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Follow on story from the Uncles perspective. It's about a girl who 'accidently' had a sexy moment with her Aunties boyfriend while playing games in the grandparents house.
[45m] I pleasured my 19 year old niece Amy while playing Sardines.

This is a story of how I ended up pleasuring my niece after a family game of Sardines. Sardines is the one where one person hides and anyone who finds that person hides with them until everyone has found the group. It was our usual Sunday family dinner after church with the parents of my long time partner Emma. Amy was her niece and daughter of Emma's younger sister. She had grown up with me from an early age and we were a close family, although Emma's sister wasn't really a devout christian and neither was I.

Amy had been playing with her younger sisters, who were both very young, before she got bored and asked me to play as well. I reluctantly agreed if I could hide first knowing that if you find a decent spot you can just sit for ages and relax. The house was amazing for hide and seek, with several bedrooms and closets upstairs, a large converted attic and about 6 rooms downstairs so hide and seek could take 20 minutes sometimes.

I shot upstairs and entered a room that was an unused guest room. I closed the door so there was only a tiny amount of light coming through the small window above the door. I was about to hide under the bed when I spotted a wardrobe against the walls in the corner and decided to be clever and slide it across for the perfect original hiding place. Only a minute or so had passed before I heard the door open. I knew it was Amy as the girls were always noisy when searching and could hear them in another room upstairs. I held my breath so she couldn't hear me but after about 30 seconds she popped her head around the corner and laughed. She said she'd have to come in there with me but really didn't think she would as it was quite tight for 2 people and the last thing she probably wanted was to squeeze up against her uncle, but to my surprise she did.

I squeezed up with my back against the wall while she faced towards the side of the wardrobe, her right shoulder near to my chest. I could see quite a bit down her top where I was standing as it was baggy. She had good tits with a good cleavage to be honest and I could easily see her gray cotton bra she had on. I thought to myself that this was a little awkward and tried not to look again. I'd never looked at Amy sexually even though she was very attractive and she had developed an incredible figure recently. I always found her to be a bit dorky in her teens but she had certainly filled out in the last year and now had quite an athletic body. She always looked great in sun dresses and used to get a lot of compliments.

We were completely silent, knowing that the girls were nearby. Out of the blue the door flung open, the light from the landing illuminated the room. Amy panicked and threw her back against me so as not to get caught. Her bum pressed up right against my groin area of my cargo shorts so I gently grabbed her waist to move her away by a couple of inches, thinking she would probably get creeped out if she knew exactly what she was pressing against. I held her as one of the girls searched around the room before she eventually gave up and left. We were laughing quietly to each other, not being sure if one of the girls was still there. She put her finger to her lips and we stayed silent, I was breathing heavily and could see my breath was blowing Amy's hair on the back of her neck. I think she was finally aware of the physical contact and how her ass was practically touching my dick. I thought, "Shit, this is going to freak her out slightly, we had better stop". I could hear her breathing become erratic and she shifted her body around uncomfortably, before her cheeks and neck went bright red with embarrassment.

I let go of her waist and she immediately went back to the same position as before. She was laughing awkwardly and all I could do was smile awkwardly back thinking, "Yep she's definitely freaked out". We stayed silent for a while before I started saying how the girls were useless, that we'd never be caught and maybe we should give up. More likely it was because this situation was getting a bit weird and I really didn't want my 19 year old niece to think I was a creep. But she stayed put, invested in the game, periodically leaning forward to peer around the wardrobe. I glanced down at her red neck and could see her erect nipples through her crop top. They definitely weren't like this before and I thought, "Was she seriously getting aroused by what just happened?" She turned to look at me again, I just stared at her, contemplating what just happened, then to make the situation a little more awkward subconsciously looked down at her erect nipples again. "You twat, she just saw that!", I thought to myself before finally deciding we had better quit. "I think we should probably get caught now", I said. Without hesitation she whispered back, "No way!", and looked up at me flirtatiously. At that point I was sure she was proably enjoying this far more than I was.

