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All chapters in one
Margey Household Chronicles

Book 11 Complete - All Chapters

(18,704 WORDS)

If you like long reads, I have compiled all the chapters together into one book.

See the separate upload for each one for their themes


Stack of Books











This in an offshoot project from the Margey Household chronicles. Some of the characters are the same, some new. Read the other stories in the series (Books 1-10) to find out the full background or some of it won't make any sense.

Warning: The events and characters in this story are imaginary. If you attempt to duplicate them in real life, you will end up sharing a jail cell with a big fat man called Bubba.

Chapter 11-1 The sniff test

by StackofBooks

(3248 words)

I loved my new Takemine guitar. It just felt so nice in my hands, and its smell was just great. (I think you'll have noticed by now that my olfactory sense is very highly developed. Another way of saying I have a keen sense of smell. Not just for sex things such as pussies, but for everyday things: books, people's hair, electronic goods, foods - even opening a packet of something and just for a brief moment smelling the air of the factory in which it was produced - whether it was in China or Spain or the USA.)

I knew a few chords from a long time ago, as well as some single string melodies, such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

I also watched a couple of YT teaching vids, as well as downloading free chord charts and teaching documents.

Sooner or later though it was time I contacted Dean. And boy, am I glad I did, not just from the music point of view.

(Found out later how Bindi met Dean. She was in a music shop trying to find one for me. Dean was another customer, just browsing, and was attracted to her because of her sari, brown skin and very long hair. They got chatting, he played the Takemine for her - the sound and the tone was amazing. That's the one!, she said. He gave her his number as she said she wanted lessons. He thought, however, she would be the student - not me!!)

I arrived at a very nice house, and inside it was just delightful. His wife answered the door and introduced herself as Serena. She was even more delightful - a stunner in fact. Long auburn curly hair, a cute round face and a smile to break all hearts. People always ask me if I'm a tits, bum or legs man. You might as well ask me how long a piece of string is, because I don't have an answer. This lady had all three in abundance. Today she was wearing her specs, and as I am also bespectacled, I noticed. They're new, she said, I only got them yesterday. What do think?

For her, she was already as beautiful as a lily, but she'd managed to gild it. It's a stupid idiom as it means a waste of time, which it obviously wasn't in her case - and I told her they complimented her looks greatly. With me, my glasses just make me look 10-15 years older than I actually am. But having minus 5.5 dioptres, they're an absolute necessity.

You must be Steve. Come in, and make yourself at home. Dean won't be long. He's been doing a bit of gardening, and is just finishing off. Come and sit on the patio and drink some iced tea with us. 

Dean was as tall and as thin as me, but there the similarity ended. He was much younger and very well built with rippling biceps and pecs, all topped off with blond hair. My first impression was that Margey would deffo like to investigate further.

We did all the general chit chat, and I noticed they had the same model of hot tub as us sitting 5 metres away. With yellow stains on the grass next to it. Surely not? The same fetish as us??

I had to tear my eyes away from his delectable wife, thinking about her peeing to make those stains, as we went into his home studio room. I was gobsmacked. Full of expensive electronic gizmos. The only things I recognised was a reel-to-reel tape machine and a mixing desk. Oh, and the padded leather office chair.

He asked me if I was happy with the guitar he had ***********ed for me and I gushed a big effusive yes.

I showed him what I knew already, and he said it was a good start. He then took me through some basic music theory with some handouts and more advanced chord charts than I already had that he'd prepared in advance, saying it was important to have a solid foundation before 'building a house' on top of it.

I learned some new open chords, and he showed me the basics and principles of barre chords, mentioning it might be a while before I mastered them, but to keep trying and not give up. He demonstrated a few basic strumming techniques which I tried to copy, and he used his guitar to show how to pick (like you would on a banjo), but said that would be another lesson much further down the line. The important thing was for me to practise at least 30-60mins each day.

As we neared the end of our time, Serena came in and sat on his lap. They shared about how and when they had first met, and about Dean's song 'Proof of Love' he had written for her. He loaded the song into his computer with a few deft keystrokes and mouse clicks and it started. As Serena sang along under her breath in the chorus, I realised it was her beautiful voice harmonising to him on the recording. The song played to the end and she drifted away in ecstasy has he put his hands on her breasts from behind.

We got talking about the hot tub again, as they knew Adrian the installer like I did. Serena had a very sultry look in her eyes as she said maybe my wife and I would like to come over one Sunday for some fun and games. I decided to bite the bullet and call their bluff and said: Yes, certainly, and maybe add some more stains to your grass. We're into that sort of thing.

She came and sat on my lap and she could definitely feel my organ rising to the occasion as she whispered in my ear (loud enough for Dean to her): I would love to see and feel your yellow stream hitting my body. Her hot breath on my face and natural sweat smell inserted a rod of iron into my dick, and she bounced up and down slightly as if to acknowledge it.

I told her my partner (but she was not wife) was of Mexican heritage, and I saw Dean's eyes light up at the thought. Serena embarrassed him by saying: Great, he's always had a thing for chocolate Latino women and hopes to see her in the flesh, so to speak.

Thankfully, we left it there, before things got too steamy and made a date for Sunday.

When I got home, Margey and I went to see the BSB trio at Bindi's house as they'd invited us to sample some of the foods they were preparing for the Indian wedding. They'd agreed with the hotshot politician that his dinner party for 10 the week after would also have the same menu. For the outdoor 21st birthday party it would be more traditional fare, with perhaps a jalfrezi, biryani or kedgeree thrown in as an alternative to excite taste buds. Perhaps one or two Mexican dishes as well.

Neither of us two could claim to be experts on Indian food but to us it tasted excellent, professionally prepared and perfectly spiced.

After lunch, we sat round chatting, and the girls lamented they'd been so busy, they hadn't had time for boyfriends (or girlfriends). Beth & Suze came and sat on either side of me on the armchair (like old times), an arm of mine around each, and started stroking my face and chest, and twiddling their fingers in my hair. If there's one thing that gets my motor running it's someone playing with the locks on my head. And they knew that. Bindi kneeled down between my legs and began kissing my belly and inner thighs over my clothes. Mr Woody responded. Margey sat there opposite me, raised her skirt, pulled her flowery knickers to one side and rubbed her sticking out bean. Then pulled the garment off completely and threw it in my direction. Bindi caught her underwear and started sniffing them. Beth took them, said 'Mmmmm' as she stuck them to her nose. Suze also sniffed and showed me the gusset with a creamy snail trail. She forced me to inhale them deeply, then made me stick my tongue out and lick off the mucus which had come from my soulmate's cunt.

Suddenly, as if by telepathic consent, the girls got off me, and told me to close my eyes, inviting Margey to make sure I complied. There were rustling sounds, consistent with panties being taken off. They resumed their places sitting on me. Still without seeing, I had to identify whose was whose. Beth was easy as because she couldn't shower with me any more, her ripe unwashed pussy odour was distinctive. It took me a while, but Bindi's aroma was slightly more 'acidic' than Suze's. 3 out of 3!! 100% correct. I opened my eyes as Bindi pushed her brown skidmark under my nostrils and I got full value from that earthy smell. Suze's also had a mucus trail, but different in appearance and taste to her mother's. Beth's just smelled of stale and fresh urine, no marks at all.

Bindi said: Come upstairs, Steve, and fuck each of us. We're desperate. And I'm sorry about what I said to you at the dinner party about the size of your equipment. I was just teasing. You know that, don't you?

We went up to her old room, where she'd had a large bed installed, bigger than a king size. (Is that emperor?) Anyway, all five of us fitted on it with ease.

The rest of the afternoon was frittered away fucking, bumming or muff munching each other, all menu planning forgotten and put aside.

We had a good time, but you know what? We forgot to do pee drinks with each other that day!! No piss games either...

Margey was very excited about another wife swapping day. Especially when I described Dean's muscular physique.

She asked me to shave her pussy in the morning before we went. And on a whim, I asked to do me for the very first time. I admit it was a nice feeling, but in the next few days and weeks I found the stubble to be very irritating, and vowed never to do it again. Instead, we just always trimmed the hairs short (3-4 mm) with small scissors and that was sufficient.

Warm hugs and kisses as everyone greeted each other. Margey had bought some Mexican snacks with her, so we enjoyed those with white wine for the ladies, beer for the men.

They again related in more detail for Margey's ears about how they met, and Dean brought in his 12-string to give an impromptu live performance, with Serena harmonising in the choruses and double tracking him in the middle eight.

Turns out Margey was a fairly good singer (me, I cannot hold a tune at all), and they jammed some pop songs. She did a great solo rendition of 'Stand by me'

By then we were not drunk, but pretty merry.

So Margey and I related (in general overview) the problems with pee stains on our lawn we'd had, and how they'd been caused by the various piss parties we'd held. In particular, D & S's ears pricked up at the teen soccer girl team's contest, and I thought BSB might want to get involved at was almost certainly by now going to be the reverse fixture of swapping at our place fairly soon.

It was a coolish day, so we traipsed outside to their hot tub and took each other's spouse to undress them. The men were made naked first. Margey spent a lot of time running her hands over his muscles, and was astonished to see and feel his very long foreskin. She'd still be there to this day if we hadn't nudged her back to reality.

Unfortunately, Serena had no such good luck with my body but seemed to somehow still enjoy it.

Women next. We guys took our time taking off their clothes and we copied each other step by step, narrating to all our every move.

The two of them noticed simultaneously we were both shaven down below, whereas they were not. We admitted we'd done it just that same morning, and offered to do the same to them right now.

So back into the house, to their bedroom, and got the foam and the razors. Margey got Dean erect as she said it made for easier access to his bits. I got erect because I saw Serena's long labia for the first time. It was tricky to shave around them.

By the by, a hand mirror was produced for close up inspection and examination, then they both stood up and gazed at themselves in the cheval mirror.

I stood behind Serena and cupped her boobs, and Margey cupped his balls.

Someone said (it may have been me but it was never proven in a court of law): Last one in the hot tub has to clean it out after we're done today.

(The joke was actually a lead balloon as Dean told me later he never did anything to it himself. He paid one of Adrian's guys to do all the filters, chemicals and refill with fresh water every week.)

