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Colleen tests her power over Leland. She is sorely disappointed.
Chapter 10

"Mom! I thought you looked sleazy on Ridley's birthday, but now you've put on things a streetwalker wears."

"Hush, Peg, and remember your brother is Rider from now on."

"But that skirt- are you even wearing panties?" She could easily tell I wasn't wearing a bra under my thin top. She tried a joke. "All you need is extra makeup, and you could work a kissing booth or worse."

My sweet, tsundere daughter - how I wanted to smack her for the second time in her life. Instead, I ignored her and donned the fake fur jacket I had bought for today.

Her stink-eye remained fixed on me as I walked out of the house, high-heel sandals clacking on cement. Before getting into my car, I called at the house. "Don't trouble your brother, or I'll drop you in downtown, wearing clothes like this!"

Peg shrank into the open frame and shut the door. I was confident she would lock it.

I met George in front of a severe looking, city building downtown. His eyes bulged. "You really want to stick it to him, in that outfit."

"He gets what he deserves today." I frowned.

We went into the city jail and waited for Leland Jones to be manumitted, "processed" I should say.

The black man's eyes bulged when he saw me. I noticed his gratis shirt, jacket, and slacks didn't have a belt.

"Let's go, Leland." George told the former, incarcerated man and helped me up from the hardwood bench seat.

Once past the first door, on our way outside, the discharged rapist vented his suspicions. "How'd you know they'd drop the charges? I figured you finally got your revenge." I repressed a smirk. Revenge? If only Leland remembered all that happened, weeks previously in the Shade Palm Motel.

"How are you feeling?" I opened the outside door for him.

"Good." He nodded. "My dick and nuts work jus' fine again! I was hungry all the time too, after I healed up. Must have lost twenty pounds in that cell." He gave only half a grin, eyes returning to my slut clothes. "You teasing Old Leland, right, Colleen? Getting your licks in?"

"The DA had to drop her case." George explained. "She wasn't happy about it. Not. At. All. Evidence was insufficient, because we didn't give her much. Rape is incredibly difficult to prove. I was sweating it, though." My husband grunted. "They identified my sperm as well as yours. I worried they'd arrest me too or kick your broken ass outside the police station and charge me with false accusations."

"Why blame a rich, white man when there's a poor black dude with a record to haul into jail!" George and I had seen his record, all misdemeanors - most of which happened years ago.

We reached my Volvo that was sitting in a time-limited parking space. There was a ticket on the windshield.

"I still don't get why you didn't just lock me up for good." He shook head. "I truly am grateful for the surgery, but I'm not a lion whose gonna get all mushy for taking the nail out of my paw."

I embraced my true love. George and I kissed, extra mushy.

"Shit. I'm leave'n." Leland scowled.

I sneaked a grab of my glowing husband's bulging crotch. "I'll see you after work, Honey."

"Fo fuck's sake." Leland started walking. I grabbed the parking ticket on my Volvo and pocketed it, but George headed for our Prius which he had parked farther away. He avoided glancing back to me and the man who used to cuckold him. But he worried about my wicked plan's succeess.

"Get in the car, Mr. Jones." I took my keys from purse and jangled them. He gave me a sour look but ambled up and got into the front passenger seat.

After starting the engine, I looked down the street for a chance to pull into traffic. Leland's left hand pulled the front of my mini-skirt up to my waist. "I warned you, White Slut, both you and Pussy Mouth. You should have left me on the sidewalk."

"G-get your hand off me." I had trouble finding my stern voice. "I'm taking you to a hotel, all expenses covered for a week. So you have time to organize a plan." My car entered traffic and headed south.

"Plan?" He scoffed. "All I care 'bout, right now, is seeing your pussy after a long time in jail." He gently pressed to fingers into my very slick vagina. "Can't believe you thought you could dress like that alone with me."

