Brother and sister agree to go on a double date. Just moments before, the brother saw nude photos of his sister and can't get them out of his head. When the four head back home, something surprising happens but not as shocking as what happens at the end of the night.
Finally, it was the weekend and I could sleep in. My name is John and I’m a senior in school. I live at home with my younger sister Gen who is a sophomore. We go to the same school and often our friends overlap as it isn’t a very large school. I am the type of teen who doesn’t fit into any one group. I’m not a jock, not a nerd and also not in the popular group. I pretty much sit in the middle. This was one of the things that attracted Lisa to me. I had met her for the first time a little over a year ago when she was over studding with my sister. They hadn’t known each other that long and had been paired up on a class project. Lisa asked my sister to introduce her to me and thought I was cute. We clicked immediately and started to date.
Not long after Lisa and I started to date, my sister had met someone in her grade. Tod, a nice guy that seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. The four of us often would hang out at the house together as our parents went out often, trusting that we wouldn’t get into too much trouble. Tod and I had a very similar look, average build, average height, average weight. Lisa and Gen also were very similar builds. Both were around 5ft 5in tall, petite bodies with my sister having a large B cup while my girlfriend having a solid C cup. From what I could, tell both women had very perky boobs.
This weekend started off like most others. Lisa was on her way over and Tod had already arrived. We had a day of nothing planned. First up was playing outside in the pool. Lisa arrived wearing her two-piece bikini but covered up with a big shirt she had stolen from me some time ago. We went into the backyard and found Gen and Tod already laying at the pool-side. I wasn’t going to lie to myself, I did check my sister out. She had on a white bikini top with a black bottom. It was barely covering up privates and left nothing to the imagination. We walked past them and jumped into the hot tub.
Lisa and I relaxed and let the jets do their work. Lisa leaned into me and got comfortable. We started talking about sex. The one thing I haven’t told you yet is that Lisa is an absolute freak when it comes to sex. She loves to try all kinds of new things and experiment and I love doing it all to her tight young body. Lately she had been telling me a lot more about some fantasies she has had and would love to try someday. She started to rub my leg while I relaxed and started off by telling me she can’t wait to fuck later this afternoon which I liked to hear. She then started in on saying she wants to watch some porn tonight while we fuck. Between the rubbing and talking, I was hard as a rock.
This was all immediately interrupted by Tod jumping into the hot tub followed by my little sister. Thankfully the jets were on and the tub was large enough that they couldn’t see the condition I was in. They sat opposite to us and asked us what we wanted to do tonight. Lisa laughed and said we were just talking about it. I also grinned a little because it wasn’t what they thought. I noticed that Lisa hadn’t stopped rubbing my leg and also managed to work her way to the base of my cock now. She was slightly rubbing it through my swim suit. She had told me some time ago that one of those fantasies she had was playing outside in the open outdoors. I think this was her way of exploring that side. It’s just too bad my sister was hanging around otherwise I would have fucked Lisa right there.
Tod shared that we should all head out to a restaurant and grab some food after we get out of the pool. We said that was a great idea, that’s when the bubbles cleared enough that I noticed Gen had her hand over Tod’s crotch. I couldn’t tell exactly what she was doing as the bubbles resumed their cover quickly. I’m assuming she was getting handsy just like Lisa was doing to me. The thought turned me on more, I turned to Lisa and caught her also looking. She must have seen the same thing I did. The conversation went on without any pause thankfully and we agreed on the restaurant and when to be ready. The girls decided to jump back into the pool and Tod and I told them to give us a minute. The girls smirked and jumped out.
We admired their asses as they left, then Tod said you need a minute too ahe? I chuckled and said yeah, damn girls getting frisky on us. Tod said he loves it when Lisa’s around. I said oh, why’s that? He kinda stumbled on his words and said oh not like that, well yeah she’s a real looker too don’t get me wrong, but Gen is way more active when Lisa’s around, that she doesn’t hide what she’s doing very well and gives courage to Gen. He said that he’s always asking Gen to be more spontaneous and crazy and that he’s just finally getting her to open up more. I responded that I thought we were being more sly about it but glad that we could help him out, even if we were talking about my sister as I laughed. I also added that Lisa loves the attention and that he can look all he wants. Tod responded awesome, she is hot as hell and the same back to you, well crap, I know she’s your sister but you have to admit she has a smoking hot body. I said, yeah yeah yeah, I know she’s a looker. I’m well aware she has a great ass and a nice rack. I looked over at the girls in the pool and noticed they were talking and giggling about something. I told Tod we better get over there before we get into trouble.
