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Based on the Online RP Game Everquest II
He was a handsome but silly boy. He fought inexpertly with his tin longsword as he and the girl, Cadwarra, hunted spiders in the Forest Ruins. Like her, he was a Wood Elf. “A Wood Elf with a woody!” she thought as she noticed how his shiny new leather leggings were filled with something that bulged appreciatively as he fought. He stared at Cadwarra’s chest whenever they rested between melees. She had big ones.

More and more as the morning wore on, it was only Cadwarra that hunted spiders. He mostly stared at her breasts as they bounced inside the leather tunic in sympathy with her ever-improving sword strokes. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught him trying to look down her loose fitting tunic as she bent to retrieve a valuable jewel one spider had some how pilfered and kept. Back home, she had caught other boys looking down her top and had invariably been annoyed by this. For some reason this boy’s peering was somehow pleasurable. Maybe it was the loneliness of the huge City that was affecting her that way.

He craned his neck unsublty. She saw him out of the corner of her eye. She knew the rawhide front of her tunic had fallen open so as to reveal everything to his horny gaze but she did nothing about it. In fact, she stayed bent over the dead spider a ridiculously long time, pretending to have trouble freeing the jewel from the lifeless spider claw and feeling that pleasant tingly warmth between her legs. He stared down her top and she knew her tits were jiggling for his pleasure as she pulled and twisted on the jewel. She increased her efforts so as to make her tits shake even more rapidly. She wanted him to look, for some reason. Her nipples began to harden. She liked that he was seeing them rise into inviting pink stalks. He saw that they were thick and and rose high from her areole.

“You’re hot” He said as she finally stood up. His voice quavered nervously, not knowing how this girl would take his remark.

Cadwarra pretended naivity as she stood and answered “Yes, the sun is almost directly above us. This fighting is warm work.”

Very briefly, a barely discernable look of annoyance flashed across his face at her appearant misunderstanding of his ‘compliment’. Then he recovered and gave Cadwarra a goofy grin that was presumably an attempt at a charming smile. “I know a place we can go to cool off. I think we have cleared a good many of these pests from the forest. Lets go get our bounty and take a break.” He suggested.

Despite her deliberate flashing of her mams and the pleasure it had invoked, Cadwarra would have preferred to rid herself of the company of the young lad. But a rest seemed a good idea and she did not know how to refuse without hurting his feelings. She nodded ok.

His erection still obvious, he clumsily took her hand and walked with her back up the slope to where the sergeant was paying bounties for each spider killed. He did not seem to mind that his meat was explicitly outlined to Cadwarra, but as he approached the two battle-scarred old guards he held his shield awkwardly in front of himself, trying to not appear like a foolish boy hiding his hard-on.

The Sargeant was pure professional. He watched Cadwarra and the boy approach. A faint but genuine smile greeted Cadwarra as she caught him studying her. They waited as the other guard counted 24 mandibles and made to pay Cadwarra the full bounty earned.

“No”, the boy cut in rudely “Half those spiders were mine!”

The guard glanced at the sergeant for direction.

The Sargeant stared at the boy. His upper lip curled either in amusment or disdain. “If the lady says so.....” He intoned flatly and raised his brow at Cadwarra. He had been watching them and figured in truth, she deserved all the coin, having done all the fighting.

Cadwarra nodded politely. “Yes, half are his.”

“Well, then” the sergeant motioned the other guard to pay the boy and told the lad dryly as he glanced pointedly at Cadwarra’s pretty figure “looks like you’ve got something coming to you.”

The other guard laughed. Cadwarra blushed. The boy, completely missing the soldiers’ crude joke, held out his hands for half the coin and huffed “Darn right.” He neither thanked the soldiers nor Cadwarra as he pocketed the pay. At least the exchange had distracted him and his hardness was no longer bulging out for all to see.

“Come on, kid”, he ordered and took her hand again without waiting for her to finish putting her share of the bounty safely into her hidden pocket, “let me show you this place I found. It is really pretty.” He pulled her towards the gate leading to the Baubleshire.

The sentry remarked to the sergeant as he watched to two young people walk away. “No doubt it is the same place he took that half-elf girl he met yesterday.” he told his subordinate “The one that wouldn’t talk to him this morning.”

They laughed briefly and resumed their duties.


It really was quite nice, the place to which he lead her. Cadwarra made a note to someday bring a genuine love interest to the place, one she would better enjoy the place with. A small waterfall splashed down onto rocks into a still pool of water. A few trout swam around. He lead her to a tiny island and they sat down in the shade.

A High Elf male wondered past, a fishing pole in hand and a creel obviously laden wih fresh fish. He glanced at the two of them, his eyes rested on Cadwarra and gave her a friendly smile.

This was not a bit to the boy’s liking. “She’s taken.” he spat at the Koada’Dal.

Ignoring the outburst, the fisher shrugged and left. He had only wanted to share some of his catch with them since he had done so well. One can’t have too many friends. No matter.

“I found this place yesterday,” the boy explained ‘this person I hunted with took me here. brought me here and we went swimming to cool off.”

Presuming Cadwarra was going to dive in, he stripped off down to his underleggings, his chest nicely muscled. “Come on” He said impatiently “Get undressed and jump in!”

Cadwarra was begining to find the boy a pain, but a swim would wash away the sweat and spider ichor. She pulled off her leathers and stood a moment folding them neatly. The points of her still erect nipples showed plainly under her threadbare cotton chemise. As she laid her outer garments in a neat pile she looked up to see him in the water staring at her breasts. His mouth hung open as he leered at them swaying gently as she approached the water’s edge. She looked straight at him, curious to see if she could embarass that him into not looking so blatantly. He caught her glance and tore his hungry eyes away.

Blushing under her glare, he tried to made an excuse for his ogling. “ was just noticing.......That undershirt is really was just thinking I should buy you a nice new one after you help me kill some more spiders tomorrow.” Then he could not keep his eyes above her neck any longer. He looked back at her chest.

“My chemise will last a while longer,” Cadwarra responded non-committedly, ignoring where he was looking. She sank into the water up to her neck so he would stop leering at her chest and swam toward the him. He reached out and pulled her into his arms. She did not know why she let him do that but she foolishly nestled her body into his.

