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“What if I gave you carte blanche to choose a new lover or lovers for me, someone to make love to me, provide me with sexual pleasure, while you watched? Tell me what your preferences would be?,” my lady Sarah asked me in the afterglow after we had made passionate love and fucked for an hour. “I know another man is a threat for you, and another woman is entertainment for both you and I.”
“Let me think about it, though you know me well enough to guess what I might organize for you as a new lover. Is the new lover or lovers just for you or are we to share? Even better instead of telling you I might make it happen as a surprise for you.”

Sarah, is of French descent, in her mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. Her body is still good, both sexes love her legs and ass and the way I trim her pubic hair - the look Helmut Newton’s models prefer. Or was it his preference? Good hips, flat stomach, modest tits with long hard nipples when aroused.

She has a high sex drive, very high. She loves reminding me. “I am to please and be pleased sexually, I love being licked and teased by both sexes,” She lost all her inhibitions between her second and third husbands and she loves having sex with an audience. And she really does enjoy some racy commentary during sex, an extra dimension.

She has a tacit agreement with me that she can pleasure and be pleasured sexually by another man around once a month. We set some basic rules a while back, no intercourse, outer sex only - safe sex, ‘you can watch and masturbate’ she told me. If the second man wants to blow me, she loves to watch. Occasionally we have another woman instead of a man to pleasure us both, same rules apply.

We quickly moved beyond those rules and now have a third or fourth person on an irregular basis: Sunday afternoon is our preferred time, what better way to spend an afternoon?

For her, there’s an innate power within the feminine. Cultivating this is the key to her well being, success and relationships. One of the biggest keys to her commanding presence in a room is to embrace my feminine nature she likes to tell me.

A week later we were dining in an intimate restaurant. Sarah looked magnificent in an above the knee, black, backless dress, her wonderful large, ass obvious.

“That waiter is very attentive, he is a good looking young man, he must be fifteen-years younger than us. He has very pronounced lips, do you think he has had them done?,” she asked me as he served the oysters.

“The female wine waiter is also very attentive, and very attractive to me, she looks like a bi-sex, lipstick lesbian,” she told me as the wine glasses were refilled.

Both of the waiters were smartly attired as expected for an expensive, upmarket restaurant, he in black trousers, cummerbund, white shirt and black tie, she in a female version.

“I love all the attention the waiter is giving us. Have you noticed his tongue, there is something unusual about it,” she whispered as he took away the oyster plates.

“You have a commanding presence in this room Sarah, one of the biggest keys is embracing your feminine nature, your short, backless dress is the center of attention, for males and females. I can’t wait see it around your ankles,” I told her just loud enough for people at adjoining tables to overhear.

By the time our steaks were served Sarah had learnt the waiters name was Roland and the wine waiter was Leslie.

“Almost every man and lots of the women in the room are fantasizing about you as a sex object Sarah. You know that the men are fantasizing about your big ass, fantasizing about fucking you. The women are wondering if you are bi,” I told her.

“I love the flattery, you know how to turn me on. And you know I love being a sex object. You are making me horny,” she told me with a smile as I ran a hand up her leg while Roland and Leslie watched as they overheard.

“I am very appreciative of the attention you have provided us, Roland,” Sarah told him as he slid a fingertip along her bare back, obviously enjoying his touch. “And you, Leslie,” as she watched Roland sliding his fingertip along her bare back as they served coffee.

As I settled the account Roland put a key with large tag attached on the table, “Room three, to the left,” he told me in a soft voice.

“What’s that for?,” Sarah asked, suddenly realizing what it was for before I had a chance to answer.

“Do you like my carte blanche choice? I did tell you, I might make it happen as a surprise for you. A new lover for you, to make love to you, provide you with sexual pleasure. Perhaps a tongue fuck for you while I watch? You know your turn on is my turn on.”

“Are the new lovers just for you or are we to share?,” Sarah asked in an agitated voice on the short walk.

No need for the key as Roland and Leslie opened the door of room three for us. An incredibly erotic room with, dim lighting, lots of mirrors and just a few items of expensive furniture.

