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Our big titted Wood Elf gets even more sex. These Humans are insatiable.
A Night at the Alehouse

Flush with coin for the first time since arriving in Qeynos and finally having a free evening Cadwarra walked into Fish’s Ale House. She wore an inexpensive dress revealing plenty of leg. Her firm breasts jiggled under the thin fabric. She wore nothing underneath.

The place was already humming but she found a chair at the bar and ordered a lager. The backless dress fell slightly away from her chest as she reached forward to pay the bartender. Not an ounce of fat hid her back muscles as they flexed. A nice portion of side boob was showing. She liked feeling cool air sweep over her bare skin.

Cadwarra glanced around. There were a few others she knew but no one knew her well enough to wave her over to their table. Her High Elf neighbour was already sitting and flirting with a couple Half Elf males. They both seemed very interested in her. Cadwarra had the feeling from the looks they occasionally gave each other when the other was not looking that each wished the other would fuck off and leave the lady to him. Nonetheless, each ran his hands under the table over her shapely thighs, bare to the hip by virtue of the slit in her revealing dress pulled away from her body by their eager hands.

As Cadwarra took her first sip she felt someone rudely brush against her back. A little annoyed, she turned to give the jerk a telling off. Her angry look melted as she recognized the sergeant standing there with a young companion. The boy was definitely a few years younger than Cadwarra. The hand the sergeant was running gently over her back felt very nice. He had caressed her like that back when they had last screwed at the Forest Ruins. They had lain there in the pleasant after-fuck mood they were enjoying until the sentry got hard again and she had to discontinue the sergeant’s pleasant caresses and kisses so she could serve the sentry’s needs for a third time.

“Hello Miss, may we buy you your next drink?” The sergeant smiled.

“I suppose, but that won’t be for a while.” Cadwarra responded lifting her full glass to show him. As she spoke the sergeant took the liberty to reach around, slide his hand under the top of her dress and boldly fondle Cadwarra’s right boob. She was instantly horny for another nice romp with the sergeant.

“You old soldier” she chided him “you sure are marching forward quickly.” Regardless, she remembered her manners as she glanced at the sergeant’s companion. “Who is your friend?” She asked. Cadwarra wondered was he old enough to be in a tavern. He certainly was a handsome lad whatever his age.

“This is my son” the sergeant replied. “We were hoping to find you here.” He nodded to his son “This is the kind little Wood Elf I told you about. Go ahead, kid, feel how soft her tits are.”

The boy hesitated only a brief moment then, seeing Cadwarra did not seem to object to his father being so free with the use of the little Wood Elf’s flesh, reached in and took a good handful.

Cadwarra liked it. The boy liked it, too. The flesh was soft and warm. As he squeezed the softness on the girl’s chest his fingers penetrated deep into the interior of the huge, heavy fun bag. He felt the actual mammary glands deep inside the fat of her tit. He rolled the glands in his fingers. He felt along the gland moving forward toward her nipple. The gland turn into milk ducts leading from inside her tit to terminate under her nipple. Finally the tips of his fingers swept up onto her hard nipple and he rolled it under his thumb and forefinger. Cadwarra did not know this was his first feel.

Lacking any available bar stools, father and son stood next to Cadwarra so anyone not looking too closely would not guess they were getting all handsy with the pretty Elf. The young man assured his father that Cadwarra’s tit was indeed nice to fondle and kept doing so. As if of one mind, they both pressed their crotches up against her backside at the same moment, she felt two hard boners driven hard into each hip as she sat there thinking the sergeant, son and herself may want to have some fun before she got too drunk to celebrate with them properly.

The two men kept feeling her up and she let them. Her hard nipples were gently pulled and stretched, released to snap back into position then quickly pulled and stretched again.

On the other side of the room, drunk to the point of extreme tipsy, Falco sat hidden in the dark recesses. Despite their discretion in not making it too obvious Falco could see that that bastard sergeant and that other, smooth-cheeked guy he had with him were freely running their filthy hands all over Cadwarra’s body while she just sat there without rebuking them for being so forward. A mix of humiliation, hatred and anger twisted his handsome face into a scowl as he saw that Cadwarra was allowing herself to be manhandled like that in public.

