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This is the sixth chapter of this 14-part story from my early twenties, when my girlfriend and I moved into a duplex in a low-rent neighborhood. In this chapter I get to know the older Hispanic lady next door a little better, learn more about Ron & Debbie's relationship, and have another issue with the neighbor over my hose.
——————————— Part (6) ■ Mowing the Backyard ■ ————————————

            [ s e x u a l   c o n t e n t :  4/5 ]

This is the sixth chapter of this 14-part story from my early twenties, when my girlfriend and I moved into a duplex in a low-rent neighborhood. In this chapter I get to know the older Hispanic lady next door a little better, learn more about Ron & Debbie's relationship, and have another issue with the neighbor over my hose.

Note: Although this story is fiction, all characters and situations in this series are based on reality. About 6-years of events in the eighties have been compressed into one long summer with the intent to make the chapters more readable, but unfortunately it can also make them less believable. It is up to the reader to decide what is fantasy.


When I woke that Saturday morning Denise had already left for work. I made some coffee and sat out on the front deck to survey the neighborhood. I was still in my robe, but it was still early enough for that attire to be acceptable. 

Ron was cleaning out their garage and I saw Debbie in their kitchen. The blue house was still asleep, but the blonde’s car was now parked out front. Quiet next door as well. 

After a bit I went back inside to grab another cup of coffee and looked out the kitchen window. Maybe Danny’s sister was there? Lol… nope. And I noticed the grass needed mowing. I would rather work on the Chevy than mow, but I agreed to take care of the yard for a discount on the rent, so I needed to take care of it. I threw on shorts and a t-shirt, and headed across the street to Ron’s. 

I had helped Ron a few times on his house, and we now had an unwritten deal where I could borrow his lawnmower and he could borrow my tools. He was still working in his garage when I walked up his driveway. 

“Morning Ron! Whatcha workin on?”

He turned around and smiled seeing me, “Hey Jeff! Cleaning out the garage… I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff now.” 

“Need any help? Anything heavy you need to move?”

“Not really…” his expression dropped and he looked at the ground, “I might need your help tomorrow when I pick up the U-Haul truck.” He walked up closer to me and I could see the stress on his face. “Debbie and I are getting divorced. I already leased an apartment on the west side.”

I didn’t know how to react. I knew they fought a lot, but I wasn’t expecting this. “Jesus, Ron… I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. That sucks… I wish you didn’t have to go through this… I hate to lose you as a neighbor.”

“Yeah… it sucks. I really liked this neighborhood. Debbie’s parents are helping her buy me out of the house, so I’ll have some money to start over, but I hate losing this place.”

“I can imagine. Your house is the nicest one on the block.” I repeated myself, “I’m sorry.”

His face was struggling between sadness and anger. I wasn’t sure if he was going to throw something, or start crying. 

“I would be more than happy to help you move if you need it.”

He pulled himself together, “I should be okay… my brother is coming over to help. But I’ll give you a yell if I need another strong back.” He walked back into the garage and grabbed his lawnmower. “Need to use this? I would give it to you outright if it were up to me, but Debbie will need to take care of the yard now.” 

Now I felt bad that I came over to borrow the mower. I glanced over and noticed Debbie was looking out the window; I quickly looked back at Ron and grabbed the mower, “Thank you, Ron… I’ll bring it right back after I’m done. Let me know if I can help in any way.”

“No rush, Jeff. Take care.”

I walked the mower down their driveway, trying to avoid eye contact with Debbie, who was still watching me from their kitchen window. 

I pulled the mower around the side of our duplex and grabbed the gas can from the garage. Next door, Cliff started his Buick and pulled away as I filled the mower with gas. He didn’t make eye contact with me, as per usual. 

I wheeled the mower along the side to the back yard, which looked a lot more overgrown up close than from the upstairs kitchen window. There was a hose laying out on Marie’s side of the yard, and a chaise lounge as well. The grass was almost touching the chaise. 

….. I should have mowed this last week, or even the week before

On the other side of the duplex, the sliding glass door was open to Marie’s bedroom. It was on the ground floor below the kitchen, just like ours. I caught a glimpse of Marie walking past in the hallway behind, and stopped in my tracks. She walked into her bedroom and out of my view, but I could see her in the reflection of the mirrored closet doors. She was wearing a robe when she walked in, but stripped it off and stepped into some bikini bottoms. Her large round tits were on full display… until she worked them into the top of her bikini. 