"Okay", I thought, "We can have a little fun and a little flirt if you're okay with it, what's the worst that could happen?". After all, I had harmlessly flirted endlessly with her mother for the last 20 years or so and we both enjoyed it. I talked to Amy about the family and what she'd been up to recently before we heard footsteps outside the door followed by silence. Amy leant out to see if anyone was there, before turning to speak to me again. Out of nowhere the door flung open and without time to spin around so her back was towards me, Amy flung herself onto me face first. I didn't have time to move my hands which were resting on my chest and her breasts squeezed against them as she moved forward. Again her sister searched the same areas, not thinking about looking elsewhere. This must have been the younger sister this time as she wasn't so thorough and ran out after 10 seconds.

Amy looked down to see the back of my hands almost touching her tits. I could feel the underwire of her bra pressing against the backs of my fingers. We both burst out laughing and I moved my hands down by my side. Both of us couldn't stop giggling for a good 30 seconds, partly because of the game but also because of the situation we were in. Once we had settled down I realized that this situation had become far more intense. This was a young girl, my niece, inches away from my face and she clearly showed that she didn't want to move. A million thoughts shot through my mind, "Does she really want something to happen? Does she really fancy me? There's flirting and then there's serious intimate contact! Oh shit am I getting turned on by this? Oh shit what if we get caught now?". She looked up at me, I knew that look, that was a submissive look I'd seen a million times before! Fuck she did want this!

Just then we heard a sister run by the room, thinking she was coming in, she put her arm around my back and pulled herself tight into me. I felt her tits squeeze into my chest and the warmth of her leg touched up against my cock which was down the right side of my cargo pants. It felt good but knew this was a dangerous position to be in for a man. We both started breathing heavily, the air in the small space became heated and my heart started racing. I could feel her warm breath against the front of my neck as she looked at my lips seductively, I knew she was aroused. I made one final effort to avoid the situation, looking away, pretending to listen out for the girls but it was too late. I could feel myself tingling down below, my cock suddenly realizing that this incredibly attractive girl in tight yoga pants was pressed up against me. It was like these thoughts were locked away in a dungeon, a no-go area forever for any family member but she came along with the key and opened it, setting them free. I suddenly noticed her incredible figure, her beautiful looks and her beautiful blue eyes in a way I'd never before. Being her uncle and friend had come to an end in seconds.

I called out her name, in a last ditch protest with what was happening. She moved her head forward to rest it against my shoulder, she was now fully hugging me, both with our heads facing away from each other. Maybe now she was having second thoughts, suddenly realizing that this situation would change things forever. For me though it was too late, I could now smell her hair as it rested against the side of my face. That was too much.

Like every erection, it felt good as the blood rushed into my cock, growing quickly in my shorts. I knew I'd never be able to hide it by the position it was in, with it pointing down to one side in my shorts. I awkwardly tried to change the position we were in but she was too close. I had to warn Amy and quickly blurted out that I was sorry. She turned her head to me, with a confused expression before she clearly felt something pressing on her leg. Her eyes lit up. To hide my embarrassment I quickly pulled away from her, expecting her to push herself away but with her arm behind my back she only pulled herself in again, pressing her body tighter against my now growing cock. With a huge smile on her face she whispered "Oh!".

I turned to her and looked into her blue seductive eyes. We were almost nose to nose, both breathing heavily against each other's face. I glanced down at her full lush lips, she subconsciously started wetting them with her tongue in anticipation of what was to come before I looked back into her eyes. She looked at me in a way she'd never looked at me before, what I can only explain as her "Fuck me eyes"! She started biting her bottom lip making her look insanely hot and I couldn't resist any longer. I whispered that she was a bad girl for doing this and moved forward to kiss her. Our warm lips touched and we kissed slowly and passionately, moving my arms around her tiny exposed waist. I was so aroused by now I could already feel the wetness from the precum in my pants.