Without ceremony, he lewdly pressed his hard meat into her thigh and grinned at her like he was doing her some special favour. He started to move jerkily as he slowly masturbated against her. He raised his hand up towards her breast....

Deftly she twisted out of his grasp. A grip on his wrist, a spin in his arms and a small shift to the left and down and she was free and five feet from his grubby clutches. Oddly she liked the fact that he was interested, even if she was not. Her sexual arousal at his act was undeniable. Tunare! What was she doing?!

He almost looked hurt at her rejection so she nodded downstream. “There are people here....”

He turned and looked. “They are miles away” he snapped curtly at her “They can’t see anything!”

But she was back on the island putting on her clothes. He made the best of the situation and trod water while he watched Cadwarra dressing. Before she was able to cover up he got a good eyeful of her superbly rounded breasts swaying in her thin top. Soaked with water it was completely transparent, brown flesh showing under the wet fabric that molded to her boobs provocatively. Cold nipples stood out hard and thick under the thin cloth. He liked how unbelievably long they were. She straightened as she went to put her jerkin on. Her large areoles were plainly visible to him for a brief moment as she pulled it over her head then stood fully dressed, buckling her belt and sword back on.

She looked up to see him glaring angrily. “What’s the hurry?” he shot out “We just got in.”

“I want to get more bounties” She lied. Really she just wanted to get out of his company. She had not met any friends since arriving in Qeynos and perhaps this had affected her judgement. It was fun letting a handsome boy have a look, but she never meant to let it go anywhere more intimate. She just enjoyed feeling wanted by someone for the first time in a long time, even if it was just physical wanting and even if the immature boy wanting her was a total creep.

He was the epitome of sulkiness as he waded onto the island beside where his clothes were discarded. “I just don’t see that you had to lead me on like that if you didn’t want to do it.” he grumbled as he pulled his clothes on.

She could see his hard dick fully awake. It looked very stiff as it pushed the wet leggings out in an attractive erection. Despite herself, Cadwarra took a nice long lingering look at it. He saw her looking and grinned, happy to think she was finally paying attention to his special attribute. He could not know she was remembering another boy’s cock, a nicer boy, and was wishing he and his hardness were here in this lovely shaded place instead of her present companion. With him, she would have been glad to ‘do it’.

“Tell you what” he said pressing his perceived advantage, “Let’s go get a bunch more spiders, then go to my place. You can stay the night.”

“No, I need to meet my trainer tonight. He was appointed to help me by the Queen’s Guard, so I can’t miss him.” She said. Hearing that, he was broodingly silent for a long moment then let out a long audible breath in frustration. He stood there glowering, not looking her way, staring off into empty space.

“Thank you for the help today” She said hastily in order to fill the angry silence and turned, wanting to rid hersef of his unpleasant company. She hurriedly set off down the stream towards the gate over to Willow Wood.

Seeing her leaving he snapped out of his mood in a hurry. “My name is Falco” He called after her “.....See you tomorrow at the Forest Ruins!”


She determined to stay away from the Forest Ruins for a week, not wanting to see Falco.

The very next day she found a group of Dwarves in The Caves and she helped clear out a few pesky Gnolls. That got her some nicer armour and enough money to order Vulrich Steak & Ale that night and to be able to afford to spend a few days practicing her skills instead of doing bounties.

At night, in her small room, her thoughts lingered on the boy-lover she had grown up with. The same she had thought of when she was with Falco by the falls in the Baubleshire.

She heard the High Elf girl next door come home. She lay there and through the thin walls heard a male voice talking. That High Elf was so proud and haughty whenever Cadwarra encountered her in the morning but she sure liked to bring the men home each evening. As the bed next door began to creak Cadwarra masturbated and thought some more about that boy from long ago.

His name was Fayt. She thought how he had nervously taken her to celebrate the Goddess Tunare, his hand trembling as he lead her into the privacy of the woods. She had sucked him off. His cum pulsed eagerly into her mouth and she gulped it down. The cum had tasted thick and sweet as maple syrup.

Only on the third night, after much talking and gentle coaxing, had she permitted him to properly honour Tunare with her. They made inexpert love. The moonlight fell through the leaves and danced on his magnificently arching back, sinewy muscles flexing as he, inexperienced though he was, gave her the pleasure of his hardness.

After that they did it as often as they could. And often Tunare had even blessed them with that highest reward; they had cum together. That was all behind her, now.

Her climax mounted while the High Elf started to moan loudly through the wall. She closed her eyes and remembered the handsome penis Fayt had driven into her before the Time of Trouble had separated them. Where was he now? Was he alive......?

The two women both orgasmed about the same time; the High Elf screaming her pleasure to her male, the Wood Elf alone and lonely.


When the money got low again at the end of the week, she walked back to the Forest Ruins to see if there were still bounties to be filled.

She entered slowly, wanting to be able to sneak away if she caught sight of Falco.

The old guards smiled at her in recognition. “That boyfriend of yours was here a couple times looking for you.” The sergeant warned her then added after a long pause in which she said nothing. “If I can offer the benefits of my experience, Lady Wood Elf, you can find better.”

“How so?” she asked, though she already agreed with him.

“He was asking me if we had seen ‘the little Feir’Dal girl with those bouncy tits’.” He explained bluntly. Like any old compaign soldier, he was direct.

Cadwarra frowned. “Thank you for letting me know. I plan to avoid him. Can I hunt some spiders for you, today, Sir? I need a few copper.

“’Fraid not, Lady, no bounties are authorized today. I think we cleared ‘em out good thanks to help such as you gave us.”

The other guard added. “We reported the badgers are getting overpopulated, we may be ordered to cull them with tomorrow’s set of orders. Come back and check then.”

Cadwarra was visibly disappointed. She needed some work today.

The Sargeant noticed her disappontment and held up his hand......”I can see you’re wanting some work, and you did well the other day. I’d like to keep you around for next time we need help. Tell you what. It’s a bit outside the rules, but you could go down to the beach and kill a few of those grinnins, usually one or two has some coppers on ‘em. Just be careful. Pick off the ones on the edge of the group. Get in amongst them and Cedric and I will be pulling your pretty corpse out of their cooking pot.”

