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Tiffany takes a job at the Hucow Fun Farm without realizing exactly what a Hucow is until she is one
Whucow Tales - Tiffany at the Hucow Fun Farm or how Hucows are recruited.

Unable to find a job and drowning in student loans, Tiffany takes a job at the Hucow Fun Farm without realizing exactly what a Hucow is until she is one


“I’m so happy that you decided to come and work here at Hucow Fun farm,” Tiffany’s new boss, Mike, said as he was about to show her around the premises.

“Thanks for hiring me,” she said with a smile, brushing her long, brown hair behind her ear. “But can I ask you something? What does Hucow mean?”

He grinned and put a hand on her slender hips. “You’ll find that out soon enough. I’ll show you where you’ll be working.”

Tiffany followed Mike out of his office. She watched his ass as he stepped in front of her. He had thick biceps and a muscular chest and was really fucking hot. Her young pussy clenched as he turned and smiled at her.

Tiffany was so thankful for the job. She graduated college with a sea of student loan debts and she couldn’t find a job in her field anywhere. She had found an advertisement that Hucow Fun Farm was hiring and decided to apply. She had the interview three days ago and Mike hired her on the spot. Every time that she asked Mike what she would be doing he would just glance at her breasts and change the subject. Whatever, she thought. It pays a lot. It can’t be that bad.

“Have you been taking the pills that I gave you?” Mike asked. He had given her pills to take twice a day after he hired her three days ago. He had told her that they were to prevent an allergic reaction to the hay at Hucow Fun Farm but Tiffany wasn’t so sure. The label was crossed out with a black marker but Tiffany read Lactation Hormones under the thick, black line when she held it up to the light. And since she started taking it three days ago, weird things were happening to her breasts. They were growing massive and her nipples would throb and ache all day. And it seemed to be getting worse as time went on. They needed release or attention in some way, but Tiffany didn’t know how to offer it to them.

“Yes I’ve been taking the pills twice a day,” she said to Mike as he guided her outside. He glanced down at her huge, aching tits and nodded in approval. They were pouring out of her tight yellow shirt. She always had nice boobs but in the past few days they were gigantic. They would pop out of every shirt that she owned and they would pull up her shirt and expose her toned, smooth, stomach underneath. “Do I have to keep taking them?” she asked. “I’ve never been allergic to hay before.”

Mike clasped his hands together and glanced down at her cleavage spilling out of her tiny shirt. “Yes,” he said. “Twice a day.” He put his hands on her shoulders and her big breasts jiggled. She swallowed a moan as her full jugs ached with the movement. “If you want to get paid it is imperative that you take those pills.”

“Okay I will,” Tiffany said. She really needed the money. Plus she was starting to get used to, and even enjoy, the dull ache in her breasts. “But what will I be doing here?”

Mike removed his hands from her shoulders and waved her on. “Come I’ll show you.” They walked towards a large barn in the distance. There was a large sign over the door that said: Welcome Dairy Enthusiasts.

“Is this some kind of theme park?” Tiffany asked.

“You could call it that,” he responded. Mike pointed to the Hucow Fun Farm’s entrance. There was a line-up of over one hundred men waiting eagerly to get in. The man in the front was dressed in overalls and had a thick long red beard down to his chest. He kept adjusting his pants and Tiffany was shocked to see that his huge cock was making a tent in his overalls. She looked down the line of men of all ages and they were all sporting hardons that could be seen through their pants. One guy with a shaved head and wearing a suit held a bowl of cereal in one hand and a spoon in the other. His long, hard cock was visible through his work pants. She involuntarily licked her lips at the sight of all those cocks.

Tiffany wasn’t a slut by any means. In her four years of college and five years of High School she had only slept with one guy. Her boyfriend, Danny, and she had only had sex with him three times before they broke up. But this good girl couldn’t stop staring at the lineup of cocks and she couldn’t stop picturing them sliding into her tight, pink pussy. It seems that there were more to these pills than Mike was admitting.

One of the boys in line spotted her. He grunted and then yelled, “Hey cow!” His hoarse, grunting voice sounded like a bull in heat. “Come here cow. I’m thirsty!”

The other men looked over and they all started grunting and pushing against the fence. The security guard flicked the switch of his cattle prod in warning. Electricity zapped out of the end of it and the guys backed away. But they didn’t stop yelling at Tiffany. “Bring that sweet milk over here cow!” one yelled.

“Give me some of that creamy goodness,” another hollered. Some just chanted, “Milk, milk, milk!”

Mike grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the barn. “We better go.”

Tiffany glanced back at the crowd of horny men screaming for milk. “Why were they calling me a cow?” she asked. “Why did they think we were going to give them milk? We don’t have any milk.”

Mike pulled the old, rusty handle to the large wooden door to the barn and pulled. “Don’t worry Tiffany. All of your questions will be answered soon.” The door swung open on the squeaky, old hinges and Tiffany got a whiff of sweat, sex, and milk. Her pussy throbbed at the delightful, creamy smell.

She looked down at her enormous tits. They were throbbing so much. She wished that there was something that she could do to make it go away. She spotted a small wet spot in front of each nipple. It seemed that her breasts were leaking. I hope that Mike doesn’t notice.

“Time to see where you’re going to be working.” Mike placed his hand on the small of her young back and guided her into the barn. Tiffany looked down the long, dusty row of stalls and wondered what was so special about this place. She couldn’t see any cows but she could hear them mooing. Why would all of those guys wait in line to see a grubby old barn?

“Will I be working in here?” she asked, running her hand along the rough, wooden stall. The first few stalls were empty. Just hay and empty milk jugs strewn about on the ground.

Mike nodded. “You will. Come I’ll show you where.”

They walked down the hall with wooden stalls on either side of them. Something was funny about this place. Why are all the cows so small? Normally you could see the heads and backs of the cows sticking out over the waist high stalls but Tiffany couldn’t see any. And now that she thought about it the moos coming from the cows sounded different. Almost feminine. Almost human.

Mike led her to a stall and smiled. “This here is Bessie.”

Tiffany leaned over the wooden door of the stall and gasped. A naked girl with curly, blond hair was on her hands and knees on the hay. She had huge tits hanging down with long, pink nipples that looked hard and throbbing. Bessie looked up at her with round, green eyes and mooed. “Why is that woman naked?” she asked, horrified.

Mike shook his head. “It is not a woman. It is a cow. A human cow.” He opened the gate and Bessie crawled towards him. “Bessie has been with us the longest,” he said, kneeling down and patting her on the head. He cupped one of her giant udders in his hand and lifted it up to show Tiffany. “She is our best producer and the guys absolutely love her.” He rubbed her bare ass cheeks with his hand and Bessie groaned. “Isn’t that right Bessie?” She mooed in response.

Mike rubbed her breast and Bessie groaned in delight. He pulled his hand up and creamy milk was dripping from his fingers. “She has the sweetest, most delicious milk out of the entire herd.” Mike licked the drop of milk sliding down his forearm up to his wet hand. “Mmmm.”

Tiffany watched in horror but for some weird reason she wanted Mike to do the same to her. She envied Bessie. She wanted to rip her shirt off and have Mike suck on her throbbing nipples and empty her bursting breasts.

Mike leaned under Bessie and took her nipple in his mouth. She threw her head back and grunted as he sucked the sweet milk from her luscious tits. His Adam’s apple bounced around joyfully as he drank thick streams of milk from her massive utters. When he finally came back up he had Bessie’s sweet milk dripping from his chin. He wiped it with his fingers and held them up to Tiffany. “Would you like to try?”

Before Tiffany could stop herself she took Mike’s hand in hers and pulled his fingers up to her soft, full lips. What were these pills doing to here? She sucked on his fingers and moan, trying to lap up every drop of the sweet creamy, milk. It was delicious. She wanted to bend down and drink from her utters like Mike had but Mike was pulling her out of the stall. “We have to save some for all of the excited clients outside.”

They continued walking down the row of stalls and Tiffany peeked in at each human cow on their hands and knees, naked with their swollen tits about to burst. All of the women seemed happy and content in their stalls mooing and swaying back and forth on their hands and knees waiting for the customers to relieve them of their delicious dairy.

They passed one human cow was pacing around on her hands and knees and groaning in what sounded like pain. It was an Asian woman about nineteen years old, with long, full boobs hanging down from her tiny frame. “What is wrong with her?” Tiffany asked.

“She is too full of milk,” he answered. “She needs the sweet release of her milk from the men outside. Her body is smaller than the others, her utters are too big. She needs to be milked more often.”

Tiffany nodded her head even though she didn’t really understand. This was all so new to her but the aching feeling in her breasts somehow made her understand. She had a deep need to feed the waiting men outside with her milk. She wanted to empty her ripe breasts and felt for the human cow in front of her. “Can I help her?” she asked. “Drink some of her milk?”

Mike shook his head no. He glanced at his watch. “It will be open soon and she’ll get all the relief that she needs and more. Those big tits will be drained faster than she can produce her savory, creamy milk.”

They came up to an empty stall and Mike swung the door open. There was nothing but hay on the ground. “This is where you will be working,” he said, motioning her in with his hand.

Tiffany stepped in and glanced down at the hay. “Can’t I get a chair or something?”

“You’ll get used to it,” he said. “Our cows like hay better. You’ll enjoy it more as you complete your transformation.”

“Transformation?” Tiffany said, whipping her head around. Her giant tits giggled in pain. They were so full. She needed to empty them. But how? “Transformation into what?”

“Never mind,” Mike said, closing the door and locking it. “Just stay there on your hands and knees and your first clients will be here soon to take care of you.” He disappeared down the hall.

What did he mean by transformation? Did her big boobs and the pills have something to do with the transformation? Her breasts were growing at an incredible rate and she was feeling her intelligence slipping the past three days since she started taking the pills. She felt more docile and all she could seem to think about was cock and having her enormous tits drained.

She leaned down on her hands and knees like Mike had told her to. She felt wetness on her shirt. “Oh darn,” she said as she glanced down at her new blouse that she bought for her first day on the job. It was drenched. Her nipples were leaking again and it soaked through her bra and covered her shirt. I better dry it before the clients come in.

Tiffany pulled her blouse over her head and arranged it on the wooden stall so that it could dry faster. I might as well take my bra off to. It was even wetter than her shirt. She reached around her back and unclasped her bra. Her enormous rack spilled out. Her nipples hardened when a chill in the air brushed over them. She placed her wet bra next to her shirt and waited for them to dry. I hope no one walks by until they are dry.

Why are my tits aching so much? Tiffany began to massage her mammoth rack trying to relieve some of the pressure built up in her boobs. She rolled her hard nipples in between her finger and thumb and droplets of milk squirted out. Tiffany gasped in pleasure at the sweet release of milk flowing through her sensitive, pink nipples.

Milk splashed onto her fingers and she brought it to her lips, curious to see if she tasted as good as Bessie. She licked the sweet cream in between her fingers and moaned. She tasted even better than Bessie! It was heavenly, syrupy, and delicious! It was so good that it made her pussy tingle. She ran her hand down to her pussy and rubbed her clit. She was so wet. If her milk had this effect on her then she wondered what it would do to the men waiting outside.

She didn’t have to wait long because the doors of the barn burst open and footsteps raced down the hall. Tiffany gasped and reached for her bra and shirt to put them back on but she was too late. The door to her stall swung open and her first customers were ready for her.

“What’s your name cow?” the first guy said as he walked in. He was wearing jeans and a jean shirt over his thick, muscled body. He had a cowboy hat on his head.

Tiffany was so nervous and her head felt cloudy from the pills that all she could answer was “Mooo.” Was this what Mike was talking about when he mentioned the transformation?

“I’m Jed and this here is my brother Wyatt.” He pointed to another large man who walked in and closed the stall door behind him. Wyatt was wearing jeans, a tight white t-shirt, and a black cowboy hat. His sleeves were rolled up his muscled, tattooed arms. Tiffany stayed on her hands and knees, frozen. She didn’t know what to do.

“This is the new cow,” Jed said to his brother. “Isn’t she a beauty?”

“Oh yeah,” Wyatt responded, taking off his hat and sliding his tight shirt off of his fit, farmer’s body. “Let’s have a taste. I’ve been waiting for breakfast since the crack of dawn.” Both brothers took off their clothes until they were standing over Tiffany stroking their long, hard cocks with their rugged hands.

“Why does that cow have pants on?” Wyatt asked.

“She hasn’t been broken in yet,” Jed replied. “We’re the first ones.” He grabbed Tiffany’s dress pants and yanked them down her thighs until her ass was showing. She felt a draft brush over her wet pussy and she swallowed a moan. “Look she hasn’t even been branded yet,” he said pointing at the smooth skin on her ass. What did he mean by branded?

“Well what are we waiting for?” Wyatt asked. “She looks ready to burst.” He knelt down in front of her, his huge cock sticking in her face, and reached down to her swollen breasts.

He massaged them in his hands and Tiffany moaned. He squeezed and kneaded the base of her dugs, working his way up to her tender nipples. She moaned and her pussy tightened as he finally touched her nipples and squeezed her precious milk out in a powerful stream. He brought his hands back up in front of her face and a small pool of warm cream was cradled in his palm. Tiffany licked her lips remembering the succulent taste of her dairy. “Want some?” Wyatt asked, taking a sip, and staring at her. His lips were white with her rich milk when he pulled his lips away.

Tiffany tried to say yes, but a long, slow, moo came out instead. “That’s a good cow,” Wyatt said. He rubbed the milk all over the head and shaft of his long cock. “Drink it up.”

Tiffany licked his shaft from the base of his delicious cock all the way up to the tip. It tasted sweet and wonderful, like her milk, ending with the exquisiteness of Wyatt’s pre-cum dripping out of the tip of his dick. She opened her mouth and took his cock in her mouth, flicking the head of his dick with her tongue, and sucking hard, trying to get every last drop of her milk and every last drop of his cum.

Jed pulled her pants and panties completely off and now she was completely naked. He leaned under her massive chest as she sucked his brother off. He grazed the edges of her enormous tits, lightly, with his fingertips. He leaned up and licked the base of her boob and moved his tongue around until every part, except her nipple, was touched by his silky tongue. She was dying for that tongue to reach her throbbing nipples. She took her frustration out on Wyatt’s dick, hammering away and sucking on it violently. He moaned in delight as he reached over her and started to tickle her asshole.

Jed teased himself with the temptation of her milk, but it was teasing Tiffany as well. Her whole body was aching with desire to pour her bountiful cream out of her ample bosom into his eager mouth. Wyatt reached further and ran his finger over the opening of her pussy and her whole body shuddered. She spread her legs further apart and pressed her ass out towards his fingers, but he just ran his finger along her labia and tickled her opening.

