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Nathan thinks he does not have to go to his family reunion but his mother has other plans.
Nathan was at the kitchen table eating breakfast when his mother startled him by jumping right into an accusing tirade. “Why haven’t you packed yet?” she demanded.

“Excuse me?” Nathan was caught off guard.

“The family reunion; why haven’t you packed your suitcase? We’re gonna be staying at your uncle’s house for three days straight. I don’t expect you to wear the same clothes the whole time.”

“I didn’t realize I was going?” Nathan admitted.

“Why not? Are you trying to make me look bad in front of your father’s family?” she accused him.

“What? No, I just didn’t realize a teenager would still go to reunions. I thought I could stay home and house sit or something.”

“And throw a party while we’re out of town, not gonna happen smart Alec.”

“Mom, when have I ever acted out like that?”

“Just because I’ve never given you the chance, doesn’t mean you’re well behaved,” she assured him.

“Well, I guess I’ve been a brat all this time and just didn’t know,” he sighed.

“Don’t get smart with me.” She slapped him on the back of the head. It was not enough to hurt him, just to remind him who was in charge. His mother was not a tyrant but she certainly wasn’t a pushover either.

No conversation between the parent child pair had ever been pleasant. Rather than ever asking him to do something for her she would just start shouting as if he’d made a mistake by not having read her mind and already accomplished it. Of course, even if he had read her mind she would’ve just come up with something else to shout about. Nathan just assumed she liked being the boss of him more than the idea of him being happy to see her ever.

“Everyone on your father’s side of the family looks down on us. I will not have you embarrassing me. You will show up and play with your cousins and just look pretty for everyone while staying completely silent, is that understood?”

Nathan did not respond but the conversation was over. He had no choice. He could argue with her forever but she would not change her mind no matter what he or even his dad said.


Nathan and his parents arrived at his uncle’s house on Friday afternoon, long before anyone else would be there. It was his mother’s pension to be early in order to appear eager. Appearances were everything for her. Her family was not well connected at all. Reunions were unheard of for them. As such, her only chance to show off was to her husband’s family.

“Hello Margaret,” Nathan’s uncle Dave greeted his mother particularly. He almost refused to look at his older brother Stan. Dave and Stan were born almost t*n years apart. Stan had moved out and started a family before Dave had even met his wife.

“Where is Lacey?” Margaret asked while stepping over the threshold into the house. Although Dave had agreed to let his relatives stay with them, he did not appear pleased with how easily Margaret invited herself in.

“Lacey is playing in her room,” Dave explained while trying not to show his displeasure on his face. “Mary got her onne of those video game consoles and she has been attached to it ever since.”

Margaret wrinkled her nose disapprovingly. “Don’t you know that video games cause violent behavior in children?”

“Well we aren’t letting her play GTA or anything geared toward violence. There are family oriented games like monopoly and her favorite Mario Kart.”

“It’s not the type of game, it’s the chemicals in the brain,” Margaret argued. “Just staring at the screen causes a reaction that just turns kids into psychopaths.”

Dave looked at his brother finally, asking for him to dispute his wife’s outrageous claim. He waved his hands and walked toward the stairs, carrying two suitcases. Dave noted that Nathan had a simple drawstring bag, probably with only a few changes of clothes. It would have been more appreciated if his parents had done the same. They were only staying two nights after all.

“Children in general are all psychopaths,” Nathan muttered to himself. “It is the parents’ and teachers’ job to make sure they learn not to be. Video games are also a source of knowledge but unless the child is stupid they can separate reality from fiction.”

“Bravo,” Dave cheered his nephew’s input. “That’s exactly what Mary said when she convinced me to let Lacey have the thing.”

“Oh, bullshit, Mary is just too lazy to raise Lacey herself so she’ll say anything to let the TV do it for her,” Margaret scoffed.

Dave’s veins visibly popped on his neck for a moment as he refrained from spitting back at Margaret. She had not been here for an hour yet and he already wished she would leave.

“Nathan dear, why don’t you go play with Lacey and show her how to have fun without destroying her brain.”

“But we’re not even the same age. Can’t she play with the other kids when they get here?”

“Yes, when they get here,” Margaret repeated. “Until then, you’ll both be sleeping in the same room anyway so get a move on it.”

Nathan rolled his eyes before marching up the stairs. He did not even knock before opening the door to Lacey’s room. She was on her stomach on the floor in front of her TV holding a controller. She did not even react.

Nathan sat down next to her and put his hand on her head. Again she did not react. He then pushed her bangs down over her eyes. Finally she used a hand to push his hand off of her head. He returned it immediately but again she did not react.

It was not until she reached the end of her Mario Kart race that she paused the game and turned to look at who was disturbing her. “Uncle Nathan,” she beamed at him.

“I'm not your uncle, I'm your cousin,” he corrected her.

“Really?” she eyed him up and down. “You’re so much bigger than me.”

“You’ve gotten bigger too,” he remarked. They had last seen each other at the previous reunion. She had a bowl cut at that time but now her hair was almost shoulder length. It was still stringy looking and straw colored like a doll from the eighties. She wore jean overalls and a pink sweater.

Nathan looked nothing like her. He had dark brown hair and freckles on a flat looking face. He was also much taller considering their five year difference.

“Want to play?” Lacey offered him the controller.

“Mom will get mad at me,” he declined.

“You still do what your mom says?” she laughed at him.

“Don’t you?” He suddenly lifted her off her feet so their eyes could meet at the same height.

“You’re practically an adult.”

“Another year,” Nathan sighed.

“Poor Natty,” she referred to him by the nickname she had given him during a previous reunions. Despite not seeing each other more than three times a year, they were still pretty used to being around each other.

Nathan was caught off guard when Lacey suddenly kicked him in the stomach, forcing him to drop her. “What was that for?” he groaned as she ran out of the room.

“Catch me if you can,” she giggled.

“What? Hide and seek?”

“If we can’t play Mario Kart, what else are we going to play,” she shouted back down the hall. From her voice he could tell she was almost out of earshot. It took him several moments to recover and stand back up. He would have been less annoyed at having to play hide and seek if he had not just sat through an exhausting car ride for several hours. Reluctantly, he fumbled out of the room and down the stairs.

His first stop was the kitchen, where he knew his aunt Mary would be. “Have you seen…?”

“Nope,” she did not even let him finish. “That’s not how you play the game,” she scolded him.

“I'm nearly an adult,” he reminded her. “I don’t want to be playing this game with a ch*ld.”

“How about playing a game with an adult like me?” Mary offered.

“What kind of game?”

“The kind where you play with my daughter properly and I give you twenty dollars for your trouble.”

Nathan knew that getting bribed was actually a very childish thing but his mother gave him nothing in the form of an allowance and his father only gave him money when his mother was not there to confiscate it. Twenty dollars was worth playing with his cousin for a little while.