Cadwarra nodded her thanks and made her way slowly to the Grinnin. She killed a few and found enough coin to tide her over til tomorrow. One even had a silver piece!

Just as she was leaving a too familiar voice shouted behind her. She turned to see Falco running toward her grinning foolishly at the sight of her.

“Where you been?” He asked cheerily, no hint of his anger from the week before. “I was killing spiders all week, made a lot of coin.”

Cadwarra stood quietly, trying to figure how to get away.

Falco just kept babbling. “Spent it all on my friends, of course, that’s why I’m back here hunting.”

Not noticing Cadwarra remaining silent he went on “Wow! Those gurads sure don’t like anyone.....acted like I had no business being here, but I reminded them I was now a Citizen and I had access to everywhere.”

Cadwarra sighed inwardly.

“Hey! Wanna go swimming know you liked it!” He winked at her knowingly. “I wanna see more of you....if you know what I mean.” He leered suggestively and pointedly looked her up and down, taking in the curve of her thigh, the sweep of her waist, the fullness of her breasts under her new chainmail.

“Hey! Great armour! Where did you find it?”

“In The Caves”, she answered, resenting having to give out any information about herself.

“Yeah, I really need to upgrade my armour, too” He indicated by a gesture the same old leather armor he was wearing the last time they had met, the day she had let him see her tits. “I have the worst luck! Killed a thousand spiders and not one thing dropped......not one thing! Even when stuff did drop someone else won it in the lottery. I never got a thing.....nothing! And what I did win? I gave to any friends who needed it more. That’s the way I am, I guess.”

Cadwarra could not hide her discomfort, but it made no impact on him.

“Hey! Lets go over to those caves of yours! You can help me get some of that chainmail stuff, too!”

She thought of that great group of Dwarves she had met in there. They had invited her to group with her anytime she wished. With Falco trailing alongside her, she would have been embarassed to meet them. “Well” she lied “It is really too high for us.I was really lucky to get out alive. There are Gnolls all over the place. I was lucky to get back out before I was killed. I am not going to go back, ever.”

“Shoot! That’s too bad!.....But yeah, we better not go if it is you. Hey, just as good then, can you lend me some money to buy some armor? Just a few silver? My friend I gave my armor to owes me a gold piece so I can repay you tomorrow.”

“I am sorry” she lied again “I am broke too”

“No, you aren’t” he said “I saw you loot that Goblin.”

“Well, I need that coin” She answered, annoyed that she felt obliged to respond.

“I see” he said “You need that coin.........” He tongue lingered on the word ‘need’ as he stared at her crotch and drew in a ragged aroused breath. His rising sexual desire for Cadwarra pumped him full of daring as he added lewdly “....Just like I need you.....” He waited for the reaction his words would bring, cock hardening in his leggings.

Rather than be angered by them, the rude words gripped Cadwarra and sent an electric shiver of arousal down her spine, warming her quim. For some reason, she found it sexually exhilarating that he needed her. She looked around. No one was near. She could do it with him right here, right now.......

Her mind cleared a little. She could do it with him right here, right now if she wanted too, that is. But she did not want to. She looked around again, not looking for anything or anyone, just confused by his crude remark and her visceral reaction to it.

Before she looked back at him, Falco put his hands on her breasts and crudely began rubbing them through her chainmail. Not fondling them nor caressing them, he was inexpertly rubbing them like a clumsy idiot and looking at Cadwarra like he was expecting her to find this totally arousing.

A moment of shock crossed her face as she looked at Falco but she made no move to stop his groping. No one had ever taken such a rude liberty with her. He just grinned stupidly and kept....rubbing. Perversely, it was arousing her. She just stood there for some reason letting him cop a feel. Feeling her nipples beginning to rise under his groping she realized that despite her dislike for the boy she was going to let him screw her.

“Let’s go to your place.” She said abruptly. After all, she rationalized, she had been neglecting her duty to celebrate Tunare appropriately.

“No, it is too far away. I wanna do it right now.” He took her hand and lead over by some boulders. “No one will see us going at it behind these rocks.”

They walked around the rocks and Falco pulled her to him. Mad with the need to get fucked she let him undress her. He opened her chainmail shirt and then impatiently ripped open the worn chemise to reveal her breasts. Free from any restraint, they rose and thrust out under her deep breathing. Perfectly round nipples pointed to the sky, the lovely stems now fully erect. He looked at them, eyes wide, breathing hard. She reached up and lifted her a breast to his mouth and he sucked inexpertly as his tongue slathered it with his saliva.

He soon had her naked. He stripped too. She stared at his cock. It was not big but it would do. She wanted it badly.

He lay her down and crawled on top of her. His cock tip slid across her smooth thigh, leaving a trail of pre-cum on her. “Just lie back and relax, baby, I know how to do it” he told her; a silly boy thinking one previous sexual encounter made him a great lover. Without foreplay, he stuck it in.

She yelped in pain as it entered her. Hearing her cry, he instantly forced it fully into her, grinning victoriously as he did. “Yeah, Girl!” he chortled “I knew you were a fucking virgin! I knew it...!” He started moving rapidly, chanting exuberantly in time with his fucking despite Cadwarra’s dryness “I knew it,......I knew it,......I knew it....!”

He went in and out like a kobold rutting his mate; no finesse, no understanding of a female’s body. He screwed her as she lay there with her legs wide for him. He reached up and kissed her on the lips. Is was a clumsy, assinine kiss which he quickly broke off when his sexual needs compelled him to increase the speed at which he went in and out. At last she began to get wet.

All too soon into the act his hips seemed to take a life of their own and began ramming between her legs in a staccato series of quick, excited thrusts while he grinned like a fool. After five or six of these he arched his back so as to stick his cock as deeply as he could. He let out a low throaty rumble of exhultation as he did and she knew he was pumping spasms of sperm into her. Then he collapsed on top of her with his semi-erect cock still in her, laying his head on her well endowed chest.

