As always, this is a story for and about consenting adults.
If you are put off by any of the themes indicated by the tags - or if you feel it might offend your religious beliefs, please skip it.
Black Cat (Part III)
Chapter 8: Saturday Afternoon - Life Lessons
I stood there and waited. Feeling like an idiot. Passive. This would be the best word for my last 4 years. Passive. And somehow I got into Cat’s orbit… 20 hours ago and now I just got dragged along. Even when I had (hit her), it wasn’t me. It was her. Even when I had (raped her), it wasn’t me, it was her.
I needed to get a grip on this. Assert some male dominance. Who was I kidding? This was my girlfriend and she was something else. My girlfriend. Something else.
I wasn’t sure if I should undress. A picture of me standing naked in my living room while two fully dressed girls (kids) walked in… no. I pushed the table away from the couch. Maybe some wiggle room was a good idea?
I looked at the couch. Leather. And I remembered the salesman praising it: water repellent. This word alone turned my brain upside down. Water repellent. Pee repellent.
Tiled floor. I hated this floor. It had been Jenn’s idea. Something Italian, something ridiculously expensive. Not warm wood, but cold tiles. Water repellent. Piss repellent. Sweet Jesus…
It had been almost 10 minutes. I was quiet, hoping I would hear something. All I could make out was a muffled “Catherine!” and some giggling. The door opened. Cat and Narges came out, holding hands. Cat was beaming with a big smile, radiating happiness. Narges’ face was so red it looked like she would explode any second. But she, too, did smile.
They walked over to me, Cat stepped on the couch so she could reach my lips and kissed me. This taste… I knew it by now… ammonia and sweetness… not the way Cat tasted. This taste… Narges. Nana. My god.
“You two ok?”
“Ohhhh yessssss… this was gorgeous. Thank you, Nana.”
“You have already thanked me 3 or 4 times, Catherine.”
“Yes, because I liked it so much.”
“Nana, did you like it, too?”
A long pause. Narges looked at me, her mouth changing between a smile and something else.
“Yes. I did. I didn’t think I would… but I did. Catherine looked very beautiful when she… you know…” She looked down. “But it still is very strange for me.”
I smiled at her. “It was strange for me, too. At first.”
I held out my hand and to my surprise, Narges took it, came closer and all three of us hugged. Cat’s head against mine. Narges’ head against my chest. Our arms around each other.
“Nana, are you ready?”
Whispering: “Helsinki”.
“Oh come on… don’t mess around… or I will tell him…”
“I wanted to make a joke. It was not funny.”
“It was hilarious. Do you want to… like… help us undress?”
“No… if it is ok for you, I would like to watch. Only watch.”
“Your call…”
This was going to be awkward… should we strip? Dance? Or just pretend we’re in a locker room?
Cat unbuttoned her pants, let herself glide down on the couch, and pushed them to her ankles.
I pulled my t-shirt over my head.
“Nana… can I tell him…?”
“Catherine… please…”
I tried to play it cool and just continued. Proceed, nothing to see here. I unbuttoned my jeans.
“Yes: please. Please, please, pretty please…”
Cat was jumping on my couch, trying to pull her t-shirt off.
“You will tell him anyway, no matter what I say…”
“Maybe… but I would feel really bad about it without your blessings…”
I pushed my pants down, very aware of the tent in my boxer shorts.
“Go ahead and embarrass me even more.”
It burst out of her: “Nana has the most beautiful pussy ever”.
How could Narges’ face get any more red? This was starting to look like a medical emergency.
Her face almost pulsing red, framed by the black headscarf.
“No, seriously, this is what nature meant when it invented pussies.”
“Cat, I think… you are embarrassing our guest…”
I looked at Cat. Her T-shirt was off. She looked incredibly cute with her flat chest and her little hard nipples.
“...and I will make sure that you never ever get to see it. You take one look at it and you’ll run off with the polite girl and her Miss Universe pussy.”
Cat giggled, did another quick jump up and down the couch - and pushed her panties down. Kicked them off the couch.
Narges took a step back. Looked at her.
“You are very beautiful naked, Catherine.”
“Thank you, Nana.” No jokes, no messing around.
“You are in very good shape, Dan. I like it when a man takes care of himself. I will enjoy watching both of you.”
Narges sat down, legs closed, tilted to the side. Her back straight. Looking at us.
I looked at Cat. She looked at me. Showtime. Now what? We both stood there. Narges was on my right side and looked at us. Cat stood on the couch, I stood in front of her.
Me: “Lie down, Kitty”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Cat sat down on the couch and leaned back. I knelt down on the floor, caressed her legs from her ankles up to her thighs… and put them on my shoulders.
Narges drew in a sharp breath.
I looked down. This was the first time I got a really good look at Cat’s pussy. I had been close to it. It had kissed it. I had welcomed its rain. But I hadn’t taken a good, long look at it.
It was beautiful. Her dark skin made her slit almost invisible, it looked like a crevice in soft, black velvet. But when I spread her legs, a wonderful, pink flower opened. She was wet… a single drop ran down her pink opening and then over her ebony ass.
“You look beautiful, Kitty.”
