly burned into the flesh of the girl. His bony fingers dipped into a jar of salve and smeared the soothing balm across the livid burn. He smiled with satisfaction as his fingers played across the emblem, as broad as his palm and as deep as his little finger was wide. He grinned at his son and nodded. The boy jabbered his idiocy as he leapt from the table and scurried to replace his father between the sobbing girl's legs.

The boy continued to jabber and babble as he centered his thick swollen rod between the girl's newly scarred buttocks and pushed his demanding cudgel against the meager resistance of the teenage girl's sphincter.

Chapter 51

The blackness swirled around Rachel her arms seemed to move in slow motion as her mind fought to clear itself as her orgasm shuddered through her. The air was filled with the evil laughter of the fat cook's wife as the young woman's head broke the surface of the dark green water.

"Clean yourself, you filth sow!" the fat woman yelled at the sputtering face of the young American. "Clean yourself quickly, slut before los caimanes find you, yes there are alligators in the river!" she said with a cackle.

Rachel pushed herself close to the bank and began to scrub at the accumulated filth that caked her white skin. The cool water soothed her raw knees and sore swollen breasts. Looking around her nervously she scrubbed her hands over her flesh to loosen the accumulated mixture of dirt and dog sperm that covered her thighs and crotch. Her fingers touched against the swollen digit of her pierced clit and she felt the burning desire rise in her yet again. Like a demented siren song it called to her and drowned out thoughts of danger in her brain. Her left hand snaked between her trembling thighs to torment the projecting stump of nerves. Her right hand circled around to scrub at the scurrilous cleft between her plump cheeks. She licked her pink tongue nervously at the ring hanging from her septum that lay upon her upper lip. She dropped her head, her guilty blue eyes hidden behind hanging strands of wet blond hair. She grunted as she dug a long slender finger into her stretched anus as her other hand plunged its twin into her gaping cunt. Beneath the water her busy thumb strummed and plucked at the grotesquely swollen figure of her clitoris, pulling and yanking at the thick ring piercing its base. Her splayed bent knees were seemingly hidden from the gaze of the fat Bolivian woman.

"Yes, you filthy puta, finger yourself. You cannot get enough, eh?", Esuela said to the young woman lost in herself defilement.

Genevieve Falwell stood under the tepid water of the shower as it washed the accumulated salt and dust from her shapely form. Her eyes cast a furtive glance toward the door of the washroom. The town of Robore's best accommodations was a pension that consisted of small rooms that opened on a tree lined courtyard. She had to share a washroom and toilet room with the other guests. While there was a lock on the door it only amounted to a flimsy hook. She felt a mixture of satisfaction and annoyance at the memory of the looks she had gotten from the four men. They sat at a table in the tiled portion of the courtyard that served as restaurant and recreation area for the guests. In the gathering dusk of the evening their collective eyes had followed her every step from her room to the shower even when the proprietor had arrived at table side with four new cold cervesas. The appreciative laughs and comments followed her behind the closed door and her nipples puckered with excitement and pride.

Reaching up she turned off the water being careful not to touch the bare wires that ran current to the heating coil at the shower's head. "The Brazilian electrocution device", she had been told. Standing wet and naked with electrical current only inches away from a stream of water did not seem safe to her. She toweled off and turned to admire herself in the cracked mirror above the filthy sink.

She smiled to herself as she ran her hands under her prominent long nippled breasts. "They were just as large and firm as that slut Rachel's!" she thought to herself, forgetting to mention the surgery it took to make them so. Her long slender fingers slid across the flat stomach, "No stretch marks there." she thought, "Even after two kids!"

Her tight buttocks were a tribute to the surgeon’s knife, but the long sleek thighs were all hers. The tight thatch of blond hair above her fleshy labia was showing need of a trim and wax. She sighed and shivered as she remembered the man on the train. He seemed nice enough but it angered her that she might have overplayed her hand.

"Men are all alike." she thought, "They think with their cocks." She shivered again as she remembered how his dark eyes had slid slug like over the curves of her proffered cleavage. "Well it had gotten her a ride in a government car from the station to here." she reminded herself.

Pulling on a shear robe, she glanced in the mirror to admire how it clung to her every curve. She bundled her cloths in her bag and opened the door. Her lips took on a seductive smile as she marched into the courtyard assuming the role she was so good at playing.

Her sandaled feet took her toward the table of men.

"Excuse me, are you Americans?" she cooed.

"Born and bred!" a young voice answered with a touch of drawl.

"Yeah, we are down her doing some work for an oil company. Never expected to see an unaccompanied American woman here!" the mustachioed leader of the party said.

All eyes turned toward her as she stepped into the light. She could see the men were playing cards and drinking. Rum it looked like, straight.

"Care for a drink, ma'am?" a bearded voice asked.

"Doan have any ice, ma'am. They turn the electricity off at 9 o'clock. That explains the candles in the room if you haven't noticed." said a thick southern voice from a large black face.

"Thank you, I'd like that." she said, leaning forward, allowing her robe to gape exposing an ample expanse of damp cleavage. "That is very kind of you."

She smiled as she felt their eyes crawl across her breasts and felt the tingle of arousal swell her labia as she teased them.

"What brings you down here by yourself?" the mustache asked, his green eyes tunneling into hers.

"I am down here looking for my daughter." she said offering nothing more.

The leader looked on without comment remembering the dark man in the government car that had dropped her off. "Daughter, right!" he thought. "No sane woman would be this far in the jungle by herself." he thought without comment. "Some important government dick's mistress!" he thought. With money you can get whatever you want. Fifteen years in the oil business had surely taught him that.

The beard's fat hand set a glass on the table and it was filled with rum from a bottle held in the Black's oversized paw. Genevieve's eyes traveled from face to face as she raised the glass to take a sip. She failed to hide the revulsion in her eyes as she looked at the sweating hulk of the Beard. His fat sweating face was like a white pumpkin perched on a mound of fat. His sparse beard still held the crumbs from his dinner, and his khaki shirt was stained and spotted. The Leader was lean and muscular, with cold green eyes. The huge black was polite and quiet. The strong white teeth that lit up the dark face when he smiled hid the true thoughts behind his dark brown eyes. Her gaze wandered to the large meaty mounds of his biceps, the size of cantaloupes. The blond man, barely out of his teens, was the youngest.

"So what brings all of you here?" she asked between sips.

"We're doing some field surveys for an oil company." the Leader said. We spend several weeks in the field, then we come back here for a day or two. Right now we're just killing time till one of our local compadres comes by to collect us. Says he knows a private, eh, club, I guess you'd call it."

"Oh, then I should be going." she said coyly. "I have a big day tomorrow. Maybe, I'll see you men before I leave. Good nite and thanks for the drink." she said as she turned and walked toward her room.

Walking across the courtyard the robe slipped from her firm shoulders revealing her tall naked form. She stopped and raised her hands to undo her blond hair letting it fall in a cascade down her shoulders. She turned slightly and brought polished nails up to her prominent breasts, cupping them in offering to the table of men. She tweaked at the hard spikes of her long nipples as she traced her pink tongue along the full curve of her bottom lip. Her sleek legs flexed as she began to undulate her naked pelvis, exposing the coraline slit of her shaved vagina.

The clump of her closing door caused the fantasy playing out in each man's mind to evaporate as quickly as it came. The men glanced self-consciously at each other before the shared realization hit them that they had all been lost in variations of the same fantasy.

"Gawwwd damn!!" the leader guffawed. "I don't know about you guys, but I'd already fucked her three ways before she made it to her room!" This was met with a chorus of laughs as the men returned to their cards.

Genevieve closed the flimsy door to her room amid the muffled laughter coming from the table. She sighed as she thought about tomorrow and what she needed to do. So far the only help offered had been from the dark Bolivian on the train, Alfredo something she remembered.

She lay back on the bed intending only to rest her eyes. In minutes she drifted off to sleep.

Rachel crawled from the creek under the watching eyes of the fat cooks wife.

"On your knees whore!" the fat woman said, as she grabbed the ring in the young woman's nose. In silence the young woman crawled naked behind the fat woman. The full milk laden bags of her oversized breasts swayed heavily beneath her. Bells tinkled with every strike of her knees against the hard ground as her distended nipples waggled their bells. The pale mounds of her fleshy buttocks swayed as she crawled, the crevasse of her sex glistening wetly around the thick metal rings lining its wordless lips.

The four Americans followed their Bolivian acquaintance, Luis, down the dark street in the southern part of town. The fat bearded one licked his fat lips in anticipation. The Leader and the Big Black didn't share the enthusiasm of the other two. Their Bolivian friend had described their destination as they walked.

Robore had a large church and its associated catholic school. The affluent families sent their daughters to this remote school to remove them from the bad influences of the city of Santa Cruz and protect their innocence. As in so many things, the intent was well meant, but the execution was flawed. Either due to a lack of interest on the part of the good Sisters of the Church in Robore, or through guile unexpected of teenage girls, it seems that the young daughters of Santa Cruz were neither protected nor innocent.

Luis had explained that the virtuous young women of the catholic school spent their evenings at a small private club. For the price of a few drinks, a gentleman of means could share the company of one or more of the girls.

He explained with a laugh, "Es no bordello. Pero los j venes y chicas jugosas, how you say...young and juicy girls, ellos son c mo ellos son, they are how they are. For no much Bolivianos, the girls might be persuaded to entertain a lonely hombre.

The Mustachioed leader liked fresh young quim as much as the next guy, but shagging young catholic school girls wasn't his idea of a good time. Especially if the girls hadn't seen the back side of their 18th birthday. Blondie and the Beard didn't seem to share his reservations. The hulking Black walking next to him seem to keep his own council.

"Well, a few beers couldn't hurt.", he thought as they walked down the dark street.

Genevieve woke to the hard knocking at the door to her room. Startled she looked around herself in the dark, momentarily forgetting where she was.

"One moment. Uno momento." she yelled as she struggled to light the candle on the stand near the table.

Picking up the flickering candle she stepped to the door. "Who is it? Qui n es?" she said through the door.

"Senora Falwell, it is Alfredo, the gentleman from the train."

"Oh?" Genevieve said, her head still filled with cobwebs.

She unhooked the door and opened it to the dark man's leering face.

Before she could stop him, he pushed past her and stepped into the small room. Gone was the polite demeanor he had exhibited on the train.

"So we meet again, Senora, under quite different circumstances." the inspector said, his sweating face shining in the candle light.

"I am glad to see you like to entertain your guests in a most casual manner." he said with a laugh as he slid his dark hand between the gaping halves of the sheer robe. Before the attractive American could react, the Inspector cupped and squeezed a heavy breast.

Genevieve jumped and jerked away, causing the heavy enhanced orbs to wobble on her chest.

"What?,...You bastard, who do you think you are?" she squealed with outrage and anger.

"Who do I think I am?" he said stepping forward hand extended to brush aside the robe and cup a quivering breast. "I am an Inspector in the Policia Especial Bolivianos. I am a man before which even the local Commandante pisses himself." he said with an evil grin, his eyes cold. "And you are a lone American Senora, miles from anywhere." he said rubbing his thumb across her thick hard nipple. "You could disappear tomorrow, and even the local Inspector might not find you...!" he said with feigned innocence and a laugh.

The woman's face was a mask of shock and anger. Her emotions running between disbelief and fear. Her green eyes searched his face for a hint of jest but saw only the dark stoney face of a man who was used to getting his way.

The caressing of his thumb caused her nipples to pucker and the involuntary tingle in her groin acted like a catalyst as she launched herself at the grinning face like a banshee.

Snarling she raised her manicured nails as she lunged at the leering face prepared to claw it to shreds.

Out of the dark the man's hand met her snarling face stunned her with an open handed blow to her jaw and ear. A practiced hand found the nerves located on the hollow on the left side of her neck and drove a thumb into it. The stunned woman dropped to her knees in pain as her arm went numb. Before she could twist away the man's left hand landed repeated blows to the side of her head and neck. Her right arm went limp as the blows numbed the nerves of her shoulder. Her face went blank as a blow found the carotid artery. A muted grunt told the Inspector that his prey was now in his control. He released her neck and caught her by the hair with his right hand before she fell forward.

"H-m-m-m-m, not so feisty now, eh, Senora?" he asked mockingly.

As he held her head up he slammed his open hand across her face repeatedly as her dazed eyes stared up at him.

"Now Senora, I, will tell you how things will be for you from this day forward." he hissed, his sweating face only inches from hers. "You will join the other putas in my collection. You will earn me mucho Bolivianos with the pretty body you have paid for. But first, I will teach you how a whore should behave around a real man. I will teach you how to give men pleasure.

Looking down at the dazed woman he pulled her robe down over her shoulders to the bend of her elbows. She raised her green eyes upward blazing with hatred and felt the jarring pain of several more blows from his palm and the back of his hand.

"Puta! You were not given permission to raise your eyes to me!!. Understand this whore! You have no choice. You see it is this, or life in the Prision Federal Boliviana for drug smuggling."

He hooked his right fist into her solar plexus doubling her over as her paralyzed diaphragm refused to function.

He laughed as he unbuckled his trousers and pulled out his hardened cock. The thin brown skin of his foreskin was stretched over the large swollen knob, allowing the slitted tip to peek out.

"My beautiful American whore," he said with a wheedling voice. "You will learn to love a hard Bolivian cock! You will learn to love to suck them and to take them in your pussy and ass. I will see that you get all you want. I know many men who will desire to use that lovely body of yours."

With that he reached down and grabbed a fist of hair and pulled the gasping woman to her feet. He turned her around and pushed her face down on the small bed. Holding her down with his left fist in her hair, he lifted her robe and kneed his way between her splayed legs.

Releasing her hair he used both hands to push the thin robe above her fleshy womanly hips to expose the pale mounds of her buttocks.

"I see you like the sun, no?" he said noticing the bikini tan lines that framed the firm mounds. He ran his hands admiringly over the smooth flesh before dipping into the dark hair lined crevasse beneath them. The blond head began to raise in protest as he wormed two fingers between her labia. The quick blow to the back of the attractive woman's head quelled the budding protest. He grabbed her hair and pulled it back stretching her long smooth neck.

"Whack, whack" the blows rang in the small room as he struck her face and ear.

"Do not presume whore!" he snarled. "You are nothing more than la carne you say, a-h-h yes, sex meat. You are nothing but sex meat to me. MY sex meat." he said with a laugh.

Genevieve's pride and defiance lay in tatters on the floor of the small room. She found it hard to think, the pounding ache in her head and the ringing in her ears. He heart throbbed in her chest as the implications of the dark man's words began to sink in. She squirmed to free her arms from the twisted robe as she felt the man's hands running over her smooth skin.

A grunt of protest escaped her lips as she felt his thick fingers worm their way into the dry mouth of her vagina. "My god!" she though. "No, this bastard isn't going to do this!" she thought as she pushed herself up from the bed. A stunning pain registered in her head just before her eyes rolled upward and darkness descended on her.

