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My 2nd story, I hope you enjoy it.

This is a fantasy. All characters are over 18 and consenting adults.
Black Cat

Chapter 1: Thursday Evening - Asking for a Favor

I had just come home from work when Cynthia from downstairs knocked on my door. Cynthia was a single mom and even though she was technically my tenant, we had become friendly over the last couple of months. I had helped her out a couple of times, sometimes with small repairs, and sometimes I had let it slide when money was tight and the rent was a bit late. Cynthia was home during the day and often took deliveries and parcels for me. Sometimes I found a small tupper container with a homecooked meal at my door when I came home.

Cynthia was what they call “fun-sized”, a little over 5’ and quite curvy. Her skin tone was the blackest black that nature has to offer. She had a broad smile with shiny white teeth and sparkling dark eyes. I liked her - but she was not what I would call “my type”.

“Hi Cynthia! What’s up?”

“Hi Dan! Sorry to barge in on you when you just got home… but I have a little problem and I was wondering if you could help out. I’m really, really sorry to put you on the spot like this but I need to sort this out this evening… as in in the next 30 minutes or so.”

“No worries, how can I help you? And come in, please…”

“Thanks, but I have to go right back downstairs and tell them. Thing is, I have an offer to join the catering team for those new Hampton cruises. Small cruise ship, maybe 200 guests, leaves tomorrow at 6, comes back Sunday around 12. It pays quite well, and I really need the money…”

She was talking super fast and I could see that she was tense, her eyes darting left and right while we talked.

“...and I wanted to ask you if you could maybe have an eye on Cat while I’m away”. Catherine was her daughter and even though Cynthia and I knew each other quite well, I barely knew Catherine. What I knew was that she was tiny (something like 4’5’’?), always wore a black hoodie that hung loosely down a petite body, her hair and face hidden under the hood and rarely more than a mumbled “Hi” from under the hood when I happened to see her on the stairway or outside. I didn’t even know how old she was.

“I don’t mean like babysitting, don’t worry. She’s old enough to take care of herself. But I don’t want her to hang out alone all weekend, invite god-knows-who to our home, go out, come back late, you know…”

“OK, you mean like check on her every now and then?”

“Yeah, like… maybe she can stay at your place during the day, do her homework, maybe help with household chores… and she can sleep in her own bed downstairs. Again, I’m sorry to spring this on you, but I kinda like really need this job.”

“It’s no problem, Cy. She is welcome to hang out with me - or just stay away from me and do her own thing. She can watch movies, play XBox or whatever. I don’t know what kids do these days”.

Cynthia smiled. “Thank you, I owe you big time. She’s locked up in her room most of the time, reading this Japanese comic stuff on her phone. She’ll probably lock herself in your den and you won’t even know she’s there.”

“Well, my ‘den’ is also my home office and my home cinema, so if she tries to lock herself in there she will have to fight me first.”

Another smile from Cynthia. “Better hope you don’t have to fight her. She’s one stubborn lady…”

“Hahaha, we’ll see about that. But really, it’s no problem. I have nothing planned for this weekend. I’ll just stay in, do some paperwork. If she wants we can do stuff like go out for ice cream or pizza or maybe a movie, I dunno”.

“As long as you have enough water, she doesn’t need much else”

“Wait, what? Water?”

“Yes, water. Don’t ask me why, but this little package can down like a gallon a day. I don’t know where she puts it. I have to discuss for half an hour to make her eat something other than rice crackers - but I never have to ask twice if she wants something to drink.”

“OK, good to know. I hope I’ll have enough water on tap…”

“Thank you again, Dan, thank you”. For the first time since we knew each other, Cynthia hugged me. I’m 6’4’’ and her head barely reaches up to my chest, but she still held me for a good 10 seconds and then scuttled down, giving me a happy look back over her shoulder as she went down the stairs.

Chapter 2: Friday Late Afternoon - Meeting Cat

I work from home on most days. I’m an SAP consultant and working remotely, be it logging in to a client’s SAP system and configuring or fixing stuff or be it meetings with clients, I did all of it from what Cynthia had called my “den”. My apartment occupies the two top floors of the house. First the main floor with a big living room, spacious open kitchen, and dining area, all in one large room. Apart from that, just a small hallway and a guest toilet. Upstairs was my home office/cinema, my bedroom, and the bathroom.

When I bought the house, I had been with what I thought back then was the love of my life, Jenn. Our plan was to convert the upstairs floor into several smaller rooms, one or two rooms for what would be our kids, and maybe an additional guest room. I had met Jenn when I had just turned 40 and she was 32. We had three good years. Like really good years. Then one year of house hunting and planning renovations - and during those hectic and stressful times I hadn’t even noticed that we had already started to drift apart. I signed the papers, I had bought a house, we moved in and three weeks later I found a note on the kitchen table. A fucking note. On the fucking expensive kitchen table Jenn had chosen.

No rooms for kids. No guest room. But a big-ass home cinema for me and the biggest desk with the most expensive ergonomic chair I could find. Midlife crisis here I come.

That was four years ago. Four years also happened to be the longest dry spell I had in my life (of course not counting the first 16 years which were technically a dry spell but sure didn’t feel like one). For the first year after Jenn left, I basically became a hermit and spent hours playing video games and even more hours watching old movies. All James Bond movies in a row. A complete Hammer box set in one long weekend. All seasons of The Sopranos and The Wire over Christmas and New Year’s.

In therapy-speak one would say that I needed this time to “heal”, but in guy speak, I needed this time to masturbate and feel sorry for myself. I started dating again after that… but (a) every single date I had after that year was a disaster (and I had this nagging feeling that the reason was me) and (b) Covid happened. Another two years wasted, more video games, more movies, and box sets of series I didn’t even like but I had run out of other stuff to watch.

And I hate to admit this, but then… something strange and unsettling happened. My libido went down. Like really down. I didn’t feel like dating. I didn’t get hard when I saw a beautiful woman. I got hard when I watched porn, but even that went from at least once a day to maybe once a week just to relieve some pressure. I didn’t even care what kind of porn it was, I only made sure that the girl looked nothing like Jenn. And for the last few months, even this had dwindled down. I can still hold an erection. But getting one takes a long time. I can still cum. But what used to be a decent-sized gob of cream is now more like a few drops. I went to see a doctor. Everything is ok. Great, so it’s all in my head. Just great.

