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This story started as being done from a narrator's point of view. It got too confusing with the he said/she said way of writing. So, I changed it up.

It is more of a romance story and not jammed packed with hardcore sex or constant sex. So, if that's what you're looking for, this isn't it.

I decided to break this story up into 2 parts as well as break it up a little more. Hopefully making it easier to read
So there's this girl, 19 and fresh out of high school. It's summer in the city of Memphis, and she's up and out of her aunt's house early. Excited, because she's decided to spend the day with the windows down, the breeze blowing through her curls and music blaring out of her Granny's old '57 Chevy. She stops at a mini-mart to fill her tank and get an ice-cold drink for the road. It's already starting to warm up, so she's thankful for the slight breeze.

Her mind starts going towards her upcoming responsibilities of working and starting college soon. She gets irritated with herself for allowing her mind to go there. This isn't the day for that, this is the day for relaxing and fun in the sun. A day for leaving all your worries behind and seeing what adventures are out there waiting for her.

Just as she's in the middle of fueling and scolding herself, a sweet breeze starts to caress her. Shes thankful for the white sundress, with pink flowers, she decided last minute to throw on. That breeze had started at her ankles and rolled its way up under her sundress. The thin sheen of sweat starting to glisten her skin, mixes with the breeze, causing an instant cooling sensation throughout her entire body. The kind that causes your whole body to shiver and tingle inside, deep inside. It's the kind that makes your girl parts moist and your nipples come to life, pressing against the top of her dress. Enjoying this sensation and wanting it to continue, with her eyes closed, she shifts her position against the car. With her head resting in her arms on top of the car, she spreads her legs slightly, hoping for another welcoming breeze.

What she gets instead, is the intrusion of a red pickup truck pulling into the station. The driver stops at the pump next to hers. He gets out, smiles at her with a head nod and says "mornin'", before starting to fuel his truck. Entranced with his smile and eyes, and with a complete disregard for the obvious age difference between the two of them, she awkwardly stammers out, "HI! Umm hello!", as he's walking away. Heading into the store, he turns back and gives her a slight smile and chuckles.

While she's being too hard on herself, he's using this last glance to take in absolutely everything about her. The golden color of her hair and the way the curls frame and capture her face. The insane brilliance of blue in her eyes. Thinking only Lake Tahoe can match their beauty of blue. Her sweet lips and that smile, all accentuated by magnificent cheekbones. All that beauty, held in place by the most perfect and sensual neck he's ever seen. A slight glisten of sweat made her neck and upper chest sparkle. In an instant, he takes it all in. Capturing it like a snapshot, holding onto it for as long as his brain will allow.

Oblivious to any of this going on, she decides to slow the flow of fuel, hoping she can manage a legitimate reason to still be there when he comes out. As he enters the store, she peers into his truck, trying to get a read on what kind of a person he is. Hoping not to get a serial killer vibe, from whatever's inside. She hears Led Zeppelin coming from the speakers and spies a large black leather duffle bag with a matching backpack and a small cooler. A larger cooler accompanies a couple more duffle bags, and what looks to be your basic camping gear, stowed away in the bed. She's impressed with the cleanliness inside, especially for someone on a road trip. Although, she concludes, nothing suspicious or serial killer-ish at all.

She hears him laughing as he's leaving the store and hurriedly gets back to her side of the fuel island with her car. He grabs a bag of ice from the ice cooler in front of the store. As he's walking back to his truck he looks up and sees her still there and smiles, "Wow! These pumps must be going slow. I didn't expect I'd be seeing you here when I came out." Annoyed, she pulls the nozzle from her car and slams it onto the cradle of the pump. "Wha.... why? So you were just 'hoping' I wouldn't be here when you got out!?", she irritably replied. "No no no!!" He quickly stammered out. "You're right, that didn't come out right, let me explain. As I was walking in, I turned around to steal one more glance of you, thinking it would be my last. I mean you are.... seriously... just stunningly beautiful! You really are. And, with all due respect, I'm quite sure I could have dreamed of you every night the entire summer, just based on that one last glance. So no, actually, you are exactly where I was hoping you'd be." "Oh my!", she said, pleasantly embarrassed.

Eager to change the subject she blurted out, "I like your music". "Huh?" He was so focused on her, taking in every detail, watching every movement, he wasn't aware of the music playing in the background. He turned and strained to listen, Led Zeppelin was spilling from his truck. He said, "Oh, right, Zeppelin can't go wrong there." With genuine passion, she said, "I think John Bonham is the most amazing drummer ever!" And with that... he was hooked. This young, probably too young most would say, gorgeous, tanned, blue-eyed blonde beauty had him captivated.

At that exact moment how apropos that, It's Now or Never could be heard coming from her car. "Ah, Elvis!", he said, with a slight rise of his eyebrows as he nodded towards her car. "So you're an Elvis girl are ya?" "Well, I mean, Memphis... right!? (her arms in the air motioning around) So yeah, it kinda goes with the territory.", she said with a smile, a tilt of her head, and a slight shrug of the shoulders. That combination of gestures, he determined, was probably the cutest thing he had ever seen.

He had to prolong this conversation and sooner or later they were going to have to leave the gas station. His mind raced trying to come up with anything, when he spotted the map sitting on his dashboard.

Reaching through the window for the map he said, "Hey, maybe you could help me out with something." He walked to the front of his truck and spread the map out across the hood. She walked over next to him and their arms brushed up against each other as she helped smooth the map out. She was close enough that he could breathe her in. The touch of her arm against his, was like electricity running through his body. He was unaware that the feeling he was experiencing was completely mutual. She enjoyed another of those familiar shivers that had been running through her body all day, now, as their arms touched.

She was eager to see and hear what his plans were. Wondering if there was anyway she could work herself into them. For reasons she wasn't quite sure of, or particularly care about at this moment, she was able to kick her usual shyness to the curb. She leaned in, smelling his cologne and feigning interest in the notes and scribblings on his map. With all the courage she could muster, as she reached out to inquire about what it all meant, she pressed her hip up against his, their legs now touching as well. He let out a slight cough with the unexpected contact. Nervousness started to creep in, as he became aware of the growing excitement that would become all too evident if he stepped away from the front of the truck. She too was experiencing the same nervousness, as she was noticing the dampness in her panties and wondering if he was aware of her nipples, straining to break through the thin material of her dress. He was, he most certainly was.

With a girlish laugh she said, "and what does all this mean!?", motioning to his scribbles and doodles. He said, "Well, after a quick Google search, I found a listing of the Top 10 things to do in Memphis only locals are aware of". She tilted her head up at him, her curls cascading across both their arms, with a 'you're kidding me, right!' smirk on her face. As she laughingly blurted out, "only the locals know about it, and you found it on the internet?!" He joined in with the laughter going on at his expense, "Well, I didn't say it was a full-proof perfect plan." Her laughter continued as she leaned over causing their shoulders to give a playful bump. "Let's see what you've got here." She said as she reached across to pull his map closer, pressing her left breast into his arm.

The excitement, amongst other things, was growing. He said, "well, there's supposed to be a cool, what they called a waterhole, around here somewhere. (pointing out an area on the map) Supposedly, it's got amazing views with pretty clear water and not many gators and snakes. Which I thought, well that's a plus!" She was shaking her head in agreement, "Yes, I know that spot, a lot of kids go there at night and, you know... (stammering) skinny dip, and other things." "Oh really!", he replied. "Well, being as it's still before noon, I'm sure we'll be safe from that crowd." He decided to be bold, "And you? Have you ever been there to ahh partake of this skinny dipping, of which you speak?" "Oh no!" She shyly replied with a slight giggle. She was enjoying the constant touch that lingered between them and got back to the map. "So, anyway, it's over here" she pointed out, "just past Graceland."

"Ahh Graceland! Also on my list of things to do while I'm in town. But I didn't need a Google list to tell me about that one. I've been wanting to go there for years." "I wonder what else is on that list of things 'to do' while he's in town?" she pondered to herself. "Perhaps a beautiful 5'9 college bound blond?" "Pfft Beautiful, yeah right!" Her inner dialog screamed, arguing with herself. "No, not beautiful, he said I was 'stunningly' beautiful!, that's what he said. He thanks I'm stunningly beautiful and... oh my god! What am I doing? I don't even know his name. I should just..." "Is there anybody in there??" She heard singing outside of her head. "ha... Pink Floyd, that's funny!", she quipped back at him. He asked, "Are you OK? Where'd you go there?" She said, "yes, sorry! Just went inside my own head for a minute! But now, where were we?

Ah yes! Graceland." He said, "Right, Graceland. I'm sure being an Elvis girl, you've been? Is it worth it?" "Oh goodness yes! I've been many times. I absolutely love it there. I've been so many times, I could be giving tours.", she said with a chuckle. "Oh really?" he replied, "Well it's starting to sound, to me anyway, like I need to hire you to be my tour guide while I'm in town." She wasn't sure if he was kidding or not. But wasn't letting this go and jumped at the opportunity. "I could do that." She 'tried' to toss out, before he continued on with. "Oh, right, I'm sorry. I don't know where my head's at. I'm sure you've got other plans. I mean of course you've got other plans for your summer. I'm sure the last thing you wanted to do is..." "YES!! (she blurted out.) "I mean no. ARGH!! I mean yes I'd like to and NO I don't have anything else going on!" Frustrated, she grumbled to herself under her breath. Wondering how she could be so cool inside her head and the complete opposite out here in the real world. She composed herself, put her hand on top of his and said, "Look", with a roll of her eyes and a slight shaking of her head, "here, let me try that again....." Her voice trailed off as he got lost in those magnificent blue eyes staring back at him. His gaze shifted down and he was transfixed on a single bead of sweat trailing down those muscles in the human neck that form a V. "Look at that perfect neck he was thinking to himself. "And look at that perfect bead of sweat right there on that sexy muscle. Mmm I could take the tip of my tongue and run it slowly from the bottom, right near her collarbone, capturing that sweet droplet, while my tongue changes its path upwards to just below her ear. Maybe I'll continue going around to the back of her neck, lightly grazing my teeth along the way... Stop stop stop!!" He argued with himself. "What are you doing? You don't even know her name! You don't know how old she is. You know you're terrible with ages! Shit, she could be 16, like that girl at the blackjack table that one time. Mmm but that mouth, look at her mouth and her tongue, I can see the tip of her tongue while she's talking to me. I wonder how it would feel, to suck that into my mouth? To feel its wetness alongside mine. STOP!! You've got to stop you're not doing yourself any favors down below!"

