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Continuation of the High School Nerd and the cheer squad
High School Nerd - Friday


The cafeteria is buzzing with chatter as I eat lunch with some of my cheer squad. Since the weekend begins tomorrow, I should be happy, but instead I feel bummed, and I can't quite lay my finger on the reason why. It's hard to get into the conversation, so I just listen as the other girls gossip about this and that.

From where I am sitting, I can see the school nerd, Henry, sitting and eating alone. That he is alone is not unusual. What is unusual is that he doesn't have a book open while he eats. Watching him, he seems a little melancholy himself. That is very unusual for him. He is usually a fount of optimism. He is messing with his food, not really eating it.

Henry is known as the school nerd. You see, Henry used to wear these ugly, ill fitting, coke bottle glasses. I have known him since he was a young boy and that is what I think of when I think of him. His glasses would slide down, making him hold his nose up in the air so that he can see through his glasses. He had to keep pushing his glasses up, nonstop. Kids are cruel, and he was made fun of, mercilessly. It made him self conscious and socially awkward. In response, he buried himself in his school work. But now Henry wears nice looking, well fitting glasses. And since the Lasik surgery, the lenses are much thinner and don't make him look so bug eyed. He is beginning to regain his confidence and poise socially. Still it is hard to shake the old image that we had of him and the way we made fun of him.

I'm feeling bad for the way I treated Henry on Tuesday. That might well be why I am feeling bummed. On Monday, I got him alone and we kissed. He is an excellent kisser, by the way. Then I gave him a blow job. I was thinking of trying to develop a relationship with him. Then I got to thinking about the social implications. My friends all think he is a dud and I know that if I am dating him, I will be ostracized. So on Tuesday, I broke it off with him. It was pretty abrupt, and it left Henry dazed and confused.

Since then I have been miserable. In cutting off Henry, I have not been true to myself. Thinking about it now, I should not care about what my friends think. If my friends look down on Henry, who has always treated me well, then they don't deserve my friendship. I can't deny that I am attracted to him. I miss his wit. I miss the little dimples when he smiles. I miss his sparkling blue eyes. I miss his help with my studies. In fact, I have missed everything about him. I guess if I'm honest with myself, I just want to go to him now.

Musing about Henry, I know what I must do. An apology is in order. At study period, I will go sit with him and try to repair our relationship. Maybe we can start over.

When I enter study hall 40 minutes later, I find Henry, sitting by himself, as usual. He is sitting with a book open and his head in his hands. "Hi, Henry," I say brightly and toss my backpack on a chair across from him. "May I join you?"

Henry looks up at me in surprise, "Sure, Jazz. Please do." He looks like this is a welcome development.

I dispense with the small talk and just get straight to the point. "Henry, I want to apologize. I cut off our friendship because I was worried what my friends would think if I hung out with you. That has only made me miserable. In fact, I want to get to know you better. That's if you can forgive me for being such a jerk." I said.

"Gladly, Jasmine. I welcome your friendship. In fact, I could really use a friend about now."

"I noticed that you seem kinda bummed about something. I've been worried that it's about the way I've been treating you. Is it something you want to talk about?"

"Oh, no, Jasmine. It's not about you. That has been bugging me, but I assumed that I must have said or did something really stupid that made you upset with me. I have something else that worries me, now. It's kind of personal. But it is something that you might help me with, if you are of a mind to."

"Of course, Henry. What is it? Your secret is safe with me."

"Well, you know how you pleasured me and got me off on Monday? I would like to learn how to do that for a girl. I assume something like that is possible for a girl?" he says.

"You mean the blow job? That's oral sex. Only when you do it to a girl, you call it 'eating her out'. You don't really eat her, of course, but it kinda looks like it. And sure, girls can have orgasms, similar to what guys have. We don't ejaculate like you do, although some girls do squirt."

"They do?" he says, amazed.

"Well, not all girls squirt, and not every time they orgasm. But to your question, I would be happy to help you. What did you have in mind?"