I had taken the afternoon off to clean the place. I wasn’t really sure why, it certainly wasn’t dirty or untidy. But this was in fact the first time in… fuck… 5 years I had a guest. Apart from my mom who visits twice a year.

I made sure the fridge was stocked with all kinds of easy-to-make meals. My cooking skills are, let’s say: limited and I had grown used to living off takeout, sushi, Mac’n’Cheese, and pizza. Healthy diet, I know. Well sushi is healthy, isn’t it?

Cynthia had said that she would drop Cat off around 5. I still wasn’t sure what “drop off” meant. Cat says Hi, we do a formal handover and then she goes back downstairs to her room, and I check every half hour that she’s still there and that there are no guests? Or would she stay and I had to come up with something I can do with a… a… I still didn’t know how old she was. Asking felt like a real douchebag move. I remembered that Cynthia had sometimes mentioned something about Cat’s school but I couldn’t remember if she had ever mentioned a grade or which kind of school (high school probably?) or anything. Just another sign of what kind of loner I had become. Here’s pretty much the only person who comes even close to being a “friend” and I know nothing about her daughter, not even how old she is.

Should I put music on? If so, what kind would make me look cool and relaxed? Another thing I hate to admit, but I was genuinely nervous. I couldn’t even explain why exactly. Because this apartment was mine and mine alone and for the first time I would share it with somebody? Somebody I didn’t know and who probably thought that I’m a boring old fart who prevents her from having whatever kind of fun she would like to have on weekends?

The doorbell rang just a few minutes after 5. I opened, Cynthia stood there, already in her navy blue catering service uniform - and a visibly annoyed Cat next to her. 4’5’’, black backpack, black hoodie, hood up over her head and all I could see was a bored face and half-open eyes.

“Thanks again Dan… I’m really sorry, gotta run, the gal who offered me a ride to the harbor is already waiting downstairs. Now, Kitty, be good, ok. If you are, extra WiFi time. If you aren’t, extra dishwasher time. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Mom”. Cat’s voice sounded like that of a little girl, but there was something else. Just two words, but it sounded like a strange kind of grown-up poise.

“Hi Cat. I think we’ve never really met like for real… so… welcome. Come in”. It was bad enough that this sounded lame. It was even worse that my voice croaked like that of a teenager hitting puberty. What was wrong with me? I need to get out more.

Cynthia hugged Cat, looked at me, gave me a small but heartfelt nod, and took off. Cat walked by me, dropped her backpack on the floor, and took her hood off. I could only see her back, but her hair looked… cute. A little more than shoulder length, tied up into a high ponytail. It wasn’t curly, just straight and an even darker shade of black than her skin.

“Wow, this place is huge. You like live alone here?”

“Yes, I do. It was supposed to be a family home but…” Stop… too much information. She doesn’t care.

“Nice. I’ve never seen a room this big. You should see our living room… no, wait, you know it because you rent it out to us”. I don’t know if she meant it like that, but it did feel like a one-two punch. And with this, she turned around.

Damn. She was pretty. Like really, really pretty. Same deep dark skin as her mom. High cheekbones, delicate lips, a tiny nose, and the biggest eyes I have ever seen outside of Comics or weird AI art on Twitter (or X?). Dark eyes. Not brown, dark.

She sure didn’t look like a kid… but the rest of her body, the way the hoodie hung over her small frame and obviously had absolutely no curves to hide… how old was she? Anywhere between 10 and 20? As estimates go, this wasn’t really helpful, but was really the best I could come up with.

“Where can I put my stuff?”

“Depends what you have… if it’s like for homework, you can do it here at the dinner table or there’s an extra desk up in my office.”

“You have an office in here?”

“Yeah, I work from home.”

“Isn’t this like… lonely? That’s like being homeschooled. I know some homeschoolers. They’re weird as fuck”

One-two punch. Again. And should I say something about the swearing? Not my place.

“I like it this way. I like being alone”.

“Sorry for ruining your weekend then”. She said this with a big smile, first time I’ve actually seen her smile - or have any facial expression at all. Did she just wink at me?

“No, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I mean I like to be alone when I work. Most of it is pretty technical stuff and I can concentrate better when I’m alone. Plus, I can play the music I like, go for a snack or a walk whenever I want, I can even take a nap during work”

Cat’s face changed from a smile to “boooooring” and I stopped talking.

“Office is ok I guess. I don’t want to disturb you when you enjoy your alone time in the living room. And yeah, I kinda also work better when I’m alone”.

“You can give me your backpack and I take it upstairs. You can take a look around if you want”.

Cat picked up the backpack and handed it to me. She had to raise her arm to shoulder height so I could take the backpack from her. She looked up at me and the smile was back. Not the mischievous smile from before, but actually a warm, genuine smile.

“Thank you”.

I walked to the back of the living room.

“Didn’t you say you want to take it upstairs?” Cat asked with a puzzled expression.

“Yes. I have stairs inside the apartment”

“Of course you do”.

No one-two punch this time, still just a big smile. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I’m not into teenagers. I even stayed away from teen porn. But this was the first smile in a long, long time that really made my heart skip a beat. Damn.

I took the backpack upstairs, made sure that she hadn’t followed me. I took a quick look inside the backpack. There it was. A math book. I opened it. 6th grade. I closed it. I felt a lump in my stomach. A lump in my stomach and a strange tickling further down. Stop it. No way.

I went back down. Cat was standing at the window, looking outside.

“You have the same view as we do - but one story up really makes a difference.”

“If you like that, the view from the top floor is even better.”

“From your office?”

I paused. Damn.

“No, from… from my bedroom”.

Cat turned around. Looked at me, her smile had changed. Still warm but… I wish I hadn’t said anything. This was awkward.

“Good for you. Too bad I won’t see it then.”

“Yeah, sorry, I didn’t…”

“Shush, it’s ok”.

Had this kid just shushed me?

A long pause. Long enough to be uncomfortable.

“Would you like to have dinner with me? Sorry, I mean: what would you like for dinner?”

“I can grab a bite to eat at our place downstairs. But if you already have, like, prepared anything, that’s fine, too”

“No, not really. But if you like we can whip something up?”


