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Every character in this story is 18+. It takes place in an adult education center that still enforces school uniforms. Be warned that it contains cartoonishly large and extreme non-consensual insertions presented in a casual way.
New club members seemed clumsier every year, but the kendo club had to accept all comers because of its abysmal turnover rate. They did not even have enough members to book the gymnasium for training this year.

In a random classroom, these scrawny new girls were swinging their bamboo swords like feather dusters, seldom making contact with their partner’s weapon. Powerful, surgical strikes were needed to take down a Sex Monster and Ryoko reckoned everyone in this batch of freshmen would graduate before being trusted with the one real katana the school could afford.

She touched the hilt of her own shinai, wishing its blade was steel. Whoever was on guard duty by the Sex Demon portal wore the functional sword. Her substitute Midori was a decent fighter, but for Ryoko, the school was only safe when she was on duty and not tutoring these useless newbies.

For most female students, the only thing that had changed since the Sex Demon portal appeared four years ago was having to change and shower with the boys as the girl’s locker room was now off-limits. Sexual assault from horrific manifestations of lust happened now and then, but the victims were mostly members of the kendo club, which the school had put in charge of keeping rapes to an acceptable rate.

“You there! I can’t see your panties. Hike up that skirt so that at least half your ass is showing. Until you’re skilled enough to slay a sex demon, you need to be a better distraction.” Ryoko had learned to use the word distraction over rape-bait. Otherwise, too many newcomers quit on their first day.

The intercom clicked and Ryoko’s heart immediately began racing. “A representative of the kendo club is requested at the gymnasium.” It was code for Sex Demon on the loose. The voice was calm as to not create a panic even though Ryoko always thought a panic would at least evacuate schoolgirls out of rape range. Bunch of bureaucratic ostriches.

“Everyone come with me! Looks like you’re going to have a taste of real kendo on your first day. Leave the bamboo swords; you won’t need them.”

The signs of an invasion manifested quickly on the way to the portal with a dozen of trainees struggling to keep up with Ryoko’s long, slender legs: distant, gurgly moans and the foul ammonic smell of Sex Demon cum. There were gasps and shrieks behind her after turning a corner. Two schoolgirls with uniforms in scattered shreds were getting their boobs squeezed by cum-covered tentacles and drool-covered tongues. Their bodies undulated with the moving shapes of cocks from the Sex Demons gangbanging them.

One of the two had three arm-size tentacles fucking her throat from the stomach end, their outlines visible throughout her body like a she was a medical model of the human digestive system. The other girl had a cock the size of a wine bottle up her pussy that, in the middle of its first ejaculation, had already turned her belly into a floppy cum balloon.

More sex demons burst out of the gymnasium, and Ryoko knew she had to bark her orders quickly before too many recruits fled: “Form a line here! Turn around, bend over, drop your panties, and spread those cheeks! Keep as many of them busy as you can while I get the katana!”

Most of the club decided at that moment that kendo maybe wasn’t for them after all. Only three girls stayed and did as they were told, their little quivering butts mooning the new wave of horny demons with 3-foot cocks. Ryoko dashed for the locker room, slapping whatever came near with her shinai to make herself a more annoying target than the squinting pink buttholes behind her.

The red portal roared with rape energy as usual. That was the best way Ryoko could describe the tingles under her skin and aggressive warmth in her panties when standing in its glow. The sword laid neatly on a bench but no Midori in sight. The fool must have been napping when she got herself snatched by a tentacle.

Ryoko faced a forced-sex version of the trolley problem. With the katana, she could quickly dispatch the sex demons violating the holes of the innocent bystanders and her last brave recruits. Or she could jump into the portal to rescue Midori first. There was an added complication: time in the Sex Demon world passed 666 times more slowly, so for every minute she wasted hunting sex demons throughout the school, Midori was being raped for eleven hours by hundreds of them on the other side.

No time to think. No time to undress. Drawn katana in hand, Ryoko jumped into the swirly mass of rape essence and performed a superhero landing on the red meat floor that carpeted the Realm of Eternal Rape. Her nose wrinkled at the first whiff of the seminal atmosphere that would soon dissolve her kendo gi.

Many Sex Demons had gathered at the portal, ready to invade the academy and rape its schoolgirls, so Ryoko was quickly surrounded. The ones who had mouths were drooling, and all the cocks were erect and dripping globs of what looked like warm ultrasound gel.

