Start at Chapter 1.
See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story
Each chapter is like a 'stealth mission', with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist's mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual family lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another stealth mission.
In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don't agree with his choices, and you're not supposed to either. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky feelings. That's the POINT. This is HORROR.
This is more PORN than PLOT.
All characters are 18+.This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
-Death / Blood / Gore / Murder (he’s a true vampire villain)
-Gross Sniffing/Tasting (bodily fluids, piss, armpits)
-Creeping around (lots of this, sorry if it’s boring)
-Slow start, builds to brutal ending
-Non-con / Sadism / Violence
-Dog will never be harmed lol
Chapter 7 - Baptists & Bonfires
We wait calmly, two quiescent shadows just beyond the treeline. Enshrouded in ethereal mist that blackens the starry night sky. The power coursing through my veins, fueled by my recent feast, allows me to control the very elements around us. Nature itself submits to my will.
I exchange a furtive glance with Eva, who crouches behind a nearby tree. She nods, understanding my wordless expression silently instructing her to remain patient. We see perfectly through the mist, through the pitch-black night. Biding our time. Waiting for the right moment to strike.
Eva’s eyes glow a sinister red as she flicks a mischievous little smile back at me. She feels it too. So much potent virgin blood. The purity of innocence, but the strength of adulthood. We’ve drunk so many tonight, one after another. It’s unlike anything we’ve ever felt. She licks at her claws, like little daggers extending from her fingertips. I can tell she’s itching for more.
But although I feel invincible, though any wounds would heal almost instantly, I don’t truly know our limitations. And I’d rather not test them by having a bunch of rural conservatives pull guns on me tonight. So the stealth approach continues for now. Plus it’s more fun this way. Picking them off one by one. Harvesting them from their own farm.
The Christians are oblivious to the threat that hides nearby. Completely unaware of how much death has occurred tonight, not yet realizing some of their friends are missing. They just continue on in their merry festivities. A roaring campfire far back in their massive property. A church group event for young adults. Laughing and chatting through the chilly autumn night. I suck the last bit of one of their friend’s blood from my teeth and watch them silently.
We overhear someone asking where ‘Zach’ went. Someone else replying, “He went inside a while ago.” Their voices don’t sound worried exactly, but there’s a general tension growing in the air. The names ‘Taylor and Joseph’ are mentioned too. “I think they went for a walk on the path.” People are noticing those missing from their ranks. It’s a large group, and people wander about the farm freely, so no one seems too concerned. But the longer they go without seeing certain people, the more they’ll catch on.
Just then, the blonde girl that lives here at the farm gets up from her chair at the fire, and someone nearby calls out to her, “Hey Grace, are you heading in?”
“Yeah just for a minute.” Her voice is velvety, honey-sweet. I’ve been eyeing her all night. Soft-spoken, yet the center of attention. Cute glasses, pinkish almost ginger skin-tone. I lick my lips.
The big black dog gets up to follow her automatically, but she snaps her fingers, “No Samson, stay here buddy.” The dog obeys with unwavering loyalty. Bad idea, Grace.
“If you see Zach in there, can you tell him to come back out?”
“Sure!” And just like that, the growing confusion among the group is quelled. They unknowingly just bought us even more time. And better yet, Grace is heading toward the house alone! One of the only other females worth exploring, just casually walking into the mist, into my realm, all by herself. So strange to think I just witnessed, without a doubt, the single worse decision this human has made in her entire life.
We follow at a distance, but as Grace rounds a corner, a shed and some trees break the line of sight between her and the bonfire. So we close the gap quickly. With my senses heightened even more than normal because of all the feeding tonight, I catch a whiff of her sweet scent on the air as we follow her. A predictable smokiness from the fire, but also a freshness, like a summer breeze. Citrus, oranges. My groin tightens even as I walk.
I motion to Eva, and she silently circles around through some trees to flank from the side. And I gaze at the flowing strawberry-blonde hair ahead of me. Fancy, carefully crafted spirals that flow down over a black jacket that’s a bit too big for her. Maybe a boyfriend's, brother’s, or dad’s. Short, girly body bundled inside it. Wide hips swaying hypnotically from beneath a dark green skirt, modest and long, hiding everything but her little furry Ugg boots peeking out the bottom. She’s a mix of country ruggedness and ladylike delicacy. Not a hair out of place, a classy sort of wealth about her. But also down-to-earth, a worker, a girl that knows how to handle animals and get her hands dirty.
Like the other ladies from this church, she walks with a confidence of knowing her place in the world. Knowing her beliefs, her purpose. That she’s ‘saved’, that her Lord walks with her. To outsiders it looks like pompousness, a bunch of smug prudes who think they’re better than others. But I see a false sense of security. A facade that hides fear and darkness inside just like everyone else. She does what the other girls do, does what’s expected of her. But she’s weak, a little lamb I could so easily eat up. A new ‘Lord’ walks with her now, behind her, closing in.