We both ran and jumped into the pool splashing the girls in the process. They swam to the side and rushed to get out of the pool. They said they were going to dry off and start to get ready to head out to dinner. They climbed out giving us both a great view of their asses again. We started chatting again and within a couple minutes I heard my cell make a sound. I reached out of the pool and grabbed it to check it. The message was from Lisa, I clicked it and was greeted with a great full nude shot of her in my bedroom with her bikini laying on the floor below her. Todd interrupted and said why are you smiling so hard, what did you get? I said something special from Lisa. He responded oh man, you lucky dog, come on let me see. I told him that I shouldn’t and it wouldn’t be right. He kept pressing and pleading for him to see it, even for just a second. That’s when he said, I’ll show you one of Gen. We both paused for a second. Neither of us said anything. My mind was going a mile a minute, I would love to see what she looks like naked, but there’s no way I should be interested in what she looks like, what would Tod think of me, wait it was his idea in the first place. Finally, I said fine. Let’s switch phones for a couple seconds but not a word or I’ll kill you. All Tod could do was smile and swim to grab his phone.
He unlocked his phone, opened his photos app, swiped a couple times and then extended his phone to me. I hesitated for a second as I knew I couldn’t ever take this back, then I handed my phone out and took his. There on the screen was my sister, it looked like It was taken maybe a couple days ago. She was laying on her bed wearing a matching semi see through red bra and panties set. She, looked, hot as hell. Her tits looked absolutely amazing in them. I could see the outline of her nipples through the bra. I was taking every part of that photo in and committing it to memory. Then I heard Tod, God Damn Lisa is fucking hot. I never thought I’d see her naked. I didn’t think you were going to actually show me her nude. Wow man this is incredible. He then surprised me by saying you can swipe to the right, there’s two other pics. I figured I’d be careful and show you her covered yet just in case you were messing with me. I very quickly swiped to the right once. She was in the same location on her bed but her bra was now off and she had one of her tits in her mouth as she was sucking on it. My heart stopped, it was perfect. I then swiped again to the last photo and she was completely nude, her pussy was shaven smooth and she was laying down with her knees slightly bent up to give a better view of her pussy. This was too much, this was porn level hot. I assumed we were done and I should give him his phone back now before I pushed my luck. I also didn’t want to get caught by Lisa and have her not only see that I was showing her nude to Tod but that I was also ogling over my naked sister.
I reached his phone back to him and he took that as the sign it was over and handed mine back. He said thanks again that was amazing to be able to see that. We both started to move to the stairs of the pool to get out and he mentioned, there was hotter pics after that one but he assumed I wouldn’t want to see his cock which was in the next photos with her. I chuckled for a second and said nah man it’s like watching porn, it’s better when they’re getting fucked. Then I froze for a second and thought crap, just told him I wouldn’t mind seeing his cock with my sister. He just said right on, maybe next time and kept moving. I was thankful that it didn’t weird him out and it wasn’t a big deal. We both made our way inside where I found Lisa in my room almost ready. She asked if I liked my message which I said more then you know. I got changed quickly and then the four of us were off to the restaurant.
It was a nice sit down place and I was excited to get some food finally. We walked in, Lisa and Tod both split off to the restrooms. Gen and I walked up to the hostess stand and asked for a table. She walked us over to a booth where Gen slid in and I sat across from her. The hostess then headed us each a menu and I quickly asked for two more before she walked away. She hesitated for a second and I said, we’re actually on a double date and they’re in the restrooms. She smiled, walked away and quickly returned with two more menus. She commented that she was sorry and thought that we were alone on a date then walked away. Gen and I looked at each other and chuckled at the thought. Tod was first to return followed by Lisa within a couple minutes. We ordered our food and it came pretty quick. We were talking more about school and how we were glad it was almost done for the year. At the same time, I couldn’t get the picture of my sister naked out of my head. I must have been staring because Lisa nudged me and said earth to John, you home? I apologized and said what’d I miss? Lisa said that Tod had asked if we had ever done it in a public restroom. I quickly responded nope which she responded, not that she wouldn’t want to try it. That started the spiral of the conversation.
