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Alicia is on a flight to Saudi Arabia when her plane crashes and she is captured by Sudanese militants who use her as a sex slave in a tribal ritual..
African Depravity – Alicia

Alicia’s plane crashes and she is captured by Sudanese militants who use her as a sex slave.

Alicia was just an average young American girl who happened to be in the Army. Now at the age of 23, and into her third year, she made the decision to enlist because it afforded her the opportunity to travel the world. The problem was, as soon as she came home after a mission in Korea, her parents pressured her to marry her longtime boyfriend, John.

At first the marriage was good and John was the only man that Alicia had ever been with, sexually. They soon settled into an apartment just off the base at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Each morning, John would go off to his accounting job whereas Alicia would check in at her security gate, preparing to plan her work day. She was what was referred to as an 88N and planned missions or movements for the Army combat teams. She had always joked that she was a "combat zone travel agent."

Alicia's marriage began to become stale and when rumors of John cheating on her began to swirl, she felt that she might have made a mistake. He denied it and Alicia decided to stay with him but her intimate attachment had waivered. She still wanted to travel the world so when a *********** few from the eastern based units were given a three week opportunity to travel to Saudi Arabia for a field study, Alicia willingly volunteered.

When that day arrived, even with John against her decision to travel, Alicia packed her bags and parked her car at the base for her military shuttle to Simmons Army Airfield. When boarding the plane, she sat down next to a stoic female soldier who was to be her roommate while overseas. With only 27 passengers, the plane took off for the U.S. Embassy located in Luanda, Angola located on the coast of east Africa for an overnight stay before heading to Saudi Arabia. During the twelve hour flight, Alicia and Mary got to know each other and Alicia was able to take a well needed nap.

When they landed, all the service people which consisted of ten female and seventeen male soldiers, were treated like royalty. They were taken out to a great dinner and some entertainment by the locals. Not only did Alicia and Mary hang out together, but a girl named Shelly from Fort Belvoir, Virginia was their third. The girls drank and even though Mary was very regimented, she eventually relaxed and they all had a nice time.

The morning flight took off at 0600 hours and everyone boarded very blurry-eyed. About half way through the flight, the turbulence was getting stronger which seemed to sober up all the passengers. Alicia became frightened as the plane dropped suddenly. A strange sound caused the seatbelt lights to blink and then the plane began to descend. The emotions from the passengers went from frightened to terrified when the Captain's voice blared over the intercom, "Ladies and gentleman, we have lost hydraulic power. We are going to make an emergency landing. Please brace yourself for an impact!"

The plane was dropping slowly and the passengers could only hope that it would be a soft crash landing, if that was possible. Alicia was praying as the plane touched the earth, causing a huge violent jolt and then the lights went out while total chaos ensued. When the plane had come to a stop, there was dust and debris all over the place but the fuselage was intact. After the initial shock, passengers began to walk around and check on injured people. Thankfully, nobody was killed even though several had serious injuries.

Hours later, everyone was outside in a vast grassland area with temperatures already in the upper 80s. They didn't know where they were exactly but they knew it was somewhere in Africa. Finally, the pilot was able to get the satellite phone to work and contacted the embassy to give their coordinates. As it turned out, they were stranded in South Sudan which had only become an official county in 2011. All the passengers cheered and hugged one another when they learned two helicopters were to arrive in three hours for a rescue.

As the healthy attended to the injured, three jeeps full of Sudanese militants approached the wreckage from the south. Each jeep was equipped with a large gun mounted in the back and each rebel was holding a machine gun. When the jeeps stopped a few feet from where the US crash survivors were gathered, they could hear the rebels demanding something in their native language. Alicia along with the others had their hands raised while four of the rebels jumped out of the jeeps. They were waving their guns around while everyone remained terrified.

One of the rebels shouted, "Urang néangan putri dipilih. Anjeun tilu kana jeep, ayeuna!" which translated into, "We are looking for the chosen princess. You three into the jeep, now!"

Alicia, Shelly, and another girl named Jaime were grabbed and in spite of resistance and crying, they were forced into the jeep. Sergeant Blackford rushed the vehicle but one of the rebels fired shots into the ground where the Sergeant stood and many more fired into the air. He had no choice but to relinquish his pursuit to save the girls. The jeeps took off and the girls sat down with guns pointed, wondering what was to become of them.