“Uhm… I think I have a waffle mix… but no pancake mix.”

“What do you mean, a ‘mix’?”

“This powder stuff, you add water and boom, waffle batter… or dough? I mean waffle stuff you can… fry?”

Cat’s grin got bigger and bigger while I talked.

“I mean pancakes. We can make pancakes. Not a mix. Pancakes. Cakes. In a pan. With batter we make”

“If you know how… I mean… if you’re in, I’m in”

Cat walked over to the fridge, opened it, looked inside.

“OK, I’ll scoot down and get… well, pretty much everything. You do have a pan, right?”

“I do…”

“Be right back. Don’t cook anything while I’m away”

She walked by me. “If this was a ‘Juno’ reference, extra points”

“What Juno reference?”

“If you’re in, I’m in”.

“Uhm, no… what’s Juno?”

Cat rolled her eyes. “No extra points for you, Sir”

And with this, she was out the door. Butterflies. The ‘Sir’ had made my cock twitch. The cock I had to massage for half an hour before it showed any signs of life had twitched. Too bad it was for someone who was so far off-limits that it wasn’t even a question. Again, damn.

Chapter 3: Friday Evening - Dinner

We both stood in front of the stove. Cat had whipped up a batter with a dozen ingredients, some of them quite surprising, like cayenne pepper and shredded broccoli. And now we started to heat up the pan. Cat’s eyes were almost level with mine. She was standing on a chair I had pulled up to the stove. She moved with the grace of someone who had done this a hundred times. Poured some batter into the pan, turned the pan a bit, left and right, back and forth until the batter had formed a perfect circle, waited a bit until it had set, then she turned the pancake, another minute or two and done. I looked at the pan. Looked at the stack of pancakes on a warming plate. Looked at the bowl. I couldn’t look at Cat. Every time I did, I saw something new. Her skin, so dark you couldn’t even see any pores, not a single blemish. Her ears looked perfect. There was a little dimple just below her cheekbone that twitched when she concentrated. She bit her lower lip when she turned the pancake. Her eyelashes trembled when she lifted the heavy cast iron pan. Her neck… I felt my cock twitch. I wore my normal old blue jeans, but they felt much too tight now. I stuck my hand in my pocket, tried to rearrange my cock but it didn’t help. It wasn’t hard. But it sure felt… solid… and it kept twitching every time I looked at Cat.

“Do you have curry powder?”

“Yeah up there on the extractor hood, to your right”

Even standing on the chair, Cat couldn’t reach it.

I reached across her, my arm brushed her shoulder and my cock twitched so hard it hurt. I grabbed the jar with the curry powder and handed it to her.

“Dan the Man. Thank you”. Big smile. Big twitch. I smiled back.

Cat got off the chair and pushed it to the side. She looked up at me. We were standing so close to each other that she had to lean back a little to meet my eyes.

“How’s the air up there?”

I shot back “Smells a bit like midgets” because I had done this routine a thousand times, it’s something you just get used to when you’re taller than most people and definitely taller than almost all women.

I realized what I had said and everything inside me tensed up. This didn’t go well.

Cat gave me a look, halfway between stern and hurt… but just when I wanted to say something, some lame apology, I saw the corners of her mouth twitch, her eyes sparkled and before I could even say a single syllable, she broke out laughing. God, her face looked beautiful when she laughed. It was like her face was all lips, teeth, and eyes. She pushed me away, playfully.

“As dad jokes go: kudos, Sir!”

“Did you just call me a Dad?”

“Oh, sorry, I meant granddad…”

I gave her a fake hurt look. “Granddad? Now come on!”

“How old are you?”

“48. That’s not granddad age. That’s prime dad age if anything”

“So… wait… if you had kids when you were 18… and they had kids when they were 18 and you were 36… then your daughter would now be… yes, checks out, you could be my Granddad. Sir.”

This was her biggest smile yet. And I held her gaze, smiled back. My cock got hard. I could feel it move up from the legs of my jeans and it probably stood out sideways but I sure as hell wouldn’t look down and give her a reason to look where I was looking.

“Hungry, granddaughter?”

“Yes, Granddad, starving actually. And you know, old people shouldn’t eat too late in the evening, it wreaks havoc on their digestive system”.

A wink that made my cock twitch so hard I flinched… and with this, she turned around, took the last pancake from the pan, put it on the stack, took the warming plate, and walked to the dining table”

“Are you coming or do you need your walker?”

We sat down. I brought two plates, two big glasses, and a pitcher with water and ice cubes. Cat slid a pancake off the stack onto my plate and took one herself. I poured water for both of us and she emptied the glass in one long gulp.

“Whoa. Thirsty much?”

“It’s kind of my thing… maybe I’ll explain it to you later. But for now, may I ask for some water, please?”

I poured her another glass full, she moved it to her lips and took a tiny sip. She licked her lips.

“Delicious! San Pellegrino?”


“Same thing, just a different tap”.

We smiled at each other. Damn, she’s something else. Something else.

We ate. The pancakes were… simply delicious. I had never eaten anything like it. Rich and soft, spicy as hell, the broccoli and herbs gave them a nice twist. I had five. Cat had three. And two more glasses of water. Where the hell does she put it?

“This was really good. Pancakes. Who knew?”

“People who don’t use pancake mix do.”



“Touche. It means something like ‘You got me’”.

“Yes, I think I got you… granddad.”

“Ouch. Can we please stop this?”

“We can. But do we want to?”

“Yes, I want to”

“We will consider it”.

“OK, let me clean up the mess… I dunno… do you want to go downstairs, or do you have to do homework or do you want to, like, hang out?”

“I want to, like, hang out… I’m definitely not going downstairs. This would just mean that you come down every half hour to check on me. Right?”

“Uhm, right. Sorry, I promised your mom”.

“So, hang out it is. Do you have Netflix?”

“Yeah… we can watch Netflix, but I also have quite a movie collection. Maybe you find something you like?”

“Where is it?” Cat looked around. “Seems you don’t even have a TV…”

“Upstairs. Home cinema”

“Hoooome cinema. Fancy. Can I have a look?”

“Yeah, just go upstairs, the BluRay shelf is hard to miss. I’ll clean up here and you check if you find anything you like.”

