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Gail lets her daughter's friends hang out at their house, even when she is working. She is surprised to find out that her daughter is fucking one of them every day after school, while Gail is at work. Another one of them surprises Gail in the kitchen while she is preparing dinner, and fucks her from behind, bent over the counter. Gail likes it, and lets him fuck her whenever he wants.
Gail noticed that her daughter, Angie, was growing up a lot like she had.... raised by a single mother in a low income section of Clay, NY.... a tiny town just north of Syracuse.... in a small, starter house that barely fit the two of them. They even looked alike, too.... plain, but not unattractive faces; and curvy bodies with a few extra pounds on the hips.

Now that Angie was in high school, she had also developed impressively large breasts.... just like her mother’s.... and, with tits that measured 36D, nearly as big. Their boobs got more attention than either of them realized, and Gail, especially, seemed oblivious to the glances and nods of approval from guys who caught sight of her jiggling breasts.

They had different personalities, though. Angie was a bit more comfortable in her skin and a little more outgoing, while Gail was terribly shy and introverted. In fact, Gail had only had one boyfriend her entire life.... her ex-husband, Dave Gorman. They had married right after high school, and Angie was born nine months later.

For Gail, sex with her ex-husband hadn’t been all that enjoyable, although she’d managed to make herself cum a couple of times over the years. He turned out to be an unpleasant man, with a small cock and little imagination, so.... when he bolted just a week after Angie’s sixth birthday.... Gail was mostly relieved. Being such a wall flower, she never really had dating opportunities, and didn’t seek them out.... which was OK with her. On occasion she’d get horny enough to masturbate, but.... given her experience with her ex..... she didn’t really think she was missing out on anything when it came to sex.

Meanwhile, Gail raised her daughter as best she could. She knew she was way too permissive.... maybe because she felt guilty that Angie’s father had left them.... so, she let Angie do pretty much anything she wanted growing up.

Angie’s best friend from a young age was a boy from several houses down the street, named Jeremy. They played together when they were young.... building forts, riding bikes, catching snakes.... and hung out together at Angie’s house whenever they weren’t outside. Jeremy’s parents fought a lot, so he always preferred to be at Angie’s house, since her mother worked during the day, and let them do whatever they wanted, even when she was home.

By the time they both entered high school, Angie considered Jeremy her only real friend.... and, as teenagers, they did much less of the bike-riding, and a lot more of the hanging out at Angie’s house almost all the time. They played video games together, watched TV, horsed around, or just chilled after school.... eating and drinking whatever was in the pantry while Gail was at her job. Nothing changed when Gail got home from work, either.... they did what they wanted, and Gail pretty much let them.

One day Gail came home from work a little early, and was surprised to see that Angie and Jeremy weren’t in their usual spot on the living room sofa, playing video games or watching TV. She didn’t really think much of it.... she figured they were probably at the mall together or grabbing a slice of pizza somewhere.

As she headed down the hall toward her bedroom to change out of her work clothes, she was walking by Angie’s room when she realized the door was slightly ajar, and she could hear sounds coming from inside.

Gail stopped and peered into Angie’s room through the crack in the doorway. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise as she saw Angie lying on her bed, on the edge of the mattress.... naked.... with her legs spread wide, and Jeremy standing between her knees.... his pants tangled around his ankles.... rocking his hips back and forth. Gail was aghast, but remained silent, as she continued to watch Jeremy fucking her daughter in her bedroom. Gail couldn’t pull her eyes away as she watched Jeremy squeezing Angie’s bouncing tits and pulling on her nipples, while he eagerly pounded his rigid prick in and out of her wet pussy... making her daughter moan in obvious pleasure.

Gail could hear Angie murmuring, “God, yes.... just like that.... yeah.... hmmmmm.... damn, that feels so good....”

Unable to avert her eyes, Gail continued to watch Jeremy hammering away at Angie’s vagina with a stiff penis that was much bigger than any Gail had seen.... but then she’d only really seen her ex-husband’s.... which was quite a bit smaller, by comparison.

