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All in the mini pool
Themes: mast, lez, ws, light scat

This in an offshoot project from the Margey Household chronicles. Some of the characters are the same, some new. Read the other stories in the series (Books 1-10) to find out the full background or some of it won't make any sense.

Warning: The events and characters in this story are imaginary. If you attempt to duplicate them in real life, you will end up sharing a jail cell with a big fat man called Bubba

Chapter 11-6 Big Pee Party

by Stack of Books

(2129 words)

Even though at that infamous dinner party I had joked and pretended to Bindi that I was giving her a certificate for swimming a 50 metre length of the pool (it was actually adoption papers she received), she was actually quite self-sufficient in the water by now. However, sometimes if we were in there together, she playfully faked drowning, screaming and thrashing her arms about, and grabbed onto me as if there was a huge  white shark approaching at 100mph. She mashed her boobs into mine (erect 1cm dark black nipples digging into me), slipped down my shorts with her toes, deftly pulled her bikini bottoms to one side, and plunged her pussy onto my erection. (That procedure had been banned when we first started having lessons.) Then the wailing stopped and gave way to deep contented sighs and warm breath into my ear. Her cunt muscles squeezed and pulsated me till I spurted.

I'd clearly reached the end of my teaching abilities with her in this discipline. Sandy had been watching our lovemaking, masturbating herself on the pool side, and now took over, showing her the movements and breathing techniques for the other strokes which I didn't know about. Their friendship and relationship developed a lot during this period, and even though I knew Sandy erred strongly on the side of hetero, I saw them many times after their lesson on the living room couch kissing, cuddling and petting. Sometimes they found a free bedroom (e.g. mine) and continued in private to a natural conclusion. (Forgot to video it. Damn!)

Maybe it was because her mentor Franny was no longer around, but her sassiness seemed to be in abeyance and we had some really deep chats without verbally bantering each other. After Jon, she still hadn't found another boyfriend, and sometimes sought solace in me for hard cock. But we both knew it was a sham and unsustainable and were acutely aware it couldn't last. I did all I could to prevent it happening without directly rejecting her.

The situation wasn't helped when her parents Ken & Martha moved to the other side of town to open a second Chinese restaurant, and this building had substantial and nice living quarters above it. So it was a no-brainer to sell up their house at the bottom of our cul-de-sac. Sandy was ready to fly the nest anyway and asked Margey and I if she could take the last lodging vacancy, the room that used to be Suze's. (Her reasoning was that needed a lot of access time to the pool to train for the swim team.) We said she could have it rent-free as long as she didn't tell the other two lodgers or BSB or anyone else. But she offered to make a contribution for food. She and I made a pact that our relationship from that point on would be purely platonic. It was hard to keep as we still had the hots for each other, but we did adhere 100% to it.

So we now had our 3 lodgers: Alison, Sven & Sandy, all pee and poop addicts

Time for another pee party!! 

Margey & Steve

Molly & Ben

Franny & Chris

Suze & Martin

Beth & Bindi

Andrea & Kim

Joe & Jenny

Alison & Sven (an item already??)

Dean & Serena

Sandy & Jon (not an item any more, but for old time's sake

There were others we could have chosen (and wanted to come, e.g. Ade & David, the whole McAllister family incl. redhead twins, and Jean & Adam, who we'd never met, but heard a lot about from Deena & their au pair Elena). But we decided we just didn't have the space for any more.


Peeing and pooping was still banned on the new turf, but we bought another children's paddling pool of the same size and hoped it would suffice. The bathroom in the new house was quite roomy, so that would also serve as a venue.

To prevent Margey cooking for that many, we gave her the day off and made it a pot-luck. Everyone (apart from our lodgers) were asked to bring a savoury dish and a sweet dish to share.

Sandy's parents Ken & Martha were invited too, but cried off with huge regrets as their new place was opening that same night. They still sent a few bags of delicious Chinese cuisine.

Swimming lessons with the delectable Alison continued the day before. Like me, she kept her glasses on in the pool, as we both let on to each other that we felt disorientated if we couldn't see in focus properly with water around us. The only disadvantage was if they fell off your head and sank to the bottom, the water made your eyesight even worse, so diving all the way down to retrieve them was futile. You needed a 20/20 vision person who was a good diver to get them for you. The answer was of course elasticated headbands which attach to the legs just behind your ears. I bought two from the optician's that morning and she and I had a mini ceremony of attaching them to each other.

Alison was OK by now at floating on her front or back and I tried to avoid staring at her tits. But she knew that I knew that she knew I was looking!!  So we started on the arm movements for the crawl, and then the kicking legs. She spent 10 mins doing that on her own, trying to get from one side to the other (a width) of the pool. She didn't really need supporting any more which gave me no excuse to touch her. However, her breathing technique was not so good and she would have to wait till Sandy was free to perfect that. (My method came naturally to me but I couldn't explain it adequately to her.)