Jealous beyond endurance he had to sit there and suffer the insult to his pride; he could not leave without walking into the well-lit part of the tavern where Cadwarra could see him and see what a loser he was. He sat there glowering at the trio, trapped in that corner with no one to love but his beer stein. “Fuck that slutty, cheating bitch” he muttered to himself. He chugged another belly full and glowered at the indiscrete trio.

It all became unbearable as he saw Cadwarra hop down from her bar stool and stood inches from the young man. Her tits, HIS TITS, jiggled attractively as her feet landed on the floor. Her hard nipples showed through the thin fabric covering her chest, betraying how interested she was to service the youngster. Seeing her endowments barely covered like that his thoughts lingered on the memory of the feel of her under him as he humped her in the Forest Ruins. That pleasure seemed ages ago, now. All her betrayal since then clouded his thoughts.

Falco saw the little tramp look up directly into the eyes of her younger companion while she gave him an adorable smile, bright and friendly. It was yet another blow that he realized with a sinking heart she had never smiled at him like that. While the old sergeant took the seat Cadwarra had just vacated she lead the young man toward the door. Still foolishly yearning for her affection and full of lustful thoughts for her and their copulation in the Forest Ruins, Falco watched her leave with that fucking, horny bastard.

“They’re going somewhere to fuck” he muttered angrily. Jealous rage boiled inside him at the thought of how she was about to allow yet one more Human fuckstick to be jabbed into her perfect body. The thought of her taking another cock tonight instantly brought back the experience of how her feminine insides had molded perfectly around his own prick as he slid in and out of her. The quiet sound their sex parts had made as he moved inside her suddenly came to him. It was a soft “shluck, shluck...” sound.

The realization that another was about to hear her womanhood making that fuck sound tore his heart and he had to fight the urge to run after her and stupidly beg her to bed him, not that asshole who would never love her like he would.

Gut wrenched, Falco watched them walking out the door. Cadwarra looked up at her new companion and giggled at something he said. Hips swayed seductively as she walked beside him, leaning into him affectionately.

Falco imagined running his hand all over those round, curving hips of hers. Tantalizingly, she turned slightly at that moment to listen to a remark the young man was making and he saw the material of her dress fall away from her chest by a hand’s breadth. He got a perfect view of a portion of bare side boob perched firm and high inside that dress, taunting him by its beauty, its bulging roundness, its ample size. Then she turned again and all that lovely boob again was covered. The door swung closed and she was gone into the night, without Falco beside her.

He and his loneliness were left alone to nurse his beer in a crowded room full of strangers that did not even know he existed. In despair, he realized he knew no one in Qeynos that cared about him. This city was dead to him.


But there was one person very aware of his existence. Ellister had seen him come in already drunk and lurch bleary-eyed toward that dark corner. He had also seen that little Wood Elf girl come in and recognized her as the one swimming nearly naked with Falco that day in Baubbleshire. Ellister reflected that it seemed the boy had regrettably not taken his advice about charming the lady. Seeing her leave with that strapping tall Human with his telling bulge clearly visible in his trousers must have really stabbed into that kid’s heart. The poor drunken fool.

“May I join you, Ellister?” a female voice asked. Without waiting for an answer Llisanya sat down in the only empty chair in the place. The group of huge Barbarians at the next table took up so much room that she and the chair had to squeeze into what room there was between the two tables by jamming her stomach right into the table. The underside of her perky breasts lightly brushed the tabletop.

An annoyed Barbarian, getting a blowjob from a halfling girl under the table, turned to yell at her for bumping his chair and interrupting the fellatiating slut’s rhythm. Seeing it was a female he just turned back and starting jamming the kneeling girl’s head further down on to his huge, thick cock. His pals at the table laughed uproariously at his annoyance then went back to encouraging the girl to cram all that sausage down her throat. She was sure trying her best; there was money riding on whether she could succeed.