Still a bit mesmerized by what she was seeing, Gail was a little surprised when she heard her daughter suddenly let out a muffled wail, then grab Jeremy’s naked ass cheeks and pull him hard into her crotch, as she creamed all over his pumping boner.

“Holy shit, Jeremy.... yeah.... keep going.... ah.... ah.... aaaaaahhhhhh.... yeeeeaahhhhhh.... yes.... yes.... aaaaahhhhh.... keep going.... oh, my God.... yeeeeesssssss.....”

Still rooted to the crack in the door, Gail continued to watch as Jeremy grabbed Angie’s legs, pulled her closer to the edge of the mattress, and slammed his huge dick into her several times.... as far as it would go.... then let out a groan, as he blasted a load of cum deep inside her daughter’s cunt.

“Yeah... yeah.... I’m.... gonna.... cum..... yeah.... aaaaaahhhhhhhhh.... aaaaaaahhhhhh.... hmmmmmm.... God, that feels great.... ooooohhhhhhh.... shit, Angie, you’re the best fuck in the whole school.... hmmmmm....”

Hearing Jeremy groan and mumble as he ejaculated inside her daughter finally snapped Gail out of her reverie, although she found it hard to look away from the thick, glistening cock he was shoving in and out of her daughter’s pussy. She silently continued down the hall to her bedroom to change out of her work clothes. As she slipped out of uniform, Gail realized that her panties were wet.... apparently watching her daughter get fucked by a huge cock had aroused her. She brushed it off and changed into a fresh pair of panties, threw on some shorts and a tank top, then headed back down the hallway toward the kitchen to start dinner.

By the time she’d changed her clothes and headed back down the hall toward the kitchen, Gail saw that the door to Angie’s room was now open and the room was empty. When she got to the living room, she saw Angie and Jeremy sitting on the sofa, playing video games like normal.

Angie looked up when Gail came into the living room and said, “Oh, hi, mom.... you’re home already.... how long before dinner’s ready?”

“Probably twenty minutes, or so.... hey, Angie... can you come out here and set the table?”

Then she looked at Jeremy.... struggling to keep her eyes from checking out his crotch... and said, “You staying for supper, Jeremy?”

Jeremy looked up and smiled, saying, “Yeah.... is that OK, Mrs. G?”

“Of course.... you’re always welcome.”

Leaving Jeremy on the sofa in the living room, Angie followed her mother out to the kitchen to set their little table for dinner.

As Angie began setting out the plates for the three of them, Gail asked, “Hey, Ang.... is Jeremy your boyfriend now?”

Angie chuckled and said, “No.... he’s dating a girl named Cheryl from his Biology class.... we’re just friends.... like always. Why?”

Gail looked at Angie with a quizzical brow and said, “Well.... I saw the two of you having sex in your room just now...”

Angie laughed and said, “Oh, that.... yeah, we’ve been doing that for years.”

Gail stopped, and looked at her daughter with an exasperated look on her face....

Noting her mother’s facial expression, Angie giggled, and said, “Yeah.... well.... I wanted to know what it felt like to have a dick inside me, and Jeremy wanted to see my breasts after they started coming in.... so, I showed him my boobs and we fucked.”

Angie placed the last plate on the table, then looked at the obvious consternation on her mother’s face and explained, “It’s pretty simple, mom.... he has a huge cock.... it felt great.... he made me cum.... and he likes playing with my tits.... so we just kept doing it.”

Angie set three glasses by the plates, and added, “Now we do it whenever the mood strikes us.... usually after school during the week, while you’re at work.”

Still a bit off balance by her daughter’s comments, Gail asked, “But what about his girlfriend.... this Cheryl person?”

Angie nodded and explained, “Oh, they go out on the weekends mostly. Jeremy usually fucks her or gets a blowjob on their dates. We just get together during the week because Cheryl’s busy with cheerleading and stuff..... and, we have the house to ourselves after school, so it’s super convenient.”

Gail shook her head and said, “Well, for your sake, I hope you know what you’re doing.”