As a finale, she begged me to spunk in her, then floated on her back, and spread her legs really wide so I could watch the cream pie leaking away. I inserted a finger to help it all out and she orgasmed one more time.

The big day of the party came and all who knew each other hugged warmly as they arrived around midday. As a last minute concession, I allowed two late guests: Lynette* (Alison's sister) and the Russian au pair Elena. Deena had unfortunately already returned to her home country Russia and there were two 36F reasons why I and everybody else missed her.

*See footnote

Elena was notably sad and under the weather as she'd been at the airport only yesterday to see her off. However, like any good MC, she thought it was down to her to kick things off. (What is it with her?? She seemed so shy most of the time. Perhaps it was some kind of ADHD or attention seeking disorder.)

Not without surprise, she introduced the motorboating concept to those that didn't know it. All the ladies stood in line shoulder to shoulder, and they had the option to be naked or clothed up top. There were a few practice 'Brrr's heard (minus cleavage), then the men went down the line vibrating every pair of tits, large or small. The last woman in line followed and so on - rather like a team of footballers greeting the officials and the other team before the match. Of course, many went back for seconds or thirds. Margey, Franny & Sandy were popular. Me, I still preferred Elena, but still can't say why, and told her so. She whispered in my ear: Thank you, Steve, you've made my day, and then said the same thing in Russian in the other ear. It sounded super sexy. Her hot minty breath started my motor running, then she turned on the turbocharger by slipping me some tongue, and declaring: I need you up me in both holes later on please, and sashayed her cute arse away.

During the preparations in the morning, Chris and I had an idea that we could still have the pooping competition, even though we hadn't given advance warning for people to prepare. We found a 1m x 1m piece of flat board in the shed, and placed it on the asphalt area rather than on the grass. (People tend to pee as they shit. Margey and I discovered during our outdoor expeditions on the forest trail that I normally piss everything out first before the turd appears. With her, a strong stream of urine comes out forwards only when her rectum has emptied.)

The object of the day was for everyone to piss on anyone or be pissed on by anyone. There were a few variations on this like Beth who - when we two were out in the nature - had perfected peeing and/or pooping while upside down, standing on head or hands. Some younger and more supple people emulated her, helped by others who assisted them balancing. Franny intrigued me, cos her big upside down boobs looked extremely unusual to me in that position. I idly wondered if her husband had ever noticed that.

I'd bought many more cameras and set them up discreetly, but the disadvantage is it takes you hours and hours to sift through all the footage. Sometimes less is more.

We'd hired some strong portable tables, covered them with colourful protective paper and set up the food and drinks on them outside to prevent people traipsing in and out through the house. Paper plates & cups, disposable knives and forks (made from waste avocado stones - who knew?) were a boon.

Even though they didn't have to give anything, Alison and Sven borrowed the kitchen at different times to prepare something. The latter contributed some native Swedish dishes, she made cup cakes, I think.

Ken's Chinese food arrived (by taxi!!) and I made a beeline for that, as I knew it was authentic and the genuine article, not the watered down for Western palates stuff you get in some places.

So people just drank and ate and chatted and peed if and when they wanted to. The pools were emptied quite often and this time the peonies and hyacinths benefited from those minerals.

Elena came to pee on me, and me on her, then we slipped away as I fulfilled my earlier promise to her. With her knowledge, I put a camera in the room, and Margey got off on watching it the next day.

There was no official 'closing time' but by and by people drifted home (taking as much food as they wanted) and those that lived here helped to clear up. Margey excepted. She was chained to a chair with a Breezer in her hand.

That night, Bindi stayed with Sandy, Alison was with Sven, and Beth and Suze were in Alison's room. Me, I was with the moody Mexican bitch with big tits and she asked Big Bird to fuck her. We both fell asleep halfway through it...

So ended another day at the now renamed 'No Pee Stain Farm'.


Margey and I took Lynette aside (without her sister's knowledge) and asked the same questions we'd given Alison. Her answers were exactly the same.

So you're sure you would do the same and more with them again? Even if you were on your own without your sis?

Absolutely, 100%. Like Ally, I've come out of my shell so much since then, both generally and sexually. I've been using big dildos and butt plugs to prepare for that monster. I also love Maggie's black cunt as it's a really special new experience. And their piss is so warm and delicious. It's not about the money - I would still do it for free.

So she went back to her own city (where John was) and I gave her his phone number and Email address. John sent me the photos and video of that session. He paid her twice as much as last time. A month later she took her friend Stephanie and that was even better for all - and 3x the cash.


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