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Every character in this story is 18+. BE AWARE that it contains extreme hentaiesque penetration and crazy sex demons. There is a lot of infidelity, but cuckolding is not really a theme.

If you're still on the fence, know that this story contains the most erotic 80s musical training montage since Rocky IV.
Chapter 1: Loving You's a Dirty Job but Somebody's Gotta Do It

Ding Dong

"He's here!" Bethany was excited to meet the potential new roommate. The harsh reality of the world came down hard on the young couple when they decided to elope. Their parents were deeply religious but from different christianity factions, which meant no sex until marriage and no marriage they found someone else. Well, the date was set, they were getting married in 6 months. As a proper christian girl, it was her job to tend to the household and for Nathan to bring food to the table. All they needed was a little help with the rent and everything was going to be all right.

Nathaniel was NOT excited to meet the potential new roommate. All he knew so far was that it was a man. A man with a deep voice. The idea of his beautiful young bride-to-be being home alone with a male stranger while he was at work left a deep pit in his stomach. She really was beautiful. Anyone seeing them together was surely thinking  this short, pimpled dork was out of her league. Her long naturally blond hair, soft features and slim figure made her look like an angel from heaven. She was also sweet, innocent and always saw the best in people. The love of his life.

Bethany had given him an earful when he mentioned his reservations. It's true that it was unfair to assume someone else wasn't as good a person as he was. That a girl roommate would be safe with him but that Beth could not be trusted around a boy. "Judge not, least ye be judged" she quoted him.

He agreed to meet the man first, but there would definitely be some judging. He reminded himself how badly they needed this money and how unlikely they were to find anyone willing to rent this tiny unfurnished room in their lousy apartment.

The first impression was not great.  The man with the deep voice was actually an 8-foot tall Minotaur with pure black skin and red flaming eyes.

"Jesus Christ!" Nathan immediately slammed the door, locked it and rushed a sign of the cross to apologize for his outburst. "It's... it's one of those sex demons... from the portal... on the news!"

"Nathan, you said you'd hear him out." Beth was being her cheerful, caring self.

"That's before I knew he was a godda..." he lowered and calmed his voice "Dear, that's before I knew he was a spawn of satan" he continued condescendingly.

"They say they are not all bad. If he wanted to hurt us, he could break down the door right now and tear off our heads. But he knocked politely. If he's nice, we have to give him a chance. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

After quoting any random bible passage, Bethany could always assume she had won the argument. Ignoring the "no no no no..." from her fiance, she unlocked the door and pulled it open again.

The creature was already halfway down the hallway. 

"I'm sorry for my fiance's reaction, please come back" she said loud enough to be heard but with a soft, sweet voice.

The demon turned his bull head and froze at the sight of Bethany.

"Please, I beg you, come back"

After a few more seconds of hesitation he began his slow march back to the door. Nathan's head was peeking from the side of the frame. It was the first time they had a long look at the extra-dimensional visitor.

Even if he was built like a fridge and tall enough to almost scrape the ceiling, which he would be if his horns faced upwards instead of forward, his strangest feature was his clothes. It was a bit sad to see he had made an obvious effort to dress nice, but whatever plus-size store he got his outfit from did not have anything in his proportions. So while loose around the waist, the fabric was to its breaking points around his colossal arm and leg muscles. Worse still, his pants had sagging lumps and bumps all over, like he was smuggling rolled up carpets.

"My name is Kas, I am here about the room for rent."

"Is that your real name?" Nathan sharply replied, provoking a glare from Beth.

"Well, my real name is Kasbedhal," answered Kas meekly.

"Kasbedhal the... what?" Nathan had seen enough on TV to know all these hell-spawns had fucked up rapey names.

Kas sighed and rolled his eyes. "Kasbedhal the Penetrator"

Nathan looked to Beth boastfully

"Are you proud of yourself, Nathaniel the Bigoted" Beth said, turning his finest hour to shame.

After a quick tour and confirmation of the rent amount, everything seemed to be coming into place. Nathan couldn't believe what was happening. Anything he thought of saying he knew was going to come off as racist.

"We would love to have you stay with us, Kas. Wouldn't we, Nathan?"

Another violent sexual assault occurred last night. A young woman is in on life support at St-Mary hospital. The police apprehended a registered sex demon, Voluzhar the Slithering, at the scene. He will await trial in a custom-built jail cell for he is made of snakes. We're joined by the leader of the movement Death to All Demons and the spokesperson for the Committee for Rehabilitation and Integration of Sex Demons.

What you fail to understand, sir, is that while this deplorable event took place , hundreds of rapes, human-committed rapes happened without anyone making a news report about it...

