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If you look hard enough, you might just find a moral to this story.
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The Amazing Short-Dicked Man

by rat_race

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I'm in my mid-thirties now. 35 to be exact. But around 10 years ago, after I finally finished college and got my MBA degree, I began working in the real world as an assistant bar manager at a fancy hotel here in town, near the college campus. I now manage this same bar, and I have my own assistant manager who filled my old vacant slot when I got promoted.

All sorts of good-looking coeds show up at this bar on a nightly basis. And they will inevitably ask me as some point if I'm single. And when I tell them that I am, many of those young women have made comments to me along the lines of, "You're such a good-looking guy. I can't believe you're still single." or "Richard, I can't believe some woman hasn't come along already, and snapped you up, and taken you off the market by now."

And my response to them is always the same, "That's because I've got a short penis."

And those young ladies will inevitably laugh when I tell them that, assuming that I am joking around with them. And of course, I always laugh right along with them.

The problem is that I'm telling them the truth. My penis really is short. When I've got a full-blown hard-on, my dick is only about an inch and a half long, from base to tip, with a little over half of that full length being taken up by my dick-head (I know, because I've actually measured my erect dick with a ruler). And if that weren't bad enough, I've got one of those flat, drastically-flared-out dick-heads that grows to about twice the width of my small shaft when it becomes blood-engorged. So my fully-erect penis very much resembles a flesh-colored mushroom.

And of course, I hated my mother for naming me "Richard," because everyone around me has always tried to call me "Dick." How ironic huh? A guy who barely has a dick down between his legs being called "Dick." It's like having my single, physical, short-coming shoved in my face every time I turn around. So I always end up having to correct other people by telling them, "My name's not 'Dick.' It's 'Rich,' which is short for 'Richard.'"

For the record, I have been ashamed of my penis ever since I hit puberty. And to make matters even worse, from my point-of-view, my dick looks even smaller than it actually is, thanks to the normal size ball-sack hanging down between my legs, just underneath my short dick.

Speaking of hitting puberty, just like all other boys out there, I began experiencing spontaneous erections at inappropriate places and times, like for instance, when I was at school. But unlike with other boys who got spontaneous erections in public, no girls--or other boys, for that matter--ever pointed at my crotch and made fun of me for having an erection. But that was only because my fully-erect penis was barely noticeable underneath my pants, or my shorts, or my swimsuit. And so I never knew what it was like to actually have to try to hide my erection.

Ironically, at the time, I actually felt lucky and thankful that my erect penis didn't stick out to make a "tent pole" at the front of my pants, or my swimsuit, like other boys' dicks did from time to time in public, which only brought them ridicule and embarrassment. However, knowing what I know now, I would have gladly traded places with any one of those ridiculed boys in a heartbeat.

Throughout high school, I was a jock. And I was forced to take extreme measures in the boys locker room to hide my bare genitals from my teammates on both the basketball and football teams. They all thought I was so weird for being so modest about us showering in front of each other.

Basically, I had to quickly shower by myself, but only after I made sure that none of my other teammates were still in that school locker room. Meanwhile, all the other guys on the team could just take off their underwear, and then walk around the locker room and the shower area with their dicks hanging out, like it was no big deal.

In my senior year, I became captain of our high school football team. And so I always had girls hanging all over me, wanting to make me their boyfriend.

Naturally, I went out on dates with those girls, just like any other normal high school boy would. But unlike other boys, when I was out on a date with a girl, I was very careful not to ever let things get past 2nd Base in the back seat of a car, for example. Because if things ever got to 3rd Base, and the girl and I both started groping away at each other's genitals, my date would quickly discover the one thing that I would never be able to give her, due to my unique genital size limitation: a good fucking.

The bottom line is that I searched far and wide for a condom that would actually fit my diminutive-size penis, and not fall off during intercourse. And such a condom didn't exist--at least, not in all the pharmacies and grocery stores that I searched. And right off the bat, that limited the pool of high school girls who might agree to try to go all the way with me--that is, assuming that the girl in question would even accept what my version of "going all the way" might end up being, because I wasn't even sure of that myself.

When I finally got to college, I kept on having a string of girlfriends. But these were now college coeds that I met at fraternity parties, as well as girls who were in various college classes with me. And I still didn't let things get past 2nd Base during my dates with any of those girls.

Then I met Melinda about a year after I became manager at the bar. Mel was a drop-dead gorgeous woman with long, straight, dark-brown hair. She was a regular customer of mine at the bar, and a 19-year-old college coed.

In addition to being a college student, Mel was putting herself through school by working for an escort service. That's right. She was a high-class call girl who frequently met up with her "clients" at my bar. These were almost exclusively 40- or 50-something, well-to-do, mostly-heavyset businessmen who were either out of town away from their wives, or were single and here in town on vacation or business, according to Mel.

Did Mel sleep with those men? Well that depended on how much they paid her. Her services were charged on a graduated scale.

If her client wanted to go out for an evening on the town with Mel on his arm, that would cost him a cool $1,000.00. That was her minimum base price that all clients had to pay in advance directly to the escort company in order to book Mel's exclusive services.

And of course, for personal safety reasons, Mel hid her name and other personally identifiable information from her clients. When she was "escorting" (that's what she liked to call it), she would use the name "Snow" instead of her real name. I asked one time why she chose to use that particular name, and she told me, "Are you kidding me? Just look at me. I think it's pretty obvious, isn't it?"

If Mel's client wanted her to come to his hotel room and do a sexy striptease in front of him. That would be an additional $200.00, and yet another $300.00 more if he wanted to actually touch and feel her breasts and her pussy while she was doing a lap dance for him.

For an additional $400.00 on top of that, Mel would let her client fuck her pussy one time while he was wearing a condom. Either that, or for that same additional $400.00, her client could choose to get a blowjob from Mel, instead. She would even let the client cum in her mouth, if he wanted her to. And for $600 more, Mel would let her client fuck her pussy one time bareback. But as far as Mel was concerned, anal intercourse was strictly off-limits.

However, some of Mel's richest clients chose what she liked to call "the full package." For a total cost of $3,000.00 Mel would sleep with her client all night long and let him pretty much do whatever he wanted to do to her (or with her) sexually as much as he wanted (within certain limits, of course, which were clearly explained up front, during her business negotiations with each client) until 6:30 AM the next morning, at which time the client's fairy tale relationship would come to an abrupt end, when Mel would get out of bed, get dressed and quickly leave the hotel room to become a college coed once again until her next booking.

Needless to say, Mel made an incredible amount of money for as little work as possible. Sure, she had to let the escort company keep 35% of her earnings, but she was taking home the other 65%. This allowed Mel to spend most of her time being a student, and only having to get booked as an escort when her money started running low.

Mel and I hit it off from the very start. I really like Mel a lot, and saw her as possible future wife material, believe it or not. I didn't mind at all that she went out from time to time and had sex with other men for money. That only took the pressure off me, since I was reasonably certain that those men all had much larger dicks than I do, and would be able to satisfy her during intercourse much better than I ever could.

I also discovered that Mel was a true nymphomaniac, and that a single penis would never be enough to satisfy her voracious sexual appetite. Mel admitted to me herself that she intended to continue working as an escort, well past her college years, just as long as there were men out there who found her attractive enough to hire her for sex. And believe or not, I was okay with that too.

So I stopped playing the field and focused my attention exclusively on Mel. And over time, our petting got more and more serious, until that dreaded day finally arrived when Mel asked me point-blank, "How come you haven't ever tried to touch my pussy yet? I mean, we've been dating several months now. Don't you want to have sex with me, Rich?"

Mel and I were sitting on the side of my bed in my bedroom at my apartment. And we had been French-kissing, and hugging, and making out for a little while. And at that point, we were both naked from the waist up, and I was feeling out one of Mel's bare breasts when she dropped that bombshell question on me.

"You don't know how much I want to have sex with you, Mel! But if I touch your pussy, then I just know that you're going to want to reach over and touch my dick, too. And it's just that I'm not sure if you'll actually want to have sex with me, once you find out what's down between my legs."

"You're not a tranny, are you? I mean, you don't have a pussy down there, do you? 'Cuz if you do, I'm fine with that, too. I do have a couple of female clients that book me once in a while," Mel stated, obviously very confused about that I had just told her.

"No! Of course I don't have a pussy. But sometimes, I wish that I did. Because my dick's small. And I do mean really small!"

"Oh, that's no big deal," Mel said, trying to assure me. "Size isn't what matters, it's how you use it."

"That's the problem. I'm not really sure how to use it. The truth is I've got a hard-on right now, and you can't even tell that I do, can you?" I asked, pointing down towards my pants-covered crotch."

"No. Come on, Rich. Are you trying to pull one over on me?"

"No," I replied. "The saddest part is that I'm being dead-serious with you right now. I'll even show it to you, if you think you can handle it. Go ahead and unbutton my pants, and pull down my zipper, and reach down inside the front of my underwear. Just think. You'll be the first girl I've dated who actually got to see what my dick looks like."

"Sweetie, are you sure you want me to do this?" Mel asked, offering me a final way out, so that I could save face if I wanted to take it. But I knew it was time for me to man up, and see if there was any possibility of a real future with Mel, my adorable little call girl.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said to Mel. "Now's as good a time as any. Sometimes you just have to rip the bandage off and hope for the best."

Mel reached across to my waist and calmly undid the top button of my pants. Then she pulled down the zipper at the front of my pants, and stuck her hand down inside the front of my underwear, just like I had asked her to do.

She touched the circumcised head of my fully-erect dick with her fingertips, and quickly yanked her hand back out of my underwear, as if she had just touched the burner on a hot stove.

Then she reached back across to my lower abdomen and ever-so-slowly pulled down the front of my underwear to actually look at my dick this time, instead of just touching it with her fingertips. This was definitely the most embarrassing thing that I had ever been through.

Especially when, upon catching her first glimpse of my super-short, flat-headed penis, Mel pointed at it as she instantly reacted with, "Oh, my God! How are you supposed to fuck a woman with that...that...mushroom you've got down there?"

"Honestly, I don't know, Mel. I've been trying to figure that out for years."

"Well, that's one cruel fucking joke, if you ask me!" Mel remarked. "So I guess you're still a virgin, right?"

"Of course, I am."

"Do you masturbate?" Mel asked me, out of the blue.

I just looked at Mel with my mouth wide-open for a moment. I couldn't believe she had just asked me that.

Mel saw my surprised reaction to her decidedly-forward question, and she quickly went on to explain, "I mean, I can see that you've got a nice big set of balls on you. I assume you can orgasm and ejaculate and stuff, just like other guys do, right?"

"Yes, all the plumbing works just fine, thank you. What about yours? I've never seen a real live pussy in person before. The least you could do is show it to me, don't you think?" I quickly suggested, figuring that turnabout was fair play.

"Sure," Mel said, and then jokingly added, "But it'll cost you $200.00."

Then Mel stood up in front of me, spread her legs apart, and pulled down her pants and panties around her thighs. She tilted her pelvis back to let me get a good look at her shaved-hairless pussy, which was now just inches away from my nose. Then she reached down, and placed a hand on each side of her vulva, and pulled her pussy crack wide-open, and then just held it that way to let me see it up close.

When the slightly-fishy aroma of her pussy crack wafted up my nose, I almost came, right there on the spot. And I said to Mel, "You've got a really nice-looking pussy. Is it okay if I touch it and feel it?"

"Of course, silly," Mel said with a big smile on her face. "I don't expect you to just sit there and look at it. But that'll be another $300 for my services, sir," she said, and we both laughed out loud.

Meanwhile, I just sat there on the side of the bed and stared at Mel's wide-open pussy crack, with my eyes naturally being drawn towards her vaginal opening.

"Well, what you waiting for? It's not gonna bite! Dig in, man. Hurry up, before I change my mind about all this!" Mel warned me.

I didn't need a second warning. My right hand shot out towards her exposed crotch area, and my fingers began groping away at Mel's sweet pussy, feeling out every external part of it that I could. I was surprised by how delicate her different pussy structures felt to my fingertips, and I just kept groping away at her pussy for several minutes.