The Inspector watched the blond head sag forward after he delivered the sharp blow to the back of her neck. "White Putas! They never learn." he thought. Every white whore he had ever taken, whether a tourista from los Estados Unidos, Canada or Europa, they always thought they could fight their way free. The women and girls from Bolivia or other sudamericano counties were more compliant. Their good church upbringing." he thought with a laugh.

With a shrug he skinned his rigid cock, spat on clot of spit on his fingers and liberally greased the large swollen knob with the saliva. Shuffling forward he slicked the purple knob up and down between the fleshy lips of the unconscious woman's labia searching for the throat of her cunt. A grunt of satisfaction signaled success. He leaned forward over the limp form and slowly forced his thick brown shaft into the tight confines of the woman's cunt. His mustached lip curled in a wet grin as he luxuriated in the heat of the woman's unresisting flesh. He sighed as the pressure lessened signaling the elastic tissues were expanding to fit his girth. Leaning forward he wormed his free hands under the unconscious woman's chest until each hand was filled to overflowing with the silicon inflated mounds of her tits.

Gripping the fat orbs for leverage he could feel the long hard nipples gouging his palms. Closing his dark eyes, the Inspector of Secret Police began to pump his cock deeply in and out of the unconscious woman's womb. The small room filled with the sound of his heavy breathing as he gouged the tender flesh of the woman as his throbbing cock lanced in and out of her. The two men flanking the outside of the woman's room in silence gave each other knowing glances. Their throbbing cocks waiting for their turn.

Chapter 52

The small court yard to the squat building was dark, decorated by a large tree surrounded by a ring yuccas. The thick walls of adobe brick muffled the sound within. What seeped out to the ears of the five visitors was a low drone.

The short dark figure mounted the covered porch and knocked on the thick wooden door.

"Abra Roberto me mandó." he said as he leaned forward and spoke to the small, closed opening in the center of the door. A beam of light flared in the darkness as the small window opened a space followed by the sound of a heavy bolt sliding.

The door opened abruptly and a thick arm beckoned them enter, the door closing quickly behind them.

"Veo que Roberto nos ha mandado algúnos hombres del norte." the burly doorman said with a booming laugh.

"Sí, y dice a las señoritas jugosas ellos tienen mucho dinero para gastar también." the dark guide said in return with a laugh.

"What did he say?" The fat bearded one asked the Leader.

"He said that Roberto somebody sent four horny Americans with lots of money to spend to defile the young women of Bolivia." the mustachioed leader said. "Or close to that. So keep your hands on your wallet, and don't flash too much cash, even in private."

The Doorman waved an arm as the narrow hallway opened into a spacious room lined with booths and tables. A small bar was situated in one corner half hidden by a small crowd of young women.

Mustache looked over at the tall burly Black and grinned. "You're all on your own." he said heading to a secluded table.

"Hot damn!" the Fat Bearded one said as he waddled his sweating bulk toward the bar and the crowd of young women followed by the Young Blond.

"Just like a stateside tittie bar." he thought as he pulled out a chair. "A bunch of pretty young girls playing dress-up, thinking they are all grown up because every swinging dick they see wants a piece of their ass."

He was shaking his head as the Big Black pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Not quite what I was expecting, how's bout you?" the Big Black growled.

"Yeah, I don't want to feel like I'm fucking somebody's little sister, ya know?" he said motioning to the bar. "I guess they don't have the same compunctions..." he said as a squeal of laughter erupted from the direction of the bar.

The Big Black turned in time to see Fat Beard pull his hand from between the plump cheeks of one of the scantily clad school girls to the amusement of the goosed girl's friends. Recognizing a payday the bevy of girls at the bar broke up only to congeal around the two eager Americans.

The girl's had traded their pleated skirts and knee socks for their interpretation of a Victoria Secret model. The Black and Mustache watched the crowd of females, all quivering buttocks and jiggling breasts beneath whatever filmy fabric they had found, topped by clouds of dark voluminous thick black hair. They were in all sizes from short to tall, slim to thick, the mixed heritage of Indian, Inca, and Castilian.

"Well, maybe after a few drinks..." he said with a wink to his companion. His eyes noting the darkness of a pair of nipples here and a dark thatch of pubic hair there. Even in the dim light of the quasi-club the week coffee pigmentation of the girls was unmistakable. He saw the Fat Beard motion in their direction and two girls cut themselves from the pack and headed toward the table.

"Hola puede yo le obtengo una cerveza? Uh..Excuse me, Can I get you a beer?" the attractive teen said with smiling dark eyes and a halting voice. The second girl, short, dark, and wide hipped stood mute letting her friend do the talking.

"Gracias, dos cervesas, y dos Singani, por favor. You speak very good English." Moustache said with a grin, his white teeth showing in the dark.

She nodded looking a little embarrassed and headed toward the bar.

"I wonder what their mothers and fathers think they are doing right now?" big black said shaking his head as his eyes watched the shivering buttocks as the girls walked away.

"Well, whatever it is, its' not this." he said. He watched as the two collected their drinks and returned to the table.

He pulled out a chair and Big Black did the same, letting the girls decide where to sit. With demure smiles the girls sat down. The short girl chose Big Black and quickly pulled her chair next to his and without preamble lifted his massive arm and pressed herself against his chest, smiling up at his massive face.

"Here's to international relations." Mustache said raising the glass of Singani.

He slid his beer in front of the girl and she quickly lifted the glass, the clink of the four glasses followed by their mingled laughter.

Mustache cocked his head to down the Singani and jumped at the touch of the girl's slender hand on hid inner thigh. His choking sputtering brought another round of laughter from the table.

"This had the makings of a wild night." he thought with a grin.

The fat cook watched his wife lead the pretty Anglo girl toward the house. His fat stump of a cock twitched and began to swell as he watched the madonna-like form of the defiled girl crawling behind his fat toad of a wife. He clenched and unclenched his fists in frustrated arousal at the sight of the heavy milk engorged bags swaying beneath her as she crawled. The late evening sun glinted off the brass rings at her nipples, nose, and cunt. He flexed his cock as he remembered the engulfing tightness and liquid heat of the young American's eager cunt. His mind reeled at the memory of her wanton cravings beneath the hands of the barracks full of young soldiers. All their secret fantasies were before them, An Anglo princess for them to defile, each bearing balls brimming with eager sperm, and she drained them all!! His tongue licked at his fat lips at the memory. Soon the Old Priest would return to take this lovely vision away, but not before he created new memories to paint over the face of his repulsive wife as he emptied his balls in her scabrous cunt.

He opened the door for his waddling wife and watched as she tugged the pale young missionary into the center of the room by her nose ring.

"Sit, puta!!" she said punctuating her words with a kick to the firm thigh of the pretty young American.

The pretty young American grunted from the pain, as she dropped to her haunches in the center of the room, her clean flesh giggling and quivering with the effort.

Rachel's eyes flitted between Esuela and her husband in confusion. She wanted to please but was lost in confusion at not knowing how. Her thick clitoris burned with arousal from the tugging and pulling of the heavy cross which hung suspended from the thick ring that pierced it's thick base. Squatting on her haunches, her fat breasts hung heavily on her narrow chest, the veiny balloons wobbled liquidly on her chest with each excited breath she took. The curved lines of her ribs stood out, the weight of her monster udders stretching the alabaster skin of her torso taunt.

The fat cook looked on the long thick fingers of her pierced nipples with envy. The long swollen paps were distorted from the nursing of the hungry pups and leaked wetly. The white nourishing fluid leaked from around where the thick brass rings pierced her thick nipples, the sensitive flesh was puckered, stretched by the thick ring. Milk dripped down to decant along the chain hanging from each thick nipple ring, the weight of her whore's bells seemingly un-noticed by the rigid engorged projections of flesh. He watched with excited disgust as the beautiful defiled and debased teen allowed her ample bottom to settle on a dirty heel, her hips squirming, churning the wet sopping gash of her cunt to a froth. The slut's hooded blue eyes shifted about in nervous embarrassment as she strove to bring herself to a filthy climax. Whether her embarrassment stemmed from her own disgusting display of excess or the uncontrollable secretions of her over ripe breasts, the fat cook could not say.

For his own part, he felt his balls churning and tingling between his thick thighs, the swollen stump of his cock hungering for the release of the pretty young slut's eager cunt.

Rachel clasped her fat lower lip between her teeth, the large nose ring touching her chin, as she felt the gut wrenching climax beginning in her belly. Her sleek arms stiffened, hands clasping her trim thighs, mashing her fat fluid swollen udders together forcing the thick blue veins radiating from her swollen engorged nipples into vivid relief.

Two yapping pups stood at her thighs, jumping, and whining as they attempted to capture the thick nipples on her swaying breasts.

Her fleshy hips squirmed mashing her leaking cunt harder against her upturned heel. Her eyes rolled and her breath shallowed as the entity born of her own perversion grew like a bastard child in her belly, blossoming, ever larger until it pushed all thought from the dregs of her mind.

The girl radiant in her debauched beauty, felt delicious pain as the needle like teeth of the pups clamp onto her thick swollen paps, the dogs pulling and sucking on her engorged udders. Rachel wallowed in her sick depravity, craving ever more. Her sick depravity was its own reward, she moaned and shuddered, rocking on her haunches, as her dirty reward coursed through her.

A small pale hand searched blindly, desperately for the chain hanging between her thighs, finding it, tugged, and pulled in demented torment of her swollen clitoris, in an effort to prolong her filthy climax.

Lost in her demented world of lust, the poor ripe young woman never noticed Escuella disappear into the adjacent room.

The memories of her clasping wet cunt were still fresh in his mind, he was unable to control himself any longer. The Fat Cook scuttled forward, his hand fumbling at his dirty pants. As he moved they dropped from his bloated brown belly in a tangle around his feet. Never slowing he kicked himself free to stand in front of the beautiful overripe American, naked from the waist down. His fat pudgy hand fisted his fat swollen stump of a cock, skinning his thick foreskin. The thick brown shaft of his short cock seemed to be alive, it's surface writhing with dark pulsing veins at the girl's unholy display. His wealth of foreskin bunched behind the thick swollen cap of its vermilion head. A thick drop of liquid lust oozed from its wordless mouth as if the demanding appendage was drooling in anticipation. Planting his feet apart he shuffled forward on thick hairy legs and thrust the broad wet cap of his cock against the moaning girl's soft red lips.

Rachel felt the familiar touch of cock flesh against her lips and reveled at the electric sensation that coursed through her. Her greedy body responded without thinking as her teeth released her full lip and her welcoming lips pursed to kiss the weeping snout of her rigid new master. Her practiced pink tongue snaked between her pursed lips to lap the delicious slime that leaked from the fat old man's cock. The beauty cooed as her mouth filled with the hungered for taste that weeks before would have raised her gorge. The missionary's mouth opened in welcome as her small chin fell open to admit yet another serpent into her defiled Eden.

"A-h-h-h-m-m-m-m-m-h" she moaned impatiently as she forced her pale face forward to greedily swallow the thick pole.

The Fat Cook leaned back as he grabbed the pretty American by her blond hair pulling her face against the underside of his bloated gut. He gritted his teeth as the delicious sensation strove to overwhelm him. He wanted to possess her, this treasure of defiled beauty. He wanted to destroy her too, so as to never lose her. Never again would he, a poor fat little man have the power to possess such a beauty as this young hungry slut. His ball boiled as he thrust his thick cock deeply into the girl's welcoming throat.

Rachel moaned around the thick plug of flesh that stretched her overfilled mouth. A vague shadow of who she once had crossed her, the hint of tears formed at her eyes only to be forgotten as her small pink tongue crawled along the underside of the veiny spear easing it's invasion like some perverted Quisling. She forced her pale white face against the thick vein covered rod in self-degradation wanting it all. Her lifted giddily as she felt the coarse hair of his groin scourge the smooth skin of her chin, nose, and cheeks. Her pierced nose flared at the strong masculine stench of his unwashed crotch as she felt her thick clit buzz and twitch as it swelled anew burying the old Rachel once and for all.

Snorting with effort, her breath blasting into the Fat Cooks soiled pubes, the beautiful teen nursed on the length of the thick cock embedded in her throat. The marred smooth surface of her arched white back glistened with a patina of sweat as she labored to please the fat old man. Her young supple muscles knotted and writhed beneath her Nordic skin as she struggled to please the fat old peasant. His brown hands wrapped in her blond tresses the Cook drilled his cock into the young blue eyed teen's unresisting mouth as he pulled her face against the bloated hairy surface of the underside of his belly. Her small pale hands busied themselves selfishly as one caressed and coaxed his churning scrotum resting on her clear smooth chin. The pretty girl's other hand was hidden between her own sleek splayed thighs. Her tiny digits played against her clit like a depraved virtuoso, scratching, pinching, and pulling at the swollen demon with chipped and broken nails.

Rachel worked her tongue against the delicious pole of flesh that filled her mouth. Her clouded blue eyes raised to search the sweating dark brown face. She wanted to please, needed to please. Only them could the demanding demon between her legs give her sought for release. She ground her swampy cunt against her upturned heel and pulled her torso up against the piercing pulling teeth of the nursing pups.

"A-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-h" , she groaned as her demonic clit swelled once more to bursting the electric acid sensation in her belly blossoming once again. She ground her face against the sweating surface of the Fat man's swollen gut as she debased herself for him.

The Fat Cooks hooded eyes watched the beautiful, defiled girl. The sight and sensation of her pale form as she gobbled his cock in hungry desperation pushed him over the edge.

The practiced wanton new of his impending climax before the old man. Her experienced fingers felt the swelling surge of his balls as they reverently cradled the heavy pouch of wrinkly skin.

The young slut quickly grasped the thick shaft of his bursting cock in her slender white fingers, withdrawing her mouth to seal her puffy lips tightly around the mushroom like head. Her tiny white hand pumped the brown fleshy shaft as her greedy mouth sucked thick white streamers of sperm from its slotted mouth. Like a depraved hungry child she sucked the viscous clotted slime in great thick ribbons to fill her ballooning cheeks. Her angelic face beamed as she swallowed the thick wads by the mouthful to form a warm liquid puddle in her flat empty belly.

The Fat Cook looked down through the haze of orgasmic lust to see the Madonna of his dreams kissing the foul Serpent of Eden. Their eyes met, her blue eyes his soul as she smiled in depraved gratitude, her swollen red lips parting, to reveal the perfect pearls of her white teeth, bathed in the thick paste of his clotted sperm. Her pink tongue snaked out to lap the last thick streaks of his congealing spunk from his wilting cock. His brown eyes watched with sick fascination as the pretty young teen labored to capture the last of his spent dregs. He closed his eyes and sighed as he listened to their labored breathing and the wet gobbling slurps of the pups as they nursed at the swollen nipples that capped the huge veiny bags of her overfilled udders.