After that... since it wasn’t a secret anymore.... Angie and Jeremy would hang all over each other whenever they were in the living room together.... even after Gail was home after work. Angie would think nothing of unzipping Jeremy’s pants and stroking his cock while they lounged on the sofa and watched a movie. And Jeremy would playfully grab Angie’s tits, or pinch one of her nipples, when he was teasing her, or trying to distract her during their video games.

Gail just tolerated it, and didn’t say anything whenever they fondled each other in front of her. And she couldn’t deny that she actually enjoyed seeing Jeremy’s splendid penis.... especially when it became hard in response to Angie’s attention. When that happened, they usually just stopped what they were doing and went into Angie’s room to take care of it.... then returned to the living room and resumed their movie or video game.

Gail had always thought she wasn’t all that interested in sex.... probably because Dave had not been very good at it. But now that she got an occasional glimpse of Jeremy’s rather large dick, she was re-thinking that idea... and had to acknowledge that she was having thoughts she’d never really had before. Sometimes, when Angie and Jeremy slipped into Angie’s room to fuck, Gail would go to her own room, just down the hall, and rub out a delicious orgasm while listening to the grunts and moans coming from her daughter’s room next door.

About six weeks after Gail learned that her daughter was fucking Jeremy almost every day after school, she came home from work and found another young man hanging out in her house, playing video games with Angie and Jeremy. Jeremy introduced Gail to his cousin, Kevin, explaining that his family lived in Dewitt... a small town just east of Syracuse... and he was going to stay with Jeremy’s family for the summer, now that school was out.

Gail said, “hi” to Kevin, then went to her room and changed out of her work clothes, and into a t-shirt and denim skirt. She never bothered with a bra when she was at home.... with her heavy breasts, it was just more comfortable, even though it meant her boobs jiggled and swayed a bit under her shirt, and that her nipples made obvious bumps in whatever top she was wearing.

She wasn’t surprised that Angie and Jeremy were not in the living room when she returned... she had heard them behind the closed door of Angie’s bedroom as she walked down the hallway after changing her clothes.

She smiled at Kevin, who was watching TV on the sofa, and asked, “Are you and Jeremy staying for dinner, Kevin?”

“I think so, Mrs. G.... is that alright?”

“Of course.... you’re both welcome to stay.” Then she headed to the kitchen to start preparing their meal.

As Gail stood at the counter getting supper started, Kevin sauntered into the kitchen and started a conversation with her. Gail didn’t mind the company, so they chatted while she worked. She noticed that Kevin was a good-looking kid... about the same age as Jeremy, and even kind of looked like him, which made sense, since they were cousins.

The conversation started out rather benignly, but eventually started shifting toward flirting and suggestive topics. This was new territory for Gail, and she didn’t quite know how to respond. She was especially taken aback when Kevin blatantly complimented her boobs.

Blushing deeply, Gail said, “What... no... what? What are you talking about?”

Kevin chuckled and said, “No.... seriously, Mrs. G... you have the nicest tits I’ve ever seen.... even better than your daughter’s.”

Gail blushed harder, and tried to focus on what she was doing on the counter to avoid making eye contact with Kevin. So, she was a little surprised when she sensed that Kevin had walked over behind her. He reached around and grabbed her boobs with both hands through her t-shirt. He leaned up against her back and started caressing her breasts.... pressing them together, and hefting them as if he was guessing how heavy they were.

“These...,” he said, as he lifted both boobs in the palm of his hands, “...these are magnificent...”, then he massaged them and gently slapped them against each other, adding, “... and they feel fantastic.”

Gail was shocked, and tried to push him away, but Kevin was just too strong for her to have any effect. “My God, Kevin... what are you doing?”

He found her nipples with his fingers through her shirt, and began gently pulling on them.... causing Gail to let out a gasp.... then he whispered into her ear from behind, “Just showing you how much I appreciate your beautiful breasts.”

Still pressed up against the counter, and struggling to break Kevin’s grip, Gail whimpered, “We shouldn’t be doing this.... I’m nearly twenty years older than you.”

