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This is a work of fantasy based on a real girl in the school I attended when I was a teenager in the early noughties. While some of the locations are based on real places, the events are completely fictitious, as is most of my recollection of "Danielle" (not even her real name). But I was in French class with her and she did have an eye-catching rack. If you're not interested in the wind-up and just want to get straight to the pitch, then I suggest you skip down to chapter two.

Chapter One - The Danielle Disruption

Chapter Two - The Danielle Debut

Chapter Three - The Danielle Distraction

Chapter Four - The Danielle Domination

Chapter Five - The Kara Convergence

Chapter Six - The Danielle Denouement

Epilogue - Danielle Deja Vu

Chapter One - The Danielle Disruption

16 year old Danielle was what teachers would describe to parents as a disruptive pupil, in private they probably just thought she was a bitch. It wasn't entirely her fault, in all likelihood her home life was a train wreck and positive parental examples non-existent. But Danielle had one thing going for her at this point in her life (and she knew it). Danielle was an early bloomer so to speak and wasn't bashful about her body. While the majority of girls in her year attended school either in the regulation oversized school sweatshirt or if they were a bit more body confident, a relatively modest dress-shirt and somewhat figure hugging wool knit combo, Danielle flaunted her well developed rack in a trademark white v-neck t-shirt that barely contained her chest and fitted tightly against the rest of her athletic torso. Her ample cleavage was proudly displayed for anyone who glanced in her direction. She had no excess fat to be seen, which was probably down to her regular nicotine intake. Health implications aside, at this point in her life, it was working for her.

Aside from her model body, the rest of her appearance was fairly plain. Large amounts of foundation covered her pale face and she wore her blonde hair short. "The Rachel" cut, popularised by Jennifer Aniston in the TV show Friends seemed to be what she was mimicking. Her eyes were large relative to her other facial features which perhaps boosted her attractiveness, but it was nothing that would really have turned any heads on it's own. That was achieved, at least in my eyes, by that damn white v-neck. It stretched over her forming the perfect hour-glass around her large breasts, flat narrow waistline and flowing hips.

I, by comparison, was a slightly overweight, round faced, shy, thin haired, ginger kid. A straight A student. Respectful and courteous to my teachers, but paid little regard at all by the opposite sex in my year. I was a nice guy, who's friends were into Star Wars, playing guitar and computers. Danielle, if she even knew my name, would never have had any cause to utter it and would probably have taken no notice of me for the remainder of her school career were it not for the events that follow.

I was only in a single subject with Danielle: French. To say she was 'in' my class would be generous, as Danielle's typical approach to French class was to initiate an argument or some other disruption a few minutes into class that would ultimately escalate to the point where our French teacher would send her to the Head's office. I'm willing to bet Danielle had never once obeyed this instruction, instead taking the opportunity as an additional smoke break. I also assume that our French teacher was not so naive as believe Danielle was following her instructions either, but was simply happy she was no longer present to cause any further chaos.

I had fantasised about Danielle ever since I noticed that straining white v-neck for the first time in class. Owing to my timidity and lack of athleticism, i had never been, nor did I expect to be, in a situation likely to result in Danielle voluntarily removing that v-neck. I never once attended a party and there were zero girls amongst my social group. So I did what any self respecting teenage boy did: settled for porn. As a computer nerd in the late nineties, I had convinced my parents to extend a phone line into my bedroom, allowing me unsupervised access to dial-up internet. As good as that was for a 15 year old boy, I was determined, before the year was out, to see a naked girl in real life rather than in the short potato-quality videos available online at the time. So I came up with a plan to get me up close and personal with Danielle's incredible tits.

It was a simple plan - all the best plans were - and it was reliant upon two suppositions. Firstly, that Danielle was as promiscuous as her appearance (and my imagination) suggested she was and secondly, that she needed a way to fund her cigarette habit. While I was not gifted in the looks department, I was a frugal saver. I had managed to build up a sizeable bank balance by saving money gifted to me over the last year or so - Christmas, Birthday, etc - it had added up and I now had in excess of £150 in my account. My simple plan was therefore a tried and tested quid pro quo: flash-for-cash! It worked in the videos I'd seen online, there was no reason to think it wouldn't work with Danielle. All she had to do was take the money and show me her tits. I only had to make the proposition.

French class was just after lunch. I had in my possession a £20 note and a small piece of paper, both of which had been burning a hole in my pocket all morning. Upon entering the classroom I could see Danielle already talking aggressively at another girl. After a few false starts, eventually the conflict escalated sufficiently that Danielle was once again dismissed to see the Head. This was the moment, now or never. After what I felt was a sufficient delay to avoid any suspicion, I got up from my seat and approached the teachers desk at the front of the classroom.

"Mrs Rae, may I be excused? Something I ate for lunch hasn't agreed with me." I lied.

Ordinarily pupils would not be permitted to leave class to use the toilets - especially not so soon after a break - however one advantage of being a well behaved, courteous student was that my lie was accepted without the usual suspicion that would have fallen upon such a request from any other less diligent student. A silent nod from the teacher followed and I made my way hastily out the class taking care to turn in the direction of the toilets, rather than towards the stairwell where I presumed Danielle had gone. I walked up to the toilet door which was close to the class room and pushed the door ajar sufficiently to ensure that when I released it the door pusher loudly slammed the door shut again. Deception complete, I swiftly moved back along the corridor towards the stairwell, taking care to duck below the window of the door to the classroom I had just left.

Now to find Danielle. In all likelihood there was only one place she would go to have a smoke that avoided encountering any teachers. That was out of the back door opposite the stairwell. It led to a covered area outside that was out of view of any other classrooms. I made my way down to the ground floor and sure enough that's exactly where I found Danielle. She was standing with her back to the open door. I took a moment or two to appreciate her bra straps showing through the back of her t-shirt, and the tight trousers through which the outline of her glutes were clearly visible.

As I approached, startled she glanced my direction. Realising who I was (or rather just realising I was not a teacher), she returned focus to another drag on her cigarette while gazing across the disused land at the rear of the school building. She hardly expected me to stop next to her. When I did she looked me up and down then returned her focus to the barren ground.

"What?" she said - staring in to the distance.

I took the £20 note from my pocket and much like I had seen people do in movies - held the folded note between my index and middle fingers raising it to head height.

"How'd you like to make some money?" I asked in as casual a manner as I could muster.

I had planned this conversation extensively in my head, considering all the possible paths it might go down, the questions and objections I would have to anticipate, as well as all the potential responses. At this early stage I figured the probability was seventy-thirty "fuck off". However the nicotine was obviously having a calming effect on Danielle. The question at least peaked her interest and she turned toward me.

"I'm listening" she replied.

Intentionally ensuring my gaze remained at eye level (no minor feat given the allure of her bulging rack.) I continued.

"I'd like to offer you a deal whereby you leverage your... assets, in return for an investment of mine." The pause was rehearsed, during which I unsubtly glanced toward the deep crevasse in her v-neck.

I had debated at length whether this opening gambit would be interpreted in the manner it was meant to be by Danielle, however knowing she took Business Management class, I hoped she had the vocabulary to understand what I was implying. In any event I also had a response prepared that was less circumspect were it to be required. In the end my less than subtle innuendo did the trick and she clearly understood exactly what I was implying.

"Do you think I'm a fucking prostitute dickhead?" she barked, scowling at me, "Now fuck off!"

The negative connotations of prostitution had been an obvious consideration when I rehearsed the conversation in my head and so I was prepared with a response:

"I'm not saying you are" I replied (knowing full well that was entirely what I suggesting). "Prostitutes hang out on street corners and have to sell themselves cause they've got nothing else - they've got no choice. Smart girls get paid to tutor people. Girls that like kids get paid to baby sit. Why shouldn't you be allowed to earn some cash with your gifts, if you wanted to?"

Danielle returned to staring into the distance and took another drag on her cigarette while she assessed my response.

"I wouldn't blow you a kiss for twenty quid mate" Danielle replied, seemingly appeased somewhat by my argument - if not yet convinced.

"I'm open to negotiation - there's plenty more where that came from. I just wanted to show you I was serious." I replied, putting the £20 back into my pocket. I took out the folded piece of paper and held it out towards her.

"Think about it and let me know" I said as cooly as I could manage.

The hand written note was the final of multiple iterations. On the outside folded leaf I had written my home address and the times of the week that I knew I would be there alone. On the inside was a list. I had spent a long time considering exactly what to put on that list and what a fair market rate for such services may be. After some deliberation I rather over ambitiously arrived at what I hoped she might be willing to do:


Show me your tits : £20

+ let me feel your tits : £40

+ show me your pussy : £50

+ let me feel your pussy : £70

+ B.J* : £100

* You have to make me cum.


I'd to-ed and fro-ed over the last one. Was I insane? Would she be offended at the suggestion, especially the asterisked part! In the end I just figured in I was already taking a massive risk, may as well aim for the best pay-off. Anyway, she could just say no.

But would she? That was the question running through my mind as I held out my hand containing the note. After what seemed like an eternity Danielle turned around, took the paper with her free hand and put it straight into her pocket. She was playing it cool too.

I hadn't anticipated her not reading the note right there and then (as people do in movie negotiations, sliding their terms across the board room table rather than verbalising them). This somewhat complicated matters for me. The note was evidence of my propositioning her and I'd rather it didn't to the attention of any adults! While I was confident any accusation from Danielle would be dismissed with a only simple denial from me, the note would be difficult to explain. For reasons I could no longer fathom given the amount of time I'd spent thinking this whole exchange through, I never considered she would keep the note. This could be a fatal error, but it was done now.

Thinking all this through in my head, I wasn't aware that I'd been staring at Danielle in silence for a few seconds now.

"Well? Fuck off then!" she snapped.

Ever the charmer, the dismissal shook me to my senses and I walked back into the building. The ball was in her court now. Moving quickly back up the stairs and along the corridor, I ducked past the door to the classroom, repeated the sound effect on the toilet door then returned to class. The teacher caught my eye as I entered and sat down, making a head motion as if to ask if everything was OK. I nodded, placed a headset back on my head and continued listening to a French conversation about grocery shopping.

The rest of the day dragged - all I could think about was whether Danielle would take the note I had written directly to a teacher when she read it. Although I reassured myself this was unlikely as, by the law of the playground, that would make her a 'grass' and I was certain Danielle's moral compass would never allow her to sink to that level! Also of concern was the possibility she would share it with others in my year (or even some older brother I didn't know existed! (I would later discover this worry was actually mildly prophetic.) However I comforted myself that this too was unlikely. Danielle, to my knowledge, had no siblings or friends - at least none I'd ever seen her with - and in common with the teachers, most of the girls in my year also thought Danielle was a bitch, meaning they were unlikely to interact with her. When the final bell rang at the end of the day and I had not received a summons, I was satisfied the note had not been shared.

The following morning I was on my way to physics when I saw Danielle moving from the opposite end of the corridor in my direction. (There was a one-way system in place in school corridors to aid traffic flow which Danielle obviously took no notice of.) I stared at her to get some inclination of what she thought of my proposition but she didn't even make eye contact. Instead, as she passed by, she shoulder barged me and at the same time thrust something into my hand. It was an impressive hand-off, worthy of any decent spy film I thought to myself. As desperate as I was to read the crumpled note she had passed, I estimated that the risk of doing so in public was way too high, so I placed it directly into my pocket and carried on to physics class.

The class dragged on intolerably, as the paper continued to once again burn a hole in my pocket. When the bell rang to sound the commencement of mid-morning break I went straight to the toilets. Ordinarily I would never set foot in there during break or lunch since they were, I imagined, full of people doing all sorts of things liable to get them in trouble. However, I needed somewhere private to read the note and a toilet stall seemed the safest option, with an easy means to destroy whatever may have been written on the paper.

I locked the cubicle door and removed the paper from my pocket. It was the SAME note I had passed Danielle the previous day! Relieved to once again have the only evidence in my own hands, I apprehensively opened the paper and was surprised to discover what Danielle had done. Next to each item on my original list she had scored out the price and written her own! Also next to the line about touching her pussy, she had added another asterisk. I initially turned the note over looking to see what this meant then realised it meant exactly the same as the asterisk I had put next to the blow job line:

"You have to make me cum."

"Shit!" I thought "was she being sarcastic or was this really a stipulation?". I had no idea if I could achieve any such requirement.

It didn't matter, all that mattered was that she was actually up for it! Danielle's modified price structure meant I was going to have to empty my bank account but I really didn't care. At 15 years old I'd have given up a limb just to look at Danielle's tits, never mind receive a blow job from her!

I had French last thing that afternoon - and that evening was one of the suggested times I'd put on my note. All I had to do was let Danielle know I agreed to her terms and it could happen tonight!! I quickly thought up a discrete way of doing so and having no further need for the note tore it up into tiny pieces, wrapped it in some tissue paper and flushed.

In French class, Danielle was once again summarily dismissed within 15 minutes of class commencing. I had got there early and positioned myself tactically next to the classroom door. If I pushed my seat back a little from the desk it blocked the door from opening. As Danielle made her way to the door I surreptitiously moved my seat out from the desk. She yanked the door open and it clattered off the back of my chair. The noise startled the teacher who yelled at her: "Danielle!!"

"What?!" Danielle retorted as she turned glaring at me.

I nodded discretely, hoping she'd picked up on it and understood, then moved my seat in towards the desk allowing the door to open.

It was on.


Chapter Two - The Danielle Debut

I walked home from school faster than I ever had, having had to get to the ATM at the local store to withdraw the money I needed before Danielle showed up. Arriving home I checked no-one was in and went to my room to place the money on my desk. Then I positioned myself in the lounge overlooking the front of the house and waited. Danielle didn't show up. As it approached 6pm (the cut off time I'd specified on my note) I began to worry about my parents returning and Danielle showing up at the same time. 30 minutes later both parents had returned and my hopes for the evening were dashed. However, tomorrow was Friday, a half day at school and I knew I'd have the whole afternoon alone in the house, maybe that was better anyway.

1pm on Friday and I again quick marched back to my house - it was about a 40 minute walk. I didn't have French on Fridays and hadn't seen Danielle in the corridors throughout the morning. As I walked through the underpass that was on my route home, I heard footsteps echo from behind. As I turned at the end of the tunnel to walk up the steps, I glanced to my left and realised it was Danielle. She was following me a good distance back. I guess in the absence of smart phones and google maps, the only way to find out where I actually lived was for Danielle to follow me. I hadn't considered that she might not know where my street was. I initially thought about stopping so that she could catch up, but then realised that there was a reason she was trailing at a distance - she likely had no desire to be seen with me.

So I just continued walking. Realising how imminently I was going to be seeing Danielle in a state of undress and feel her lips wrapped around my cock caused me to get a hard-on. I had to adjust myself a little to avoid obvious tenting in my school trousers. Getting to my front door I was relieved to see both parents' cars missing from the driveway - not that i had any reason to think they would be, I was just being paranoid. I opened the door and dumped my bag at foot of the stairs. I rushed up to my room and quickly applied a fresh spray of Lynx deodorant. I also took a moment in the bathroom to rinse my dick in some cool water over the sink - both in an attempt to not seem too keen but also because I didn't want Danielle to renege on the agreement because of poor personal hygiene!

No sooner had I dried myself off than doorbell rang. I did my trousers up and walked quickly down the stairs to open the door.

"Hi, come in" I said, stepping aside to let her pass. "My room is upstairs. Do you want a drink?"

It seemed like a polite thing to ask and a way to break the ice a little, although I also worried she might think I was treating this as some sort of date - which I definitely wasn't.

"No thanks" she replied, smiling as she walked past.

That was the first time I'd ever heard Danielle say "thanks" in a non-sarcastic tone. Seemed she was actually being pleasant and I wasn't really sure how to take that. Danielle headed straight upstairs and I pointed her towards my room. She walked in, stood in the centre and turned to face me, dropping her bag on the floor to her left. I followed in behind her and walked over to the desk pointing to the notes fanned out top. I had assumed there would be some sort of formal count to verify she was getting what she asked for, but in the end she just looked at the money nodded.

"Close the blinds then" she said, gesturing toward the window behind her.

I walked over to the window, which overlooked my back garden and a row of houses behind mine, then twisted the mechanism to close blinds. It was a sunny day so there was still plenty of light streaming through the cracks to avoid any need for lights. As I turned back to face her I was greeted with the sight I'd fantasised about during French class more times that I could remember.

Danielle crossed her arms and gripping each side of her white v-neck pulled it up over her head. It was no strip tease, just a perfunctory removal of her top the same way I imagined she would any other day of the week. She tossed it to her right so it landed on top of her bag. My eyes followed the whole motion, observing her toned stomach being revealed as her tight top was lifted up and over her bra. It was plain white with simple lace trim. I swallowed, hardly believing what I was seeing before me.

For a moment we both stood there and said nothing. I caught myself staring at her chest and out of habit I quickly redirected my gaze to her face - forgetting that I was allowed to stare! I could see, even through the layers of foundation, that Danielle's cheeks appeared to have flushed a little - her ears were definitely red. She actually seemed a little embarrassed. Her brash self-confidence had drained as she stood there in a state of partial undress, her body being assessed by a stranger.

Her breasts were bulging out of the top of her bra a little and small shadows were cast where I imagined her nipples to be. Her belly was toned and for a few seconds I enjoyed watching her breasts rise and fall as she breathed in and out.

"You're really hot" I said - offering an encouragement which seemed to bolster her confidence.

"Thanks" she replied, with a small smile. There it was again - a non sarcastic, expression of gratitude! As she said this she appeared to draw a breath - as though calming her nerves. I had never seen this vulnerable side to Danielle before and it was quite the turn on. Albeit less so than the fact that I was within arms reach of her overflowing tits.

She reached behind her back with her right hand and undid her bra. It gave way, releasing enough slack to allow each breast to settle slightly, thereby revealing her secret: Danielle wore a push up! I had never contemplated this - in fact I was probably, until that moment, unaware of the technology - but as she continued to slip the straps off her shoulders exposing her naked breasts before me, I was hardly disappointed.

While not the D cup she presented in her skin tight white tee, she was still a generous C, and both her girls were completely flawless. She had small pink nipples with cute areola. Exactly the sort of breasts I found attractive and had fantasised that she had. They were pert - as you would expect for girl of her age. Dropping her bra to the floor, now freed from their containment, she somewhat nervously cupped and rubbed each breast then let both arms fall back to her sides giving me an unobstructed view.

At this point my boner was back with a vengeance and I was protruding obviously from within my trousers. As Danielle stood there topless, she glanced down toward the floor, perhaps out of embarrassment again, and in doing so she spotted my erection and smiled wryly.

"Like what you see eh?" she teased.

At that point it was my turn to be bashful - and I knew I was done for - in seconds my cheeks would be beaming red with no way to control it and Danielle would be free mock me mercilessly. Or so I thought. Instead, she took a step toward me and asked "Do you want to touch them?"

Whether it was this polite invitation that calmed me or just the fact that every ounce of blood in my body was currently gathering in my engorged cock, I did not feel my cheeks flush. So without saying anything I took a step toward her and reached out my right hand placing it gently over her left breast. As I did so, she smiled and with her right hand on top of mine encouraged me to squeeze and fondle her in the way she wanted me to.

Feeling her smooth warm skin in my hand, I pushed her breast upwards against her chest mimicking the job her bra had been doing moments ago. It was heavier than I expected and felt different to how I had imagined it would feel. As I did this I felt something start pressing against my palm. I could see her right nipple beginning to protrude. Lifting my free hand I ran my finger gently around and then over her exposed nipple. As I did so, Danielle exhaled quietly - she was definitely enjoying this.

"Like how it feels eh?" I joked, mimicking her teasing tone from moments earlier.

Danielle didn't respond verbally, but just rolled her eyes.

I continued to massage and caress both Danielle's breasts for a few minutes, making little eye contact. The odd fleeting glance felt awkward and so we quickly looked elsewhere. Danielle did continue to make occasional sighs of pleasure and we unconsciously moved closer together meaning my arms no longer had to be outstretched to reach her chest. At one point we became so close that the tip of my protruding shaft accidentally grazed her inner thigh. Danielle didn't react and I drew back a little to avoid it happening again.

Sensing that things would get more awkward if I just continued as is, I decided to risk an escalation.

"Can I.. can I lick your nipples?" I asked hesitantly, aware this didnt form any part of our agreement and could gross her out.

Danielle thought about it momentarily then looking at me said "okay".

I bent down, letting my hands run down the sides of her breasts and onto her waist, so that my face was level with her tits. I opened my mouth a little and brushed the tip of my tongue vertically over her right nipple, breathing out as I did so. Danielle's response was unexpected to both of us. She moaned quite audibly, catching herself midway and abruptly silencing the clearly involuntary noise. Emboldened by the power my tongue seemed to be able to wield over this formidable girl, I planted my lips completely over her nipple and sucked gently as I ran my tongue around her petite areola. Enjoying the feeling of the uneven texture I then flicked my tongue back and forth over Danielle's now fully erect nipple. She moaned again and this time couldn't stop herself. I joined in with a similar sounding "mmmm" of encouragement. I ran my hands over her exposed back and down onto her backside. I wanted to slip my hands under her trousers but resisted the temptation. Instead I moved round to her belly, pausing to explore her navel, which she seemed to enjoy, then I continued to massage her breasts. All the while alternating sucking from one nipple to another.

I have no idea how long this went on for but Danielle kept expressing groans of enjoyment and at one point started running her fingers through my thin hair. Her right hand had eventually ended up between her legs and was moving back and forth ocassionally over her trousers. She was secretly, maybe unconsciously, playing with herself!

This had all started out as a cold business transaction. I had expected a standoffish Danielle to be disengaged from my naive exploration of her body. Instead she was clearly making the most of the experience and relaxed enough in my company to express her pleasure. This made it all the more arousing for me. My cock was now throbbing and I could feel pre-cum wetting my briefs. To be honest I was pretty concerned that it all might get too much for my inexperienced body and that I'd end up embarrassing myself irrecoverably. It also made me wonder what was going on in Danielle's pants at this stage, so I stopped sucking on her tits and stood up again to face her, taking my hands off her for a moment.

"Can I see your pussy now?" I asked her, intentionally looking into her eyes. She stopped staring at window behind my head and looked back into my eyes too.

"If you want" she replied, while taking hold of the belt around her waist and pulling it tight.

Danielle was unusual amongst the girls at school, most of whom wore pleated skirts (as short as they could get away with!) and tights. Danielle always wore black, slightly flared dress trousers made of a stretchy fabric. In common with her white v-neck, the trousers were probably too small, but this meant that they tightly hugged her peachy ass, showing off her cheeks rather explicitly. She also wore brightly coloured thongs that became visible whenever she bent over - these varied in luminous hues seemingly on a daily basis. While pleated skirts were undeniably sexy, Danielle's figure hugging style was infinitely more so. She knew how to make the most of what she had.