“Thank you, Daddy… do I get a kiss?”
I kissed her inner thighs… left and right… licked them, going all the way up, careful not to touch her pussy with my tongue. I could hear Narges breathing a little faster and deeper. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her lean forward a tiny bit.
“Daddy… please… kiss it…”
I moved back to her thighs. Kissed them both. I hooked my hands under her knees and pushed them up against her chest… all of her wide open and exposed to me, her ass hovering in the air. I started just below the small of her back… moved my tongue just a bit left and right… and then I let my tongue plow through her ass crack, an adorable welp when the tip touched her little asshole… further up her crack, over the sensitive skin between Cat’s ass and pussy… and then my tongue was inside her slit.
Parting the tight pussy lips… she tasted so good that my cock jumped and shot a small amount of pre-cum into my boxers. Narges leaned further forward, steadying herself on her right arm.
“Oh… oh… oh… this feels… whoa…”
My tongue had found her tiny clit… like a delicate small pearl, hidden under a hood of black and pink skin.
“Nana… can you see it? He is …. ah-ah-ah… licking my… oooofff…”
“Yes. It looks very nice.” Her voice trembled. “Is this your clitoris?”
“Ye… ye… ahhhh…. Yes.”
A deep breath. “Dan, could you spread her vagina with your fingers? I would like to see your… tongue in her…”
I pulled Cat open with two fingers of each hand. Moved my head back a bit so Narges could see. Her hand covered her mouth, but she didn’t take her eyes off Cat’s gaping pussy.
I stuck my tongue out and pushed it slowly into Cat’s pussy hole… Cat sucked in her breath and so did Narges. I swirled my tongue around…
“Ahhhhhhhh… this is… really deep…”
I started to move my head back and forth, gently at first. Fucking Cat’s pussy with my tongue. Her hole was so tight I couldn’t even get all of my tongue in.
“I think you are enjoying it very much and Dan is really good at it.”
I looked at Narges and when our eyes met, I winked at her. She still had her hand in front of her mouth, but the smile was all over her face.
I pulled my tongue out of Cat’s pussy. A long “Ahhhhhh” when I dragged it between her pussy lips. I licked back down… until I found her little sphincter, pumping and trembling… I licked around it… tapped it with my tongue…
“No, Daddy… not there…”
I pushed a bit more… it didn’t open, but I could still feel how the tip of my tongue got squeezed a bit.
I pushed a little harder… felt her little pucker relax…
“Catherine… I think his tongue is inside your…”
Her voice hoarse, trembling… breathless.
Cat yelped… her legs moving like she tried to run, up in the air, over my shoulders…
A short spurt of clear liquid shot out of her pussy… not a real squirt, more like a long drop…
“Catherine, what…” I could hear Narges swallow.
“God… Daddy… stop…”
I drew my tongue back, tilted my head up to her and bit into the soft flesh between her ass and pussy… not too hard… just hard enough so she could feel my teeth… and my tongue swirling over the sensitive skin.
“I’m… cum… fuck… Daddy… give me your mouth…”
I would’ve put my mouth on her pussy to receive Cat’s blessings… but then Narges wouldn’t be able to see. So I moved back a few inches and opened my mouth.
“Daddy… now…”
I pushed two fingers into her pusy, spread them, and finger-fucked Cat through her orgasm.
More drops of cum squirted out of Cat… not a full-on gush like last night… more like a staccato of small drops, some went right into my mouth, some on my face.
“Fuck… fuck… you’re making me… fuck…”
I could hear Narges whimper… Her head was now right over Cat’s pussy. Still a good 2 feet away, but close enough so she could watch Cat cum into my mouth and over my face.
“Ohhhhh… don’t stop… I’m… I’m…”
One last squirt, a long stream directly into my mouth.
Narges breathed heavily… her whole body was going up and down. Her mouth open. She licked her lips.
“Daddy… no more… no more… I’m… I’m done.”
I kissed my way up Cat’s tummy, up between her breasts… until my head was over hers. I could feel her legs closing around my waist… holding me… pressing the bulge in my boxers against her.
I made sure Narges had time to adjust her position so she could see us.
I looked at Cat. Those eyes… I opened my lips… and let her nectar drip down, let it drip into her mouth… she welcomed it with her lips and tongue… and then drew me in for a kiss.
Narges’ whimpering was now a constant background sound… it got faster… more intense… was she masturbating? Was she rubbing her pussy (her Miss Universe pussy) while she was watching us?
Narges let out a long breath… this wasn’t an orgasm… this was releasing tension before it could explode.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“My pleasure, Kitty. You taste… yummy…”
She licked her lips.
“I can confirm this.”
I bumped my forehead against hers. We shared a look. You and me, kiddo.
Cat looked to the side.
“Nana… did you like it?”
“Yes, very much. I liked your… climax?”
“Yes, Nana, I did cum.”
She looked at Cat. “Did you… when you…” Then at me. “I mean… in your mouth…”
“No. She did not pee into my mouth. I would’ve liked that, too. But this wasn’t pee. This was squirt. It sometimes happens when an orgasm is…” I looked at Cat, trying not to sound too boastful. “... very good?”