And with that, he allowed her voice to creep back in, to hear. "... So what I'm trying to say is, Yes I'd like to and No I don't have other plans. I mean, if you were serious?" "Yes, yes I was." He quickly answered, hoping she didn't realize he trailed off there for a good minute or five. She was feeling excited, her whole body felt excited. She could tell that he too was excited or nervous, as he stammered on with something about paying her. "I should pay you, right? I mean tour guides do get paid. And I'd be taking up your time and your summer. I should at least..." He was rambling on and on. But all she could think about was, "I can't take money from him, not for this! Not with what my head has hopes of happening. That is NOT the kind of thing a good girl takes money for." "Oh no! I couldn't take money from you. This'll be fun and definitely better than any plans I had. (which was none) So you'll actually be doing me a favor, letting me tag along with you." "OK, well, I'm not sure I can accept that. So we'll put a pin in it and see if you feel different after babysitting me for the next 3 weeks or so." 3 weeks!! Her insides were doing somersaults.

"Sooo umm..." He awkwardly started. "Uh oh", she was thinking. "...I need to make an apology." Her mind was racing, "Oh crap, what? Do I even want to hear this? Man, I want to kiss him, before whatever he wants to say, has a chance of ruining the opportunity. Is he dying!!? married!? He really is cute, with his blue eyes, and that sexy goatee. He's got a bit of the 'dad bod' going on, but still, he looks like he works out some. I'm pretty sure I saw his package trying to extend itself out the front of his shorts earlier. I wish I was one of those girls brave enough to just reach out and grab him. I wonder what he would have done? Oh god, what is it? Just tell me!!" "So earlier, I was thinking that this was just going to be polite chitchat with a stranger at the fuel pumps. And now, over an hour later, we're making plans and, well, I have rudely not introduced myself." "Haha I know what you mean, I was thinking the same thing!" she laughed. He extended his hand to her and smiled. She reached hers out and let her fingers rest in the palm of his hand. His hands were strong and soft. Not too soft though, she could tell he was used to doing real work with them. "Hi! I'm Marshal... Marshal Hendrix". She was squeezing his hand, captivated by his smile and his kind eyes. His eyes looked like they've seen WAY more than his years. The electricity pleasantly washed those familiar tingles throughout her body. Subconsciously she squeezed her thighs together. Not sure if it was to try to stop certain feelings from affecting her or to enhance them. But with the sweetest accent he had ever heard come out of a human being she replied, "It's nice to meet you Marshal, my name's Savannah...", she paused. He looked at her inquisitively. She said to Marshal I've got a bit of a dilemma, you see, my daddy told me never to give my full name to anybody I wasn't doing business with or broken bread with. And since I don't know if this is really business we're doing here, would it be okay if I waited until after we had lunch together to give you my last name?" I could tell she was nervous, so I tried to set her mind at ease, "Those are real sound words. I highly recommend doing whatever your daddy tells you to." Her panties instantly got a little wetter as she said to herself, "Who's your daddy? Oh, do tell me what you want me to do to you, daddy. Oh god you're so cheesy, shut up!" That is as beautiful and unique a name as you are. It is truly a serendipitous pleasure to meet you!, Miss Savannah." He watched her entire face blush. And with an embarrassed smile, she turned away. In a very adorable 'aw shucks' kind of way. "Stop, you're just teasing me now". "No ma'am, I assure you, I am not teasing at all! It truly has been a pleasure meeting you!"

"But!" He paused, "I do have to ask you something." He paused again. "Oh shit!", she thought to herself, "I know what he's going to ask. If I tell him the truth, that I'm only 19, than this is all over. There's no way he's going to want to spend the day, let alone the next few weeks hanging out with some dumb 19 year old kid! I just know it!" Her thoughts bounced around her head like a pinball machine "I have that fake ID! Trish and I got them so we can go to see music at the clubs. I can tell him I'm 21, or 22, the ID says I'm 22, so it doesn't seem so obvious." Argh!! Her head was exploding. What seemed like minutes in her head, was nothing more than a second of real-time. "Here it comes! I can see the words forming on his lips. Uh, those lips! I should just kiss him before it's all over. Before he has a chance to ask, and this all ends. I just don't know if I can lie to him. He's looking right at me. I really don't think I can look at him and lie to his face." Unbeknownst to her, he was having a similar argument in his own head. "Oh my god, she's so pretty! Man those eyes! Just look at those eyes. I wonder what she's thinking? I wish I knew what was going on in her head. I don't 'really' need to know, right? I could just go on and just not know. Do I even have to ask her? Yes! Remember... girl... 16... blackjack table? Oh come on! She's not 16! He argued with himself. You know she's not 16. But dude you have to ask. Oh man, come on, just look at her mouth! It's almost as if she's trembling. I really want to kiss that mouth. I just want to reach out and slide my fingers to either side of her neck and pull her closer to me. To taste the moisture of those lips, before letting my tongue slide inside her mouth. If I kiss her before I ask, and the answer isn't good, I at least have that, right!? Ouufff, This body of hers, and in that dress! Man I love a hot girl in a sundress, ESPECIALLY if she's not wearing panties! I can tell she is, but still! DAMN! Just an absolutely killer body. Those long legs and that ass! Ugh, those tits, those absolutely perfect tits. And it's obvious she's not wearing a bra. Because my mouth has been aching for those sexy fuckin hard nipples that have been straining to break through that dress ALL day. Oh great! And now my cock is rising to the occasion again. Why did I choose to not wear underwear today? A simple pair of boxer briefs would have taken care of all of this and held it at bay. Dude!!! Stop thinking about her naked and just ask the question!" What seemed an eternity in both their heads was a mere blink in time. Then it was all over, it just came out "I'm sorry I have to ask, but how old are you?" And without thinking about it, with absolutely no effort, her mouth just opened up all on its own and out came the words, "I'm 22, I turned 22 this past January." She was shocked with the ease the lie came out. It was almost as if someone else had answered for her. As emotionally exhausting as that was to get out, now he had to muster up the courage and asked the follow-up question. "So, it's only fair, do you want to ask me?" She looked at him and thought about it. Then her eyes dropped, as she realized he was still holding her hand in his, through all of that, he still had her hand. So she decided she didn't care. "No, not right now. It's not important. We'll just leave that on the table for now." The sexual tension in the air was as thick, and just as obvious, as the humidity hanging over them. "I mean, I can assume you're not 16? Can't I?" He laughed, to clear the air more than anything, and let go of her hand (a huge disappointment to them both). "You are correct, not 16. It's actually been more than a few years since I saw 16." He smiled and turned back to the map blowing off the front of his truck.

Looking back at her he asked, "So, what did we decide? What's on the agenda for today?" "Ummm oh yeah!" The disappointment of missing his hand, still lingered in her voice. "I should have kissed her", he thought, "That was the moment! I missed it and she's disappointed, I can tell. Don't miss the next one, dumbass!" "So the waterhole you wanted to see is up here." She pointed at the map. "And Graceland is here. We could definitely do both in one day if you wanted to. Is that what you were thinking?" He said, "Well, it is already starting to get warm. So what do you say we go with Graceland first and then hit the waterhole later on, to cool down?" She agreed with the plan of action except for a minor problem. "Uh, not to put a damper on the day or anything but I don't have a bathing suit with me. I don't just carry one around, for impromptu swimming excursions.", she laughed. "You don't? You should!", he teased. "I mean look at the size of that trunk! (pointing at her car) A pretty girl like you, out on a day of uncharted adventure! You should definitely have a go bag in there. You never know when you're gonna meet some dashing, good-looking, debonair guy that's gonna whisk you away to a waterhole!!", he laughed. His goofy charm was lifting her spirits. "Oh don't go selling yourself short now.", she said, "I bet you can be quite dashing." "Yeah, well, maybe." he reluctantly agreed. "I guess only time will tell on that one. But I do bet we can make do with something I've got in my truck." Her mouth opened, her eyebrows reaching a little higher than normal, she said, "Oh great! Well, there goes dashing right out the window, if you plan on offering me some other girl's swimsuit!" "What? No!", he cut her off. "I'm just saying, I'm sure I've got like a t-shirt and some boxer briefs in my bag that you could wear, if you wanted." Laughing and shaking his head, "No, I haven't got a variety of different sizes of women's bathing suits in my glove box! Like that wouldn't be a DEFCON one alert to creepiness! Or is it DEFCON 5? I can never remember which is worse." "First of all" she started, still laughing at all this silliness going on, "the worst of them is DEFCON one. Second, thank you! That's very sweet of you. We'll see how it goes. And, third, we really should be getting out of here, if we want to hit both places today." She thought to herself, "Yeah, we'll see how it goes! Good to know I've got something to wear, whether or not I'll need it. Although, at the moment, I'm thinking about opting for not!! And I'm OK with that." Her mind is drifting to the two of them, skinny dipping naked in the hot sun. Her arms wrapped around his neck. Her tongue invading his mouth. His hands gripping her hips as her legs wrap around his waist. Absent-mindedly, she almost reached down to rub herself, when she's knocked out of her haze by his voice asking, "So what are we gonna do about the driving situation? Are we both gonna drive? I don't want to leave you stranded without your car, so I could just follow you." He watches her face get this adorable scrunchiness to it and she says, "No, I'm gonna park my car in the back. They know me here, it'll be safe. How can I be a proper tour guide if I'm driving in a different car? He says, "Hey I'm good with that! I just didn't want to assume anything." She said, "I've got to get some stuff out of my car. Then I'll drive it around and park it in the back." He watched that fine example of an ass walking away from him, while her sexy southern accent rang out, "Park it in the back!" over and over again.