Tiffany pushed further down on Wyatt’s cock until her throat was on fire. Why were these boys teasing her so much? All she wanted was to feel Jed suckle her tender breasts and drain her of her milk and for Wyatt to stick his fingers in her tight, wet, young pussy and finger-fuck her properly but all they were doing was teasing her. Perhaps that is how human cows are supposed to be treated?

Just as Tiffany was about to burst with frustration Jed wrapped his strong lips around her nipples and sucked. She groaned as the milk left her breasts, relieving some of the pressure. It felt so good having the milk sucked out of her tits. That is what she had been craving for the past three days but wasn’t aware of. She pressed her chest down, smothering Jed as he suckled and sucked her dry. She could hear him gulping and the crunching of hay under his powerful body.

She gasped as Wyatt slid two fingers into her tight, pink pussy all the way up to his knuckles. She pulled her head back and his hard, wet cock slid out of her mouth. She gasped in pleasure as he curled his fingers inside her and moved them in and out. “Leave some milk for me brother,” Wyatt said as he walked around Tiffany and knelt down behind her. “Let me get a handful of that,” he said reaching under Tiffany.

She moaned in frustration as Jed released her nipple from his mouth. Wyatt fondled her breasts until she could feel warm milk ooze out of the opening of her nipple. His hard cock grazed the back of her thigh as he reached under her. He brought his hand back and covered his dick with Tiffany’s creamy milk. Jed’s mouth was back on her rack the instant that Wyatt released her nipple. Jed sucked greedily, getting some serious nourishment. This is my duty now. I have to feed them. Tiffany was transforming into a hucow like the ones she saw earlier. And she loved it.

She looked back as Wyatt spread her ass cheeks apart with his milk covered hands. He poked and fondled her virgin asshole with his fingertip. He pushed his finger into her asshole and she moaned. Her creamy milk acted like a perfect lubricant and his finger fit right in. He postured up, grabbed his dick, and slid the tip of his cock in next. Tiffany bit her bottom lip and grunted in pain as he pushed the tip into her ass. She had never been fucked in the ass before and she didn’t particularly like it right now.

“I need more milk,” Wyatt said, reaching back under her. He pinched and caressed her nipple again and brought his hand back, covered in her beautiful, white liquid. He rubbed her milk on the shaft of his cock and thrust all the way in. The creamy milk helped guide his cock in easily and Tiffany moaned in delight.

Wyatt thrust in and out of her tight ass as Jed drained her breasts with his hungry tongue. Jed slid in between Tiffany’s legs and poked her pussy with the tip of his cock. He was trying to find her wet hole and finally did. He thrust his even bigger cock into her pussy all the way in with one glorious thrust.

Jed pumped up and down pressing his hard pelvis against her throbbing clit as he kneaded her bursting tits in his strong hands. Milk poured onto his face and into his open mouth as he fucked her with his perfect cock.

Strong pulses started to erupt out of Tiffany’s throbbing clit and she moaned and gasped. Wyatt thrust into her, hitting her clit and it set her off. Warmth flooded through her body as her orgasm ripped through her. She screamed out. Her pussy and ass tightened around the large cocks sliding in and out of her and it was enough to make them cum as well. They both grunted and groaned as they pumped her full of cum.

Tiffany whimpered like a cow as Wyatt pulled his cock out of her ass. “Let me have a drink,” he said to his brother, who was still greedily sucking out every last drop of Tiffany’s ample milk.

“Alright, alright,” he said, pulling his dick out of her pussy. He slid out from under her with sweet, white milk dripping all over his face. Wyatt slid under her and took her udders in his mouth. He sucked and sucked, hard like a nearly grown calf, draining her overflowing boobs. Deliciously powerful streams of dairy flowed through her tender, pink nipples into his thirsty mouth. Hot cum leaked out of Tiffany’s pussy and ass and streamed down her thigh.

Jed watched from the side, looking full and satisfied from all the milk that he consumed. He was satisfied. She did her job. She was a good cow.

Wyatt sucked enthusiastically on her emptying tits until her hard nipples were raw and nearly bleeding. He finally removed his mouth and gasped for air, as if he was under water for too long. “Thanks cow,” Wyatt said, as the brothers started to get dressed. “We’ll see you again tomorrow for our breakfast.”

Tiffany collapsed to the side in exhaustion. She squeezed her thighs together trapping the warm cum in her satisfied pussy and watched them button up their pants. She glanced down at her breasts. They were drained to her natural size. To the size that she was three days ago before taking the pills. The boys put on their cowboy hats, nodded to her, and walked out the door of the stall. The door was swinging closed, about to hit the latch, when fingers caught it and opened it back up. There was another cowboy there waiting with a hard package jutting out of his pants. Another one?!?

Tiffany leaned her head and looked past him. There was a whole line-up of men waiting for her. At least twenty. Maybe even more. I don’t have enough milk for all of those guys. Not to mention her pussy, throat and asshole was already sore from the two huge cocks that she had in them. The cowboy walked in, glanced at her lying in a puddle of cum, sweat and milk and grinned. He started to unbutton his pants.

Tiffany was about to protest. About to tell him that he had better move on to another cow because she was all out of milk when she looked down at her breasts. They were filling up quickly, like helium balloons strapped to a tank. By the time that he was naked and walking towards her, holding his massive cock in his hands, her tits were back to their freakishly big size. She was ready to be drained again. Like a good cow.


Tiffany swayed back and forth on her hands and knees and groaned. Her tits were so full every morning and she was always so anxious for the doors of Hucow Fun Farm to burst open so that the dozens of men could come into her stall and relieve her of her delicious milk. She stared at the wooden door of the hay-filled stall and let out a soft, slow ‘moo.’

She had been at Hucow Fun Farm for about two weeks now and every day she felt as if she was turning more and more into a human cow. Her boss, Mike, would feed her pills three times a day that he said helped with her transformation. He had to increase the pills from two a day to three a day to meet the demand of all the male clients thirsty for her milk.

The clients loved Tiffany and her enormous breasts and her young, pink pussy. She quickly became the main attraction at the farm, even becoming more popular and more in demand than Bessie, the most popular cow before Tiffany arrived. The men loved her sweet, white milk and waited hours in line to be fed the nourishing, velvety liquid.

Tiffany took her brown eyes off the door and glanced down at her naked tits. They were enormous. The third daily pill had an even bigger effect than before, increasing her milk production to dangerous levels. Her jugs were aching and swollen and she hoped that the doors would open soon. She got her wish. The doors of the Hucow Fun Farm burst open and dozens of men ran down the hall to line up in front of her stall.

The first person in was a huge, muscular black man with dreadlocks and a brown vest. Tiffany’s pussy clenched at the sight of the black man and his eager cock protruding against his tight jeans. She had discovered in the past two weeks that she loved black cock the best. They were much bigger and could fill and stretch out her pussy in the most arousing way. Mike also had told her that the black men had higher protein content in their cum which helped with her milk production.

“I’ve been waiting all week for you cow,” he said with a hoarse voice. “I hear you have the best milk in town. I almost got run over trying to be first in line. I had to crack a hillbilly in the jaw.” He shook out his hand.

Tiffany glanced up at him with her round eyes. She wanted to say, ‘thanks for your effort’ and ‘it will all be worth it,’ but all that came out was a long ‘moo.’ The more that she took the pills the more that she struggled to speak. Her words either dried up in her throat or came out as moos. Sometimes she could say a few sentences but that was always after her tits were drained of her dairy. When her tits were full of milk, she could barely say one word. Mike reassured her and said that it was part of the transformation. “All part of the job,” he said. “Don’t worry.”

Tiffany wasn’t worried about it. She loved the feeling of milk being sucked out of her breasts while man after man stuffed their cock into her tight, little holes. She was becoming more docile with every pill and usually just enjoyed the sensations that the eager men provided. The black guy slid off his vest and flexed his massive pecs. He bent down onto the hay strewn floor and leaned down to get a better look at Tiffany’s utters. “God damn,” he said rubbing one of her tits. “Those are the biggest utters on a Hucow that I’ve ever seen.”

He unbuckled his belt and took off his pants. He slid down his boxer shorts and his giant black cock sprung out. Tiffany groaned, imagining that steel rod pumping into her.

“Lie on your back,” the man said, stroking his long cock. It hardened even more in his hand. It felt unnatural for Tiffany to lie on her back now. She liked to stay on her hands and knees like a good cow, but Mike told her to do whatever the customers wanted so she tipped over and lied down on her back. Her huge tits jiggled with the movement and ached. She wished that the man would get started sucking out her cream. Her nipples were tingling and her voluptuous chest was throbbing.

The man stood over her and stared at her tits as he jerked himself off, sliding his hand along his hard, dark shaft. He just stood there pleasuring himself while Tiffany groaned in frustration. She began to massage her swollen tits and worked her way up to her long, erect nipples. She squeezed them and milked them until her delicious cream squirted out in a thin stream onto her stomach. Finally some release, she thought. She kneaded her tits harder and faster and this time when she squeezed her nipples the milk burst out and covered the man’s arms and his long dick with white creamy dairy.

He hammered his cock harder than ever with the velvety cream being used as a perfect lubricant on his erection. His body started to buckle and convulse and he sprayed his own white liquid all over Tiffany’s tits. She moaned and shoveled both the cum and milk into her mouth, moaning even louder at the delicious taste. It was sweet from her tasty milk and salty from the delicious, protein-filled cum. Together they made a luscious treat. She greedily shoveled finger fulls of the creamy mixture onto her tongue.

She moaned in frustration when it was all gone. She reached up and took the man’s cock in her mouth, sucking on his dick as hard as she could to get any last drops of cum still hiding inside. Her tongue worked the long, soft shaft as she played with his balls. The taste was exquisite. She moaned and sucked harder. The man’s cock began to harden in her mouth as she flicked her tongue on his head and he had a full blown erection in her mouth before very long.

The man still hadn’t milked her tits and they were beginning to get really sore. She needed relief. She tried to ask him to suck on her nipples but only a ‘moo’ came out. Finally he put his firm lips on her nipples and drank. The milk flowing out of her hard nipples felt like heaven. Tiffany felt good. She was feeding him. Nourishing him with her yummy milk. This was her purpose on the fun farm. This was her purpose in life. She was doing what she was supposed to be doing. She was being a good cow.

He sucked hard and vigorously like a thirsty calf feeding from its mother. Tiffany moaned. This felt great but she also liked it when the men fucked her tight, little pussy at the same time. She was so wet from watching him stroke his long, hard cock. She wanted him to stick it in her like all the other men did.

She didn’t have to wait for long because when he released her tits, he looked down between her spread legs with milk dripping down his chin like a waterfall and began to stroke his cock again. Tiffany spread her legs wide open for him as he walked around her. “On your knees like a good little cow,” he said. Tiffany turned on her hands and knees, the hay scratching her skin in a pleasantly, familiar way.

He spread her wet, pussy lips with his fingers as he inspected the inside of her snatch. “Nice,” he said nodding. “Yes indeed. Nice and tight.” He postured up and guided his giant black cock into her tight, pink pussy. Her pussy throbbed as he pushed the head in.

She had fucked hundreds of guys over the past two weeks at Hucow Fun Farm but her pussy was as tight as the day she walked in. “Side effect of the pills,” Mike told her. It is a good side effect, she thought as she felt his tremendous girth stretching her from the inside. She grunted as he thrust all the way in. He fucked her like a full grown alpha bull. Reinvigorated and rejuvenated from her delicious, nourishing dairy, he pounded her pussy like a beast.

Tiffany felt the familiar feeling of her breasts swelling back up, replacing the milk that he drank. Thankfully, he reached around under her while he slammed his cock into her wet box and milked her tender nipples. The milk drained onto his black hands. He licked the sweet cream off his fingers as he gloriously pounded her tight, little cunt.

The huge cock blasted into Tiffany’s G spot over and over again with every thrust. Her knees buckled and her toes curled as she was about to cum. She threw her head back and a loud, guttural ‘moo’ launched out of her throat like a full grown cow as her clit erupted in a sweet, intense orgasm. Her pussy tightened around the black cock as her body convulsed and the heated pleasure flowed from her clit and G spot up to her tender nipples.

The man gripped her ass cheeks with powerful hands and pulled them apart as he came for the second time, blowing a hot load deep inside her. He pulled out of her pussy and collapsed on the hay, breathing heavily.

Tiffany stayed on her hands and knees and lowered her head. She felt the warmth of his jizz as it trickled out of her pussy and flowed down her inner thigh. She loved being at the farm, covered in her creamy milk and smooth, warm jizz. She moaned in delight. The man put on his pants and vest and walked out the door without even acknowledging her. She didn’t mind. She was just a cow after all. He passed through the door and her next clients came in. All three of them adjusting their rock hard dicks in their pants. Tiffany welcomed them with a ‘moo.’

The last customer put on his baseball hat and left Tiffany’s stall. She collapsed onto the straw hay and exhaled. What was that forty? Maybe fifty guys today? She glanced down at her throbbing pussy and watched as cum leaked out onto her leg. Another successful day nourishing men with her delicious, nutritious dairy. Her breasts were drained for the day and would no longer be aching and sore until the next morning when she would be ready to give another feeding.

She glanced up as the door to her stall swung open on its rusty hinge. Her boss, Mike, walked in holding a bottle. “Great job today Tiffany,” Mike said. “Time for your pill.” He opened the bottle and stuffed a pill into her mouth. The familiar, bitter taste of the pill washed out the yummy taste of semen.

Tiffany tried to say, ‘thank you,’ but a ‘moo’ escaped her lips instead. She was finding it harder and harder to speak these days but she didn’t really care. Her days were filled with pleasure at having her milk suckled out of her while being fucked by cock after cock. Not speaking was a small price to pay for having that. She swallowed the pill and watched as Mike pulled out a gold, plastic wrapper from his pocket. He showed it to her. “You’ll be taking these pills now once a day from now on,” he said. “I’m happy to say that you’re starting your next phase in the transformation.”

Tiffany let out a moan.

Mike ripped the gold packaging off and held up a large pink pill. He put it in her mouth and Tiffany swallowed it down. She felt a warm feeling spread through her stomach up to her tits. She looked down and her empty tits filled up even fuller than they usually did. Her nipples started to throb immediately. She needed release. She needed someone to milk her. And fast. But all of the customers were gone for the day. The park was closed, the lights were already off and most of the other human cows were already sleeping in their stalls.

Tiffany reached out and rubbed Mike’s cock. Maybe she could make him horny enough to start milking her. It was her only option. Mike grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her hand away from his pants. “Sorry but I’m not allowed to engage in sexual intercourse with the cows or engage in any kind of milking here. I could lose my job.”

Tiffany lowered her head and groaned in frustration. Her breasts were so swollen and they were aching like crazy. She couldn’t wait until morning. She had to have some release now. Mike glanced down at her full boobs and nodded. “It looks like the pink pill is working faster than normal,” he said. He cupped one of her utters and milk dribbled out her tender, pink nipple. “Wow, this is great. I’ve never seen such fast milk production before. The boss will be very, very happy.”

