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Please Note: Llisanya is clearly of age in her flashback
It was dark when Falco woke up holding the Half Elf in his arms. What’s-her-Name breathed softly as she slumbered. In his sleep he had cupped her warm breast and he saw no reason to remove his hand. He gently squeezed it, feeling it yield in his palm. Those tits, for all their firmness, were as soft as Cadwarra’s. He felt the nipple. It had usually been erect when he saw it. Now it was soft and flush to the breast. His finger circled it absent-mindedly.

As the rising sun began to lighten the skies in the east, he lay there reliving the humiliation of the previous afternoon. He wondered why she had closed the curtains in his moment of extreme embarrassment. Had it just been something she had done to cover her own shame or did she do it for him?

He remembered how the late afternoon sun had shone on her as she stretched up to her full height to reach the curtain. She had stood starkers in front of the onlookers, square to the window as she fumbled with the drape. Without a shred of modesty she did that while everyone saw her bare breasts and wet vadge. She had had no modesty, showing everything. He concluded she had drawn the curtain for his sake.

He was glad she had done that, but it puzzled him. Why would she do something nice when it served her no good? He would have let someone in that situation stand there like a fool. He would have laughed just as hard as people had laughed at him.

He gave up on that conundrum to puzzle on another. He had still not found a way to discover her name. He blushed to remember he had even fruitlessly checked her panties for their owner’s name sewn on the waistband. This was getting frustrating.

Llisanya lay there for a long time in Falco’s embrace, pretending to sleep. For once Falco was being gentle. It felt good to feel his finger tip run lightly over her nipple while his hand fondled her boob. It was soothing and with the upsetting dream she had just had she needed soothing.

She had dreamed about her crappy parents and the night Mommy had left. They were arguing. Daddy wanted to fuck right then. Mommy didn’t want to fuck at all. She drunkenly slapped him. He drunkenly smacked her back. She slammed the door and was gone.

Her father did not bother to chase after her. “You’re of age now” he told Llisanya “and your young tits are just as pretty as your Mom’s,” He pushed her onto the bed and crawled on top of her.

She loved that Daddy loved her more than he loved Mommy. But he did things she did not like. He did those things every night.

One day, she made a deal with the weaponsmith down the road. She loved the weaponsmith the way she loved Daddy. When it was done and the sweaty weaponsmith got back off of her he paid her with the gift of a dagger, as agreed.

That night when Daddy came to be loved she instead stuck the dagger deep into him and slashed leftward across his stomach. She laughed at the dumb look on his face as he crouched there on the floor trying to hold his guts in. She left him there dying alone. No one in town ever knew where she ran off to.

Years later she was in New Halas doing an “errand” for an associate. Drinking in the local alehouse was Mommy. She recognized Mommy when their eyes met for a split second across the gorange* of the bar. Not recognizing her own daughter, her mother had drunkenly growled at her “what are you looking at, Bitch!” and sucked back her shot of whisky.

Llisanya made sure they ran into each other later that night in a dark corner of town. “You again!” Mommy had sneered as she lurched toward her child. “What’s your problem, Cunt?”

“My problem? My you left me with Daddy!” Llisanya stabbed that same patricidal dagger into Mommy’s eye. It slid easily deep into her brain. She masturbated that night thinking about Daddy’s loving.

*Gorange: Rhymes with orange. 1) A group of strangers who have nothing in common but are having a great conversation 2) A physical location where a group of strangers are likely to form a gorange, 3) a corner of a bar.

Still enjoying Falco’s early morning caresses, Llisanya remained still. She had to stop dwelling on the past and plan her next move. This whole scam was going on too long. A couple of platinum coins, or maybe more, would pay for room and board for a half a year and surely she could finish this up quickly. She needed to move this “small-penis, sell-him-an-expensive-magical-charm” game along faster.

Not sure how to keep things moving her thoughts instead wandered back to her family. She thought about what Daddy would do with his whole hand. She had not liked that, but perversely she still frequently masturbated to that memory.

And now she knew how to proceed...

Falco kissed his sleeping companion’s neck. A contented sigh escaped her. She turned in her sleep to face him. He realized her eyes were open.

“How long have you been awake, Sweetie?” she snuggled into him.

“Not long” he replied. “Did my hand on your tit wake you?”

