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Buckle up, this one's another loooong story! I hope you all enjoy it. If you've been on the internet long enough, you may even appreciate more than just the sex!
Even when I was younger, I knew that I was a complete freak. People think that perverts become perverts because of them discovering porn during their childhood or something, but I think something in my hormones just decided to scream, “Ariel is going to become obsessed with sex before even knowing what sex is.”

When I was younger I used to get in trouble at school for doing things I wasn’t supposed to do. Curious things, harmless things, but definitely things nobody my age should have been doing. Stupidly, no one ever told me why what I was doing was bad. They just told me, “girls shouldn’t be doing that.” I bet if I got a reason I would have bothered listening, but since I didn’t, all the way up to high school, all that happened was that I got more subtle at it instead.

So, of course, I discovered masturbation during grade school, and from that point on I was set. I had a button on me that gave me good feelings when I pressed it, and the more puberty changed me, the better the feelings were.

And then I was told about the Holy Grail of it all – if you got a boyfriend, and he touched it for you? You were set. It felt even better, and you could just sit back and enjoy it. What’s more, his dick? Goes inside you. Feels unreal. Best feeling on the planet.

The only problem? I sucked at talking to two people in particular: adults, basically any kind of adults, which wasn’t that bad since I barely had to, and boys I was crushing on. And you needed to have a crush on a boy to make him your boyfriend, and he needed to have a crush back. It was kind of hard to figure out if he had a crush on me if every time I so much as looked at a boy I liked, I’d turn pink, look back down at my desk and start giggling to myself.

Any other girl would be worried about that. They would be seen as a weirdo and their popularity would be in danger. Fuck that. Who gives a shit if you’re popular? Once you have your own little circle, you’re set. You’re good. Wanting to be liked by everyone was reserved for little babies who couldn’t handle anyone thinking you’re anything less than the little princess you’re clearly not. And no one, in all of Hazelwood, understood this better than the Media Gang.

I loved the Media Gang. We weren’t really a gang, or even a club, but just the people that took ComTech in junior year and fell in love with it. Anything, from the morning announcements to whatever got posted to the school’s YouTube channel, was handled by us. We knew nobody gave a shit, but parents did, and anytime Hazelwood’s mouth spoke, parents would shower the school with praise. AKA, they showered us with praise.

I was not the leader by any means, but the Media Gang was such a family that the word ‘leader’ was just a formality anyway. To the family, I wasn’t just another student interested in media, I was just Ariel. And what’s more, I didn’t just have that family… I had another.

Outside of my career at school, I was crazy interested in two things – penises and making videos. I couldn’t do anything but fantasize about penises, so in my off time, if I wasn’t playing with my pussy, I was making videos, usually YouTube videos. I would watch video essays (a type of video where adults talked about how bad children’s media was for close to an hour), get ideas, then make my own, and had done that for basically the last three-ish years, and that’s what landed me my second family.

There was this group of review YouTubers – basically YouTubers that liked to review movies and stuff like that – called The Amazing Channel. It had kind of a dumb name, but they found my channel after only thirty-ish videos and 2000 subscribers and, above all, assumed I was out of high school. They offered me an in on their channel, and offered to pay me as long as I could keep producing ‘quality content.’

(I was screaming about how bad NeverEnding Story’s editing was for about five minutes straight in my last video. Quality content.)

The only problem was, I obviously wasn’t out of high school yet, even if I was eighteen. And who was going to wait months to graduate? This was the internet age, baby. In a few months, these people would forget I existed. I had to do something, anything, to navigate this little problem.


Abraham was a complete bro. With a name like “Abraham,” he was never going to be popular, so he resigned to his fate and pursued his hobbies instead, which landed him in our little Media Gang family. More importantly though, he was never judgmental. He wasn’t the best-looking guy on the planet, but we didn’t care about that. We were usually too amazed by the fact he was always picking up new skills in his off-time and talking about them casually.

I leaned over his shoulder as he worked his Photoshop magic. “It’s all about making sure it has the same texture,” he noted out loud, maybe just to himself, as he made a new layer over this fake ID we were making.

I had to admit, it looked really real. Still, I didn’t want to boost his ego too much. “Make the age nineteen,” I demanded, gesturing to the age. “They’re gonna think I’m lying if I set the age too high.”

Abe shook his head. “Trust me,” he replied. “If you’re nineteen, one, they’re just gonna baby you, and two, what if they like to hang out and drink with each other?”

I gave him a weird look. “Um, they’re strangers, Abe,” I replied. “I’m not going to meet up with them IRL.”

“Ugh,” Drew groaned from two computers down. “Just say ‘in real life.’” He had his computer headphones on, so his fedora sat next to his keyboard. We teased him about it, and I would never admit to him that he’s the only guy I met that could actually pull off the fedora look. It helped that he kept his face shaven and cut his hair. Any less dedication to looking clean-cut, and a fedora made you look like a cringelord.

Abe ignored him. “I’m just saying, I bet The Amazing Channel does video calls, and if they think you’re too young to, you know, indulge, they’re gonna baby you.”

“Nobody here babies me,” I pointed out.

“We wouldn’t dare,” Drew laughed, now in this. “Damn Abe, that actually looks professional.”

“Yeah, trouble is, we need to print it on a good material,” he thought out loud. “Plus there’s that reflective stuff that goes over top.”

“Does that matter? I’m just gonna be sending a picture of it,” I pointed out.

“Trust me,” Abe said simply.

“Do you think I pass for a twenty-one-year-old?” I asked Drew.

Drew looked me over, moving his mouth to the side in thought. “I mean, no, but I already know you. If you just say you look young for your age… especially if you’ve got the ID to prove it…”


“Wow, you were not kidding,” the guy murmured, looking at the picture file I sent. “You do look young for your age.”

I decided not to be too opinionated (AKA too Ariel) in my first meeting with the guy, so I shrugged. “Is that a bad thing?”

“Oh, definitely not,” he replied immediately. “To be honest, I bet viewers will really like that. They’re expecting some young girl but then a grown woman opens her mouth and they’re all like ‘oh, this is not what I expected. I wanna listen.’ You know?”

I smiled at him, though probably not for the reason he thought.

“Anyways, all this checks out. We’ll be using PayPal unless you need us to use something else. All we’d need from you is a video uploaded every two weeks. And obviously, try to make them good. Eye-catching thumbnails, interesting ideas, all that. I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but I mean, this is YouTube, so if you really wanted a winner, all you’d have to do is wear a, you know, lower-cut shirt in the thumbnail and guys will flock to it. I’m not tryna be weird or sexist, I’m just saying, that gets the views.”

I raised my eyebrows. Wow, this guy was direct. A little creepy, but I was me, so that only intrigued me. Still, I was a freak, not dumb. If it somehow got out I was in high school and joined this company, the worst I would get was a slap on the wrist. If I appealed to online strangers’ horny levels when I was only eighteen, I’d get in serious shit.

“We obviously won’t punish you if a video flops,” he continued. “It happens. But if videos keep flopping or you don’t get the views we thought you would, we have a right to revisit our deal with you. It’s all in the contract, so be sure to read it over.”

I already did, before the call began. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea that this guy basically got to own my content and could cancel at any time even though I couldn’t. Plus, I was eighteen and… well, to be frank, my videos were already better than his. It helped that I actually knew how cameras worked – white balance, aperture, you name it. This guy knew how to buy an expensive camera at Best Buy and find the record button. Still, the money was good, and it was clear I wasn’t going to find this level of exposure anywhere else, so…


As soon as our useless ComTech teacher, Mr. Whittleton, left the room, Abe busted out the champagne. “Go team!” he chanted, opening the bottle ceremoniously. Drew, Raven and Harmony all cheered, while Greg twirled a finger above him sarcastically, not turning around from his computer.

Raven was a cool guy, if a little misunderstood. He wasn’t really good at… anything involving media, but he was also 5’3 and a boy, so where else was he going to go? He had everything going for him to be trendy at Hazelwood – mixed-race, good fashion sense, visible abs – but not height. Poor guy.

Harmony was your typical nerdy-looking girl. Not like, “ooh, she’s nerdy” nerdy like dumb boys drool about, but like, actually nerdy. A full lisp to her voice, thick glasses, one eye that always looked in a slightly different direction, and all the crippling insecurities and self-doubt that came from boys repeatedly bullying her about those things over the years. In here, she was confident, and it was actually kind of a shame. When she was confident, she actually had some pretty good charisma, and probably could have found some cute boy to date, but, well, her options were kind of limited here.

I’m not saying the guys here were undateable, but it wasn’t like they were nice guys that happened to look weird. Abe liked proving people wrong, Drew had an ‘um actually’ problem, Raven was like most blank-slate trying-to-be-popular guys – boring – and Greg thought he would lose street cred by actually taking interest or something. We knew he cared deep down, but Greg had this habit of only ever talking to people to make a joke at their expense or something. It actually kind of sucked that he was the best-looking out of all of us, because he could have actually done something with that. Instead, he always set out to neg people or rib them or whatever. The end result was that over time, you’d push back, and then Greg would point out, in front of everyone, how “defensive” you were. Ugh. Nobody but me actually insulted him back, but hilariously, Greg would defend himself with this faux chuckle every time someone did hit him back. Like it was so funny that someone was attempting to do what he did to him. He had the thinnest skin I’d ever seen on a guy. In small doses though, he was funny and even kind of sweet, and actually good intentions. So I only ever allowed myself to experience him in small doses.

We quickly gave out plastic cups to everyone – even Greg – and poured the champagne. It wasn’t real champagne, just some alcohol-free sparkling beverage. We weren’t stupid enough to have alcohol out in a classroom. We did this kind of celebration all the time – the last time was when Drew got his driver’s license. We were a family. We liked celebrating things together.

After drinking and celebrating, most of the Media Gang just went back to work, although Harmony and I got to talking.

“Tho what’th your firtht video going to be?”

I smirked. “I mean, I already have about thirty out, if you want to check them out,” I admitted cheekily. “But I dunno. It’s just business as usual, but now I’m gonna get paid for it.”

“Wow,” Harmony replied with stars in her eyes. She may have been older than me, but she was adorable when she got excited, like a lil’ kitten. It was easy to see her as attractive, but I was me. I could see anyone as sexy.


And that was a blessing and a curse. I physically couldn’t handle keeping my hands away from myself at least three times a day. Once in the bathroom stalls at lunch, once when I got home after school and once right before bed. If I woke up early, I was going to finger myself. If I was bored mid-afternoon, I was sliding my pants off and having fun. My parents, if they were even home, didn’t really give a shit about me, and my little brother, the most understanding person in the world, accepted it. He didn’t judge me, and I loved him for that. He wasn’t weirded out, he didn’t ask questions, he wasn’t creepy… he just gave me my space. What a trooper. Dude seemed to hate sex anyway – I had no idea how we were related. I used my first paycheck from The Amazing Channel to get him some noise-canceling headphones as a thank you. He was a huge gamer, so he loved them. I shared a thin wall with my bro, so it worked out for me too.

I used to watch porn, but it got stale really quickly. Plus, it turned out that if my job was making fun of bad movies, watching porn was the worst thing I could do to myself. There was only so many cheesy plotlines and so much wooden acting I could handle. I wanted something real.

I got the naughty idea shortly before joining The Amazing Channel. It was so taboo, so awful. I just looked up my friends’ socials and fingered myself to them. It wasn’t pornographic, it was usually not even sexy, but the idea of me fingering myself like a slut to Abe’s newest profile picture was the hottest fucking thing. I didn’t even have a crush on Abe, but if he ever wanted to be friends with benefits, I would totally be down.

Honestly, that was the case with every friend. I’d bend over for Drew. I’d suck Raven’s dick. I would eat out Harmony until she screamed. I’d even let Greg use me in that way I knew he would. And me using their innocent pictures to get myself off got me even more hot and bothered than usual. I found something new, something sexy. I loved it.

I loved it a little too much, as it turned out, if the text from my little bro asking me to be a bit quieter “please” was evidence. Besides, I’d been fingering myself for close to an hour. It was time to work. That review of The Road to El Dorado wasn’t going to make itself.

I set up the camera, readied the ***********, and cleared my throat, ready to start. As I did, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, staring at myself for a few seconds. I was wearing this button-up blouse. It looked cute, but conservative. Experimentally, I unbuttoned a button on my blouse, allowing a little bit more of my chest to show. I wasn’t busty at all – the tragedies of being born into a thin-as-rags family – but it was still kind of fun to show off. I smiled triumphantly to myself. I wasn’t breaking any laws by showing a little more skin.


Abe scored a bullseye by insisting I pose as twenty-one. The next online meeting I had with The Amazing Channel featured a surprise guest – alcohol. I was abstaining, of course, but the other guys – and they were all guys – wanted to make sure everyone in the chat was of age before they started drinking their beers and playing Jackbox. I didn’t know what would have happened if I said I was eighteen, but odds were, they wouldn’t have let me into the call.

Go figure, the guys all loved me. They were just as much shut-in nerds as the guys in the Media Gang, but the Media Gang had two girls – one of them being me of all people – letting them know that girls were humans too. These guys thought all women wear corsets and put hearts above their i’s and always say ‘please and thank you’ and were dumber than men or something. Yet here I was, a fully grown woman, sitting at her computer with bad posture, wearing pajama bottoms, making better dick jokes than any of the men during Quiplash. All I had to do was dye my hair and bam, I was every boy’s dream girl. I wasn’t ruling it out but for now it stayed my signature dark brown.

One Discord meeting quickly turned into two, then three, then four. The guys met every week, and apparently at first, they only planned to invite me to one a month. Soon, I was seeing them every week too, and they were getting more and more open joking about sex in front of a girl. How scandalous.

“Let’s fucking go!” CinemaCynic celebrated when the screen showed he won our game of Tee KO. “You guys need to step up your game.”

“And you need to get some bitches, Nick,” I scoffed, and the other guys all went “Ooooh” in a chorus. It wasn’t a great line, but whenever a woman said it, these dudes lost their minds.

“Sorry, where’s your boyfriend, Ariel? At the bottom of the sea?” CinemaCynic tried to fire back.

“What’s that, like, a Little Mermaid joke?” I asked with derision.

“That doesn’t even make sense,” Dan from Show Me the Money Shot cut in with his signature buttery voice. “Ariel was the mermaid in that movie. She fell for a guy from the land, on the beach or whatever.”

“Yeah, if this is your brand of snappy commentary Nick, don’t expect to have more subscribers than me for too long, dude,” I added swiftly, getting rewarded with another chorus of “Ooh”s.

Nick laughed, knowing this was all in good fun, though he couldn’t resist slipping in an “Ariel, you are so fucking ugly, dude” when I went up to get some water.

I leaned back into the frame of my webcam and just asked, “Yo Nick, how much do you weigh?” and took my headphones off, knowing the guys would be hooting and hollering again. This was so fun. I played it off as whatever, but this was like having a second family – one that paid me to be a family member. Yeah, they were a little weird, but what family wasn’t weird? Ohana means family, and family means you get called ugly a few times for a joke. Besides, I knew I wasn’t ugly, so that helped.

That meeting changed me forever, once I got back and put my headphones on. As soon as I said that I was back, Nick started laughing.

“See? She totally looks like it!” he insisted to the others.

“Looks like what, what did I miss?” I asked.

“It’s creepy. Trust me, don’t ask,” Cartoon Critic warned me.

I rolled my eyes. “Guys, I’m a woman on the internet. I can handle creepy. Though it’s not surprising at all that Nick is being the creepy one.”

“Oh come on, Dan’s gonna be the one outed in like six years for touching kids,” Nick joked.

“Projection,” Dan noted humorously.

“I was just saying,” Nick continued. “That you look exactly like one of those ‘pick me’ girls that lets her like three boyfriends freeuse her. And I’m not gonna apologize for it.”

My eyebrows lowered in slight confusion. Free use? Never heard of it.

“See, what did I say, you pissed her off,” Cartoon Critic cut in. “Nick, you gotta learn to-”

“No no, I just don’t get it,” I clarified. “What’s free use?”

Silence, then a chorus of laughter met my ears. “What’s free use?” Matthew from This Movie Sucks repeated. “Come on, Ariel, you’re trolling us.”

“It’s pretty intuitive,” Dan continued.

“Well, I’m not getting it, so just tell me,” I flatly replied.

“Nah, this is a trick,” Nick replied swiftly. “I get it. Make me explain the burn so it just looks awkward on me. I ain’t falling for it.”

“No trick,” I said earnestly. “I just have no clue what free use is.”

“Wow,” Dan chuckled. “Okay, so – I’ll handle this one, Nick. Free use, is, uh… Wow, this is actually kind of hard.”