Tiffany could barely concentrate on what Mike was saying. She could only focus on the throbbing in her rack, filling with milk, pressing her breasts to the limit. She felt like she was going to burst.

“I can’t leave you like this,” Mike said. “I’ll help you get some release.” Tiffany exhaled in relief. I’ll get some relief. But how? He slipped a collar around Tiffany’s neck and attached a leash to it. He opened the door to the stall and tugged her out. It was the first time that she had left the stall since she entered it on two feet, two weeks ago. She crawled out after Mike on her hands and knees. “I’ll introduce you to the milking machine,” he said.

Tiffany could hear the glorious humming of the machine down the hall as Mike guided her to it. Every step hurt, as her massive utters swayed back and forth. She really needed to get to that machine. Mike entered the room with a sign over it that said Milking Machine. Tiffany was so excited that she let out a long, throaty ‘moo.’

Mike looked down at her and smiled. “You’ll be there soon enough. Just leave enough milk in those beautiful dugs for the clients tomorrow. You’re already everyone’s favorite and you’re the talk of the town among the farms as far as Bakersfield!” Tiffany didn’t know where that was but Mike seemed really excited about it.

He led her into the room and Tiffany gasped. A huge stainless steel machine loomed over her up to the ceiling. It hummed a soothing sound in her ear. It hummed a promise of relief of the throbbing in her chest. She looked at the motor, collecting tanks and tubes leading down to two suction cups and shook her head in happiness.

“This will be your new best friend,” Mike said leading her towards it. Tiffany crawled eagerly closer with the straw crunching under her knees. “I can see that you’re full of milk so I’ll go ahead and hook you up immediately.”

Tiffany stood on all fours as Mike placed the suction cup on each of her raw, tender nipples. “Are you ready?” he asked, placing his hand on the switch.

“Moooo,” Tiffany said, trying to say the word ‘yes.’

Mike switched up the lever and the machine burst to life. The cups pulled and tugged on Tiffany’s nipples and soon her milk was flowing out of her. She lowered her head and sighed in relief as the pleasing feeling of her cream being suckled through the hole in her nipples overtook the throbbing. She moaned as the machine went to work sucking and pulling. Sucking and pulling. It was constant and never ending and arousing. She spread her legs hoping that Mike would take her from behind and thrust his cock deep into her, making the experience perfect, but all he did was glance down at her spread pink pussy and bite his lip. Tiffany looked at his crotch and Mike’s dick started to harden under his pants. She moaned wanting to feel that hardness slide into her tight slit.

“I have to go,” Mike said abruptly and left. Tiffany groaned in frustration. Ten minutes later the machine was still suckling her nipples, drinking her delicious dairy relentlessly. Now it was her pussy that was throbbing. Her clit was aching. It needed release now.

Tiffany raised her head and looked around. All of the lights in the Hucow Fun Farm were off except for the dim lights on the machines, which barely lit up the room. Everyone had gone home. She wouldn’t get a cock in her until tomorrow. It must be the pills, she thought. I already got fucked by forty or fifty different men today and I still need more. How can that be?

Tiffany slid her hand down past the suction cups on her tits and brushed her finger against her throbbing clit. Jolts of pleasure shot through her like lightning and she gasped. She slid her finger down her lips to her opening and it was drenched. She was so wet.

She rubbed her clit in small, circles, starting lightly and then increasing in pressure and intensity. She slid a finger in her wet pussy and moaned. She was so tight. The pills made her pussy no bigger than a quarter. No wonder all of the guys liked her the best. She pressed her finger in and started to pull it in and out, finger-fucking herself, while she pressed on her clit with the bottom of her palm.

She slid out her finger and sucked on it, tasting her sweet, syrupy, pussy juices. “Mmmm,” she moaned, stuffing it back into her box. The machine hummed and pulled her milk out of her while she rubbed her clit. She loved that machine. It felt so fucking good.

She glanced at the machine and there was a red button with some writing over it. FuckStick. She had no idea what a FuckStick was but it sounded interesting. She backed up into the machine and hit the red button with the side of her thigh. A huge cock-shaped stick flew out of the machine and began spinning very fast.

Tiffany smiled and backed into it. It was the perfect height for a Hucow. The spinning vibrator pushed between her pussy lips and she gasped. The sensation was incredible. She pushed further back onto it and rubbed her clit as her box swallowed the whole FuckStick and the machine sucked out her creamy milk. She came violently after only ten seconds. Her back bucked and jolted but the FuckStick held her in place, never ceasing its incredible pleasure. She came again. And again. And again. All night.

Her eyes were half closed and she was swaying back and forth when the sun crawled in through the cracks in the wooden barn wall and lit up the place. Tiffany came again, and her head jolted back in pleasure and then sank back down in exhaustion. She lost count at how many times she reached orgasm throughout the night.

The door opened and Mike walked in. Tiffany could barely lift her head to look at him. The FuckStick still spun in her cunt as the machine milked her. “What the fuck?” Mike said, shocked. “You’ve been here all night?” He shut the machine off and the FuckStick slowly stopped spinning and the suction cups stopped sucking. Tiffany was so exhausted that even though it felt amazing, she was relieved that she could get a break from the intense sensations.

Mike checked the levels on the tanks. “Oh my God,” he said, staring at her in disbelief. “That is record breaking milk production.” He patted her on the head. “That is a very good cow.” Tiffany moaned in happiness. She was happy that she could please her owner.

“You are progressing faster than normal,” he said, happily. “I think you’re ready.” Tiffany looked up at him in confusion. “You’re ready to be part of the team. You’re ready to be branded.”


Mike led Tiffany outside for the first time in two weeks. The bright, morning sun burned her round, brown eyes and she had to close them, and then reopen them slowly when they finally got used to the brightness. She heard cheering in the distance. She squinted and looked over towards the noise. There was a long, snaking line-up of men, ready for their morning milk. “Tiffany,” one of them called out. She recognized the man with the black pony tail as one of her regular customers. He had a small dick but he ate her ass out like a champ.

“Bring some of that milk over here!” another one called out.

Mike pulled on the leash attached to the collar tied around her neck. She kept crawling on her hands and knees as the men yelled and hollered at her. “Milk! Milk! Milk!”

“I’m thirsty!”

“Bring that creamy dairy over here!”

“Look at those utters!”

Tiffany was completely naked as usual and her massive tits were already swollen and achy even though she had spent the whole night strapped to the milking machine. Her rack swung from side to side as she crawled, aching with each movement. She looked at the lineup of guys hollering, with their hands down their pants and let out a soft, long ‘moo.’ They all cheered. It drove them crazy. How long until they would come over here and drain her gigantic jugs of her delicious, sweet dairy?

Someone in the lineup caught her eye. A woman was there. She had long blond hair, draped over her slender shoulders that trickled down onto her perky breasts. She had tight jeans on that snugged up against her shapely thighs. She was gorgeous. Is she in line for milk? Was she going to drink from Tiffany’s breasts? Tiffany licked her lips as they made eye contact but the moment was over too quick as Mike yanked on the leash.

“Let’s go cow,” he said. “We have to get this done before the gates open.” Tiffany trotted along after him. It was better to get it over with fast so that her delightful milking session could get started sooner rather than later.

He led her to an old, rusty barrel in the middle of the yard that had flames shooting out of the top. Tiffany’s eyes widened when she saw the fire. What is going to happen? Her intelligence had slipped a lot since she had been here and she no longer remembered what most words meant. She forgot how to talk and she was either docile or uncontrollably horny. It was the mysterious pills that Mike was giving her. They were transforming her into a cow. A human cow. They filled her breasts with sweet milk that replenished the second that it was sucked out, they made her pussy and asshole as tight as a virgin’s and they made her intelligence dull to the point where she no longer felt human. And the transformation was getting quicker now that Mike added a third, even bigger, pill to her daily diet. The human food no longer looked appetizing to her. She was craving grass. The transformation was definitely working.

Mike leaned down to her and patted the brown hair on her head. “You are about to be branded,” he said into her ear. “This is a great moment in a Hucow’s life. It signals your transformation, it makes you part of the herd and it makes you into a real cow.” Tiffany mooed in response.

“We’re going to invite the men to come celebrate with us.” Mike stood up and turned to the men, straining to watch the event. “Ten dollars a person for a Branding Bukkake,” he yelled. The men went wild.

The security guard opened the gate and let the eager men pass after he collected the money from them. After about ten minutes there was a crowd of men surrounding Tiffany, Mike, and the flaming barrel. The security guard rushed away with his pockets overflowing with ten dollar bills. Tiffany was happy that she was helping the Fun Farm and making the owners some money. She was being a good cow.

Mike stuck a metal rod into the fire with a large H shape twisted into the end of it. “First Tiffany will be branded,” he said. The men cheered and hollered, throwing their fists into the air. “And then the bukakke party will start.”

Some of the men started unbuttoning their pants and stroking their cocks while they watched. Tiffany’s pussy tightened, watching those long, hard cocks getting stroked by the men’s powerful hands. She groaned and clenched her wet pussy in frustration. She wanted a cock in her so bad.

Mike pulled the metal rod out of the fire and the crowd of men gasped. The H at the end of the rod was a bright orange color. The group of men was silent, except for the soft sound of their hands rubbing up and down their smooth shafts. Mike lowered the rod and approached Tiffany.

This is a great moment, she told herself as Mike walked up behind her. Intense pain burnt through her as Mike pressed the hot iron into her soft, fleshy ass cheek. There was a faint hissing sound that got interrupted by the men cheering and hollering.

Tiffany lowered her head as her knees started to buckle. She felt dizzy. Nauseous. Mike removed the brand from her skin and threw it into a bucket of water. The water sizzled and steam rose off of the surface as the orange H was suddenly turned back into a gray color.

Tiffany’s ass burned! It hurt so much. I am part of the heard now, she reminded herself. I am transformed into a real cow. That is what I wanted. But the pain was real. Mike leaned down and patted her head. Her vision was still spinning but less now than before. “I’m so proud of you,” he said. “Congratulations. You’re a real cow.” He whispered into her ear. “Now here is your present.”

Mike stood back up and addressed the crowd. “She’s all yours boys.”

Tiffany looked up and the dozens of men started ripping off shirts, pants, and underwear. Soft cocks became hard as the men swarmed around her, most of them jerking off. Hands gripped her everywhere. Her huge knockers were the hottest target and soon her milk was pouring everywhere. Hands reached down and squeezed her long, pink nipples until her milk flowed out. They used that creamy milk as a lubricant and slid it up and down on their hard dicks.

Someone stepped behind her and plunged a fat cock into her ass. She cried out as the dick in front of her spurt cum on her face. Another one erupted in orgasm and soon salty, warm cum was dripping down her cheek into her mouth. She licked her lips and reached out for a cock. Someone thrust their rod in her hands and she stroked it back and forth until it shot cream onto her wrist.

Tiffany looked around at the huddle of men trying to squeeze in to get closer to her newly transformed body. They were jerking themselves off and every two seconds one would spurt jizz all over her face, back, ass or tits. Two men were lying under her, each drinking from one of her tits. Her milk flowed out of her pink nipples into their hungry mouths and Tiffany moaned in pleasure.

A finger entered her tight pussy and then was replaced a few seconds later by a thick cock. An orgasm ripped through her as another guy came in her mouth. The crowd of men was starting to disperse as Tiffany was covered with cum. They walked off, frustrated that they weren’t getting a turn to suckle her delicious dairy. They left to go feed on the other cows of the Fun Farm where they would be able to get some one on one attention.

There were still about a dozen men left. There was a dick in her ass and one in her pussy thrusting away. Tiffany lost count at how many orgasms she had at around seven. Another orgasm erupted from her clit as a man squeezed her breasts together as he titty-fucked her. Two streams of white milk shot out of her tender nipples all over her huge dairy mounds and onto his beautiful cock sliding between them. She loved it. Mike really treated her well here.

A guy with a small cock bust his nut into her hair with the biggest load of the day. It dripped down the side of her head and into her ear. She shoveled as much of it up as she could with her fingers and gulped it down. Mike had told her that the high protein content in sperm was great for her milk production. Not that she needed help. She was the highest producer of dairy in the history of Hucow Fun Farm. But still, the way that these guys hungrily sucked it out of her enormous tits, she could never have too much.

The last guy left thrust his dick into Tiffany’s mouth and face-fucked her. Tiffany grunted on his cock as he pushed it down her throat until it hit her tonsils. He squeezed the back of her head as his body stiffened. It convulsed and his hard cock pumped a warm load of jizz into the back of her throat. She coughed, careful not to let any of that precious protein escape her lips, and swallowed it down. He slipped his jeans back on and took off towards the barn.

Mike was leaning against the fence watching with his arms crossed. He nodded his head and walked over when she was finally alone. Tiffany was covered in cum and milk. It was as if someone had poured buckets of the yummy jizz all over her body.

She collapsed to the ground in exhaustion and watched Mike as he approached. “Did you have fun?” he asked. “Human cows always love Branding Bukkakes.” Tiffany mooed in delight. She loved that. All of those cocks. All of those lips sucking out her milk. It was amazing.

“Well I have one more surprise for you,” Mike said, with a grin. Tiffany squinted up at him with a cum-filled eye. “We have one more person waiting for a one on one session with you.” He looked over her cum drenched body. “We’ll have to get you cleaned up first.” He whistled over to a Hucow Fun Farm worker. a young man dressed in overalls with a red bandanna over his long, brown hair, ran over. “Yes boss,” he said.

“Hose her down,” he said to the worker.

The worker ran off to get the hose and Mike looked down at Tiffany. “Have you ever been milked by a girl?”

Tiffany was led back into her stall after she was hosed down and washed. She felt great. Reinvigorated and clean. Mike had given her another pill after her washing and her breasts were already full of milk, feeling like they were going to burst open.

The worker slid the collar off of her neck and closed the stall door. Tiffany rested on the hay on her hands and knees and closed her eyes. She was tired from the rigorous morning activities but her tits were starting to be so full that they ached. Would she be allowed to hook up to the milking machine again? Was someone going to come suckle her milk out? Mike did say something about a girl milking her but she couldn’t remember the details. The pills were turning her mind into mush.

She shivered from a chill breezing through the stables. Her hair was still wet and her naked skin was still a bit moist from the hosing so she was extra sensitive to the cold chill in the air. She smelt her skin. She smelled clean.

The door of the stall swung open slowly and the hot, blond girl from the line-up this morning walked in. Tiffany looked up with her big, round eyes and let out a soft ‘moo.’

The hot lesbian knelt down on the hay and took Tiffany’s head in her hands. “Wow a real human cow,” she said with a soothing voice. “I’ve been fantasizing about this for years.” She leaned down and looked at Tiffany’s big, hanging utters. “Look at those breasts. So big. So full of milk. Can I try?”