“Will do… and I’ll help you when I’m back”

“Might take a bit of time to go through it all… no hurry”

I have over 1000 BluRays. And I’m afraid about 99% of them are of zero interest to a girl her age - or R-rated and I sure as hell wouldn’t want her mom to find out that I had watched Scarface with her daughter…

Cat went upstairs and I took the dirty plates and glasses to the dishwasher. Being alone after… what? Over an hour with her, it gave me time to take a deep breath. My cock was still hard, just watching her eat, tiny bites, sometimes holding a piece of pancake between her lips… her small fingers holding the big glass… what was wrong with me? For the last 6 months, my sex drive was close to non-existent and now I get a raging hard-on just from looking at a girl eating pancakes? I closed my eyes. Saw the math book with the number on it. No way. Stop it.

I loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the table & the stove, and rinsed the pan. I felt sweaty. The spicy pancakes. Cat’s eyes. The way her shoulders moved under the hoodie. Her tongue, fishing a small piece of broccoli from the corner of her mouth. I felt my T-shirt getting damp on my back.

Cat came back down, 3 BluRays in her small hands.

“Quite a collection, Sir. But may I say… at least half the movies are probably older than you? There are some in black and white. Black and white.”

“Yes, cinema is over 100 years old. It didn’t start with the Marvel Universe”.

“Ouch, Dad. But yeah, some of them are crap, but it’s entertaining crap. Have you watched the Black Widow one?”

“Yes, I think so. It was the good kind of entertaining crap”

“Too Che”


“That’s what she said”

“That’s what… never mind. What have you got?”

Cat held up the first disc. “Hellraiser”

“Sorry, that’s a hard no. Nothing R-rated, your mom would kill me. Plus… it’s like a really old movie, almost as old as I am.”

“Not black and white, though. And it said something about S&M on the cover.”


“First… why do you want to watch something S&M? And why do you even know what this is?”

“It was in our sex ed book. It sounded… weird. Weird and a bit funny.”

“Trust me, Hellraiser isn’t funny. Still a hard no”

“Spoilsport. OK, next…” - “Irreversible”

“Cat, seriously, what the…”

“I remember some Reddit thread about the best rape scenes and I think this one won.”

“OK, this is getting weird. Another hard no. And ‘Best Rape Scene’? That’s kinda… sick…”

“Agreed. But still, if you want to get a taste of the broader ranges of cinematic art, starting with the best of each is not a bad strategy, right?”

“Agreed. But your broader ranges of cinematic art are limited to PG-13 and below, at least for now.”

“Sigh. Might as well take the other one back upstairs, too, and do another round. You have a pretty extensive Disney and Pixar section, I’ll find one without S&M or rape. Or maybe just with a mediocre rape scene, not a winner of the grand prix”

“What’s the last one? I’m not sure I wanna know, but just out of curiosity…”



“Scream… it’s the really old one. I wanted to watch the new one with that girl from ‘Wednesday’, but that was a hard no from Mom. But I thought maybe the first is also ok?”

“I haven’t seen the last two, but most of the sequels were crap. Entertaining crap to quote a famous movie critic. But the first one is actually quite good”

“OK, then, Scream it is”

“Nope. Take a look at the cover. R.”

“Pretty please, Daddy?”

“Oh come on…” But I already felt I was caving in. I didn’t remember all of it, the movie was something like 25 years old… but I was pretty sure it wasn’t gory (at least not Hellraiser gory), no sex scenes, nothing controversial.

She held the box in front of her chest, tilted her head to the side, and batted her eyelashes a few times, slowly.

“Not a word to your mom, okay? If she asks, we watched…”

“Irreversible. Best rape scene and - if I remember correctly - best head bashing”.

“I’m serious. I think ‘Scream’ is okay for you. But I still don’t want to discuss this with your mom.”

“Deal. I won’t discuss anything about this evening with her.” A wink. My cock twitched. I felt more sweat running down my back.

Game, set, and match.

“Do you have any popcorn?”

“Uhm, no.”

“Movie nights without popcorn are against the law. Lemme run downstairs and get some. I also have to change.”

“Take your time, I’m going to take a quick shower. I think I smell like cooking oil and shredded broccoli”

“Amazing, and you haven’t even cooked”. Another wink, she turned around and exited stage right.

I heard her yell from the stairway: “Gimme 20 minutes…”

I went to the bathroom upstairs, undressed, got into the walk-in shower, and turned cold water on. My cock was harder than it had been in… I dunno… years? I let cold water run over it and it slowly shrank. I soaped up, rinsed off, and got out. Dried myself with a towel from the towel warmer. I put on the tightest pair of boxers I had. If I get another boner later (“If?” a little voice in my head whispered), this should keep it in check. I put on loose jogging pants and a black T-shirt. I checked myself in the mirror. I looked a little flushed. My hair looked a little bit darker when it was wet, but at least you couldn’t see the little speckles of gray that had started to appear about a year ago. I’m by no means a good-looking guy. If anything, I look pretty average. My body was reasonably fit for somebody pushing 50. I adjusted my cock and made sure it was pointing upwards. No more weird sideway boners tonight, please. My cock is an average 6 inches, not circumcised and I think a little thicker than the average. I never heard any complaints about it. I also had never heard any praise for it. Average. The way I had used it when I was still having sex… probably average. I hoped.

I got out of the bathroom and stepped into the big home cinema room - and froze. Cat was standing there, a small package of microwave popcorn in her hand. She was wearing a loose ankle-length white nightgown with a small scoop neck and long sleeves. Very conservative and not at all revealing… well, revealing in the sense that I could see that she didn’t have any curves at all. But still… a nightgown.

“Uhm, what’s that?”

“My PJs are in the washer and this is the only proper movie night attire I had. Sorry, I look like a lamppost in it”

“You look… OK. But I didn’t know we would…”

“I look OK? You’re quite a player, aren’t you?” Another wink and the twitch was back.

“Lemme make the popcorn and you handle the…” She waved her hands around the room “...cinema stuff”.

She ran down and I could hear the door of the microwave pop open. I pushed one button on my central remote and the BluRay player, sound system and projector were on. I put the Scream BluRay into the player, turned the volume down, waited for all the startup crap, chose play from the main menu, and hit pause. I turned the volume up.

