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Author's Note: Welcome back, dear audience. This is a pretty short and lighthearted story, just an amusing little thing I churned out as a break from more intense projects. Hopefully you all enjoy it. As always, comments and constructive criticism are welcome and encouraged. As this story is entirely consensual I don't think it needs any disclaimers, so, on with the show...
“Are you actually gonna do it?” the taller girl asked for what had to be the tenth time that night, perhaps even the twentieth. She was leaned forward over the back of an old leather couch on which her best friend had been awkwardly perched for more than an hour, the result being that their heads were so close her question could be posed as nothing more than a conspiratorial whisper.

“I dunno... I mean, I'd like to...” the friend replied, her eyes locked firmly on a handsome boy leaning against a wall on the opposite side of the crowded living room. While she may have had eyes for none but him there had to be something like a dozen other partygoers standing between the two teens and several times that many throughout the rest of the house. If she didn't know better the girl might have thought half their graduating class had shown up to celebrate Casey's birthday. Cassie's too, naturally, what with birthday parties being just one more item on the extensive list of things the twins had always shared. “You promise you wouldn't freak out, right?” the seated teen asked, pulling her eyes away from her longtime crush in order to turn and face his sister instead. “I don't want to make things awkward...”

To some people it might have seemed strange how alike the face waiting for her there was to the one she had just turned away from, what with the twins both sporting their mother's silvery-gray eyes and some nearly identical dimples, but then Amira had known each long enough for that phenomenon to be rendered routine. After all, the three of them, as well as her brother Naz, had all grown up in the same neighbourhood and spent more than a little of their collective childhoods together. From the hazily remembered days of their distant past in which they had raced on bicycles with training wheels to the more recent evening they had spent playing spin the bottle with their first stolen can of beer the quartet of friends had long been nigh on inseparable. It was that decade and a half of unbroken friendship which made the move Amira had been contemplating for the better part of a year seem every bit as enticing as it was nerve-wracking. Never had she known another boy who she trusted nearly enough to share her first time with, but neither had there ever been one whose lost friendship she would feel even half so keenly were things to go poorly.

Cassie knew well her best friend's dilemma, having first heard it confessed several months before and thus been granted more than enough time to come to grips with everything it would mean for them. “I mean, yeah, it'd definitely be a bit weird...” she whispered back, the girls' faces so close their noses were nearly brushing against one another. “But hey, I know how much you like him. And I'm pretty sure he'd be interested too so I don't wanna be the one who shoots you both down.” Whatever reservations she might have had, the brunette just flashed Amira that same reassuring smile that always seemed to soothe her nerves. As critical as she considered her best friend's blessing, though, receiving it did little to dampen the teen's anxiety over the prospect of making a first move on Casey.

Swinging her head forward once more, Amira returned her gaze to the subject of their conversation. There was no question about it, a face wasn't all the twins had in common physically. Sure Casey was inch or two taller than his sister, but aside from that they shared the same slight build and wiry strength which came in no small part from many a year spent running with their school's cross country team. Back in the day Amira had been their teammate as well for a few seasons, but her body just hadn't really been built for competitive running and so she hadn't stuck with it as long long as the twins or her brother. Now, just as Cassie was finally beginning to grow into some truly feminine curves herself, her masculine twin had also started packing a bit more weight onto his sturdy frame. For him that bulk came in the way of more pronounced muscles in his arms and thighs, a development which only made him that much more dashing in the eyes of his secret admirer.

“So how long are you gonna just sit there and stare at him?” Cassie eventually whispered, the question and her hot breath against Amira's ear snapping the girl out of her admiring trance.

“Uh... forever?” the anxious teen mumbled, wincing and blushing in equal measure as she turned back towards her best friend. That almost certainly honest admission drew a healthy giggle from the grinning brunette, one so loud Amira was afraid it would draw more attention than she cared to endure at the moment. None of the nearby partygoers seemed to be particularly interested in the girls on the couch, however, not when there was no shortage of more interesting distractions to be found than the perfectly routine phenomenon of a teenage girl giggling.

Once her mirth had died down enough for her to fall quiet, Cassie adopted an almost pensive look, her lips pursed as she regarded Amira. The brunette's nervous friend watched warily as she slowly turned towards her brother, silently regarded him for a long moment, and then swung her head back again. Amira felt herself gulp as the elder twin's lips abruptly curled upwards into a familiar Cheshire grin which flashed two rows of near flawless ivory teeth.

“I think you need this more than me...” Cassie practically purred, one hand appearing from where it had lurked behind the couch in order to pass her best friend a flimsy plastic cup. Amira hesitantly accepted the drink, momentarily glancing downwards to check its contents. The amber-hued liquid within, doubtless one of the expensive whiskeys for which Cassie had inherited her father's taste, still reached at least halfway up the flimsy walls containing it. “Now, don't ever say I never did anything for you, Mir.”