A twig snaps under my foot and Grace whirls her head around, blue eyes darting about, scanning the eerie mist. She catches a glimpse of my movement before I can scramble behind a tree, her eyes going wide then squinting. She pushes up her glasses adorably, not exactly sure what she saw. Her round cheeks look rosy from the cold. She turns back around and keeps walking, her pace quickening significantly.
But there’s no escape. The perfect spot is straight ahead. Halfway between the people at the fire and the safety of the house, we reach the pretty little wooden bridge crossing over a creek that dried up in the cold season. The area is dense with trees. My unnatural mist makes the darkness even worse on human eyes. We’ll have our fun here.
I let out a sharp whistle. Grace whips around, only to be tackled by my daughter. Wind knocked out of her, forced to the ground, only a weak peep! escaping her little mouth. Eva plants her fangs deep into a shoulder, and the girl goes limp almost instantly.
I whisper paternally at my daughter as I casually approach, “Perfectly executed, Kitten.” I caress Eva’s back lovingly as she stands back up, flashes me a proud little smile, then proceeds to start dragging the girl off the trail through the mud.
We move her a good ways down along the dried up creek. “This is fine here. So what do you think? Does she taste good?” I ask, grabbing my daughter by the back of the neck and pulling her into a sensual kiss, my tongue flicking into her mouth to taste the remnants of blood.
Eva moans with delight at the embrace, “Oh she’s delicious, daddy! I can’t wait to rip into her!”
I pull away from Eva and pace like a lion around a wounded gazelle, inspecting the dazed young lady rolling around at my feet, “Hmm. Well, leave the outer clothing intact if you can.” Then I give Eva a smile and a nod, as if to say ‘have at her’. She giggles wickedly and pounces down on the girl.
First Eva drops her backpack and pulls from it a strip of cloth. She kneels with Grace’s head propped in her lap and quickly ties the cloth tightly between the girl’s teeth, securing it behind the head. Grace is barely conscious, but it suppresses any sounds she does manage to make.
My Kitten wastes no time beginning to grope at the girl’s clothing, stripping off the black jacket to reveal a classy white sweater. Grace lays on her back on the muddy ground, head still propped in her captor’s lap. Eva reaches forward and pulls up the sweater. A simple gray undershirt. My daughter glances up at me, smiling, making sure she’s giving her daddy a good view of the unveiling process. Then the shirt is pulled up as well, revealing the young lady’s pale belly. She’s thin and small, but has a soft, fleshy body, which Eva can’t resist squishing her fingers into. Grace squirms, pathetically failing to roll away, and my daughter slaps at her delicate belly as punishment. Red handprints begin to flare up immediately.
The undershirt is lifted even higher, and out pops a big boring beige bra. Shockingly sizable for the young woman’s small stature. In fact, the girl gives off a stocky, almost pudgy first impression, but the deeper we inspect, the more of a wonderful hourglass figure is uncovered. It’s as if this prudish Christian lady has no idea how to showcase her body. Wears cheap and baggy clothing, absolutely no intention of displaying her womanly curves. No interest in looking sexually appealing for the enjoyment of others. Doesn't yet realize this is her purpose in life.
Eva waits for me to nod, then continues, this time extending her razor-sharp claws and cutting away at the fabric. The bra falls aside, and big boobs pool out from within them, sagging ever so slightly out to either side from their own weight. Eva grabs at them roughly, pressing them together, jiggling them, fingernails scraping dangerously against the fragile skin. Such big handfuls for my daughter, so floppy, so pliable. Eva’s little fingers almost disappear entirely into the sides of them as she squeezes.
Large areolas cover a big portion of the breasts, but their light pink color goes beautifully with the girl’s fair skin, and they just make the tits look delicious. One breast has a puffy little nipple sticking up at me. However, the other nipple is mostly inverted, a cute little winking divot of pinched-in flesh. Eva looks up at me, her mouth slightly open in a shocked smile. Then she bursts into giggles as I pull out my raging cock and begin stroking it, standing towering over the girls.
I step forward, needing to put my dick in something, grabbing my Kitten by the hair as she sits on her heels with Grace’s head in her lap. She smiles and takes me happily. I push straight to the back, taking exactly what I want with little regard to how my daughter feels. But she moans in pleasure at the forcefulness all the same. Gulk Gulk Gulk! A bit of drool dribbles down her chin as my cock is engulfed in her gullet. This tight wet throat never gets old!
