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Continuing my story with Amy and her daughters.
I let Amy stew for a couple of days and didn't call or text her. I know she was desperate for me to reach out to her so I went for breakfast the next day she worked.

I go to breakfast and request her section. I stand back and watch her serve others and am seated without he seeing me. She has an kinetic energy about her, something waiting to burst thru. She arrived at the table not looking at my face until she started her service routine.

"My name is Amy, I'll be serv... huh!" And she drops her pad to the floor. "Sir, it's good to see you."

I order my usual and, to relieve her tension just a little, I let her know I will pick her up when her shift is done. She quick looks in my eyes with anxious relief then quickly to the floor again.

She practically leaps into my car as I wait out front of the restaurant. The windows on my truck are tinted, but not opaque. I instructor to remove heart tight little shorts, knowing she has nothing on underneath. I could see her labia and a slight dampness begin after she knew I was there.

She shimmy's her shorts off her hips and too the floor. I can smell her musk scent and know her anticipation is overwhelming. I instruct her to insert two fingers inside and show me. She pulls them from the center of her desire and displays the wetness for me to see.

"Make yourself cum." I instruct her.

She moans in appreciation and immediately sinks three fingers into her soaking pussy, while he other hand attacks her clit. In no more than a minute she is nearing orgasm, at that moment I lower the passenger window. She looks at me with distress, but there is no stopping the flood of orgasm.

As she falls off the cliff she removes her fingers from inside and stuffs the wet digits into her mouth silencing her moans of pleasure. Her other hand starts smacking her clit, too hard it seems to me, but that sends her into oblivion. Her whole body spasms and shakes with orgasm and her eyes water with the desire to scream out. The orgasm is long and powerful and seems to remove all the energy from her body. Her head falls to the center armrest with a final gasp of relief.

As she enjoys the moment it's time to fit my own release. I free my cock and left her head by her hair. I direct her eyes to my cock. She doesn't hesitate even in her weakened state. She thrusts her head onto my cock. After just a couple of bobs she has taken my whole length. I put the truck in drive and head toward her apartment. I withhold my orgasm until we arrive. I park in front of her place, and enjoy her efforts as we sit outside her door.

With my right hand I grab a handful of hair and move her head up and down, with the left a tap my horn. Amy tries to lift her head, but I keep he mouth working my cock. In the front window I see Kate and then Isabella looking out for the noise. I wave with my left hand as the force their mom's mouth up and down. I can see Kate look at my hand moving up and down as she tries to figure out what is going on. Suddenly I see the recognition in hers.

Her hand covers her mouth in a gasp, and Isabella is poking her to tell her what is going on. She looks into my eyes and I smile at her as I force her mom deep on my cock. It's then that I explode in her mouth. I pull out of her throat so flood her mouth with cum.

"Don't swallow, slut", I grunt as I finish. I pull her head from my lap, and ask to see her cum filled mouth. she shows me her mouthful and I tell her to turn her head and swallow. As she turns her head and starts swallowing my cum, her eyes lock on her daughters.

For a moment she freezes, and Kate looks back at her. Isabella seems to realize what is happening now, and gets a big grin on her face. Kate seems less sure.

I instruct Amy to leave an remaining cum in her mouth and not adjust herself. Her hair is a bit of a mess, and she has pulled her shorts over her soggy pussy. The crotch shows her dampness. She is torn between hurrying in out of view of the neighbors, but not wanting her kids to see her this way. I take her arm and make her walk slowly to the door.

Before she enters I instruct her to give each daughter a kiss on the lips. She starts to look at me, then stops and turns the knob. The girls are waiting inside the door as she walks right up to Kate and kisses her on the mouth. The older girl's eyes pop open in surprise, and as Amy pulls away I see her tongue slide across Kate's lips. Amy bends slightly to kiss Isabella, but she doesn't wait. She throws her arms around her mom's neck and kisses her enthusiastically. Amy's own eyes open wide as Isabella appears to push her tongue into her mouth.

This girl is something else! Amy starts kissing her back for a few seconds then seems to realize what's going on and pulls away. Both girls are curious about the taste on their lips, although Isabella is licking hers.

"Good evening girls! You mom and I've had a good afternoon so far, but the day isn't over. How would everyone like to go to my house for dinner and a swim?"

"Mom, can we!" Comes loudly in chorus from the girls.