A mad dash happened and it was pretty much a dead heat. First, we all took our own places and sat down. Dean went to get our glasses, topped them up and we started getting tanked. At Margey's request, he stood up in front of her and she peeled back yards of his foreskin with a very nice glans underneath it. (I kept repeating the "I'm not gay" mantra in my head, but I very much liked it as well). Margey put her tongue in his peehole, then took the whole bell end inside her mouth.

Meanwhile, Serena had climbed up onto the seats beside me, with her thighs either side of my head, and that was my first chance to observe and play with her long extended pussy lips for the first time. She beckoned me in and I started toying with them gently. When she deemed I was pussyfooting around (that word being used advisedly) she pulled them wide apart herself and instructed me to put fingers and tongue inside.

After a while, the roles reversed: Dean was eating Margey out, and I was having a hard job not cumming as Serena expertly fellated me. Some women have that skill, some don't, but I think she was the best I've ever had.

As it was going on, we had a quick discussion about the next event in the Order of Service, and agreed to fuck the other's spouse and cum in their cunt. Margey bent over the side of the tub and Dean entered that way. I preferred Serena to sit on me facing me as I sat down. As we neared climax, I stood up and held her in my arms to get deeper penetration. She shuddered and shook so hard at orgasm I thought at first she might be having some sort of fit.

Thank you, Steve, that was one of the best ever.

No problem, ma'am, always happy to oblige. And doffed my imaginary cap to her.

The other two were still going hammer and tong so we watched the show. Margey turned over and laid on her back on the tub side and he pushed his long shaft in and out. Whether he knew or not about her favourite way to make her reach her high I don't know, but he dipped his hand in the water and inserted his middle finger into her anus as he pumped his spunk right against her cervix. She's not usually a loud person during sex, but gave out such a loud happy shriek of ecstasy, it could have woken the dead.

Fucking hell, Dean. If Serena gets that every night, then I'm moving in here.

You're welcome, milady. My first Latina and I'm so very happy it was you. As to marital arrangements, I cannot comment without my lawyer being present.

We dried off and adjourned inside to the living room sofa.

After chatting about books, films and music, we got onto the subject of food and Margey promised them a genuine Mexican feast at our place as they'd only ever had pale imitations at takeaways and chain restaurants. This is when they both found out they each had a secret desire to be a food critic. So there and then they decided to book their next holiday to Mexico and submit their reviews to various publishing houses. They laid a bet and a forfeit to each other about who would see their article in print first. Margey was grilled on the best places to go in her country to experience the real deal.

Everyone needed to pee, and we admitted that our whole family were urine fetishists: not just us two - her four girls, two son-in-laws, the other two's boyfriends and girlfriends, the Chinese family down the road, and our newly adopted daughter from India who was recently orphaned. Hence why our lawn was more yellow than green, until I took out a second mortgage to have it returfed.

We went upstairs, and Serena got her wish that she'd mentioned at our very first meeting for me to spray her body with pee. Margey stepped into the tub and Dean covered her back, hair and arsehole, as is her wont. Finally, the two girls got in and doused each in golden fluids, as Dean and I contributed the rest of our bladder capacity onto them as well.

We rinsed off and got wrapped up in towels. Downstairs, Serena knocked up a very quick but amazingly delicious Spag Bol, and Dean had prepared beforehand a tiramisu. They were both extremely competent and accomplished cooks.

We agreed on next Sunday at our place, and even 7 days seemed too long a time to wait.

Next day, we went to BSB again to try some of their traditional menu for the marquee party: sausage rolls, pasta salad, beef stew with rice, coronation chicken, etc. They also planned (but hadn't cooked today, as everyone knows what they taste like) roast beef/roast pork/roast chicken, and standard flavour sandwiches: cheese, ham, turkey, green salad. A vegetarian main meal option was requested by their client but they hadn't decided yet - the front runner was a veggie lasagne.

We told them a little bit about our activities the day before, and without letting the cat out of the bag too much, said they were invited to meet Dean & Serena chez Pee Stain Manor House next Sunday.

Watch this space...

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Chapter 11-2 BSB meet two new friends

by Stack of Books

(1923 words)

During the week, I did practice the guitar regularly and Bindi came over to see me and listened for a while. This time, I certainly got my pee drink from her. (Margey got one too when she got back from shopping. She loved her new car that Bindi had given her, and spent a lot of time just driving it about.) 

Today my little Indian friend was wearing a sari, a type of traditional clothing which I just love, and enveloped me in almost total darkness as her brown thighs and pink slit hovered over my face. She again apologised for her after dinner speech in which she'd said 'I didn't deserve a teaspoonful of her nectar' and to make up for it gave me her whole bladderful. Her taste was a bit stronger than usual, but still acceptable.

The reason she was here was because she'd promised Franny to finish clearing her room so that it was now 'vanilla' and we could then use it as a guest room.

She was finished in an hour, and pulled me by the hand onto the sofa.

Steve, the other day's fucking at my place was nice, but I need both spunk and pee deep inside my arse. Now! Please do me.

So we did the anal sex there and then, disconnected, and resumed the pee part in the shower.

(During post-coital chat, the subject of Joe and Jenny came up. She admitted that she had suggested to them that Margey and I would deffo be up for a foursome as we'd been doing that kind of thing for a while.

On Jenny's 2nd or 3rd day in the house, Bindi was showing her how all the appliances worked. She took a pee but Jenny walked in on her accidentally as she too was bursting. Bindi was in a world of her own, idly humming to herself and dipping two fingers in her stream and sucking them. Jenny saw everything, and sat down cross legged in front of her. Bindi offered her a taste then asked Jenny to take the last 50ml direct from the source.

They swapped positions and Bindi found she liked her taste more than anyone she'd ever tried.

Joe came home early with his big brown dick hanging out of his fly hoping to bang his wife before dinner. He got two for the price of one that day. And still had enough in the tank for his spouse at 11pm that night.

They said they both had a high sex drive, doing it at least 1-2 times a day. So Bindi suggested they go to our hot tub, letting them catch us, and everything would follow on from there.)

Half an hour later after we had washed up, Margey returned, and Bindi made good on her promise to her.

Come Sunday, and the anticipation was high for the meeting with BSB (Bindi, Suze, Beth) and the two newcomers. Margey had decided to take a bit of a back seat on this one, and just let us 6 do our thing. She still had work to do on her Mexican food extravaganza, as many of the dishes couldn't really be prepared in advance.

As soon as Dean & Serena walked over the threshold, BSB introduced them to our family's traditional greeting of pee drinks. They asked them to lie down, lifted their skirts (all wearing matching pleated tartan minis today) and pointed their knickerless cooties to deliver 30-40ml into their wide open facial cavities. Margey also submitted a sample, me only to Serena. The roles reversed, and the girls were astonished as they received their urine dosage from them to see they both had an abundance of skin on them: Serena's labia and his foreskin. Margey renewed her acquaintance with both, me I abstained from Dean but gladly drank from Serena

Timeout was called, and all the getting to know you stuff was discussed. They cuddled Bindi as they heard her sad story of how she had been orphaned, but how coming to stay with us had been an awakening and a huge revolution for her, not just sexually but in all life skills.

I'd been monitoring her very carefully recently, and now she had her teeth stuck into her catering project, it seemed nothing could stop her now. I was sure she was over the worst, and days like this where she could express herself with her body, to "the beat of her own drum" as she so eloquently put it, was catharsis for her. 

She was very much like Molly in this regard - very mature for her age. I shuddered to think if she had been like red-haired Rachel (from a previous story) who got upset from the banter and teasing of similar aged girls at our sleepover. (Even though ever-honest Suze had assured me there was nothing in it and the girl was just hypersensitive.) What if Bindi had been like that during the crisis? Would she have got through it? 

Apologies for the digression. Back to the main story:

Dean & Serena asked for more details of the soccer pee competition that she had won, and we admitted we had secretly filmed it. On condition we were allowed to video their activities with the girls this afternoon, we would play back some of it now for them on our big TV. They would also get a copy of the whole unedited thing (as well as today's) on a USB stick to take home. They readily agreed. We watched for 20mins or so.

The three girls decided they all wanted to receive Dean, first in their pussies, then in their rectums. So those 4 got down to business on the big mattress we put down. Serena and I set up the cameras around them to capture everything.

On another mattress, we two did the same setup, and started what we had in mind. (Margey was in the kitchen, but didn't mind being 'left out' in the slightest. For her, cooking wasn't a hassle, it was her main calling. She came back every once in a while, to maybe take part by squeezing tits or caressing Dean's very long dangling testicles.* She knew however she could watch the video time and time again in the future at her leisure and vicariously masturbate and orgasm.)

(*I saw them as well, and the "I'm not gay" mantra started in my brain, as I really wished I could have fondled them. My own scrotum is quite small and tight and close to my perineum, sort of ribbed in appearance, with not much loose skin around it.)

I was quite busy with Serena, but took occasional glances over their way, and they all seemed to be having a great time. During a pause in fucking, all 3 girls were pulling and playing with and licking and generally worshipping his foreskin. They couldn't believe how much skin on the shaft they had to pull back to reveal that glorious glans. (Damn, there I go again!!)

And then I did it. I left Serena temporarily, and moved the metre or so over to husband. 

Sorry mate, I'm not a homo but I really have to admire your body. 

Suze picked up a camera and got closer as she knew something special was going to happen.

I took his cock out of Bindi's grasp and sucked on the long skin hanging over the end. I could taste one of the girl's juices on it so it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. His dick twitched in appreciation.

Then joy of joys, I pulled him right back and the sun came out - his very red bell end emerged and I sucked that up to the flange. Then deeper. His whole penis seemed to grow in girth and length. My wish was fulfilled as with my other hand I very gingerly fondled such amazing testicles. Just so different to my own.

He gestured to me to move both myself and my now hard as steel weapon nearer to him, and he rubbed me up and down in his fist.

Fuck, you're tight. Much tighter than me, he murmured.

He was also willing to stick my cockhead in his mouth and put his tongue in my peehole. I followed suit on him.

We were 69ing for about 30-60 secs, as the world stopped around us and all the women stood and looked on aghast.

Hey mate, I'm not a bum bandit either and never fucking will be. But if there's one person in the world I could have shared that experience with, it would be you, Steve.