When the rebels arrived in the Sudanese village, the girls were separated and that was the last Alicia had seen of them during her ordeal. With her hands cinched together with a type of vine, she was taken to a small building. While the two rebel tribesman walked her, she took notice of their height. Both guards had to be at least 6'9 or taller. That is when she noticed, most all the village people were extremely tall, extremely dark black, and extremely thin. The people looked like they were all arms and legs. Even the females seemed to be at least 6 feet tall or more.

Alicia was forced into a small building and the door closed behind her. She wondered if she should scream, try to run, or just be patient? If she screamed, who would hear her? If she ran, where would she go? Her choice was made for her. The room was a poor dwelling with a small twin bed in the middle, a rickety chair in the corner, a small wooden table, a wood burning stove with a metal pot and finally a back door which led to an outhouse just a few steps away. There seemed to be no air flow as she immediately began to sweat in the punishing heat.

There wasn't much to do as her cell phone had been taken when she was searched and it would not have worked anyway. There were some books, but they were in Sudanese and even though Alicia was frightened, in the back of her mind, she believed that she would be rescued. Within 30 minutes, a young female entered, bringing Alicia an abundance of food. There was some rice, a loaf of bread and several pieces of fruit. The girl was nineteen years old, wore her short hair braided, and her face, arms and ankles supported many pieces of homemade jewelry. She was also dressed in a colorful cloth wrap.

While Alicia feasted on the food, the young girl, put her finger to her lips to subtly tell Alicia not to divulge her secret before speaking English in a very thick African accent, "I speak the English after traveling on a missionary trip. Do not reveal to the others I speak English. What is your name? I'm Juzah."

Alicia felt slightly calmer knowing that she wasn't completely alone and began asking many questions, "What are they going to do with me? Why me? Why us? Please tell them not to hurt me."

"I cannot speak long for if the others know that I am doing this, I will surely be killed. You must eat all you can for this will be your last, how do you say, traditional meal. You are now 'Putri keur pelesir' which means, 'Princess for pleasure.' Now I must go. Please do not resist or you will be killed as well. I will tell you more later" revealed Juzah before exiting the quarters.

Alicia became worried because she didn't like the sound of pleasure. She wondered if she would be raped. What would she do? The door opened, and a giant of a man who was seven feet tall, stooped in the doorway, carrying dangling vines, tied like knots in a rope. He was followed by 6 young females, each carrying a bucket of soapy water. Still thinking about what Juzah had warned against, Alicia had made up her mind, she was going to follow that advice.

As the tall man fastened the vines to each corner of the small bed, he mumbled to the girls before exiting. The girls spoke Sudanese so Alicia had no idea what to expect but they were gentle and began removing Alicia's clothes. Even though Alicia was apprehensive, she did not resist and stood before the Sudanese girls, completely nude.

There was such a stark contrast between Alicia and the tribal girls; almost an exact opposite look was what drew the rebels to abduct her in the first place. Alicia was short at 5'3", with long curly dark hair, thick full lips, and she supported a thicker, curvy figure, which many men found voluptuous with her DD cup breasts and bubble ass.

All the girls gently led her to the chair and began washing her body with cloths dipped into the cool soapy water. It was slightly awkward having all the females give her a "sponge" bath, but Alicia also reveled in the soothing feel of the liquid after being so sweaty in the room's oppressive heat. Once Alicia's body had been thoroughly cleaned, one of the girls pulled out a straight razor and started shaving Alicia's pubic area while two girls held her legs up by her knees. While leaning back, the other girls washed Alicia's hair into one of the buckets.

Alicia's crotch was as smooth as glass when the girl had completed her task. Finally, the girls led Alicia over to the bed, and instructed her to sit down, through body language and pointing. The girls pulled decorating accessories from their wraps and began to adorn Alicia with them. They put a ring around her finger, a couple toe rings, beaded bracelets and a leather collar, which was clearly made from the hide of a recent kill by the tribe.

After everyone had left, an elder tribesman walked in. He was 81 years old, with no hair or teeth and very wrinkled. The old man stood 6'5' while wearing his robe and sandals. This man was the grandfather of tribe's ruler and even though he was much too old to be the leader, he was respected as the upper statesman and the former chief.