I hadn't been with another woman for over 15 years, the time I'd been with Emma. I have to say it felt incredible to kiss and feel another girls body and we kissed slowly and passionately for a good minute. I started to slowly grind against her, it felt amazing and just as we were getting some rhythm going we were both suddenly startled by a noise in the bedroom. As adrenaline coursed through my body I thought "Crap ... We've been caught!" Amy quickly went back to her original position and peered out into the dimly lit room. "Don't worry, it's just the door closing to", she whispered.

I couldn't believe that I just had the most sexiest and passionate kisses I'd ever experienced and with my niece. Those full plump lips didn't disappoint. We could hear the girls still running around upstairs but were several doors down the corridor. I was still rock hard and showing, so I adjusted myself which Amy noticed. She looked down and reached for my cock, rubbing it through my shorts and pinching my bellend. As she did I could feel more precum escaping, making my pants wetter. As she faced to the side I could see down her top again, her nipples were still erect and their perkiness with that bra made them look so cute. I put my hands down her top and cupped them, rubbing the nipple with my thumb. She closed her eyes and let out a big sigh before I went over the top and felt inside. I tweaked her nipple hard and could tell she was loving it but her tight bra limited my movement. Frustrated at not being able to get full access, I moved my hand under her crop top and pushed her bra off both breasts. As I did I lifted her top with it to expose her beautiful tits.

I'd seen Amy's tits before, by accident. When I was sat on her parents sofa once about a year ago, she was walking around the house wearing a long t-shirt nightie. It was dusk outside and the sunset shone through the double doors that opened into the garden. She had gone to let the dog out the back and as she turned her body sideways the sun beamed through her nightie creating the perfect silouhette of her body and her firm breasts. I'm not sure she realised but as she bent down and her nightie fell away from her body and I could clearly she her amazing breasts nipples. They were beautiful. This was the first time I'd really noticed Amy in that way. At the time I fought the urge to think sexy thoughts about a close family member and reminded myself who she was.

In this moment though, I remembered them exactly how they were...stunning. They were impossibly firm, the ones that just defy gravity. The areolas were small, brown and perfectly round. The nipples were large in comparison and naturally positioned pointed slightly upwards making her tits look almost perfect. I could honestly say these were the best looking tits I'd ever seen on a woman. I grasped them hard, rubbing and pulling on the nipples making her breathe in deeply and groan each time. I could feel the top of my penis tingling as she continued rubbing, I imagined that's what her clitoris must be feeling like so moved my hand down there and started rubbing her slowly. She shuddered and whispered yes several times before I stroked at her vagina through her pants and felt the warmth on the tips of my fingers. I could tell Amy was in heaven, her eyes were closed and she'd stopped rubbing my cock, she was enjoying this far too much.

Just then we were again startled by one of the sisters shouting something outside the door. I stepped back from Amy and she pulled her bra back over her breasts to look respectable. She again peered out from behind the wardrobe, before we heard one of the girls shout that they were downstairs followed by them both bolting down. Amy turned to me with excitement on her face, her grin getting bigger and bigger. We both stared at each other for a brief period, knowing that now we had the time to do whatever we pleased. As she stared at me contemplating as to what to do next, I reached up and put my right hand on the side of her face furthest from me and pulled her towards me, pushing her bra back over her tits and cupping her naked breast with the other hand as she got closer. This time the passion was far more intense, there were lots of tongues before the intensity increased to sucking and biting of lips. I reached around with both hands, grabbed her petite ass and squeezed them firmly. As I did she was grinding on my throbbing cock, trying to rub her clitoris against the top of my penis through my shorts. I reached around the back of her yoga pants, rubbing her anus and clawing at her vagina through the material with my fingers, each time I did she whispered, "Oh god!".