I quietly stepped back out of sight and grabbed the mower and started it up to make her aware I was there. I pushed the mower a little ways into the yard, then shut it down to move the hose and the chaise. 

Marie walked out onto the small deck outside her bedroom, “Hi Jeff! You going to mow back here?” She had wrapped herself up in her robe. 

“Hi Marie! Yeah… sorry I haven’t done it before now. I didn’t notice how long it was.”

“Don’t worry about that. I appreciate you mowing! I was just going to come out and get some sun on this old body.”

I rolled up her hose and walked closer, “Well, why don’t I do your side first, so I don’t screw up your plans?” I carried the hose to her side of the duplex, then walked back to grab the chaise. 

“That would be great, if you don’t think I’ll be in your way.”

I folded up the chaise and carried it up and set it on her deck. She stepped closer and grabbed the chaise as though to stop it from falling over. When she leaned over her robe fell open, exposing her bikini underneath and her ample boobs. 

I glanced down at her cleavage, “You definitely won’t be in my way,” I said in a flirting manner. 

She laughed and pulled her robe together, “Sorry…  just let me know when I can come out.” She smiled and went back into her bedroom and slid the glass door closed. 

I started the mower again and began cutting the lawn on her side of the backyard. It only took me about ten minutes to cut her side; I shut it down and took the bag off to empty it. When I came back Marie was standing out on her deck. 

“Is it all clear to come out?” 

“If you don’t mind the noise… sure! I’ll try to finish the rest as quick as I can!”

I started the mower and resumed cutting the rest of the yard. Marie carried the chaise out onto the yard, and set a small table down beside it. She headed back inside for a few minutes, and was carrying two drinks with her when she returned. 

She took off her robe and laid down on the chaise. I looked over and admired her body in the bikini, and smiled. She smiled back and ‘toasted’ me with her drink. 

Marie raised her drink again after I finished mowing, “Can I offer you a margarita?” 

I stripped off my shirt and hung it on the lawn mower. “That sounds wonderful. It’s getting pretty hot already and I am melting down.” 

I took the glass from Marie and took a long drink, nearly choking on the alcohol. “Damn! That has a kick! I mean, I’m not complaining… I just wasn’t expecting that. Thank you!”

I took another sip and let my eyes fall to her large breasts. Her light green bikini fit her well, but was very revealing… obviously worn to maximize sun exposure, and minimize modesty. Marie had put on some dark sunglasses so I couldn’t tell if she was watching my eyes, but I’m sure she knew I was staring at her tits. My dick started to stiffen down the leg of my shorts. 

She started rubbing tanning oil on her arms and legs, and I just stood there watching her… staring at her body as she lubed herself up. Marie was a shorter woman, probably around 5’-3”(?), but very voluptuous. She had a large, round ass to match her big boobs, and a relatively small waist. Her nipples stood out in the bikini top, and she was sporting a pretty meaty camel-toe as well. 

She rubbed the oil up over her legs and worked it onto her thighs, opening her legs to rub the insides next to her bikini bottoms. She was putting on a show for me, and it was working. My hardening dick was surely visible in my shorts now. 

“Could you do me a favor? I can’t reach my back.”

“You want me to rub oil on your back? I guess… if I really have to. Jeeze, what I have to go through to be a good neighbor.”

She laughed at my sarcasm and took another drink. She stopped for a moment before putting down her glass, and appeared to be staring at my growing erection. She couldn’t miss it; her face was level with my shorts. 

She looked up at me and smiled, then put down her drink and laid face down on the chaise. I knelt down and grabbed the oil from the table. As I unscrewed the cap, Marie reached behind her and untied her top. She pulled the strings to the side and folded her arms up under her head. 

I stopped and stared at her body. She was about ten years older than me, and a little overweight, but looked amazing like this. Her large breasts were squeezing out the sides underneath her, and her ass was much more exposed than I expected. Her bikini bottoms weren’t actually thongs, but her large round cheeks forced the material towards the center, bunched down in the crack of her ass. 

I squirted a little oil down the center of her back and onto my hands. I rubbed the oil up and down her back and onto her shoulders and paid special attention up around her neck, massaging the muscles as I went. She let me know she was enjoying the massage with a few light moans, “That feels heavenly… I’ll give you an hour to stop that.”