"I guess I wasn't thinking. Now let me drive." I scolded. I turned onto a street and accelerated cautiously. My sex sent shivers up my back.

"I hope yer a good driver, Slut." He began porking my juicing pussy. My hips clenched around his stirring fingers, and I muffled a groan by pressing my lips together.

His right hand reached around and replaced the fingers inside of me with fresh ones. His pussy wet left reached into my open, fur jacket and groped my titties, one by one. He mauled them through the thin and sweaty undershirt. That jacket was hot!

"Gods, Leland. Stop that!" I swerved a little left and right, to make my point.

"Hells, Bitch. Pull over right here and get in the back. I'm gonna fuck you blue."

"No!" I took a hand off of the wheel and batted the hand on my boobs. It didn't give way. "We're almost there, damnit!" I tried. "People are getting out of work right now all over downtown. I don't want to hit one."

"Heh." He grunted. "Would be something though if we got caught fucking. I'd have got out of jail and back into it on the same day." He pawed my body less vigorously.

I suffered his gentle but annoying groping for another three minutes until I found a space on Seth St. A dented Tesla was just leaving. After engaging the parking brake, I tried again to shuck Leland's hands, without success. The engine was still running. His trousers were cheap, the least the city would spend for ex-jailbirds who couldn't afford clothes. He'd been naked when arrested. I had to turn my head away from the growing bulge behind his gray, crotch panel.

Finally, his left hand let go of the shirt he'd wrinkled, so he could turn off the engine and take my keys. That gave me time to open my purse. "Here's your hotel key!" I blurted, withdrawing the tagged ring.

I had made the tag. The key had only come with a shouted room number. Room 4-A. When Leland saw the hotel's name, his grin widened until it matched the awful one I remembered. He pulled his fingers out of my wet cunt to grab the key. His left hand dropped my keyring into my open purse.

"You get out." He opened his door and stepped free, then hustled around the car. I was digging for the ring when Leland jerked my door open and pulled me out into the dirty street! I dropped my keys on the sidewalk. Leland bent quickly to snatch them. He pressed the car key's lock button. The doors uttered sturdy snaps.

"Loretta!" I suddenly wailed.

"What?" Leland's head spun this way and that. "Is this some kind of set up?" He shook me.

"No!" I wriggled to escape his powerful grasp. Had he gotten stronger in jail? "I said I'd pay her to look in on you for a week!"

"Hey, White Bitch!" The short, ungainly buxom and fat assed woman strolled around the corner and wobbled towards us. Leland ushered me forward to meet her half-way. She looked him up and down. "I can't believe you actually got the bastard out of jail." She aimed puzzlement at me. I had trouble not staring at her scarred face. Without breaking eye contact with me, she told Leland. "You done a good job with the White Bitch. Now she even dressing up for you." She snickered.

"Tell him to let go of me." I struggled against his grip.

"I don' do nuthin', Slut, unless I git paid for it." Loretta scanned me. "Why you wearing ho clothes? Didja remember what Jason said 'bout the price he charge for yo sweet, white ass?"

"Leave us be, Loretta. Drop by later if you want to catch up. Room 4-A."

"Ooo, you gots ta honeymoon suite!" She burst into peals of laughter. "Have a happy moon'n, y'all." She walked back to the intersection.

"Let me go, Leland. I put down two hundred dollars for that room. Just leave and forget about me!"

"Nah, you dressed like that for a reason, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of that reason." He half dragged, half escorted me, but he walked leisurely. "Besides, don' you want one for the road?" He barked a laugh.

Apparently Jason had caucasian thugs watching The Stadium's entrance during the day. The too bulky goons ignored us however. I guess Loretta had warned them. My captor hauled me up the steps and through the entrance. He ignored the nodding clerk and pushed me up eight, half flights of stairs.

The A on the door was tilted, but it was the only door with a metal tag. The others had their letter painted on or drawn with a marker.