“How are you doing tonight?” Llisanya asked, setting her wine glass down carefully. Behind Llisanya, Ellister could see the Barbarian now had the his incredibly attractive penis completely crammed in her mouth. She desperately was trying to lift her head off of it, gagging and fighting for breath. The Barbarian was not about to let her stop and kept his hands pushing on the back of her head, determined to cum down her throat.

Her distress was greeted by insensitive cheers from the rest of that table. Ellister’s penis grew in arousal thinking how he would love to suck on that tower of a cock, instead of that girl. He would take it all without putting up the fuss that she was showing. How he would gulp that jism down!

“I’m doing great” he belatedly answered Llisanya, tearing his gaze away from the entertainment. “I did a lot of business, made a bit of money and am celebrating my brief wealth with my favourite expensive whiskey.” He raised his glass as proof while thinking what perfect timing it was that the useful Llisanya would show up just when he had need of a pretty and resourceful female to seduce a scowling sullen little idiot like Falco. “Do you want to do another business venture with me?”

Llissanya looked dubiously at the invite. “I am still sore from that Human you got me to bed last week.” she answered bluntly. She was just a little Half Elf and rather tiny at that.

“This one is a Wood Elf. And he has a small one.”

Based on that information, Llisanya figured this might be an easy job if the profits were the same as last time. “If you’ve already sucked him off, where do I come in?”

“No, no, I haven’t...yet. He likes pussy. I know he is small because he has confessed in conversation that he has come up short and not satisfied a lady with his girth and length and in a drunken stupor told me he wants a larger cock.”

“So sell him one of your charms. You should make a lot of money off of him.”

“He has no money. That’s where you come in. You need to get to know him. Then convince him he needs that bigger cock. Then convince him to do something nefarious to get the money I charge for that big cock trinket. You let me know how much money he’s got from his shady activity. I sell him the trinket for all the money he’s got. We split the profit. Your job is to convince him he just has to have that bigger cock and arrange for a way for him to get some serious coin by introducing him to Gol M'Tun. The bonus is we do M'Tun a favor. he can repay later. You will see how simple this will be once you meet him.”

While Llisanya pondered the offer Ellister glanced at the Halfling girl giving the blow job. The Barbarian’s cock was now half out of her mouth and twitching manfully as he came. With a look of revulsion, she tried to spit the copious spurts of jism out of her mouth. A lot of it had been directly shot down her throat while the rest was dripping off her chin and onto her chest, soaking her best blouse.

Disgusted, she dropped the huge member from her mouth and stood up abruptly. Ellister became aroused to see the semi-erect schlong flop erotically across the Barbarian’s thigh as it dropped from her lips. She grabbed an empty beer stein and started to puke and spit into the vessel. “You bastard! I never said you could cum!!” The poor little thing slapped him hard and several tables laughed at the scene. Ellister just stared in arousal at the huge exposed dick as it lay there. It rolled on the huge thigh as the Barbarian laughed at the Halfling along with his tablemates.

Llisanya had turned to see the commotion and took note of the huge cock without being overly impressed by it. She was the only one in the tavern that seemed to have sympathy for the way the poor little cocksucker had been treated.

But she went back to business. “I’m inferring from you that I’m gonna need to fuck him regularly for a time. I want sixty per cent of the sale not fifty. And I need a grubstake of twenty silver, to buy all the drinks I pay for. The grubstake is in addition to the sixty per cent.”

“Ok” Ellister offered his handshake. “But if we can’t make the sale you pay me back the twenty silver.” He should have haggled more but he wanted to get back to ogling that immense tool that had been rammed so cruelly into that girl’s gullet.

Llisanya shook hands then unbuttoned her top a bit while looking around. “Where is this Mr. Inadequate?”


Naked, Cadwarra folded her dress neatly and placed it on top of her dresser. She heard the High Elf’s bed creaking next door; she must have chosen one to the two Half Elves. She checked to make sure she had locked the door then turned to the sergeant’s handsome son.

