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Veronika is knickers
Themes: mast, lez, ws, light scat

This in an offshoot project from the Margey Household chronicles. Some of the characters are the same, some new. Read the other stories in the series (Books 1-11) to find out the full background or some of it won't make any sense.

Warning: The events and characters in this story are imaginary. If you attempt to duplicate them in real life, you will end up sharing a jail cell with a big fat man called Bubba

Chapter 12-1 Knickerrrrs!

by Stack of Books

(2105 words)

After Dean & Serena came back from holiday, Lyn stayed on at their house for many weeks, and we heard she had loads of wonderful sexual escapades with them. It was great for while, but she felt she was intruding on their personal space a bit (especially as they resumed their Sunday wife swapping activities and she came over to see her sis on those days) and thereafter got a bit restless. She didn't really want to share with Ally again (they eventually admitted they both snored, so their spanking was equally deserved!), and I therefore came up with a solution (sort of).

We had a boxroom with a medium sized window situated at the other end of the house in which I kept a lot of excess stuff. I put it all in the shed or garage, cleaned and vacuumed it, gave it a lick of paint and put some nice carpet down. Sure, it wasn't as spacious as the other lodgers' rooms, really only big enough for a single bed and a wardrobe. Before I actually installed them however, I asked her to come and have a look. I told her she could have it for 50% of what Ally & Sven were paying. She jumped into my arms, inserted her minty tongue into my gob and started twizzling my hair in her fingers. (Obviously, she'd been talking to the BSB trio about this.)

Oh, Stevie-boy! You did all this for li'l ole me? I'm happy to accept.

Later on, I figured out a way to install a desk that folded up out of the way against the wall, as there wasn't space for a normal free standing one.

So we now had 4 pissing/pooping/fornicating/hot tub loving/pistol 

-packing mommas as lodgers.

Inevitably, there were always a lot of food leftovers after every event that BSB did, even though she encouraged the hosts and their guests to fill up doggy bags. Nevertheless, Martin often had to load their truck with stuff and take it back to HQ.

Bindi hated this part of her business venture and felt very guilty about throwing food away as she fully appreciated how in many other countries (like her own, India), millions of people less fortunate than ourselves in the west were dying of starvation and malnutrition. She thought our throwaway society (not just comestibles, for everything) was scandalous.*see paragraph below 

But she just didn't have the fridge space in her kitchens to store it for too long, as it was constantly needed to store the freshly prepared food for the next event(s) in the diary. A partial solution was freezing it, but again that space was limited as it was needed for raw ingredients.

So every so often, she sent out an SMS to Margey, Molly, Franny, Andrea to swing by and pick up what they wanted, first come, first served, always with a deadline time, so we benefited greatly from the largesse. If there was *still* stuff to give away, she went further afield and contacted people like Jenny, Doreen (Mike McA's wife), Adrian, Sally, Serena, etc.

And of course, Bindi, Suze, Beth and Martin also ate it, thus reducing their overheads by having much lower grocery bills.

Personally speaking, our household loved it, as we now had 6 mouths to feed (just like the old days - aaah!). Admittedly, it got a bit samey sometimes eating jalfrezi four or five nights in a row, but for me I could never get enough of the Indian/Mexican/traditional fare that BSB Catering produced. Margey and all our 4 lodgers felt the same way. I even knocked a bit off their rent as clearly it wasn't me paying for the grub they received. Saved Margey a lot of time preparing and cooking too.

*Later she found a way to donate almost all of it to local homeless shelters and one-parent families living beneath the poverty line. Her conscience was eased, but we lost out and had to revert to beans on toast or fried bread.

Veronika was settling in well with Jean & Adam, and had already developed a good rapport and strong working relationship with them. The kids loved her dearly (and vice versa), and inevitably there was an 's' added to the end of her shortened name so it became NikAAAAAS (knickers) with a shouted second syllable. The 'Auntie' was dropped and forgotten fairly quickly.

She was very creative and inventive and played a lot of new games with Tommy & Justine. They especially liked painting and drawing, and Nika showed them how to make collages using scraps of cloth from Jean's shop and coloured paper. They loved using glitter too. The floor and carpet not loving it quite as much. The fridge door (and most of the kitchen walls!) were adorned with their artistic efforts. Jean's home office and Adam's cubicle at work as well. An added benefit was she could drive so she often took them out in Jean's car. (Her clothes shop 'The Jean Genie' was within easy walking distance anyway so it was no big deal to her. The only reason she took her vehicle was because she sometimes had to pick up/drop off stuff/go shopping on her way there or on the way home. Nika was happy to do those errands now wherever possible.)