Pulling back out of Eva’s face, the quick appetizer satisfying me for now, I kneel down straddled over Grace’s hips. Eva leans down too, her face joining her daddy’s as we both dive in at the helpless lady’s tits. My mouth engulfs as much breast as I can fit, sucking at the inverted nipple, trying to pull the little thing out of its hiding spot. Meanwhile Eva’s hands continue squeezing at the other tit, and she buries her little face into the girl’s cleavage. My daughter’s cheek nuzzles against mine as she smothers herself in the flesh.
I lift off slightly, turning to kiss at my Kitten’s cheek and neck, then I return to inspect the nipple I assaulted. Still winking, but red and puffy and sticking out a bit more. Grace squirms under us again, muffled voice weakly trying to call for help. In response, Eva lifts up and starts digging the tip of a claw into the inverted nipple. She pokes around painfully, and gets her face right down in front of Grace, eye to eye, whispering, “Shhh! Keep it up and you’ll regret it!” Clearly implying she’ll stab her claw right in. The girl’s blue eyes quiver and fill with tears, but she quiets down.
Eva sits upright, gazing down contently. Grace’s head still propped in her lap, with me straddled over the helpless girl. My daughter runs her fingers through my hair, purring as she watches her daddy work across the little Baptist’s chest, licking and lapping. It’s a bit salty as I slurp down under the crack of her under-boob. But still clean. A subtle purity to every part of her body so far. That citrus smell, even in this clammy, stuffy area that never sees daylight.
Eva yanks at Grace’s arm as she watches me move up the side of the breast, tasting my way across the delicate skin. Then up into the girl’s armpit. A few stubbly hairs, and a bit of gross deodorant, but otherwise clean and girly like the rest of her. I suck and lick at the tender spot. Grace squirms again in complete humiliation, but quickly goes still for fear of Eva’s punishment. Submits to the filthy feeling of my mouth violating such a private area.
Barely sour, barely a foul taste or smell even in such a lewd spot. This girl just oozes an innate sensuality. Her body seemingly incapable of anything unpleasant. But we’ll see if that remains true as I explore every other inch of her.
I stand up and stroke my cock again, allowing Eva to continue unwrapping our little present. My Kitten decides to drop forward into 69 position over the girl, Grace’s blonde hair flopping down into the mud below. I pace around, enjoying the sight of my daughter taking what she pleases. Skater-girl black and white sneakers on her feet straddled over the girl. Her black hoodie and dark jeans hugging tightly to her sexy little curves. Her butt plants itself down onto Grace’s face, making the half-conscious girl turn away in disgust, glasses falling off on the ground, blue eyes darting around in horror.
Eva then starts bunching the dark green skirt up out of the way, unveiling gray leggings. Thick and warm for the season. They look like soft yoga pants that many girls might wear by themselves, but I’m sure this is considered a very intimate undergarment for a Christian like Grace. Never meant to be seen like this. And she never intended them to accent her voluptuous legs and hips like this, but they do, wonderfully hugging her thick thighs.
Without a second thought, Eva presses her face down into the girl’s crotch, inhaling and rubbing around exactly how her daddy would. One hand digs in to caress between the tightly pinched thighs that struggle against her. The other hand reaches down the side to grasp at the girl’s squishy hips. My Kitten really knows how to enjoy herself!
I walk around to face Eva’s ass, pressing it down onto Grace’s sideways smushed cheek. As if knowing exactly what her daddy wants, Eva lifts up onto her knees and wiggles her butt up in the air at me. As if happily wagging her tail. I reach down, hand gliding over the jeans hugging taught over her little rump, then deftly undo her pants. I hear a soft moan muffled into Grace’s crotch, so I slap Eva’s ass hard to remind her this is for me, not her. She submits and allows me to continue pealing her tight jeans down off her ass. She pauses to look back at me, her green eyes hazy with lust, and I reveal a sexy little g-string shoved lewdly between her cheeks. Green to match those striking eyes of hers. I slap down again, and she obediently returns her face to Grace’s groin.
The g-string gives me easy access, my fingers simply pulling the tiny fabric to the side, giving me a perfect view of my daughter’s little pussy. Fluids visibly drip down the crease of her puffy outer labia. I part her open a bit more with my thumbs, pink petals spilling out from within. Her legs quiver in anticipation, and I quickly give us both what we desire. I aim my cock and plunge straight in. She’s so wet it slides in without difficulty. We both sigh, her walls expanding just enough to allow my thick meat to enter. Her tight wet hole forms to my shape perfectly, as if built for nothing else.
Grace whimpers in fear as I start ramming in and out violently right above her face. Balls swinging, wet squelching sounds. The poor lamb has never experienced anything remotely like this. And we’re just getting started!