I laughed at her comment and continued massaging, working my hands down her back and up her sides. I moved my hands a little further down her sides with each stroke, until I could feel the soft flesh of her breasts… another light moan of approval. 

My dick was starting to press against the leg in my shorts, and though Marie still had her sunglasses on I was pretty sure she was staring at it. I started working on her lower back, leaning in closer so my dick pushed against the side of the chaise. 

….. her ass. Those huge round cheeks filled my vision. I’ve never seen an ass like this, at least not up close, so exposed… I have to feel that ass… I wanted to bite that ass…

I squirted some more oil on my hands and shuffled sideways until I was beside her hips. 

She jerked her head up and looked back towards the house. I thought it was a reaction to my interest in her ass, but then I realized the ringing phone was coming from her bedroom. 

“Dammit! Sorry… I have to take this.” 

She lifted herself up from the chaise and I got a flash of her large tits swinging below her as she tried her best to wrap them back up in her bikini top. She finally gave up and covered herself with her arms, and ran towards the house to catch her phone. I watched that amazing ass bounce around as she disappeared into her bedroom. 

This was not what I had planned for the day but it looked like it could be a lot of fun. I looked around to see if any neighbors could see; the fence blocked the view from all sides except the upper windows in the old two-story house to the west, and I never saw the older couple that lived there. 

She was only on the phone for a moment before she came back out, still barely covering her large breasts with only her arms. 

“I have to go into work. Can I get a rain check on that massage?”

“I’m sorry… Yes, Most definitely. I think I was enjoying that more than you were!”

She glanced down at my shorts. My dick was pitching a pretty big tent down the right leg. She looked back up at me and smiled widely, then spun around and bounced back inside. 

….. just as well, Jeff. Too close, too many… sooner or later you will get caught. Have a little control, man…

I carried the table up onto her deck and set the two drinks on it after downing mine. She had closed her sliding glass door, but in the reflection in her closet doors I saw her pull her bottoms off that big sweet ass. 

….. dammit


………………..…………… Debbie’s Side ……..………………………

I grabbed my shirt and pulled the mower around the side of the house. My shirt was already dirty, so I used it to clean off the mower, then pushed it back across the street to Ron & Debbie’s house. 

The garage was open, but when I rolled it up their driveway Ron was nowhere in sight. I called out his name, but when there was no response so I just pushed the mower back in the garage where it was stored. I turned to walk out of the garage and Debbie came around the corner. 

“Oh, Jeff! I heard a noise and thought we might have a prowler!”

….. bullshit

“I’m sorry… I was just returning your lawnmower. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She had changed into a light yellow summer dress, and I immediately noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. The dark nipples on her low-hanging breasts showed through the thin material, almost matching the floral pattern. 

“I suppose Ron told you he’s leaving?”

This caught me a little off guard; I wasn’t sure how to respond. I tried not to stare at her tits…

“Yeah. I am really sorry to hear it. You have been great neighbors.”

“Well, I’m not leaving. The neighborhood will be better off without that dickless jerk… at least I know I will be.”

Her harsh words surprised me. It sounded like it was going to be a painful split… painful for Ron, anyway. 

“I’m sorry… I didn’t know you two were having troubles. I always got along with Ron pretty well.”

“Of course he was nice to you, he liked your ass.”

This stopped me in my tracks. I stared at her with a confused look on my face. “Um… I’m sorry… I don’t understand… “

“Let me put it this way, he was always taking trips with his guy friends... camping, hunting, fishing… but never with me. We haven’t had sex in three years… and the last few times he touched me it was anal. You do the math.”

I stood there, slack-jawed, trying to process what she was saying to me. “Jesus! I can’t… seriously? My God, Debbie… I had no idea.” I thought back to all the times Ron and I had beers and bantered about politics and sports. Some of the things he had said started to come into a different focus.

“Jesus…” I repeated myself. 

“Yeah… Jesus. I can’t believe I put up with it for so long. I have nothing against gay men, but I sure don’t like being married to one.”

I stood there, not sure how to react. “I can’t imagine what that would be like. I’m sorry Debbie.”

“At first I just thought he was just less attracted to me, after a few years of marriage and all that. I lost weight and started exercising… and I started reading about how to keep sex interesting, how to experiment and bring more excitement to the bedroom.” She shook her head and laughed, “All that did is make me more horny and frustrated.”

She looked at me and laughed again, “Did I mention it’s been over three years?”