It took Nathan nearly half an hour to scour the whole house. Knowing Lacey had a tendency to giggle whenever she was hiding, he did not have to check every nook and cranny. He just had to walk around until he heard her.

He finally located her on the back patio. The moment he opened the screen door he heard her whisper “oh no” to herself. He walked around the edge of the screened porch until he saw her foot sticking out from behind a lounge chair. Wanting to startle her, he pretended to walk past her. He then turned back toward the door and walked a few paces before suddenly jumping onto the chair and leaning over the back of it.

Lacey screamed and then started to giggle uncontrollably as he hoisted her over the back of the chair. She struggled until he had to drop her right onto his lap. She laughed at the face he made as the air was forced out of him. “Don’t scare me,” she warned him. “I almost peed myself.”

“Aren't you too old for that?” he scolded her.

“If I have to pee then I have to pee. I forgot to go before I hid.”

“And you still have to go now?” Nathan confirmed. She nodded almost proudly. Rolling his eyes, Nathan lifted her up and slung her over his shoulder in order to carry her. He marched right to the downstairs bathroom and set her in front of the door. She stood perfectly still rather than entering. “What now?” he asked.

“Can you help me get my overalls off?” she asked.

“You’re definitely too old for this,” he groaned.

“If I move too much, it’ll leak,” she explained.

Sighing, Nathan pulled the straps of her overalls off her shoulders and then dragged the whole garment to the ground. Lacey kissed him on the cheek while he was crouched down before rushing into the bathroom.

He was left holding her overalls and looking confused. When Mary left the kitchen and saw him she walked over. “Did you find her?” she asked.

“Um…” Nathan just held up the overalls.

“She’s such a b*by,” Mary sighed. “You don’t mind, do you? Looking after her I mean. She’s not hopeless but she likes monopolizing you when you’re here. Just pretend she’s still a k*d and can’t do anything for herself.

“Do you have another twenty dollars?” Nathan tried to bargain.

Mary smirked as she walked off. “I’ll get Dave to give you something as well. If he doesn’t know I already paid you he’ll give you a lot so don’t say anything. He’s a sucker for his daughter.”

“He’s not the only one,” Nathan grumbled.

A moment later, Lacey reemerged from the bathroom, smelling of soap and wearing just a pair of pink polka dot panties and a camisole. She had evidently discarded her sweater. Nathan offered her overalls back to her but she ignored him and ran off. “Wait,” he shouted after her.

“I have to hide again,” she explained.

“Can’t we be done with hiding,” he pleaded. “I’ve had a long day and I'm really tired.”

“Can we play Mario Kart then?” she asked.

“Fine, we can play video games,” he reluctantly agreed. It was better than having to chase his half naked cousin all over the house. Having known her since she was a b*by, Nathan did not think much of seeing his cousin in her underwear and neither did her parents. Nathan was family as far as they were concerned. Of course, he would be lying if he said he did not enjoy the benefits being close with Lacey provided. The entire time they were ascending the stairs he kept his eyes fixated on her butt as it jiggled with each step.

When they entered her room again, he contemplated offering her overalls back to her again but decided against it. Instead he tossed them onto a chair and sat down on the floor again. She sat down next to him and picked up the controller. “Sorry, I only have one,” she apologized to him.

“I’ll just watch you play,” he offered. If for some reason his mom entered the room, he would be in less trouble if he had not touched the controller.

For several minutes, Lacey played race after race, almost ignoring Nathan’s presence again. She kept leaning to the left or the right whenever making a large turn and even bumped him a few times but otherwise acted as if he was not there at all. He did not mind though. His attention was elsewhere.

He kept watched her butt as it rocked from side to side. Eventually, he reached out his hand and pinched her thigh slightly. “It’s not gonna work,” she warned him without taking her eyes off the screen.

“What?” he chuckled.

“You won’t make me lose,” she assured him. “I can ignore anything you do.”

“Anything?” he repeated while patting her on the bottom.

“Is that all you’ve got? Are you gonna spank me?” She re-positioned herself on her stomach so he could see her full butt. As if invited he swatted her once on the backside, not too hard though. She still moaned slightly. “That hurt more than I thought it would,” she admitted. “Mom and Dad don’t spank me much anymore so I forgot.”

“Want me to stop?” he teased her.

She took it as a challenge and shook her head. “I won’t lose,” she assured him.

Nathan spent a few minutes patting her butt with differing force before deciding he could be a little more bold. He pulled the waist of her panties down under her butt, exposing it to him and the cool air of the room. She moaned a little again and even squirmed on her stomach but kept her focus on the TV.

He spanked her a few more times before simply inserting his fingers into the crack of her butt and sliding them down until he reached the slit of her cunt. She gasped and crossed her eyes while staring at the screen. “You okay?” Nathan mocked her.

She bit her lip while nodding. She pretended to be focused on the screen but her crossed eyes proved that was impossible. The kart was simply driving into a wall but she could not focus enough to care. Nathan kept stroking the slit of her cunt causing the muscles in her thighs to clench and relax repeatedly.

By then, Nathan knew he had crossed a line. There was no way Lacey did not understand what he was doing to her. However, he almost did not care. At first just staring at her butt was enough but the more he got away with the further he wanted to push things.

Lacey practically fell on her face when he pushed his fingers past the opening of her cunt. She clenched her eyes and moaned in a muffled voice against the carpet. The inside of her cunt was warm and a little wet. Nathan had never gotten this far with any girl at his school.

Nathan was just contemplating when he should stop when he noticed something. Rather than just contracting her thigh muscles anymore, Lacey’s entire lower half was slightly jerking as if she was trying to move her cunt around his fingers. Nathan was sure at that moment, whether she would admit it or not, Lacey was turned on.

With his reservations gone, Nathan suddenly removed his fingers from her cunt and lifted her by the waist. She flopped like a rag at first until he dropped her down on his lap. She stiffened up and turned to look at him with rosy red cheeks and sweat dripping from her forehead. “Looks like you lost.” He gestured to the TV. She was in last place and all the other karts had crossed the finish line.

She nodded slowly before looking around for the controller. She leaned down to pick it up, feeling something hard beneath her. As soon as she restarted the race, Nathan slid his hands underneath her camisole and ran them up her stomach. When he reached her nipples he pinched both of them tightly. She squealed in pain while also grinding her butt and crotch against his lap. “Are you sure you can win?” he acted like he was still just teasing her and messing with her game.

She did not answer and just tried to concentrate on the race. Her eyes fluttered every time he rubbed or pinched her nipples though. When she got too focused on the race and leaned forward, lifting herself off his lap, he cupped her breasts and pulled her back down. His hard shaft pressed into the wet crotch of her panties. The tip caught against her clit momentarily before his cock bent enough to slip free again.

She moaned loudly while gasping and panting. She felt a shock run through her loins the moment the tip sprung away from her clit, scraping it slightly. She wished he would leave her breasts alone and do something about her panties. She slowly began to wiggle her butt, scrapping her panties off on his pants until they were just below her cunt.

