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Leland gets viciously mugged. Colleen has to decide whether to help him or not.
Chapter 9

"It's black." My bewildered husband stared at the thing in the box. I had bought it as a gift for us.

"Yes, George, and it is one of the bigger dildos which the store carries." I spoke calmly but with strength. "This is the right step for me to take. It's not about you but what I face in the immediate future, if not today then possibly tomorrow."

"I believe you, Colleen, but I also worry-" He bit his lip. "About me."

"You will never lose my respect, no matter how you react." I touched his arm. "George, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, despite setbacks. If we're lucky, perhaps you'll find a measure of peace with your experiences, including playing with this stupidly expensive lump of silicone." I tried a chuckle. He gave a polite smile. I slid the cover onto the box and stashed it in a dusty shoe box, taking care not to disturb the dust. I put the shoes, which I hadn't worn in months, by the door, so I could donate them.

My story about the black gardner, revealed my husband's latent fetish to be enhanced by an interracial element. Bringing a tidbit of reality to that fantasy felt like the right thing. As for my feelings, I didn't like the dildo at all. I shouldn't have bought one so lifelike with veins and a fat flaring tip! My stomach got queasy from looking at the black toy, but I didn't tell my husband. I was confident that he needed to take this next step.

My ill fortune took the next step in the middle of the night. My phone blared me awake. The loud ringtone roused George as well. Leland was calling. I tapped the 'end call' button and switched off the ringer. It immediately vibrated in my hand, another call from Leland. It was quickly followed by a text. "You goin to suffr lot wrse than hve if y don anser m cals." His typing was terrible. I went to our bathroom, but I found myself unable to close the door, which would have shut me in a small room with Leland's presence. I hurried out into the hall and went into the utility closet, leaving the door open by a comfortable gap. I tapped on 'call back.'

"Wha te fuck, Colll'n?" He was angry but his words were slurred.

"It's the middle of the night. You woke my husband."

"I'm drunk. Yer li'l, white pussy bett'r hed don ta 6ththth street and Main b'fore I lose conshus. Take me to Thuh Stadem or hospit'l, d'pending how you find, urk!, me."

"I'll be right there." I assured him. I could have buried my phone under a towel and gone back to bed, but the intersection he spoke of had a reputation. If he did fall unconscious, he would wake up in a hospital, probably in traction. Still I dithered, telling myself that the bastard deserved to be broken!

I went to George who was even more awake having witnessed my furtive actions. "This will make no sense, but Leland is in considerable danger. I don't want to go to him, but-"

"He's not tricking you?"

"Not this time. I'm sure." I was mostly sure.

"I'll go with you." He started getting out of bed.

"George, he's not going to like that. We don't want to anger him." I considered using my new forged powers of assertiveness over my husband, but I did fear going alone into one of the worst parts of the city late at night. "H-he might do something - awful to you again."

"Better me than you. You said I'm stronger than I give myself credit for. Tonight I'm going to test that credit." He would not be dissuaded. He threw on a shirt and pants. I put on a heavy robe that tied together with multiple strings. We ran to the car, in our slippers.

He drove the Prius. It was a smarter move than you might think. A well cared for car gains more respect from unfortunates, than a time worn vehicle would earn.

City traffic at 3am allowed us to reach Leland in less than fifteen minutes. He was a mess: bloody nose, scraped elbows, palms, and knees,... His bulging stomach had a foot print on it! A pool of vomit lay near his head, and his hair was half soaked. He cringed and raised his arm at our approach, not recognizing us. "Al kill y'muthafuggers!" Leland groaned loudly!

"It's your white slut, Leland!" I shouted over his barks of pain. "I'm gonna take you to the hospital."

"Honey!" George scolded.

"I needed to be sure he understood who I am."

"Culleen?" Leland's jaw trembled. "Dae took ma phone, ma clip, an ma bottle! Then some crazy com along in jus kick me!"

"I'll put a blanket in the back seat." George went to the car.

"Y gonna fug me, Sweetee? I be reel nice 'is time."

"Yes." The stupid bastard, I should have kicked his nuts myself! "Now let me help you to the car."

He was able to get to his feet with little help, but he staggered, bent over due to a possible hernia from being kicked. "Balls hurt lik muthafugg'r! Lemme see y tits, lik goo Bich." He wheezed.

"When we get to the car."