He followed her around back and asked if she needed help with anything. She opened that large '57 Chevy's door and his gaze was locked onto her long legs and the hem of her dress, that had pleasantly ridden up, quite a bit. His obvious pleasure in her legs made her feel good. So she decided to be a little more obvious herself. She showcased her legs for him, extending them out first while pivoting out of her car. She had one further treat, OK tease, for him in mind. Standing with her back to him, she bent forward at the waist, as she reached across for her sunglasses on the passenger side of the large bench seat. While he thoroughly enjoyed the visual of her calves and spectacular ass, 'park it in the back', like a soundtrack, still playing in the back of his mind. His erection was back at full strength as he watched that perfect ass bent over like that. Praying to the gods of Memphis blues, for just one subtle breeze, to blow the hem of her dress up ala Marilyn Monroe. Sadly, it did not happen. "I'm gonna grab another fountain drink as well.", she shouted over, after grabbing her purse and locking up. He watched her walk away, thinking to himself, "look at those great legs and that fabulous ass. (park it in the back) Man, wouldn't it just be great to see her just stepping out of that dress, walking into the water, naked." She was watching him in the reflection of the window and smiled, knowing he was still checking her out as she walked away. For his benefit she added a little extra sway to her hips, which added a little extra bounce to her boobs and hair. She was very pleased with herself, as the whole production was very self-satisfying. She knows she's not usually this brave with boys, er men!, but, she's thinking she has to be able to step up her game today.

At that very moment, again, the two started having very similar, although opposite thoughts. She was thinking, "my panties are thoroughly soaked! I have got to get out of them. I can take them off in the restroom inside. But then, what do I do with them? I can't leave them in my purse. They're soaking wet and they smell like... well surely they smell like me! Oh well, one problem at a time. Can I even handle not wearing panties, with a dress? The girls in school used to joke about going 'commando'! I don't know where that term came from, but the important question is, can I do it? Can I just walk around with no panties on, under my dress? Hmm Actually, that breeze might feel really refreshing blowing up there. Regardless, anything will be better than wearing wet panties. And these are seriously soaked through, I feel like I peed myself. Oh man am I glad I shaved my legs last night!"

In the parking lot he was also thinking about underwear. Only he was thinking about putting some on. "Oh my god! I have got to grab a pair of underwear and put them on, somewhere. Hopefully there's a bathroom inside, they'll let me use." Opening up his bag, "I'll just grab a pair out of here, stuff them in my pocket and... ok let's go find a restroom! Damn she's sexy! Do I really think she's 22? Well, I'm sure she has an ID. I guess when I take her to get some lunch, I'll order drinks. Certainly they'll card her and then I'll know. Genius! OK where'd she go? There she is, walking out of the bathroom I am desperately needing to get into. What's that in her hand? Hmm! Oh my god she is just SO damn cute!" In the bathroom, he goes over to the toilet to pee, but can't, due to the fact that he looks down and realizes, much like the last couple hours, he's hard as a rock. With his left hand leaning against the wall in front of himself, and the right hand holding his hardon, he attempts the old, "OK, I'm just gonna close my eyes and look up and try to think of anything else. Anything at all. OK, no not that! Think of anything 'other' than those hard sexy nipples or that perfect ass (automatically he starts stroking himself) ohhh that mouth! Ohhh how bad do I wanna slide my fingers across the left side of her neck, up the back of it, let my fingers tangle themselves in at the back of her hair! Mmm yes!! Pull her head back. So I can slowly run my tongue up her neck, letting my wet lips kiss it and lightly suck on it, before allowing my teeth to lightly bite into it. (still stroking himself, picking up speed) She's young though, I wonder if she's into that? I wonder what her sweet pussy looks like and if she shaves or if she..." {knock knock knock} "Hey! You OK in there", she lightly asks. "Yup! Sorry! Got a phone call as I was walking in. Sorry bout that! I'll be out in just a second.", he shouts back. Probably sounding a little too anxious, a little too rushed. Worried that it's only too obvious what he was up to. He's thinking, "OK! Good news is, due to getting startled, the hardon is subsiding and I'm peeing." He washes up, throws his underwear on and heads out.

She's standing by the register, sucking on the tip of a straw looking sexy as can be. With a slight giggle she asks, "Are you OK? I started to get worried. Do you really talk on your phone in the bathroom?" "No" he laughed back "I normally do not. But it was my mom checking up on me, just as I was walking in. I haven't talked to her in a few days and she gets worried. You know how moms are." "Oh, I certainly do! Now hurry up, come on! Our adventure awaits!" Then she sensuously wraps her lips around the straw, taking a pull from her soda. She tilts her head towards the door and does a twirl towards it that makes the hemline of her dress lift a bit. Watching her leave he can't help but think, "Mmm those lips, wrapped around my cock like that..." "can I help you sir?" came an annoyed voice from behind the counter." "Yeah yeah, so sorry! Hang on, just a second." As I snap back to reality and head over to grab myself a drink.

"I wonder what he was doing in there?", she ponders as she walks over to the passenger side of his truck, opening the door. "And what do I do with these?" She asks herself, as she uncrumbles the wet panties in her hand. She sets her Coke down on the floor and opens the glove box. She can't help herself and brings the soaked panties up to her nose. Thinking that, maybe if they don't smell too strong she can hide them in there for the time being. She takes a slight breath in and realizes it's a pleasant sweet odor, and takes another deeper breath. She has always enjoyed the way she smells, and tastes, when she's aroused and today was no different. Unwittingly her hand starts to lightly rub her clit through her dress. She pulls her panties in closer, so she can take a deeper breath, and a bit of moisture from them settles against her chin and lips. Just as she's unaware of her fingers stroking her clit, she doesn't notice her tongue making its way out of her mouth and driving itself into her panties. Thankfully a loud moan escapes her lips. Loud enough to make her eyes snap open, and she realizes what she's doing. She hurriedly bunches the panties up and stuffs them into the glove box.

Just in time too, as she looks up and sees him leaving the store. A breeze drifts by capturing the moisture on her chin and lips, making her aware of its presence. Frantically she starts wiping it away, then wiping her hands on her dress. "My scent is too strong! He'll smell it! Or is it just me, because I pulled too much into my nose?" She's thinking to herself, as she's pinching her nose, breathing in and wiping it away. "Mmm It does smell good though! Does every girl's pussy smell this good? It can't though, I mean why would they come up with that disgusting saying about it smelling like fish? That's just nasty. Mine may not always taste this sweet, but it has never smelled like fish!" He opens the door and looks in. "You alright?

You look guilty!" He laughs, grabbing for his bags and says, "Here let me move all this to the bed. I'll rearrange the stuff back there and we can be on our way. You sure you're good?" he says, realizing she's pinching her nose like she's trying to rub something away. "Yes sorry, just the pollen in the air must have gotten deep into my nose." "It does smell really sweet.", he says, as a slightly mortified panic rushes through her. "I noticed that, ever since I pulled into the area. Thank god for Google! I was able to do a search for that plant you've got growing everywhere... honeysuckle I think it is? Supposedly it leaves a pleasant scent everywhere." "Oh... yeah... the honeysuckle", is all she can manage to come up with as relief washes over her.

He cleans up the rest of his stuff, grabs the cooler and starts rearranging his belongings in the bed of the truck. Still standing outside, she's watching him through the back window, and realizes she's rubbing herself up against the corner of the seat. She chuckles shaking her head thinking, "he was probably doing the same thing I was doing, in the bathroom. As soon as I got my panties off I couldn't keep my hands from going between my legs, rubbing my clit and enjoying the moisture dripping out of me. He was probably in there stroking his cock, thinking of me. I bet he wasn't even on his phone." She giggled, as she composed herself by smoothing out her dress, fluffing up her hair and taking a deep breath of fresh air before climbing into his truck. "This is it", she said to herself. Here I am, a nineteen-year-old girl hopping into the truck of a traveling stranger. You know, the kind of shit they make Dateline stories about. "

Drawing a breath in, between clenched teeth, she said out loud, "Here we go!" "What's that?", he said, climbing in. Taking notice of those beautiful long legs and the hem of her dress that was riding up much higher on her thigh than it did when she was sitting in her own car. "Oh, no, nothing." She said as she took notice of the gaze of his eyes, as well as where they were transfixed. Making a mental note that if, ok not if but when, she turns to talk to him, her hem will ride up a little higher. And if, when, she turns herself to face him while talking, she can pivot and pull her left leg onto the seat. And then she can lay back against the window. Where, if everything goes right, she will probably be completely exposed to him. A sly smile made itself at home on her perfect lips.

On her direction, off they drove. She played the part of the tour guide perfectly. Pointing out all of the town's historical significance and attractions. She pointed out where to eat, where not to eat. She showed him the Peabody and told him all about the ducks. "Over there that's where the Memphis Grizzlies play. Oh, and there's Gibson guitars, where they make B.B. King's Lucille!" She gave pause, with a smile on her face. She had passion and respect for music, he liked that. "And there, that's Sun Studio. You really should do the Sun Studio tour while you're here." As they drove down Beale street, he noticed her dress started riding up those long sexy legs. With her moving around to point out things on the left, then on the right and back to the left again, the hem of her dress was cooperating nicely, riding up a little with every move. And he most certainly took notice. At one point, he looked down and thought to himself, "if that goes up any higher, I'll be able to see her panties." Not realizing that, if he wanted to see her panties, all he had to do was lean over and open his glove box.