I hear ripping so I reach down and brush Eva’s brown and dirty-blonde hair to the side, watching as she tears at the gray leggings under her. My daughter’s cheeks are flushed with arousal, body bobbing around from my thrusts, but she still works dutifully to reveal more of the girl. A gaping hole in the crotch of the leggings shows us some disappointingly bland white briefs. Almost granny panty style. Probably the cheapest thing Grace could find at a superstore. But Eva squeals in excitement all the same, tongue flicking out and licking at the fabric like it’s an ice cream cone.
My cock flexes within her, and my daughter lets out an inadvertent moan from the increase in girth within her. I reposition myself over the two girls, smushing my daughter down lower into a frog-legged pose flat on top of Grace. I lay my weight down lazily, stomach on Eva’s back, with disregard for both females smashed 69-ing under me. Cock still inside Eva, my face joins hers, leaning in over my daughter’s shoulder to enjoy the exposed panties before us. Eva’s breath is hot and horny, another little squeak of giddy pleasure escaping her mouth as her daddy lays cheek-to-cheek with her at another girl’s cunt.
We inhale the musty scent before us, and it’s surprisingly pleasant. I turn and nibble at Eva’s earlobe, letting her continue to take the lead. She digs her claws into the white fabric, piercing and shredding it. Wispy blondish hairs are the first thing we see as the panties are torn asunder. Long, unkempt strands. A wild bush, natural and crude. But Eva gasps with delight, and my cock pulses within her, neither of us turned off in the least. For as untrimmed as she is, Grace’s pussy is so fresh and clean! She doesn't do it for anyone but herself, of course never expecting anyone to ever see her down here. She’s just meticulous in her hygiene. Pampers herself, keeps her body ladylike and pristine.
Eva and I share in the experience, burrowing together through the hair, pulling her thighs apart to see more. Her outer lips are thin and small, with inner folds spilling out from the center. Bright pink ruffles, bunched up and layered like a flower. So womanly and mature at first glance, but as we play around we’re reminded of how young and pure she is, of how untouched her cunt is. Everything delicate and tidy. She keeps it all so clean, even though she never dreamed anyone would be sniffing around down here. My hips hump slowly front to back, my cock still buried balls-deep in my daughter under me.
Eva and I lick and finger and prod every inch of Grace’s pussy. Two ravenous beasts violating her most private area. Even the musk of this girl is somehow fresh! My tongue digs into her hole, tasting her insides. Sour, but subtle and sweet. I feel Eva’s little tongue trying to squeeze its way in beside mine, and we begin playfully fighting over access to the girl’s pussy. Grace whimpers and sobs. Eva giggles, enjoying the feeling of being sandwiched tightly between her daddy and the little lamb.
It’s obvious Grace hasn’t been used. She’s too sensitive, flinches from every touch. Everything we do to her is a foreign feeling she’s never experienced before. Like any other unmarried girl in this group of Baptists, she clings to her virginity. Treasures it. Thinks she’s saving herself for marriage, for her God. But she only kept her body so unsullied, so preserved… for me. I get to be the first to use her! Share her with my daughter. Break her in. I guess in the end, she did save herself for her Lord, just not the one she expected.
Eva suddenly plunges a finger into Grace’s cunt. A violent thrust meant to test the poor girl, to get a reaction. Grace squirms in agony, Eva’s claw scraping inside her. A sharp intake of breath quickly followed by a shriek, muffled by the cloth in her mouth. Eva giggles with delight, digging her finger around to torture the girl even more. This seems to be the first thing to ever penetrate her like this. But Eva doesn't go easy. Doesn’t warm her up to it.
And then Grace begins pissing! Eva squeals in surprise and then laughs, “Oh daddy, look! We must have caught her on the way to the bathroom! She can’t even hold it anymore!” All the fear, all the sensitivity and violation. That final fingering was the last straw. The blonde hair on her pussy gets soaked as the stream trickles out. Her white panties, shredded open but still clinging on, also get wet as the pee pours down over her plump buttcheeks, down to her asshole. The smell hits me hard, and I reel back a bit.
But my daughter dives forward, shoving her pretty face straight into the leaking cunt. My cock throbs inside Eva’s pussy as I watch her begin rubbing her face around in the piss-soaked crotch. She laps at the stream, slurping sounds filling the chilly night air. Her finger still digging around viciously inside the girl, as if trying to pump more and more out of her. None of this is anything I ever commanded Eva to do. I really lucked out finding a nasty little college chick like this.
“Kitten! That’s sick!” I chuckle and shake my head as I watch my daughter drink another girl’s piss. She turns her head just enough to look up at me with bashful eyes, mouth stretching into an evil smile as her tongue continues flicking.
But Eva can feel my cock harden like steel within her, my hips starting to pump in and out harder. “Aw daddy but you love it,” and she starts backing into me, matching my rhythm.
I lift up onto my knees and pull Eva’s ass up into doggie position, her face still buried in dribbling pussy. Grace lays on her back, forced to stare up at my swinging balls again as I start fucking my daughter with ferocity.