Seeing his chance, Nathan pulled his shorts down just enough so his cock could straighten and pop out. It slide in-between her thighs and rested atop her panties and below her cunt. Lacey gulped loudly while lifting herself off of his lap and then lowering herself back down. For a moment her wet cunt was chilled by the air before his warm shaft was pressed against the opening again.

She repeated the process a few times, almost like she was trying to get the tip to touch her clit again. She never raised herself enough for it to stand fully erect though and as such it never entered her on the way back down. Tired of her teasing him, Nathan grabbed his cock and straightened it fully himself. However, the moment she felt the tip pressing against her opening, Lacey stopped herself from lowering back down. Nathan was not going to let her though. He pushed her thighs apart until she slid down onto his shaft with a wet plop.

She screamed out but he covered her mouth. Her eyes went wide with fear as she squealed into his hand, not sure what he was doing to her and why. “It’s okay,” he whispered in her ear. “I'm just trying to make you lose. This isn’t enough, is it though? Just focus on winning, okay?”

She nodded as tears streamed down her face. She focused on the screen and the race as she sat on his lap with something warm filling her. After a few minutes though, he began to press on the top of her thighs and lower her even more. She tried to shake her head but his hand on her mouth kept her from moving it too much.

She was wet enough that his cock slid inside her pretty easily, despite their difference in size. She was actually surprised how much space she apparently had in her cunt. If she did not know better, she would have sworn he was sliding all the way into her stomach.

He still went as slowly as possible though, trying not to hurt her too much. It took him a full minute to bottom out in her. When the lips of her cunt touched his pelvis she sighed with relief that he had finally stopped moving. He even removed his hand from her mouth and instead rested both of his hands on her hips.

For a long while, they remained that way. She focused on her race while sitting firmly on his lap with something large, hard and hot pulsing inside her. It was both uncomfortable and comforting. For a moment she wondered if this would become a regular thing, her sitting in his lap like normal while he secretly pierced her from below. Maybe he would do it when they were amongst their family. What would her face look like then?

She surprised herself with how much she wanted to try it. It would be a more risky game than him trying to distract her from Mario Kart. If they got caught, how much trouble would they both be in, though?

As she tried to ignore her imagination and focus on the screen. Nathan had other intentions. It was not just a game of distraction for him. Sitting still was boring for him. With his hands on her waist, he slid her forward on his lap. His cock slid out of her cunt almost and inch, causing her to sigh. He then pulled her backwards. The tip pressed against the soft spongy flesh on the inside of her pelvis and slid upward, filling her once more.

She bit her lip but ignored him as best she could. As if trying to get a reaction from her, he slid her forward and backward again, gyrating her hips on top of his lap. Her head fell to the side for a moment as she lost concentration. She quickly recovered and doubled her focus. He began to slide her back and forth even faster.

Part of him knew she must be incredibly uncomfortable. She had just lost her virginity after all. However, the more she refused to show it, the more he felt like he could get away with. If she never told him to stop, was it nonconsensual?

Despite trying her best not to show any response, it became nearly impossible the faster Nathan gyrated her hips. At first she just let her mouth fall open each time his cock scrapped her pelvis from the inside. Eventually she began to gasp when she felt the size of his cock spreading the walls of her cunt. Finally she began to squeak each time his lap slapped against her pussy lips from below.

She tried to steal a glance at her crotch without losing the race again. All she could really see was her panties sliding down her thighs. She felt restricted by them. Her legs were getting tired of having to stay up in their position. If that piece of cloth were not binding them together, she would have let them fall apart, spreading her crotch for anyone in front of her to see.

By then she could tell Nathan was not simply trying to distract her by touching her most sensitive spot. He had picked this spot intentionally. He knew something about her body she did not. Unable to focus on her game anymore, she simply dropped her controller in order to place her hands on her inner thighs to pull her legs apart, giving her cousin more room to push his cock into her cunt from below. She slowly worked her panties down to her ankles and then kicked them off entirely.

Unable to see clearly what was happening to her, but still curious to understand it, Lacey closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of her cunt. Something hard was pushing up into her and spreading the walls of her cunt apart. It would then retreat, leaving a gap that slowly faded. Before she could even process it, the hard object had returned to spread her flesh apart again.

Lacey was reminded of a time when she had cut herself on something sharp. Her mother had insisted that the wound would heal fastest if she simply left it alone and did not aggravate it. Despite this, Lacey had poked it as often as she could, finding strange enjoyment in the little shocks of pain it sent through her nerves. Now her cousin was enjoying making her feel himself inside of her in a similar way.

A smile spread across her face as she reveled in the sensation for a while. Each time his cock slid into her, it touched just a little bit more of her nerves than the previous time. She began to anticipate it more and more, adopting a different pose so she could feel it deeper and react more. She leaned forward so her face was right next to the TV and she held her legs up off the floor, practically parallel to the carpet. The concentration it took to keep them hovering that way was disrupted each time Nathan slid into her, causing them to shake as her whole body somewhat shivered.

Instead of just staring at the back of her head, Nathan now saw her whole back, from her butt up to her shoulders. Her camisole fell loosely on her shoulders. Nathan ran his fingers up her back, causing her to flinch and gasp. Her new position was hard for him to keep her balanced on his lap, so he pulled her arms behind her and held her by the wrists so she would not fall completely forward.

Lacey felt slightly trapped by his grip, like she was no longer the person in possession of her body. She was a sensitive toy for him to play with. A pin cushion of nerves that was amusing for him to poke wherever he wanted. It bothered her more to be pinned this way than to have his cock thrust inside her.

The question crossed her mind as to why she was letting Nathan use her body like this. It was her nerves that were making her feel this way, not his, so why did she need him? The truth was he was just reveling in watching her react to his touch. She suddenly felt superior in the fact that he needed her for something. She was well aware that he was older and did not enjoy playing with her as much. However, now he definitely was enjoying playing with her in a certain way. Even if it meant surrendering control of her body to him, she had beaten him more or less.

Lacey’s whole body relaxed in Nathan’s grip as she resigned herself to enjoy her superiority despite her discomfort. Her mouth fell open and her tongue hung out, dripping with drool that swelled up each time the tip of his cock hit its deepest point inside her. Her legs twitched as she tried to keep them parallel to the floor and her eyes became unfocused. She did not need to look at anything in front of her. Everything important was happening behind her or inside of her.

Each thrust of Nathan’s cock built upon a sensation inside of her. Each time it became too much for her, she began to twitch. After a while it was not enough to release the pent up feeling. Somehow she knew it needed to build more. Unfortunately, her awkward position made it hard on Nathan to push into her too quickly. Recalling how her cunt had first started to feel strange when Nathan had been playing with her nipples, Lacey decided to assist Nathan in building the feeling inside her.