Judging by his nervousness, Cadwarra surmised correctly that he was a virgin. This would be fun.

Cadwarra stood there directly in front of him, enjoying his horny eyes leering at her exposed body. The trimmed pubic thatch under her toned flat belly glistened invitingly. Her breathing, slightly elevated by her arousal, made her jugs sway ever so slightly. He was still dressed but her nudity had awakened his prick. It was plainly visible in his leggings. It had been visible ever since they had left the alehouse. It was definitely large, like his father’s. Maybe even a little bigger.

She stepped to him and kissed him hard, wanting this virgin. ‘We should get started” she urged him as she started undoing the fastenings on his shirt. “Your father will be here soon enough wanting his turn.”

Naked, his body was beautiful. She ran her hands over the well toned muscles, reveling in the fact she would be his first lay. It was obvious the sergeant had deliberately sought her out to be his son’s first time. She considered it a compliment.

She thought of Falco’s incompetence at love making. He had not been a virgin, but no one had taught him anything. Or he did not listen. She promised herself she would do the future lovers of this boy a favour and teach him how to take a girl properly. She fondled his big balls, his dick pointing straight at her. As she rolled his testicles in her hand she looked forward to those clumsy, fumbling first thrusts he would make. Fayt had been that way their first time; he had been so innocent and kind. And now she would experience another virgin. It was going to be so much fun to educate this innocent.

For his first time it seemed appropriate to her that he should be on top. She lay back on her bed and spread her legs to entice him to come to her. The boy looked at her, unsure if he should just get on top and start doing it to her or what was she expecting? He was acutely aware her nakedness was wide open. Her slit was shown to him and he could see right into the pink of her insides. Hidden female flesh glistened invitingly. She was offering it to him. As if in encouragement the squeaking bed next door g0t louder..

“Don’t worry about being a gentleman” she reassured him, sensing his hesitation to come to her “I want you to just stick it in me and go in and out. I can guide you into me if you prefer. Tunare ensures the rest will come naturally.”

A little inexpertly, he climbed on top of her. She held him softly. “Celebrate” she implored him.

Her legs wrapped around his waist and she felt his erection brush her pubic hair, an electric thrill enveloping her lady parts and running up her spine as he molded his body into hers. She arched her back, pushing her beautiful chest into his face. He started kissing her full, yielding breasts. She grabbed one and pushed the nipple into his mouth. “Suck hard!” she ordered him quietly. “Like your father likes to do.” He drew his first nipple into his mouth and sucked. It grew tall as his tongue flicked it. With the nipple fully risen to attention he latched onto it hard.

Her thighs tangled around his muscle-rippled body. She lay there while he was fastened to her boob. In her pleasure, she writhed on the bed such that her free breast rolled heavily on her chest. Aroused at seeing it do that he grabbed it and squeezed a big handful while continuing to suck away on the other one as if trying to get milk.

While suckling, he felt Cadwarra reach down and curl her fingers around his virgin penis. The knowledge that a lovely female was holding his manhood so brazenly almost made him shoot right there. As the near ejaculation was subsiding she centered his cock over her body and positioned his knob a bit lower. “Ok.’ she told him, her voice quavering in anticipation “thrust straight forward and you will be inside me.”

He could not believe how easily he slid into her quim. It only took a second to thrust his entire length in but he remembered the feel of every inch of her as if the insertion had taken several minutes instead of a mere moment. He never imagined how warm the inside of a woman could be nor how easily those insides would allow his hard prick to be fully inserted.

He was so intent in the experience of his first thrust that he forgot to do anything else.

“Pull back out and stuck it in again.” Cadwarra coached him, trying not to laugh at his attractive ineptitude.

He did as told, but pulled his cock completely out. Realizing that perhaps he should not have taken Cadwarra’s instructions too literally he tried to find the hole again and thrust forward several times unsuccessfully trying to find entrance. Patiently, Cadwarra reached down and gently held the huge monster, enjoying how thick the shaft was in her grip.