Alicia stared at the old man while he slowly pulled the robe off himself. He was now naked except for his sandals and a couple of decorative beaded circles cinched around his balls and long hanging cock. It resembled a homemade cock ring. He was so thin that his ribs were showing. The old man's penis was at least 7 inches long, soft, and looked like an elongated turtle head with the foreskin covering the tip. His snow white pubic hair was thick and bushy.

The old man walked over to Alicia who was still sitting on the bed, presented his wrinkled, flaccid penis by sticking his hips out toward her. With the warning of not to resist still fresh in her mind, she reached out and touched the long hanging black snake and began stroking it. It felt like a tube of thick leathery meat. The old man grunted his approval and Alicia slid herself more to the side of the bed so she could get a better grip. After several minutes of jerking his soft cock and it becoming slightly erect, the old man replaced Alicia's hand with his own.

He held his rubbery dong by the base and put his other hand on the back of her head, gently pushing her face down to it. Once the tip reached her lips, the old man rubbed it back and forth like he was trying to apply lipstick until he blurted, "Buka" which meant "Open."

When the old man continued to wiggle the tip of his penis in between her lips, she knew it was time. Alicia opened her mouth and accepted his cock as he stuffed in as much as she could take. Nearly gagging her, he simultaneously held the back of her head with one hand, and the base of his cock with the other while he stroked himself. Combined with him thrusting, it was a hybrid between fucking and jerking himself off inside her mouth.

Alicia held onto his sagging ass, just to control some of the pace. The old man was taking a long time as Alicia's lips began to numb until finally he grumbled in his native tongue while his runny semen squirted into her throat. There was a copious amount of cum deposited before the old man shivered and pulled his dick out of her mouth. Using his long bony finger, he shook it, letting her know to swallow his seed. She closed her eyes and swallowed the bitter spunk before shaking her head to gather herself.

The old man was pleased as he smiled, reapplied his clothing and walked out of the quarters. Before the salty aftertaste had even left, in walked the tallest man Alicia had ever seen. The man stood 7'5 and she was in awe that a person could be that tall. When inside the room, the man had to hunch down to keep from hitting his head on the ceiling as he walked. He was followed by one of the females from earlier and she brought in two dishes. One was a colorful empty ceramic bowl with an opening about a foot in diameter and the other was a small pan in which she dropped in some roots before lighting the stove.

As the roots began to cook, she quickly left while the tall man stood and towered over the sitting Alicia. His name was Kamal, he was the chief of the tribe, the grandson of the old man whom Alicia had just sucked off, and 41 years of age. His clothing was colorful and looked in better quality than what the other men were wearing. He supported several gold chain necklaces around his neck along with beads in his dreadlocks and carried a staff made from oak. He had been the leader the last five years after his father was killed by an elephant during a hunt.

Kamal leaned down, took Alicia by the wrist and bound one hand to the supporting slip knotted vine fastened to the bed corner. He then fastened her other hand in the same fashion so now she was on her back, arms stretched out and over her head. Her heart was racing and about to thump out of her chest from fear. Kamal then got on his knees which was not an easy task, given the tiny size of the bed. He took Alicia's ankles and pushed her legs back over her head and opened the nooses to add her feet with her bound wrists.

She felt like a prisoner who was hog tied to a long pole, carried by two people. Alicia's ass hovered at least a foot off the bed, and while she was extremely uncomfortable, Kamal leaned in and stuck out his tongue. It was so long and compared to his coal black skin, it almost looked florescent pink. He plunged it between Alicia's labia and even though she couldn't move, she felt like she was going to break the straps. He licked her pussy and used his huge tongue like a small cock. He darted it in and out of her vagina while taking time to suck her clit.

In a short amount of time, Alicia's pleasure trumped her reluctance. Kamal was eating her out like no man had ever done before and he possessed the colossal tongue to get the job done correctly. She was moaning and trying to squirm, which only motivated him to lick deeper and more forceful. Alicia couldn't help herself when she whispered, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Ohhhhhh!" while erupting in orgasm.

Her pelvic muscles contracted while she came and Kamal continued licking. He would stick fingers inside her which made her cum again. Alicia only wished she could stretch out and enjoy her oral sex that she was receiving. Eventually, Kamal stopped. He stood up and pulled off his robe and with Alicia tied up, she could only see him from his neck up. Of course they were both sweating profusely in the heat.