The three young girls crowded us and hugged and kissed us, and I went back to Serena.

Don't worry, Serena darling, you still have your husband. Can I revert to hetero with you now?, I joked.

She kissed me hard on the lips, and said: That's my soulmate I can taste on you, you queer as a coot two-timing bastard, you.

And I pushed my cock into her cunt. She asked me if I had one two cums in me today, and I said: Sorry, probably only one. I'm not as young or virile as my ex-boyfriend stud over there.

No sweat. Can you cum and piss in my back passage then?

Luckily, we'd had the foresight to have thick heavy towels on hand, and we spent a happy 20mins achieving those goals.

I took a break on the sofa as Margey and Serena 69ed. The other four were still going with no sign of flagging, so I just brought myself up to half mast as I observed everyone.

Not long after, everyone was satiated and satisfied.

Dean just sat on the armchair shaking his head in disbelief. 

Fuck me, one week I get a Mexican goddess. Then the next week I get an Indian princess and her two coffee-skinned concubines as a trio. And I *still* get to go home and shag my beautiful singing wife. The only downside is that I had to suck the prick of the 'Prick with a Fork' guy!!

Obviously someone had told him about my comedy apron.

He came over and sat next to me, shook my hand and said: No 'hard' feelings, mate. (Emphasis on 'hard'.)

We each took each other's dick and masturbated it for 30 secs.

Everyone sat down to eat, and just to please Dean I put on that apron outside the room and crept up behind him with it. He guffawed so hard he almost choked on his food.

As we said our goodbyes, he had one last remark.

It's a good thing the price of your lessons is already covered, or you would be trying to pay me using that and a jar of Vaseline!! (Pointing to my flaccid penis, now uncovered.) See you on Wednesday, mate.

Please give only helpful and constructive comments. Thank you


Chapter 11-3 The Fearsome Four

by Stack of Books

(2908 words)

When Mr and Mrs Gandhi (Bindi's parents) left for India, they promised to cover her living expenses with us (food and board), although no actual figure was discussed, mainly because their departure happened so quickly. She had her own account in which she received from them a monthly allowance via an automatic direct debit for clothes, shoes, toiletries, travel, college books and meals outside our house, etc. Her college fees were free as she was a citizen.

I have to admit that until her parents died, I hadn't even looked at my bank account to see their payments. When I did, I was shocked. It was way too generous. Like really from another planet over the top. Obscene really. When all the hubbub of that tragic event had died down, I told Bindi (who now had control of her parent's account) to cease payments immediately (and retrospectively from the day she moved out) and plough that money into the BSB Catering venture. I would also refund her the difference between what I had received and what it actually cost to look after her.

My argument was: how much food does a young girl eat each week, especially when there's already four of us? How can we charge anything for board when the room belongs to our daughter Franny? What about all the chores you did? Don't they count for anything in your favour? We didn't take you in to be a slave for us. All other expenses (water, elec, heating, petrol, etc.) were insignificant and negligible.

She agreed to do the first one, but not the second. She just said use the excess to take Margey out every week for dinner at a restaurant. And she finally got her way by saying: It's what my mum and dad would have wanted. I had no adequate response to that.

So that's what my partner and I did, most every Friday or Saturday evening. Our large town was fairly well blessed with many eating establishments of all colours of the rainbow, gastronomically speaking, and we took a leaf out of Dean & Serena's book and tried to become amateur food critics. Outside, sat in the car afterwards, or as soon as we got home, we each wrote up our experiences and opinions.

After the first few times of doing this, we called them to see if they wanted to join us if they were free that particular day as they'd already mentioned it was their secret career ambition. We would eat together and later send each other copies of our reports for peer review and constructive criticism.

In time, we - The Fearsome Four - had exhausted all the local eateries (sometimes even the takeaways), and travelled further afield to other towns and village gastropubs, now and again to a big city.

Even though there was an appreciable age difference between the couples, we all got on like a house on fire. Usually, our table discussion during the meal was normal and general, but if the place was quiet and no-one could eavesdrop, we would branch out into sexual areas. They had copies of all our videos now, so we talked about the pee competitions, the induction ceremony and the analising session, amongst others. 

They shared with us details of their previous wife swapping experiences, and we did likewise. We told them about how Franny and I had started the pee drinking tradition, from the event in Bailey Park to our expedition on the forest trail. We even said that we thought Franny and Chris might be up for a foursome with them as they were of the same age. We promised we'd get back to them on that.

Normally, after a meal (especially if bloated with food) we would just go our own ways. But now and again we would go back to ours or theirs and bonk the other's wife. (Ahem, partner in our case.) No long drawn-out pleasant leisurely thing like on Sundays - almost, but not quite, a 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am'. But Dean and I never touched each other again, even though I did sometimes steal peeks at his foreskin and droopy scrotum. The way his balls swung, bumping into her arsehole (or cunt if he was doggying her rectum) when pistoning Margey was incredible to see. I confess I even looked up porn videos to see something similar but it was rare.

If there was time, we would play pee games, either indoors in the bathroom, or on the patio. One of us held a hi-res portable video camera (or we put in on a tripod) to film ourselves, and sent copies to each other.

(Just remembered!!! This was what I wanted to buy way back when Margey and I had a slight disagreement about it and she put me in the doghouse. It was the day the Wang Chinese family moved in down our street and I took them my self-made cupcakes. They assumed she had made them. Me being humble didn't disabuse them. She being pissed didn't put the record straight...until too late, the next day. She said the camera was a waste of money. Hah, she's not fucking saying that now! She's the one who spends most time watching the vids with a finger or dildo up her pussy!!!)

BSB had successfully done the Indian wedding and 21st B Day events and made a large profit on them. They bought a large s/h transit van type thing, and had a signwriter put the company name and telephone number on it. Kim had designed it all FOC, with a brilliant and eye catching logo and caption on it.

B - Bring us

S - Some

B - Biryani...please!

Now they were gearing up for the politician's home event and he promised good publicity and regular bookings if he was satisfied with their work.

Local TV and newspapers came to cover and support their venture (like they did with Andrea's A.S.S.)

Suze's boyfriend Martin (yes, he with the Marten surname!) came by often, and spent the night with each of them individually on a rotational basis. Every now and again, he would service them all at once, back and front bottoms. Dreamland!!

As more work came in, he was enlisted to do most of the humping and carrying, buying the food supplies, loading/unloading the van, driving it to the venues, and admin work on the computer for stock control and the accounts. He was quite good at the latter, but went to college one evening a week to brush up and learn more. He didn't get paid, but his rendezvous with the trio was for him more than enough compensation. Indeed, even the girls were not paying themselves yet. Their only overheads really were gas (for kitchen stoves and heating), elec and car/van fuel. (Maybe others, but I wasn't totally au fait with their operation.)

Bindi still had a dream to teach young people cooking skills, so that when they left home to go college, or just live on their own, they could prepare cheap, nutritious, quick and delicious meals. She regarded it as a form of parental abandonment, even a sort of child abuse, if their offspring couldn't boil an egg or only make beans on toast. Fast food and other takeouts are OK in moderation, once in a while, but to rely on them every day is beyond comprehension or reason. Not to mention the huge hole it makes in your pocket. Suze and Beth agreed and supported her in all this. But they all knew Andrea was right - this catering was a good place to start.

Joe and Jenny (Book 10, Chapter 10) were the Indian immigrants who rented Bindi's house after her parents died. After one year, they had moved to another nearby property, thus enabling the start up of BSB Catering. They were still occasional visitors to our pool (season closing now) and hot tub (365/year), but now they had the good grace to call us first and ask if we wanted a fucking session. The answer was usually yes, although we preferred it in our dry bed, rather than a wet tub.

Joe had a lot of business acumen (can't remember what his job was now) and helped them with financial planning, legal aspects and other such things. Jenny was invaluable as her cooking skills were legendary. Her parents owned a restaurant in Mumbai and it was expected she would take it over one day - until she emigrated with Joe. She streamlined their prep and general operation. She tasted every Indian dish they prepared, and declared it very good, just now and again needing minor adjustments. She also found a better and cheaper source in bulk for all the specialist ingredients they needed (wider range too), thus saving them money and hassle. Her excellent taste and aroma memory remembered Margey's super extravaganza Mexican spread and said Suze and Beth did their mum proud. Praise indeed!

Jenny was unfamiliar however with the kind of English cuisine fare they made for garden party type events, but as a newcomer, her taste buds approved of things like Coronation Chicken, pasta salad & rice salad. She was glad to see kedgeree on the menu as she hadn't had it since she was a little girl. (It's a dish made of curried and lightly spiced boiled rice with raisins, combining flaked smoked fish like haddock and halved hard boiled eggs on the top. It was popular as a breakfast dish in the British Army in India in the 1800s.)

As we know, Joe and Jenny had a high sex drive and it wasn't long before they and BSB and Martin were having nookie sessions together. He now had four dark-skinned beauties in his harem, and he particularly hit it off with Jenny. With her husband's knowledge (she didn't need his permission, their relationship wasn't like that, but they were always open and honest with each other) she and Martin sometimes had private meetings, just the two of them. Suze wasn't possessive in the slightest, just wanted to know where he was, and he related back to her what they had done. Almost always it turned her on*, and he had to find extra reserves to satisfy her.

*See footnote below

Joe was also more than happy. He never imagined that meeting me and Margey would lead to this. He liked all of them, but especially Beth. (He insisted on calling her by her full name, Lisbeth.) In personal chats with her, he made it clear to her that her looks didn't matter to him, it was her personality and character that shone through. He did an awful lot of good for her self-confidence and self-esteem. (She told me many years down the road that from that day on she wiped her arse properly (never shit encrusted again) and her pussy was always fragrant and fresh. On that day, to prove it, she pulled down her shorts, mooned me so I could check the first one, then opened up her cootie with her fingers and invited me to sniff it real close. The fact we were in a - fairly quiet though - restaurant at the time didn't faze her one bit!) 

And so ended the day of one quarter of The Fearsome Four.


One day Suze and Marten were at our house clearing out her old room. Margey and I had been talking about taking in student lodgers into the 3 girls' rooms. It wasn't really the money (although as the supermarket slogan says "Every little helps"), but the Empty Nest Syndrome was affecting us deeply and we just wanted some other people (preferably young) around. I was also hoping to find a young cutie (or should that be 'cootie'?) to teach swimming to.