“It’s a sex thing, right?” I asked rhetorically. “Do you have a problem talking about sex to a girl, Daniel? I can recommend you a shrink.”

“Alright, alright, jeez,” Dan laughed. “Fine, you want blunt? It’s when a girl offers up her body to her male friends. Like, anytime, anywhere, just using her body. It’s not even about her pleasure, it’s like she’s a sex toy for her dude friends.”

“Or girl friends,” Nick cut in. “Or a boy can do it. Or, like, anyone.”

“Yeah, sorry, I wasn’t thinking of using inclusive fucking language to talk about Ariel getting freeused, dude,” Dan laughed.

It was like brain synapses were getting formed on the spot. I’d never felt so stupid in my life. How could I have never even conceived of this idea?? Getting free used. Not even friends with benefits, just… getting used. Like a living sex toy. Under a desk giving a guy a blowjob while he’s just working or doing something else. Or even talking to a friend, with me sucking his cock being the most banal, normal thing in the world. Fuck.

“See? You upset her,” Nick continued as I faded back into reality.

“Me?!” Dan asked incredulously. “You were the one that said she looks like she enjoys it!! She asked me to explain it and I did.”

“Guys, I’m not upset,” I cut in, in a way softer voice than I normally used. I squeezed my legs together. I was so incredibly wet. I needed to log off soon and spend some quality time with my fingers. For a millisecond, I thought about lying, but… these guys were my family. I couldn’t lie to my family. “I honestly never even considered that could be a thing. That’s all.”

Matthew guffawed. “Wow Ariel, never? You talk a big game, but you are way more innocent than we thought you were.”

I breathed in and out. I couldn’t lie to my family. “Oh no Matthew,” I began in a low voice. “I’m uh… I think about sex a lot. Like, you want blunt? I have to get off like three times a day, minimum.”

In the webcam view, I saw Cartoon Critic drop his beer can.

“I don’t even watch porn anymore because it’s too tame for me. It’s also super manufactured, you know? If I’m gonna finger myself, it needs to be to something real. Something freaky. So this free use thing is, uh… it’s kinda doing it for me.”

No one said anything for a bit. “Woah,” Nick eventually croaked. “That’s, uh… that’s wild.”

“That’s definitely a thing you just said,” Dan acknowledged.

“I mean, whatever,” Cartoon Critic replied in this faux ‘playing it cool’ voice. “It’s biology. It’s normal. Everybody does it.”

“I never said I do it,” Nick cut in, and the other guys chuckled a bit. There was definitely a lull in the conversation after that. I guess I made it awkward by being blunt, but they literally joked about me enjoying it like a minute before, so like…? What, was I not allowed to admit to liking sex, but they could joke or probably even fantasize me being into it? Talk about a double standard.

That day I learned two important lessons. One, The Amazing Channel was still my second family, but like, the older family, the one that was out of touch. The one you can’t really have deep chats with, or they’ll think you’re being weird, despite their attempts to be cool and understanding. Two, I loved free use. Once the call was over, I was hornier than I’d ever remembered being. I looked up free use porn, I read free use stories, and my hand never left my pussy for close to two hours. If my brother ever texted me, I told him I had needs and to put those headphones to good use. I was discovering myself. I needed this.


My leg moved restlessly in class. I was debating raising my hand and asking Mr. Jefferson if I could go to the bathroom. I already did last period to quickly play with myself, but it wasn’t enough. It was like scratching a mosquito bite – it just made me need more. Three times a day was now a distant memory; it was five, minimum, often more. And at least two were at school.

It was getting bad. Whenever I denied myself release for too long, I caught myself using my free hand to rub myself over my pants under the desk. Thank goodness none of my dumb teachers saw, they would just say I needed counseling or whatever. I knew better. I needed to be free used.

Trouble was, by whom? The only people who already knew about free use in my life were older, and physically strangers. Yeah, we talked online, but they were kinda dorky and kinda creepy and, biggest hurdle, thought I was twenty-one. It was hot to finger myself thinking about an older guy taking me – my teachers, for instance, may have been dumb, but some of them were hot as fuck – but it was an idea. A fantasy. Only sexy because it wouldn’t happen. I could think about Mr. Jefferson’s cock all I wanted, but if the dude actually tried to seduce me, I would have genuinely reported the guy. Leave fantasies as fantasies, you know? Maybe someday if I met him in a grocery store after graduating… maybe. We’d have to see.

And The Amazing Channel? Nope. I wouldn’t tell the other creators about it, but after the call ended, Matthew ended up sending me a message, saying that if I ever wanted the free use experience, he could show me a few things privately, but ‘only if I wanted, no pressure.’ Playing it cool. He had no idea I was still in high school. I couldn’t do that to him, or myself. I tried to let him down as easy as I could. It helped that I could say “I can’t do anything long distance, it has to be in person” and that seemed as reasonable as anything.

So who did that leave? Any boy I crushed on was a no-no, both because I couldn’t just be free-used by a guy I wanted to date, and because I couldn’t even talk to those boys, let alone ask them to use my body as they pleased. I had a few distant friends, and I had boys drooling over me in one or two classes. It could be really easy to corner those drooling boys and give them the deal, but there were a few problems there. One, if things went south, “Ariel likes being free used” would be an ugly rumor. Knowing how much our school hated women as much as early SNL did, I could have probably been suspended or something with a rumor like that. Two, it was a hassle and frankly kind of vulnerable to approach strangers and just be like, “Hi! You don’t know me at all, but you’re attracted to me. Let’s spend some time getting to know each other, and we’ll see if you still like me after, you know, actually getting to know me, or if you’ll get me to change. If it’s the latter, go fuck yourself. If it’s the former, great! I’ll then tell you how I’m not looking for a relationship and say I’m into being free used, and we’ll have to be on the same page on both fronts if this is going to work. If not, I go to the next drooling boy and start again from square one.” Jesus. What a headache. I sighed, getting up from my English class and leaving, onto my next class.

The Media Gang was all that was left. They wouldn’t judge me, but they were virgins, almost definitely, and they didn’t even want to take charge during the morning announcements, let alone casual free use sex. All this reflecting just culminated in me sulking, my restless leg reflecting my constant need to cum, sitting next to Greg as he worked.

He peered over at me briefly. “You look like shit,” he observed.

“Yeah, I feel like shit,” I admitted, then looked around the room. Raven was out, Harmony was taking a break listening to music, and Drew and Abe were diligently working, headphones on.

“Well, if you wanted to say something, may as well,” Greg replied, focused on his work himself but with his headphones off.

I nervously looked around. My heartbeat grew faster at the very idea of telling him. I learned very quickly not to be blunt, and even though I wasn’t always a fan of Greg’s attitude, he was still a dear friend that I didn’t want to lose. At the same time, I was going crazy. I needed to tell someone, even if they weren’t going to be the one to free use me.

“So, uh…” I began clumsily. “It’s really private stuff, if you get what I mean.”

Greg, uncharacteristically, looked around the room too. He looked back at me and gave me a muted smile. “We may as well be alone,” he confirmed after noting his surroundings. “Private, like, bad news, or private like, it’s about other people, or private like, you hooked up with a guy?”

“I guess mostly the third one?” I admitted. “But I didn’t hook up with a guy. But, um, do you ever… you know, hook up with people?”

“If you want the honest answer, I used to,” Greg admitted. He didn’t need to fake playing it cool. He just was relaxed and confident talking about it. I squeezed my legs together, remembering all the times I came to his topless beach trip pictures. “You know how Tiffany and I were kind of on-and-off?”

I nodded, flushing a little.

“Well, even when we were off, we were kind of friends with benefits. Ultimate compliment, I guess. Even when she didn’t want to be my girlfriend, she still wanted my-” He turned to look at me. “I mean… sorry, that’s crass.”

“Crass is okay. I can handle crass. Be crass,” I said a little too quickly. Wow, I was not acting as smoothly as I could have been.

He noticed. His eyes lingered on me for a bit, then he continued. “Okay, so, oversharing alert…” He glanced at me, but I said nothing, so he continued. “I’m pretty gifted down there. Tiff still wanted my dick after we broke up the first time, and it kinda became this complicated on-and-off thing where we kept going, ‘hey, if we’re having sex, may as well be boyfriend and girlfriend again.’ Then we remembered we had zero actual romantic feelings for each other.” He sat back and chuckled. “Every single time. We managed to forget like three or four times. So we just stopped trying to be a couple and, y’know, did it every few days or weeks or whatever. We actually only stopped a month ago. She’s seeing some new guy. Part of me is bummed out, but part of me is like, ‘yes, I can move on, I’m a free man,’ you know? It was like, I couldn’t actually have sex with anyone else as long as I was with her, even if we weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend.”

I nodded, squeezing my legs together again. “Yeah, that makes sense.”

“So, what’s your story? I mean, unless it changed, you don’t date. Did you just find some guy you want to keep on the down low?” I didn’t say anything, so he stopped working and turned to me with a cheeky grin. “If it’s private, I won’t make fun of you. The others will never know. It can just stay between us.”

I looked at him for a bit, nervously exhaling. “I can tell you, but… if I do, you have to promise that. And promise not to judge me. Even if it turns out you can’t help me out, you either don’t change how you treat me or I kill myself.”

“Damn, this sounds intense,” Greg muttered. “No need to get defensive. Just say it.” I paused for a long time, just facing the computer screen, and Greg’s eyes followed mine. He shrugged. “Or type it.”

I liked that idea more. I nodded slowly, then pulled up a blank word file. My fingertips landed on top of the keys, not hitting a single key yet, and Greg watched intently as my jaw trembled. I chuckled in nervousness, and turned to him. “Don’t look as I’m typing,” I softly ordered. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”

He shrugged and turned back to his computer, still working. I waited for a minute or so, making sure he truly was working, then started typing.

I was wondering if you wanted to help me. So, I have needs, and they’ve been growing lately. I really need someone to hook up with, but not a stranger who can get feelings or think I’m someone I’m not, then try to out me to the whole school if it turns bad.

I want someone to use me. I don’t even want a friend with benefits. I want to be used, like someone’s personal sex toy. If you say yes, you can have me and use my body any time you want. Preferably, don’t even acknowledge it. Anytime we’re alone (and we can hang out whenever), just start touching me. I’ll always want it. And even if I don’t look like I want it, use me anyway.

Just let me know if you don’t want that. We can forget I ever said this. But if you say no and bring this up to anyone, I will jump out the fucking window.

Concise? Enh, could be better. If I had more time I would have written a shorter speech. Once I looked it over, I squeezed my eyes shut, poked Greg in the shoulder, then buried my head in my hands.

My pulse pounded in my ears. My pussy radiated heat, its needy pulse like a second heart. I didn’t dare look up, feeling the warmth and hearing the breathing from Greg, leaning in to read the paragraph. After an eternity and a half, I felt him reach forward and type something – couldn’t have been longer than a sentence – then move back, poking me in the shoulder in turn.

I slowly removed my face from my hands and looked at the screen, seeing three paragraphs… he wrote all that…? Oh, wait, they were my paragraphs. Duh. I looked at the bottom and saw he added four words.

sure lol, sounds fun ;)

I couldn’t help but start laughing when I read that. Not even like a ‘haha’ laugh, just like, the motions of a laugh but completely out of shock. Panic. I was having a panic attack. That was it.

Luckily, it was pretty minor, so I did my best to calm down, and quickly added an addendum.

Just for the record, go slow and be patient. I’m a virgin, and I’ve never done anything like this. I will probably make a few mistakes.

Greg watched as I typed this part, and it seemed to actually be the part that concerned him the most for whatever reason. He looked at me, not even attempting to hide the concerned confusion on his face, and started typing again.

youre a virgin but you want someone to just start touching you or fucking you with no warning? no offense but you dont even know your own body yet. you should prob have youre first time before doing this sex toy thing.

I glared at him for a bit, before putting my hands on the keyboard, never taking my eyes away from him as I typed.


He grinned, but reached forward.

im serious.

I rolled my eyes. I thought boys were the ones to be too simplistic and black-and-white about sex, not the ones to make things complicated.

Okay then, during our first time I’ll light a candle. I don’t give a fuck who I lose my virginity to. Do you remember who you played your first video game with? It means the same thing to me.

It was his turn to roll his eyes.

im not being sentimental, dumbass. im saying that you need to know how to walk before you run. you need to know how sex works before you start breaking its rules. do you remember how bad you were when you played your first video game? imagine you played it on hard mode.

I had a steely face on, but even after he retracted his arms, I remained, digesting what he meant. I could feel him looking at me, so I reached my hands forward again.

So free use sex is normal sex on hard mode, and I should have sex normally first?

He didn’t bother to reply via text. He just nodded. “Definitely,” he added, breaking the spell of us not talking. “Trust me, I’m not being sentimental. Future You is going to thank you. Otherwise, you’ll get confused, or miss some important cues, or think one thing is something when it’s actually another… Like, no offense, but just take it from a guy who’s actually been there before. You can’t go from zero to a hundred. That’s not me challenging you, that’s me saving you from getting confused and also from being…” He leaned in and whispered. “…Bad at sex.” He leaned back.

I whispered too, without leaning in. “How bad can I be if I’m just a toy and other people are the ones using me?”

“Trust me,” he said simply. “If you want me to show you the ropes, let’s just meet at my place. I can do tomorrow after school.”

I marveled at him. “You really are good at seeing this as just a transaction thing,” I commented as I closed the text file, my confession lost to the heavens like Firefly Season 2.

He shrugged, and gestured to my computer. “You made your intentions clear, I guess,” he admitted. “Plus, this is basically like being with Tiff, except we’re actually being honest when we say there’s nothing romantic there.” He paused, then pointed at me with a serious expression, and I nodded. His expression softened. “Then yeah, it’s easy. The biggest thing is just getting you comfortable with it. Not the idea, the actual action. It needs to come second nature to you.”

I chuckled darkly. “I have a funny feeling it will.”

Greg slowly grinned at me.


I never would have admitted this to him in a million years, but Greg was right. I was nervous as fuck walking into his house the next day. If I was a gambler, I would have bet he was a little nervous too, especially since we knew each other for years and we were about to cross this line together. He was too proud to tell me, but I could also tell he was excited. I bet he wanted me for a while.

We sat in his room and made dumb small talk for a bit before we quieted down, looking at each other and chuckling like dummies. I couldn’t bring it up. I couldn’t be the one to bring it up. I wanted to, but couldn’t.

“Alright, so, you want to be someone’s, you know…” Greg cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. I didn’t know if he was trying to hide it or not, but he had a boner. “Wow, this is harder than I thought.”

“So I can see,” I boldly joked, gesturing down to his crotch. “And it’s not anyone in particular. I just wanna be someone’s…” I shivered. “…Sex toy.”

Greg was particularly interested in my first comment, following my eyes down to his bulge. He was definitely hard, and clearly not lying about being big. “Heh, yeah, may as well start with that,” he admitted, grabbing his bulge. “So, ever seen one in person?”

I shook my head no, staring right at it.

“Ever wanted to?” he asked, smiling hungrily.

I lowered an eyebrow. “What do you think, genius?” I asked sarcastically.

“I’m just trying to set the mood,” he said exasperatedly. “I already have to guide your ass through this. Now I gotta deal with attitude too.” He stood up. “Just tell me you wanna see it.”

I smiled, my sarcasm never leaving my face. “Yes, I want to see it.”

Greg, my friend for years, the guy that never knew I fingered myself to his social media posts, removed his pants and his underwear in one fell swoop. With less hesitation than I thought someone that nervous would have, he revealed his boner to me, bobbing right in front of my face.

Anytime it wasn’t bobbing, it was almost perfectly still, held in place, almost painfully hard. I hadn’t seen one in person until now, but his looked… impressive. A thick shaft leading up to the crown of his dick, a pinkish-purple head pulsating with need. “Huh,” I said out loud. “Cool.”

Greg laughed. “‘Cool,’” he repeated. “We’re going to have to work on what you say to a guy.”

Greg was never not going to be Greg. I was almost annoyed he was going to be the first one to get free access to me. Still, I couldn’t deny my heart was beating faster now that I got to see his dick. The smell of it was beginning to overpower my senses. I was going to get to fuck someone, and then I could be someone’s plaything. I wanted so badly to be a plaything. I wanted to be owned and used.

“So, should I do the same thing?” I clumsily asked. “I mean, you showed me yours…”

He chuckled condescendingly. “That’s the idea, Ariel.”

I gave him a look. “If you’re going to get to use me, you could at least be grateful,” I nearly barked. “You want this too. Cool it with the attitude.”

Against my expectations, he just widened his smile. “If you really want to be used, this attitude should turn you on,” he pointed out.