Mel reached across, placing her open palms on each side of my cheeks and asked me, "Why are you avoiding my vagina? I figured you'd be finger-fucking the crap out of me by now."

"Is that what you want me to do?"

"Well, duh! Why do you think I'm letting you do all this right now?"

"Because you love me," I answered.

"That, and I've been waiting several months for you to make a move on me. So make the fucking move, man! Stick your God damn fingers up into my vajayjay already, and let's get this show on the road."

"Are you saying that you want me to try to fuck you?"

"No. I'm saying that I want you to fuck me with your fingers first, and then fuck me with that giant mushroom dickhead of yours. Do you think you can do that for me?"

I slowly and very carefully inserted my middle finger up inside of Mel's vagina. It felt really strange to me. I didn't expect the walls of her vagina to be so rough-skinned near the entrance. Nor did I expect her cervix to be so firm that it felt like the head of a small dick buried deep inside her vagina.

"I can't use a condom. I haven't been able to find any that fit me," I confessed to Mel, as I was slowing inserting a second finger up deep into her vagina along side my middle finger.

"So what? I hate condoms."

"But aren't you afraid that I might get you pregnant?"

"Why don't you let me worry about that, and you just worry about doing the 'thrusting and ejaculation' stuff, okay?"

"So what do we do next?"

"I don't do anything. You need to thrust your two fingers in and out of my vagina until you make me cum."

I started repeatedly thrusting my held-together middle finger and ring finger in and out of Mel's vagina.

"How will I know when that happens?" I asked Mel.

"Don't worry. It'll be painfully obvious. I'm a real squirter."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'll ejaculate my cum from my piss-hole, just like a guy does. And your hand will get really wet. And it'll look like I'm pissing out little spurts of urine onto your hand, but I'm not. It's my cum. And it doesn't smell or taste like urine at all."

"Wow! That's something they never talked about in health class."

"Yeah. They didn't talk about 'G-spots' either. But that doesn't make them any less important to a girl.

"By the way, you need to thrust your fingers in and out a lot faster than that, if you want to make me cum right now. You do want to make me cum, right?"

"Oh hell yeah!" I said, and I began rapidly thrusting my fingers in and out of Mel's vagina, as fast as my arm would let me do it.

"Oh yeah. Just like that, Rich. That's perfect. Don't stop! Fuck yes! That's it! Oh God! Fuck yeah!"

And the next thing I knew, I felt Mel's vagina repeatedly and rhythmically clamping down around my two held-together vaginal-thrusting fingers as she was squirting her warm, watery-looking cum all over my hand. I looked up at her face, and she really seemed to be enjoying the crap out of releasing her sexual fluid like that. But it did leave a wet mess in the crotch lining of her panties, which were stretched taut between her two spread-apart thighs.

"Do you do this with your clients?"

"Do you mean the French-kissing and making out stuff that we were doing earlier? If so, then no. I make sure all my client know up front that kissing me on the lips is not allowed. They can place their mouth on my tits or on my pussy, but never on my lips.

"That special show-of-emotion is reserved exclusively for my lover, and that just happens to be you. If a client kisses me on the lips, I tell them that they fucked up royally, and then I immediately leave the situation, without so much as a goodbye. I will also never allow that client to book me again in the future."

"I wasn't talking about the French-kissing stuff. I was talking about the pussy finger-fucking stuff. Do you do that for your clients?"

"I have in the past. It just depends on what mood I'm in at the time--and whether or not they paid the extra $500.00 for the privilege of touching my pussy."

"Do you cum while they're doing it, like you did for me just now?"

"I always cum! I've never had a problem in that department, unlike some girls I know. And so I never have to fake an orgasm. That's the one thing my clients love about me. They know that my orgasms--just like theirs--are always real."

"But isn't it hard for you to get excited enough to cum when you've got some overweight, unattractive, 50-year-old guy having sex with you?"

"No. It's not. At least, not for me it isn't. To me, a dick is a dick, and balls are balls, and sperm is sperm. And no matter whose dick and balls that sperm comes out of, it's always a huge turn-on for me. It's just the way I'm mentally wired, I guess. Besides, sex is 90% mental and only about 10% physical. So I'm really good at fantasizing whenever I need to, in order to raise my level of mental sexual excitement.

"So are you ready to fuck me now? 'Cuz my pussy's definitely more than ready for your dick."

"How are you wanting to do this? I mean, I can't fuck you in a standing position. My dick would never reach your vagina."

"You need to think outside the box. There's other ways to fuck, besides face-to-face, missionary style. Tell ya what, why don't you do me doggie-style and let's see what happens?"

"Oh my God! I can't believe you still want me to fuck you, after you've seen what my dick looks like!"

"It's still a dick, right? And you've got balls that create sperm. And you already told me you're capable of ejaculating that sperm. So quit feeling sorry for yourself, and take off the rest of your fucking clothes already, 'cuz that's what I'm fixing to do!"

Mel pulled her pants and panties all the way down to her ankles, and then stepped out of the leg-holes, before she plopped herself down on top of the bed beside me.

While she was getting naked from the waist down, I was doing the same thing, trying to act nonchalant about it, like she was, but not doing a very good job of hiding my extreme nervousness and self-consciousness. Without even being aware of what I was doing, I actually kept the palm of my hand over my bare crotch to conceal my short, stubby dick as I was climbing into bed with a totally-naked Mel for the first time ever.

Mel must have sensed how nervous I was, because she suddenly flipped over onto her stomach, and got up on all fours on top of the bed, sticking her butt up into the air. Then she coyly shook her butt from side to side, and she said to me, "Go ahead and fuck me doggie-style. I promise not to look. I'll just lie here and enjoy it, okay?"

I maneuvered myself up onto my knees behind Mel's awesome-looking butt, and I moved my hips to carefully position my dick-head at the opening of Mel's vagina. I pressed my hips forward, and as I felt the head of my dick penetrate Mel's vagina, I spontaneously orgasmed my ass off, just from the sheer mental excitement of the whole situation. This was the first time that I had ever ejaculated my sperm directly into a woman's vagina. All I can say is it felt fucking awesome! I felt like I was on top of the world!

"You see?" Mel said. "I told you you could do it. You just fucked me, Rich. Bravo!" Mel added, giggling in delight and rapidly clapping her hands, like I had just put on a great performance for her, and she was thoroughly pleased--even though I was painfully aware that what I had really just finished doing was called "premature ejaculation."

Then Mel rolled over onto her back, and it struck me just how beautiful her totally-naked body was. Her pale skin was perfect. There wasn't a noticeable blemish anywhere on it. She could have easily played the character of Snow White at any Disney theme park. And yes, it was totally obvious why Mel chose to use the name "Snow" whenever she was working as an escort. I mean, it was no wonder why men would pay so much money to have sex with a woman like Mel. They were in essence getting their chance to have sex with a real live Snow White.

And it wasn't just Mel's skin that was perfect. Her breasts were perfectly sized and formed, and her nipples were perfectly proportioned to her breasts. And just like her breasts, her nipples were not too large, or too small, but just right.

Mel even had a perfect-looking vulva. When she had her legs together, and her vulva was in its naturally-closed-up position, it looked with a little curved mound of flesh at the front of her crotch, with a vertical crack perfectly bisecting that little flesh-mound. Her fleshy outer pussy lips effectively hid all of her other pussy-parts inside the crack of her pussy--even her clitoris--giving her the kind of pussy that most women would love to have down between their own legs.

I just stayed there motionlessly in a kneeling position, as I couldn't help but stare at Mel's sexy-looking naked body for the first time ever. Mind you, I didn't care that I still had sperm that was slowly oozing out of my dick and falling down onto the sheets between my knees. And I didn't care that Mel was staring at my leaky dick and my balls, while I was staring at her naked body--and especially at her her baby-bare, freshly-creampied pussy.

"Why don't you lie down on your back beside me," Mel suggested as she was patting the bed with the palm of her hand a few times.

As I rolled over onto my back from my knees to lie beside Mel, I said to her, "I'm sorry, Mel."

"What are you sorry about? For fucking me?" Mel asked.

"No. For not making it last longer than it did."

"You wouldn't believe how many of my clients have told me that, after fucking me. Why do you think I had you finger-fuck me to give me that awesome orgasm before you began fucking me with your dick? I don't expect any man to be able to last long enough to actually make me cum during the very first time that they ever fuck me. Most men ejaculate within a few seconds of initial penetration. Does that shock you?"

"No. Actually it makes a lot of sense. Their mental sexual excitement levels are way too high, because of the newness of the whole situation."

"Bingo!" Mel chimed out. "The ironic thing is that I like it when that happens with a first-time client, because that gives most of them a reason to pay more to have me sleep with them, so that they can fuck me a second time to prove that they can last during intercourse, and be a 'real man' with me. Most of them stop after that second time though, which is a good thing, because that second time usually lasts quite a while.

"But some of my wealthiest client's really want to get their money's worth. And so they'll just keep waking me up all night long to fuck me over and over again. That'll usually give me a pretty sore pussy to deal with in class the next day. But the money makes it all worth it, you know?"

"Do any of your clients ever suck your tits, or eat your pussy?"

"Are you kidding me? They do that, and a lot more. I had one client recently who asked me if he could stick his big toe into my vagina.

"I had another client who wanted us to take turns peeing all over each other's bare genitals, before we started fucking.

"My most-recent client had me lie down on my back and spread my legs apart so that he could insert a handful of quarters up deep into my vagina, and then fuck me with those quarters still in place."

"Wow! So you never know how things are going to turn out then? That must take a lot of balls."

"Either that, or a lot of stupidity on my part. I really should have just told that last client, 'No, I don't want you to stick quarters up inside of my vagina before you fuck me.' But he was one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet, and I didn't think that it was any big deal for me honor his weird fetish request."

"But weren't you worried about your client sticking those filthy quarters up into your vagina? I mean, couldn't they have given you some kind of infection, or something?"

"Nah! They were just quarters. You wouldn't believe the kinds of things that I've had up inside of my pussy over the years! Everything from my own wadded-up panties, to dildos, to cucumbers, and beyond. That type of stuff just comes with the territory."

"But with that last client of yours, how did you get the quarters out afterwards, if you don't mind me asking?"

"That was part of our agreement from the start. After my client was finished fucking me and cumming inside me, I just lay there on my back with my legs spread, and I let him reach up into my vagina and pull those gooey quarters back out, one at a time, until he had finally managed to remove them all."

"Wow! That's some kinky shit, if you ask me!"

"I agree with you. But do you know that it actually made me cum when he began pulling those quarters out of my vagina? I squirted all over his hands."

"You didn't."

"Oh yes, I did."

"Boy, you are one horny girl, aren't you?"

"Fuckin' 'A' I am! That's why I get paid the big bucks. But enough about my clients.

"Right now, I'm going to play with that sexy mushroom dick of yours, and suck on it until you get another hard-on. Then you're gonna mount me again.

"But this time, I want you to take your time fucking me, and really enjoy the intercourse. Not only that, but I know how we can do it in a face-to-face position. How's that sound to you?"

"I'll believe it when I see it."

Mel got up on her knees, leaned over my lap, and began fondling my dick and feeling out my balls. And it didn't take long at all for me to get another hard-on.

And within a couple of minutes, Mel suddenly swooped down on my dick-head with her mouth, and began sucking away on it. And just seconds later, I quickly-but-gently grabbed her head with my hands and literally pulled her mouth up off of my dick, while I was explaining to her, "If you keep going like that, you're gonna make me cum. And I really wanna cum in your pussy, instead of your mouth, okay?"

"Sure," Mel replied, and then she lay down on her back next to me, on top of the bed, slightly spreading her legs apart.

I didn't have a clue what Mel was up to at this point. But I knew she was really good at thinking outside the box. And I also knew that Mel had to realize that we would never be able to fuck in a traditional missionary-style position, due to the extremely short length of my penis.