Jeans pulled down off her ass, g-string pulled aside, I grip Eva’s asscheeks in each hand to give me something to hold onto so I can ram as hard as possible. Eva lets out a muffled moan from between Grace’s thighs. My cock couldn’t be any harder, my tip punching right into Eva’s cervix as I pummel her. My fingers dig into her cheeks, clearly hurting her, but she loves every second, backing her hips into mine, our flesh slapping together directly over Grace’s head.
Juices drip down from Eva’s sopping cunt, down my balls, falling down onto the face below us. And in front of me I can hear my daughter inhaling the girl’s crotch, sticky sounds of spit as she sucks on piss and pussy-lips. My daughter is getting close, giving herself all her favorite things to try to push herself over the edge. Absorbing herself in a woman while getting fucked hard by her daddy.
So I oblige. Helping my daughter along as a good father should. I get up on my feet, into a powerful low standing squat, hands on Eva’s hips. And I batter her as hard as I can. A brutality that would easily damage a human female. I hear Grace yelp in fear below the savage display above her.
And within seconds Eva goes silent, her whole body clenching up as I continue smashing away. Then she explodes into a shaking orgasm, her sweet voice emitting a raspy groan I’ve never quite heard from her. I pump a few more times before her spent pussy ejects me, unable to continue. Eva moans loudly, unable to control herself. Her limbs going limp, her hips quaking wildly, fluid running down her inner thighs.
Not wanting people to hear, I reach forward to stifle the noise my daughter is making. Shoving her face back into the piss-soaked cunt under her. Her moans continue, but it’s quieter. I smile, loving my little girl so much in this moment.
Then looking down, I notice Grace’s teary blue eyes staring up at me with an expression of absolute horror. Poor girl looks so traumatized. Can barely comprehend what’s happening. I give her some more to think about, sitting back on my heels and slapping my still-raging cock down onto her forehead over and over. She whimpers loudly, so I muffle her as well, pulling Eva’s sopping pussy down over her face into 69 position.
I press down hard and smear around, coating Grace’s innocent face in my daughter’s juices. I have to hold her head in place as she struggles to turn away from the crotch being smushed down on her. Then I shove my cock into the gap between Eva’s pussy and Grace’s nose, fucking in and out lazily. Just playing around and enjoying Eva’s sensual smells wafting up from her exhausted little body. Her familiar feminine musk, a bit of sweat.
I’m still not quite ready to cum, so I wipe Eva’s juices off my cock with Grace’s pretty blonde hair. I give my daughter a breather, but it doesn’t take long before we’re both ready to move on.
Eva is still adorably shaky at the knees, but manages to get up and fully remove her own jeans. Then she rolls Grace over onto her belly. We both marvel at the sight. She’s filthy from laying in mud, but this only adds to the fun. And her ass! Simply magnificent. As big as Vee’s. But unlike my wife back home, it’s packed onto a much smaller girl. Grace’s hourglass figure is something many girls would kill for.
Eva quickly gets down between the girl’s legs, hands gleefully grasping at the thick asscheeks. I follow suit, kneeling down beside the girls. I slap at the juicy ass, watching it bounce. Then I knead and jiggle it, absolutely mesmerized. We smear mud around her pale skin, and the girl sobs and tries to crawl away. But she’s far too weakened. Hands struggling to even lift up and tug at the cloth around her mouth.
Eva dives in to lay belly-down in the mud between Grace’s legs. Face buried into cunt again. I hold the girl in place for her, slapping at asscheeks, pushing them together to smother at my daughter’s little face. I watch as Eva begins forcing fingers into the girl’s virgin pussy. The inexperienced little hole struggled with a single digit earlier. Eva stabs with three this time.
Grace squeals like a stuck pig and I have to shove her face down into the mud to silence her. Her pathetic body twitches and writhes, but I hold her without difficulty.
I watch Eva spitting repeatedly on her hand, slowly forcing a fourth finger, then her thumb. A little Blub! sound comes from where Grace has her face buried in the mud, a single big bubble escaping. Her strawberry-blonde hair no longer the elegant spirals they once were. Now brown and filthy under my hand holding her down.
Eva works her hand around, all five fingers about one knuckle deep. A trickle of dark red oozes out around the fingers, whether from a remaining hymen or just damage from the assault on the tight opening. Eva grins and leans her face back in to start lapping at the blood. I continue holding the suffocating girl down in the mud, my free hand shooting to my cock to begin pumping away.
Not wanting the fun to end, I lift Grace’s head up by the hair, letting her gasp for breath. She coughs and spews mud, but before she can fully recover, I smush her face right back down, allowing my daughter to continue without the bitch making too much noise.