The cinema screen is almost 15 feet wide and the U-shaped couch is 10 feet away from the screen. It has a two-seater in the middle and an ottoman on both sides. I sat down on the right ottoman and just then, Cat came in, carrying a ridiculously large glass bowl with a tiny pile of popcorn in it.

“Sorry, couldn’t find another bowl that looked nice. But as they say, size doesn’t matter, right?”

“Uhm, yes, sure… take a seat. We can switch if you want the right side”

“No, it’s fine. She laid down on the left side of the couch and placed the bowl on the two seats between us. I could reach it easily, but Cat had to lean over to her right to grab a handful of popcorn.

I started the movie. Cat took some popcorn and then, with a full mouth: “Hey, that’s the girl from E.T., right?” - “Yes” - “Cool, I like her” - “Hmmm…”

It took only a few minutes and Cat was quiet. Very quiet. Tense. She stared at the screen, a piece of popcorn in her hand, but it never made it to her mouth. Captivated.

The scenes with the boyfriend on the terrace came on. It was bloodier than I remembered and Cat screamed. Then Ghostface chased Drew Barrymore and finally the knife into her belly… total silence, I could hear Cat breathing.

“Holy fuck”

“We can turn it off if you…”

“Are you kidding me? This is like the coolest shit ever. They just killed off E.T.s girlfriend.”

I looked at her. She mouthed “Thank you” and I gave her a thumbs up. You want lame? I got it.

The movie slowed down, lots of exposition - and the first call of Ghostface to Sidney.

“Any murders in the next 2 minutes?”

“Uhm, I don’t think so, but it’s been some time since I watched it. I can pause if you…”

“Nope…” She got up, ran to the stairway, turned around. And with what was probably the worst Schwarzenegger impersonation ever: “I’ll be back”. Pause. “This is where you say: ‘Hasta la Vista, baby’”. She rolled her eyes and was gone. Back not even a minute later, with two glasses and a fresh pitcher of ice water.

She poured both of us a glass and again downed her glass in one long gulp.

“You must have the cleanest urinal tract in all of New Jersey”.

Why. Can’t. I. Just. Shut. Up.

“Hold that thought. What did I miss?”

“Not much. Dewey and the reporter were introduced, but you’re gonna see a lot of them later, so no worries.”

“Great”. Cat put the popcorn bowl on the table and sat down on the two-seater in the middle of the couch.

“Do you mind? To be honest… it is a little scary.”

“It’s ok. Tell me if it gets too much.”

“No no no, not too much… I’m just used to grabbing my mom when we watch something scary.”

“What kind of scary movies have you watched?”

“Like…” Pause. She looked down. “Twilight”. It took a lot of restraint to not laugh.

“I know… that’s lame. But I have watched ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ with Narges. That was like really scary”.

I gave her an approving nod. Say what you want, but she’s always good for a surprise. That movie was on my shelf. Special Edition and all. Yes, that’s how cool I am.

We focused on the movie. Cat sat next to me, but with a good foot between us. I relaxed. Had a sip of water. When I reached for the popcorn, Cat grabbed the bowl without looking and held it for me. I took some and she set it back on the table, without ever taking her eyes off the screen.

Boring part of the movie, lots of talk and most of the meta references didn’t land with a kid who had never watched any of the movies Scream was quoting.

“Hey, sorry, I totally forgot to ask you. Is it ok if two friends come over tomorrow. I really don’t want to disturb you or anything, we can go downstairs and… uhm… work on our project”

“It’s no problem. And you know I have promised your mom… so I’d rather you meet here. Girls from your class?”

“Nope, Narges is one grade above me and Ti is in 9th grade”

“They’re in different grades but you have projects together?”

“I’ll explain later, ok? Narges wants to come around noon and Ti later. He has water gymnastics on Saturday.”

“Water gymnastics? Is he like 60?”

“No… I guess you’ll understand when you see him”.

We had taken our eyes off the screen while we talked. Suddenly a loud bang and when Cat turned her head. Ghostface jumped out of the dark and stabbed the principal. Cat screamed and jumped, she turned to me and hid her head against my shoulder. Grabbed my arm. My cock had been mostly dormant during the last 20 minutes, but now it woke up… feeling her pressed against me… her breath on my arm… I couldn’t say for sure, but it felt like something hard and pointy under her nightgown was brushing my arm… I exhaled… tried to calm down…

“Sorry… this was unexpected. I’m such a wuss…”

“You looked like you had just peed yourself…” (My god, shut up…)

“Hold that thought. Anyways, thanks for letting my friends come over. They’re cool and very… well-behaved. Trust me, no parties with this bunch. And only soft drugs”

Cat was still hugging my arm and I was still trying to breathe slowly. Inhale. Exhale.

“Tell me if I’m, you know, like… violating your personal space or something. But this is like I watch scary movies with my mom”.

“It’s ok… but you could maybe stop pulling on my arm”.

“Ooops, sorry.”

We sat like this. Cat leaned against me, her head on my shoulder, her arms wrapped around my upper arm. She leaned forward, grabbed some popcorn, put some in her mouth, and held her hand in front of my face, just an inch or two from my mouth.

“Uhm, thank you…” I leaned back to give myself some room and took a few pieces from her hand. (“I’m such a wuss”... that makes two of us I guess)

On the screen, the night party started. The pace was picking up. With the screen going almost completely dark, the room itself was getting dark, too. I looked to the side. Cat was almost invisible in the dark. All I could see was the white in her big eyes and sometimes her teeth when she nibbled another piece of popcorn. My cock was so hard it hurt. The tight boxers had been a good idea to hide my erection. They had been a really bad idea when it came to blood flow through my nether regions. The head of my cock was pushing against the tight waistband. It felt like someone was strangling it.

Cat leaned forward and took another big gulp of water and some popcorn. I used this to rearrange my hard cock, pull the waistband down a bit so the head wasn’t pressed flat. It was still well hidden under my wide jogging pants but it felt a whole lot better.

Cat snuggled back against me, now she was hugging my arm with her left arm and her right arm found its way around my neck, her head resting on my shoulder. I was slouched down and she was sitting upright, this was the only way this tiny girl could rest her head the way she did. I had my breathing under control and even though my cock was still hard, it felt much better when it wasn’t constrained by the tight boxers. No problem. No problem at all.