“Wha... ?” the nervous teen started to ask, but by the time her eyes had risen from the depths of the cup back up to where her friend had been just a second before Cassie was already twirling away. Amira's eyes went wide as saucers as she watched the lithe brunette saunter off towards where her brother stood, gracefully weaving her way between the handful of drunken partygoers in her path despite her own partial intoxication. A few moments later and she was sidling up next to her brother, draping one arm around his shoulders as she leaned in to whisper in his ear.

For a second nothing seemed to happen, the handsome boy just carrying on his conversation with a pair of schoolmates as if his sister weren't even there. But then he came to a halt and leaned back so slightly the motion bordered on the imperceptible. All of a sudden the rest of the world seemed to freeze as Casey turned towards Amira's couch in what had to be slow motion. She had witnessed the smile which then blossomed on his lips more times than she could count, but all the same the sight of it was enough to make her feel as if a thousand butterflies which had been nesting inside her chest had suddenly taken off all at once in a whirling frenzy of wings. At first glance the expression was so similar to Cassie's smile that some might have called them interchangeable. To Amira, though, nothing could have been further from the truth. Where her best friend's smile had always had a way of calming her nerves the other twin's had for years never failed to make her heart skip a beat.

Another moment passed and suddenly Casey was casually strolling her way, sister and friends alike abandoned in his wake. For a split second Amira's wide eyes shifted over his shoulder to glance at Cassie instead but the lithe brunette just flashed her best friend a playful grin and fluttered her eyelashes before turning away to engage with the pair of confused boys her brother had left behind. Gulping once more, the anxious teen let her eyes flit back to her crush only to find he had already split the distance which separated them mere moments before. As he crossed the last few feet remaining between them, Amira swiftly lifted the cup she was still clutching in one trembling hand and hastily downed a mouthful of the whiskey inside. Cassie had most definitely been right.


There was a tremendous clatter to be heard as the door to Cassie's bedroom burst open, the shadowy stillness within instantly shattered by a flood of light from the hallway outside swiftly followed by a pair of teenagers every bit as drunk as they were horny. Ever since the room's full-time resident had none-too-gently nudged her twin into approaching Amira earlier in the evening, the two longtime friends had scarcely been apart for a moment. At first they had planted themselves next to one another on the same couch the nervous teen had occupied for most of the night, but even what limited privacy that spot held was lost to them when her brother Nazem finished his last round of beer pong and decided to drop by. Fortunately, no sooner had he done so than Cassie materialized as well, appearing as if from thin air to provide a distraction which allowed the potential couple to slip out a nearby door into the more secluded venue of the rear garden.

Once outside and seated on a stone bench between two rose bushes, the teens found themselves refreshingly free of unwelcome eavesdroppers and interlopers alike. Their new sanctuary was a touch on the chilly side, perhaps, but that itself had proven fortuitous in granting Casey an excuse to test the waters by wrapping one arm around Amira's shoulders. The budding paramour had been caught entirely off guard some half an hour earlier when his sister appeared at his side and strongly suggested it 'would be worth his while' to 'go and show Amira a bit of love' and it wasn't until the girl in question eagerly melted into his embrace that he was at last confident he wasn't being played. Right up until that moment he had maintained a strong suspicion that Cassie was playing one of her games.

While hardly the most prolific of pranksters, Casey's sister had long possessed a devilish streak which led her on occasion to enjoy a bit of fun at the expense of those close to her. Such occasions may have been rare, but the results were typically spectacular enough that those who had been targeted in the past quickly learned to keep a weather eye out for any sign of an encore. It was only natural, then, that Cassie's brother and favourite target suspect that she had gotten it in her mind to arrange some sort of embarrassing misunderstanding between himself and Amira for her own amusement. Such a scenario had certainly seemed more plausible at the time than one in which a girl he had known since they were each barely out of diapers had suddenly developed an interest in being more than friends.

Of course, over the years they had known one another Casey himself had hardly been above humouring the occasional daydream about his sultry friend. He was a hot-blooded teenage boy, though, so it was only natural that he fantasize about any number of pretty girls he would never get a chance to sleep with, let alone those he spent the most time with. Girls, on the other hand, were hardly interested in just anyone. As far as Casey had ever known, any guy one had known long enough to remember the days in which he had been afraid of cooties was supposed to be all but disqualified as a potential mate.

Given how swiftly and intimately Amira had responded to his tentative overtures, however, Casey had been forced to conclude that his sister was not, in fact, messing with them and that the gorgeous teen under his arm was interested in him after all. And rather keenly so, as best he could tell. While it most definitely came as a surprise, that revelation was hardly an unwelcome one. The intrigued teen couldn't say he had ever seriously contemplated the prospect of a relationship with Amira that was in any way romantic, but neither could he say the thought was unappealing. After all, they already knew the worst one another had to offer and none of it was enough to prevent them remaining fast friends. Love was more... complicated than that, perhaps, but one could never know whether it would come or not without making the attempt.