They were almost at Graceland and she was annoyed with herself, she was fully aware of how far her hem was riding up. She turned sideways, toward him, and put her left leg up on the seat, almost "Indian style". She laid herself back against the window in an attempt to 'accidentally' expose herself to him. Ugh!! She screamed at herself, "How do those sluts in school do it? How are they brave enough to do whatever nasty, kinky slutty things they can think of?" She knows all about the sexual things they do, she hears them talking in the locker room. "How is it just so easy for them?" What does she have to do to get him to look down and notice? Right then she sees him! He thinks he's being sneaky, but he's not. He thinks she's looking out the window, but she's not. So he does it again, and she sees it. "He just grabbed his cock and readjusted himself! I've heard guys have to do that sometimes when they get a boner. That they grow hard and when 'it's' in an uncomfortable position, they have to adjust themselves. I didn't think he was turned on or even noticing me, because it wasn't hard and sticking out like before. But he just grabbed it and moved it around, and it was all because of me! (she smiled) I wonder what that's like to have that hanging between your legs all day long? And then it just gets hard whenever it wants to, and has to be repositioned? That sounds like a real pain in the ass", she giggled to herself. "Humm, in the ass." Yeah she's heard the locker room sluts talking about that too. "I don't know how anybody allows that to happen, it sounds dirty and nasty, but those sluts say it feels incredible. I mean what if a guy has a giant thing? I mean that sounds downright painful, like it would be really uncomfortable to think about you know, having it put... there!! Talk about a pain in the ass. I hope his isn't giant, that would scare me. But it looks like it's a good normal size. I swear somehow I'm going to find out, like later on at the waterhole. I don't know how yet, but I'm going to make it happen." He was pulling into Graceland's parking lot. Thinking to himself, "She's been kind of quiet. I wonder what she's thinking about? He had noticed her nipples had gotten hard and were pushing against the fabric of her dress again. He also noticed her fingertips were unconsciously brushing up-and-down the inside of her left thigh. "Is she doing that for me? Oh WOW!! Look how high her dress is! If she would just move her arm, I'd be able to see right up to the heaven between her legs." He really wanted to run his hand up her leg. But they were here now and she was already turning and reaching for the handle of the door. "I'm gonna see what's under that dress", he vowed to himself. "I don't know how, but later at the waterhole, I'm gonna make my move." They got out of the truck and she helped him move and secure everything that was in the bed, throwing some of the smaller stuff into the cab. While doing so, he stole an occasional glance down the front of her dress, marveling at her perfect milky white braless cleavage. "I have got to have you!", he said out loud, but too low for her to hear, as he adjusted himself once again.

They were walking through the parking lot, when she stopped and turned towards him. Smiling, with outstretched arms she said, "Welcome to Graceland!", in her best fake tour guide voice. Seeing this as his spot, he threw both of his arms up in the air exclaiming, "Oh my god! I can't believe I'm actually here! Thank you so much. I've been wanting to come here for so long!" When he brought his arms down, he brought them down around her shoulders and pulled her in to hug her. She threw her arms around his back and hugged him back. She was comforted by his embrace and so happy to finally be having this kind of contact with him. She said, "You're so welcome. I'm happy to see you so excited!" He said, "No really, you have no idea what this means to me. I'm so glad I met you, thank you so much!" And with that, he kissed her on the cheek. Blushing she said, "of course! I'm so glad I met you too. This is going to be a lot of fun." But to herself she screamed, "oh my god he kissed me!!!" He was being too hard on himself thinking, "Dude you kissed her on the cheek! You're so lame!" But, hopefully, to makeup for his lameness, when they broke the hug off, as they turned to walk away, he let his right hand purposely fall into her left. He was going to ask her if that was alright. But when he turned to ask, he saw the smile on her face and felt her interlock their fingers and he smiled back at her.

As they were waiting to go in, a photographer asked if he could take their picture, at a 'Welcome to Graceland' staged photo op. He raised his eyebrows to her in a 'want to?' gesture and she smiled and excitedly said "sure!". While taking the picture, the cameraman was throwing around his best salesman cameraman charm. "You guys sure are a beautiful couple. You look like you've been together for years. Come on, tell me I'm right, I've been doing this for years, I'm never wrong. Well regardless, you're such a beautiful couple!" Still holding hands they were both laughing as they started to walk away. "He thinks we've been together for years!" she chuckled to herself, smiling from ear to ear. From behind them, they heard the man shout out, "and you can pick up your picture here when you leave!". He looked over at her and said, "Oh my gosh he was throwing out everything he had, trying to make that 20 dollar sale. I'm gonna guess we weren't the 1st beautiful couple or perfect couple that he's 'positive' has been together for years." She rolled her eyes and said "FINE! Whatever!" He felt bad for being so cynical and taking that bit of joy away from her. He said, "No, I'm sorry, you're right, we do look perfect together!" She said, "ooh no, don't try to smooth it over now! It's too late." He could tell, she was faking outrage and they laughed it off together. She couldn't stay mad at him, not for that, certainly not here.

Hand and hand into Graceland they walked. She let go of his hand, did a fake cough and spun around in front of him. With her hip cocked to one side, she threw her arms in the air like a Price is Right showcase showroom model. And again the fake tour guide voice made an appearance, "And what we have here friends is just a small collection of Elvis' automobiles and vehicles from over the years", she said laughing. He watched her spin around and thought, "Now why can't I see the outline of her panties anymore? I know I could see them earlier at the gas station, but now it doesn't seem like she's wearing any at all?"

As they walked through the museum she was spinning this way and that. Her arms were pointing at this over here and that over there. He was really impressed with her knowledge of a lot of the vehicles that were present. And he was more than just a little turned on by the passion with which she spoke of the whole place. Getting even more turned on, made it harder to concentrate on the cars and motorcycles, as he couldn't keep his eyes from going right back to... "Oh my gawd that ass!", he was thinking to himself. While he could hear her saying, "and that's a mini bike they used to tear up and down the streets on." As much as he tried, he couldn't stop staring at the light beaming through her dress. "I wonder how many times she's had sex? Or if she's ever been fucked in the ass before? She plays sports, that's for sure, you can tell. I bet she's got amazing muscle tone in those legs and ass. I wonder if she's ever laid down on her stomach, looked over her shoulder while she scooches back, shoving her ass up in the air. And with lust in her eyes said, "come on, do you want to lick my asshole?'" At the thought he had to stop and chuckle to himself, "Really? I'm gonna go way out on a limb and say that's never happened. I'm gonna guess this sweet precious girl has never been fucked in the ass. And there is no way possible, that innocent young thing has ever asked anybody to lick her asshole. I can't help but to wonder what she'd do if the opportunity ever presented itself of having someone's tongue shoved deep inside..." "And that's his mama's pink Cadillac, that's the first one he ever bought for her." He can hear her talking, but he just can't help thinking about caressing those cheeks and spanking that ass. And feeling her push back and start fucking his tongue. "Oh my god, yes baby", he thinks, as she bends over to read an information plaque. "That's it baby, head down ass up, and arch that back for me. Fuck she's sexy! And I'm just SO close to being able to look up that dress from behind, the way she's bent over." He was thinking, "her legs are so long! I bet I could eat her pussy from behind with her ass sticking up in the air like that! Mmm I bet that pussy tastes so amazingly sweet. What was that saying they used to say in junior high? I wonder if she's got hardwood, shag or a carpet runner under that dress!? Personally, I hope it's shaved. I mean I gotta be honest I wanna go down on her no matter what it looks like. But I seriously hope that sexy pussy and asshole are as smooth as a cue ball. Just as long as it's not a jungle under there. Please don't make me fight my way through a jungle..." "Huh? what's that? Of course, I'm paying attention! That was the wagon he bought Lisa Marie. You're doing a fine job. Really, I can't believe how much you know, it really is impressive!" "As impressive as those nipples, that I can't wait to get my mouth on.", he thought to himself.

They leave the car museum and head down a hallway to a room that is just a mile high with gold records. She reaches down to grab his hand as she tells him, "this used to be his racquetball room." Next, they go down a hall that's just lined with platinum records. They turn down another hallway and when they turn the corner, it hits him. "This is..." he hears her saying, "...The entrance to Graceland!" He looks around amazed at where he's standing, "I'm in the foyer of Graceland! Can you imagine the people that have walked through this front door right here?" She's overcome with joy at the excitement on his face. She's dreamed about, wishing she could go back in time and be one of those people that got to walk through the front door. "What am I saying, of course She's thought about the people that have walked through that door. Just look at the joy on her face, she's obviously in love with this place. I mean how could you not! There's the sitting room over there and the dining room over there. And it's all just as perfectly gaudy as you would hope it would be. I look around and as I'm taking it all in, I realize, she is as well. Again, her love for this place is really touching. She's probably been here a dozen times and she's still looking at everything, giving it the respect it deserves. She really is a beautiful person." He notices the stairs that are roped off and gives her a nod towards them. She tells him, "We're not allowed to go up there. That's where the bedrooms are. Priscilla will still use it as a private residence from time to time." I say, "Well that's a drag!" Looking up the stairs she says, "Yeah, I've always wanted to see his bedroom. I think that would just be amazing."