George had an open water bottle in his hand and rinsed Leland's hair. The vile smell decreased ninety percent. My husband helped to heft the large black man into the limited back seat. Leland grabbed my left wrist. "Y sit w me, right?" He spoke with equal parts demand and plea.

"Leland, let go of my wife!" George blurted, a lot of repressed anger launched the words.

"No, fggat! I gots fuk her!"

"He's in no shape to worry about, George. Just get him to emergency care." I slipped into the back seat and placed Leland's head on my lap. George fumed while ducking into the driver seat and racing away at top posted speed. I rolled down the window to vent the smell of Jagermeister puke. Also it made me feel less confined with Leland who pawed at the top strings of my robe. "Dem tittys be bess, Whyht Slut. My Shelly-" He frowned deep with sadness. "N'vr ha ta belt 'er."

His fingers shook too much to untie the top string of my robe. Sadly knowing that my husband would find out I gave in. Why did I give a damn about this abusive rapist!? I untied the top string and pulled open my robe. "Take your mind off the hurt, okay?"

Leland grabbed my naked tits roughly. My sharp moan drew George's attention. I was ready. "This is nothing George, and he'll get nothing else, but I can't stand to see him in pain. If this were you, I'd be sucking your dick, even if it was covered in vomit."

His lips clamped tight with anger, but he turned his glare to the windshield.

Leland licked and sucked on my weary nipples. His hands continued to grope madly. I cradled his foul head and tried to stifle my winces and sharp grunts. It seemed to make a difference. I felt the broken black man's distress weaken.

Reaching the hospital, George leaped out and ran inside to get a stretcher. He came back, saying that the ER was full. He had described Leland's injuries to the triage nurse, but the man said we'd have to wait. That could mean hours.

I looked on my phone about stomach impacts. A hernia seemed likely, which needed surgery, but it wasn't life threatening in most cases. "George, we should take him home."

"I'm putting my foot down." He sounded manly, but his eyes were glued on my manipulated boobs. "I won't let this beast in our home again!"

"D'Sta-dee-um." Leland slurred. "Json fix ih fer meh."

"How about the Shade Palm? He knows that motel. It won't feel disorienting."

"How about I drag him into ER and leave him on the floor?"

I took a deep breath and exhaled. When I felt calmer, I met my husband's eyes, with great disappointment on my face.

"Damn it." He relented.

It took another twenty minutes to drive to the motel. Leland took to mumbling, half unconscious, freeing my breasts from his grip. George paid for a ground floor room. He helped me lug the black bastard through the door and into the shower. "I'll clean him." I took off my robe. Leland woke up enough to stand shakily under the hot flow of water. Wearing only panties, I undressed him then took to soaping his overweight body.

George watched. Empathy finally worked some sense into his trauma driven anger.

When my hand with the tiny bar of soap ran up and down the black man's limp dick, he tried to kiss me. "Let me clean you first, Leland." Refusing him would only have inflamed his misguided desire. He lurched and howled when I touched his scrotum. I had to run soapy water over the hairy sack, to get them somewhat clean.

When the sliver of soap had drained through the shower floor, and he had been fully rinsed, I gave my broken rapist a peck on the cheek, ushered him out of the stall and was surprised when George began toweling the drunken man who had cuckolded him.

My husband wouldn't meet my eyes, but he must have sensed how grateful I was. "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you."

"You're suppose to be pissed off when your wife give her tits to a rapist bastard! But take care toweling his balls."

He grumbled and worked the towel lower. A second later he grunted a laugh. "Hey, Leland, who's getting faggoty now - from a guy rubbing your dick?" My husband could feel the drunken old black's penis flesh out, but with erection came pain. George stopped drying it. I held Leland while George quickly toweled the man's thick legs and broad feet.

"Fug ya, Ppsssy Mauth!" It had taken Leland a minute to figure out what George had said.

"I guess he recognizes you too." I covered my mouth to hide my amused grin.

We helped Leland into a bed. I grabbed George, pushed him onto the other bed and began tearing off his quick change of clothes. "Fuck me, Lover. I need cock, hard and pounding!"

Like me, George was eager for his dick in my cunt. We rocked that bed for nearly a minute. His swore ecstatically, the first couple squirts of cum blasting into me. His remaining semen flowed quickly to a halt. I was still breathing deep and fast. "George, I need more."

Leland's sustained's groans had nothing to do with his proximity to our flaunted fuck. He lay staring at the ceiling. His dick pointed high in that direction as well.

