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John has come to despise that life. He wants more out of life. This leads John to taking some risky behavior and questionable decisions that involve his eighteen-year-old friend and neighbor, Molly. Luckily, Molly is the type of teenage girl who has been raised under close supervision by her parents. As they try to control her more, this pushes Molly into more of a curious stage where she longs to experience the pleasures of life that her other friends get to enjoy. This is where it all begins.
It was a hot August day in Madison, Wisconsin. John sat on his back patio overlooking the pool in his backyard sipping on a glass of lemonade while his kids swam in the pool. It was the last week before school started and John wasn’t looking forward to starting just yet. John watched as his son repeatedly jumped in the pool trying out his different moves. John’s daughter Sarah was lying on a lawn chair in her swimsuit more interested in working on her tan.

John heard a door open and shut and then a familiar voice, “Hey Sarah.” “Hey John.” John looked over to see Molly walking out from her back door over to his yard. She was carrying a towel and wearing a bikini. Sarah sat immediately and moved her towel off the lawn chair for Sarah to sit down. “Hey Molly,” John said with a smile. He was immediately distracted from his thoughts about the coming school year to watching Molly walk barefoot across the grass to his yard. “Damn,” he thought, “she is getting more and more gorgeous each year.” Her bright yellow bikini was a good contrast to her tanned skin.

Sarah and Molly get situated on their chairs in prime view of the sun’s rays. The two girls were just a year apart. They were close friends and had grown up together all their life. Now they were both in high school and at the same school that John was a math teacher at. John’s family and Molly’s were close, maybe a little too close.

John would not deny it, he had some inappropriate thoughts about Molly over the last few years seeing her young body developing. John would often wonder if she was sexually active or had fooled around with any of the high school boys she had dated for short periods. He wondered how she might groom herself underneath that slim yellow bikini bottom. Even though she had spent the night countless times with his daughter over the years he never managed to catch a peak at her body.

He remembered once when both girls were younger that they took a bath together when Molly stayed at their house. Molly’s parents had to go out of town and both families always looked out for each other’s kids from time to time. John’s wife yelled out for some towels from the hall closet. John brought them in to his wife and caught a glimpse of the girls playing in the tub.

John’s thoughts about Molly were interrupted by the girls screaming. “Josh!” “Oh my gosh, can you stop!” John’s son Josh had gotten bored with his diving and moved to a new game of splashing the girls who were trying to sunbathe. John quickly came to their defense. “Josh stop or I’ll you will have to go inside.” The girls dabbed themselves dry with their towels before resuming their scrolling on their phones and showing each other funny videos.

John stood there and admired Molly for a little bit more. She had beautiful brown wavy hair that was several inches below her shoulders. She had the most amazing blue eyes he had ever seen. They were so pretty he jokingly called her “pretty eyes” from time to time. He always enjoyed making her blush. Molly had a very fit body. She had taken gymnastics for years and was on the swim team too. She was average height and built like a typical gymnast.

The two families had it good. They shared many of their things. John’s family had a pool, but Molly’s family had a hot tub on their back porch. Molly would often come swim laps in their pool even though it wasn’t a big one. They would often share food and have dinner together. They were so close that neither family’s children would bother knocking when they came over. They would just go inside and announce themselves.

After a while John decided to go in and cool down. He was going to be cooking dinner tonight. John’s wife was always traveling for her sales job. She would be gone probably half of the month flying all over the country. John didn’t mind her being gone. They were the type of couple that were married but just had their own set of friends and schedules. They would call and talk often and keep up with each other’s plans.

John walked into his house and went to rise off in the shower and change his shirt to a dry one. As he dropped his shorts and boxers to the floor, he was still slightly aroused by his daydreaming thoughts of Molly. He grabbed his cock and stroked it a few times thinking about her laying out. He wasn’t in the mood, so he just got cleaned up and started working on dinner.

Later that night, after dinner, John slipped back into his pity party about how mundane his life had become to an extent. “I need something that will spice up my life,” he thought to himself. He grabbed his phone sitting on his bed. In desperation he typed in “how to spice up your life.” He scrolled down to a few articles and read some of the blogs and webpages. Nothing seemed to catch his eye until he read one post that was clearly not some things you would want to try. It suggested things like “have an affair, get a sugar daddy, go skinny dipping, go streaking in public, or read some romantic fan fiction.”

