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Sad news about the parents
Themes: mast, lez, Asian/Indian, anal, dp

This in an offshoot project from the Margey Household chronicles. Some of the characters are the same, some new. Read the other stories in the series (Books 1-9) to find out the full background or some of it won't make any sense.

Warning: The events and characters in this story are imaginary. If you attempt to duplicate them in real life, you will end up sharing a jail cell with a big fat man called Bubba.

Chapter 10-8 Silver lining

by StackofBooks

(2399 words)

It was a very sad time. For at least a month.

The phone calls and Emails from India stopped. Abruptly. We tried many ways to get any information at all. Nothing.

Luckily, Adrian (Mike's brother) the hot tub guy did a lot of installations for diplomats and government bods. It was very lucrative for him as they were all willing to pay top notch prices (claimed on expenses of course), either at their own house or at their mistress' residence.

One of his recent customers was in the Foreign Office and at Ade's request he contacted his counterparts in Mumbai and New Delhi and pumped them hard for updates. And eventually it came through that Mr & Mrs Gandhi had indeed succumbed to the C-19 virus while out there. It was rife and the medical facilities in the village they were in were severely understaffed and lacking in drugs and equipment. And beds. The hospital didn't even have 24/7 electricity. To cap it all, there just weren't enough face masks for everyone. It made me sick to think how much money that country spends on its space program, yet millions were starving and dying in the pandemic.

We immediately sent Beth and Suze away to pyjama party hosts, leaving us alone in the house with Bindi. I think she'd sort of seen it all coming (or had a premonition), as we sat on the sofa either side of her and told her the little we knew. She cried a bit (definitely not crocodile tears - she really loved them), but in general was very brave, mature and stoic. We took her into bed with us, insisting she stay the whole night, and every subsequent one for as long as she wanted. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

As the morning light peeped through the curtains, I felt a warm mouth on my cock. It wasn't unusual for Margey or the girls to do this. But the former was lying facing away from me, and the latter were not at home, I remembered. I leaned down and gathered the Indian girl into my chest, feeling her ever-erect nips on her bare breasts drilling into my skin, and buried my face into her long dark hair (thus fulfilling my dream from when I first met her).

Darling Bindi, my precious surrogate but thankfully unsassy daughter! You know you can stay here for ever if you want. But there's no payment necessary such as doing what you're doing.

Margey was now rubbing her eyes awake.

Steve, Margey, I just love you both so much. You're two of the nicest people in the world. I'd already made my decision about everything before this tragic event happened. I want to be true to myself and follow the beat of my own drum. I've learnt so many things from you both of you, not just about sex but about life in general.

To that end, I give myself to you. Steve, don't just fuck me, make love to me now like you did to Molly & Franny (they'd obviously been talking as that was *way* before her time with us), and like you almost certainly will do with Beth & Suze at some point in the future.

After, I want Margey to take the strap-on and also put it into my cunt until I cum at least 3 times.

Yes, I know I'm not on any kind of contraception but with your help I soon will be. In the meantime, I have an emergency morning after pill in my bag. I won't tell you how I got it. You think I'm a butter wouldn't melt in her mouth kind of girl but I can be devious too.

But you know what? I wouldn't care one FUCKING jot if I got pregnant by you, cos it would be an honour to carry it for 9 months and then bring up your baby.

(The swear word coming from her lips shocked us to the core and we were then 110% wide awake.)

So come on cock, get hard as steel and if I don't feel at least six spurts in my cervix, I'm gonna...what was it?...cut your micropenis off with a breadknife and feed it to the pigeons!!

So saying, she straddled me and pushed me deep into her without another word. She had strong cunt muscles (her mother had encouraged her to do Kegel exercises for some reason) and they almost made me come very quickly. I would have been a laughing stock, and Martin would have gloated over me for a long time.

Margey was sitting up, caressing Bindi's tits, kissing her face and whispering nice things in her ear. I put her on her back without missing a beat and without withdrawing (a good skill to have in your toolbox) and pumped her very hard, as she scrunched her fists and held onto the sheets. Margey mashed her boobs hard with her hands as we'd found she really liked it. Some girls, like Margey, don't. At every orgasm she shouted 'Cum!!' at the top of her voice. Eventually I released into her but she was too polite to count my emissions. Or too far gone.

We had some breakfast, and she dragged us back so Margey could keep her part of the bargain. First in her pussy with Mr Plastic, and then in her rectum.

Ooh, I'm gonna be sore after this for a few days, but then we can DP together. Yay!!

(Is this the same quiet, timid and over-polite girl who came to our pool party and then to stay with us? Egads!!)

Beth and Suze returned home and spent the day in her room, cuddling, playing, talking and generally supporting her. Seemed they did more of the crying than she did.

She and I went to her house and she showed me where her father's papers were. I picked up what looked like a will, but told her she wasn't allowed to see it until a lawyer had. Wasn't sure if that was quite true, but she accepted it with good grace.

The next day, without her knowledge, I took it to our family lawyer who I knew was good, quick, fair and competent. I also asked him to sort out another pressing issue.

I jump forward a month as the result of that latter request.

We had a huge family dinner with EVERYONE present.

I stood up, again to my full 6'2", and before we ate I gave another speech, holding a piece of A4 and wearing my infamous 'Prick with a Fork' comedy BBQ apron.