“I think so, but that’s alright.” She sat up on her elbow and cupped her perfect breast in her hand as she lifted it to his mouth. She stuck a rising nipple between his lips. “Suck me” she offered. “Have fun.”

He nibbled on her nipple, making it rise and thicken. The humiliation of last afternoon was still fresh in his mind and he felt no strong sexual urge despite enjoying the nipple.

“Before you fuck me some more get me wet this time” she told him bluntly and guided his fingers to her slit. She either did not realize he was not in the mood or did not care.

He obediently stuck two fingers into the folds of her labia. As they parted he pushed in up to the second knuckle and fingered her soft insides. Despite himself, his loins stirred.

“Use three fingers” she told him. He did.

She mewed a little. “Deeper” she told him. “I want to feel some serious girth.”

He did not like that she was maybe implying his own girth was insufficient but obediently went in up to the top knuckle, using all four fingers without being prompted to add the fourth. Only his thumb was not inside her as he worked away.

This seemed not enough for the horny Half Elf. “Push your whole fist in, Honey. Right up to your wrist. I want to cum, Baby! I need something big in me!”

Whoa! This bitch was crazy! Suddenly interested, his penis hardening, Falco pushed his whole hand into the slut. His fist slid in deep. She took in a deep breath and moved her hips. “Just start fist-fucking me” she pleaded as she undulated. After a few of his cunt-punches she added “I like it when a man can fill me up.”

That was a lie; Daddy had liked to fill her up with his big hand, she not so much. Over the next couple days she would pay for this deed in mental anguish and bad memories but for now she was needing to drop the hint to Falco that she needed more than his cock provided. But the cruel memories came to the fore of her thoughts. Experienced actress though she was, she was finding it very hard to pretend to Falco that she liked what he was doing.

Falco didn’t know this. He thought he was giving her pleasure. He happily pushed his fist in and out. He felt the inside of her. Warm, wet, soft inside flesh gripped his hand. He felt her insides gush all over his wrist. She was so wet. He could see the sheets under her were soaked. His prick was now completely up and ready to give her a fuck. He pushed his fist right up into her as far as possible, right to the back of her vagina, into new territory. He pawed her insides. He could feel her cervix.

Llisanya flipped her whole body around to perform 69 on Falco. She managed to keep his hand inserted in her while she re-positioned herself, spinning her vagina around 180 degrees on his buried fist. She settled into the new position then bent forward and took his erection in her hungry mouth, slurping on the pretty thing.

It was such a lovely, nice looking cock. It really wasn’t small sized. It was more like average and average was what Llisanya liked in a man’s cock.

She worked away on it, sucking and pumping, kissing and licking. She thought it was gorgeous and once again felt guilty misleading Falco into thinking it was inadequate. If she ever found a man she could prove worthy of, this was exactly the cock she wanted him to have.

“You see how a woman needs a man to use her pussy, Baby?” she breathed deeply. “See how your fist makes me cum?” She actually WAS cumming; thinking about Daddy and his big hand and how he loved her.

Though it was Falco’s cock she was sucking on it was Daddy that was turning her on. She thought about Daddy collapsed there looking stupid and with half his entrails poured out on the floor and she began a medium sized climax. What a sick puppy, I am, she thought as she came and her head went up and down on Falco’s perfect cock. She had sucked Daddy like that.

As her climax subsided she briefly pulled his erection out of her mouth. “Let’s get this little fellow to shoot some of your yummy stuff, Honey” then she went right back to sucking. She usually enjoyed working a con but not this one. She wanted to get this whole scheme over with.

Falco heard the insult about his size. He was instantly angry at her for talking about his small cock. The small cock she just rejected in preference to his whole fist. She was a bitch like all women were. He fought the urge to vindictively choke her with both hands for saying what she said. Instead, he lay back and enjoyed degrading her by cumming all over her tonsils. He produced a goodly volume and Lllisanya dutifully gulped it down.

They lay together in silence for a half hour. He fondled her breast while she played with his genitals. Pissed off, he silently mulled over the insult she had made about his male size.

It was Llisanya that broke the silence. “Can we talk?” she asked him in her most professionally coquettish voice. She was rolling his balls around in her fingers.

Oh, Karana! Falco thought. Here it comes. The can-we-talk conversation. She wants to talk about where their relationship is going. Or how much does he love her? How many kids should they have? Will they be going home to meet her parents for Frostfell or his?