Bindi, under Franny's direction, had already made their old room 'vanilla'. Beth (as his her nature) just said: I don't care as long as you don't throw anything out. Just put everything into boxes for the basement. Do what you want with the decor, etc.

So that just left Suze. She was a little bit more particular than her younger sister (as is HER nature) and everything had to be done right. Just so right!! She packed and labelled things carefully and Martin carried them away downstairs. As they worked, they talked. About many things. And about all the times they had fucked each other in this bed. That got them horny, and soon she had his shorts down, sucking and wanking him. He pushed up her T-shirt and bra to display her 36Ds which he caressed lovingly. He was getting close to cumming, so he broke away and pulled her knickers down and dived into her pussy. After she had cum 3 times, he got naked and he pushed into her.

This was the moment dimbo me came to find out how they were getting on with clearing the room. (I had a habit of walking in on them fornicating. The last time it was the living room - communal space. This time bedroom, private space, but door wide open.)

The lighting was much better and his big dick bisected her red and engorged cunt lips nicely. She was rubbing her button. He was twisting her nips and I knew from past experience she loved that. The harder, the better. She came again twice - hard - and her orgasm face was delightful. (I thought about one day asking Beth to take a mental photograph of it and drawing it, as was her skill.)

Like before, neither batted an eyelid at my arrival. Suze suddenly had a glint in her eye, and an expression of a light bulb coming on, but I couldn't figure it out till after. I could read Beth like a book, but not her. She was better than a poker player.

I watched for a while and took my cock out. Now Martin was a bit more savvy and assumed I would spunk into into her mouth as usual. But the little minx had other ideas.

Martin, Steve, I want DP. Martin get on your back. I will lie face up on you, so push into my arsehole. Steve, when you're ready, face down on me and go into my pussy. But neither of you come until I tell you, OK? I have an idea. So we both pushed and grunted and tried to make it nice for her. As we neared completion, she suddenly pulled out of both of us and rolled away to the side. She dragged me by the dick 50cm upwards, stroked me once or twice and my hair trigger went off, filling Martin's mouth. To his credit, he swallowed a lot. She quickly pushed my head back down to his crotch, and forced my mouth onto his shit stained penis and wanked him. He was still in a bit of shock so it took more strokes than she expected. In our continued feud of rivalry and one-upmanship, I sucked him in and felt 5-6 spurts of very salty cum. I swallowed most but snowballed Suze the rest.

She said: "Thank you guys. I've had that fantasy since the age of 13 about two guys cumming in the other's mouth. I masturbated to it regularly. Now it's come true. You didn't think a little white girl would do that sort of thing, did you? Well I did."

From his expression, the penny dropped with him. But not me. She explained.

She reminded me of the day she had 'coerced' Martin to suck off a blob of my fresh cum off her boob when in the garden and his aversion to it.

The first time Martin met Jenny, she told him that she wanted Martin and Joe to DP for her first time ever. The former took her arse, the husband took her pussy. Just before the point of climax, she took his cock and fired his spunk into Martin's mouth. While he was still choking, Jenny took his cock out of her rectum and shoved his shitty member into Joe's cakehole as he ejaculated. Jenny said: "Thank you Martin, I've had that fantasy about 2 men withdrawing from me and cumming in each other's mouth since I was 13 and I masturbated to it regularly. You didn't know that sweet innocent-looking young Indian girls did that sort of thing, did you? Well, they do. This one did."

Suze told me that he had related this story to her the next time they were alone, and it made her really horny. He confessed that although he wasn't gay, he did enjoy tasting Joe's emission, and even more ejaculating into his mouth. 

So she decided to try the same thing with me and Martin. She really was a minx!!

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Chapter 11-4 The Lodgers Part 1

by Stack of Books

(2224 words)

BSB Catering were doing well, trying to keep up with orders. They had an 80-head (English) wedding reception, a garden party for 50, and two 15 person private dinner parties on consecutive nights in the mayor's official rooms coming up.

Dean & Serena heard about this, and as they were both owed a lot of holiday by the company they both worked for, they took time off and came to help. They were both competent and accomplished amateur cooks. (Looking back, the trio realised they couldn't have done what they achieved in that time period without them.)

The married couple arrived in the early evening and were given Suze's room (the parent's old room) as it was deemed better if they they stayed on the premises rather than commuting.

The girls had some leftovers from that day's event (a birthday party for a teacher and 10 others in a school), and they shared and ate them together so that D & S could get an idea of the range of dishes and flavours they could create in their kitchen: 2-3 Indian dishes, 2-3 Mexican ones, a beef stew and a veggie lasagne. 

Serena said she could teach them how to make Jambalaya as she'd learned it from a Creole woman. It was ideal for catering as it could be made for 5-50 people easily.

Dean suggested he showed them Tiramisu. That was exciting as they had no desserts on the menu yet, and some potential customers had been asking for them. Again, easily upscaleable. They brainstormed a few more ideas for sweet dishes.

The talk turned to the last events at Pee Stain Farm, especially Dean and Steve's "moment". He blushed deeply at the memory and Serena patted him on the back and said: "Don't worry. He's still mine. He hasn't gone over to the Dark Side yet!"

With all the sexy talk, they were feeling horny, so they went to the big bedroom. 

Dean undressed each teen girl one by one, kissing their boobs, bellies and pussies. The trio disrobed Serena, with the same kind of attention. Beth made everybody laugh when she pushed her face hard into Serena's knickerless Vee, saying: "I can't wait. Let me in. LET ME IN!!" They pulled her back.

Dean next. They took his shirt off and 3 pairs of hands glided over his rippling muscles. His jeans and socks were next. They could all see his Mr Woody was desperate to come out to play, and they eased his boxers down. Boing!!! It escaped and sprang up towards the ceiling.

Suze copied Beth's joke by clamping her mouth over the end of his dick, saying:

"Mwh mwh mwh! Mwh mwh mwh mwh! MWH MWH MWH MWH!!

She translated: I said "I can't wait. Let me have it. LET ME HAVE IT!!"

When all the laughter had died down, Bindi decided to go with Serena using a strap on, the siblings with Dean.

In total, it didn't take long. They all had to be up early in the morning, and it would be a long day.

Available immediately

Three good sized lodging rooms 

Each with:

Single or double bed (your choice)

TV and DVD player


Chest of drawers

Office desk and chair

Free Wi-Fi

House is situated in a secluded area and owned and run by a married couple

Well-appointed bathroom

Free use of swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, lounge and other facilities

Evening meal included

Suitable for students or young professionals

Rent: XXX per calendar month

Deposit and references required

The ad was something like that anyway. OK, the married couple bit wasn't quite true, but it was difficult to put succinctly

We joked about it and considered writing "Moody Mexican bitch with big tits and juicy cunt, common law wife to a clingon tall and bespectacled Big Bird type guy"

But that didn't quite fit the bill either.

Our first applicant was a 20 year old called Alison. Long curly brunette with glasses. We showed her all the rooms, and she chose one (Franny's) that she thought was nice. She explained she was splitting up with her boyfriend (not acrimoniously) and was at the same college the trio had been at. She liked the rest of the house, esp the tub and pool. I wondered if she needed swimming lessons.

She gave as her reference John (Sally's dad) and said she'd met him once at the bank for a meeting, and he'd given her his business card to use as a reference any time she liked.

We checked if she had any dietary requirements regarding the evening meal, and she flashed us a beautiful smile and said: Absolutely not!

We said we would let her know ASAP and she hugged both of us warmly as she said goodbye. She smelled really nice. Margey agreed.

The next day I called John (he'd been living in another city for a while) and we did the usual how's it going chit chat. He was still in touch with Andrea, and was pleased their business was going so well. I told him about our Empty Nest Syndrome and we were renting out the rooms to lodgers and checking references. He was one. I gave him Alison's surname, and he went quiet, then said, "I think you'll find her suitable for your purposes. I give my full approval. Check your Email in half an hour."

Margey and I opened up the video file to see Alison and her younger sister Lynette doing lewd things on camera to each other and John and Maggie (his wife). In a child's paddling pool in his office suite.

We contacted her later that day and told her she could come whenever she liked. If she needed help with transporting her stuff, Margey was willing. She said: Yes please, is tomorrow at 10 OK? And gave the address.

In the beginning, she was quiet and a bit solitary, but warmed up slowly. She loved the hot tub as she'd never been in one before. We let her be, and I didn't switch on the cameras, but I was sorely tempted.

One day, once she'd settled in, Margey had a quiet chat with her, but without me, so as it wouldn't spook her. We both trusted John 100% but had to make sure she (or her sister) was/were not unhappy about what had transpired in his office that day (see Book 9 Chapter 5).

Margey first asked her how she knew John. She was reticent at first. She and her sister were living in another city (where John was now) and were approached by a market research lady in the street and they talked about general things and then sexual things. At the end of the interview she asked if they wanted to come and play some sexy games with her and her husband. They agreed and had to sign an NDA when they got there.

Did you feel pressured or coerced at any time? No

Did you feel you could leave at any time? Yes, they made it clear there would be no consequences.

Did you enjoy everything that happened? Absolutely

Describe the man. Did he have any special attributes. Yes, a big black 10" penis

Did he try to penetrate you? Yes, I wanted him to but he was too big to go all the way. I asked him to cum in me, then pee over me. Lynette loved the pee games, but didn't want to try sex. However, she sincerely regretted that decision when she got home and wants to meet him again.

Would you report him to the police if you could? Nope. We didn't want any money but he paid us well.

Would you do it all again? No doubt. It made me realise how much I like sex, especially peeing and pooping. That's basically why I am splitting up with that dork boyfriend. He thinks I'm weird with my fetishes. Sorry, I lied to you a bit. It isn't a pleasant break up.

Alison, don't worry about a thing. Welcome home. You've come to the right place. Tomorrow I'll talk to you and tell you about my family - my four daughters and I and my boyfriend Steve like the same sorts of things you do. Maybe you'll meet the girls sometime, perhaps Franny whose room you're in.

Goodnight and sleep well.