Very quickly Lisa started spilling out some of her fantasies and sharing some of the things she wanted to try. She went through her list and ended on playing in public. Gen snickered and said, that’s why you love our hot tub so much which everyone laughed. I commented that we actually hadn’t gotten a chance yet because we’re never alone. Our food was pretty much gone, we asked for the check and Tod and I split the bill in half and headed back home.
By the time we were back home it was now dark outside. Gen asked what we wanted to do now and Lisa jokingly said, to the hot tub, everyone laughed. I said sure why not and Gen said that they’d join us for a little and then leave us alone to get wild. I wasn’t sure if she was joking or being serious. I know Lisa would take that as an opportunity and knew I would be fucking her outside tonight regardless of what Gen meant. We all changed back into our suits and headed outside again. By the time Lisa and I got outside, Gen and Tod were just climbing into the hot tub. Lisa and I took a seat on the other side. It was quiet for a while until someone said, we’ve finally ran out of things to talk about. Tod mentioned, well we could play truth or dare. Of course Lisa thought that was a great idea, Gen and I both didn’t say much, we knew that it wasn’t going to be as much fun for us as it was for them. Even though I couldn’t stop thinking about how hot Gen looked naked, there’s no way I could dare her or ask her anything that would raise suspension to the others.
While I was wasting my time worrying about this, I heard Tod ask Lisa truth or date. Well I guess it’s too late now to make an excuse as to why we shouldn’t play. Lisa responded with Truth. Todd then asked, what’s the kinkiest thing that the two of you have done together. Lisa thought about it for a while and then said, I gave John a BJ in the dressing room once and he recorded it. Gen’s jaw dropped open and Tod said, hell yeah that’s nice. Lisa then said, my turn and asked me truth or dare. I said dare, she already knew everything about me and figured it would be a safe dare with my sister being around. I was wrong, Lisa said I dare you to lose the suit. I said fuck it, slipped them off and threw them on the grass. Lisa cheered but I was more interested with Gen’s reaction. There was none. Almost like a million things were going through her head. It was now my turn so I asked Tod, truth or dare. He said let’s keep the fun going dare. I said you’ve gotta join me, lose the trunks. He did the same action and tossed them next to mine on the grass. Tod then quickly asked Lisa again truth or dare. Gen chimed in and said, hey you’re skipping me on purpose. Tod responded, sorry I didn’t mean to, truth or dare. Gen said you guys think I’m not as open and wild so I pick dare! Tod said, take your top off!! Gen froze, are you serious?? We all laughed as this really backfired on Gen. The laughter pissed her off, she reached back, unclasped her top, slid it down her arms and threw it to the grass. Lisa shouted, you go girl! Gen then very quickly covered up her boobs with her hands. Tod told her that she looked amazing. Gen sighed loudly and regretted taking her top off now. It was her turn and she asked Lisa truth or dare. Lisa didn’t hesitate, said dare and just took her top off. Gen said hey, I didn’t dare you to do that. Lisa said yeah but I knew it was coming!! Gen said fair enough, I just didn’t want to be the only one with tits out. Lisa leaned over to me and whispered, can I ask Tod to do something inappropriate or will you get mad? I said, go nuts. She was about to lean back and then added, you’re staring at your sister’s boobs and smiled. Lisa sat up and said Tod, truth or dare. Todd looking slightly concerned said dare, followed by, this game is now dare or dare and laughed to himself. Lisa said, I dare you to kiss me on the lips, with tongue. Todd did the right thing and turned to Gen for permission. She said sure, only because you checked with me first. Todd raised his eyebrow surprised that she said yes. He never thought she would allow something like this. Todd leaned forward and met Lisa’s lips. I watched as their heads both turned slightly, their lips parted and their tongues entered each other’s mouths.