Chapter 53

Genevieve drifted in the darkness of terror, her arms flailed slowly in the dark waters that were drowning her. She reached out desperately for the solid hope she felt with her searching hands. "She would live!", her starving brain silently cried as her groping hands grasped the firm columns above her head. Reaching up as she struggled to open her eyes, the columns of her salvation turned to bare hairy legs topped by muscular masculine buttocks. Her pleading eyes opened to a topsy turvy world her throat searing as she fought for breath. The attractive blonds bleary eyes struggled to focus on the dangling bag of wrinkly masculine flesh that hung before her eyes.

Alfredo stood bandy-legged at the edge of the bed his hands mauling the silicon inflated mounds of the Anglo whore. The ivory wedge footprint of a small bikini was painted across the smooth mounds and her crotch. The contrast of the large silicon firm breasts against her tanned torso begged for attention. His strong fingers mauled the fleshy mounds rising from the plane of her chest as he fucked her unresisting mouth. She lay on her on her back head dangling from the bed. The brown vein encrusted column of his rigid cock bored deeply into her throat, stretching, and distorting her full lips. He grunted as her suddenly groping hands signaled that she was regaining consciousness.

'U-h-h-h!" he groaned through gritted teeth as he ground the root of his cock against the attractive woman's lips, the length of his cock fully sheathed in her throat. The officer of secret police leaned into her, pinning her head between cock and mattress edge. His lips curled in an evil grin as he watched her body buck and thrash, her hands grasping at the back of his thighs and buttocks as she fought for air.

He slowly began to withdraw the thick cudgel from her ravished throat as he sadistically pulled and twisted the long nipples that capped the gravity defying mounds on her chest. He listened patiently for a gasp of breath as his long rod cleared the struggling beauty's airway, then snapped his hips to sadistically drive the staff of flesh deeply into her still convulsing throat.

Blind panic and horror filled the attractive woman's mind as she fought for breath. Unable to move her head, she scrabbled and grabbed in futility at the firm hairy legs that trapped her. Her throat convulsed as she tried to scream, her chest bucked and heaved in an effort to expel the horrid plug of flesh that was killing her. In her frenzy she never felt the mauling of her perfect breasts as the Officer's strong hands raised bruises and welts across the once perfect surfaces of her vanity's pride and joy.

The hair covered fullness of the wrinkled pouch hung over her surgically perfect nose obscuring her sight. The few glimpses of hairy leg went un-noticed as the attractive woman struggled to breath. Alfredo's dark eyes watched with amusement as the tanned trim ribcage heaved as her burning lungs gulped helplessly for air.

Tiring of the game, the brutish officer pulled his dripping cock from the woman's scoured throat grabbing a fist of her bleached hair as he did so. He pulled the supine woman to a sitting position and twisted her roughly around. She whined in confusion and pain but turned compliantly preventing her saloned hair from being pulled out by the roots.

The Officer pushed and pulled her to a sitting position on the bed's edge. His rampant swollen cock jutting out like a conductor's baton, mocking her. She raised her blue eyes hesitantly from the dripping monster and their eyes barely met before his free right hand struck her a stinging blow first against her left cheek and again against her right on the backswing.

"So you see fit to join me once again." he said with a malicious grin. "You should only have eyes for this!", he said jutting his naked hips at the woman. Genevieve's face burned as her eyes stared at the obscene prod that danced before her face dripping with her own saliva.

"Yes, this is your new master Senora Falwell! You will learn to look only to him, to do his bidding for his pleasure!. This puta is your new life. Show me that you understand and are a good whore!" "Now suck" he said grabbing her hair and guiding her mouth to fat head of his waving cock.

Genevieve Falwell reached forward to catch herself her hands landing against the muscular legs of the Inspector. Her slight cry was muffled as the fat fleshy head of his rampant cock parted her lips and bulled it's way between her perfect pearl like teeth.

Si, puta, bueno, now suck like a good whore." the Inspector chortled as he felt the first hint of suction around the tip of his rigid prong.

The beautiful woman dropped her jaw to accept more of the threatening man's thick rod. Compliantly she closed her full lips around the thick staff feeling it's pulsing veins against her wriggling tongue. Her smooth tanned cheeks hollowed as she sucked obediently at the thick prong her mouth involuntarily filling with saliva. She wanted to scream as her body behaved like an obedient dog pushing her full firm breasts against her violators thighs. Tears welled in her eyes as her movement brought pangs of pain from both her raw leaking anus and stretched and abraded vagina. She felt the wetness of his slime oozing from her stretched sphincter to grease the crack between her buttocks. She blinked back tears as she felt the man's filth dripping from between her splayed labia remembering what the madman above her had done to her. Still she obediently sucked, her nostrils flared as she caught the rancid scent of her bowels on his cock and tasted the mingled bitterness of her own filth and secretions. Her hand stroked the firm gristle as she pumped her mouth up and down the length of her fleshy master. Her free hand cupped and hefted the knotted bag of his scrotum as if weighing a pouch of gold nuggets.

"Yes, my puta, very nice!" he croaked as he neared his final climax. "Yes-s-s-s-s, pump it!" he groaned as he pulled the saliva slick cock from her suctioning mouth. He trembled as the brown hose spewed thick ribbons of sperm onto her face as she continued to pump and stroke the demanding prong.

"O-h-h-h-h, m-m-my!" she gasped forgetting where she was, as the first hot liquid ribbon lashed across her face. Her full red lips ovaled as she sucked the air trying to capture the pearl white fluid as it gouted across the inches that separated it's snout from her expectant face.

Her sperm slick fingers continued to pump at the wilting rod even as the Inspector watched. His contempt for the shallow American grew as he watched her lap and gulp the clotting sperm that dripped down her surgically perfect face. Her free hand gently squeezed his churning balls as if to squeeze as much sperm from them as possible. Her pink tongue looped around her collagen swollen lips to capture the thick elastic ribbons and suck them in to her hungry mouth.

The dark Inspector stepped back from the kneeling woman, her sperm wet face turn up hopefully. Genevieve in her naiveté thought that if she satisfied him her ordeal might be over. Her hopes were quickly ground into the Bolivian dirt as he pushed open the door with the words, "Entre y úsela!"

Her heart sank as she saw the two burly men step past the Inspector and enter the small room.

"Puta, you will please my men, and they will use you well. If you now only play the whore, you will soon be one, I assure you."

"Entrene su pozo y la exposición ella no misericordia." he said to the men. The beautiful American looked to him in desperate confusion as the men began to peel their cloths from their hard brown bodies, their hungry eyes never leaving her sperm streaked nakedness.

"I told them to train you well and show you no mercy." he said as he closed the door on her moaning wail.

Chapter 54

Rachel's ravenous mouth continued sucking her smooth pale cheeks hollowing as she wrapped her swollen red lips around the fat cook's wilting plug of a cock. Her mind swam as she felt the piercing needle like teeth of the pups as they pulled and sucked at her engorged breasts, hanging heavily beneath her slim torso. Her obscenely large clit burned and buzzed between the pale columns of her thighs as she groveled between the fat hairy thighs of the old Bolivian peasant. She fell into a dream-like contentment as her once virgin lips slid with practiced ease up and down the softening rod in an automatic effort to harvest the last viscous dregs of sperm from the fat old man's balls.

The young missionary girl groaned with loss as the fat cook staggered away on shaky legs. The beautiful girl squatted alone in the center of the room her pale naked form testimony to the travails, in her mind, the pleasures she had been subjected to in her new chosen world.

The dim light revealed her once perfectly coiffed hair, a tangle of matted tresses. The young teen's high unwrinkled forehead bore errant traces of congealing sperm. The large blue eyes beneath the perfect brow appeared innocent, hiding the depraved debauchery that was her wont. Her fine pert nose flared with the scent of male lust, her lust drugged brain acutely attuned to the scent of ready willing male. Her high clear cheeks were stained with the traces of orgasmic tears and the crusty brand of a stranger's spent lust. A mixture of saliva and the stranger's filthy sperm formed congealing drips along the graceful curve of her jaw, marching along like miniature stalactites, a monument to the lust that damned her.

Her long, graceful neck bore traces of the blue bruises that marked the body below in numbers like plums in a tree. Each bruise bore testament to an eager finger mining the depths of her perversion, playing her young body, stroking her lust like would a maestro at his instrument. The livid welts decorating her back, thighs and breasts had faded to a faint red blue masked by new fresher torments.

The glossy pale skin of the massive, engorged balloons that were her breasts were livid with the raised blue tracings of veins, giving the heavy hanging globes the aspect of polished marble. The fading welts of past torments mere yellowish tracks amid the network of thin red scratches inflicted by the sharp dewclaws of the ravenous cur pups. The web of raised blue veins coalesced beneath the thick swollen caps of her large, puckered aureoles feeding the blood engorged nipples at which the hungry curs continued to feed.

The weight of the heavy milk filled bags pulled the alabaster skin covering the young teen's trim muscular torso taunt, every rib in vivid relief along the sides of her narrow ribcage. Her shoulder blades stood out like twin ridges from the plain of her muscular back, as she supported herself on her slender arms. Her heavy udders wobbled beneath her as her chest heaved with labored breathing, evidence of the filthy pleasure she derived from debasing herself before the fat Bolivian peasant. Light shone from the thick rings piercing the rigid flesh of her fat nipples, the turgid flesh puckering around the yellow metal. Her whore's bells swung silently almost touching the dirt floor as they hung suspended from a short length of chain connected to the rings, A patina of sweat caused the twin moons of her striped buttocks to gleam in the low light. The web of paw scratches and cuts along her flanks and buttocks testament to the number and frequency of her bestial lovers.

Movement in the room cause her to open her blue eyes, which grew ever larger at the obscene sight before her. Escuela, the cook's wife sprawled naked in a chair just inches from the pretty American. Rachel slowly raised her face, disgust mixed with vile anticipation evident in her wide eyes.

Escuela's black hair hung in strings about the fat gourd of her head. Her body was a gelatinous pale tan mound. The rounded humps of her shoulders led to thick pork roll arms, fat watery flesh hanging beneath them wobbling at their every move. The large slabs of her breasts lay flaccidly on her chest, the wide expanse of her brown aureoles dented by the hard nubs of her nipples. Rachel's eyes traveled across the waves of flesh of her belly to the cleft between her thighs. A thick dark thatch of matted hair guarded the reeking cleft of the woman's stinking cunt. Her fat log-like thighs parted slightly as she shifted her wide flaccid bottom on the chair.

The beautiful teen's nostrils pricked and flared at the nauseating stench rising from between the liver like slabs of the Indian woman's slobbering vulva.

The fat brown woman leaned forward and extended a thick arm to hook a sausage like finger in the ring piercing the septum of the pretty young teen's pert nose pulling her forward. The attractive Young woman scuttled forward on hands and knees, her oversized Udders wobbling beneath her..

The sneer on the fat woman's face was burned into Rachel's mind as the young teen was pulled toward the great yawning pit of the woman's cunt.

The aspiring lawyer felt the pierced finger of her meaty engorged clit throb as she reveled in the depravity of the moment. The girl grunted as the woman tugged on the nose ring pulling her pale face into the hairy wet pit between her dimpled thighs.

"Si, si, mi pequeña puta, bien, buena." the fat woman cooed. Rachel felt her stomach knot with excitement as her upturned face met the wet purplish brown flesh of the woman's vulva. Her nose flared at the mixed smell of hot musk and rancid spent sperm that evolved from between the thick slabs of hairy labia. Depraved debauchery claimed her as her supple muscles tensed pushing her face deep into the reeking wet pit. The young girl moaned and grunted as she rooted amongst the wet flesh like a wild sow, the ring in her nose proclaiming her the rutting sow she truly had become. The pretty blond looked up from between the woman's fat cottage cheese thighs, her glistening mouth turned up in a smile of gratitude. Escuela's dark eyes, buried beneath the rolls of fat of her sweating face sneered back.

"Yes, my pretty whore, fill yourself..." she said as she placed a meaty hand on the pretty girl's head and pushed her face back into the wet frothing pit of her cunt.

Rachel felt her clit buzz and throb, her guts knotting with excitement as she rooted and gobbled at the fat woman's obscene vulva. Electric tendrils lanced through her jangling her jaded nerves as the debauched pink worm of her tongue snaked out from between her once virginal lips to explore the dank seeping depths of the brown woman's cunt.

The fat cook stood against the wall and watch the beautiful pale form of the American girl squirming between the fat brown barrel like legs of his wife. His spent cock twitched as he watched goggled eyed as the beautiful pale form of the young white teen groveled before the animated pile of obesity and pushed her pretty face deep into the stinking folds of fat the draped around the stinking mouth of his wife's sterile womb. The ravenous cur pups gnawed and pulled at the swollen abused nipples capping the young slut's milk swollen mammaries. His mind reeled with the perverse image giving birth to a sadistic impulse. He slid his sweating form along the wall toward the door and the blackness beyond. The sounds of Rachel's wet slobbering replaced by the howls of the impatient curs in the distant pen.

Rachel's mind swirled in a black vacuum of lust. The vile awareness of her own willing actions stimulated the obscene finger of her swollen pierced clit. It dangled between her sleek thighs, stretched by the weight of the heavy crucifix hanging below it.

The young sow rooted and snuffled in the wet mass of the fat Indian's cunt. The bilious slime that evolved from its swarming depths coated the young girl's face like a varnish. The vile ocher oozed between her sucking lips filling her mouth. The young teen swallowed the filthy bilge and the resulting cramps of nausea that twisted her stomach merged with the gut twisting excitement that knotted her bottom. The nursing pups continued to chew and pull at the thick nubs of her swollen paps their sharp teeth drawing blood that mixed with the thick rich milk that filled her fat breasts to bursting. Rachel's groans and grunts were echoed by Escuela's as her hungry mouth found the swollen greasy worm of the fat woman's clitoris and began to suck. Her full red lips fastened around the flaccid grub and her pink tongue began a one-sided duel bringing moans of pleasure from her tormentress.

Escuela's dark eyes swam as she looked at the beautiful Anglo kneeling between her obscene thighs to feast at the sterile fetid sump of her womb. The loose bags of skin that cursed her chest wallowed vacantly across her chest as she watched the laboring young American strive to bring her pleasure. The simmering contempt and hatred she felt for the picture of beauty before her fanned into flame as she crawled toward her orgasm. Her fat hand searched blindly to the table at her side and returned filled with the large kitchen shears.

"Tan mi pequeña guarra, debemos hacerle encajar la nueva parte que usted quiere jugar..." she grunted between labored breaths. "We will make you look the part of a lesbian whore...."

With those words Escuela set upon the pretty girl's blond tresses clipping and cutting with abandon, reducing the long matted tresses to irregular clumps of blond fuzz.

The young slut, sucking and nursing at the fat slug of the older woman's clit was oblivious to her further humiliation.