Whatever the odds of a serious relationship between the two teens actually working out were, there was no denying that the... physical side of things certainly gave Casey plenty of incentives to roll the dice. No longer the gangly little girl she had once been, the past few years had seen Amira blossom into quite the catch. Above her neck long waves of thick, dark hair framed a round, youthful face dominated by a pair of big hazel eyes and the impossibly long lashes which shielded them. Down below, the sultry teen had already grown into a woman's body with wide hips and the kind of delightful curves which made more than a few of her classmates turn to watch each time she walked by.

Given how eager he was to at last experience the near-mythical wonders of sex, how gorgeous the girl at his side was to behold, and how keen she seemed for it to happen, Casey's decision to suggest they head upstairs had been easily made in the end. However much he couched his invitation in code about 'finding someplace quieter to talk' they both knew what they were doing and, after returning inside to steady their respective nerves with one last pair of drinks, the nascent couple slipped away from the party proper looking to all the world like they were doing exactly what they were. Only once they reached the door to Casey's room was he reminded that he had already given a close friend the green light to use the bed within for a long-awaited rendezvous of his own. In the face of that chorus of groans and moans which could easily be heard through his door, the determined teen had promptly turned, led a fiercely blushing Amira down the hall, and instead barged through the next door he came across. So it was that the nascent couple unceremoniously stumbled into another bedroom instead, though one nearly as familiar to them.

“What are you... in here?” his breathless companion asked, her wide eyes sweeping across the distinctly feminine decorations of their new surroundings.

“Well, my bed's clearly busy and we're sure as hell not using mom and dad's,” Casey answered as he swiftly stepped around Amira and closed the door behind her, an act which once more doused his sister's room in a blanket of shadows which spread out around the faint purple glow of her childhood nightlight.

“I don't know,” Amira murmured, taking a few steps forward. “It feels so...” but Casey didn't wait for her to finish. With their privacy secured he turned back towards his longtime friend, swiftly crossed the distance between them, then reached out to wrap one hand around her midriff. When he pulled the girl back against his firm body her words trailed off into a contented purr and she reached up over her shoulder to clutch at one of his.

“She'll never know,” Casey promised with all the confidence a little too much drink could provide. When he reached down to stroke his partner's thigh through her skirt he could feel a shudder rippling down her spine and a moment later she was nodding her agreement. From there he wasted no time in steering them both towards the nearby mattress.

Cassie's bed was meticulously arranged, each and every item on it from her lavender pillows and favourite pair of teddy bears to the monochrome quilt she had slept with for years allocated to its proper place and flawlessly aligned with the rest. That perfection stood little chance of surviving the arrival of her best friend and twin brother, however, and no sooner had they tumbled onto the mattress than its various compliments were rendered a chaotic tangle of cloth and padding.

Amira was the first to land, falling a little awkwardly onto her side but promptly rolling onwards until she came to rest face-up with her shoulder brushing against the neighbouring wall. The mattress beneath her was scarcely large enough for a pair of teenagers to lay upon side by side, however, so when Casey dove after her a moment later he chose to land atop his friend rather than beside her. No doubt thanks to the great many 'adult beverages' he had downed over the course of the evening, that feat proved more challenging to execute than the teen had expected and only by throwing up an arm to catch himself at the last second was he able to avoid crashing face-first into his newfound partner.

Perched as he suddenly found himself above Amira, Casey took a long, wobbly moment to drink in the sight of the shapely young woman whose hips he was straddling. Only were he blind could he have failed to notice the way her lacy black top had ridden up and left more than a little of the belly beneath exposed, one upon which the clearly-articulated canyons of his friend's younger, more active years had been smoothed out into a near-perfectly flat plane broken only by her navel. From there his eyes swept slowly up to the girl's ample bosom where his lustful gaze came to rest on a pair of perfectly matched mounds which strained helplessly against the tight confinement of their silky prison. By the time Casey at last pulled his eyes away from that glorious vista and finally raised them to Amira's face she was blushing as fiercely as he had ever seen before, a condition no doubt brought on by silently watching as her body was so thoroughly inspected. The rosy hue which tinted her neck and cheeks as a result, the way her lips parted slightly as if she were out of breath, the way she seemed to tremble beneath his gaze... it all served to make the sultry teen that much more alluring, a feat many a wistful classmate would scarcely have thought possible.

