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Leland punishes Colleen for disrespecting him during her son's birthday party. Later she test's her husband's fetish, with her most daring story yet.
I screamed and screamed inside the tiny hotel room. It was as disgusting as the one he'd paid for last time at The Stadium. No doubt, he had taken me there to reinforce his lesson about being lucky that he only whipped me with a belt!

Leland had rented a spreader bar from Jason the pimp. I lay on my back, pussy open to my tormentor's attacks. He belted my vulva mercilessly! My tits were striped red too from the folded length of leather. I kept screaming. No one came to my rescue.

"You fucking, fucking CUNT!" He howled at me! "You just had to push my buttons. I treated you better than right. You even let your cuck husband take secret jibes at me!"

"My boy! You twisted him. He was so sweet!" I shrieked. My maternal instinct had arrived late for kicking the old black man out of our life that horrible day! I kept up a stream of repetition about the wreck he'd made of my son's birthday party. I was no longer helpless emotionally. My tirade kept me sane through his brutal assault.

He threw down his belt and fell on top of me. In a minute, his fat prick was stuffing my aching fuck hole. I sobbed then.

He didn't last long that time. It wasn't five minutes before his plunging cock erupted with hot cum, flooding my beaten pussy and squishing out from our joined sexes.

Leland pushed me off of the cot, the spreader bar still locked to my ankles. I fell awkwardly on my butt. He hadn't whipped it, preferring torture my more sensitive tissues. Still my sobs accelerated.

Long before my tears slowed. He was asleep. I lay shivering on what remained of a filthy, stinking carpet. I don't think I slept that night. I lay on the floor worried about my family. What would they think when I showed up the next day? Would he keep me longer? Leland may have hired the room for a full night, but could he afford multiple days there?

My body was comatose from pain, but my mind swirled with anxiety!

I didn't feel the anklets being unbuckled and the spreader bar falling when Leland picked me up and put me on the cot. I don't know what time in the night it happened. He pushed a renewed, thick erection into my sore puss and fucked me slowly. He didn't say anything, but he kissed my beaten body, from lips to belly button, spending plenty of time kissing and sucking and licking my tits.

In the dark of that awful night, my greatest shame came to pass. "Uuuhhnnggh!!" I groaned loudly.

"There it is, Baby." His voice was at peace. "You're finally doing it."

I was cumming.

Somehow the contrast of pain and gentleness had set me up for my body's ultimate betrayal to my psyche.

The extent of my orgasm isn't important. It was not very intense, nor did it last long. Although I welcomed its temporary relief from pain, My life's burden had increased with my greater fall from innocence. Before cumming from Leland's kisses and slow fucking, I could claim being a victim. Technically, I still could. Even a woman who orgasms during rape, is still being criminally violated if it's against her will.

My experience was one of my world crashing upon my shoulders. I was betraying my husband and neglecting my children. "No, no no no..."

"Shhhh, Colleen." Leland continued to kiss and fuck me, but I didn't climax again that night.

He fucked me that following morning. I pleaded him to let me go home. He fucked me two hours later. The man was a bull. I had a milder climax, not quite a real orgasm in my book. He didn't lord it over me that second time. I think he just failed to notice it. I had kept quiet through my brief, pleasurable throes.

Finally, he led me down to the lobby, my 'birthday party' clothes in terrible disarray, my hair and skin filthy from the room and Leland's cum.

It was finally check-out time. He escorted me to my Volvo and opened the door. "You still owe me." Leland shut me in and wandered down the shadowed street. I sat in the locked vehicle until I had spilt what tears remained in my eyes.

The kids were at school when I returned home, but George had stayed out of work. I wept fresh tears in his embrace. He patted me awkwardly, jealousy and sympathy at odds in his heart. He guided me to our bedroom.

There, he drew a hot bath and helped me step in. I nearly begged him to drown me, but I was too afraid of being rejected. For the first time, George saw the welts on my body, but he did not falter in supporting me.