John was now relaxed, and he was feeling aroused. He quickly pulled up some porn on his phone and started scrolling though some of his favorite sites. He was always fascinated with the brother/sister porn videos. For some reason he found them kinky. He also went back to Molly and having her fresh on his mind her tried to recall every detail about her body that he could. He decided to search for more porn with “dad and daughters’ friend.” This brought up all sorts of new videos he had not considered yet. One video led to another one and before long he had played out a fantasy he watched thinking about Molly. He came all over his stomach. John loved to let his cum explode out all over his stomach and drip down his shaft. He cleaned himself up and went to bed.

While he was in bed, he had an idea. What he would write out some sex stories from his own fantasies. He enjoyed watching porn and reading these erotic sex stories. He might have more fun if he wrote them himself. Maybe one day he could even act out some of the porn videos he watched and read about.

Over the next week while he still had time, John began to write out his fantasies on a laptop and his number one fantasy was with his next-door neighbor Molly. He wrote a couple of ideas down and kept the file locked away on his computer.

One fantasy he could easily see happening with Molly was with her hot tub. John and Molly had landed in her family’s hot tub together on more than one occasion. After swimming laps in John’s pool, Molly would usually soak her muscles in the hot tub before she went inside. John would run a couple times a week and treat his muscles the same way. John spent the next few nights typing out his would-be fantasy.

He pictured Molly climbing in the tub with him and stepping over his body to a seat, hew perky breasts would be near his face. Maybe she would lose her balance and fall into his arms. He envisioned all the ways they might unassumingly flirt. Her foot brushes up against his inner thigh near his cock. Or maybe in some freak act of God her bikini top would come loose, and her breasts exposed for his pleasure. He wrote it all down in his sex story.

A week or so latter school started, and John had gotten into a rhythm with his schedule. To his surprise Molly came walking into his classroom a few days after school had started and handed John a note from the attendance office. Molly had to rearrange her class schedule to get the final credits to graduate. Much to John’s delight, Molly was now in John’s fourth period class. Molly took a seat at a desk that was upfront and directly across from his desk.

Molly had her own car and drove to school most days on her own. Sarah also drove to school separately from her dad because she went to work after school at the local ice cream parlor. One morning as John was about to head out the door to school John heard a knock at the door and a familiar voice. “Mister Dad! Hey it’s Molly.” John walked to meet her in the living room adjusting his tie as he walked. Molly jokingly called him “Mister Dad” and he loved it. But she called all her friend’s dads the same thing. Molly had a frantic look on her face. “I was looking for Sarah.” “My car wouldn’t start, and I was going to see if I could bum a ride from her.”

“Sarah just left a few minutes ago but you are welcome to ride with me if you are okay with that… and your parents” John added quickly. “They are cool with It” she quickly shot back. “My dad said I might catch a ride with Sarah or you.”

“Looks like you got the second-place option then.” Molly dismissed his self-deprecating comment with a smile and a “ahh you’re fine too.” “I’ll be ready to leave in just a few minutes” he told Molly. “Make yourself at home” and I’ll be right out. John walked back into the bathroom with a smile on his face and an extra skip in step. He did not want to keep Molly waiting.

A few minutes later he headed for the front door with his backpack and book in hand. He motioned for Molly to head out first as he walked behind her, he admired her outfit for the first time. “Damn” he thought to himself. She was earing a pair of athletic leggings and a light-colored pullover shirt that didn’t exactly meet the dress code for falling below her firm and tight ass. John could see every curve on her body from the waist down. Molly took care of her body.

Molly called “shotgun” and hopped in the front passenger seat. “Aww I was going to let you drive” he joked with a smile. They both laughed and took off down the road. John would glance over at Molly from time to time and admire her legs stretched out in his mid-sized SUV. He glanced even further to see how big her chest was. John caught himself in his thinking, “I’m such a pervy man. I can’t believe I’m just sitting here fawning over Molly like this. She has really gotten into my head.” John noticed her body spray or perfume. It smelled wonderful. Not overpowering but just enough to drive him wild. He could feel his dick hardening the more he thought about her. He adjusted his position in the seat trying to hide it as best he could. They made small talk and determined the plan if Molly would need a ride home after school.