It took some effort to wrestle her arms free of his grasp. She almost fell forward into the TV screen but he quickly grabbed the back of her hair. It tugged at her roots, causing her to squeal and clench her abdomen muscles. At the same time, she grabbed her own chest and pinched down on her nipples to increase the feeling growing inside her.

Realizing what she was doing, Nathan used his free hand to touch the lips of her cunt and even her clit. She gasped out loud as she felt several new sensitive spots contributing to the building feeling. Even the pain in her roots was somehow adding to the feeling. She relaxed the muscles in her neck, letting him jerk her whole head back. She almost yelped but the drool that was falling from her tongue poured into the back of her mouth causing her to gurgle instead.

Nathan was worried he had hurt her until he saw her licking her lips. He felt she was daring him to pull her hair even harder, so he did. She moaned loudly as he wound his finger into her hair and jerked her head back again at the same time he thrust into her cunt. There was no doubt in her mind that he enjoyed making her feel things, good or bad.

The position he held her head in kept her back arched and her chest thrust outward, allowing her to feel and pinch her extremely hard nipples as much as she wanted. She moaned loudly as she rolled them between her fingers. When she finally felt close to the edge of the building feeling inside her, she twisted them as hard as she could, trying to put herself over the edge.

Whether or not it was enough, she had no time to comprehend as at the same time, Nathan flicked her clit with his finger. Immediately she began to scream as something warm flooded out of her cunt. Nathan quickly pulled her back into his arms and covered her mouth. Her whole body was shaking and her outstretched legs were twitching as her toes curled and uncurled themselves.

While Lacey was content to stay in that position and bask in her own explosion of sensations, she was somewhat surprised to find Nathan still bouncing her butt on his lap and shoving his cock deeper into her. The new wetness made it a lot easier too. She could hear his breathing becoming more frantic behind her head as his cock reached as deep as possible inside her. A new sensation filled her at that moment; warmth in the gap his cock had been widening in her that whole time. Now it was filled with something wet and thick. She had thought she was done feeling new things but somehow Nathan had kept one more surprise for her.

Finally, after twitching and squirting for a good few minutes, Lacey calmed down enough to turn and face her cousin. She had so many things she wanted to ask. Before she could even speak though, she found his mouth pressed to hers and his tongue slithering inside. She may not have known what sex was, but she knew about kissing. Her parents did it all the time.

Her face was red with embarrassment when Nathan finally pulled back. Was this his way of saying he wanted to be a couple with her like her parents? Nathan tried not to laugh at her expression. “Half an hour with my cock inside you and this is what you’re shy about?” he snickered.

She tried to stand up but he held her in his lap by the waist. She was reminded of her conclusion that he seemed to think he owned her body. She lifted her arm and jabbed him in the stomach with her elbow. While he was reacting in pain, she stood up, pulling his still semi erect cock straight out of her cunt. She gasped as she felt it touching her cunt lips on the way out. She stood in front of him swaying with a somewhat guilty look of enjoyment on her face.

Almost immediately, something white and gooey began to slide out of her cunt and down her thighs. It tickled to the point of making her giggle. Nathan reached up and pushed his fingers into her cunt without warning, causing her to gasp. “Stop it,” she moaned. “I'm not yours to treat however you want.”

“I just want to clean you up,” he assured her. “Let’s go take a shower.”

“Together?” she asked skeptically. She felt it was necessary to draw a line right away or he was probably going to keep doing things like this to her throughout his entire stay.

“You don’t want to go together?” he asked coyly.

Lacey bit her lip as she tried to think of how to react. She had one chance to avoid this ever happening again. She had to make sure he knew he did not own her and could not treat her body as a toy. However, she also wanted to see what other things he would do if they got into the bath together completely naked.

Nathan took her indecisive silence as an answer. He went straight to her closet and gathered a few different pieces of clothing for her to change into. He also brought his drawstring bag. Out in the hall, Mary had just reached the top of the stair. She saw her daughter and smiled. “Have you two been playing nicely?”

Lacey pushed her legs together tightly, hiding the goo leaking down her thighs but not the fact that she was wearing nothing but her camisole. “Why are you naked?” Mary asked. “Can’t you be decent at least while there are guests?”

“I'm gonna take a bath,” Lacey answered nervously.

Mary looked at Nathan’s bag. “Are you going with her? Thank you. I didn’t really mean you had to b*by her this much but I really appreciate it. Don’t take too long. We’re going to have dinner soon.” She started back down the stairs without a second glance.

Lacey sighed with relief as she stopped clamping her legs together. Nathan smiled as he examined the shiny cum coating his cousin’s thighs. “You look like a little slut,” he teased her. She did not understand the word but she just nodded as she followed him into the bathroom.

Nathan took his time sorting through his bag to find the right outfit while Lacey set the temperature of the bath. She climbed in first and rested her chin on the side with her eyes closed. She was more than a little tired after their romp in the bedroom.

Nathan kneeled down next to the tub and kissed her, first on the nose and then on the lips when she lifted her head in response. “Why do you like doing that?” she asked. She partially felt like wiping her mouth but she was not wearing any sleeves to wipe with and she also knew that it would be weird to be so concerned with germs from his saliva when his dick had been inside her just a moment ago.

“You don’t like it?” he asked coyly while touching her lips with his thumb.

“I don’t know.” She answered honestly. She knew that her parents kissed because they were a couple but she did not know why people chose to become couples and why she should want to be one with Nathan. When he pushed on her lips a little harder, she opened her mouth so he could put his fingers inside. He played with her tongue and her gums for a while until she was drooling profusely.

He then stood next to the tub and lowered his shorts. At first she thought he was getting naked to climb into the tub but after staring at the tip of his cock for a while with his fingers pulling her cheeks apart, she realized he expected her to put her mouth around it. If she had wanted to wipe her mouth off before, she definitely did now.

Instead of obliging, she grabbed a bar of soap from the corner of the tub and began to lather her hands with it. He gasped when she grabbed his shaft next. She ran her slippery hands up and down until he was excessively hard. How little his cousin seemed to mind touching him was both concerning and exhilarating. If it weren’t for him having just taken her virginity, he might have suspected her of being experienced.

When he became too sensitive to her hands, he grabbed her under the arms and lifted her out of the tub. She frowned as she felt like he was trying to possess her again. He hugged her close to his chest, making her nipples touch him. They were already cold and therefore a little hard as well as being sensitive from the pinching done to them earlier. She moaned as he lifted her up and down enough to rub them against his shirt.

She bit into the shirt to keep from squealing in response. He looked down at her red face and her teeth digging into the cloth. She looked like a seductress to him. He lowered her until his cock was between her legs. She squealed into his shirt while grabbing his neck and trying to climb up. Her arms were wet though, making it difficult. His shirt was practically soaked. He eventually set her down on the edge of the tub and removed it entirely.

“I suppose asking you not to put that inside me is pointless?” she asked shyly.