My grieving husband waited in the chair by his bed. I heard him sniffing unhappily.

When the water grew cold, I climbed out, toweling myself while going to him. "You're amazing, George. You did your best yesterday.

I did not, Colleen. His head remained bowed. "I hated you, really hated you for letting him in our home. He's been here before, right."

He didn't need me to confirm his suspicions. "The only hate you have, My Love, isn't for me. You had no choice. Please, Husband, forgive yourself."

"I try. I know the truth. Mr. J- LEland is the one responsible. But I did think ill of you obeying him."

"How so?" I sat on the edge of the bed across from his chair.

He had to wrestle the question from humiliation's grip. "Did obeying him turn you on?"

I shook my head. "I hated it, but what I hate worse is my inability to stand up for myself."

"Tell me about it." His lone jibe submerged into a sea of shame. We sat for an hour wanting to hold each other, both unable to enact that hypocrisy.

The children walked quickly after their release from school. I was wearing my opaque robe, but bra and panties would have been torture. "Mom! Why were you gone all night?" Ridley shook me in his hugging arms. I winced under his embrace, hearing his frustrating. "I wanted you to tuck me in bed!"

"Pooh, you're too old to be tucked in." I patted his hair as arrhythmically as he hugged me. "But it was my Birthday!"

"I can tuck you in tonight, if you really want."

"Don't be a pest, Brat. You may be fourteen now, but your special day is over." Peg was in fine form. "Mom what happened between you and Mr. Jones last night?" She went in for the kill.

"PEG!" George shouted.

She scowled, allowing her question to hang. Ridley was instantly interested too.

I sighed, shaking my head. "You really have some imagination, Peg." I began. "Mr. Jones isn't used to eating all the junk we served last night. He got ill, and I decided to stay with him overnight. I even took him to the hospital this morning, but they said it wasn't serious. Fortunately, Medicare paid for his exam." I could have added something about his deceased wife, but George might have laughed.

"You know your mother has a soft heart for underprivileged people. Peg, you need to start seeing the good in her, instead blaming her for the constraints that caring parents place on their children."

Although Peg could wrap her daddy around her little finger, she was also more likely to be swayed by his lectures over mine.

The antagonistic mood in the room cleared, and we strived for a normal evening together. Before going to bed that night, I asked Ridley if he wanted me to tuck him in. He saw Peg holding back her mirth, a first for her. "I guess not. I'm glad you could help Mr. Jones."

"Good night -- Rider." Peg let loose with a cackle.

"PEG!" It was my turn to be cross with her.

"I was just joking, Mom." She kept shuddering, stifling laughter.

"It's your bedtime too."

"Yeah, yeah." She headed to her room.

I snuggled up to George.

"Not tonight, Colleen." He looked miserable.

"Not even a good night kiss?"

My husband stood up, looking suddenly wretched, as if he'd been holding back his pain all day. "I just need more time, er, this time."

I stared at a black screen for nearly an hour before going to bed. I took care not to wake him.


An entire weekend commenced without a single, noteworthy event! It was marvelous to live like a family you'd watch on a general audiences cable channel. I totally accepted George's reticence to be sexual. Unfortunately, those two relatively peaceful days raced past us.

George had already left for work when I woke up on Monday morning. I crept out of our bedroom just in time to wish the kids a good day at school.

I went to work without breakfast, having finished the birthday leftovers for Sunday's dinner. I was a little behind on my quota, but I could handle support calls very efficiently compared to the department's average time. I didn't catch up that day, but I got close. I had a baloney sandwich for lunch.

George kissed me good-night that night, but that was all. I slept well. In the morning, while he dressed and went to fix breakfast, I took my basal temperature and checked my cervical mucus. Fear gripped me when the results showed that I was beginning to ovulate.

I arrived late for breakfast. I ate a hard boiled egg and a slice of toast with strawberry jam. The family dispersed.