Kevin continued kneading the flesh of her boobs, and pulling on her nipples, as he replied, “Yeah, but these tits are fucking incredible.... seeing them bounce around under your shirt after you changed your clothes really got my attention.”

To make his point, Kevin started rubbing the bulge in his pants against Gail’s ass through her denim skirt, and was leaning heavily against her from behind, trapping her against the counter. Gail had stopped struggling so much... realizing that she couldn’t stop what Kevin was doing, and that his hands on her boobs actually felt really good. Still, she was appalled, and a bit off-balance, and not quite sure how to handle the situation.

With a soft, quivering voice, she asked, “What about Angie and Jeremy?”

Kevin knew he had her at this point, so he slipped his hands under her shirt and resumed squeezing her tits and tweaking her nipples. He chuckled, saying, “Don’t worry about them, Mrs G.... they’re in Angie’s room fucking... they’ll be busy for a while.”

Gail seemed to resign herself to Kevin’s intentions and, sensing this, Kevin released one of her breasts, and used that hand to reach underneath her skirt.... pulling her panties down to mid-thigh. Then he used that same hand to unzip his fly, and pull out his fully erect cock.... rubbing it against Gail’s bare buttocks.... while continuing to fondle one of her heavy boobs with his other hand.

Gail could feel the size of Kevin’s rigid penis as he slapped it against her ass cheeks.... she hadn’t seen it yet, but it seemed to be a big one.... maybe even as big as Jeremy’s. Her resistance began to fade as her body started responding to Kevin’s hand on her tits, and her naked pussy being exposed to his engorged hard-on.

Kevin pulled his other hand from inside her shirt, and Gail was surprised to realize that she actually felt a quick pang of disappointment. Still stroking his thick hard-on with one hand, Kevin used the other one to push Gail in the back, so that she leaned forward, bent over the counter, leaving her moist pussy even more exposed to his probing fingers.

He ran his hand along Gail’s wet pussy lips several times, sliding his fingers up to the clit, and down to her vag opening. He chuckled and said, “You’re soaking wet, Mrs. G.... holy shit...”

Gail mumbled something in response, but by now she was just leaning against the counter with her eyes closed, feeling a bit disconcerted, but relishing the new sensations coursing through her body as Kevin continued to do whatever he was doing to her.

Kevin continued to fondle Gail’s pussy lips, then slipped two fingers inside her twat and began finger-blasting her cunt.... all the time stroking his stiff boner with his other hand. Gail unconsciously spread her legs a bit more, allowing Kevin’s plunging fingers better access to her dripping pussy. After continuing to slide his fingers in and out of Gail’s vagina for a few minutes, Kevin pulled his fingers out and replaced them with his rigid prick.... slamming it deep inside Gail’s sopping wet cunt with one massive thrust.

Gail let out a yelp, completely shocked by the sheer size of Kevin’s cock as it stretched her in ways she’d never been stretched before. Once he was balls-deep inside her, Gail let out a groan, as her pussy acclimated to the length and thickness of Kevin’s pounding erection.

In between grunts and moans, Gail continued to murmur, “No, Kevin... uhn.... uhn.... we really shouldn’t.... uhn... this isn’t right.... uhn.... uhn....,” but unconsciously began pushing her hips back into every one of his forward thrusts, as his engorged penis kept hammering her drenched cunt from behind.

Once he had a rhythm going, Kevin released Gail’s hips and reached around to grab her swaying boobs again, pulling her shirt up to her chin, then slapping and squeezing her bouncing tits. His fingers once again found her erect nipples and began pinching and pulling on them, sending electric charges through Gail’s entire body.

Many of the sensations Gail was experiencing were new to her, and she was a bit surprised when.... between Kevin’s big cock filling her entire pussy, his nut sack slapping against her engorged clit, and his fingers tweaking her sensitive nipples.... she felt a huge climax building between her legs.

Grunting from the force of Kevin’s pounding dick, and pushing her hips back into each of his forward jabs, Gail closed her eyes, then suddenly let out a guttural moan, as an intense, seismic orgasm crashed through her body.