Danielle released the gold buckle on her belt then, using both hands, squeezed the waistband of her trousers together releasing the internal clasp. Finally she unzipped a small fly at the front. Her trousers didn't go anywhere however, owing to their snug fit over her hips. She moved a bit awkwardly and I realised she was stepping out of her shoes. These, it turned out, had a reasonable heel - probably an inch - so as she stepped out of them she became noticeably shorter. Her eye line now no longer matched my own and I had to look down at her, her formidability being dealt another blow in the process.

Danielle was standing next to the chair for my desk. Once out of her shoes, she turned her back to me and positioned herself in front of the chair. Then standing legs apart, she bent over to take hold of the chair's back rest and presented her ass to me. Needing no further instruction, I stepped forward and slipped two fingers from each hand into either side of her loosened waistband. I pulled her trousers down, exposing a bright pink thong nestled between each cheek. As I continued to draw her trousers down over her hips- kneeling down as I did so - I was rewarded with a close up view of her butt. I pulled her trousers down until they could drop to the floor. Now on my knees, I was staring directly at her smooth round ass, and the gusset of her thong, in the middle of which was a noticeable dark, wet patch.

Confidence buoyed by her stance as she presented her wet pussy to me, without even asking, I reached up and pressed the damp patch with my finger, tracing the outline of her warm slit through the slick fabric. The next thing I felt was her hand on top of mine, guiding it forward between her legs and up towards her clit. I had watched enough porn to understand the theory here, but actually feeling Danielle's pussy through her thong, it was harder to distinguish exactly what was what. I decided I needed to remove the barrier to get a better feel and I knew at this point Danielle would have no issues with me doing just that. Keeping my right hand on the area where Danielle had guided it to, I slipped a finger of my left hand under the thin piece of fabric covering her wet pussy lips. Then I pulled the fabric to the side, exposing her pussy to my sight for the first time. Moist lips glistened invitingly in the rays of sunlight streaming through the closed window blinds. Running my finger forward to draw aside what remained of her thong I exposed her mound. I was surprised to feel that it wasn't entirely smooth. Danielle was by no means hairy but I could distinctly feel soft thin hairs run along the back of my finger as I peeled away her underwear. In retrospect my online introduction to female genetalia probably didn't paint an entirely realistic representation of what to expect. The finger of my right hand, unmoved from where Danielle had guided it to, could now slip easily between her labia and in doing so I felt the small firm point near the top of her slit. I knew this was what I should concentrate on if I wanted to give Danielle the orgasm she had insisted on in our contract.

I began to focus on massaging Danielle's ever more engorged clit - trying various patterns to see what prompted a positive response. As I did so, I found that a figure of eight motion combined with a medium pressure seemed to cause her to moan most consistently. She was also moving her hips to control things somewhat. Coordinating the movement took a lot of concentration - a welcome distraction that helped to control my own building excitement. Eventually her thong slipped out from my finger and I stopped my motions to try and move it out of the way again.

"Fuck!" She said, disappointed that the build up of pleasure had been abruptly halted. Still supporting herself by one hand on the back of the chair, she used the free hand to pull one side of her thong down over her thigh, alternating hands until I caught on and assisted in pulling it down until gravity took over. With the angle she was bent over at, and her thong now around her ankles, I had an unobstructed view not only of her dripping wet pussy, but also her puckered dark ass hole.

From that moment my desire took over. Moving my face closer to her and without stopping to check, I placed a hand on each of her ass cheeks and pulled them apart as far as I could. Then sticking out my tongue, i pressed it between her labia, pushing it as deep into her pussy as i could reach. The sweet sticky liquid ran into my mouth and I savoured her taste for a few moments. My mouth now nestled in the warmth of her radiating snatch and my nose pressing against her ass hole I was surprised to smell a pleasant, floral aroma combined with a faint hint of chlorine. Danielle must have had swimming last period of school and had washed herself off in the showers afterwards. Knowing this was all I needed to overcome any internal germiphobe in me. Withdrawing my tongue from the entrance to her pussy I moved upwards, running it over the thin area between there and her ass and then around and over her asshole itself. At the time i didn't even know there was a name for this part of her anatomy (subsequent internet "research" educated me) but it turned out Danielle delighted in having her taint licked.

"Ohh fuck!" she cried, making me worry I'd done something i shouldn't have! "Do that again!" she continued.

I did as directed, my tongue moving back and forth between teasing her pussy then gently probing her ass hole. Each time pressing a little deeper into her pussy and stretching her asshole apart a little more. Ensuring I paused mid way to give careful attention to the area in between. Every time seemed to have a multiplying effect on Danielle's pleasure levels.

"Put a finger inside me - that's how I make myself cum."

Holy shit! Not only was I eating out this nubile 16 year old whom I had fantasised about for months, but she was actually telling me intimate details about how she got herself off. The mysterious, sultry, sweary bitch with a chip on her shoulder was gone, replaced with a sexual open book, eager to guide me as I explored her body and to enjoy the journey herself.

I lent back and released her spread ass cheeks, then with the fingers of my left hand, parted her pussy lips sufficiently to reveal the opening to her vagina. Having paid attention in sex ed, I peered closely for a moment, looking to see if her hymen was still visible but I couldn't really tell. I figured it was pretty unlikely this was her first time, but felt the need to check anyway.

"You waiting for an invitation in the post?" Danielle joked impatiently.

"Uh, no sorry, I was just..." I didn't really think explaining I was checking if she was still a virgin was a good idea, so I didn't finish the sentence. Instead I just pressed my finger gently into her inviting little hole and began moving it back and forth like I'd see online, then I ran my left hand back toward her clit and resumed massaging it. Danielle quickly began moaning and exhaling louder than before as I worked on her. As I fingered her I felt her pussy juice trickling down my hand to my wrist.

"Oh fuck, oh yes" she panted "yeah like that, that feels so fucking good".

Danielle had completely let herself go now. She was in the moment, enjoying every pulse of pleasure that ran through her body as I finger fucked her tight hole. And she was tight! When she asked me to insert another finger inside her I was worried about causing her pain. But I did as she requested and found that her pussy stretched to accomodate a second digit without much difficulty.

"Oh YES!" she cried "faster, you're gonna make me cuuuuummmm!"

I increased the frequency of my finger movements both on her clit and inside her. As I did so I began to feel Danielle's pussy contracting around my fingers. Her asshole started winking at me and I could see the muscles in her thighs and calfs beginning to shake.

"Ahh ahhh don't stop DON'T STOP... YESSSSSSS!" she cried as she exhaled every last breath of air from her lungs.

Danielle's orgasm resounded around the house! As she came, a more prominent trickle of liquid ran down my hand and her whole body collapsed forward, pulling my fingers out from inside her. Her knees rested on the front of the chair and her head hung over the backrest. She panted, trying to catch her breath for a few seconds, her asshole continued to pulsate with after shocks.

My boner was pulsing too - I was concentrating on holding back the urge to ejaculate. I'd never experienced anything this hot in hundreds of hours of browsing porn, and I hadn't even touched myself. I had no idea how I was going to control it once Danielle started working on my now throbbing member.

"Fuck!" she said, finally managing to form a word (one that came most naturally). "That was so good. I need a smoke!"

I was a little alarmed that she might actually be serious! She couldn't smoke in here - my parents would smell it instantly when they got back. Besides I didn't really fancy second hand cancer.

"But first things first" she continued, turning her head to peer back over her shoulder at me. "Sit down."

Danielle stood up from the chair, stepping out from her thong and trousers and kicking them over by her bag. Then she turned around to face me. This was the first time I had seen Danielle fully naked from the front. I was still kneeling on the floor and as I stood up I took in the hourglass of her full naked form. Danielle was a natural blonde - she had small whispy blonde hairs over and above her pussy, but it was a very thin layer and blended into her pale skin easily. From a distance she would have appeared clean shaven. Her small labia created a neat slit between her legs, which when standing legs together was barely visible. Her nipples were still poking prominently outward and I could see faint specs of perspiration glistening over her body and forehead. I just wanted to grab her and fuck her right there - but I knew it wasn't to be and I'd already got so much more than I'd bargained for.

I moved over to the desk chair and following Danielles instructions sat down. Sitting on the chair my hard shaft stuck up prominently like a tent pole. Danielle knelt down on front of me between my legs and rested her arms on my thighs.

"Do you have a cushion?" she asked.

I reached back from where I was seated and was able to grab a pillow from my bed next to the desk. I passed it to her and and she placed it between the floor and her knees.

"Thanks" she said again in a conspicuously genuine way.

Danielle lent forward and placed her fingers on my tenting cock, gently running them up and down the shaft as if stroking a pet. Even through my trousers it was intense having someone else touch it - let alone Danielle.

"Hmm, what do we have here?" she teased.

Then she undid my belt buckle and released the catch on my trousers, adeptly manipulating my cock in order to pull down the fly and expose my stretched black briefs underneath. I got the impression this wasn't the first time she had performed this maneuvre. Moving my shirt out the way, she placed the fingers of her left hand into the waistband of my underwear and pulled them toward her. My cock was pulled downward too - slightly uncomfortably given it's now rock hard nature - then Danielle reached inside with her right hand and firmly gripping my shaft, pulled it out from underneath. With my boner now held in her warm right hand, she reached deep into my briefs with her left hand and cupped my sack, gently passing my balls back and forth between her fingers to massage them. At the same time she began stroking up and down on my cock.

"Fuck me, you're pretty big!" Danielle exclaimed when she set eyes on my cock for the first time. I had no idea whether this was indeed the case, whether the other's she had seen were just below average or whether Danielle was just fanning my ego. I honestly didn't care - it still felt good to hear, and truth be told, what she said was of significantly less interest to me than what she was now doing with her hands.

I inhaled loudly as she continued working on me. I was already fit to explode and was concentrating my gaze hard on the ceiling above my head, well aware that if I even glanced at Danielle's naked form while she jerked me off it would be too much. Danielle seemed practiced at this, she coordinated her gentle play with my balls while increasing speed and travel of her strokes, increasingly tightning her grip. As she did so, my foreskin was retracted further and further over my engorged bell-end and trickles of pre-cum started to run down towards Danielle's hand.

At that moment and without warning, she leaned in and placed her mouth over my cock. She closed her lips around my glans and licked my peehole with the tip of her tongue. The sensation was mildly uncomfortable to me as the tip of my cock was now so sensitive. I inhaled sharply, more out of surprise than discomfort but that seemed to spook Danielle who immediately withdrew my dick from her mouth, dripping saliva over it in the process.

"Sorry, am I... am I doing it wrong?" she asked nervously, looking like a startled rabbit.

The question thew me. Could it be that Danielle had never actually given a blowjob before? I had assumed her earlier confidence and agility implied she was quite experienced, but now I wasn't so sure. Maybe handjobs were as far as she had gone. Could she still technically be a virgin? I didn't know and now was not the time to think about it.

"No!" I reassured her "you just surprised me, that's all, it felt really good!"

Visibly relieved, Danielle returned my shaft to her mouth and this time rather than stroking with her hand, she started to take it deeper into her mouth, letting her lips run back and forth over my corona. The sensation of her warm, saliva-filled mouth encapsulating my cock felt sublime. I looked down at her head bobbing up and down and without thinking, laid my right hand on her head and stroked her hair, gently pushing to make her swallow deeper on each stroke. Danielle didn't fight it and when I realised what I was doing I decided to just carry on as she didn't seem bothered.

"That feels SO good" I said again. I was seconds from climax and suddenly I realised that we hadn't discussed where I could cum. I really wanted to blow my load in Danielle's mouth, but I knew that to do so without permission was not only poor form, but also risked reprisal from this volatile girl. I didn't have long to act.

"ahhh I'm going to cum pretty soon" I warned her

Immediately and abruptly Danielle stopped sucking and let go of my balls. Had I scared her off? Was that it over? What about the deal? Before I could ask, she looked up at me from her position on the floor and stared into my eyes. She reached both hands around the waist of my trousers and pulled them down as far as they would go to the seat. Realising she just needed better access or was perhaps ensuring I didn't get any stains on my trousers I lifted my bum and allowed Danielle to remove them entirely along with my briefs. I was now naked from the waist down. Expecting her to resume her work on my primed cock, instead, without breaking eye contact she used my thighs to push herself up slowly and stepped forward to straddle my legs. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, was she actually going to fuck me there and then?! Ecstasy quickly gave way to random thoughts of teen pregnancy!

"It's OK" Danielle said - almost as though she could read my mind - "I'm on the pill"

She shuffled forward, her jiggling breasts once more close to my face. I took the opportunity to again place my lips on her nipples and tease them with my tongue - gently biting this time. She giggled and reached down between her legs to grasp my cock, guiding the tip to the entrance of her pussy.

Then she slowly lowered herself down onto me. The top of my shaft, still wet with her saliva, slipped easily into her already well moistened slit. At first she paused, allowing only the tip to press against and slowly enter her, then getting used to it she allowed herself to lower further onto my shaft engulfing first the head then eventually my full 8 inches. As her pussy stretched to accommodate me, Danielle made an expression of discomfort and exhaled.

"Are you OK?" I asked, as she rested her arms around my shoulders - pausing to compose herself.

"Yeah, it's just my first time with an actual one" she replied casually "and you're pretty... girthy" she said after a pause. "Just need to take it slow OK."

I was stunned. I had no idea what else she may have had up there, her fingers at least, but I was going to be the one to take her virginity - even on a technicality!

"OK" she said as she began to slide up and down on my shaft.

The feeling of having Danielle sitting on my lap, my cock sliding smoothly in and out of her slick wet twat, was indescribable. I knew I'd never last long enough to give her another orgasm and didn't want to set any expectations.

"This is going to make me cum pretty quick" I warned again

"It's OK, you can cum in me" she replied.

She stopped moving up and down and began thrusting her hips back and forth. The sensation was different and the reduction in movement eased off my need to cum momentarily. I took the time to enjoy how close her body was to mine, and wished I had taken my shirt off so I could feel her bare breasts pressing up against my chest. The different motion clearly caused Danielle some additional pleasure and she moaned as she moved rhythmically for a little while.

With her legs somewhat rested, she soon returned to pushing herself up and down on my shaft. Within only a few seconds I could feel myself building up again. Until this point I had been running my hands around her waist and over the sides of her breasts as they pressed between our chests, but now I took hold of Danielle's ass, gripping her cheeks tightly and tugging them apart with my fingers while supporting her a little in each bounce.

"Shit!" she exclaimed, clearly enjoying the slightly rough handling of her butt, "put a finger in my ass."

"Huh?!" I asked, not sure I'd heard her right...

"Put your finger up my ass hole!" she snapped "it feels good."

This time I complied and still holding her cheeks apart managed reach around far enough to find her ass hole with my right hand. My fingers were still slightly wet from finger fucking her earlier and I was able to gently press the just tip of my middle finger against her tight anus. Initially it was met with resistance but then she relaxed a little and I was able to slip it inside slightly.

That was it. I couldn't contain myself any longer. Danielle bounced up then down one more time and as my finger penetrated deeper into her ass on the final downstroke I exploded into her pussy. Once, twice, three spurts, my cock recoiling each time to fire an even more intense blast.

I groaned loudly and while Danielle hadn't orgasmed again, she collapsed down onto me exhausted from her exertions, laying her head on my shoulder. I didn't move, simply enjoying the residual spasms of my cock in her pussy, as she held onto me, my finger still probing her ass.

"mmm" she responded, sighing in pleasure as I teased her rear hole "that feels nice"

After a few seconds I slowly withdrew my finger from her butt to some final moans of enjoyment and laid my other hand on her head. We both sat there silently, I have no idea for how long. I wasn't sure what to say and I was enjoying the feeling of Danielle's chest just rising and falling as she breathed in and out, my cock softening inside her.

"Thank you" she said, softly, quietly into my ear.

"Was I really your first?" I whispered back.

Danielle didn't reply. Instead I felt her reach down behind her back with one hand for a moment, then bringing it back up to my face she showed me two faintly bloodied fingers.

Then she stood up, sliding off my semi erect cock. She walked over to the pile of clothing and began to redress herself. She took her thong and used it to wipe up the cum that was trickling out of her pussy, pushing it inside and using her fingers to clear my load out of herself. Then she dropped it on floor and pulled her trousers on commando, doing up her belt, followed by her bra. I watched intently as she arranged her breasts back into her bra. Her protruding nipples still visible underneath. Finally she pulled on that tight white v-neck and stepped back into her shoes.

"Here you go, it's all there." I said passing her the money that was sitting on the desk.

"I thought I told you already - I'm not a fucking prostitute!" she glared angrily at me. It was the old Danielle back again, just for a second, then her face melted into a cheeky smile as she walked past me towards the bedroom door.

"Don't forget your pants!" I said spotting the stained wet ball on the floor.

"Erm, look what a mess you made of them, you can deal with those." she retorted again jokingly. "I'll get them back next time."

Danielle made her way out of my bedroom, blowing a kiss as she went and I heard her walk down the stairs and out my front door. I pulled on my briefs and trousers then ran down to the lounge window just in time to see Danielle turn the corner at the end of the street, cigarette in hand.


Chapter Three - The Danielle Distraction

I was in a daze, the realisation that I had just taken the virginity of, and lost my own to this girl was crazy. Not to mention just the extent of what we'd done together, as well as her parting words... "next time"?!? She wanted to do it again!

I almost forgot there was a blood and semen stained thong lying on my bedroom floor! Coming to my senses, I had some cleanup to do before my parents returned. I went back to my room and picked up the item. With the sexual excitement dissipated, it grossed me out a bit. But i managed to hand wash it, then blow dry with a hair dryer from my parents dresser. I neatly folded it and placed it at the bottom of my school bag. Returning to my bedroom to clear the pile of cash from my desk, I picked up the pillow from the floor and noticed it had not escaped unscathed. I couldn't wash the pillow case now so just flipped it and hoped the small stains, if noticed, would be attributed to a scratched spot or dribble.

Most weekends fly by and Sunday evening innaugurates the depressing countdown to the impending Monday morning that seems to roll around the instant you go to sleep. But this time it couldn't pass quick enough! All I could think about was Danielle. I must have jerked off ten times that weekend recalling our antics on Friday afternoon or fantasising about our next encounter! I replayed in my mind her quivering asshole as she orgasmed loudly and that first moment she enveloped my dick inside her warm wet pussy, tearing her virgin skin for the first and only time. I fantasised about ploughing her deep in the ass that she had so enjoyed being rimmed, while grabbing her tits and squeezing hard on her rock hard nipples. In my fantasies, she was mine for the rest of the school year and I couldn't wait for the next opportunity. But without any way to contact Danielle, I would need to wait until I was back at school to return her underwear and hopefully get into her next pair. That was even assuming she wasn't just yanking my chain. I imagine she could be quite the cock tease when she wanted to, so i tried to manage my own expectations.

Monday morning always commenced in the worst possible way... 9am - P.E. The school was linked to a leisure centre that could be used by the public out of hours and after registration I trudged through the connecting corridor toward the locker rooms, passing first through the public reception area. There were some small cafe style tables next to a vending machine which overlooked the main sports hall through large windows. As I entered the reception area I could see across the reception to the main door. She was unmistakable, discarding her cigarette to the ground as she walked in and presented herself to the teacher currently sat behind the reception desk. It stopped me in my tracks as I watched - mentally undressing her. She leaned over the high reception desk, her ass sticking out as she did so - just like it had done as she leaned over my desk chair on Friday.

"Mr Dunn, I can't do volley ball today, it's my time of the month" she announced loudly and unabashedly.

This was a pretty common excuse for the girls in our year and was generally met with little protestation from the all-male department, either out of embarrassment or ambivalence. Many girls in our school seemingly had biology which resulted in multiple periods per month. It was an excuse that I envied!

Without looking up from the desk, Mr Dunn reached into a drawer and took out a sheet of paper, placing it on the reception desk in front of Danielle. Danielle took the paper and walked towards the tables I was standing staring from. As she did so I noticed him turn to watch her, quite obviously staring at her ass. Perv I thought.

Noticing that I was watching him watching her, he quickly glanced back to whatever was on his desk.

"Shouldn't you be getting changed Mr" he asked "you're due on the playing fields in five. If you're late you do a lap."

Indeed, my P.E. classes for the next few weeks included track & field and basketball and I hated them both. Danielle didn't acknowledge me and she sat down at one of the tables with her back to me. Through the open back of the chair I could see her thong riding up above the waistband of her trousers. It was orange today.

Thinking on my feet I walked over to the reception desk. Mr Dunn looked up from the newspaper that I could now see he was reading.

"Sorry Mr Dunn, I forgot to pack my kit in my bag this morning." I lied. My bag was in fact weighed down with sportswear, trainers and a towel.

"Dear oh dear, that's not very organised of you. In my day you would have to do it in your underwear..." he paused, creepily glancing back towards Danielle, "but that's not allowed anymore, lucky for you. Do this instead."

He reached into the same drawer as earlier and produced an A4 sheet containing questions and a diagram of muscles with gaps to write the names. He pointed over to the tables with his thumb. Then after glancing at his watch, he folded his newspaper, picked up a whistle from the desk and stood up. As I walked toward Danielle at the tables, he walked out the main door towards the playing fields.

Danielle was now seated at a table with her head in her arms. Her worksheet was discarded to the side - clearly she had no intention of doing the work. As I approached her she stared to her right through the glass windows onto the empty sports hall. I stood over her silently for a second.

"Hey" I said casually, "I have something of yours."

She looked up at me, then looked around - checking if there was anyone else to see us - then with her foot she pushed a chair out from the table next to hers. Clearly I was to sit there.

I put my bag on the floor and sat down, trying to read her expression. I hardly expected her to run into my arms, but figured I might at least get a smile. However she seemed almost nervous - like this was some kind of illicit rendezvous. I decided to play along. Reaching into my bag I first of all took out a ruled pad and pen and placed them on the table next to my worksheet. Then reaching to the bottom I retrieved the neatly folded pink thong I had placed there on Friday and discretely passed them under the table to her - even though there was nobody else around. My recognition of the secrecy she clearly wished to maintain was enough to elicit a little chuckle and a begrudging smile.

"How come you said you didn't have your kit?" she asked, while peering at the towel visible in my now open bag.

I wasn't sure whether to tell the truth or not in this instance. But I wanted to build her trust and figured the best way to do that was probably to be honest, even if it risked freaking her out.

"Wanted to hang out with you." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Wanted to get into my pants again more like!" she retorted, seeing straight through my half-truth. She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"S'pose you think I'm just going to bend over the table and let you fuck me here and now!" she joked.

"Hardly." I replied, while mentally visualising that option. I started getting a hard-on and decided to turn my attention to my worksheet.