Beth turned off the television and listened carefully. Yes, she was definitely hearing keys jiggling. Now the door knob was turning. The only reason she was up so late on the living room couch was in hopes of catching Kas coming home. He was always out during the day and she never got to spend any time with him.

Under her covers, she was wearing only underwear and an off-the-shoulder shirt. Way off the shoulder. This was the kind of outfit she would not normally let anyone see, not even Nathan, but Kas being a sex demon, she felt he might be put off by her usual boring dresses.

Unaware of Beth peeking from between cushions, the first thing Kas did once inside was take off his ill-fitted, uncomfortable dress-shirt. Then, headed to the kitchen and started chugging down one of his many milk cartons.

Beth followed him there. "Hey," she whispered from behind the kitchen counter.

The giant mountain of muscles choked on his milk from the surprise.

"How's it going?" she continued, cheerfully

"Not... well... no one wants to hire a sex demon."

"Aww don't worry, something will turn up."

Beth raised her abdomen over the counter and stretched out her arm to pat the sad demon's chest.

"Don't touch me, please! Kas errupted.

"Why not?" Beth was now caressing Kas' arm; she was bent forward so much that her loose shirt was not covering her perky breasts in the least anymore.

Kas grabbed her by the neck, pulled her over the counter and slammed her against the refrigerator. He pressed his face against hers and in a harsh whisper said: "Because every moment I spend not raping you to death is torture to me." Kasbedhal's loss of self control also manifested in his pants getting ripped apart by the sudden erection of what Beth now saw was two distinct large penises stacked on top of each other. The bottom one was pushing hard against her stomach while the top one was pressed against her cheek. Beth stayed calmed. She was mostly worried about whether Nathan had woken up from the sound of the impact.

Kas' eyes soften and he released his grip. With a shaking voice he said: "I'm so sorry, I'll go pack my things." As he pulled away, a string of precum stretched between the hole of his top appendage and Beth's cheek.

"Hold on." Beth couldn't stand the sight of a creature in pain. "You just need... release."She had heard some women from her purity group talk about this: It's not sex, it's providing relief by stroking and sucking the penis. It relaxes the man, or in this case large demon, but still protects your innocence.

The violent altercation had made her shirt slide even more along her arm and her left breast was now exposed. Beth paid it no mind. The young girl started fondling the bottom member. The girth was such that her, albeit small, hands couldn't wrap around it completely.

Kas was huffing.  Even with Beth standing straight, the size difference between the two roommates brought the demon's second cock close enough to the human's mouth that she could start sucking one while her hands were stroking the other. Her lips could barely stretched past the very tip of such an enormous mushroom head, but she clumsily did what she could. Beth's inexperience was vastly offset by Kas' sexual frustration and seconds later, just as she was switching her oral attention to the bottom appendage, a torrent of white goo erupted from both rods at once.

Beth gagged at the first spurt hitting the back of her throat but quickly changed her angle to be ready for the second one. She got into a rhythm where she could almost swallow the creamy eruption of cock #2 as fast as it was flowing. Cock #1 was pointing directly at her face. It was gushing constantly in her eyes and hair. There was nothing to do but focus on swallowing the deluge of spunk flowing in her mouth and deal with the mess later. After a few minutes, Kas shook out the last drop of semen of his load, sighed and rushed back to his room, leaving Bethany full of cum, covered in cum and kneeling in a pool of cum.

It took her the rest of the night to scoop up and eat the semen plastered all over her face, hair, body and to lick every square inch of the south side of the kitchen. It's not that she liked the taste, although she was definitely getting used to it, it's that this was her prize. She had aroused a mighty beast who gifted her his powerful seed. She was not going to let a single drop go to waste.

She made it to bed just as Nathan's alarm went off and pretended to be asleep. Nathan's morning preparation before going to work felt like an eternity. As soon as she heard the door close, Beth jumped out of bed and ran across the apartment to knock on Kas' door. Surely he could use more release by now. This wasn't cheating, she convinced herself. It was just helping out her friend with his raping problem.

Chapter 2: Holding Out For A Hero

Bethany was happy. It has been a month since the first night she relieve her demon friend of his heavy burden. Every day since, all hours her fiance was at work or sleeping were spent tending to Kasbedhal's insatiable lust. Guzzling gallons of demon semen was the easy part now; she could not get enough of that stuff. To prevent messes, she had a system of placing cooking pots to collect the payload of the cock that didn't have her lips wrapped around it.