They pulled up to the school and into his assigned parking space. They both got out and walked toward the school. As they separated off in different directions John overheard a couple of students mention Molly’s name and he looked over to see them pointing and laughing at him. He felt bad for Molly, he didn’t think about what it might look like when they got to school.

Fourth period arrived and Molly came into his class. She was the first one in the classroom and John took the opportunity to apologize to her about the students who teased her about riding to school with a teacher. “Oh, I don’t care about that” Molly responded. “Well next time, I’ll drop you off a block away” John joked. “Oh no, my legs get enough exercise already with swim practice” she retorted back. Molly told John that she wouldn’t need a ride home. Her mom would pick her up on the way home from the store. “That’s good” John said, “you won’t be stuck at school with me longer that you have to.” John lied, he had hoped he could be her rescuer again, but that was life for him.

The next week John was getting ready with his wife, and they were talking about their schedules for the week. His wife mentioned that she had invited Molly’s family over for dinner on Friday night. The guys would grill out and everyone would kick off the weekend right.

Friday came and John rushed home with all his school papers and got to the house and began picking up a little for their company. The families got together and grilled burgers and chicken. They joked around the table and talked about the first couple weeks of school. Molly thought she would take a swipe at John and mentioned she wasn’t sure she liked her fourth period trig teacher. “I’ve heard he is a bit of a dork” she said. They all laughed, and John would not let this go unchallenged. “Yeah, I have a new student in my class too. I heard from other sources that she’s a real troublemaker.”

“Hey!” Molly shot back at John. They all laughed again and continued their meal. After dinner the moms cleaned the dishes up while the guys went outside to close the grill. The boys were running around the yard playing and the three girls sat on the couch scrolling through their phones and talking.

A few minutes later Molly came out and asked if she could use John’s computer to look up something from their school website. John didn’t hesitate and told her sure. He told her it was on the desk in his bedroom. Molly left and went to find it.

Looking around the bedroom she located the computer and opened it up. She pulled up the browser and logged into her school account. While she was looking at her assignment a notification came up on his computer with a dinging bell. Molly looked down at it. She went wide-eyed when she noticed the title was from The message read, “your story has been approved for viewing on the site.”

“Shit!” Molly let out in surprise to herself. She wasn’t the kind of girl who cussed a lot. Only when she really needed it. “What was this?” she thought to herself. Staring at the notification for more details she saw the title of the story was called “Molly the girl…” and then it cut off the rest of the title. “What the fuck?” she let out another curse word. After a few seconds the notification went away, and Molly decided to quickly get back to her original reason for getting her school assignment details.

All sorts of thoughts and questions flooded her head. “Was Mister Dad some secret pervy dad that enjoyed writing stories?” More importantly “Why was her name on his computer?” and “What was this approved story about?” She had to find out what this was all about. She put his laptop up and walked back into the den with her sister and Sarah. She was distracted by all her thoughts. Sarah asked her, “You, okay? Did you find what you needed?” After a brief pause, she snapped back into reality. “Oh yeah, I did” she replied.

Molly decided she would do some digging later. She would look up the story and try to read it online and get some answers. Her phone was out as she pretended to be scrolling through social media, but her mind was flooded with more and more questions. Was Mr. John secretly into porn? She was not turned off at the thought. She knew so many guys in school were into it. Frankly most people in the world were into it. That included her. Molly had a secret. She was exposed to it when she was younger by a friend in school. She had found herself secretly finding all sorts of ways to look at it whenever she could. Her parents had a robust web app that monitored internet browsing at their house so she would try to look at it when she could at friend’s houses. Molly didn’t know anyone else besides a few of her friends who had looked at it personally, but not any adults she knew. Her whole perception of John changed in an instant. She had to get some answers.

The evening got late, and Molly’s family walked back to their house next door. John’s family all reclined to their rooms and relaxed before bed. John sat on the bed with his wife and they both scrolled through Instagram reels and TikTok videos. Molly had gone to her room and laid in her bed trying to figure out the best way to find out about this story. She knew she could not view it from her home Wi-Fi but then she had an idea. Her bedroom was on the left side of the house, closest to John’s. It was so close that the Wi-Fi from John’s house could be faintly picked up at her house. She already had the Wi-Fi password since she was over there all the time. Maybe she could view it from that Wi-Fi.

