Jace and Alexis continue their relationship but think about
introducing Jennifer into it.
What would happen over the next two months would have an impact on me for the rest of my life. I never thought in my wildest dreams that my life would turn out that way, but it did. But I am getting ahead of myself and let me go back to where I left off.
Jennifer went back to school, but I could tell she was extremely reluctant to do so. The other situation that I had to deal with was Alexis’ movie was about done and she would be returning home in the next few weeks. In fact, her agent had already contacted her about a new movie that was going to be shot in Colorado in a few months. The movie was to include skiing. And with Alexis’ new body she would look great in tight ski clothes.
We were lying in bed one night watching television when I could tell that Alexis was a little nervous. A few minutes later she finally opened up to me.
“Jace, they want me to go back to Los Angeles and meet with the director about the new movie. In fact, they want me there next week.”, she confessed.
“That is quick……. I am sorry to hear that. But I know it’s your job and you must go where your job takes you.”, I said softly.
“How do you feel about me leaving?’, Alexis asked, taking my hand in hers.
“I hate it……... I’m going to miss you like crazy.”, I replied.
“Same here Jace……. I’m really confused on what I should do.”, she admitted.
“What can you really do Alex?”, I answered.
“I don’t know but I want to be with you.”, she responded.
We talked for about an hour trying to figure out how to make things work living apart. I did tell her I could fly to Colorado and spend maybe a week at a time during her movie filming. She agreed to that, and we promised each other to try and figure out a way that we could make it work. A week later, I dropped Alexis off at the airport and watching her walk away down the concourse was very difficult for me. It was on the drive home that I realized that I had fallen in love with her. But could I really ask her to choose me over her career. I guess that’s why I let her go but I now regret it.
We talked at first several times a day when she first arrived in Colorado. Then one night she called me at close to eleven o’clock. It was a video chat call. I answered the phone, and I could see she was in bed as I was.
“Hey baby, did I wake you?”, she asked.
“Yes, but that’s ok. What are you up too?”, I asked, a little sleepy.
“I want to fuck you……”, she giggled.
“That would be nice.”, I laughed.
Alexis’ pulled back her covers and lowered the phone slightly so that I could see her white lace panties. She pulled her t-shirt up a bit to let me see her right hand entering the waistband of her panties. She slowly lowered her hand until she abruptly stopped all at once and moaned softly. She looked back up at the phone and smiled.
“Like what you see?”, she said softly.
“You know I do.”, I replied.
“Show me how much you like it…...”, Alexis demanded.
I lowered my phone as well and threw off the covers. I pushed my shorts down and fished my cock from inside. I was already somewhat hard and wrapped my right hand around the shaft and began to stroke myself slowly.
“Mmmmm, I love to watch you do that.”, Alexis replied, pushing her panties down her legs.
She opened her thighs wider giving me a great view of her middle finger sliding in and out of her wet pussy. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, totally enjoying the pleasure she was giving herself. In return I began to stroke myself faster as my eyes were glued to what she was doing. She opened her eyes and leaned forward slightly towards the phone.
“I want to cum for you, baby.”, she whispered.
“Go ahead baby, please cum for me.”, I begged.
Alexis’ orgasm hit her like a freight train causing her to double over shaking in a series of spasms that lasted perhaps ten seconds. When she finally sat back up her face and neck were crimson red. She was still softly stroking her clit back and forth.
“Fuck baby, that was incredible. Holy fuck, I needed that.”, she stated.
After about an hour on the phone, I had cum once and Alexis twice more. Alexis could almost cum on command and was always had more than once in a session. Once she had calmed down a bit, she surprised me with the next question.
“Jace, do you love me?”, she asked, her eyes twinkling with desire.
“Yes Alex, I love you. You have no idea how much I have been missing you.”, I answered.
“That’s a good thing because I am head over heels in love with your big ass.”, she giggled.
“Seems like that’s a good thing.”, I replied.
“Oh, it’s a very good thing…... trust me.”, she giggled again.
“So where do we go from here…...”, I asked, sincerely.
“I have thought about that for quite some time now. I have a good deal of money saved up so I could make this my last shoot for a while and just stay with you. At least until my money runs out.”, she offered.
“Baby, you don’t have to spend your money. I have the gym and money is not an issue for me.”, I answered.
“You don’t think you would get tired of me living with you?”, she laughed.
“No baby, that could never happen.”, I answered.
“I’ll be finished in about a month and I can’t wait to see you again.”, Alexis said with a smile.
We would talk almost every day unless her filming ran longer than anticipated. Jennifer was also calling regularly, and I could tell that something was bothering her. Several days before Alexis was due home Jennifer called me and finally broke down over the phone.
“Jace, I don’t belong here……... I’m not happy. This has nothing to do with Bobby. I can’t help how I feel, and I don’t think anything will ever change that. All I want to do is come home…… please let me come home.”, she sobbed.
“Jen please just calm down. If you’re that unhappy then come home now.”, I answered.
“Thank you Jace……... I just feel so alone up here,” she stated.