After a few minutes lying with his cheek on her left breast he lifted his head back up and said “That was great!” He craned his neck and took took a nipple in his mouth, pulling on the stalk with his lips, flicking the tip with his tongue. Through his suckling he asked in a muffled voice “Did you come?” in a manner suggesting he was waiting for a compliment.

Any lover with any experience, or even any sense, would have known she had not even come near to coming.

“Yes” she said, not wanting to disappoint him. Hearing that, he sat up and grinned down at her nakedness. His eyes lingered on her tits as he watched them rise and fall under her quiet after-sex breathing then shifted down to her neatly trimmed pubic thatch, glistening in the sunlight.

“Well, I gotta go” He suddenly said and stood up, pulling his flacid cock out of her, leaving drops of his cum behind on her pubic hair. A long string of cum hung from his knob and swung around comically before falling across her flat tummy.

“Okay”, she said. She would be glad to see him go. He dressed quickly and said “Thanks, that was great. You sure are good. See you next time, Babe.”

He dressed quickly and hurried away without looking back.


She lay there awhile in the warm sunshine, aroused and unsated, wondering why she had let him have her; wondering why she had not waited patiently for Tunare to guide her to a proper lover. She lay there quite a while.

A movement out of the corner of her eye alerted her to another one’s presence. She quickly grasped her weapon and rose into a fighting stance before she saw it was the sergeant come to check on her. She must have been an image to see, naked but for her tin sword, her chest, neck and faced still flushed from her recent fuck. Nonetheless, the sergeant’s gaze held her eyes and only once flicked down a moment to appraise her nakedness. She relaxed her stance.

“I was worried” He apologized awkwardly, now keeping his eyes level with hers. “You were gone a while, and that boy was headed down here. I figured he may have done something stupid enough to get you both killed by those Gobbies.”

Cadwarra stood unabashedly naked in front of him, her sword in her lowered hand. Falco’s cum was dripping out of her, it trickled slowly down the inside of her thigh. Disgusted with it, she fought the desire to wipe it away. She wanted to rid herself of the memory of his incompetant humping.

“Well, thank you for worrying.....” Cadwarra answered, obviously flustered to know he must have known what she had been doing. “....But as you see, I was the one doing something stupid.”

Not noticing the rivulet of sperm glistening down her shapely leg, he nodded gravely while lowering his eyes slightly. Perhaps because he respectfully averted his gaze, she now felt completely comfortable being nude in front of the old soldier. He had always been kind to her.

He raised his gaze, his eyes sweeping up the length of her body to look her in the eye. “You have a lovely body.” he volunteered “Too lovely for a fool like that boy to have before a real man had a chance to have you.”

Cadwarra laughed lightly, making her breasts quiver seductively. “No, no! He was not my first! Thank Tunare! There was another before.” She laughed again.

The sergeant nodded, feeling an odd relief that the pretty little Elf had not allowed that foolish boy to be her first. There was an odd silence as they stood there, the old soldier and the naked young Wood Elf. The sergeant understood enough of females to sense that Cadwarra was not only not embarrassed to be unclad in front of him but she liked being nude for him. He allowed his gaze to fall again to those magnificently formed breasts of hers, riding high and firm on her chest. And those nipples! .......they seemed to beg him to lean forward and suckle like a baby on them.

“Miss” he ventured forth, not one for taking the indirect route when a brave advance might reap rewards. “I have a decent weapon up at the shelter by our post. I could let you have it in return for your womanly favour.”

Womanly favour? Cadwarra weighed the strange offer in her mind. He wished to celebrate Tunare with her for a fee? That was something Cadwarra had never before encountered. True, it was customary for a male to present a female with a small gift after they had celebrated, but a gift was never set beforehand, at least not in her limited experience, and never such a valuable one!

Well, she mentally shrugged, things were different in Qeynos. Besides, she was still horny from the inept lovemaking Falco had performed. “I would love to celebrate Tunare with you” she answered with little hesitation, her arousal reawakening.

The sergeant was not a follower of Tunare but was pretty certain what “celebrating” meant. He smiled and stepped to her. He pulled her into his arms and Cadwarra wrapped her arms around him. As her breasts crushed into his chest she felt his penis harden against her. He tilted her head and softly kissed her on the lips.His big strong hands caressed her arm and shoulders, running over her back and across her bare buttocks, lingering on her round rump affectionately as his kiss became more passionate and she answered it with equal ardour.

How odd, she thought, he does not get straight to the act the way her previous two lovers had done. She enjoyed having her first experienced lover hold her like that as their kisses increased in abandon. Their lips parted and his tongue darted inside her, fucking her mouth, tasting her saliva, feeding her his own spit as their tongues performed a playful fencing duel and her breathing became ragged in excitement.

She knew some of the other girls in her wooded village had taken older males to celebrate with, some even pleasured with their uncles and fathers, but she had never considered such a union until this old campaigner had suggested they copulate. She could hardly believe an elderly Human could arouse her desires so quickly as she sucked on his tongue hungrily. His hands rose up and lovingly kneaded her soft, proud breasts.

He fondled them a long time then put his hands on her shoulder and pressed her down gently. She knelt on her knees in front of him, eye level to his cock, still covered in his armoured leggings. She looked up into his face and smiled while she waited for him to undo the fastenings. He pulled his cock out. It was inches from her pretty face.

Cadwarra looked at its magnificence. The thing was huge! Larger than Falco’s and Fayt’s combined! It thrust out farther than she could have guessed! It was thick and curved up to her mouth like a scimitar. The knob was a hot pink colour, so swollen with lust that the skin was stretched smooth as silk.

A drop of precum appeared as she examined it, glistening a moment, growing larger as more seeped out then slowly running down the underside of his shaft. Impulsively she leaned forward and hungrily licked it up. She had expected it to be sweet, like Fayt’s. To her surprise it was bitter and salty. As more oozed into her mouth she swallowed. After her initial surprise at the unexpected taste of human semen she decided she still liked it. She raised her head and greedily devoured the entire prick. As she sucked on it, he placed his hands on her head and lovingly caressed her hair.

She sucked until he moaned in pleasure and began moving his hips, unable to resist the need to fuck her face. He briefly pondered letting her finish him off in her mouth, the thought of her gulping down a huge mouthful of sperm heightened his arousal and he suddenly drove his dick hard into her tonsils. She gagged a little, then giggled despite having his meat fully crammed into her mouth.