That's right, her lips could now reach all around one of Kas' veiny penises. After weeks of trying to hide suspicious tearing bruises at the corners of her mouth and learning how to unhinge her jaw without too much pain, her whole esophagus was now bonafide monster cocksleeve. She could take one cock to the hilt and squeeze and rub against the other one like a body pillow. Being completely naked also prevented messes, she told herself. The wonderful feeling Kas' demonhood sliding between her breast was a mere bonus.

Breathing was a problem but she was getting good at that too. Today in particular, she managed to hold her breath during an entire session and only passed once Kas finished ejaculating into her stomach. She woke up to a breakfast of slimy white demon goodness in the stainless steel pot, then it was back to work again until she heard her fiance's footsteps in the hallway.

He was 15 minutes early. Bethany was sure she had time for one last milking but now she was struggling to put on her dress and try to look like she hadn't spent the last 10 hours skullfucking cocks as big as her legs.

Nathan stormed in the room just as Kas managed to hide the last cock inside his oversized pants. He didn't expect Beth to also be there.

"What's going on here?" Nathan looked like he was trying to appear stern but his shaking voice and knees betrayed his insecurity.

I was just teaching Kas the ways of our Lord and Savior. Beth answered looking straight into his eyes.

"Oh? And what's your favorite part of the bible, Kas." Nathan said arrogantly, confident that there was no hope for a godless savage like him.

"The coming..." Kas paused "...of Jesus Christ."

"You're late on the rent," continued Nathan, ignoring the obvious attempt at getting a rise out of him. "People on this planet go to work and pay rent". Then he stormed off.

Kas had not managed to get a job after all. Spending every day and night balls deep into Nathan's fiance's throat was partly to blame.

"Don't worry about him, I'll get him to let you stay" Beth reassured Kas, not wanting to give up her new lifestyle.

"He's right, though... I'm going to go back to job searching I'll be back later today."

Beth needed to step up her game. The girls at her purity club also talked about a form of sex that didn't count. Butt sex. She always thought they were just sluts but she kind of saw their point now. Nathan had to spent the weekend out of town for work, this was the perfect time to show Kas she was all that he needed. Unfortunately, it took a month to train her mouth to stretch wide enough to properly take on a monster rod. There was no way she could have her ass ready in time. Not without an 80's training montage.

Synthesizer slowly fades in as Beth is taking off her clothes. ♫♫♫

Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods?

Beth is grabbing various objects around the house: markers, cucumber, toolkit...

Where's the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?

She pushes one marker inside, slowly. It's making her visibly uncomfortable.

Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?

Her face contorts as a she stretches her ass to accommodate a second marker.

Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need

Then a third.

I need a hero!

Her asshole slightly gaping from the marker trio, Beth pushes the handle of a screwdriver against the side of her rim to loosen it up some more.

I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night

With a look of determination, she picks up the cucumber.

He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast

The painful expression on her face slowly fades and is replaced by a smile as she pumps the cucumber in and out.

And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

Beaming with pride, Beth runs to the kitchen and trades her cucumber for a large eggplant

I need a hero!

She's holding it by the thin part with one hand and tries to pry her asshole wide enough to fit the bottom part

I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light

Once her ass stretches enough to accommodate the large bottom. The eggplant is instantly swallowed up inside.

He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life

Beth is trying to fish out the eggplant with her hand.

Somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasy

Beth is in the shower, lathering her asshole with soap.

Somewhere just beyond my reach, there's someone reaching back for me

Her small fist easily fits inside now and she yanks it in and out quickly and as deep as her contorted arm allows.

Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat it's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet

An entire shampoo bottle gets swallowed up inside her bubble rump.

I need a hero!

Beth is in the living room with her hands on her hips putting her whole weight into penetrating something.

I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night

She is actually sitting on a 2L bottle of cola.

He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast

She is stuck where the bottle's diameter grows sharply but is not giving up.

And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

She pushes and pushes, wincing from the pain.

I need a hero!

She sinks a little bit more, inch by inch...

I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light

Her anal sphincter is resting on the thinner part of the cola bottle, past the middle. She is taking deep breaths and preparing for the final push.

He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life

The last inches of the 2L disappear inside her as tears of joy and pain run down her cheeks.

♫Music slowly fades as Beth pumps her fists in the air in celebration.

"Wow, didn't think I could make that much progress in 3 minutes." She had the rest of the afternoon to try and push a second 2L bottle up there to imitate both the girth and length of one of Kas' cocks.

"I have great news! I found a job! You're looking at the new trainee for the Action Moving Company," Kas triumphantly announce the second he burst into the apartment.

"I'm so happy for you!" Beth lied. "I have great news too. Come lie down."

Beth gave herself a quick butt-fisting under her skirt, spreading the entrance for some last minute preparation.