We head down another hallway to a kitchen and another dining room. We go down a small flight of stairs and there's the infamous jungle room. As I'm taking it all in, I look over and she's staring up at a portrait of Elvis in a white jumper. Walking up to her I noticed a tear falling down her beautifully carved cheekbone. I push her hair back behind her ear and wipe the tear away with the back of my finger. "Hey, what's going on, are you OK?" With an embarrassed giggle, she says, "Yeah, I'm sorry! I just really love this picture of him. I think he's so beautiful in it." I said, "I think you're beautiful. Your face, in the gold hue of this light, it's just, perfection." With my hand still on her cheek, I slid my fingers into her hair, to the back of her neck pulling her towards me. Our lips meet and I taste her for the first time, she's intoxicating. As I lightly suck her bottom lip into my mouth, I move us around a corner and push her up against the wall. Her hands are reaching for the back of my head and I can feel her pull me to her wanting mouth. My tongue slides in and finds hers eagerly waiting for me. Our tongues are fighting each other for dominance. I finally win and suck hers into my mouth. Our mouths are devouring each other. Our tongues are dancing and exploring each other. My hands are as well. I take them from her face, lightly running my fingertips across her cheeks and down her neck, across her shoulders and down to the sides of her breasts. My fingertips, ever so lightly, travel up-and-down the thin material, caressing the side of her tits. My thumbs are stretching out, aching for contact with those fantastic nipples that I've been fantasizing about all day long. Oh my god, they're so soft and young and beautiful, I say to myself, while gently massaging her absolutely perfect tits. As I'm pushing my tongue into her mouth I feel her hardened nipples against my thumbs. I capture them and gently squeeze, as she moans into my mouth. She bites my lower lip, sucking it into her mouth, I know that's my cue to keep going. With a little more pressure I gently tug at each nipple. They are so sexy, getting more excited and standing out, just how I saw them reacting to the cool breeze earlier. They turn me on so much I can't help but to moan back into her mouth. My hands continued their journey downward, to her sides, to her waist, and I pulled her into me. My cock is straining to break free and I pressed it into her, wanting her to feel how much she was turning me on. My hands went to her ass, caressing each cheek. Nothing but the thin material of the dress stood between my hands and her fine ass. And with my hands massaging her tight sexy ass I thought, I honestly don't think she's wearing panties anymore! I was using those toned fabulous butt cheeks to pull her to me. She had one leg between mine and the other behind me. She was grinding her hips and rubbing my cock up against her. If we weren't wearing clothes, we'd have been fucking against the wall, right there. Just as I was getting ready to pull her dress higher, so my hands could finally come in contact with the delicate softness of her butt cheeks. We were startled by the clearing of throats. We peeled ourselves off from each other and turned around to see the disapproval of 2 nuns, shaking their heads at us. I said, "Sorry sisters! I think the spirit of Elvis just took over me. He didn't seem to mind what I was doing." Then we turned, grabbed hands, and ran out of there laughing.

"Oh my god, that was so funny, I'm gonna pee my pants. Come on, I need to use the restroom.", she said. Laughing and joking about getting caught like that, I said, "Oh they were not happy at all! I hope they don't tell your parents." She said, "oh god me too!" I did a quick turn to her and said, "wait, what?" She said, "Yeah, they're from the church I go to. I'm quite sure they probably know my whole family." I started stammering apologies, before I caught her smiling and laughing at me. She said, "I'm sorry! I'm just kidding. They're not from the church we go to." Still cracking up, she turned and dove into the bathroom. I said, "Oh, don't think that door's stopping me from going in there!" I was reaching for the door handle just as a lady walked out. "Excuse me?" she said with a bitchy expression on her face. Laughing, I said, "Sorry ma'am! Just kidding!" as I turned, and went into the men's room.

She went into the ladies room, found an empty stall and closed the door behind her. She grabbed a cleaning wipe and used it on the seat before sitting, with no intention of using it. She just needed a minute to gather herself. Still breathing hard she sat up straight, "Oh my god he just kissed me, at Graceland!!! Fuck, forget kissed me, what was that!? I'll never be able to look at that picture again without getting wet! And speaking of wet!" She pulled the front of her dress up and opened her legs. Her hand went down and found her clit. It was peeking out and her juices were dripping everywhere. She laid back and traced small circles around her clit with her middle finger. She threw her head back and thought of his kiss and his lips and his hands that seemed like they were everywhere, all at once. She let another finger in and pushed them both into her pussy. She slowly pulled them out, pressing them against the top, scooping up all her juices. With her eyes still closed, her fingers went to her open mouth. Her tongue darted out and cleaned them off. Her mouth closed around them, as she sucked hard while pulling them out. "Mmmm I taste amazing!" Without even thinking about it her hand went back to her clit. She used her left hand to hold the hood of her clit back. Exposing it more than she'd ever seen of it before. She thought it looked so sexy, and it was super sensitive to the touch right now. She was steadily fucking her pussy with the first two fingers of her right hand. The palm of her left hand was doing its best to hold everything back, while her middle finger rapidly attacked her clit. She continued fucking herself and playing with her clit at a steady pace. While relieving the events that just happened in the hallway.

From inside her world--

It felt amazing touching myself, thinking about his tongue, and his lips. Thinking about his hands caressing my breasts and his fingers pinching and pulling on my nipples. I used the copious amount of juices dripping out of me to keep my clit well lubed, while facing this vigorous assault. I went back to circling my clit while thinking about his hands on my ass. Grabbing me and pulling me into him, I could feel his cock trying to get to me. It was like it knew I didn't have any panties on, and it needed to get inside of me. (her well lubed fingers continued fucking herself and flicking her clit faster) Ohh, god how I wanted that hard cock of his. If I had just unzipped his shorts, I could have jumped up and wrapped my legs around him and had him fucking me up against the wall, IN Graceland! (her orgasm starts) Just thinking about his tongue in my mouth and his cock in my pussy is sending me over the edge. Two fingers from my left hand fucking in my pussy and the fingers from my right, vigorously attacking my clit. I started squirting my juices, I can hear them splashing into the toilet below me, as I shiver in orgasm. OH my gosh!! I have GOT to get myself under control. He's standing right out that door waiting for me. I grabbed some tissues and wiped myself up. Then I grabbed some paper towels and cleaned up my mess from the floor. I hope he doesn't mind that I squirt, I hope he doesn't think it's pee. The guys in the pornos I watch, always seem to like it. Even though sometimes I know those girls are peeing. But even then, they don't seem to mind. Pfft I don't mind! Unless it's yellow or stinky! Yuck! I don't like that! Oh my gosh, I have to go! I do a quick check in the mirror, run my fingers through my hair. (And with a shrug of the shoulders) Yup! That's the best I can do with what I got! And I went out to find him.

I didn't have to look for him, he was waiting for me right outside the door, smiling. I like his kind smile and I love the way he looks at me. As if his eyes were engulfing me and seeing every part of my body. It was like he could make love to me, with just his eyes. The thought of that sent tingles through my entire body. He asked if I was OK and made a joke about getting ready to send a search and rescue in after me. I said, "No silly I'm good." and reached out for his hand, "Come on, there's more to see." We went down the hallway of movie posters and into the room that contained many of Elvis' costumes, including the clothes he and Priscilla got married in.

He was squatting down looking at some of the artifacts and pictures that were closer to the floor. I barely heard him say, "She was so pretty." while looking at a picture of Priscilla. He wasn't really saying it to me. I think he was just saying it to himself, probably surprised he actually said it out loud. But the words really hit me. After thinking about it a bit I got bold and asked, "Do you think I'm pretty?" He was leaning over a display case and kinda grunted, "Huh?" I caught him off guard as he was focused on Elvis' jumpsuit collection. But after a second, he looks up at me, right in my eyes and says, "I think you are absolutely beautiful." And smiles, before going back to the sequins and capes. I'm staring at him and I'm thinking. Another minute later I say, "Yeah, but you said Priscilla was pretty. Do you think 'I'm' pretty?" He's still leaned over the display case, so he kinda cocks his head up to look up at me, puzzled he says, "I don't think I know the difference between the two." Staring up at me, staring down at him, he stands and says, "OK, I can see that isn't gonna fly. Give me a minute to think about this."

He closes his eyes and tilts his head back, as if he's able to reach into the universe's mind for the answer. "Ok" he says, gathering his thoughts while looking into my eyes. He's very serious, it's very sexy! "You... (he points at me and pauses for dramatic effect) I've met. I now know you, a bit. I've talked to you, I see you! Not just see you with my eyes, but I'm starting to see... you! I see YOU as a whole, your looks, your mind, your personality, your morals... your consciousness. Her... (pointing to the picture of Priscilla) her I just see a photograph. And she's pretty in it. Then, she was pretty, then. But this picture... this is really all I know about her. And 'that's' the difference. You're beautiful because I see you. She's pretty, because I see this. (pointing to the picture) Don't misunderstand me... you're pretty too, trust me, you ARE. You're just so... SO much more.

I leapt forward and he opened his arms and brought me in. With my right hand on the back of his head I pulled his lips to mine. I sent my tongue into his mouth and my left hand down to his penis. He gave a slight jump but groaned his approval. But only a second later he was grabbing my hands and pulling them to his chest, "Nooo nono no! We can't do this here." I groaned back my very much disapproval. Just shy of stomping my foot I pouted back, "But I want you. That was so fucking beautiful! I want you now!" He said, "Oh trust me, I want you too. Like, from the first second I saw you as I was pulling up to the fuel pump, I've wanted you." I stood there staring at him, my head down with my arms crossed in front of me, giving him my best pouty face. But, I was laughing inside because I know there's nothing we can do about it here.