However, Mel shocked me when she did that contortionist move that only a young woman can do. Basically, Mel put both of her forearms down between her thighs, and then lifted her legs up so far, that her feet were positioned on each side of her head. This put her vagina in a position where it was pointing straight up at the ceiling.

"I used to do ballet," Mel explained to me, once she was in her contortionist body position. "It also helps to have clients who get off on watching me lick my own pussy."

"You can actually do that?" I asked in total disbelief.

"Sure can," she responded with a big smile on her face, and then leaned her head over her own crotch and licked her own pussy a few times, just to prove her point.

"Oh my God! That's freaky! I never knew you could do that."

"Well, it's not exactly something I ever tell people about."

"But you just finished telling me that you have clients who like to watch you do that."

"Okay, so I lied, alright? I didn't want to tell you that I like to lick my own pussy sometimes when I masturbate. I thought you would think that I'm a freak, or something, for getting off on the smell and taste of my own pussy. But now that you know, do you still love me, Rich?"

"I'm getting ready to fuck you for the second time today. And it's not because I paid you to do it. It's because I love you. And I'm a freak, just like you are--and not just because of my short dick either. I mean, the truth is I've got some pretty freaky fetishes myself. For instance, I'd love to watch you have sex with your clients in front of me. That would be fucking awesome!"

Mel pulled the edges of her vaginal entrance wide-open with her fingers and held it that way, as she said to me, abruptly changing the subject, "Do you want to see what my cervix looks like?"

I quickly leaned over to look straight down into Mel's stretched-open vagina, and I could plainly see the rear pocket of her vagina and her cervix. I could also see some of my sperm still sticking to her vaginal walls and the neck of her uterus.

Then I stuck my tongue out and licked away at Mel's wide-open pussy crack a few times, before coming up for air.

"Come on, baby," Mel said, with her welcoming arms outstretched towards me, and her two ankles still crossed behind her own neck. "Stick that sexy dick of yours in my pussy, and let's fuck."

I moved over to kneel in front of Mel's contorted torso, and I leaned over to give her a long French-kiss, as I was using my hips to position my short, fat dick at the entrance of Mel's perfect vagina. Then I eased my dick-head up inside of her baby-making hole, and I began thrusting my dick in and out of her vaginal entrance.

This time, I was able to make the intercourse last several minutes. I'm not sure how long exactly, because I obviously wasn't timing it with a stopwatch, or anything. But when I finally did cum, I pressed my short dick as deep into Mel's vagina as I could get it, before ejaculating my whole wad of sperm directly into her vaginal canal. And for a few precious minutes I felt like I was on top of the world.

"You see? I told you you'd last a lot longer the second time you fucked me," Mel said to me after my orgasm was subsiding, but while we were still coupled-up as best as we could, until I quickly lost my erection and rolled off the top of Mel to lie beside her on the bed once more.

Mel finally let her legs come back down to their normal positions, and she asked me, "We're you serious about wanting me to cuckold you?"

"Serious as a heart attack," I replied.

"Well, it just so happens that I do have a client who has asked me to have sex with him in front of my boyfriend. And he said that he'd be willing to pay whatever boyfriend I choose to bring over with me to the hotel room $300.00 cash under the table just to watch him and me having sex together. Would you be game?"

"Oh hell yes! But only if I don't have to undress and show him my dick. You know how self-conscious I am about that. By the way, how big is your client's dick?"

"Funny you should ask, because this particular client of mine just happens to be my only black client. His full name is 'Walter,' but everyone just calls him 'Walt.' He's a very sweet, middle-age black man. And he's got a huge penis down between his legs. I'm talking at least 8 or 9 inches long when it's fully erect--maybe even as much as 10. I'm not really sure, because I've never actually measured it. And the shaft of Walt's dick has got to be about 2 inches thick. His dick's also got a weird-looking, pinkish-colored head on it, too. One that looks like it should belong on the end of a white guy's dick. I don't really know why I even told you that. All I know is that Walt's big dick sure stretches the hell out of my little pussy!"

"Is Walt a condom client, or a bareback client?"

"He's definitely bareback. I let him fuck the crap out of me with that awesome black man's sperm of his. That never fails to make me cum my ass off! And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cum even harder if you're watching me the next time that he fucks me."

"I'll bet."

"You wanna know a secret?"


"Whenever Walt books me, I almost always go ahead and sleep with him all night long, letting him fuck me as much as he wants for only $2,000.00, instead of the $3,000.00 that I would normally charge other clients. Of course, I never tell the escort service that I spent the whole night with Walt."

"Well, that's awful nice of you."

"It is, isn't it. You wanna know another secret?"

"Sure. Fire away."

"Whenever Walt books me, not only do I usually sleep with him all night long, but I always stop taking my birth control pills on purpose. And whenever he's ejaculating his black man's sperm inside me, it turns me on even more knowing that I'm not using any form of birth control."

"Is he the only client that you do that for?"

"Yes. Because Walt is my only black client. And I've always dreamed about getting knocked up by a black man, so that I could have a mulatto baby. I'll bet you think that's pretty fucked in the head, huh?"

"It is what it is. I accept you for who you are, not for who I want you to be."

"Well, I accept you for who you are, too. And that's why we get along so well. And why I love you so much, babe."

"Ahh, you're just saying that because I'm the woman who finally cracked your shell open and took your virginity."

Mel and I continued seeing each other and going out on dates several times a week for the next few months (being careful not to interfere with any of Mel's escort service client bookings), and our relationship just kept growing stronger and stronger over time, and also getting kinkier at the same time, as Mel and I became much more intimate and honest with each other.

I discovered that Mel had a lot of fetishes that she didn't reveal to me at first. For example, she's into golden showers, and likes for us to pee on each other's bare genitals. That's not a problem for me. And I have to admit that there's something really erotic about us doing that together. For some unknown reason, Mel loves letting me watch her pee.

At any rate, one night Mel came into the bar, sat down on a bar stool, and introduced herself to me as "Snow," which was her way of letting me know that a client had hired her as an escort for the evening, and that she was going to be meeting up with him at the bar.

I could also tell that she was there "on business" by the way that she was dressed. She had a light-blue, pleated mini-skirt that was so short that it periodically showed flashes of the shiny, white, lace-trimmed, satin panties that she was wearing underneath the skirt. She had a lavender tube top on that was stretched to tightly cover her braless boobs, leaving her stomach and lower back totally exposed. And she was wearing white cotton ankle socks and tennis shoes on her feet. To finish off the picture, Snow had her long, dark, straight hair pulled back into a pony tail that was now hanging off the back of her head with a dark-blue, satin ribbon tied around it to firmly hold it in place.

So I played along with Snow and acted as if we had just met each other. But then she motioned me back over, and then leaned over and quickly whispered in my ear, "Tonight's client is Walt. And when you come along with me tonight, your name is 'Henry,' and you're my cuckold boyfriend. Got it?"

I gave her a quick thumbs-up sign and walked away, so that I wouldn't accidentally scare away her client when he walked in to meet her. I figured it would be much better for her to meet with him first, and then introduce me to him herself, before we left the bar to go to his hotel room and do the dirty deed.

Besides, I had to make last minute arrangements for my assistant bar manager to cover for me while I was away with Snow, a.k.a Mel, for the evening.

Snow just sat there at the bar, sipping a Long Island Iced Tea, until Walt finally walked into the bar, and went straight to her, giving her a big hug, before he finally sat down at the bar, on the bar stool to her immediate right, and had the bartender pour him a scotch on the rocks.

Walt was a tall, good-looking black man, for his age. He had to be at least 45 to 50 years old, and was already bald on the top rear part of his shiny head, with the remainder of his hair greying on the sides of his head. And Walt was dressed in a bright-purple-colored, silk suit that only a black man can get away with wearing, without looking like a total clown.

Walt and Snow both sat there chit-chatting while they took their time finishing their drinks, and then Snow motioned for me to come over and meet her client.

I introduced myself as "Henry," just like Snow had asked me to do, and I heard her softly explain to Walt that I was her cuckold boyfriend, and that I liked to watch.

Walt smiled a big toothy grin upon hearing that news. And he said to us both, "Come on. Let's go have some fun."

Snow stopped for a moment and asked Walt, "Did you pay for my services already?"

"Yep, sure did. Just like I always do. Dropped another grand on them too, right before I walked in here."

"Good. That'll keep us from getting in trouble with the escort service, so that I can keep booking you in the future."

"You'd better not stop booking me, girl," Walt said to Snow. "You know I always make it worth your while. And I'm definitely going to make it worth your boyfriend's while tonight too, just like we discussed earlier."

And with that, we all got into Walt's limousine, and his forty-something-year-old, Hispanic driver took us to a very ritzy hotel that I could never hope to afford on my bar manager's salary.

Walt opened the hotel room door of his large penthouse suite, and Snow and I walked in right behind him. He closed the door and locked it. And Snow immediately started putting on a show for Walt.

First, Walt and I sat down on a plush, black, tufted leather sofa--the same type of super-fancy sofa that you might find in a lawyer's office--and Snow did a strip tease in front of both of us. But she directed all her attention towards Walt only, pretty much ignoring the fact that I was even in the room with them. I guess that's what I get for being a cuckold.

Once Snow had taken off her clothing, she dropped down on her knees in front of Walt, and unbuttoned his pants, and pulled down the zipper of his fly to expose his already-stiffening, large penis. And then Snow gave him a blowjob to get him fully-erect.

I just sat there quietly, with my dick quickly growing erect in my pants, as I was watching Snow work her mouth-magic on Walt's awesome-looking black dick. When she finally pulled her mouth up off of his dick-head, I finally saw what his 9-inch-long, stiff dick looked like in all of its full glory. God it was intimidating, to say the least!

Then Snow told Walt, "Okay, sweetie. You know it's time for you to make me cum. You know the drill."

And she moved in close to Walt, still standing up directly in front of him, placing her bare pussy right in his face.

Walt reached across and began feeling out Snow's pussy and finger-fucking her vagina, until he finally made her orgasm and squirt--just like I had done that very first time with Mel when she took my virginity. The only difference was that Walt handled Snow's pussy a lot rougher than I did.

But nevertheless, Snow seemed to enjoy the hell out of what Walt was doing to her, so much so that she nearly lost her balance and struggled to keep from falling on top of him, while she was orgasming.

Meanwhile, as I was watching the spectacle that was unfolding right in front of me, I had my hand on my crotch the entire time, and I was massaging away at my clothing-covered penis, without even thinking about what my hand was doing. It was just a natural response to the extreme sexual excitement this whole situation was providing me.

And right before Snow orgasmed she told Walt, "I wish Henry would make me cum like you do. He's so lame. He hardly ever touches my pussy when we have sex. He just jumps on top of me, and does a 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am.'"

After Snow had finished orgasming right in front of Walt's face, he looked over at me, and he said to me, "Shame on you, young man! You need to start giving this beautiful woman the orgasms that she deserves. What the hell's wrong with you, boy?"

"Yes, sir," I quickly answered back, playing the role of the subservient, cuckold boyfriend. "I'll make sure to do that from now on, sir."

"You do that," Walt said, while he was getting up off the sofa and getting naked, just like Snow already was. Then Walt took Snow by the hand, and they both made a beeline for the bedroom.

I just sat there on the sofa, realizing that I had probably gotten myself into much more than I had bargained for. But now, there was no backing out. I had to continue playing the role of the cuckold boyfriend to the best of my ability, so that Snow wouldn't lose one of her favorite clients.

"What the hell are you waiting for, boy!" I heard a deep voice call out from the bedroom. "We're in here now. And you're supposed to watch us. That's part of the deal."

"Yes, sir. I'll be right there!" I called back towards the bedroom doorway, and then walked over to enter the bedroom, where Snow was already lying on her back on top of the bed with her legs spread apart. And Walt was kneeling between her legs, getting ready to mount her missionary-style.

"Get over here, boy!" Walt said to me. "I want you to grab hold of my dick and stick it into your girlfriend's pussy. And then I want you to hold my balls while I'm fucking the crap out of her. And after I'm finished fucking her, I want you to eat out her pussy in front of me. Is that understood?"