Right away she realized this was going to be a challenge, even with all her practice. Aroused by the short length of Beth's skirt and titillated by curiosity of what she was planning to do as he laid down on the floor, both his cocks were standing tall. Beth had a hard time lifting her butt high enough to rest on the head, even on her tippy toes. The 2L bottles she had inside her this afternoon had a nice conic shape for the first couple inches which made for easy (so to speak) insertion. With the shape of a cock, you have to deal with a large part right off the bat. This was true for humans and demons alike but was exponentially problematic when try to sink into a 2-foot pole and starting with something the size of a bowling ball.

As she was starting to get red from embarrassment, Beth managed to balance long enough at the perfect angle to have her weight push the tip deep enough inside to get a proper foot hold on Kas' legs. Now she could really show him that he really needed in life was right here between her legs.

She was making steady progress impaling herself but when Kas gently grabbed her shins, she nodded and accepted the help. With the strength of Kas's arms, her ass stood no chance. In mere seconds her partner's bottom member was stretching her bowels enough for the outline of its shape to be almost entire visible on her elastic skin. She was only halfway to the base but Kas gave her back control now that she had a good start. After a few seconds of waiting for her ass to adjust to the size and for Kas' precum to coat her insides, she was ready to push herself up with her legs. She pushed until the fattest part of the head was against the rim of her completely stretched ass hole, just long enough to feel the fleeting emptiness of her insides, then, using the second penis as leverage, pushed it all in again in one big trust, reaching deeper and deeper into her guts each time she repeated the feat.

It was tiring work but she kept at it until her butt cheeks found their way to Kas' large and full ball sack. She could could begin phase two of her plan. Unhinging her jaw with ease, she gobbled the second head while making sure to not falter in her rhythmic ass pumping. She was doing it, she was a sex toy worthy of a demon's lust. Kas groaned and his members began quivering.

No more pots, no more half measures, Beth was about to consume every gallons of the monster's load in one sitting. The anticipation alone brought her to orgasm. She pushed herself as deep inside as her sore colon could allow on its first day of ravaging, and braced herself for the eruption.

The airtight seal of the massive phallus in her strained anus was withholding the pressure and Beth could feel the tide of demon seed rising higher and higher within her bowels while her stomach inflated to take its equal share. Kas' eyes were aflame. He hadn't had such a great fuck in ages and this was a long orgasm even for him. Beth had been cumming for 5 minutes straight and hadn't had a chance to breath in at least that long as well. She was overdue for passing out but was dedicated to seeing this moment, the best moment of her life, to the end.

The spurts became more sporadic. This had to be it. One last swallow...

When Beth came to she was face down on the ground, being dragged to and fro across the wooden floor. Kas was gripping her legs and skewing her with his bottom cock while his upper cock was rubbing between her spread butt cheeks. He was in a frenzy, grunting like a wild animal. She immediately came again. This was going to be her entire weekend. It wasn't cheating, she assured herself. Just a more efficient way to help someone in need.

Kas never showed up for work.

Chapter 3: Total Eclipse of the Heart

It took a lot of bible quoting but Beth had convinced Nathan to let Kas stay without paying rent. This meant Nathan had to get a second job to keep them afloat. This also meant, to the delight of Beth, that he was going to be away most weekends for his second job as camp counselor. If there's one thing she liked more than Kas's throbbing cocks inside her asshole and throat, it was to have them in there for 72 hours straight. At the end of one of such intense sessions, Kas took advantage of Beth's exhaustion to announce to her that his dad was coming to visit next week.

The day of the visit, Kas warned Beth that whatever clothes she wore would likely get damaged when his dad would have its way with her.

"What makes you think I'm going to let your dad inside me?"

"He's the king of sex demons, fucking is pretty much all he does."

"We'll see about that."

Less than an hour after Nathan had given her a kiss on the cheek before leaving for the entire weekend, there was a loud knock at the door. Beth could feel a strange energy from the other side. She was more curious than scared. After Nathan left, she had put on her old catholic schoolgirl outfit. It barely fit her anymore but she couldn't think of a better welcome for the King of sex demons.

Kas opened the door to reveal a large coaked figure. So big that it had to crouch just to stand in the hallway. There was no way he could fit through frame so Beth simply extended her hand through the doorway.

"Hi, I'm Beth!"

The right sleeve of the figure's robes lifted and out came fingers. More fingers. Long fingers. No hand followed. They looked snakes at first but as they got closer Beth noticed they were in fact... penises. She had seen human male reproductive organs in a book and looked about the same if only a little thicker and a lot longer. She also knew that a normal human male only had just the one, not dozens or maybe hundreds of them.