Tiffany nodded her head up and down slowly and moaned. She stepped towards her on her hands and knees and rubbed the blind’s perky tits with her cheek. The blond laughed. “I guess you don’t mind, do you?”

She lowered her head under Tiffany’s body and pressed her soft, pink lips onto Tiffany’s tingling nipples. She suckled softly and drank Tiffany’s milk. It felt incredible and gentle. Much nicer than the rough lips of the men with their scratchy beards and mustaches.

Tiffany groaned as the blond suckled her like a gentle, baby calf. The blond girl finally got up and sighed in satisfaction. Her lips were white, full of Tiffany’s creamy milk. She brought her milk-filled lips to Tiffany’s and kissed her, soft and long. Tiffany could taste her sweet milk on the girl’s lips and moaned. The blond ran her soft tongue along the inside of Tiffany’s mouth as she rubbed her hands over her breasts.

“I’m Tina,” the blond said, when she finally pulled away from her mouth. “Congratulations on becoming a cow,” she said. “It has been a lifetime dream of mine.”

Tina moved her hands down Tiffany’s bare back until she was cupping her ass. She shifted around to Tiffany’s backside and spread her ass cheeks apart and stared. Tina licked her full, pink lips and then dived in, licking and sucking Tiffany’s lips, clit, starfish and pushing her tongue into the tight hole in her pussy. She added fingers next as Tiffany groaned and moaned. Tiffany’s breathing increased and she could feel her heart beating faster and faster. It felt so nice. Much gentler than the rough men and their barbaric-style fucking.

Tina flicked Tiffany’s clit with her silky tongue as she pressed her finger into her asshole. Tiffany’s head bucked back and an orgasm flowed through her, spreading warmth through her body and up to her long, tender nipples.

“Did you like that?” Tina asked pulling her shirt off over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her perky breasts popped out into the air like two small coconuts with perfect, erect, pink nipples. She stood up and unbuttoned her pants. Tiffany watched with wide eyes as she slid them down her long, slender legs and guided them off her foot. She reached down and slid her thong off next and Tiffany mooed in delight at her gorgeous little shaved pussy. Tina chuckled. “You like that don’t you?” she said spreading her pussy lips apart. “Why don’t you come show me how much you like it?”

She sat on the ground of Tiffany’s stall and spread her legs all the way apart. Tiffany crawled over and licked her silky pussy from the bottom up to her hard clit. Tina threw her head back in joy. She moaned and whimpered as Tiffany lapped her pussy with long, slow laps like a cow licking a salt block.

Tiffany massaged her own breasts and squeezed her nipples until she felt wetness flow into her hand. She spread the warm, creamy milk from her utters onto Tina’s beautiful snatch. She spread the white milk all over her pussy lips and into her tight, pink hole. Now it was time to drink it up. Tiffany leaned down and licked Tina’s succulent pussy at an increased rate. Tina’s syrupy; pussy juices mixed with Tiffany’s sweet milk was so arousingly delicious. It wasn’t long before Tina’s hips were swaying back and forth and she was moaning heavily. “Fuck!” Tina screamed as she cummed on Tiffany’s wet tongue.

Tina pressed her trembling clam against Tiffany’s tongue harder and Tiffany lapped it up with a slow, constant pace. She jumped up and kissed Tiffany on the lips, tasting her own delectable juices.

Tina guided Tiffany onto her back and spread Tiffany’s legs wide open. She inched towards her with her own legs open until their wet pussies touched.

Tiffany moaned as the beautiful pink twat massaged her own slit. Their clits rubbed up against each other and Tiffany mooed in arousal. They rubbed against each other hard, exchanging their tasty juices as Tina reached out and squirted a thin stream of milk out of Tiffany’s nipples. The milk flowed down her stomach onto the two slapping clams, coating them both in the velvety cream.

They both moaned and thrust their hips together faster and harder until both clits were ready to explode. They came at the same time. Tina screamed “Fucking shit,” as her tiny, pink pussy erupted and Tiffany let out a long, guttural ‘moo,’ as she had her thirty-something orgasm of the day. She glanced down at the beautiful pink, milk-coated, pussy lips, grinding against her. Life as a human cow was good. She really liked Hucow Fun Farm.

Tina curled her trembling body up against Tiffany. Her lips found Tiffany’s breasts and she drank the delectable liquid from her utters, as her body relaxed and her breathing slowed down. Tiffany looked down at the gorgeous blond, sucking her tits and thought, Life can’t get better than this.

That night after Tina was gone and Tiffany was alone in her stall, Mike came in to check on her. She looked up at him and mooed contently. She really loved her new home and she had never been so happy in her life.

“You like it here don’t you?” he said, kneeling down and rubbing her naked back. She nodded her head and mooed. “I’m sorry,” he said, shaking his head. What is he talking about? “The owner wants to sell you. Every Hucow Farm in the area has offered to buy you. You have taken away all of their clients. The owner is going to sell you and then go retire in Jamaica.”

Tiffany shook her head and mooed angrily. She wanted to stay here. This was her home. The owner couldn’t do that. Could he? Mike patted her back. “I’m sorry Tiffany. I did everything I could. The auction is next week.”


“We’re here,” the truck driver said, sliding up the back door of the truck. Tiffany had been stuck in the back of the truck for over three hours, sitting in the dark, waiting to get milked. Luckily, the truck driver, with his mullet and Megadeath T-shirt, stopped twice on the way over for a drink of her creamy milk. After he helped relieve some of the pressure pressing on her huge tits he helped himself to her tight pussy, fucking her with his long cock and relieving her of some of her horniness. She was thankful that he did or her breasts would be aching like crazy right now. Even with the milking they still hurt every time the truck went over a bump or hit a crack in the road.

Tiffany crawled on her hands and knees down the ramp of the truck. The cold air from outside hit her naked body and she shivered. She was used to being naked. She hadn’t worn any clothes since she arrived at Hucow Fun Farm over three weeks ago and was used to the cold too. It didn’t bother her anymore. Plus she loved driving the men crazy when they saw her large, naked jugs.

“This way cow,” the driver said, slipping the leash around her neck. She crawled on the cold, wet asphalt like a cow towards the barn in the distance. There were men everywhere in the parking lot and they all turned their heads to look at her as she crawled past them.

“That’s her,” one of them said.

“Look its Tiffany,” another said, taking a picture on his phone. “It’s the cow from Hucow Fun Farm,” a guy said, adjusting his pants. She didn’t realize that she was so well known.

The truck driver held his chin up and walked proudly, guiding Tiffany on the leash. They walked into the barn and Tiffany looked around at the high ceilings and hay strewn about on the floor. There were no stalls in this barn, just a big open area with about twenty or thirty naked human cows standing around on their hands and knees. Tiffany looked around at the gorgeous utters on the cows. Big, beautiful tits hung down with long, pink nipples, dripping drops of creamy, velvety milk. Tiffany swallowed hard as she walked passed them.

The first cow that she passed was a chunky, black cow with long, curly, black hair. The cow was facing away from her and Tiffany gazed at her black pussy with her pink opening barely peeking out through her ample ass cheeks. Tiffany bit her bottom lip and wandered over. The truck driver wasn’t paying attention to her. He was too busy looking at all of the beautiful hucows lounging around.

Tiffany crawled up to her and sniffed her gorgeous, tight asshole. It smelled divine. She moved her nose down right into the black cows pussy and took a long sniff. She moaned and dug in, licking her pussy and ass hole with her soft, wet tongue. The black cow mooed happily and pressed her ass into Tiffany’s eager tongue. Tiffany lapped her pussy and thrust her tongue into the delicious hole. Tiffany flicked her clit with the tip of her tongue and the black cow mooed and started to convulse. Tiffany sucked her clit and the cow couldn’t take it. She moaned and mooed as an orgasm erupted in her pussy.

The loud mooing got the truck driver’s attention. “Hey,” he said, yanking the leash. Tiffany’s neck jerked to the side and her mouth was no longer in reach of the succulent, black box. She pulled back against the tight leash for a second taste but the truck driver was too strong. He yanked her away. “We don’t have time for this,” he said.

Tiffany was getting hornier and hornier every day to the point where she couldn’t take it anymore. Mike was giving her two pills a day plus a third, larger pill, with gold packaging, once a day. The third pill accelerated her transformation into a human cow. She could no longer speak and she was always horny and always needed to be milked. The truck driver pulled her past all of the other cows into an empty back room. Tiffany wanted to stay with the other cows but she couldn’t tell the truck driver that. She let out a ‘moo’ in protest.

“Sorry girl,” he said. “You have to stay in here. You’re too valuable.” He pulled her into the room and slid off her collar. There was nothing in the room except for a trough of water in the corner and hay on the floor. “I have to go now,” he said. She looked up at him with big, round eyes. She was hoping that he would fuck her or at least drink some of her milk to release some of the building pressure. “I’ll miss you. And your milk.” He knelt down and ran his hand down her naked back and over her shapely bare ass. “And I’ll definitely miss this,” he said, running his hand down through the crack in her ass, over her ass hole and to her snatch. He slid two fingers into her wet pussy and Tiffany moaned in delight. It felt so good to have anything in her tight box. She glanced at his hardening dick, trapped in his pants, and swallowed hard. She wanted it in her so badly. The truck driver pulled his fingers out, held them to his nose and breathed in. “God that’s nice,” he said. “Oh well, take care.” Tiffany groaned and tried to follow him out the door. He couldn’t leave her alone like this. At least leave her with the other cows that would eat out her pussy and suckle on her tits. This was torture!

He closed the door leaving her all alone. There was a click as he locked it. If she strained her head upwards she could see out the window. He walked away towards the door that they came in. He stopped at a blond hucow and smacked her ass.

Tiffany swayed on her hands and knees and closed her eyes. She must have fallen asleep because she startled awake awhile later when the door was unlocked. Her boss Mike walked in. She didn’t know that he was there. She thought that he’d forgotten to say bye. She liked Mike but he never paid her the attention that she needed. He never milked her or fucked her in the ass or in her pussy. The workers of Hucow Fun Farm weren’t allowed to fuck the cows so he had never touched her in fear of losing his job.

“Hi Tiffany,” he said, kneeling down. “Oh my God,” he said, looking at her swollen breasts. “You need to be milked desperately. It must hurt so much.” Tiffany groaned and rubbed the side of her face on his muscular bicep.

“I’m sorry Tiffany. It won’t be much longer.” He reached down and rubbed her tender nipples with his thumb and finger. Milk shot out like a firehouse from just the little sensation. “Wow, that’s pressure.” He nodded and smiled. “You’re going to be on stage in about five minutes and then you’ll get some release. There’s a whole crowd of men waiting to see what you can do.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out two gold wrappers. He ripped them open and pulled out two large pills. But she had already had her large pill that morning. She couldn’t handle two more! Especially if Mike refused to milk or fuck her. Her tits would explode!

“I’m sorry but I have to give you two more pills. You have to put on a great show for the men.” He stuffed them into her mouth and made sure she swallowed them. Tiffany felt heat rushing through her chest as the pills started to work immediately. Her clit tingled more than ever before and the pressure on her tits increased to an intense level. She needed release now. Images of cocks overtook her mind and her pussy was aching for anything to be thrust into it. She was hornier than she had ever been before in her life. She was hornier than she had ever thought possible. She shook her head and looked down. Her jugs were enormous and growing before her eyes. Milk was streaming out of them, dripping from her nipples all over her ripe utters and the hay on the ground.

Mike stood up, looked down at her and smiled. His prized hucow was in a sexual frenzy and was about to be presented on the auction stage. He glanced out the window and nodded. “We have to go now,” he said, strapping the collar on her and attaching the leash. He opened the door and walked her through, the now empty, barn. All of the other hucows were gone, sold to new owners, and were probably getting fucked and milked right now. Lucky cows.

“This way,” Mike said pulling her by the leash out of the barn and up to another building. Tiffany could hear the murmur of the crowd from inside. The announcer yelled into the microphone so that he could be heard over the excited voices of the men in the audience. “And now the main attraction of the night.” The crowd cheered loudly. “From Hucow Fun Farm. Tiffany!” The crowd jumped up from their seats and went ecstatic as Tiffany crawled in through the door.

Cameras flashed all around Tiffany as Mike pulled her up the hallway between the rows of chairs. Men strained over other men to try and get a look at her giant tits and her famous cunt. She clenched her teeth as she crawled up the long hallway, her overflowing tits aching.

The announcer was waiting for her on the stage wearing a tuxedo and holding a microphone. He gasped when he saw her. He just stared with wide eyes, stroking his long, handle bar mustache. Mike guided her up the steps of the stage and took off the collar. He nodded to the announcer and sat down in the audience. The announcer knelt down and looked her over. “Wow,” he whispered. “I’ve never seen such utters on a hucow before.” He grazed his hands on the side of her breast. Intense tingling shuddered through Tiffany’s body. Her tits were much more sensitive than they had ever been before. “And I’ve seen them all. I’m tempted to buy you for myself. But I could never afford you.”

He stood up and smoothed out his tuxedo jacket. “This is the one that you’ve been waiting for fellas.” The crowd went cheered. Mike looked at her with pride on his face. She owed her transformation all to him.

“This is the last and final exhibit of the evening. I hope that you saved some of your money because she will not be cheap. This is Tiffany. Found and transformed by Hucow Fun Farm. She is three weeks into her transformation, which everybody knows is the ideal time for purchase. She has been taking Fun Farm’s secret transformation pills. The best in the world. And has recently been given a new formula, called the golden cow, a new pill that,” he motioned to Tiffany with his hand, “works absolute wonders.”

He held the microphone to Tiffany’s mouth. “What do you have to say little cow?”

Tiffany focused and tried really hard to say, ‘milk me please.’ Her tits were aching and incredibly tender. She desperately needed someone to drink from her and drain her succulent dairy. She would do it herself but she could only use her hands for standing these days. ‘A part of the transformation,’ Mike had told her.

She clenched her eyes closed and tried really hard to pronounce ‘milk me please.’ “Mooooooooo,” she said into the microphone and the crowd went nuts. The announcer waved his hand for silence. “Tiffany is already in stage five of the transformation. She no longer has the ability to communicate in any language. She is a real cow. And a gorgeous one at that.”

He knelt down on his knees and turned her naked body around so that she was facing away from the crowd. He spread her legs apart so that the audience could get a better view of her gorgeous cunt. He spread her pussy lips open with his two fingers and the crowd gasped. “Look how tight this pussy is. The Fun Farm’s secret pills cause the vaginal canal to contract as tight as possible so it’s like you’re fucking a virgin every time you have sex with her. This pussy will never be loose. It will never feel too big no matter what you stick in there.” Tiffany moaned. She loved driving all of those men crazy with her spread open, pink pussy but she just wanted one of them to stuff it for her.