The next two applicants on different days were middle aged vegetarians, one male, one female, no connection with each other, and smokers. We nixed them.

The two private parties at the mayor's residence went exceedingly well. There was 100% feedback about the quality and range of food (from the cuisines of 3 different countries). The mayor instructed his admin chief to write a cheque 25% higher than the invoice value.

2 days later they did the wedding reception, 3 days after that the garden party. Dean & Serena had a whale of a time working with them. They'd now booked their Mexican gastro trip and were looking forward to it very much.

Alison joined Margey and I for breakfast the next morning. As a kind of test, Margey asked her to relate to me in more detail her session with John. She gave a lot more salacious details and we could see it excited her to relive those memories. Her nips under her shirt became erect. Margey told her she and I were going to bathe together, and asked her if she wanted to come and watch. She didn't have to join in, and was free to leave the bathroom if she was uncomfortable with anything. Either way, it would not affect the tenancy of her room.

Margey took her hand, and the girl watched us while sitting on the chair next to the tub as we undressed each other. Margey explained the family tradition of giving pee drinks. She squatted over me, and gave me 30ml. I stuck my flaccid dick into her mouth, and pulled out slightly so Alison could see the stream. We then proceeded to wash each other. As she observed, Alison started disrobing revealing very nice boobies. With only her knickers on, she started rubbing herself as she watched us start to fuck each other in the bath. She pulled her underwear off, and approached me pulling her lips apart, and fired 100ml of sweet tasting piss at my face. Put her cunt right next to Margey's mouth and gave her the same. She didn't swallow but snowballed some of it back to her, the rest to me.

She climbed in and asked us both to spray her everywhere with all that we had. She'd forgotten to take her glasses off and they were so wet she couldn't see through them. I removed them and put them to one side, and Margey took her scrunchie off her wrist and tied her hair back. We covered her in our urine and she orgasmed a few times. Margey and I continued to make love, and Alison got in a position where she could void the rest of her piss onto the junction between dick and pussy.

She then bent forward and her arsehole and shaved pussy slit came into view and gave me permission to fuck her. She and Margey massaged the other's tits as I pumped. At the point of my orgasm, she pulled away and turned around, and wanked me a final few strokes and took my glans in her mouth to receive all my load. She gave some to Margey and some to me to see my reaction. I didn't flinch, nothing new for me, and she seemed pleased with that.

As we got out and dried off, she squatted on the toilet seat the wrong way round and asked me to catch her turd in TP.  She made a nice show of wiping her anus. Margey then did the same and produced one of famous 10-inchers which Alison struggled with, but just about about managed to hold.

"I think I'm gonna like it here," she declared.

The next day, her younger sister Lynette came for a visit to see the new digs, and we set up the child's paddling pool in the garden and videoed them re-enacting their session with John. Margey and I joined in, and we all pissed on each other. I didn't have John's big black dick unfortunately, but Lynette seemed content with my smaller one. She said she liked the feel of cum spurting inside her, but always on the first time wanted to taste it in her mouth. I duly delivered.

By way of thanks, we sent John a copy of our video.


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Chapter 11-5 The Lodgers Part 2

by Stack of Books

(1754 words)

To further acquaint Alison with life at Pee Stain Farm, the BSB trio turned up as they (thankfully) had a day off, leaving Martin behind to do some clearing up, ordering and getting the accounts up to date. He didn't mind - Jenny was coming round later and they'd promised each other some golden showers.

The four girls paired up and undressed each other, then jumped into the hot tub (what a good investment that was!) and this time I did switch the cameras on. Margey and I watched some of it live in another room, but both of us had other things to do, so reluctantly resigned ourselves to watching it on video later on. They were swigging on their Breezers, with some more in an ice bucket on the patio floor.

Of course, the first thing they did was switch the jets on, sit on them and have 4-5 orgasms each, getting louder and louder. Beth had kept in mind my request for a picture of Suze's orgasm face, and took a mental snapshot. In the afternoon, she committed the portrait to a 10"x8" piece of artist's paper using mainly soft and hard pencils, but some clever highlights of watercolours. It's drawn from the chest up, and Suze is using both hands on her boobs to squeeze the nipples tightly. The gold-framed picture is on my desk now as I write this. She later went on to do all of us: Margey, me, Molly & Franny. Someone took a real photo of her, and she drew herself at the moment of impact, as it were.

The jacuzzi went off and Suze and Beth gave Alison a general overview of their family, pre-Steve and post-Steve, and how the piss and poop thing had developed, first in their mum's old apartment and now in this new house. Alison hugged Bindi and cried a lot as the Indian girl explained how she came to live here and her tragic loss. She said she had been pretty innocent about many life things before, not just sex, and only knew she was destined for an arranged marriage. But this family had encouraged her to "follow the beat of her own drum" (there's that phrase again) and express herself with her body.

Of course, Suze and Beth knew John as he was Sally's dad, and were aware of some of his activities, especially the park cruising. So it wasn't any real surprise when Alison told them about her and her sister's sexy rendezvous with him. In sharing it all, she was getting very turned on, so she jumped up on the side of the tub and gave them all a pee drink. They all kissed her cootie to say thank you and told her that was the tradition here - for cocks as well. She masturbated herself to orgasm as they admired her beautiful pussy.

The 3 others followed suit: pee drink for all, and wank, sometimes with an ejaculation which someone else would suck up then share with the others, including the giver. (Suze told me in private conversation another time she loved the taste of her own cum - it was substantially different to her pee. She occasionally collected it in a jar, and kept it in the fridge to sup during the day.)

Group hugs followed and Alison knew this was the right place for her. The four musketeers put their bikinis on (pointless exercise really) then came over to meet me in the swimming pool to cool off. B, S & B dived in, but Alison gingerly came down the steps, and admitted to me she wasn't a good swimmer. (Yes!! I did an elbow pump in my head.) We started there and then with floating exercises. Unfortunately, the trio were in a naughty mood that day and swam under me to remove my trunks, not forgetting to give my John Thomas a tug like a steam train whistle. They then undid the strings on Alison's bikini and pulled both pieces away, revealing her exquisite tits and gorgeous quim. (Two onto one, they pulled off all the other swimwear too.) As she floated at my chest level, I walked between her legs, splaying them apart slightly, and licked her cleft up and down. Despite the water around us, her flavour was strong and discernible. She pulled her cunt apart a bit and entreated me to push a finger in, and came explosively. She had to reach back with her hands to hold onto the sides. 

While this was happening, the 3 minxes were diving under me, wanking me with their hands or sucking me with their mouths. I put Alison up on the side as I caught Bindi. I pulled her chest to mine, and she sank her pussy onto my pointing up member, going straight in. Gave her about 10 or so piston strokes. Did the same to Suze, then Beth. Pulled Alison off the side and I entered her vagina in the same manner, and she squeezed in pulses her vaginal walls, and milked me of everything I had. She floated on her back again, the girls pulled her legs fully wide, and we all watched in awe as her creampie oozed out.

Next swimming lesson tomorrow, I said to her. The four went inside for a shower, then for snacks and drinks.

Next person to apply took Beth's room and was 19 year old Sven from Sweden, studying at the uni. Blond and well-dressed, with seemingly a nice bod underneath, according to Margey. He said I could contact his current landlord, and I duly did so, right there and then, and he recommended the boy as a good, reliable and trustworthy tenant.

He moved in soon after, and we found he was a very pleasant and agreeable chap. While talking to him, we discovered he knew the two Russian girls, Deena & Elena, and we said they'd been round here for an afternoon of fun. (Book 10 Chapter 5) He raised his eyebrows at that. 

He explained in summary how he had met them. (Full story: Book 8 Chapter 9)

Sally and Ryan had gone park cruising and picked up Deena who was airing her bald cootie and took her to Andrea's house. They met again a few weeks later, same venue, this time with her bringing Elena.

On their own, the Russians also decided to cruise, but in a different park, again with shaved pussies and short skirts, displaying their wares. Sven had seen their cooties from a distance using his binocs but was too shy to approach them. 

However, they accosted him on the path 15 mins later, and took him back to Elena's for pissing and fucking.

We were sitting on the patio and fully-clothed Margey said: Are you full now? Can you demonstrate? He pulled his shorts down to reveal a nice 6" fat cock, circumcised and his glans was a very nice dark red. He lifted up her T-shirt and kissed her large unfettered chocolate coloured boobs and dark black nipples and let fly. His very pale yellow stream hit her cleavage and he waved it around. She made sure she got a mouthful.

At that moment, Alison walked into the garden and saw what was going on, but didn't bat an eyelid. Just sat down and put a hand under her skirt between her legs and watched.

Margey got on her back on the table, pulled her knickers off and gave them to the girl, who sniffed them. Sven pissed all that he had left onto Margey's pussy, and then pushed his erect dick into her. He slammed for 10mins or so, then filled up her mouth with his cum. 

Alison took his hand, laid him on the floor and said: Hi, I'm Alison. I'm new here and I like it. I think you will also. When your bladder is full again, I'd like to order exactly what Margey just had. By the way, this is how we greet each other here.

And sat on his face to deliver her sample. He then continued to bring her to orgasm many times as she humped his nose and mouth.

Nice to meet you, Alison. I'm Sven from Sweden. You're very beautiful. I love your pussy and your urine is just my cup of tea, if you"ll excuse the pun. I have a booking in my diary for later with you, and maybe you can show me you pooping.

Watersports were also going on at BSB headquarters while the trio were away. Jenny admitted that when in India, she and her husband Joe had had a fairly humdrum sex life, although it happened often (at least once a day) because of their high sex drives. Coming here had opened their eyes to a whole multitude of things to try, such as wife-swapping, hot tubbing and DPing. Golden showers was something she really enjoyed. She had 3 older brothers and they were never shy about peeing or masturbating in front of her. When they knew their parents weren't looking she peed and pooped for them.

Jenny, can you push out a turd for me now. Your brown puckered arsehole is so nice to look at. So she squatted over his chest facing his feet, and a turtle's head soon appeared. She pissed a bit which landed on his erect cock.