I made a break for the stairs when he fit the key into door A. SMACK! He slapped my face! "Is that what you want?" He growled and pushed me through the opening.

Room A was larger than the other two I'd been in, by about fifty percent. It had an actual bed instead of a cot, and there was a pillow, stained and misshapen. The stench was half as severe, and the window opened twice as wide when Leland, still gripping my arm, turned the crank. He threw me on the bed and unbuttoned his ultra cheap but clean trousers. "Get naked, White Bitch!"

I clutched the flaps of my jacket. "Is this what I get for saving your fucking life?!" I looked as if I was about to cry.

"No. This is what you get for fucking teasing me with your open cunt and thin covered tits!"

"George put me up to this! He wanted to piss you off one last time!"

"George can't take a piss without yer say. Now get out dem clothes, and I gonna fuck you straight."

"I don't deserve this!" I gathered my recently honed self-esteem and launched myself at the large black, wailing on his arms and body with clenched fists! "Let me go!"

CRACK! Pain lanced through my head. He had not just slapped me but bitch slapped me with both hands! I fell away, my back hitting the bed. That would leave a nasty bruise to explain to my children. "OWWW! Get back. Leave me alone, you black fuck!" I let loose a new found ferocity!

My sparse clothes didn't last a minute under his immediate rampage. "YOU CALL ME WHAT!?" Leland was so angry, he ripped my purse strap from the purse, doubled it up and began swinging to bear!

Everywhere it landed cruel, red marks appeared - on my forearms, shoulders, ribs, tits, hips, thighs. That was how my next downfall began.

After just a few lashes, I was sobbing, "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" Over and over, when he turned me over on my belly and let loose with dozens more. The strap was half as heavy as his old belt, but it was narrow and the impact sent shockwaves deep into my flesh!

"AAAAAAA!!!" I screamed and screamed. He paused for a heartbeat before falling upon me from behind and lifting my burning ass. His insanely hard cock speared my dripping pussy and resumed my punishment!

In total agony, I couldn't speak while he plowed his deprived member through my twitching cunt. It hurt more than I remembered! He didn't say anything either, just grunted as he made up for weeks of jailing!

Leland didn't last very long, unlike the other times he raped me, which lasted and lasted while I did my best to endure. He didn't want to last. "Tell me your cumming, White Bitch!"

"I'm CUMMING! I'M CUMMING!" I wailed. I would have said anything by then. It was a lie, but that didn't matter. He wanted his bitch to cum when his hairy crotch slammed my burning ass, and his huge cock crammed into me!

He roared when his groin clamped down behind his dick, firing globs of spunk into me, spattering the front of my cervix!

I realized then that I hadn't been testing my fertility. I didn't know if his seed would catch or could catch. I believe I dodged a bullet that night in the Shade Palm Motel, when the sperm of two men competed for my wandering egg, all for naught.

In The Stadium's best room, Leland had beaten and fucked me just because I thought it would be fun to tease him.

He fell fully upon my back, his great weight pinning me to the single mattress. His cum dribbled out and soaked the bed, not that it made that rancorous mattress worse to lie on. Shudders from Leland's terrific orgasm pounded me beneath him. My ass screamed from the pressure of his heaving belly! I cried openly, my tears streaming down the pillow case's filth clogged weave.

"Gods! I needed that!" Leland rolled onto his side. "You had to dis and piss me off! Damn, Bitch, I was going to go easy on ya!"

"I could never fight you before. This time, I had to try. You made a wreck of me." I sniffed and coughed.

"I'll wreck you more if you give that kind o lip again."

"I'm sorry. I panicked! I didn't mean it."

"Maybe you didn't, Cunt, but I was in no mood. You could be sleeping in my arms right now, instead of bawling. You chose to fight. I had to put you in your place."

I just cried after that. There was nothing to say.

Eventually, I cried myself to sleep. He unexpectedly spooned me decently, taking care not to rub against my butt or touch my other welts.