She logged off her home Wi-Fi and onto John’s. The signal was weak, but it was good enough to connect. Remembering every detail, she searched for Sex Stories and found the website she thought was the right one.

Little did she know that while she did this a notification came up on John’s phone that said “A new device has connected to your internet. It read as “Molly’s iPhone 13.” John noticed it but didn’t think too much of it. After all they freely shared it all the time and their family were just over to the house.

Then John got a pervy idea. He was not a tech guy, he was a math teacher, but he did know enough to be dangerous. He remembered one time being able to log into their modem and see the browsing history of the devices connected to his Wi-Fi.

He excused himself from the bed and told his wife Elle that he was going to do some computer work for school. He grabbed his laptop and went to the den to see if he could sneak a peek at her browsing.

Meanwhile, Molly was unaware of what John was doing had gone to the website. She looked around in amazement. She had enjoyed porn for several years; it was a good substitute for the lack of a boyfriend in times and it never disappointed like many of the guys did. Her eyes were opened to a whole new world of erotic stories. She glanced at all the categories down the left-hand side of the page. She quickly determined she would not be distracted by all the new temptations and got back to her task of what this story was about.

She found the search bar and typed in “Molly the girl” and pressed enter. Up came a list of stories that had the keywords in them. She started reading down the page and looking at every detail. About the third story down was a title “Molly the girl next door and at school.” She saw the authors username was the initials of John with some random numbers next to it. “This had to be it” she thought as she clicked on the link to view the story.

Molly laid in bed and read the story to herself. She was reading it as fast as she could take in what the story said. First reading it with a bit of concern. She had known John all her life, he was a sweet guy who would do anything for anyone, but did she really know him at all now? As she read the story, she realized what it was about. John was writing out his secret fantasies about her and posting them on the website. She kept on reading, wanting to know everything he thought. The more she read, she found herself being turned on by the de***********ive words and scenarios that were written out. She found herself getting into the story more and more. Her little girly bits inside her panties begin to tingle thinking about the pervy thoughts of her neighbor.

She read about the interaction in the hot tub and that really turned her on. One hand on her phone and the other slipped slowly into her lose shorts and panties. She began to pleasure herself as she continued to read this pervy smut. She wondered what John looked like under his clothes. She knew he was fit and exercised regularly. She played out the story in her mind as she read along. After she finished the story, she was pretty turned on and had not cum yet. She needed to finish with some good pics and videos to look at. She googled a view of her favorite sites and searched for some videos. She typed in “Sex with my friends dad” and it pulled up all kinds of videos. It wasn’t long before she lost control and reached organism right there laying in her bed, thinking about John.

Meanwhile, John had a hard time remembering how to look at the browsing history of devices on the network. Finally, after a couple of failed attempts he got to the administration page on the modem and clicked on Molly’s phone. He clicked on “view browsing history” and a list populated below listing several sites. There were the standard sites you would expect to see on a typical teenage girl’s phone; social media, YouTube, the school website, but then there was several porn sites as well. John was a little surprised. His perception of the Molly he grew up with and knew had enlarged. John was interrupted by his son running down the stairs into the kitchen. He quickly closed the tab and closed his laptop.

Molly laid in bed recovering from her orgasm thinking about where all this would go. She had always liked Sarah’s dad, but never thought anything like what she read until tonight. Was she wrong to think that way? Other girls at school always joked about older men, sugar daddies, and who they would treat the girls right. “Am I missing out?” She asked herself.

John went back to his bedroom and laid in bed thinking about Molly and imagining her watching some porn and what she would be doing with her body while she was. He faded off to sleep with a grin. Days later, both John and Molly, fixated on their own questions for each other got back to the typical weekly schedule.

Molly flirted with the idea of teasing John since she knew that he was into her. She would purposely wear the sexiest outfits to school and that the dress code would allow. She enjoyed donning some knee length skirts and sitting at her desk on the front row in his class. Each day she played the little game she found herself becoming more infatuated with the idea of the two of them. Molly began to have her own fantasies about John in school and home.