Chapter 55

The old Japanese sniffed at the hot dusty air, thankful for the coming coolness of the coming night. Pushed the heavy wooden door completely open and looked back into the dark maw of the open church door as he pulled at the leather leash he held tightly in his right hand. Scrabbling shuffling noises slowly produced the pathetic stooped figure of a pale young teenager connected to the end of the leash by a large brass ring embedded half way down the length of her petite pink tongue. Her arms, cranked behind her were bound with coarse hemp from elbow to wrist fusing them into a wedge-like appendage that appeared to grow from her stooped back like some demented dorsal fin. A single tight cord ran from the bundle binding her wrists, over the crown of her head to nasal tines embedded in her distorted flesh of her once pert freckled nose. The tension of the cord pulled her pretty red head back at an acute angle causing her red mouth to gape and her small, freckled chin to thrust skyward and preventing her from standing erect. Her limited field of view was one cause of her tentative shambling gate. The other was the spreader bar connected to her ankles limiting her to a spraddle legged waddle.

The old man jerked on the leash and received a pathetic moaning whine from the gaping mouth of the girl. Her bright green eyes were dull with pain as she shambled after the old man offering no resistance. Her pale freckled legs flexed as she slowly made her way down the brick steps of the church in the old man's wake. The large pillowy mounds of her heavy pendulous breasts swayed with her efforts, the bright red of her bound and swollen nipples visible even in the gathering dusk. The gloom hid the dirty smudges and bruises that that marked the blue veined alabaster like skin of the pretty teen.

As she shuffled along she emitted an alien whining moan of near alien origin. Her dirty bare feet scuffed along in the dusty ground as she struggled to keep pace with the indifferent old man. The spreader bar banged against her bare ankles but the pain was lost amid the tempest of agony that blazed from her shoulders, back and neck. The full round globes of her buttocks flexed as she scuttled along, the glistening grease of someone's spent seed lubricating the deep cleft between the bulbous mounds. The sparse red hair vainly defending her vulva was beaded with the congealed filthy congealed leavings of some rapacious violator. The scuffing of her feet mixed with the sounds of buzzing flies, attracted to the smell of the rank fluid oozing from her well used and stretched orifices. They buzzed voraciously around the livid wound that marked the once flawless skin of her buttock. Her left buttock mirrored the redness of the dying sun where livid red flesh met the charred flesh of her fresh brand.

Hattori smiled to himself as he led the pathetic creature that had been a typical vibrant American teenage girl only days before and was now his chattel. What shambled behind him now was mindless animated flesh, a beast whose world was unremitting pain, whose only dull thoughts were of lessening for a time the world wind of endless agony, despair, and degradation. Like a scourged and broken beast she only craved to please her new Master, if only to earn a brief respite from the endless torment.

The piteous mindless thing that had once been called Sandra shambled behind the old oriental man in the dirty cloths. Her dirty bare feet scuffed the dry ground as she struggled to keep up with the old man's pace, lest the tension of the leather leash on her tongue ring pull the pink slug out by the roots.

She grunted with effort and the thick ring piercing her tongue clacked against her small white teeth as the leash went tight and slack as she scuffed forward. Drool wet her small chin here it pooled in her gaping mouth and ran down the corners of her full lips. The dry air sucked at the drool turning it to thick mucus that swayed from her jaw connected tenuously to the full curve of her heavy swaying breasts. The heavy bags of swaying flesh displayed the ligature marks of past torment amid the ample network of faint blue veins visible beneath the translucent white skin. Thick swollen nipples rose thickly from the centers of the proud puckered caps of her aureoles. The keen observer would see the tight wrappings of thin thread buried deeply within the turgid flesh of the thickly swollen nipples. The red raspberry like knobs bloodied by other past torments inflicted by the old man and his son.

Laughter and music announced the presence of the lighted doorway before the old man's failing eyes discerned it. His pace quickened at the prospect of some easily earned Bolivianos for his near empty wallet. True the town had free whores enough, but they were for those who lived there and knew of them. This tavern was frequented only by rabble passing through. The oil field workers, gold miners and other migrants on their way to other villages or destinations.

"¡La atención, cada uno mira a la puta el anciano nos trae para jugar con, una guarra de AngloAmericano jóven!" a voice rang out from the seated men on the porch of the bar.

"Hola, isn't that the young American that was on the Ferro car from Santa Cruz only last week?" asked a man in the blue gray uniform of the Ferrocarrill Boliviana Nacional.

"The young Anglo slut doesn't look too proud to me now!" a grizzled voice responded with a laugh.

"Como son cosas mis amigos!" Hattori said to the men who began to appear at the door of the tavern. The old man hawked and spat a clot of bloody phlegm into the dirt before he ascended the porch pulling the pitiful girl behind him.

"So what have you brought us this time, ancient one?" a faceless voice asked with a slur.

"Al diablo con lo que es, cuanto lo va a costar!", a fat man said spilling part of his beer as he laughed at his own joke.

"Senors, I bring for your pleasure a young Norte Americano flower. She is very willing and eager to entertain you for a small price. She is so unlike her arrogant Hermana to the north. She has shown herself to be willing and compliant." The evil old man said with a coughing cackle. "I have only used her myself to be sure that she is worthy for you good Senors." the old man said with a bow.

He jerked the leash and the young girl shambled onto the porch and into the light from the doorway.

A squat brown figure stepped forward and his hand disappeared between the cheeks of the stooped girl's ass. "She appears to be well greased, old man." The man said with a drunken grunt and a laugh, holding two wet fingers up for all to see. Her purse still seems pretty tight too, not like the little Indian girl you brought us last time. What was her name? Maria? Madre di Dios, she must have fucked a horse she was so loose, or maybe it was just your son!" The comment was followed by coarse laughter, the men having seen the retarded boy "perform" on more than one occasion.

Satisfied that the deal had been done, the old Oriental led the pathetic girl into the lighted doorway and the smoky tavern beyond.

The girl staggered behind her Master vaguely aware of the humiliation of having a complete stranger probe her recently virginal womb as if she were a head of livestock. Hattori lead the compliant girl toward the bar and a metal hook that was screwed into its' wooden edge. He pulled her forward and slid her tongue ring up and over the hook as he unshackled the leather leash.

The interior of the medium sized room was well lit, the lamplight reflected off the streaked whitewashed walls. A coarse wooden bar lined one wall stained dark with old beer and grease. Simple tables filled the rest of the room. The dirty wooden floor was covered with accumulated litter mixed with the dirty remnants of hay or wood shavings. The air hung thick with a mixture of tobacco smoke, stale beer, and the smell of simmering spices from the kitchen.

The patrons of the bar were a mixture of Indians and mestizos. All were working men or drifters, none had ever seen a white woman, much less one naked and utterly helpless and broken. Many had carried bags for Norte American women in the cities or seen one in passing what they saw before them was for them beyond belief. The pale skin of the girl stood out against the background of the dark bar. Restrained from the hook by the thick ring piercing her pink tongue, she stood like some animal, stooped at the waist, her arms wrenched backward and bound over her white back. Her hands and fingers, like pale blue ocean creatures, projected upward from the rope wrappings that covered her arms from wrists to elbows. The girl's pretty red head was pulled back by a hideous device embedded in her tiny nostrils. The attached cord pulled her head back, stretching her fine smooth neck. Her tiny jaw hung agape, exposing the white teeth through which her pierced tongue projected. Whimpers bubbled through thick saliva bursting to drool down her helpless chin.

Her oversized white breasts hung beneath her like ripe tropical fruit, faint blue veins and bruises covering their round smooth curves. The men goggled at the exposed hues of her privates, the spreader bar attached to her ankles guaranteeing each an unrestricted view, as it held her muscular freckled legs apart.

The sparse red hair fringing the fat wet lips of her cunt was matted and moist. They sniggered to themselves imagining the source. Tongues licked lips like hungry dogs as their eyes crawled over the pink cleft of the poor girl's splayed cheeks where the freshly used eye of her red anus winked wetly. The muscles of her lower back stood out supporting her stooped weight, and her buttocks flexed as she shuffled her feet trying to ease the unremitting pain.

Her buttocks, there was the wonder for the men. They stared with disbelief at the deep fresh brand that marred the otherwise flawless skin. The kanji meant nothing to them but he brand itself was symbol enough. Country born, they all understood the meaning of the charred black branded flesh forming the foreign symbol of ownership glaring out from the pink-white surface surrounded by an angry red fringe.

This was no woman, this was the old man's beast. The realization that this had once been a white woman, an Anglo woman that their life long had been taught to respect out of hand. But here now was one such reduced to an animal state and was announced to for all to see, a beast, a beast owned by a brown skin such as them. Shriveled brown cocks, alcohol sodden and filthy, began to twitch beneath filthy work cloths, twitch and swell at the sight and thought of it. They paused only briefly before descending on the quivering pale pink form like the pack of wild dogs they resembled.

The young girl emitted a pitiful moan as the pain in her stooped back and tortured shoulders throbbed and drummed in her brain. The coarse laughter and obscene comments registered as background noise amid the gale of torment that raged in her pretty skull. The poor girl was indifferent to the pawing and probing hands. A pitiful whine or grunt was all she could manage as fingers probed the depths of her young slick vagina, stretched her sore sphincter, and squeezed and plucked at her full pendulous breasts.

Hattori dodging eager hands stepped up next to the girl and hissed in her ear through the stumps of his rotted stinking teeth. "So-o-o, my prettee. You have many friends here tonight. You will make them very happee, no? If you are a good girl, Hattori will release your arms, yes? Show your new Master what a good little she-bitch you can be, eh?" With that he set a small bowl on the bar near her face and called for a cerveza as the first of many stuffed bolvianos into the bowl.

Chapter 57

The two men stumbled along the dark road trying to remember the convoluted path back to the small hospice. Neither were in good humor as the "club" filled with teenage Latina's was not their cup of tea. The Mustached One saw a movement in the dark and lashed out a booted foot at the cur that cowered in the shadows and smiled when he felt it connect with scrawny flesh and heard the dog yelp in pain.

"Damn waste of time, those young cunts wouldn't know how to suck a proper dick!" he said aloud remembering the two giggling girls that had joined them at their table. Shit! It would have been like sleeping with is kid sister. His black companion grunted in agreement at he picked his way through the narrow street dodging the reeking piles of dog shit and other refuse.

"Well, we got a few cold beers, and the other two found something they liked." he said referring to the two men they called companions. The young blond and corpulent bearded man had disappeared into the back rooms with giggling companions shortly before they decided to head back to their rooms and the half-filled bottle of rum.

"What I'd like is a piece of that honey staying in the room at our place." the hulking black said with a wistful chuckle.

"You and me both. Trouble is the only way we'd ever have a crack at her is to pay for it, and I venture it would be a month's salary. Besides, her Bolivian friend probably wouldn't be too inclined to share his mistress with a couple of grunts like us." With that they walked on, the heat of the night only adding to their frustration.

"You fucking whore! I said swallow it all!" the burly man said in Spanish as he mashed his hips into the upturned face, his hands wrapped in disheveled blond hair. "A good puta must learn to do what the customer wants!" he said with a cruel laugh as he forced his brown cock down the throat of the white woman.

He grinned in the dim light and winked at his companion who was busy at the upturned buttocks of the woman who knelt cross wise on a narrow bed that had been pulled into the center of the small room. Her piteous grunts of protest mingled with the heavy breathing of the men as they sated themselves on her bruised body.

The burly man settled into a rhythmic cadence thrusting his hips in and out of the woman's mouth as he pulled her blond hair. His slender companion, pock marked face barely visible in the dim light of the lamp, grasped the woman's full tanned hips, bony hands splaying the fleshy cheeks to improve his view of his long slender cock sawing in and out of the woman's freshly fucked cunt.

"Our padron can really pick them, eh?" the slender man said with a high pitched giggle. "Such a beautiful Anglo bitch, too! I look forward to fucking you for a long time, puta!" he said smacking one fleshy moon of her splayed ass for emphasis, not caring if she understood or not. The Inspector let them have the pick of his stable of whores whenever he felt generous and he would choose this beauty, for as long as she remained so.

He sniggered as he thought, " If she did not learn quickly, her beauty would fade beneath the fists of his Padron. Like the pretty redheaded Australian tourist, too bad she felt it necessary to kill herself.

Genevieve groaned at the stinging slap to her buttock. Misreading it's meaning she whimpered and desperately increased the rotation of her buttocks, squeezing the exhausted muscles of her vagina once more around the strange cock in her protesting cunt.

"God, no!" her mind screamed, as she automatically relaxed her throat to accept the stiff rod of the burly man as it bottomed against the back of her bruised throat, moaning in horror as she felt her tongue automatically stroke the long prong embedded in her throat. Her cheeks hollowed, their soft tissue clinging to the throbbing rod of gristle as it slowly withdrew, mind screaming in silent torment imprisoned in the fleshy automaton that labored to please the two rapists. The beautiful American knelt crosswise on the bed rocking to and fro as the men thrust their cocks into her, full heavy silicon tits swaying like bell clappers the thick traitorous nipples hard and erect.

"M-m-m-m-m!, N-u-u-u-u-w! she groaned in protest as she felt a thick thumb press against her raw anus. The abused flesh offered little resistance as the thick digit gouged into her bowels. The one time beauty queen didn't have time to dwell on the new humiliation, the burly man reached under her rocking torso to grasp her swaying breasts. His thick fingers found the thick erect nubs of her teats and cruelly pinched and plucked at them as he continued to fuck her upturned face. She winched at the new pain and flinched away from the man's touch. The man chuckled releasing the fat hanging orbs. He stepped back, withdrawing his thick cock to sway wetly in the dim light.

"Las nuevas putas nunca aprenden." he said as he brought his right fist down into the face of the unsuspecting woman. The wet sound of bone on flesh mingled with the wet fleshy sounds of masculine hips on upturned buttocks and cock stirring wet quim.

The beautiful woman grunted then sobbed in surprise as the burly man's fist caught her along the left side of her nose and lip. Her surgically sculpted nose flattened under the impact and her full upper lip split against the hardness of her front capped tooth the instant before it was driven from its socket.

"Usted debe aprender. Usted es una puta." he growled pulling her head back by the hair. Then stroking her bloodied swelling face with a touch of tenderness. "Una vez una puta bonita" he said with a trace of regret at having ruined such a beautiful face. "No entertaining the social elite now", he thought, "A pity. But there were all level of demanding cocks to be satisfied. Many unconcerned with the woman's looks only the tightness of her cunt and fullness of her breasts." He stepped forward, his newly surging cock waving millimeters from the bloody swollen lips of the woman's maimed face.