I sat there in pure enjoyment, this was surprising me as a turn on. I looked from their mouths to my girlfriend’s tits that were fully exposed since she took her top off. That reminded me that my sister was also topless sitting across from me. I tried to glance her way to take a look, she had since let her hands relax down and were no longer covering her tits up. She was fully locked onto watching her boyfriend make out with my girlfriend. I fully enjoyed the sight of her tits resting just above the water line. Her nipples were hard as a rock. I started to hear the kiss get a little more aggressive and turned back to them. They were now very passionately making out. Tod had now raised his hand up to her sides to hold her while they were kissing, his cock was also free due to him losing his trunks. It had also raised up and was lightly pushing against my girlfriend’s bikini bottoms. Just when I thought something naughty was going to happen Lisa broke the kiss, sat back down in the water and said wow, you’re a great kisser.
No one said anything, everyone was too turned on and didn’t know what to say. Lisa then said, did we take everyone’s breath away which I laughed at, more to fill the silence then anything. Tod sat down slowly and looked over at Gen briefly. Gen had a smile on her face which then gave Tod full reassurance that he wasn’t in trouble and hadn’t crossed some line. He came outta his daze and said that was hot, ok who’s next. He turned to Gen and said dare or dare and laughed stupidly. Gen said ha, ha not that funny. He then said, I dare you to kiss. Gen stopped him and said don’t be stupid Tod, I’m not going to kiss my brother. Tod continued talking and said Lisa at the same time. He laughed and said I wasn’t going to make you do that but you said it, you have to kiss your brother. Lisa laughed and said, dare’s a dare. Gen said no that’s too intimate. Can’t he just grab a boob or something stupid. Tod responded, a boob grab is less worse than a kiss? She said sure it is, boob’s a boob, nothing special. I spoke up and said, hey don’t I get any say in this? Tod and Lisa at the same time said NO! Jokingly I said, ok ok and sat back into my seat. Tod then said fine, I dare you to let your brother touch your boobs, but it’s not just a boob grab, he gets to twist those nipples he said as he chuckled.
Gen said fine, whatever. She stood up and stepped forward acting annoyed. I stood up and moved closer as well. I was in a complex formula in my head. I was trying to show that I was disgusted by this while at the same time I was lighting off fireworks in my head. I could not wait to touch her tits. Her’s were slightly smaller than my girlfriends were but were just as perky. They pointed straight at me. I moved my hands up and placed my hands on both boobs getting a great handful. I was in heaven. I moved my fingers to the nipple and soon found out why Tod had made this a part of the dare. Gen got great pleasure from her nipples being twisted and pinched. I first pinched one and saw her eyes shut closed. Then I twisted the other slightly, a slight moan escaped her closed lips. Her eyes shot open and pushed my hands off. She said that was the deal. We all knew she did it because she was enjoying it too much and was afraid to show that her brother was making her feel this way. We both sat down and looked back at Tod and Lisa. They were both drooling watching us. Lisa commented first, that was so hot watching you two together. Tod just said, ugh huh, clearly in agreement with Lisa. Gen said really why? Tod said I don’t know, it’s just so taboo and hot to watch it. Gen said oh, a visible weight had been lifted and she didn’t sound so concerned about what had just happened anymore because she wouldn’t be judged.
She perked up a little and then said I guess it’s my turn! She looked around the three of us thinking about what and who to dare next. With a slight grin she turned back towards me and said, I dare you to kiss me. Instant smiles on Lisa and Tods face, Gen added you two get to sit back and enjoy this too. I stood back up and leaned forward to kiss her. At first our lips met, I’m not going to lie, I was nervous. I felt her lips part and her tongue meet mine. It felt awkward with my hands at my sides so I reached up to hold her sides just as Tod had done with my girlfriend before. We continued our kiss with it becoming sloppier and passionate. It was almost like we were long lost overs, and not brother and sister. Then I felt it, with our heads moving side to side as we kissed our bodies were moving ever so slightly, my cock had become so hard that it was now pressing against my sister’s bikini bottoms and slightly rubbing. I couldn’t tell if she was aware of it and I didn’t know what to do about it. We continued to kiss, I didn’t want to break it, I didn’t want it to end. Several seconds later she pulled back outta breath and breathing heavily and mumbled, wow.