"Gosh, I don't know. I guess I just need someone to show me what to do to help a girl have an orgasm. If you are willing, we could go to the room above the auditorium. Or we could go somewhere else, if you prefer."

I ponder his request and try to figure out how I can help him. The only thing that comes to mind, is just to show him and get him to try it on me. That might be kinda fun. "Would you want to get together right after school today, in the room above the auditorium?"

Henry lights up with a 100 watt smile. "Would you really do that for me? This afternoon would be perfect."

"That sounds great," I exclaim. "How could I pass up an orgasm!" Thus saying, I seal the deal by bending to Henry and brush his lips with a kiss.

Henry is beaming now. "I'm so glad that you are my friend again. I was so sure that I must have upset you by something stupid that I said or did. As for that orgasm, there is nothing that I would like more in all the world than to be able to give you one. I just hope that I can figure out how to make it happen. I am pretty clueless, down there, if you know what I mean. You will have your work cut out for you to teach me, I'm afraid."

"I'm so excited, Henry! I have a surprise for you when we get up to the storage room. I think you will love it! I can hardly wait!" Looking up, I see a table across the room with my girls from the cheer squad. They are looking at us and whispering to each other, obviously about us. They probably saw us kiss. Well I don't care! In fact, if they have a problem with it, they can all just go to hell!

Between classes I go to my locker, reach in the back, and pull out a bag that I have been storing in there for some time. It is something that I bought and have been saving for a special occasion. The bag is impossibly small for what I know is inside. I slip it into my backpack, before going to class. I have just a little doubt and open my backpack and look into the bag to reassure myself. It is so daring that I feel my face flush at the thought of wearing it! But when I look at it again, I know I have to use it with Henry. I am excited and can hardly wait.

The next time we change classes, I go into the bathroom and fasten the door to the stall. Opening my backpack, I remove the small bag and remove its contents. I spread them out and hold them up to the light, one at a time. The one is a beautiful crotchless panty, woven from pearlescent white thread, in the shape of a butterfly. There are sparkling white sequins around the edge of the butterfly wings. It is exquisite! It is pure woven lace, no fabric. It is about as see-through as a screen door. My skin tingles with excitement. The other item is a thin white bra, made from bamboo fibers. It is thin, super soft and supple. It is surprisingly supportive, which I need for my D cup boobs. I am mortified that they will get saggy, and almost always wear a brassiere. But with my top over this bamboo bra, you would swear that I am braless.

Taking my sports bra off, I slip on my bamboo bra. It feels so good that my skin tingles. Slipping my panties off, I pull the butterfly panties up, under my short skirt. Putting my top back on, I come out of the stall to stand in front of a mirror. My boobs look at least a size bigger in this bra. Twisting my torso to the right I check my side profile. Very impressive! Facing the mirror again, I definitely have my high beams on. Looking around to make sure that I am alone, I hike my skirt up and take a look at my panties. They are so beautiful! The whole front is a huge butterfly. And when I open my legs, the crotch opens, revealing my slit, perfectly. They are totally skandalous. I put my other panties back on over the butterfly panty, knowing how wet I will get in class, just thinking about being with Henry later this afternoon.

Henry and I are in the same art class, last period. I meet Henry just before going into the classroom and catch him by the arm, pulling him aside. Standing close, holding him at the elbow, my left breast is pressed against his upper arm. As I speak to him conspiratorially, he is looking down to verify for himself which part of my anatomy is pressing into his arm. "Henry, let's blow this class. It won't affect our grade. That will give us more time to spend on our cunnilingus class." He looks at me confused. "You know! The class that meets in the upstairs room!" I look at him with a mischievous smile, and give him a wink.

Grinning broadly with recognition, he says, "Jazz, you are a bad influence on me. You know I never blow off a class, but I think this will be an exception." We turn and head down the hall, my hand on his arm. I notice Linda looking at us with her mouth ajar in wonder as we hurry down the hall. I feel so sexy, wearing my secret lingerie. My hips swivel more than usual as I walk.