Kamal then untied her feet, allowing them to fall to the bed and that is when she saw his horse sized dick sticking straight out. It was a foot long and massive with the base cinched with a homemade cock ring device like his grandfather had worn. Alicia gasped out loud while Kamal stroked it in front of her. She was worried that he was going to split her open with that black rod. He walked over to the cooking pot, dipped his hand inside the warm, melted goo and smeared it all over his shaft. When melted, he root simulated a type of grease and was commonly used for lubrication of machinery and human orifices.

When he approached Alicia, his now glistening erection bounced and swayed to the side. Kamal then released her hands before turning her over to her stomach, then binding them once again. Now her face was smooshed in the bed, hands tied out and above her, while she lay flat on her stomach. Kamal was behind, preparing to mount her, pushing her knees in until her cute bubble ass was up in the air.

At first, Alicia was horrified that he was going to try to stick that pole in her ass but relaxed slightly when she felt the head press against her pussy entrance. Knowing that she had only been with her husband who supported an average sized cock, Alicia was trying to emotionally prepare for the pain. The tall African, pushed himself inside her as the girth of his erection stretched and forced its way in.

While in the doggie style position, Kamal stopped when his cock would go no further. Alicia was hurting while trying to take all those inches and Kamal had a few still left to go. He was so much taller and with his long arms, he had no trouble reaching her shoulders and he held onto them like one would do with a girl's hips. Kamal began to fuck Alicia, first slowly then quicker. She was so full, so stuffed; she didn't know how to react.

Kamal kept feeding his huge manhood into her tunnel from behind while Alicia had no choice but to take it. With the lubrication, both could hear the slurping sound their sex created. He was the Chief and had the first rights to his new found white princess. He needed to show her who was in control while forcing himself inside her so he took hold the leather collar around her neck.

He began to twist the collar, slowly cutting off Alicia's air supply but never stopped his thrusting. Her arms were bound so she had no way of stopping him and she immediately became light headed. On the verge of passing out, she began to shake and the most powerful orgasm overtook her body. She was quivering and in her state, felt like she was dreaming but her body loved that amazing asphyxiation orgasm. Kamal thrusted his big dick like he was trying to hurt her and eventually Alicia did pass out.

When she awoke, Alicia was no longer on her stomach and knees. She was also free from her bound limbs but lying on her back with Kamal on top of her. Being more than two feet shorter than Kamal, Alicia was completely overwhelmed by his lengthy body. Her face was trapped just under his sweaty chest, and his legs dangled well past the end of the small bed. He was fucking her with sheer power and it seemed as though not only was the bed aggressively rocking, but the room was as well. He was the leader and she needed to know her place.

Alicia was completely filled and felt like his dick head was trying to kiss her uterus when Kamal violently shook while announcing he was cumming, "Di dieu datang!" She needed no translation as she felt Kamal shoot his sperm deep inside her vagina causing her pussy to spasm. Spurt after warm spurt filled her up until he had released all his aggression. Lifting himself up, he shook his head and rested while remaining inside Alicia. A drop of sweat from his nose landed on her forehead. When he climbed off her, the suction from such a large object trapped in a small area, caused a sizeable amount of Kamal's cum to plop on the bed and her ass. She was a mess.

Kamal let out a big sigh and after wiping off his dripping face and his hanging, slimy, thigh-length penis, he dressed and left the quarters. Alicia was still on her back, feeling herself and was taken back by how much her pussy had been stretched. It was so gaped and gooey, she could have easily inserted her own fist. She had no choice but to go to bed. At least she had a thin pillow and small, worn blanket. Throughout the night and into the next morning, Alicia could feel Kamal's seed running out of her. She felt unclean and used but had no idea what was yet to come. She was awaken by the sound of Juzah entering the room.

"Good morning, white Princess. I am here to straighten up the room and give you some information," said Juzah in her thick Sudanese dialect.

Alicia responded, "I am starving. Did you bring food?"

Juzah responded while sadly shaking her head, "For I am sorry, I cannot. Soon the young men will arrive and give you nourishment. It is written in our culture that all males in our tribe must offer you his seed so that you can consume them and become one with them."