Now that his veil of ignorance had been lifted, Casey recognized any number of signs he had missed before, little hints of his longtime friend's interest which confirmed that it was no chance encounter in which they were engaged. Upon her and her brother's arrival earlier that afternoon to help the twins set everything up for their party he might not have paid Amira's outfit much mind, but it suddenly struck him that he recognized neither her dark red skirt nor the frilly black top which she wore above it. And given how much time all four friends spent together, he would surely have seen such an outfit before unless it were a particularly recent addition to her wardrobe. Had it been bought to catch her target's eye? To grant her the confidence necessary to at last make a move which might already have been put off a dozen times or more? It was enough to make one wonder, at the least.

In much the same vein, Casey was struck all of a sudden by the fact that, while Amira had long since proven herself an expert at the art of makeup, it was rare to see his friend's face done up so very intricately. Dark lipstick which made her mouth stand out against the honey-tan skin around it while harmonizing perfectly with the hazel eyes and long black lashes up above was a common enough sight as to safely be taken for granted, but the other splashes of colour around her eyes and cheeks which suddenly seemed as obvious as the rising sun displayed a level of skillful ornamentation he had previously witnessed on only a few special occasions. Clearly, he was not the only one for whom what was about to happen held a great deal of meaning.

Unable to resist his growing hunger any longer, and with scant few reasons to try, Casey wasted no more time before diving down to taste those dark lips which trembled so enticingly before him. The nascent couple's' first kiss which blossomed just a heartbeat later swiftly proved every bit as enthusiastic as it was fumbling. No sooner had their mouths collided than Amira's arms rose up to wrap themselves around her partner's neck in an attempt to pull him even closer, one which only served to set their clumsy noses, chins, and foreheads alike bouncing wildly off one another. Undeterred, the lovers' tongues were soon drawn into the fray as well, that pair of agile appendages each seemingly torn between clumsily trying to wrap themselves around the other and exploring the unfamiliar environs of a new mouth. All the while, Casey's hands drifted up and down his partner's sides in search of the right place to hold her, their meanderings never straying far from the girl's bountiful breasts even as their master lacked the confidence to let them draw too close.

The teens' kiss stretched on for several minutes, long enough and then some for Casey to be left rock hard by the time they pulled apart. There were no words to describe how enthusiastic he was for what came next, and upon getting a single shaky nod from his partner it felt like there wasn't a force in all the world that could have held the long-frustrated virgin back. As eager as he was to get at Amira's breasts, though, all the lessons Casey had learned from years spent studying this or that video and gossiping with those of his friends who claimed (with various levels of credibility) to have already 'gotten some tail' seemed to evaporate from his mind now that the moment of truth had arrived. In their absence it took at least half a minute, to say nothing of more than a little help from Amira herself, before he had his childhood friend free of her blouse. Once that flimsy heap of black cloth finally dangled loosely from one hand, though, he was free to let his triumphant eyes dance across the girl's exposed flesh. No more of her was visible than he had seen dozens, perhaps hundreds, of times before at the pool or the beach, but context had a funny way of making it seem he was looking at something that had never existed before in all of human history.

The last barrier left between Casey and his stunning friend's glorious breasts was nothing more than a skimpy black bra which looked so alike the top he had just removed from her that they might have been part of a matching set. Did tops and bras come as matching sets? The teen couldn't say, and at the moment he couldn't have cared less, either. Wasting no time on questions for another, less monumental day, he casually tossed the garment hanging from one hand aside and got to work instead on the sole hurdle which yet lay between himself and fulfilling many a frustrated night's wistful fantasy.

Unfortunately, Amira's bra proved a challenge even greater than that of her blouse. And by no small margin, at that. Indeed, Casey's inept fumbling with the seemingly arcane clasp hidden away behind his partner's back drew on for so long that the giggling teen beneath him eventually felt the need to free herself from his grasp and guide his hands away so that she could undo it herself. Suddenly blushing just as fiercely as she was, the flustered virgin was left as nothing more than a mere spectator while his impossibly sexy friend, in the span of no more than a few seconds, gracefully undid the same magical lock which had so confounded him, shrugged the straps of her bra past her shoulders, and then pulled that lacy undergarment off her body in a single fluid motion.

So enthralled was Casey by his first real-world glimpse of a woman's breasts, and what a magnificent pair had his childhood friend been blessed with, that he scarcely even noticed her carry the bra which had been struggling to contain them over to the edge of his sister's bed and unceremoniously drop it to the floor. As fascinatingly taboo as that scrap of satin and lace might have seemed in any number of other contexts, when juxtaposed with the glorious mounds it supported nothing could have been less worthy of attention. Instead, the awestruck teen slowly reached down to take hold of Amira's tits. Even spread as wide as they would go, however, his outstretched fingers struggled to contain those bountiful globes of silky-soft flesh which suddenly lay bare before him.