And I immediately protested, "Snow, I thought you said that I wasn't supposed to participate. That I was just supposed to watch."

"You obviously misunderstood me, Henry," Snow calmly explained. "I said that Walt and I don't want you to take off your clothes. I never said that we don't you to be a part of the fun. So go ahead, Henry. Be a good boy, and stick Walt's awesome dick in my pussy, like he asked you to do."

I came up to the side of the bed, reached across and wrapped my hand around the shaft of Walt's massive, fully-erect penis, and I guided the head of it up into Snow's sopping-wet fuck-hole.

When Snow felt the head of Walt's dick sliding up into her vaginal entrance, she looked over at me and praised me, as if I were her pet dog, "Oh yeah. That's a good boy, Henry. Mommy's really gonna put on a show for you now."

Meanwhile, Walt pressed his hips and his long dick forward, until my hand (which was still wrapped around the base of Walt's dick-shaft) was squeezed between his pubic bone and Snow's. At that point Walt said to me, "You can let go of my dick now. It's time to hold onto my balls."

I let go of the thick shaft of Walt's dick, and he began thrusting away at Snow's vagina. And then I reached up and grabbed hold of his balls from behind. Oh, and did I mention that his balls were large too? Anyway, I just held onto Walt's balls as best as I could while he was humping away at my girlfriend's vagina in a way that I could never do with my short, stubby dick.

At this point of the encounter, while I was holding Walt's balls in my left hand as he was fucking Snow, I was using my right hand to undo my pants and pull my zipper down, so that I could stick my hand down inside the front of my underwear and masturbate.

Now, as you can well imagine, I don't jack myself off the way that other guys do. My dick-shaft is way too short for me to be able to wrap my hand around it and pull my foreskin up and down. Instead, I masturbate by firmly rubbing the tip of my middle finger back and forth against my frenulum (that "special area" that's full of nerve endings, and is located on the underside of my dick, where my dick-head connects to my shaft). Hey, don't knock it. It does the trick for me, and that's all that really matters.

So while I was standing there, rubbing away at my frenulum and trying to hold onto Walt's balls as best as I could while he was thrusting away like a madman, my main goal was to take myself to the brink of orgasm, but to try not to let myself cum until Walt started cumming inside Snow's vagina.

And when I felt Walt's dick start rhythmically throbbing in my left hand, and pumping his black man's sperm deep into Snow's baby-making hole, I couldn't hold back my orgasm any longer, and I quietly and calmly ejaculated inside my underwear.

Walt almost immediately pulled his long dick out of Snow's fuck-hole, and he rolled over to the other side of the bed to lie on his back. His long dick was still partially erect, and there was sperm still oozing out of the tip of it.

"Get over here and clean my dick, boy!" Walt ordered me.

I started to walk over to the bathroom to try to find a washcloth, so that I could wet it under the faucet and bring it back to wipe down Walt's dick with.

But Walt stopped me in my tracks with, "Where are you going, boy?"

"To get a washcloth, so that I can clean up your dick, like you're asking me to."

"I want you to use your mouth to clean up my dick. That is, unless you're not man enough to do it. That's okay. I'll just get Snow to do it."

"No, that won't necessary. I'll do it," I said, barely believing the words that were coming out of my mouth.

Up until today, I never realized that I had latent homosexual tendencies. But I couldn't deny that it had turned me on to hold Walt's dick in my hand, and then hold and feel his balls--especially while he was ejaculating inside Snow's pussy.

And now I was being told to lick and suck his dick to clean up the sperm off of it. And although the thought of doing that disgusted me to the point that it almost made me sick to my stomach, it also turned me on at the same time. And I unexpectedly found myself actually wanting to stick Walt's big dick-head in my mouth and suck away on it, like a fucking queer.

So that's what I did. And with Snow watching me do it, while she was rudely commenting to me, "That's a good little cuckold. Lick the nice black man's dick and clean it up good, so that he can fuck me again in front of you."

I just kept licking and sucking away at Walt's dick for a couple minutes, when he told, "Okay, that's clean enough. Why don't you go ahead and eat out your lover's pussy now, like I asked you to do? Make sure you lick up as much of my sperm as you can. Do understand me, boy?"

"Yes, sir," I said, and moved over between Snow's spread-apart thighs, so that I could lick away at her freshly-creampied pussy, lapping away at it like a dog drinking from a water bowl. I never felt so degraded in my entire life. But I also noticed that I was starting to get another hard-on down between my legs. And this was despite the fact that I really didn't like the taste of sperm.

After a few minutes, Snow finally spoke up, telling me, "Okay, that's enough. My pussy's clean already. Now, I want you to go suck Walt's dick again, and play with it until he gets another erection so that he can fuck me again. Do you think you can do that for me?

I didn't answer her. I just knelt back down between Walt's spread legs and began licking and sucking away on his dick again. But this time, I started jacking him off while I had his dick-head in my mouth. And within a few minutes of me doing that to his dick, Walt had a full-blown erection again.

The next thing I knew, Snow was pushing me out of the way so that she could straddle herself across Walt's hips, facing him. Then she looked at me and told me, "What are you waiting for? Stick his God damn dick up into my pussy! It's time to do some more fucking. Maybe this time, he'll get me pregnant."

I grabbed Walt's dick-shaft, just like I had done before, and I guided the head of his dick up into the entrance of Snow's vagina. Then I let go do Walt's dick, and Snow sat herself all the way down against Walt's pubic bone, so that the entire length of Walt's super-long dick was now up inside of her vagina. I was in shock that Snow was able to actually do that.

"Doesn't that hurt?" I timidly asked Snow.

"Hell no! It feels fucking awesome!" she replied, and she began moving up and down and slamming her fleshly vulva against Walt's pubic mound on each downward thrust that she made. The bottom line was that she was actively fucking the crap out of Walt's dick.

And while Snow was doing that, Walt had a hand on each of Snow's breasts, and he was squeezing and playing with them while she was busy humping away at his dick.

I just stood there, quietly masturbating, while I was watching the two of them go at it for several minutes. And then I heard Walt let out his little cum grunt, and I saw the base of his dick and his asshole repeatedly contracting, as he was ejaculating his sperm upward into Snow's vagina. And the sperm began leaking out all around his dick-shaft.

And when I saw Walt's sperm oozing out of Snow's pussy, I ejaculated inside my underwear for the second time that evening.

Now I finally understood why Snow loved being an escort. This was without a doubt the most exciting and erotic sexual experience that I had ever had in my entire life! And I definitely looked forward to hopefully doing it all again sometime.

Snow eventually pulled herself up off of Walt's skewering penis to lie back down on the bed beside him again.

This time, I didn't need either of them to say anything to me. I automatically got between Walt's legs and I licked all the sperm off his dick and balls. And then I got down between Snow's thighs and licked off Walt's excess sperm that was oozing out of her pussy.

Then Snow said to Walt, "Well, are you ready to call it a night?"

"Yes, ma'am. Thanks again for everything you do. You're nothing less than incredible!"

"Why thank you, kind sir," Snow said to Walt.

And then Snow said to me, "You did great tonight. But it's time for you go out, and sit on the sofa, okay? I'll be with you in a few minutes. I just need to get dressed and say my goodbyes."

"Do you mind if I go to the bathroom first?" I asked, pointing towards the bathroom doorway.

"Of course not," Snow replied.

I ran into the bathroom and rinsed my mouth out with water to try to get as much of that yucky-tasting sperm out of my mouth as possible. Then I took some toothpaste from a tube that was lying on the sink (I assumed it was Walt's toothpaste), squeezed a pea-size ball of it out onto my index finger, and finger-brushed my teeth for about 30 seconds, before spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing out my mouth again.

Then I carefully peeled the front of my underwear off of my dick and balls so that I could take a much-needed piss.

By the time I walked back into the bedroom from the bathroom, Snow had already gotten dressed, and Walt was wearing a plush bathrobe, and he was on the phone, talking with his limo driver.

Snow and I both headed down through the hotel lobby to Walt's awaiting limousine so that his driver could take us back to the bar.

By the way, Walt's limo had the standard sliding glass privacy partition between the driver's seat the back compartment of the limo, and it was in the closed position, which allowed Snow and I to speak freely, without being overheard by Walt's driver.

"Hey," I said to Snow in the back seat of the limousine on the ride back to the bar, "Where's the money that Walt was supposed to pay us?"

"Don't get your panties in wad, Henry. I've got it right here in my purse," Snow confessed. "You see, while you were in the bathroom a few minutes ago, Walt gave me the cash that he wanted you to have."

"Well, did he approve of me? I mean, I've never played the role of a cuckold boyfriend before."

"Are you kidding me? You knocked it right out of the park!"

"But I thought you told me that Walt was a nice man. He certainly didn't seem like it to me. All he did was order me around, like I was his slave, or something."

"He did the same thing to me the very first time that he booked me. That's just Walt's way of seeing how far you're willing to go to please him. But he's really not like that. Trust me.

"You see, most girls who do the escorting thing refuse to get undressed in front of their clients, much less let their clients fuck them. And so I proved to Walt that I wasn't just your run-of-the-mill escort, when I let him go all the way with me during our very first encounter. The difference between me and those other girls who escort is that I'm actually a call girl, and a damn good one at that, if I say so myself."

"You most certainly are!" I quickly agreed.

"Besides making killer money for a small amount of my time put in, the main reason why I keep doing the escort thing is so that I can have sex with all sorts of different men. That's the part that really excites me and turns me on the most.

"By the way, do you know that no two of men ever fuck me the same way? My clients may have dicks down between their legs, but they each thrust and cum so differently from one another. Not to mention that each of their dicks feels completely different inside my vagina. You know what they say. Variety is the spice of life. Well, that's true, as far as I'm concerned--especially when it comes to dicks and fucking.

"Anyway, being a call girl like I am, I'm able to do all that sex stuff with absolutely no strings attached. If I don't like one of my clients, I just don't ever book him again, and the escort service runs interference for me to keep the guy from ever fucking with me--literally and figuratively.

"But getting back to the situation with Walt, and whether or not he approved of you tonight. You easily surpassed his expectations, I'm sure. Otherwise, he wouldn't have tipped you this on the way out," Snow said reaching in her handbag to pull out $500.00 cash and hand it over to me. "I couldn't believe how far you were willing to go to keep Walt happy. I mean, you sucked his fucking dick, for Christ's sake! And not just once, or twice, but three times! It took a lot of balls to do what you did."

"Well, balls I've got plenty of. It's the 'dick department' that I'm short in," I said, falling back on my self-deprecating humor, which other people besides me always seemed to find funny. And sure enough, Snow chuckled a little bit, right along with me.

"By the way, are you sure you're not gay?" Snow asked jokingly. "Because you sure seemed to really enjoy that dick-sucking stuff."

"Well, I know I'm not gay. But I could be bisexual. I just never knew it before tonight. That's all."

"Bravo! You just figured out the one thing that most people never do. I believe that we are all bisexual to some extent or another. It's just that most of us are too scared to confront those taboo feelings head-on. You obviously are not. So bravo! I'm proud to be your girlfriend. And I'd be even prouder one day to be your wife, if you'll have me...along with my mulatto babies...and my nymphomaniac ways..."

"I would love nothing more. And here, you can have your $500.00 tip back. You need it worse than I do."

"Are you sure? Because Walt also gave me a $500.00 cash tip, right before we left."

Then Snow's cell phone rang. She answered it, and then moved away from me on the back seat to lean the side of her head up against the glass in the far rear door on the other side of the limo (I assumed Snow did that to get some privacy during her call), as she talked softly for a few minutes, and then hung up, all excited.

"What was that all about?" I asked her, as she was moving back towards me to park her hip right up against mine on the back seat of the limo.

"That was Walt on the phone. Apparently, he's going to be staying in town one more night, and he has booked me again for tomorrow evening. And he must really like you a lot, because he has agreed to give each of us a $1,000.00 cash tip for the evening on top of the escort agency standard fees that he has already charged to his credit card. How's that for easy money?