Eva forces her hand the rest of the way, popping past the last knuckles in one violent punch. Grace squirms in absolute anguish, not ready for this treatment in the least. I hold her down, her body thrashing around in the mud. Thick butt jiggling lewdly, legs clenching in failed attempts to expel the intruder. And all the while, Eva licks and slurps at the delicious virgin blood seeping out.
One of my hands still holding Grace’s head down in the mud, my other reaches out and swiftly rips off the ruined panties still wrapped around her waist. Caked in mud, yellow with piss, shredded by Eva’s claws. I pull Grace’s head up by the hair again, just before she’s about to pass out from lack of oxygen. She coughs and gasps, the cloth around her mouth hanging down over her chin now. I wad up the filthy panties and shove them in her mouth. Then I refit the cloth gag tightly between her teeth again, to keep her underwear securely in place. Tears pour down her muddy cheeks as she’s forced to taste her own piss. It muffles her stupid voice a bit better.
But as Eva wriggles her hand around more, Grace becomes harder to keep quiet. Eva is almost wrist-deep, hand stretching the girl’s vagina to the point of breaking. Blood drips out profusely, my daughter greedily slurping it up, her hand smacking at Grace’s fat asscheeks. By the way the little Christian reacts, I can tell my Kitten is playing around in there, opening and closing her fist. Grace bucks and spasms from the insane torture. And her raspy squeals of pain become too annoying to contain. Eva and I make eye contact, together deciding without words that the time has come to sedate the girl some more.
Not seeing a mud-free spot on the girl within reach, I let Eva dirty her little mouth and take another bite. She clamps down hard on a buttcheek in front of her, eyes fluttering back in pleasure at the squishy feeling, the fresh blood. And I can tell my daughter’s tongue is swirling and savoring the dirty flesh in her mouth. She sucks for just a moment before Grace goes completely silent and limp.
“That’s enough, Kitten.” I pry Eva’s little face away from the girl’s ass before she gets too carried away, then lean down to plant a fatherly kiss on her forehead. Her eyes glow red again, and she shakes from the power flowing through her. The amount of virgin blood we’ve had tonight was enough to feed our entire family for a week.
Eva licks at her lips, trying not to lose a single drop of precious blood down her chin, while she nonchalantly wrenches her fist free of the unconscious girl’s cunt. A disgusting Splurch! sound comes from stretched hole, blood leaking out onto the muddy ground beneath her. My cock twitches, rock solid from the horrific site. The cunt lingers open, gaping in the shape of my daughter’s little fist, dribbling her deliciously pure blood. I can smell the metallic aroma in the air. Mixed with the sour scent of two different pussies.
My daughter leans in and takes my rock-hard cock in her mouth, hands reaching up to start pumping her daddy. Blood-soaked saliva and hand paints my member red as I slide in and out of her face. Her warm mouth bobbing slowly along my dick, we both glance down at the mess of a body lying below.
Big pale muddy buttcheeks, tiny bloody teeth marks punched in the middle of the soft skin. And between the cheeks, just as the cunt is finally shrinking shut after it’s malicious abuse, we notice the little asshole. Somewhat hairy like her pussy, but clean and tidy, somehow almost cute. It winks up at us, opening and closing. Reacting with clenching twitches from all the painful feelings her body has endured.
Eva almost chokes from excitement, lurching back off my cock, “Daddy look! Oh can we? Please? Oh look how it’s begging for you, daddy!” My daughter begins feverishly rubbing at her own pussy, fingers making wet sticky sounds as she churns her juicy hole.
It’s not often I bother with anal, the risk of a turn-off usually too great unless properly prepared for ahead of time. But somehow, this little prude of a Baptist, this virgin girl who never even dreamed her body would ever be so closely inspected like this, keeps herself so clean, simply practices great hygiene, treats herself like the pure little lady she is. Even in such a filthy place. The tight, dark pink wrinkles look so soft and delicate. Pampered and ready to be explored. Eva spreads the cheeks and rubs a finger at the little button, trying to convince me.
To Eva’s elated surprise, I shove her aside and position myself over the girl’s ass. I straddle her thighs, pressing them together under me in a ‘prone bone’ position with my cock prodding between her cheeks. Eva hovers over the butt in front of me, one hand pumping away at her own cunt. She bends down and helps add a copious amount of spit. And with Grace unconsciously relaxed, I press forward and successfully begin driving my tip inside.
Grace is a tight-ass in more ways than one, and I have extreme difficulty at first, even with Eva’s free hand helping guide my cock. But my daughter suddenly squeaks as if she has an idea, scurrying out of sight behind me. I turn and see her breaking down a small tree branch found nearby. She feeds the large stick between the girl’s pressed-together thighs and starts shoving violently. The body beneath me twitches from subconscious pain as the stick is rammed roughly into the bloody cunt. And as if Eva said the magic words, Grace’s backdoor clenches then relaxes a few times. My daughter’s brutal distraction caused a reflex that allows me just enough give to thrust my cock into the asshole. It makes a little squelching sound and then I slide inside with a satisfying pop.