At the feeling of someone other than herself taking a firm hold of her unshielded tits for what Casey imagined must have been the first time, the teen's newfound paramour gave a breathy little gasp of trepidation. Soon, though, she was arching her back to present for inspection those same breasts which had long attracted more male fascination by far than she had ever known how to handle. Though he would later be ashamed to admit it, the awestruck virgin was so enamored with Amira's breasts that it was several minutes before he so much as glanced up at her face. Instead he spent that time kneading at the girl's supple flesh, mashing her voluptuous tits against one another, rolling their pointy little nipples under his thumbs, and working his way through the rest of that extensive checklist which every teenage boy yearned to complete once finally granted a chance to play with the most tantalizingly visible of a woman's many wondrous charms.

By the time the overeager virgin had at last satisfied his craving to explore the many mysteries of a girl's breasts, Amira was little more than a quivering wreck beneath him. When the couple's eyes finally met once more and Casey let his hands drift down the trembling girl's sides to her waist she offered her longtime friend a faint smile and a single rather jerky nod of her head in answer to his unspoken question. With approval thus secured, the teen forged ahead with all the subtlety of a drunken rhino. Ridding himself of his own clothes proved a far swifter and more graceful procedure than Casey's attempts at stripping his partner had been, and soon enough he was wearing even less than she. It was with no small amount of pride that no sooner had it come into view than he caught Amira staring every bit as intently at the shaft swinging between his legs as he had at the first sight of her breasts.

Once free of his pants and boxers, Casey wasted no time in rejoining his newfound partner on the bed where she still lay. Rather than straddling her waist once more, though, he instead took up a position between her stocking-clad knees. The thighs above were slow to part in making way for him, but judging by how enthusiastic Amira had been up until that moment, how eagerly she had responded to his initial fumblings, and how hard her teeth were clenched around her lips, Casey was confident that such hesitation stemmed from anxiety rather than any second thoughts about what was soon to happen. Thus, rather than wait for the sultry teen to muster the necessary resolve on her own, a prospect for which he had not nearly enough patience, the teen decided to reach out and plant one hand atop each of her thighs where he could gently massage the smooth, dark flesh which peeked out from beneath her knee-length skirt.

Flashing his longtime friend and, he hoped, newfound girlfriend as reassuring a smile as he could, Casey forged ahead with what seemed the natural next step in their encounter. After years spent imagining and yearning for those forbidden treasures which every last observer knew lurked beneath the tantalizingly flimsy veil of a girl's skirt, the excitement of finally being allowed to take hold of one and flip it up was so electric the impatient virgin could feel what seemed like every hair on his forearms start to lift. It was such a simple act, yet one he had fantasized about on so many occasions that acting it out seemed almost like a scene out of a dream. Never had Casey felt more alive than he did in that moment as inch after inch of shapely, nubile thigh came into view, an excitement which only grew when that sight gave way to the first hint of his friend's modest black knickers.

As Casey pushed that brand new skirt up to her hips, Amira hesitantly lifted herself an inch or two off her best friend's bed, just far enough for the girl's brother to slide the underside of that garment up until it would be left trapped beneath her back. When he did so and then straightened back up, the sight which awaited her first lover was glorious beyond measure. Perhaps eight inches of tender, honey-tan flesh stretched between the top of the teen's silk stockings and the bottom of her plain satin panties, a pair Casey imagined had been chosen to preserve her modesty in the case of any skirt-related mishaps as they hardly rivaled the rest of her outfit by way of ornamentation. Fancy they may not have been, but like her stockings that scrap of jet black cloth served as a perfect compliment to the girl's dark hair and sandy complexion.

Making sure to lock eyes with his partner once more before taking any further liberties, Casey received another curt nod which could only be interpreted as a sign of her continued approval. That said, the girl looked anything but comfortable with how the opening act of their entanglement was going. Had he not known better, the teen would have thought Amira's breath had stopped altogether and her teeth were digging so harshly into her lower lip that he wondered whether they would soon draw blood. Still, permission was permission and he had waited far too long for just such a moment to see it snatched from him by any last minute hesitation. So, unwilling to waste any more time, the overeager virgin reached up, slipped a pair of fingers beneath the elastic waistband of his partner's knickers, and dragged them down her taut thighs.

It took nothing short of a miracle for Casey to stop himself drooling as his childhood friend's final scrap of modestly gave way and her immaculately groomed snatch came into view inch by perfect inch. Her slit was less subtle than many of those he had been fortunate enough to witness thanks to the wonders of growing up in the digital age, instead sporting thick lips which distinctly invoked the mythical imagery of a camel's toe. Well, one's foot at least. Or hoof? Whatever it was camels had. At the moment Casey couldn't have cared less about the finer details of camel anatomy or human idioms, not when he was staring at a perfectly inviting, visibly drenched, clean-shaven pussy. Whether such an unobstructed view was Amira's norm or a special preparation for a special night he didn't know, but it was a glorious sight all the same.