More grunting and groaning, a couple of farts, and a nice 6-incher came out, gnarly on one end, smooth on the other, and plopped on to his chest. The smell was quite acceptable. They flushed it away, and she turned around and she expelled the rest of her pee on his face, neck and hair. Swapping round, he peed over her pussy, then inserted inside when hard, and filled up her vaginal cavity with nectar.

Then they fucked normally for the rest of the afternoon.

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Chapter 11-6 Big Pee Party

by Stack of Books

(2129 words)

Even though at that infamous dinner party I had joked and pretended to Bindi that I was giving her a certificate for swimming a 50 metre length of the pool (it was actually adoption papers she received), she was actually quite self-sufficient in the water by now. However, sometimes if we were in there together, she playfully faked drowning, screaming and thrashing her arms about, and grabbed onto me as if there was a huge  white shark approaching at 100mph. She mashed her boobs into mine (erect 1cm dark black nipples digging into me), slipped down my shorts with her toes, deftly pulled her bikini bottoms to one side, and plunged her pussy onto my erection. (That procedure had been banned when we first started having lessons.) Then the wailing stopped and gave way to deep contented sighs and warm breath into my ear. Her cunt muscles squeezed and pulsated me till I spurted.

I'd clearly reached the end of my teaching abilities with her in this discipline. Sandy had been watching our lovemaking, masturbating herself on the pool side, and now took over, showing her the movements and breathing techniques for the other strokes which I didn't know about. Their friendship and relationship developed a lot during this period, and even though I knew Sandy erred strongly on the side of hetero, I saw them many times after their lesson on the living room couch kissing, cuddling and petting. Sometimes they found a free bedroom (e.g. mine) and continued in private to a natural conclusion. (Forgot to video it. Damn!)

Maybe it was because her mentor Franny was no longer around, but her sassiness seemed to be in abeyance and we had some really deep chats without verbally bantering each other. After Jon, she still hadn't found another boyfriend, and sometimes sought solace in me for hard cock. But we both knew it was a sham and unsustainable and were acutely aware it couldn't last. I did all I could to prevent it happening without directly rejecting her.

The situation wasn't helped when her parents Ken & Martha moved to the other side of town to open a second Chinese restaurant, and this building had substantial and nice living quarters above it. So it was a no-brainer to sell up their house at the bottom of our cul-de-sac. Sandy was ready to fly the nest anyway and asked Margey and I if she could take the last lodging vacancy, the room that used to be Suze's. (Her reasoning was that needed a lot of access time to the pool to train for the swim team.) We said she could have it rent-free as long as she didn't tell the other two lodgers or BSB or anyone else. But she offered to make a contribution for food. She and I made a pact that our relationship from that point on would be purely platonic. It was hard to keep as we still had the hots for each other, but we did adhere 100% to it.

So we now had our 3 lodgers: Alison, Sven & Sandy, all pee and poop addicts

Time for another pee party!! 

Margey & Steve

Molly & Ben

Franny & Chris

Suze & Martin

Beth & Bindi

Andrea & Kim

Joe & Jenny

Alison & Sven (an item already??)

Dean & Serena

Sandy & Jon (not an item any more, but for old time's sake

There were others we could have chosen (and wanted to come, e.g. Ade & David, the whole McAllister family incl. redhead twins, and Jean & Adam, who we'd never met, but heard a lot about from Deena & their au pair Elena). But we decided we just didn't have the space for any more.


Peeing and pooping was still banned on the new turf, but we bought another children's paddling pool of the same size and hoped it would suffice. The bathroom in the new house was quite roomy, so that would also serve as a venue.

To prevent Margey cooking for that many, we gave her the day off and made it a pot-luck. Everyone (apart from our lodgers) were asked to bring a savoury dish and a sweet dish to share.

Sandy's parents Ken & Martha were invited too, but cried off with huge regrets as their new place was opening that same night. They still sent a few bags of delicious Chinese cuisine.

Swimming lessons with the delectable Alison continued the day before. Like me, she kept her glasses on in the pool, as we both let on to each other that we felt disorientated if we couldn't see in focus properly with water around us. The only disadvantage was if they fell off your head and sank to the bottom, the water made your eyesight even worse, so diving all the way down to retrieve them was futile. You needed a 20/20 vision person who was a good diver to get them for you. The answer was of course elasticated headbands which attach to the legs just behind your ears. I bought two from the optician's that morning and she and I had a mini ceremony of attaching them to each other.

Alison was OK by now at floating on her front or back and I tried to avoid staring at her tits. But she knew that I knew that she knew I was looking!!  So we started on the arm movements for the crawl, and then the kicking legs. She spent 10 mins doing that on her own, trying to get from one side to the other (a width) of the pool. She didn't really need supporting any more which gave me no excuse to touch her. However, her breathing technique was not so good and she would have to wait till Sandy was free to perfect that. (My method came naturally to me but I couldn't explain it adequately to her.)

As a finale, she begged me to spunk in her, then floated on her back, and spread her legs really wide so I could watch the cream pie leaking away. I inserted a finger to help it all out and she orgasmed one more time.

The big day of the party came and all who knew each other hugged warmly as they arrived around midday. As a last minute concession, I allowed two late guests: Lynette* (Alison's sister) and the Russian au pair Elena. Deena had unfortunately already returned to her home country Russia and there were two 36F reasons why I and everybody else missed her.

*See footnote

Elena was notably sad and under the weather as she'd been at the airport only yesterday to see her off. However, like any good MC, she thought it was down to her to kick things off. (What is it with her?? She seemed so shy most of the time. Perhaps it was some kind of ADHD or attention seeking disorder.)

Not without surprise, she introduced the motorboating concept to those that didn't know it. All the ladies stood in line shoulder to shoulder, and they had the option to be naked or clothed up top. There were a few practice 'Brrr's heard (minus cleavage), then the men went down the line vibrating every pair of tits, large or small. The last woman in line followed and so on - rather like a team of footballers greeting the officials and the other team before the match. Of course, many went back for seconds or thirds. Margey, Franny & Sandy were popular. Me, I still preferred Elena, but still can't say why, and told her so. She whispered in my ear: Thank you, Steve, you've made my day, and then said the same thing in Russian in the other ear. It sounded super sexy. Her hot minty breath started my motor running, then she turned on the turbocharger by slipping me some tongue, and declaring: I need you up me in both holes later on please, and sashayed her cute arse away.

During the preparations in the morning, Chris and I had an idea that we could still have the pooping competition, even though we hadn't given advance warning for people to prepare. We found a 1m x 1m piece of flat board in the shed, and placed it on the asphalt area rather than on the grass. (People tend to pee as they shit. Margey and I discovered during our outdoor expeditions on the forest trail that I normally piss everything out first before the turd appears. With her, a strong stream of urine comes out forwards only when her rectum has emptied.)

The object of the day was for everyone to piss on anyone or be pissed on by anyone. There were a few variations on this like Beth who - when we two were out in the nature - had perfected peeing and/or pooping while upside down, standing on head or hands. Some younger and more supple people emulated her, helped by others who assisted them balancing. Franny intrigued me, cos her big upside down boobs looked extremely unusual to me in that position. I idly wondered if her husband had ever noticed that.

I'd bought many more cameras and set them up discreetly, but the disadvantage is it takes you hours and hours to sift through all the footage. Sometimes less is more.

We'd hired some strong portable tables, covered them with colourful protective paper and set up the food and drinks on them outside to prevent people traipsing in and out through the house. Paper plates & cups, disposable knives and forks (made from waste avocado stones - who knew?) were a boon.

Even though they didn't have to give anything, Alison and Sven borrowed the kitchen at different times to prepare something. The latter contributed some native Swedish dishes, she made cup cakes, I think.

Ken's Chinese food arrived (by taxi!!) and I made a beeline for that, as I knew it was authentic and the genuine article, not the watered down for Western palates stuff you get in some places.

So people just drank and ate and chatted and peed if and when they wanted to. The pools were emptied quite often and this time the peonies and hyacinths benefited from those minerals.

Elena came to pee on me, and me on her, then we slipped away as I fulfilled my earlier promise to her. With her knowledge, I put a camera in the room, and Margey got off on watching it the next day.

There was no official 'closing time' but by and by people drifted home (taking as much food as they wanted) and those that lived here helped to clear up. Margey excepted. She was chained to a chair with a Breezer in her hand.

That night, Bindi stayed with Sandy, Alison was with Sven, and Beth and Suze were in Alison's room. Me, I was with the moody Mexican bitch with big tits and she asked Big Bird to fuck her. We both fell asleep halfway through it...

So ended another day at the now renamed 'No Pee Stain Farm'.


Margey and I took Lynette aside (without her sister's knowledge) and asked the same questions we'd given Alison. Her answers were exactly the same.

So you're sure you would do the same and more with them again? Even if you were on your own without your sis?

Absolutely, 100%. Like Ally, I've come out of my shell so much since then, both generally and sexually. I've been using big dildos and butt plugs to prepare for that monster. I also love Maggie's black cunt as it's a really special new experience. And their piss is so warm and delicious. It's not about the money - I would still do it for free.

So she went back to her own city (where John was) and I gave her his phone number and Email address. John sent me the photos and video of that session. He paid her twice as much as last time. A month later she took her friend Stephanie and that was even better for all - and 3x the cash.


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Chapter 11-7 Massage Session

by Stack of Books

(1320 words)

The next morning Chris came back to our place (still a helpful guy, but he went straight to Margey for a hug and a pee drink without even saying hello to me) to assist me in folding and loading the hired tables onto the trailer and other clearing up jobs.

Chris, can I ask you a personal question?

He was immediately wary and on guard as he thought I was trying to trick him (and told me so), like Ben and Jonas' circumcised/uncircumcised question all those years ago. 

No, really. This is not a trick or a game. Would you say you are a legs, tits or bum man?

Hmm, I dunno. Guess I'd have to say breasts. But the others are a close second. Why?

Well, before she met you, Franny and I had a thing going as you well know, and I saw hers grow from ping pong balls to cantaloupe melons. Do you think that they've grown even bigger since she had the baby?

Yeah, I reckon so. Look, where is this going? She told me you'd both made a decision to stop with each other.

Yes we did, and it's because we both respect your right to her. But when she was standing upside down yesterday peeing with Beth, her boobs looked completely different to how I've ever seen them. I just wondered if you'd noticed it. That's all.