The scene with the car. Sidney in the car, no keys. Ghostface outside, with keys. Sidney frantically pushing the door locks down before Ghostface unlocked them again. Cat was pressing harder against me, looked away from the screen, got on her knees, her back to the screen, looking over her shoulder. A jump scare and she screamed, bounced off the couch, fell down and just when I leaned forward to help her, another jump scare and Cat did something like a crooked summersault accompanied by a high-pitch squeal … and suddenly she was no longer on the two-seater left of me but lodged between my right side and the couch. She was lying half on top of me, half next to me, her head buried in my armpit.

“Wow… that was… Just wow. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life. This is awesome!”

“Do you want to… like… move back?”

“Do you want me to? I do find it quite comfortable here…”

“No complaints from my side… I just thought you look a little… squeezed.”

“I’m not squeezed, this is just my size. I’m space-efficient”.

She looked at me… that smile… my heart beat faster. I could feel her left nipple pressed against my chest… it was hard and pointy, like a small finger poking my skin. My cock started to pulse. No. Please… Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Cat turned a little, she was now lying on her side. She pulled her legs up a little and her naked feet were resting on my hip bone. The long nightgown hid her legs, but it seemed she was opening and closing her legs in the same rhythm I was breathing. In the same rhythm Cat was breathing. I closed my eyes. My cock was pumping… Inhale. Exhale.

The scene with Randy, watching the horror movie alone while Ghostface is approaching from the back. Cat tensed up, moved her feet a little… and suddenly, the big toe of her left foot rested against the head of my cock… I stopped breathing… her other foot went down a bit, along my thigh… and then back up, slowly, agonizingly… until her toe rested directly underneath my ballsack. I couldn’t breathe. I looked at Cat. Her eyes were glued to the screen… I exhaled… she didn’t move… her little feet were resting casually against my cock and sack and I felt like my balls were vibrating.

I should say something. Get up, find some excuse… if she moves now, if she does anything, I will… I will not be able to hold back… I felt pre-cum leaking out of my cock… I could feel the jogging pants getting wet, soon she would feel it on her big toe… I can’t… I can’t…

A mild jump scare and Cat tensed up, her feet moved in opposite directions… her left foot moved down a little, not even an inch, and brushed over the head of my cock… I felt how her toe was dragging the pants with it and the pants pulled my foreskin down… my heart was beating so fast I couldn’t speak… her other foot was going up and was now dragging my scrotum with it. More precum. Every muscle in my body was aching… I curled my toes and tried not to moan when her feet moved back to their old position…

I made it… her feet stopped moving and I didn’t cum into my pants. I closed my eyes. No idea what would’ve happened if I… if I… I tried to suppress the images in my head… the images of thick white cum oozing out of my pants, Cat screaming in disgust…

The movie was almost finished and I knew I could make it to the end if she just kept still. If I could just concentrate on making my cock stop pumping and twitching.

The big reveal. Billy stabbing Stu. Cat giggled. “This is so so so awesome”.

With her giggling, her feet trembled and my twitches were back… and the trembling didn’t stop… she was now moving the big toe of her left foot up and down the head of my cock… I could even feel her pedicured toenail digging into my pants… my foreskin moving back and forth with each little toe curl. Her other foot made little circular motions underneath my balls… the movie was out of focus, I tried to hold back… her toe moved to the tip of my cock and made the same circular motions her other toe was making underneath me… doesn’t she feel how wet this spot is? I have to say something… something…

“This is like the best movie night ever”. And with this, she leaned her head against my neck, I could feel the corner of her mouth against my skin… my balls started pumping… Cat’s toes pressed harder against my cock and balls… she moved a little faster, in opposite directions… I wanted to push her legs away because the point of no return was approaching fast. I reached over to her, put my hand on her upper legs, but before I could push she curled her toes and had now grabbed the head of my leaking cock and my pumping balls between her feet… I groaned and pressed my hand against her thigh… two more squeezes from Cat’s toes… hard… relentless… I moved my hand up her thigh, I wanted to push, wanted to get free, I didn’t want to cum with an underage girl on top of me… I didn’t…

Cat yells “WHAT THE FUCK?” and jumped up.

I tried to say something, but the words just didn’t come out.

“Did you just touch me?”

“No, I… “

“Did you just touch me you fucking pervert?”

She was standing on the couch, above me, her arms crossed over her groin.

“I just wanted… you are… you are… you’re a fucking pedophile pig. Fuck you”

She jumped off the couch and I still couldn’t say anything. She stormed out of the room, sobbing and yelled over her shoulder “My mom will fucking kill you, you pedo fuck…”.

I couldn’t move. The pumping in my balls had stopped. My erection was gone. Time was standing still. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t breathe. I felt like I was having a heart attack. I tried to pull myself up but I had no strength. I started to shiver. No. No. No.

I looked at the door. I realized I hadn’t heard her going down the stairwell. I also hadn’t heard the door slam shut. What the…

Cat’s head appeared in the open door, with the biggest smile ever.


Chapter 4: Friday Evening - Gotcha

She walked back into the room, mimicking the Wicked Witch of the West.

“You looked so goddamn funny…and scared.”

“Cat, what… what the fuck.” Croaking.

“Oh, come on… admit it was a little funny”.

I sat up… Cat was walking up to me, swinging her hips back and forth.

“But you are a little pedo, aren’t you?”

I felt anger boiling up inside me. I looked at her… I wanted to wipe this big grin off her face.

“Daddy is a bit of a pedo with little girls”

I have never hit anybody in my life. Certainly not a woman. Most certainly not a girl. Under no circumstances would I ever - ever! - hit a kid… but without even realizing it, I swung my right arm and slapped Cat’s face… hard, with the palm of my hand, directly on her cheek. A sound much louder than what I would’ve expected, it even drowned out the sound of the movie credits running in the background.

Cat’s head got slammed to the side and when she looked back at me I already regretted what I had done. I wanted to say something but I didn’t even know what to say.

Cat smiled at me. Licked her lips.