Instead of guiding it in immediately she jacked him for several strokes while reflecting that he was indeed larger that his father. She pumped his huge erection lovingly, her hand running up and down the impressive length of the beautiful thing. The feel of his hardness was glorious. She resisted the insane urge to really jack him hard so that her hand would be flying up and down until he came all over her face like the sentry had done. Instead, she moved her hand up to his knob to rub it, gently smearing a glob of cum all over.

The boy seemed impatient to get his dick back inside her so she guided him again to her vagina. This time he thrust without having to be told he was positioned properly. This second insertion felt even better than the first.

He rammed his hard-on in all the way then pulled it back out, this time staying inside her. He thrust again. And again. His strokes were indeed unpracticed but Cadwarra was aroused by the inexpert movements. And he was finding his way. Each stroke became more practiced.

“Yeah, ram it in, babe.” she encouraged him “ram it hard.”

He obliged. He was not sure how hard he should go but assumed she would say if he was too rough. He started ramming as hard and fast as he could.

He heard Cadwarra grunt in pain and he slowed but Cadwarra again lifted her legs to wrap around the back of his thighs and yelled “No! You were doing it right! Hard as you can!!!”

Emboldened he rammed into her like a rhino. She was obviously in discomfort with each thrust of his big penis but he did not stop this time and she did not ask him to. Her pained grunts under each ramming thrust turned him on.

At last he came. He did not pull out. He just came inside her. He hadn’t masturbated in over a week so his balls were full. Large wads of baby making ejaculant jagged out of his fuckstick as he came. The huge pulses of steaming white jism mixed with her juices as it spewed out all over the soft and slippery insides of her cunt. He silently exulted that hers was the first body he had filled with his lust.

As his orgasm ended, he held her silently, listening to her breathing hard. She seemed uncomfortable. He started to feel guilty how he had hurt her and apologized.

“We both enjoyed it” she reassured him and cuddled in his arms. “Next time, do it exactly the same way.”

They dozed a while. Cadwarra was awakened by a polite knocking on the door. Naked and her hair completely messed Cadwarra unashamedly opened the door. Cum dripped out of her down her inner thigh.

Walking in the door, the sergeant looked appreciatively at Cadwarra’s nudity and then at his son quietly snoring on the bed. The kid’s big prick, semi-erect, lay across his muscular thigh. The sight of it, still glistening with Cadwarra’s fluids, made Cadwarra horny again. She was glad the sergeant had come for his turn a little early. She was ready for more and the experienced soldier was just what she wanted.

“By Marr! He’s sleeping like a baby. What did you do to him?” he laughed.

“I made him celebrate Tunare with me. Which he did. I think he’s tired. Want to take his place?” She shook her big mams at him, pointy hard nipples brushing his chest.

Again, as if in sympathy, the sounds of the creaking bed next door increased. The High Elf had clearly chosen the right male to be her bed partner for the night. Her lover started talking dirty to her. “Yeah, Ima bang you all night, Bitch! I’ll bruise your tight fuckhole!” The sergeant and Cadwarra heard her cumming in response to his crude talk and laughed quietly. “They must have heard your son and I just as clearly.”

“And now they will hear us.” the sergeant boasted. "Let's let them know what a great lay you are."

With no need for more conversation the sergeant pulled out his meat and started fucking Cadwarra on the bed right beside his tuckered out son. Her moans eventually woke the boy, instantly hard. She sucked on his cock while his father kept screwing her. The son came all over her tonsils soon after his father came inside her. With his unswallowed cum still in her mouth, the son went back at it on top of her after only a brief pause, his magnificent penis moving in and out and soon spurting more white gloop into her.

They shared her all night. Father and son pleasured the pretty Wood Elf, loads of each other’s sperm keeping her slippery for the other. She orgasmed all over their cum smeared penises.

Toward dawn the son was able to keep going. Exhausted, the father mostly slept.


