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The sisters
Themes: ws, light scat, mast, lez

This in an offshoot project from the Margey Household chronicles. Some of the characters are the same, some new. Read the other stories in the series (Books1-8) to find out the full background or some of it won't make any sense.

Warning: The events and characters in this story are imaginary. If you attempt to duplicate them in real life, you will end up sharing a jail cell with a big fat man called Bubba.

Chapter 9-8 - The Mother & her Sister

by StackofBooks

(2956 words)

See Margey Household Book 5 Chapter 8 for the background story, or some of this won't make sense.

(This all happened before Chris met Franny)

After their first meeting where Debs had basically seduced him, Chris was a bit scared about his mum (her sister) finding out, and walked around on eggshells for quite a while.

They'd always been close and loved each other very much. What brought them even closer was the passing of the little old lady Izzy from down the road. She was 75, and had had a good innings as a former professional actress, on film, TV and stage. They were the only attendees at her funeral and each threw a single red rose onto her coffin as it descended into the grave.

Back at home, they drank a couple of rum and cokes and toasted her life. Chris sincerely hoped she took nice memories of her time with him to heaven.

Even though he was a teenager, he still liked to sit on his mum's lap as if he was a toddler. The alcohol had mellowed them nicely and the chemistry between them was strong.

Chris got up and fetched them another drink, a bit stronger mix than before. He retook his place and they chatted about this and that.

She knew about his little games with the old lady and was curious to know how much he would tell her. In her heart of hearts, she hoped that he would want to play those games with her. As for sex with him, well...

They got more and more cuddly and he noticed her blouse was open by one more button than usual. He couldn't see a bra beneath either, so slipped his hand in and started caressing her bare breast. His finger touched her nipple and it started growing. Her sharp intake of breath surprised them both. 

No Chris, don't!

It's OK, mum. I just want to see and play with them like I used do when I was little.

OK then, but don't take my top off completely in case anyone comes round. In return, you have to tell me what went on with you and Izzy.

Pah! Who's coming? No-one!!

But proceeded to tell her a few salacious details, as he exposed her full and large white globes and sucked the nips to erectness. 

You're too heavy, Chris, let's change round, me on you. He topped up the drinks again and they were both very well oiled by this stage.

She sat on him and her short skirt rode up. He put his hands on her inner thighs and told his mum about shaving Izzy. His hand went up further and found her pubes.

Can I do the same to you, mum?, he whispered in her ear, as he pushed her knickers aside to feel her wetness.

OK, but you have to show me you peeing like you did to her.

So they went upstairs with their drinks and he carefully undressed her. She had such a beautiful body and he covered her with kisses. 

Took the foam and safety razors and after 15-20 mins a shaven quim was revealed. She sat on the toilet and spread wide. He took his dick out and sprayed his urine all over her nether regions, and she cried with relief and happiness as she orgasmed again and again.

They lay on the bed, both naked now, cuddling.

Listen Chris, don't be upset but I know what you and Debs did as well. We're sisters and tell each other everything. I'm a bit jealous, so I want you to emulate what you did to her - but this one time only, OK? Can you do that for me? After that, she wants you to go round at least once a week.

Yes, Pauline. (The sudden use of her first name made a big difference to her and changed the dynamic for the good from then on.) Your sister taught me a lot about how to please her with my lips, tongue and mouth, and I think you'd benefit as well.

So saying, he kissed and massaged her tits, slowly sliding down her belly till he reached the pubic area, ran his tongue around her lips, entering her hole, and onto her clit, gently and softly at first, then with more passion. A finger, then two went into her vagina, and she came multiple times.

My lover, put it into me now. Let me feel your seed explode onto my cervix as you push in as deep as possible.

15 minutes later

Got any more for me? (Silly question, he was a young man.) Turn me over and 

do me again, doggy style. Push deeper, but cum in my mouth so I can taste and drink you.

As they showered afterwards, she sprayed her golden nectar all over him, something she'd never done to anybody else before.

Satiated, they slept in each other's arms till the morning.


At his mum's constant urging, Chris eventually called Debs and said he like to cook for her this time. He offered to do a Thai curry which he'd learnt to do from one of his friends at school.

She readily accepted and a date was fixed.

When he arrived, the first thing she did was pull him upstairs and told him to strip off and get in the tub.

I'm desperate for this, she said.