"You don't have to do that you know - nobody ever asks to see the answers." said Danielle as she watched me write.

While she was probably correct (she would know afterall), knowing my luck, if I didn't do it, Mr Dunn would indeed ask to see what I had done with the hour, so I continued despite Danielle's growing insistence that I needn't bother. Looking at the contents of the sheet, I also realised that it probably only required about 15 minutes of actual effort to complete, so I figured I could get it out of the way. However Danielle had other plans. She had stood up from her table and moved in front of the vending machine which was next to my seat. She inserted some coins and made a ***********ion which dropped to the bottom of the machine with a thud. As I glanced up from my writing, I observed Danielle slowly bending over to reach into the cavity of the machine. In so doing, her ass was practically in my face, her orange thong appeared above her waistline (as did a little of her crack) and she paused in that position, pretending to fish around in the machine, intentionally gyrating her ass in front of me. With that my semi was going nowhere.

Eventually she retrieved the can of coke from the machine and turned around. She returned to her table and sat down - moving her chair closer to my table in the process. A second or so after she sat down I became aware of her foot, pressing in between my legs, running up and down my ballooning shaft. I reached down and felt her ankle and running my hand up her trouser leg as I continued to try and write. Danielle's legs were clean shaven and I enjoyed running my hand up and down her smooth calf while she pressed and rubbed my cock with her foot and teased my balls with her toes. In no time at all I had a full hard-on bulging in my trousers.

Then all of a sudden she stopped and yanked her foot away. I looked up to see her eyes following something across the room behind me. I turned around and saw our teacher walk in from the playing field and towards the girls locker room. With his back against the door he pushed it ajar slightly.

"Anyone not on the field in the next minute does 3 laps!" he yelled. He then walked to the boys locker room door and did the same before walking back out the main door. A few seconds later some stragglers emerged from the locker rooms and ran out towards the playing fields.

Danielle sniggered.

"That was close!" I said, trying to tuck my boner into my waistband to hide it incase anyone else should pass by.

"Come on!" she announced, standing up from her seat, "let's get outta here."

I had never bunked off class in my life. The idea of just getting up and walking away was terrifying. I was certain I'd get caught. But something about being with her gave me a confidence I'd never had before. That or all the blood currently draining from my brain to my dick was stopping me thinking clearly. Either way, Danielle had a power over me that I couldn't resist. I got up and picked up my bag, stuffing the exercise sheet and notepad inside.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere more private." she replied mysteriously.

She walked off down the connecting corridor towards the main school building and I followed quickly after, fifty percent terrified and fifty percent elated. The corridor passed the gym and the pool on the way. There was a separate set of changing rooms for the pool and as we approached those Danielle turned and told me to wait, then she disappeared into the female changing room. Twenty seconds later just her head emerged from behind the door and she beckoned me inside. I shook my head - there was no way I was going to get caught in the girls locker rooms!

"It's fine!" she said, "there's no-one in the pool this period."

I looked up and down the corridor again nervously and as I turned back to the door my jaw dropped. Danielle was now standing in the doorway, wearing only her underwear! She slowly ran two fingers down her collar, over her chest and between her breasts, then down her belly, sliding it inside her thong. She stood there for a couple if seconds, rubbing her fingers back and forth, then she stepped backwards letting the door swing shut. Completely under her spell, I immediately followed her through the door.

Inside, the changing room was quite different from the male ones I was familiar with. It smelled clean for a start, a mixture of floral scents and chlorine. It reminded me of the surprisingly pleasing aroma of Danielle's ass on Friday afternoon as I lapped up her pussy juice. The ofactory stimulation turned me on all the more and my cock, fully aroused by Danielle's teasing foot job and sensual display, protruded noticeably. Danielle was stood in front of me, her bag placed on top of a bench off the wet floor and next to it a neatly folded pile of her clothes.

She reached into her bag and took a hair bobble out which she put around her wrist, then drawing her blonde hair behind each ear she proceeded to tie it up with the bobble. Was she planning a swim?!

I stood watching her in just her bra and the orange thong, taking in her beautiful body all over again. This time I had an unobstructed view of her slender neck and shoulders.

"Well, whatcha waiting for?" she asked as I just stared at her perfect figure "do you want to do it again or not?"

"Yeah, of course!" I replied.

I dropped my school bag on the floor, bent down to untie my laces and pulled one shoe off. Lacking much balance i immediately had to put my foot on the floor, soaking my sock through, but I didn't care. I hastily removed my other shoe and socks then undressed down to my shirt and briefs - leaving my things next to hers on the bench. I didn't immediately remove my shirt as I was self-conscious about the fact that I wasn't very athletic and also had some chest hair. Danielle had never seen me with my shirt off and I was worried she'd find it unattractive.

She walked over to me and pressed her pelvis into mine - forcing my erection against herself, grinding her mound hard up against it. Leaning her torso back she started to undo the top buttons of my shirt exposing my chest. She rubbed her hands through the thin hairs over my chest, stroking my nipples with her fingers to get them protruding. Then she continued to undo the rest of the shirt buttons, stepping backwards to access the final ones. She pulled the shirt down over my shoulders and I reached my arms behind my back to pull the sleeves off. She tossed it over onto the bench with the rest of our clothes.

Now we both stood in our underwear facing one another. She moved toward me once again and putting her hands on my back she pulled me in and placed her lips on mine. I could taste the cigarettes in her mouth - as a non-smoker it wasn't exactly pleasant but it was a small price to pay since she was otherwise perfect! As she kissed my lips, we each opened our mouths and our tongues connected. Tentatively at first, then deeper, her tongue reaching into my mouth as I massaged it with my own and vice versa. I ran my hands up and down her back and grasped her ass as we exchanged saliva. She seemed to enjoy when I squeezed her ass cheeks firmly and pulled her pelvis into my own. She kept grinding against my throbbing cock.

I wanted to take off her bra, but I actually had no idea how. Thankfully Danielle was one step ahead. Her hand reached around and guided mine to the catch, directing my fingers to squeeze it together I felt the clasp pop open and the back release. She slipped the straps off her shoulders and stepped back to let it side off her, exposing her bare breasts. She caught the bra in her hands and tossed it onto the bench. This time I took the step forward and pulled her body towards mine pressing her hard nipples against my chest. I held her and resumed my exploration of her mouth with my tongue. We made out for a while, during which she manoeuvred my briefs down enough to release my cock and put it between her thighs, the tip pressing it up against her pussy. She thrust slowly back and forth, thigh-fucking me while using the upward pressure of my cock for her own gratification. Without any lube, her thighs gripped my cock and drew my foreskin back and forth over my bell end coaxing pre-cum out of the tip. Combined with her own, I could feel Danielle's thong getting wet through.

Eventually she took a step back and slipped out of it, tossing it toward my face. I caught it held it to my nose and inhaled, drawing her now familiar, intimate scent deep into my nostrils. My own underwear had fallen to the floor and was lying in a puddle at this point but i couldn't care less. I picked them up and along with Danielle's hung them on a towel hook above the bench.

She turned away from me and started to walk toward the showers as though walking down a catwalk, each step crossing the previous. I took the time to appreciate her beautiful ass jiggling until she turned the corner, then I followed after her. As I entered the shower area I could see Danielle already standing under the flowing water, which was running down her chest, some of it water-falling off her breasts, the rest tricking down the underside in little streams over her belly, around her naval and over her mound. I had never felt so much desire in my life. I just wanted to eat her.

Approaching her, she reached toward me, taking hold of my cock to stroke it in her hand firmly, ensuring it was as hard as could be. I moved under the water a little and she ran her other hand over my chest.

"I want you... to take me in the ass" she whispered in my ear while tugging me off.

She looked at me, just to see the expression on my face, then turned around, bending over a little to keep her hair out the way of the water stream. The water now ran down her back and over her butt, forming a little river flowing through her crack. Placing one had on each cheek she parted them completely exposing her anus to me once again.

She didn't need to ask twice, like a kid in a sweet shop I immediately stepped forward and tried to ram the head of my rigid cock into her ass. I was surprised by the amount of resistance that it was met with.

"WOAH!" she exclaimed, pulling her ass away, "Not so fast! You gotta be gentle and lube things up a bit first."

"Oh sorry, like how?" I asked.

"Use the water, your fingers... your tongue", she winked back at me, once again spreading her cheeks and presenting her ass to me.

I knelt down to be eye level with the target. The non-slip tiled floor was not that comfortable to kneel on but I had to suck it up for the prize. Leaning into her gaping crack, I started licking the flesh between her pussy and ass hole that I knew she liked so much. Danielle very quickly started mmm-ing and ahh-ing but I began to focus my attention more on her ass hole, probing it with the tip of my tongue. The running water made this a bit of a drowning risk so I was glad when the timed shower clicked off. While my tongue was concentrating on her ass, i had also slipped a finger into her pussy and was stroking what i thought was her g-spot, causing a flow of slippery juices from inside her. My finger was soon covered in it so that when I withdrew it from her pussy I was easily able to insert a first then a second digit into her tight ass.

The first finger slid in with almost no resistance, her ass hole already pre-lubed with my saliva, the second finger required a little more force to part her clenched sphincter. As I forced it into her hole Danielle groaned in simultaneous pain and pleasure

"ooooohhhh yeaaah" she exhaled as I stretched her opening further, parting my fingers as much as a could and sliding back and forth. She was so tight and was occasionally clenching in pain, forcing my fingers back together.

She had her hands between her legs now and was rubbing her pussy vigorously at this point, probably compensating for the pain of having her virgin ass hole violated. Her middle fingers were also penetrating deep into her pussy. I could feel the friction in her ass increasing so i gathered some saliva in my mouth and spat it onto her crack. It trickled down into her parted asshole and over my fingers, enabling me to thrust back and forth with a little less resistance than before. I was contemplating going for a third finger to fully prepare her for my cock when she turned back towards me.

"OK, I'm ready" she said.

So was I! I stood up to try to enter her again but now she turned around and squatted down grasping my dick with the hand that she had been fingering herself with moments ago. Her hand was slick with a combination of water that had run down her body and pooled in it, and the slippery fluid flowing from within her aroused pussy. She rapidly stroked from base to tip then spat out a long thread of saliva onto her hand and spread it down my shaft on her next stroke in a twisting motion. Thankfully she didn't keep at this for long - just enough to ensure I was as rigid as could be - then she turned and re-assumed her previous position, this time leaning palms-flat against the tiled wall, legs spread apart, as though she were about to be patted down.

I took hold of my shaft with one hand, and with the other I spread her cheeks apart to expose her still slightly dilated butt hole. I pressed the tip of my cock against the opening and steadily increased pressure. I was surprised how hard I had to push even to get the tip to partially penetrate her ass. As it forced it's way in Danielle gasped, reaching back with one hand she pressed into my thigh momentarily preventing me from going any deeper.

"Fuck, stop!" she said surrendering to the pain. Even the tip of my cock was significantly wider than just the two fingers I had previously been training her rectum with. We paused there for a minute while Danielle composed herself. I didn't want my cock to lose any rigidity with the delay so I reached around and took hold of one of her breasts and started playing with her nipple. Pulling it and squeezing it between my fingers. As well as keeping me aroused, this seemed to distract Danielle from the pain in her ass somewhat, so using my other hand I began to do the same with her other breast.

"Mmm yeah, pull my nipples, squeeze them hard" she commanded

Danielle moved her hand away from my thigh and started rubbing her clit. That was my cue. I pressed forward more, forcing my cock deeper inside her. She winced in pain as her asshole stretched to accommodate my throbbing member. It took some time to force my head fully through her sphincter and by the time I did Danielle was furiously fingering herself to manage the pain. I started to withdraw slightly, enjoying the feeling as my glans passed back into her tightened muscle again, then pushed forward, sliding my shaft ever deeper inside her and stretching her open even further. I repeated the motion, gently at first, each time trying to go a little deeper and faster until my thighs were slapping her ass cheeks and I could get no further inside her. My shaft, at it's base was at least three knuckles wide so penetrating her fully must have stretched her ass much further than my previous training had. Nevertheless, Danielle seemed to have overcome the pain, or was at least now able to bear it.

She cried out each time my thighs clapped against her ass cheeks marking the full depth of my stroke.

"AH, AH, AH, AH, fuck my ass, ohhh yeah fuck it!" she shouted, each yelp of pain a further encouragement to plough her deeper.

Surprisingly, I was also enduring the powerful stimulation of her clenched hole bearing down on my rock hard cock and felt I would be able to keep this pace up for a bit before I needed to unload. But then I overdid my out-stroke and my bell end slid fully out of her anus and shot up her crack on the in stroke. Eager not to loose the rhythm, I grabbed the base of my shaft as I withdrew again and lined the head back up with the target, forcing my way back inside her in a single powerful motion.

"AHHHHH" Danielle cried out.

I had just shot a missile up her ass at full bore and all the clitoral stimulation in the world couldn't overcome the searing pain! I considered whether to stop but i was already back in the rhythm, thrusting back and forth ploughing her ass, so I just took hold of her tits again and powered through. Danielle for her part was a trooper, she resumed fingering herself and overcame the pain once more.

The additional stimulation of my head by Danielle's tightly clenched anus combined with a alarmingly sadistic enjoyment I got from hearing her in pain had brought me much closer to ejaculation. I was about to ask permission to cum in her ass when Danielle announced her own impending orgasm.

"Shit you're gonna make me cum! Fuck, don't stop, oh yeah, fuck my ass, fuck my ass!" she cried, removing her hand from between her legs and pressing it back against the wall. Pushing herself back against me in opposition to my thrust forward, she ensured full depth penetration at this critical moment.

Clenching my pelvic muscles together to try to hold back my own orgasm, I increased the speed of thrusts. Danielle's legs started to shake and I felt her asshole squeezing down around my shaft as she stood up on her tip toes and her fingers began to curl.

"YEEEEESSSSSSSSS!" her orgasm echoed around the tiled room and I too could no longer hold back, firing my load into her ass as I pounded against her cheeks, still grasping her nipples tightly between my thumbs and forefingers, pulling them away from her breasts.

"Ahhhhh, hah! hah!" Danielle panted, either from the pain of her nipples being stretched or the pleasure of the aftershocks from her orgasm.

As my balls drained with one final spasm, I stopped thrusting and wrapped my arms around her belly pulling her body back against my own. She lent back against me and her legs finally gave way, her full weight now sinking down onto my cock like a hook up her ass. Turning her head back over her shoulder to face me I leaned in and kissed her once more. Reaching up with one hand, I gently massaged her breasts and tender nipples, in stark contrast to my earlier stimulations. Reaching down with the other, I found her engorged, hyper-sensitive clit and teased it, causing her to buck and gasp in pleasure.

Eventually she pushed herself away from my thighs with her hands, I released her and my cock slid out from her ass. As the tip passed through her raw sphincter she inhaled sharply. It was over.

Danielle squatted down in front of me and unabashedly squeezed my load out of her ass onto the tiled floor, making some funny sounds in the process.

"Could've warned me" she joked.

Then she stood up again and pressed the button on the wall to start the shower washing away the mess. Taking my dick in her hands she started to carefully rinse it off - taking pleasure in making me wince by rubbing the sensitive tip. Only fair I guess.

"I've tried to give myself an anal orgasm before but it's never happened, guess I've never out anything big enough in" she revealed as she cleansed my now more flaccid shaft, "that was intense."

"Sorry if I hurt you" I apologised, slightly embarrassed about my enjoyment of her pain.

"It's OK, it was sort of 'good pain' if that makes sense."

We remained in the shower, stroking and caressing each other. She played with my semi and balls, carefully pulling at my foreskin and washing under my corona. I was almost fully hard again. I fingered her ass, cleaning the remaining cum out, then turned my attention back to her pussy, running my fingers through her labia showing her the same attention she showed me. I also gently kissed her nipples which were a little red and sensitive from the abuse they had received. I was ready to go again!

Once the shower clicked off for a second time, Danielle squatted down again and placed her lips around the tip of my shaft, sucking gently. Then, having achieved her objective, she kissed it, stood up and walked away. I was going to have blue balls for the rest of the day! Payback for her red nipples I guess.

"Oh come on!" I shouted after her.

Danielle walked back around to the changing area and I followed her, my re-energised boner leading the way.

"I need to borrow your towel" she said as she rummaged in my bag for it.

"Sure" I replied needlessly.

She dried herself off lifting each breast and dry underneath. Then she threw the towel back to me and I dried myself off, enjoying the scent that was now infused in the towel where she had wiped between her legs. We watched one another as we each got dressed. I was disappointed when this time Danielle pulled her still sticky thong back on, rather than allowing me to keep it as a memento.

We sat next to each other on the bench as we pulled our socks and shoes back on. Danielle removed her hair from the bobble and ruffled it back in to position. Then she swung her legs round onto the bench and laid back, placing her head in my lap. Nuzzling her head against my barely subsiding boner.

"I need a fag and a sleep..." she said with her eyes closed, " that order."

I placed one hand on her tummy and stoked her head with the other. I started to slide my hand down under her waistband, getting as far as feeling the hairs on her mound, but then she slapped it away! Resigned, i withdrew back to her belly, her t shirt riding up enough to finger her navel.

"So what is this?" I asked "I mean... whatever it is, it's amazing... but I just want to know."

"It's..." she paused, "it's all it can be." she replied cryptically. "You've got your thing, I've got my thing and then we have this."

As awkwardly stated as it was, I think understood what she meant and she wasn't wrong. I was the nerd, she was the rebel. She couldn't be like me and I couldn't be like her and that meant we couldn't ever be together. It just wouldn't work, sadly The Breakfast Club was a lie. But the sex was another thing. It was apart from our individual lives and all that we had in common. We had the rest of the school year to just enjoy it in secret but that was it. Then we'd each move on. I'd continue my education, Danielle would in all likelihood end up waitressing or working at the local petrol station.

"OK" I said.

Danielle got up and walked over to the door, checking the coast was clear outside, then motioned me to come out too. We returned to our two different tables in the sports centre reception and sat down. I went back to completing the worksheet. Danielle put her head back in her arms.

We didn't say another word to each other for the rest of the period. The bell rang some time later and we stood up to go our separate ways. As we walked past one another - Danielle heading towards the main door, me back towards the school building - she turned, glanced around, then asked quietly: "Your place on Friday?"

"See you then." I said.

I watched her walk out the doorway while retrieving a pack of cigarettes and lighter from her bag. As she turned the corner out the door, she lit one up and disappeared from sight.


Chapter Four - The Danielle Domination

Over the course of that week, much of my internet "research" had focussed on the strange enjoyment I had experienced in causing Danielle pain and the way she seemed to derive pleasure from experiencing it. I discovered a whole genre of porn I'd never been interested in, watching girls tied up and forced to orgasm repeatedly while being whipped, spanked and electrocuted. It was so weird to me, but also a total turn on! I fantasised about tying Danielle up and caning her ass, forcing her to cum over and over, that she was my sex slave to do with as I pleased.

I saw little of Danielle in school the next few days and when I did I had been careful not to interact with her. In French class I had to resist making an excuse to follow her out the classroom when she was once again dismissed to see the head teacher. Although I did then wonder if she was hoping I would do.

I spent some of my week looking for ideas of how we could spend Friday (based on my research). As a result I now had in my room a collection of "toys":

1) One paddle ball (ball and string cut off)

2) The ball.

3) An old leather belt.

4) Tow-rope from the boot of our car.

5) Clothes pegs from the laundry.

6) Half a garden cane.

7) One pair of plastic handcuffs.

The final item I had found at the bottom of the old toy box in the loft (along with the paddle ball) and figured they might be fun. I didn't have the key but knew they could be easily opened by shoving a biro lid in the lock. The rest of the items I just hoped wouldn't be missed.

When Friday came around I was a little nervous. I knew Danielle had enjoyed the pain of having her ass stretched open for the first time and of me squeezing and pulling her nipples, but how would she react to what I was now thinking of. It was pretty kinky, she could be totally freaked out. I decided to pursue a cautious approach. Greeting her at the door with the paddle and rope probably wasn't the way to go.

Danielle arrived at my house a little after school. I'd had time for a quick shower as it was a warm day and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. She had apparently also been home, having changed out of her usual school attire. She was wearing a white tank top which seemed even tighter than her usual v-neck and a pleated skirt that evoked that 90's Rachel Green look. She had finished her ensemble with knee high boots which matched her bag.

"Hey" she said as I opened the door

"Hey" I replied, while taking in her sexy new look.

"Are you gonna let me in?" she asked, as I continued to stand in the doorway staring.

"Oh sure," I said snapping myself out of my stupor and standing to the side, "do you want a drink?"

"Double vodka and coke." she replied.

I hadn't actually meant an alcoholic drink - my parents only drank the occasional glass of wine, which I hated, so there were no spirits in the house. I didn't drink either... nor had any particular desire to be drunk unlike most people my age.

"Um, I don't think we have any vodka... we have coke though!" I said hopefully.

Danielle laughed and I got the impression she had been pulling my leg.

"OK, thanks."

I went to the kitchen to fetch the coke and Danielle made her way upstairs to my room. When I returned to my room she was lying on my bed with her eyes closed.

"Your house is nice, it's quiet." she said, without opening her eyes.

It sounds snooty, but I could imagine what her home was probably like. Mine was no palace, a standard three bed terraced affair in a middle-income neighbourhood, but probably quite different from Danielle's. I walked over to the bed with the coke and when she sat up to take it from me, I sat down next to her.

"Thanks" she said before opening the can and taking a sip. "Probably just as well without the vodka, you might try to take advantage of me!"

I snorted at this and she laughed as well.

"So what do you want to do?" she asked me.

"Well, I was wondering if you would be into anything a little... alternative?"

Unfazed, she raised an eyebrow and I continued.

"You enjoyed a little bit of pain last time right?"

Danielle didn't need me to set the scene any more. She placed the coke on the desk next to my bed and put on a over-the-top sexy voice.

"Have I been a naughty girl? Do you think I need to be punished?" she asked, biting her lower lip.

Her response was exactly what I was hoping for. I slid further back on the bed propping myself up against the wall.

"I think bad girls like you deserve a spanking" I answered in a similarly silly voice, patting my thighs.

Danielle took the cue and lay her body face down over my lap. She faced outward and I could see our reflections in the mirror on the opposite wall. I lifted her pleated skirt to expose her bare butt. She was wearing a green thong today. Initially I just stroked her ass, enjoying the feeling of her smooth skin in the palm of my hand. The I moved my hand below her glute and slapped it with a flick of my wrist. My fingers grazed her cheek with a subdued clap.

"Oooh, please don't hurt me sir." Danielle responded sarcastically, clearly the smack had been ineffective.

I stroked the opposite cheek in a circular motion, then raised my arm above it and slapped my palm down with significantly greater force, creating a much louder crack. Danielle's back arched as she recoiled from the surprise of the pain.