He's turning me on, because he's looking at me feign poutiness, like he can read my soul. It's so fuckin sexy. And with a jolt that startles me, he grabs my wrist and says, "Come on!" With an obvious look of confusion on my face I say, "Where are we going?" Still pulling me, he looks back and says, "Just... come on." He lets go of my wrist and grabs my hand instead, locking our fingers together. We work our way back through the maze of the house. We stop in a hallway by the kitchen. He turns me to him, looks deep into my eyes and says, "Do you trust me?" I'm looking at him with utter confusion. I can't think of real words to say, "Iii don't... ummm? Iiii (dragging the word out) meeean (breathing a breath of air in through my clenched teeth) eerrrr what are aahhh where! I mean what?" I'm so nervous I can't even put a thought together. He's still staring into my eyes, my soul and squeezes my hand. "Do you, trust me?" Quickly "YES!!" leaves my lips. My voice shaky from nervous excitement, I tell him, "Yes, I don't know why! But yes, I do trust you." He smiles into my eyes and says, "Good, I trust you too!", and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. A nervous laugh escapes my lips and I shake my head saying, "I don't even know what that means." He says, "Look, follow my lead and don't say anything." And with my hand in his, he moves it around as a demonstration and tells me, "Go where my hand tells you to go, but do it quietly. It's a very 'you go, we go', mentality." With just a look, I can read his eyes. They're saying, 'from here on out, it's us, together.' But to me, he says, "You ready?" I let go of his hand and grab his face and kiss him deeply. I look into his eyes and say, "I feel like I've been waiting for you and this moment, my whole life." I reach out, grab his hand again and clasp our fingers together. I hold them up in front of our faces, look into his eyes and kiss the back of his hand. I took a deep breath and said..."You go... we go!" I gave him a wink and a head nod, and slowly, quietly we turned the corner, returning to the foyer of the house.

With his eyes and his hand leading us, he motions me over to the portrait of Elvis at the bottom of the stairs. My heart is racing. I swear you can see it bouncing out of my chest. And then it hits me, I know what his plan is. And it's an impossible, absolutely crazy no chance of working, plan. We're staring at the painting, like art students studying each brush stroke. Patiently waiting, while a family is looking at the roped off living room. I whisper, "This is crazy, we can't do this." He squeezes my hand and gives me a look like he's reaching inside of me, giving me his courage. He smiles, winks at me and gives me a gentle "shhhh." He closes his eyes, nods his head and squeezes my hand, the universal sign for 'don't worry we got this'. When the family walks out, without rushing, he looks around one last time. He reaches down and unlatches the rope at the bottom of the stairs. With my hand in his, he uses them to motion me through it, onto the stairs. He turns, reattaches the rope, and quickly but quietly, using my hand in his, he pushes me up the stairs. With him, literally having my back.

At the top of the stairs we turn left, to an open hallway. His head is on a swivel as if he's looking everywhere, all at once. He guides me to a door at the end of the hallway. As he reaches out for the knob, a wave of panic rushes over me. Why did he choose this door? How do we know what's behind it? How do we know it's not an entire room of security cameras or worse, guards!? How is he so calm and not freaking out? I guess it's true what mama told me, that "Boys... will do stupid shit... when it comes to sex." Yeah well, "What's that say about me mama? Cause here I am too!" "Well, you always was a tomboy baby, so yeah, here you are too.", I could hear her saying. The door opens and my eyes close as he pulls me inside, behind him. All I heard was, "Wow!" come from him, as I slowly opened my eyes. The electricity of excitement and enjoyment took over my entire body. "I" was standing in Elvis' bedroom. It was all white and gold with purple velvet bedding and curtains. I was quickly looking around, trying to take it all in, before someone walked in, catching us. He, on the other hand, was looking around oddly. Like he was 'casing the joint'. I whispered, "What are you doing?" He said, "Looking for cameras. But I'm not seeing any." We were both smiling ear to ear when he came over and kissed me. He looked into my eyes and said, "Look, we gotta make this fast! It's definitely not going to be as drawn out and loving as I wish our first time could be. But, it WILL be memorable!"

His hands went to my face and through my hair as he kissed me. I could tell he was trying to be as passionate and loving as he could, although, with a sense of urgency. His lips were so soft as they barely touched mine, his tongue so gentle as it slowly entered my mouth. It was soft and beautiful. Then it increased! It was like our mouths knew we didn't have time for tenderness, they were hungry for each other, and it turned into animalistic passion. His hands went to either side of my neck as he pulled me in. Our tongues danced together, then they fought. Our lips and mouths devoured each other. We were both breathing so hard it was like we were trying to breathe our life into the other. His hands moved to my breasts, down my sides getting to the hem of my dress. Under my dress his hands found my ass cheeks. He caressed them he grabbed them, then acknowledged, "So, you're NOT wearing panties, any longer!!" "Um? Surprise!!", I said, and his mouth was instantly back on mine.

His left hand forced my dress up and he grabbed onto my waist. It felt amazing, having him holding my bare skin. His other hand did something I wasn't prepared for. His finger started at the top of the crack of my booty. He gently rubbed what felt like 2 fingers up-and-down the top couple inches of my booty crack. Then slowly they went further down. When he got to my private entrance... OK my asshole, as the locker room slutty girls call it, he lightly rubbed one finger against it, in a light up and down motion. Now yesterday, if somebody would have mentioned this I would have been like, "eww that's nasty. That's where you poop!" But today? Well today his fingertips were causing the nerves around the entrance of my anus to send jolts of excited electricity throughout my entire body. It was causing my pussy to get wet and drip down my legs in anticipation. He could have pushed it into my ass right then, and I wouldn't have cared. I was actually kind of hoping he would, it felt nice and I wanted more. But after starting the frenzy in me, his fingers continued their way down.

I open mouth gasped when they entered my wetness from behind. He wasn't fast or rough, just 2 fingers barely an inch in, rubbing between my lips, playing in my moisture. I couldn't concentrate on kissing him anymore and my head fell back against the wall. I was putty in his hands and I wanted nothing more than to give myself to him completely, letting him do whatever he wanted to me. He reached up with the hand that was on my waist and grabbed my hair pulling my head back. His tongue was making a soft trail up my neck, I could feel his teeth gently scratching into it as he went. His hand left my hair and I moaned my disapproval. Until he started pulling down the front of my dress trying to free my breasts. I pulled my arms through the sleeves and pushed my dress down off my shoulders. I was as eager to get out of it as he was to see me out of it. It was basically bunched up around my waist. But for the most part, I was now standing naked, in Elvis' bedroom. His mouth immediately went to my right tit where he pulled my nipple in. He started gently sucking on it and flicking it with his tongue at the same time.

From someone that told me we were in a rush and that this needed to be quick, he certainly was taking his time savoring me. Not that I was complaining, trust me, not at all! His other fingers, now thoroughly soaked in my juices, went back to my ass, where he drew wet circles around the entrance. Again, the excitement and electricity shocked through my body, like nothing I had ever felt before. His mouth was going from nipple to nipple. And his fingers, now two of them, were teasing my ass with invasion. IN Elvis' bedroom!! It was all surreal and almost all I could take. I seriously think I was on the verge of passing out when he stopped. Holding on to my waist, with both hands, he turned us and started backing me up to Elvis' bed. He asked me, "Are you OK? Am I being too much?" "YES!" was all I could get out. "Yes I'm being too much? Should I stop?" I realized I had to form a complete sentence. "No... you're not... too much. No... don't... you dare... stop. FUCK!!! Yes, I want you.... to do whatever... you want to me! please... please... FUCK... PLEASE!!"

"He gave a sly smile of approval and said, "Here let's get this off and out of our way.", while pushing my dress down my hips. I started to slightly freak out hoping he wouldn't be disappointed, since I don't shave or wax (OUCH!) like I see the girls in pornos and most of the girls in the locker room doing. A couple of them have big thick bushes, which I'm glad I don't have that either. I just have a thin covering of blonde hair that I hope doesn't disappoint him. After pushing my dress to the floor he started kissing me again. Using the pressure of his lips and his kiss to back me up to the bed. I felt the soft velvet bedspread touch the back of my calves, then my thighs and my ass as I slowly sat down. With one knee crawling on the bed to the right of me, he continued using the pressure of his kiss to lay me back onto the velvety softness of the bed. He stopped kissing me so he could stand and look down at me with a smile. He didn't look disappointed at all. Then his eyes went from my eyes and slowly scanned their way down my entire naked body, all the way to my feet.

He pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the floor with my dress. He went to unbutton his shorts and nervously I said, "Wait, you have to find a towel or something to put under me." Urgently he turned and reached down and said, "Oh, you're right, here we'll just use my shirt." I said, "No! it can't be something you're going to wear! You have to find a towel or something, try the bathroom." I pointed to a door I could only hope was a bathroom. He said, "You know, I really don't mind wearing your essence for the rest of the day." To myself, I was like 'ooh he called my juices my 'essence' that's so sweet'. But out loud and flustered I said, "No! Go!", and pointed at the door. He turned to go through, what I could only assume was a bathroom door. We had success as he emerged with a large purple monogrammed hand towel and said, "This is all I could find." I lifted my butt saying, "It'll have to do." He was pushing it under me and said, "You do get really wet. But I don't think it's gonna be that big of a problem." I said, "No, it's not that. It's more like I've never done this before." With a light-hearted laughter as he was smoothing the towel underneath me, he said, "What? You mean to tell me you've never had sex in Elvis' bedroom before? Well, I certainly hope not. I mean that would..." "I'm a virgin!" I blurted out. He stopped and said, "Wait, what? Are you sure?" I laughed and said, " Did you really just ask me if i'm sure, I'm a virgin? Cause, yeah, I'm pretty sure! I mean they do say this is the kind of thing you remember doing." He said, "Oh my Jesus, that was stupid of me to say. I'm so sorry. No, what I meant to say is, are you sure you want to do this? Do you want to talk about it first?" I said, "Am I sure I wanna have sex with YOU? Here In Elvis' bedroom? Right now? Uh YEAH!! Do I want to talk about it? No, I want to get back to how you were making me feel 10 minutes ago before all this talking started!" He said, "Do you trust me?" I thought that was so sweet and said, "Yes, I really do. And I'm really trusting you to get us out of here without getting arrested. Now come on, don't make me beg you!" He pulled his shorts off and I saw him pull a pair of boxer briefs down with them. I was thinking to myself, 'Now when did he put those on? I know he wasn't wearing those standing out front of the gas station.' Then he turned and I was staring at his hard penis, it was standing straight out wanting my attention! And I no longer cared about boxer briefs.