Rather than give up his spot between Amira's legs, Casey instead opted to heft them up and over his shoulders as he worked the girl's panties the rest of the way off. Such a position made that self-appointed task utterly trivial and soon she was as naked as he was, save only for a dark pair of stockings which the delighted teen had no intentions whatsoever of removing. Deciding that he liked the way his prospective girlfriend looked with her long, lean legs high in the air, Casey declined to release them from where they rested against his shoulders as he shimmied his way up his sister's bed towards the ultimate prize awaiting him where they joined. A few moments later and he was in position, his heartrate seeming to triple as he lined himself up with the girl's waiting slit.

The presence of his cock at the threshold of Amira's body was enough to send a shiver of nervous excitement rippling up and down Casey's arms and legs, but it seemed to be having an even more intense effect on the sultry teen beneath him. His childhood friend's breathing had accelerated to such a pace and her eyes gone so wide that, despite how very long he had dreamed of finding himself in such a position, the teen simply couldn't bring himself to seal the deal. Instead, kicking himself as his rampant shaft slid pointlessly across the surface of his partner's cleft, he redirected his attention up towards the girl's face.

Laid back as she was with her feet high in the air, her fists clutching tight to his sister's bedsheets, and an almost pained grimace on her face, Amira looked more like she was bracing herself for some kind of collision than preparing to enjoy her first time. In another context the girl's posture might have seemed amusing, but given the monumental step they were each taking it struck her newfound lover as anything but that. So, as much as the thought of coming within millimeters of losing his virginity only to squander the opportunity at the last moment felt tantamount to torture, in the moment of truth Casey's concern for his longtime friend triumphed over the furious howling of his most primal instincts, if only by the slimmest of margins. “Are you... okay, Mir?” he tentatively asked, the huskiness of his own voice betraying just how nervous he was himself. “Do you... want to stop?”

“No!” The girl practically yipped, her voice higher in pitch than Casey had ever it heard before. At the same time, and much to his surprise, her hips rocked towards him in an apparent effort to draw his shaft into her body. “Please just... gentle...” Amira managed to stammer out before the power of speech seemed to escape her entirely.

“I promise,” Casey swore, nodding in what he hoped was a sufficiently somber manner and trying not to grin too widely. Fortunately, some part of that exchange must have soothed his friend's rampant nerves at least a little as a moment later the sultry teen closed her eyes, let her head roll back, and seemed to gain at least a little tighter of a handle on her strained breathing. Much of that recovery was squandered a few heartbeats later when Casey returned the crown of his cock to Amira's entrance, but he no longer felt any need to delay what had long seemed both the most important and least achievable milestone of his young life. After bracing himself with one last deep breath as a virgin, the teen threw himself forward with all the force he could muster.

Amira's eyes flew open once more and she gave a mighty howl of pain as her first lover forced his way inside her virgin sheath, shredding the teen's maidenhead with all the grace of an avalanche. “AIIIIEEE!!!” she squealed, her legs going rigid against Casey's shoulders and her body clenching down around his shaft like a vice. Her cry was matched by one of his own, though the latter was more akin to a bellow of triumph than the wailing of a damned soul. “Gentle!” The wounded girl reminded her inexperienced bedmate a moment later, her hands reaching down to brace against the careless boy's hips in what could only be an instinctive defense against any more unexpected assaults.

“Sorry...” Casey blushed as he witnessed the pained look his carelessness had brought to Amira's gorgeous face. Suitably chastised, he tempered his next effort so sharply that it brought him barely half as far into her body as the first had. The response it elicited from his partner was more amenable, though, or at least less accusatory, so that was the effort he tried to emulate moving forwards.

It was awkward at first, but soon enough the two inexperienced teens had settled into something of a routine. First, Casey would pull back an utterly unpredictable distance as Amira watched, occasionally retreating so far he withdrew himself entirely and had to get lined up once more. Next, the girl would close her eyes and whimper as he pushed himself an equally inconsistent distance back in. Then, after a moment or two's pause, she would open her eyes once more and give a timid little nod as approval for the cycle to start all over again.

That unsteady rhythm lasted right up until the moment Casey decided it was well past time he reacquainted himself with his newfound girlfriend's soft lips. Waiting to make his move until Amira had just closed her eyes, the grinning teen was rewarded for his patience with an adorable little squeak as he leaned forward to plant a hungry kiss onto his lover's mouth. For all her surprise, though, the sultry girl returned his gesture without even the slightest hint of hesitation. For the first time since well before Casey had entered her, Amira even released one hand's tight grip on his sister's bedsheets to instead wrap the attached arm tight around his back.