"Ahhh!" she cried, followed a deep intake of breath. "that actually hurt."

"Sorry" I replied "we can stop if you don't like it!"

"No, I did like it, even though it hurt." she replied. "We need a safe word, like, it doesn't matter what I say, you don't have to stop unless I say..." she glanced around the room, "...coca-cola. No matter what else I say, even if I beg you to stop, you don't stop unless I say 'coca-cola', OK?"

"OK" I replied, impressed with Danielle's idea (I had no idea it was a basic S&M concept... clearly she knew all about these things.)

I lifted my hand from her ass, letting the heat from the spank dissipate. I resumed stroking her cheeks, alternating from one to the other with light grazes and harder smacks. Sometimes I would take her by surprise landing two hard blows on the same cheek consecutively.

"Ahh ha ha ha!" she cried out at the second forceful strike on her right cheek. I paused from the spanking to run my hand up her inner thigh, pulling her legs apart. Running my fingers up her leg, they reached her pussy and I began to rub it through her thong, rewarding her for her endurance. I was surprised to feel that my punishment of her ass had made her pretty moist already.

"I think you seem to be enjoying your punishment. Are you?" I asked.

"A bit" she replied.

I pressed my hand deep into the folds of her pussy through her thong, causing it to soak up the pussy juice from deeper inside her vagina. I took my now damp fingers and held them up to her face, rubbing the sticky fluid in my fingers.

"Seems like more than a bit" I chastised her.

"Sorry sir." she said, smirking a little in the mirror.

"Stand up!" I commanded her, taking on the dominant role I'd seen played out online, "I think you need to take this more seriously."

Danielle looked a little confused but she obliged. Getting up off the bed she stood before me, looking at the floor submissively.

I walked over to my desk drawer and slowly started to take out the sequestered items, placing them one by one on the desk, waiting to see her response.

"Holy shit!" she laughed, breaking character as i placed the paddle on the desk "you weren't kidding!" she said with a look of excitement. As i removed more and more of the items her excitement just seemed to increase. When I turned to look at her face after I placed the handcuffs on the desk I could see she had lifted her skirt and had her hands down her pants, openly masturbating for me. "Hell yeah!" she said.

Clearly she was pretty much up for anything at this point and with the security of the coca-cola safe word, I picked up the handcuffs and walked over to her, snatching her hand out from between her legs and holding it behind her back. I clicked one cuff around her wrist, then grabbed her other wrist and pulled it behind her, securing it in the second cuff. Lifting the back of her skirt, I took the paddle from the desk and smacked her ass hard causing Danielle to jump and squirm a little, as she cried out in pain.

"You need to earn that by being a good girl who takes her punishment." I instructed her.

Returning to character Danielle looked down at the floor again, "Yes sir." she replied.

I put the paddle back on the desk moved in front of Danielle. Pulling her tank top up to expose her bra. Using my newly learned abilities I reached round her back and released the clasp so that I could easily lift each of her breasts out of the bra. As she stood there cuffed, with her breasts exposed, I realised the window blinds were still wide open. If anyone had looked into the room from the houses opposite it would have been quite the sight. However, I reasoned that as I couldn't really see into their rooms from where I was, they probably couldn't see into mine.

I started to fondle Danielle's breasts in my hands, then taking each one into my mouth in turn, I licked around her areola, and flicked my tongue back and forth over her nipples causing them to stiffen and protrude. Danielle mmm-ed in enjoyment. As she was enjoying the sensation, I placed her nipple between my front teeth and bit down a little causing her to wince in pain again

Stepping back to assess my handiwork, Danielle's nipples were now standing at attention. I lifted the clothes pegs from desk - which I had connected together by a piece of string with some selotape - and clipped the first one to her right nipple. Danielle was taken aback by the unexpected sensation.

"Ahhh ah ah" she exclaimed as the let go of the peg and the spring clamped down onto her teat at full strength. Grasping the second peg i held it open and up towards her left nipple. Danielle instinctively took a step back, recoiling from the anticipated pain.

"Where do you think you are going?" I asked, as I reached around and grabbed her butt, pulling her back towards me and squeezing her cheek as hard as I could to cause her some additional discomfort which she seemed to enjoy.

I released the second peg on her nipple and she yelped in pain once more. Then I tested my contraption. I took hold of the string in the middle and gently tugged it. The pegs held in place and pulled on her now sensitive nipples. She let out a cry of pain and stepped towards me to release the tension. Perfect, I thought.

"You're a very noisy little girl" I said, mocking her cries of pain, "we need to do something about that."

Taking the ball from the paddle-ball, I held it up to her mouth and pressed it against her lips. Danielle opened her mouth and I placed it in. It was sufficiently large to not go fully in even with her mouth wide open, which was just what I had hoped for. Taking the old belt, I placed it over the ball and secured the buckle at the back of Danielle's head by piercing an additional hole through the now quite brittle leather.

"How's that?" I asked.

"Oh Ay Ir" Danielle struggled to speak through the makeshift ball gag. I was confident I'd still be able to understand 'oak a ola' through it so carried on.

With Danielle now secured and gagged. I knelt down in front of her and lifted her skirt, placing my fingers between her legs, I started to rub her pussy for her, again pressing her thong into her fleshy lips and up into the opening of her vagina, further soaking it with her excretions. Danielle let out a suppressed moan of pleasure through the gag. I reached up the outisde of her thighs and hooking the sides of her thong in my fingers I pulled it off, dropping it to the floor. Reaching down to pick it up, Danielle obligingly stepped out of my way.

I raised the saturated fabric to my nostrils and inhaled deeply the familiar smell of her heat. My boner had been ebbing and flowing for the duration of our escapades thus far but that smell and the feeling of her juices on my hands kicked it up a gear. I placed her thong on my pillow hoping that the scent might transfer and then took the cane from the desk.

Raising the back of Danielle's skirt again and tucking it back on itself, I started tapping the cand against her exposed ass cheeks. Progressively increasing frequency and intensity, I got to the point where Danielle was now consistently calling out in pain.

"Aahhhhhh" she tried to cry through the gag. There was now saliva dribbling out her mouth and down her chin onto her chest. As I continued the tapping of the cane against her ass, I reached between her legs once more. This time finding her clit between the folds of her pussy lips, I began to rub it back and forth.

Her "ahhhs" of pain began to alternate with "mmmms" of pleasure as I worked on her. The relatively gentle tapping of the cane no longer seemed to cause her so much discomfort and I could sense her orgasm beginning to build. I ceased pleasuring her clit and with a single final thwack of the cane, Danielle cried out in searing pain and began to sob. Alarmed I looked at her ass and could see a solid red line running across both cheeks.

"Coca-cola?" I asked.

Danielle compsed herself and shook her head, and i raised the cane back to her ass, but seeing this she started shaking her head violently and stepping away, while crying out in obvious distress. Fair enough, I lowered it again and just gently stoked her cheeks with my hand instead. They were radiating heat and I could feel a welt beginning to form where I had struck her with the cane. Placing it on the floor i pulled her skirt down so that she was now completely naked from the waist down apart from her knee high boots. Her beautiful ass was in full view of anyone who could see in the window and her pussy presented nicely. Picking up the cane, I stood up and walked round in front of her. I teased her pussy a couple of times by flicking it carefully with the tip of the cane held vertically above it. Danielle's eyes opened wide as she realised what I could be about to do to her practically hairless little mound. But I placed the cane back on the desk and taking hold of her shoulders, I guided her back to sit up on the desk. With her hands cuffed it took a little manoeuvring to get her butt up on the desk, and when she did she groaned in pain as her red raw cheeks made contact with the cold wooden top.

With her sitting on the edge of the desk I supported her foot with one hand and unzipped the boot, pulling it off. I did the same with the other and slid her socks off too. Then taking one end of the tow-rope, I tied it around her ankle, and lifted her leg up so that her heel rested on the edge of the desk. I was then able to wrap the rope around her calf and thigh, binding them together. Passing the rope behind her back I placed her other leg in the same position, securing it with the remainder of the rope 8n the same way. Danielle was now significantly restricted, and I could easily roll her on her back and part her legs to fully expose her pussy.

I took another set of clothes pegs and string from the drawer, I passed one peg through a loop of the rope wrapped around her leg, and the other peg through a loop of rope on the opposite leg. Running my finger up her exposed slit I separated her outer pussy lips, taking hold of the left one between my thumb and fore finger and parting it to the side. I pulled it towards me stretching her skin. I attached the nearest peg and Danielle once again winced as it clamped down on her sensitive labia. I repeated the process with her right outer labia, this time Danielle braced herself and endured the pain silently. Finally i lifted a stapler from my desk - Danielle's eyes just about popped out their sockets at that point and I have no idea what she thought i was going to do with it - but she seemed relieved when i carefully hung it over the string connecting the clothes pegs. Clearly whatever she imagined was worse than the weight of the stapler tensioning the string and pulling her clamped pussy lips apart! She inhaled deeply as her labia took up the load of the counter weight now dangling below the desk.

With her arranged just as I had fantasised, I stepped back and stood over her. Unzipping the fly on my jeans I pulled my cock out and began to stroke it. She watched intently as I did so. I stepped forward again and brushed the tip up against her pussy, wiping some of her milky secretions onto it. Then I ran my hand over her chin and chest, collecting the saliva that was drooling out of her gagged mouth. I stepped back again and ran my wet hand along my hard shaft, lubricating it with all Danielle's bodily fluids.

As she lay there helpless, I considered how I would enter her. She had lost her virginity only a week ago, so I guessed she might still be a little sore. Should I go easy? That wasn't what she had signed up for today. So I stepped forward, aligned my slick cock to her hole (clearly visible between her small inner lips now that her fleshy outer lips has been stretched apart) then rammed my way inside in a single motion. Danielle let out a gagged cry as my manhood stretched her to capacity, once again. I felt how tight she was as she bore down with her pelvic floor, squeezing my shaft as hard as she could. I began thrusting in and out, repeatedly fully withdrawing and forcing my way inside again. The sensation as the head of my cock passed through her contracted opening was intense. My motions were also causing the stapler to sway back and force, pulling on Danielle's lips causing waves of pain to mix with the pleasure of having her pussy violently drilled.

As I continued to plough her, Danielle's gaping labia also revealed the tip of her clitorus glistening at the top of her slit, where her tiny inner lips met. Placing my left hand on her mound, I used my thumb to draw back the hood of skin that covered her pleasure centre, fully exposing it. First wetting my finger in my mouth, I then placed it directly on her pink swollen clit and began rubbing back and forth. The effect on Danielle was near instantaneous. Her eyes rolled, her head tipped back and she let out a deep moan of intense pleasure.

"Mmmmmmmhhhhhhh" she groaned, as her thighs began to shake and her toes curled.

Before I could command her her not to cum, she started convulsing involuntarily and her orgasm was upon her. The waves of climax rippled through her, and i could feel each one as her pussy contracted on my loaded cock. I pulled out before it became to much for me to resist, while she was still spasming uncontrollably. As I withdrew, I took hold of the string dangling between her breasts and pulled hard, ripping the clothes pegs from Danielle's red, aching nipples!

"Arghhhhh", she yelled out in agony. The belt around her face had slipped down and the intensity of her cry forced the ball out of her mouth. Again the pain was so great that she started to sob, while her body continued to convulse sporadically. "Bastard", was the only word she managed to get out.

Meanwhile, i hadn't stopped rubbing her clit with my finger and as the aftershocks of her first orgasm had barely subsided, she was already building to another. The pleasure between her legs overcoming the pain at the tip of her breasts.

"Oooooww, ahhh, yes, yes, yes" she called out.

I slid my dick back inside her again, a little more gently this time, and began to rhythmically move back and forth. I didn't want to shoot my load at this point so i was careful to control my own stimulation as much as hers, but i wanted to feel when she was at the edge.

"Don't you dare come without permission again. If you do I'll pull the other pegs off, understand? You gotta ask to come!" I barked at her in a domineering tone.

"Yes sir." she responded, her eyes wide in fear

I kept working on her clit and could soon feel the precursors to her next explosion. The walls of her vagina were contracting against my cock and her chest began to flush red.

"Remember to ask permission", I goaded her.

"Can I come?" Danielle asked urgently

"Thats not how you ask nicely." I teased, as she began to pant.

"PLEASE can I come?" she asked with greater fervency.

"Please may I come... what?" I continued to torture her.

"PLEASE MAY I COME SIR!" Danielle cried out, fighting back her impending climax.

"No." I said, drawing out the ordeal.

Danielle's whole body was now glistening with perspiration and she was clenching down hard on my shaft. I had to withdraw, but I kept rubbing on her clit.

"Aaahhhh please" she begged me "I can't hold it anymore, please can I come?"

"You can come." I relented.

Every muscle in Danielle's body seemed to contract, her eyes once more rolled back, her thighs pressed together, squeezing my arm and i continued to massage her clit. She took a breath in and then paused. For only a moment there was silence, like the moment between the flash of a nuclear bomb detonating, and the pressure wave hitting the observer.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she exploded to life, thrusting forward as her thighs flew apart again, jerking her clit away from my finger. Her hands, up until now cuffed behind her back, suddenly appeared at her side, fingers splayed wide, the cheap plastic toy chain had snapped easily by her adrenaline fueled muscles.

A spray of liquid shot across my jeans, followed by another, then another.

"Ohhh shit, oh fuck, I don't know what happened, I didn't mean..." Danielle seemed confused and disturbed. Tears were streaming down her face as she was rocked over and over by whole body spasms.

"What's the matter?" I asked, worried I'd somehow overloaded her brain.

"I think..... I think I just pee'd on you... I couldnt stop myself." She managed to reply as her climax eventually subsided. She was mortified by what she thought had just happened. But i knew otherwise.

"It's OK, it's not pee, you squirted!" I reasured her, "not a lot of girls can squirt but it was so fucking hot!"

I gave Danielle some time to recover and noticed that the stapler was lying on the floor. One end of the string had given way where it was taped to the peg. She wiped her eyes and took a drink from the can still sitting on the desk.

"Coca-cola?" she asked, offering me the can with her still cuffed hand. I took some and the started to unbind her legs. Supporting each one as she lowered it off the desk.

"We need to take these off" I said, pointing at the pegs, "you can use a pen lid to pop the handcuff lock open".

"Oh fuck" she sighed, "just get it over with.".

Danielle lifted a pen out of my desk tidy and released the broken handcuffs from around her wrists. I knelt down between her spead legs and took hold of one peg then gently squeezed it to release its grip on her swollen, extruded lip.

"Ahhh" she winced as it released her.

I removed the other one in the same fashion and then i leaned in and started licking her pussy slowly and carefully, trying to soothe it a little. I lapped up the sticky liquid that had trickled down over her inner folds and started to pool on the desk, gently probing the opening to her vagina with my tongue.

"That's nice" she said, relaxing back on the desk. "hey, did you come inside me?"

"Not yet" I replied. My boner was still at full mast, protruding from my jeans, so i stepped back to let her see it. "I'd really like to come in your mouth." I said hoping she wouldn't be repulsed.

Danielle got off the desk, her squirt pool dripping off the edge of the desk and onto thr floor as she did so. She pulled her tank top off fully, followed by her bra.

"Not sure I can squat right now" she said sitting down on the edge of my bed, "come over here."

I walked over to stand in front of where she was sitting and then she undid my jeans, pulling them down to my knees along with my briefs. Then just as she had the previous Friday, she started to massage my balls in her fingers. She opened her mouth and leaned forward taking my cock about halfway inside before closing her moist lips around the shaft, sliding it in and out while her tongue ran over the tip and around my corona. I felt her mouth filling with saliva. It didn't take much effort on her part to get me ready to cum. As I felt my orgasm building i warned Danielle.

"I'm going to cum" I said.

She continued to suck on the tip as I climaxed, my cock pulsated, shooting my load into her mouth. Eventually it stopped and Danielle released my cock. She looked up at me, mouth open, her tongue curled and protruding to show me the pool of semen I had just unloaded into her. Then she closed it, made an exagerated swallowing motion and stuck out her tongue again to show it was clean. She licked her lips.

"Mmmm, you taste nice." she said, as she placed her warm mouth back around the tip of my softening shaft again. She ran her finger along the underside trying to squeeze and suck the remaining cum out of it like a tube of toothpaste.

"So do you." I replied.

"What time do your family come home?" Danielle asked, having sucked me dry.

"Probably in a couple of hours" I replied, looking at the clock.

"I need a shower, want to have one together? No anal this time though." Danielle offered, presumtively tying her hair back with a bobble from her bag.

"OK sounds good." i said pulling off my t-shirt and stepping out of my jeans and pants. "bathroom is this way."

Danielle and I climbed into the shower together and lathered up with my shower gel. We rubbed our bodies together sensually, her breasts slid up and down my chest and back. I ran my hands over her soapy body, caressing her breasts and butt, running a finger down her crack. Standing behind me she reached around and cleaned my cock attentively, like she had done days before. I reached behind and lathered her pussy lips with my soapy fingers much to Danielle's pleasure. I was hard again when we rinsed off and stepped out to dry ourselves.

"Think you could come again?" Danielle asked inquisitively, "I could go another mouthful." she said with a cheeky smile.

"One way to find out." I replied, dropping my towel on the floor.

Danielle knelt down on the bathmat and once again enveloped my hard-on in her mouth. She set about stroking my shaft vigorously with her hand while sucking and tonguing the head. I loved the sensation whenever her strokes completely retracted my tight foreskin back on itself, exposing my bell end fully to her tongue. It only took a few minutes for Danielle to expertly coax my throbbing member into ejecting another portion of my semen that she so enjoyed. Again she showed me her achievement, playing with it on her tongue, before swallowing it down and sucking out the last few drips from my spent cock.

We fooled around in my bed for the rest of the afternoon and Danielle enjoyed milking more, albiet smaller, mouthfuls of cum out of me before she had to leave that afternoon. As she climbed out of bed to get dressed, she remarked that she finally had something she enjoyed having in her mouth more than a cigarette. I jokingly offered to help her quit before the end of the year and she told me to save myself for her. (Of course i had plenty to spare and had no intention of forgoing masturbation for the rest of the year!)

After she left, i returned to my room to clean up and hide away our secret toy box. Next to the coca-cola can was her damp green thong, a lighter and a packet of cigarettes.


Chapter Five - The Kara Convergence (Part 1)

Danielle and I maintained our weekly scheduled rendezvous for the remainder of the school year. The cane wasn't banned but Danielle did impose strict limitations on it's use! And, while the taste of my cum alone wasn't sufficient to wean her off her habit (she started using nicotine patches and eventually managed to stop) that didn't mean she wasn't eager for a weekly serving. Later in the year, mobile phones started to become popular amongst my year group and Danielle and I both eventually exchanged numbers. This enabled us to schedule the odd illicit lunchtime get together but finding a safe place wasn't easy, the toilets were extremely risky so it only happened a couple of times.

It's probably fair to say that for the rest of the year nothing ever came close to those first intense sessions. That's not to say the sex didn't continue to be great - it absolutely did - but it became familiar, comfortable. In some ways that was enjoyable too. We also began spending more time just talking to each other rather than going straight at it. I learned a bit about Danielle and her ambitions. Turned out that while she had no brothers, she did have an older half-sister, Kara. For some reason that Danielle hadn't expanded upon, Kara lived with her father and so didn't attend our school. Kara was a hair dresser and Danielle wanted to do the same, so contrary to my expectations, Danielle actually intended to go to college at the end of the year.

That put a pretty clear time limit on our arrangement. When Danielle started college she'd no longer have Friday afternoons off and weekends were always busy with family stuff (for me anyway). So last day of term was bitter sweet, on the one hand the bell tolled for our Friday afternoon delight. On the other hand, we now had several weeks of summer holidays with little parental supervision. I was determined to make the most of it before Danielle acquired some older college boyfriend built like a brick shit-house. Term finished on a Thursday so I had to text Danielle to let her know my parents would be out to work on Friday and that she could come round anytime she wanted. To my surprise, she replied that she was heading across town to meet up with Kara and asked me if I "wanted to come, or whatever...".

I was a bit puzzled by the invite and what it signified. Did Kara know about me? Sure Danielle and I had maybe bonded a bit but we certainly weren't in any sort of ''relationship' - nor did I think that Danielle saw me as anything more than a secret friend with benefits. I suppose it's possible she was close enough with her sister to confide in her the details of our activities. Regardless, I could hardly refuse the offer. Danielle was clearly extending an invite of some significance, despite how casually she tried to frame it, and she already knew I had no other plans for the day. I replied back in a similarly casual manner.


Danielle let me know where and what time she was getting the bus from the city centre to where Kara lived. We lived in a commuter town outside of the city so had to travel in by bus first, but she didn't say when she was doing this. I figured that was intentional to reduce the chance that we'd be seen travelling together by anyone we knew.

I arrived at the designated bus stop pretty early, having decided to stop in to Virgin Megastore to look at DVDs. I had just installed a DVD-ROM drive in my computer and it provided a truthful answer to the inevitable question "what did you do today?" were my parents to ask later. I'd picked up a copy of Cruel Intentions and was looking forward to watching Selma Blair and Sarah Michelle Gellar make-out later. I took cover from the rain under the bus shelter and played snake on my phone to pass the time. After a while I became aware of someone standing over me, it was Danielle. She was wearing tight black jeans and a black cropped sweater that exposed her midriff.

"Been here long?" Danielle asked as i put my phone back into my pocket.

"Not that long" I replied, "done much with your day so far?"

"Nah, just had a lie in and watched some TV, what did you buy?" she asked pointing at the plastic bag in my hand.

"Cruel Intentions. Have you seen it?" I asked.

Danielle shook her head and checked the timetable printed behind my head.

"We can get the next 19, it stops outside Kara's dad's place" she explained looking at the silver coloured watch on her wrist. It was new - I'd never seen her wear a watch before. She never seemed to be bound by the normal social conventions of time-keeping - at least not as far as school was concerned. Danielle was probably late for more classes than she was on time for.

She sat down on a fold-out seat leaving a gap between us and I decided to probe a bit more about Kara.

"So how come Kara lives with her Dad and not your mum?" I asked cutting right to the chase.

"Her Dad's loaded, and she hates our mum." Danielle replied matter of factly. Seeing my puzzled expression and anticipating the many questions that would doubtless ensue, Danielle decided to save us some time.

"Basically, when Kara was like seven, my mum cheated on Kara's Dad with my Dad. Mum ended up pregnant and Kara's Dad kicked mum out. 9 months later, I was born and my Dad fucked off. The end."

"Sorry" I said, not really sure what else to say to that soap opera train-wreck of a family history.

"Whatever. I don't care. Kara's cool to me, and her Dad is OK I guess." she replied cooly.

"So you see much of her?" I asked.