He slid his hands up her wet thighs and pulled them apart so he could poke her cunt. She groaned while rolling her eyes back slightly. She was starting to wonder why girls had a hole that boys just wanted to poke all the time. Then again, he like touching her mouth too. Suddenly it donned on her that maybe couples did more than just kiss. Maybe poking her cunt was another thing that meant Nathan wanted to be a couple with her. Her face turned bright red as she tried to move away from her, stepping back off the edge of the tub.

Nathan had been paying close attention to make sure she did not fall. He immediately scooped her into his arms and stepped over the edge of the tub in order to sit down in the water with her on his lap. She looked down at his cock, standing almost straight up. It was an inch from her cunt but it was too long to fit through the slit. If it were to go inside her, she would need to practically stand up and sit back down on it. Somehow she knew Nathan was going to make it happen though.

“Why are you so embarrassed at this point?” Nathan asked.

Lacey did not want to admit that she did not know anything about couples except for what she had just learned today. She hated losing to him at anything, even common knowledge. Shrugging at her silence, Nathan ran his hands down her back, making her shudder, until he reached her butt. He pulled it apart and slowly pressed his finger against her tiny asshole.

Lacey practically head butted his shoulder when she jolted. Tears formed in her eyes immediately. Was he really going to poke every hole of hers, even that one? Nathan simply chuckled at her distraught expression, making her more annoyed. He used the water as lubricant to slide both his index fingers into her butt before prying the hole apart.

Water rushed into Lacey’s bowels, filling her with a cold sensation that traveled up to her stomach. Her eyes rolled all the way back until her pupils were out of sight. Her mouth was fixed in an O shape as she moaned, “oh-oh-oh,” continuously.

Nathan kissed her and pushed his tongue into her mouth to keep her quiet but she just moaned with her mouth full instead. Her abdomen twitched as her bowels tried to force the water back out. Her cunt was rubbing against his shaft the whole time. Nathan lifted her butt above his lap so he could align the tip of his cock with her cunt. Immediately, the water began to pour out of her stretched asshole again.

He removed his fingers from her butt and instead placed the tip of his cock against the opening, plugging it more or less. She began to shake her head but he was biting her tongue to keep her mostly still. He let go of her butt and let her weight bring her down on his lap. His cock stretched her asshole again and slid right inside, further up than the water had reached before and pushing the water into her bowels ahead of it.

She screamed into his mouth as she felt it filling her and even heard it sloshing inside her. She finally shoved against his chest, cutting her tongue on his teeth as their lips were pulled apart. This time when she looked down she could see her pretty pink cunt unobstructed because it was not what was full of her cousin’s cock.

As soon as she found her footing, she began to stand up, pulling herself off of his cock. When only the tip was left right at the entrance of her butt, he bucked his hips and shoved his cock up into her again. She lost her footing and fell down on it again. Impaling herself up to his pelvis. She expelled all the air in her lungs and lurched forward, clutching her stomach as she felt the water in her bowels spreading up inside her.

Nathan used her nipples to pull her up from the water until she was sitting properly again. He then put his hands on her waist and lifted her. “Wait,” she tried to stop him before he could push her back down. He did not wait and forced her down while bucking his hips and shoving his cock up inside her asshole again.

She nearly threw up from the sensation of water spreading inside her but she was also trying to keep a smile off her face. It was tickling slightly. Her eyes rolled back when he lifted her and pushed her back down again. Her mouth got wider and the smile more pronounced with each thrust. “Shtop,” she pleaded in a slurred voice.

Of course, Nathan did the exact opposite, lifting and dropping her faster and faster until he was simply bouncing her on his cock. Her yelps became one continuous yell broken up only by each jolt when her butt hit his lap. She could not hide the smile on her face anymore but it looked nothing like one of joy. Her tongue was hanging out and tears were streaking her face.

Nathan watched his cousin’s asshole stretching around his cock in complete satisfaction. Unlike her cunt which was a pocket that opened up for his cock, there was no space inside her asshole. He loved the round shape of it as it closed on his cock from all sides. The tightness of her cunt was caused by her muscles contracting whenever his cock scraped the inside of her. Her asshole was just constantly constricting, trying to push his unwelcome member out.

In conclusion, Nathan preferred fucking his cousin’s nonsexual hole more simply because it was not meant for sex. Her body’s reaction was more interesting to him. Turning himself on more just thinking about it, he began to cum inside her.

The expression on her face did not change at all, she was too focused on his invading member to feel the cum. Additionally her bowels were already full of water so she could not feel any difference. Slowly he lost momentum as his cock began to soften.

Eventually he stopped altogether, leaving her panting against his chest still sitting in his lap. When his cock finally popped out of her asshole, she let herself fall backwards into the tub. He could see her whole naked body under the water. Smiling he reached out of the tub and picked up his cell phone from the pocket of his discarded shorts. He snapped several pictures of her resting under the water, especially of her asshole which seemed to be stuck agape. He loved how round it looked compared to her cunt. Both of them were his cousin’s pretty pink orifices though. Looking at them like this he wished his cock would recover faster so he could fuck her again.

Thinking back to when they had come upstairs and he had stared at her jiggling butt the whole time, he could not have imagined this. He felt privileged just to look and had not even imagined what was under her panties. He wanted to touch it but he was afraid to be hated by Lacey. Now he had gone far beyond. He knew what she looked like completely naked and knew what her face looked like when she was having sex. He had taken her virginity and fucked her asshole until it would not close. They were both different people than they were when they walked up those stairs.

After taking as many pictures as he wanted, Nathan realized that Lacey had been under the water for a while. She seemed perfectly content to hold her breath continuously if it meant avoiding talking to him. Annoyed, he grabbed a small sample bottle of shampoo from the corner of the tub and pushed into the gaping hole that was her anus.

She sat up instantly, gasping and sputtering water. “Take it out,” she demanded.

“Why?” he laughed.

“Well…” Lacey was not sure what to say. She was still trying to understand what her cousin was doing to her today and why. So far she had concluded that he wanted to be a couple with her or that they already were somehow and therefore was doing couple things to her such as kissing her and apparently sticking his fingers and other appendages inside any and all of her holes.

The part she was stuck on was how to respond. The closest couple she knew of was her parents. The only things she saw them doing was kissing and one more; her father tended to slap her mother’s ass whenever it was sticking out a little. If she bent over or squatted down just to pick something up, he would spank her playfully. He also did it whenever he walked past her when she was cooking or doing dishes.

She never once complained. It was the male’s right to touch the female, was the conclusion Lacey came to. It was Nathan’s right to poke her holes and kiss her. She did not have a concept of consent because there was none between her parents.

Frowning, Lacey rearranged herself in the tub so her butt was facing away from Nathan. However, she made no attempt to remove the tiny bottle he had just shoved inside her. She blushed as she felt that she was doing something very romantic by remaining obedient. She had not learned the difference between romance and sex between couples either. For all she knew, him wanting to fill all of her holes was a compliment and not just something a sexual deviant would do.