I laughed loudly at her openness, “Well, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble filling that void in your life.” I looked her up and down, “…no trouble at all."

"I have to get back, but I’m right across the street. Just give me a yell if you need help with anything.”

…..I really didn’t want to get in the middle of a nasty divorce, and if I didn’t leave quickly I knew my dick would take over

Debbie was staring at my crotch, “Just remember you offered!” Her gaze slowly rose to my chest, then finally to my eyes, and she gave me a wide smile. 

….. she really is sexy as hell, especially in that dress

I let my eyes fall to her breasts. Her dark nipples were hard now and stood out even more than before. I took a deep breath and smiled back at her before turning and walking down her driveway. “I definitely won’t forget… I promise!”


…………………..……… the fucking hose again ..…………………………

I walked back across the street hoping no one could see my semi-hard dick in my shorts. I felt a drop of pre-cum sticking to my leg and saw a small wet spot when I looked down. I headed up the driveway and up the side of the duplex to make sure I didn’t leave anything in the backyard. I picked up my shirt from the rockery where I left it... I noticed the hose was missing. 

….. God Dammit! The fucking hose again? What the hell is going on?!

I swear that hose was there earlier. In fact I clearly remember pushing the mower around it. I looked over at the house next door and tried to calm my anger. I took a deep breath and stormed through the bushes that separated our yard. Cliff’s Buick was gone, and the house looked quiet. 

….. what am I walking into? This could be a set-up. 

I ran up the rickety steps to their front porch and pounded on the door. The waif opened it immediately, stepping back to let me in. It looked like she had just stepped out of the shower; she was wearing a robe and her hair was wet. 

She backed up into the small kitchen, and defiantly spit out, “What the Fuck do You want?” 

I stormed through the doorway and slammed the door behind me. 

.…. why did I close the door? 

The place reeked of pot, just like before. She quickly stepped backwards until she bumped up against the table. 

“You know what I fucking want! My hose is missing again! I want it back, NOW!”

Her eyes were wide and her mouth open, I thought from fear, but she looked down at my crotch and smiled, then untied her robe and let it fall to the floor. She stood there totally naked, her ribs standing out more than her tits on her tiny body. She must have just shaved as well; her bare mound stood out, about even with her boney hips. Her little slit ran up further in front than most girls, and her lips stuck out from the bare skin around them. I have never seen a body as skinny as hers, at least not naked. I suddenly felt sorry for her, but her anorexic little body made me want to fuck her at the same time. 

.... Dammit Jeff! DO NOT FUCK HER! You got away with it last time, but your luck will run out

I bent down and picked up her robe off the floor and laid it over a chair.

"I suppose you're gonna punish me? You gonna abuse me with that big cock again, asshole?"

I could smell alcohol on her breath. Looking around I saw an open bottle of Jack Daniel's on the counter. 

She was pissing me off, but my dick was awake and getting harder by the second. I stepped towards her and grabbed her neck, pushing her backwards against the table, and stuffed two fingers into her pussy. It was already dripping wet. I rammed my fingers deep inside her and lifted her up onto the table, still holding her neck with my other hand. I roughly finger-fucked her like this for a bit, then let go of her neck and pulled my fingers out and grabbed her ankles. Her ankles were a lot thinner than my wrists... it felt perverse, but made me want to ram my cock in her tiny body even more. I lifted her legs up in the air and flipped her over on her stomach, pulling her boney ass to the edge of the table. 

"Whatcha gonna do now, Fucker?" 

I slapped her ass hard- "Shut the fuck up! I'm gonna do whatever I want!" She shrieked at the slap, but reached back with both hands and spread her ass open. "You gonna fuck me again, asshole?"

I pulled her hands away and spanked her ass harder, leaving a hand mark on her pale cheeks, "I said SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

She reached above her head to a small plate on the table and scooped some butter off the plate, and reached back around and rubbed it all over her ass and pussy.

..... she planned this ..She showered and shaved, and laid the butter out like that, knowing I would come bursting over

I stuffed my fingers into her pussy again, and lifted her up off her feet and pushed her forward onto the table and grabbed her legs to throw her around onto her back. She immediately pulled her legs up in the air and reached underneath and spread her ass and pussy wide for me. Her bare pussy looked fucking nasty like this… nasty in a good way… shaved bare and all greasy from the butter.