“I’ll demonstrate,” the announcer said and let go of her pussy lips. Tiffany groaned in frustration. He took off his jacket and neatly folded it on the podium. After he unbuttoned one sleeve and rolled it up past his elbow. “Now watch this. This box is so wet that you don’t even need lubricant.”

He pressed his fingers into Tiffany’s pussy and she moaned in delight. Finally some release. Just what she needed. He pressed and pressed, stretching her pussy out as he pushed his whole hand in.

She grunted and groaned as he filled her cunt. Glorious jolts of pain shot through her as he stretched her larger than she had ever been before. His whole hand was in and he kept going. He pushed it in to half way up his forearm and finally stopped. Tiffany moaned. A drip of sweat rolled down her temple. It hurt but also felt good. The two additional pills were making her crazy horny. Even a fisting felt good.

He slid his arm out and then his hand. Tiffany groaned as her pussy was vacant once again. The announcer held his hand up to the crowd. Tiffany’s pussy juices coated his hand and dripped off onto the stage. He walked towards the crowd. “Taste this,” he said. The men in the front ran up and ran their fingers along his wet hand. They sucked on their juice-filled fingers and moaned.

The announcer rolled his shirt back down and put his tuxedo jacket back on. He picked up the mic and addressed the men in the front row. “How was that?”

“Delicious,” one said, still licking his fingers.

“Can I have more?” another said, his dick rock hard in his pants.

The announcer knelt back down to Tiffany. “Now look at this,” he said spreading her pussy lips with his two fingers. “Tight once again.” The crowd gasped.

“Can I get a member of the audience to test it for us?” Every man in the place leapt up and raised their hands, desperate to try out the cow in front of them. “You,” he said pointing to a man in the middle. There was a collective groan as he ran up the stage.

The man had red hair and freckles all over his face and arms. He whipped down his pants and pulled out his cock. He gave it two strokes and it was as hard as a rock. “Give it a go,” the announcer said. The red haired man thrust his dick into Tiffany’s pussy and she gasped in joy. Finally! He thrust in and out and the pleasure was so intense for her that she came almost immediately.

“Is that tight?” the announcer asked as Tiffany’s back and ass bucked in orgasm.

“So tighhhh-” the man started making faces as he was about to cum.

The announcer yanked him back. Tiffany gasped as his dick slipped out of her tight pussy. “In her mouth please,” he ordered. The red haired man shuffled to her mouth and stuck his dick in. Tiffany sucked on it hard, moving her head and up and down his long cock, anxious to slurp up his delicious cum. He jerked his head back and spurt his hot jizz into her mouth. She drank it up and kept sucking hard, wanting more cum in her mouth. Wanting another fresh cock to suck off. “See how much she loves it?” the announcer continued. “This cow will suck you off all day and night. She is a cum drinking machine.”

The red haired man leaned down to get a better look at her tits. “Thank you,” the announcer said, pulling him away again. He pulled up his pants and was pushed off stage. “As you can see she is tight as a virgin.” He knelt back down and turned her again so that her ass was facing the crowd once more.

He spread her ass cheeks with his hands. “Same deal with her asshole.” He grabbed a large, black dildo from behind the podium and spread her cheeks. “Needs no lubrication. Tight as a nickle. And it will stay tight.” He pressed the dildo into her ass hole and Tiffany moaned. She licked her lips and swallowed as he thrust the large dildo in and out of her tight ass. She mooed and the crowd cheered. It felt so good having all of those men watch as her ass got fucked.

The announcer pulled the dildo out as she gasped. “Now watch.” He spread her ass cheeks again and pressed his index finger into her butt hole. “It’s even tighter than before.” He pushed it up to his knuckle. “It will hug your penis or finger or whatever else you decide to shove up there.” It felt great but Tiffany needed some nipple stimulation. Her tits were aching.

“Now for what you guys really came here for,” the announcer said, turning her to the side so that the men could see her naked breasts. The men were all silent, waiting eagerly for the main attraction. “These are premium milking breasts. Beautiful shape, very bountiful and hard. Gorgeous, long pink nipples. These utters will produce all the milk that you can drink and more. It is nutritious. Creamy and sweet. The most delicious milk that you have ever tasted. Tiffany is the best cow that Hucow Fun Farm has ever transformed and that is saying a lot. Everyone will be able to taste her creamy milk in a minute.”

A hot, blond girl wearing tight short shorts and a tight, tank top over her enormous tits walked onto the stage on long, slim legs. She was holding a stack of red, plastic cups and a tin bucket. “Candy here will be passing out some samples shortly.” The girl approached Tiffany and placed the bucket under her tits.

“Wow,” she gasped when she grabbed Tiffany’s huge dairy mounds. She barely had to touch Tiffany and a heavy stream of milk was pouring out of her nipples into the tin bucket. It was overflowing with sweet, creamy milk after only a few seconds. Tiffany moaned in pleasure. The sweet release was just what she was waiting for. Candy began pouring samples into the cups.

“As you can see,” the announcer continued, “this is high quality milk with unlimited production. See how her utters refill instantly? They will never run dry. You can bottle it up and sell it for a premium price and make your money back in the first year.” Candy began handing out the samples to the crowd. The men looked down at the generous samples in their cups and breathed heavily. It was customary to wait until everyone in attendance had their sample and then drink together.

When everybody had their sample the announcer nodded. He held up his red cup. “Cheers.” The men swallowed down Tiffany’s milk and there was a collective moan in the place, followed by an eruption of cheers, talking, arguing and astonished voices.

It was such a turn-on to see so many men getting off on her milk. She wanted to crawl into the middle of the room and let each one of them suck from her tits and fuck her pussy and ass. She wanted to drink the cum of every one of them until her stomach was overflowing, then have the rest cum all over her face, back and tits. She wanted to drown in cum and milk.

“We’ll start the bidding at one million dollars,” the announcer said. Every hand in the room shot up. “Five million,” he said next. Some hands went down but most stayed up. It went on like this for a few minutes until he was at seventeen million and there were still over ten men fighting over her.

One big Russian man in a gray suit with intense, dark eyes and a scar down the side of his face stood up in the back of the room. “I’ll make this easy,” he said with a deep, scary voice. “Fifty million dollars.” The other men gasped and sat down. It was too much money for them.

“Sold!” the announcer yelled.

Tiffany was back in her private room by herself when the door opened. It was Mike. “Wow Tiffany!” he said. “Fifty million dollars! Everyone back at Hucow Fun Farm will be so happy. You did really well out there. You’re a good cow.” She didn’t feel like a good cow. She felt sexually frustrated. The two additional pills were still flowing through her veins driving her crazy.

“You’re not happy?” he said, looking at her lowered head. “Do you need some release?” Tiffany raised her head hopefully and mooed. She groaned when she realized that Mike wasn’t going to give it to her. He never fucked her.

“Well you’re no longer a Hucow Fun Farm cow,” he said glancing out the window of the door. “So technically I can fuck you now.” He began unzipping his pants. Tiffany looked up with excited eyes. She turned around on her hands and knees and backed her throbbing pussy towards him.

He pulled out his dick and thrust it in her tight, pink slit. She came instantly with his gorgeous, hard cock in her. He gripped her ass cheeks and pumped in and out of her pussy. “God damn, you’re tight. No wonder you went for so much.” He reached down and played with her tits, milking her, and releasing her of her sweet cream.

Mike tried every hole, her tight ass hole, her mouth and finally he titty-fucked her after milking her silky cream all over her swollen breasts. He thrust his cock between her dairy mounds as milk splashed everywhere. He finally came and it spurt out onto Tiffany’s lips and chin. She lapped it up hungrily and then sucked on his dick to get and last reluctant drops.

He lay down on top of her and took a nipple in his mouth. Tiffany moaned as the milk drained from her chest. It felt incredible having him suckle out her milk. When he had his fill he sat up and wiped the milk off his upper lip. “I have to warn you about the guy who bought you,” he said. “He’s a Russian mobster and a billionaire. You have to watch what you-”

The door swung open and two Russian goons burst in followed by the Russian billionaire who was now her new owner. “Are you fucking my cow?” he said to Mike.

Mike looked down at his milk covered cock. “No I was just helping her and-”

One of the goons picked him up by the neck. Mike’s face turned blue. He grasped at the goon’s thick wrists, trying desperately to remove them so that he could breathe. “Take him outside and kill him,” the Russian billionaire said. The goon nodded and left with Mike through the door.

Tiffany tried to stop him but all she could say was ‘moo.’

The Russian billionaire looked down at her and grinned. “Put her in the truck.”


Tiffany had been locked in the back of a truck for over ten hours as her new owner, the Russian billionaire, brought her back to her new home. Her jugs were so sore, her nipples so tender and dripping with overflowing milk. No one had milked her in over ten hours since Mike drank from her utters. She wondered what happened to Mike when the two Russian goons took him but whatever it was, it wasn’t good. These guys looked serious.

The truck took a left turn and the brakes squeaked as the truck came to a stop. It was dark in the back of the truck and Tiffany couldn’t see anything. She heard footsteps and then the click as they unlocked the back door. It slid up and bright moonlight hit her sensitive, round, brown eyes. She squinted against the harsh light. “Let’s go cow,” one of the goons said. “You’re home.”

Tiffany crawled forward on her hands and knees and down the ramp of the truck. The two goons watched as her enormous, swollen breasts swung from side to side. One bit his lip and got a good look at her wet snatch. It had been ten hours since the last time that she had been fucked and her pussy was aching. It needed to be filled. And fast. The high dose of transformation pills were still flowing through her body and making her crazy. It was torture to leave her like this.

They were on some kind of farm in the early hours of the morning, just before the sun came up. There was a large barn in the distance and a mansion, which looked more like a compound with two snipers patrolling on the roof, to the right of them about fifty yards away. One of the goons with a long beard looked around. “Do you think we can test her out?” he said.

The other goon had a large tattoo of a snake on his neck. He shook his head. “If the boss finds out he’ll kill us.”

“But look at that pussy,” the bearded one said. “It will be worth it. You tried her milk. It was incredible. I want more. I want to suck those tits until they’re empty.” Tiffany moaned. She wanted that too. “See? She wants some cock.”

The tattooed goon rubbed his chin. “Okay let’s bring her to the servant’s quarters quick. The boss never goes in there.” They led Tiffany around the mansion to a smaller, not as nice, wing of the place where the servants lived. A lanky, older man wearing a tuxedo opened the door. He looked down at Tiffany with wide eyes.

The tattooed goon grabbed him by the collar and yanked him out the door. He flew to the ground and rolled on the dusty ground. “Piss off Sergei,” the goon hissed at him. “Anyone else in there?”

The servant stood up and dusted off his jacket. “Just Annick,” he said, staring at Tiffany’s ass.

Both goons grinned. “Perfect,” the bearded one said. He stepped towards Sergei, drew his gun, and put the barrel in the old man’s mouth. “If you tell anyone about this…I’ll blow your brains out and feed them to the pigs. Understand?” The servant, staring at the gun in his mouth, nodded his head. “Good. Now piss off,” he said. The servant ran away.

Tiffany waddled inside the house after the goons. They walked into a small kitchen with curling up, yellow, linoleum tiles on the floor and old faded wallpaper that was peeling off, exposing the old dry wall underneath. “Annick!” the bearded one yelled.

A tiny dark haired woman in a French maid’s uniform, about nineteen, rushed into the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Tiffany, naked on all fours, in the room. “Is that the new cow?” she asked.

The tattooed man nodded. “Want to test her out?” he said with a grin.

Annick pulled her shirt off over her head and her two, little perky breasts popped out. Her perfect, pink nipples were already erect. She slid down her short skirt and underwear. She was completely naked except for her black high heels and her maid’s hat.

Tiffany let out a ‘moo’ and Annick fell to her knees and began eating Tiffany’s pussy out like she was starving. Tiffany moaned as Annick slid her silky tongue up to her asshole and pressed it in and out. Annick slid two fingers in Tiffany’s throbbing pussy and rubbed her swollen clit with her thumb. She let out a long, slow moo as her pussy convulsed. Annick rubbed her hard nipple up Tiffany’s slit and that was enough to make her cum. She groaned and mooed so loud as the intense orgasm overtook her body. It felt so good. She was going to like her new home.

She was so busy enjoying Annick’s skillful tongue that she hadn’t noticed the two goons undressing. They came forward, naked, with their long, hard cocks ready for action. The bearded one shoved his cock in Tiffany’s mouth. She greedily sucked away as the tattooed goon sucked on her tits. Tiffany moaned on the cock as the goon drank her nutritious dairy. This new home was amazing! She had a cock in her mouth, a skillful tongue in her pussy and eager lips suckling her utters. What more could she ask for?

The bearded man and Annick switched places. He thrust his long cock deep into Tiffany’s ass and pumped away as he reached down and flicked her clit with his finger. It wasn’t long before her pussy was clenched and cumming again. He pulled his dick out and thrust it into her pussy. “God you’re tight!” he yelled. He kept alternating, sticking his dick in her ass, then pussy, then ass, then pussy.

Annick lay down in front of her and spread her legs wide open, exposing her gorgeous little cunt. Tiffany lapped it up, thoroughly enjoying her delicious pussy juices. Annick screamed at the delightfully, intense pressure of a cow tongue on her little box. Tiffany licked harder and faster until Annick was shaking and cumming and begging her to stop. Tiffany kept licking, driving the young hotty crazy.

The bearded man finally came in Tiffany’s ass and then switched with the tattooed man to get a drink of her yummy dairy. The tattooed man’s mouth and chin was dripping with creamy goodness. He rubbed some milk on his hard cock and thrust it into Tiffany’s pussy. She was loving this place!

The door burst open and the Russian billionaire was standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips, glaring at them. All four of them froze, staring at the intimidating figure. He had ten armed men behind him. “Take the three of them and kill them,” he said. “Bring the cow to the stable.”

Tiffany was led into the stable on a leash by the mysterious Russian billionaire as her three naked friends, the tattooed man, the bearded man and the young, hot, Annick were dragged behind the house. The stable door closed as she heard three gun shots.

A creepy man in a white lab coat and thick black rimmed glasses approached them silently with his hands behind his back. He looked down at Tiffany and smiled. “She’s beautiful,” he said in a voice that sent chills down Tiffany’s naked back. She backed towards the door but the billionaire yanked the leash and kicked her in the ribs. She stayed where she was and lowered her head.

The billionaire looked at the man. “Like we talked about doctor,” he said. The doctor grinned and took the leash from him. The boss glanced down at Tiffany. “If you don’t make my fifty million back with interest you’ll wish you were never born.” He stormed out of the barn and slammed the door, leaving her alone with the scary doctor.