"Of course we can. Thank you sir that's a great idea!"

"Let's go then, I have everything you will need at my place "

On the drive over the girls are in the back as I have my hand in their mom's lap manipulating her clit. Her eyes are closed and she is squirming in her seat. She reaches down and grabs my wrist. I thought she was going to pull it away, but she used it for leverage to hump my fingers! Good slut!

I lean over and tell her to pinch her nipples. She slides a hand inside her shirt and start pinch her already stiff nipple. Her mouth opens but no sound escapes. She starts taking shorter breaths and I can see she is close, so I pull my hand from her shorts. She looks at me quickly, then down.

"Not yet slut" I say not too quietly.

"But sir, I'm so close," she says breathlessly.

"Soon" is all I say. About 5 minutes later we arrive at my place.

The girls all scramble inside and run straight to the back sliding glass doors. The pool is a really nice custom in ground pool with excellent landscaping all around. One of the perks of my job is you meet lots of people in the outdoor businesses.

"Go on, check it out " this scramble outside and walk around putting their hands in the water.

As Amy and I walk out back I say, "only one rule ladies, this is a swimsuit free zone." Amy grabs my hand and squeezes it, and leans into me. I asked Amy if sir is what she called her husband, and she replies that it was.

"So we need to make this different, you will call me Daddy. You girls should swim for a bit, I'm going to see what I have for dinner."

Amy walks out to the girls and I see her talking to them. Isabella immediately pulls off her shirt and shorts with her panties and jumps right in the pool. Kate is a little reluctant at first, but she doesn't want to be shown up by her younger sister so she soon strips down as well. I can see some amazing tits from the kitchen window and a moderate bush . I didn't have much time to see Isabella, but her breast did seem to be coming in and I thought I saw a small dark patch of hair.

Amy comes into the house and lets me know the girls seem to be having a good time. I show her back to my bedroom and on the bed is a small box with a ribbon. I give it to her and ask her to open it.

Inside the box is a chrome butt plug with a clear jewel that can be seen when inserted. It isn't the smallest size they had but definitely not the largest. I would say not quite the medium size. I expected she had experience with anal, and I wanted it to be comfortable.

"There's some lubricant in the nightstand why don't you go in the restroom and put this in."

"Thanks you for my present, sir, I mean Daddy!*

I had some chicken breasts out that I was preparing to put on the grill along with some sweet corn. One of the best things about this time of year in Indiana is the sweet corn. Amy entered the kitchen with her shorts and shirts still on her nipples poking prominently through her t-shirt.

"There's No need for you to be dressed slut, as a matter of fact your standard attire in this house will be nothing at all. Just that little jewel. Now take off your shirt and drop your shorts and go join your girls in the pool."

She looked down at her feet and took a deep breath, she didn't move for a minute.

"This can end anytime you would like. You just have to say so. But when you do we're done. You continue on I can see us having our own nice little family, and maybe you guys can join me in this house."

She looked into my eyes with a pleading need, she seemed to understand there was no choice to make. This is what she wanted, this is what she needed.

She dropped her shorts and pulled her t-shirt off her lovely breasts, catching her nipples as she pulled it over her head. I love the way they move. I gave her a firm smack on the ass, God it's firm, and center out to the pool.

She was waddling slightly getting used to the plug, but the last few steps she trotted quickly and jumped into the pool with the girls. I came out of the house in some very loose swim trunks with plates of food for the grill. While The girls splashed around in the pool I barbecued some chicken breasts and grilled the corn and some zucchini.

I yelled in the food was ready and and put plates on the patio table. I had some towels sitting on a chaise lounge 10 ft from the water. I watched each of the girls as they climbed out of the pool and moved to grab a towel. Isabella is the spitting image of her mother both in skin tone and body style. Kate will have Fuller breasts and wider hips when she's older, and she will be stunning with an electric smile.

Kate wraps her towel around her chest, but it only reaches to halfway across her ass. Amy has her towel just around her waist and Isabella throws her towel onto the chair and sits on top of it. Everyone seems to be hungry and dives right in, and I offer Amy a a mojito that I had mixed up for each others. I made the girls pina colada mocktails, that they loved. There was a hint of rum in each but barely enough to notice.