The warmth is incredible, and I sigh with relief at finally gaining access. Eva playfully wiggles the stick in Grace’s pussy one more time, causing the sphincter to choke my cock in a painful vise grip. But then it relaxes again, allowing me to begin sliding in and out. Blood beads up around my shaft as I move at a pace meant for my pleasure alone, not a thought given to the damage I must be causing. My hands squish and knead and slap at the beautiful muddy asscheeks below me, using them as handles to hold her in place as I thrust. My groin bats comfortably at her pillowy butt, her ass making the perfect cushion. Fuck, it’s like her body is meant for nothing else. This is what her God made her for. I hear Eva’s fingers squelching inside her own cunt again, hard at work watching her daddy pummel the girl’s unconscious body on the muddy ground.
Under cover of pitch-black night, along with my supernatural mist summoned across the entire area, I continue quietly ass-fucking the poor girl. Even as her friends walk by on the nearby path.
“I’m getting worried. She wasn’t at the house. I think something’s wrong.” We overhear the growing panic in a few voices as the Baptists walk by. My cock slides in and out slowly. Eva’s fingers pumping and swirling at her pussy. We hear another voice further away, calling out for Taylor and Joseph. That big black dog booming and howling along with them.
Eva silently slides up to my ear, “I want you daddy.” With the Christians lingering mere feet away on the nearby path, she pulls me out of the ruined butthole and coaxes me over to Grace’s sleeping head. Eva unties the cloth around the girl’s mouth, removes the disgusting wad of panties from within, then holds open the jaw and waits. She wants me to clean the filthy asshole off my cock using Grace’s mouth! My dick twitches at the prospect, and I crawl forward stealthily.
My Kitten helps guide my cock, and I enter the warmth of the little Christian’s innocent mouth. This is probably her first blowjob, and she isn’t even awake to experience it. Coated in blood and God-knows-what from her own asshole, I hump and grind at her face. Sliding along her wet tongue, Eva’s hands helping pump and clean me off with the saliva inside. I shove even deeper, my tips pushing deep down her helpless throat. A nasty croaking sound comes from her as air and spit are forced around. We stop moving, holding perfectly still. The friends nearby didn’t hear, so I begin humping in and out again. Eva stifles a giggle, ass wagging around next to me, the excitement and mischief almost too much for her.
Before the Christians are completely out of earshot, we have my penis nice and cleansed. So Eva lays down back to back on top of Grace, her butt smashing the girl’s face down in the mud, her legs spreading wide for me. She hooks arms with the girl below her, helping herself balance directly on top. And I kneel in close and guide my cock toward my daughter’s waiting pussy.
Eva lays in the perfect missionary position, propped up a bit on the girl under her, and I thrust into her sopping hole. We both sigh, my daughter’s eyes closing, her head laying back in bliss. Grace’s butt makes a weirdly perfect pillow under her head, and I begin banging in and out with abandon, holding my Kitten’s legs up under the knees. She still wears her skater-girl sneakers, which flop around as I slam into her. Black hoodie still covering her torso. Jeans completely removed, black g-string still pulled aside, fair skin glowing against the darkness of night. Fuck she’s gorgeous.
As we lose ourselves in our feverish fucking, our soft moans of pleasure almost drown out the quiet gurgling coming from the girl underneath. In fact, the girl is almost ‘drowned out’ herself, Eva’s butt pushing her face down into the mud, nearly suffocating the helpless little angel. Strawberry-blonde hair, caked brown, starts to stir, Grace waking up ever so slightly. She comes to, just enough to become aware of her surroundings. Her head struggles to even turn enough to gasp for a raspy breath from under my daughter. Pathetic whimpers and sobs are ignored by father and daughter, as I continue slapping into my Kitten’s pussy.
I groan, so close. Eva lays her head back on her ass-pillow, gazing up with hazy eyes at the chilly night sky. And poor Grace croaks out a pained cry, all the abuse to her holes coming to the forefront. Her asshole raped and bloody. Her cunt even worse, a tree branch still stuffed in the torn hole between her legs. And I just carry on fucking my daughter on her back.
I lay down forward, cruelly pressing all my weight down onto both girls, partially for better leverage to stuff Eva’s cunt, partially to muffle Grace down into the mud again. The girl’s body barely has the strength to twitch as she begins to suffocate, smashed underneath two sinful demons. I pump harder, beating Eva’s pussy as hard as I can, pounding Grace into oblivion. Splat! Splat! Splat!