His hands woke me deep in the night, turning me on my back. My aching behind woke me when it rolled onto the mattress. He got on top and fitted the head of his restored erection to my pussy lips. He found I was dry, but instead of jamming his thick shaft through an unready cunt, he fondled my nipples with one hand and slid his prick head along my hairy groove. He even rubbed my lax clit with his cock.

"No, Leland. Let me sleep. I'm so sore!"

"Hush, White Slut. You brought that on yours-self." He kept diddling on my clit, nipples and slit until he felt lubrication on his plumb. Slowly he pressed his prick through my damp labia, stretching it wide. He found my inner hole quickly and with a brief but firm prod, his cock buried a couple inches up my cunt!

"It hurts!"

"It wouldn't if you hadn't piss me off." He kept pushing his thick cock deeper into my fuck hole. My aching ass scraped into the lumpy mattress. "Yeah, this cunt is just right." He grinned in the dark and fed his entire prick up my barely lubricated puss. The night lights of downtown illuminated the room.

I whined and struggled, striking his chest with my fists.

"You sure want another whooping, don't you." Leland's grin dropped into a frown.

Again failing to drive away this horrible man, I relented once more, allowing him free access to fuck me however he liked. His hips started slow, drawing half his prick out of me and pressing it back in. I grunted from the pain in my ass, but my crotch had sustained several blows from the purse strap as well.

Leland maintained a slow pace. I sensed he was experimenting with the amount of dick he could pull out of my sore puss before driving it fully home again. As he learned what the limit was, he began fucking me faster but took care not to slip out.

"Leland." I groaned. "I'm not juicing enough to keep up with you. I know you're taking it easy, but just slow down a bit, until it hurts less, please?"

"You've taken worse." He snorted and sped up. My cunt was getting really battered then, and it did get wetter, but it seemed like the huge prick rubbing my cunt raw, dredged out protective juices faster than they replenished.

Satisfied by the pounding he was giving and by my outcries of pain, Leland steadied his pace and began mauling my tits and biting my nipples still sore from their earlier beating.

"AAAA!!!" I wailed.

He suddenly put his hands behind my back. Rising, he lifted me until he was sitting on his knees and I was fully impaled on his prick, forcing him to pause his assault - for which I was grateful.

"You still got some fight in you, Bitch. So you do the work." His hands slid down and grabbed my purple asscheeks! Fire seared through my torso. I scrambled up, straddling Leland's kneeling pose. His erect cock nearly slipped out, but it was too long to escape easily. The old black pulled me into a squat, his fat pecker driving up my slowly moistening cunt. "Ride my black dick, White Bitch, and don't be patient about it!"

This was new. I doubted Leland was tired. The man could fuck for hours. He was toying with me, giving enough of a leash to encourage me. I sank, wincing, until his mass of dick filled me to the limit. My cunt could just barely accept the entire thing. That was one of the reasons Leland kept coming back. Another was because I never was able to deny him. Despite my optimism and determination this time, my hope was once again dashed to pieces by a hard length of black flesh.

"Git moving!" He spanked my burning ass! I flinched upward, half of his dense rod piling out before I sank around it again and started fucking with repeated squats and lifts. My ass felt a little better, air cooling it. Other parts of my body, which the old black had lashed, continued to sting.

Leland groaned, deeply happy for my cowgirl action. "Speed it up!" He whacked my ass again!

"Ow!" I shouted. In addition to my ass jerking from his slaps, my clit twitched pleasantly. I was getting turned on. That wouldn't guarantee an orgasm, especially because I was trying to get the bastard off as quickly as possible.

"That's it. Use that cunt!" Leland growled, pawing at my tits. Instead of biting, he kissed my nipples noisily and sucked them.

Allowed to move freely while fucking the fat old man, I tried various angles to enhance the good sensations and reduce the pain, the former helping to mask the latter.