"And who knows? If I'm lucky, maybe Walt will even end up getting me pregnant. And if not? Oh well. There are other rich black men out there who will eventually need of an escort for the evening.

"There's only one catch."

"Oh, yeah? And what's that?" I asked.

"Walt told me on the phone just now that he wants you to get naked with us in the bedroom this time, and fuck me in front of him--after he's finished fucking me first, of course. After all, he's the paying customer. So you're going to be getting 'sloppy seconds.' Are you okay with that? I mean, I'll do the contortionist position again for you, if that's what you want."

"Does Walt know about my short, stubby dick?"

"Of course he does. And that's because I told him about it earlier tonight while you were in the bathroom at the bar, right before we all left in the limo to go to his hotel room.

"In fact, Walt's so intrigued by your short dick that he's dying to see it for himself. And he was hoping that you would show it to him tonight, while you were masturbating and watching us fuck. But you didn't.

"And so without realizing it, you made a smart move, because that's why Walt's paying you so much for tomorrow evening. I'll telling you, you can make a lot of money with a unique-looking dick like yours. But you've just got to get over your fear of letting other people see it. That's all. It's really nothing to be ashamed of.

"Sure, it's unique-looking. But if you really think about it for a moment, everyone's sex organs are unique-looking. And even though they're all made up of the same basic parts, those genital parts sure look drastically different from person to person. And if you ask me, this world would be a lot more boring if they didn't.

"So are you in? Do you want to go with me to Walt's hotel room tomorrow evening and make some big bucks this time, while we're both having a blast doing it?"

"I don't know, Snow," I said hesitantly, while slowly shaking my head from side to side. "I'm afraid Walt's going to laugh at me, and make fun of my dick when he sees it."

"Of course he is. So what? It's not that big of a deal, Henry. Really."

"Maybe to you it isn't. You're not a guy!"

"Hey, if you're going to wimp out on me, then I'll just cancel the whole damn thing! Is that what you want me to do? Huh? Blow off this whole special relationship that I have with Walt?"

"No, of course not. Walt's one of your favorite clients, and you stand to lose a lot of money in the future if you cut him off like that. And I'm not going to be the one who's responsible for doing that to you. But I just need to know what I'm getting myself into here. Do you think Walt wants to touch my dick tomorrow night?"

"No. He's just going to look at it, duh!" Snow sarcastically replied, and then got serious. "Of course, Walt's going to want to touch your dick. He'll also most likely want to hold it and squeeze it in his hand, and feel out your balls too.

"And yes, he's probably going to laugh and be in shock when he first sees what your dick looks like. But he won't be laughing anymore when you're using that wonderful dick of yours to fuck me in front of him. He'll probably be jacking himself off while he's watching us go at it.

"I mean, what else do you want? Walt's giving you $1,000.00 cash for the privilege of you openly sharing your bare genitals and sexuality with him for a few hours. You should be thrilled to death--not freaking out about it!"

"I know, I know. I'm pretty fucked in the head when it comes to the idea of letting another human being see what my dick looks like. And it's something that I just need to get over. Maybe Walt will help me get over my fear tomorrow evening.

"After all, he's already showing me his dick. Why wouldn't I want to show him mine too. That's only natural, isn't it? The whole 'if you show me yours, I'll show you mine' paradigm?"

"Pardigm? Are you kidding me? God, that's a big word for a guy with such a small dick!" Snow sarcastically blurted out loudly.

"Damn it, Snow! Keep your voice down. I don't want the driver to hear you."

"Why not? He knows what a dick is. In fact, why don't you ask him to pull over and hop into the back seat with us so that you can show him your dick. It'd be good practice for tomorrow night, don't you think?"

"Now, you're just being silly."

"And lovable at the same time, right?"

"Yes. And lovable," I agreed, before giving her a long kiss on the lips.

While we were kissing, Snow reached down into my crotch, and slowly rubbed the open palm of her hand up and down against my pants-covered dick.

When I finally pulled away from our passionate French-kiss, I commented to Snow, "I can't believe you're still horny after what we did tonight at Walt's hotel room."

"I told you I was a nymphomaniac. I don't know why you don't believe me, when I tell you that."

"You know what scares me the most, Snow? I asked, intentionally changing the subject. "I find myself actually wanting to wrap my hands around Walt's big dick again."

"I know what you mean. I feel exactly the same way."

"But do you think he'll let me do that tomorrow night?"

"Sure. I don't see why not. He let you do it tonight, didn't he?"

"Yeah, but that was different. Tonight, I did it because Walt ordered me to do it. Tomorrow night, I want to do it because I want to, not because he tells me to do it."

"So tomorrow, just go ahead and do it then. I'm sure Walt won't try to stop you. And of course, I won't try to stop you either."

The limousine stopped at the front entrance of the bar, and the driver opened the rear door so that Snow and I could exit the car.

Snow turned back around and said to the middle-age, Hispanic limo driver, "Thank you very much. You've been such a good driver. Would you like to place your hand on my panocha? Don't worry about my boyfriend here. He doesn't mind. In fact, he likes to watch."

And the driver nodded his head quickly with a big smile on his face, as he automatically shifted his attention downward to the front of Snow's mini-skirt.

"Well, go right ahead, sweetie," Snow said to the driver. "You've got my permission. Reach down between my legs and feel my little panocha. You like the word, panocha, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am," the driver said, nodding his head. "That word reminds me of when I was a young man, growing up in Mexico."

The middle-age man's right hand disappeared up underneath Snow's mini-skirt, and I could tell that he was gently rubbing his open palm back and forth against her vulva through the thin satiny material of her underwear crotch.

"Yeah that's it. Just like that," Snow said to the man. "Does my panocha turn you on?"

And the driver responded by nodding his head again, and he said, "Oh, yes, ma'am. It sure does!"

"If you want to feel my panocha without my panties getting in the way, all you have to do is pull the crotch all the way over to one side. Go ahead, 'cuz I know you want to."

And of course, the driver did exactly as she had asked him to do. Even though I couldn't actually see what the limo driver was doing with his hand up underneath Snow's mini-skirt, it was obvious from her reaction that he had in fact pulled Snow's panty-crotch all the way over to one side to totally expose her pussy to the night air, because the moment that he did that, she let out a little gasp and suddenly commented to him, "Okay, isn't that much better?"

The driver enthusiastically nodded again, with an even bigger smile on his face this time.

"Are you married?" Snow calmly asked the driver, as if she were interviewing him on a talk show, instead of letting him feel out her bare pussy in public.

"No, ma'am," the driver said to Snow.

Then Snow turned to me for a moment and quietly commented, "OMG, he's petting my pussy with his open hand, like it's some kind of little animal, or something."

She turned back to the limo driver and said, "How long has it been since you've had your hand on a girl's bare panocha?"

"Way too long."

"Right answer. Go ahead and stick your fingers up into my crack, and feel all my various pussy-parts. Yeah, just like that. God, that feels good!"

"How long has it been since you've fucked a girl?"

"Well, the truth is I'm a widower, and I haven't fucked a woman since my wife, Gloria, died four years ago. God rest her soul."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that," Snow said to him, and then paused for several beats, before asking him, "So, would you like to fuck me right now, in front of my boyfriend? 'Cuz I'd sure love to have a big wad of your sperm in my pussy, and my cuckold boyfriend would love to watch you put it there. He won't interfere with us. I promise. He'll just watch us and masturbate.

"But you've gotta promise me that you'll never tell Walt that you had sex with me. And if you ever go back on that promise I'll deny it, and it'll end up being your word against mine. Comprende?"

"Yes, ma'am. I promise this won't ever get back to my boss. But we're not gonna chingar right here on the sidewalk, with all these people around, are we?" he asked, with a confused look on his face.

"No. Of course not, silly. First, you need to pull your fingers back out out of my panocha, and we're going to walk into the bar. And then my boyfriend here, who just happens to be the manager of this fine drinking establishment, is going to let us in his office at the very back of the bar. Then he's going to lock the office door for us, and let us chingar on the sofa while he watches. Don't worry. It's a nice, big sofa. I've fucked on it before."

"But why are doing this for me? I'm no one special. Just a limo driver."

"I believe in giving back to the community, señor. That's why. And my way of doing that as a professional escort is to give my 'special services' away for free to men who I really like, but who could never afford to pay me for my services. Does that make sense?"

"Sure," the limo driver replied, still fingering Snow's pussy underneath her skirt. "Sounds good to me."

Snow patiently waited for a few moments. But ultimately, she was left with no choice but to grab hold of the driver's wrist, and physically pull his groping hand away from her crotch.

And when she did that, the driver backed away from her slightly, and I could finally see the noticeable bulge pushing out at the front of his pants. And at that moment, I was envious of his bulge.

We all three headed into the bar, and went straight through the crowded bar into the back office. Once we arrived, I locked the office door, and by the time I turned around, Snow was already lying on her back on the large sofa, with her legs spread apart. The front part of her mini-shirt was folded over at her waist and lying across her stomach, and the crotch of her satin panties was pulled all the way over to one side. And I had no idea what she had up her sleeve next.

At this point, the limo driver was standing at one side of the sofa, with his eyes transfixed to Snow's exposed, perfect-looking pussy, as he was taking his suit coat off and starting to loosen his tie.

When Snow saw the driver start undressing, she abruptly stopped him by telling him, "Don't bother taking off your clothes! I don't need to see your body. I just need to see your dick and your balls, while you play with yourself in front of me. So just pull your pants and underwear down a little ways and let's go! And move over here beside me, where I can get a good look at that sexy Mexican verga of yours."

"So then, you're not going to let me fuck you?" the driver asked in disbelief, as he was moving over to stand up close to where Snow's head was lying on the sofa.

"Of course, I'm going to let you fuck me. That's what I promised you, isn't it? It's just that my needs come first. And I really need for my boyfriend, Henry, over there to finger-fuck me right now and give me a nice strong orgasm, before you hop on and ride me, if you get my drift..."

"Can you at least mostrarme tus tetas while I'm playing with my verga?

"Sure," Snow said, instantly realizing that the limo driver had just asked her in a mixture of Spanish and English to show him her boobs while he was fondling his dick in front of her. So she pulled her tube top down around her stomach to expose her breasts.

Snow's pulled-down tube top also ended up holding the front part of her mini-skirt up against her stomach, so that if she were to stand up, the front part of her skirt wouldn't budge from its current position.

The limo driver, who now had his pants and underwear pulled down around his thighs, with his dick and balls exposed to Snow's hungry eyes, was staring at Snow's bare breasts as he was fondling his penis in front of her, and he commented to her, "My God, you're breasts are so beautiful! They remind me of my wife's."

I leaned over the sofa, and stuck my held-together middle finger and ring finger up into Snow's vagina, and I began rapidly and repeatedly thrusting them in and out, with the palm of my hand facing upward and my fingertips slightly bent towards me in order to provide maximum stimulation to her G-spot, just like Snow herself had taught me to do. And it didn't take maybe two minutes at most before she was squirting all over the sofa between her spread-apart thighs.

When Snow's strong orgasm finally subsided, she looked at the limo driver and said to him, "Okay. Now it's your turn, señor. And you're going to do what you just watched my boyfriend do--except that you're going to do it with that nice dick of yours, instead of your fingers. So do you think you can make me cum while you're fucking me?"

"I will sure as hell try."

Snow motioned with her arms for the limo driver to go ahead and climb on top of her, and mount her missionary-style.

He knelt between Snow's thighs and slowly inserted his now-fully-erect dick up into her vagina, and then just left it in place, as he asked her, "Can I feel your gorgeous breasts and suck on them while I'm fucking you? My wife used to let me do that to her."

"Whatever floats your boat, man," Snow said, rolling her eyes upward to show her annoyance. "I just need you to start thrusting in and out. You do remember how to do that, right?" Snow asked the man sarcastically.

And he replied, "I didn't come here to be insulted!"

"Let's get one thing straight, mister. I didn't bring you here to make love to me, or anything like that. And please don't treat me like your wife. I need you to treat me like the little whore that I really am.