“Look talk to your coaches and the office. Box up all your stuff and ship it here by UPS. Use a credit card and get a plane ticket. Let me know when you’re on the way.”, I advised.
“Thank you Jace…… I love you.”, she replied.
“I love you too Jen.”, I answered.
Jennifer worked quickly and packed everything up and notified the school. The coaches advised her to take a semester or two off then reevaluate what she wanted to do. They left the door open so she could possibly return if she wanted and if they needed her. I had explained everything to Alexis and she agreed that Jennifer should come home and work through whatever she was dealing with.
Somehow, it worked out that they both arrived on the same day. Alexis was arriving at two thirty on Friday and Jen was landing around seven that night. They both insisted that I did not have to pick them up so I could work all day. I promised Alexis I would leave the gym early so I could meet her back at the house.
Alexis called me around four o’clock and told me she had arrived home and was unpacking. I started wrapping up things at the gym and arrived home at about six o’clock. Alexis jumped into my arms and kissed me like she had not seen me in years. She forced her tongue between my lips and held on for dear life. I know it was a good minute before she pulled her lips from mine. She was already panting with desire.
“Take me to bed and fuck my brains out.”, Alexis begged.
“We don’t have time enough for that. I promise later tonight I will make you cum until you pass out. Jen will be here in an hour or so.”, I answered.
“Oh shit, I forgot she was coming in tonight.”, I replied getting down.
We sat around and waited for Jennifer who showed up right about eight o’clock. I heard the car pull up and I got up and walked outside to help her with her bags. The driver helped her with the bags and then she ran over to me and hugged me. She released me and I leaned in to kiss her cheek when she turned her head slightly and pressed her lips against mine still holding the back of my neck. One thing for sure, this was not a welcome home peck on the cheek. I even thought I felt the tip of Jen’s tongue before I pulled away.
“What was that for?”, I quickly asked.
“For letting me come back home.”, Jen giggled.
Jennifer grabbed two bags and I grabbed the other and we went back inside, and I closed for the night. Jennifer was excited to see Alexis again and they started on one of their marathon conversations that I knew would take a while. I went into the master bathroom and took a long hot shower. I got into bed to wait for Alexis, but I drifted off to sleep and didn’t wake up until the following morning a little before six o’clock.
I rolled over slightly to see that Alexis was sleeping soundly beside me. I pulled the covers up on her and rolled to get out of bed. I was just about to get up when Alexis called out to me.
“Good morning, baby.”, she said softly.
“Good morning, Alex. I’m sorry I fell asleep last night. I was trying to wait up for you.”, I confessed.
“Baby, I did not come to bed until three this morning. Jen and I started talking and it was intense.”, she admitted.
“Intense……. What happened?”, I asked.
“Lay back down baby, we need to talk.”, Alexis asked.
I rolled back into bed and turned to face Alexis who had her head on her pillow. She was smiling so I kind of felt that the news was not as bad as I first feared.
“Jennifer is confused about a lot of things and from what I learned last night has no sexual experience.”, she stated.
“Wait Alexis, what about Bobby?”, I quickly asked.
“Baby, please let me finish……”, Alexis demanded.
“Ok, please continue.”, I urged.
“Like I was saying, she has no sexual experience whatsoever. She fooled around some with Bobby but all they ever did was feel each other up. She admitted that one time when he touched her it felt good but then he stopped. I don’t think she ever had an orgasm before. But the bigger problem, if it is one, is that she is still in love with you,” Alex started.
“After she went on and on talking about you, she started asking me some questions. She wanted to know if I had ever been with a girl before. She admitted that she was attracted to several girls at school but never acted on it. I confessed to the night we went to the club and that I did enjoy my time that night. Then and maybe I’m wrong but I think she started flirting with me. That’s about the time I came in here to go to bed.”, Alexis stated.
“What the fuck have I gotten into here……. this could be a disaster.”, I sighed.
“I’m not very objective here Jace but I can understand why she loves you. She loves you because you’re a great guy. She loves you because of who you are. She loves you the same way I do. Remember Jace, she is not your daughter even though you look at her that way. Jennifer is a beautiful young woman who if I’m not mistaken wants to fuck you.”, Alexis stated.
“So, what now……... just go in there and climb in bed with her?”, I asked.
“That I can’t answer but……………... I know she would not object.”, Alexis giggled.
“That’s a big help…... thanks.”, I replied, causing Alexis to laugh hysterically.
“Sorry, I could help myself.”, Alexis finally stated when she had stopped giggling.
“Honestly Alexis, what do you think I should do. I have spoken to Jen many times about this. I feel like this is a no-win situation for me. And now, what we have……. Exactly how do you feel about me in a relationship with Jen?”, I asked.
“I’m not trying to complicate anything Jace but that’s just my take on the conversation I had with Jen last night. I wanted you to know so you would not get blindsided. As far as my feelings are concerned, I would not object as long as both of you will be honest with me. No lies……”, Alexis confessed.
“So, you’re ok with me fucking Jen?”, I asked.