She wondered if John would ever cross the line and get physical with her. Was it a line he would cross or not? She wondered how she might push the issue and let him know that she knew about his stories, and it was okay. Then Molly got a very clever idea. She would look for an opportunity to act out one of his fantasies with him. Maybe he would play her game if she set it up just right. Molly looked for the right opportunity. She studied his behavior and schedule to look for a time when it might work out.

Molly realized that John would jog in the neighborhood usually every Thursday consistently. He would typically relax in their hot tub after his run. That would be her chance to put his story into action.

After school on Thursday Molly came home and looked for John to start his run after dinner as he usually did. That would be her que to go swim her laps in the swimming pool and wait like a young cheetah for her opportunity.

John finished his run and rounded the corner with his house in site. As he walked down the driveway to his delight, he saw Molly swimming laps in his pool. She was an excellent swimmer and so fast. Molly caught view of John coming down and knew her chance was about to take place. John took his shirt off and his shoes and socks and hopped into the hot tub to relax. Molly pretended to swim a few more laps so it might not be too obvious what she was planning.

She got out and dried off a little carrying her towel with her she walked over to join John in the hot tub. John saw her coming and smiled inwardly. They greeted each other as Moly got close and she tossed her towel on the table next to John’s shirt.

“Is that a new swimsuit?” John asked Molly as she started to get in. “Yes, well it’s my sister’s. I needed a newer one that fit me better. But I think it’s a little too big in some areas” she dropped a hint. “Well, it looks good on you” John complemented her back. “Thanks” she said with a smile. Molly knew the first move was critical for John to put everything together. She stepped in and moved closely in front of John to go sit opposite him and she slipped and fell towards him right into his arms. Her breasts fell straight down and hit John in the stomach and lap.

“Whoa! Are you okay?” John said helping her up and his hands were under her chest and trying to help steady her in the water. “Ya thanks” she said. “My legs are like Jello sometimes after I train really hard” she added.

Molly sat down in the curvy seat below the warm water with just her bikini top showing just above the water. John admired his view and thought to himself, “this turned out to be a nice Thursday.” They made small talk about school, his running, her upcoming swim meets and other things. John asked her if she was still dating a guy that he had seen a few months ago. “Oh no, I broke it off with him. He was too immature. I think I’m going to look for an older guy next time” she said with a wink. “Just don’t tell my parents” she added while she pretended to accidently run her leg between John’s legs underneath the bubbles. She brushed the inside of his leg while she said that. John didn’t mind at all her physical touch, and he said, “Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me.” Then John had his first thought that what he was living out now was kind of like the story he wrote. “I’m good at keeping secrets” said keeping the conversation going.

“That’s good to know” she said looking at John in a giggly mood. Her plan was going flawlessly. The next part would be a do or die moment in the plan. She reached back behind her back underneath the camouflage of the bubbles and blindly searched for her bikini string that held her top in place. She purposely tied it loosely and not in a double knot so it would come off without a fight.

She found the string and slowly tugged on it downwardly without making it obvious to John. She felt the knot unhitch and then she pulled it away from her body and quickly brought her hand back in front hoping that gravity would do the rest of the work for her.

Not but a few seconds later, Molly moved around to help her top the black top feel off right into the water. Molly purposefully delayed her reaction time so that John would get the show he fantasized about and that she longed to give him.

John saw it immediately and was frozen in delight with the perfect set breasts on display for him. Her dime sized nipples were small but poking out around her brown quarter-sized areolas. John tried to pretend like he wasn’t looking all the while he was enjoying the view. “Oh my god” Molly exclaimed faking her surprise as best she could. Her top fell into the water and sunk down. She pretended to search for it and loosely covered her chest while still giving John a show.

It was as if a switch was flipped, and John instantly figured out that too many coincidences from his story had occurred to be coincidences. Had Molly somehow found out about his secret fantasy? She must have. Molly dove forward toward John still pretending to search for the bikini top, but her breast pressed against his legs under water.

“Oh no, you read my story, didn’t you?” John abruptly announced. John wondered if he was going to be in trouble from her discovery but the second, she stopped looking for her top and looked up at John with a smile he knew that he was not in any trouble at all, in fact he was about to make some trouble.