"And I just want you to use my pussy right now to get your rocks off inside me, and then get the fuck off me. If you have to feel out my breasts and suck on my nipples to get yourself excited enough to cum and squirt your sperm inside me, then for Christ's sake, go ahead and do it. Now, start thrusting in and out, God damn it, before I change my mind about letting you fuck me!"

The Hispanic limo driver grabbed both of Snow's breasts, one in each hand, and then moved his head down to suck on Snow's right nipple. Only then, did he finally begin thrusting his dick in and out of her baby-making hole.

After about a minute of his lackluster humping, Snow told him, "You're going to have go thrust a lot faster than that if you want to make me cum along with you. That's what you men like to do, isn't it? Prove that you can make your lover cum while you're fucking her?"

The man lifted his mouth up off of Snow's right nipple just long enough to tell her, "No matter how hard I tried, I could never give my wife an orgasm during sex. Not with my verga, or with my tongue, or with my fingers. She couldn't even give herself an orgasm. Even by using a vibrator. It was quite frustrating for both of us."

As he moved his mouth over to suck on Snow's left nipple, she ran her fingers through his hair as she told him, "I'm so sorry to hear that. But you really need to thrust a lot faster. And if you'll do that for me, I promise you you're going to make me cum. Okay?"

"Okay," the driver said, as he finally pulled his mouth and his hands away from Snow's breasts, and focused on fucking the crap out of her, which is what she was really wanting all along.

Meanwhile, I had been masturbating myself with my hand down inside the front of my pants and underwear while I was watching the two of them go at it.

And when I saw the driver make one final thrust, shoving his dick in all the way up to the hilt, and then saw his perineum and his asshole start contracting rhythmically, I knew that he was ejaculating his wad of sperm, with his dick-head pressed right up against my girlfriend's cervix--which is an experience that I would never be able to give her. I was definitely envious of his average-length penis.

Then I saw Snow's pussy contracting and squirting all over the limo driver's dick and balls in direct response to him fertilizing her womb that way.

And that's also when I ejaculated inside my own underwear for the third time that night.

After the limo driver finished getting his rocks off inside Snow's baby-making hole, he collapsed on top of her with his dick still inside her. And she rubbed his back and whispered in his ear, as if she were his lover.

Then Snow did the unthinkable. She planted a big passionate French-kiss on the limo driver's mouth. And he reciprocated, as they exchanged tongues and saliva in each other's mouths for a couple of minutes, before she finally pulled away from the kiss, and quietly said to him, "Thank you. I hope you enjoyed using my panocha like that, 'cuz I sure enjoyed using your verga. You just finished giving me the best orgasm I've had in a long time!

"And you see? I told you my boyfriend wouldn't bother us while we're fucking. So do you want to fuck me again tomorrow night, around this same time, same place? Oh, and by the way, please don't tell your boss, but my name's really not 'Snow' It's 'Mel', which is short for 'Melinda.' I just thought you ought to know, since you're really not one of my clients."

"So what am I then?" the driver asked.

"I think you just became my second boyfriend. What do you think?"

"I'd like that a lot," I heard the limo driver say to Mel, as his dick finally softened up enough to fall out of her sperm-laden vagina. "By the way, my name's 'Salvador Acosta,' but all my friends just call me 'Sal.'"

And all I could think about was, What the hell have I gotten myself into? This chick's gonna fuck any guy with a dick, and she's gonna do it without using any birth control, just like she did tonight. What kind of a girlfriend does that to her lover?

Then Mel shifted her attention towards me, while she was still lying on her back on top of the sofa with her legs spread apart, and with Sal's freshly-ejaculated sperm slowly oozing out of her vaginal entrance, and she said to me, "Henry, I know you overheard all that, but I really do love you. You're still my Number 1 boyfriend. It's just that, from now on, you're going to have to share me with Sal every so often. You don't mind, do you?"

I just glared at Mel with my mouth hanging wide-open in total disbelief.

And the only thought on my mind at that moment was, Snow White my ass! This fucking evil witch bitch should be calling herself Maleficent!

Come on, baby," Mel said to me, when I didn't answer her previous question. "Don't be such a Debbie Downer about everything? It's all good. You can go ahead and fuck me right now, if you want. I'm sure Sal won't mind, would you, Sal?"

"No, ma'am, I sure won't," Sal quickly replied. He was now nearly fully-clothed and sitting in my office chair. And he was leaning back in the chair, like it was his office, while he was busy staring at my girlfriend's virtually naked, splayed-out body on the sofa across the room.

I still just stood there with my spermed-in underwear sticking to my crotch, as I kept glaring at Mel without saying one word to her.

Then I finally turned my back on Mel, unlocked the office door, and walked out of the office into the main bar area.

And on my way out of the office I heard Sal ask Mel, "What the heck's his problem?"

And I heard her calmly reply to him, "Oh, it's nothing really. He'll get over it. So would you please lick my little panocha clean, before I get dressed? Oh, wait a minute. Let me take my panties off first. There. That's much better. Would you like my dirty panties as a souvenir of tonight?"

"Oh, yes, ma'am. I sure would. I will cherish them always, and I promise never to wash them. And it would be an honor to lick your lovely panocha clean, señorita," Sal said to her.

And although I didn't look back towards the office, judging from Mel's "oohs" and "ahhs" vocalizations that I suddenly heard coming from the office, I assumed that Sal was busy lapping away at her creampied pussy, like a dog at a water bowl.

And if I could hear Mel's loud sexual vocalizations, I knew that my customers in the crowded bar could hear them too.

Any decent human being would have taken a moment to close the office door first, before continuing to have sex. But not Mel--I mean, Maleficent.

I thought the whole thing was pretty damn disgusting. And I seriously considered being a no-show for tomorrow night's "festivities" with Walt. But it was going the be the big debut for my dick, and the money was just too good for me to pass up on the offer, even if I had to deal with Sal again afterwards.

I truly felt like a lab rat in an inescapable trap. All I could really do at this point was to make the best of a bad situation, and hope that it didn't get too much worse.

The very next evening, Mel came back into the bar, dressed to nines again, mini-skirt and all--but this time in a different color combination. She was wearing a dark-blue tube top and a light green mini-skirt with sheer black pantyhose and open-toed bright-blue, plastic, designer-looking sandals.

Mel waved to me when she saw me from across the room, as she was walking into the bar to sit down on what had become her favorite bar stool.

And naturally, I immediately went over to her, put my arms around her, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"How are you doing, Henry?" Snow asked. "I hope you're still not mad at me for last night. I didn't mean for things to go quite that far with Sal, but it just kind of happened."

"I was okay with all of it--except for the kissing part. I thought you said that kissing you on the lips was off-limits to your customers."

"It is. But Sal's not one of my customers, remember? And my heart went out to that poor man when I heard his story about his wife being frigid, and him hanging in there with her all those years, because he loved her. And I wanted him to experience just a few more precious moments of that same kind of passionate love that his wife unselfishly gave him. I can't even imagine what it would be like for me to have sex with someone over the course of all those decades, and not be able to orgasm and thoroughly enjoy the sex itself. That woman was a saint!"

"Well, when you put it that way, I can definitely understand why you felt justified with going ahead and kissing Sal like that."

"So then, are you ready for Round 2 with Walt?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess. We'll just have to wait and see how things go."

"Yes, we will, won't we." Snow said with a devilish grin on her face.

After ordering her usual mixed drink, a Long Island Iced Tea, Snow leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Now, don't you wimp out on me tonight with Walt. There's way too much money on the line. You've got to cooperate with Walt completely if you want us to get paid. That means no more of this 'shy guy' crap when it comes to taking off your clothes in front of him. You do understand that, right?"

And I whispered back into her ear, "Yes. And I'm finally psyched up and ready to take the plunge."

She whispered back in my ear, "Well, I sure hope so. 'Cuz I'd hate to lose an awesome client and benefactor like Walt. He doesn't come into town that often, but when he does, he always hires me for at least one night, if not more. So don't fuck up, okay?" Snow said to me, and then gave me a slow, sexy lick with her tongue up the side of my neck, just moments before Walt walked into the bar.

"Well hello, party animals," Walt greeted us with a warm smile. "Why don't we have a few drinks, just to loosen up a little bit, before we get this show on the road?"

"Are you buying?" Snow asked coyly.

"You know I am, baby," Walt answered back. Then he looked over at the bartender and said to her, "Please get everyone in the house another round of whatever they're drinking and put it on my tab."

"Wow! You're in a generous mood tonight," Snow remarked.

"I've got a lot to be happy about--thanks to you and Henry."

We all drank a couple of mixed drinks and chit-chatted for a while, before Walt finally said, "Okay, gang, let's get this show on the road."

We followed Walt out to his limousine, where Sal, the faithful limousine driver, was waiting with a big smile on his face to open the rear doors of the limo to let the three of us climb inside, so that he could whisk us away to the same swanky hotel room that we were in last night.

Walt opened the hotel room door, and Snow and I walked in right behind him. He closed the door and locked it. And Snow immediately started putting on a show for Walt, just like she had done the previous evening.

First, Walt and I sat down on a sofa, and Snow did a strip tease in front of both of us. But unlike last night, Snow divided her attention between Walt and me.

Once she had taken off all her clothing, except for her sheer black nylon pantyhose, Snow dropped down on her knees in front of Walt, and unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper of his fly to expose his already-stiffening large penis. And then Snow gave him a blowjob to get him fully-erect.

And just like I did the evening before, I sat there quietly, with my dick quickly growing erect in my pants, as I was watching Snow work her mouth-magic on Walt's awesome-looking black dick.

Once Walt's dick was fully-erect, Snow finally pulled her mouth up off his dick-head, and she surprised me by saying to me, "Now, it's your turn."

"I don't understand. You mean, my turn know..." I said to Snow, while pointing a Walt's stiff dick and repeatedly pressing the tip of my tongue against the inside of my cheek to show her that I was referring to me giving Walt a blowjob, just like she had already finished doing.

"No, silly," Snow said to me. "It's your turn to strip for Walt."

Snow sat back down beside Walt on the plush leather sofa, indicating with her hand that she wanted me to stand up in front of Walt, just like she had done earlier, and perform the male version of a strip tease for him.

"Okay, well, here goes nothing," I said to myself under my breath as I stood up in front of Walt, and began taking off my clothing. I first removed my shirt and my T-shirt. Then I took off my socks and shoes, and then finally took off my pants, leaving only my black, cotton boxer briefs in place.

I noticed that throughout my awkward striptease, Walt just kept staring at my crotch, which only made me even more self-conscious and nervous. But despite my insecurities, I was determined to go through with my promise to Snow that I would finally allow another man to see my dick.

So I placed a thumb down inside the waist band on each side of my underwear, I and slowly pulled my boxer briefs down around my thighs, before bending over to pull them all the way down around my ankles, and then standing back up to kick them off to one side on the hotel room floor.

When I stood back up and Walt caught his first glimpse of my now-fully-erect penis, he started laughing his ass off. But Snow had already told me that he would probably react like that, and so I was already mentally prepared for that. But it was still embarrassing as hell.

When Walt's laughter died down, he said to me, "Oh my God! You poor bastard! That's one super-short dick you've got there. How the fuck do you jack off?"

"Very carefully," I replied.

"Do you have an erection right now?" Walt grilled me.

"You bet I do. But it's only about an inch and a half long from base to tip when it's fully-erect. And my dick-head makes up around two thirds of that length. My shaft's only about a half-inch long."

"Do you mind if I touch it?"

"Go right ahead. I've already gone way too far to turn back now."

Walt reached across and gently cupped by balls in his hand, as he said to me, "Well, at least, you've got a nice set of balls on you, son. They should produce plenty of sperm."

"They definitely do, sir."

Then Walt gently squeezed my wide, flared-out dick-head on either side between his thumb and his fingertips. Basically, he was looking at my dick and treating it like he was a scientist examining the weird genitals of some space alien that had fallen to Earth.

"Well, at least you've got a nice, wide dick-head on you."

"I'd much rather have a wide dick-head attached to the end of a long shaft, like yours."