I pulled on her hair with my left hand and pushed her ass around with my right, spinning her body around until her head hung off the side of the table. She looked up at me and dropped her head down and opened her mouth. 

.... what kind of depraved bitch wants to be treated like this?

I pulled my shorts down to my knees and my cock flipped up and hit her head. I grabbed it and slapped her in the face with it, my pre-cum dragging across her nose and mouth as I did. She opened her mouth wider and reached back and grabbed my cock, trying to pull it into her mouth. 

..... all right you crazy little bitch ...if you want to be abused

I pushed my cock into her open mouth until she gagged, then pulled it back out again. She reached above her head and grabbed my ass and pulled me towards her. I pushed my cock back into her until I hit the back of her throat and held it there as she gagged again. 

I reached forward and grabbed her skinny legs and pulled them towards me until her knees were up in her armpits; her butter-covered crotch facing the ceiling. She let go of my ass and grabbed her legs and held them back like that, still choking on my cock.

.... looking at her bent in half like this was fucking obscene …She looked like a skinny little undeveloped girl, all spread out to be gang fucked

I started pumping my cock into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat with each thrust. She seemed to be enjoying the abuse; she reached down and started rubbing on her pussy, and slid two fingers inside. 

I pulled her hand aside and roughly pushed my two fingers into her. The inside of her pussy had changed from just a moment ago... maybe it was the butter, but she was soaking wet with a thick lube, and the upper wall where her G-Spot would be was all swollen up. 

..... I thought back years ago …about Stacy, Cindy's friend, and how she would swell up like this just before she squirted

I curled my two middle fingers against the swollen roof of her pussy and started roughly finger-fucking her, nearly lifting her body off the table. Her legs started shaking... I could feel her getting wetter and wetter, then a stream of fluid sprayed out of her like a fountain, covering the table. I pulled my fingers out and roughly rubbed it all over her pussy… Her body was bucking against my hand, obviously climaxing. 

I pulled my cock back out of her mouth to let her breathe, but she wasn't going to have that… she grabbed my ass again and tried to pull me back into her mouth, "Don’t stop! It's okay.. you can put it in my mouth...”

I shoved my cock back in her mouth, and slammed against the back of her throat… trying to push the head into the opening.

Again… harder…

She reached down and started rubbing her pussy, then reached further and slid her two middle fingers inside her buttered ass. She dug around deep in her asshole, roughly pulling and stretching it with her fingers, and she squirted again… not as much, but it still sprayed all over her hand and pussy. 

I stared at her skinny neck and shoved my cock against the back of her throat again, and pushed harder. I heard a faint guttural sound and my cock popped into her throat. I watched her thin neck bulge large as the shaft slid down into her windpipe. 

She was still fucking her ass with her fingers and I swear she was cumming again. I pulled my cock out of her throat and she gasped for air… I grabbed her neck and shoved my cock forwards until it popped back down her throat… I felt her neck swell as I pushed it in further, until my balls slapped against her face. 

I slammed my cock down her throat again, and held it there until she started slapping my stomach. I pulled it out slowly, watching her neck deflate as it slipped out. She gasped for air, then this deprived little bitch grabbed my ass and tried to pull my cock into her mouth again. 

….. Christ! I have never experienced anything like her insatiable drive for rough, degrading sex. She must have been abused a lot… and here I am, continuing the abuse

I grabbed her ankles and spun her around on the table, and pushed her knees up on either side of her ribs… her sopping wet pussy and butter-filled ass spread wide in front of me. Her shaved pussy looked smaller than her asshole, which was already gaping open a little from her rough finger play. Small bits of butter were dripping from her open ass, and her butthole opened up even more as I stared... I could see a bit down into her, the walls of her open ass all pink and greasy.

“Hold your legs like that!” I barked at her, and she grabbed them and pulled back hard.

She panted at me like a lustful dog, "I know... you can't put it in the front... I could get pregnant. It's okay... you can put it in my butt... I promise I won't tell..."

I shoved my fingers into her pussy and roughly stroked her G-Spot, and felt it swell up as I finger-fucked her. Grabbing my cock with my other hand, I guided it against the opening of her ass. I started rocking the head against her asshole and it quickly popped inside, then stopped at the girth of the thicker shaft of my cock. 

“It’s okay… I won’t tell… it's okay, push it in…” She panted at me, and started rubbing her little clit.

I pulled my dick out a little, then pushed harder against her tight little asshole. It momentarily halted where it stopped before, then popped in another inch. 