Dearly beloved, We are gathered here together today to witness.....ahem, sorry, wrong day, wrong time, wrong venue. And I'm not a vicar anyway!

I cleared my throat again, and restarted without notes.

We have in our midst a bank robber's son, who has produced in union with my surrogate sassy daughter Franny (two fingers to her - she just smirked) a son who, I'm ashamed to admit, bears my middle name. He is another criminal. Yesterday at breakfast while sitting on my lap I witnessed him brazenly stealing two of my Marmite soldiers. (Big laugh. Franny hugged him tightly.)

We also have a man called Ben, but he sometimes goes by the nom de plume Benjamina. (He and his mother turned bright red. Turns out she hadn't ever told Kim about this episode!)

He's still learning about sexual matters. Just this morning I had to take him into my room and show him the difference between two types of men's penises. I refer of course to the short ones and the long ones!! (Huge guffaws)

Last but not least, we have the delightful and delectable Bindi, who despite the dark cloud of her massive grief has turned it into a silver lining. Her presence here in this house makes every dull day into a bright sunny one, I'm sure you'll all agree. (Murmurs of approval)

To that end I have a special piece of paper to give her. No, it's not a swimming certificate for 50 metres. She fucking sank before she got to the end. (More laughs and giggles) It's adoption papers. Bindi, from today, you are officially and legally our daughter. We pledge to nurture you, care for you, keep you safe, and teach you all we know about pee drinks and golden showers. (Loud roar) Raise your glasses everyone to welcome her into the family. I gave her a 24-carat gold bracelet (of different design to Franny and Chris') engraved with: Margey/Steve/Bindi, and the date.

Everyone of course hugged her. Towards the end of the evening, she told the assembled company that the best kind of shampoo she ever used on that long straight jet black hair of hers that went past her buttocks - was URINE. So everyone (I think there were 10 adults - you do the counting) tanked up on water and juice. She sat in the bath completely naked, and there was just SO MUCH PEE!! A huge queue formed to help her wash it out.

Suze had recently passed her test and took her in my car (on different days!!) to Chris & Franny's - they fucked her separately and then DPed.

To Ben & Molly's - fucked separately, took a break, then DPed her.

To Andrea & Kim's - you guessed it, both holes with strap-ons, separately, and later both orifices together. 

Now THAT'S what I call cementing yourself into the family. Luckily Suze recorded it all on video and we spent many a happy hour watching it from beginning to end. Bindi's catchphrase when she viewed the result was always: "Is that really me???"

In private, I told her that yes, her parents were planning an arranged marriage for her, but as far as the lawyer could tell, no-one had been ***********ed. But the terms of the will made it such that only one or both surviving parents could enforce it, so she was basically free now to find her own soulmate in her own time. Hence my oblique reference to 'every cloud has a silver lining'. And from that day on, she wore a bra much more often as if the rebellion was now over. The battle was won, even though there had been some collateral damage.

The High Commissioner of the Indian Embassy here in our country actually came to visit us in person in a chauffeured Rolls Royce to give us the death certificates and deliver his deepest condolences to the young girl. He said he was doing all he could to repatriate their bodies. However, local religious customs had their own way of dealing with their dead and the matter might be out of his hands entirely. He gave us his business card and said to contact him for whatever reason anytime in the future.

Bindi told us after he'd left that it didn't matter to her either way. They were gone and that was it. Having two coffins to gaze at wasn't going to change anything. She wasn't being unfeeling or disrespectful - it just didn't make sense to her to cart two diseased dead bodies halfway round the world.

Back to where I was before rudely interrupting myself, the day after she was deflowered by me and my partner. 

She told us she'd just finished her period and was probably safe. But Margey had taken her into the bathroom immediately after I came in her, and douched her out as completely as possible with the shower hose, detached from the showerhead rose.

We decided against her taking that pill, as neither of us knew if there were any side effects.

But we got a contraceptive patch for her and it became active very soon after. And a few weeks hence, her menses continued as normal.

Her sexual wishes became true as 5 nights later we did have a DP session. Suze and Beth had never used a strap on, and even though it was a bit small for them and wasn't quite tight enough, they both experienced what it was like "being a man", pumping into a female. Each tried both holes on Bindi, on their own, then with me taking the other hole as we did DP on her together, swapping halfway through. The Indian girl was just loving it, as if all her chains had been cut and she was free of her cage.

To clarify:

Beth - her arse

Beth - her cunt

Beth arse & Steve cunt together

Beth cunt & Steve arse together

Repeat all with Suze

Then Margey and I did her HARD together, again swapping in the middle, and I came up her back passage. Then pissed there as well for good measure.

She was *very* sore the next day.

Footnote 1: 

Many months later she confessed how she'd got that pill. It was relatively easy. One of her college friends had a dad who was a pharmacist. They went together to his chemist's shop. (This was only the 2nd/3rd week of her staying with us, so she really was planning ahead.) She really was devious, cos she made up some cock and bull story about being with her boyfriend the night before and he'd come inside her without her consent. He advised her to go to the police, but she said her parents were very religious (the only true bit) and any PC Plod involvement would bring shame on the family. Feeling sorry for her, he gave her the medication free of charge.

Footnote 2:

The Kegel exercises thing was a no-brainer too. Her mother was fully expecting her daughter to provide her with grandchildren, and if your pelvic floor muscles are well exercised, the whole process of childbirth is made easier.

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