Alicia looked puzzled, "What!? What do you mean?"

Juzah elaborated, "Let me explain. The males in our tribe from the time they turn 18 until they are 21, are in transisi which in our language means transition. They may feed and nourish you but they may not copulate with you. The Chief gets the first choice of his fair princess every day and then every other moon setting, the elders get to mate with you. The young transisi warriors get to do it but only one hour a week. It will be a frenzy, so be aware."

The door opened and the six girls entered to bathe Alicia. They followed the same routine as the day before and gave Alicia a nice soothing sponge bath, along with a complete shaving of her crotch area. One of them heated up the lubrication root which tipped Alicia to what was going to happen next. Juzah had gone while the bathing girls worked and just as they were finishing up, Kamal entered. Kamal shouted for them to get out, "Kaluar!"

The girls hurriedly left as Kamal once again tied up Alicia but this time only her hands with her on her back, climbed on top of her, fucked her mercilessly with his huge cock while her legs were up over his hips. This time he was able to drive an extra inch inside her from the previous day. Alicia whimpered and moaned with every thrust partly from the pain and partly from the incredible pleasure. He would twist her collar until she nearly lost consciousness when she would tense up in orgasm.

This time, Kamal let out a loud war cry, "GRRRRAAAAHHHHHH!" as he blasted his load deep inside her pussy. Again he shivered and stayed inside her while he recovered. He then pulled out and walked around with his huge black cock swinging around like an elephant who had dipped his trunk in white paint. He strutted around like an animal claiming his territory. When he left, several of the transisi guys came in and began removing their robes.

There were at least 10 of them with others waiting by the door. Alicia remained bound so she had no choice but lay on her back and watch with her legs spread, pussy stretched and once again leaking Kamal's seed. She saw that many of the young men were already hard and also wearing tight harnesses around their cock and balls. It was now confirmed that wearing the jewelry around their genitals was tradition for all the men and not just royalty. They were jerking their long black cocks while some of the others moved the wooden table to the middle of the room and another placed the ceramic bowl on it.

For them, it was a great honor and a stimulus to see what their leader had done to the pleasure princess. Watching her exposed vagina was a thrill and a treat. To see spunk oozing from it was like their own real life porn. The young men were in a circle, jerking off while glancing back at Alicia. Within minutes, the first guy let loose and began shooting his cum into the bowl.

After the first guy had released, it set off a chain reaction like popcorn popping as others began cumming into the bowl. Sometimes two at a time would shoot their load. When one would finish, he would walk away and another boy took his place so that the circle never left an opening for very long. These guys were grunting and leaving their sperm for Alicia to feast upon. It would be their offer to become one with the white princess.

The tribe had a total of 36 young men that were transisi and every one of them took their turn and many went twice. A few even shot off a third time. After an hour or so, the last boy left while leaving the extremely hungry Alicia with an eventual decision. Could she hold out and just not eat? She also knew that would be a death sentence if she had to stay an extended amount of time. Thinking to herself, even if she decided to eat the cum, she was tied to the bed and had no way of reaching the bowl.

Just then, Juzah reentered the quarters and immediately began to untie Alicia while whispering, "Please, you must consume the seed of the transisi. You will not be given any food and you will need nourishment. It will please the elders."

After untying Alicia, Juzah left again and now the decision for Alicia was much more realistic. She walked over to the table and the bowl looked disgusting. There was so much milky, thick, slimy spunk inside the bowl and around the rim, it looked like someone had literally smashed several raw oysters. Not only did it look unappetizing, the smell might have been worse. The pungent aroma almost caused Alicia to gag.

She knew that was going to be her only form of nourishment and feared the wrath of the Sudanese tribe if she didn't consume the cum. She also thought it would taste even worse as it cooled down so she knew what she had to do. Alicia lifted the bowl up to her mouth with one hand and pinched her nose with the other. After tilting it, the thick liquid began to pool, then slide off the rim into Alicia's open mouth. When her mouth was filled, she closed her eyes tightly and swallowed the bitter, salty semen. It was going to take several mouth fulls to clean the bowl.