Eva’s eyes glow red, staring lovingly into mine, then roll back in her head. Her breath is hot as I lean down and taste her lips, her cheek, her warm neck. I’m so fucking close, but I hold out. Groaning and straining. Just a bit more!
Eva cums. Shaking, smiling ear to ear. Letting out an ecstatic shriek of delight. I groan triumphantly and finally allow myself to release, deep inside her. She came for me easier than ever before! I relax my weight on her even more, hugging her, gazing into her eyes. She smiles, panting, and hugs me back.
We enjoy the radiant afterglow for a moment, just staring at each other, my cock pulsing a few more times, oozing out the last drops within her pussy. All while the girl beneath us twitches and shakes, seconds away from suffocating in the mud.
“Do it, Kitten. She’s all yours.” Eva’s eyes go wide with gleeful surprise. She embraces me with one more warm hug and kiss, and then rolls over to finish the girl off.
* * *
We watch from the treeline again as the Baptists begin to panic around the fire. They know something is very wrong. People are missing. We see them regroup after several of them failed in their searches along the trails. But Laura, my pregnant cousin, the prized treasure, the reason for this entire mission, she still sits huddled safely in the center of the group. A few people cater to her, helping her get up. They’re preparing to head back to the house. They’re going as one large group. We hear a mention of the cops being called. Someone else continues shouting out names of missing friends. A few of the women are crying, praying. And I notice the dog is missing now.
But before they begin heading back to the house, two figures emerge from the trees, walking straight up to them.
Someone at the fire shouts out, “Taylor! Grace! Where have you been?! We’ve been looking everywhere!” The tension eases on several faces. But not entirely. The people look scared, confused, their eyes scanning over the two girls.
“Oh we’re fine now. Everyone can sit back down.” Grace’s soft voice replies as the two women continue walking slowly forward. Taylor noticeably stays silent.
“Wh- what happened to you? Is- is that blood?” A guy calls back. A woman next to him covers her mouth in shock.
Grace is covered in mud, blood visibly dripping down her legs. She carries a bag she didn’t have before. Glass clinking within. She’s seemingly fully clothed, but disheveled.
Taylor is just as messy. The thin model-like brunette hobbles on one boot, the other eerily missing. Clothing and hair just as roughed up, black tears of makeup down her cheeks. But worst of all is the blood and teeth-marks covering the singer’s slender neck. Both girls just smile as if nothing’s wrong, continuing their approach.
One of the men at the fire steps forward, “Now stop right there, what in the world is going on!?” He’s the strongest among them. Holding his ground. Confused but strong.
Grace snaps her fingers, a flicker of red in her sweet eyes for just a moment, “Samson, get em.” A booming bark, a blur of black, bounding out from the trees. The great black beast, a massive shaggy German Shepherd mix. Its eyes glowing the same red as its master’s. The man pulls a pistol, fires, point-blank. It does nothing, and the man crumples beneath the hellhound.
The stealth approach has ended. Chaos breaks loose, screams and shouts and more gunfire. Grace lunges forward, tearing into a former friend. Taylor kicks out, the heel of her boot crushing the throat of a man she had sat next to at the fire just hours before. That kick! Interesting.
Samson mauls another pathetic human, and Eva and I emerge from our hiding spot to enter the fray. I nod at Eva and she childishly runs forward to attack with her new sisters, her giggles quickly blending into the rest of the noise.
I walk casually, letting the girls do the work. I watch as Eva tosses someone in the fire, logs scattering and catching nearby trees ablaze. Already, she works to destroy evidence of our massacre here. The fire spreads, creating a truly hellish scene. Smoke mixing with my unnatural mist, and soon the night is a haze of death and screams.
I catch a glimpse of Grace unloading the bag she was carrying. Pulling out jars and jugs and beginning to drain a dying Baptist where they lay. Harvesting their precious blood! I smile. Farm girls are so useful.
But my attention returns ahead. The fire and killing all around is simply a distraction for this main objective. Laura stumbles around in a panic. All alone. Hands cradling her huge belly. Curly brown hair, so elegant and shiny, even now. She stops as she sees me approaching through the smoke. Her hazel eyes go wide, full of terror. She opens her mouth to say something. The words catching in her pretty throat.
As I approach, I have to laugh at the look on her face. For a woman so filled with faith, with belief in the supernatural, you’d think she could handle a divine moment such as this. But the miracle of seeing her long-dead cousin walking toward her, flames whirling all around… It leaves her with a delicious look of incredulity. Of disbelief. Her faith breaks, and she falls to the ground as the hellish scene overwhelms her.
Laura cowers at my feet as I look her pregnant body up and down. A nice plump cow to bring home from the farm.
I smile down at my cousin, licking my fangs, “Miss me?”
Thanks for reading! See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story
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