The shocked woman felt her face swelling and tasted the salty blood filling her mouth. Her wide green eyes saw the purple head of the man's swollen cock offered to her bleeding lips and knew what she had to do. The lesson learned, she paused long enough to spit out the dislodge tooth and leaned forward. She raised her tear filled green eyes to the man standing over her, parted her swelling bleeding lips with a sob and wrapped them around the dripping crown of his demanding cock. The dark haired Inspector sat at the candle lit table in the courtyard and listened to the muffled sounds that came from the small room. He stroked his thin moustache with satisfaction as he sipped at a shot of Bacardi rum poured from a half filled bottle. He shifted his thigh making himself more comfortable as his spent cock thickened in response to the sobs and whimpers coming from the distant room. Earlier the woman's distress at the hands of his men had brought out several other guests, he had sent them, including the establishment's Mamasita back to their rooms with a withering glance. The extranjero senora was not her affair he had informed them. He turned his dark eyes toward the sound of steps at the entry way. "Ah, the Norte Americano's return!" he thought to himself.

"Compadres! Welcome." he said with a warmth his eyes did not reflect.

The mustached team leader and the large black man walked up to the small table and sat sown, pouring themselves a drink in silence.

"Allow me to introduce myself." dark Bolivian officer said. "dark Bolivian officer said. " I am Alfredo Torquemada, Inspector in the Policia Especial Boliviana." He raised his glass in toast, "Salude" he said.

The two men looked at each other, the man's words only confirmed what they had suspected.

"What brings you here to share our bottle?" The mustachioed leader asked as he took a sip of the pungent liquor.

"Let me assure you I am not here regarding you. Rather I am here in regard to someone in my employ. I believe you met her earlier. Senora Falwell." he said matter of factly. "There is no way to put this delicately, and we are all men here. You see the Senora is a whore in my employ." He took a slow sip holding the glass with both hands, watching the men over the rim. "She is not just a whore, but a very special whore." he said setting the glass down studying its contents. "She is quite twisted you see. She is one of the special breed of whores that likes it very rough."

"She came to my country and sought me out, ashamed no doubt by her carnal cravings, not wanting to ply her trade where others might know her."

A faint moaning wail came from the direction of the woman's room. "As you can hear she is enjoying herself at this very moment entertaining two of my compatriots." he said raising his glass. "Senors, for the service you do my country towards its energy independence, I will have the Senora entertain you for the price of the drink you have been so generous to share with me."

"My friends will be finished directly, you can have her for the night. We will return in the morning to collect her. Oh, one more thing my friends." he said, his voice lowering. "Do not believe her stories, you see. The poor woman constructs a world of fantasy about herself." He said looking into the men's eyes, seeing the eager hunger. They would believe anything now. "How else could someone with such twisted desires live with themselves, no?" he said continuing. "No doubt she has told you about her search for her phantom daughter." He paused to take a sip savoring the lie and the liquor. "A quite convenient fiction for one lost in her own world of depraved lust."

Chapter 58

The fat old Padre lay on the dusty blanket his back against the saddle. His dirty cassock gaped at the waist, and he watched as the young Indian girl, Maria, rode his thickly swollen cock. She squatted above him and rose up and down, slowly, almost painfully slowly, as the thick black log of his cock buried itself again and again in her tight anus. He grit his strong white teeth as the tight ring of her sphincter squeegeed his cock as it slid up and down. His dark eyes watched the muscles of her legs and splayed buttocks flex with the effort of repeated squats. Her large pendulous breasts swung beneath her chest as her torso supported by her arms on her knees.

He could barely see the girl's face, her tongue protruding through her lips as she concentrated. He knew she enjoyed it as much as he. She was a slut, a village whore, she knew her place and was resigned to her life as such. He felt the metallic coolness against his thigh on the down stroke. It was her whore's bell hanging from her pierced labia. The mark of her trade to all who knew its' meaning. She was theirs to take, anyway, any time, anywhere. Even her father and brothers. Yes, he knew the twisted incestuous desires the young girl had. He had even watched once, her father and brothers had left her well-greased for him afterwards.

Maria's legs burned with the effort, but not as hot as her throbbing sphincter and empty gaping cunt. The hot stretching sensation in her anus was maddening and made her impale herself with even more masochistic delight.

"U-h-h-h, a-a-a-h-h" she grunted as she felt the long black rod stuff her bowels, pushing her intestines aside as it bulled into her eager guts. She felt a thrill each time her brown bottom felt the touch of the fat priest's kinky black pubes. She grunted and moaned with animalistic glee as she felt the thick rod expand stretching her even more as the old man's orgasm approached. She dropped a small hand between her spread thighs and began to hurriedly rub and tug at the swollen nub above her gaping wet cunt. Her slack tongue hung from her lips as she concentrated on her own climax, trying to join the old priest in sinful fulfillment.

"Yes, sodomy!" the old priest thought. "The vileness, the filthiness of it was...sublime!" In the past few weeks, with the help of the young Anglo slut, he had learned the true meaning of lust. "He had reveled in the slime of sin and felt it bring new power to his once impotent cock. He knew once again what it meant to be a man, not some celibate sheep, regurgitating the baseless pabulum fed to him by a distant hierarchy of gelded intellects.

Now he knew the true power to change a life, the power wielded by churchmen of old. The power to enslave and to degrade, to free and to lift up. His soul filled with gladness, silent mirth at the sights and sounds of others suffering. Laughter at their ignorance and their eagerness to serve simply because they had been told to at birth. His mind reeled at the number of fresh wet cunts, clasping young rectums and eager sucking lips would be his to control, to use, and all with the help of their ignorant and compliant parents.

The potent sperm filling his balls foamed at the thought, eager to quench his unholy lust and defile and soil the innocent.

"Yes, there would be others, Maria, even the beautiful young slut's whorish sister. But in God's sight there was no other so low, so deserving of degradation, than the beautiful young American slut, Rachel."

He felt his swollen rod jump at the thought, his balls churning like a volcanic cauldron, his holy sperm roiling and frothing at the thought of the lowly slut that awaited him. His mind pondered at what he might find. Was she even alive? What had the Captain and his men now moldering along the trail, done to the young whore before being killed? Had she been with them? His questions were lost as his brain filled with the blank whiteness of his climax. The moans of the young Bolivian whore mingled with his. Her fleshy hips squirmed and wiggled as she pistoned up and down pumping out her orgasm around the holy man's spurting cock embedded deep in her spasming rectum.

Steve Falwell paused his writing and stared into space, his eyes seeing nothing but the vision of his daughter Rachel clear and real in his mind. He began to write again his pen driven by guilt. The thought of his beautiful daughter patently waiting for him, administering to the poor of the village under the care of the old mulatto catholic priest. He felt a brief pang of guilt, his guilt seemed to absolve itself under the touch of the pretty Indian girl's tongue against the underside of his bare cock. Her warm clinging lips assuaged the guilt he felt, but the self-loathing at having betrayed all he believed in still stung, but with each passing day stung less.

Roselita knelt between the white missionary's legs as he sat at the small table writing. She tongued the smooth swollen dome of his dong, kissed it, then ran her full lips along its length, bathing it with her warm saliva. Her full lips caressed it then engulfed the head it in her hot wet mouth. A low moan announced the relish with which she performed her task, pumping her mouth up and down the stony length as her little fist pumped the rod up and down.

Falwell fought to concentrate, to finish his letter to his waiting virtuous daughter. Yes, he had fallen for this little ravenous whore. Seduced by her rapacious innocence, he had fallen. The lust she had released in him had even driven him to have filthy fantasies of his beloved Rachel. Yes, even a father could not fail to notice the full womanly curves of a beauty such as her. "Thank god, Rachel and her sister were not like their slattern of a mother. God had seen that they were raised with virtue and protected from vice. He knew and was proud that his daughters would make something of themselves. The insistent suction on his dong broke his concentration as his climax neared, he felt the pulsing in his draughty balls. The young slut kept them all but drained dry. He felt the almost painful pumping of his prostate as it fought to pump up the dregs from his bottomed tentacles. With a groan, the thick mucky grounds pumped from his withered balls into the hungry sucking mouth of the Bolivian girl. Obscene slurping gurgles rang in his ears as the girl's ravening mouth gulped at the thick ochor that extruded from his veiny member like ribbons of paste. His balls ached as the young slut's practiced fingers coaxed the last teeming morsels from them. Roselita cast her adoring eyes on the face of the white man looming over her. The young Indian girl rubbed her bare sensitive breasts against his naked hairy thighs. She savored the taste of his seed as she supped at the altar of lust, communing with him, feasting on his mortal essence. She smiled inwardly at the thought of their union of the flesh. The young wanton was content, in her mind they were one. The communion of lust they shared and the bond of fleshly intimacy they had forged would transcend all. She was one with him never to be parted. The bastardized teachings of the white holy men said as much. Didn't Steven and her share the same bond, through the same act as the Christ did with his disciples? They partook of each other's fleshy essence and the two became one. Yes, it was so. She smiled, licking the pasty residue of their communion from her swollen lips.

Falwell's eyes closed as he shuddered under the climax, but not before he resolved to redeem himself and return to his pious daughter.

Chapter 59

The tall white girl gobbled and sucked at the hairy putrescent pit that was the fat Indian woman's sterile womb. Her flat belly tensed at the sounds coming from outside the open door. She felt a longing to smell the musky odor of her demanding ravisher, but her pert freckled nose was clotted with the rank excreta from the fat woman's swampy cunt. The fat liverish lips of her blood swollen and distended vulva lapped at the beautiful American girls hollowing cheeks, smearing her smooth skin with the thick sap of the older woman's abnormal lust. Weeks ago the young woman, her life of intellectual thought and pious undertaking thoroughly mapped out, would have shrieked madly at the mere sight of such an unimagined blasphemy. But here, in this forbidding jungle Gomorrah, she willing groveled and debased herself for others pleasure. Her mind twisted and poisoned by the struggle between her unholy cravings and self-loathing sprung from guilt. The tortured brain behind the beautiful face no longer craved ordinary satisfaction. Like a demented junkie, only degradation, torment and mortification would satiate the grotesque throbbing demon between her legs.

Disgust and revulsion combined with the thrill of taboo violation, self-loathing and guilt, the rank stink of the fat woman's cunt infused her limbic system. She relished the insistent burning in the tips of her weighty hanging breasts, as the hungry curs gorged themselves with her milk. They pulled and tugged with needle like teeth at the veiny hanging glands as they nursed at her raw cigar butt thick nipples. The sensations merged with those throbbing through her engorged clit. The ache between her legs overpowered conscious thought, like some primal animal, she could only raven. Self-hatred bloomed as her nervous system craved the flood of endorphins that only humiliating pain could bring. She wallowed in a sea of black mire, drifting languidly as it seeped through her baptizing her soul with its putrid filthy pleasure. Out of foul bestial need, the pathetic young blond snaked a free hand back between the greedy cur pups feasting at the pale engorged sacks of her fluid swollen breasts to find the throbbing tormentor between her quivering thighs. Her nimble fingers found her breakfast sausage thick clitoris and began to twist and pull at the ring that pierced its base. Her moans were muffled as her mouth rooted in the wet mop of coarse black hair that veiled the older woman's reeking labia. The innocent tinkling of the whore's bells filled the room as the hungry pups rooted at the taut skin of her swollen breasts.

The beautiful young teen moaned. If her lust drugged brain had been capable of thought she would have admitted to herself that she craved it, no, she loved it, loved it more than she had loved anything in her life. The thrill that coursed through her, the hot burning thrill of depravity, of sin. Yes, she was lost, she would admit. But the scalding sensations, the pain, the utter wickedness of it all. Yes, it was worth it. But a gnawing emptiness twisted her guts. Then she remembered, she jerked against the gnawing teeth of the nursing pups and gloated as the sharp pain pierced the wonderful encompassing fog of pleasure that engulfed her. The sick thrill coursed through her igniting sated nerves. She humped her torso pulling and jerking her fat wobbling breasts against the sharp grasping teeth of the hungry pups. Yes, the sharp tendrils of pain cut through the dull lulling pleasure to prick and spark along the greasy slick length of her clit. "More" her animal mind screamed , "Give me more!".

"U-h-h-h, m-m-m-m-h", she moaned as her own fingers plucked and twisted cruelly at the engorged finger of her pierced clit. The pulling and tugging of the ring was not enough, she scratched and scrapped the red sticky flesh with the nubs of her cracked dirty nails, drawing blood. The young slut rocked her arched bottom from side to side as she feasted at the squalid swamp of the Bolivian woman's cunt. Her pert nose blew bubbles in the thick aqueous filth that oozed from the depths of the wet gash as she snuffled and snorted as her own excitement grew.

The fat woman sprawled on the chair above her grunted like the fat sow she was as the white teen licked and sucked at the little grub of her swollen clit. She moaned as the white girl's pink tongue wriggled deep into the cesspool of her distended belly. She reached around the skirt of fat hanging from her belly and grasped the teen's blond burry head in her fat hands pulling her face deep into her wet crevasse. She felt the short bristles of the teen's newly shorn head beneath her hands. She glanced down and smiled at the sight of the shorn blond tresses lying on the floor around the groveling ripe teen.

The sound of the large cur's feet on the wooden floor was lost amid the snuffling snorts and the roaring of lust driven blood in Rachel's ears. The old cook stood at the door and watched as the large mangy brown cur trotted up behind the kneeling girl and mounted her without a pause.

Rachel grunted in surprise, her lone arm nearly buckling, breath driven from her lungs under the familiar weight of the large cur. Her bottom knotted in delightful anticipation as still another obscene piece of her world fell neatly into place. The attractive teen braced herself splaying her knees and snuggling her wet face deeper in the fetid cleft of the woman's crotch, her forehead pressed against the loose stretch marked flesh of the Indian's belly. Her lone arm stiffened and her pale muscular back flexed to accept the weight of the hairy beast. Her heavy breasts swayed beneath her like lanterns, pulled outward by long red nipples clamped between the teeth of the hungry pups. The tinkling of her whores bells playing a mocking tune.

The cook watched as the large dog pranced on his muscular hind legs. It's deep hairy chest seemed to mold perfectly with the girl's downward arched back, fitting into the deep muscular groove along her spine. The cur's front legs clasped the pale girl's waist, finding purchase just in front of the fullness of her hips. The cur's scabby brown muzzle thrust outward at the end of a long muscular neck, straining to penetrate the girl. The cook watched as the dog's lean hindquarters humped back and forth, black hair covered balls jangling between dancing legs. He could see the red meaty sausage of the cur's dong swaying beneath the brown hairy belly, swabbing the inside of the beautiful teen's lean muscular thighs with each thrust. The teen's thighs shone with slime from the dog's leaking cock. Saliva dripped from the cur's flews as it desperately tried to sheath the red dripping cock in the straining teen's cunt. The dog's tongue lolled from its great jaws, streaming saliva to drip on the pretty girls pale back varnishing the sleek sides of her ribcage.

The saliva slick skin of her ribcage shone like alabaster veined with fading welts and scratches. Her ribs shown through skin drawn tight by the weight of her perilously engorged breasts, swinging like twin clappers beneath her.