The motion brought a memory of my husband, weeks ago, in the Shade Palm Motel. George had held Leland's firm prick steady while I fucked it just like this! I had cum so hard - it had been a revelation! An unexpected groan issued from my throat. "Geeooorge!"

How I wished my husband lay beneath me, at that moment, grinning up with bright teeth, his eyes greedy for my submission. But Leland's fierce assaults over several months had, instead of breaking me, like it had George, strengthened my will instead. At times he had been violent. He had scourged me with belts and straps, but also Leland had made selfish love to me, consoling me while his great member slid in and out of my juicing pussy.

The 'honeymoon' suite fell almost quiet. Only the sound of my sucking twat, his schlorping prick, and the creaking bed frame disturbed sleeping bed bugs. I had stopped crying. Our moans were soft things. Our attentions focused on the good sensations from rapid friction.

"You're liking this now, aren't you, Slut?" He didn't care what I thought. "We coulda been fucking nice like this all day. I din' want to beat you, but you thought you could make me your black toy. No fucking way, White Bitch." He spanked my butt! I yelped and fucked him faster, my aching ass wobbling up and down. My clit engorged against the sawing prick, sending shivers to soothe my aches. I might have cum eventually, except the bastard keep talking!

"This nigga got out of jail - which was no favor. Mebbe I woulda died in that hotel room. Not sure which is worse. But you called the cops without my say and made up dem lies, and I had to go along because dying is worse than be'n dead."

Shut up and just cum, damn you. I ground my teeth together but turned my grimace out of his view. I milked his stiff pole with my cunt muscles while heaving my ass up and down it. The bed creaked wildly! I preferred the room when it was almost quiet. I stared at the patterns of mold on the wall. He had said his piece, and I felt compelled to speak for myself.

"After this, I never want to see you again. Show up at my house and I will call the cops. They'll pay attention, given your first brush with felony. George has the paperwork to seek a restraining order." Right then I groaned, feeling like I was not only on top of the black predator, but on top of our game. It felt so good, my body sent more waves of sexual pleasure from our intercourse. There was now a good chance that I would cum. I forced my tiring legs to bend and straighten faster. "Hhhh- HHH- HHHH!!" I grunted.

"Gods, your cunt is a sucking monster, Bitch! Fuck DAT DICK!" Leland groaned loudly.

Like a supervillain taunting the secret agent, I spilled my plan. "I failed today, Leland. I figured out what you meant, that first time, about messing with my mind. You've made me stronger. Someday I'll be strong enough to stand against you, you and anyone who thinks I'm free use."

He spat at the carpet. "Stupid bitch! Your brain is as empty as your unfucked cunt! I don't know psychology, but I'm the one who broke you. You'll never escape me."

His confidence sent a cold chill down my spine, cutting through the warm pleasure swirling from my loins. My knees slowed, but Leland grabbed me by my sore hips and began hauling me up and down, using me like a flesh sleeve to get his nut! "I'm fucking you now, and your cuck husband is gonna get a new brat to make his days miserable!"

Cold fear shedded my bold statements. Leland's will undercut my foolish resistance and intimidated me back into his control. I sank unwillingly into his strength which plied me high and low for his soaked cock's pleasure. Tears threatened to spill. I started shuddering silent sobs.

"YEAH, that's my broken cunt! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!" He roared and bucked his hips as he drove me on his cock as fast as he could. "You're mine, WHITE BITCH!" He roared again when his thick seed sprayed against my battered cervix! He kept humping me from below while glob after glob gushed into me. His arms tired before his hips did. I openly wept, my orgasm frustrated by realization of my foolish plan and my doom to be a fuck toy forever.

My brain obsessed internally over the status of my fertility. It didn't matter. Leland Jones would keep fucking me until I bore the revenge child he wanted for me and George. Given my inability to refute Leland's power over me, I might not have been able to get an abortion.