"Mostly at weekends or during holidays, but we talk on the phone a lot. She's going to help me get a job after I finish college." she replied.

"So... did you ever mention me? Like does she even know I'm coming?" I probed, trying to work out exactly what Kara might know about us.

"Yeah, I told her about you. She suggested you come." Danielle said looking into the distance.

I was about to ask exactly how much Kara knew, when Danielle stood up and walked to the front of the shelter.

"It's this one." she said while fishing in her bag to retrieve some coins from her purse.

We boarded the bus and headed upstairs. We sat at the front on opposite seats and swung round to face each other. There were a few people in earshot so I wasn't able to continue my line of questioning. We rode the bus for about 20 minutes before Danielle stood up and rang the bell. It took me by surprise as we we're in one of the more affluent suburbs of the city. Large stone-built town houses with ivy-lined walls and large gravel driveways, arrayed the street on either side. We walked a few minutes from the bus stop and Danielle turned down one of the gravel driveways towards an impressive front door with decorative columns on either side. She rang the bell and stood in the doorway. A few minutes passed and nobody answered. Danielle was about to press the bell again when the door swung open.

"Hey biatch! Soz, I was in the gym!"

The tall slender figure stood to the side of the doorway, wearing only skin tight Nike lycra shorts and a matching sports bra. The family resemblance was obvious, but Kara had dark hair as opposed to Danielle's blonde, and a more muscular physique. Her skin was slightly more tanned as well. She had a towel wrapped around her neck and beads of perspiration were visible on her forehead and across her chest, which bulged out somewhat from the sports bra. The sisters clearly shared an affinity for tight fitting clothing! Kara had a mini-disc player attached to her shorts and ear-buds hung over her shoulders.

After saying a brief 'hey', Danielle walked past Kara without introducing me and proceeded down the impressive hallway. I followed her in and was about to introduce myself when Kara poked me in the chest.

"You must be the guy who's diddling my sister!" she said in an angry tone. I couldn't determine if she was being serious or joking. Regardless, I now had the answer to the question of how much Kara knew about me.

"Uh..." I stammered

"I'm just kidding! Come on in." she said, closing the door behind me. "Kitchen is just down the hall."

The hallway was huge, spanning three floors, with a grand staircase spiralling upwards. I followed Danielle past the foot of the stairs and into an open plan kitchen that was probably the size of an entire floor of my house. Danielle had sat on a stool at the island in the middle and I walked over to stand at the adjacent side. Kara deposited her towel and mini-disc player on the island and walked over to the huge American style fridge, retrieving a glass bottle.

"Barcardi Danz?" she asked offering the bottle to Danielle, who nodded. Kara popped the bottle top off with an opener built into the fridge door and slid it across the marble topped island towards Danielle like a bar tender in a film. Then she pulled out another bottle and offered it in my direction.

"Uh, no thanks" I said. I didn't drink, largely because I didn't really like the taste of alcohol.

"Coca-cola?" she asked, while looking at Danielle and smirking. Danielle turned to stare intently at the bottle in front of her, clearly trying to suppress a snigger.

"Sure, thanks" I replied suspiciously, watching Danielle who didn't look up.

Kara popped the lid on the coke bottle and slid it over to me. Then she retrieved a tall plastic bottle from the fridge containing some sort of green coloured sludge and proceeded to gulp it down before rinsing it in the sink and retrieving another Bacardi Breezer from the fridge for herself.

"I totally stink" Kara announced "I need a shower. Come on upstairs, you can bring your drinks."

Kara headed out the kitchen and led us both up the stairs to the top floor of the house where her bedroom was. Her room was palatial. In the centre was a king sized bed, to the right of which was a walk in wardrobe and to the left, through another door, an ensuite bathroom. There was a desk on the left that caught my eye for two reasons, firstly Kara had on the desk a PowerBook G4 Titanium - a two grand laptop that was already an object of much lust on my part - secondly, she had also left her bra and panties draped over the back of desk chair.

Danielle went over to lie on the bed and picked up a glossy magazine from the bedside cabinet that she began thumbing through. I had no idea if Kara even realised what she had left out on display, but I decided against drawing attention to it and looked for somewhere else to sit. There was a beanbag next to the door so I plonked myself down on that.

Kara placed her drink on the side of the bed then walked into her wardrobe returning with an Abercrombie and Fitch hoodie and jogging bottoms. She then walked into her ensuite turning on the shower but not bothering to close the door.

"So what do you want to do today Dani?" she shouted over the sound of the running water and extractor fan.

"Dunno" Danielle shouted back, "watch a movie?"

I looked around the room and realised that there was a full length mirror on the wall which now afforded me the perfect view through Kara's open bathroom door. I was transfixed watching Kara as she pulled her bra over her head and deposited on the floor, then slid her shorts down her legs and stepped into the steamed up shower. All I really got was a fleeting glimpse of her back and her toned glutes but it was enough to cause my cock to start to swell.

"OK, we have popcorn, what do you want to watch? I don't have any new ones." Kara continued to shout through from inside the shower.

"We have Cruel Intentions" Danielle suggested. I was a little concerned that might not be the ideal film to watch with someone I'd only met 5 minutes ago given what I knew of the content!

"You'd need a DVD player for that!" I shouted, hoping that Kara might only have a VHS.

"Yeah we've got one in the home cinema." she responded "oh shit, hey Dani I left my undies on the chair, can you pass them to me?" Kara unabashedly announced.

Danielle dropped the glossy magazine on the bed and walked over to the desk to retrieve Kara's smalls, unceremoniously chucking them through the open doorway onto the bathroom floor before returning to the bed.

The shower knocked off and I couldn't resist looking back at the mirror. I was greeted with the sight of Kara sliding back the fogged up shower screen and reaching out to grab a towel. I caught another fleeting glimpse, this time of her bare breasts as she leaned out, before she wrapped the towel around herself and stepped out into full view.

"Thanks" Kara said as she picked her bra and panties up off the floor.

As she bent over and started patting herself down, her eyes glanced out at the mirror and caught mine in the reflection. I had been made! She knew I had been spying on her and I knew she new! I felt my cheeks starting to flush. Fuck! I had no idea what would happen next. Would she cry out to Danielle about the perv she'd brought to meet her. Would she slam the door shut?

In reality, neither. Kara instead dropped her towel to the floor and stood fully naked, staring back at me in the mirror.

Kara's body was athletic, she had a slightly larger build than Danielle but her breasts were smaller and rounder. I could see her pubic hair was dark and had been neatly trimmed into a little runway leading down to her pussy. As I gazed at her she smiled wryly, taking pleasure in the attention. Then she turned her back to me and bent over, slowly drying her feet, revealing her snatch between her legs. Her inner labia protruded noticeably, unlike Danielle's which were hidden inside her outer lips and Kara appeared completely hairless. She must wax.

After drying her feet, Kara stepped into her white lace panties, which were shaped like very short shorts. Then she obligingly turned around again while putting on the matching bra, fastening it at the front around her tummy, spinning it around, then pulling it up over her breasts and slipping the straps up her arms and over her shoulders. She adjusted each breast to sit comfortably in it's respective cup, taking one last look back at me in the mirror. Finally she put on the hoodie and zipped it up just enough to cover her bra while exposing plenty of cleavage, and pulled on the jogging bottoms which, true to form, hugged her bum quite tightly.

Kara exited the bathroom and sat down on the bed next to Danielle, taking a drink from her bottle of Bacardi. Meanwhile, her display had done nothing to quell my swelling erection and I tried to subtly re-arrange myself in my jeans to avoid anything becoming too obvious.

Danielle leaned over to Kara with the magazine and pointed at something.

"Do you have anything like this?" she asked her sister.

"Um, yeah, top right, at the back" Kara replied.

Danielle jumped off the bed and walked into the wardobe, then a few seconds later walked out carrying a hanger holding a short plaid skirt.

"Think it would work with this top?" she asked looking to Kara.

"One way to find out!" Kara replied.

Danielle kicked off her shoes and undid her skin tight jeans, peeling them down her legs to reveal today's thong colour of choice which was, rather unusually, also black. Kara wolf-whistled as Danielle stripped before us both.

"Don't get a boner over there!" Kara called out looking in my direction and cupping her hands round her mouth, before taking another swig of her drink.

Danielle spent the next 20 minutes or so trying on various items of Kara's extensive wardrobe. Between ensembles she stood in her underwear drinking her Bacardi. I watched on from my position on the beanbag, my cock becoming ever more engorged.

"We should play truth or dare!" announced Danielle as she slipped out of the dress she had just tried on, discarding it on the pile of clothes now mounting up at the end of the bed.

I had never seen Danielle as the typical teenage girl, one who enjoyed discussing fashion with her girl friends or playing silly sleepover games. But her dynamic with her half-sibling seemed to be totally different from her relationship with any of the girls at school. It was like she had a best friend.

"Ahhh Danz!" groaned Kara covering her eyes with her hands.

Danielle, still in her underwear, picked up her now empty bottle and sat down on the floor next to me, placing the bottle on its side in front of her. Then raising her arm in the air and making an exaggerated come here gesture, she called Kara over.

Kara got off the bed and sat opposite us on the floor.

"Wait is this truth or dare, or spin the bottle?" she asked, confused.

"It's both! It's spin the truth or dare!" Danielle giggled, the alcohol clearly having had an effect. "I'll explain, first someone..."

"I think we got it!" interrupted Kara as she reached over and spun the bottle. The floor was plushly carpeted so the bottle didn't even manage a full rotation, stopping pointed in my general direction.

"Truth... or DARE!" Kara asked me in an overly dramatic voice.

I considered my options, trying to determine the safest response.

"Truth." I said.

"Hmm..." Kara thought for a moment, "Do I turn you on?" she asked while leaning forward and pushing her tits up.

I glanced over at Danielle to gauge her reaction to the question but she just looked at me with a cheeky smile.

"You have to tell the truth." Kara reminded me.

"Yeah" I said, turning a little pink as I answered.

Danielle and Kara burst out laughing, then Danielle reached over to the bottle and spun it hard. This time it completed more than a full rotation and ended up pointing directly at Kara.

"TRUTH!" she shouted before Danielle even asked the question.

"When did you last get off?" Danielle asked, without evening thinking about the question.

"Dani!!" Kara exclaimed, putting her head in her hands. She didn't say anything for a moment, then peaking through her fingers said sheepishly "this morning..."

Danielle looked surprised, "Who with!?" she asked.

"That's two questions." Kara dodged.

"Come on!" pressed an unrelenting Danielle, "Spill!"

"Just me." Kara eventually admitted under her breath, to which Danielle burst out laughing again.

I was beginning to see the general theme of this game, so I spun the bottle hoping to use it to my advantage. It stopped facing Danielle.

"Truth or dare?" I asked her.

"Dare." said Danielle after some consideration.

Knowing Danielle as I now did and from what I had seen of Kara so far today, I was fairly sure what I was about to suggest would not be too shocking, nevertheless I held my breath when I asked.

"I dare you... to make out with your sister."

Danielle's jaw hung open in what was quite clearly faux shock and Kara cried out in laughter.

"Ewww!" Danielle exclaimed, feigning protest "you're such a perv!"

"Hey, you picked the game!" said Kara leaning in to the centre of the circle without hesitation.

Danielle rolled her eyes then leaned in face to face with her sister. Kara put her hand on Danielle's bare shoulder and drew her in, licking her lips just before making contact with Danielle's. At first they kept them closed, then after a second or two Kara opened her mouth and reached her tongue inside her sister's also open mouth. Danielle's breathing increased as the back of Kara's hand grazed her exposed collar bone, then she withdrew.

Watching a half naked Danielle frenching her sexy twenty-somthing sister would have been more than sufficient, but combined with the fact that I also knew what they both looked like naked, sent me mind into overdrive and resulted in my dick now resembling the eiffel tower.

Kara now grabbed the bottle and spun it half heartedly - clearly with the objective of pointing it at me.

"I dare you to..." Kara began.

"Hey, I didn't choose yet!" I said before she could finish.

"Oh yeah" she replied a little deflated, "truth or dare?"

I decided to see where she was going with it.

"Fine, dare." I said.

"Get your dick out!" Kara announced like an excitable teen.

Well that had escalated a lot quicker than i anticipated! I turned to Danielle looking for salvation, hoping she would intervene and refuse her sisters crazy dare. No such objection was forthcoming. Instead she looked at Kara and smiled, and I began to get the impression that I might have been set up.

"You chose the dare. If you don't want to do it there'll be a forfeit" Danielle said, making up a new rule on the spot.

I resigned myself to the inevitable embarrassment. I guess having a full on woody would at least present my manhood in the best light, better that than revealing it as a small flaccid appendage.

I undid the button on my jeans and unzipped my fly. Then, pulling down my briefs my cock sprang up into the air.

Kara roared with laughter "Boner!" she yelled, peered over inquisitively. "You weren't exaggerating sis!" Kara said still staring at it

Danielle, possibly without realising it, had raised a hand to her breast and was slowly rubbing her nipple through her bra. With her free hand, she reached over and flicked the bottle round. It barely completed a half rotation and pointed back at Kara.

"Dare" said Kara.

I was about to tuck myself back into my briefs when Danielle presented her dare to Kara.

"I dare you to suck him off" Danielle said in a quiet voice, continuing to tease her nipple, her eyes fixed on my still protruding shaft.

I couldn't believe my ears, Danielle had just encouraged her smoking hot sister to give me a blowjob while she watched?! Was I dreaming this, was I about to wake up in my own bed to semen soaked pyjamas?

Kara, saying nothing, shuffled herself closer to me, lowering the zip on her hoodie so that I could see her breasts more easily. Then she reached out tentatively with her hand (perhaps waiting for an objection from me that never came) and gently took hold of my shaft, beginning to slowly stroke it back and forth. Danielle watched on intently, reaching her other hand inside her pants.

Kara's tender strokes soon caused some pre-cum to trickle from the tip of my bell end. I peered down her hoodie and could see through the lace bra that her nipples were hard. They were longer than Danielle's and very obvious through the sheer fabric.

The game was now over, this was something more. I was pretty sure it wasn't spontaneous and that this was what Danielle and Kara had intended for the day. As I sat there being jerked off, I wondered how far things might go.

Danielle moved in closer to the action, continuing to masturbate under her thong. Kara turned to her as she approached and leaned in, placing her lips on Danielle's once more. The two of them made out in front of me, while Kara continued to stroke me. Taking a chance, I took hold of Kara's zip and slid it down completely. She didn't try to stop me. I reached my hand inside and took hold of a breast. Again, she didn't react. I started running my thumb back and forth over her erect nipple causing Kara to let out a sigh of pleasure.

Seeing her sister's breasts now exposed, Danielle reached over and took hold of the other one, performing the same stimulation of Kara's nipple as she had been on her own. Kara moaned and leaned away from Danielle's lips, turning to look at my cock again.

She let go of it and pulled her arms out the sleeves of her hoodie, dropping it to the floor behind her back. Then she moved from a cross legged position onto her knees and bent over, extending her tongue and licking my shaft from base to tip. Danielle drew Kara's hair behind her back so that she could see exactly what her sister was doing. Then she reached around her own back and slipped her bra off, before continuing to play with herself.

Kara's tongue ran over my bell end, teasing my peehole with the tip, then moved down around my sensitive glans which she had completely exposed by pulling my foreskin all the way back over my head. Then she took my whole head in her mouth and proceeded to suck it in and out, her lips squeezing around my corona as it moved back and forth through them. This was a new sensation, something Danielle didn't do, and it quickly brought me close to cumming, as I watched a bare breasted Danielle masturbuate.

Almost as though she sensed it, Danielle moved her head into position next to Kara's, who released my cock and guided it through her sisters waiting lips. Danielle began to move her head back and forth taking my entire shaft in her saliva laden mouth. Kara took hold of Danielle's naked tits and began to massage them. Danielle began to moan in pleasure as her own self induced orgasm approached. I was really close too.

Within a few seconds I groaned as my cock blasted my load into Danielle's mouth one more time this year. After I had emptied my balls, she turned to face Kara and held out her tongue, upon which the pool of my semen was displayed. Kara opened her mouth wide and placed her lips over Danielle's, enveloping her protruding tongue. They made out for a few seconds, passing my cum between their mouths, then Kara turned to face me and revealed that her mouth was now filled with the load I had deposited into Danielle's. After swallowing it down she placed my weakened cock back in her mouth and sucked out the final remnants of cum from it.

Meanwhile, Danielle was still masturbating and watching on. I was spent and leaned back in the beanbag. Seeing her sister still to reach orgasm, Kara now turned her attention to Danielle, moving behind her and guiding her onto all fours she then slide her thong down to her knees. While Danielle kept rubbing her clit, Kara took two fingers and slowly inserted them into her sister's wet pussy. Then, taking her free hand, she spread Danielle's ass cheek and started to rim her. I watched the show, trying to recover as Danielle built to her own climax.

"Oh shit, oh yeah, mmmmmmmmmhhh yesss" Danielle moaned in pleasure, aided by her sister. Then I started to see Danielle's toes curl and her legs begin to shake.

"Fuuuuuckkkk ahh ahh ahhhhhh"

Danielle came hard. Her body convulsed as the waves washed over her and she collapsed onto the floor. Kara lay down next to her, wrapping her arms around her sister and stroking her breasts.

"That was amazing" said Danielle to Kara "thank you."

"You're welcome babe, it was so hot" Kara replied "but what about me?"

Danielle turned around and looked at her sister.

"You want to see what I was talking about?" Danielle asked.

Kara nodded and Danielle rolled over to face me again, reaching out she took hold of my semi hard shaft and began stroking it. Meanwhile Kara stood up and undid her bra, dropping it on the floor, then she slipped out of her jogging bottoms and stood over us. She reached into her panties with one hand and started playing with her pussy. Her other hand took hold of a nipple and started pulling and twisting it.

Danielle continued to lay on the floor stroking my cock, trying to firm it up once more.

"So my sister turns you on huh?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Do you want to see her pussy?" Danielle continued.

"Yeah" I repeated.

Kara slipped her panties down to the floor and then sat down, laying back on her elbows she spread her legs apart to give me an unobstructed close up view. Danielle continued to stroke me and Kara spread her labia apart with her fingers, revealing the opening to her vagina. Danielle sat up and with her left hand kept working on my cock, while wetting the fingers of her right hand on her own dripping pussy. Then she reached over to Kara's and started to rub her exposed clit with her slick fingers. Kara immediately started to sigh and groan

"Oh Dani, that feels amazing, mmmmmm yeahhh right there." she encouraged Danielle

"Do you want to fuck that pussy for me?" Danielle asked me.

"Yeah" I answered, for the third time.

"Well first you have to lick it for me, OK?" she instructed.

She didn't need to tell me twice. I sat up off the beanbag and got on my knees between Kara's legs. Danielle still had a firm grip on my cock and continued to jerk me and Kara off simultaneously. I lent into Kara's pussy and could see her juices invitingly dripping out her parted hole. I stuck my tongue inside her and let them drain into my mouth, she tasted exactly like Danielle. I began to work my tongue in and out and over her butterfly wing shaped inner labia.

"mmmmmm yeah, you're really good at that" said Kara. I felt her pussy quiver around my tongue as it penetrated her "but I want you inside me."

Danielle had succeeded in getting me just about fully hard again in a fairly short period of time, but i didn't feel even close to coming again, I wasn't even sure that i could. When Danielle herd Kara's request, she stopped tugging on my shaft and let it go free.

I sat up and shuffled forward, lifting Kara's bum up, I got the right angle and slipped my cock into her expectant pussy. At first it went in more easily than it would for Danielle, whose hole was way tighter, but as i penetrated deeper, my girth began to fill Kara's passage.

"fuck yes!" she cried as my full length slid inside her "that is soo good! oh fuck me. fuck! me!"

I obediently did as she requested, rocking back and forth I slid my boner in and out of her pussy while Danielle watched us. Danielle knelt down and took one of Kara's nipples in her mouth, suckling on it as she gazed down her belly towards my cock which was thusting in and out of her sister's pussy. My earlier milking meant that I was able to continue pounding Kara for quite a while, long enough to get her near orgasm before i felt my own surge building.

"Shit, you're gonna make me come!" Kara cried out

"Me too" I warned - not knowing if she wanted me to pull out or not.

"You need to ask permission to come." Danielle said to me as she sat up to watch the finale.

"aaahahhaaa don't stop, don't stop" Kara yelled concentrating on her ever nearing climax

I noticed that Danielle was no longer rubbing Kara's clit but was instead rubbing her own. Kara's orgasm was now entirely on me.

"Don't come in her until I say so!" Danielle reiterated.

I kept ploughing Kara and squeezed my pelvic floor to resist ejaculating prematurely. Eventually my perseverance paid off and Kara tipped over the edge, her whole body shuddering, arms shaking.

"fuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkk ahahahahahaahahha" she screamed and I continued pummelling her.

"Can I come?" I begged Danielle

"Nooooottt yeeeettttt" she said through gritted teeth, as she furiously twitched her own clit. She was trying to get herself off at the same time as us. I grabbed hold of her tit, squeezing her nipple hard and pulling at it. The pain immediately pushed her over the edge and Danielle's body also began shaking. "NOW!!" she screamed as a jet of squirt shot onto the carpet from between her legs.

I relaxed my muscles as I thrust into Kara for the final time and exploded inside her. All three of us cried out at the same time in coordinated climax.

Danielle collapsed onto Kara and each twitched occasionally as they were hit with aftershocks. My cock was raw, my legs ached and I slid out of Kara before falling back into the beanbag exhausted

"Thanks for sharing Dani, you were so right about him!" said Kara.

"It's what sisters are for, glad you enjoyed it" replied Danielle, "but you still owe me my load."

"Do you want it?" Kara asked. I wasn't sure what they were talking about.

Danielle rolled off Kara onto her back and opened her mouth wide, then Kara got up covering her pussy and squatted over Danielle's face, before removing her hand and allowing the milky contents inside her to slowly drip out into Danielle's waiting mouth. Danielle lifted her head up and licked Kara's pussy clean, sucking out everything she could, then she swallowed. Kara giggled as Danielle's tongue probed her still sensitive labia trying to find any last remaining cum.

"mmmmh delicious" she said, licking her lips.

Kara lay back down on the floor and looked up at the ceiling.

"So, Cruel Intentions huh? Who's for popcorn?" she asked.


Chapter Five - The Kara Convergence (Part 2)

We all lay on Kara's bedroom floor for a while and Danielle and Kara explained how our afternoon had come about. I was right about it being a set up. Apparently Kara had known about me ever since I first offered to pay Danielle for sexual favours all those weeks ago. Kara had encouraged Danielle to accept and to use the opportunity to explore her own sexuality as she grew up. Since then Danielle had pretty much told her everything that we had done together, including details of my proportions. Kara had eventually confessed to Danielle how much these blow by blow accounts (no pun intended) turned her on and that she sometimes fantasised about being a part of our exploits, which had given Danielle the idea for a threesome. The two of them had talked about it for a few weeks then hatched the truth or dare plan together, although apparently me watching Kara come out of the shower and later daring them to kiss had been entirely unforeseen. They also shared with me that while the two of them had masturbated together a few of times (while Danielle recounted our latest activities) this was the first time they had actually had sex with one another.