“Yeah well it doesn’t,” I fired back. “I don’t know what I’m doing. Actually support me instead of being condescending.”

“Alright, alright,” he soothed, holding his hands out in front of him. “Well then, I’ll try to give you the full treatment.” Without warning, he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in close. “What’s the ruling on kisses?”

I hadn’t considered that, but my brain was being overwritten as I felt Greg’s warm hands on my sides. I had zero romantic attraction to the guy, especially since he proved he couldn’t even want me sexually without being a bit of a jerk, but the sexual energy in the air was still overwriting my brain. I could feel my hormones clouding my judgment in real time, and barely squeaked out: “Not on the lips.”

“Sounds like a party,” he murmured, before diving into my neck. As he closed the space against us, I felt his dick on my shirt. I knew guys got excited and their dicks started leaking, so thinking quick, I raised my shirt right as he started sucking on my neck. Greg saw it as an invitation and started grinding against my stomach.

My eyes fluttered closed when Greg began sucking on my neck. I felt like I could float up into the air. If this was how it felt when a boy was kissing my neck, I was going to meet God when he fucked me. “Nnn…” I moaned without control, feeling one last thought crawl into my head. “Isn’t that going to leave marks?”

“I guess it will,” Greg simply answered. “You’re going to have to come up with some kind of story. Or…” He paused. “I guess you’ll tell whoever asks that some boy used your body and that it’s no more than you deserve.” As he said that, his hand flew up to my ass and squeezed it.

I shuddered. I felt myself leaking. My pussy was pulsing. Greg definitely had some kind of experience with this. “Fuck yes,” I moaned, losing control. “Use me, Greg, mark me up. I’ll tell everyone proudly that I’m just a free-use slut and a guy had his way with me.”

Greg chuckled, even with his tongue on me. “We’re definitely not taking this as slowly as I had planned,” he murmured. I didn’t care. I used my free hand to pop open my fly and move my pants down just enough, before taking his hand off of my ass and guiding it towards my pussy. Even despite what he had just said, Greg learned to go with the flow quite quickly, gently yet firmly tracing his middle finger over my slit. He wasn’t being rough and clueless. This was a guy that knew what he was doing, and he was going to use me.

I moaned, feeling his hand over my wet, nearly-aching pussy. After a few teasing movements, he looked me in the eye, moving his hand overtop of my panties… then inside. Greg was fingering me. He had full access to my pussy. Every movement of his made me nearly jerk my body in place, and my poor legs were giving out. After a feeble attempt to talk, I moved over and sat clumsily down, and before long afterwards, I was laying down on his bed, giving my legs a break. Greg was taking off my panties, looking intently at my pussy, fingering me while talking slowly.

“You’re quite the horny slut,” he began, his voice taking on this power I didn’t know his voice had. “Most free-use sluts try to remain quiet and lifeless, letting the guy use them casually.”

“I guess… I’m not like… other free-use sluts,” I breathed, trying to be defiant and not letting him win, even as my hormones overwhelmed me.

“I know,” he replied calmly. “I like it.” He turned to look me in the eyes, still fingering me, his own dick still bobbing. “But I’ve been pleasing you a lot considering you’re the one who wants to be used for my pleasure. Give me a blowjob.”

I bit my lip, nodding. I gladly would have. I craved having a dick in my mouth badly – so many girls, and boys, did. At least I was being honest about wanting my classmates. I quickly got on my knees, studying the hard thick cock in front of me, all while Greg chuckled and sat back.

“Remember, you’re going to be giving a lot more blowjobs in the future, so you can savor it now, but be sure to figure out how to get into the groove quickly,” he instructed me.

I nodded and experimentally licked the underside of his dick. It tasted like sweat and… something else. It wasn’t bad, just new. I licked again, then again, then licked it all the way from the base to the tip. Greg groaned, and I couldn’t help but smile. The dude talked a big game, but he was as easy as any other boy, and soon, I’d have a lot more experience pleasing them, as the group’s plaything.

I shuddered. Fuck. The group. What if I was just the free-use slut of the Media Gang? If any of the guys ever needed release, they’d just grab me, not even asking, and announce to the group that they were going to go cum down my throat and they’d ‘be back in a minute.’ That visual was so fucking hot.

That thought kept running through my head as I opened my mouth, taking Greg’s cock in my mouth for the first time. I definitely did want to savor the moment. The taste of dick was, happily, instantly addictive. I was at my happiest just taking this dick in my mouth. Quickly, I intuitively realized that I should be curling my lips over my teeth – no guy wants the feeling of teeth on his dick – and after beginning to bob my head back and forth, I realized all of the things I should be doing. Where my mouth should go, how to breathe properly, everything.

Greg was moaning instantly. “Fuck… god damn!” he swore. “Okay, who did you blow before me?”

I took my mouth off of him. “I told you, no one,” I replied, grabbing his dick and jacking it off.

He winced. “I can definitely tell that’s the case with your handjobs – no seriously, ease up – but no virgin gives blowjobs like that.”

I shrugged and my eyes sparkled. “I guess that really just proves I was made to suck dick,” I replied in a teasingly innocent joke. Within seconds, my mouth was back on his dick, and less than a minute later, after showing off my skills, Greg was groaning, blowing his load into my mouth.

It was way harder to swallow as I went than I’d thought. The taste wasn’t too terrible, and I was happy to swallow it, but I just couldn’t. My cheeks ballooned and eventually, some of his spunk started leaking out of my mouth. I swallowed what I could, but the rest leaked down my face. My eyes watered. My chin was a mess. I was a cock-hungry slut that just made my friend cum.

“Holy shit…” he moaned, then looked at my face. He started to chuckle. “Fuck, hold on.” He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his phone, locking eyes with me. His semi-hard dick started to get hard again as he snapped a few pictures of my face.

“Not even going to ask, huh?” I asked smugly.

“Welcome to being a free-use slut,” he replied with the same smugness.

I smiled. I had no doubt that if I told Greg not to, or to delete those pictures, he would. Plus, he was right. If I needed to grant permission first, I wasn’t being a free-use slut. But still… “Send those to me,” I told him. “I’m sure I can find a few people to send them to with enough time. In fact…” I grabbed his dick, now hard again, and started pumping it slowly, moving my face in close. “Do you want to take a few more pictures with me holding it like this?”

He shifted in place. “Well, I dunno if I want pictures of my actual dick. Y’know.”

I lowered an eyebrow. What a pussy. “Okay, what about if it was in my mouth?” I asked. “All they’d see is the shaft. You have to admit it would be hot, right…?”

Greg shook his head slowly, a smile forming on his face. “Wow, you’re way sluttier than I thought,” he admitted. “How the fuck did you hide this from everyone for so long?”

“I dunno,” I honestly admitted. “I need to cum like three times a day at least. I was gonna fucking explode sooner or later. So, blowjob pics, yay or nay?”

Greg laughed, readying the camera. “Yay,” he admitted. “Get to work, slut.”


Annoyingly, Greg wouldn’t fuck me that night. Something about having no condoms and not being on birth control made the guy stop, as if he couldn’t just pull out or something. So fucking annoying. Still, we took a lot of pictures, and he sent them to me shortly after I left, so that was a plus.

I had a lot of fun with those pictures later on that night. It felt kind of weird rubbing my pussy to myself, but I wasn’t really thinking about myself while I did it. It was how low I’d sank, the fact a cock was in my mouth, the cum on my face. It was hot as fuck. I now had picture evidence of me being a free-use slut. This was amazing.

While I was eating dinner by the TV, I tried asking my mother as casually as I could if I could start birth control. I made up a bunch of lies about regulating my hormones and making my period easier and all that, and I guess after going into too much detail, she put down her fork and insisted we’ll go to the doctor if I just stop talking. I just rolled my eyes, looking back at the TV. I did steal a quick glance at my brother and see him give me a playfully disapproving face. I smiled and shrugged, like we were sharing a joke. Dad wasn’t home, so luckily, I didn’t have to get The Talk from him – thank fuck. His last three Talks sucked. I learned way more about sex from blowing Greg than I ever did from my parents. Mostly, I learned that it was fucking awesome, and that I needed to start taking birth control as soon as possible.


I was a new Ariel after that. Beforehand, I didn’t really care about what I wore, slapping on a t-shirt and some pants, but now… I wanted to try being a little sluttier. I purposefully chose an older shirt, one a little small for me, before going to class. It wasn’t like I was completely changing – at least, on the outside – but it was a good way to test the waters.

Boys are horny as fuck. I barely changed anything and all day, whenever I turned around, a new pair of eyes were on me. Even some boys I used to crush on were now looking at me, but when I caught them, none of them had the balls to wink at me or even keep looking. They all turned away or acted like I was the weird one. All for wearing a slightly smaller shirt? Jesus. I realized in second period, to my discomfort, that this wasn’t going to make me an object of desire to these idiots, it was just going to get me labeled as a whore or a hussie in the bad way and get rumors to start. Then I’d get bullied, teachers would have to get involved… What a pain.

Sure enough, when I walked into the ComTech classroom, Mr. Whittleton looked at me and slightly scowled. “I don’t think that shirt is appropriate for class,” he let me know.

“It’s all I had,” I lied with a shrug. “I’m doing laundry today.”

“Well, in the future, don’t come to school with that on,” he replied a little sourly. “It’s inappropriate to wear that around your peers and your male teachers.”

I couldn’t stop myself from noticing that last part. And, shit-disturber that I was, I couldn’t stop myself from continuing the conversation. “Wait, what was that last part?”

Mr. Whittleton didn’t back down. “We have a dress code at the school, and it’s not okay to wear that. It’s too revealing.”

“No, you said, ‘male teachers.’ Wearing this around male teachers is the problem?”

“Yes,” Whittleton said with annoyance in his tone. “It’s too revealing. I already said that.”

“So if girls, high-school age girls, come to class wearing tight clothes, that’s a problem for male teachers?”

No one was working on their assignments anymore. Everyone had turned to the tense situation Whittleton had caused.

“It’s a problem for anyone to disrespect the dress code,” Whittleton replied. “We don’t let boys walk around shirtless.”

“Would that make things difficult for the female teachers?”

“Come on, Ariel, you’re being inappropriate,” Whittleton said disapprovingly, shaking his head.

“No, I’m just giving the same example you gave, with the genders swapped,” I replied, holding out two fingers and twisting my wrist to make my point. “If me wearing tight clothes is even noticed by the male teachers, isn’t it kind of screwed up? Shouldn’t people hired to be teachers not care about how sexy young girls look in smaller shirts?”

“Ariel, this is my last warning, sit down,” Whittleton nearly roared, though he still took my bait. “It can be distracting to the boys your age in your classes, and teachers are under obligation to make sure their classes run effectively, and make sure girls behave according to the rules and dress modestly. Those are just the rules.”

“None of the boys here even noticed me yet,” I argued back. “You saw my shirt and immediately, like, scowled. All of the boys were working until we started talking. Are you distracted by me wearing a tight shirt, Mr. Whittleton?” He started to talk, so I talked over him. “Why are you so distracted by a young student wearing a slightly tighter shirt, what’s up with that?”

“Go to the principal’s office, now,” he ordered, his face getting redder. “None of what you said is true, and you’re just saying things to avoid responsibility. That’s all this is. I told you the rules, and you couldn’t handle that.”

I looked around at my classmates, shrugged to them, and turned away, walking back towards the principal’s office. I couldn’t help but smirk. Whatever you needed to tell yourself, Mr. Whittleton. Whatever you needed to say, buddy.

I didn’t even hate authority. Hell, when it was a good teacher, I actually had a lot of respect for authority figures, but if they lost my respect, they had to earn it back, and Whittleton was a piece of work, if ‘work’ was even the four-letter word I wanted to use. The dude didn’t even teach us – he directed us to YouTube tutorials when it came time to edit our video projects – and his class motto was “you’re not as funny as you think you are.” He was the posterboy for why some students were fully justified in hating their teachers.

Luckily for me, the principal, Mr. Scott, was the antithesis of that attitude, and the model of what a good authority figure should be. When I got to his office, he welcomed me, and did what every principal should do in that situation.

“Now, I heard from Mr. Whittleton that you had come to class with a garment that disrespected the dress code, and when he told you not to, you suggested he was… you gave a very serious accusation,” Mr. Scott began. “But I would like to hear both sides of the story, so, go ahead and tell me what happened.”

Upfront communication, clear expectations, even stuff for me to refute. Ugh, what a gem. I didn’t lie, and told him the whole thing from my perspective, even the detail about me swapping the genders.

“…And at the end, I pointed out that none of the students even saw me yet before he pointed it out, so clearly it wasn’t just about how my male friends reacted,” I reasoned at the end. “He just saw me and came to his own conclusions. And, like, yeah, that is weird, especially since… I mean, look at me. I’m wearing a slightly smaller shirt. My whole body is covered though, and this is just a regular t-shirt, just a little small. So I totally did straight up ask him if he was distracted by an young female student wearing a slightly smaller shirt, and if he was, why he would point it out. I think that’s a fair fucking- oh, whoops, sorry.”

I only noticed then I was breathing heavily, and I felt flushed. I was actually upset. I kinda didn’t notice right up until then. Even in my head, I was just telling myself it was a game or whatever, but now, tears weren’t an impossibility if I didn’t calm down.

“It’s okay,” Scott soothed. “I assume that last word was going to be ‘point?’”

I nodded. “My other friends were there. They can back me up. He was being weird. I didn’t like it. If you’re looking at me and you think I seriously was dressing up like a sex object, then whatever, call my parents I guess.” I was looking down at the floor at this point.

Scott laughed a reassuring laugh to lighten the mood. “Now come on Ariel, we both know I’m not calling your parents over this. I’m sorry you were so upset by what happened. I think I will talk to your friends if that’s alright, not because I don’t believe you, but because right now it’s one person’s word against another’s.”

“Okay,” I said with a sigh, standing up. “I’m going to go to the washroom before going back to class if that’s okay. And, uh…” I gestured my hands down my body. “Can I really not wear this to school?”

Scott paused, looking at me – in the eyes, because he was such a class act. He eventually shrugged. “I personally wouldn’t…” he trailed off, then gestured at nothing with his hands. “…but I’ll leave it there. You haven’t broken any rules, and if a teacher condemned you with everyone in the class listening, you’re right, he shouldn’t have done that. You can tell teachers to talk to you in private if this happens again. You’re free to go.”

What a legend.


I returned to ComTech around halfway through the period after calming down. Annoyingly, Whittleton was still there, although I wasn’t exactly expecting him to be fired on the spot or something. I noticed that Drew was out of the classroom now – maybe being cross-examined – so I sat next to Greg, avoiding eye contact with Whittleton the whole time.

Greg was nonchalantly typing, not even looking at me. “You… are… trouble,” he said casually in a quiet voice, savoring each word, as he worked.

“Oh, eat me,” I bitterly replied. “Go ahead and tell me I was in the wrong.”

“If I thought you were in the wrong, I would have begun with that,” he said matter-of-factly, then turned and gave me a muted smile. His smiles were always muted. “How ya holding up, kid?”

I rolled my eyes. “That fuckin’ sucked,” I admitted, slumping on the desk.

I felt Greg’s hand supportively rubbing my back. “Now do you see why it’s important to know your limits?”

“Oh my God, fuck you,” I bitterly spat. “Are you seriously turning this into an ‘I told you so’ moment?”

“You didn’t wear that shirt because you were doing laundry today,” Gred replied matter-of-factly. Fuck. He could see right through me, and not even in the way I wanted. I didn’t respond, and he gave me another belittling smile. “I know these things.”

“Doesn’t make what he said right,” I said, looking at him but still with my head on my arms, resting on the table.

“You’re right, it doesn’t,” Greg replied, scratching his nose. He turned to the entrance of the classroom, and my eyes wearily followed. Drew was walking into the classroom, and said a few words to Mr. Whittleton. With a sigh, Whittleton got up.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Keep working on your projects,” he told us, then walked out.

I turned back to Greg to see an uncharacteristic twinkle in his eye. “So, you like wearing sluttier clothes now?” he asked with a slight purr to his voice.

I shrugged. “It was an experiment. I guess I won’t be doing it at school if this fucking t-shirt caused a world war.” I looked it over. “It’s just a little tighter. Showing my midriff or my boobs is out of the question.”

“What boobs?” he asked playfully, getting rewarded with a slap from me. “Well hey, if you want to feel better, wanna sneak off and suck my dick?”

“Greg-!” I whisper-exclaimed, nervously looking around the room. Part of me was nervous, but another part of me… it was like I was instantly swimming in a sea of excitement. Even though my face turned whiter than season 2 of The Wire… like, yes, I wanted to suck his dick. I always wanted to suck dick. Plus, who cared if I didn’t? That’s what being a free-use slut was all about.