Feeling a girl, and a damn fine one at that, moan into his mouth as he thrust himself into her welcoming pussy proved to be even more delightful a sensation than Casey had anticipated, so much so that he very nearly shot his load right then and there. Only by mustering the full might of his willpower, clenching what felt like every muscle in his body, and digging his fingernails into the palms of his hands was the trembling teen able to prevent himself from falling prey to a humiliatingly early climax. Once that immediate threat had passed, he opted to let his body fall still and instead focused the full weight of his attention of Amira's upper lips while his overstimulated nerves cooled down as best they were able. For the next few minutes Casey took things slowly, delivering only the occasional languid thrust into his new partner's tight pussy. Instead, he devoted himself to exploring that sacred temple which was her body in search of every last nook or cranny within which a new wonder might await.

Considering just how many of his infinite fantasies had revolved around savagely pounding into a helplessly whimpering girl like some kind of barbarian, Casey was rather surprised to learn that making love might actually be every bit as enjoyable as fucking. In particular, the fascinated teen just adored how Amira cooed when he slid one of his hands beneath her back and worked it down to where it could knead at her magnificent ass, though the way her womanhood clenched down around his shaft each time he gave a gentle nibble on one of her lips was only marginally less delightful. Those discoveries were but two among many, though, with more than enough still waiting to keep the curious teen occupied all night long. Eventually, after enough time had passed, all the nervous energy which had so recently radiated from each of the young lovers like light from a star faded away. In its place remained nothing more or less than a level of simple comfort and contentment such as Casey had never felt before.

As the evening dragged on, it became quite challenging for the increasingly weary teen to say just how long he and Amira had spent in bed. Cassie had long since stopped keeping a true clock in her room, and Casey couldn't quite tell whether time seemed to have leapt forward or frozen entirely as he luxuriated in his first lover's embrace. As untold minutes or hours ticked by, though, the occasional bumps, thuds, and cheers rising up from the party downstairs grew more scarce and short bursts of light coming through the bedroom window suggested that the dozen or more cars which had descended on his home earlier that evening were beginning to thin out. As such, it must have been well into the small hours of the morning before the nascent couple's first night together drew to its natural conclusion.

At some point along the way, the young lovers had managed to work themselves into an entirely new position. Rather than laying atop Amira and gazing down at her, a position which had eventually become exhausting to maintain, Casey had somehow wound up behind the dark-haired girl's back as they lay together beneath his sister's quilt. So aligned, he had been free for some time to curl an arm around his partner's chest and grasp at one of those perfect breasts which so fascinated him. Each time the gratified teen gave that glorious half-globe a little squeeze or took a moment to roll its dark nipple beneath his thumb, his nubile bedmate rewarded him, consciously or otherwise, by grinding her ample rump back against his groin and clenching her core around his manhood. So, too, did she respond whenever he leaned in and delivered an affectionate nibble upon her vulnerable neck.

It was one such reward, no more intense than any other but accompanied by an adorably pitiful little moan, which at last sent Casey tumbling past the point of no return. Whether because of how drowsy the late hour had left him or how distracted he was by the many delightful possibilities his partner's body presented, the satiated teen's release seemed to strike him from out of nowhere. Caught with scarcely a second to react, were it not for the haze of bliss clouding his every thought Casey might have felt like a prisoner within his own body when his muscles suddenly tensed and he heard himself begin to groan. Two, perhaps three heartbeats later and his cock was already twitching, the vanguard of his climax instantly eclipsed when a natural rush greater by far than that of any drug swept over him as for the first time his seed was spent where it might actually take root.

Though no doubt even more surprised than her partner, Amira neither attempted to escape what was happening nor to register any complaint at the lack of warning. Instead, when the first blast of her lover's cum passed from his body to hers she simply gave a sharp gasp followed by a feeble moan. If anything, the eager teen only sought to draw Casey's cock in even deeper as he left a part of himself inside of her. Such a haze hung over her overwhelmed lover's mind, though, that in the coming days he would prove unable to recall just what about that moment had been real and what imagined.

In the wake of his release, Casey was left to luxuriate in both that intoxicating rush of hormones which seemed to enliven his senses even as it dampened them as well as an utterly triumphant sense of achievement at having accomplished what had at times seemed an impossible goal. The former faded quickly enough, but the latter lingered on until the satiated teen drifted off to sleep some time later, Amira still tucked snugly beneath his arm.


It came as quite the surprise to Casey that the dreams which followed his first sexual encounter were about anything else, a stark contrast indeed with the vast majority of those which had preceded that most glorious of achievements. At least, it would have come as a surprise had the satiated teen been the sort to remember his dreams past the first few moments of wakefulness. He wasn't, though, so by the time his newfound lover had finished elbowing him in the ribs at an unreasonably early hour of their first morning after he had all but forgotten the unbridled bliss of soaring through a boundless sky on wings of ethereal light.