“Suck on it, girl! Where did you learn to do that!” He gasped and he continued fucking her face.

She sucked away enthusiastically until he suddenly pulled out, his big dick springing up at the sky as it left her mouth.

Surprised, she looked at at him. “Was I not doing it right?” She asked fearfully.

“You were doing it very right, Miss.” he hurriedly assured her, the formality he used seemed silly under the circumstance. “I just did not want to cum quite yet, not before you had pleasure. Come, stand up.”

He was concerned about her pleasure? Was this the Human way? Or was she now seeing why some of the other girls preferred an older, more experienced lover?

His strong arms lifted her up off the ground. For a moment she was suspended above his cock as it curved up, pointing directly at her slit. Then he slowly dropped her onto himself, his knob nuzzling into her as she was lowered into position. He looked into her eyes, concerned for any sign of discomfort, but she was so wet from the their foreplay and from Falco’s previous ejaculation that he slid effortlessly inside her. His cock penetrated her to the hilt, deeper than she ever had a boy go before. A wave of pleasure seemed to enfold them both as each sighed contently in the embrace of the other.

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him ardently. Then she broke the kiss and began to fuck him, moving up and down slowly on his erection. Her breasts brushed his chin, jiggling as she rose and fell. He bent his neck and caught a nipple in his mouth. Not releasing it, he lifted the breast and sucked on it.

Cadwarra rode him for a blissfully long time. Despite his age he stayed hard for her and supported her weight without much effort as she let him watch her orgasm. Sometimes she rode him at a gallop, sometimes a trot. When he seemed too close to cumming she slowed to a ‘walk’. But she never fully stopped fucking. And all the while, her breast was in his mouth, elongating each time she lowered herself fully onto his dick.

At last he could not hold off his climax any longer. He released her boob and it fell back into place as he whispered “Pretty, pretty girl....” Thrusting his hips rapidly he added affectionately. “ are making me cum....”

He looked deep into her eyes and kissed her as his cock began to pulse, enjoying the pleasure of having his semen fill the insides of a pretty young lady. Large white globs of sperm gushed from his prick as he thrust hard into her, deposited deep inside her warmth. He kissed her hard as his man-spasms finally subsided.

She hugged him for a long while as he stood holding her in his arms. Not speaking, nuzzling his neck affectionately, his semi-erect cock still inside her. After a bit she fell asleep, breathing gently on his shoulder. He would have liked to have stayed there all afternoon, perhaps make love to her again after her nap, but he was already in dereliction of his duties, and he gently woke her.

“I need to get back to my post, Miss. And I want you to see that mace I promised you.”

“Alright” she said, as she reluctantly unwrapped her legs from his waist and climbed down off him. “I suppose you should get back.”

Despite both trying to act like nothing had happened, the sentry leered knowingly at the sergeant when they returned to the guard station. It was obvious, really, by the amount of time he was away what had gone on. Besides, Cadwarra’s hair was disordered, she was walking slowly due to the huge member she had serviced and was grinning contentedly in the way a female looks after a good lay.

The sergeant maintained his poise, nonetheless. “Any trouble while I was gone?” he asked gruffly.

“None. Orders came for more badgers, just like I said, though. So we will see a few folk coming in once word gets around”

The sergeant nodded and said no more. He went over to the sentry’s tent. It was a small thing with room only for a storage chest and a cot meant for a soldier on break to rest a few minutes. The sergeant dug around in the chest and came up with a Blackened Iron Mace. Not a bad looking weapon, though a bit small for the sargeant. He proferred it to Cadwarra saying “I think this will serve you better than that tin thing you have been using.”

Cadwarra took it, eyes wide. She swung it experimentally feeling it fit her small hand perfectly. It was lovely. She looked at the sergeant uncertainly. “....are you sure?”

The sergeant smiled and nodded. “Absolutely. It suits you and you earned it.”

The sentry was some yards away but he pricked up his ears when he heard that. Seeing this, the sergeant added a little too hastily “....for killing all those pests, you see.” The sentry just looked at Cadwarra lasciviously.

Noting his expression the sergeant decided there was no point carrying on the charade. “Look” he scowled at the sentry “There is nothing went on here needs to get back to the Captain, got it?”

The sentry nodded obediently. He knew being on a sergeant’s bad side was not worth the trouble. Still, he had needs too, and he decided to play his hand. “Welllll...” he began slowly. “That’s no problem. But maybe you would feel a little more assured of that if I was a part of”

The sergeant pondered the suggestion. He was soldier enough to understand that when a willing female was available, it was rude to keep her to yourself.

“Alright” he said. “Fair enough. But the lady is no camp follower. It is up to her if she wants to bed you......and if she agrees, she is worth quite a bit” He turned and looked at Cadwarra. “Cedric is proposing he beds you, too, Miss. It is up to you.”

“And I’ll give you fifty copper for your kindness, Miss.” The sentry added, tipping his helmet respectfully.

Cadwarra blushed. This was getting very odd. Honouring Tunare was fine, and she had no reservations about doing so with the sentry, seeing how kindly the sentry had also been, but things were done so oddly with these Qeynos Humans. And more gifts before the act was even performed! So strange.

Regardless, she was about to agree when the sergeant cut in quietly. “She is worth 5 silver, mate”

“Five silver!?” The sentry sputtered “That’s a week’s wages!”

The Sergeant did not answer. Instead he walked over behind Cadwarra. “Pardon my forwardness, Miss, but my sentry does not appreciate you enough it seems. If I may show him....” He deftly undid her chain armor, exposing her tan coloured breasts in the afternoon sun. “These are worth 5 silver each, moron! You are getting a deal!”

The sentry’s eyes widened as they fixed on Cadwarra’s bare mammaries. They jutted out high and firm; fully packed, two big round orbs on her chest, rising gently under her soft breathing. Cadwarra found this inspection of them to be somewhat exciting and she stood there calmly, enjoying the hungry look on the sentry’s face. He sucked in his breath slowly as he appraised her exposed chest.