She lifted up her skirt to reveal a knickerless cootie and fired her pee over him. He undressed her and reciprocated, aiming mainly at her tits and cunt, but gave the last 50ml to her mouth.

She sighed heavily and said: Thank goodness, I've been waiting to do that for weeks. Now get in the shower and clean me up. If you're nice and promise to give me a good seeing to later, I'll clean you too. And pinched his bum.

Downstairs, he took out all the ingredients he had brought with him and started the preparations. Soon the kitchen was filled with steam and the scent of aromatic spices. Once the rice was on, he laid the table and opened two beers for them. They chatted about this and that.

The meal was really delicious and Debs said she wanted a copy of the recipe to try on her friends. They relaxed for a while, then shared a big bowl of choc-chip ice cream with a spoon each to dig in, feeding each other every now and again. Some of the dessert landed accidentally on her tits which he licked off; incredibly - they didn't know how it happened! - some got on his cock for which her tongue was also called into action.

A couple of hours and a lot of cuddling later, they were ready for bed. Debs whispered that she wanted it up the bumhole first. So they lubed each other up, and she got on her knees and waited for him to enter. He went slowly and got all the way in and pistoned up and down quite a few times. She turned over on her back and put a pillow under her buttocks for him to re-enter her rectum. She explained that the pleasure and feelings were slightly different this way. For him, the advantage was he was able to suck and caress her breasts in this position.

Do you want me to come in you now?

No, but let's go to the bathroom and see if you can piss a load up there. That would be a first for me. And he duly obliged, with her rubbing her button to enhance the orgasm.

They cleaned him up and she douched herself. Back to the bedroom and they 69ed for a while. She laid him on his back and rode him in cowboy and reverse cowboy position. 

Come inside me now, and let me feel those spurts against my inner walls.

They had one more session of pee drinking before crashing out together.


Debs liked to dress well and nicely and had good fashion sense. She often visited The Jean Genie. But she'd heard about a new seamstress shop where the old hotel used to be. She went in and Sally, the black girl from CIV, greeted her. She had a look through a rack of s/h designer clothes (the ones bought from Jean) as well as some on another rack that had been made in-house by students and trainees.

She decided to try some of them on. Now Debs had told Chris she was 100% straight, but she and Pauline knew that wasn't quite true. For one thing, the two sisters had spent a lot of time in each other's beds, growing up together during their pre-teen and teenage years. The siblings still occasionally met each other now, but truth be told it never fully satisfied either of them. For another thing, Debbie had had a couple (OK, 3 or 4) one night stands with lesbians in her college days. All it really did was reinforce her desire for big thick male cock.

But this girl Sally was something different. She smelled lovely, had a sweet nature and a very pretty face, and Debs enjoyed being touched by her in the changing room as she adjusted the skirts and dresses she was trying on. Her fingers brushed her boobs as she smoothed the material down at the front. Her hand clamped briefly on her thighs as she tried on some slacks, checking for the correct fit. Her breath was on her neck as she set the collar straight on a jacket. And all she could think of was what this girl looked like under her clothes and how to get her in her own bed.

Luckily, that evening it was Chris' night to come round (no meal, just sex) and it extinguished her desires. Slightly. But her dreams and daydreams were filled with juicy black pussy.

A few weeks later, Debs was at a loose end and decided to go out clubbing and paint the town red, as she desperately wanted to find Mr Right. Unfortunately, she chose a gay club but didn't realise it was one - until too late...

Andrea was also on her own as Kim was out of town visiting family, and talked to Sally at work and asked her to go with her to 'Cats' for moral support. She made it clear she was not looking to pick up anyone as she and Kim were definitely 100% committed to each other as soulmates by now.

Sally for her part was still with Arnold, but felt she was and always would be 50/50 bisexual. Besides, her hedonistic character liked having a good time and she was always up for new experiences, especially if they involved sex - of any kind or gender.

The club was a lot busier than normal, with approximately half and half of each gender present. With her experiences at college, Debs realised there was a lot of dykes there but wasn't bothered by it. She hoped to be able to pick up a hunky man and persuade him to succumb to her female charms, even if just for one night. How little did she know the tables were going be turned on her!!

She was enjoying the good music the female DJ was pumping out, and was getting tanked up with the tequila sunrises (her favourite tipple) she was drinking.