He inwardly sighed. Can’t these fucking whores just enjoy a good romp in the sack without dreaming about wedding rings?

“Uh...sure. What do you want to talk about?” he answered, ill at ease. He was hoping maybe she was just wanting to discuss would he buy her flowers or maybe could he tell her how pretty she was?

“Well...I love the way you fuck, Falco, know...don’t get me wrong....but...well....”

Her voice trailed off. In the silence he got impatient. He didn’t like the sound of this. “Look, what are you saying?” he snapped.

“Well...I have a fellow I know who makes magic charms that know...give a guy a big cock. The girls I know say it works great for their boyfriends.”

That made him mad. He had suspected all along she would dump him for some well-endowed guy. This was confirmation.

Angrily, Falco sat up in bed and replied. “What are you trying to say, Bitch? My prick isn’t good enough for you? You trying to break up with me, you selfish tramp?”

Being called a bitch and a tramp really ticked Llisanya off, especially because she was a bitch and a tramp. She instantly sat up in bed, too. Despite the sudden movement her firm pointy tits hardly jiggled. Angrily she replied “No one is breaking up, you stupid motherfucker!”

Actually, she reflected, breaking up sounded like a great idea. But there was the matter of those 20 silver she would owe Ellister. She stopped and took a big breath to calm down. She needed to play this right and it was already going sideways.

“What I am trying to say is...” she continued more patiently “ could accommodate ME for once. I need something of a size between a small cock and your huge hand inside me. Is it too much to suggest we improve our love life with a proper-sized man-weapon between my legs? Lots of my friends get their guys to use these charms. It’s no big deal. You just wear the damn thing around your neck and your cock is instantly three inches bigger. Guaranteed. It’s just harmless magic. And they only cost 5 or 6 plat.”

Her tone shifted subtly so as to be tinged with a sneer. “And you can’t do that for me?” She churlishly flopped back down staring at the ceiling with a peeved look.

Falco lay back down beside her but a few inches away. They did not touch. They lay there in cold, angry silence. He knew she was right. He was small.

Finally he petulantly remarked “We don’t have 5 plat, you stupid twat.”

“Well, a real man would find a few plat somewhere, you asshole. You’ve been fucking me and drinking my ale all this time. Maybe spend a bit of your coin for MY pleasure. You do like to fuck females, don’t you?”

Oh, here starts the insults, he thought. “I am not a hind-grinder if that is what you are implying.” Falco pondered whether or not he should backhand Llisanya for questioning his masculinity. A good slap or two would show her who was boss.

“Look, it would be good for our sex life is all I’m saying.” She theatrically took a frustrated breath. “Where’s the downside?”

“The downside is we don’t have 5 plat!” By Karana, could she not get THAT through her stupid, thick skull? He had never even seen 5 plat.

More angry silence followed until she broke it by enigmatically stating “I know someone...” Her voice trailed off.

It was a few seconds before Falco rejoined, curious, “You know someone....what?” His voice had softened only a little.

“I know someone who is looking for two reliable people to do a quick job for him. It’s easy money. Maybe 5 or 6 plat each.”

He did not say anything to Llisanya but he was thinking a half dozen plat would be a tidy sum. Cadwarra might notice him then; see he was a success. He would spend some money on her before they fucked. As for this magic charm...he remembered seeing how Cadwarra had admired how big the Sentry’s cock was as he waved it over her like a trophy. He knew he would need to get one of those things. He was just too proud to admit it.

Llisanya decided she had better leave off the discussion. She needed to let the idea stew with him. They lay there a long bit.

When she sensed his anger was mostly over, Llisanya rolled over on top of him. Petulantly, he did not respond. That was good. He was still a little angry and males never much thought straight when they were a little angry.

“Hey...?” she cooed.

“What?!!!” He was definitely still annoyed with her.

“We just had our first fight. Wanna have some official make up sex?” She looked at him with those big, pretty eyes. He was acutely aware of her firm breasts crushed against his muscular chest with their little sentries at attention. He became erect.

He rolled her onto her back and just about fucked her ass through the mattress.



2023-10-08 04:23:32
Played EQ1 for many years


2023-10-07 11:38:09
Also, glad your are enjoying the story.


2023-10-07 11:36:57
EQ1 or EQ2/


2023-10-07 06:55:02
The ale house is to the right when you cross the pond in Halas. Enjoying your story.

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