By Tuesday's end, I'd exceeded my quota by a small margin. I fixed a salad for lunch during my shift. When it was over, I took a bath and rested. Ridley found me in my houserobe lying in bed. I had left the door open, because being alone in a closed room was beginning to make me anxious.

"Hey, Mom." He poked his head in.


"Are you sick?"

"No, Honey. I had a stressful day."

"I could give you a massage."

"That's very kind of you, but that's your father's job."

"We don't have to tell him."

I suddenly felt like I was in a story trope. "Now you're just being silly."

He giggled. "Peg would flip if she saw me rubbing your back."

"So that's what you're up to." I figured his motives didn't center on me.

"She started it, trying to accuse you of doing something bad with Mr. Jones."

"I forgive her. She's has her own problems which I can only do so much to help her with."

"That's what makes her mean?"

"What makes you want to be mean to her?"

"I don't know. She's so unfair all the time."

"What did you think of Mr. Jones?" I skipped a beat in our conversation.

"Huh?" His head tilted. "Uh..." He thought for a bit. "...I guess he's okay. I didn't like that he was mean to Dad." He said "Dad" instead of "Daddy."

"Mr. Jones was very tired, and his upset stomach got the best of him. Can you forgive him?"

"I guess." My son took a gamble in telling me, "I kinda liked being called Rider."

"Even when your sister made fun of that?"

"She's just jealous that I got something cool from him even better than condoms."

"You think your sister cares about an old, black man?"

"You're being racist, Mom."

"I suppose you're right, but how would you react if you found Mr. Jones doing something bad to me?"

"I'd beat him up Mom. He's just an old guy. Would he really do something bad to you?"

"No, Sweetheart. I'm just trying to understand how you feel about him."


"Do you have homework?"

"Yeah." He shuffled away to his room.

I imagined Ridley smashing a baseball bat into Leland's spine, after discovering him belting me. I wish I could report masturbating to that comforting image of being saved by my son. I just sighed and dressed for the evening.

A text arrived on my phone, from an unknown number. "I finally bought a new phone, Leen! Give me a call." I considered Leland was playing a trick on me, but I had entered the black man's new number in my contact info, so his calls would bypass filters against unknown callers. I texted back. "What did the garage mechanic ask me?"

"I'm not sure I should text that without encryption."

Close enough. I called him. "Congratulations, George, you're live in the real world again."

"It's a strange, real world."

"You're telling me." I wished I hadn't said that.

"That tells me you aren't forgiving yourself enough, Leen."

"How are you doing on that 'work?'"

"Poorly, but I'm feeling less sorry for myself."

"Why don't we celebrate spending a bunch of money for your phone, by going out for dinner?"

"We could spend even more if we brought the kids."

"I'll ready their muzzles."

I had been kidding. George wasn't. He took the family to a sushi restaurant! Peg was adventurous enough to try the raw nigiri. Ridley made a face and ordered tempura shrimp. My stomach churned at the thought of all that grease in my son's young stomach, but he had survived a ton of junk food on his birthday.

I ordered ebi, complete with it's deep fried, whole shell. And uni, a disgusting pile of sagging meat that looked like baby poop but when fresh, tasted unlike other delicious things.

George attempted to order fugu, hoping to outdo my sushi challenge, but I instantly shot down that notion, and our server said it wasn't available on or off the menu. He then ordered, "One of each thing that has fish eggs on it."

The variety of sushi which arrived for him didn't look all that bad. Ridley made a face but soaked up all of his dipping sauce with his deep fried shrimp. I added a reminder in my phone to buy stomach medicine on our way home. The dinner bill was our largest ever.

Alone in our room that night, George and I hugged and kissed. I asked if he wanted to hear a story.

His sudden meekness surprised me. "You really like telling them, don't you?"

"I thought you were enjoying them?"

"They're really hot, but they've all been about cuckolding me."