A pretty girl in her twenties with long blonde hair, big tits and glasses pulled her up onto the dance floor for that ubiquitous gay anthem, Gloria Gaynor's 'I will survive'. She changed partners with every new song. Even found a muscleman called Gerry but when she indicated her willingness for more, he just said: Sorry, darling, I'm strictly one way.

Meanwhile, Andrea had got talking to Andie, Kim's ex, and apologised for taking her away from Andie. But there were no hard feelings, and they hugged and kissed as they recalled to each other the sex sessions in the park and back at the house.

As the bodies got more and more tightly packed for the dancing, Debbie turned around and bumped into somebody. Literally! Another person behind her had pushed her in the back and her hands in front of her landed on two large boobs. Of the black kind. Even worse, their faces had mashed together and their lips met. Full on. Like the Katy Perry song, she tasted cherry chap stick for the first time. It was Sally. ("I kissed a girl and I liked it" was an ear-worm for her, for a long time after.)

So Sally and Debs were also saying 'Sorry' to each other over and over again, each believing it was their fault. They got off the dance floor and tried to chat, but had to shout into ears, pushing their warm minty breath on to each other. Then they found the club's quiet room and things were easier.

Sal remembered her of course from the workshop's changing room, and admitted she was attracted to Debs on that day, but was unsure how to proceed without breaking the employee-customer protocol. 

Without even understanding why she was doing it, Debbie asked her to come back to her house for a few more drinks, saying she only had beer or wine, no spirits.

For her part, Sally was getting mixed signals from her: was she lez or straight? If the latter, why was she in a gay nightclub? But she was pretty, very pleasant and an extremely friendly and personable character - and Sal wanted to see her bod.

They walked past Sally's place, and she went in to 'tell her boyfriend she would be late'. She came out holding bag but its contents were a mystery.

Glasses of wine were poured, the lights were dimmed as they chatted late into the night. Eventually, Debs realised she was going to have to eat her words to Chris about "never becoming a lesbian". She plucked up the courage (of the Dutch kind from the alcohol) and said: Sal, can you come upstairs with me so I can undress you. Then you do the same to me. Perhaps you will use my dildo on me. But before that, we can just relax in my big tub with lots of bubbles.

Sally squeezed her hand and Debs led the way.

The black girl was getting used to it by now. Every time someone took her clothes off one by one, they muttered: Beautiful, beautiful, just beautiful! First her blouse, to reveal those big melons behind a white lacy bra trimmed with pink. Undo the front catch to show perfect large dark chocolate globes with erect browny-pink nipples. Skirt off covering a slightly concave belly, an outie navel, and shapely black glossy legs. Matching knickers pulled down, with a magnificent pussy hiding behind them that Debs had never even imagined was possible. ('Twas a first black woman for her.) After all the dancing in the club, the smell of her natural sweat was stronger than the perfume she had put on earlier, and greatly intoxicated Debbie, even more than the tequila sunrises and wine had done. If only she could bottle that perspiration fragrance!!

Sal had always had a thing for blondes, and this one was a perfect specimen: round orange-sized breasts with up-pointing nips, a 6-pack stomach, long legs and shaved pussy with a nice cleft came into view as the last garment was removed. Her clit was just beginning to protrude from its hood. Sal couldn't resist sniffing and licking the armpits and the feet to get the real essence of this female in front of her.

Wait, before we start, I need to pee, so come and watch me as I squat on the seat, and you can take a short drink if you want.

Sally did the same, and Debs was enchanted by the pinkness inside.

Relaxed in the bubbles together for a while massaging each other's boobs.

On the bed, Debs used her tongue and mouth and fingers to investigate fully her vaginal cavity. Then Sal ate her out as well. It developed into a 69, each trying to outdo the other to make her new-found friend come.

Sally revealed what was in the bag she had brought: a strap-on dildo. Debs knew of their existence but had never seen one close up or used one.

They fucked each other up the arse first, cleaning it each time, then another wash before each penetrated the other's pussy. Dildos up the back passage (or fingers) were included to simulate DP and heighten the pleasure.

As a finale, they took turns pissing on each other in the shower tray, tasting the output, rinsed off, then collapsed into a deep contented sleep together.

Debs confessed in the morning that she had been telling everyone for years (including her current boyfriend - omitting the fact that he was her nephew!) that she was straight. But Sally had changed her mind - and she should be very proud of that.

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