As if that was not enough, the Sargeant cupped a hand under each of Cadwarra’s tits and lifted them gently, slowly fondling and squeezing them, first one, then the other. Pulling on the thick nipples, he waited for the sentry to decide. Her boob meat completely filled the sergeant’s hands.

“Fine” the sentry responded, his voice quavering in sexual arousal. “Five silver it is!” He dug into his pocket for five silver and giving them to her lead her into the tent. “Come along, Miss, we can use the cot.”

Inside the tent, the sentry raised his hands to Cadwarra’s hair, undoing it so her beautiful tresses fell across her exposed breasts. Not wishing to see them covered, the sentry reached up and lifted her hair over her shoulders so it fell down her back. Her breasts again stood bared. Since the tent had no flap to hide the two of them the sergeant chose that moment to discreetly go off to inspect the Forest Ruins grounds. The last thing he heard was the sentry excitedly instructing Cadwarra, his mouth dry with anticipation. “Get naked and lie on the cot, please, Miss........”


As he walked thorugh Qeynos Harbor, Falco could not get the memory of his fuck with Cadwarra out of his thoughts. What a fool he had been to hurry off in a panic like that! For some reason after he came, he was scared she would start to cry over her lost virginity, or want him to marry her, or that she would get pregnant and he would be stuck with a kid to look after. He had run off like a frightened goblin.

He had no sooner gotten away than he started getting horny again thinking about those soft breasts and was wishing he could do it with her some more. How snugly his cock had fit inside her! How right it had felt! Why hadn’t he stayed? He could have fucked her twice more by now! Instead, he was going to have to find her again.

His needs setting his resolve, he turned on his heel and headed head back to the Forest Ruins, maybe she was still there.

When he entered the place it was deserted. There was no sign of Cadwarra nor the two guards. Disappointed, he was about to head back to search for Cadwarra somewhere else. Maybe the Peat Bog and he should check the Caves, too. At the last minute, he heard a noise to his right, like a bed squeaking. He glanced into the tent at the cot and saw two figures lying together.

One of the guards was on top of a naked girl as she lay on her back on the cot being raped. Both bodies were wet with perspiration from the heat of the afternoon.

Falco could tell it was a rape by the way she was writhing under his weight as the pervert pinned her, his hands pushing down on her shoulders. She struggled and moaned as he forced himself into her. One big boob was plainly visible as it swayed under each hard thrust but her face was obscured as he nibbled on her left earlobe.

Falco slunk over behind a tree to spy on them, glancing furtively around to ensure that neither the other guard nor Cadwarra were around. His eyes fixed back on the writhing bodies, enjoying the sight of a helpless girl being forced.

“She probably deserves to be raped!” He muttered quietly to himself. His penis bulged as he watched the sentry humping away while she squirmed and tried to get away. This was certainly worth delaying his search for Cadwarra for a few minutes to enjoy the show and it was sure was going to help to get him into the mood to screw her but good. He briefly rubbed his cock through his leather, excited at the violent sex he was watching.

The sentry lifted his head and kissed the girl’s lips. Falco still could not get a good look at her face because her long tresses had fallen across her forehead and cheek. He was sure she was a pretty one, though. He wondered suddenly what Cadwarra looked like when her hair was down. He made a note that next time he ought to undo her hair before they screwed.

The sentry broke off his kiss with a loud smack and raised his shoulders so he could fuck the squirming, moaning whore even harder. Both of her tits were now showing and they jiggled wildly on her chest as she struggled under the Sentry’s body. Her big nipples reminded Falco of Cadwarra’s. - How he was going to suck on them as soon as he found her!

Suddenly the girl raised her strong, shapely legs and wrapped them around the sentry’s waist. Her long, well toned thigh muscles moving to pull him in deeper. Falco heard her throaty, aroused voice plead “Do it harder, please! That feels soooo good!”

“By Karana!” He realized, a bit disappointed. “She’s letting him give it to her!”

Oh well, maybe it wasn’t rape, but it was still great to watch.

Just then she turned her face his way a little and her locks fell away from her face. It was so twisted in the throes of a mounting orgasm that it took Falco a moment to recognize her.

It was Cadwarra!

Cadwarra!!? His girl was willingly doing it naked with someone else! Right there! Some bastard was sticking it into her! And a scant hour after she had done it with him!

Stunned, he stood stock still. His proud cock was soft instantly. How could she!!??

He fought the brief urge to rush into the tent and pull the soldier off of his lover before she was sullied even more by his sweating body. A numbing fog began to close around his mind. Things began to become faint as if his brain was shutting down his senses. Voices of the fornicating couple reached his ears as if they were a long distance away, yet the words were still clear above the pain in his heart and the sickness in his stomach. Cadwarra was making mewing sounds which were rising in intensity. He heard the sentry ask “You liking this, Miss?”

“Oh, yes!” Cadwarra’s panting voice pierced the fog clearly, stabbing into Falco’s heart, dispelling any chance it was not Cadwarra under that bastard or even that she was not really enjoying it. “ooooh!.....I am coming again!!! Here I go!!!!” and a cry of ecstasy escaped her as her body shook. Though the sentry and Falco were both watching her face as she came, it was with markedly different feelings.

“Good timing.” the sentry responded. “I can’t hold off any longer.” He rose up, pulling his stiff cock out of her. It stuck up stiffly in full view, swaying obscenely back and forth as he shifted his knees and positioned himself over her flat belly. Falco was shocked by the size of it. That cock was so much bigger than his.

Much bigger! It was huge! Falco looked at it in dismay as it stood up proud and erect over his girl. Her wetness, which should have been exclusively for him, glistened on the Sentry’s shaft. It now seemed to Falco that his efforts to please Cadwarra were laughably inadequate, his tool too small for the purpose of giving her the kind of pleasure she had just enjoyed with that Human.

Falco stared at the sentry’s schlong, unable to turn away. Humiliation turned his brown face a deep purple! No wonder she went to the sentry after he left her. He now knew his own size was inadequate for a girl as pretty as Cadwarra. Laughable, even.