It was not an easy chore getting it all out of the bowl. Alicia would eventually hold her breath and use her fingers to scrape it out onto her tongue. When a long sticky strand would cling to the side, she would bring her mouth up to the edge of the bowl and slurp it off. When the dish was clean, Alicia had swallowed a lot of sperm and felt somewhat nauseated. Thank goodness there was some water left over from the night before to drink as a chaser.

Juzah returned, took the bowl to wash and snuck in some books written in English. Alicia was grateful there would be something to do. Not long after she began reading her first book, 8 men entered the quarters. It was the elders and not only did she know what they wanted, she expected it. These men ages ranged from 38 years old to the oldest man who was 54. The first two guys took off their robes while the others stood patiently. Guy one was 6'8" and supported a rock hard 9 inches and kept running his hand up and down it while guy 2 was shorter at 6'4 but actually had a slightly larger cock. With the cinched cock rings, they looked swollen and bulbous.

Alicia wasn't tied down so her freedom allowed one of them to guide her up on her hands and knees with her dirty feet dangling over the side of the bed while the other guy stood on the same side with his foot up on the bed. Using Alicia's head, he guided her mouth to his long black sweaty dick while guy number one worked his cock into her gooey vagina from behind.

With one cock in her mouth and another one banging her pussy, simultaneously, she felt like such a used slut. A slut who had no choice. The guy fucking her from behind grunted and shot his cum inside Alicia. Seeing this, the guy she was blowing, quickly pulled out of her mouth and squeezed off his cock while hurrying to replace the first man who barely had enough time to pull out and move away. Just in time, he was able to stuff it inside Alicia so that he could add his seed.

The next man slid himself under Alicia and laid on his back on the bed. Two others took her by the hand helping her up. The laying man held his dick and pointed it straight in the air so that Alicia would have a good angle to sit on it. The two men continued helping her stand overtop the laying man like they were truly helping their princess to her throne. The laying man was unconcerned that Alicia's slit was dripping cum all over his flat stomach.

Alicia was now royalty and her throne happened to be 10 inches of black meat. She squatted until it found her slimy entrance and allowed her own weight to fall on it. The guys to her sides were gentleman and never let go of her so that she could keep her balance while she rode that horse cock. It was a good thing that Alicia was beginning to get used to all the large dicks or there would have been no way she would be able to sit all the way down on this one.

She bounced and rode the big dick so forcefully, her large boobs were bouncing in unison and the guys holding her, had to use a second hand to grasp her elbows for leverage. No doubt the size was hurting Alicia but she was getting close to orgasm and by the looks of the laying man's face, he was as well. Alicia's eyes closed and her mouth opened while screaming in orgasm, "Oh! Oh! Augghhhh! Yeeeessssss!"

After she had one more orgasm, her snug pussy milked the cum out of that cock. The man quivered while blasting it up inside her. When he finished, the rest of the men wanted Alicia to ride them in the same manner. They continued to take turns helping Alicia to sit on the cocks of the remaining five men. By the time, every guy had cum, her legs were so tired and stiff from the squatting up and down. It was comparable to the world's longest leg press.

When all the men had left the room, Alicia's stretched pussy was wrecked and sore. Even though after realizing she was the tribe's sex slave, she had no idea the amount of trauma her vagina was going to endure until right then. With no way of cleaning up, she tried to continue her day by reading, exercising or wiping cum from her leaking hole every so often with her bare hand. The most difficult factor for Alicia to that point was boredom.

The next two days, it was basically the same routine. Alicia was bathed and shaved before King Kamal would have sex with her early in the morning because it helped him relax and get his day going. The transisi young men would enter and masturbate into the ceramic bowl for her daily meal and then the elders took turns with her on the second day as they had done previously. What she had not experienced were the rebels having their way with her but she knew it was coming soon.

These were the guys who were in their twenties and thirties who performed the hunting and fighting for the tribe. Many were menacing, angry, and toted guns. Alicia had no idea how many there were and what was going to happen with her in only an hour a week. On that fifth day, she was to find out. It was the first time that Kamal hadn't fucked her and Alicia was washed and shaved just before she had swallowed her bowl of sperm. She could see the rebels lined up outside the door as the last transisi boy left. They were pushing and fighting for their place in line. When let in, it was like a shark frenzy on a piece of meat.