I knew she'd be soaking by now and I was lusting after that wet vagina. Her camel toe looked so fucking sexy when I was rubbing her before I just had to get my hand in there to finish what I started. I stopped kissing her, pushed her away slightly and pulled her yoga pants forward, peering down to see her perfectly smooth pussy. I could see moisture on her white panties and knew she was soaking. I turned her side on again and plunged my hand down, feeling the wetness of her vagina on my index finger tip before pushing it in, all the way to the knuckle. She let out an almighty groan and spread her legs further apart so I could get a second finger in there. She was moaning so much I had to tell her to quieten down. Even though the girls were downstairs, any adult could decide to join in and walk upstairs looking for us.

I don't think I'd ever felt anyone that wet before. The wetness was saturating my hand and her panties and as I pleasured her I could hear the squelching of juice from her vagina. Judging by the noises she was making she was clearly enjoying every minute. After a while I withdrew my fingers and moved my fingers up to her clitoris. With both fingers I rubbed vigorously in circular motions, ever so often she'd shudder, let out a groan and squeezed her legs together in ecstasy. She turned her face towards me and we put our lips together, holding them there for a brief moment while her eyes were closed before she shuddered again and bit hard into my bottom lip.

I noticed her tight ass in your pants and put my left hand down into her panties, grabbing her bare ass firmly. She had an incredible ass to be honest. I'd tried not to notice it as she started getting older but it became more and more difficult especially when she started wearing tight yoga pants. I would never in a million years have thought he would ever make out like this with the family nearby. I mean who does as an uncle and family member? You might fantasie about it but never think this would happen. I knew this was going to open a whole can of worms...but I honestly couldn't care at this point in time!

After caressing that beautiful ass I moved down to reach around the back to her vagina, my fingers crawling through her wet panties . I tickled her lips with both fingers before bending her over slightly and gliding them in again. I loved going in around the back as it meant I could tickle her asshole with my thumb. She was loving it, I knew she was about to cum, as her body started shaking and she let out groan after groan. Each groan was followed by a big inhale of breath, then a massive exhale through blowing lips and shuddering as if she couldn't contain the ecstasy she was experiencing. I'd never experienced anyone who orgasmed this much, usually it was one big one but she was coming in waves and I thought it would never stop. As she continued to orgasm I could feel her juices all over my hands and her panties, she was absolutely soaking and was a bit concerned how we were going to get out of here without anyone noticing the dampness that was showing on her yoga pants. As I slowed rubbing her clitoris she put her legs together, let out another big exhale and put her hand on mine to indicate she needed to stop.

I tickled her clitoris one last time before lifting my hand out from the front of her pants. As I withdrew my left hand I ran my index finger against her damp skin, pressing on her asshole and teasing her with my wet fingers, before taking them out. They were soaked, especially my left hand that had been fingering her vagina. One thing I've always loved is tasting women so I put my fingers to my lips and tasted her while she watched. She loved it! I really wanted to fuck her. I could pull down her pants and easily take her from behind in this enclosed space. In my state of arousal I knew I'd last less than a couple of minutes but I knew I couldn't, it would be far too risky with us both compromised if somebody walked in. We'd been long enough now that an adult could have easily joined in with the search and Amy was bright red and breathing heavily, so I decided we had better end it there. I grabbed her hand to give me one last rub along my shaft before I said let's wrap it up. Deep down though I really wanted this to continue, I was still throbbing and my boxers were wet with precum.

After Amy had composed herself, we put the wardrobe back and started making noises to get ourselves heard. The eldest came running up and we hid behind the bedroom door. As she ran in we jumped out and said we'd been there all along and can't believe they hadn't found us. Amy immediately went into the bathroom and I went downstairs to make excuses, my partner barely noticed I was gone. Amy came down after 5 minutes like nothing had happened, the girls demanding another game but we both said no we were bored.

We all went our separate ways after dinner. That night I was randy as hell and only managed to relieve myself after my girlfriend went to work. Trust me it was one of the best wanks I've ever had. I couldn't get Amy out of my head for weeks, but there's no way we would ever have an affair. I just felt like there was unfinished business and it needed to be addressed and this wasn't my last encounter with Amy.
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