When he finally twisted me off of his fat body, Leland gasped for air, cum dribbling out of his toppling cock and my weeping puss. I lay beside him, somehow glad that I hadn't cum.

Leland fished into my purse and presented my phone to me. "Unlock this, Cunt."

Without a glimmer of resistance, I reached up and tapped the code in. It took my weak hand, three tries to get it right. "I guess if you lost George's phone, you might as well steal mine."

"Shut the fuck up, Bitch." He dialed a number and waited.

I curled up and began fingering the cum oozing out of my cunt. I considered cramming Leland's seed back into the slit he had sprayed it into. My mind was so broken, I thought why not? The sooner I got pregnant from his raping cum, the sooner I could discharge his black baby.

"Jason, it's Leland. You do'n business right now?" He held the phone to his ear, depriving me of the white pimp's reply

"Yeah, I'm out of Jail. Didn't Loretta tell ya?"

He listened.

"Don't beat her for that. I tol' you, be the good pimp, and she'll do anything for you. But that's not what I'm calling for. Maybe you don't remember that white, married bitch I used to take for rides in The Stadium."

Another pause.

"You do? You must be smok'n less crack these days, Jason. Hells, I just fucked her into a nothin' person. She'll be in Room 4-A, cry'n or some shit." He hung up.

Words didn't mean much to me right then. I watched Leland dress and then steal all my cash - I had meant to give it to him anyway for a week's expenses. I wondered if I should live in this horrible room. That would give me a week to hide my shame away from my husband and children.

Leland dropped my phone back into my purse and left the room, buttoning his slacks.

I stared at my clothes, hardly understanding that I should get dressed. Jason was coming. He'd probably fuck me too.

Except, when the young white, ghetto pimp entered, he found me sitting, dressed and with my keys in one hand. "What do you want?" I glared up at him.

He paused in the doorway, surprised by my attitude. "You're gonna be my new whore." He spoke aggressively, but his words were hollow to me.

I opened my other hand. "This pepper spray says I'm going out that door, get in my car, and never return."

Jason backed out of the room. I stood up and strode past him. When I stepped on the first stair down, he hissed. "Damn geezer made me look a fool!" I did not doubt that he would extract vengeance for the phone call.

As much as I hated the old, black bastard, I felt a powerful need to protect him. By the time I reached my sad Volvo, I realized two new things. I had grown stronger. I would never become Jason's whore, and I doubted there was a man alive, other than Leland who could master me. Along the drive my feelings swirled like a dust devil.

I returned home, half of my heart yearning to rejoin my husband and our children. I woke them after preparing a surprise, midnight feast. The other half of my heart remained engaged with the continuing enigma that was my relationship with Leland Jones.

After a grand meal of home cooked fish and chips, the kids returned to bed. Returning to our room, George mustered considerable courage to say. "I'm sorry you were late." He had hoped, like me, that I would be home right after sending Leland off for good. My husband's statement was full of sympathy not anger. My heart beat loudly in my chest full of love for him.

"I have worse news, My Love." I was close to tears from mirroring sympathy.

George, justly concerned, guessed. "He'll visit - sometime soon?"

I flew to and embraced him, tears flowing. "Shred the restraint forms, my sweet, sweet George. I'm going to invite him to live with us."

Tears spilled out of my perfect husband's eyes. He was not ashamed nor angry nor afraid. He had caught the feeling which sprang inside of me while I was driving away from The Stadium for the last time.

"Is this love?" He couldn't comprehend our incredible emotion.

"A rare kind, George. I despise all that Leland did to us, yet I am finally certain that love is OUR answer, our reply to his violence. Perhaps no one else is capable of understanding what we're feeling, possibly not even gods."

My husband and I moved physically together then, chastely, and connected so deeply its power is impossible to overstate. We slept as if reaching the heavens and awoke in seamless unity.


What came of Leland's adoption, and how my family adjusted, however, is a very different story.

An End
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