Rachel groaned into the wet morass of the woman's cunt with demented frustration, her evil clitoris throbbed as she clawed and scratched at the fat cylinder of nerves. She moaned an eager giggle when she felt the thick wet tube of the cur's pumping dong rub against the back of her hand. She released her tortured clit and tried to capture the delightful rod of bestial gristle as it swapped the inside of her trembling thighs. She stiffened and moaned as the heavy swaying tube rubbed against her arrogant finger thick clitoris.

A moan of frustration escaped her wet swollen lips only to bubble the thick mixture of saliva and slime pooling in the fat Indian's cunt. Her pale little fingers danced a familiar duel with the thick swaying red tube. The beautiful teen tensed her legs and buttocks, opening the wide cleft between the muscular mounds. Her sparse blond pubes, matted with her own liquid excitement, seemed to bristle in anticipation, rising from their wet repose amid the lines of brass rings piercing her slick labia in anticipatory salute to welcome the girl's bestial master.

Success! The beautiful young teen tensed as her hand closed around the thrusting red shaft, she moaned an anxious giggle as she felt the slimy rough texture of the bestial dong beneath her desperately eager fingers. A hunger welled up in her chest, it burned like molten metal as it raced through her slim muscular limbs as the thick meaty club slicked back and forth in her small pale hand spurting thin hot jets of the eager beast's sperm, as she guided it to the splayed dripping cleft of her gaping labia.

The beautiful girl's profanity caused the old cook's short thick cock to twitch and swell. He shook his head in refusal of the blasphemous sight but could not avert his eyes. He had watched this cur and others mount her, but he had never shaken the shear raw perversity of it from his mind. He had watched the beautiful yanqui girl debase herself for the whole platoon of soldiers. Even the depraved act his wife now made her perform was bad, but with an animal, it was different. She was damning her soul to hell for all times so great was the sacrilege. She chose to be a whore bitch to a lowly cur dog. She willing desecrated the beauty and sanctity of the temple of her god-given body for a lowly beast.

The sight of it made the putrid sperm boil in his withered balls.

His eyes were agog, watching as the pretty young woman's small hand, trembling with anticipation, eagerly guided the red dripping club to the entrance of her defiled cathedral. He heard the muffled groan of satisfaction as the tiny hand guided the oscillating red shaft of vein wrapped gristle into the yawning mouth of the young woman's womb. The pretty teen thrilled to the feel of the animal's filthy hot sperm as it jetted from the thick staff to bath her swollen sensitive clitoris.

Rachel shuddered as the thick bestial dong stretched the mouth of her hot eager vagina, teased for an instant as the great beast's instincts took hold, then slid full length into her hot sucking cunt. Her shorn head shot up and a laughing moan of satisfaction gurgled from her outstretched throat as she felt the wrist thick shaft butt against her greedy cervix as the length of the animal cock filled her leaking bottom to bursting. Tears of gratitude welled in her wide blue eyes as the cur's hips continued their staccato cadence, pumping the thick blue veined shaft in and out of her hungrily clasping quim. The beautiful girl pursed her lips and dropped her slime slick face back to the cesspool between the fat woman's thighs and ran her pink tongue over the nub of the fat woman's clitoris with renewed relish.

The fat cook rubbed his hands on his dirty pantaloons as he watched the large dog humping against the pretty girl's upturned bottom. The large dog's hindquarters pranced between the teen's splayed pale calves, large black balls jangling between the beast's hairy rear legs as the cur pumped his heavy log like dong into the eager young teen's unresisting cunt. The insides of the girl's thighs ran with her excitement mingled with the cur's thin sperm.

Rachel grunted and moaned as she tensed her legs to support the weight of the heavy beast. Her head spun with the stretching sensation in her bottom as the cur's thick log pumped in and out. She luxuriated in the obscene feel of the cur's coarse hair against her pale thighs and back, and the warm softness of his belly against her tensed up turned buttocks. She met the cur's rapid pumping with a rocking backward that kept cadence with her grunts. Each thrust sent the red, blue veined monster deep in her clasping cunt, battering against the weeping stump of her cervix and skittering off to gouge the far wall of her stretched vagina. Only the thick mass of the cur's knot battering against the swollen pierced lips of the teen's vulva prevented the bestial rod from rupturing the abused envelope of her womb. A masochistic need was satisfied by the nauseating ache in the pit of the young missionaries stomach as the cur's long battering ram destroyed her last semblance of humanity. Human flesh and will succumbed to hard bestial flesh and instinct.

A hungry groan bubbled from her lips as she reached back between her legs with both arms, her heavy torso supported by her wet face against the swamp of the fat woman's quim. Her arms squeezed past the heavy hanging masses of her oversized udders causing the ravening pups to pull and champ at the bleeding nipples clasped in their small jaws. The new rush of pain barely pierced the veil of need that clouded her sick hungry mind as one set of fingers spread her fat swollen vulva, feeling the rough surface of the slime coated rod pistoning in and out of her desecrated cunt. A whine of frustration oozed from her slime coated lips until her other searching fingers caught the cur's oscillating knot and began to force it past the resisting mouth of her ravaged sanctuary.

"A-h-h-h-h-h-h-h, G-a-w-w-w-w-w-d!" she moaned to the depraved ethereal being, author of her profane desecration, as the thick mass of canine flesh choked the throat of her womb, stretching the corrupt flesh to near rending. Her masochistic fingers forcing the muscular bulge into the scarred channel of her lickering quim.

The excited Bolivian cook waddled to the perversion formed by the melding of the two women and the humping beast. The sweating salivating monstrosity was animated by the engine of the cur's muscular loins. His savage thrusting, mirrored by the masochistic motion of the fallen young woman, caused the grotesque flesh of the fat Indian woman to roll and jiggle like a putrescent mound of cottage cheese. He was careful to stay distant from the humping cur, wary of his slavering jaws. His dark eyes watched as the large cur humped brutally against the thrusting pale cheeks of the beautiful girl's upturned bottom, the beast's front legs jealously gripping the teen's narrow midsection, it's thick neck thrust out, straining over the girl's swayed back. It was the picture of base primal lust, the large cur straining with every fiber of his being to bury his fat leaking dong as deeply as possible into the guts of young white teen. For her part, the rapacious slut groveled and moaned willfully accepting debasement by the mindless beast. Her own base instincts reducing her to a level even below the cur. Straining to accept the cur's seed in a futile act of blasphemous procreation. On they humped as the cur's huge knot continued to swell in the ravaged confines of the girl's choked cunt, stretching and wrenching the fragile tissues of her once hallowed treasure.

The fat man jerked and pulled at his pantaloons until he freed the stump of his cock and offered it to the glistening face of his corpulent wife. She raised a brown hand to cupt the sagging orbs of his sparsely haired balls as he fed the swollen sprig to her gaping lips. He began to move his fat hips back and pumping his prick in and out of her mouth, never once taking his eyes off the rutting couple.

The sensation was like nausea, a gut tearing nausea. The pounding of the cur's dong bruising, like a fist to her guts, the horrific painful pressure of the cur's swelling knot like a growing cancerous tumor threatening to engulf her insides. "Yes! She loved it, gawd yes!" she would have thought with a masochistic thrill. To die impaled on the end of the large beast's cock would have been her fondest wish if her degenerate brain could have held a conscious thought. But the poor beautiful teen humped like a mindless bitch slut, supping at the suppurating wound of the fat woman's quim, while her little cunt was stuffed with the thick red vein encrusted post of the cur's spurting cock.

Supporting herself on her hands and knees the beautiful American whore thrust back against the hairy belly of the mangy cur while the fat cook slaked his wife's foul thirst with the syrup of his rancid seed. The mindless beast strove to fill his instinctual need to dominate the female before him and filled the beggarly teen's gluttonous womb with vein wrapped length of his spouting dong. The cur's thin hot sperm hosed into the depths of the young girl's greedy cunt, pooling behind the profane dam of the beast's obscenely large knot. The hairy flanks of the beast continued to hump against the girl's smooth upturned bottom in futility the large ball of blood engorged gristle locking them together. The thin hot seed of the great beast washed the walls of the bitch's cunt, inundating her sanctuary like a foul tide. But nothing could slake her perverse need. Like an insatiable glutton, the masochistic slut jerked and pulled against the impossibly huge orb of bestial flesh lodged in the throat of her defiled womb. She groaned with the pain of rending flesh as she strove to punish herself for her willful perversion and blasphemy. A free hand snaked between the grotesquely fat melons of her pendulous swollen breasts to claw at her thickly swollen clitoris.

The cook's fat wife lapped and sucked at her husband's stump of a cock, her free hand kneading his heavy balls. She felt the talented tongue of the young American slut playing over the throbbing lump of her clitoris bringing her to climax. A low gurgle sounded from her chest as the tingling knot in her fat belly began to grow. Muscles tensed beneath inches of flaccid flab as she wallowed and grunted like a rutting sow. Her tongue lolled over the head of the cook's brown cock, he grunted and a jet of yellowish sperm jetted into her gaping mouth as they joined in obscene release.

Rachel's pale neck arched, the flush of pleasure rose from within the valley between her huge heavy breasts to color her glistening slick face. Her lust swollen lips parted, admitting a bestial wailing moan, as her fingers plucked and scraped at the rigid finger of her pierced clit.

The pale teen's muscular body began to buck and thrash as she shuddered through an immoral and polluted orgasm. Her shorn head thrashed, sweat streamed down her sleek flanks and her arms buckled as the black liquid fire shot through her, as if even her desecrated flesh was in rebellion.

"O-h-h-h-h, g-a-w-w-w-w-d, u-h-h-h-h-h-h" she grunted as yet another current of depraved sensation shot through her as she jerked against the lump of bestial flesh lodged in her womb like meat in the throat of a choking glutton. She jerked and moaned, her fat veiny breasts wobbling beneath her, scattering droplets of sweat. Their merry nipple bells tinkling a tune of squalorous lust as hungry pups sucked and chewed receiving gobbet after gobbet of rich nourishment from the girl's heavy hanging melons.

The mangy cur's rapacious humping diminished along with the dribbling flow of bestial seed topping the young girl's distended womb. The great beast's jealous hold on the teen's fleshy hips diminished, his base instinct met. But not her's. The impious slut continued to rock and thrust against the fleshy club imbedded in her guts, as she strove to eke out the smallest measure of degradation, pain, and submission to slake her profane perversion. Her mind awash with the foul dregs of her unholy pleasure, she vaguely felt the cur's weight lift from her back and felt a sudden thrilling pain as if her very womb was being torn from its mooring. She groaned as the pain blossomed into still another cursed climax, and grunted and squealed as she was pulled backward off her knees by the huge cur, his knot still firmly embedded in her spasming cunt. Her hands clawed at the floor as the cur walked toward the open door dragging her behind him. The girl's pale writhing form leaving a dark wet smear along the floor from her mingled sweat and guilty secretions. The voracious pups followed pulling and champing at her fat udders as they dragged along the floor. The large cur leaned toward the door as if walking into a high wind, dragging the girl behind him. The young blasphemer flopped and writhed wetly as she wallowed in painful pleasure connected to the beast by the red wrist thick column of his cock Her damp slick skin became smudged and stained with the filth from the dirty floor as she dragged behind the straining cur like a pale fleshy appendage. The two were joined as one by the pipe of bestial flesh and gristle. The whole of the young teen's pierced vulva bulged abhorrently as the clinging feminine flesh refused passage of the blood swollen ball of the cur's huge knot.

Her twisted need welcomed the excruciating pain, transforming it into yet another bubble of pleasure that burst filling the vacuum of the beautiful girl's mind.

Chapter 60

The mindless thing rutted and humped against her abuser as if competing to win some priceless reward. A rivulet of blood dribbled over her full bottom lip and down her chin. The red liquid pooled behind her lip and outlined each white tooth exposed in a rictus of a smile. The rich red blood welled up from around the large thick ring piercing her pink tongue far enough down its length that it prevented her from closing her mouth. The thick ring jerked and pulled against the hook screwed firmly into the edge of the bar, with each enthusiastic thrust of her wide fleshy hips.

"Uhhh-uhhh-uhhh-uhhh" she groaned, each expelled breath marking a brutal thrust of her hips against a stranger's invading cock. Hattori, the old scabby Japanese, sat and sipped his drink through the brown stumps of his rotting teeth. His dark slitted eyes watched the freckled ivory form of the young American teenager hump back against the blue uniformed railroad worker. She stood stooped from her narrow waist, looking as though she was held in place by her tongue nailed to the dirty bar. Her muscular legs were flexed slightly at the knees, her slim ankles held apart by a length of wood fastened between them. Her round ample buttocks were thrust out to accept the man's brown cock, the deep cleft between them glistened. The girl's fat breasts hung below her chest swinging and beating against one another with the motion of her thrusts. Her slim arms were drawn back behind her looking like folded wings, wrapped in coarse rope. The tortured skin at her shoulder joints was a blue gray, matching that of her small hands.

Hattori mused to himself as he watched the girl hump back against the second of the two blue clothed strangers, eager to pleasure the him and in doing, please Hattori as well. He looked at the small bowl on the bar near the girl's head and smiled at the sight of the growing pile of Bolivianos. Another stranger nodded in his direction as he added his own small stack of bills to the bowl and returned to his place to wait for his turn at the young American.

"Viejo hombre, no sé usted lo hizo, pero ella es una puta muy buena." the sweating railroad worker said between gasping breaths. He received a nod from his satisfied uniformed compatriot.

"Yes, she had turned into a good whore", Hattori thought. As to how he had accomplished it, that would remain his secret. "¿Usted no es así que alto y poderoso ahora es usted, senorita?" the railroad man said as he reach around the humping girl to capture one of her heavy swinging breasts in his hand. His hand hefted the heavy bag of flesh before his fingers began to squeeze and maul the fat bruised orb.

"Yes, you are not so high and mighty as you were on the train!" he thought to himself, squeezing the big, freckled breast. He wondered if the fat red nipples tasted as good as they looked. Too bad he wouldn't have a chance to find out, he thought as he thrust his hips forward meeting the girl's soft white buttocks as she eagerly thrust back at him. The long line of men behind him might become impatient.

The old Japanese's black slanted eyes watched as the blue uniformed stranger grasped the girl's wide thrusting hips as she rode his fat brown cock. "So the two men had met the girl on the train. How sweet it must be for them, to sample her charms after no doubt pleasuring themselves to her memory."

As the old man watched, the girl's pale skin took on a pink hue, not from building pleasure, but from exertion as she worked her bottom back and forth along the rigid prong that protruded from the man's fly. If the young girl felt the bite of the man's zipper along the lips of her open vulva she never showed it. The young girl's gaping vulva gobbled the thick cock like some red bearded Scotsman, swallowing the rigid brown spear over and over again, the tight soft inner flesh clinging to the veiny shaft each time she rocked her hips forward lubricated by the slime of the previous man's sperm.