We finished loading in silence, him in deep thought.

Later that night I got an SMS from Franny:

What the fuck have you been saying to my Chris? He's now obsessed with my titties again like when we were teenagers in the first few weeks of our courtship. He's making me do all sorts of weird things like hanging naked over the edge of the bed backwards. You're a pervert, you know that? I wish I'd never peed for you in Bailey Park or given you a drink on that mountain top. If you ever come here again and kiss my pussy and then blow a raspberry on it, I'll give you both barrels of my 12-bore. Your ever loving Franny-panny xxx PS Hope your dirty mind doesn't think 'both barrels' is a euphemism for my breasts. 

He-he-he!!! Talk about a cat among the pigeons!

There were only a few entries in the pooping competition yesterday, mainly because there had been insufficient notice to enable people to 'build up a head of steam', so to speak.

Margey of course won, but there were valiant efforts from Serena, Joe & Alison.

During the day, I made sure that Dean & Serena and Franny & Chris hooked up, and from their body language and enthusiastic nods, it seemed as if they had already fixed a date for a Sunday session.

This is an amalgamation of the reports I later received from both couples of that event.

As per the norm, my surrogate daughter and son-in law arrived at the couple's beautiful house at midday. They'd all seen each other naked or partially naked at the party, but nevertheless the first thing they did was to slowly and sensually strip each other's partner. Franny had never seen a foreskin as long as Dean's; similarly, Chris didn't even know that women could have very long, dangly and floppy labia minora (inner vaginal lips) like Serena had.

They took some scented massage oils (there was lavender & rose for the females, clove & bay leaf for the hims), and spent 10-15mins on the gender with boobs, then the same amount of time on those without.

When they were all relaxed, they sat in the lounge, supped their drinks and ate some snacks and did the getting to know you chit chat. (They were all so keen to get to each other's bodies, they had neglected to do this on arrival.)

They went up to the bedroom, and decided to fuck each other's spouse, and again Franny really got off on hearing and seeing another couple fornicating right next to her. It seemed to spur her to even greater orgasmic highs. Chris also found Serena a willing and highly responsive partner, and she seemed to have the ability to take him to places (metaphorically speaking) he'd never dreamed about.

Both women agreed that the first time should be for tasting the new 'brand' of spunk, so instead of coming in their pussies, Dean fired his cum into Franny's wide and welcoming mouth, and she shared with Serena. Chris did the same to her, and she likewise snowballed Franny. Neither of the guys could be persuaded to join in with this.

Back downstairs to recuperate, they all related past life experiences and the sexual ones. Franny again was in exceptional form with her jokes and wisecracks - she loved being 'tied down' with motherhood (my words, not hers - she never regarded it as a job or drudgery, but rather an honorary calling), but still really enjoyed being let off the leash once in a while.

D & S told of their other wife-swapping experiences, esp with Tina & Dan, and gave their number to F & C, as they were certain all four would be totally compatible.

Chris shared about their DP session with Sandy and Jon, and that's the form of deviation they now decided on to resume their activities. Serena chose to take both dicks first. To give the two guys equal opportunity of front bottom/back bottom, they swapped round halfway (using anti bacterial wipes), and both shot their load as she pulsed her internal cavities.

As both men were young, only a short recovery period was necessary, and they started on Franny, changing round halfway with wipes. Serena was fascinated with Franny's boobs and caressed and played with and nipple sucked and nipple chewed them as the guys pumped her, which sent her into the stratosphere.

The two girls then continued with each other for a very long time, ending up 69ing. Franny told me privately much later on it was probably the best lez session she'd ever had - with anyone. Serena was just such a sensual and kinky and sexy woman.

The boys left them to it, and Dean showed Chris around his music room.

They kissed their wives when they finally reappeared in the living room, tasting and smelling the juices of the other woman's cunt on their faces and fingers.

Neither guy had anything left in the tank for another round, so they repaired to the hot tub. C & F were very jealous of it, but their house was only small and there was no room for it. Otherwise she might have asked Bindi for one, instead of the brand new washing machine she actually gave them as a present.

Pee games and pissing contests ended the naughty part of their day.

Just before they ate (Thai curry and fragrant Jasmin rice from her, home made rum and raisin ice cream from him), they shared how they met and they played them an acoustic version of their song.

Soon it was time to go and relieve their long suffering baby sitters Andrea & Kim. They all decided to make this tryst a regular monthly happening, and indeed did so for many years after, even after Serena had her first child and Franny her second.

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Chapter 11-8 Spanking!!

by Stack of Books

(2144 words)

Things were hotting up in the BSB kitchen (pun partially intended). Many bookings were coming in, and as Dean & Serena had gone back to their own jobs (and were going to Mexico on holiday soon), the trio realised they were going to need extra help for veg prep and other basic tasks such as cooking rice and pasta. The cooking of the main dishes they could handle between them as they all now had the necessary skills.

They asked Martin (yes, he of the Marten surname, whose dad was also called Marten with an 'e' - did I mention all that already? So sorry!) to do a cost analysis on how much they could afford to pay per hour two part-timers.

Lynette had had her session with John (and not long after with Stephanie). John sent us the tapes. My goodness, they were hot.

Alison had seen the vids we had made of her (with her knowledge) and checked she was OK with it. She was. We then came clean and told her we had other vids. We watched them all together, and like Bindi she had the same catchphrase, but with a swear word inserted:

Fuck, is that really me??

Then it got worse (or better) for her as we admitted we had known John a very long time and knew of his activities. We told her she that she would meet his daughter Sally soon as she lives close by, and she would go over in detail all the naughty cruisings they had done.

The last bombshell was to show her John's tape of her and her sister. She was gobsmacked. I told her that just on the strength of that, we had accepted her as a lodger.

Lynette moved to our town to find work, and stayed in Alison's double bed, going 50/50 on the rent. It would only be a stepping stone for her. But Dean and Serena came round one evening on a social call (not a foursome) and offered to her to house sit. Theirs was a fairly safe area, and they had alarms, but he felt more comfortable about a physical presence being there to guard his music equipment.

Dean: Hmm, it's either you or a guard dog. Can you bark?, he joked.

The younger sister leapt on to his lap and woofed like a medium sized dog directly in his left ear.

No good.

So she became a Dobermann, louder in the other ear, deliberately pushing her hands gently on his crotch.

Too expensive to feed, but your 'paws' are nice

She moved to Serena and changed into a tiny lap dog, squeezing her boob softly.

Yep, you'll do!, she said.

Rent was free, but she had to provide her own food and clean and leave the place as she found it. She moved in very soon.

She said: Good, I'm glad. Alison snores like prize porker!

Ooh, you lying bitch! and a pretend catfight started, and I watched for a while (at least 5 minutes!!) and took great pleasure separating them, making sure I grabbed a boob of each. (Strangely, Margey's brood never had fisticuffs and harsh words were rarely spoken. She'd taught them to just walk away from  confrontational situations and count to ten - or longer.)

Steve: Now then! Now then! NOW. THEN!! Who's for spanking first???

Me, me, me, they shouted in unison

They rock/paper/scissored and Alison won and went first.

One camera came out for recording. I checked she was OK with it. Nods.

I put her over my knee and lifted her short skirt up. I could smell her arousal and the underwear on her slit was very wet. I gave her two gentle slaps on her buttocks.

Lynette, take her knickers off. She'll get four more.

Whack! Much harder. x 4

You bastard SOB, Steve, and stood there showing me her cunt absolutely dripping.

I really wanted to do Lynette myself, but being a gent, I said to Dean: She's all yours, mate 

Camera OK? Thumbs up.

Two gentle ones, sis takes knickers off,  four hard ones.

Hey, take it easy dude, she's not as well upholstered as Serena.

I got a thump on the arm from his wife for that.

After recuperation, the discussion turned to BSB, and Dean said:

Hey, are you two any good at veg prep? Bindi is just about to advertise for two p/t helpers, and the way it's going you could be f/t fairly soon. Don't quote me on that, though. So Margey called them and Bindi talked to them and asked both to come tomorrow for a 1-2 hour trial.

They passed with flying colours, although Lynette was not as fast or as consistent, but that would come with time.

Bindi was impressed with Alison"s cupcakes at the party and asked if she could make them in batches of up to 100. That would be a good stopgap until their dessert production line was running properly. 

They checked the girls' schedules (not always the same) and booked them for the next two weeks, sometimes together, sometimes separate.

Now that the older one was more confident, she could be just as funny as 

Franny, but not sassy like her - a different sense of humour.

At the next function all the cupcakes were guzzled up completely and as the food was all paid for the guests were allowed to fill doggy-bags. Martin went back to HQ and asked Ally permission to take a 50-tray that was destined for another event tomorrow. They were eaten too. Bindi didn't mind as the cost of ingredients and labour was very small compared to their profit margin. Alison stayed up half the night to make another batch, and next morning 50 more. Good job she did. All snaffled up at that afternoon's event. Bindi was sure they would lead to many repeat bookings. She gave Ally the money that would have been spent on the newspaper ad to say thanks for her hard work and dedication.

Elena told us on the phone her year as au pair was up soon as well so we invited her and her hosts Adam and Jean too to a hot tub event. She had a Russian friend called Veronika who was just starting her exchange year and had similar attributes to Deena. No brainer, come along!

They arrived, hugs and kisses for everyone. Margey had Mexican snacks prepared, and I took the drinks orders in yet another comedy apron. (Nice collection now.)

I had a delicate question to ask, but I'd already asked Elena during our day at the pee party so I thought I knew it would be alright. 

Jean, Adam, We welcome you to our home and sincerely hope our friendship will be happy, long-lasting and enjoyable for all of us.

I want to ask you if it's usual for a host family for 'things' to happen with their nanny/helper. You can tell me to fuck off or mind my own business - or even leave  now, with or without her.

Steve, Margey, you deserve to know the truth - which is we don't know any other au pairs. Only her. So we cannot answer your question. She's of legal age and mature enough to make sensible decisions, like when you slipped away with her on Saturday. (Ouch! Touché!) She told me she asked you, not the other way round.

Likewise, with us: we never coerced her  or threatened her with dismissal. She never received payment for services rendered.  Do you 100% agree, Elena?