I just wanted him inside of me. But he had other ideas. He walked up between my legs that were still hanging over the edge of the bed. I couldn't take my eyes off his beautiful peni... cock (thank you locker sluts) standing out in front of him. He put his hands against the inside of my knees and gently pushed them further apart. Ohhhh I know what he's going to do! I have seen this MANY times in pornos and I can't believe its about to happen to me now, here! As his open mouth got closer to my pussy I could feel his hot breath on my clit. I leaned up, using my forearms for support. I wanted to be able to see this. I hope he thinks I taste ok. I mean I like the way I taste. I hope he.. "OOOOHHH!" The tip of his tongue lightly touched the bottom of my lips. Slowly he inserted it part way into me, taking his time, tracing my inner labia from the bottom to the top. With the very tip of his tongue he circled my clit twice, then sent it back down it's path. Only he didn't stop at the bottom. He went all the way down, dragging the tip of his tongue across the entrance to my ass. I can NOT believe he did that! But OhMy!, was the feeling of his tongue simply marvelous. I couldn't believe my body was trembling with excitement, as his tongue slowly passed my asshole on its path back towards my clit. He started licking up and down my entire pussy, with the flat of his tongue.

While he was taking his time savoring my pussy and the juices spilling out of me, he grabbed my hands and brought them up to my breasts. Together, with my hands in his, we massaged my tits and caressed my nipples. I knew what he wanted and it felt good, so I continued. Squeezing them together, caressing or grabbing them, pinching or pulling my nipples. I could see him watching me as his tongue continued to take turns up-and-down my outer lips, up and down my clit, up and down the opening of my pussy, which was begging for him to push it inside. I felt my clit getting sucked into his mouth and he would hold it tightly between his lips before pulling and popping it out of his mouth. Licking up my juices, before sucking my clit back in, I felt 2 fingers enter me. I was close to the edge and just hoped I wouldn't scream out loud, alerting anyone nearby. His tongue continued its relentless attack on my clit with long slow strokes, while his fingers curved up and started massaging just inside the top of my pussy. I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold out for much longer. At first my hands went down to his head and was pulling him into me. But as the pleasure overtook me, I started getting scared. What if I started squirting, and he thought I was peeing on him, and he left me laying there? I started to push his head away, telling him, "you have to stop." He ignored me and continued licking and rubbing me inside. I said, "No really, you have to stop! If you make me come like this, liquid is gonna come shooting out of me, and it's not pee. I swear it's not pee!" I fell back on the bed, covered my mouth with my forearm and screamed into it. Oh shit, there it is! That's it! Fuck it, I tried to warn him, "Nevermind, don't stop! That's it!" His tongue pressed up into my clit, his fingers were making that 'come here' gesture on the roof of my pussy. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew exactly what I was getting ready to do. "You got me!" I threw my arms straight out, grasping that velvet comforter with both hands, pulling it up to cover my face. As my orgasm started, "Right... THERE!!" my back arched, lifting my butt off the bed. But his tongue and his fingers never left me and never stopped. Not until I bucked and screamed into the comforter, as a huge stream of clear liquid shot out of me, high into the air. As the second stream started, he clamped his mouth down over my entire vagina. I was thrusting my hips at him, shooting it right into his mouth and he was drinking every bit of it. He was clamped down so tight, I could feel his upper teeth digging in the hood of my clit, which just caused my orgasms to continue.

Still convulsing from aftershocks of orgasms, he stood up and gently thrust his cock inside of me. I was in such a state of orgasmic bliss I didn't experience the pain some girls talk about when their hymen is broken. Being a tomboy maybe I had already broken mine and didn't realize it. But I didn't care because there was no pain and I was enjoying every second of this. I was so turned on, watching him drink my 'essence', with such fervor and passion, and then thrusting into me like he did. I was looking into his eyes as he made love to me and my orgasms continued rolling one into the next. My god! Is this what it's like? The continuous wave of orgasms? I don't recall ever hearing any of the girls in the locker room bragging about THIS while sneaking a cigarette. I can't help but wonder, why does anyone ever stop fucking? I feel absolutely amazing. And although I don't want to stop I already can't wait until we get to do it the next time. My hands are on his chest, his cock is resting deep inside of me. He's hovering over me, looking into my eyes and studying my face. He's at the perfect angle where his pelvis is massaging my clit. Slowly pulling almost all the way out of me, "Hi!" he says, holding it there, with just the head inside, before slamming it back into me. "How are you doing?" he smiles at me, pulling back out. I can't decide which pace I like better, they both feel just fucking fantastic!. "You're so fuckin beautiful!"

Over and over he slowly pulls out before quickly sending it back. His face is getting closer to mine as he's pulling out. "I want to kiss you" slowly I feel him pushing back in. With a slight giggle I say, "So why start asking now?" He stays deep inside and grinds his pubic bone into "Ohh FUCK!!" my clit. He says, "Because I went down on you and drank from you, I just..." I stopped him, lifting my hips grinding onto him, "Whao, let me just cut you off there. I don't mind, because I fucking love the way I taste. So, that being said, I will savor the taste on your lips and tongue. AND, I will suck your beautiful cock, and lick our juices from it, when you are done cumming. Just FUCK ME!!" And with that he dropped down, wrapped his arms around my shoulders, tangled his fingers in my hair, pressed his lips to mine and let his tongue slide into my mouth. He was right, I could taste myself on him. And I thought we tasted amazing together. When he laid down on top of me he picked up the pace of his wonderful cock pistoning in and out with a steady movement. Each inward thrust grinding his pelvis into my clit. My wave of orgasms had ended. But with this new pace, I could feel that they were just right there waiting for, I don't know something.

He whispered in my ear, "We have to finish up and get out of here. I want to cum inside of you." Probably a little too frantically I said, "But you're not wearing a condom and what about diseases? I can't get pregnant now! I'm too young and in college." He seemed a little amused that it was only up to now that I decided to worry about, and comment on, the fact that he wasn't wearing a condom. He kept fucking me at the same rhythmic pace, that was keeping me right on the brink. With that calming voice he whispered, "You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I'm disease free, I give blood and get tested every 3 months. And you won't get pregnant because I've had a vasectomy." "So wait!" Reality just came screaming home to me and I stopped thrusting my hips up to meet his cock. I tightened my legs that were wrapped around his waist and pulled him into me. "Are you kidding me? So we can't have babies together?" He laughed, "How about, are YOU kidding ME!? You just went from 'OMG I can't get pregnant, I'm still in school.' To, 'I can't have babies with you?' In like 2.7 seconds. Considering the predicament we're currently in, is this something we can possibly talk about at a later time, in another venue?" I can feel his penis throbbing like a heartbeat, as it waits for my reply. He's laughing at me, I'm laughing at him. "Oh my god you're right! We've known each other, what? 6 hours? I'm so sorry!"

Still chuckling I let go of the grip my legs had on his waist and spread them wide for him. I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me. My tongue snakes across his lips before sliding into his mouth. I kissed him deeply and thrust my hips up onto his cock. "Fuck me, fill me with your essence! I want to feel your beautiful cock and the warmth of your cum inside of me." With that he started to quicken his pace. He kissed my lips, sucking my tongue into his mouth before biting my lower lip. His mouth went down my neck to my tits. He took turns sucking on each of them while fucking me faster. I could feel the fluids leaving my pussy around his cock, pooling under my ass, certainly soaking that towel through. All of this proving me wrong, those orgasms that I thought were done with me? Well they were just keeping at bay, waiting. But now they were waking up, to take notice. His hands grabbed my arms and forced them over my head. Holding them above me by the grasp he had at my elbows. His eyes so close to mine, staring intently into them he said, "Are you ready?" It was the most erotic thing I'd ever felt and seen. I said, " Oh, fuck yes! Baby fuck me! Fill me and make me cum for you again." And without breaking his gaze or moving his head away from mine he started thrusting into me even faster. I immediately started cumming, I could feel myself squirting all over his cock. His look into my eyes changed and he smiled. Then his head went back as if someone had pulled his hair. His back arched and he grunted out, "oh... fuck... yesss...!" His pace slowed, and each time he stabbed his cock into me, he did it with a combined thrust of his hips, while pulling my hips back onto his cock at the same time. I felt his cum rushing out of him, it's warmth filling my insides. I said, "wait!" (he didn't) he kept thrusting and cumming, he wasn't going to stop and wait. Midthrust, I scootched back and pulled out from under him, "WHAT ARE YOU DO....?" I heard as I quickly dropped to the floor. I grabbed his still hard and cumming cock and shoved it into my mouth. I saw this in a movie and I wanted to feel it's last pulsating thrusts shooting his come into my mouth. And it did, filling my mouth to where I had to quickly swallow twice, so as not to gag on it. Holding my head, he fucked my mouth until he finished. He groaned a happy sigh, pulled out, turned and fell back on the bed. "Oh my god well that was fucking amazing! I'm so sorry I got a little harsh at the end there. Your mouth just felt so fucking amazing and it was all so hot and sexy." I looked him in the eyes and smiled. "It was hot and sexy wasn't it? What about this, do you think this is hot and sexy?" After swallowing his cum and wiping the excess from my face, I kept my promise and licked his cock clean of both our juices. I would have loved to have spent more time caressing his balls and seeing how deep I could take him. But we'd already been there WAY longer than we had ever intended. And we still had to make it out somehow.