He didn’t wait to elaborate further. He didn’t even care how it looked that we were leaving the classroom together. He just got out of his seat and said, “Come with me.” Luckily the class was so under-populated that no one sat near us and non one could hear our conversation, so I just meekly followed.

We walked down the hallways, with Greg leading the way and walking with purpose until he reached a bathroom. “Unisex bathroom,” he told me. “Handicap, so it’s nice and roomy too. It got installed this year. It’s only meant for one person, so no intrusion. After we finish, I exit first then you exit a little bit later. Perfect.”

I hesitated. “…And what if you exit first and someone is outside waiting to go inside?” I asked.

He paused, looking off at the wall in thought for about two seconds. “Then I tell them the toilet is backed up and to use another one. You just hide behind the wall so they can’t see you.”

I blinked a few times. “Huh. Greg, that’s… smart.”

“Always so surprised,” he quipped, opening the bathroom door and pushing me inside. He locked the door behind him and with zero shame, pulled out his cock. “Nothing you haven’t seen before,” he teased.

I bit my lip and sank down to my knees. Greg was such a good mentor. I couldn’t help but wonder as I slipped his dick into my mouth if he was ever like this with Tiffany. Maybe he held her against the wall and fucked her. Maybe he bought her clothing for her. Maybe he’d come into her room and just tear her clothes off out of nowhere because she was his. So hot.

I moaned, feeling more of his shaft in my mouth than I had before. I was still learning, and Greg was aware of that, not full-on fucking my mouth quite yet, though we would get there for sure.

Greg grunted, taking a step back to brace the wall for support. I followed, making sure his dick was never too far away from my mouth. I only took my mouth off of his dick to play with his balls, licking them and leaving a lot of saliva. At first I thought I should be sparing and clean with it, but the more I sucked, the more I realized that making a sloppy gooey mess was the hottest thing ever. His dick was absolutely coated with my spit, and some day, he’d use that spit as lube and just ram that cock into me. And, if the little warning on the back of my birth control could be believed, that day would come in around a week.

I couldn’t help but slip my hand inside my pants and get off to what was happening. It was just too good. Sucking cock was just too good. The more I experienced it, the more I just wanted to be used for cock, to make them cum, to be a plaything for anyone willing to grab the back of my head and make me get to work.

I must have been getting better, because all too soon, with a groan, Greg flooded my mouth with his load. This time, I embraced how I wouldn’t be able to swallow it all. I let it dribble out of the corners of my mouth, I let it flow down my chin. My face was a mess, but good slut playthings don’t care about looking presentable. I just wanted to look well-used.

“Holy shit…” Greg moaned, closing his eyes and breathing while his hand gripped the wall. I smiled, feeling the cum and slobber sliding down my chin. Slowly and lazily, he opened his eyes. “Careful,” he warned. “Don’t get cum on your shirt. if Whittleton blows his top over a smaller shirt, he’s gonna freak if he sees cum stains.”

I laughed, but silently agreed. Since Greg was the more presentable one, he quickly rushed to get me some paper towels while I remained sitting on the floor. Throat sore, out of breath, well-used. A slut. God, what a good feeling. Thanks to the fact Greg was, well, Greg, I wasn’t even catching feelings. I really could just be a free-use slut with no problems. Now if only Whittleton wasn’t a big weirdo.

After we got cleaned up, Greg left first, heading back to class. I waited a minute or two before leaving myself, still touching my chin as I walked back to class. It was clean and dry, but I loved the idea of still having a mess on myself as I walked to class. If the world was perfect, I totally could have, but alas.

Once I was back, so was Mr. Whittleton, although he didn’t look at me. That suited me just fine; if the dude wanted to be a creep, he needed to be ready to be called out. I sat back next to Greg, who was working diligently and didn’t even acknowledge me. What a turn-on. I really was just a toy to him.

Drew walked up next to me and coughed to get my attention. I turned around to face him. “Sup?” I asked.

“Hey, mind if I talk to you real quick?” he asked. I shrugged, and the two of us quickly made our way into the hallway.

“What’s going on?” I inquired casually.

“So, uh, I dunno where you were, but you were out of the classroom when Whittleton got back, and that kind of made him nervous,” Drew began, playing with his hands. “Because of what just happened, he doesn’t want to talk to you in person about it, but…”

I rolled my eyes. Now the dude was making his students talk to me for him. Hello? Weird much? Wasn’t he supposed to be an adult?

“Greg was out of the classroom too, you know,” I pointed out.

Drew nod-shrugged. “Uh, sure, but Whittleton probably felt he can talk to Greg, and plus, you did leave class without telling him where you were going. So he asked me if I wouldn’t mind making sure I know where you’re going if you ever leave the classroom at this point. Is that okay?”

I gave him a weird look. “Um, okay… what does that mean? Like, do I have to report to you every time I have to go to the bathroom, or are you coming in there with me?” I laughed, but down below, I had a different reaction. Was this an opportunity in disguise…?

Drew shrugged. “I dunno. Whittleton was kinda vague about it.”

“You mean kinda immature about it,” I cut in. “Whatever, fine. If I leave the class, come with me to make sure I’m alright.”

“Uh, I think he only meant I check in with you…” he trailed off.

“Drew,” I told him, grabbing him on the shoulder. He looked at my hand. Admittedly, I didn’t touch people much, so this was kind of new ground for him. “If he wanted me to just check in, he would have told you to tell me to check in with him when I leave. But he asked for you. Plus, you get to walk around, right? It’s not like I’m out of class all the time.”

Drew frowned. “I don’t think that’s what he meant, but alright. We’ll do it your way.” He smiled and shook his head. “So bossy.”

“Hey, if he’s making someone sign me in and out of the classroom when I don’t have to do it in other classrooms, who’s being bossy?” I reasoned. Drew, always the mediator, shrugged instead of arguing back, and we walked back into the room.

Whittleton was so stupid. He really thought this would make me want to dip out of class less, but all this did was present me with an opportunity to hang out one-on-one with Drew. Number one, Drew was my friend, and number two, he rarely liked hanging out with people one-on-one after school, so this was just a cool opportunity. But number three, it wasn’t like I only wanted to see if Greg was on the up-and-up. This could have been quite the opportunity indeed.


Matthew was still being kind of weird to me. He had this annoying thing going on, whatever it was. After all of my calls with The Amazing Channel, he would message me and try to ask small-talk questions like how my day was going, what my last video was about, or whatever. And yet, he talked to me less and less during the actual group calls…? It was like he didn’t want to talk to me in the group, just when I was with him. It was just so transparent. If he wanted to know about my videos, he could just… watch them? They were good videos. I worked hard on them. (Except for the Over the Hedge one, I kinda phoned that one in.)

I wasn’t dumb. I could understand he was pretending to be interested in me as a person so we could get to know each other better and he could get me to open up to him sexually or something. Like, I get he knew I was into free use, and I guess some girls were into the idea of literally any guy taking them, but like, I had standards, you know? Plus, it didn’t help that he was like a decade older than me. Hell, even if he thought I was twenty-one, that still made him “six years older than me.” It was kinda weird.

On the flipside, Drew was weird about hanging out one-on-one. It started out innocently enough, with him walking me to the bathroom and awkwardly saying goodbye. Most days, I could walk a little slower and get him to talk about Settlers of Catan or Runescape or some of the things he was into. I wasn’t really into them, but Drew was kinda meek so it was nice to hear him be halfway passionate about something.

Eventually, I convinced Drew to tag along while I just walked around the school. He was hesitant at first, but I told him I was on my period (not a lie at the time) and that I needed to walk off the pain, and if he ever questioned how that would help, I just said “girl things, you wouldn’t get it.” Foolproof. It was genius – he couldn’t question it without making it seem like he, a man, knew my body more than me, and he knew that looked really bad for guys, so he had to go along with it.

Drew got more used to two things – going along with my bullshit excuses to do less and less important things during class, and talking to me one-on-one. After I’d exhausted his love of board games, I tried to do the same with DnD – turns out he hated DnD, which I didn’t expect from him. He surprised me when he, out of the two of us, chose the next topic.

“So why make videos about old movies?” he asked as we walked. “Like, I get the attraction of making videos if they get views, but when you started, why did you do it?”

I scratched my head. I’d spend so much time around The Amazing Channel and the Media Gang that someone asking me why I make videos was actually really refreshing. We all took it as such an inherent thing. “Uh, I guess it’s because I saw a lot of that stuff when I was a kid, and I always had thoughts about it,” I found myself saying. “You know, you’ll watch Spy Kids as a five-year-old and remember the rhythm of how they said the dialogue more than the dialogue itself. Or you’ll watch Tarzan and like those moments where the beats in the music matches the visuals on-screen.”

Drew digested what I said. “I’ll take your word for it, I guess,” he admitted.

“Really? You don’t feel that?” I asked, surprised. “So then why do you make media and stuff?”

He shrugged. “I just like it, I guess. I’m not really thinking about that stuff. I put things on a screen and go, ‘woah, I made a thing.’ But analyzing movies is like school. I have to put brain power into why stuff is the way it is, and that just doesn’t seem like fun. For me, I mean.”

“No no, I get you,” I said softly, looking at my feet walking. I shrugged. “I like seeing how stuff works. It’s cool.”

“Yeah, I can tell you can kinda… hyperfixate on things,” Drew noticed. “Actually, can I ask about that?”

“Uh, sure?”

“If I can ask, what’s up with you and Greg? You two used to barely talk, and even when he did, you kinda rolled your eyes at him. Now you seem to really like him. Are you just better friends now or is there… Y’know, a-somethin’ a-brewin’?”

Even with the way the question backed me into the corner, I smiled at the way he phrased the end of that. “Um, uh… Huh, so… Do you mind if I get back to you about that?” I asked clumsily.

Drew only lowered an eyebrow at that, as if to say, ‘Ooh, intriguing!’

I stopped walking. “Nah nah, there’s nothing like that. We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend. But something happened we bonded over, and, uh, it could be private to him. Fair enough?”

“Oh, totally,” Drew immediately conceded. “It doesn’t matter all that much anyways. Only if you – and he, I guess – want to talk about it.”

I did want to talk about it. But, number one, I didn’t know if Greg would be okay with me using his name, and number two, I had no idea how to address the situation.


I gasped as I temporarily took my mouth off of Greg’s cock. A trail of spit followed my mouth and Greg grinned at the visual, holding out his phone. I giggled, sticking out my tongue, enjoying knowing Greg was going to look at me with my tongue out later and jack off to it. So fucking hot.

After I put my tongue back inside of my mouth, I moved my jaw around a few times, and didn’t even bother to clear off my mouth before speaking. “Are you cool if I told anyone about what we’re doing?”

He clearly didn’t expect me to say that. “Anyone? No. I don’t want my parents knowing,” he initially replied.

I rolled my eyes, even with my face a mess. “I mean, like… Drew has been asking if we’re a couple, because apparently we’re hanging out in class a bit more.”

Greg was initially surprised, but then, a slow smile crept across his face. “And you telling him what we’re up to can segue into asking him if he wants it too.”

My cheeks burned. Greg was annoying, but there was no denying he was pretty clever. He nudged his dick against my cheek, and on instinct, I took it into my mouth. “Yeth,” I admitted with my mouth full of dick.

“Nice,” he chuckled, then mulled it over while softly humping my face. “It might make things weird, but, if everything blows up, you were the one who initiated it, not me,” he mused to himself. “Enh, whatever. I’m blunt about stuff, Drew won’t be that surprised. Go for it. Let me know how it goes.”

I made a happy noise while I continued to suck him off. In my head, I began to formulate how I’d approach Drew – probably tomorrow – and worked to get Greg off, though clearly, he had other plans.

Greg pulled me – by the hair, hot – off of his cock, and angled my head up to his so he was looking me in the eye. “It’s been over a week, hasn’t it?” he asked me with a low, almost challenging tone. “Want to see what you’ve been missing?”

My heart rate began to rise. Holy fuck, it was happening. And it was so unceremonious, so unromantic. My pussy was practically gushing. This was perfect. I was just a thing for him to be used. Eagerly, I nodded, and he didn’t even need to instruct me. I got up onto his bed and laid down, spreading my legs. He got used to me blowing him naked anyways (which usually meant whenever I visited him, he’d shut his bedroom door and snap his fingers, the signal for me to start undressing).

Greg removed his shirt and stared at my pussy, nodding approvingly. “I can see you’re wet from here,” he said softly. “You ready for this?” He grabbed his dick and started stroking it.

“Fuck yes, please,” I practically moaned. “Just use me. Get off in me. Please.”

Greg gave me a muted smile and got up on the bed, lining himself up with me. “It’s going to hurt at first,” he warned.

The smile I gave back was almost a drunken one. “Do you warn a fleshlight that it’s going to hurt too?” I asked rhetorically.

He rolled his eyes and slowly pushed in. It helped that I was wet, but that didn’t mean the first slide in wasn’t painful. It was like a whole baseball bat was getting shoved up in there, splitting me in half. I groaned, feeling my poor pussy getting filled until it couldn’t get filled anymore, and Greg kept going. When he saw pain on my face, he slowed down a bit, but he never stopped. Eventually, I felt his balls touching against me, and I groaned again.

“Jesus,” I murmured.

“Yeah, I told you,” he replied knowingly. He remained there for a bit before slowly sliding back and forth, the movements miniscule at first until my muscles finally got used to the feeling. At some point, the pain was almost gone – never fully – and the sensation of pleasure began building.

My eyes shot open and I slowly grinned. I was getting fucked. I was getting fucked by a guy that didn’t even care about me as a stupid little girlfriend or whatever. This was great. My groans turned into sensual moans, but amazingly, Greg didn’t care. I scored such a bullseye by picking him – he was working away, just wanting to get off inside me. I couldn’t stop moaning, and eventually, Greg rolled his eyes and covered my face with his hand. I was such an object. I was just being used for someone to get off. Holy shit.

As if that wasn’t amazing enough, even while he had one hand on my mouth, his other traced my body down to my pussy, finding my clit. Slowly, he began to place his thumb on my clit and then rub around in gentle circles. I spasmed under his hand, nearly biting his fingers. Holy fuck. My clit and my pussy were on fire in different ways. Sounds and sights and smells exploded in front of me. I was so stimulated that I probably looked like I was having a seizure or something. Even then, Greg didn’t stop, keeping up his thrusts and his attack on my clit, even as I practically screamed into his hand.

I was cumming. I felt it build up, and it released with an explosion like I’d never felt from my body before. I needed this. I deserved this. I was nothing but a free use slut, and this was my reward for being a good plaything. I wanted to be like this for everyone. This was my purpose. This was my destiny.

As if it couldn’t get any more amazing, with a grunt, I felt Greg change. His cock throbbed inside me, particularly hard like it was going to grow. But instead of growing, I felt a new sensation. Cum. He was cumming inside me. I was his cum dump. He had his hand over my mouth to shut me the fuck up as he deposited his load into me like it was a normal thing. I shook and shuddered, with this new knowledge combining with his continued thrusts. I was cumming again. He was giving me rolling orgasms. Holy shit. I was crying. This was too fucking good.

I was still shuddering and shivering even when he stopped cumming, and when he breathed a few times afterwards then slowly took his cock out of me. Even the feeling of a dick exiting you was so unique. I rolled on to my side, shivering, giggling to myself.

“Oh, shut up,” Greg said with a chuckle. “You liked it.”

“I am so glad you don’t have a girlfriend if this is how you fuck,” I replied.

Greg paused, then gave that condescending chuckle. “You’re really saying I’m bad at sex after I made you scream?”

“No!” I emphatically replied. “You’re just so good at treating a girl like she’s nothing but a whore,” I practically purred. “I’m doing the world a service by keeping you away from other girls.”

Greg chuckled again, then slapped my ass, hard. “You’re not keeping me from other girls,” he told me. “If you’re good, I’ll tell you if I fuck another girl.”

I took in what he said. “One rule,” I said, just as strongly. “If you fuck other girls, you have to use a condom with me.”

He stared at me for a bit, then rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine, I won’t fuck other girls,” he conceded. I giggled again.


“Okay, so I talked to Greg,” I told Drew while we stood around in the hallway.

He put his phone away. “Go on!” he encouraged.

I breathed in and out. “Okay, so,” I began simply, then giggled. “Uh, Greg and I aren’t a couple, but we have… an arrangement.” I so badly wanted to be that fearless girl who would nonchalantly say “yeah, we fucked. We fuck. So? Wanna get in on it?” but I was way too giggly and sex was way too new to me.