“Owwww... I'm up, I'm up...” Casey grumbled, groggily blinking away the sleep from his eyes even as no small part of him reveled in the unfamiliar yet eminently welcome sensation of having a warm and supple feminine body pressed against his naked flesh. “What's the... big... oh...” his scratchy voice faltered as the scene before him finally came into focus. “Hey sis...” he lamely finished, one of his hands instinctively reaching down to grab the upper edge of the blanket beneath which he and Amira lay and tugging it up just an inch higher.

“I cannot believe the two of you...” Cassandra growled, one of her feet tapping out a staccato rhythm against the hardwood floor of her bedroom. Early it may have been, but the lithe brunette seemed never to have changed out of her outfit from the evening prior, a fact for which Casey was most grateful. Despite her mask of indignation and how terrifyingly like their mother she looked with her arms folded across her chest just so, the younger of the twins couldn't help but note how the corners of his sister's mouth were curled ever-so-slightly upwards.

“What're you even...” Casey began to ask, quickly trailing off as one of his sister's eyebrows shot skywards and details of the night before began reemerging from his hazy memory. A quick glance over their surroundings confirmed his suspicions, two bookshelves, a large mirror, and several posters of this or that insufferable boy band definitively identifying the room as hers rather than his. “Oh,” he muttered. “Riiiiight...”

“Yeah...” Cassie nodded as she fixed her brother with a withering glare, her voice positively dripping with the sort of sarcasm only an aggrieved teenager can muster.

“Sorry, sis,” the younger twin offered, a sheepish grin growing on his face. “We were gonna... but I had told Max that he and Faith could... so then...” Judging by the way his sister's eyebrow seemed to creep ever higher with each new attempted explanation, Casey decided there would be no digging himself out of the hole in which he had made his (which was technically really her) bed. “You know what?” he asked after a momentary pause. “Let's just go back to 'Sorry, sis.'” Unconsciously, the blushing boy once more inched the quilt covering himself a little higher.

“Uh huh,” Cassie snorted. Seemingly satisfied for the moment, the scowling teen then shifted her gaze down to fixate on Amira instead.

“Sorry, Cassie...” both twins' gorgeous friend murmured, consciously or unconsciously pressing her backside even tighter against Casey's firm body in response to his sister's softening glare.

“Ugh,” the scowling brunette snorted again, her long ponytail whipping back and forth as she emphatically shook her head. “You two are so lucky I'm a nice sister.” At the sight of his twin's reluctant grin starting to break through her facade of outrage, Casey finally let himself smile as well. Slumping contentedly back into the bed, he gave a languid stretch which sent his feet peeking out the far end of her quilt.

“Oh, don't look so pleased with yourself. I'm not done with you,” Cassie threatened, instantly leveling one slender finger at her brother. “You are going to put all of this,” she gestured wildly around the general vicinity of her bed, “into the laundry. Today. And buy me a new candle.” After giving a pointed sniff of the air and crinkling her nose, she added “or three.”

“And you,” the mock-indignant teen shifted her finger and glare alike downwards again until they fixated on Amira, her mortified friend responding with a pitiful little mewl. “You... Ugh... I got nothing,” she admitted, finally giving in to the smile lurking behind her performative outrage.

“Don't worry, sis. I got it,” Casey promised, reaching out to wrap one arm protectively around Amira and flashing his sister another sheepish grin.

“Ugh, I can't stay mad. I'm too happy for the two of you,” Cassie muttered, shaking her head once more as her arms fell to her sides. “Just... get out of my damn bed. Mom and Dad'll be back in an hour or two and I am not cleaning up the whole party alone while you two bums lay about.” With that warning, the bemused brunette turned and glided towards the doorway, stopping there and turning back to shoot the couple occupying her bed one last mock glare before disappearing into the hall.

The silence which followed Cassie's departure lasted no more than a few seconds before her brother could hold himself back no longer and he began to chuckle. The tension thoroughly broken, Amira's gentler giggles joined in a heartbeat or two later. More at peace than he had felt in a very long time, Casey turned towards his longtime friend and newfound girlfriend to plant a quick kiss on her soft lips. A moment later he leaned in so close that his lips were practically touching her ear and whispered “I'm really glad that wasn't Naz...”

The gorgeous teen instantly blanched at the thought of her brother catching her naked in bed with... anyone, her hazel eyes going wide and her cheeks flushing fully scarlet. A moment later the teens were laughing again, then kissing. “So,” Casey finally asked once they pulled apart, “do you think she'd mind if we went for round two?”

“Um... yeah?” Amira answered, biting her lip as she instantly glanced over towards the open door.

There was a long moment of silence as Casey matched her gaze before turning back to look over the stunning young woman beside him. Despite the embarrassment of having been caught by his sister, the hot-blooded teen could feel himself getting hard. Given his cock was trapped between his thigh and Amira's ass he had no doubt she could feel it as well and the fact that she was hardly pulling away spoke volumes. Decision made, he leaned forward and whispered a second question directly into her ear. “You want to anyway?”




The End

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