The slithering phalli reached her hand, but didn't stop there. More and more were coming out of the robe's sleeve and were creeping up her arm and around her body. With what looked like no effort at all, the King lifted her up in the air and spoke strange words that resonated deep inside her mind. A red portal opened and Beth was dragged through it.

The overwhelming stench of sulfur was the first thing Beth noticed upon arriving to the sex demon realm, then the red pulsating floor, walls and ceiling; their fleshy appearance made it looked like they were inside the guts of a gargantuan creature.

The King began his courtship right away. A new bundle of flesh worms erupted from the robes and crawled over her entire body, briefly pausing after going down her underwear and near her mouth. Beth unhinged her jaw by force of habit and the tentacles took the cue. In a matter of seconds, all her clothes were ripped apart and tentacles started invading all of wide-eyed Beth's orifices... including her pussy, which had never been penetrated by anything before. Beth had a fleeting thought about the loss of her virginity. "It doesn't count if it happened in the demon realm, surely," she told herself before being able to enjoy for the first time having her vagina stretched, her cervix penetrated and even her fallopian tubes filled with a never-ending bloom of tentacles.

She tried to speak, but no air could pass. Sensing her needs, a few of the more recently inserted tentacles withdrew from her throat to allow her to express herself, at least gutturally: "Hi heed ho het hack hin hree hays."

All the withdrawn tentacles plunged back into her throat. This had clearly been the last chance she had been given to say anything. The tentacles in her ears dug deeper and after a sharp pain, she heard a voice in her head: "3 human days is acceptable. Every second that passes in the human world is 666 seconds here."

All of a sudden every one of the king's appendages went into overdrive. Beth had a hard time gauging how many were inside her but they were moving fast. It was a bit like when Kas would cum for the umpteenth time inside her throat and ass, only instead of malleable liquid, it was flesh widening all her canals to what she thought was their maximum diameter... until the ones going down met the ones going up and did not stop, doubling the expansion size of her intestines. Soon enough Beth had penises coming out of her holes as well as going in and they joined in the others occupying various holes her closeted mind never imagined would one day be violated, and definitely not by two to four penises of human proportions at once.

After what felt like an hour, Beth felt familiar shapes pushing against her backside. She could easily recognize Kasbedhal's demon members. He must have followed through the portal immediately after them but even a few seconds delay translates to a long time in the demon realm. Had she been able to speak or even turn her head, she would have communicated her objection to Kas going for a double penetration. They had never done anything like that before and with all her holes already in use by many of his dad's tentacles, she didn't think the timing was right... but it was happening.

The king of demons didn't want to remove any tentacles but with Kas not giving up, he instead pushed them all against the sides as much as possible, stretching Beth's ass and pussy to a new level and giving himself a small passage way to maybe squeeze into.

Another hour passed, Kas had managed to pack most of his meat inside the crowded passages and was even able to move them back and forth. He was ready for his first discharge. His dad decided to join in. Bulges started traveling from the base of the tentacles. Seeing them swell, Beth couldn't believe she was about to be stretched even more than she already was, but that was only the beginning. Over the past months, Beth had swallowed hundreds of gallons of sticky demon semen but she had never been truly inundated by it before. Kas and countless tentacles were pushing a thick, familiar, substance deep inside her womb and bowels. Meanwhile countless more tentacles were filling her stomach, mouth, nose, ears, bladder... her skin was so stretched, none of it could even leak out.

Beth joined in on the family orgasm. Even with all the pain, she had never felt this good. She was one with her beloved demon seed. After dumping their load, the two demons continued their life's purpose without pause, only this time, there was the added sensation of feeling all that demon cum sloshing inside her as she was swung around roughly.

Small imp-like creatures started arriving at the scene, drawn by the smell of young flesh in this barren world. Their intention was clear, the same intention as any being from this realm: find a hole and fuck it. Every new arrival went through the same routine of roaming all over her looking for an orifice, ANY orifice that wasn't fully occupied. After much frustration they would end up fighting over her breasts, sucking and biting to get the few drops of milk she was producing, occasionally looking up to see if an ear or a nostril had freed up. Beth already knew, she felt it the first time demon semen filled her uterus like a water-balloon, she was pregnant.

Beth's belly grew fast. Her concept of time was shaky but she was confident that she wasn't mistaking hours for months. She couldn't have been in the demon world for more than a day yet looked in the final stage of her pregnancy. This was not a normal baby. And she was not in the final stage of her pregnancy.