….. Jesus ...the heat! ...I could feel every inch of that greasy canal squeezing my cock

I turned my fingers around in her pussy so I could feel my cock sliding in her ass. I pushed my cock further into her tight little asshole, the head pushing past where I could feel it with my fingers. She furiously rubbed her clit and more fluid sprayed against my hand and stomach. 

"Oh God… that feels fucking good... keep doing that in my butt... I won't tell..."

..... what the fuck is she rambling about 'not telling' ?

I pushed my cock in harder, inch by inch, until my balls hit her ass... I pulled it back out, then started pumping long full strokes in and out of her tiny body… faster and rougher.

I pulled my fingers out of her pussy and pulled hard on her nipples, lifting her skinny frame up off the table. Her head fell back but her mouth was wide open, panting and grunting. 

I could feel my climax building, and my lust was peaking... I wanted to split this little thing in half with my cock.. I slammed my cock deep in her asshole, again and again, my balls slapping against her bony butt... my cock started exploding, shooting streams of cum deep into her ass.

Her body was impaled on my cock, flailing around like a half-scale fuck doll, "YES!! Fuck my ass! I promise I won't tell! ...I promise Daddy!  ...I promise I won't tell!"

I kept ramming her ass, my cock flexing and pumping until the last spurt emptied into her. I held it buried deep in her ass and slowly felt reality creep back into my head.

..... 'I promise Daddy'? What the fuck??

I lowered her back to the table and looked at her in shock, her words repeating through my mind... 'I promise I won't tell, Daddy...' She continued to rub her clit and was still holding her legs up and panting through her open mouth. I slowly pulled my cock out and a thick stream of cum flowed out of her gaping ass, splattering on the floor. 

A huge wave of guilt poured over me. What the fuck did I just do? What has this girl gone through? She was still on her back. Her rubbing had slowed down and her heavy breathing was starting to calm down.

I pulled up my shorts, went over to the sink and ran some hot water on a towel, and wringed it out. I walked over to her and gently cleaned her up, wiping the liquid that had sprayed all over her legs and belly, and the slimy goop running out of her ass. I bent down and wiped it up off the floor as well, and went back and rinsed it out in the sink.

When I walked back she was sitting up on the table, staring at the floor. I helped her stand and wrapped her in her robe and hugged her. 

"I'm sorry for being so rough with you. I shouldn't have abused you like that... no one should. Are you okay?"

She looked up at me and smiled weakly, "It's okay... you didn't hurt me. I kinda like it rough like that., you should probably go... I'm not sure when Cliff will be back."

.... well, no shit I should go ...I should never have come over here ...get some fucking control in your life, Jeff

I hugged her again and kissed her forehead, "Thank you... I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"Don't apologize... I enjoyed it. You can fuck me like that anytime.."

I opened the door and walked down the stairs. As I walked towards the duplex I saw the hose rolled up on their back steps. I could have seen that coming over and avoided this whole mess.

I went inside and took a long shower. 


The evening passed with little fanfare. Denise told me about her day, and I made up some bullshit about mine. I thought about what I had been doing while she was at work and felt ashamed. Although I didn’t see her as a long-term girlfriend, I could at least show her some respect and not fuck everything in the neighborhood behind her back.

“We need to get together with some friends. The summer is passing too quickly and we are missing it.”

Denise smiled at the thought, “You want me to set something up? Maybe with Keith and Tammy? We haven’t seen them in forever.”

“Yeah! That sounds great! Maybe Kyle and Laurie too? They’re always fun. We could hit The Emporium for a bite and maybe land back here?”

"How about next Friday? I'll call 'em tomorrow."


I sipped my scotch in bed. I didn't go out to the deck. I didn't want to see the waif flashing her ass at me. "...I promise I won't tell, Daddy"... What the fuck? Was that from a fantasy, or a flashback? I wondered how young she was when she let her dad fuck her in the ass, if that ever actually happened. I decided it was better to believe it was just a 'daddy fantasy' of hers.

I had never treated a girl like that, and felt horribly guilty from what I had done. But she liked it... 'You can fuck me like that anytime'... What kind of depraved life has this girl gone through? I still didn't even know her name. 

I thought about what I had done to her and my dick immediately got hard. 

..... Dammit, Jeff, stop letting your dick control your life. 


..... next: Part (7),  The Party
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