"The grass isn't always greener on the other side, son. My large dick has caused me lots of grief throughout my life. I can't even hide it inside my loose-fitting pants, much less a swimsuit. It just keeps falling out of my underwear leg-holes and hanging down the inside of my left thigh. And God help me, if I ever get an erection in public!"

"I never thought of it that way," I said to Walt.

Walt said to me, "Okay. Now it's time to make Snow cum. Go ahead and sit over here beside me. She's going to stand in front of me, like she always does. And I'm going to feel out her pussy. Would you like to finger-fuck her after I'm finished playing with that sweet pussy of hers?"

"Oh hell yes!" I replied, feeling very much surprised and pleased that Walt was treating me more like his son, than his sex slave (like he had done the night before). He was even calling me "son." And I realized that Snow had been right about Walt all along. He wasn't a bad guy after all. In fact, I was starting to enjoy being around him.

As soon as I sat my naked butt back down beside Walt, Snow stood up in front of Walt and spread her legs apart. She was still wearing her black nylon pantyhose, without any panties on underneath them, when Walt began feeling out her pussy through the sheer material of the pantyhose.

Eventually, Walt ripped a big hole in the crotch of Snow's pantyhose so that he could feel out and play with Snow's exposed pussy. By the way, Snow didn't react at all when Walt ripped her pantyhose. She obviously was expecting him to do that.

And when Walt started fondling Snow's bare pussy through the hole in her pantyhose crotch, I reach over into Walt's lap and wrapped my hand around the wide shaft of his stiff magnificent man-meat. And I felt out and played with Walt's dick while he was doing the same thing to Snow's pussy. And Snow was right again. Walt didn't try to stop me from touching and playing with his dick.

After fondling Snow's pussy for a little while through the large hole in her pantyhose crotch, Walt turned to me and said, "It's your turn now. Finger-fuck the crap out of her, and make her cum real good."

Snow moved over to stand directly in front of me, and I let go of Walt's dick to stick my fingers through the large hole that Walt had ripped in the crotch of her black pantyhose, and I began energetically finger-fucking the crap out of her pussy until she squirted all over the floor between her spread apart feet.

"Bravo! Good job!" Walt remarked to me when he saw Snow squirting all over the floor in front of me. "God, that girl knows how to cum, doesn't she?"

"Yes, she definitely does," I agreed wholeheartedly.

"Come on, let's go into the bedroom and let the fucking commence!" Walt announced loudly, as if he were the ringmaster at a circus.

We all got up off of the leather sofa, and Walt led the way into the bedroom, but I instantly noticed that he was still fully dressed. He had left his belt unbuckled and had buttoned the waist band of his pants back up to hold up his pants, but had left his long, stiff dick sticking out at the front of his still-unzipped pants.

Snow was still only wearing her torn-in-the-crotch black pantyhose, and I was totally naked as we were both following Walt into his hotel bedroom. While we were walking behind Walt, where he couldn't see us, I gave Snow a look and a gesture that indicated my confusion about what the hell was going on. Remember that she had told me that Walt intended to fuck her first tonight, before he was wanting to watch me fuck her in front of him.

Snow didn't say anything to me.

So I said to Walt, "I noticed you didn't take off your clothes, like you did last night. Are you going to fuck Snow first, before I do? I mean, that's what she told me that you told her that you wanted to do over the phone last night, when you re-booked us for tonight."

"Well, I changed my mind after seeing that awesome-looking dick of yours, son. I want to watch you fuck that lovely girlfriend of yours first, and then I'll take 'sloppy seconds' after you're finished. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not. I was just a little confused. That's all."

While I was discussing all of this with Walt, Snow was calmly removing her torn pantyhose, and lying down on top of the bed on her back, before spreading her legs apart and patiently waiting for whoever would be fucking her first.

When Snow heard Walt tell me that he had changed his mind, and now wanted me to fuck her before he did, she automatically pulled her legs up to wrap her ankles around the back of her neck in that unique contortionist body position of hers.

When Walt saw the weird-looking, pretzeled-up body position that Snow had assumed on top of the bed, he said to me, "Oh my God! So Snow has to fold herself in half like that, and stick her pussy straight up in the air, just so that you can fuck her?"

"Yes, if I want to fuck her face-to-face, while I'm making love to her. Otherwise, I have to fuck her doggie-style."

"Wow! This is turning out to be even better than I thought it would!" Walt said, obviously very pleased by what he was witnessing.

That's when it hit me that I could get back at Snow, and put her into an awkward position that she didn't want to be in with one of her favorite clients.

"You wanna know a secret, Walt?" I asked.

"Sure," Walt said while he was standing there, with his right hand on auto-pilot, squeezing and fondling his own dick.

"Whenever Snow's in that contortionist body position, she can do something else that's truly fucking amazing!"

Then I immediately shifted my attention over to Snow, and said to her, "Go ahead and show him, honey. Show him what you like to do sometimes whenever you're masturbating."

"God damn it, Rich! I mean, Henry! That was supposed to be our little secret," Snow yelled out at me with daggers in her eyes.

"Well, it's not going to be just our little secret anymore, now is it?" I said to Snow. "Go ahead, and show Walt how you can lick your own pussy."

"Who the fuck is Rich?" Walt asked Snow.

"Oh, he's just another client of mine. I get confused sometimes, because Rich looks very similar to Henry. You know? Same facial features, same age, same height, same build..." Snow explained, backpedaling like crazy to hopefully cover her faux pas.

Luckily, Walt bought Snow's explanation for the name snafu, and he told her, "Well, go ahead. Show me how you lick your own pussy. For as much money as I pay you, I can't believe that you haven't showed me this unique talent of yours before."

"Well, I'm not exactly proud of it," Snow confessed with a shit-eaten smile on her face. "But since you want to see me do it, I'll show you."

Snow craned her head forward, directly over her bare crotch, and began licking away at her own pussy crack.

"Wow! That's the most erotic thing I think I've ever seen in my entire life! Don't stop yet. Not until you make yourself cum. You can do that, can't you?" Walt said, as he was steadily hand-pumping his long dick.

Snow didn't answer Walt. She just nodded her head quickly and kept licking away at her own pussy, mainly focusing her effort on her own clitoris. And within a few minutes, she made herself orgasm in front of both me and Walt.

And when she did, she squirted multiple little spurts of what looked like slightly-milky-colored-but-mostly-transparent urine almost straight up into the air. It was a truly amazing sight to see.

"Now, you're even more ready to start fucking, right?" Walt asked Snow, after she had pulled her mouth up off her own vulva to return her body to its former contortionist body position.

"Oh, my God, Walt!" Snow complained. "Please stop talking to me, and let my boyfriend fuck me. Okay?"

Walt looked a me, and said, "I guess you're on, sport."

I climbed up into bed and placed my dick up against Snow's vaginal entrance, before thrusting it forward to penetrate her vagina, so that I could start humping away at it. But I had a bad feeling about this, because I was way too sexually excited to make the intercourse last.

I made a couple of thrusts, and then I prematurely ejaculated my wad of sperm up into Snow's vagina. And I knew I was going to catch hell for that, considering the whole "lick your own pussy" secret that I had just exposed to Walt. And boy was I right.

Snow immediately complained loudly, "What the fuck, Henry? You didn't even last two seconds! What kind of man are you, anyway? Get the fuck off me right now, so that Walt can show you how a real man is supposed to fuck a woman!"

Ouch! That really hurt! My girlfriend definitely put me in my place on that one. And I felt totally humiliated in front of Walt.

But hey, I only had myself to blame for that one. I knew that I was the one who chose to stir up a hornet's nest. And so I also knew that I was pretty much getting what I deserved from Snow, considering how poorly I just performed in bed with her.

Walt must have sensed how devastating Snow's words were for me, because he placed his hand on my upper back, and told me, "Hey, son. Don't take it too hard. You pissed her off when you told me about the 'pussy licking' stuff. And what just happened to you with the 'premature ejaculation' thing happens to all of us guys at one time or another. Don't worry. I'll make sure that Snow lets you fuck her again, and prove your manhood in front of me, before I let you guys leave this hotel room this evening."

Then Walt proceeded to take off all his clothes. And Snow pulled her legs out from behind her head, and let them fall back down onto the bed in their usual straight-legged, spread-apart position.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Walt asked Snow.

"I'm getting myself ready for you to fuck me."

"Get yourself back into that other position right now, woman!" Walt ordered her. "The same one you just used with Henry. You've never let me fuck you in that position before."

"That's 'cuz I have never let anyone but Henry fuck me in that position."

"Well, that's going to change right now. That is, if you want to get a nice, big tip when we're finished," Walt threatened Snow, hitting her right where he knew it would hurt her the most: the pocketbook.

And Snow immediately pretzeled her body back up, with her pussy pointing straight up into the air, and her ankles crossed behind her neck, just like she had done for me.

Walt quickly climbed into bed with her, and inserted the tip of his long dick up into her vaginal entrance, and slid it all the way into her sloppy seconds vagina. And he began thrusting away for what seemed like five or six minutes, before he ejaculated inside her birth canal to eventually bring their intercourse to an end.

As for me, I just stood there quietly at the foot of the bed and watched the magnificent Walt in action, while he was happily fucking--and ultimately fertilizing--my girlfriend's vagina in front of me.

Walt stayed coupled-up with Snow, as he told her, "Well, that was a breath of fresh air, now wasn't it? We've got to fuck in this position again sometime. Talk about a unique experience that my wife could never give me! Snow, this is the kind of thing that makes you worth every penny to me."

And Snow replied, "Why, thank you, Walt. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. After all, that's what I'm here for. And you're not just a client to me. You're my favorite client. So for an additional $500.00 cash, I'll let you do something with me that no other client has ever done before. And it will be even more exciting for you, because you'll be doing it right in front of my boyfriend."

"You're not talking about fucking you in the ass, are you? Because I'd pay you double that amount for an experience like that."

"No, Walt. My asshole is definitely off-limits to any penises out there--including yours. You know that. But I'm talking about something even more intimate and special than anal intercourse. Any hundred-dollar-a-night street walker out there would let you fuck them in the ass. All you have to do is ask them.

"Instead, what I'm talking about is letting you kiss me on the lips and stick your tongue in my mouth, so that we can exchange saliva. I'm talking letting you actually make love to me, Walt, just like you would with your own wife, instead of just having sex with me--if you're interested, that is. Otherwise, just go ahead and pull out of me, and don't worry about it."

"Are you kidding me?" Walt said to Snow. "I've been dreaming about this ever since I met you."

And then I saw Walt, who was still coupled-up with Snow in that weird contortionist body position of hers, lean over and give my girlfriend a very long French-kiss. The kiss itself was so passionate and heart-felt that it lasted nearly as long as their just-completed intercourse had.

And I was so envious of Walt at that moment, that I just stood there fuming. I wanted the person who Snow was exchanging her tongue and her saliva with to be me--and not one of her clients. As far as I was concerned, my girlfriend had stepped way over the line again.

But this time, it was even worse, because Snow had done it for money. At least, when she was French-kissing Sal, the limo driver, during her little "extravaganza" in the back office of the bar last night, there was no exchange of money involved. Only Snow's own extreme horniness and gullibility were at play. I mean, I was pretty sure that Sal's story about his dead wife being sexually frigid was nothing more than a blatant attempt on his part to get Snow to feel sorry for him. And it obviously worked. And that was something that I thought that I might be able to live with.

But her intentionally making love to a paying client; and worse yet, doing it right in front of me. Well, that was totally out-of-bounds and unacceptable in my book. And so I felt that the only right thing to do was to let her know how I felt.

So when Snow finally came up for air from her long French-kiss with Walt, I said to her, "God damn it, Snow! What the fuck are you doing? This is totally unacceptable behavior, and I'm not going to stand for it anymore. I'm fucking out of here! You can just turn to your new paying boyfriend here, if you need someone to comfort you."