“Time for some fun,” he whispered to himself. He pulled a black hood out from his pocket and approached her. Tiffany mooed in fear and tried to crawl away. He jumped on her back and pulled the hood down over her head. She couldn’t see through the thick, black fabric and shook her head as he tied the string of the hood tightly around her neck. Tiffany’s breathing increased rapidly and she could feel her heart thumping like crazy. She didn’t like this guy. At all.

Her neck yanked forward as he guided her somewhere in the back of the huge barn. She felt hay then metal grates under her bare knees and then cement as he led her around. Sounds of crying, pain and horrified mooing came to her ears. What was this place? He finally stopped somewhere cold. Tiffany couldn’t see where she was. The cement floor was moist. She tried to control her breathing but couldn’t. She tried to get away but her leash was tied to something and she couldn’t move. She was trapped.

The doctor worked quietly beside her. She tried to figure out what he was doing but the pills were making her wits dull. Wet hands with latex gloves spread a cold, weird substance all over her naked body. It was gooey and thick. The smell was strong, like chemicals and it made Tiffany’s eyes water.

The hands stopped when her body was completely coated. She didn’t know what was going on. The sound of a trunk or box opening then closing and then something dragging on the floor made her squirm. Her back leg was lifted up and something, feeling like latex, was rolled up her leg. It was so tight. Painfully tight. Tighter than any clothing she had ever worn and the doctor had to force it up her leg. He rolled it up to her upper thigh and then did the same thing with the other leg. It hurt.

The doctor then forced her ankles together and strapped them tightly together with some kind of straps and buckle. Her hands were pushed into the same material and he rolled it up her arms to her shoulders. It was just as tight. It was some kind of suit. He wrapped something around her wrists and tied them together. She could barely balance herself to stay up but when she fell she would get choked by the leash.

He pulled the suit up over her ass and zipped it up down her back. It squeezed into her ribs and she could barely breathe. Fingers untied the string of the hood around her neck. He yanked the hood off and she squinted away from the bright lights in her face. She opened one eye a crack and could see the doctor playing with something in his hands.

The sound of clippers filled the room and he approached her. She tried to move away but the leash was stopping her. He grabbed her head with strong hands and put the vibrating clippers to her forehead. He ran it along her head and thick, long strands of brown hair tumbled to the ground. Tiffany gasped. What was going on in here? She groaned in protest and the doctor smacked her across the head with the hard clippers. Her head stung and she felt wetness dripping down her cheek from where she was hit.

The doctor turned the clippers off and put them away. Tiffany looked down at all of her hair on the cement floor and shook her head slightly. The doctor squeezed the strong smelling goo into his gloved hands and spread it all over her newly shaved scalp. It burned her sensitive skin and Tiffany’s eyes started to water, from the strong chemicals in the goo and from the horrible experience that she was going through.

The doctor came back with something black and white in his hand. It looked like latex or something. He knelt down in front of her and forced it over her head. It was just as tight as the suit squeezing her body. Her cheek bones and forehead felt like they were going to implode. He forced it down over her face. There was a mouth hole, two small holes for her nostrils and two holes for her eyes. She could barely breathe. She felt like she was being suffocated. She could hear a zipper fastening behind her head and it tightened even more. There was a metal clicking, like a padlock, behind her and then a heavy chunk of metal was resting on the back of her head. The head piece was locked on tight. He went back to his work bench and opened a drawer while Tiffany tried to move her face muscles. She couldn’t. She was frozen in place.

He came back towards her with a red ball gag and a purple pill. He held the pill up to her face. “I don’t like the Fun Farm pills,” he said, shaking his head. “They work great for transformations but they make you forget. I want you to remember everything.” Tiffany tasted latex gloves as he shoved the pill into her mouth and down her throat. He made sure she had swallowed it.

He held up the red ball gag. “Open up,” he ordered. Tiffany moved her head to the side, trying to get away. He slapped her across the face. “Open,” he ordered again. She shook her head violently so he kicked her in the ribs. Hard.

“Last time,” he hissed at her, “or you’ll really regret it. Now open up.” Tiffany closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She didn’t want to test this guy. He forced her jaw open until it was burning and shoved the ball gag in her mouth. His hands pulled the straps behind her head and he fastened it tightly. She swallowed and gagged as spit dripped out the side of her lips and down her chin.

“Good. Now that wasn’t so hard was it?” He walked back to his work bench as the purple pill started to take its effect on her. She felt coldness flooding through her chest and stomach and suddenly memories started flashing through her head. Human memories. She remembered being a little kid at the beach with her parents laughing as the ocean waves knocked down her sand castle. She remembered when she graduated college. She was an aspiring singer and sometimes sang at a hotel bar for $40 and free drinks after. She liked to paint. Her apartment was full of her paintings of horses. She was a human being. She didn’t belong here. What did they do to her?

The doctor approached with what looked like a dried up, severed cow’s head. Tiffany looked on in horror as he forced it onto her head and locked it in place. It smelt like formaldehyde. She tried to speak but just mumbled with the ball gag shoved in her mouth.

The doctor stepped back and smiled at her. “Gorgeous,” he said. “Would you like to see?”

Tiffany stared at him with wide eyes as he picked up a mirror and turned it in front of her. She was in a very tight, black, and white patterned suit, like a real cow. There was a dead cow’s severed head locked onto her scalp. Her mouth was forced open with a red gag ball and drool dripping down onto her beautiful, cut hair on the cold cement below her. Her huge breasts stuck out of holes in the suit. She screamed in horror but only a muffled noise made it past the ball gag.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” the doctor said, putting the mirror away unhooking the leash from the wall and pulling her into another room. She could barely move with her ankles and wrists tied together. It took a long time with her waddling in pain down the floor. The doctor didn’t mind. He just took his time admiring his new masterpiece.

They finally made it into a small, cramped room the size of a closet. There were no lights in the room and the floors and walls were cement. There were two tubes hanging out of holes in the wall with a suction cup at the end of each tube.

Tiffany tried desperately to back up from the room but the doctor kicked her in the ribs and then pushed her in with his foot. He tied the leash to a hook in the wall so that she could barely move her head. He locked the wrist and ankle restraints to the wall as well. She could barely move. He attached the two suction cups to her sore, tender nipples. “I’m not sure what luxuries you are used to but no one is going to fuck you here. Except maybe a real bull. But only to impregnate you. Trust me you will not enjoy it.”

The suction cups started sucking hard as soon as they were attached. Tiffany watched in horror as her milk ran up the two tubes and disappeared through the wall. “Your milk will be bottled and sold. No one will come to visit you. No one will suck on those luscious tits again. You will stay here until you die.” He closed the door and locked it, leaving her alone in the dark.



One year later…

Rachel held her neatly typed resume in her shaking hands and handed it to the guy wearing the cowboy hat behind the counter. “So what makes you want to work at Hucow Fun Farm?” he asked, sounding like a hillbilly.

Rachel played with her hands nervously. “Well as you can see,” she said pointing to her resume, “I just graduated College and am looking for a new opportunity in a thriving business. Somewhere I can start at the bottom and work my way to the top.”

The cowboy looked at her resume and then to her breasts. He nodded and looked up to her face. Rachel crossed her arms, hiding her voluptuous chest. “As you can see,” she continued, “I was top of my class. I was an honor student, President of the debate club and I volunteered in an animal shelter.”

“Have you ever been pregnant?” he asked.

Rachel jerked her head back in surprise. “Uh, no…” she stammered. “That’s not really appropriate to-”

“Wait here,” he said, interrupting her and stood up. “I’ll get the manager Mike.” He disappeared into the back. Rachel looked around the lobby quickly: Empty milk jugs for sale, breast pumping machines on special, an old cash register and some cheap plastic chairs.

She glanced at the closed drawer behind the reception desk and wondered if she had time to search through it. Rachel was here to find information on her cousin, Tiffany, who disappeared over a year ago. She went missing and her last known location was the Hucow Fun Farm. The police who inspected this place always came back telling her that it was legit and that they weren’t involved. She had her doubts though. Their uniforms were always ruffled and wet when they met her in the parking lot after their so-called investigation. One officer even had his zipper undone and a creamy, milk mustache. She wasn’t buying their story. This place was involved in her older cousin’s disappearance and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

The manager came out and offered his hand. “Hi I’m Mike,” he said.

“Rachel,” she replied, shaking his hand. His eyes immediately dropped to her large rack spilling out of her tight shirt.

“So you’re looking for a job?” he said. Glancing from her eyes down to her huge breasts. “Well you came to the right place. When can you start?”

Rachel did a double take. “Don’t you want to look at my resume first?”

Mike handed it back to the cowboy. “No Flea here told me about your experience.” He glanced back down at her bountiful cleavage. “I’ve seen enough. You’re hired.”

“So what do I have to do?” she asked shocked. She hadn’t expected it to be this easy. She was expecting a lot of resistance in her investigation.

Mike pulled out a gold package from his pocket. “Take this after dinner tonight and come back tomorrow.”

“What is it?” she asked, taking it, and inspecting the gold foil.

“Oh it’s nothing. We have a lot of dust and some chemicals here in the farm and this will just help your body tolerate it better.” Flea, the cowboy, was looking at her grinning.

“I’m not sure I feel comfortable taking this,” Rachel said, holding the gold wrapper out like it was poisonous.

Mike smiled. “You have to take it to work here.” He pointed at Flea. “I take it, Flea takes it. It’s no big deal.” He closed her fingers around the wrapper. “Just take it and come back here tomorrow morning. It will all make sense.” Rachel wondered if her cousin, Tiffany, had taken the pill when she worked here. She had to find out what happened. She stuffed the pill into her purse and Mike and Flea sighed in relief.

“Great,” Mike said. “We’ll see you tomorrow!” Rachel finished her dinner alone in her tiny apartment and stared at her purse. Should I take it? She pulled the gold wrapper from her purse and opened it. A giant pill fell out onto her lap.

I can’t. I don’t trust this place. She went into her bathroom and flushed it down the toilet.

The next morning Rachel took a deep breath to steady her nerves and walked in the front door of Hucow Fun Farm to start her first day. Flea looked up from behind the reception desk and smiled. “Hi Rachel,” he said, waving her in.

Rachel took off her jacket and Flea’s eyes darted to her chest. His smile faded into a scowl. He looked back up to her eyes. “You didn’t take the gold pill?” he asked. How did he know that?

“Uh yes…I did,” Rachel stammered, caught off guard.

Flea rubbed his chin and grunted. “Wait here.” He disappeared into the back. Rachel glanced from her coat in her arms to the front door.

Should I leave? She didn’t have a good feeling about this place but she had to know what happened to her cousin Tiffany. She stood in place and waited.

The manager Mike came bursting through the doors followed by the cowboy hat wearing Flea. Mike glanced at her breasts and exhaled, looking frustrated. “Flea tells me that you didn’t take your pill?”

Rachel shook her head. “No. I did,” she lied.

Mike raised his eyebrows. “Look you can’t go into the barn without taking your pill. It’s a liability thing,” he said, pulling a gold wrapper from his pocket. “It’s for your own safety.” He extended his hand with the wrapper in it. “Take this one. In front of us.” Rachel glanced at the wrapper in his hand and her breathing started to speed up. She had no choice if she wanted to find out what happened to her cousin.

Fuck it. She took the wrapper from him, ripped it up and swallowed the large pill inside.

“Great!” Mike said, visibly relieved. Flea was smiling behind him.

“Welcome to Hucow Fun Farm!” Mike said. “Come, I’ll give you the tour.” They walked out of the reception building and the cool morning air tickled Rachel’s body. Her stomach started to gurgle and she felt waves of heat flowing through her stomach. That’s weird.

Her breasts started to ache and her nipples felt so sensitive that they almost hurt when they rubbed against the inside of her bra. Mike was explaining the different areas of Hucow Fun Farm as they walked to the large barn in the distance, at the end of the property. Rachel’s vision started to spin and she was getting light headed.

“Are you okay?” Mike asked, grabbing her arm to steady her.

“I don’t feel so good,” she said, putting her head between her legs. Pictures of cocks started to flow through her mind and her pussy started to throb. All of a sudden she wanted, no needed, a cock in her. She would’ve taken one in every hole if she could. Her hand reached out and grabbed the bulge in Mike’s pants, desperate to touch his cock.

“Whoa,” he said, grabbing her wrist. “It looks like the pills are working.”

“Huh?” she muttered. What did he mean? The pills are supposed to do this. But she couldn’t process the information. All she could think about was dick. She fell to her knees and held her temples trying to clear her head. What was that pill? What are they doing to me? She glanced down at her throbbing chest and her breasts had grown more than double their natural size. In less than ten minutes!

Her nipples were so hard and long that they were poking out under her shirt and leaking! Her breasts were wet and the wet spot on the fabric was getting bigger by the second. “What is happening?” she stammered.

Mike rubbed her back. “Just try to relax and let the pill take its course. This is all normal. It will be over soon. Everything will be explained to you soon.” Rachel’s head started really spinning. She couldn’t tell the ground from the sky. Black dots started to cloud her blurry vision and then everything went dark.

Rachel woke up and a hard, long dick flashed in her mind. She licked her lips and her hand crept down to her pussy. She rubbed her clit and moaned. Where am I? She thought, looking around. She was in some kind of barn stall, on her hands and knees. Hay was strewn about the floor and she was completely naked.

Her breasts ached and her nipples throbbed. All she could think about was having them drained. She tried to push the thought out of her head and concentrate on what was going on. Why am I naked? But it didn’t feel unnatural. It felt normal to be naked and to be standing on all fours. She tried to stand up to see over the low stall but she couldn’t remember how to stand on two feet.

Rachel decided to call for help. She was going to ask for Mike. A long, guttural “Moooooooo,” came out instead of the words that she tried to say. She tried again, concentrating really hard on the pronunciation of the words. Another “moooooooo,” came out.

Mike opened the door to the stall. “Are you enjoying your first day?” Rachel shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts of cock rampaging through her mind. She was so horny. She just wanted to get fucked. And milked. Desperately.

Mike knelt down in front of her. “I know that this is confusing,” he said. “But it’s all part of the glorious transformation process. Trust me. You’re going to love being a human cow.” A human cow? What is that?

“The first clients of the day are arriving and they’re dying to meet the newest cow.” He reached down and touched her massive breasts. Milked leaked out of her sensitive nipples and she felt a quick moment of relief. She wanted more. She wanted him to suck on her tits and drain her of her creamy, nourishing liquid.

He raised his milk-covered fingers to his mouth and sucked on them. His face lit up. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “This is almost better than the best cow that we’ve ever had here. Almost better than Tiffany’s.”

Rachel looked up in shock. Tiffany. That was why she was here. For her cousin Tiffany. She couldn’t remember any other details. Her mind was too cloudy. Too distracted. She needed to get fucked. Badly. She needed someone to nurse from her swollen rack. After that maybe she could put the pieces together.