“uhn.... uhn.... holy shit, Kevin.... uhn.... uhn.... uhn.... what are you doing to me.... God, that feels so good.... ah.... ah.... aaaaaahhhhhhh.... oh, my God.... aaaahhhhhhh.... ooooooohhhhhhh.... keep going.... aaaaahhhhhh.... hmmmmmm.... yeeeeeaaaahhhh....”

With her legs trembling slightly from the force of her climax, Gail leaned more heavily onto the counter, squashing her boobs beneath her chest, as Kevin continued battering her pussy from behind. She continued to moan as her orgasm washed over her.... she’d never had an orgasm that intense before, so she was both stunned and a bit dazed.... relishing the warm, euphoric feelings coursing through her, while continuing to push her hips back against Kevin’s pumping cock... hoping desperately to extend the extraordinary pleasure even longer.

Laying on the counter with her eyes still closed, Gail continued to grunt from the force of Kevin’s thrusts, as she enjoyed the throes of her ebbing climax, and mumbled, “What the fuck.... uhn.... uhn.... yeah.... hmmmm, keep going.... uhn.... yeah.... holy shit.... uhn.... uhn.... hmmmm.... feels sooooo good....”

Kevin pulled his hands out from under the soft crush of Gail’s flattened boobs on the counter and grabbed her hips, slamming his rigid pole as deep into her pussy as it could go, then erupting.... blasting rope after rope of warm, creamy jizzm all over the inside of Gail’s cunt.

He groaned, and murmured, “Yeah.... yeah.... oh, shit.... I’m cumming.... eh.... eh.... aaaaaahhhhhh.... aaaaahhhhhhh.... oooooohhhhhh.... wow, Mrs. G.... you feel so.... fucking.... good.... aaaahhhhhhh..... hmmmmmm....”

Kevin continued pumping his stiff rod in and out of Gail’s pussy as he emptied his nutsack, and enjoyed the waning sensations of his intense climax.

Gail took a small step away from the counter, releasing her heavy breasts to sway back and forth beneath her. With her head resting on the counter, she closed her eyes and relished the aftermath of her delicious orgasm. With her eyes still closed, and gasping to catch her breath, Gail mumbled, “Oh my God, Kevin.... what the fuck was that?”

Still slowly sliding his dick in and out of Gail’s dripping cunt, Kevin chucked and said, “hahaha.... that was a fucking orgasm, Mrs. G... is that your first one?”

Gail grinned and said, “Well.... no.... but it was definitely the first one that intense.... holy shit.... that was tremendous.”

Kevin slowly pulled his slimy prick out of Gail’s snatch, causing cum and pussy juices to pour out of her vagina, splashing onto the floor between her feet. Kevin walked over to a nearby chair by the dinette table and sat down, with his knees spread.... his glistening erection still sticking out of the opening in his pants and dangling between his legs.... remnants of splooge dribbling from the tip of his dick onto the floor beneath him.

When Gail finally opened her eyes, they quickly found Kevin’s softening boner.... still semi-hard, but starting to bend down at the tip, as if the head was too heavy for the shaft to hold up. She smiled as she admired it for a few seconds, then pushed herself back from the counter, and grabbed a nearby towel. She pulled her t-shirt back down over her wobbling boobs, but held the hem of her skirt up with one hand while she used the towel to wipe the cum dripping down her thighs.

After that, she pulled up her panties, adjusted her skirt, and squatted down to clean up the little puddle of cum on the floor beneath where she was standing. Then she walked over to where Kevin sat, and bent over to clean off the shaft of his softening prick. With her eyes downcast and feeling a bit off balance, Gail mumbled, “You should probably go back to the living room and watch TV, or something.... I really need to get back to fixing our supper.”

Kevin grinned at her, squeezed each breast one time before heading into the living room, saying, “Welcome to the club, Mrs. G.... now you’re going to want to do this all the time.” Gail blushed and avoided Kevin’s eyes, as he left the room and she returned to preparing the meal at hand.

Angie and Jeremy came back into the living room just as the timer went off for the stew Gail had on the stove. So, the four of them sat down at the little dinette table and ate the meal Gail had cooked, as she tried to behave like everything was normal.