At the foot of the stairs, we halt, hearing noises which sound like they are coming from upstairs. Strange noises, like high pitched squeals and low grunts. Is someone up in our room? We pause at the foot of the stairs and look at each other. A knowing smile spreads across Henry's lips and he whispers to me. "Let's go check it out. We will need to be quiet going up the steps. There are three stair treads that squeak. I have put an 'X' with a sharpie on the front edge of the squeaky ones. We will need to skip those steps and reach past them to the next one. Just watch for the ones that I skip and I will help you up over them.

Cautiously we work our way up to the top. Three times, Henry stepped over a stair tread, skipping to the one above it. That was no problem for him with his long legs, but he had to pull me up. We made it to the top quietly, without squeaking. From here we can hear the sounds better, and there is little doubt what is going on in that room. The question is who is it? Henry tries the knob and finds it unlocked. Slowly, he cracks open the door, trying to get a peek. The door let out a loud creak that sounds deafening in the quiet. A man inside calls out in alarm, "Hey!"

I turn, getting ready to run, but Henry quickly pushes the door open and steps inside. "Well hi, Mr Hanson and Ms Steiner." Oh no! That's our school principal and the school education director. Henry steps into the room, unafraid, so I turn around and follow him in. We find Ms Steiner, on her back on the couch with her legs apart and her slacks off. Her bare hairy cunt lays open and gaping, having just been vacated by Mr Hanson's short, fat cock. She suddenly recovers from the shock of our entry, bringing her legs together and tugging her blouse down in a futile attempt to cover her sex. She is red faced and gasping like she might be having an asthma attack. Mr Hanson turns toward us, one hand trying and failing to cover his wet weenie. We have caught our principal copulating with the director of education!

Mr Hanson sputters and says "This is not what it looks like. What are you doing up here, young man!" His face is red and I am a little afraid he might have a stroke, right here in front of us. I actually feel sorry for them.

Henry just chuckles. "We were just walking this way and heard what sounded like someone in trouble and came up here to see if we could help. It's pretty obvious what is going on here. Two school employees involved in inappropriate congress. Or two married people, cheating on their spouses. Which of those sounds most accurate to you, Mr Hanson?"

The couple quickly begins to put themselves back together. "I tell you, son. This is not what it looks like!"

"Save it, Mr Hanson. I also know about you wetting your wick in young Miss Carol. I believe she is your sexy new administrative assistant?" At that, Ms Steiner's head snaps in the direction of Mr Hanson, and she gives him a dirty look. "But you don't need to worry. Your secrets are safe with me." A very red faced principal and director of education walk out the door and down the stairs.

When they are gone I say "Boy, you've got balls! Aren't you worried about what Mr Hanson might do to you?"

"No, I'm not worried. I got video of him and Miss Carol, doing the deed. I think that makes me pretty much bullet proof. In fact, I'll be surprised if he doesn't resign his position before the end of next week in order to get ahead of the embarrassment and disgrace that he fears he will face."

We sit side by side on the couch, talking about Mr Hanson and his dalliances. Finally, Henry says, time's wasting. We've got lessons to learn. Are you OK with going ahead?"

"Sure. Can't let a little thing like incompetent school administrators get in the way of your education!" I say. I take a notebook from my backpack and begin drawing. "OK, so this is a vagina. These are the outer lips called the outer labia. These are the inner lips called, of course, the inner labia. Henry watches as I scrawl a crude sketch of a lady's sex. "Down in the valley, formed by the labia, is the vaginal opening. It is down here, near the bottom, or towards the back. It was aptly illustrated for us this afternoon by Ms Steiner." Henry turned pink as we laughed about what we had seen. I continued, "And up here near the top is the clitorious or clit, for short. It is surrounded by skin folds at the top of the inner labia, known as the hood."

"Where do you pee from?" Henry broke in.

There is a little hole down here, just inside the top of the vaginal opening, about… here." I mark the structures on my drawing. Henry watches intently, and I noted that the bulge in his pants is growing a little. I reach over and give it a little squeeze, just so he would know that I noticed. He looks into my eyes and chuckles. I can feel my insides melt when he looks into my eyes like that!