Until now, he had assumed he could and had satisfied Cadwarra. Now he knew better. Under his thrusting she had never shown the kind of pleasure she was now showing to the sentry! Never arched her back like that nor grimaced and moaned with such abandon. She had never really shown any pleasure at all during their fuck, now that he thought about it. What a fool he was! A cuckold! The two had probably laughed together over the size of his dick while the sentry was ripping her clothes off and pushing her down nude onto the cot!

Falco wanted to just get away before they saw him! Before they knew he knew! He looked around for the safest route back to the gates out of there. He would die if they saw him beating his humiliating retreat.

Before he could determine his best route, and as if the pain of Cadwarra’s betrayal was not bad enough, he heard her exclaim excitedly “Yes, cum all over me!”

Fascinated by the horror of the image these words evoked, unable to not look, he turned back to the naked couple and stared in shock. The sentry was gripping his monster prick in one strong hand and was furiously pumping away, moving his hips erratically as he approached orgasm. Cadwarra’s grin was fixed adoringly on his exposed manhood as he jacked off.

Falco felt physically sick when he saw long ropes of semen suddenly erupt out of the sentry’s penis, drenching his girl. The first blast soared high above Cadwarra’s naked torso and fell in a thick line across her pretty cheek and into her hair. She opened her mouth eagerly as the next salvo landed across her face an inch to the left of the first, several drops falling into her open mouth. A large drop perched like a pearl on the tip of her pretty nose. Three smaller salvos followed in close succession as the sentry swung his dick back and forth above her so that the stuff landed in thick pools on those perfect breasts rising and falling rapidly as she watched them get creamed. She raised a hand and giggled hysterically as she smeared the stuff all over her mams.

Only a few minutes ago he had thought those big breasts were his exclusive domain. Now they shone with another’s cum, yeilding softly under Cadwarra’s hand as it slid wetly over them, massaging sperm into the boob flesh. When she dropped her hand back down to her side she was still giggling.

Confused, dizzy, hardly able to think, Falco turned away and slunk out of the zone. He would leave Qeynos, maybe even betray to Freeport. Anything so he would never see that tramp again, never have to look the sentry in the eye should they ever meet each other in a tavern, never have to wonder if that person walking past him in the street was smirking behind his back because he knew Falco’s girl had fucked another.

He had no home here, nothing to stay for. His lover had jilted him. She was a real bitch. He walked through Baubleshire past the trout pool and the waterfall where she had undressed for him. Where he had seen her lovely, perfect figure, almost naked and looking so beautiful. Where he had thought he would die if he could not have her.

Embarrassed now by the memory of the place, he turned his face away and hurried by, fantasizing about raping her in revenge for her betrayal.


Spent, the sentry leaned forward and kissed Cadwarra lovingly. “Thank you miss, that was wonderful.”

Cadwarra kissed him back. “Tunare will be pleased.” She agreed.

The sentry lay alongside Cadwarra and pulled her gently into her arms, puzzling over the odd lovely little Wood Elf that had so willingly screwed his brains out. “Tell me about Tunare” he asked, kissing her neck.

“Tunare? What do you wish to know?” Cadwarra was puzzled that Tunare was not a commonplace diety. Everyone knew about Tunare, she had assumed.

“Well....” the Sentry hesitated, not wishing to offend. “No one who has ever mentioned her has ever alluded to the suggestion that Tunare wants couples to make love as much as you wish to make love.”

“No one?” Cadwarra was surprised. “In my village, everyone celebrated Tunare like this.” She turned in his arms and lay partly on top of him, enjoying a male so close to her. Her breast crushed into his ribs “It honours her.”

“Honours her....?’

“Yes. Our bodies are her gift to us and we should use them for pleasure. When you do not make an effort to make life on this plane more pleasant for someone else you insult her by not appreciating her gift, just the same as if you hurt someone. Sharing your body, fucking with someone, that is the simplest yet most complex pleasure you can impart on another.”

The sentry pulled Cadwarra close. Her naked body and the explanation why she was willing to fuck at the drop of a hat was arousing. He felt his loins stir.

Cadwarra felt something brush her upper leg. It was his cock, starting to awaken, becoming hard. She shifted over so it was pressed against her. She liked these big Human cocks, she would need to have more in the near future. She rose slightly and moved slowly back and forth on top of him so as to feel it rubbing against her bare thigh. Not stopping, she glanced casually outside.

The sergeant was back, discreetly keeping his back to the naked pair. A couple of halflings were talking to him, however, and in facing him had a clear view of Cadwarra as she lay naked, undulating unabashedly. The female glared at Cadwarra, scandalized, while the male ogled the show she was putting on. Cadwarra moved uninhibitably despite his leer, or perhaps because of it. The female jabbed his ribs angrily and dragged him off to get some bounty. Casting one last angry glare at the inhabitants of the tent she saw Cadwarra raise her hips and position herself on top of the sentry’s rock hard dick. She turned away in disgust as Cadwarra impaled herself on that immense piece of manhood and started fucking again.

The sergeant watched the halflings head off then walked into the tent and sat on the chest, enjoying the sight of Cadwarra’s round ass moving enthusiastically as she humped the sentry. His penis gleamed with her wetness each time she rose up to a point where it almost fell out of her. Then she buried it again in a driving thrust of her hips. The fat of her breast was bulging in and out erotically against his chest as she worked away.

The sergeant hoped the sentry would come quickly. He wanted her again.


Ellister walked into Fish’s Ale House, nostrils crinkling at the offensive smells that met his High Elf sensibilities. He hated the place, but he did his best business here. The bartender poured Ellister’s usual cheap ale when he saw him walk in.

An amusing hobby of making magic imbued jewelry for his closest friends to amuse themselves at soirees had, by necessity, become his means of support in these troubled times. A fine ending to his life of ease in Faydwer, now he made charms to ward away disease, beggars, lovers you tired of. Make you invisible to creditors, or jealous husbands; whatever. He sold charms and rings to any low life that could put coins in his pockets. Charms that fetched a few copper, charms that garnered several gold. If he could make it, he would sell it.

He looked about the room for any possible customers. Well, looked like he had wasted his time coming in. The place was empty but for the Human bartender, the half elf barmaid and one patron: a sullen and drunk Wood Elf.