The next day, Jeremy and Kevin were hanging out with Angie again when Gail got home from work. She greeted them both, gave Angie a kiss on the forehead, then went into her bedroom to change out of her work clothes. She put on a sundress with an elastic, tube top that hugged her big boobs, and a flare skirt that came down to about mid-thigh. She couldn’t wear a bra with this dress, which was OK by her.... then she slipped on a pair of panties and headed to the kitchen to start dinner.

Once she had the casserole baking in the oven, she set the timer to thirty minutes, and went into the living room to join the kids.... just in time to see Jeremy and Angie closing the door to Angie’s room behind them.

Gail sat next to Kevin on the couch and said, “Well, I guess they’re at it again.”

Kevin chuckled and said, “Yeah.... pretty much every day.... sometimes twice a day.”

Neither Kevin nor Gail said anything about the previous day’s tryst in the kitchen, and both turned their attention to whatever was on TV.

Gail heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down, and turned her head to see that Kevin had unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. He was stroking his semi-hard dick, with a wry smile creasing his face. Without preamble, Kevin grabbed the back of Gail’s head, and pulled her down toward his crotch until the tip of his stiffening penis was poking her in the face.

Gail put up a feeble resistance, saying, “What are you doing, Kevin?”

“Just suck it, Mrs. G..... I think you need another quality fuck.”

Gail wasn’t resisting all that much.... in fact, she realized she’d been hoping Kevin would want to fuck her again after the previous day’s encounter. So, after a brief hesitation, she opened her mouth, sucked in the tip of Kevin’s engorged prick, and started bobbing her head up and down on his growing hard-on.

Gail began stroking his shaft with one of her hands, as Kevin pulled her sundress down off her shoulders and past her swaying boobs, freeing her heavy breasts to bounce beneath her chest in rhythm with her bobbing head and pumping fist.

After a few minutes, Gail pulled Kevin’s cock out of her mouth, but continued jerking it with her hand as she asked, “What about Angie and Jeremy?”

Kevin laughed, shoved his glistening pole back into her mouth and said, “Don’t worry about them.... they’ll be fucking for a while.... just keep sucking.”

Gail resumed her blowjob until Kevin’s cock reached its full 9”. Then Kevin pulled his rigid pole out of her mouth and pushed her back onto the couch.... slipping her sundress the rest of the way off, and tossing it on the floor by the coffee table. This left Gail completely naked, except for her panties, which Kevin quickly pulled off and tossed onto the floor by the sundress.

Gail attempted another feeble protest, but at the same time unconsciously spread her legs, exposing her extremely wet pussy to Kevin’s fully erect boner.

Kevin climbed between Gail’s legs, rubbed the head of his prick along her slit in search of her pussy opening, and chuckled, “Holy shit, Mrs. G.... you’re fucking drenched.... I think you’ve been waiting for this...”

Gail blushed at his observation, but moaned as the tip of his cock found her vaginal opening and slid inside. Kevin began hammering his stiff member in and out of her pussy in earnest.... holding himself above Gail so he could watch her big boobs flailing wildly between them.... slapping into each other and bouncing up and down on her chest like water in a wave pool.

Gail was grunting and moaning from the force of Kevin’s thrusts, and she again realized how completely his thick cock filled her cunt. In this position, it was rubbing up against her clitoris with every stroke.... sending tentacles of tingly pleasure to the tips of her nipples and back again.

“Oh, fuck, Kevin.... uhn.... uhn.... yeah.... keep going.... right there.... uhn.... just like that.... holy, shit.... yeah... uhn... uhn.... uhn....”

Gail began grinding her clit against the base of Kevin’s shaft every time he slammed it into her pussy.... it didn’t take long before Gail felt a delicious orgasm coursing through her body, washing over her from head to foot, as Kevin continued pounding away between her legs.

“Yeah.... yeah.... my God, Kevin.... keep going.... yeah... yeah... aaaaaaahhhhhh.... aaaaahhhhhhh... uhn.... uhn.... oooooohhhhh.... hmmmmmm.... oh my God.... fucking amazing....hmmmmm....”