“Hit me again, Daddy”

She parted her lips and she looked so different now… defiant… hungry…

“Hit me, or are you just a little ped…”

I swung my arm back and hit her face with the back of my hand.

“More, Daddy… more!”

I held her chin with my left hand and hit her again with my right hand… not as hard as the first time, but hard enough for me to struggle holding her chin in place.

She moved her head down and took my thumb between her lips… I moaned and hit her again… she bit my thumb…

“Daddy… more… please…”

Cat pulled her nightgown up. Her long dark legs, toned and endless… and then her white cotton panties… I almost came into my pants when I hit her again… She turns around.

“Spank me, Daddy. Spank your little girl”

Her ass was flat but firm, two perfect mounds of dark, young flesh… the cotton panties had wandered up a bit and I could see her ass crack… Cat bent over, I could see the muscles working under her dark skin.

I hit her ass with my flat hand. One, two, three times. Left and right. Left and right.

I could see a dark, wet spot forming on her panties… between her legs… she was dripping wet… another hit, this time from the top down, making her ass jiggle a bit before I hit it again from down below. Cat shrieks…

“Harder, Daddy… don’t hit me like a pedo, hit me like a man”

I spread her ass cheeks with both hands, Cat inhaled sharply… and then I hit her directly between her legs, hit her dripping pussy, hit her as hard as I could…

“Yes! Yes! Yes! That’s it, Daddy… More!”

I reached up, wrapped her long dark hair around my fist and pulled her down, down across my lap, her groin pressed against mine… I ripped her panties off with one hard pull, Cat screamed when the cotton was digging into her skin before it tore.

And then I rained a shower of hard hits down on her bare ass… I hit her so hard I could feel her whole body shake and tremble… in theory, a black ass can’t turn red. But hers did. Did it ever. I hit her faster and faster, one hit after the other…

“Daddy, no, that’s too hard… Daddyyyyy… ouch… Daddy, stop”

But there was no stopping… I changed the angle and now I was hitting her ass crack with the palm of my hand and her little pussy with my fingers… I swung high and wide, making each hit count.

“Ouuuuuu… please… Daddy please… stop… it hurts… it hurts so much”

I curled my fingers and hit her again, driving my fingers between her legs, into her soft flesh, I could feel her wet entrance and let my fingers slide up and down before I hit her again… and again… and again…

“Daddy…. Daddy… my god… fuck…”

And just when I moved my hand back, Cat squirted all over my lap… all over the couch… over my carpet… over the table. Cat screamed… wriggled in my lap…

Her squirts came in long gushes, followed by short spurts… and I hit her again while she squirted all over me... hit her pussy harder than before…


One last, long squirt, it hit the side of the popcorn bowl and then Cat went limb. I could see pussy juice bubbling out of her violated hole… little bubbles, turning into a clear foam… it didn’t seem to stop and I caressed her ass… caressed her pussy… ran my finger up and down her crack.

“Daddy! Best. Movie. Night. Ever.”

Cat looked up at me. This wasn’t a smile. This was a beam of happiness. Tears running down her face. She took my hand and kissed it.

“Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for being the best pedo dad ever”.

Chapter 5: Friday Evening - Bathroom

I should’ve said something. Anything. Reacted to what Cat said. Reacted to her kiss. But I just got up, Cat rolled off my lap and down on the floor. And I walked to the bathroom like in a trance.

I closed the door behind me. Pulled my pants down, My cock was sticking out of my boxers, it looked swollen and red… I sat down on the toilet. I felt like I could start to cry any minute.

The worst 10 minutes of my life or the best? I didn’t know.

My cock was going soft and I let my head hang down… tried to breathe. Inhale. Exhale.

What had just happened? And who was that guy beating up a little girl? And who was that little girl calling me a pedophile and asking for more? Nothing made sense. Upside down.

A knock on the door. I couldn’t say anything. Not “Not now”. Not “Come in”. Just nothing.

The door opened slowly. Cat stuck her head in.

“You ok, Daddy?”

I looked at her. I think there were tears in my eyes.

“Oh my…”

She came in, slowly. Her nightgown was back to ankle length and she looked so pristine and innocent all in white. Cat’s black skin looked gorgeous in the cold bathroom light. It glowed.

Cat came closer to me… stood next to me. I leaned my head against her.

“I meant it. Best movie night ever. Daddy, I loved every second of it.”

She leaned down to me and whispered into my ear: “I came two times when I was playing with your cock… it was so fucking sexy when you came a little… I could feel how you were struggling and you didn’t even notice when I came… because you liked my little feet on your big hard cock. Right, Daddy?”

I nodded.

“You did nothing wrong. You did exactly what I needed. And I’m sorry for calling you a… you know. I just felt you needed a little… nudge in the right direction.”

I looked at her. That smile. My cock twitched… for the first time I realized that I was sitting on a toilet with my pants and boxers down around my ankles… while talking to a tiny black girl… 4’5’’... my cock got hard… slowly…

“I think I owe you an explanation. A lot of explanations actually.”

“I think you do”. This was the first thing I said and it came out in a hoarse voice.

“For now, please accept this as the short version: I’m a little fucked up. I wish I knew why, but that’s what it is”.


“Did you like it?”

“I… I have never…”

Again, she leaned down and whispered into my ear: “Neither have I. You are my first”.

I leaned back. I didn’t care that this exposed my stiff cock pointing up at Cat. I looked at her.

“Maybe I can solve one little mystery for you.” She chuckled. “A big one actually… I hope”


“Why I drink so much water.”

“OK”. I think I must’ve looked as confused as it gets.

Cat stepped in front of me. Came closer, her feet left and right of the toilet bowl, hovering over me. She slowly pulled her nightgown up.

“Sorry about the mess, Daddy”

“What mess?”

“This mess”.

I heard it before I felt it. A splattering sound. Everything on and around my groin got warm… my hard cock twitched and felt wet. I looked down. Cat crouched over me and a steady stream of clean pee was gushing from her pussy on my lap… I looked up… grabbed her arms.

“Daddy… please let me have this. I need to… please Daddy”

My cock twitched more, bathed in Cat’s pee, I could feel it running all over me. She leaned back a little and pissed all over my stomach.

“Do you like it, Daddy? Please… I want you to like it… please don’t hit me again, Daddy…”



“Cat… I…”

“Please, Daddy… do you like it?”