George's quick ejaculation was a surprise to him. I had an inkling of the reason - a cuck's revenge. Instead of losing confidence in his sexual prowess, he dived his head down and worked both my clit and cum seeping pussy with dutiful sucks and licks. He was hesitant however to finger my seeping cleft. It was strange to me that my husband minded touching cum more than tasting it. I was familiar with this facet of his sexuality but hadn't cared. That night the fact seemed more important."

"Hae Whyht Slut, don be leev' meh inuh-lursh! I got ta dick y' relly need. Det puss-moth an gon make y' cum lik my beg blak cock."

My husband was doing an excellent job of sustaining my arousal, but Leland in the locked room worried me despite his incapacitation. When the black man started talking, I flinched, nearly kneeing George's dancing chin! My excitement drained significantly. However, upon turning my head to Leland's surprisingly horny gaze, a fresh wind blew on the flames in my loins. "You feel so good, George! Keep at it." I breathed shallowly.

"Ah noze y', Whyht Bich. Yu be miss'n a big hard rut!"

Something fearful possessed me. I needed to cum but was losing confidence in my husband's skilled tongue lashing in that strange moment. "Do it harder, George. Bite if you must, I need more." I pleaded, hoping to defeat my growing fear that my husband might one day be unable to pleasure me.

That would be sad, maybe even tragic, but I would make that sacrifice to sustain our bond. I didn't need orgasms to live. I especially hated the small ones that had happened from that fat, black assailant! Seeing Leland impotent, unexpectedly moved me to take care of his need. The man had suffered a tragic loss-

"UNGH!" I grunted loudly from an attempt at biting my clit. I'd never made such a harsh request from my true love. He didn't know how hard to bite. "Good! But a little harder!" I told him. When I howled from his next bite, he pulled away from my soaked vulva. "Sorry!"

"NO! KEEP DOING THAT!!" I exclaimed! I reached for his head and pulled it back to my twitching cunt. "Bite the shit out of my damn clit, Pussy Mouth!"

Suddenly, George batted my arms away from his head. He pulled away again, painfully astonished. "I can't harm you, Colleen. I don't work that way."

I forced myself to breath as if I was giving birth! I had demanded too much. "Oh, George, I wasn't thinking straight."

"I'll say." A shallow grin was all he could manage.

"HA!" Our piteous take-in coughed.

I heaved air in and out of my lungs, trying to soothe my lusting libido. "It's okay. I can wait for a better night." I told my love.

George saw the flames in my eyes and did the unthinkable. "Leland, your balls are fucked up. You know that."

"Wh-wut ya sa'n fffggtt?"

"You try to fuck my wife, you'll black out from pain (pardon the expression), and maybe rupture your gut."

"Ma dik is fukhard." He wheezed confidently. The long lump from Leland's groin to his navel was plenty of supporting evidence.

George moved with haste, shifting off of our bed and pulling back the covers hiding Leland's erect cock. "I'm going to stabilize the lower half with my hands and support it with my arms against your pelvis." He told Leland.

The old man was confused. "Do'n wan ya fag hans on mah puss ham'r."

"Suck it, Old Man. I'm not doing this for you."

"No, George." I understood his plan. I would be lying if the heat in my cunt didn't grow at the notion. My husband was taking Leland's mighty prick and offering it for my pleasure. "You can't risk it. He might be permanently injured." I didn't outright refuse the offer.

My husband simply crawled over the black man's fat legs and grasped the base of that fat, black hardon. He rested his chest on black thighs, and braced his forearms against the front edges of the man's well padded hips. Leland's prick stood straight, and I was so amazed by my husband's sacrifice, I began to cry.

"You tell her, Leland. You tell my wife to get fucked with your black cock. She needs you to tell her."

"Yo, Whyht CUNT!" The old man managed one bellow. His hips twitched and he grunted from a sharp pain. "Git thhhat horny puss on mah DICK! Ow!" He yipped after shouting again. "NOW- AA! BITCH!" His dick wobbled but didn't fall down.

I became a predator then. Something snapped in my reasoning mind. This was my revenge. I would pain fuck my fucking rapist! Greater than the prospect of a mind blowing orgasm, I was going to take Leland's weapon in my cunt and bash his insides with it!

I nearly leaped across the beds.