As Gail closed her eyes and relished the euphoric sensations of her climax, Kevin continued hammering his cock into her vagina like a jackhammer. Suddenly, Kevin grabbed both of her tits and squeezed them.... hard.... as he rammed his hips forward..... causing Gail to let out a yelp.... and blasted a massive load of hot, creamy jizzm deep inside her cunt.

Kevin pulled his stiff cock out of her pussy until just the tip was inside, then slammed it forward again.... getting a louder grunt from Gail.... as he shot another gooey mess of cum into Gail’s drenched pussy. Kevin did it again.... pulling out to the tip, then plowing his boner back into Gail’s pussy.... then again.... and again.... over and over, until his nutsack was finally empty, and Gail’s body was shaking from the intense pounding.

When he was done cumming, Kevin pulled his erect penis out of Gail’s pussy.... his slimy prick still poking out from the opening in his pants.... then stood next to the sofa and looked down at Gail’s sprawling form. She had her eyes closed and was breathing heavily.... her legs still spread wide, her tits wobbling on her chest, with cum and pussy juices leaking from her snatch and dribbling down the crack of her ass.

Kevin chuckled and said, “Well, Mrs G.... as good as last time?”

Gail opened her eyes, looked at Kevin’s thick erection wobbling just above her face, then smiled and said.... “Oh, yeah.... hell, maybe even better.”

Kevin grinned, leaned a little closer to Gail’s shoulder, and said, “Glad to hear it.... now go ahead and clean me off.”

“What? Ok... let me get a towel....”

“No, Mrs. G.... with your mouth.... lick me clean.”

Gail looked up at Kevin’s face.... saw that he was serious, and.... after a brief hesitation.... took his glistening shaft in her hand and pulled it to her lips, sucking the head into her mouth.... then the whole cock.... and began using her tongue and lips to clean it off.

Just then the bedroom door opened and Jeremy and Angie came into the living room, startling Gail. She had totally forgotten about Angie and Jeremy in the other room. She was appalled and embarrassed.... she tried to pull Kevin’s dick out of her mouth, thinking she’d scramble to get her sundress back on.... but Kevin grabbed the back of her head and pulled her hard into his groin.... not letting her go.

“Finish cleaning me off first, Mrs. G.... then you can get dressed.”

Gail whined and mumbled around Kevin’s thick hard-on sliding in and out of her mouth, but accepted that she had no choice, and continued to clean his cock with her mouth. Kevin grinned at her, then winked at Jeremy and Angie, as he stood with one hand on the back of Gail’s head, and the other one squeezing her tits, as they all watched Gail clean off his softening prick.

When she was done licking him clean, Kevin released his grip in her hair and said, “Now put me away and zip me up.”

Flushed, and almost in tears, Gail did what she was told, then looked sheepishly at her daughter, as she grabbed her sundress from the floor and slipped it back on.

Angie clapped and said, “Alright, mom.... you’re finally getting some.... it’s about time.”

Jeremy laughed and nodded his approval, as well.

Gail.... still mortified.... finished zipping up her sundress, then meekly headed out to the kitchen to check on dinner, while Angie, Jeremy and Kevin resumed watching TV in the living room.

Gail felt totally unsettled.... especially since her daughter had seen her naked, sucking cock, and getting bossed around by Kevin. But she realized how much she had enjoyed the orgasms and euphoric sensations.... and maybe even the humiliation.... she’d experienced with Kevin.... and by the time dinner was served, she had collected herself, for the most part.

As they sat around the dinette table eating, Kevin pulled Gail’s hand over to his lap under the table, and had her fondle his flaccid penis while the four of them ate the casserole she had cooked.

When Jeremy and Kevin left later that night, Angie and Gail walked them to the door. Angie playfully grabbed Jeremy’s crotch, while he squeezed each of her boobs, in turn, as they said their goodbyes.

As they were doing that, Gail leaned in close to Kevin and asked, “Are you coming by tomorrow?”