The dull ache in her ravage bottom increased as the thick stump of the man's cock swelled with his coming orgasm. The mindless slut humped harder trying to satisfy the thick stem invading her bottom. She barely felt the man's hands digging into the fat finger marked pillows of her sensitive breasts as his cock began to spew it's foul filth into her clasping womb to mingle with the other bastard sperm that wriggled there.

The young girl rutted and humped against the man's trembling thighs riding out his fountaining climax. She felt the throbbing contractions as his fleshy spout spit out it's viscous soothing nectar, lubricating the passage of the male prong she so desperately sought to please.

The pale freckled redhead hung from the bar by her pierced tongue, pumping her plump branded bottom against the stranger as he spewed out the sludgy bottoms of his empty balls. The bound girl rolled her green eyes in the direction of the old Asian man, and they welled with tears of gratitude and relief as their eyes met and his thin lips curled in a faint smile. The dull throb in her shoulders was forgotten for a second, replaced by a warm comforting sensation almost alien to the tortured wretch she had become. Her lips pulled back in the bloody parody of a smile, the crimson from her bleeding tongue that stained her teeth a fashionable match to her redhead. Basking in the brief moment, she was unaware as the railroad worker stepped away, his brown cock deflated, only to have another faceless man step up to the white marble arch of her welcoming thighs, shading the gaping vestibule to her debauched womb.

"Déme algo para limpiar este lío." a voice sounded from behind her, and the bar tender threw a soiled rag to the man. It was then she was aware of the haunting emptiness between her legs. A groan leaked past her bloodied lips as she felt the roughness of the dirty rag as the man swabbed at the clinging strings of clotted sperm that drooled from her raw bottom and matted her red pubes.

Her wretched heart lifted as she felt the swollen knob of the stranger's cock slick up and down the groove of her swollen sex as he probed for the mouth of her tight sex. She lifted her eyes to the old Asian with relief as she felt the stranger's warm rod slide home filling the hollow emptiness in her clutching bottom. The cool air against her wet vulva replaced by the rough touch of the man's dirty work cloths as he ground his thighs and hips against the plump cushion of her buttocks. The Bolivian peasant stood for an instant, luxuriating in the warm flesh of the young redhead as it caressed his swollen scabby cock. The peasant turned his pock marked face to the old Asian and nodded with appreciation as he slowly rocked his hips.

"Muy buen" is all he said through the long greasy moustache that screened a mouth full of decayed brown stumps. He turned his head and spit a stream of brown tinted saliva, then slowly continued chewing the wad of coca leaf that bulged his cheek. After years of work in the jungle with only the diseased camp whores with cunts as big as cathedrals! A young pale skinned Anglo whore! And so eager! He didn't think about the binding's on her arm's or the abomination in her tongue. Such things were not his concern. God had decided to punish her, and in doing reward him! His black eyes widened behind his greasy black bangs, as he watched the pale freckled mounds of the young puta's buttocks began to rise and fall as her muscular legs began to match his slowly pumping hips. He caught glimpses of her heavy red tipped breasts as they swung from side to side with the movement of her torso. His eyes caught the black wound on her tight buttocks and he ran a dirty fingertip along the intricate lines of the kanji burned into her flesh. He shook his head and put it out of his mind and began to thrust into the eager whore with earnest.

Hattori watched the as she welcomed the no doubt diseased cock of the next man. He shrugged, weren't most putas diseased? He cared little for the lump of flesh that looked at him so eager to please. She was no more than a dog. He smiled as he watched the mindless thing take the fleshy spear of the pock marked young man. His eyes surveyed the room, ten, maybe twelve more waited to use the girl. It would be a profitable night.

Genevieve whimpered cowering naked on the bed as the burly man climbed off her and offered her his dripping cock. "Show me how much you liked it whore!" he said his voice heavy with menace. With a whimper she scuttled to the edge of the bed and quickly reached for the soiled tube of male flesh. She dipped her blonde head, opening her battered mouth as she did so and lovingly pressed her swollen lips against the dripping crown of the thug's cock. Tears began to well in her eyes as she began to eagerly lap and suck the man's filthy cock like a common whore. The man's watching companion laughed. "She can't get enough!" his voice mocking her. The man pulled his brown cock out of her sucking mouth with a liquid pop.

"Vamos!" the burly man said motioning to the door.

Genevieve sat on the edge of the bed and sobbed as she watched the two men open the door and step into the dark. She raised a hand to her swollen lip touching the cut in front of the two vacant tooth sockets. She dabbed at a thick string of congealed sperm mixed with the blood that looped down her bruised chin. An involuntary shiver coursed through her as the reality of the situation settled in the pit of her stomach to mingle with the warm puddle of sperm that she had gulped down like a gluttonous whore. She lunged to the side as her guts knotted and she vomited against the wall. She shuddered and sobbed as she sat in the dark her once perfectly coiffed hair matted with sweat and streaked with errant ribbons of clotted sperm. With a sudden thought she scuttled along the floor until she found the two precious white pearls. Sitting on the bed, she cupped the two teeth in her small sperm stained hand and rocked back and forth like a demented caged beast. Her body ached. Her silicon perfect breasts from the squeezing and pulling of demanding hands, the tender flesh of her vagina chaffed and swollen from the hard male flesh she had been forced to accept. Her face burned with embarrassment and panic as she felt the warm slickness of the men's mingled sperm as it leaked from her violated anus and cunt. She tried to erase the memory of the last several hours from her mind, like the vomit had erased the pungent taste of the man's soiled cock from her mouth, but she couldn't. The feeling of abject helplessness overwhelmed her and she cried, her hand clutching the pathetic fragments of her beauty, symbolic of her former life.

The two men walked toward the lit table, nodded to the Inspector, and walked to the darkened waiting car.

"Muy bien. She is ready for you gentlemen. So enjoy." He said standing up. "Salude" he said raising his glass and draining the last of it. " I shall see you mañana." He said with a slight mocking bow and disappeared into the darkness away from the table.

"Sh-i-i-i-i-t!," the big black grunted finally as he sat watching the mustachioed man. "What do you think?"

The mustachioed man raised his glass examining the amber colored liquor in the lamp light. A slight grin touched the corners of his mouth. "What do I think?" he said absently. "I think I'm going to get me some high class pussy before the Inspector's friends wear it out!" he said as his eyes narrowed to match his evil grin. They stood and walked toward the waiting door, their footsteps echoing in the quiet courtyard.

Chapter 61

Genevieve Falwell cowered in the dim lit room, the prurient ooze of three brutal strangers leaking from her ravaged orifices. Painful bruises wracked her frame that until now had known only the pampering of spas. Bile rose in her throat at the fresh cloying taste of male seed mixed with the coppery taste of her own blood. The vile mixture formed a pasty film that clung to her once perfect dentistry, the best money could buy. He tight blood stained fist clenched the shattered remains of her front teeth as if clinging to the shards of her former life. The door opened tentatively, and the former model cowered in the corner of the bed. She raised her puffy eyes to see the smiling face of the mustachioed American and his big black friend. Relief flooded her at the sight of her two countrymen. A tentative laugh of released tension and despondency bubbled past her cut swollen bloody lips. A sob bubbled at her lips and tears of joy welled in her eyes.

"Thank god!" she sobbed softly. Pulling at the sheet to cover her nakedness. "Those men...they raped me...made me do things..." she said her voice trailing away.

"Yes, we know..." the mustachioed man said stepping toward the bed. "Why don't you tell us what they made you do." he said placing a hand on her shoulder as he sat on the bed.

The attractive woman continued to sob in the dark and didn't hear the soft chocolate chuckle rumble in the big black man's throat.

"Wha...I don't...understand..." she said between sobs.

"Tell us what the three men did to you...what they made you do..." he insisted.

The former model struggled to sort things out, but her mouth found a tentative voice. "" she said haltingly. "They put their...things..."

"What things?" he bated. "You mean their cocks? Yeah, say it say what they were."

"Yes...they put their...cocks..."

"Were they big? Were they big cocks?" he mocked.

"Yes." she said, shaking her head as if trying not to remember. "They were big...big cocks." she sobbed. "They put them in my...vagina...and my...ass. Made me...suck them." she said as it all bubble out. "They hurt me...hurt me with their big cocks. They hit me... to make me do what they... wanted." she croaked. "They told me I was going to be their...whore..."

Her lidded eyes opened at the sound of the men's soft laughter. Curled in the corner reliving her torment she hadn't felt the cool air on her bare skin as her threadbare modesty was peeled from her by the sly hands of the mustached one. She never felt his calloused hand cup her bruised swollen breast. Her downcast eyes never saw the looming shadow of the black man as he too joined his friend to cup a silicon perfect breast. "No-o-o-o-o-o...a-w-w-w-h-h-h" she protested as demanding fingers pulled and pinched at the raw red flesh of her well sucked nipples.

"No...ple-e-e-e-ze, don' must help me....please..." she sobbed at the dark faceless laughing silhouettes.

"Yeah, ho, we be help'in you and you be helpin' us." The huge black man sneered as he rubbed the large lump in the front of his trousers.

The façade was torn asunder with the sound of metallic zippers and the rustle of clothing as the two men stripped before the wide terrified eyes of the attractive woman. A continuous moan escaped her lips as she crouched amid the sperm sodden sheets rocking from side to side. With a sudden lunge she bolted for the door in a flurry of soiled bedclothes and flashing pale skin. In a heartbeat she was wrenched backward as a large hand caught a fist full of tinted tangled hair.

"Leaving the party, early?" the mustachioed one hissed. "Not tonight!" he said spinning her around and ramming a fist into the soft plane of her stomach. The pretty blond doubled over with a gasping retch, vomiting up the congealing remains of the other rapists sperm. In disgust he pushed her back onto the rumpled bed. "We know your game, bitch, and we aim to give you all you want. Your friend told us all about you. He...gave you to us for the price of a couple of drinks." he said with a disbelieving laugh. "Said he'd be back for you in the morning. Clean that shit off you." he said pointing to the vile mixture of sperm and bile that formed a sickening blotch on the bedclothes and splattering the insides of her splayed thighs.

Genevieve raise her gasping face up to look at the two faceless forms towering over her. She tried not to look at the two stiff clubs of male flesh that jutted out from between their thick hairy thighs. The lamplight highlighted the stiff rammers, thick veins wreathing the pulsing cylinders, fueling them like injector lines on two rapacious diesel engines. The two men stood arms akimbo, hulking in the dim light, their eyes stropping the smooth bruised flesh of the helpless woman as she cleaned herself. Like two primal beasts they stood, wetting their base hunger, the fetor of their lust filling the room. Each in his primal mind carving up the woman like a morsel to slake the gulosity of his loins.

As if of one mind the two stepped forward, grasped the sobbing woman, and bent her to their wants.

"You be a good ho now and give my Alabama black snake some lip lovin'." The black man said as his deep chocolate chuckle mingled with the white woman's helpless whimpers. One ham sized hand grasped a tangle of her colored hair, the other grasping the coal black hose of his cock, he rubbed it's purple helmet back and forth across the swollen bloody lips of the cringing woman. She sobbed as the demanding head of his ebony rammer opened the clotted cut in her bruised lip, her fresh coppery blood mixing with the thick lube that oozed from the drooling slavering mouth of his hungry cock.

The beautiful former model moaned in disbelief as the reality of her world bent her reason. Her hands clenched and unclenched in the soiled bedcovers in a futile gesture of supplication, helplessness and despair.

"A-w-w-w-h, no-o-o-o-o-o..." she wailed as he mashed the firm head of his thick hose against her supplicating mouth, dragging it back and forth over her damaged lips. The thick club overcame the meager resistance of her lips and bulled past the bloody swollen ribbons of flesh past the empty tooth sockets and found a soft bed along the undulating mattress of her tongue. The sound of the huge black man's satisfied chuckle filled the room as the woman's swollen lips closed around the purple head of his long ebony shaft.

Genevieve felt hard fingers grasp her meaty hips lifting her to her knees making her oozing bottom accessible to the other faceless abuser. She grunted in protest around the thick black pipe that seemed to grow from her mouth rooted in her guts. Her hands found courage enough to push against the thick muscular thighs straddling her face. Her futile resistance excited the Black, she felt the thick rail surge with her resistance and the massive black hand steadied her head as he stuffed two more thick inches of black pulsing gristle into her plugged gullet. The thick black staff muffled her moans as unseen hands spread the meaty cheeks of her fleshy bottom and guided a second demanding cock into its drooling mouth and stuffed it full.

The congealed leavings of the others lubricated the passageway for yet another hungry cock as it speared into her belly. The red raw lips of her ravaged vulva gulped down the stiff rod like a hungry mouth nipping and sucking along the hard pulsing shaft. The beautiful whore's guts knotted and cramped with renewed horror as the twin columns of masculine gristle throbbed and pulsed as they lanced brutally in and out as if to impale her very soul. Pent up masculine anger, tooth gnashing anger born of lust, the desire to possess, seethed and flared in the two men. Primal reproductive lust had transformed them into steely plow shears, mindless of tenderness or concern, caring only to implant their progeny in the moist fertile furrows they bent their backs to plow. The engines of their manhood drove them to possess this frail vessel of feminine flesh to take her, to use her, to spend themselves within her.

Their steely praetorian hands gripped her prostrate flesh pulling her onto their rigid spears, driven home like imperial pilums, weighted by the sperm heavy balls that hugged the filamentous shafts of flesh. Twin pairs of roiling testes beat a tattoo against the woman's ravaged silent lips. Swollen lips that drooled runnels to mingle with the eager excreta leaking from the slathering barbaric mouths of the invaders cocks.

Vestal Whore Chapter 62

Hattori watched as the men became impatient as the redheaded whore pumped her ass up and down yet another cock. He looked on impassively as the slim cylinder slicked in and out of the slut's ravaged cunt on the slime of others, open cankerous sores visible around it's diseased root. After tonight her fouled womb would be too polluted to bear fruit, assuring him of her uninterrupted services.

A rumbling groan and grasping fingers at the white girl's wide hips signaled the Indian's climax, as his diseased cock spewed it's contaminated seed deep into the sodden depths of the young teens welcoming cunt. The drunken Indian staggered away from the splayed cheeks of the stooped girl, his deflating cock trailing a thick mucus like string of amber filth; the dead corpses of white cells, slain in their losing battle within his diseased loins.

As the men became more drunk it took longer for the young American slut to milk their cocks. Hattori pulled a few bills from the overflowing bowl and called over the bartender to order a round for the house. That should keep them satisfied for the moment. He motioned to the hulking imbecile who sat rocking side to side in the corner. Tahio, his retarded son shambled over, head bobbing up and down, the ever present sheen of drool wetting his chapped red chin. He gave directions to the hulking retard who bent to open the bag which hung from his left hand.

Hattori turned to the slut, her drooling bottom slowly pumped up and down in the empty air milking a nonexistent cock. Her ravaged vulva bloomed open, the slick swollen labia like the petals of a flower defiled by the slime of a multitude of slugs. As he watched a thick cheese-like wad of sperm oozed slowly from the red passage. Clotted red pubes sprang upward one by one along the thick red lips, freed from the gooey blob as it slithered from her contaminated womb, elongated into a glistening string, and plopped wetly to the filthy floor near the spreader bar between her ankles.