I told a little white lie to my husband. "Um, that because-" I toyed with a lock of my hair and cast my eyes slightly down. "By telling them, they help me to cope with what I'm going through." In hindsight, I think that may have been true, but the real reason was to help him cope with my infidelity. His reactions were so far, quite positive. I took the initiative and met his gaze. "Tonight's story is about a black man. Is that going too far?"

He blinked. "That would be kinda tough, Leen, but if it helps you to process what you're going through, I would be a poor husband for not participating."

For a moment, I wondered how much my husband's previous climaxes influenced his answer, but I suspect I could have asked to snip off his toes and fingers, claim it was helping me, and he would have gladly sharpened the sheers. I kissed him again, gently and sweetly. After wonderful seconds, I pulled away smiling. "Show me your beautiful cock, Husband."

He quickly worked off his boxer-briefs. His pants were already on the floor by his side of the bed. I took hold of his semi-hard penis and gently rubbed it with an open palm. "You keep it so clean and healthy." I meant it as a compliment, but that small truth felt no longer important for lovemaking. I looked forward to sucking it, though.

"You know how to handle me, Leen." He lay on his back and relaxed into the sensation of my fingers wrapping around his erecting shaft and slowly stroking. "Hmmnn."

"You know how our Prius is larger than the Volvo, but did you realize that my car's interior is larger."

"That makes sense." George lifted his head to answer and found me unbuttoning my pajama top. "Newer cars are designed with more crush space for protection.

"That's why I lure you into the back seat of my car and pull up my skirt. I'm not wearing panties, and I say, 'warm me up.'" You look up and down the street, but night is falling, and the only person around is busy putting landscaping equipment into his old truck a few houses away.

"So you bend down between my legs and give me wonderful head! I intend to return the favor before we get fully to business, but it feels so good I beg for more. I run my fingers through your hair while my excitement grows exponentially! Soon I'm humping my pussy into your proficient mouth. The windows are partly steamed up and the old Volvo rocks slightly. 'Honey, oh, Honey!" I cry out, almost shrieking when my climax explodes!"

"Would you like some for real?" George asked, looking down his pudgy torso, eyebrows wagging.

"I would, very much, Dear, but this story is for you." My hand moved a little faster. I gave his prick-head a long lick! He grunted, and his head dropped to his pillow again. "Suddenly, the door behind you opens swiftly. A man calls out, 'Are you okay, Ma-am!?'

"'GODS!' I curl away from him across the seat, my pussy openly glistening from your saliva. I shout, 'I'm okay, Mister! This is my husband!' You turn around until you're sitting next to the open doorway, ready to defend me.

"The man is dark skinned, far darker than dusk in the sky. He's wearing a grass stained, blue jumpsuit and carrying a small, sharp hand shovel - which he promptly sticks a rear pocket. He steps back, but he's mesmerized by my wet, hairy crotch.

"I throw my skirt over my knees to hide from the man's stirring eyes. 'George?' I check in with you. 'I guess, um, the man just made a mistake.' You respond without much conviction. You're still quite startled by the large but lean laborer.

"'Heh, I'm surprised I don't have a sore jaw, Mister.' The black man chuckles at you. 'You need to act faster than that, to protect your woman.'

"'George doesn't act in haste.'" I support you. "'He considers the situation before acting.'

"'Yeah, I guess that's fine and all, but if I had been a serial killer, your man would be dying from a shovel through his neck.' The stranger's respect for you, noticeably diminishes.

"You stand up for yourself but shrink a little in your seat. 'I would give my life to protect her and our children.'

"'Fool, a limp, dead body, ain't much protection. You gotta act quick as a knife to stop a killer.'

"'Please! Let's stop the talk about killing.' I say loudly.

"Yes, right. Of course, little lady. Like you two love birds, I'm a man of a different kind of action.' He grins, pats his crotch once, and winks. 'Well equipped too!'"

As the sentence ends, my hand is grasping and stroking my George's very hard dick. "George, you can't help but look at the bulge in the crotch of the black man's jumpsuit. You want to say more, to defend your honor and reassure me about being my protector, but the right words tangle on your tongue before you can speak them, because most of your attention is noticing how the stranger's tent is growing.