Alicia was not tied down and with only an hour in which to work, within seconds, a rebel had his long erection stuffed in her while many others were gathered around. Alicia was on her back, legs up in the air as the 6'10 man pounded his 9 1/2 inches inside her. Another guy used the heated root grease as lubrication and straddled her chest. He pressed her boobs together around his slippery dong and began titty-fucking her while a third man turned Alicia's head to the side, using her mouth like a pussy. She knew the gangbang fury was now on.

When one guy would shoot his load either in her pussy, on her neck or in her mouth, another guy would shove his way to be the next in line. Alicia couldn't see much as the guys were basically all over her. Even the guys who were waiting, would jerk off and cum in her hair or on her cheek or somewhere else on her body. Alicia was being used and abused for the sexual gratification of so many African men. She had no idea how many there were but when the hour had ended, one of the elders stuck his head in the door and yelled for them to leave. All the guys put their robes back on and the last guy pumping Alicia cheated a little and continued for a couple more minutes before adding his spunk on top of so many men before him.

If Alicia had thought she was a mess when the eight elders had their way with her, she had greatly underestimated the definition of a mess. She was literally filled and covered the semen of dozens of Sudanese rebels. Using her fingers to clear the burning spunk from her eyes, she thought that she looked like someone had poured a bucket of egg whites all over her and her bed. Her hair was so matted and wet, one would have thought she had taken a shower.

Alicia sat up and closed her legs, causing a large amount of cum to squirt out like doughnut filled with cream. She had nothing to clean herself except her blanket and with no choice, used it to at least wipe her face and some of her skin. She hoped Juzah would come in and sneak her a towel or something. As the day wore on, the heat really made the cum smell strong and even after it dried, the funky odor remained.

After sleeping with her hair and blanket crusted over, the bathing girls were a welcomed sight the next morning. Soapy water never felt better. A fresh blanket and pillow was brought but then two guys entered the room forcing the girls out. One man was carrying a basket of items and one of those items looked like needle. Alicia was now very nervous.

After lighting the stove, the men began cooking something and as it turned out, it was ink. Alicia had figured the men were going to give her a tattoo. Sure enough, they tied her hands and feet with Alicia lying on her stomach. One of them proceeded to engrave the tribal symbol just above her ass. It hurt badly as she squirmed and cried out while the needle transferred the ink. When they were finished, they left her in that position so the inflamed area would have some time to calm down.

In a couple of hours, Juzah entered, untied Alicia and explained, "You are now an official part of the tribe. You have become one with our men and will now carry our symbol. You have become a true pleasure princess. As of today, you may go outside and be with our women, but you mustn't reveal I speak the English." Alicia was so elated because at least she could perform activities to occupy the boredom, "Thank God. Can I go right now?"

Juzah responded, "Yes, you may wear as much jewelry as you desire but you may not wear clothing. In our culture, you are now the official pleasure princess so you have to display your body for all the men to see and that is the reason you must stay bare."

Alicia didn't like the sound of that but the benefits outweighed the drawback. When she went outside for the first time in nearly a week, she was embarrassed and humiliated to walk around with her naked body exposed for all to see. Alicia was "branded" with the tribe's symbol and remained their sex slave. For the next two weeks, she began to get used to her lifestyle. She would be helping the women wash or gather when it would be time to go to the quarters to pleasure a man or a group of men. Her routine was set and even though she was given some freedoms outside the building, most of her day was spent having sex inside.

On day 24, news had come that the United States was going to launch an all-out ground assault to find Alicia. Kamal became nervous so he decided he better return the abducted girl. Alicia was blind folded and driven to a location close to a small community where she was picked up by a couple of Sudanese farmers. Her ordeal was over!

The other girls that were kidnapped were also returned after being sold to other tribes. It was a happy day and her husband was so relieved to hear her voice. He had hundreds of questions. The base treated Alicia very well and she was given the best meal she had seen in a month, even though she did like the twelve pounds she had dropped during her captivity.

On the flight home, Alicia replayed all the sex in her mind. She had taken one huge cock after another for days on end. Even though it was against her will, she couldn't deny the physical pleasure it had brought her. Could her husband now satisfy her sexually? How would she explain the tattoo? There were many questions she asked herself but only time would be able to answer those. The plane landed and when Alicia saw all the military men cheering and congratulating her, her mind raced and without explanation her pussy became wet.
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