While we were eating Isabella keenly pointed out that I was still in my shorts on the no swimsuit patio. I pointed out that it's never a good idea to use the grill completely naked; however, I agreed that I'm not cooking any longer. I stood up and stripped off my shorts let my semi erect 7 inches free. Kate looked quickly and then down at her food, while Isabella openly stared. I made my cock jump and she giggled, and Kate took another look.

Everybody enjoyed their chicken and corn and we had a great meal together. The girls quickly got comfortable in their nudity, and Kate didn't seem to mind when her towel fell to her waist revealing her firm young breasts. I noticed her nipples had stiffened as well, and were fairly prominent too. Perhaps she did get something from her mom! We laughed and relaxed enjoying another drink. This one had a little more liquor than the first, but nobody noticed.

I offered up the option of a movie night and the girls jumped at the idea, but they wanted to pick the movie. I still had a DVD collection and they started combing thru it. I made more drinks for everybody, edging up the alcohol a little more, but being careful with the girls. While the girls were perusing the movies I took the opportunity to take the remote and put it on the floor next to the television. Have a large l-shaped couch with an end that gave you room to have your feet up. I grabbed a large blanket to share and dimmed the lights as they found the movie. I was surprised by the choice, an old action movie called True Lies, Kate wanted a comedy, but relented to Isabella.

Is they came to the couch I was sitting in the corner with my feet up leaving space to my left. Isabella jumped on my right hand side squeezing into the corner where there was really no space, but she wiggled her naked little body in there. Amy snuggled up next to me and Kate on her other side. Has everyone was starting to get comfortable I asked Amy to get the remote.

"Pet, can you get the remote on the floor in front of the TV?" Then I added softly, "no bending at the knees." It took a moment to register but then she realized what she would be showing her girls. To this point I don't think they had noticed her accessory, but as we all sat on the couch and watched her walk in front of us that could not help but notice. Then she bent at her waist letting her jewel be seen by everyone, as she picked up the remote.

"Mommy, I like your jewel!" Said Isabella.

"It was a present from Daddy. Isn't it nice?"

Kate asked, "is it comfortable?"

"It feels wonderful, dear." Amy responded starting to get into the sexual tension forming in the room.

She returned to the couch and wiggled her butt into the cushion moving around her plug. She gave a little moan as she did this and then pulled Kate in close to her. I threw the blanket over all of us so we lay naked underneath together. I finished my drink in a gulp, and all the girls soon followed as we put our glasses on the coffee table. I had popped up a big tub of popcorn while they picked the movie and we settled in together as it started on the large screen TV.

I had an arm around Amy and Kate since she was snuggled close, my fingers caressing her barrel shoulder. The movie played and we nibbled popcorn and I enjoyed the feel of the warm naked flesh touching me on both sides. Periodically Isabella would riggle around to get comfortable and more than once brushed my stiffening cock with her hand. At one point she whispered in my ear, "it's so warm!" Amy shushed her, but it didn't prevent her from moving her hand around my cock in balls. At one point Amy's hand drifted over and found Isabella's already fondling my balls so she slid her hand up my shaft and gently stroked my hardness.

Everyone was feeling pretty relaxed sitting together in the nude, with a little bit of liquor in their tummy. Soon we were to the scene of the movie where Jamie Lee Curtis does a striptease for a man she thinks is someone else, but is actually her husband played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. There's some humor in the scene but her sexy body gives it a bit of heat as well. I say out loud to all the girls that I bet Amy could move even more sexy! Amy demurred but the girls both yelled, "show us mommy show us!"

"Yes pet, it would make your Daddy happy."

When she stood I pulled Kate close to me and slipped my left hand under her breast. I get feel it's weight and firmness on the top of my hand as it rested on her rib cage. My cock was quickly reaching its full potential. Isabella was helping as she had not taken a break from moving her hand around my shaft and balls. I use the remote to pause the movie and turn on the stereo system switching around for a song for Amy to move to. I find something on an r&b station that is slow and sexy and she starts swaying her hips, looking down at the floor with her eyes closed.

Her lithe, sexy body glides to the music and moves erotically. She's running her hands up and down the sides of her body occasionally sliding them across her breasts. At one point I see her pinch a nipple and then she returns again to do it more. I can see the excitement forming dew on her lips, is she starts to moan slightly. She turns her back to the couch and Ben's slightly showing her ass with her jeweled plug. Has she been's at the waist even more you can see the wetness of her pussy glisten in the low light.