"By the way, you two only get to fool around when you're with me" Danielle warned as we all got up from the floor, "and I get first dibs on your cum!"

I laughed but she was deadly serious so I nodded in agreement as did Kara.

"Oh shit" Danielle exclaimed as she spotted the squirt in the carpet where she had been kneeling when we came together.

"It's OK, don't worry about it I can clean it up later" Kara said putting an arm around Danielle's shoulder. "I wish I could squirt!"

As I stood up I realised my jeans were also stained from Kara's secretions as I had fucked her. Kara offered to shove them in her washer/dryer so I stripped off. The three off us, all butt naked, went back down to the kitchen together to get another drink and a snack. Kara went into the utility room to put my jeans through a cycle.

It was strange being all together naked, but not thinking about sex at that moment. I was just enjoying their company as we talked and ate junk.

"Do you guys want to chill out in the jacuzzi for a bit before we watch the film?" asked Kara.

We were all in need of a wash after our exertions and so Danielle and I agreed and we headed back up the stairs to the main bathroom. It was also huge! There was a jacuzzi tub in the corner with steps leading up to it which could easily accomodate four people, a two person shower opposite and twin sinks on the back wall. Kara turned on the tap to start filling the tub.

"So have you guys ever heard of free-use?" she asked.

Danielle shook her head and I had no idea what Kara was talking about either so I shrugged my shoulder.

"So basically it's when someone agrees to let someone else use their body whenever they want, doesn't matter what they are doing. So like you're free to touch my tits or finger me or whatever when I'm watching TV or... on the treadmill." Kara explained.

"That sounds challenging" I joked

"I think it's kind of cool. Like we could have a free-use arrangement. Whenever you guys are here we all agree to just get naked and can like, play with each other's bodies however we want." Kara continued.

It sounded the stuff of dreams to me, having a special arrangement whenever we visited that gave me unrestricted access to two hot girl's pussies, asses and tits. Sign me up!

"I'm game." I said looking to Danielle.

"OK sure, sounds fun" she nodded.

"Great, so whenever you're in the house, kit off and free-use rules." Kara said "obviously not when my Dad's home Danz!" she clarified, to whicn we all laughed.

Once the tub was partially filled, the three of us stepped in to check the temperature and water level. We each started to wash ourselves down in the warm water. Kara slid over next to me and took hold of my flaccid cock, playing with it in her hand.

"Just wondered what it feels like when it's like that" she said "by the time I see them they are always a lot stiffer!"

"It won't stay that way for long with you touching it" I said as Danielle pushed the button to turn on the jets.

As long as Kara was next to me and our newly enacted free use agreement was in place, I figured I'd start to make the most of it. I pushed a hand under Kara's bum (she helpfully stood up a little enabling me easier access to feel her up) then slipped my middle finger between her cheeks locating her asshole. I wiggled my finger over it signalling my intention and then pushed it slowly inside.

"You're boyfriend has his finger up my bum!" Kara announced.

"He's not my boyfriend." Danielle replied, not rising to the bait. She instead adjusted her position over the top of a jet and enjoyed flow of water over her pussy.

Kara was still playing with my cock and it was once again getting hard. I put my arm around Kara's waist and encouraged her to move over onto my lap. As she moved over I took my finger out of her ass and lined my cock up with where her asshole was. Kara spread her bum cheeks apart for me and lowered herself eagerly onto my cock. It was a tight fit, but the water helped, and her sphincter stretched to enable the head of my cock to slide in as she lowered herself onto my lap.

Kara was clearly used to anal sex as she slid down almost the full length of my shaft with few pauses to acclimatise, only the last inch or so, where the base of my shaft is at it's widest, proved to be a challenge for her.

"Your boyfriend has his knob up my bum!" Kara teased Danielle

"Not mmmmmm my ahhhh boyfriend oooooh" managed Danielle who was now quite focussed on the water jet carressing her labia and tickling her clit.

Kara started to raise and lower herself on my shaft while I sat there. Taking as much as she could in a single motion. I reached around and felt for her landing strip then followed it down to the dimple where her slit began. I slid my finger in and began to flick the firm round nodule I could detect there. As Kara began to sigh and moan, i reached up to take hold of a breast, then felt for her pronounced nipple and squeezed and twisted it as I had seen her do earlier in the day.

"Mmmmm yeah" she said as i did so.

I let go and slapped the underside of her breast with a flick of my wrist causing Kara to let out a shreak of excitement at the sudden pain. Then I grabbed her nipple again.

"You can cane my tits any day" Kara whispered

Kara was building to her release and I was also beginning to sense an imminent loss of control when Danielle piped up.

"Don't come in her ass, I want it." she said.

"Are you close?" Kara asked and I nodded.

Kara stood up, withdrawing my cock fully from between her buns and sat down next to me again.

"All yours" Kara said addressing Danielle, aquiescing to her demand.

"Later" Danielle replied "I'll need soemthing to drink with my popcorn." she smiled.

I guessed I was going to remain primed for a while yet then. I put a hand between Kara's legs once more, spread them and ran my fingers casually through her labia, playing with them as she sat there coming down of her orgasm build up.

"You want to learn to squirt?" Danielle asked Kara "you need to get close to coming, then stop, the more you do the more intense it is when you eventually do come - that makes me squirt. Or you need someome to make you cum again before you've finished coming - multiple orgasms - thats how he made me do it the first time".

"What does it feel like?" Kara asked inquisitively

"Like you really really need to pee, so bad you can't stop it, eventually you think you are peeing but you're not." Danielle explained.

Kara got up, stepped out of the jacuzzi and walked over to the shower, turning it on.

"Something wrong with this water?" Danielle asked sarcastically

"All that talk of peeing made me need one" Kara replied stepping into the shower "figured you'd both rather I didnt do one in there."

"I think I speak for both of us when I say I'd rather you did one in a toilet." Danielle replied looking away with disdain.

I turned around to face Kara, who saw I was watching her. Standing under the shower, facing me through the glass screen, she held her pussy apart with two fingers of each hand and a golden spray began to flow out splashing onto the glass pane. Watching her pee was strangely erotic to me. Like being a voyeur of her most private moment. Her stream spraying the glass soon turned to a trickle that ran down her thigh then stopped. She washed off under the shower then turned it off.

"Fuck!" said Danielle "now I need to go bitch."

"The toilet is way down the hall, just come and do it in the shower, it's no biggie." Kara implored.

Danielle got out of the jacuzzi and walked over into the shower, taking Kara's spot over the drain. Kara stood to the side but didn't leave the capacious shower. I continued to watch intently.

"Are you's seriously gonna watch me piss?" Danielle protested.

Kara shrugged and I just started at Danielle.


She defiantly turned to face us and with her right hand Danielle placed a finger either side of her slit, spreading it apart, revealing her small inner lips.

"Does everyone have a good view? Need to get closer?" she mocked, "No?"

Danielle, let rip a forceful stream, applying pressure to her pussy to guide the golden fountain back and forth accross the shower screen. It quickly petered out and trickled down her leg like before. She rinsed herself with the hand held nozzle to avoid her hair getting wet, then Kara turned off the water. She was about to exit when Danielle grabbed her arm and pulled her back in, turning her to face me through the screen once more. Danielle squatted down and without warning inserted her two middle fingers into Kara's pussy, rapidly finger fucking her. The free-use champion was taken by surprise but quickly got into it, spreading her legs, palms on the glass she stuck her ass out toward Danielle.

I started stroking my cock as I watched these beautiful sisters. Danielle used her other hand to insert a digit into Kara's anus and started finger fucking that hole too. Within a few minutes Kara was reaching the point of orgasm.

"ooohh yes yes yes yes, I'm so close" she said.

Danielle withdrew her fingers from both Kara's orifices and smacked her violently on the ass cuasing Kara extreme pain.

"Oww! Fuck, why did you do that?" Kara protested, her approach to orgasm abruptly halted. I knew exacly what Danielle was doing.

Immediately, Danielle shoved her fingers back inside her sister's pussy and ass hole, furiously fingering her again. A few minutes passed and Kara was once more edging closer to coming.

"Arghhhh yesssssss yes yes yes yes.... don't stop, right there, I"

SMACK! Kara let out a shreak of pain and her orgasm was once again ruined by the seering pain of Danielle's hand this time striking her pussy. Danielle repeated this ritual two more times, each time Kara's frustration mounted at the free-abuse she was getting as she edged closer to her reward.

"oh please please please" Kara begged as Danielle's fingers rammed her pussy for a fifth time and this time Danielle knelt in between Kara's legs and reached round with her other hand to furiously rub Kara's now swollen clit.

"ahahahahahahaha, yes yes yes yes yes yes yeeeeeeeeeeesssssss!!!!" Kara's legs and arms shook as the climax, detonated in her clit by her sister's fingers, radiated through her body.

"arghhhhhhh" she cried uncontrollably and a stream of liquid shot from Kara's pussy onto Danielle's chest, followed by another, and another, trickling down her breasts as Kara's whole body convulsed. Her legs gave way and she slid down the screen onto the floor, supported by Danielle. Tears rolled down Kara's face as she was overcome by emotion.

"oh thank you thank you thank you" she sobbed "did I just squirt?"

Danielle pointed at the fluid covering her breasts and Kara tried to laugh but struggled to make a sound. It was just like Danielle's first squirt. Danielle picked up the hand held shower head to wash herself off.

"Wait!" i shouted, getting out of the tub, "come here."

Danielle put the shower head down and walked over towards me, drops of Kara's squirt dripping off her breasts onto the tiled floor. I leant over and licked Danielle's breasts and nipples clean, lapping up Kara's squirt and swallowing it. It tasted like Danielle. I continued up Danielle's chest, licking all over up to the top of her neck. She stroked my cock as I did so, then I kissed her. Her tongue entered my mouth and probed mine a little.

"Mmmm tastes nice" she said "but not as good as yours."

Kara had recovered and was washing herself down with the shower head. We both squeezed in with her and we washed one another down, caressing each other's bodies, sliding our slick wet skin against one another. There was shower gel to use so I lathered up both girls, carefully washing them all over but focussing on their pussies and breasts naturally, teasing their still sensitive nipples and clits as I did so. They reciprocated, attentively focussed on my still loaded cock, teasing it while being careful not to overdo it. Danielle was insistent she would enjoy my release during the movie, and in fairness she hadn't allowed herself to orgasm again either, having just edged herself on the jacuzzi jets.

We rinsed off the soap, dried ourselves down and made our way downstairs to the home cinema via Kara's bedroom to get the film. I enjoyed walking behind the girls as their bums wiggled side by side as they walked. I really enjoyed being able to then catch them up and put a hand on each of them entirely at will!

The home cinema was in the basement and was a room with two levels and large sofa's on each. There was a projector on the ceiling which projected a huge (for the time) image on the screen at the front of the room. In the corner was a minibar with a microwave behind it and a small cabinet at its side. Kara took the DVD over to the cabinet and spent a few minutes faffing with remote controls. Danielle and I sat down in the middle of one of the couches, Danielle moved in close to me and curled her legs up onto the couch. I put my arm around her neck and laid my hand on her breast. Meanwhile the projector fan whirred into life and Kara put a popcorn sachet in the microwave. In a few minutes the room had the same sickly sweet smell of a movie theatre and the sound of popping corn became audible over the fan noise. After a ping, Kara retrieved the infalted bag and pulled it open releasing a cloud of steam.

"hah hah hah!" she exhaled as she juggled the bag between her fingers to avoid burning them, "hot!"

Kara emptied the popcorn into a bowl and carried it over to us, sitting down on the couch next to me and offering the contents to Danielle and I who each took a handful. Kara placed the bowl in my lap and reclined against me, pointing the remote control at the box of tricks and pressed some buttons. The lights dimmed atmospherically and the standard copyright warnings flashed up on the screen in silence as the DVD started to play. It really was like being in a cinema... apart from the naked girls sitting on either side of me. Then the sound system fired to life at volume 11, as Placebo's Every You and Every Me opened the movie. As we settled in, I placed my other arm around Kara, resting my hand on her breast as well.

We watched the movie, eating the popcorn not really saying much - apart from Danielle warning me "not to get her tits covered in popcorn bits!". It was the longest we had gone that day without doing anything overtly sexual, apart from the odd "accidental" hand fumbling on cock as one or other of the girls reached for popcorn. That assumes you don't count the fact that the three of us were sitting naked together on the sofa I suppose. Ironically, when we got to the french kiss scene, it seemed so tame compared to what we had done over the course of the day, that it hardly even registered with me. As the movie drew to a close with The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony resounding around the room, it seemed like the perfect soundtrack to the final weeks of my time with Danielle.

"Well" said Kara, lowering the volume with the remote as the end credits played, "what did you think of that kiss?" she asked looking over to Danielle and I.

"I think yours was hotter" I replied, stressing the word think "but I'd need to see it again to be sure."

Danielle rolled her eyes, and the two of them lent over me, their lips meeting right in front of my face. They opened their mouths and stroked each other's tongues just like in the movie, but it went on for way longer as they really got into it. I placed my hands on each of their backs and stroked them gently, running my fingers up and down, occasionally over the back of their ears, through their hair or between their ass cheeks. This was sooo much hotter than the movie and in my current state of sexual frustration, I couldn't resist the urge to start playing with my cock as Kara and Danielle continued their make-out session. I think they got so taken up in the moment that they forgot why they were doing it. Eventually Danielle spotted what I was doing and backed away.

"So? Do we win?" she asked.

"Definitely!" I replied, pre-cum on the tip of my cock now glistening in the subdued lighting of the room.

"Well, I think I'm ready for my drink now" said Danielle, focussing her attention on my hand as it stroked up and down my rigid shaft, covering and uncovering my bell end. She reached down and started to run my balls through her fingers.

"I hope these are nice a full for me." she said, "I'm very thirsty."

Her gentle dexterity took my arousal up a notch as I imagined she was performing some sort of special procedure designed to stimulate my testes into producing more cum for her consumption. Kara had sat up and turned to face us, she was carefully manipulating her fingers between the folds of her pussy lips then putting them in her mouth, savouring her own taste, while she watched on.

"You're turn to watch" Danielle said to Kara as she swung her leg over to straddle me.

Danielle placed her hand on mine to stop me stroking, and guided it away from my cock so that she could take over. She pressed her pussy up against the back of my shaft and rocked back and forth on her knees, sliding her moist lips along the full length of my shaft leaving a little glistening snail trail. Danielle pressed the sensitive clit that she had been teasing in the jacuzzi earlier, harder into my rigid trunk.

"Mmmm yeah" she moaned, arching back, enjoying the pussy-job as much as I was.

Kara, no longer wishing to remain purely a spectator, leaned over and started to suck on one of Danielle's tits.

"Finger my ass!" Danielle demanded. I started to reach around but Kara had an easier angle and got in there first.

"mmmm oh yeah that's good." she moaned again, Kara's finger clearly providing the additional anal stimulation she enjoyed so much. "OK, now help me put it in."

Danielle raised herself up off my cock, onto her haunches and Kara grasped it near the top in her free hand. She lifted it up towards Danielle's poised slit. Using her thumb feel for the opening through Danielle's lips, she aligned my cock with her waiting hole and let go as Danielle squatted down to engulf my cock. I had become accustomed to Danielle's proportions over the weeks we had spent together, but now having experienced her older, more well-travelled, sister, I realised just how tight Danielle remained. Where Kara had easily been able to take my first few inches inside her, Danielle still had to pause to allow even the head of my dick to gradually expand the walls of her vagina each time she slipped down onto me. As I penetrated further inside and the widest part of my shaft dilated her hole, she inhaled a little. After a brief delay as she became accustomed to my full girth once again filling her near virgin cavity to capacity, Danielle began to ride, placing both her hands on my chest, not touching herself. Like before, it was now on me to get her off (perhaps with a little help from Kara fingering her back door.)

She rode me hard. This time though I hadn't already had a pre-penetration milking and was brimmed to capacity, already craving a release. The sensations were overwhelming. Danielle bounced up and down in my lap, her glutes clapping against my thighs loudly as fast as my heart was beating. Her breasts were bouncing up and down in front of my eyes. I leaned forward, I burried my face in them, feeling her soft flesh as they struck me. I tried opening my mouth to briefly suckle on her teats but the violence of Danielle's bucking pulled them out of my mouth as soon as I got one inside.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes" Danielle's cried in time with her bounces, "mmmmmmmmh, OH FUCK meee I'm almost there, put another one in!"

I momentarily didn't know what she meant, i didnt have "another one" to put in, then I realised she was directing Kara, who brought her hand out from behind Danielles's back and spat on her fingers, spreading the saliva around before returning to insert two digits into Danielle's rectum. This was probably what tipped Danielle over the edge.

"OOOHHHHH FUUUUUUUUCK yyyyyyeeeeeee" her yes transmutated into a scream of delight before she could finish forming the word. Her thighs collapsed and she could bounce no longer, instead her legs twitched uncontrollably against my own. I felt a warm shot of liquid spray into my pubes and she fell forward on top of me while her torso convulsed.

I had tried desperately to hold back my own release bracing my pelvic floor to resist the ejaculation that already started deep inside me, but hearing Danielle come so hard was too much and I exploded inside her just as her full weight had collapsed down onto me, my canon rammed into the deepest recesses of her pussy.

She heard me grunt and felt my cock's final recoil just as the initial contractions of her climax subsided. She knew immediately I had unloaded inside her.

"You came inside me?" she asked sounding dissapointed.

"Sorry, I really tried to hold it back, but feeling you cum like that..." I was interrupted by Kara.

"Maybe I can help with that?" she asked getting off the sofa to sit in the floor between my legs, with her back to us.

Danielle mustered up the energy to push herself up off my cock which slid out sloppily, now entirely spent! At the same time Kara tilted her head back onto the sofa cushions and Danielle flopped back down sitting over Kara's face. It was a strange sight, seeing Kara's eyes sticking out from Danielle's pubic mound.

"Ooooh mmmmm aaaahh" Danielle made quiet sounds of pleasure as Kara probed and sucked her pussy and taint, drawing as much of my cum out of Danielle and into her mouth as she could. After a minute or so, Kara reached up and pushed on Danielle's ass signalling her to get up. Having recouperated sufficiently, Danielle swung a leg over Kara's head and my lap to sit back down on the sofa, then Kara returned to her position on my other side.

She turned to Danielle and I and stuck out her tongue containing a pool of milky white semen, some of which also dripped down from her teeth. Danielle smiled and leaned across me and took her sister's tongue into her own mouth, wrapping her lips around it and sucking my cum in like an oyster from its shell. She swallowed, then extended her own tongue into Kara's mouth, probing for any last drips of my load and enjoying the exchange of saliva with her best friend.

"mmmmhh" Danielle said as she withdrew, licking her lips.

"You guys definitely win, no contest! Think I need another wash though." I said referring to Danielle's squirt which had covered my pubes.

"nah, let me get that for you." Kara replied, bending over into my crotch. She spent the next 10 minutes sucking and licking my cock, scrotum and pubes clean. I was completely spent and as sexy as this was, I didnt get hard again. She was able to take my whole package in her mouth in one go and suck the mixture of pussy juice and semen from it. When she eventually popped back up again I was amazed how good a job she has done. She rubbed me dry with her hands and I wasn't sticky in the slightest.

"OK, we better get dressed, my Dad will be home in 30 minutes" Kara said.

I made my way up to the kitchen and retrieved my clean and dry cloths from the machine, getting dressed in the utility room. Kara and Danielle went up to retrieve their clothing from Kara's room and when they returned both were fully dressed.

Danielle informed me that Kara offered us to come back on Monday. Kara was self-employed - doing the hair of all the local wealthy ladies who were too frail, busy or lazy to get out to a salon - but she didn't work on Mondays. Crucially her Dad did though, so we would have the run of the house once again.

Danielle hugged her sister and said goodbye. Now we had our clothes on, it felt a bit awkward and I didn't think I should go in for a hug. Instead I just smiled and waved as I walked past Kara on our way out the door. She did the same, while handing me my DVD back, so I guess she felt similarly unsure of her status when fully clothed. Great, I thought, just when I had started to interact with Danielle in semi-normal way outside of sex, I now had her half-sister in the the same strange limbo!

We rode the bus back into town, agreeing not to sit together for the second bus ride (I said semi-normal).

"Thanks for setting that up" I said "that was an amazing afternoon."

"Glad you came" she replied "I wanted you both to meet. And not just for... that." she added.

For the first time, I dared to wonder if Danielle and I had a future beyond this summer. I knew I was being foolish, but I couldn't help myself. She had let me into her life beyond the two of us, to be a part of what was clearly her closest relationship and by her own admission not purely for the sex. I didn't know what it meant but it left me with a sense of possibility.


Chapter Six - The Danielle Denouement

Danielle and I returned to Kara's a few time's that summer. I would have gone every day if it were possible! Danielle and I hung out more frequently and I had to settle for *only* having one beautiful girl to play with on those days. We kept experimenting with bondage and pushed Danielle's limits - the cane and clothes pegs becoming my favourite mechanisms of control. We discovered I could tie her hands together and suspend her arms from the light fitting on the ceiling in my room, we also discovered that Danielle's orgasms were stronger than the wall plugs holding the light fitting to the ceiling! Danielle continued to relish swallowing down whatever she could summon up from within me and I had acquired a similar taste for her own ejaculations - although those required significantly more effort to release.

Our relationship changed over time too, to something more akin to a normal friendship - i think maybe her only one. There were some days when we spent most of our time together doing relatively standard teenage activities: watching movies, eating junk and chatting. Over time Danielle's nervousness about being seen together seemed to decline, perhaps as a result of her acceptance to college being confirmed and knowing she wouldn't be returning to our school. On a couple of occasions, prior to visiting Kara, we actually ended up wandering around the shopping centre in town together and Danielle once even sought my opinion on whether she looked good in some lingerie. This involved her distracting a sales assistant so I could sneak into the changing area ahead of her and I just about had a heart attack in the process!

As summer holidays began to near an end and the prospect of a return to 5th year loomed, I wondered how our burgeoning friendship would survive when Danielle moved on to college and I had to get my head down to focus on getting the grades for uni. (I had no desire to waste my life unnecessarily stuck in high school for a 6th year). Would we still see each other? Would Danielle get a boyfriend and put an end to our dalliance? Those were the questions that were running around through my head as we paid Kara one final visit before I went back to school the next week.