For many weeks, nothing sexual happened between them and they all seemed content with that. They had many times in the hot tub - she and Jean, she & Adam, she and both of them - but apart from them staring at her huge tits, no advances were made. She was used to that kind of attention anyway, since the time her boobs had started growing at the age of 12, and now had no reservations about flaunting herself in public. She greatly enjoyed giving flashes of her cleavage and nip-slips to both males and females to gauge their reactions. She borrowed a dildo and a vibrator from Jean, and in the privacy of her own room, relived those events in her head and brought herself to orgasm many times. 

The ice was broken one day as the three of them chatted in the warm water about the events at Steve's place and in his hot tub (Book 11 Chapter 8). They checked with her that she was OK with the pee games they had all played that day and that she hadn't felt pressured or coerced.

Oh no, it was great. It's just that in my family all things to do with bodily functions such as pee, poop and periods are...ooh, what's the word?...yes, taboo, so it's a revelation to find that it's actually enjoyable and very sexy. If you remember, Elena was encouraging me in Russian that day and I saw the light. A few days later, I came round here while you were out with the kids, and we had another peeing session together. And I thought: yes, this is for me. My parents were wrong to brainwash me into believing that it was 'dirty'. She and I even pooped for each other, catching the turds in our hands covered with TP. I had such a strong orgasm seeing it come out of her and holding it. (See, I don't make the organism mistake any more!) We even recorded a video of all we did. Would you like to see it now?

As they watched, Jean and Adam were masturbating themselves. Possibly one of the horniest things they had ever seen and they were no strangers to porn. (If you remember, before he met Jean, Adam was a porn addict and aficionado.)

Nika said: So, if you have any golden nectar for me, Jean and Adam, can you give it all to me now? I love to see it flowing out of a pussy, Jean, especially if you hold your cunt lips open and fire it at my tits and nipples. Adam, I like to see your juice come through the end of your foreskin, then you pull it back to reveal the glans and the pisshole. Then direct it full throttle onto my clit. I fully accept there won't be any payment for reindeer services. (I also didn't know the 'rendered' word that day, so was glad of the explanation.) I am full to bursting so want in any way you want.

Reciprocate, Veronika.

Thank you. And I'm sorry Adam if it makes your tub water dirty.

No problem. It's all under control.

Adam had also made the same decision about pool cleaning as Dean and I had made, so wasn't worried that the tub was now going to be contaminated with urine as he didn't have to do the work. Ade's technician was certainly earning his corn these days.

Before anything could happen however, she realised she had a problem. She was in the middle of her monthlys.

Err, Adam, you know how I said how our family never even talked about periods? Well, I've never had to ask this before of anyone, but I'm going to...err...bite the silver bullet?, just bite the bullet and ask you to remove my tampon before we continue, please. 

Luckily, they kept tissues and a rubbish bin near the tub, so he very gently pulled the string as she stood up and the bloody piece of cotton came out. He wrapped it up and threw it away.

That was Veronika's moment of catharsis, a new dawn of a wonderful new metaphorical day, and in her mind she spread her arms out to embrace a bright new future of enlightenment.

So Jean sat on the side of the tub, splayed her legs, opened her cunt so her peehole had a direct line of sight out, as it were, and covered Veronika's huge unfettered boobies with pale yellow natural champagne.

Adam's piss was a much darker golden colour and when she sat down, he aimed it at Nika's face and hair. She enjoyed pinching the end of his foreskin and seeing it balloon out, then explosively releasing it. She took some in her mouth and snowballed it to Jean. That was the first time they kissed.

He then picked her up (she was quite light despite her big boobs) and sat her on the side with thighs wide apart, and she lifted the hood up and away from her clit. She just kept saying 'Aaah' plus a few choice words in Russian as the power of a fire hose hit her most sensitive part. With an accepting nod from her, he inserted his semi hard prick into her still slightly bloody vagina and filled that cavity with his nectar.

To repay them, she knelt on the tub side and let go her whole bladder contents over both of them. She felt such a sense of freedom doing it. Jean filled her mouth and fed it back to the teen. The second time they smooched.

They all collapsed onto their own seats in a group hug and Nika said:

Fuck me! That was amazing. You two are such special people. Next week, it's gonna continue as if Elena had never left. 

He can sit and watch his lezzie porn videos and direct me and his wife to make love in a thousand different ways. I'm not as bi as Elena, but I think I want to get into it more, as you Jean are a very sensitive and loving partner. Or...

...every day when Adam gets home, he will get from me a cold beer, I'll undress him slowly (or in record time depending on how horny I am - haha!), he will get a soothing massage or a shower as he prefers, and will make love to Jean as I lie underneath to see it going in and out. If he's ready for Round 2, he can penetrate me too. I just sincerely hope I don't fucking faint like that stupid bitch Elena did when he analises me. I'm a back passage virgin, you know.

Scene fades to black.

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