I hear Kate safe softly, "that's so hot mommy." I can feel Kate fidgeting a little on the couch, likely rubbing her thighs together as the excitement builds. Everyone has forgotten the movie as Amy's hands wander closer and closer to the heat of her wetness. Just as she is about to stroke her clit, I stand up with my full erection and say okay girls it's time for my pet and I to have some fun. I take Amy by the hand and tell the girls to follow me. I flip off the television as we leave the living room and show them the spare bedroom next to the master. It has a large queen bed for them to share, and Amy gives them each a kiss on the mouth good night. She is so incredibly horny I know she will do anything that I ask of her.

I wander over and with my full erection standing proud in front of me give each girl a hug and a kiss on the top of the head. My hands drift down to Kate's firm full ass as I hold her, then Isabella practically jumps at the chance to give me a hug. With her barely 5 ft frame hugging my 6-ft 3-in body, My full erection is practically hitting her in the chin. She has no shame and does not seem to mind, even enjoying the contact. I pull Amy from the room as she starts to pull the door shut. I stop her.

"Doors stay open. Bedroom, bathroom, whatever." She looks at me knowing that her kids are about to hear her pleasure at the very least. I push her past me and give her a smack on the ass and instruct her to be on her knees when I get to my room. I look at the girls again and they seem aware of what is about to happen to their mommy.

I look them over for a second, slow stroking my length, and say, "now, no peaking girls. Unless you really want to!"

Then I head to my room as my slut sits kneeling on the floor it what appears to be a very practiced pose. Her knees are wide, and her ass is on her heals. Her fingers are interlaced behind her back. Amy's eyes are on the floor.

"You are showing yourself to be a good slut. Are you prepared to go on? Are you prepared for everything I want from you, and your daughters?"

"Yes, Daddy." She softly says. "Yes, Daddy, what? And so I can hear you slut!" I all this firmly and not loudly, but loud enough for it to carry to the hallway where I know the girls have gathered.

"Yes, Daddy, I am prepared for take everything you desire from me and my daughters."

"Glad to hear that slut, because I think this could be wonderful for all of us. Now, open that throat!"

I work to her with my towering cock in front of her face. She tilts her head back a little and opens her mouth. Before I go in, I tap the head around her cheeks and forehead leaving dabs of precum. Each tap is like an electric shock to her pussy, she is so much in need. I reach down and smack my hand flat across her pussy and clit. She moans and nearly falls from her position. I stand back and drive my cock right into her throat, holding her head in place for a moment to long. L pull her head back and her face is read and she gasps for her breath.

"More, Daddy", she moans before I can even asked her a question. So I oblige and continue to fuck her throat. The glub, glub sounds and gasps I'm sure will draw the attention of the girls, and I'm right. I can see in the mirror across the room the Isabella is standing boldly in the middle of the doorway, with Kate looking around the doorframe.

I grab Amy by the hair and turn her head slightly so she can see her daughters watching her throat abuse. I pull out and she licks up the saliva flowing down my cock, taking time to lick my balls as well. I lift my cock high raising my balls while pushing down on her head. She takes the hint and starts licking low reaching my asshole.

"Mmm, you are a good ass-licking slut Amy. Time to try the tight cunt of yours. Remember, no cumming until I say okay. Get on the bed and show me that wet pussy!"

Knowing her daughters are watching Any crawls onto the bed. I put my hand on her lower back and top her for a moment. I grab the jewel on her butt plug and ease it out and back in a couple of times. Amy moans loudly at the stimulation of her asshole. As I do this I run the juices of her pussy around her labia and briefly over her clit. Her heads drops to the bed as she shudders and moans.

"No cumming yet, slut. Not until Daddy says you can. This ass of yours has been used before hasn't it?"

"Yes Daddy. I have some plugs at home and Sir used to fuck my ass often. I still have a plug in most of the time. I like it."

She said the last part a bit quieter than the rest, but I heard it. So did her daughters, they both seemed intrigued by the idea their mom would enjoy something stuffed in here ass. I turned and looked directly at the girls, it took a second for them to catch my eyes. They weren't sure if they were in trouble or not, but I waved them into the room. Isabella walked right up and stood next to me so she could get a close look, Kate was a bit more unsure in her movement. A manipulate the plug some more while they watch I even take Isabella's hand and have her grab the jewel with her fingertips. My hand on top of hers we move it in and pull it back out to its widest point and push it back in together.