Just when Lacey was starting to become content with her own assumption about couples, she recalled his earlier attempt to put his cock in her mouth. Moping slightly, she laid down on her stomach in the water and brought her head into his lap. Under her own assumption, she had to obey his request.

Nathan was surprised when she enveloped his soft cock with her whole mouth. He wanted to ask why, but he dare not discourage her. It took a long time before his cock returned to a semi erect state and even then it was not hard enough for sex. He was spent for the day. He still enjoyed the warmth of his cousin’s mouth as she tried to lick his whole shaft the way she assumed he wanted it.

He patted her head and ran his fingers through her wet hair the whole time. The way he tugged on her ears and held her cheeks she knew he wished he could hold her head still and fuck her throat like he did her asshole earlier. She felt a twinge in her cunt as she almost anticipated it. It was not that she wanted him to do it, but something told her he would eventually and she had better just expect it.

She touched her own clit and rubbed the outside of her cunt as she bobbed her head up and down his shaft. After several minutes, her body clenched as she felt like she was peeing directly into the water of the tub. Eventually she just collapsed with her head in his lap, too tired to continue blowing him.

After resting for a long time, the pair realized how late it was and began to properly wash up. They soaped each other and rinsed themselves off. Nathan made sure to run his hands all over her body, from her thighs to her chest and her back and shoulders. Lacey was surprised at how different it felt to have her skin touched by a boy rather than her mother when they bathed together. Afterward, they climbed out of the tub and donned the clothes they brought. When her panties touched the bottle in her ass, Lacey realized she had forgotten about it. She turned her butt toward Nathan and lifted her skirt to show him the lump pushing out the crotch of her panties in hopes he would remove it for her.

Instead he smiled proudly. “Leave it there during supper,” he instructed her. She was about to ask why but stopped herself. She had already figured out that she had to do what she was told, though she was not sure who would enforce it if she did not. However, she had already moved past being annoyed by the request and was instead focused on the result. Throughout the whole meal she would be sitting on this bottle and pressing it up into her butt and her cousin would know while her parents were oblivious. She interpreted her excitement about the idea as yet more romance between them.

In her messed up assumptions, Lacey concluded that Nathan must be the most romantic boyfriend ever, considering he could not keep his hands off of her even though they had only just become a couple today. Lacey’s friend Sarah at school liked to brag about the romantic things her boyfriend did, like surprising her with gifts or kissing behind the school building. It all seemed so slow compared to Nathan but Sarah loved it all the same. Lacey could not wait to brag. She wanted to ask if Sarah’s boyfriend had shoved his dick in her asshole yet. If not, then he knew nothing of romance.


Lacey could not concentrate throughout the meal. She kept rocking back and forth on her chair, letting the bottle in her butt stick out a little only to be pushed back in when she leaned back again. She had an absentminded expression, her eyelids practically fluttering as she tried to stay focused on the meal and the conversation.

There were normally only 3 chairs at the table so Nathan and his parents had to sit on foldout chairs. Nathan was seated next to Lacey while his father sat next to his uncle and his mother sat across the table from Mary.

Nathan kept glancing sideways at Lacey, trying to gauge if her expression and heavy breathing were noticeable by the rest of the table occupants. He was starting to regret his instructions. Trying to distract Lacey, he put his hand on her thigh and held her from rocking. She snapped her head to look at him. She gulped down some drool while giving him a look that begged him to let her continue.

“You two really get along well,” Dave spoke to Nathan suddenly. “I'm not sure how I felt when Mary said you two were taking a bath together earlier. I thought you had stopped doing that a while ago.”

“Well maybe your daughter should learn how to take care of herself a bit more,” Margaret spoke up. “I noticed nothing but Nathan taking care of her since we got here. She is so spoiled.”

“They are ch*ldren. They would be bored playing with the adults,” Mary interjected.

Nathan felt uncomfortable being talked about but Lacey was too busy trying to keep her eyes open and her mouth closed. She could tell she was being insulted but she could not disagree. Since he arrived, Nathan had stuck to her like glue, closer even.

“While I sometimes forget that ch*ldren age, my son is almost an adult,” Stan reminded Mary. “Perhaps letting them play together isn’t such a good idea.”

“I wouldn’t want to deprive your son of the chance to educate our daughter, as Margaret so kindly puts it,” Mary argued. She was trying to make a dig at Margaret while also vying for the ch*ldren to continue hanging out together and leaving the adults alone.

Margaret could not tell and instead adopted a smug expression. “Nathan has never had any siblings to look after. He’s still the b*by in our family, no matter how old he gets. I'm sure he enjoys having the chance to act like an older brother. It’s only for a few days after all. Leave them alone, Stan, Dave,” she spoke to both the brothers.

Nathan tried not to look too guilty. Since arriving, his opinion and intentions toward Lacey had completely changed. Somehow both adult men knew it already. Maybe just the way he spoke to or looked at her was enough to give it away. He didn’t want to act like a brother to her, he wanted to bend her over and impale her on his cock.

Despite both suspecting him, neither seemed to think he was actually insane enough to do anything. Their joint bath had definitely raised some suspicions though. He felt upset that his own father did not trust him, but to be fair Nathan had already betrayed that trust.

After the meal was over, Mary began to clear the plates from the table and requested Lacey’s help. She stood up very slowly and maintained a stoic face while moving methodically as she carried things from the table to the kitchen. Stan and Dave began to discuss the order in which the other relatives would arrive the following day.

Nathan did not know what he was supposed to do. He was not an adult that had any input on the events of the reunion. After watching Lacey teeter a few times while trying to carry things to the kitchen, he decided to help her. He took a stack of plates from her by reaching around her from behind. She watched his hands move with a dizzy expression and giggled while blushing as he walked back to the kitchen.

“I wonder if Lacey has a crush on Nathan,” Margaret suggested.

“Wouldn’t that be sweet,” Mary cooed.

Dave glared at Nathan, silently warning him not to take his wife’s chatter as consent in any form. Again Nathan felt incredibly guilty. “Will all the ch*ldren be staying in Lacey’s room,” Stan asked a question with the intention of distracting his brother.

“We only have the one guest bedroom that you are using. Mom and Dad will be staying in Lacey’s room. She and Nathan will go up to the attic tomorrow night. Nora and Peter will get a hotel but they want us to look after the twins so they will be in the attic too.”

“Now you know why I don’t volunteer to host these things,” Stan laughed.

“It may be a lot of work, but it’s not bad to be appreciated by everyone,” Dave disagreed.

Nathan had caught onto part of their conversation. His Aunt Nora’s twins would be staying in the same room with him and Lacey on the following night. Which meant they would only be alone together this night. After feeling guilty earlier, he had planned to leave Lacey alone, but realizing his limited chances he was reinvigorated.