Our visits to Kara usually followed the same general format, stripping immediately as we entered the house, we would grab some drinks from the kitchen then move to the jacuzzi to enjoy them together. Sometimes the girls had discussed things in advance and had something they wanted to do, other times we just made the most of our free-use privileges. We usually ended up either in Kara's bed watching a movie (or porn) on her PowerBook while feeling each other up under the covers, or else on the couch in the home cinema, doing the same. I introduced them both to classics such as The Breakfast Club (the analogue to our own situation was not lost on Danielle), Ferris Beuller's Day Off and Debbie Does Dallas. That one I was able to download from the internet. We watched the original American Pie too, sadly neither Danielle nor Kara had ever learned to play the flute.

It was a hot day, the bus was sweltering, and I was relieved to get off it and get some air as we took the short walk to Kara's place. Danielle was wearing a white sleeveless top which exposed her belly, paired with a short, pleated, checked skirt that incorporated decorative buckles and a chain (giving it a bit of a goth vibe) and a pair of converse trainers. Her toned bare legs looked great in that combo. I had elected for baggy cargo shorts and a plain t-shirt (I was not into fashion!)

We walked up the driveway and I rang the bell. After a little while the door swung open and Kara greeted us in a slip dress and sunglasses. (She had once opened the door wearing just her panties, only to discover that it was the guy replacing the neighbour's sash windows handing out his business cards! From then on she always answered the door fully clothed!) She wasnt's wearing a bra however, and her nipples were plainly visible poking through the thin floral-print fabric draped over her breasts.

"Whazzup homies!" Kara cried in her usual brash manner, stepping aside to let us in and flicking her D&G sunglasses up onto her head.

"Hey" we both replied in unison.

"I'm boiling!" said Danielle, entering first and taking off her shoes and socks.

"Ooh that's so nice" she said as her bare feet made contact with the cool marble floor, "got any ice cream?".

As she made her way towards the kitchen, she undid the buckles of her skirt discarding it on the floor, then pulled her top off over her head also throwing it to the ground. Underneath, rather than her usual coloured thong, she was wearing the matching lingerie she had sought my opinion on a couple of weeks ago. She ran her fingers down the edges of the white lace panties straightening them out. They framed her bum beautifully as it wiggled from side to side as she walked away down the hall. The sexy underwear was an immediate turn on!

"Yeah help yourself, bottom drawer of the freezer" Kara replied.

After watching Danielle's lace adorned bum until it disappeared into the kitchen I knelt down to take off my trainers and and socks, leaving them next to hers. When i looked up Kara was standing over me. Seeing that she now had my undivided attention she slipped the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders and the silk-like fabric flowed down over her pokies, exposing her naked breasts, eventually dropping to her feet. She was wearing a plane white pair of cotton panties, decorated only with a little pink bow at the front and some matching trim. Below the bow, something seemed to be protruding but before I could work out what she pulled me up and lifted my t-sirt over my head.

"Come on slow coach!" she said throwing it on the floor before putting her hands in my shorts to release the button "you won't be needing these."

After relieving me of my outer garments she knelt down and pulled my briefs down to my ankles exposing my semi. She started to rub it with the palm of her hand, encouraging it to swell. She gave it a gentle kiss on the tip as it got to about half mast, then she stood up and walked away.

"Come on, I need to show you guys something!" she said excitedly. Kara could be a bit of a cock tease when it took her fancy.

As we both entered the kitchen Danielle was sitting at the island with a spoon and two different tubs of ice cream open before her. In the corner behind the door I noticed a camcorder positioned on a tripod.

"Making a movie?" I asked Kara. Danielle, who hadn't even noticed it in her haste to get to the ice cream, turned around to see what I was talking about.

"So, I was thinking..." Kara said as she moved the tripod, setting it up on front of the island pointed at Danielle, "...since this is probably the last time we'll all get to hang out for a while, maybe we should make a home movie to... remember each other."

"Like film us doing it?" Danielle asked, "like a SEX TAPE?"

"Yeah, just for us of course!" Kara added.

"And the jury" I said sarcastically, pretty certain that even half-sisters probably counted as incest!

"Ho ho ho" Danielle mocked returning to her ice cream.

"What do you think?" Kara pressed "I could put it on a DVD and we'd each have something to enjoy when Dani leaves."

Leaves? What did she mean 'when Dani leaves'. Danielle was going to college sure, but just the local one, right?!

As it turned out, wrong.

While Kara faffed with the camcorder out of earshot, I quietly asked Danielle what she was talking about. Danielle confessed that she wasn't accepted to the college in our city. Her academic record not being entirely pristine, she had to accept a place at a backup college about 100 miles away and was going to stay there with her aunt, initially anyway.

All the times Danielle mentioned 'moving to college' I had just assumed she meant away from school, not away from home. This revelation was a kick in the nuts. At first I was cross with Danielle for not telling me, until I reminded myself that she wasn't my girlfriend and we'd only just started to work out the friend thing. Then I was angry at myself for not catching on, maybe she had been trying to tell me all this time and I was just too dumb to pick up on it. What if she thought I didn't care that she was leaving?

"I'd like something to remember this summer by, it's been amazing." Danielle said to Kara, while looking at me and the obviously disappointed look on my face.

"Yeah" I said, determined to try and enjoy these last few hours togther, "me too."

"Cool!" exclaimed Kara, "Oh, but that's not even what I wanted to show you guys, check this out!"

Kara hopped up onto the island next to Danielle and slipped off her cotton panties. She slid back far enough to put her feet up on the ledge and spread her legs.

At the top of Kara's labia, there was a small glistening gem, surrounded by a silver ring. Kara used her fingers to part her lips revealing the small bulbous opposite end of the piercing.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked.

Danielle and I leaned in to have a closer inspection.

"Is that going THROUGH your clit?!" Danielle exclaimed in horror.

"Yeah! Well technically it's going through my 'clitoral hood'..." Kara answered using air quotes and a serious tone, "...but it still hurt like a motherfucker!"

"Oh my gawd! Can I touch it?" Danielle responded.

"Yeah of course, just be gentle it's still pretty sensitive, I only got it a couple of weeks ago." Kara answered.

Danielle gently flicked the piercing over prompting Kata to giggle a little.

"Is it a real diamond?" Danielle asked.

"Yup!" Kara said, clearly happy at Danielle's swooning. "My friend got one last year, she said it makes her clit, like, waayyy more sensitive."

"Holy shit Kara!" Danielle laughed, clearly impressed.

Danielle returned to the ice cream tubs and took a spoonful out of one, licking it clean.

"Got another spoon?" I asked, still feeling the heat, Kara's little pussy display doing nothing to cool me down.

Kara put her legs back together and spun around, picking up a little remote control and pointing it at the camera until a red light turned on. Then she lay back across the full length of the island with a sharp intake of breath as her back came into contact with the cold surface.

"Nope, no spoon for you." Kara said, then in a hammed-up sexy voice she turned to the camera, "hey Dani, my nipples are reeaaally hot, think you could cool them off with a bit of that ice cream?"

Danielle smiled and scooped a small amount of ice cream out of the first tub, then sliding it off the spoon with her finger rested it on Kara, who giggled loudly as the cold ice cream touched her nipple and began to melt over her warm breast. Danielle repeated this with the other ice cream flavour, before dolloping a couple of large scoops on her sisters stomach, all if which prompted fits of laughter from Kara.

"Take your pick" Kara announced through giggles, as the cold ice cream started running down the sides of her body onto the counter top.

Leaning over her, I started to lick the ice cream that was already running down the side of her breast like I was catching the drips off a cone, before progressing to suck off what remained on her nipple. Moving around to the other side of the island, Danielle proceeded to do the same to Kara's other breast.

"Mmmm, that feels sooo good..." Kara continued in her sexy voice "you're making me soooo wet."

There remained a pool of melted ice cream running down her breast bone, so starting from her chest I ran my tongue down between her

tits, lapping up the mix of chocolate and raspberry flavoured cream. The two of us then moved further along the island in order to lick up the remainder of the ice cream flowing down Kara's sides. Danielle also concentrated on licking it out of Kara's navel which caused much hilarity on both their parts. After we had got as much of the ice cream off as we could, Danielle stood in front of the camera and performed a strip tease out of her lingerie, discarding it in the kitchen floor.

"My turn!" she said climbing up onto the island and pushing Kara out the way, nearly knocking the camcorder over in the process! This time I scooped out the ice cream onto Danielle's body and Kara and I licked it off. I made sure some of it was positioned to trickle down Danielle's slit so I could run my tongue through her pussy.

"haaa" Danielle sighed as I licked up the ice cream from around her clit.

Seeing that I was now standing fully erect, the girls insisted I take a turn. I obliged and each of them took great delight in pouring the melted remnamts of the ice cream tub onto my cock so they could 'lick my ice-lolly'. Kara had taken the camera off the tripod by this point for some close ups of the action as the two of them took it in turns to suck the melted ice cream off my boner and ball sack.

After all of us had our fill of ice cream, we made our way up to the master bathroom to clean our sticky bodies. For some reason, in addition to the camcorder, Kara brought the spoon Danielle had used for the ice cream up with her. I had no idea why at the time. It was too hot for the jacuzzi, so we turned on the shower to a cool setting and used the handheld to rinse ourselves off. Kara - the director - set up the camcorder to film through the glass shower screen. We spent a little while in there enjoying the coolness of the water and fondling one another's wet, heavily aroused bodies. My cock was rock hard as the girls each placed a hand on my shaft and tugged me off. At the same time, I fingered both of their pussies simultaneously, and alternated sucking on their tits.

"You've got a little fuzz going on down their now Danz" Kara commented as she ran stroked her fingers through her sister's mound and lips. "My baby sister is growing into a real woman!"

"Shut up!" Danielle retorted, slightly embarrassed.

I had actually noticed Danielle's thickening bush over the last few weeks, but hadn't said anything about it, not wanting to cause her any offence. But I definitely prefered it when had less hair down there.

"It's OK, I think its sexy" Kara said, continuing to stroke Danielle's pussy with the tips of her fingers.

"I preferred it before" Danielle replied, "it looks untidy now."

Kara turned of the shower and wrapped a towel round herself.

"We can sort that!" she said as she disappeared out the door. "Back in a sec." she called from down the hall.

A minute later she reappeared with a pink safety razor in her hand. She dropped her towel back on the floor then went and sat down on the steps leading next to the jacuzzi.

"Have a seat here" she said, tapping the edge of the bath.

"You better not cut me" Danielle warned.

"Relax, I do it all the time!" Kara reassured her.

Danielle sat down on the edge of the bath and spread her legs apart, leaning backwards to give Kara a good view.

"Grab the camera!" Kara told me, and I obliged.

"Noooo!" Danielle cried covering her face with her hands.

"It's OK", I reassured her, "I think it's going to be sexy."

Kara began to expertly run the razor down Danielle's wet mound, rinsing the razor under the tap after each stroke. Then she moved side to side over Danielle's outer labia, carefully stretching them apart from Danielle's tiny inner labia in order to get any stray hairs in between. When she was finished Kara ran her hand over Danielle's entire pussy again to check for anywhere she might have missed.

"OK turn around." Kara instructed.

Danielle got onto her knees on the edge of the tub.

"Can you spread her ass?" Kara asked as I filmed the whole fascinating process up close. I balanced the camera on the opposite side of the tub pointed at Danielle's ass.

Standing over her, I took hold of each of her cheeks and spread them as far apart as I could. Kara drew the razor across the inner sides of each cheek and finally, with great care, over Danielle's taint.

"All done" announced Kara.

I slid my hands closer together into Danielle's crack, feeling the area Kara had just shaved while continuing to hold Danielle's glutes apart, it was super smooth. Sliding my hands further down her taught crack, my fingers ran over her now smooth pussy lips. Danielle sighed in pleasure as my hands massaged the tissue of her now clean shaven private parts.

"Your pussy feels amazing shaved" I said, "i could play with you all day."

"Mmmm feel free" she said, taking hold of my erection with her own hands.

I continued to slip and slide my hands and fingers over the muscles and tissues of her ass and pussy, manipulating them firmly from behind like a masseuse, pressing my fingers into her flesh as she groaned in pleasure. Kara, meanwhile, had retrieved the camera and was now filming extreme close ups of Danielle's freshly shaved pussy, while simultaeously rubbing her clit. Very quickly Danielle was approaching an orgasm and she put the bell end of my cock in her mouth, while continuing to stroke firmly.

"mmmmmm yeah, fuck" she said "i'm right on the edge. Put your finger in my ass when you're ready to come so we can do it together OK?"

I didnt reply but ran a finger round her anus in acknowledgement which caused her to shiver with excitement. As the muscles in my pelvic floor began to involuntarily contract signalling my imminent release, I curled a finger, freshly lubricated by Danielle's pussy, into her rectum, inserting it like a hook down to my second knuckle and pulling her ass towards me with it.

As always, this was the switch that tipped Danielle over the edge. As she started to shake and curl her toes, my hot load errupted into her mouth with a grunt from me.

Danielle let out a muffled cry, her lips still planted over the end of my cock.

I held onto her ass to prevent her slipping into the bath as her body shook and her legs gave way under her.

"That was soo fucking hot" Kara said, also supporting Danielle's bum now to keep her on the ledge. "I got it all on film!"

Danielle released my cock and Kara filmed her playing with my load on her tongue, spitting it into her hand, then licking it up again before swallowing it down.

"mmmm, i wish they made an ice cream flavoured like that" she said to the camera.

Kara placed the camera back on the edge of the bath and leaned over to take hold of my cock, running her thumb up the back of my shaft squeezing out some leftover cum which she licked off the tip.

"mmmm, yeah." Kara agreed, reaching behind Danielle again and running her fingers through Danielle's satiated snatch, collecting the precursors to her climax. She then licked her fingers one by one. "you're pretty tasty too little sis."

We dried ourselves off and moved location back to Kara's bedroom. On our way out the door, Kara grabbed the ice cream spoon from the vanity.

"Hey, what's with the spoon?" asked Danielle.

"I wanted to show you something you might like." Kara replied cryptically.

The spoon in question was a sundae spoon. It had a long decorative handle with a square cross-section that twisted and tapered to a narrow point at the top. It looked expensive.

When we entered the bedroom Kara instructed Danielle to sit on the bed and prop herself up with pillows, while she set the camcorder up at the end of the bed facing her. Then Kara placed a towel on the bed, sitting infront of Danielle between her legs and laying back against her so that Danielle was able to reach around Kara's body. It looked very intimate. I sat on the edge of the bed facing them with my back to the camera. Kara spread her legs resting them on Danielle's, revealing her prominent inner labia and the entirety of her sparkling new piercing to the lens.

"Can you spread my pussy for me?" Kara asked Danielle, who obediently reached round and placed a finger from each hand on Kara's glistening lips, peeling them apart to reveal the moist opening to her vagina.

Kara then angled a finger over the top of her piercing, placing it just below her clit and drew it back slightly, revealing another smaller hole just above her vagina. I watched intently at the close up reveal of Kara's privates.

Now taking the spoon Kara placed the pointed tip of the handle very carefully into her newly exposed pee-hole and started to slowly ease it in. As she did so, her mouth began to open and she inhaled quietly, almost in an expression of wonder at the sensation. She bit her lower lip, closed her eyes and moaned as she slipped the cold metal deeper inside, stretching her pee-hole wider as the tapered handle descended into her.

Danielle and I were both transfixed. Kara slid the implement precisely in and out of herself, mmm-ing and ahhh-ing in pleasure.

"Here, you try" she said looking at me, "be really gentle!"

I took hold of the spoon from Kara, being careful not to move it abruptly and she guided it deeper at first.

"No further than that, OK?" she instructed, and I nodded. Then she released the spoon to my charge.

No longer being the one in control seemed to multiply the pleasure Kara experienced with the cool steel sliding slowly back and forth, stretching out her pee hole. Her hands now free she took hold of her breasts and squeezed them, pinching and twisting her nipples. Danielle continued to peer intently at Kara's impaled pussy.

"Do you want to try?" Kara asked, looking up at Danielle's fascinated expression. "It's like nice and sore at the same time, like anal but more sensual I guess."

Danielle nodded, her tongue sticking out a little in concentration. I very carefully withdrew the prong from inside Kara and as it slid fully out a little trickle of pee ran down her pussy, almost as though she just came.

The sisters traded places and Kara reached round to spread Danielle's more petite labia. I peered in closely, placing a finger just above Danielle's exposed passage, I pressed it up towards her clit to reveal Danielle's little pee hole just as I had seen Kara do.

"Take it real slow" Kara warned sternly as I placed the tip of the handle into Danielle's virgin urethra. Danielle breathed in sharply as the cool metal came into contact with her warm genitals.

"You OK?" I asked and she nodded.

Then with the tiniest application of pressure, i began to just barely insert the device into her hole, stretching it out ever so slightly.

"Ahh aaaah" Danielle expressed an almost melodic note of pleasure at the strange first time sensation.

I held off momentarily, allow her to get accustomed to the feeling, before tentatively probing her deeper. After some time and about an inch, a little less than Kara permitted, Danielle held up her palms to me indicating she could take it no further. Her pee-hole was widenened to about the size of a drinking straw. Instead of probing any further, i rotated the handle between my fingers and used the twisted shape of the stem to stimulate Danielle's peehole.

"mmmmmm yeahhhhhh" she moaned, also squeezing her tits while Kara kissed on her neck and earlobe. "it feels so weird, a bit stingy, but so good at the same time. Also feels like I'm going to pee."

"You might a bit" Kara replied, but that's what the towel is for.

I slide the spoon in and out a few more times, causing Danielle further waves of pleasure and I could see her wetness dribble a little from her pussy as it aroused her.

"Fuck that's sooo good" Danielle said to Kara.

"It's called 'sounding'" Kara replied "I saw it online and thought it looked hot so gave it a go. Hey, do you want to try it too?" she said looking at me. "I've seen guys do it too."

"Yeah you're definitely doing it!" Danielle announced, as I retracted the metal from inside her, prompting a small flow to be emitted from her pee hole in the process. It trickled down her labia and bum onto the waiting towel.

"Uhh, I dunno..." I hesitated.

"Free-use!" Danielle cried "I want to sound your dick!" she demanded.

I wasn't that keen, but she was right, for weeks they had let me have free reign over their bodies. I'd probed and licked and fucked each one of their orifaces without a single word of protestation. I'd pulled on their nipples and labia and smacked their asses, not once did they refuse on the basis of discomfort. So I figured I had no choice but to endure for their pleasure in return.

"OK" I said reluctantly laying down on the bed handing the spoon to Kara (I figured she had the experience to know how far to go) but to my disappointment she handed it straight to Danielle and concentrated on adjusting the camcorder to get an angle on my cock. She then took my fairly flaccid cock in her mouth and started to suck it off, getting it to full mast quite swiftly. Finally she drew back my foreskin exposing my glans fully.

"OK its nice and hard so should slip in easily" she said to Danielle "just go real slowly and stop if he says so".

Kara placed a finger on either side of my pee-hole and gently pulled my glans apart widening the opening enough for Danielle to begin to lower the metal rod vertically into my dick, a few millimeters at a time.

At first it stung a little as the cold metal slide into the tip of my penis. Not sore as such, but very strange. As Danielle proceeded to insert it further, I felt it begin to stretch open the very tip, followed by it filling the passage further inside as it slid deeper. I screwed up my eyes as it felt like someone was trying to push an entire tree in there - not a narrow stem of metal.

"You OK? Want us to stop?" Kara asked in a caring tone "You're doing real well - it's almost half way."

I looked down at my cock to see the spoon inserted much further than either of the girls had taken it. My pee hole was enlarged to as wide as the handle got. Knowing it couldn't get any wider, I shook my head and allowed the girls to continue their torture.

Danielle inhaled with delight as she allowed the spoon to penetrate my cock almost the full length, then slowly started to withdraw it.

"Woah!" she said "how did that feel?"

"It wasn't so bad" I said, not having derived the same pleasure the girls did from the act itself - although I had to admit the strangeness of what we were doing together was a little arousing.

"That was so cool." Danielle said "Do you need me to rub it better?" she asked like a parent speaking to an injurred child.

Sliding the tip of the handle out, my gaping pee-hole closed up and Danielle placed the spoon down on the bed. She took hold of my testicles, massaging them in one hand, while with the other hand she grasped my shaft and started to jerk me off. I lay my head back and closed my eyes enjoying this more familiar feeling. After a few minutes, Danielle swung her leg over and straddled me, lining my shaft up with her pussy she gradually slid down onto it - these days, finding the enlarging of her passage pleasurable rather than uncomfortable, she moaned as she took my full length inside her. She started to buck her pelvis, riding me like a toy horse while Kara directed the camera at us.

As Danielle rode me, each of us making noises of enjoyment and pleasure, Kara returned the camera to a repositioned tripod and got off the bed to fetch something from her bedside drawer. I couldn't see exactly what she pulled out, but when she returned to her position next to my head I heard a buzzing sound. Kara was holding in her fingers a pill-shaped item made of translucent plastic, about the size of a shotgun cartridge, running it up and down between her labia. Sometimes she inserted it fully inside herself and pulled it back out using the thin wire which ran back to a translucent battery box laying on the bed next to her.

"Is that a vibrator???" Danielle asked.

"Yeah" Kara replied, "I bought a few things to play with. Check this out."

Kara slid the vibrator out from between her moist lips and held it up to the start of Danielle's smooth slit, pressing it down into her dimple. Danielle squealed with delight as the vibrations pulsed through her clitorus. I could feel the vibrations through my shaft.

"Ho-Lee Shit!" she exclaimed, "I want one!"

Kara returned it to her own pussy and continued to pleasure herself.

"Hey!" Danielle cried.

"You've got a fucking cock up your pussy right now Dani, you can't have it all!" Kara reminded Danielle. "Besides I've got a better one you can try out later."

Kara then swung her leg over my head and positioned herself so that she could squat down and present her pussy and asshole to me. I leaned up and started to lick her. I focussed my tongue initially on her meaty inner labia, licking her wetness off them, sucking them between my lips and tugging at them. Then i pressed further into her pussy - I could get my tongue deeper inside her than I could with Danielle. After draining her flowing juices into my mouth, I pulled my tongue out and flicked the tip of it back and forth between her pussy and anus in the area Danielle loved to be licked. Kara responded similarly.


I did as I was instructed and reached up to grab her ass cheeks, pulling them apart to expose her pulsing sphincter. I pressed a finger into it and it consumed it right down to my third knuckle. Then I heard the frequency of the vibrator started changing.

"OH YES, OH FUCK, OOOOOOOOHHHHH" Kara moaned loudly.