"Can't help it," he explains. "This is all so stimulating. I had no idea you have so much going on down there. It's fascinating."

"So, many women cannot orgasm just by fucking. We often require some help. Massaging by hand, with a vibrator, or oral. The problem is with any kind of vaginal stimulation, that some women prefer one technique, and other women prefer a different technique. Also, a woman might like one thing until her arousal reaches a certain level, then she likes something else.

"Oh, man!" Henry exclaims. "How's a guy supposed to know how to do this, then? I can't read your mind! It sounds hopeless!"

I chuckle at his exasperation. "No. It's not that bad. You cannot read my mind, but you can read cues. You have to watch my response to what you are doing. That and you must vary your technique. If you lick or suck the same place in the same way for more than a few seconds, it goes from being pleasurable to being irritating. A good lover will give subtle feedback about what feels good. It could be a moan, a sigh, muscles tensing, a smile, a nod, opening the legs, a hand laid upon yours. There are a lot of signs that you can look for. What we don't like is to have to tell you, step by step, what we want: Faster, slower, higher, do it harder, do something else, and so on. That just spoils the mood if we have to say too much."

Henry remembered his encounter with Lacey, yesterday. His poor technique and lack in detecting feedback did spoil the mood. He did learn a few things from her responses that he can put to good use in the future.

"I will give you some basic moves and you can try them, and work on developing your own techniques, depending on my response." So I described breath, or blowing, sucking on the labia, rapid flicking, and tongue swirling. "These are some of my favorite moves. I heard of one guy that just drew the alphabet with his tongue on his girlfriend's inner labia, and the girl was over the moon pleased with the result. The idea is to create a variety of movement."

"OK, Henry. Now that we have covered the basics of oral sex, it's time for a pop quiz. Are you ready."

"Is this like a practicum? Do I get to test my skills on you?" Henry asks, eagerly.

"That's the idea," I answer. "I am anxious to see what you can do. Not only that, but I have a very special surprise for you. I am so excited to show you. Are you ready?"

"Oh boy. Am I ever!" he replies.

I stand in front of Henry as he remains sitting on the couch. "I need a drum roll, here." Henry obliges by drumming with his fingers on the couch cushion. We both laugh, and I slowly inch my skirt up.

Just before meeting Henry at art class, I made a pitstop in the girls restroom. I removed my panties, leaving only my crotchless, butterfly panties in place. I had stood in front of the mirror and again admired how hot they looked. They gave me a sexy confidence. It's hard to tell they are crotchless until I open my legs a little.

When my skirt hiked up high enough to reveal my butterfly panties, Henry did a sharp intake of breath. "It's… it's… beautiful!" Then as he watched, I slid my feet apart and opened my knees. In response, the crotch of my panties opened up, revealing my slit. As I looked down to see what Henry saw, my inner labia peeked out, glistening with moisture. Henry's jaw dropped. "Oh, my, god! I don't even know what to say! It's beyond de***********ion. I feel so honored that you wore these, just for me." He reached over and touched the lace, feeling the texture. Then he traced my slit with his finger. In the moisture, his finger slid easily and parted my outer lips, exposing more of the pink within. He stopped and looked, admiring the sight.

I say, "Let the test begin!" I unzipped my skirt and let it drop to the floor, then sat down at the very edge of the sofa with my legs apart for easy access. Since the butterfly panties are crotchless, I don't even have to take them off. Henry got up and began to unbutton my blouse. "Oh, sorry," I say. "I forgot that you are a boob guy."

Henry worked to remove my top. Looking down, I can see my pink nipples and areola through the thin material of my bra. He said "I am a regular titty connoisseur, especially your fine rack." Reaching around to my back, I unfasten the clasp and my boobs spill out. He exclaims, "They are perfect!" Then we both laughed. This humor helped to dispel some of the tension that Henry is feeling.