Falco was so drunk he couldn’t really discern Llisanya’s pretty face. She was sitting opposite nursing her glass of wine and beginning to wonder if this loser was worth it.

Falco squinted at his new drinking buddy. He was trying to focus on her features, making sure she was attractive enough for him. His speech was embarrassingly slurred from hours of drinking. “Yeah. I gotta group t’morrow and we are headin’ out to Blackb’row.” he told her as his hands ran all over her bare legs under the table. She physically had to keep his paws from straying too high.

He seemed to not notice her lack of co-operation. “They yar rookies but I will be able ta look affer ‘em.” He boasted. “I know how to take care ruh ma group even among those gnolls. Should have a bidda money to spen’ on you t’morrow, babe. I’ll pay you back f’ the ale you bou’ me t’night.”

Falco crudely caressed the inside of whats-her-name’s thigh. She seemed to have not even an ounce of fat on her. He felt only lovely, well toned muscle under his clumsy familiarities. She felt wonderful as his roaming mitts felt the full length of shapely leg.

But despite himself he did not think of the thigh he was currently caressing; he thought of Cadwarra’s thigh.

A soon as she entered his thoughts he angrily put the memory of Cadwarra out of his mind. He consoled himself that this other slut was more interested in him...and available. She was definitely hot for his loving. Yeah...she was begging for it! He was really gonna pounce on her tonight!

Thinking Falco did not need more pints Llisanya managed to get him to his feet. Drunkenly he was more interested in groping her tits that standing up without help. As he squeezed her lady bumps he was dimly aware that they were smaller than Cadwarra’s.

Damn Cadwarra! How he needed to forget that leg-spreading whore! This other one would do, and she seemed to be free about spending money on him. Better one large purse than two large breasts he reasoned through the fog of his present condition. She seemed to him to be, therefore, the perfect girlfriend. Maybe he could even use her to make Cadwarra jealous. After Cadwarra saw how he could get a girl anytime he wanted she would be begging for him to come back to her. Yeah, what’ser name, here, would be okay to hang out with ‘til then.

As the two stumbled into the well-lit middle of the room toward the door Falco kept grabbing at her. In front of everyone, the asinine letch managed to inadvertently rip her top open, drunkenly baring a breast and nipple to the crowd as two of her liberated buttons bounced around on the floor.

Ribald shouts greeted the unplanned nudie show. Crude jokes like “Nice titty, Sweetie!” and “Show us the other one, Llisanya!” echoed around the room. Llisanya pulled her shirt modestly around her, suppressing an urge to angrily slap Falco hard for tearing her best top. She let go of Falco, deftly scooping up the buttons. Her tit fell out once more, to enthusiastic cheers.

Readjusting her clothing yet again she grabbed the swaying Falco before he tipped over and dragged him out the door. His hand was soon under her torn clothing and playing bounce-the-booby. “Les’ go back inside and fuck while ewwerwee one watches, baby. Ya wanna?”

Actually, she didn't wanna. But it was a piece of information about him and having information about someone was always to your advantage.

Falco fell back into the still open doorframe of the tavern. She pulled him back up. Yeah, you are in shape to have sex in front of everyone, she thought. She turned him in the direction of his room and pushed the exhibitionist wannabe forward toward home.

Back inside, she heard some wag shout “Someone’s gettin’ lucky tonight!” and was greeted by raucous laughter and cheers as the door slammed shut behind them. Llisanya was really annoyed at being the butt of the joke. There’s a better way for a rogue to make her living, she thought.

Outside in the dark, he kissed her like only an obnoxious drunk can. She humoured him by letting him press his lips to hers. He was too sloshed to realize she wasn’t kissing him back with any enthusiasm. Llisanya was experienced enough to know that right now she need not act like she actually liked him. Once he was sober, she would need to start laughing at his jokes and fawning over his masculinity but no acting was needed in his current state.

“Less go t’yer place! You ‘ill b’ glad.” He bent and clumsily kissed her breast.