Though I couldn't see at the time, I later saw on video that Danielle was touching the vibrator against Kara's clit piercing which was transmitting the vibrations through her clitoral hood deep into an area of her clit usually inaccessible to direct stimulation. Kara said the sensation was stronger than anything she'd ever experienced before and within only a few seconds she was squirting uncontrollably. Every time Danielle pressed the vibrator to her piercing another gush of liquid flowed into my mouth and down my chin. I was lapping up every last bit of it that I could, like Kara was a drinks fountain.

"Arghhhhh" Kara screamed as Danielle held the vibrator on the piercing for an extended period, before she could take it no longer and rolled out of Danielle's reach almost taking my finger with her. Kara curled up into a ball and jolted every now and again, her body completely overwhelmed by the stimuli.

Danielle, concerned she might have gone too far, stopped riding me and climbed over to put her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Kara, are you OK?" she asked in a worried tone.

Kara managed to nod and smile as another shiver ran through her body and her sister lay down wrapping her arms around her. I was glad Kara was OK, however at the same time I was also so close to coming when Danielle aborted that I could already feel my balls beginning to ache at the denial. I got onto my knees and lifted Danielle's ass cheek to finger her ass hole as she lay there wrapped around Kara.

"Hey!" she protested

"Free-use." I said "you stuck a bloody spoon down my dick a minute ago!"

Kara laughed out loud at the exchange and shrugged her shoulders.

"Fine. But it wasn't a spoon, it was just the handle so don't get your panties in a twist." retorted Danielle.

My dick was already well lubricated by Danielle's dripping pussy, so after spreading some of her excess around and inside her tight anus, I lined up my head and pushed hard against her sphincter with my rigid rod. I forced my way in as Danielle clenched around my corona and yelped. But I was in. I started thrusting back and forth, determined to get my orgasm thinking little for Danielle who continued to yelp in pain.

"Ah hahahah aaaah" she sobbed as my rock hard shaft gaped her wider the deeper I pushed. But she didn't recoil, determined to see through the pain like the good little sub I'd trained her to be, she pushed back against my thrusting, enduring the pain.

Kara crawled to the edge of the bed and lifted up a hand blender shaped device, with a power cord trailing out one end back under the bed and a bulbous attachment at the other. She flicked a switch on the handle and the device whirred loudly to life. Turning to face her tortured sister she put the end of the device between Danielle's curled legs, pushing it into her crotch.

Danielle's cries of pain almost immediately morphed into groans of intense pleasure as she began to experience the powerful vibrations pulsing through her pussy from what I later found out was sold as a "back massager" (yeah right). Kara pressed a button on the device and it kicked up a notch, then another and another. The increase in ferocity of the vibrations were accompanied by a corresponding increase in volume from Danielle.

"Ahhhh, ahhh, I'm gonna cum!" Danielle cried after only a minute or two "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Danielle shook violently, Kara continuing to keep the vibrator pressed up against her pussy throughout the entirity of her climax, so she couldn't escape it. At the same time, Danielle's screams coupled with the pulsations of her anus in response to the orgasm flowing through her pushed me over the edge and I unloaded into her rectum. What felt like litres of hot cum pouring out of my previously widened pipe was probably only a small amount given my earlier milking into Danielle's mouth, but the delayed gratification intensified my perception of the event. I withdrew from Danielle's ass while still quite hard, causing her some discomfort as my bell end passed through her red raw sphincter a final time. We collapsed onto the bed and Kara shut off the monster machine.

"Fuck Kara, what the hell is that?" laughed Danielle after she had recovered sufficiently.

"Told you I had a better one for you to try out." Kara replied.

We climbed under the top sheet of Kara's bed exhausted, holding each other's bodies, sensually stroking one another. I turned to Danielle and without thinking, kissed her on the forehead stroking her hair. As soon as I did it, I felt stupid. Making-out as part of sex was one thing, but what I did was more familiar, the sort of thing a lover would do. Danielle was taken aback, she looked at me - processing the event - then leant in resting her head against my shoulder. Under the covers, so Kara couldn't see, she found my hand and held it in hers, interlocking our fingers. This wasn't just sex anymore and we both new it. But it was also the final act of our inaugural performance together. Soon Danielle would be 100 miles away and who knew when we'd see each other again. I didnt want to let her go.

We spent the time we had left in the bed reviewing some of Kara's filming on her PowerBook. We laughed a lot! Somehow much of what she'd filmed didn't seem quite as sexy on video as it did at the time. Nevertheless Kara promised to burn it to DVD for us. I was glad I'd a memento but it didn't make up for the sense of loss I now felt.

Standing in Kara's hallway, the three of us back in our clothing once more, Danielle hugged her sister goodbye as she walked out the door. As I walked past Kara, this time she came in for a hug and I embraced her too. She felt like family, but that didn't stop me enjoying her braless boobs pressing against me through her thin slip dress for a moment. I lifted her skirt to cop a feel of her ass one last time and she let it slide, then I departed.

I caught up with Danielle and we walked down the driveway side by side. As the gravel crunched under our feet and we heard Kara close the door behind us, Danielle took my hand once again.

"Maybe you could come and visit me in college?" Danielle suggested.

"Maybe." I said, doubtful things would pan out quite the way we hoped for in that moment. j

In my head I could hear Simple Mind's "Don't You Forget About Me" as we turned the corner and made our way to the bus stop, together.


Epilogue - Danielle Deja Vu

It was Autumn 2020 and I was now 35 years old. I hadn't seen or spoken to Danielle since she moved to college nineteen years ago. We'd texted back and forth and had initially contrived ways I might be able to visit her, but it never happened and after a while the texting petered out, as I always suspected it would. When Facebook became a thing a few years later I'd looked her up. She was working in a salon in the same town she'd moved to, but I couldn't tell much else - Kara seemed to be living in London. I sent Danielle a friend request thinking I would send her a message to see how she was, she accepted the request but in the end I didn't know what to say so didn't.

For my part, I'd moved on too. I graduated uni with a computing degree and worked in IT for a bit but got bored of that. Then I decided to retrain as a airline pilot and ended up working for an operator outside the UK, moving to the to the city where they were based. I didn't think of Danielle and Kara often - life was busy - but I always kept the DVD Kara had made. More out of sentimentality than for the purposes of sexual gratification.

Also through Facebook I found out that my old school was organising a building tour for former pupils before it was being torn down. A brand new building had been constructed on the playing fields of the existing site, and now the old building was being demolished. My roster had me down for a few days of leave so I decided to travel back to reminisce and maybe catch up with some old friends or teachers. While it crossed my mind that Danielle might be there, I doubted she would be that interested in it so I honestly didn't expect to see her.

I drove into the school car park at about 7pm. It was strange driving into it rather than walking in. I could see a few other people walking up the steps to the main entrance and I followed them into the concourse. I didn't immediately recognise anyone as people mingled and looked around. Everything seemed so much smaller than in my memory. Not really knowing what the dress code might be and also wanting to appear successful, I'd put on a shirt and chinos. My vanity had also led me to hire a high-end car from the a rental company. As I looked around I needn't have bothered - many of the people I could see were milling around in jeans and t-shirts. One of the women, who did look vaguely familiar, seemed to have attended in something almost approaching pyjamas! It was an eclectic group which expanded over the next 15 minutes spent awaiting the tour to begin in the assembly hall, while consuming drinks and nibbles. A couple of people I knew eventually came in - not close friends, but well enough to have a conversation and swap some memories. The place hadn't changed at all, the smell of assembly hall took me back to my exams almost 20 years ago.

As I looked up at the school crest hanging above the stage someone tapped me on the shoulder, offering me a plastic cup.

"Coca-cola?" she asked with a smile as I turned around.

Danielle looked quite different, her hair was longer and darker than I remembered and her face had a few lines that weren't there age 16, but her eyes were still large and inviting. She had filled out slightly over the years, but still looked stunning. She was wearing dark skinny trousers with tan coloured boots. A dark grey loose fitting top covered her still impressive chest and she was wearing a long light grey cardigan that hung down almost to her boots.

"Danielle!" I exclaimed, more loudly than intended "I didn't think you'd be here, it's great to see you!"

"Yeah, well I was visiting my mum and I figured I may as well" she replied, offering me the plastic cup of coke again.

"Thanks. How is your mum?" I asked automatically despite never having met her nor ever really talked about her with Danielle.

"Not great. Lung cancer." she replied without showing much emotion.

"Oh sorry." I said, not sure how to respond. "What about you - still doing the hair thing?"

"It's fine, we're not that close, just she hasn't got anyone else, her boyfriend fucked off... anyway yeah, I actually bought the salon I was working at. Kara helped me out. I run it and we split the profits." she explained while I continued to eye her up. She still looked incredibly sexy.

"How is Kara?" I asked "you see each other much?"

"We Facetime," Danielle replied, "she lives in London with her family. 'Tim' the banker, my nieces Anna & Sophie (twins) and a dog, Melville. It's like fucking Downton Abbey... but she's happy I guess.".

"What about you? Any family?" I asked.

"Nah, I split up with my boyfriend a year or so ago so have just been taking some 'me time'." she replied "you?"

"Nope still single. I work pretty anti-social hours and can't speak the language of the country I live in, so that kind of makes dating a little tricky." I responded, trying to think of a plausible excuse for being single at 35 that didn't make me sound like a man-child who just preferred casual sex to any form of commitment.

"What do you do?" asked Danielle looking confused.

"Oh I'm a pilot" I said.

"Wow, that's pretty cool!" Danielle said surprised "I thought you were a computer geek at school."

She was right, I was a computer geek and to be honest it was probably my 'relationship' with Danielle that got me out of my shell and gave me the confidence to pursue something more challenging in later life. I decided not to disillusion her with the reality of shift work, stress and every worsening employment conditions. Having run out of small talk by that point, I was glad when there was a call from the stage by one of the current teaching staff indicating that the tour was about to commence.

We walked around the building, being shown our old classrooms, workshops, science labs and sports hall. It all looked pretty dilapidated, but the smells were exactly as I remembered. As we walked past the swimming pool changing rooms Danielle turned to walk backwards in front of me, winked and pretended she was about to flash me. Sadly she didn't but it did bring back memories and made me laugh.

The tour lasted about 30 minutes and we didn't say much to each other over that period. There wasn't much to say I guess. We'd both moved on with our lives. As we walked through the corridors on the upper floor, our guide rattled off the names of the departments we passed through and when we arrived at the modern languages department Danielle tugged my shirt sleeve so we dropped back to the end of the group, then she motioned in towards one of the classrooms. At first I didn't know why, then I realised it was our old French class. As the group rounded the corner into the stairwell, Danielle slowly and quietly checked the classroom door which was unlocked, then she pulled me inside quietly closing the door behind me.

"Well, here we are." she said "back where it all began."

"Yeah..." I said as I looked around the classroom - it hadn't changed much, "...we had a pretty good time didn't we. I think I've still got Kara's DVD." I lied (Having watched it last night.)

"Well how about it?" Danielle asked, "for old times sake?"

I turned to face her and she was lying on top of one of the tables, propped up by her elbows, one foot on the floor, the other raised to the edge of the desk.

"Are you being serious?!" I asked "what if they come back?"

"What are they going to do? Send us to the head? Come on! I haven't gotten any in a year!" she entreated me, while dropping her cardigan off her shoulders and starting to life her gray top up to expose her stomach.

I already had a bit of a semi from remembering our escapades in the swimming pool changing rooms. Now that Danielle was draped over the desk I could feel myself swelling. I walked over to her and put my hand on her thigh, running it up to her hip and slipped my other hand under her top and up her back. Danielle sat up and pulled off her cardigan sleeves, putting her arms around me she planted her lips on mine.

As her tongue stoked mine, her familiar scent caused all the memories to come flooding back. My cock immediately stiffened and protruded from within my chinos, pressing between her legs as we embraced. Her hands reached down and began to undo my belt buckle and fly and I felt my trousers loosen around me. I lifted her top and she raised her arms allowing me to pull it over her head it entirely. She was wearing a black bra with transparent lace cups that revealed her breasts and pointed nipples beneath. Her hand reached into my pants and made contact balls, fondling them as we made out in the darkened classroom. I unclipped her bra and slipped it down so that I could massage her naked tits, squeezing and pulling on her nipples how I knew she liked. After a while she stopped playing with my sack and she undid her own trousers, pushing them down around her hips along with her panties. I laid her back on the desk, pinning her wrists above her head with one hand then reached down to pull my cock out my briefs with my other. Lying down on top of her naked body I entered her. My head slipped more easily into her pussy than it used to. She was still as wet as she had ever been and took my entire cock into her in a single stroke.

"Fuuuck! oh yeah, fuck me hard." she instructed, and I began to thrust in and out of her with the same vigour as I had done all those years ago. It was like no time had passed at all, we were still sixteen and enjoying one another's bodies anew. The table we were lying on was uneven and it rocked back and forth with a banging noise as I fucked her. I took her nipples in my mouth and sucked as hard as I could on her stiffened teats. Then I stood up again to see my cock drilling her hole and noticed a little metal stud at the top of her slit - Danielle had a clit piercing now too! Reaching down I spread her lips with one hand and started rubbing her clit aggressively with the other.

"OOOOHHHHH Yeahhh, oh fuck, oh fuck yeah just like that.... just there, yeah fuck don't stop, please oh, please fuuuuuckkkk" Danielle moaned as her orgasm approached.

Just before she tipped over the edge, I withdrew fully and smacked her pussy hard with my hand creating a loud cracking sound.

"ARGHHHH fuck!" Danielle cried out in pain "mother fucker!"

"For old times sake" I joked as I re-entered her and continued ramming her pussy with my pulsing shaft. I resumed rubbing her clit and in only a minute or so she was back at her impending explosion.

"Oh I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, yes yes yes yes yes yeeeeesssssssssssss!" she yelled.

Her entire body started to shake uncontrollably and her thighs closed around me. I didn't stop thrusting, I was almost ready to blow too. As I continued to pound her, her orgasm just seemed to keep going.

"Yessssssssss yes yes don't stop" she yelled "I'm cumming again, shhhhhiiiiittttt!"

As her pussy bore down on me as her second orgasm exploded inside her, I also climaxed, firing multiple bursts of hot cum deep inside her. I collapsed on top of her as she continued to twitch and moan, coming down off her second high. I kissed her neck and her ear as we lay on the table recovering.

"Thank you" she whispered "that was incredible, I swear no-one else has ever made me cum like you do."

"Pleasure" I said "ditto!"

It was true, of the various girls I'd slept with over the years, none of them had come close to making me feel how Danielle did. They say your first is always special, but those days with Danielle, and Kara for that matter, they were beyond words.

We straightened ourselves out and redressed before making our way down the stairwell to only a few stragglers still standing chatting in the concourse. Surprisingly, Danielle put her arm in mine and we walked out the main door together.

"Do you need a lift home?" I asked.

"Thanks... but maybe we could hang out for a bit longer" she asked tentatively, "I don't really want to go home just yet."

I figured she probably didn't want to go back to face the grim reality of her ill mum and so I tried to think of something else we could do. However as it was now 8:30pm in a quiet little suburb, there weren't many options - even the few local restaurants wouldn't be taking any new orders.

"Well you're welcome to come back to my hotel for a night cap" I said, unsure how that would land.

"Perfect." Danielle replied.

We made our way down the steps towards my overly flash car and I clicked the key fob in my pocket

"I guess pilots get paid pretty well" Danielle exclaimed when she saw the blacked out Audi RS7 light up.

"Can't complain" I said, not letting on it was a rental. By the time I paid off my training fees and the rent on my stupidly expensive city apartment there wasn't much left. I actually drove an Opel Astra at home.

Danielle opened the passenger door and got inside and I closed it behind her.

As we drove the short journey from the school to the local Premier Inn, I told Danielle a bit more about my career change and where I now lived.

"How come you're not back with your parents tonight?" she asked "as long as we're reminiscing I wouldn't mind seeing your bedroom again" she winked. "btw, whatever happened to our bondage toys?"

I explained that my parents had sold the family house and now lived in a smaller place. Then I realised I actually had no idea what happened to the things in my desk drawer after I moved out - or my desk for that matter. Danielle laughed riotously at the possibility of my parents having found them when they cleared out my room.

We pulled into the hotel car park and I shut off the engine. As I was about to open my door, Danielle reached over and unzipped my fly. Reaching into my trousers she grasped my limp member and pulled it out, starting to stoke it, skillfully coaxing it to life.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed "I'm pretty sure this is illegal!"

"Huh, interesting..." Danielle mocked. Then she reached into her bag and took out her phone. After a few taps the phone started to make the Facetime calling sound.

"What are you doing???" I whispered as though someone might hear.

"Calling Kara, she'll want to see this." Danielle replied with a cheeky look on her face all the while continuing to tug me off.

I couldn't believe it, even in her mid thirties, Danielle was as wild and unpredictable as ever.

After a few seconds the call connected.

"Hey Dani!" came the familiar voice of Kara on the other end of the connection "how are you?"

"I'm fine" Danielle replied "I'm with someone I thought you'd want to see."

She pointed the phone at my now rather flushed face, while still stroking my expanding cock.

"Hey Kara" I said awkwardly as Danielle spat saliva onto my glans and smeared it down my shaft as lube.

"No way!" Kara exclaimed then quieted herself, "hey girls, mummy has to go talk to Aunt Danz OK, you stay here and finish your game, bed time in ten minutes OK." Kara got up and walked through her house to another room while calling out in the process. "Hey Tim, Dani's on the phone can you make sure the girls are in bed in ten please?" I heard Kara close a door and saw her sit down on a bed.

At that moment, Danielle bent over and took my shaft in her mouth, holding the phone up at arms length so Kara could see everything.

"Fuck Dani, I'm at home!!" Kara whispered to her sister, clearly shocked at what Danielle showed her.

"Don't pretend it doesn't turn you on you slut" Danielle said, pausing her sucking to respond "seeing me sucking his massive, slippery dick in my mouth." Danielle returned to hoovering my straining member.

I couldn't see Kara at the angle Danielle was holding her phone, but I could hear the sound of her breathing more heavily as she enjoyed the show her sister was putting on for her.

"Tell us what you're doing Kara, we can't see, does watching your sister suck a big fucking cock make you want to touch yourself?" said Danielle, pausing to take a breath.

"I'm rubbing pussy now" Kara replied "I'm imagining it's one of your hands."

"Does it feel good?" Danielle asked her, "do you like watching us?"

"It feels so fucking good, you're really making me wet." Kara replied quietly.

Danielle held the phone up close to my crotch and played with my balls and shaft for Kara's enjoyment (and my own).

"Look how big he is. Way bigger than Tiny Tim. Do you want to see his cum?" Danielle asked her.

"Yeah, make him come for me Dani" whispered Kara.

"I already did" said Danielle. She propped the phone up in the centre console and pushing herself up against the back of her seat, pulled down her trousers and panties. Sticking her fingers in her pussy, she then withdrew them and held them up to the phone to show Kara the cum drooling between them. Then she licked her fingers and picked up the phone to give Kara a close up of her cum covered panties and pussy.

"mmmmm" she said.

I was as turned-on by the show as Kara, who I could now hear moaning in pleasure. I was masturbating too. Danielle propped the phone back on the console, now pointed at me, and lent down opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue.

"Come for us" said Danielle as she waited for my second ejaculation of the evening.

"I'm almost there" Kara whispered "I want to see you cum on her face!"

I started to stroke faster and faster, pointing my cock toward Danielle's open mouth. I could hear Kara's moaning intensify, and Danielle had her hands between her legs too. I tried not to worry about the seat being stained by her dripping wet hole.

"Yeah cum in my mouth, I want to taste you again!" Danielle encouraged me.

A few more tight stokes over the head of my cock was all it needed. I grunted as a long strand of cum flew accross Danielle's face and trickled down her forehead and nose. I adjusted my angle to get subsequent shots to land on her lips and teeth, dripping onto her tongue. As my boner weakened, I could point it down to squeeze the remaining cum onto her patiently waiting tongue.

At the other end of the line we could hear Kara trying to suppress the sound of her orgasm.

"Mmmmmmmhhhhhhhh ahahaha" she smothered her face in a pillow as the image shook.

Danielle licked the cum from around her lips and used her fingers to pick up what she could from the remainder on her face, licking them clean, then swallowed.

"Mmm you still taste delicious. Night night Kara" she said before abruptly ending the Facetime call and pulling up her trousers.

I packed myself away as well and got out. Danielle followed me into the reception and I called the lift.

"Is that how your Facetimes normally go?" I asked.

"Haha, no." Danielle replied. "We've not done that since... well since you and I were together and I would tell Kara over the phone all about what we'd done."

We rode the lift to the fourth floor and I showed Danielle into my room. Standard Permier Inn arrangement, nothing fancy. Danielle chucked her cardigan on the chair and kicked off her boots before climbing onto the bed. I lay down next to her and we rolled over to face each other.

"Can I ask you something?" she said looking at me.

I nodded.

"Why did you never come after me?" she asked.

I was taken aback by the question. I didn't understand what she meant?

"Come after you? When you went to college? I couldn't, I had to do my highers and go to uni." I replied "besides, it's not like we were boyfriend and girlfriend."

"I know, but afterwards" she continued "you found me on Facebook but you never even messaged me."

"I just figured you would've moved on and wouldn't want to hear from me." I said, surprised by the line of questioning.

"I could never admit it to myself at the time, but you broke my heart. You were the only friend I ever had. I let you in and when things got tough you fucked off. I wanted us to be together you know, figured we'd work through me being away for a bit but then afterwards... well, it doesn't matter now." she said quietly with a sad look on her face.

In that moment, I realised she was right. I chose myself, my career, my future over her. She didn't fit into my plans. I thought I knew what her future looked like and it wasn't compatible with mine. I looked down on her and I thought I was better. Why hadn't I visited her at college? Because I would have been embarrassed to tell my family I wanted to see a girl studying hair dressing at a second-rate community college. All this time I had thought Danielle was embarrassed to be seen with me at school, the truth was she knew that I would be embarrassed to be seen with her and she'd been protecting me from that.

"I'm sorry" I said "I had a lot of growing up still to do back then. If i could change things..."

"But you can't" she interrupted smiling "it is what it is."

"Can you forgive me?" I asked "give me a second chance?"

She reached down and took hold of my hand and I squeezed it. I lent toward her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Have you ever been to Budapest?" I asked.

I've lost count of the number of times Danielle and I had sex in that one year of high school, it must have been hundreds, but that night in that Premier Inn was the first time I made love to her. She stayed the night and when we awoke naked in bed together the next morning, we made plans for her to come back with me to see my home, routing via London, naturally.

++++ THE END ++++


2023-12-15 13:10:44
Follow up story published now: The Danielle Development


2023-09-24 08:44:28
Now that was an awesome read. I was completely invested and it was totally worth it.


2023-08-20 00:20:52
What a wonderful love story. I found so much of my life mirrored line by line.

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