The two oriental men stepped toward her flanks their hands filled with the rough hemp cords the giggling youth had produced from his bag. The old man's gnarled hands worked the cords with practiced deftness. Reaching under the bent torso of the pretty redheaded American he worked quickly. The drooling imbecile assisted by clutching each breast in turn by the tight strings wrapped around each elongated swollen nipple and stretching the fat pendulous orbs downward allowing the old man to loop the cord around the base of each breast tight against the young girl's rib cage. The mindless thing champed and grunted like a corralled beast, her feet shuffling back and forth restrained by the spreader bar. Her red haired head bucked and jerked against the thick ring securing her tongue to the hook, her breath came in snorts, her fine neck pulled back obliquely by the nasal tines secured in her pert freckled nose. She grunted as the coarse rope burned her skin as the two men worked quickly to bind her hanging breasts, pulling and looping the rope into a thick corset around each elongated bag of flesh. The old man patted her matted red head like an owner reassuring his prized dog. He looped the coarse hemp a few more times secured the running end and stepped back. He looked up and motioned to his giggling son who shambled quickly to follow his father's orders.

Hattori stepped to the bar and lifted the ring in the slut's tongue from the hook. She gurgled and snorted as bloody saliva dripped from her grimacing lips. The thick ring through the thick center of her tongue was pressed tightly against her front teeth preventing her from retracting her tongue or fully closing her mouth. If her tortured mind could have assembled a coherent thought, her ability to speak it had been reduced to mere bestial grunts and mumblings.

The wizen yellow man led the pretty American teen to the center of the room, leading her with a bony finger through her tongue ring. The pale girl was stooped from the waist by the ropes wrapped around her arms drawn cruelly up over her bent back, useless and numb. She waddled faithfully, painfully, behind him hobbled by the spreader bar affixed to the back of her slim ankles, above her bare filthy feet, the giggling retard following close behind. The hulking youth giggled and drooled as his fingers probed the wet crotch of the staggering female wretch. Other hands darted in to pluck at a swinging breast to pinch and twist at the fat bound nipples. Her fine white freckled skin, marred by abusing fingers and stiff ropes, shone with a patina of well-earned sweat, sprung from her labors to please the group faceless men by milking their demanding cocks. The crevasse between her plump splayed buttocks glistened even more wetly with the spent seed of the many strangers that had paid to user her. The young teen's tortured pale form stood out starkly in the smoky bar. Her ivory white body, naked and bound looked alien in the filthy surroundings. Her smooth translucent white, pink flesh was highlighted by a sprinkling of freckles on her shoulders and chest. Fine blue veins were faintly visible beneath the alabaster skin. The bar was like a scene from Dante's Inferno, the fallen angelic form surrounded by an ocean of demonically grinning yapping brown faces. Like a pack of hyenas they paced eagerly, their jaws foamy with cheap beer, their lust stoked by the helplessness vulnerability of the white girl. This milling pack of third world refuse, a wild pack of scavengers sensing the helplessness of a wounded prey. Swarmed to assail the white teen not with tooth and claw, but with the steely prongs of their unsheathed cocks!

The sadistic old Japanese led the compliant wretch to the center of the smoky bar to position her suffering stooped form beneath two stout ropes positioned there by his gibbering son. His black eyes were impassive, but his smiling lips revealed the relish with which he finished his task. He motioned to his son to remove the spreader bar from the wretched girl's ankles. The old Japanese then nodded his head and the ropes were drawn taut pulled at an angle away from each other by the eager hands of the drunken men. The stooped form was slowly lifted from the floor. Surprise slowly registered in the wretched girl's pain dulled mind. She writhed as she was lifted inches from the dirt floor, her filthy feet kicking in the air. The two hemp ropes were tied off at opposite sides of the room. The old shibari master's eyes followed the taut lines up over the rafters and down to where they were secured to the ropes binding the young teen's breasts. She gurgled and moaned as the tight ropes cut into the tender flesh of her horribly stretched flesh. The alabaster mounds were beginning to take on the bluish tint of pooling blood. The old man grinned as he admired his variation of the Ushiro Takate Kote Shibari Turi. He ran his bony fingers along the tight flesh of her stretched breasts. She was suspended by her fat breasts, each one pulled up and out by the ropes suspending her from the overhead rafters. Her pale body was arched backward, her red nipped breasts pointed vertically upward, her red hanging back nearly horizontal. The rope wrapped vee of her bound arms hung beneath her arched back, her hands and shoulders a sickening blue. The outward pull of the ropes prevented her from swinging or rotating, she hung the nearly motionless, her only movement caused by her confused twitching. The old man pulled at the tight ropes suspending her only inches from the floor. Satisfied her pulled another length of rope from the bag and bent to the girl's left foot working quickly, then tossed the running end over the rafter. He tugged downward on the rope pulling the pretty teen's left leg upward accomplishing both Kataashi Tsuri and Komon Sarashi Shibari, a one leg suspension and exposed anus binding. He grinned to the surrounding men, nodding slightly.

"She now ready to entertain two of you at a time." he said. " No more waiting, hai!" With a grin he walked back to his stool by the bar. Behind him two men emerged from the shoving crowd surrounding the girl, their hands busy pulling at the front of their trousers.

Chapter 66

The young man, a late comer to the bar dropped a fist full of crumpled bills onto the pile that overflowed the bowl sitting in front of the old Japanese. The assembled crowd of drunks whistled and hooted as he turned to take his pleasure at the young American girl hanging limply by her bound breasts. The young dark haired Bolivian looked around the smoky cantina and unfastened his pantaloons with a flourish revealing a mammoth out sized brown cock. His young, pocked face smiled back at the grinning faces as he stood with his hands on his narrow hips. The thick post of flesh that sprouted from his groin pulsed up and down with the regularity of a metronome as his strong heart engorged the swelling staff rigid with blood. The thick veins of the gnarly prong gave it the look of an ancient cypress. His eyes turned to the pathetic sight that had once been an young Anglo girl. Her large breasts were a lurid purplish blue above the tight bindings. The fat swollen orbs were pulled upward at an obscene angle toward the wooden rafters. The resilient flesh stretched as they supported her weight. The stretched skin of her bound torso streaked with blood from the numerous punctures that dotted the shiny skin of her blood bloated breasts. Her inner thighs slick with a thick coating of congealed sperm that dribbled down to form a wet pool beneath her pointed toes. The man's eyes looked to her groin and saw the livid swollen flesh of her pudenda. He caught his breath at the sight of the bright red flesh beneath the matted thatch of red pubic hair nestled between the ivory paleness of her thighs. Her white flesh was mottled with blue bruises where the strong cruel hands of the men that had paid to use her left their marks. The young Indian’s cock throbbed as he walked toward her, the heavy log swinging ponderously between his legs.

The young man motioned to the bartender, and a filthy rag was thrown in his direction. His hand snatched it from the air as he stepped to the girl and roughly rubbed the rag between her dripping thighs then shifted the reeking cloth to his other hand and forced it between the bulbous cheeks of her mutilated buttocks. His eyes noted the fresh brand that marred the smooth curve of her left cheek. He tossed the damp rag to the floor and with the quickness of a snake brought the flat of his hand down in a vicious slap across the crusted brand.

A lance of agony pierced the dull veil of pain that covered Sandra like a cloak. Her head jerked and a moan leaked from around the pierced tongue that protruded from her parted lips. Her eyes rolled up and welled with tears. In the bestial state which she now existed only compliance could end the pain. Her body voluntarily flexed pulling her pale legs up exposing her dilated cunt, splaying her fleshy buttocks, and the raw aperture of her anus. The boy snorted and stepped up between the welcoming vee of the girl's bruised thighs.

He fisted the thick log of his oversized cock pulling the brown foreskin up and down over the bulbous head as if to prime himself. He shuffled forward guiding the fleshy ball crowning the arm thick appendage between the thickly swollen lips of the girl's red cunt. Sandra released an animal like grunt as she felt the thick head spread the raw weeping flesh of her abused bottom. The guttural moans continued as the boy leaned into her hanging form to force more and more of his veiny limb into her protesting cunt. Sandra's red head lolled limply her feeble groans only goading the young Indian on, as he forced more of his impossibly thick cock into the stretched mouth of her ravaged vagina.

The gripped the girl's legs under her knees and lunged into the young student, forcing his thick post into her upturned bottom. The thick lips of the girl's raw cunt clung to his thick invader as he sawed his lance in and out of her gorged cunt. The erect nub of her ignored clit stood out above the taut stretched lips of her labia. She groaned in pain as the relentless hammering continued, tormenting her already defaced cervix. The internal protuberance lay smashed and battered like the nose of a third rate pug. Then her tormented mind felt it. The tingling. The abrasive pleasure of the boy's coarse pubes against the erect nub of her forlornly erect clitoris. Like a straw in the tempest of pain her mind grasped at the speck of pleasure and created a mote. She felt her hips lift and turn against the lunging boy as he stuffed her screaming bottom with his inhuman cock. The young man groaned as he felt her bottom slicken, not with the spent sperm of others but with her own wanton lust. Her moans quickened as she swung herself against him torturing her already defiled breasts. The drunken men in the bar hooted and called obscenities at the young man. They marveled at the response the young man with the gargantuan member was able to coax from the seemingly mindless Anglo slut.

The old Japanese at the bar sat ignored by the drunken men as they began to chant. Softly at first, in cadence with the lunging thrusts of the young man's cock, then louder, drowning out the growing moans of the bucking girl. Sandra arched her freckled back and humped her hips. Her bound arms, wrapped in a cocoon of cord hung uselessly behind her as her animal mind labored at growing the tiny seed of pleasure into a drooling mindless climax.

The young man thrust his hips against the girl, his eyes blurred with lust. His hands dug into the girl's pale flesh struggling to hold on to the sweating thrashing limbs that had wrapped themselves around his hips. The coarse cords suspending the girl bit into the constricted flesh of her breasts drawing blood as she bucked and humped her weight against her own tortured flesh. Her head hung back limply on her shoulders. Gibbering moans leaked from around her protruding tongue, the ring through her tongue pressed tightly against her front teeth. A patina of sweat glistened on her checks and beaded on her chest as she humped and bucked against the young man, ignoring the flaming pain in her breasts and shoulders. The eager young man groaned as he felt the flailing pouch of his sperm swollen balls constrict, pumping a thick column of sperm up the fat veiny tube of his cock. The first gout of his wriggly seed erupted from his brown cock as the thick crown crashed into the crushed knob of her cervix. The battered flesh mated with the head of the thick cudgel as gob after hot gob pumped into the throat of her womb. The mindless young slut shuddered and bucked through her own animal climax, her ravaged cunt contracting hungrily around the thick invader swallowing his hot seed like a mindless glutton.

The blinding white light expanded in Sandra's mind, momentarily replacing the throbbing pain that had become her meat. Her breath gurgled in her throat as her tortured body bucked against the thick post that bored into her like some giant drill. Thick clotted sperm clogged her over flowing womb and squelched out from around the stretched oval of her cunt. The tight lips of her swollen labia squeezed the congealing scum from the boy's pistoning post and it slid down the crevasse of her flexing buttocks like discarded scrapings down a grease trap.

Hattori sat at the bar wordlessly watching his young American slut groaning though her climax. Black rage dropped like a veil behind the dark slitted eyes as he ground the rotten nubs of his teeth. "How dare that pitiful lump of flesh, find pleasure at the hands of that slip of a boy!" he fumed. Perhaps he had not broken her as thoroughly as he had thought. Or maybe he had just underestimated the animal desire that lurked within each of us. "No matter." he thought as he decided what he must do. He turned back toward his drink, the cloak of calm once again descending over him. He sipped at the singani, the strong alcohol easing the pain in his rotting teeth. He smiled to himself as he listened to the sound of the dying chants mingled with the obscene wet squelching of the boy's gargantuan cock in the young slut's overflowing cunt.

With a sudden burst of energy, the old man stood and addressed the remaining drunks. "Corte rápidamente el slut joven abajo!" He said directing the men to cut the girl down. Several men staggered over to where the girl hung, pulling the puzzled youth from between her embracing legs. Strong brown hands lifted her as others cut the suspension cord releasing her pale limp form into their arms. The men snickered and offered up crude comments as their hands squeezed and probed the helpless young woman.

"Mire sus pechos hinchados. Son como la berenjena grande!" one said comparing the purple color of her bound swollen breasts to that of a large eggplant.

"Póngala sobre la tabla y sepárese las piernas." The old Japanese pervert said instructing them to lay her across one of the wooden tables. The old man walked to the bar and spoke to the bartender who nodded and walked quickly into the back room. Hattori turned to watch as the men laid the young American across the table on her back. Her cocoon like bound arms hung beneath her off one edge of the table. Her head and shoulders hanging toward the floor. Her blurred green eyes trying to focus on the upside down image of the smoky room.

Sandra vaguely felt her legs pulled apart as invisible hands grabbed her ankles and held them along the opposite edge of the table. The warm glow of her recent climax began to dissolve as the pain in her tortured shoulders and ravaged breasts once again infused her dulled nervous system. Her breath came in labored gasps as she struggled to expand her bound chest against her own weight resting on the edge of the table just below her shoulder blades. The image of anonymous bare hairy legs and those clothed in dirty trousers swam inverted before her eyes.

"Well, Missee, you do so well for Hattori. You makee me mucho boliviano's tonight.

"Yes, you are Hattori's slut. Missee is my whore. Missee is to serve Hattori's only, not seek her own pleasure.

The brown faced men holding the young American looked bewildered as he spoke to the girl in his broken English. He stood up with an evil grin and spoke to the hushed men. The young American went limp in the hands of the Bolivian men. The crowd drifted away, laughing, and talking obscenely, the stale air of the bar thick with the odor of flesh. Soon she lay forgotten as the men continued their drinking at the bar and the old man left to collect her earnings.

The young girl lay forgotten in her desolate world until she felt the leash being fastened to her tongue ring. The old man jerked her to her feet and a liquid moan escaped her slack lips as the pain of the charred and blistered flesh between her ravaged thighs flared anew. The young redhead staggered, waddling along atop unsteady freckled legs. Her shoulders stooped she lurched at the end of the leash fastened to her mutilated tongue. Bright green eyes teared, streaming down her smooth cheeks, her red hair matted with tears and sweat. Her swollen purple breasts bulged atop the bloody rope wrapped tightly around base of each engorged orb. They swayed to and fro, long fat nipples arcing from side to side like the cane of a blind man, hanging heavily on her blood streaked chest. She walked bandy legged, struggling to keep up with the old man as the burned flesh between her legs screamed in torment.

"Come, whore," was all the old man said as he pulled her toward the new day beyond the gaping door marked by the rising sun.
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