School is out and I desperately want to talk to Henry about his plans for the weekend. I want him to join me for a pool party at my house on Saturday. It would be a pool party for just he and I. Mom and dad are going to a show with some friends in a nearby town, and will be gone until late Saturday night. I have the house and the pool, all to myself.

Problem is, Henry is nowhere to be found. I scurry up and down the hallway, and he seems to have vanished into thin air. I tried to call his cell phone, but his calls go straight to voicemail.

Linda spots me, frantically looking for Henry. "Hey, girlfriend. What on earth are you doing." She asks.

I was hoping to keep this quiet. I don't know what the other cheerleaders will think of me dating Henry. But I am getting desperate. Stopping, I ask "You haven't seen Henry, have you. I have something I need to talk to him about."

"Yeah," I reply. "He is in my art class on Friday, and as I was going into class, I spotted he and Jazz walking arm in arm away from the classroom. I checked during class, but he and Jasmine were not there. Remember earlier in the day, we saw him and Jasmine kissing? Who knows what they are up to or where they may have gone off to."

"Which direction were they headed?" I ask. Art class is not that important, but it is very unlike Henry to not show up for class, even art class.

"They were headed that way." Linda pointed down the hall towards the back of the school. "I have no idea where they could have been going down that way."

As I thought about it, realization dawned. "They must have been going to Henry's hideout above the auditorium. They might be upstairs making out right now!"

Linda looked at me in amazement. "That can't be. He's with me. We made out at my house. In fact, I took his virginity on Wednesday in my bedroom!" she says, indignant.

Now it's my turn to be surprised. "You?" I ask in astonishment. "How can that be? I took his virginity myself just yesterday. He told me he had never done it before! Wait! You don't even like him. Remember what you said on Monday in the cafeteria about Henry being a dork?"

Linda put her hands on her hips and retorted "Huh? Look who's talking? Remember what you said about him on Monday? You said that he would piss himself if a girl would even try to kiss him!"

We are both silenced as we see Sandra approaching. Neither one of us wants Sandra to find out that we have been with Henry. She looks quizzically, back and forth between us, wondering why we are suddenly silent. She seems to put that away and asks, "Have either of you seen Henry this afternoon? I have looked all over for him?"

Linda is still fuming inside, turns to her and says, "I suppose you slept with him and want to get together with him for the weekend?"

Sandra is stunned by the accusation. Recovering quickly, she says "In fact, I made out with him on Tuesday. He made sweet love to me and I took his virginity. I do want to see what he is doing over the weekend. We had such a good time, I expected he would come to me before the weekend to ask me on a date."

Stunned, the three of us just stood looking at each other in disbelief. In turn, we each shared a brief account of what Henry had done with us. All but Linda had made out in the room above the auditorium.

As we stood in the hall, trying to make sense of what had happened this past week, a red faced Mr Hanson, our school principal, came storming down the hall. Trailing behind him and looking just as upset is Ms Steiner, the education administrator. Both of them look very upset, and say nothing and did not make eye contact as they stalked past us girls.

I say, "So it sounds like Henry got lucky every day this week except Monday, huh? And we each are under the impression that we were his first? Now I really want to find him! I'm going to the room above the auditorium to see if Henry is actually there." I turn and take off toward the auditorium briskly.

"Me too." says Sandra, trying to catch up to me . Linda took off with us, curious to see what we would find.

As we are hurrying toward the school auditorium, Linda asks, "So both of you really made love to Henry up in this storage room, right here in school? I thought you couldn't stand him?"

I say, "After what Jasmine said about him on Monday, I just couldn't stop thinking about him. He's a little unconventional, but he is smart, and caring, and not that bad looking. Especially since he got rid of those awful glasses. I guess I had not really looked at him since he lost the glasses. Oh, and he does have a real nice dick!"

We all had a laugh about that. Sandra said, "Same thing with me. He is really quite nice, and a great lover. The storage room has a leather sofa and is not a bad place to hang out. There is something thrilling about doing it in a forbidden place like that."

*** To be continued ***

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