Mike looked around and then took another taste. “Yes, you’re going to be very popular,” he said happily. “Hucow Fun Farm will be number one again. Like we were when Tiffany was here and before Hucow Factory moved in down the street.” Rachel groaned and mooed. She nuzzled her head against Mike’s cock. She wished, more than anything, that he would pull his dick out and stick it in her. Her pussy was on fire. She needed cock. Right now.

Mike laughed and pushed her head away. “Alright. Alright. I’ll get you some relief. Hold on,” he said getting up. “I’ll let the first customers in. Two cocks ought to be enough to break you in?” Rachel moaned in frustration as he left.

Rachel glanced up in horny anticipation as the door of her stall squeaked open. Two big, muscular cowboys strutted in holding their belt buckles. “Oh yeah,” the biggest one with a naked lady tattoo peeking out from under his rolled up jean shirt said. “I love new cows.” He knelt down and looked under Rachel. “Look at those utters boys. They’re beauties!”

Rachel felt warm liquid trickling down her inner thigh. Her pussy was so wet that it was leaking. The smaller one, a cowboy with a limp, looked behind her. “God damn,” he yelled. “Look at that tight pussy Graham. I got first dibs.” Rachel could hear his belt buckle clinking as he unbuckled his jeans.

The largest one, Graham, was still inspecting Rachel’s throbbing tits. “Fine with me Nolan. I want first crack at these babies.”

Graham licked Rachel’s hard nipple and a shiver shook through her whole body. He wrapped his lips on her tit and sucked as hard as he could. It felt so good to have her milk sucked out. She moaned and mooed. This place might not be so bad after all.

Nolan took off his pants as Graham sucked up the nourishing cream greedily. He stepped behind her with his cock in his hand. “Let me get some of that milk,” he said, reaching under Rachel and feeling her breasts. He squeezed her nipple and her cream sprayed into his hand. He rubbed the white cream all over his rock hard dick, coating his long shaft. “This is high quality stuff.” Graham didn’t answer he was too busy drinking.

Nolan spread Rachel’s pink pussy lips with his fingers and pushed the tip of his cock into her wet hole. Rachel moaned as he pushed his dick further in her. Nothing ever felt so good before. He pushed all the way in, deep up inside her, and her whole body shook with pleasure. This was the best feeling that she had ever experienced. A huge, hard cock in her shuddering pussy and strong lips sucking out her delicious milk.

A thought came to her: Is it the pills doing this? Is this normal? Her mind was cloudy and she had trouble processing the information. But the cock sliding in and out of her felt too good. And eventually she didn’t care anymore. She didn’t care if this was her new reality. It was an amazing one.

Her pussy began to convulse as Nolan thrust in harder and harder, slapping her bare ass cheeks with his meaty hand at the same time. Her pussy erupted and an intense orgasm, a million times stronger than she had ever experienced before, blew through her like a tornado. She threw her head back and “moooooed” so loud that the whole county could probably hear.

Nolan started to buck as well and grunt like a caveman. He cried out as his dick dumped a hot load of cum into her trembling pussy. The sensation of his wet cream filling her tunnel made her cum again. Even harder than the last time.

Her legs were shaking as the warm sensation of the orgasm flowed through her veins. “Let’s switch,” Graham said finally coming up from air. He had white milk all over his lips and chin. The two men switched and Rachel moaned as fresh, powerful lips took over the sucking. Her milk flowed easily filling the virile man.

Rachel moaned in delight as she felt the tip of Graham’s cock press against the opening of her tight, virgin asshole. She wanted to press him on, goad him further, encourage him but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a long “mooooo.” It seemed to do the trick because he thrust his cock into her ass with force. She cried out as the initial pain subsided to pleasure and he fucked her ass like a rock star.

Graham glanced down at Nolan, drinking hungrily, and said, “Leave some for me.” Nolan gurgled in response, swallowing down Rachel’s milk.

Rachel wasn’t worried. She had enough milk for the whole town. Nolan was flicking her long, hard nipples with his tongue, drawing out her milk like a hungry calf nursing from its mother’s utters. Every suck sent wonderful, warm shivers through Rachel’s body. It felt so good to nurse. To feed a hungry man with her sweet cream.

She wanted to taste her milk but she couldn’t move her hands. She didn’t remember how to lift them up. It must be part of the transformation process. Nolan took his mouth off of her breast and gasped for air. He squeezed her nipple with his thumb and finger, squirting her thick, white milk onto his long, hard shaft and walked over to Rachel’s mouth.

Rachel moaned as the dripping white cock approached her wet lips. She took it into her mouth and deep throated the cock as her deliciously sweet milk coated her tongue. It was so delicious; no wonder the boys were drinking so much of it. It felt good to provide their nourishment.

She pressed the cock further into her mouth and sucked on it with her new, stronger throat muscles. Nolan groaned with pleasure. Graham increased the pressure in her ass, thrusting relentlessly. He pounded into her tight asshole with his huge cock in a sexual frenzy. He reached around her and grabbed her tits as he came deep into her ass. Her utters sprayed milk all over his hands as he sprayed his cum deep inside her back door.

Rachel moaned on the hard cock in her mouth as she came again. She sucked harder, with a new vigor, sucking the cock greedily and licking the shaft, still tasting her sweet milk on the smooth skin. Nolan grabbed the back of her head and thrust into her mouth hard, face-fucking her violently. Rachel loved it. She wanted him to thrust into her even harder, ramming his cock down her throat and then started to convulse. He squeezed the back of her head and pushed his dick down her throat as he came for the second time.

The hot load shot down Rachel’s throat. She tasted the yummy saltiness as he pulled his softening dick out of her mouth. She jumped back on it and sucked hard trying to pull out any last reluctant drops. His seed tasted delicious. Rachel, the girl, didn’t really like giving blow jobs and she had always spat the cum out after a guy came in her mouth but Rachel, the human cow, couldn’t get enough. She wanted him to cum in her mouth again. She wanted a never ending line of dicks to suck. She wanted cum to fill every inch inside her body. Little did she know that there was a long line of cocks outside waiting and ready to try out Hucow Fun Farm’s latest cow.

Rachel stood on her hands and knees after Graham and Nolan left and sighed. She felt amazing, standing there naked covered in milk and cum. With the relief from the thirsty men suckling her tits and the seven or so orgasms that she had, she could think a bit more clearly.

She remembered that she was here to find her cousin, although she couldn’t remember her name. She knew that she came in a normal girl this morning but was somehow transforming into something. A human cow she what the cowboy had said. She remembered taking a gold pill. Did that have something to do with it?

She was torn. She wasn’t sure if this was normal but it felt so amazing. Would she want to go back to being a regular person when this new reality was available to her? Mike opened the squeaky door and walked in. He smiled. “Looks like you had some fun.”

Rachel let out a ‘mooo.’ She was thankful that he opened up this new reality to her. But she couldn’t help wondering if she was being brainwashed.

Mike pulled out the familiar gold package from his pocket. “Time for your pill.” Rachel looked at the pill with wide eyes. Did she want to go back to being a regular person or did she want to keep going down this wonderful road and see where it takes her? She crawled towards him and took the pill out of his hand with her mouth. She swallowed it down.

From now on she was a human cow.


Rachel woke up to a cock in her mouth. What a nice morning treat. She sucked it greedily as she swayed back and forth on her hands and knees, completely naked.

She had been at the Hucow Fun Farm for three weeks now and hadn’t left her stall, except for her daily bath. She loved it here. The constant feedings and fuckings were amazing. She was forgetting her past more every day and most of the time she couldn’t even remember her name. Her ability to speak was starting to fade but she didn’t really care. Whenever she tried to say something a long ‘moo’ came out instead of words. And she forgot her original reason for coming here in the first place. She didn’t mind though. Life here on the Hucow Fun Farm was the best.

She slid her tongue up the soft, long shaft as the man in front of her groaned. It was dark in the stall, must be in the middle of the night, and the Farm was supposed to be closed. Who was this cock she was sucking? She didn’t ask any questions. She was just happy for a bonus dick. The wait until the gates opened in the morning was always a long one.

The man’s hands crept under her and found her full breasts, engorged with milk. Rachel moaned on his dick as he rubbed her swollen utters and his fingers made their way down to her long, pink nipples. He rolled the left one with his thumb and forefinger until her fresh, creamy milk poured out in a thick stream.

It felt so good to be milked, to have her nutritious cream sucked, or manually pulled from her breasts. It was Rachel’s favorite thing in the world. The man with the gray beard and scar on his cheek raised his milk-drenched hand to his mouth and licked his fingers clean. “Damn you taste good,” he said, reaching down for another taste. “Just like your cousin Tiffany.”

Rachel paused with her lips wrapped around his firm dick. Tiffany. That’s why she was here. She had to find Tiffany. The thought was gone as quickly as it came and all she could think about was cock, getting milked and getting fucked. The transformation pills that the Hucow Fun Farm gave her were powerful. They worked well at keeping thoughts away.

The man started to grunt and groan as Rachel sucked his dick hard, with her powerful human cow mouth. She pulled on his dick with her lips while massaging the tip with her tongue. His body shook and convulsed as he dumped his hot, salty load into her mouth. Rachel groaned in delight as she swallowed his delicious semen. He tried to pull it out but she sucked harder, trying to pull out any last reluctant drops. “Whoa girl,” he said taking his dick away. “It’s too sensitive for that.”

Rachel groaned in frustration. The man looked like he was already finished and she hadn’t even been fucked yet. He woke her up for that. It wasn’t fair.

He lay down on the floor and scooted under her body. Rachel moaned as her hard nipples brushed against his face. He took her tingling nipple into his mouth and drank her milk. She relaxed her body, some of the frustration draining away with her milk. It felt so good. He sucked long and hard, switching from nipple to nipple. His hand found the apex between her legs and he fingered her while he drank. Rachel moaned and writhed on his hand as he rubbed her clit in small circles.

She came pretty quickly, as all the hucows that took the gold pill did. The heat swelled up in her bare, throbbing pussy and exploded on his hand. Her pussy juices leaked all over his swift moving fingers. He held them to her lips and Rachel licked her juices clean from his hand. They tasted so sticky and sweet.

She really liked this mystery visitor and hoped that he would come back every night. The other human cows in the nearby stalls must’ve been woken up from all of the moaning, crying out and other noise because they were all mooing, desperately wanting to get fucked as well. Rachel felt bad for them. She knew what it was like to go long periods of time without being milked or getting fucked. It wasn’t fun. The gold pills made them produce milk at an insane rate and it made them constantly crave dick.

“Alright, I have to get back to work,” the man said, getting up and pulling up his pants. Rachel could see from his uniform that he was the night janitor. Maybe he would come back every night. She went back to sleep, completely content, drained of milk and full of cum.

The next morning Rachel’s first appointment of the day walked in. Two beefy cowboys and a hot young redheaded girl in a skirt and cowboy hat. “So this is the cow that everyone’s been talking about,” the first cowboy with the big ears and brown eyes said. He was smoking a cigarette.

The girl rushed down to Rachel, who was on her hands and knees in the hay and started massaged her tits. “Look at these utters,” she said. “So big and voluptuous. So much milk.” She lifted her hands up, which were dripping with Rachel’s milk, to show the guys.

“Happy Birthday Karen,” the smaller cowboy with the clean-shaven face said. “She’s all yours. We paid for the hour. You can do whatever you like with her.” Rachel’s pussy clenched and ached at those words. She wanted them to do everything to her. The girl rushed to Rachel’s backside and spread her pussy lips open. “Guys look at this snatch.” She pushed her finger in and moaned. Rachel pushed her weight back on the girl’s finger, trying to take it in further.

“I’ve heard that the Hucow Fun Farm pills made the cows tight but God Damn!” she said, sticking another finger in. “This is unbelievable. It makes me wish I had a dick.”

“How does it taste Karen?” the big cowboy asked.

She licked Rachel’s pussy with one long lap of her silky tongue. Shivers cascaded through her body. “Mmmm,” she said. “So sweet. Thanks Dale,” she said to the big guy. “And thanks Stuart,” she said to the smaller one.

Karen jumped up and pulled her shirt off over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her big tits flopped down for Rachel to admire. She slid her skirt and thong down and Rachel swallowed hard at the delicious looking pussy in front of her. She licked her lips and stared at the girl’s snatch. “I think she wants to taste you back,” Stuart said as they got undressed.

“Well I can’t deny her that,” Karen said. She sat down in front of Rachel and spread her legs all the way apart and brought them back, behind her head.

Rachel dug her head into the girl’s sweet cunt, licking up her pussy juices and flicking her clit with her swift tongue. The girl moaned and whimpered as Rachel ate her out. The transformation pills seemed to be making her mouth and tongue muscles stronger. The girl was already screaming like she was ready to cum.

Dale reached under Rachel’s breast with a cup and squeezed some milk into it until it was full. “Taste how good your milk is cow,” he said, pouring it all over Karen’s pussy. Rachel lapped it up between Karen’s folds and from inside her hole. Her milk really did taste good. No wonder so many people came to visit her every day.

“Let’s see how tight that pussy really is,” Stuart said, walking behind her. Rachel let out a long, guttural ‘moooo,’ in anticipation.

“I think she’s excited,” Dale said, joining him back there.

Karen smiled. “You’re in for a double treat,” she said between moans. “The boys love to stuff two dicks in the same hole.”

“It’s your birthday Karen,” Dale said. “Should we start with her pussy or with her ass?”

Karen arched her back as Rachel hit her clit relentlessly with her powerful tongue. “Fuck!” she screamed out as she came on Rachel’s mouth. Her big tits were heaving as she tried to catch her breath between whimpers.

“I’ll take that as pussy,” Dale said. Rachel felt the tip of a cock push into her tight hole. She moaned as she drank up Karen’s pussy juices and the dick slid in further.

“So tight,” Dale cried out as he fucked her faster. He squeezed her ass cheeks with his burly hands as he thrust his big cock into her.

“Don’t cum yet,” Stuart said. “Wait for me.”

Rachel felt another tip of a cock sliding into her tight hole, stretching her, filling her. She threw her head back and cried out as the second cock forced itself into her wet cunt. The two beefy cowboys thrust together into her pussy and their two big dicks made one monster dick that filled her completely.

Rachel tensed up and clenched her teeth together as Karen climbed under her and licked Rachel’s throbbing clit. A few flicks of the tongue and Rachel was cumming on all three of them. “Mooooooooo,” she cried out as the orgasm slashed through her, filling her with warm pleasure.

Her pussy clenched around the two cocks stuffing her and both men cried out about to cum. “Wait,” Karen said sitting up. Her hand slid over Rachel’s ass cheeks and down to her dark hole. She slid a finger into Rachel’s asshole as she spoke. “It’s my birthday and I want to see some double A.”