“I saw you looking at Roland’s tongue and lips Sarah, he is a cunnilingus specialist,” Leslie told her as she kissed Sarah with the tip of her tongue. “Your man organized Roland and me for your sexual pleasure. He gave us specific instructions,” she whispered as Sarah returned her kisses.

“Your sexy backless dress has been turning both of us on all night,” Leslie whispered as she slid it down to her ankles. “Roland and I have been conjecturing all night what you were wearing under your dress. My guess was correct, I love your tiny black g-string.

“Your man told me he wanted me standing behind you, with my arms wrapped under yours, like this, teasing your nipples, while Roland undoes the clip on you g-string, lets it slide to your ankles, before he shows us all what an expert cunnilingus specialist he is for your sexual pleasure. Are you amenable to him tongue fucking you while your man and I watch?”

I never tire of ogling Sarah’s beautifully trimmed black triangle, at the top of her wonderful thighs, an extra buzz for me when another man exposes it and whispers, “Wow, beautiful, I want to pleasure it, lick and suck it.”

“Yes I am amenable, I love being licked and teased, love it,” Sarah was whispering as Roland licked his way up her glorious thighs.

A strange, though exciting and sexually charged feeling, as the tip of Roland’s tongue made contact with my lady’s clit.

He was using his enhanced lips and tongue in combination, sucking and licking her cunt lips in a manner and expert style I could never manage. “He is good isn’t he?,” Leslie whispered as I slid a twelve-inch high stool under Sarah’s left foot, something I often do when licking her to accentuate the area at the top of her legs.

He was good, incredibly good, I had to agree as I watched him working on my lady with his lips and tongue and the obvious sexual pleasure she was receiving (and my sexual pleasure watching with an absolute boner) as she whispered repeatedly, “Fuck my cunt, fuckamycunt, fuckamycunt, I love it.”

One of my long held wishes, a deep, passionate tongue kiss with Sarah while watching another man tongue fucking her, teasing her to an intense orgasm with his lips and tongue was about to happen. Roland had her right on the brink, expertly edging her with his lips and tongue. “So good, so fucking good baby, you know I love being licked,” she whispered looking at me as her whole body trembled. “Keep fucking me with your tongue, don’t stop, I love being licked, I want to orgasm some more, lots more” she told Roland in a whisper.

“Now you, my turn, you are even bigger than Roland. I guessed, you must be nine-inches, and so thick,” Leslie told me loud enough for Roland and my lady to hear as she commenced sucking my erection.

Another long held wish, another woman sucking my cock at the same time as I watch an incredibly talented younger man tongue fucking my lady, a double turn on while my lady is watching me. When I looked at his enhanced lips and unusual tongue I couldn’t help wondering what he might be like at blow jobs.

I did enjoy Roland looking sideways to look at my erection while he continued working on my lady. Just when I thought it couldn’t.t get any better the couple from the table next to us in the restaurant came in to watch. Sarah and I both love sex with an audience,

“Is he good? My man wants him to tongue fuck me while he watches,” the woman asked Sarah.

“That was an amazing experience, your arrangements were very exciting.” Sarah told me on the way home as the female Uber driver tuned in. “An incredible tongue fuck for me while you watched, and a blow job for you while I watched. A huge build up, lots of teasing and edging for both of us with another couple watching. We both love to orgasm in sync, so good when we orgasm in sync with a new partner, mind blowing in fact.

“I will reverse your question that kick started tonight. What if you gave me carte blanche to choose a new lover or lovers for you, someone to make love to you, provide you with sexual pleasure, while I watched? Tell me what your preferences would be?,” my lady Sarah asked me. “I know another man is a threat for you, and another woman is entertainment for both you and I. Or is it?”

“Let me think about it, though I know you well enough to guess what you might choose for me as a new lover. Is the new lover or lovers just for me or are we to share? Even better instead of telling me make it happen as a surprise for me. And us.”

“I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation.” the driver told us as we alighted and she handed Sarah her card. “Feel free to give me a call, I am very well connected.”
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