“Cat… yes… my god… you’re so warm”

I pushed her back a little and she squirmed, trying to aim her jet back at me… I slid off the toilet and went down on my knees… her pussy in front of me… her pee running all over my chest…

“Thank you, Daddy… it’s all yours. It’s only for you, Daddy”

Cat’s pee didn’t stop… I admired this tiny black pussy and the waters it gave me. I pushed one hand against her pussy… her pee squirted out left and right… I pressed harder… Cat sucked in her breath… I pressed more… I could see that she was hurting… a single tear rolled down her beautiful cheek… I lifted her right leg with my other hand, cowered down, and brought my mouth directly under her dripping black pussy.

“Daddy… please… I can’t…” I let my other hand go and pee gushed out of her pussy, spraying in all directions, covering my whole face before it settled down into a strong, steady jet of warm piss into my wide open mouth. It tasted wonderful. It tasted like Cat.

“Daddy… Daddy… it’s all for you… I have more for you, Daddy…”

I tried to swallow but it was too much… I let Cat’s piss overflow my mouth, felt it running over my lips and cheeks, down my neck… I closed my lips around her pussy… and even with a piss-filled mouth I managed to find her little slit with my tongue and dragged it up to her clit. Cat shrieked when I hit her clit and pressed my tongue against it… her pee now came in short pulses… it stopped when I pressed on her clit and rained into me when I released…

“Daddy… I cumming… I’m cumming… I’m… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

Cat’s pussy vibrated, contracted and relaxed, her hands on my shoulders to steady herself, one long scream while she pissed and squirted into my mouth… her whole body shook violently and I had to grab her hips to hold her steady on my flicking tongue… she rode her orgasm to the end, screaming and pleading… piss and pussy juice dripping from her black cunt. And then she went limb again and collapsed on top of me… sitting on my legs, her head against my wet chest, panting like a bitch in heat.

Cat looked up at me. “Oh. My. Fucking. God”

I smiled at her. I showed her the pee in my mouth and swallowed it. Cat leaned her head back against my chest.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You have no idea how long I dreamed of this. And it was… like a million times better than I imagined.”

I looked at her.

“I love you, Daddy!”

I looked at her.

“What is it, Daddy? Something wrong?”

I looked at her. Grabbed her hips with both hands… lifted her up a bit.

“Daddy, what?” Cat looked down. Saw my erect cock pointing at her pussy.

“No, Daddy. No. I have never…”

I grunted and pushed her down onto my cock. Cat tried to wriggle out of my grip. Tried to stand up. But I kept pushing her down. My big hands reached almost all the way around her tiny waist.

“Daddy, please, no! Not like this…”

The head of my cock touched her pussy… Cat tensed up, tried to close her legs… I pushed her down hard… felt how my cock was forcing its way into her tight entrance.

“Daddy, it hurts… Daddy, No!”

One more push… my cock pressed into her, just a little over an inch inside her.

“Daddy, your cock is too big… Daddy, I’m a little girl… your little girl… it’s too big…”

I stood up and took her with me… Cat didn’t hold on to me and her upper body just balanced on top of my iron grip around her waist and my cock impaling her tiny black pussy… Cat let herself fall back, maybe hoping to escape this way… she turned sideways, one leg between my legs, kicking the air behind me, the other leg pulled up and trapped between her tummy and my groin.

I started to move her on my cock… using her like the world’s biggest fleshlight… moving her away from me until only the head of my cock was inside her pussy and then I pushed her down on my cock, a little more with each round… Cat screamed and pleaded and squirmed.

“Daddy… Daddy, you’re raping me… you’re raping your little girl… fuck Daddy… not so deep… you’re too deep, Daddy…”

I grunted… pulling out slowly, watching her tight pussy stretching out as my cock withdrew from that wonderful little black hole… and then I slammed her down on my cock, going at least 4 inches deep. I didn’t feel a hymen but was still sure that this was a virgin pussy… It was so incredibly tight. It felt like a fist around my cock… I could see her belly bulging when I forced my cock back into this little black girl. I couldn’t take my eyes off this wonderful little bulge on her perfectly flat black tummy. Cat looked down, too. Her eyes got even bigger when she saw the little bump starting at her abdomen and traveling up when I forced my cock deeper.

Cat held her tummy with both hands, tracing the outline of the bulge, and looked back at me.

“Is this your cock, Daddy? Is this how deep you’re inside your little girl, Daddy?”

That did it for me… I rammed my cock into Cat one more time, making her scream and kick her legs, her pussy convulsing around my cock… and then I pulled out, crouched down so I could put her on the tiled floor… and jerked my cock one, two, three times… and started shooting my cum all over her wet little black body… the first spurt shot all over her stomach, and stained what was left of the white nightgown.

“Daddy… is this for me? Is this Daddy’s milk for me?”

The second spurt went all the way up to her face, splattering against her cheek and laying a long white rope all over her face. Cat stuck her tongue out and licked the part that had landed on her lips.

“Daddy… it tastes so good… more, Daddy… give me more!”

The third spurt only made it to her belly button, but Cat was already scooping up cum from her face and pushed it into her mouth.

“Thank you, Daddy… I will eat all your cream, Daddy!”

The fourth barely qualified as a spurt, more like a big drop directly on her pussy… Cat started rubbing it all over her pussy and finger-fucked some of it into her little cunthole.

I closed my eyes. Cat was still scooping up cum from all over her body, licking it off her fingers. She even sucked some out of the fabric of her nightgown.

Cat crawled up to me, pressing her wet body against me. Her cheek pressed against mine. Her breath on my lips.

“Daddy.,.. Fuck ‘Irreversible’. Best. Rape. Scene. Ever!”


2023-10-19 05:34:09
@nick60: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
I hope you will like Parts II & III, too. I'm currently writing Part IV - and planning a separate follow-up story.


2023-10-19 05:01:51
That was amazing. Brilliant. One of the best stories on the site.
Especially liked the pissing climax. Thanks.


2023-10-16 17:51:33
A goldenshower he got lovely storie please more Fg.


2023-10-14 07:03:52
Thank you for reading Part I.
Please find Part II at


2023-10-14 03:47:08
Looking forward to reading the next parts.

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