"Whoa!" George was startled by my abrupt eagerness! His eyes grew large watching me stand on the old, overweight man's bed and straddle his naked girth. I reached below my dripping pussy, grabbed the fat head of his black prick, and squatted lower until the wide, rubbery tip slotted into my weeping vulva. "Fuck me. Fuck you!" I growled and sank my slick cunt around the hard shaft, lower and lower, until my cunt hairs brushed my husband's supporting hands.

Leland cried out. "AAAAA!!" Pain lancing through his groin. Still he growled back. "FUU-CK MA DIK, CUNT-BICH! I kin take it!" His words were beginning to sober.

The mighty length stretched my cum greased twat wide. It filled me so fully, I was ashamed to compare the sensation with my husband's skilled tool.

George strengthened his grip and cautioned. "I'll do all I can, Leen, but stop if his pain gets any worse." He took more than a little delight from throttling the blood filled shaft.

I barely heard him as I drew myself up and then pounded my cunt back down on fat, black dick. GODS! That felt incredible!

The drunk yelled again but repeated his claim to be able to 'take it.' The truth was, Leland was too injured to fuck up against me. I like to think that my husband was fucking me with the black man's cock. I rode those choked inches like they were my big black dildo in George's hands. It felt incredible! "Use his dick on me, George, wreck my cunt with it!" My knees drove black meat up my stretched pussy, again and again.

Because my husband was gripping a hand's worth, the prick that engorged me didn't reach my cervix. Without the pain of that being pounded, I was enjoying Leland's prick for the first time! "I'm fucking a big black cock right in front of you, George. I know this is your gift to me, but I still feel guilty. UNNGGH!" My rhythm broke from a unexpected orgasm. It was minor. I crouched and lifted, over and over a live, fat cock ripping in and out of my horny hole! "I'll thank you for this, however you want, My Love." Truthfully, I was out of my mind, feeling powerful and greedy and loved!

Leland's grunts, soft or sharp, were mostly from pain, but I did hope he felt pleasure too. He deserved something for what I was taking from him. Still, I gained a measure of satisfaction because he was suffering from me fucking him!

"This is rape, Leland." I growled at his contorted face. "My cunt is raping your helpless but stiff cock! Feel my power to give pleasure or pain! This time I choose how you suffer!"

"Ya thin you got bes of me!" He snarled, his lips twitching. The drunken stupor previously in his eyes was fading. "I fukyu and fukyu til ya bleed! AARRGGGH!!!" He felt me smash my butt down, driving his cunt juiced shaft partly through my husband's strained grip. His guts erupted from torment. "I KILYA, KILYA, BICH!"

"Colleen!" George shouted at me. "You have to slow down - take it easy! I know you're having your hard earned moment over this lout, but don't discard mercy. I beg you!" He put every mote of his strength into resisting my downward thrusts.

I must have blasted my ass down half a dozen extra times before my good husband's concern cut through the thick haze of righteousness goading me to fuck Leland harder! He roared in agony, each time.

I hadn't noticed there were tears in my eyes. When I finally slowed my heaving butt, I realized they were for Leland. I wept freely. "You shit-gobbed, old bastard! Why do I give any fuck about you?" I half snarled half sobbed. Having to admit that something good had happened between us, in spite of all the horrors he had inflicted, admitting that was more difficult than taking a pussy belting.

Slower strokes sent toe curling thrills through his aching body and my aching emotions. "Oh, Honey, I'm gonna cum on another man's cock!" I warned.

"Take him for all he's worth, Leen!" He cheered! "The only thing he has of any value is his cock!" He supported Leland's shaft with all his remaining strength. The black man experienced new pain as as body tensed from the tightly packed arousal in his brain!

The craziest part was, Leland and I came simultaneously. His thick, hot seed gushed into my convulsing cunt walls sucking his black DNA deep into my body. I had forgotten how fertile I was at that incredible moment. He roared from pain and ecstasy! I shrieked, "YAAAAAAAhhhgggghhhnnn!!! Intense pleasure alongside peak shame electrocuted my senses! "He's making me pregnant!" I howled! Hot, sticky goo squirted from my pussy's tight collar around Leland's thick shaft.

"Get off him!" George let go of Leland's dick. He grabbed me around the waist and hurled my body to the other bed. The fat black prick flooding my baby canal sprang out of me and continued with a fountain of flowing sperm. He howled from pain, one last time, although buffered by his intense orgasm.