“An arrangement, huh?” Drew asked, egging me on.

“So, he and I, kinda sorta… y’know. We have, like, needs, right? He’s fresh out of a relationship – well, kinda – and I… am bad at… talking to boys.”

“Yeah, I noticed,” Drew laughed.

“Boys I like, dummy,” I growled. “Like, like like.”

“Then I’ll take that as a compliment,” he laughed again.

“Oh my God, you dweeb,” I laughed with him. “Don’t even. Anyway, yeah. We have… we f-fool around a bit. A lot. But it’s like, non-exclusive. So, like, if you – if anyone wanted to – oh my God, I’m going to kill myself.”

My face was fully red, and Drew couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “Wow, Ariel,” he chuckled. “This is, like, the least smooth I’ve ever seen you, by a country mile.” He adjusted himself. “So you two are friends with benefits, huh? You’d better be careful. If someone catches feelings, that could get awkward.”

“Catch feelings? Have you met Greg?” I asked, and Drew laughed again, this time with me, thank God. “Nah, it’s also very specifically anti-romantic.”

Drew adopted a puzzled look. “Are you… what’s the term… hate-fucking?”

I laughed again. I really appreciated how well he was taking this. “No, not quite, it’s like a…” I paused. “Okay, so if I’m telling you this stuff, I’m telling you everything, and you can’t judge. I’m super not used to telling anyone, so that’s why I’m… y’know, like this.”

Drew nodded. “Okay, tell me whatever then. It can be like, I dunno, practice for you to talk about this stuff. Tell me whatever, and I won’t judge.”

I nodded. “I am… into free use.” I saw Drew’s eyebrows shoot up, but I ignored that for my own sanity’s sake. My heart was beating out of my chest like a goddamn Looney Tunes character. “I… sexually, I like the idea of just being used by someone to get off. I told Greg, and it’s kinda the dynamic we have now.”

“God damn, Ariel!” Drew exclaimed.

Hey Drew, remember that time you said you wouldn’t judge me?? That was neat, wasn’t it?!” I replied very quickly.

“I’m not judging! I’m just shocked,” Drew reasoned, a little ‘um actually’ in his tone. “How would you react if Harmony told you she liked putting on a blindfold and getting things shoved up there?”

Fuck. Why did that visual have to be hot? I squeezed my legs together as I stood. “Honestly, I’d just wanna help her out,” I found myself saying out loud, my heartbeat only quickening after I realized I was bold enough to immediately tell Drew.

Drew’s jaw dropped. “This is so crazy,” Drew murmured. “I never would have suspected, ever, that you were into that. I would have thought, if anything, you were just as bossy in bed as you are in real life.”

I shrugged. “I think a lot of people like their sex to be the opposite of real life,” I reasoned. “Like, bossy people love to submit, and the quiet shy ones are the ones that like dominating. Like, that’s a rule across the board.”

“Um, okay, that’s not a rule across the board,” Drew snapped back. “What, you’re saying everyone always likes the opposite of-”

“Okay, whatever!” I nearly shouted. “Bad example, I guess. Is that really the part you’re hung up on?” I let a beat of silence pass. “But yeah, if any of the Media Gang asked, I totally would. Like, any of them.”

Drew smiled at me. “Am I supposed to take something from that?” he asked. “You just made a specific point of saying any of them.”

I really didn’t make it a specific point, but I didn’t want to argue. Instead, I shrugged and looked at the floor. “Iunno,” I lamely said. “If you want to, then I mean, I said what I said. It’s cool.”

I looked up at Drew and could tell he was getting flustered too. “Like… w-with me?”

I shrugged again. “Why not, right?”

“Um…” Drew took off his fedora and scratched the back of his head. He shouldn’t have been wearing it in the halls anyway but I convinced him to wear it during our walks. “Wow… uh… so, this is probably a really bad idea. Like, I want to say I would like to try it out, but… It’s probably a bad idea.”

“Oh,” I simply said. “Yeah, of course, sorry for intruding.”

“No no, it’s fine, like… do you want to know why?” Drew asked.

“No, it’s okay, you can have your reasons,” I said defensively.

“No, I think you probably should know, like, it’s important,” Drew awkwardly insisted. “I just used to have the biggest crush on you, and uh, I did say, if someone caught feelings, it would be really bad, right?”

I paused. “You had a crush on me? When was this?”

Drew blushed and looked away. “I wasn’t exactly keeping track,” he mumbled. I couldn’t help but smile. He still had this crush. “So it’s probably a bad idea, right? I mean, if I caught feelings again, it could blow up or whatever.”

“I mean…” I trailed off, looking at him. “If you could handle two things, I say it’s fine. As long as you’re cool that, number one, it’s not going to ever be romantic for me, no matter what, and two, I’m doing it with other people, then… why not? But if that would upset you, I can totally understand thinking it would be a bad idea.”

Drew paused. “I’m not gonna lie, the idea of you doing stuff with other guys while we do this would be… weird. But, like, maybe I can just get over that. Just maybe don’t tell me about it, and we can go from there. And we can always stop, right?”

“Oh definitely,” I replied.

“And there wouldn’t be any weirdness from you?”

“Not unless you did something to hurt me or something. Like, if I’m going to stop being your friend, it won’t be because of sex reasons. It would be because you did something that made me want to stop being your friend.” I held up a finger. “But that includes being too weird or possessive about sex stuff.”

Drew looked away. “I want to believe I can be mature about that stuff, but…” He shrugged. “If you can believe it, Ariel, I’m still a virgin,” he said in a joking voice, as if that fact was obvious.

“Well, we can start small. I can blow you and we’ll see if you get weird or feelings happen,” I offered.

“Blow me? Like… a blowjob? Like, oral sex?” Drew asked, seemingly in disbelief that this was even happening.

I shrugged. “I told you. Free use slut. The idea of sucking a guy’s cock is hot.”

He scratched his head again. “Uh… yeah. Sure. But wait, where would we..?”

I smiled, thanking Greg mentally. I’m sure it wasn’t the most ideal place, especially since Drew apparently had a crush on me of all things, but hey, the bathroom worked for me and Greg, with Drew it could work just fine. Few more words were exchanged before I led Drew to what was now becoming a familiar bathroom.

“Wait, here?” Drew asked. “How do we leave?”

“You leave first and I wait a few minutes. I lock the door behind you. As long as no one is there, people are none the wiser.”

“Um, and what if people are there?” Drew asked.

“Then you tell them the toilet is backed up and to find somewhere else, and I hide behind the wall,” I said as if it was obvious.

“Huh,” Drew mumbled out loud. “That’s… clever, Ariel.”

I beamed. “Thank you,” I said casually, the both of us looking behind us before getting in and closing the door. Drew paced around the room nervously while I got on my knees. I chuckled. “Cold feet?” I asked.

“This is just such a big thing,” Drew mumbled. “For me. I get this is nothing for you. And it’s supposed to be nothing. But… like, do I just whip it out?”

“That’s the idea,” I told him. “Or, you can sit on the toilet and I can take it out for you, if you want.”

Drew stared at me, half smiling, half like I was crazy. “Okay,” he eventually said. “Wait, but that means I’d have to get up again to take my pants off…”

“Oh my god,” I laughed, rolling my eyes. “Lean against the wall, and tell me to take it out. I’m supposed to be the one getting free used here.”

“I’ll get there, I’ll get there,” Drew nervously chuckled. “This is my first time.” He leaned against the wall, and I crawled over to him while he just winced.

I smiled. “Just look away,” I nearly laughed. “It’s like ripping off a band-aid. If we just get it over with, it’ll be easier to deal with.”

“Actually, it’s way better to go slow with band-aids, you know. It’s not that bad to go slow, but fast can rip the skin.”

I lowered an eyebrow. “Okay, fine, it’s like… going into a colder pool step by step versus diving.”

“Okay, see, now that one makes sense,” Drew admitted, looking away while I rolled my eyes. Going back to business, I felt him over his pants, and it felt nice. His size was okay, a little modest if we were keeping score, but I definitely wasn’t. I just wanted to serve dick, and he had a nice one right here. I undid his pants button, then his fly, and worked my hand in gently, knowing he’d be sensitive.

My delicate movements paid off, given Drew jumped at the slightest touch in the beginning. It was about a minute before I worked his cock out of his pants, and another few seconds before I started jacking him off.

“See? Not so bad,” I said in a light, teasing voice.

His eyes were closed, and he was leaning against the wall. “That feels really good,” he said breathily. I kept jacking him off while looking back and forth between his face and his dick. His dick actually had a good aesthetic – decently thick, nice shape, pretty nice balls too. While holding his shaft, I experimentally licked alongside the other side, and Drew didn’t jerk his body back like he did the last time. Instead, he just moaned, and I smiled to myself, knowing I had him right where I wanted him.

A lot of our blowjob was a learning session for him, where I started to suck him off then instructed him to put his hands on my head then lightly thrust his hips. The nice thing about him being smaller than Greg was that he could fuck my mouth without causing… some disgusting consequences. Drew was definitely shy to fuck my skull, but soon, he was getting into it, getting a little rougher than he probably ever thought he’d get with a girl.

I couldn’t help slipping a hand down my pants and masturbating to the thought of it. Sweet innocent Drew had a crush on me, and instead of going out with me, he ended up forcibly fucking my mouth in a public bathroom. This was what made me a free-use slut. I was perverting him. If the noises he was making were any indication, he would definitely want to do this again, and I would be all too happy to help him out.

Without warning, Drew grunted and held my head close to his pelvis, nearly choking me as he shot spurt after spurt into my mouth. It oozed out of the sides of my mouth as I tried to remain as still as possible, taking his cum without squirming like a good little slut. With a prolonged “Aaaah,” Drew let go of my mouth and I started gasping.

“Oh, fuck! I’m sorry,” Drew exclaimed in panicked realization, turning white.

I waved it off. “Don’t be,” I said once I caught my breath. My voice was thick and sloppy with the fluids still leaking from my mouth. “That’s what my mouth is for, right?”

Drew slowly shook his head. “Jesus,” he muttered. “This is still so surreal.”

I cleaned off my mouth. “Do you think you’d want to do this again, or was this a one-time thing?” I asked. “No judging either way.”

“I honestly have zero clue,” Drew laughed. “I’m still processing all this. I mean, I loved the blowjob, and of course I want to be your friend, but this is so many feelings. I’ll let you know, okay?”

“Okay,” I said with a smile, standing up. “Do you want to leave first or should I?”


“And you really just told him, point-blank, no stuttering or walking things back? You weren’t awkward at all?” Greg grilled me.

“Yup,” I said nonchalantly as I typed in my newest video’s de***********ion. “I just told him calmly we were fucking, it somehow got to ‘would you do that with,’ I think it was, ‘Harmony,’ and I told him I’d do it with anyone from the Media Gang, including him. He was the awkward one, actually, asking if I’d do it with him and stuff.”

“Huh,” Greg mumbled, lying down on my bed. “I really thought it would play out differently than that. But hey, congratulations, slut.”

“Thanks!” I said distractedly, thinking up a good title. ‘Aristocats Review’ was too plain, and there had to be a cat pun in there somewhere. All too quickly, I felt Greg’s presence beside me. “You got anything?” I asked, not looking away, hoping he could come up with a good title.

“Yup,” he said smugly, and I turned to see him standing next to me, his dick aligned with my mouth. On instinct, I grabbed it and took it into my mouth, sucking him off instantly. “Unh. Good girl.”

I took my mouth off of him. “You seen the Aristocats? See if you can come up with a good title for a review,” I told him casually before going back to sucking his dick.

“I have no idea what that means,” he told me before groaning again, grabbing my head. “Now shut up.”


Abe was a tough nut to crack. Now that I had two of the boys under my belt in the Media Gang, it seemed like I was challenging myself to get all of them, and Abe was the one I set my sights on next. Only problem was, unless it was about a topic he already wanted to talk about, Abe wasn’t really that interested. I made way more progress with the guy over text than I did in person, and given Abe was dry as fuck over the phone, that wasn’t a good sign.

So instead, I tried to clue him in to what I was doing, sitting next to him and chatting with him briefly before trying to make it obvious I was leaving the room with Drew or Greg or something. The cool thing about all this was, as long as I was leaving first, Whittleton just kept his head down at his desk and didn’t ask any questions. I made the dude feel too awkward to step to me again, and I was milking that opportunity for everything it was worth. Served him right for never teaching us anything anyway.

The first few times I went to the bathroom with Drew or behind the school with Greg, Abe probably didn’t even notice. Luckily, we had a group project assigned, so I quickly partnered up with Abe so that he’d have to notice I was gone half the time. It was foolproof.

Sure enough, after a few times, Abe was getting antsy. It was probably four whole trips away from class before he piped up. I had just gotten back to my desk and wiped my mouth clean before he spoke.

“You go to the bathroom a lot these days, huh?”

I turned to him. “Hm?”

“Like, you’re going to the bathroom a lot more often in class than you used to. And you keep getting a… what, a convoy? Is that the word? Someone keeps going with you. Does Whittleton really hate you that much, he thinks you need a babysitter?”

“Oh, that!” I said nonchalantly. “Nah, it’s nothing like that. I’m, uh, not going to the bathroom when I go.”

Abe gave me a look. “Ummm, okayyy, where are you going then? You know we need to work on this project together, right…?”

“Oh, sorry!” I said, feigning concern. “I thought you kind of had this, so I made plans and stuff. You know, you usually like to take control with these things, so I was trying to… give you your space, y’know?”

Abe’s look just got more confused. “You, giving up control?” He chuckled. “Ariel, are you feeling sick or something? I guess I’m sorry for not making it clear or whatever, but yeah, until things are more under control, I just want you here. What were you doing with Greg anyway?”

“Oh, y’know,” I replied, shrugging. I looked so nonchalant. On the inside, my heart was beating as fast as ever. This was my test. “Sucking his dick, getting fucked by him behind the school, that kind of thing.”

“Ha ha,” Abe said sarcastically, turning back to his computer. “If you don’t want to tell me just say so.”

I inhaled. It was getting more difficult to be smooth. “No, for real,” I said, as casually as I could. “I’m, uh, trying to broaden my horizons, like, sexually. You know, without being in a relationship. I don’t want that romance shit. So I asked Greg if he’d help me out, he said yes. I’m doing some stuff with Drew now too, but we’re kind of taking it slower.”

Abe turned back to me, and looked downright baffled. “Ariel, I – what? What are you even saying right now?”

My heart skipped a beat. “What? Are you judging me right now?”

“Well… yeah, a little! You just told me out of nowhere you’re having sex with my friends!” he argued, keeping his voice down. “How am I supposed to even take that?”

I shrugged. “I didn’t realize it would upset you,” I said, half-honestly. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I – wow. You are way more quick to back down these days,” Abe observed.

Somehow, that broke the dam. Me, quick to back down? Hell no I wasn’t, I was the fucking queen of the Media Gang. Sure, no one answered to me, but I didn’t answer to anyone either. I felt my face transform as my confidence flowed back into my veins. “Bro, I’m sorry I have a sex life,” I replied, in a weirded out tone. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help with the project, but I was just doing other stuff. I’m independent like that. If you wanna say I should be here more, like, yeah, I’ll be here. But if you’re gonna tell me that being a slut is, like, beneath me or whatever, and I can’t have fun with whoever I want just because, then I’m really surprised, because I thought you’d be chill with me doing that. It’s not like I’m affecting you or anything.”

The change of tactics turned the battle in my favor. Abe opened his mouth a few times in an attempt to speak before he said anything. “Well, no, it’s – I mean, it’s fine, I guess. Just unexpected. You can do whatever, I guess, but… I dunno, not on school time I guess? And this is a lot to take in, I’m allowed to be weirded out.”

“Just be weirded out without trying to make me feel bad, dude,” I said in a chill tone. I didn’t have to fake it anymore. “I’m having sex. I like sex, especially just being used by a guy. Hell, if you’re nicer to me about it, if we’re keeping this a hundred, I’d be cool doing stuff for you too.”

Abe was turning pink. “Ariel-!”

“Mhm?” I asked casually, my eyelids lowered.

“Fuck. Jesus.”

“Is that a no?” I asked, cool as a cucumber.

“This just feels like a trick. No one just says stuff point-blank like that. Aren’t you worried about getting rejected or whatever, at least?”

Terrified. “Nope,” I answered coolly. “As long as you won’t be weird and cut me off for it. But if you’re going to cut me off just because I’m being a slut, I bet Greg and Drew won’t take it too well.”

“Wow,” Abe laughed. “No need to blackmail me, Ariel. I was just asking. This is definitely… a new thing, but I’m not going to stop talking to you just because you like…” He gestured outwards with his hands.