I let go of the plug and she does it a few more times, a couple of times real quickly. Her gasps and the quick intrusion, but it turns to my own when it's pushed in deep. She is a real anal slut, and I'm going to like that. I look at Kate and put my hand out to her to bring her forward and let her try, she shakes her head no and takes one step back. She doesn't leave the room though, and she watches her sister fuck her mom in the ass with a butt plug. Not quite ready yet.

I scoot the girls back a little bit and I smack Amy on the ass couple of times each cheek. Good firm smacks leaving a handprint where they land. I grab her ankles and flip her over onto her back where she notices her daughter's just a couple of feet from the bed. She's breathing heavy and looking at me and back to her kids, I put my hand firmly on her mound and run my thumb up and down her lips rubbing her clit roughly. She breathes in a few sharp breaths and closes her eyes. She's moaning loudly now and I can tell she's on the verge of orgasm.

"Not yet you dirty little slut. You're about to get off on your daughter's watching you be used! But you don't get to come until I say so, and that won't happen until you beg!"

I pull her ass to the edge of the bed and stuck between her legs. Bending my knees slightly I push my cock down and line it up with her dripping pussy. I push the head of my cock down and rub it across her clit a couple of times eliciting more moans from Amy. Then I arch back a little bit so I can line up with her hole. With one long firm push I force my entire length into her wetness. She is dripping by now and there is almost no resistance although she is tighter than I expected. Her back arches on the bed and her hands grab hold of the bedspread in a death grip. She knows she can't orgasm until I say okay, and it takes everything she has to resist. I reach forward and grab her nipples in each hand giving them a hard pinch on my next thrust. Again her back arches up and she shudders in pleasure.

"Please Daddy!"

"Please, what slut?"

"Please let me cum on your big cock well my daughters watch!"

I pinch your nipples hard again and give a couple of quick thrusts and then I tell her, "cum my slut mommy!" I thrust a couple more times and smack across her nipples and she erupts an orgasm! She screams and moans and a liquid eruptions phrase from her cunt! And she's a squirter! I reach down and forcefully rub her clit with my thumb as she continues to squirt on my cock and balls and stomach. Now she's thrashing around the bed as her orgasm continues, she is in near hysterics. I bring her legs up and grab low on her thighs and slam into her repeatedly to bring on my own orgasm. Her anal plug rubs the underside of my cock as I pound her pussy and it's bringing me close to the edge. As I'm pounding her Isabella reaches over and runs her finger through the wetness Amy has sprayed all over my stomach and hers. She takes those fingers to her nose and sniffs, and then tentatively licks her finger before sticking it into her mouth. Oh my God, I can't take anymore! I feel my orgasm start in my toes and rush up through my balls! I want the girls to see this eruption so I pull from their mother and jack my cock in front of them. The first few strands land beyond Amy's head and across her shoulder, I continue to spray and cover her face in chest, as I continue to come I take a half turn to the right and shoot the last bit across Isabella and Kate.

I stand there stroking for another minute and then back up to the chairs sitting in the corner. I don't even have to ask as Amy slides off the bed, week need she crawls to where I'm sitting. She takes the sloppy mess that is my cock and licks it all over balls to tip. She collects all the remaining cum and her juices swallows it down. I relax enjoying the attention, head back and eyes closed.

"Kate, Is come over here. Chris may decide to let us come and live in his nice house. There will be rules, some you are used to and some new ones. One rule is you never leave Daddy's cock dirty. Your mouth is the perfect thing to keep it clean, and that is what we do for Daddy. It's our job to please him, and in return, if he chooses, you will also have great pleasure." To demonstrate her point again, she takes a long lick up my limp shaft and a quick suck into her mouth.

"Come here girls. Get on Daddy's lap and snuggle with him. Let him feel your young bodies next to his. Every part of your body belongs to him to use as he pleases. We each have three holes for his pleasure and they must all be available to him. Yes, Kate. I can see the question in your eyes. Your mouth, your ass, and your pussy. They will all accept his beautiful cock at the time of his choosing. I will help you prepare. Is that okay Daddy?"

"Yes, Mommy-slut. When I decide, they will be slut-Kate, and slut-Izzy. I think it's a good time for bed. You girls share the room next door. Tomorrow we can talk about your own rooms."
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