Yes. Excuse me, but what is rendered? I only know reindeer. Her smile lit up the whole room and banished all the demons, and the seriousness of the situation vanished like a fart in the wind.

Services given, Elena.

Thank you. If we can have the couch, I would like to show you a small play to demonstrate how things happened. Lots of information is missed out for, yes, brevity.

Jean and I are in the hot tub and we start getting sexy 

I am bisexual, so we go to bedroom for sex

This happened most afternoons. It was enough for me.

Adam came home early. He just watches. No fighting or shouting 

Sometimes, he wants to make love to her. I go like this, underneath her. He does anal on her and I watch. Exciting. Still enough for me without getting involved.

However, one day I want penetration. Jean is OK with it. Adam comes home, I give him beer, take off clothes, give massage and we fuck. Jean underneath.

Few weeks later, I ask for anal - but the pleasure is too much and I faint.

And that's it. Definitely no reindeer services. (Big laughs)


And she made it worse by (deliberately) adding: It's not fucking cold enough for reindeer here anyway!! We went through a box of tissues wiping our eyes. 

Poor Veronika was laughing along but hadn't said a word yet, so we gave her the floor to introduce herself. Her English was not quite as good as Deena's but still better than Elena - but the latter was coming up fast on her. Veronika made the organism/orgasm mistake. Elena corrected her gently, but didn't gloat.

I asked her about her host family but they were old and probably not sexually active. What do you think of what Elena just explained?

Oh, if I had a hunk like Adam, and a beautiful lady like Jean as hosts I would deffo get involved. But not coercion - then I"m outta there. But I hate Christmas, especially Dancer & Prancer and that fucking dickhead Rudolph. No reindeers for me either!!!

After calming everyone down, Margey said:

We say the same thing to you as we say to every visitor: if you're unhappy or uncomfortable with anything that goes on here, you're free to leave, no questions asked. We'll order a taxi and pay for it to take you home. 

For example, we might play pee games later. OK for you?

I've never tried, but am willing to give it a go. Like lezzy: I'm more hetero than bi, but with people like Jean and Margey, I might be turned. Margey, can I caress you all over please and maybe lick your cunt. I've never seen a Latina woman and I want to try. Please take my tits out and do what you want with them.

So they started and Elena and Jean followed suit. Adam and I just watched the show.

It seems nobody had thought about the Order of Service for today. So we went upstairs and Adam and I fucked the other"s spouse. Elena showed Veronika how to eat pussy, then swapped round as receiver and giver. Then 69ed.

Break for 15 mins. Into the bathroom, introducing V slowly to pee games without freaking her out. A & J were obviously past masters. Elena spoke a bit in Russian to her to put her at her ease, but no-one minded that at all.

Quick rinse, and to the hot tub. Veronika had never even heard of them and was smitten by it straightaway. 

Fuck, this is good, I heard her mutter under her breath as the warm water went up to her shoulders.

Our 5-person tub was inadequate for 6, so Margey sat on me and Jean on Adam. Elena played with V"s submerged boobies.

Our final event of the day was for me to fuck Veronika (I checked with her first) and Adam did Elena. Margey and Jean hadn't touched each other yet, so now was their chance. Margey reported later she was a good, sensitive and giving partner.

No food had been prepared (by design) so as Margey and I had planned we took the menu for Ken's nearest restaurant (not the new one far away), and 10mins later I phoned the order through on my CC, telling everyone this one's on me.

In the end, we just got the set meal for 6, with a few extras: prawn toast (I love), spring rolls (for Margey) and prawn crackers.

The range of dishes was incredible, the quality high and everything delicious. I was eating leftovers for days (no sweat, man).

Bloated and satiated, we said our goodbyes

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Chapter 11-9 Sally and the now bigger tub

by Stack of Books

(1631 words)

Our 5-seater tub (especially as it was for an odd number) was patently too small for our needs.

I talked to Ade and he had a brand new 8-person tub just come in and could give me a part ex on our one, which he would then sell to another customer who could only afford a s/h one.

One of his guys was a carpenter and he wanted them both to come and check the dimensions were right for our patio. He said it's possible some of the railings would need cutting away to accommodate its (obviously) larger size, but all you do is put new battens underneath and extend them outwards by the necessary distance. It might look a bit weird but would still be functional. In the end, only Australian Ray the chippy came round, and after only 5 mins with his tape measure said: No worries, mate. It'll be bonza. You got no barbie here?

In the shed. I'm only allowed to wear the apron these days.

As predicted, they had to cut away a lot of the railings just to get that behemoth in position. Some of them went back on as before, others were pushed out to some extent. It did look a bit strange, but only to those who knew what it looked like before with the 5-tub. Never once did I get a comment in the future to the effect of: I say, old chap, your patio railings seem to have blown a gasket. They're all out of skew!!!

So in less than 2 weeks we were soaking and luxuriating in it. With just two, Margey and I were a bit far away from each other, so we joked that we couldn't hear, and then did some fake semaphore signals at each other, but neither of us knew the proper signs for the letters.

Sven & Alison & Lynette came by (all with street clothes) and asked to join in. 

You know you don"t have to ask!!


Sure, why not?

Sven undressed both girls, one by one, slowly and sensually. Then they did him. And jumped in. 

Ally: Steve, Elena told us what you'd said to her hosts and we think it's very noble of you to make sure she hasn't been abused or mistreated in any way.

Lyn and I trust you and Margey implicitly and are ready for any new experiences.

Sven said: You know, In Sweden, trafficking young girls for sex is a big problem.

He told us of an information awareness campaign he'd seen of young girls (all actors) who were put into a box van with transparent sides being driven round a capital city, possibly Stockholm, so the public could see in. (Obviously in a real life trafficking situation the van sides were made of metal.) Some of the females were obviously under 16, and many had had bruise and scratch make up applied to show they were being physically abused. A TV crew were following to do on-street interviews. The documentary voice-over said they believed as many as 10 vans* like this were imported into Sweden every day.

*I don't have any figures on hand to substantiate this number.

It was a good point and worthy of further perusal, but before the discussion about this could advance further, Sally arrived. I'd told her yesterday about the new tub and she desperately wanted to try it, so I was half expecting her. Sven jumped out to greet her with a hug and a semi, and by her goggly eyes, she was very impressed with his body. He invited her to join us, and unwrapped her, divesting her of her clothes, one by one. Margey and I knew what she looked looked like naked of course - even so, to see her again in all her beauty was incredible. The first time effect she had on the other three was for them mind blowing. Sven took her hand and she climbed in, electing to sit on his lap. She had no qualms or reservations about her body, and invited him to caress her large coal black breasts and browny pink nipples, her smooth belly, and to dip a finger in her pussy. She moved to Ally, then to Lyn and they too explored her in a very sensual and sexy way. Finally, Margey and I renewed our acquaintance with her, and it was like picking up a favourite book and re-reading it again.

Margey got out to get us all drinks and snacks, and Sally took her own place to sit down. The jets were turned on for 5-10mins, and all the females experienced multiple orgasms, each louder than the previous one.

As we relaxed, Sally told us all about the cruisings she'd done with her dad in the past (see Margey Household Books 1-10): the two old ladies, Ryan, Chris, Kim & Andie, etc. She didn't know exactly what her mum and dad were up to in the other city, but after hearing Ally & Lyn's experiences, she wasn't in the least bit surprised. (We gave a private viewing of all 3 of their videos with the two sisters present later that afternoon. If Ally chose to show them to Sven another time, that was her decision.)

We played pee games for a while*, and then dried off and went inside. Sven and Sally started heavy petting, and Ally and Lyn gave us a demonstration of how they used to play with other when they were growing up as teens. Margey went to get the strap on, and neither had seen one before. They both did each other in both holes. Sven started fucking his new black girlfriend. After, he was spent, but Sal still wanted more (insatiable an appetite), and the girls each did her, again in front bottom and back bottom.

*I'd decided to follow Dean's lead regarding cleaning and maintenance, and never did it again myself. After lunch, I phoned Ade and one of his guys came the next day to empty the urine-contaminated water and refill it with fresh. With the extra income from the lodgers, the extra expense (not so much anyway) was well worth it.

Sven related to her how, after Sal and Ryan had picked up Deena while she was exposing her bald cootie, and a few weeks later, had another session with Elena, the two Russians had taken a leaf out of their book and gone it alone to do some cruising. That's when they had picked him up while he was bird watching. They'd told him how a few days later they'd found a young girl called Zeta in the library. How all three had exposed themselves on the bus to the public, and then had a fun time back at Elena's. But Zeta had never been heard of since.

In other news, Dean and Serena had been sending us Emails of their time in Mexico, along with photos of the food they were eating, accompanied by restaurant reviews from both of them. There was still a cut-throat competition to see who would be the first to get one published. They also included a video of them pissing on each other on a beach somewhere.

There was still bad news and good news to come from another quarter. We accompanied Jean and Adam to take Elena to the airport. Jean was worried about how she'd cope without an au pair as the agency hadn't found a replacement they liked yet (read into that maybe 'that they wanted to fuck' if you like).

However, Veronika Emailed the Russian agency, and was taken on immediately, especially as it saved them the airfare out here and whole lot of other red tape and admin.

She cancelled her language exchange program (thus relieving them of the same financial obligations and paperwork). All that needed to happen was a change in her visa status*, and Adam had contacts to push that through.

[*Author's note: Am I correct in writing this? I couldn't find any information about it on the net. So I admit I'm partially guessing on this one...]

All in all, there was only a week and a half without an au pair, and Jean and Adam took holidays on alternate days to look after the little ones, which was good and worthwhile quality time anyway. Adam subtly hinted to his wife not to rely so heavily on her parents any more for babysitting duties. She agreed and apologised to them, bought flowers for her mum, a new toolkit for her dad, and paid for a slap-up meal at a local restaurant. The hurt was healed.

Veronika arrived, but the kids couldn't say all four syllables of her name, so she became Auntie NikAAAAAA (like knicker). They climbed on her lap and motorboated her, then impressed her greatly by speaking in Russian with whole sentences. They also knew a lot of vocabulary, naughty and normal words. She spent the rest of the day playing on the floor with them, talking in English this time.

The parents were so happy they'd found a replacement - their relief was palpable.

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