“Sex? Sucking dick? Getting fucked?”

“Yeah, that,” he replied, shaking his head. “So if I asked Greg about this, right now, he’d confirm it?”

“Uh, yeah?” I asked, not having thought this far ahead. Unfortunately, Abe, ever the one to need proof in an argument, got up and started walking away from our desks, towards Greg’s corner. Now I was out of sight, my cool look left my face and I started playing with my hands. Fuck, I better not have made the wrong call there.

Abe talked to Greg for a really short time, but it was still longer than I would have liked. They talked quietly enough that no one could hear them, but from their body language, they at least seemed… amicable. I immediately looked away from Abe as we walked back to his desk.

“Okay, so you weren’t lying,” he admitted when he sat back down.

“Told you,” I insisted. “So…?”

“Um…” He shook his head again. “This is way too sudden. Give me a few days. Maybe we can talk about this first. What do you even get from doing this?”

“Oh, I just like being a slut for others to use,” I said, figuring we were through the looking glass. Being so raw and honest was terrifying, but it was so exciting at the same time. It was like a drug.

Abe clearly wasn’t on the same stuff though. After one last shake of his head, he turned back to his computer.


“What did you expect?” Greg dryly asked.

I couldn’t answer, thanks to the heavy breathing and the tears. Fuck, I was pathetic right now. I sat on the closed toilet crying as Greg paced the room. He took my silence as an answer and added, “Stop treating this like all you have to do is be upfront and guys will flock to you or something.”

He was so disconnected. He could have at least cared. “Fuck you,” I spat between tears.

“There it is,” he commented dryly. “Nice. Anyways, he didn’t even outright say no. What’s even the big problem here?” He paused. “Is it seriously because one guy didn’t fall into your lap when you offered to suck his dick?”

I just looked down at the floor. In an attempt to get into my line of sight, Greg put his hands on his knees and leaned down, still standing. “What, do you think Whittleton’s thing with the t-shirt was some kind of one-off event? You think other people won’t be weird when someone decides, and decides out of nowhere might I add, that she wants to be a complete slut? The fact you asked three guys without even one of them deciding to just bully you is a miracle!”

“Thanks for being a boy and explaining how sexism works to a girl, asshole,” I growled back. “I know all this shit. And the only one being a bully here is you.”

“Yeah, the only one. One for three. You wanna bet that it’s gonna stay at thirty-three percent if you keep acting out, you fucking dummy?” He started pacing the room again. “Look. You’re clearly not in a great place right now. You’re… kind of a mess, if you don’t mind me saying that.” He paused and I sighed, nodding. He nodded back. “So, maybe just take it easy for a bit. You got me. You got Drew. You don’t need to collect the rest of the Media Gang under your belt, this isn’t fucking Pokemon Cards we’re talking about here.”

“I just wanted to branch out a little. I didn’t realize free use meant I have to run every new boy I sleep with by you, dude.”

Greg sighed and leaned his head against the wall for a second, then abruptly turned around. “And I didn’t realize free use meant standing in a bathroom giving up my time to listen to you cry and call me an asshole for just repeating the shit I warned you about from the beginning. I told you, I told you, learn to walk before you run. Go ahead and tell me that you honestly fucking think Raven has the maturity to go through this without blabbing to his judgy friends, or calling you a slut himself. And not in the fun way.”

Despite my tears and anger, I chuckled, but didn’t say anything.

Greg leaned against the wall and neither of us spoke for a few seconds. “Wanna know what free use is not?” Greg eventually asked with a dry voice, looking at the wall behind me. “Free use is not every guy wanting what you want. People are gonna say no, Ariel. Abe will probably let this go, but some guys won’t. If I can be blunt… pick your guys more carefully.” He paused. “What would you have even gained if you got all five of us?”

“I thought it would be hot! Like, you’re all fucking me, talking about me as if I’m some sex toy you all share, like, with no shame or anything. Just casually asking who gets to fuck me today or something.”

“Yeah, having orgies in the ComTech classroom. I get it,” Greg sarcastically replied. “So, you wanted a whole group to just have you as their sex toy.” I nodded. “And you hoped they would be eager, and know how to use you, but you wanted them to be, let’s say, mature and drama-free about it.” I nodded again, and Greg got a wild yet serious look and glared at me dead in the face. “And you picked the Media Gang, the most awkward clueless group of virgins to be this experienced mature group?!”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re only seeing it from your perspective. The popular boys would be dumb and dramatic about it. They’d actually be selfish. With you guys, it’s like…” I shifted, then eventually stood up. “Like, I’m not completely dumb, Greg. I get that a lot of guys can use free use kinks to cover up being actually sexist jerks. But with the Media Gang, I know for a fact they won’t want to hurt me, they’ll go back to respecting me once we’re not horny, and-”

“And they won’t know what sex is, they’ll get new feelings and get confused, shit will get complicated, or, better yet, you’ll get what you want and they’ll see you as the group slut, but because they haven’t had a sexual relationship… ever, that’s what they’re always seeing you as. No turning it off. No ‘well, I’m not horny, time to see Ariel as my friend again,’ none of that. When they’re thinking about high school twenty years from now, what do you think they’re going to remember? ‘Ariel was a good friend and, oh yeah, I almost forgot, we fucked a few times,’ or, ‘I was in the Media Gang and one day this one chick lost her mind and wanted to be the group slut so we treated her like one’?” He paused, then pointed at me. “And don’t you dare get turned on at that last part.”

“You know me so fucking well, Greg,” I said half in anger, half with humor.

“I care, you know. I do care,” he insisted, pacing.

“I know,” I admitted. “I get you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.”

“Well, I might, but I might be trying to do something with you, but I get now is not a good time. Even if you’d be okay with it, we need some time without it. Some situations need to be sacred. And, I’ll be the first to admit, you took to this way smoother than I thought you would, but you need to learn that too.”

I sighed. “So what should I text Abe?”

“Be as honest as you can, but actually listen to me,” Greg replied. “Tell him you got into this stuff but you started going way too fast, and you didn’t think about how you were coming across. If I were you, I’d apologize, but I get you might be too proud or whatever to do that.”

I pouted. “I can apologize, don’t be mean.” I took out my phone. “And what about Drew?”

“What about him? He seems fine. He’s always been the one with the least drama in the group,” he replied, pacing around. “Do what you want. I’m not here to micromanage your life. But I won’t always be here to listen to you cry on a school toilet for ten minutes either.” He walked to the door. “I should head back to class. Will you be okay?”

“Yeah, I think so,” I replied. “Th-thanks for being here.”

“You got it,” he casually said, then hesitated. “I know we’re supposed to hang out after school today. My challenge to you is to think about whether we should do something. You know, whether it would feel right. I’m still down, for the record, but you gotta promise me you’ll think about whether it feels right.”

I was texting Abe, but I was listening too. “I’ll do my best,” I told him, and watched him leave. Boys definitely made sex more complicated than they liked to believe.


Greg was so proud when we hung out. To him, I was acting all noble and thoughtful, deciding that we wouldn’t fool around so that I could take things slower. And part of it was true, I kind of didn’t want to give Greg any kind of sexual satisfaction after playing high-and-mighty with me, even if some things he said were right. So instead, I just invited Drew over afterwards.

Most guys would be dreaming of a girl being home alone, but Drew was… well, Drew was Drew, so his first response was confusion.

“Shouldn’t your parents be home? It’s, like, seven at night. Are they at work or something?” He’d just keep asking questions, all while I just wanted to get into my bedroom.

“How should I know?” I asked, annoyance pricking through my words.

“How should you kn- so, we’re home alone?” Drew asked nervously as we went into my room. “Woah, nice. Oh cool, you’ve even got a lil’ green screen thing set up!”

“Yeah, I got it off eBay,” I said distractedly, realizing we were not in fact home alone. “Uh, my little brother is home, but he does his own thing,” I added, while swiftly texting my brother that he might want to think about putting his noise-canceling headphones on.

“So you must have gotten it recently, right?” Drew continued. “I mean, I don’t think I saw anything involving a greenscreen in any of your recent videos.”

Weirdly, that was the thing that made me stop. “Any of my…?”

“Yeah! Your newest one was the one with the live-action Scooby Doo movie, right? Or am I missing one?”

I felt almost dumb, standing there, suddenly a little nervous. “No, uh… no, that was the newest one, yeah. You… watched it?”

“Yeah! I think it was really cool. Like, I didn’t really think that hard about the movie when I saw it, but I really like how you think about movies. And I know the yelling bit is just a character you put on, but it’s still so clear how passionate you are about movies.”

Why was I looking at the floor? Why was I giggling? Why did Drew care about my videos? It was weird. “Um, thanks!” I managed to say. “I didn’t think you watched my shit.”

“Come on, Ariel, it’s not shi-”

“Did you want to try practicing kissing today?”

Drew lowered an eyebrow then laughed. “Straight into the sex stuff, huh?” he asked with a knowing smirk.

I was still giggling internally. Or at least, it felt like I was giggling. Something was up, and I didn’t know what it was, but I was feeling all giggly. Still, I kept up a stoic pose and shrugged. “Whaddya say?”

Drew shrugged back. “I’m getting more used to it,” he bluntly answered, then approached me. Nervousness clouded his face. “I, uh, don’t know much about kissing though.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. If only I could tell my heart to shut the fuck up. “Yeah, me neither,” I murmured. “I guess we can figure it out together.”

Drew smirked. “Doesn’t seem very free use of you,” he observed.

I chuckled. “We can break the rules once or twice.”

Both of us slowly moved our faces together and closed our eyes. When I felt Drew’s lips against mine, I closed the distance between us. It wasn’t like the movies, fireworks didn’t go off or anything, but it felt very fun. I could definitely feel that we were both hesitant amateurs, but that was kind of the fun of it. We were so unsure about what we were doing, and yet, we were doing it anyway.

We gave each other closed-mouth kisses for a while, then Drew took initiative and I felt his tongue gently brush my bottom lip. I whimpered, opened my mouth and brought my arms around his back to his shoulder blades. I felt the sensation of… was this French kissing? Probably. Either way, I quickly lost control, gently fondling his rock-hard cock through his pants.

Drew jumped a little at the touch, as he always did, and broke the kiss. “So impatient,” he teased, but even so, he didn’t hesitate, and began to remove his pants. “How did you like kissing?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know, Mr. ‘I used to have a crush on you,’” I teased back, getting on my knees and pulling his cock out, beginning to move my hand across his shaft. Drew turned pink and covered his face with his hands, even though I was chill as ever while taking his dick into my mouth. I was just sucking on his cock. Whatevs, right?

I took my mouth off of his cock and looked up at him. “So, you watch my stuff, huh?” I asked, drool running down my chin. “What happened to not seeing movies that deep?”

“Oh, I… ngh… dunno,” Drew managed to say. It was so cute how he struggled to stay cool. I gleefully took him back into my mouth again. His hands found the back of my head. “I guess I’m just trying to broaden my horizons. Plus, even if I… mmh… don’t see movies as that deep, you make good stuff. I think they’re just good videos to watch.”

I could feel myself blushing. He just… wanted to watch my stuff. Wow. What a friggin’ gem. I didn’t respond, instead opting to giggle on his dick, my hands on the back of his thighs to pull him in closer. Even with my head bobbing back and forth, such a wonderful feeling to belong in this place worshiping a cock, I decided to take my mouth off of him again, tapping the back of his thigh so he’d let go of the back of my head.

I took in a breath. “So, you’ve used my mouth a lot,” I told him casually, then started to take my pants off.

Drew looked down and nodded. “Oh, you want me to return the favor?”

“Nah, fuck that. Maybe someday,” I replied, a little quicker and more eagerly than I’d expected. “Wanna fuck me?”

Drew’s mouth hung open. “Wuh- me? F-fuck you?”

“Um, yeah?” I asked impatiently.

“But… I don’t have a condom!”

“I don’t have a problem with that,” I replied, my pants fully off. I sat down on the edge of my bed and spread my legs.

“B-but… aren’t you worried about STDs?” he asked nervously. His dick was still bobbing thinking of being inside me.

“You’re a virgin, dude,” I replied, only then realizing I was offering to be his first.

“Well… i-is Greg clean? Did he ever use a condom?” Drew asked, nervously playing with his hands.

“Dude, he was only ever with his one ex. I think we’re in the clear here,” I replied as if it were obvious. “I’ve only fucked one guy, and he’s only fucked one other girl. It’s not like high school is a hive for chlamydia or something.”

“You can’t know that…” Drew nervously mumbled. “Aren’t you worried about getting preg-”

“I’m on the pill, dumbass. Are you fucking me or not?” I demanded. My pussy was leaking onto my bed’s Snoopy Halloween quilt.

“Well… could you get a test on Monday?” Drew eventually asked.

I rolled my eyes. “If you fuck me now, sure. I’ll talk to the nurse. Deal?”

Drew bit his bottom lip. Even with my impatience, I had to smile. It was cute. “Okay,” he finally conceded, going up to the bed. “Uh, so… th-this is gonna sound dumb, but… how do I…?”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “Get closer,” I instructed him. He scooted closer to me, his dick in front of my pussy. Experimentally, he slapped my clit with the head of his dick. I instinctively moaned and threw my head back. “Oh, this is gonna be good,” I mumbled, taking his dick and lining it up with my oozing fuck-slot. I knew he saw this as so much more, but right now, I was just a hole again. I loved that. It actually was even hotter knowing Drew cared about this moment so much and I still was just getting off on being used. It was dirtier.

I nodded and Drew slowly tried to push his way inside. The spit on his dick had dried, so it took a few frankly painful thrust attempts to get his dick all the way inside me. Thankfully, I was wet as fuck, so it wasn’t too difficult. Once it was in, Drew’s head hung forwards.

“Oh my God…” he moaned, his voice breaking. “I can’t believe… This is so…” I couldn’t see his eyes, though I saw a tear leave the vicinity of his face. It landed on my upper stomach with a soft plap.

I wasn’t expecting this. “Uh… you good?” I asked.

“Uh, I dunno. Yeah. Yeah, I think so,” he admitted, slowly grinding back and forth despite what was happening. “Sorry if that was… sorry.”

“Don’t be, don’t be,” I soothed. “Enjoy the feelings, dude. That’s what this is about. I’m not, uh… I don’t think any differently of you or whatever. If you wanna cry…” I gestured outwards. “Go nuts.”

He chuckled and shook his head. Mister President, a second tear had dropped onto my stomach. “You say that,” he admitted, his voice getting cloudier with crying.

I dunno what possessed me to do what I did next, but even though I wanted to be used and for this to mean nothing, I took his chin in my hand and held his face up to mine. “You don’t have to say anything,” I told him, and moved my face in to meet his. We kissed for a few seconds as Drew felt comfortable enough to start picking up speed. We didn’t say another word as the thrusts got deeper, longer, and better. This was it, Drew was fucking me. And whether it was sweet or nothing, to him, I didn’t even care. This was fun, and he was using my body. That’s what I wanted. As a little bonus, he was cute as fuck while doing it.


The nurse was just invasive. Asking so many damn questions, most of them some variety of a condescending, “you know you shouldn’t be doing that, right?” Finally, after doing way too much paperwork, she finally saved us both some time and agreed to help me with the STD check. She assured me it was confidential and my parents didn’t have to sign anything, which was good in two ways – number one, they’d flip if they knew I was having sex, and number two, I hadn’t really seen them in over forty-eight hours. Maybe they were home on the weekend, but I didn’t really check.

She probably didn’t like the collar I was wearing. I bet Mr. Whittleton didn’t either, but all he did was look away when I came to class, which suited me just fine. Still, looking like a slut was all I was going to get up to today; I promptly sat down next to Abe and got to work without saying or doing anything weird.

After a few minutes, he gave me a sideways glance. “You alright?” he asked.

“Yeah, just doing some touch-ups,” I replied. “The tweens are kinda off on the text, you didn’t do the keyframes right.”

“I meant the whole… choker thing,” he replied, leaning in. “I did them fine, the file must have changed when we re-opened it today.” He watched me click a few things. “Yeah, see? I already added that thing yesterday.”

“I’m not trying to make things weird for you, I just wanted to wear this,” I answered plainly, my eyes on the screen. “I, uh, probably came on too strong yesterday, and maybe I shouldn’t have. So we can just pretend I didn’t say anything yesterday, if you want.”

Abe looked at me. I couldn’t see what expression he had on his face, since I was just staring straight ahead. “Nah, you’re good,” he eventually said. “I did say, it was a lot to take in at once. I’ve kinda, y’know, processed it now. Plus, when girls say shit like that, you can’t really think anything but, like, it’s a prank or something.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because girls never talk like that,” he plainly replied.