Then I turned my attention to Walt and told him, "By the way, Walt, just so you'll know...Snow's not using any birth control right now. And that's because she hoping that you'll get her pregnant with a little mulatto baby. And that's the honest to God truth. If I'm lying, I'm dying. Peace out!"

I turned by back on them both, and stormed out of the bedroom and into the main living area of the apartment. I just had to get out of that bedroom.

Walt, who was still naked, ran up behind me, saying to me, "Now, wait just minute, Henry! I'm not trying to steal your girlfriend from you. I've already got a wife who I'm deeply in love with, and have no plans of ever leaving."

"Well, all I can say, is you've sure got a weird way of showing it," I verbally jabbed back at him.

"It's not like that, Henry! You don't understand. My wife is seriously ill, and she's been that way for quite a long time now. The truth is she's in hospice care, and I can't have sex with her anymore. Do you know how hard that is, Henry? To not be able to have sex with the one person you love the most in this world?"

"No, sir. I don't."

"Well, all I did a few minutes ago was take Snow up on an offer that's making her a little more money for tonight. That's just what escorts do. Besides, I haven't kissed a woman passionately like that for years. I almost forgot how wonderful it feels."

"Does Snow know about your situation with your wife?"

"Of course she does. I told her about that the very first time that I ever booked her services. That's part of the reason why she gives me such a good break on her normal prices."

"No wonder she likes you so much. Snow must feel like she's doing something worthwhile, by providing you the sex that you're missing in your normal life."

"That's exactly right, Henry. In fact, the only reason I came to town this time was to have sex with Snow. There's no other reason for me to even be here. She's everything to me right now. I truly love her for that, Henry. You've got to believe me. And the tenderness and passion that she showed kissing me just now was truly awe-inspiring. I'm so jealous of you, I can barely stand it."

"So where do we go from here? What's the plan?"

"I want you to go back into that bedroom, and make love to that beautiful naked woman who's still lying there on top of the bed, waiting for you and your short dick to prove to me that you can last more than a few seconds after you couple up with her, and start fucking her. Do we have a deal?"

"So did you already know about Snow not using any birth control whenever she's with you?"

"Yes, of course I know. Snow's doing all that for me. I told her about how my wife never could have any children, no matter how much we tried over the decades. That was due to her endometriosis, by the way. Poor baby. And I told Snow about how badly I had always wanted to become a father. And do you want to know what Snow said to me?

"She said, 'I'll try to have a baby for you, Walt, if you'll agree to support our child financially during my pregnancy and after it's born. I just don't have the kind of money it takes to give him or her a good life, and put him or her through college, and stuff like that. But you obviously do. So do we have a deal?'

"My God! How could I ever turn down a deal like that? She even wants to raise the kid for me, and let me visit him or her whenever I want to, so that my child will know who their father is.

"And Snow is willing to let me keep being her paying client anytime that I come to town, so that I can continue to focus most of my time on taking care of my poor wife, until the Lord finally sees fit to take her out of the living hell she's in right now.

"As far as I'm concerned, Snow is nothing less than an angel.

"And by the way, I do know that her given name is 'Melinda,' but that she has always preferred the name 'Snow.' And so that's the name I always call her, out of respect, more than anything else. Besides, I don't want to risk getting her in trouble with the escort service company.

"I don't know if you realize it, Henry, but you're damn lucky to have someone like Snow as your girlfriend!"

I turned around and walked back into the bedroom. And sure enough, a totally-naked Snow was still lying on top of the bed waiting for my return. She raised her arms out to me, and said, "Come here, baby. I heard everything Walt just said to you. Now that you know the truth about the whole situation, do you still love me?"

"Snow, I love you even more now, knowing just what a selfless and caring person you truly are."

Snow folded her body back up into her contortionist position, and she said to me, "Well, what are you waiting for, babe? Hop on, and I'll give you the ride of your life!"

"I'm sure you will," I said, and gave her a French-kiss that rivaled the one she gave to Walt earlier.

And just in case you were wondering, Walt stayed in the living area of the hotel room and watched some TV, while he was graciously giving Snow and me some privacy in the bedroom during our lovemaking.

But there was no doubt in my mind that Walt was definitely going to be coming back into that bedroom for a second go-round with Snow, after I was finished getting my rocks off inside her.

And knowing what I know now about Snow, I was okay with that.

I was sure that Snow would be okay with that too.

And she confirmed that fact for me later, when she called Walt back into the bedroom, right after I had finished squirting as much sperm as I could directly into her already-sperm-coated vagina, and then rolled over onto my back to lie beside her. I was very proud of myself that I had managed to make this latest intercourse with Snow last long enough so that it could actually be measured in minutes, instead of seconds.

I noticed that Snow quickly unpretzeled her body, before Walt walked back into the bedroom. She was obviously wanting Walt to fuck her in a more-traditional, missionary-style position.

I started to get up out of the bed to let Walt and Snow have the bed to themselves. But Snow stopped me, telling me that she wanted me to stay right there in bed beside her, so that I could feel out her breasts, while Walt was fucking her for the second time that evening. So that's exactly what I did.

And while I was busy doing that, Snow reached over with her hand that was nearest to me, and played with my dick and my balls the whole time that Walt was slowly and steadily humping away at her pussy. He was fucking my girlfriend at a much slower pace this time, as he was obviously trying to enjoy the intercourse for as long as he could.

And Snow seemed to be enjoying the slow-paced intercourse too, which I knew was completely out-of-character for her. And that made me suspicious that Snow had to be up to something.

That's when I suddenly realized that Snow was actually trying to make love to both of us at the same time. It felt really strange sharing Snow with another man like that, especially when she was passionately French-kissing Walt while she just kept on fondling my dick.

Then Snow whispered something in Walt's ear, and he suddenly stopped thrusting and straightened his back up, so that he was now supporting his body on his knees, with his stiff long dick still skewering Snow's fuck-hole.

Snow then said to me, "I want to make you cum all over my tits."

And without thinking, stupid me replied, "Just how are you going to do that?"

"How else, silly? Buy jacking you off. That's how I'm going to do it. You don't mind, do you? I mean, you've already got a hard-on, right?"


"Okay then. Get up on your knees, so that your dick's over the top of my left breast. That's good. Now I'm going to jack you off."

Snow placed her middle finger up against the underside of my short dick-shaft, and she began firmly rubbing her fingertip back and forth against my frenulum.

While she was doing that, she looked over at Walt and said, "Remember, you asked him earlier how he jacks off? Well, this is how he has to do it. And I can tell that he's just about to cum right now. And you're finally going to get to see him ejaculate, just like you told me you wanted to do."

Snow's comments to Walt made me feel like a freak sideshow performer in a carnival:

"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Come see the Amazing Short-Dicked Man release his sticky semen all over Snow White's beautiful boobies. He's no Prince Charming, folks. That's for sure."

But Snow's relentless fingertip rubbing back and forth against my frenulum on the underside of my short dick-shaft made sure that her prophecy was just mere seconds away from becoming a reality, in spite of the extreme embarrassment I was experiencing.

Walt seemed truly amused by it all. He had a big smile on his face the whole time that he was calmly watching my short dick as it was drastically pulsating and forcefully squirting out sperm all over Snow's perfect breasts.

And Snow herself giggled in delight over what she was witnessing. I could tell that she was thrilled to discover that she was able to actually jack me off all the way and make me cum.

But once my orgasm and sperm-release had tapered off, Walt leaned his upper body over the top of Snow's, and began humping away again, this time at a slightly faster pace, until he finally managed to use her vagina to make himself orgasm and ejaculate deep inside her fuck-hole, while I was witnessing everything right there in the bed beside both of them.

And I was okay with what was taking place between Walt and Snow. I knew that their relationship had grown over time to become much more than just an escort and her client, although I'm sure that if I asked them about it, they would each deny it. But I could see with my own eyes that Snow was actually in love with Walt, and that he felt the same way about her. And to be honest, I couldn't blame him. I was in love with her too.

Walt suggested that Snow and I take a shower before leaving the hotel room that night. And so we did. We took the shower together, and we took turns cleaning up each other's naked bodies, before drying off and getting dressed again in the clothing that we had worn on our way over to Walt's hotel room.

Walt, who was now wearing a plush bathrobe, shook my hand and gave Snow a goodbye kiss, before calling his limo driver to come around the front of the hotel to pick us up and take us back to the bar.

After we climbed into the back seat of the limo together, I asked Snow, "Are you still going to let Sal fuck you when we get back to the bar?

"You bet your sweet ass I am!" Snow replied. "A promise is a promise. And I don't break promises, if I can help it."

"But you're not using any birth control. What if it's Sal's Mexican sperm that gets you pregnant, instead of Walt's?"

"What if it's your sperm? Have you ever thought about that one?"

"Well, yes, of course I have."

"And yet you still went ahead and fucked me anyway, didn't you?"

"Well, yes, I did, but--"

"--No 'buts,' Henry!" Snow jumped in, cutting me off. "Just don't worry about it, okay? The real truth of the matter is that I never use any birth control, because I don't have to," Snow confessed to me with a voice full of emotion, and I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. And I knew something was wrong.

But Snow fought off the tears to continue on with her unexpected confession, "I can't ever get pregnant. And that's because I don't have any ovaries or Fallopian tubes. I had to have them removed back when I was only 16 years old, due to a massive infection I got when I was a runaway, and turning tricks on the street corners, just to survive. I'm lucky that I still have a uterus. A totally non-functional one, but a uterus, nevertheless. Yeah me!

"Do you want to know how I got that badass infection that changed my fucking life forever? I got it from letting my johns fuck me in the ass. And if they would have just butt-fucked me, and left it at that, I would've been okay.

"But a lot of those guys would suddenly pull out, and fuck me in the pussy, too. I was so young at the time that all I was worried about was them possibly getting me pregnant. I had no idea just how dangerous that the practice of anal intercourse followed by vaginal intercourse was for the health of my lady-parts. But that didn't stop me from paying the consequences. I've been on hormone therapy treatments ever since.

"So I will never make anyone a good wife, or have my own children. But then that also helps to make me the perfect escort, right?"

"Oh, my God, Snow! I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Why? I'm happy as hell about how things turned out in the end. I'm in good health. I live a great life, with lots of rich clients who just can't wait to use my services, and a boyfriend like you who loves me, despite all of my flaws. What more could a nymphomaniac girl like me ask for?

"Wait! Come to think of it, there is one more thing I need tonight..." Snow said with a devilish look in her eyes, and a giant grin on her face. Then, she intentionally used an exaggerated Hispanic accent to say to me, "Sal's sexy, Mexican verga inside my little panocha."

"God, you're so naughty!"

"Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment."

"By the way, there's one more thing that you really should know. Something that I lied to you about, and I really feel bad about it now. The truth is I've never spent an entire night with Walt, like I have with some of my other clients. I mean, don't get me wrong. I've tried to in the past, but Walt won't let me. He just likes to get his two fucks in for the evening, and then send me on my merry way. That's just the way Walt rolls."

"Well, thanks for being honest with me about that. I was wondering why Walt didn't ask us to spend the night with him. Especially after that awesome show that I put on for him. You know? That sperming on your tits stuff?"

Snow and I just looked at each other for an awkward moment, and then broke out laughing.

Sal parked the limousine in front of the bar, just like he had done the night before.

And right after Sal opened the limousine door to let Snow and me step out of the limo, I could tell by his reaction that he was shocked when he carefully and secretively reached up underneath Snow's mini-skirt--at her insistent "request," of course--and felt a bare panocha right up against the palm of his hand.

Snow winked at Sal, and teasingly said to him, "I'll bet your wife never went out in public without wearing any panties. Are you ready to fuck me again?"

"Are you ready to let me suck on your tetas again?" Sal asked.

"Only if you really want to," Snow coyly replied.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I want to!" Sal emphatically remarked, and then pulled his hand out from under Snow's mini-skirt without her having to grab his wrist and yank his hand away from her pussy, like she had been forced to do the previous night.

Then Sal quickly locked up the limo, and followed Snow and me into the bar, and straight to the back office, like a lost puppy dog looking for its owner--which, in this case, just happened to be Snow.

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