"'My name's Louis Kingsley.' The man offers a large, black hand to you. You take it and immediately learn the man's profession has made his hands very strong, but he shakes yours peaceably if confidently. 'Sorry to interrupt. No hard feelings?'

"'I suppose not.' You pull your hand away from his which dwarfs yours.

"Louis frowns and speaks sternly. 'You didn't tell me your name.'

"You actually gulp, and I have to answer for you. 'You heard me call him George.'

"'I suppose I did, but I was talking man to man. Now I'm beginning to wonder about that.' Mr. Kingsley glares at you. 'Maybe I was talk'n to a pussy man.' The saliva and cunt juices on your face doesn't help your case.

"'I'm George Fairchild, Louis, and you need to understand that oral sex has nothing to do with masculinity. Love in all its forms rise far above gender roles.' Well, said, Husband. I give you a proud smile and sharp nod." George's incredibly stiff peter twitched in my cycling hand but was still aways from climaxing.

"Louis gives a little shake of his head and looks at me. 'Does he talk like that all the time? Sheeesh. You must have a low bar for excitement.' He chuckles.

"'Please,' I don't know why I'm acting so politely. It was time for Mr. Kingsley to head back to his truck and leave us alone. What I say though is, 'Can we have our privacy?'

"Louis puts a hand to his chin instead of leaving. He glances at you but mostly looks at me, examining my figure from hair to socks. 'Let me think about that. I mean, I'm sorry I interrupted you two, but now I wonder how you gonna get what you wanted your man for. He's looking less like a horn dog and more like a slapped dog. I feel bad to deprive you of good lov'n, Ma-am. Tell me your name.' He didn't ask."

"You start to pipe up, but he shushes you harshly. Hoping to settle the situation, I say with a slight warble. 'I'm Colleen.'

"'You're a beautiful woman, Colleen.' He privately decides something and acts as quickly as he recommended. His hand goes to your underarm and he tugs you towards him. "Colleen and I need to have a little talk, George. Let's get you in the front seat.'

"You both are on the passenger side of the car. His free hand opens the front door, and with firm urging he guides you carefully out of the back and into the front seat. 'I think you'll learn something.' He tells you before climbing in and scooting to the middle of the bench seat. His feet straddle the drive shaft cover. I can't shrink farther away from him, but he gives a warm smile which disarms me. 'Tell me the truth, Colleen. Do you think George is in any state to satisfy you at the moment?'

"Your head whips around to look at us, eyes worried about my answer."

"'My husband is a wonderful lover.' I assert.

"Louis actually leans closer until he's an inch from me. 'I can tell you two are soul mates, and that makes for powerful lov'n. But you didn't answer my question. Right now, is your man ready to knock you into orbit with a hard dick and flood your pretty pussy with a gallon of cum?'

"'Your question is irrelevant, Louis. You're intimidating us. Of course we aren't in the mood-'

"He interrupts. 'Your man certainly ain't in the mood, but don't lie to me about yours. I been watching your eyes, your breaths. Maybe you think you're just scared, but I'm not fooled. I bet your pussy is more wet now than when Pussy Sucker stopped licking it.'

"'You're being incredibly rude.' I warn him. You chime in. 'You should go back outside and stop pestering us."

"Louis ignores you. 'You're damn right I'm foulmouthed, but I'm talking truth, Pretty Lady, and passion. Show me I'm wrong. Go on. Lift that skirt. I've already seen your sexy pussy. Another peek won't make any difference.'

"But, George, you know that it'll make all the difference, how I cave to strong-willed men. You warn, 'He's goading you, Colleen. Just get out of the car.'

"Louis gives a sharp laugh! 'Now your man's talking sense, but you need something before you can go home. Two things.' He doesn't spell them out. I of course want to prove the black man wrong about his accusation. But the second 'thing' compels me to pull my skirt slowly up to my waist. 'You're wrong.' I lie. 'There's just some fluid from before you intruded, and it's mostly dried up.'