“I guess I’m… ugh, this is cringe… not like other girls,” I said gingerly.

Abe and I looked at each other and shared a small laugh. “Anyway, if you would actually enjoy it… I wouldn’t say no,” Abe said slowly. “But like… I don’t think I’d want something like that often. But fuck, if the offer is there… worst thing that can happen is we just go back to being friends.”

“Worst thing that can happen,” Greg’s voice flooded in from behind us, “is that things get complicated and you two stop being friends or it’s hard to look at each other anymore.” We both looked behind us to see him standing, looming over us.

“Oh look, it’s the voice of treason,” I dryly noted. “Jealous?”

“Just passing by,” Greg replied in a low voice, ensuring nobody heard our conversation. “And giving you both a warning.”

“You don’t own me,” I said defiantly. “Let me make my own mistakes, okay?”

“Your mistakes could make the whole Media Gang fall apart,” Greg warned.

“Well right now I sure wouldn’t complain if you stopped talking to me for like a week,” I continued, my eyebrows lowered. “Stop blocking me from getting any dick but yours, okay? I get it, you’re possessive.”

Greg stared at me for a bit, then slowly shook his head. “Whatever,” he sourly noted, then quickly left.

“Wow,” Abe murmured. “What was that?”

I rolled my eyes. “Greg’s been weird lately,” I answered plainly. “Doesn’t really affect me though. It’s not gonna stop me from doing what I want.”

“Or who you want,” Abe joked dryly.

“Or who I want,” I agreed. “Don’t worry, he’s fine with the whole sex thing, he just thinks I’m moving too fast or whatever.”

“I guess I can understand,” Abe said diplomatically. “I mean, it was weird for me. Maybe now it’s weird for him too.”

“Sucks for him,” I bluntly replied.

“I’d rather it suck for me…?” he attempted, then we both laughed.

“That stank,” I chuckled.

“Yup, sure did,” he admitted. We both worked for a bit before he piped up again. “So, you free this week?”


“I get it,” I told Greg sternly, despite my face being mashed against the bathroom floor. “But it still comes across as possessive.”

“Not my fault how it comes across,” Greg grunted, slamming into my pussy. I winced, wishing that my face was against something soft right now, like a plush carpet. Being face down ass up was hot as fuck, but at this point my cheek was probably going to bruise.

“I mean, he said yes,” I reasoned. “And I’m definitely going to ask Harmony too. Raven… you made a good point about Raven. I’ll think about him.”

“When’s the last time you even talked to Raven?” Greg asked, grabbing my hips and drilling me hard. “The dude’s just… there.”

“Yeah, I know,” I admitted. “Fine, whatever. Four is enough. But Abe and I made serious progress today, then you just waltz in. What’s up with that?”

“I told you,” he simply replied, going balls deep then grinding his pelvis against mine for a bit. I felt his cum start to flood my insides. “Unngh… it’ll cause drama.”

“What do you think you standing over us and giving us an ultimatum was, genius?” I asked, my head turned around. He was biting his lower lip, savoring the feeling of my insides before pulling out. “You looked like a shitty attempt at a Scorcese mafia character or something.”

“A wh-? I told you, stop saying things I don’t get,” he replied.

“Well, stop trying to control this. I appreciated your help in the beginning but now I wanna do things my way. Even if I make things awkward, so fuckin’ what?”

“If you want my honest answer, you’re gonna drive the Media Gang apart,” Greg answered, pulling out of me, stroking his cock a few times.

I turned around, getting on my knees, getting ready to lick him clean. “I’m not gonna lie to you, dude,” I began, taking his slightly softening cock in my hands. “What you’re doing is probably gonna get there quicker, and unless you’re completely delusional, you’re gonna have no one to blame but yourself.” I sucked his cock all the way down, then took my mouth off of it. “Just trust me, okay?”

“Whatever,” he said with a shrug and a muted smile. “If my help isn’t wanted, I’ll butt out.” He closed his eyes and rested his hands on the back of my head, his soft moans encouraging me to continue.


I lowered an eyebrow, leaving Matthew on read. The guy could not take a fucking hint. I even told him bluntly how I felt about his messaging like twice, and both times the dude just sent me a paragraph in response about how that ‘wasn’t his intent’ but also wording it like I was just temporarily confused about my feelings or that the stuff I said had to mean something too. I thought older guys were supposed to get nuance, but then again, judging from his videos, the guy probably thought there was more depth in the newer Star Wars movies than the old ones.

“I think that’s everything,” I told Abe, who was scrolling his phone on my bed. Abe was the only one who’d been to my house before now, and he was pretty comfortable just being in a room with someone without needing to talk to him. Those two facts were probably linked.

“Cool,” he answered, putting his phone away. “How is your channel doing, anyway?”

“I’m set to hit six figures in a month, maybe two,” I said with a twinge of pride to my voice. It was weird; I felt like I shouldn’t brag about anything, especially YouTube subscribers, but I also felt like this kind of accomplishment meant I could, as if it wasn’t bragging when it was actually true or something.

“Damn,” Abe replied, nodding. “Nice work.” He looked around the room, his eyes eventually landing on me. Immediately, he looked away.

It clicked immediately. “It’s hard to just… ask for it, huh?” I asked, whipping out my phone to text my little brother to put on his headphones.

“It’s more like, I want to… find a segue? I can’t, just, ask for it.”

“Why not?” I asked, wheeling my chair around to face him.

My brother texted back, telling me they were already on, and that I needed to cool it with suddenly bringing guys over so often. I smirked.

Abe shrugged, his cheeks burning. “This is a new thing for me,” he told me. “To be honest, I always pictured it would never happen until I hit university, and I was already dating the girl for like two months or something. I don’t normally do this.”

“Well, I def-”

“Yeah, I know you do,” Abe replied with a chuckle. “And, like, maybe I need to get over myself. I guess I over-romanticized it or whatever.”

“No, I think it’s cute,” I admitted. “If you want it to be special, maybe you should go for something like that. It would be a lot of things with me, but it won’t be cute.”

“Well, yeah, but… I’m also a dude, and you’re hot,” he replied with a laugh. “Plus, it’ll probably help to have some experience. Being a virgin on your wedding night will probably suck. And speaking of…”

I flashed him a grin. “Nice,” I chuckled. “So… you’re sure?”

He shrugged, red still painting his face. “As long as you’re okay with… doing it. Do you want me to do anything in return, or…?”

I shook my head. “Like I said, free use,” I explained. “The idea of just doing this and getting you off is cool to me.”

“Then it’s a win-win,” he replied, taking his hands south. His fingertips traced over the waistline of his pants. He closed his eyes, exhaled, and undid the button, standing up and letting his pants fall.

I gasped when his dick sprang – and I mean sprang – into view. With a name like Abraham, I was not shocked at all he was cut, but he was also packing. Like, he almost made Greg look small. “Holy shit…” I breathed.

“Yeah, I always wondered why the guys in porn were small,” Abe joked. “Is it too much…?”

“I’ll… have to let you know,” I replied with a slight chuckle, mesmerized. My eyes never left his cock. “I’ve never taken a guy as… I mean… you’re so fucking big, dude.” I got off of my chair and onto my knees, shuffling over to him. I reached a hand forward, looking him in the eyes and getting The Nod before putting my hands on it. He jumped a little, but not as much as Drew. “God damn…” I murmured. “How many times do you have to jack off this monster?”

Abe chuckled in confusion. “Uh, once every few days?” he asked in a weirded-out tone. “Why?”

“Just saying, if I had a dick and it was this big, I’d have my hands on it every chance I could.” I started slowly jacking him off; kind of difficult for a cut dick but I made it work. I decided not to tell him how many times I had to masturbate in a day, let alone the fact I sometimes did it to his profile pictures.

His dick felt heavy in my hands. I could feel its heft and warmth, and the veins… if “aesthetic dick” was a competition in the Media Gang, Abe won, hands down. Drew would have won “cutest in show,” and Greg… I dunno, first place for being my first, I guess? I shook my head, clearing the other two from my thoughts, and moved my head forwards, giving Abe’s cock a nice long lick from shaft to tip. When I got to the tip, I gave the head of his cock a kiss, and with a grunt, Abe shot his load all over my unexpecting face.

“Aaaah~!” Abe moaned, both in pleasure and in embarrassment. “Sorry, I wasn’t prepared for… I didn’t mean to…”

Wow. His load was so warm, too. I closed my eyes slowly in bliss, feeling his spunk on my face. I wished there was more, enough to coat my face at least once, but this did nicely. I put my hand in the air and waved it a bit as if to wordlessly say, “no problem, bro” as I tried reaching his load with my tongue. It worked a little, but eventually I gave up and just used my fingers to push it into my mouth.

Eventually, I was able to open my eyes. Abe was still blushing. I had to laugh. “So, I take it you really liked it, huh?” I teased.

His blush deepened. “Is it bad…?”

I shrugged. “Nope! Just means you’re sensitive, probably. We’ll just need to do this more.” I saw the look he was giving me and gave him a wink. “I take it that’s not a problem?”

“Holy shit, Ariel…” Abe breathed. “Where the hell has this side been for so long?”

I bit my bottom lip and blushed, looking down. “It’s been here,” I confessed. “She’s finally finding her way out. Why, do ya like her?”

Abe was speechless.


I thought the next day was going to be awkward because of Abe. I was wrong for several reasons.

When I got to the class, wearing a t-shirt that just barely rose above the waist of my jeans (that couldn’t have counted as ‘showing midriff’), Abe looked up from his computer and gave me a wave. I gave him a salute back. Upon seeing me, Greg turned around in his chair and looked at me like Frodo looked at Sam at the end of the Lord of the Rings. I stared back, and eventually, I shrugged. Happily, we both broke into a smile at that, although his was, as always, muted.

But when Drew and I locked eyes, right before I sat down next to Abe to do work, a weird thing happened. I felt a giggle rising up in my lungs, escaping out of my mouth. A weird giggle. The kind of giggle that made me look towards the floor. Was I being rude? I just totally looked away from Drew for no reason. Why did I do that…? I wasn’t sure, but it sure made me uneasy. And yet… a weirdly good uneasy?

“How’s it goin’?” Abe asked as we got to work. “We gotta hustle, this thing is due at the end of class.”

“Yeah, I know,” I conceded, shooting an annoyed look at our teacher. “If only Shittleton actually taught us how to… edit videos, I bet we’d be done by now. Having to teach ourselves is hard.”

Abe smirked at me. “You’re the successful YouTuber here. Shouldn’t you be a pro at this?”

I blew a raspberry. “YouTube editing is dogshit. I do the quickest thing and move on. As long as it looks passable, I’m good for it. It’s the same for my entire group. I mean, Cartoon Critic has been doing this since, like, nearly before YouTube, and his style hasn’t exactly improved that much.”

“Who?” Abe asked.

“Cartoon Critic? You know, that guy with the hat,” I replied, motioning to my head. “Oh, whatever. If you haven’t heard of him, you haven’t heard of him. Point is, Googling tutorials only gets you so far. If only there was a guy in this room who was paid to teach us instead of drink coffee and occasionally tell a girl she’s dressing too slutty.”

“Yeah, I’m surprised he didn’t tell you off today, to be honest,” Abe said with a grin, looking me over. He was definitely using it as an excuse to check me out.

“My eyes are up here, sailor,” I replied slyly, smirking back. We didn’t say anything more, and kept working. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Harmony approached Mr. Whittleton and talked to him for a bit, then started to walk back to her computer. She had a worried look on her face.

“You okay?” I asked her, taking my headphones off.

She shrugged. “I needed an exthtenthion,” she explained, shaking her head in worry. “I don’t get how to do mothion tweenth.”

“And he actually gave you one?” Abe asked in shock. I didn’t find it that surprising. Men in Whittleton’s classes couldn’t get extensions easily. Women, on the other hand, got any they asked for, Abe just didn’t notice. It was just another way Whittleton had a super patronizing view of women.

“Jutht until the end of the day,” Harmony remarked, playing with her fingers. “I’m worried.”

I frowned in thought, thinking about my obligations I had lined up today. “Did you want me to stick around after classes?” I asked. “I assume you’re just gonna be in here after school working.”

Harmony gave me a sheepish smile. “Yeah, I will be,” she admitted. “Thure. I’d apprethiate the help.” With that, she walked back to her desk, and I turned back to Abe, who had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.

I gave him a weird look. “What?”

“You think you’re so smooth,” he laughed, shaking his head. “I can see what you’re doing.”

“Oh, and what am I doing, Abe?” I inquired. “Enlighten me.”

He paused. “Setting the scene?” he asked. “Whatever you did with me?”

“You-” I lowered my voice and leaned in. “You don’t even know if I’m into women.”

“Sure I do.” He gestured to me. “Your look screams ‘bi chick.’”

“What does that mean??”

“Tell me I’m wrong,” he smugly retorted. “If you’re straight, just say so.”

I was kind of annoyed. Whether Abe believed it or not, I actually did just offer to help Harmony out of the goodness of my heart. Trouble was, I didn’t want to lie to the guy, so I just stayed there, a pout on my face, knowing if I said ‘I’m bi but legitimately wanted to help her,’ all I’d get was an unconvinced ‘uh-huh’ in response.

Maybe it was my shit-disturber attitude, or my tendency to do the opposite of anything anyone asked me to do, but I made a mental note right then and there to make my session after school helping Harmony the most innocent thing on the planet. Not a single mention of sex. Not one. I’d show Abe.


“Wow, you even did it with Abe?” Harmony asked in awe, eyes sparkling.

I was such a fucking idiot. I caved so easily. Harmony apparently suspected something was going on, and I just told her immediately like the mark I was. “Well,” I continued, scratching the back of my neck and blushing, “not really. But I did, you know…” I mimed grabbing a dick and sucking it, then shrugged.

“That’th tho crathy…” Harmony said in pure awe. We’d finished her project like ten minutes ago, and good thing we did, because if I brought this up before then, we probably still wouldn’t be finished. “Ith there any drama?”

“There really shouldn’t be, right?” I asked rhetorically. “So, originally, it was all good. But Greg is trying to be the big protective older brother – ew, wait… well, whatever. You know what I mean. He’s trying to be protective. He doesn’t judge me for sleeping around, but he’s so worried there will be drama that breaks apart the group that he kind of causes it? Like, before it even happens? It’s weird.”

Harmony rolled her eyes. “Boyth. Typical.”

“Right??” She and I shared a laugh. “But they’re the guys I’m stuck with, so I’m dealing with it. Abe was kinda weird at first, but Drew… honestly, Drew has been this big sweetheart throughout the whole thing.”

Uncharacteristically, Harmony raised an eyebrow and smirked when I said that. Why…? “What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she insisted. “Keep talking.”

Oookay…? “And I considered going after Raven, but Greg kinda talked me out of it. As much as I wanna go against everything the dude is saying to me right now, he’s got a point.”

“Oh, he’th got a huge point,” Harmony immediately insisted. “Number one, Raven ith going after thith one girl in the popular group, and he’th, like, exthactly ath toxthic ath you think he ith.”

“Yeah, not surprised,” I replied lamely, rolling my eyes.

“Number two, he’th been trying to get more, like, clout lately. He’th hanging out with the popular girlth more and more and he’th thtarting to give exthutheth to not hang out with uth, tho I honethtly think we’re going to be theeing him way leth from now on.”

I shrugged. “No skin off my back,” I honestly replied. I felt like I should have been more upset about a friend leaving the Media Gang, but he was always more my friend by proxy anyways. I probably should have checked in on Drew though; I know that big lug liked Raven and kept trying to involve him in things.

“Yeah, you thtill got to be with all the guyth who thtayed in the Media Gang,” Harmony agreed. “And they all jutht uthe you whenever, or…?”

I nodded. “Yeah, mostly. Greg started taking me into – fuck, this is embarrassing – you know that one bathroom near the auto class? The unisex one.”

Harmony’s hand flew to her mouth. “Oh my goth, you did it on thchool property?!”

“Ohhh yeah, lots of times,” I admitted, only slightly sheepishly. “With Drew, too. Abe only wanted to do it at my place, though I’ve only sucked him off once so far. But… oh my God, Harmony, keep this a secret, but Abe is fucking packing.”

Harmony’s hand never left her mouth. She turned more pink. “That’th tho crathy…” she replied, starry-eyed. She took to this better than anyone. She was downright fascinated.

“Yeah, so, y’know, if that’s what you’re into, just giving you a hot tip. I don’t mind sharing,” I joked, though Harmony’s face only slightly darkened in response. “I was kidding,” I immediately added, suddenly really worried I crossed a line or something.