At the end of what she estimated to be the second day, The King and Kas had not taken a break once. They were ravaging her at the same intensity and ferocity, but her belly, now 3 times the size it had any right to be, was stretching her skin, making every hole tighter and every sensation more intense. Whenever she had an orgasm, she could feel her children grow and move violently inside her. After a fresh batch of demon cum flooded every inch of her insides for the hundredth time, Kas pulled out followed by all the penises that had managed to fit inside her crowded uterus. The sensation of emptiness was relieving at first, but quickly became unbearable. Thankfully, Beth soon understood why her baby-daddies had left her vagina unattended for the first time in 2 demon days. It was time to birth her first children.

Kas only wanted to free one hole but because of his unique anatomy, had to pull both of his members out. Before anyone could steal his spot, he pushed for the anal cavity again, but something was wrong... Beth felt he was try to get both of them in at the same time. She still had a lot of King's dick-snakes in there, he had to know there was no way. She couldn't say anything to object, she couldn't even clench her teeth with the dozens of cocks forcing her jaw opened. Kas kept pushing and maybe because of all her training or maybe a little bit of magic from this strange place, Beth's ass eventually gave way to both of the minotaur's giant cocks as he roared in triumph.

Beth never felt so stretched, a record she was about to break the following minute when two goat heads breached her cervix. Her demon babies were fighting each other for who was going to come out first and it looked like it was going to end in a tie. All the dicks inside of Beth started to twitch. She was on the verge of the biggest orgasm of her life, if her sex partners came as well, it would surely push her over the edge... The gallons of cum pushing up her intestines, the gallons of cum flowing into her stomach, her bladder, her ears, her nose, all her holes stretched past their limits, two pairs of shoulder distorting her cervix, it was all too much. A giant burst of ecstasy, then darkness.

Beth was woken up only a few moments later when her children, standing on their hind legs, violently latched on to her engorged breasts and started suckling like veal. They were getting so much more out of her than the imps ever had. Decapitated imp carcasses surrounded her twins. The human girl felt the ground shaking. Her nymphic aroma reached far and wide, and demons from all over the realm had begun their pilgrimage.

Jinemoch the Baneful had arrived. Kas still had both his cocks in her ass, the vagina was more or less free, short of a couple dozen tentacles. Jinemoch crouched faced down under her. From the corner of her eye, Beth could see that this one had a large scorpion stinger, which he surely used as his sex tool. He was careful during the insertion, the tail did a good job at filling the void left by the previous tenants and she only felt the sting of the tip against the wall of her womb after it had been fully inserted and was just trying to push deeper. The pain was almost instantly replaced by a sweet feeling of lightheadedness and another orgasm. All three demons came inside her at that time. She felt it once more; she was going to be a mom again.

Her last lucid thought was calculating how long 3 days were in demon time. Something like 2000 days. "If I have babies every 2 days, that's a thousand litters." She was looking forward to every single birth. This was not cheating she assured herself. The demon realm definitely did not count.

The King of Demons kept his promise: three human days later he waited for Beth to give birth to a fat Buddha-looking demon, and before she could get pregnant again, opened a portal and carried her, impaled on his long tentacles, across to the other side, then pulled out miles of slimy appendages out of her intestines and esophagus. Beth coughed and took her first deep breath in over 5 years.

"Please, I want to go back" a cum-glazed Beth begged.

The King dropped a jewel-incrusted dagger on the floor and disappeared inside the portal.

"That's the dagger of Balam" Kas clarified. "You stab the air then bring the dagger down as if shredding a hanging sheet to create a portal to the demon dimension. It's a huge honor; you did great in there."

A quick shower and a thick sweater to hide her still-engorged breasts made Beth presentable again just in time.

Nathan was back from his weekend job and he ran to hug her. "I missed you so much, Beth"

"I missed you too..." It had been so long that she could not remember his name.

Chapter 4: It's A Heartache

The dagger of Balam proved to be a very useful item. When her fiance Nathan was home and awake Beth would normally count down every excruciatingly boring seconds. With the time inflation of the demon realm, however, a 5-minute bathroom trip to her was like spending a whole weekend being fucked by various creatures of the underworld. Taking a 15-minute "shower" was a week's worth of demon penetration.

She didn't spend nearly as much time with Kas as before, either. Why spend the night with him when she could go through 666 times the amount of non-stop ravaging with multiple suitors. She even went as far as spending a week away "at her grandma's place". That was an interesting 12 years....

One of her favorite new partners was Cruamala the Gorger. Transporting straight to him was easy. Just open a portal above the bathroom sink.