The Wood Elf sat in a dark corner, obviously in a black mood. ‘Sullen and drunk’ usually resulted from a problem and Ellister had found out the most exhorbinate prices were paid by people with problems. Well, may as well see if he could ‘help’, he thought. He ambled casually over to the Feir’Dal who at that moment was draining his tankard.

“May I join you?” Ellister asked.

The Feir’Dal regarded Ellister through bleary eyes. “Shove off!” he said in a voice thick with alchohol. “I don’t sleep with other men!”

Since there were no other potential customers in the place, Ellister sat down anyway. This Wood Elf was in no shape to stop him. Besides, if he could sober up and lose his attitude he would be an attractive little thing and Ellister always appreciated the sweetness of a Wood Elf’s cum. He just needed to figure a way to let the Wood Elf see that a blow job from a High Elf was a nice little treat for both of them. Ellister looked into his handsome face and waited for him to say something.

“I like women” The lad explained to his new tablemate, not seeming to care that he had not ‘shoved off’ as instructed. “I can get a female ANY time I wanna....” he said with a slur. He stared dumbfounded at the bottom of his mug, seemingly surprised it was empty.

Ellister said nothing.

“Had one this mornin’!” He went on, though it was said with more regret than boasting. His voice took on a harder edge as he added “...yeah, had her hard and fast an’ she LOVED it!” He added that last bit a little too emphatically. He waved the empty tankard around til he caught the barmaid’s eye.

Ellister suddenly recognized this fellow as the boy that had had the cute little girl by the falls in Baubleshire a few days ago and could now guess what was troubling the Wood Elf. The details were unknown to him but it was the same old story: he had tried to impress a young lady and had failed. Probably she found his inexperienced lovemaking lacking and lost interest. In a way, his heart went out to the boy, even though he could not help but feel the little fool had gotten what he deserved.

“My name is Ellister.” He said and offered the boy his hand, trying to change the subject.

“Falco is my name.’ the drunkard replied, caught off guard for an instant. Then he recovered himself and stated a bit too loud “I said I don’t do fag High Elves!”

The Barkeep looked over at the two elves in the corner and frowned at the loudmouth. Ellister did not spend much in the place, but he sure brought in a lot of folk looking for him. Those folk drank a lot while they waited for Ellister to show up. He ensured Ellister was in no danger, then returned to washing the dirty tankards.

The barmaid arrived at the table with the Wood Elve’s refill and set it down. Falco looked down her top as if to prove a point, or maybe because she really did have a cute set of nubs. Hoping for a nice tip, she initially let him look but went away annoyed when none was forthcoming.

“Oh, I am sure males do not interest you” Ellister agreed “But I am a jeweller, you see, and was wondering if I could interest you in some of my finer pieces.”

“I am not some fag High Elf who wants to doll himself up to look like a girl!” The drunkard asserted.

“Of course not” Ellister agreed and pulled out one of his cheapest talismans. “But my jewellery has some practical uses. For instance, this little item lessens the morning-after effects of a night at the tavern. I see you are an experienced drinker but one tends to get a hangover, nevertheless. I could let this little fellow go for.....oh......50 copper.” Ellister was not so down on his luck that he would misrepresent his wares so he hastily added. “Mind you now, though very effective, this talisman will only work for one hangover.” Fifty coppers would at least cover the cost of his ale and it really would save Falco from what was probably going to be a very unpleasant morning.

“I’ll be fine in the morning. “ Falco answered. Looking off into space he muttered to no one in particular. “What I need is something to make my cock as big as a human’s!” He took a long pull of ale and added bitterly. “Yeah......Big enough to make a certain little slut bleed next time I fuck her raw!”

Ellister sighed inwardly. As usual his potential customers wanted more than their pockets could pay. Something to make a phallus larger, even by an inch, would cost ten plat to make. And he would easily sell if for twenty. Judging by his clothes, this lad’s entire wealth was represented by what was currrently in his tankard.

“Well, I cannot help you there” he more or less told the truth. “Is there some other wish I may be better able to fulfil. Perhaps some charm to help you in your re-conquest of your sweetheart.”

At last Falco looked at him with interest. “You can do that?” he asked incredulously.

“In a way, yes. With your help. Where is she, may I ask?”

Falco’s expression darkened. “Who cares? Last time I saw her she was rubbing some other asshole’s sperm into her big saggy tits!” He drained the last of his ale. “Ferget her! She’s a slut!”

Suddenly remembering Ellister’s previous comment he looked at him and asked “So tell me about this charm to make a woman fall for me? How much?”

“Its free of charge, and its a different kind of charm, it’s advice...if you are sober enough to take it.”

Falco look at Ellister, trying to figure out if he had just been insulted. “Go ahead.” he finally said. “I guess if it’s free, I’ll take it.”

“Alright.......Well, you need to make love to a few women to understand what makes them like you. And when you make love to them? Take it slow. Touch them on the face and arms, caress their cheek and chin. Tell them they are intelligent, especially if they are. Then and only then touch their breasts and thighs. Make love to them gently when they make it plain they want it and not a minute before. Never assume they are ready just because you are. Cuddle with them afterward. Oh, and they love flowers. Don’t ask me why.”

Through an alcoholic fog, Falco looked at Ellister like he was an idiot. “They like it fine the way I do it.” he retorted rudely.

Ellister shrugged. “Try it my way sometime.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t.” Falco swayed a little in his seat. “When I meet a female, she wants it!” he boasted bombastically.

Seeing he was not going to make any sales with this posturer, and seeing he was beyond help in his drunken belligerent state, Ellister made to leave. If in future he met a more sober Falco, he might try to sell him something then, or maybe he would try to suck his cock then or maybe both. For now, it was a waste of time talking to him. “Good luck with that hangover” He said in parting.

Despite the possibility that this contact may yet prove to be a customer or a sexual diversion, Ellister was somewhat despondent about making no money for the effort today. He was, in fact, even down the cost of his ale. He may as well have stayed home and made love to his newest companion for all the profit he made today.

The thought of his new lover made his prick harden and he decided to go home and end the day cuddled together. Not all good days need be ones that brought you coin, he philosophized.

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