“Midori!” No answer. Ryoko sighed. Couldn’t this have been simple for once? "I’m coming, Midori!" She tightened her grip, posture, and stare and did what few girls her age would do in this situation: she took a step toward the hole-splitting cocks.

Ryoko was a hurricane of steel, slicing and plunging the school’s cheap Chinese knockoff through endless waves of sex demons five times her size. She only noticed her gi disintegrating when she felt the bounce of the heavy breasts she had wrapped so tightly this morning. Nevertheless, when the last ribbon of fabric slid off her leg, she fought the horny beasts with sword and titties swinging.

“Midori!” Ryoko was screaming for the hundredth time when the sword fell out of her hands. Everyone has a plan until a glans the size of your head takes your virginity in one lunge and unbirths itself through your cervix. Then, fearless warrior or not, you become another drooling schoolgirl pacified by the shame of your sinful orgasm. Tentacles took control of Ryoko’s limbs and kept her still while a second giant cock tore open her anus.

Having only ever dealt with Sex Demons that could fit through the portal, Ryoko didn’t think things could get worse than two 3-foot cocks in each hole. But the parade of Sex Demon that took turns reshaping her battered orifices expanded her mind as well as her colon, birth canal, and throat. Some demons made the ground shake when they pounded her into it with multiple cocks, each taller and wider than her entire body. Growing shadows on the horizon hinted that these organ-compacting cocks were not even the biggest this world had to offer.

After a decade of painful stretching, Ryoko was able to take three pillar-size cocks in each of her bottom holes. Every forced orgasm was more powerful than the last and could be measured by how far the disgorged intestinal cum flew out of her mouth during her liquid screams. Though broken, her body stayed young, and it was only after nearly fifty years of abuse, when she worried her brain, floating in the fishbowl of cum that was her head, would not be able to endure the next million orgasms without turning into a mindless cock-slut, that Ryoko gave up the search.

The thick semen she spewed when her wet head breached through the portal cushioned Ryoko’s foul splash on the locker room floor. She had somehow made it home but felt more defeated now than she did when she had four giga-cocks expanding her rectum to a size it will never recover from. Fifty years in constant agonizing pleasure, processing hundreds of millions of gallons of sticky hot sex glue but she had never closed her eyes for more than a blink, her furtive pupils always on the hunt for a sign of Midori. There were countless windows of opportunities for escape that she purposefully did not take, choosing instead to venture deeper into the realm of eternal rape in search of her friend.

Her cum-filled lungs were taking in bubbles of sweet Earth air as she rubbed the jizz and tears out of her eyes. The first thing she saw after fifty years of sex torture was a shoe. Midori’s shoe.

“Hey, Ryoko. You were in Sex World? Everyone thought you ran away.”

“The invasion...” Every word added to the pool of cum slowly swallowing Ryoko’s hands and knees. Her ass and cock were oozing a near-infinite supply of the stuff.

“Invasion? Oh, are you talking about what happened last month? Wasn’t much of an invasion; nothing has come out of the portal since then. Those three new members are still keeping them busy until the school finds the budget for a new sword. But since we’ve been asking for a second sword for four years, I wouldn’t be holding my breath if I was them. Where is the sword, by the way? Do you have it?”

“...” The sword was still on the sticky, shifting, living floor of the Sex Demon world. It might be miles away in any direction by now.

“Oh, well. You’ve seen the new girls train... Taking demon cocks is probably the only thing they are good at.”

Ryoko sighed and used the energy she was saving for the slimy, naked crawl to the infirmary to instead hoist herself up by the rim of the portal. Her muscles were exhausted and her holes throbbing and gaped, but the demons hadn’t raped the sense of duty out of her just yet. Those three girls followed her orders because she said she would come back with the sword. As long as she spent less than 400 sex-demon-years looking for it in the World of Eternal Rape, she would be back to save them before summer break and would only have to repeat one year.

Before letting herself tumble through the portal much less smoothly than the first time, Ryoko turned her head, vomited cum, then asked Midori with a strained throat: “Where were you that day?”

“I’m allowed to use the bathroom, sheesh.”


2023-07-07 06:04:54
God i always love your stories. I always find myself laughing at the ridiculousness. Swear im going to subscribe to you one of these days

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