She still remembered the first time her random dagger wormhole adventures brought her to his lair. He was (and still is) the biggest demon she had seen. The ground shook as he positioned himself over her. He walked on four legs but also had a muscular humanoid torso and arms. Beth had not even seen what his upper body looked like during their first encounter. She did see that Cruamala had two cocks, like Kas. Only his were shaped more like they belonged to a horse and were much bigger. Beth had seen it all and had been stretched beyond human limits, but could still feel her heart racing at the sight of demon members so big that one of them was sure to tear her apart... let alone two. Nevertheless, she assumed position. She lifted her small ass as high as she could and angled it towards the throbbing horse dicks.

Gaping with anticipation, Beth's holes did their best to welcome the thick outer-rim of the rods that were going to become part of her for the next 2 days. Both cocks started pushing in their respective holes at the same time. The bones of her hips were cracking. Accommodating such monsters was her greatest challenge yet but, as always, Beth rose to the task and swallowed up every inch with her backside. The skin of her belly stretched far ahead of her and she felt like she could break any second.

The great demon's lair was already swarming with goblins and all her other orifices were fought over while Crua was violently rearranging her organs. Beth was in heaven.

Then came the best part. Cruamala's sperm was unlike anything she'd has in the demon world. And she had had a lot of sperm... His spermatozoa were each the size of tadpoles that squirmed as they traveled through her cavities.

Crumala never gave Beth a break, even at the end of her pregnancy, her demon babies had to push their way out around his pistons. Beth nearly fainted with all this expansion and activity in her birth canal but she really had to get back home; Nathan would be wondering why she was taking so long on the toilet. Pushing with all her meager strength and assisted by a deluge of fresh cum from two gargantuan hoses, she managed to un-impale herself and opened a portal back to fall on the bathroom floor.

Watching the rest of the movie with Nathan was much more interesting than before as she could now focus on the giant sperms flapping around in her bowels, womb and stomach. Cruamala became her go-to demon for her frequent bathroom breaks. And yet, even with all this time dilatation, her wedding day was inevitably creeping closer. The ceremony was going to be interminable, she thought.

On the fateful day, Kas stopped her for a "quickie" before she had to meet Nathan at the church. She already had her wedding dress on, but figured something like that would happen and didn't wear any underwear that day. Careful not to rip the fluffy skirt and train, she climbed onto Kas, who was laying down, and sunk her holes into his giant poles with ease.

Yes, his cocks were impossibly big by human standards, but they didn't fill her womb the same way goblins unbirthed themselves to have an orgy inside.

And they didn't have tendrils like Barbdar the Invader that could wiggle through her fallopian tubes and squeeze her ovaries of their egg juice.

The one in her ass stretched her colon, but she felt much more violated when Ginzal the Stuffer filled her entire digestive system with hundreds of spores the size of ostrich eggs. Or when Culxhal the Ravager passed his main tentacle from ass to mouth, then through her nostrils and all the way back mouth to ass again to end up inside her urethra, which, right now, felt completely ignored.

It was at that moment she realized Kas was nothing special. Then the "mighty" demon came.

Her belly grew the size of a beach ball but it wasn't a constant deluge flowing for hours like the ejaculation of Gremmohr the Bottomless. With nothing in her throat she was also able to breath through the whole thing. How boring, she thought.

And yes she came, but an orgasm nowhere as intense as when Shaxsuhm the Serpent injected her insides with aphrodisiacs through the fangs of his viper cock.

And yes she could feel herself being impregnated but the babies would probably be much smaller than those of Zeplahr King of Centaurs... "Wait what! Shit, holy shit. You got me pregnant?!" Beth pushed herself off of Kas's cocks managing the last few inches by getting on tippy toes.

"Yeah so? You've been pregnant thousands of times."

"Yah, shit brains, in the demon realm. This is the human realm. Doesn't that mean I have to go through a real nine-month pregnancy?"

"Do you mind if we go again? It's not like you can get any more pregnant."

Beth sighed and tippy-toed herself back on top of Kas' members. She let gravity take care of getting her most of the way down through her loosened holes.

"Is it going to be a human or a demon?" she asked her mount.

"50-50 chance I think"

"God dammit, I'm getting married in like an hour."

"Just ditch this twerp. You cheat on him all the time."

"I've never cheated on Nathan!" Beth said with a combined 4 feet of cocks inside her.

Kas smirked. He rarely smirked. "Maybe I should just tell him about us and have him leave you instead."

"You wouldn't dare."

"I will. Let me fill you up again then I'll carry your cum-filled ass to the church and show him how much of a slut his innocent little stay-at-home wife really is."