“No, it’th fine, it’th jutht… I don’t think that will exthactly matter to me,” Harmony slowly replied.

“Oh, do you have history with Abe or something?”

Harmony’s face broke into a smile of surprise. “Ariel, I told you thith latht year. I’m not into guyth. I’m a lethbian.”

Hello, mother of all ‘oh fuck, I remember now’ moments. I didn’t even have time to think of how this could have benefitted me; I immediately cringed. “Oh fuck, I’m sorry,” I immediately blurted out. “I should have remembered!”

Harmony chuckled. “I’m not going to lie, it’th weird you didn’t,” she admitted.

“I’m sorry!” I repeated. “I dunno why I didn’t remember. I’m good at remembering those kinds of things, I promise.”

“It’th okay, it’th okay,” Harmony soothed. “And obviouthly, that’th not me trying to come onto you or anything.”

“Well, duh, it’s just who you are,” I said. It was obvious.

Harmony rolled her eyes. “Tell that to any of the other girlth I’ve thaid thith to,” she said. “All of them think that becauthe I’m into girlth, I have to be into them. It’th annoying.”

I scoffed. “Speak for yourself, that just sounds kinda hot,” I admitted, feeling like we didn’t need to be too secretive anymore.

She raised an eyebrow again. “Oh come on, Ariel,” she admonished me. “You think it thoundth hot, but when it happenth to you…”

“Did I stutter when I said I’m free use?” I asked.

“No, but you did thay your etheth weird,” she joked. I laughed. I appreciated how she could make light of her insecurities. “Tho what, no matter who it ith, you’ll just… let them uthe you?”

“Not no matter what, but I just like the idea of people sexualizing me in general,” I admitted. Of course, I didn’t like Matthew doing it, but that was different. He thought I was way older, and plus, he so clearly just wanted me to take initiative and handle everything while he could just be awkward. When you made the Media Gang of all people look competent and initiative-taking, that just made you a walking red flag. Why were the red flags always named Matthew, anyway?

“People, huh?” Harmony asked. “Tho, I’m not trying to be weird and hit on you or anything, but you thaid ‘people,’ not ‘boyth.’”

I smiled. “Harmony, relax,” I told her warmly. “First of all, those girls are just being weird. Second of all, you’re talking to a girl that wouldn’t mind it if you did!”

Harmoney’s expression turned to one of mistrust. “You never thaid anything about having a cruth on me.”

“Nah, not a crush. I’m not looking to date anyone. But yeah, I’m bi, so me being free-use… it doesn’t apply to just boys, you know?”

“Oh…” Harmony said, looking away and blushing. “Tho, like, you’d jutht like to… fool around with a girl too?”

I squeezed my legs together. I was wet, though at this point, it wasn’t a great surprise. “Yeah, or more accurately, I’d just like for a girl to use me to get off. You know… ride my face or something.”

Harmony blushed. “I thee, I thee. But like… even then, you’d probably want a pretty girl who’th all articulate, and thpeakth properly, and…”

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward, putting my hand on her shoulder. She slowly looked at me. “Harmony,” I began, “I want to be with a girl that I trust. You’re right, being pretty is an upside, but that just also means it would be good to be with you.”

“I… what?”

“Yeah, I could have worded it better, but I’m calling you pretty, you dummy.”

Harmony turned away. “That’th nithe to thay, but I’m not pretty. I know that.”

“Yeah, well, I know you are. We’re at an impasse.” I paused, and she didn’t say anything. “Let’s start with this: if I was totally willing to eat you out, would you want that?”

Harmony blushed an even deeper shade of red. Still looking away, she closed her eyes and nodded. How cute.

I smiled and stood up, taking her hand in mine. “Then how about a trip to the bathroom?” I asked. She didn’t resist, though it was clear this was going to be yet another member of the Media Gang where I was going to have to take initiative. Typical.

As we walked, it crossed my mind that this could be the one time I could go to the regular bathroom instead of the unisex one. That said, any girl could walk in on us at any time, and as much as I was into free use, the idea of getting caught by a prude and being made to tell my parents what I was doing… it didn’t thrill me.

So, here I was again, in the unisex bathroom, explaining to a pink-faced person what we’d do if someone was outside when the first person left. Harmony, still pink in the face, just nodded and walked inside. When I walked in and closed the door behind me, I saw her, sitting down on the closed toilet, her pink face in her hands.

I chuckled. “We don’t have to do anything, you know,” I told her. “I didn’t mean to, like, foist this on ya.”

“It’th okay,” she said quietly. “I totally want to. It’th like, I can’t believe thomeone elthe wantth me, you know?”

“Harmony,” I all but groaned. “You’re a beautiful person. I get you feel insecure sometimes, but…”

“It’th not a me thing. People alwayth bully me about my eye or my lithp. They tell me that no one will want to be with me.”

“And here I am, offering to eat you out,” I replied with a motion of my hands. “I never said that, did I? Just sounds like you were talking to the wrong people, and now you’re talking to the right person.”

Harmony slowly smiled. “I gueth I am,” she softly admitted, looking up at me. Eventually, she nodded, standing up. “Tho… I jutht take thethe off, I guess?” she asked, undoing her pants button.

“That’s the idea,” I replied. “I haven’t figured out how to do it with them still on.”

“Thmart-ath,” Harmony laughed, undoing her zipper.

“Also, I kinda… haven’t done it with a girl yet, so this will be a learning experience for me too,” I admitted, getting on my knees.

“Really?” Harmony asked, surprised. “Wow. That’th… hot.” Emboldened by my confession, she lowered her pants, her jeans slipping past her silky thighs.

Wow. Harmony was… deceptively hot. She was skilled at hiding how sexy her hips were. Either that or I just never noticed. Once her pants were off, she half-jokingly made a coquettish pose. “Thee thomething you like?” she joked.

“You’re, uh… fucking gorgeous,” I admitted. I was really happy Harmony was going to be my first girl.

“I’m not gonna lie, I’m kinda glad you’re gonna be my firtht girl,” Harmony said, her thumbs playing around with the waistband of her underwear. “I never had, like, a romantic cruth on you or anything, but I alwayth thought you your body wath, uh, really attractive.”

Me? Harmony thought I was attractive? My body? Wow. I scanned my memories – had any of the guys said that? Greg certainly hadn’t. Abe didn’t. I don’t think even Drew did, and the dude had a crush on me in the past, and possibly still did.

I felt another nervous giggle escape me, and before I knew what I was doing, I was back on my feet, kissing Harmony against the wall, my fingertips savoring the feeling of her smooth skin. Her thighs weren’t just a treat to look at, they were a treat to feel too. How delicious was her pussy going to be? I couldn’t wait to find out.

Harmony kissed me back with… a surprising amount of skill. Had she kissed before? It sure felt like she did. Not only did she have soft, plump, full lips, but the way she used them put my body under some kind of spell. I was leaning into her kiss, I was fucking moaning into it – damn, the girls here at Hazelwood were missing the fuck out by bullying her instead of making out with her.

More for me, though. Harmony adapted quickly, wrapping her arms around me, and even dropping her left hand down to squeeze my ass. Fuck, that felt so good, feeling Harmony of all people squeezing my ass cheek. Next to Greg, she needed the least convincing to dominate, which was good news to me. All she needed to do was truly believe I found her pretty, and the rest she was doing herself. It was the hottest thing. My poor starving pussy was on fire, grinding up against her, but I knew it would get some release soon enough. I would definitely need to finger myself when I ate her out.

Harmony broke the kiss and smiled at me. “Are you okay if my thirt thtays on the firtht time?” she asked gently.

“A hundred percent!” I told her eagerly.

“Okay,” Harmony replied softly, her smile only getting bigger. Not taking her eyes (well, eye) off of me, she took her hands into her waistband and brought them down. I didn’t notice at first since my eyes were also on her, but after they were off, Harmony decided to initiate. Biting her lower lip, she grabbed my head with one of her hands and started to guide my head down.

“Free uthe, right?” she asked, hopefully only checking with me for the last time.

“Exactly,” I replied with a smile. “Use me. Be as rough as you want. I want it until I tell you otherwise.”

“Thounds good,” she replied, seeing me get down on my knees. She sat down on the closed toilet lid and spread her legs. Her pussy was like heaven – unshaven, fat with puffy lips, and so wet that as she opened her legs, a trail of her wetness glided from one pussy lip to the other. This was going to be my first pussy, and I already knew I was going to have the time of my life.

“Pleathe me, thlut,” she purred.

I grinned up at her. She was such a fast learner. She scooted forwards on the seat, eagerly awaiting my tongue. I gripped her thighs with both hands, grabbing her by her back to move her even closer to me.

Her scent wasn’t overpowering, but was it ever something. It was such a full and powerful smell. Even a small amount of it felt like it was designed to make any good girl’s head start to swim with naughty thoughts, and I was no good girl. I moved my head in, deciding teasing was for losers, and started to lick up and down Harmony’s slit. Her pussy was delightfully slimy, and barely had any taste. What little taste she had was a mellow nice taste. Clearly she ate well.

Harmony moaned at first contact and didn’t stop after that, moving and grinding her hips to meet my tongue. Her eagerness was the hottest thing, and very quickly ,she had her eyes closed and her hands on the back of my head. I thought she was a quick learner before, but it was clear she must have been trying to become my new favorite or something.

So I was determined to be hers. I evolved from licking up and down her slit to moving my tongue around, figuring out the best patterns. The classics were always good – moving my tongue in and out of her needy hole was a good one, as was moving my tongue a little north to gently play with her clit. I could even combine that with two fingers inside her to really drive her wild.

And drive her wild it did. Harmony was one of those lucky girls that could cum from like a minute of stimulation, no matter how experienced the person was. Even in my inexperienced state, it was safe to say that I was being a good little free use pet for her. She’d moan, groan, and even scream as she got hit with orgasm after rolling orgasm.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, right there Ariel, mmmnnnh…”

She held my head in place as I kissed and licked her clit, rewarded with the feelings of her muscles contracting around her fingers, the sheer pleasure in her tone and expression, and the onslaught of sticky juices covering my face. At some point I just elected to close my eyes and dive in, feeling drunk and addicted to being as nasty as possible, wanting this secret pervert to drown my face in her juices.

The greatest part was, she wasn’t done after a few measly orgasms. Even after I thoughts she was done, I’d start to move my head away, and I’d just feel her hand on the back of my head. “You’re thtill my thlut. Keep going.”

Unf. I could only moan in submissive approval while my tongue was still busy. I doubled my efforts, not caring how pathetic I looked or sounded, I just wanted to please Harmony, who definitely was getting quite comfortable viewing me as her little sex toy and nothing else.

We switched positions all around the bathroom – some weren’t winners, like her bending over the sink and me trying to eat her out from behind – though my personal favorite was her standing and lifting one foot onto the toilet seat, and me kneeling below her, eating her out as she stood like Captain Morgan. It was so hot, and it was only made hotter by Harmony keeping me in place with her hand and telling me I was her good little toy.

After what felt like at least an hour, we took a break, allowing me to come up for air. Even as we took a break, Harmony shamelessly made circles around her clit with her finger, looking at me like I was a piece of meat. It gave me shivers.

“So, you liked it?” I joked.

“I’m keeping you around for a long time,” Harmony said in a low voice in response. My pussy throbbed. I was so busy pleasing her that I forgot to please myself, and judging by the look she shot between my legs, she noticed. “When we go for round two, I want you to finger yourthelf,” she ordered. “But then we thould probably go home before the cuthtodian theeth uth.” We both laughed. I wanted to say something witty, but I couldn’t even think of anything. This was a brand new side to Harmony, one I could have never seen coming. Dear God was I happy I went for it. I’d finally conquered the whole Media Gang – well, all the people from the Media Gang I wanted to conquer, anyway – and right at the end, Harmony surprised me by conquering me right back.


It’s funny how these things come about. If it hadn’t been for the Amazing Channel, none of this free use stuff would have happened, and I still would be a nervous virgin harboring a secret kinky freaky side, and yet, my time with The Amazing Channel didn’t last too long.

Shortly before the summer break began, some kind of scandal rocked The Amazing Channel. Nothing huge, but it did turn out the Cartoon Critic had done some things most YouTubers wouldn’t exactly be proud of. After that story broke and people did some digging, it turned out most of the creators had a serious darker side. Chief among them, to everyone’s surprise but mine, was Matthew. Dude was seriously messed up, and that’s me saying that. Out of everyone affected by the scandal, he might have actually been looking at charges. He was the first to delete his YouTube and socials, which meant that at long last, he was going to leave me the fuck alone.

A few others deleted their channels too, though I opted not to. Miraculously, even though people were sniffing around, no one found out that I was in high school the whole time. And hey, I was young and stupid, so as long as I wasn’t caught, I was just going to keep the channel and keep making videos. No one would care in around a decade anyway, if I even stuck around that long. Happily, Dan from Show Me The Money Shot decided to stick around too. We’re still friends to this day.

So, one of the most influential YouTube supergroups of all time was a shadow of its former self, after only a few months of my involvement. And all I had to show for it was almost a hundred thousand subscribers to this show where I screamed about kids’ movies, and a free use fetish. I’d say I made out like a bandit.

It wasn’t all fun on my end though. No one was surprised when Raven ghosted the group – in hindsight, he was barely involved with the Media Gang in the first place – but the real one that hurt was Greg. The guy still free-used me between classes a few more times, but eventually, we stopped, and shortly after, we just… stopped talking. He still was fine talking to Abe or Drew, but with me, he just kind of… stopped. Well, we. We both stopped.

It was never decided or officially done. It was just, like, one day, we both happened to stop talking to each other, and neither of us wanted to be the one to crawl back to the other. Sometimes I thought I missed the guy, but then I’d overhear how he spoke or see the weird and edgy and sometimes mildly racist memes he sent in the Discord channel and just think, ‘you know what? I’m good without him.’ Life moves on, I guess.

Plus, I lost out on the best dick I ever saw shortly after. Abe was nothing but respectful about it, but after many blowjobs and a few quickies where I got to feel firsthand just how big Abe’s dick was, he sat me down and admitted that he thought he couldn’t handle sex outside of a loving relationship. What was I gonna say in response to that, “no”? I was disappointed (it turned out I loved bigger dicks as much as I thought I would) but I accepted it readily, and Abe and I never got weird or complicated. Hell, whenever I need something and Abe has the tools, he’s still as ready as ever to help me, because that’s what it means to be in the Media Gang.

Out of everyone, I never expected Harmony to be the one to lean the most into the whole ‘free use’ thing. To be honest, she clearly had this inner freak like I did from the beginning, except hers was a dominating force and mine loved to be used. It took her a bit to get used to, but soon, I was getting called several times a week to just go over to her place and get on my knees, eating her out, sometimes even while she had computer calls with friends or something. It was the hottest fucking thing. Each time, she’d reward me by letting me sit on her thigh and hump it while we made out, her pussy juice smeared all over my face. Once or twice she even insisted on fingering me after I did a particularly good job, although I told her she never had to do that.

And then there’s Drew. What could I even say about that guy? We kept on seeing each other, usually at my place. My little bro actually was happy to see Drew around, though he was probably just happy to think I was just having sex with one person anymore. Drew himself wasn’t too unhappy to hear Greg and then Abe decided to stop with me, and he was not bothered at all when he finally caught on that Harmony and I were doing stuff. Drew was just… happy to be around me, the loser. I would blow him or we’d have sex (he only cried like a sixth of the time, but when he did, it was actually kinda sweet), and then we’d hang out. Sometimes, we’d play games, and sometimes we would even go for a walk and get burgers or something afterwards. He started this thing where on our way to the burger place, he would… grab my hand and hold it? And I’d just let him. Sometimes I’d even be the first one to grab and hold his hand. It was like a little inside joke between us. An inside joke that made me giggle and blush and look away.

From the beginning I was kind of aware that the true idea of free use is a bit of a fantasy. Like, obviously, no matter how horny you get, you have to pick and choose who you fuck, and you need to know how to do it properly to not bruise or get feelings hurt or whatever. And obviously, not everyone is just down to casually drop a load in you whenever. Maybe that’s why I ended up staying as the sex toy for less than half of the Media Gang. But that was kind of the beauty of it, to be honest. Free use wasn’t this guidebook you had to follow. If you had to ask what and where free use was, you were allowed to kind of make up that answer for yourself. And even with the shittier things that happened, I really enjoyed making my own free use, and living my own free use. And I can’t wait to see what it’ll look like in the future. So hey, thanks for listening, and if you liked what you saw here, don’t forget to hit that like button, subscribe, and ring the bell.


Author's Note: Thank you for taking the time to read this story! I hope you enjoyed it, and liked the ending. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

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