"He snorts. 'That's not what I'm talking about.' He had already proved to act quickly. Before I can close my thighs tighter, his hand dives between them and his middle finger slips into my pussy! For his speed, he's surprisingly gentle. I suck in a breath. 'Don't!' I cry too late.

"'Get away from her, Louis. Leave us! Just go.' You sputter in the front seat across from us."

George's body, prone on my bed, was shaking from my hand's firm, pleasuring strokes. His engorged pecker had been throbbing for a while. I guessed he had a minute or less before an intense orgasm.

"Oh, Honey, I don't think I can take more." My husband's groans were unhappy but passionately aroused.

"Please, a little more, Sweetheart. Hold yourself back. It's really helping." I assured George without specifying who he was helping. His erection began thrusting through my jerking grip. I resumed my tale, heading steadily to a conclusion.

"'Call me, Mr. Kingsley, Fool. And you, Woman, admit it! Your pussy is soaking my finger. Now I bet you're ready for some action.' The intruder in our car begins porking my slick cunt with his thickest, strongest finger. I gasp and feel close to tears. 'I'm sorry, George! It's happening again, and I can't help myself!' I'm begging your forgiveness as a black stranger fingers my juicing fuck hole.'

"But Louis Kingsley isn't being altruistic. He made plans the moment he first saw my wet pussy. Now, he gets up from his seat, and turns his back to you. 'Unzip my suit, Fool. Let your slut wife see what a real man's dick looks like.'

"'George, I beg you!' I squeal, my thoughts a tangle of fear and arousal. But you misunderstand my frantic words. I don't want you to unleash what the powerful, black man has for me in his pants. But you love me so much, you want to give Louis' physical attentions to me. Out of love, you unzip his blue jumpsuit all the way to his tailbone!

"'That's a good, Cuck!' Louis growls. He pulls his finger out of my wet slit, having released a steady stream of my fuck juice, and in a flash he shucks the workman's jumper down to his thighs. From out of his sweaty crotch, a huge black cock springs out. It's about as large as Leland's! 'Open up, you white slut! Here's what you really need.'

"My mind recoils in horror when my body responds to the black stranger's demand. My left leg jams under the driver's seat, and my right one flies up and over the back of the bench. That foot jams against the rear window. The windows are dripping from out hot breaths. My pussy opens wide, and Louis is quick to grab his jutting prick and aim it down until the fat head is ready to spear into my uncontrollable body!"

"UUYAAAAA!!" George howled! His torso convulsed, and I dove my open mouth over the tip of his exploding dick before the first spurt. I abruptly sucked and drank like a pimped out whore, cooing as he released his ball juice down my gulping throat!

Again, I marveled at the light, almost sweet salty flavor as my loving husband bucked his firm peter deep into my mouth. I only choked for a second before my experience with a much larger cock overrode my autonomic reflex.

George twitched for a while after his fountain dribbled down to nothing. I kept sucking, gently, but his peter shrank in my mouth. "Oh, Colleen. These stories, I'm starting to worry about them. I can't accept my incredible reaction.

"Sweetheart," I said upon pulling my mouth off of his limp penis. "They're just stories. But I'm glad I'm not boring you with them." A mischievous smile crossed my face. "You're just enjoying a fantasy that would never interest you in real life."

My panting husband kept strangely quiet for a while. I figured he was simply focusing on the pleasure still drifting through his senses.

I climbed up the bed and straddled his heaving belly. He smiled up at me when I took his right hand and placed its fingers to my very wet vulva. I moaned when he pushed two fingers inside and stroked my cunt walls. His thumb rubbed my clit, massaging the turgid nub in slow circles.

I bent down and kissed his lips while he worked to pleasure me. I came after a while by remembering the times he had sucked on my pussy and clit. He was not only talented but incredibly enduring. We slept arm in arm until sunrise.
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