He stood up and reached out with his hands to help me up. I sprang up into his arms. We stood there holding each other, our sweat covered naked bodies pressed together for just a minute. I was enjoying the sensation of being naked together, feeling my hard nipples against the hair on his chest, and his hand on my ass. I reached down and grabbed his cock and started stroking it. mmmm I wanted more of this. I needed more of this inside of me. I needed to taste him, and us together, again. I was under his spell and would do anything for him. Reluctantly, he broke it off saying, "Come on, we gotta go!" He reached down and grabbed for our clothes. While handing me my dress, I saw his boxers in his hands. I snatched them away from him, "I don't know when you put these on? But I like you better without them." I scratched my fingernails across his cock, making it jump back to life. "See (I nodded to his cock) I like knowing when I'm turning you on." He took my hand, raised it above my head and had me do a spin in front of him. "Damn Memphis! You truly are a vision of beauty and sex appeal! You will always be turning me on." He reached down between my legs and drew his fingers up the slit of my wetness, before sending two of them deep inside of me. And with a moan of pleasure said, "Well, I don't know what happened to your panties, but I too like knowing when you're turned on. So you don't ever have to put them back on again either." He started to bring his fingers up to his mouth and I grabbed his hand and sucked my juices off his fingers. I looked him in the eye and said, "I too promise, that I will always be turned on. And that you can have me whenever you want. Wherever you want. However you want. Oh, and don't think I missed you calling me Memphis just then, that was kinda sexy, we're gonna talk about that later." He kissed me, tasting our juices on my tongue and we quickly got dressed. He told me to straighten up the bed, while he grabbed the towel saying he'd take care of it. He came out of the bathroom to see me, taking selfies. And started laughing, "What are you doing?" I said, "Hey, I just want a picture of where I lost my virginity. Is there anything wrong with that?" He said, "You know you can't ever show those to anyone or post them anywhere or we will certainly get arrested. Now come on, we're not out of the woods yet." He reached for my hand.

"OK, so we don't know what's on the other side of this door. When we go through, walk upright, keep your head up, and most important, do it quiet and quick. You ready?" I shook my head. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go." He opened the door and we just walked through it. No one was on the other side. He held my hand in his, and with his arm turned and bent behind him, he pulled me up behind his back, holding me close, protecting me. Quickly we walked down the hall, we turned the corner to the stairs without even looking first. He acted like we belonged there. We walked down the stairs with confidence and not a soul in sight. I couldn't believe how lucky we were. With only 4 more steps I was sure we were getting away with it. And I spoke too soon. On the next step, a tour guide came around the corner seeing us.

Still holding my hand in his he stepped in between me and, "Marc Pedersen - official tour guide to Graceland", so said his badge. "Where were you two? What exactly were you doing up there?", harshly demanded, Marc Pedersen our official tour guide to Graceland. And then the craziest thing happened... "Mr. Peterson! I am SO sorry sir! I do apologize sir" My new lover offered, with a quick cadence and the absolute worst fake southern accent, over enunciating the T, that wasn't in his last name. "That's PeDer sen, like sin, not son!", he screamed back. There's a C in Marc, a D in PeDer and a E in sen." He yelled, pointing at each section of name on his tag, without ever looking down. He's obviously done this before. "Again sir Mr. Peterson (how am I not laughing out loud at this accent and why does he continue to mispronounce his name!!?) I do apologize sir! My fiance was feeling sick (Fiance? Ooo I do like the sound of that! But where is this story coming from? It's like he already had it ready to go.) And sir, I just couldn't have her throwing up on any of the king's precious belongings now. We was looking around and the rope to the stairs was laying on the ground right there sir. So I's figurin' the closest bathroom was upstairs, cuz we didn't, see nuthin round the corner we came through. And so we ran up there fast we could. We got to the top, and she paused and said, Nope! all the sudden she was feeling better, and that we really shouldn't be up there. That no one's allowed up there. So the both of us started making our ways back down. And that's when you happened upon us sir. Quite frankly, giving me quite the fright! I'm a little shocked I didn't blow chunks right then and there. All over these fine stairs of marble. Is this marble? It must be marble. The king would have marble, ain't that right!!" Beyond frustrated Marc Pedersen screamed in the lowest voice a human could scream with, (this is all SO damn funny!!) "How did the rope get on the ground? If anybody finds out that you were upstairs or that the rope was down, I'm gonna get fired." "Mr. PeTerson sir, Now no one wants to see you get fired. Just like I didn't want to see my fiance... my future wife, soil... the king's belongings." He squeezed my hand. I think he knew what he was doing to me. And he was right my juices were just dripping down my legs after hearing 'fiancee and wife'. "Again Mr. PeTerson (his annoyance of the way his name was being butchered was growing) Sir, I do pologize! This is my 1st time in the cathedral... of the king. (omg his pauses between words, is killing me!) And I was ignorant... of all of your rules and regulations. But sir... I do beg of you to grant us a favor." "A FAVOR!?" Pedersen screamed out, " If you think for a second..." Just then his walkie-talkie squawked with what sounded like a supervisor's voice, "Pedersen, have you got a problem over there? Do you need me to send somebody over to help you?" He quickly responded, "No, sir, I've got it under control, out!" He looked at us and I started feeling sorry for him, as he was practically begging us to leave. "Just go! If they send backup, they will find everything out and I will certainly get fired." "And ain't nobody wants that sir. Like I's sayin. If you would be so kind as to allow us to exit to the outside through the front door here. So as I can get my wife out and into some fresh air as soon as possible. I would forever be so much appreciative of your kindness, sir" (Wife haha now I'm his wife. What is he doing?) Mark with the C and the D and the E started stammering and fidgeting with his key card, "ummm gee I don't know, I'm not allowed to..." Marshal squeezed my hand, which I assumed was my sign that something was coming up I that needed to pay attention to. "I understand that Mr. Peterson sir, honestly I do. (squeezing my hand again) But if she were to... 'get sick' (squeeze) and ruin any of the fine artifacts of this house of our almighty king, well, I just don't know how I could ever forgive myself sir." Oops!! There it is! That was my cue. I feigned sickness and ran over towards a large urn by the door. That sure got Marc with a C, excited! "No no no no no ma'am!! Ma'am, Please don't do that." Marc exclaimed as he fumbled to get the key card in the slot. The door flew open and just as I was getting ready to step through my 'husband' swept me off my feet. With his camera in hand he said, "Well I do declare, I should carry you across the threshold my love. Now look at us, home sweet home!" As he snapped a series of pictures of us walking through the front door. The FRONT DOOR!!! How is this happening!? Marc was NOT happy, "No sir! No sir you can not do that sir!" My 'husband' sat me down on a metal bench and whispered in my ear, "Go get ready to pretend to throw up on the lion." "MarK can I call you MarKsir? (haha Marksir like it was all one word) Again, I am sorry sir." Oh my god, I'm going to pee my myself! Now he's calling him Mark and over enunciating a hard K sound. (beepbeep) My phone beeps alerting me of a text message. I look down and realized my husband had just sent all the photos to me. "MarKsir, here, help me erase these. Now I certainly mean you no disrespect, you've been so nice to us. So what do I here? Do I click here and here and then the little trash can? Yep! Well, will you look at that!? There they go, they're gone MarK. Never to be seen again! thank you sir." And with that, I grabbed a hold of the lion, acting like I was going to throw up on him. "Oh honey! Not on the lion! I'm so sorry MarK, I'll tell you what. I think I just now knocked her right on up. And she just don't know yet." "Just go! Just go away! Get her out of here, please.", an exhausted Marc Pedersen, our official tour guide pleaded. "Yes sir, thank you sir", my 'husband' screamed back in his regular voice as he threw his arm around me rushing us away.

We laughed our asses off and headed to the exit. I looked over at him and asked, "What the heck was all that? Where did that come from?" (both of us still laughing and trying to catch our breath) "I honestly don't know, my father once said, 'if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!'. That my dear girl, was me throwing out as much bullshit as I could, to keep him confused. And once I got rolling and saw the enjoyment you were getting out of it all, I just couldn't stop. And to hopefully keep us from getting arrested. Keep em talking and confused. haha". We had our arms around each other and we were laughing as we walked our way to the exit. I never felt more at ease or safer with anybody else in my life, except my daddy, of course. "And that accent! I almost peed myself when I heard that coming out of your mouth! I sorta think I should be insulted." "I do declare, Ma'am. I am... deeply regretful. I certainly meant no disrespect... to you and yers!" I pushed away from him and playfully punched him on the shoulder. Telling him, "Oh my god, you really need to NOT do that anymore." We were laughing when we heard, "Hey now! There's my beautiful couple!" We both looked up and saw the photographer from the start of our visit. " "How about that photo, so you always remember your day at Graceland here today?" We both laughed and Marshal said, "Sir, there is NO way, I will EVER need a photograph to help remind me of today. I will never forget this visit. But sure, show me what you've got." We saw the picture and I told him, "I have to admit, it is a pretty cute picture of us and it would make a nice memento." He took out $20 gave it to the man and thanked him! "No, thank you!" the photographer said, as he called out to us. "Y'all have a great day and come back and do all this again sometime, won't cha!" That made us laugh even harder as we waved our hands in the air walking away.


2023-10-18 15:22:19
It would definitely be easier to read with spaces between the paragraphs but very excellent story.


2023-10-18 09:59:49
Too long? Paragraphs too big?

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