“Yep, not a problem.”, Alexis replied quickly.
“I have a lot of thinking to do.”, I answered, getting up.
I went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee then went back into my room to pack my gym bag. I had been training hard lately and had put on some extra muscle in my arms, shoulders, back and legs. I dressed quickly and informed Alexis that I was headed to the gym and would be back in a few hours. I was just finishing my last cup of coffee when Jennifer walked into the kitchen. She had on a large T-shirt and a pair of panties underneath.
“Good morning……... is Alexis up yet?”, she asked.
“She was earlier, but I think she fell asleep again. I’m going to the gym.”, I answered.
“I need to start working out again too. My ass is getting big.”, Jen stated.
“Start anytime you want.”, I suggested.
“How about right now?”, she giggled.
“Sure, go get dressed.”, I answered.
We went to the gym and worked out together where Jennifer drew several stares from younger guys in the gym. Jennifer was far from being out of shape and reminded me so much of her mother that it was scary sometimes. We finished our workout then both showered and I went into my office to make sure that there was nothing I had to attend to.
We got into my car and pulled out of the parking lot onto the highway and headed home. I had known Jen long enough to know something was coming.
“Hey, did you check on the blonde that was drooling over you?”, Jen giggled.
“No, I never noticed her, why?”, I answered, not looking over.
“She was in the women’s locker room asking me all kinds of questions about you.”, Jennifer answered.
“Sorry, I never noticed.”, I explained.
“It’s ok……. I told her you were taken.”, Jen giggled.
“I’m glad that you’re looking out for me.”, I answered.
“Oh, I haven’t started doing that yet.”, Jen responded.
For the next few months everything went well with Jennifer and Alexis becoming very close. I tried my best to stay low key, but it was difficult. Jennifer had gotten back into shape and her nightwear left a lot to be desired. It consisted of a T-shirt and whatever panties she had on. Alexis dressed much the same, so it was hard to come down on Jen for emulating her. I had mentioned it maybe twice when we were all together but the two of them just laughed it off.
We were approaching Christmas and the studio was trying to get Alexis to audition for a film they had coming up. Alexis was reluctant to go because we were getting along so well. Since Jennifer was home, we bought a huge Christmas tree and all the ornaments and lights to decorate it. We all had already bought a few presents, but I really had no clue what to buy for either Alexis or Jennifer.
That night I had got out of the shower and was already in bed waiting for Alexis. She had grabbed my dick several times during the day which always signaled she wanted to be fucked. Alexis was in the shower, so I turned on the television for a few minutes while she finished.
Alexis walked out of the bathroom wearing only a pair of black laced panties. She slowly walked over to the bed, never taking her eyes off of me. She slowly crawled into bed and moved down my body.
“I want to suck your dick, baby.”, she confessed.
“I have no objections.’, I laughed.
Alexis quickly pushed my shorts down my legs and stuffed my cock into her warm, wet mouth. In less than a minute she had me rigid with her left hand softly caressing my balls. Alexis knew how to suck a dick and I could tell that she was intent on making me cum as fast as possible. She had me just about ready when I heard the messenger on her cell phone go off indicating that she had a message. She pulled her mouth off me and rolled over to the nightstand. She grabbed her phone and turned around to see the message.
“That better be really important…...”, I stated, causing her to giggle.
I watched her face go from a huge smile to serious intrigue in a few seconds. She looked over at me and then began typing a text back to the sender. For the next several minutes she went back and forth with the person, so I assumed it had something to do with her career. The fact that she kept looking at me from time to time and texting back left me curious. Finally, she set the phone down on the bed.
“Uh…… I don’t quite know how to say this.”, she smiled.
“Just say it…… whatever it is.”, I replied.
“Um Jen…… uh…… she uh…... wants to join us.”, Alexis said very hesitantly.
“What……... as in now?”, I asked in amazement.
“Yep, as in now….”, Alexis giggled.
“What the fuck……... where did she come up with this….”, I stuttered.
“Jace, can I ask you a question and I need you to be totally honest with me. Can you do that?”, Alexis asked.
“You know I can, Alex.”, I responded immediately.
“Ok…… have you ever thought about going to bed with Jen?”, Alexis asked softly.
“Well of course I have. She asked me to several times. Of course, I thought about it.”, I replied.
“No Jace, that’s not what I mean. Not thinking whether it would be good or bad. I mean thinking about fucking her and how good it would feel.”, Alexis hinted.
“Oh……. Well, yes I guess I have a few times.”, I admitted.
“Well so has Jennifer. But the difference is she wants to act on it.”, Alexis.
“Ok, let me ask you a question now.”, I stated to Alexis.
“Sure, go ahead.”, Alexis replied.
“Do you want to be with her?”, I asked.
“No, I want to be with you and Jen together.”, Alexis answered, her eyes full of lust.
“Jesus, we went from me fucking Jennifer to a three way?”, I laughed.
“You asked……. I told the truth. Remember you told me that there would be no lies between us.”, Lexie answered.