We looked back at Tod and Lisa to find Lisa sitting in Tod’s lap. He had both of his hands cupping my girlfriend’s c cup melons. You could see he was squeezing and playing with them. They were both fully enjoying watching Gen and I. I decided to sit back down to hide how rock hard my cock had become. I sat back and continued to watch Tod play with Lisa’s tits. She was getting a chance to fulfill one of her fantasies, to get played with in front of someone. She just didn’t think it was going to be someone else playing with her. She looked at Gen and I with a look that told us she was getting more and more turned on. Lisa then said to Gen, take a seat and watch your boyfriend play with me. I didn’t expect Gen to sit on me, but that’s what she did. Gen facing Lisa lowered herself until she was sitting on my lap. By the looks on Lisa’s face she didn’t expect that either but was very happy about it. Gen sat on my lap as we both watched Lisa’s tits getting twisted and squeezed. Lisa leaned her head back to the side and started to kiss Tod. I felt Gen settle back a little more as she got more comfortable with being on me. She slid back all the way and centered until she was pressing my cock against my belly. She froze slightly and stopped moving. I wasn’t going to do anything; I was afraid I would scare her off. I felt that at any moment she was going to come to her senses and leave.
Gen started to stand up and I knew the moment was gone. She was going to leave. Then I felt a hand on my cock. She stood up just enough to grab my cock and pull it under her so that it was sticking between her legs. Then she lowered back down. Her pussy, only separated with her bikini bottoms was now resting on the top of the base of my cock, pushing it down and making it stick straight out. I was so unprepared for her to do that I didn’t get a chance to enjoy it. It was the first time she has wrapped her hands around my cock. Tod and Lisa were still at it across from us. You could see Lisa moving slightly up down forward back, ever so slightly. You could tell she was now grinding against Tod’s cock. Gen also started the same motion. Starting slowly and getting braver as she went. She was sliding herself along the length of my shaft, forward then back. She grabbed both of my hands and raised them to her tits now. I took both of her boobs into my hands and went to work on playing with them, then moving to her nipples which is what I knew she really wanted. With the increased water movement Tod and Lisa broke their kiss and looked back to us. They sat there starring at what we were doing, watching a sister grind on top of her brother’s cock while he played with her tits.
I looked Lisa in the eyes and smiled, I knew what I could give her that would make her wild. Then I said Gen, I dare you to lower yourself onto your brother’s cock. Without pause Gen took my cock in her right hand, pulled her suit to the side with the other and lowered herself onto my cock. As she lowered down I could feel her body shake and quiver with pleasure. I looked into Lisa’s eyes the entire time as my cock slid into Gen’s pussy. When she bottomed out she stopped and enjoyed it being inside her. She raised herself off me slowly and then lowered again. I moved my hands to her sides to better control her up and down movements. Lisa stood up off of Todd and crawled on the seat over to my side. She went right for my lips and started to kiss me. I couldn’t see much but I could feel it all. Gen continued to fuck me and Lisa was playing with my tongue. I could now feel Lisa being pushed into me as we kissed. I broke our kiss just long enough to look around her and see Todd had pulled her suit to the side and had buried his cock into my girlfriend. He was now fucking her doggy style while she kissed me.
I was pinching Gen’s nipples and she was picking up pace. She was getting close and I was likely going to cum first. Lisa whispered to me, please cum inside her pussy and with that I started to pump my cum deep inside her. As my eyes rolled to the back of my head I was listening to Tods balls slap onto Lisa’s ass as his cock was bottoming out inside her. With a sudden moan we knew he was now cumming inside her. Gen had climaxed sometime in the middle of my orgasm and now had fallen back into my lap fully pushing her weight into me, which was also pushing me deep into her still. I turned to Lisa and asked if she had cam, she responded I think at least 3 times.
The hot tub became silent as our heartbeats slowed down and the thumping quieted. That’s when I heard something off in the distance. I turned and looked in the direction of the house. There in the distance was our mom and dad. They were both fully clothed but my mom was slightly bent over and my dad was clearing fucking her from behind while they watched us. I was frozen in fear and confusion. Then I started to feel Gen grind her pussy into my cock ever so slightly.
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