“I’m taking you home to your place” she countered then added coaxingly. “I’ll fuck you there if you want.” On that promise, he dutifully allowed her to lead him on. She was pretty sure he would pass out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Falco would later have a fuzzy memory of standing unsteadily in the middle of the street near his inn leaning on someone. He would later assume it had been Llisanya. “I live here” he told that someone.

The only way they had found their way to Falco’s crummy abode was by virtue of the address she had found when she had picked his pocket. That was all that was in his wallet. He had spent the rest plus a good part of hers on what was in his stomach. She helped him up to his room and as she had predicted he fell into bed, insensible before he hit the mattress.

Llisanya stared down at her “mark”, snoring loudly. She was pretty sure he best not go to Blackburrow tomorrow in the condition he would be in. For his sake she hoped he would not try.

As she stood there wondering what to do next, she seriously considered leaving this clown to dream away, telling Ellister the whole scheme was a bust and here’s your twenty silver back. But she had already spent most of that silver on booze for Mr. Shirt Ripper and the rest would have to pay for a new top. She looked around the room. There must be something she could steal worth twenty silver.

The contents of the room were not impressive. Some really poor quality chain mail armour was tossed over a crudely made chair. An extra shirt hung in the closet, made of jute. Lastly, there was a tin sword. Was he really thinking he should venture into Blackburrow with a tin sword and that armour? Those Gnolls would rip him apart.

This guy had nothing worth stealing. She had spent more on him tonight than the value of the trash in this room. There was nothing for it but to keep with Ellister’s plan which, now that she reflected on it, was pretty much half-baked.

Ellister was expecting her to somehow convince this dupe to do something illegal for that shady Dark ELf, M'Tun to get lots of money so he could pay Ellister all that money for a “Cock Enhancing” charm. The details of how she would do this had been left up to her to work out. If the Queen's Guard figured out they were in cahoots with M'Tun it was she who needed to make sure Falco took all the blame. As for Ellister, he was getting 40% of the take for doing nothing. And to boot, he was probably angling to find a way to suck on Falco’s new cock in the end. That fag High Elf really loved sucking cock.

Well. There was no way but forward, she reasoned. She would need to have sex with Falco in the morning to keep him interested in her then start undermining his self-confidence over his man junk.

She sighed. Never make a deal with Ellister when you are on your third glass of wine, she admonished herself.

Resigned to the plan, such as it was, she undressed in front of Falco. In his unconscious state he was senseless to her beautiful figure standing naked over him. Her breasts were big enough, though not huge, They sat high and firm, jutting out attractively on her chest, sweeping forward in an elegant ski jump shape. The semi-erect nipples were thick and precisely centered on the perfect circles of her large areolas. Her stomach flat, her ass round and high. Thighs curved up into shapely hips that framed that place where all men want to put it in. She looked sexy naked.

She spent a great deal of effort getting his clothes off. Finished, she examined his naked body matter-of-factly. He was in good shape. He was handsome.

Reaching down, she fondled his shriveled little wee-wee a few minutes. Despite his slumber his body still reacted and he grew erect in her hand. She took a good look at it. It was certainly not large but in all honesty nothing for him to feel inadequate about. It was nice looking, too.

Since she was going to have to fuck him when he sobered up she was actually pleased by its comfortably average size. That Barbarian’s enormity raping that little girl’s mouth tonight? She couldn’t see the attraction in something that monstrous. She admired Falco’s as it lay there. His was a size she liked. Regardless, the plan was she was going to convince him to waste his money buying a charm to grow a bigger cock. Some guys were idiots.

She found a blanket and, laying down beside him, she wrapped it around both their nude bodies. Her breasts pressed into his back as she snuggled in.

He muttered in his slumber “Not now, Cadwarra, let me sleep.”

Cadwarra? Who, by Bristlebane, was Cadwarra?


2024-08-04 16:16:37
To explain the Elven words applied to different Elvish races:
Feir'Dal=Wood Elf
Teir'Dal=Dark Elf
Ayr'Dal=Half Elf
Koada'Dal=High Elf

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