Dale bent down and kissed Karen on the mouth in a twist of tongues. “How can I deny you?” he said, pulling his dick out. Rachel gasped. Stuart thrust his hard dick into her a few more times and Rachel groaned, hoping that he wouldn’t pull out. It felt so good to have a cock rammed up there.

Stuart leaned over and kissed Karen with an open mouth after Dale. “Anything for my girl on her birthday.”

Rachel gasped in frustration as he pulled his cock out, leaving her pussy vacant and yearning to be stuffed. Karen reached down and massaged Rachel’s massive tits. Rachel had already filled back up with milk and she was eager to have them drained again. She pulled her milky hand out and stroked Dale’s cock, coating it with the thick cream. “You’re going to need lots of milky lubrication,” she said.

She milked Rachel’s utters, letting the milk pool in her cupped hands. She rubbed the white liquid onto Stuart’s shaft, coating his head and hard dick with the cream. He moaned as she jerked him off with the dairy.

“You two are set,” she said. She turned to Rachel. “Now for you.” She leaned under her and took her nipple between her lips. She sucked on her tits like a young calf drinking its mother’s milk and when she came up she had milk dripping all over her lips and down her chin onto her heaving breasts. Her cheeks were full of Rachel’s nourishing liquid. She lowered her lips to Rachel’s ass and spat the milk into and around her tight asshole.

“Time for my birthday present boys,” she said when all of the milk was out of her mouth. She licked the white liquid from her lips.

Dale and Stuart both pressed their cocks into Rachel’s ass at the same time, stretching her back door wide open. Rachel gritted her jaw shut as they forced their cocks into her tight hole. She whimpered and groaned. Before Hucow Fun Farm there was no way that Rachel could take two cocks in her ass. Even one was too many. But the pills were working to transform her body and she was loving the extra dick up there. They thrust together, forcing her ass open, as Karen drank from her tits and spit milk onto their cocks, lubricating them perfectly.

Karen reached under Rachel and played with her pussy, rubbing her clit, and slipping her fingers into her dripping wet cunt. Rachel mooed and moaned as the two cowboys fucked her ass hard. She had never felt so full, so stuffed before. How could she go back to only one cock at a time now? Karen hit Rachel’s spot with her finger and Rachel’s body started to shake as she came once again. “Moooooo,” she cried out as she came on the hot redhead’s swift fingers.

“Fuck I’m going to cum,” Dale cried out.

Karen started rubbing her own pussy, turned on by her two men getting off in the hucows ass. “Cum in her,” she moaned as she furiously rubbed her clit. “Cum deep inside that ass.”

Dale’s body shook and convulsed as he pumped his load deep inside her dark tunnel. “Fuck!” he screamed.

“Oh yeah,” Karen said, on the verge of cumming herself. She slid a finger in her pussy and sucked on it. “Cum in her ass Stuart.”

Stuart started to breathe heavy. His grunts became lower and more frequent. He squeezed Rachel’s ass cheeks as he came next. “God damn!” he screamed as he mixed his cum with his friends.’ Karen was loving it. “Ahh,” she whimpered as her pussy exploded in an orgasm. She arched her back and threw her head to the side as her face contorted in pleasure. Seeing the sexy way that Karen came made Rachel’s pussy start to tingle.

The heated tingling spread into her clit and she erupted in another orgasm. “Mooooo,” she cried out as the warmth flowed through her veins. Rachel groaned as the two cowboys pulled their dicks out of her ass. Dale walked over to Karen and she slid his long dick into her mouth, cleaning it.

Stuart stood in front of Rachel and she did the same. She took the cock in her mouth, tasting her delicious ass juices. She moaned as she sucked his shaft clean.

Karen let go of Dale’s cock and knelt down in back of Rachel. She spread her ass cheeks and sucked on her tight asshole, drinking up both of the cowboys’ cum.

“This was the best birthday ever,” she said when she drank up every last drop.


Chris waited by the door of the community center as a parking lot full of hot, fertile, pregnant women entered his class. The first woman had long, curly, brown hair and tits the size of watermelons. Her nipples were hard and popping through her shirt and Chris swallowed hard as she walked past him. A redhead walked in next. Her breasts were so swollen with milk that they stuck out past her pregnant belly. A wet spot soaked her right nipple as her creamy milk overflowed. Chris bit his lip and wondered if he could stand in front of the class with a hard on.

There were twelve pregnant women in all and they all had enormous tits that desperately needed draining. Chris licked his lips. He was definitely going to help with that. They took their seats and watched Chris as he stood at the front of the class. He looked from pregnant woman to pregnant woman and wondered which one he would like to suck milk from first.

“Welcome to your first nursing class,” he said.

“I assumed the class would be taught by a woman,” the black woman in the front row said.

“I can assure you that I am a breast expert,” he said. “I have seen them all.”

Two women in the front row exchanged looks. Chris ignored it and continued. “When nursing you will need to massage the breast first and prepare it for the draining of your milk. Please everybody take off your shirts and bras and I will show you how this is done.” The girls glanced at each other with concerned looks and then began to pull off their shirts. Chris watched with wide eyes as tops hit the floor and bras were unclasped.

“God damn,” Chris gasped as huge, milk filled breasts were displayed in front of him like an appetizing buffet. He paced around the room, looking from large chest to large chest of the topless women sitting on the floor around him. One lady was writhing on the floor and groaning. Drops of milk were dripping from her long, hard nipples. “It’s so painful,” she moaned. “I just want someone to drink from them.”

Chris knelt down behind her and addressed the class. “We’ll start with her,” he said, reaching around and cupping the sides of her hard, dairy filled tits. “What’s your name?”

“Sharon,” she said, leaning back on him. His hard dick dug into her back but she didn’t move. Chris rubbed the sides of her breasts with both hands as the room full of shirtless women watched in envy. Their breasts were hard and aching too.

“So first we rub and massage the breasts,” he said, rubbing the firm boobs with his hands. He reached her long nipples and took them in between his fingers. Sharon moaned and rubbed her back against his erection. “Now we’re ready to milk them to relieve some pressure.”

Sharon reached around her back and brushed her fingers up Chris’ hard dick as he played with her tits. He cleared his throat, trying to act natural, and continued. “So to milk these breasts we have to either do it manually or with a mouth.” He started by showing them the manual approach. He twisted her nipples in his fingers and thin jets of creamy, nutritious milk shot out onto her stomach. It cascaded down her pregnant belly as Sharon moaned hard and rubbed his cock harder through his jeans.

Chris loved teaching this class. He smiled as he milked the hot, young women who was about to make him cum in his pants and stared at the sea of large, naked breasts in front of him. “Now for the second method,” he said moving to her front. She took her hand off his cock as he shifted around her.

“This is the oral method.” He leaned down and took Sharon’s long, tender nipple into his mouth. He sucked on it hard, drawing out her sweet, creamy milk. His mouth filled with dairy and his cock hardened to its max and pressed against his pants as he swallowed the sweetness down his throat. Fuck she tasted good. Would the others taste as sweet?

He drank for a while and then switched to the other nipple. Sharon’s breathing increased and her chest was heaving against his chin. He had his back to the other women so he slipped his hand up Sharon’s skirt and caressed her soft, inner thigh. She parted her legs for him and that was all that he needed. He hooked his finger into the elastic of her panties and pulled it to the side. She was so wet and heat was emanating from her pussy like a furnace.

Chris slid a finger into her tunnel up to his knuckle as he drank. Sharon moaned, pressing her chest further into his mouth and opened her legs wider for him. He slid in a second finger in her eager box and then a third, until he was finger fucking her hard in front of the women who had no idea that this was going on under her skirt.

He pulled his mouth off her giant breasts and removed his fingers from her dripping wet cunt. “Who would like to go next?” he asked, wiping the fresh milk from his chin. The redheaded woman in the middle of the class raised her hand. Chris grinned. Her tits were enormous, with perfect pink nipples that sprung out just waiting to be sucked on. Chris walked over to her.

The redhead’s name was Julie. She bit her lip staring at the long, hard bulge in Chris’ pants as he walked over. He knelt down and dove his lips onto her tits, licking her nipples and sucking on them hungrily. Julie ran her hands through his hair and pulled him into her beautiful chest. He took one of her nipples between his lips and flicked the tip with his tongue. Delicious milk dripped out.

Julie moaned and Chris sucked harder. Tasty milk filled his mouth as he massaged her other breast with his hand. There was so much build up in her tits that it leaked out all over his hands.

“Can I go next?” another woman asked.

“I’m after.”

“Then me,” another one said. They were all anxious to nurse their new teacher Chris. Chris smiled and took one more gulp of Julie’s milk before moving on to another girl.

He went around the class, sipping and drinking from each pair of tits, as the other women in the room impatiently waited their turn. The nursing made them horny and more than a few of them stroked his cock as he drank from their deliciously large breasts.

He was sucking on a black haired girl, named Sam’s, boobs when she unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. It drove the other women crazy. They crowded around him and fought over his cock, sucking it, and stroking it with their milk covered hands. Chris released Sam’s breasts and looked up. He was pleasantly surprised to see half of the women naked. Clothes littered the floor as the rest of the pregnant women undressed. Some spread their legs showing Chris their wet pussies, begging him to choose them first.

Sam slid her dress off over her head and pulled down her panties. Her pussy was small and looked so tight, Chris just had to have her. He slid down his pants and plunged his cock into her tight, little hole. She gasped and arched her back as he stretched her out and filled her completely.

The other women moaned and complained. They wanted to get fucked too. They started eating each other’s pussies out, sixty-nining each other and scissoring on the floor. Chris watched with pleasure as the fertile women fucked each other in front of him.

Sam gasped as Chris thrust all the way inside her with one hard pump. He was breathing heavily as he started to thrust inside her silky box in a rhythmic motion, hard and controlled. Her huge rack rose and fell over her heavy breathing as he fucked her harder and faster. Her nipple grazed his lips and he couldn’t help but drink from her tits as he fucked her.

He turned onto his back and Sam straddled him, guiding the tip of his cock into her pink hole and lowering her hips down. It felt so good. She was so tight. He postured up and sucked on her tits again, drinking in the sweet milk and letting it overflow onto his chin and chest. A woman came from the side and pressed her large tits in his face. He couldn’t deny her. He sucked on her tits too, drinking her dairy. A woman came from the other side, waiting and begging for him to drain her as well.

Sam began to buck and convulse on his cock and her moans became louder and more intense. She screamed out as her pussy erupted in an orgasm on Chris’ dick, coating his shaft with her cunt juice.

“My turn,” an Asian woman said, pushing her off. Sam fell to the floor moaning in ecstasy as the Asian jumped on and slid his cock into her. She was even tighter. Two new women showed up at his side and he drank from the new tits as the Asian grinded and fucked his throbbing cock. It wasn’t long before the Asian was screaming and cumming as well. She squeezed her tits and milk spurt out all over Chris’ chest. A hot, blond woman licked it up.

The Asian woman crawled off his cock and Chris had to push the women crowded around him off so he could stand up. “Now we’ll start the next part of the class,” he said, as the blond sat up and deep throated his dick in one long gulp, licking the Asian’s pussy juices clean off of his cock.

“Please take your seat,” he said, but she ignored him, just sucking up and down on his cock, massaging his shaft with her tongue and trying to make him fill her mouth with his jizz. “Everybody lie on their backs,” he said. “You too.” He pushed the blond off of his dick. She wiped her lips and pouted.

The naked, pregnant women lay down on their backs, with their hard, giant tits popped up towards the ceiling. Fuck Chris loved that sight! Full, beautiful mounds just overflowing with delicious and nutritious dairy, waiting for him to drink.

“Everybody massage your tits with your hands like I showed you,” he said. The twelve naked women on the floor moaned as they did as Chris said. The sight was so hot that he had to touch himself. He stroked his cock as he watched them playing with their big breasts with their legs spread wide open, showing off their delectable cunts. “Now squeeze your nipples,” he said, walking up and down the row of women. “I want to see milk ladies. Lather up those dairy mounds.”

Milk began shooting everywhere as the women squeezed their nipples. They groaned and moved around on the floor, moaning, as they spread their creamy milk all over themselves. The black girl plunged her finger into her pussy and began rubbing her clit. This was the best class that Chris had ever taught. These ladies were so eager and ready to learn.

“Good,” he said, when all of the tits were covered in milk. “This next lesson is a very important one. This is an advanced procedure that is designed to really stimulate your milk production.”

He walked over to the blond who had been deep throating his cock. She was drenched in milk with her huge tits still brimming with dairy. Her pussy was shaved clean showing off her tempting pink lips. “I’ll start with you,” he said. “What is your name?”

“Cindy,” she said, staring up at Chris’ hard cock.

“Cindy just lie still.” Chris straddled over her and slapped his cock down between her hard, heaving breasts. He knelt down on the floor and cupped her breasts together, squeezing them around his cock. “This will stimulate your mammary production.” He thrust his hips, titty fucking the hot blond, using her own breast milk as lubrication. She moaned and gasped under him as he increased the pace.

She craned her head up and opened her mouth, licking the tip of his cock every time it broke through her voluptuous cleavage. Her hand crept down and she began to furiously rub her swollen clit. She screamed and moaned under him and then began to buck wildly as she came. Chris felt like he was at a rodeo, trying to stay seated on a bucking bull, she was moving so much.

“Can I go next please,” one woman begged.

“You’ll all get a turn,” Chris said. He titty fucked each one of the ladies, letting them play with their boxes and helping them to cum. The last girl to go was Sharon, the first girl’s tits that he felt tonight. He swung his leg over her and slid his cock through the silky smooth, milk, pooled between her giant jugs.

She moaned as she shoved three fingers up her cunt and rattled her clit with her palm. Chris liked her. Sharon was petite with a cute face and perfect tits. He decided he wanted to cum on that face.

He squeezed her tits together and little streams of milk poured out and coated his hard shaft. He thrust his hips and fucked her breasts as she writhed on the floor under him. She arched her back as she pushed another finger into her cunt and cried out. Chris titty fucked her harder, faster, almost violently. His shaft slid through her hard mounds and before long his back was convulsing and he was squeezing her tits as hard as he could.

He grunted as his cock released and streams of thick cum spurt onto Sharon’s face, lips, and neck. He quickly postured up and shot the last stream of jizz onto her big tits.

The Asian woman lying next to her leaned over, lapped up his cum off Sharon’s tits and swallowed it. The ladies began moaning and complaining that they weren’t the ones who got sprayed with cum.

“There’s always next week,” he said, standing back up. “The next adult nursing class is next Saturday. There will be a show and tell portion at the beginning of class. So please bring your favorite sex toy and be prepared to show how you use it.”

“If every class was like that,” the redhead said, “I wouldn’t have dropped out of high school.” Chris wiped the milk off of his softening dick and looked at the clock.

“Class dismissed.”
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