Lacey went back to her room first to change into her night gown. Nathan got to stay up later because he was almost an adult. After pretending to be bored with his elders’ conversations though, he excused himself to the upstairs as well.

After changing into his pajamas in the bathroom, Nathan entered the room to find Lacey asleep with the light on. She was hanging off the side of her bed with her game remote on the floor below her hand. There was a game over screen on the TV from a different game than Mario kart.

She was wearing a white nightgown and a hot pink cardigan. Nathan smiled to himself as he took a few pictures of her on his phone. Throughout school, Nathan had been attracted to several different girls, but now they all paled in comparison to his adorable cousin. Just being able to touch her put her on another whole level from them.

After a while, just looking was not enough for Nathan. He knew he had no grounds for this claim, but he felt Lacey belonged to him and he had the right to touch her however he wanted. He started by repositioning her so she was lying sideways on the bed with her head dangling off the edge slightly. Her golden hair almost reached the floor.

He pulled on the hem of her nightgown until he could see her crotch. She had chosen not to wear panties for one reason or another. Nathan smirked as he snapped another picture of the hair on her cunt. After kissing her on the lips, Nathan used his fingers to pry open her tiny mouth. As she had been asleep for a while, it was full of drool.

Thinking that the light would invite one of the adults to knock on the door if they saw it. He used the draw string to turn off the fan light above the bed. He played with her mouth for a while as his eyes adjusted to the dark. When he could mostly see again, and when his cock had become hard just from thinking about what he was about to do, he pulled down his pajamas and placed the tip of his cock inside his cousin’s warm tiny mouth.

The wetness of her drool enveloped him as he pushed inside as quickly as he could without waking her. Though Nathan felt guilty for turning every one of his cousin’s orifices into a receptacle for sex, the fact that he had done it with so little resistance from her turned him on. His cock grew bigger and harder in her mouth just from thinking about how annoyed she would be if she woke up and yet how unlikely she was to reject him at the same time.

When his cock reached a blockage in her mouth, he pulled her head slightly further off the bed and aligned her neck so her esophagus and throat were perfectly straight. She gurgled slightly when he pushed all the way inside. Her cheeks puffed out and she seemed to be trying to swallow, but only managed to force drool out of the corners of her mouth.

Her slender neck swelled when his cock slid inside of it. Being unconscious she had no gag reflex. When he pulled out, he could see her throat shrinking from the outside. He could hardly get over the fact that girls had so many holes to play with. As fun as fucking her cunt was, it would not be this narrow and he would not be able to see the shape of his cock the same way.

As he leaned over her and the bed, his cock slid back into her throat on its own. He ran his hand down the valley of her breasts and over her stomach. When he reached the hem of her night gown, he lifted it up so he could see her cunt, albeit upside-down. He rested his hand on her waist and marveled over the fact that without clothing covering it, he could hardly tell where her stomach ended and her cunt began. Her skin was soft and warm and he could feel it moving as she breathed through her nose.

Suddenly worried about her breathing, he pulled his cock out of her throat and mouth completely. Her chest rose under her nightgown as she sucked in a large breath. He watched her face as she breathed out. While he thought she was pretty and that it was a shame for her to ever have her face fucked by a boy, that did not apply to him. Wanting to see his adorable cousin taking his cock all the way into her was more important than maintaining her innocent image.

After breathing through her mouth for a while, more drool had pooled inside Lacey’s orifice. When Nathan pushed his cock back in, it squirted out from the corners of her mouth and ran down her cheeks. Her whole mouth felt slimy and warm to Nathan.

As he leaned over her again, the tip of his cock slid all the way down and popped into her esophagus, plugging it perfectly. Her breathing stopped entirely as he blocked her airway. He pressed his flingers to her cunt and was a little disappointed to find she was not wet at all. How was she supposed to be turned on while unconscious after all? He almost wished she would wake up but he still wanted to play with her without resistance a little more.

He pushed his fingers into her cunt and elicited a moan from her clogged mouth. It vibrated around his cock making it twitch in her throat. He pulled on the inside of her cunt as he leaned back, almost pulling her toward the edge of the bed by her crotch alone. She practically spat his cock out and began to breath heavily again. Teasing her, he pushed back in before she could catch her breath, plugging her airway just as it was opening.

He stayed that way for a while until her body began to jerk. Her throat opened and closed around his cock repeatedly as she struggled to breathe and her legs began to kick. He kept pulling on her cunt and moving his fingers inside her, making her moan the whole time. Each moan got louder as she struggled to breathe.

Finally her eyes popped open as she kicked both legs at the same time, pulling her crotch in the opposite directly of Nathan’s fingers and digging them deeper into her. She was disoriented at first but calm. It was not until she realized something was blocking her breath that she began to kick repeatedly. She also tried to push him way with her hands above her head. He let her push him back until only the tip of his cock was past her teeth, but then he shoved back into her throat without warning.

Unlike when she was unconscious, there was a lot more resistance. Her throat closed the moment his cock moved. Luckily there was enough drool to lubricate it as the tip of Nathan’s cock forced its way inside. It slid all the way down again before she managed to push him away once more. Just before his cock popped out though, he shoved back in. She squealed in annoyance and pain as her throat was forced open again. He did not seem to have any intentions of letting her breathe.

At the same time he kept pulling on her cunt, causing her to moan amongst her squeals. She felt like he could tell she was uncomfortable but wanted to pretend he could not by turning her on at the same time. Worse yet, it was working. Her cunt became slicker and slicker as his fingers moved inside her. Her eyes fluttered as she teetered on the edge of orgasm or simply passing out.

Realizing she had no choice but to help Nathan get off, Lacey grabbed his legs and pulled herself toward the edge of the bed, forcing her head between his legs and his cock down her throat. She gagged only slightly less when she did it herself. She pulled back just as quickly and stuck out her tongue, running it along the top of Nathan’s shaft. He shoved back inside her, squirting more saliva out around his cock. Her tongue lapped at his shaft and tried to excite him more. It was working, but slowly.

It was several more minutes of constant throat fucking before his cock finally stiffened in Lacey’s mouth. The first shot went straight into her esophagus. She shoved on his legs again, pulling his cock almost all the way out. Suddenly her cheeks puffed up as they filled with cum. When no more would fit saliva and cum spewed from her mouth and nostrils.

What little air she had managed to get all this time from her nose was blocked off completely. Her vision became white with black spots as she came close to passing out. All the while, Nathan had continued to tug on her cunt. Just as she was about to close her eyes, her whole body jerked. She could not control her bladder as liquid sprayed from her crotch due to her muscles contracting. She was kept conscious purely by the exhilaration of her orgasm.

With her newfound concentration, she finally managed to push Nathan away from her face. She immediately flipped over onto her stomach and began to puke. At first it was just cum, but eventually it became her supper, what little she had while distracted by masturbating with the bottle in her ass.