I landed on my side but rolled on to my back. The room spiraled around me. Leland's grunts, my panting, George's whimpers filled the motel room. What pulled me out of half-consciousness was a great sucking sensation on my cunt lips. George was desperately trying to draw out Leland's seed from my fertile valley. I didn't have the heart to tell him how ineffectual that was. I patted his head to console him, but when I looked past his slurping face, a beautiful thing appeared to me. George was hard again!

"Fuck me, George. Ram my pussy! Pound your cock in my cunt. NOW!" I demanded.

My self-empowerment was at its apex. He immediately crawled swiftly up my body and sank his average but very hard prick into my sloppy, loose cunt! His butt heaved up and down like a madman! "Yes, Honey! Anything you say." He actually thought I was upset at him.

"YES, like THAT! My ass dented the mattress like a nuclear powered road compactor! BAM BAM BAM BAM! I hugged my dearest, and actually felt his dick's shovel shaped head scoop out the unwanted cum in my pussy, Nature's reason for shaping it that way. "Fuck it all out, Dearest George, fill me with your hot white love!" (meaning cum, not skin)

"Ya wer do'n b'tter wit ya pussmoth!" Leland didn't understand. He lay as relaxed as possible, his terrific orgasm helping greatly to reduce the strain on his herniated testicles. To move half an inch would have tortured him all over.


The motel manager had to pound on the door to wake me and George around noon the next day. Leland lay as if dead. We had wiped his cum off of his body with a damp hand towel before covering him up and slinking into our bed. George actually checked on him before answering the door. He told the manager to charge another day on his credit card, which resolved that trivial event.

I called home and told Peg that her father and I were taking a little holiday, and "There had better not be any blood on the walls when I get back." I heard her audibly gulp before I ended the call.

Leland slept all day, wincing in his sleep.

"We should call for an ambulance." George pulled out his phone.

"We'll be charged for it, because he can't pay. If he was in worse pain, I would drive him to an ER but not deep in downtown. Let him sleep."

He finally roused around dusk while I opened several cartons of Chinese food which I had driven out to pick up. George had offered, but I refused to be alone with Leland in a locked hotel room. I had won a victory, but my damage would never fully heal.

"Ohhhhh." He groaned and had difficulty opening his eyes. "Wha'?" He looked around. "Where the fuck is this?"

"It's the Shade Palm, Leland." I told him. "You've been unconscious all day."

"How the fuck- AAHH!" He tried to get up.

"I was just going to tell you. Don't move! Remember the crazy person who kicked you? He might have busted your gut."

George added. "We drove you to ER, last night, but they were too full to admit you right away. We decided this was the best place for you convalesce until we could get you back to a hospital.

"Oh, no. Hospitals eat yer money!"

"You're eating our money, at the moment." I scolded. "I'm not expecting your thanks."

"Don't you get Medicare?"

The large, prone black man scowled, muttering, "Too young, too black, and too much a risk."

"I think he means, because he's getting his wife's social security, he has to wait until he's 65 for Medicare."

"It works that way?"

"It works anyway that keeps poor folk from git'n help!" Leland winced from his exclamation. He winced worse when he chuckled. "Look at us, like we some gangstas in love."

George started to explain. "Yeah, about last night-"

"Don't excite him, Husband." I used my stern voice. It had strengthened over the last few weeks. "Leland, I'll feed you in bed if you're up for it." I offered a box of mu-shu pork, a compostable fork sticking out. "You threw up a lot before we got you here."

"Yeah, I'm hun-gary, but guts feel right kicked, like you said."

"You don't remember the perp?" George was suddenly glad I'd interrupted him.

"SHeeet, last thing I know was stumblin' down 6th avenue with a liter of liquor in my hand."

"Here, try a bite." I sat careful not to rock his bed, and forked a morsel of sauce, pork, and cabbage.

He nearly bit off a tine with it, but he chewed slowly. "Give it a sec to work down." He looked hungrily at the box.

"You got mugged, Leland." My husband told him. "And kicked - at least that's what you told us."

"Ain't no fool like an old one." The fat black grunted. "Tell me, why you bein' so nice?"

"If I had my way, you'd be in jail right now." George lorded his goodwill over the man who had raped his mouth. He was having his moment.

"Because neither of us hate you as much as you deserve." I pinched my lips together. I offered him another bite.

He sucked down, hardly chewing it. "I guess I'll be okay."

"You're not okay, Leland." I scolded. "You probably need surgery. There must be a way to prevent the bills from eating up your checks." be concluded...
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