Kevin grinned at her and said, “Probably.... so how about no bra and no panties.... we’ll see what happens.”

Gail blushed at his comment, looked down at the floor, but nodded her head slightly to let him know she’d heard him.

Since it was summer, Jeremy and Kevin had other things to do, so they didn’t come over quite as often as when school was in session. And weekends were typically for dating, so they didn’t usually stop by.

When they did come over during the week, Angie would give Jeremy a blowjob in the living room, or fuck him in the bedroom; and Gail would cater to whatever Kevin wanted when she got home from work. Sometimes she would suck him off on the couch while watching TV, or let him fuck her from behind in the kitchen... they even occasionally took showers together, where she’d jerk him off, or get fucked with her back up against the tiled wall of the shower stall.

It didn’t matter what he wanted to do.... she just couldn’t get enough of his beautiful cock. She’d become completely subservient, and would do pretty much anything Kevin wanted... whenever and wherever he wanted it. She’d long ago lost the uneasiness she felt when her daughter saw her having sex with Kevin. She even surprised herself by letting him fuck her in the ass one time, although it hurt like hell, and she hoped he wouldn’t want to do it again.

One Friday evening, somewhere near the middle of the summer, Jeremy was out on a date with his girlfriend, and Angie was doing something with a classmate, so Gail was home by herself when the doorbell rang. It was Kevin at the door with a huge grin on his face.

Once Gail let him in, he said, “Hey Mrs G... just thought I’d stop by real quick.”

Obviously disappointed, Gail said, “What? You’re not going to stay?”

“No, I can’t... I have a date with Myra later.... I just wanted to stop by here first so you could help me not to cum too quickly tonight.”

Confused, Gail looked at Kevin, crinkled up her brow and said, “What are you talking about?”

Kevin unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock, and put his hand on Gail’s shoulder, firmly pushing her down to her knees. He tapped the head of his penis against her cheek and said, ”Just give me a blowjob, Mrs. G.... that way when I’m fucking Myra tonight, I can last a little longer.”

“What? Seriously? I, uh.... well.... okay....”

Gail opened her mouth and began sucking on Kevin’s prick, as he stood in the doorway.... one hand down her shirt, and the other on the back of her head.... rocking his hips back and forth, while she gave him a blowjob by the front door.

Kevin’s dick became hard pretty quickly, and it didn’t take long before his breath caught, and he shoved his hips forward.... blasting several ropes of semen against the back of Gail’s throat. She swallowed his entire load, then used her hand to stroke out the last few drops, licking them from the tip of his cock with her tongue.

Still slowly stroking his stiff boner, she looked up at him and said, “How was that?”

“Mmmmm... it was great Mrs G... thanks.”

Gail smiled and kissed the tip of Kevin’s softening penis.... then, still running her hand up and down his glistening shaft, she looked up at him and said, “It’s Friday night, so I’ll probably be up late if you want to come by after your date...”

Kevin said, “Nah... not tonight, Mrs. G.... I think Jeremy and I are planning to come by to hang out on Monday, though. So, I’ll probably see you then.”

Kevin gently pulled his now flaccid dick from Gail’s hand, tucked it into his jeans and pulled up his zipper. Then he left her kneeling on the floor in the entryway, as he opened the door and left, closing the door behind him.

Disappointed, but looking forward to the following Monday, Gail walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. Knowing she had become wet from sucking on Kevin’s cock, she reached underneath her skirt and pulled her panties to the side.... then began stroking her moist pussy with one of her hands, while she massaged her boobs and tweaked her nipples, one after the other, with her other hand.

Her fingers eventually gravitated to her clit, and she began flicking and caressing the nub until she rubbed out a delicious orgasm. She moaned softly and enjoyed the throes of her climax, but realized it felt like it wasn’t quite enough. As she settled in to watch TV for the rest of the evening, she smiled sadly to herself and thought that Monday seemed a long way off....


2023-10-05 20:50:15
Had a neighbor like this growing up. She actually fucked several neighborhood boys after her divorce. Unfortunately, I was too young at the time, but my brother got in on the action.

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