When she finally stopped retching, Nathan grabbed a fistful of her hair and lifted her head so he could look at her face. It was red from lack of air and smeared with cum, mucas, tears and bile. Her tongue was hanging out as she panted like a dog. She had a dazed look in her eyes but she was still conscious.

He continued to pull on her hair and lift her until she repositioned herself kneeling on the edge of the bed to support herself. When he let go of her hair, it stayed sticking up from sweat. She looked tiny with her hands barely sticking out of the sleeves of her cardigan. Nathan grabbed her wrists and positioned her arms above her head so he could pull her nightgown and sweater off at once.

Once she was naked kneeling on the bed, he took a moment to admire her sm*ll body, shiny with sweat. It was very clean compared to her face. She was either too disoriented to care or no longer minded being naked in front of him at all. Her tongue was hanging out with drool still running off it as she panted to catch her breath. Normally a ch*ld would we crying to their parents after just puking up their supper but somehow Lacey was not bothered. She was either too distracted by her orgasm or she just knew that she had to put up with the discomfort every time Nathan fucked one of her holes.

He really wanted to lift her tiny body into his arms and impale her on his cock again but he needed to recover first. He grabbed the tip of her tongue and pulled it further out of her mouth. She just stared up at him with a tired expression, still panting. After letting him pull and twist her tongue for a while, she put her mouth around his fingers so she could lick and suck on them. When she swallowed some drool, his fingers were forced further in until the tips were touching the back of her throat.

Her eyes watered as she massaged his fingers with her throat, threatening to swallow them even further and risk making herself puke again. She was staring up at him, practically waiting for him to decide if he wanted to finger fuck her throat. He scrapped the inside of her throat with his fingers nails a few times, making her gurgle, but finally pulled them out. She coughed and sputtered for a while before catching her breath again.

Nathan watched as she lowered herself from her knees into a more comfortable position on the bed. She closed her eyes as she was still tired and curled up facing away from him. He waited for a while, not sure what to do. He was a little disappointed they were not going to have sex again. “Aren't you coming?” she asked with a yawn while patting the space on the bed next to herself.

Nathan’s eyes widened in confusion. Was she inviting him into her bed so they he could fuck her all night long? Did she actually enjoy this enough for that? Little did he know, she was just trying to copy her parents again. They always slept in the same bed, so that meant Nathan should sleep in hers.

Lacey smiled contently when Nathan laid down next to her. She scooted backwards enough to press her body against his. She giggled at the sensation of his arms on her bare skin as he wrapped them around her from behind. Her expression melted to annoyance when she felt his fingers against her crotch though. “I'm really tired,” she whined.

“When are we gonna get chances like this after everyone else gets here tomorrow?” he argued.

Lacey jolted as the realization of their fleeting time together hit her. They did not live together like her parents. It was no wonder he was not just slapping her butt throughout the day like her dad did to her mother; he was packing in a whole years worth of affection because he knew they were going to be apart again after the reunion. Lacey felt bad for even trying to sleep now.

Nathan was caught off guard when Lacey pressed her butt into his crotch and pushed her fingers into her cunt along with his. She let out a breathy gasp before turning her head and kissing him. “Are you sure?” Nathan asked skeptically after breaking the kiss.

Lacey nodded while pulling his cock out of his pajamas and pressing it against her butt. “Fill all of my holes again,” she whimpered as she forced it past the opening of her asshole. Nathan hugged her from behind, pulling her all the way onto his cock. It was a lot more painful without the water but Lacey was determined. “I need to feel you inside me more; enough that I won’t forget what it feels like when you leave.”

Nathan suddenly felt extremely bad. He had assumed she would be relieved when he left and stopped fucking her and she would just go back to being a normal kid. If she missed him and missed getting fucked, then she would either be miserable without him or she might even try getting a boyfriend to fill his absence. Nathan did not like that idea at all. He was the only person who could fuck his adorable cousin.

Lacey began to kick as she felt Nathan thrusting into even harder. He was imagining her getting fucked by someone else and was taking his anger out on her poor asshole. She wanted to make him stop but she was the one who asked for it. “Please pin me down,” she begged while rolling onto her stomach. He did not understand until she began to crawl away from him. He laid on top of her so she could not escape, still thrusting into her asshole from behind.

When Lacey began to scream with each thrust, Nathan moved one of her pillows under her face and pushed on the back of her head, muffling the sound. Lacey had kept her hands at her crotch and now began touching her clit and the lips of her cunt in order to distract herself from the pain of her asshole stretching. She had come to understand that this relationship was all about turning control of her body over to Nathan. It may hurt sometimes but it would not last forever. She just had to endure the painful part while trying to increase her own enjoyment any way she could.

Although Nathan loved the feeling of his cousin’s tiny body writhing beneath him, he was more interested in seeing it. After he was content she would not try to squirm away again, he sat up into a kneeling position and lifted her butt up into the air and propped her on her knees, face down ass up.

He was surprised to see her fingers sliding into her cunt beneath his cock. The cute pink slit was slick and shiny, dripping slightly. Nathan grinned as he pulled his cock out of Lacey’s ass and shoved it into her cunt alongside her fingers. She squealed into her pillow in surprise but honestly it hurt less than her asshole did. After a while Nathan was satisfied that his cock was much more wet and returned it to her anus.

She shrieked into her pillow as the hole had closed somewhat in the absence of his cock. However, with its newfound wetness it slid in much easier than before. Nathan was actually amazed at how his cock was disappearing into the perfectly round hole. He was no longer focusing on it stretching around him and instead was trying to feel as deep as he could inside her with the tip.

When Lacey became suspiciously quiet, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and lifted her face from her pillow. She was cross eyed and drooling with her tongue hanging out again.

“You’re such a slut,” he muttered. Her only response was a moaning grunt. “You love getting railed in your asshole,” he accused her.

“I love you,” she countered. His eyes widened for a moment in surprise. He pulled on her hair again so he could see her face. She stared up at him lovingly with her face still streaked with tears and other fluids. He leaned down and kissed her. It tasted mostly of salt.

Over the rest of the night, Lacey continued having all of her holes ravished repeatedly. Every time Nathan thought he was getting too tired, he simply reminded himself he was not likely to get this chance again and found another surge of adrenalin.

Even after Lacey had passed out from exhaustion, he continued to use her now slack throat. Even though he was convulsing and coming every twenty minutes or so, no semen was being released anymore. Finally, with only a few hours left before sunlight, he collapsed from exhaustion as well.

Lacey’s asshole was left perfectly round, showing no signs of closing. Her face and front were covered in now dried fluids and she really did look like a slut, even while unconscious. As he snapped several pictures of her messed up body, Nathan concluded she would not be walking straight tomorrow. Rather than feeling guilty he felt accomplished and proud.


2023-07-30 13:33:23
So HOT!! Can't wait to see what happens the next day.


2023-07-30 13:23:13
So HOT!! Can't wait to see what happens the next day.


2023-07-27 03:35:59
So hot

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