Beth was panicking. She couldn't sop herself from moving up and down on him but her brain was spinning at 100mph trying to find a solution. She couldn't let this sub-human ruin her happy ending. There was nothing more she wanted at this moment than to marry Nathan and be a wonderful wife to him. Well... to get her bowels and womb filled with rich, creamy demon spunk a second time THEN marry Nathan and be a wonderful wife to him.

Kas closed his eyes as cum began to flow. Beth came too, but snapped herself out of it as soon as she could. While the demon was squeezing out the last drops of jizz out of his balls, she picked up the Dagger of Balam from the nightstand and stabbed him in the nose. The blade went deep. Kas screamed a sound that had never been heard by human ears before, a wail that made every bone in her body rattle. Light erupted from the wound and the mighty Kasbedhal the Penetrator turned to ash around her... and inside her.

We interrupt your program with this breaking news. The very first demonicide in recorded history was perpetrated yesterday. Perhaps the strangest detail is that the accused is this young woman, Bethany Collins. She stabbed the victim in the face during coitus and claims self-defense. We go now live to our very own Trish Lopez being used as a spokeswoman by the King of sex demons. Trish?

The King of demons was holding multiple press releases with TV stations each providing a young go-getter female reporters looking for her big break. The correspondents were levitating a couple of feet above ground, only supported by thick tentacles disappearing under their skirts. A keen eye could notice that the tentacles were not just holding up them up, they were moving, digging ever deeper. Trish's eyes were rolled completely and she looked like she was having some sort of seizure until she opened her mouth and spoke clearly, her puppeteer only betrayed by the robotic tone of her voice.

"Whenever our kind was accused of breaking silly human rules, they were jailed and trialed in the human world and sentenced according to human law. The murder of my son is a demon matter and the sex demon court will judge if the act was self-defense. This human WILL be held and trialed for her crimes in our realm. This is not negotiable. Back to you, Chris."

The camera lingered for a few seconds before cutting back to the studio. If you paused at the last few frames, you could spot the tip of some appendages wriggling out of Trish's mouth.

"The babies are doing well," her court-appointed doctor told Beth, cheerfully, after a lengthy probing of her uterus with several of his tentacles.

She assumed he was a doctor, but all she really knew was that he was a giant talking octopus in a lab coat. He then proceeded to run more test using his remaining tentacles and her anal cavity. Beth doubted the medical validity of stretching her ass but she had come to expect things like that from her encounters with sex demons.

After a few hours of stretching and digging, the doctor pulled out all of his tentacles and left Beth dazed on the clinic bed. "OK, you're good to go to sex demon jail. Your trial is in 8 months," he said as he closed the door.

Beth screamed her question too late: "Is it 8 month in demon time?" ... "That makes a big difference!" she screamed even louder to the empty room. "Big difference..."

Demon guards that could almost pass for humans if not for their deformed faces, escorted Beth silently through a long passage that led to a giant vault door. On the same wall was a simple wooden door that was more her size. It looked easily breakable compared to the main door but that didn't matter if nothing on the other side was small enough to get through.

The guard on her left broke the silence. "Welcome to the Andariel Vault. It is where we keep the demons that grew too big or became too dangerous to roam around the demon world freely. You're the first human to step foot here, so I don't have a uniform for you or anything. It's all birthday suits in there."

Then the guard on her right took over. "I'm going to insert this slug into your ear canal, it will dig its way to your brain. I wouldn't count on hearing from that ear again. But you're lucky, you have two!"

"What does it do?" Beth replied, worried about the slug but happy to finally having people to talk to.

"Well, it's ironic really. It's standard protocol to put one inside each inmate. It forces them awake and makes them extra horny, which is a form of torture for demons since they don't have young flesh to fuck in there. But now with you here... Anyway I just find this hilarious. It's just for 8 months until the trial, anyway. Have fun!"

"Is it 8 months in human or demon..." The smaller door closed shut behind her... "...time?"

"This should have been the first question to ask, dummy," Beth mumbled to herself, standing naked in an immense dome stared at by dozens of assorted dinosaur-sized creatures. That had been the last chance she would have to ask that question for the next 444 years and also the last time her throat was to be unoccupied .

Beth felt the slug reach her brain and something clicked. All her fears vanished. She had a different question now: "How many of these gargantuan demon cocks can I fit inside me at once?"


2023-07-29 21:33:27
Fantastic story. I hope you keep coming up with great ideas like this. I cum three times.


2023-07-25 15:40:12
Montage!!! I had to stop reading when the montage ended, reading on my phone. l got up, logged into my computer and account, just to write this. It was beautiful. Montage!

Positive Rating!

Love your world building!!
Gonna finish the story now!
Sticky regards,

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