“I did” Molly confessed. “I accidentally stumbled on it last week when we over for dinner.” Molly slowly came up out of the water and sat in John’s lap facing him with her legs straddling him. Her arms went around his shoulders and his wrapped around her waist at the same time. She quickly explained what happened and how she wanted to explore his fantasies in real life but wasn’t sure how to do it.

John leaned in to kiss her lips and she pressed her chest into his. His already hard cock got even more stiff when her nipples touched him. “I hope you are good at keeping secrets” she said. Her hands started exploring his body. Rubbing his chest and grabbing his butt. John’s hands went straight to her bare breasts, and he fondled her while he admired their soft touch. She scooted forward and pressed her lap into John’s shorts that were bulging from excitement. She began grinding into his hard cock while he kissed her lips more and then all down her neck.

After a few minutes Molly sat next to John and reached down and slipped off her bottoms and placed them on the side if the hot tub. John followed suit and slipped his off. His hands went to rubbing her leg and then searching for her kitty up those long, gorgeous legs. He found her pussy lips and begin to press against them while searching blindly for her clit.

“Mmmm” she said letting him know that he had located the right spot. John felt her hand move across his leg and grab his floating dick that was just pointing straight up swaying with the water’s motion. Her hands were amazing, and she explored every part of his manhood. She ran her thumb over the tip and then would stroke his cock again.

John worked his fingers inside her pussy and would rotate back and forth between finger fucking her and rubbing her clit. Hot tuns are not the most ideal places to play in but John didn’t care he was having the time of his life. Molly opened her legs wider for John to have easier access to. Then to John’s surprise he felt Molly’s hand move below and grip his balls. She squeezed them firmly and massaged them with her fingers. “Oh fuck” John said in ecstasy.

After not being able to get to Molly’s girly bits comfortably John suggested that Molly come sit in front of him between his legs. She quickly obliged and sat with her ass pressed up against John’s hard cock. They both moaned as John’s hands now had easy access to Molly’s pussy.

John held onto her breasts with one hand and pinched her let nipple while his left hand went easily between her legs and found her clit again. John got a motion going and he could feel Molly getting in rhythm with him bouncing back and forth. Her ass was moving up and down basically jerking his cock off while John kept edging Molly closer to a climax. Their breathing got heavier, and they got more vocal as they enjoyed the touch of each other.

A couple minutes past and John could tell Molly was about to cum. The thought of him helping her cum, a neighbor, the daughter of his friends made him lose control and he knew he wouldn’t last long either. They both picked up speed and Molly let out a scream as she came with John’s fingers pressed against her clit. This sent him over the edge, and he launched his load of cum into the hot tub.

Molly fell exhausted into John’s arms and he held her tightly. They both breathed slowly, and John kissed the side of her face and neck a few times. “That was amazing!” John said to Molly. “Yes, just like in your story, except it was even better than reading it” Molly added.

Aware that they had more time in the hot tub than usual they decided it would be best to get their clothes back on and head inside. John handed Molly her bikini bottoms and then he grabbed his and quickly put them on. “You are good with secrets right Mister Dad?” Molly asked again. “Oh yes, I’ve been keeping a few secrets for a while now” he bolted back assuring Molly that this would not go anywhere. “Like what?” Molly asked curiously. “Oh well the fact that one of my neighbors next door likes to frequently visit some porn sights” he said with a smile.

“How did you find out?” she asked inquisitively. “Did you see something in my window of my room?” she added. “Oh no, I have my ways. I’ll tell you about it later” But don’t worry you are not the only one who enjoys a good show. I need to get cleaned up and ready for school tomorrow.” They kissed another few times and both hopped out of the hot tub and went their separate ways.

Molly jumped in the shower and washed off the chlorine from the pool and any of John’s cum that might have attached to her body. As she stood in the shower looking down at her still swollen pussy lips, she touched them remembering that John’s fingers had just touched them better than anyone else ever had. John walked back to his house completely love struck by this young vixen. It was exhilarating to feel the passion he had for Molly. His ordinary life was now set on a different path that would be filled with more sexual interactions with Molly, the girl next door.
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