“It was very very very good.” A deep breath. “I can’t control it. Sometimes it happens… and sometimes it doesn’t.” Another deep breath. “Did you like it?”
“Yes, it looked very beautiful. Like rain…”
“Do you need some time to… rest? You look very exhausted.”
“This is not exhaustion, Nana. This is just… like… afterglow.”
“Watching you was very… exciting.”
“What would you like to see next, Nana?”
“I want… to watch you… make love.”
“You want to watch us make love? Or do you want to watch us fuck?”
“Is it not the same?”
“No. Making love is slow and gentle and… love. Fucking is… the opposite of…”
Narges interrupted: “I want to see the love… thing. Not the… other thing.”
“You’re sweet. You know, it is ok if you… touch yourself while you’re watching.”
“Thank you, Catherine. I don’t think I need to. I was very excited. No need to… manipulate my genitalia to make it more exciting.”
“Manipulate your… you’re impossible, Nana. Hold my hand.”
Narges gave Cat her hand, Cat took it and kissed it.
“Nana, just to make sure. Daddy has a very big cock. And I’m…”
Me: “...a little girl…”
One look from Cat, but she let it slide: “...small-ish. So this will hurt. But it’s the good kind of pain. Don’t worry about me. I know the safe word. Just lean back and enjoy the show, ok?”
“I would like to lean forward and enjoy…” Chuckling. “...the show.”
“That’s my girl!”
Narges shifted her position, she was now kneeling on the couch, her butt on her heels, leaning against Cat and still holding her hand.
I moved back a bit so there was some room between my and Cat’s crotch. Holding up her left leg so Narges could see everything, I tried to push my boxers down. Difficult with one hand and a very big tent.
To Cat: “A little help here…?”
Narges: “Allow me…”
She leaned forward and for a short moment I felt her finger hooked between my hip and the waistband of my boxers… she pulled them away from my body and helped me push them down. My cock sprang out and slapped against Cat’s wet pussy.
Purring: “Uhhhhh… Daddy!”
“You have a very nice penis, Dan. But it is not that big.”
She must’ve seen my slightly hurt look.
“But it is very big for you, Catherine. I don’t think it can all fit into your vagina”. The excitement in her voice made her pronounce it “vaaaa…GI-hinaaa”.
“Naaaaaa-naaaa… what’s this I hear about cock sizes? Have you been looking at naughty pictures?”
Cat bit Narges’ hand, playfully - and raised her eyebrows.
“One of the websites… with stories… it also has pictures. Some of the men have… very large penises.”
“You little… “ Cat leaned forward and whispered it in Narges’ ear. No retort from Narges, no “Catherine!”... I could see her squeeze Cat’s hand.
Me: “Nana, when you listen to music… do you listen to the bands with the biggest instruments? Or to the ones who know how to play?”
Cat looked like she was about to burst out laughing. “Wow, wow, wow… then let’s hear the band play some hits?”
Narges looked at me… her smile… she licked her lips… this alone almost made me cum… she opened her mouth, a thin thread of saliva hanging between her lips. She opened it the way a whore would beg for cock or cum… and closed it, slowly… looked down.
I took my cock and rubbed it over Cat’s pussy… I could feel that she was soaking wet.
I didn’t push my cock in… I wanted to give Narges something more exciting to look at.
I pressed the head of my cock against Cat’s clit, from above… pushed it down… the pressure on her little knob made her hiss… I pressed harder… I could see Narges leaning forward, her head moving further down… transfixed.
“Ughhhh… Daddy… this… hurts…”
I pushed harder again… you could see her flesh cave in, the head of my cock parting it… bending, painfully, rubbing over her most sensitive spot.
“Ahhhhhhh…. fuck… Dad…..”
Her pussy gave way and closed over the head of my cock… not even an inch inside her, but the upper part of her pussy lips and her clit already looked raw and swollen.
“Ooooofffff… what the…” Breathing heavily. “Can’t you stick it in like a normal person…?”
“If you want normal, get a boyfriend your age”.
Cat stuck her tongue out but this couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. I could see a little bit of sweat on her forehead.
I flexed my muscles and was about to push into her tiny little pussy…
Narges: “Wait! Don’t… I want to look at it. It is beautiful.”
It was. My white cock, 6 inches, thick and veiny… and one inch locked inside Cat’s tight black pussy, the lips forming a perfect oval around the head of my cock, framed by the bright pink of her inner lips. You could see her pussy pulse… slowly, like a heartbeat. Her clit was fully exposed and glistened with a drop of pussy juice.
Narges was now just a few inches over Cat’s pussy… steadied by Cat's hand holding hers.
“This loose piece of skin… it draws back when you go… deeper?”
“Yes. This is my foreskin. Not all men have it. When I fu… make love, it gets pushed back.”
“It then forms like a… ridge… just below the head?”
“And this…” Her voice was… wet? You could hear the spit in her mouth… “makes it even thicker? And has to go through her entrance?”
Narges looked up at me. There were bubbles of spit forming on her lips when she whispered:
“I want to see this… do it slowly”.
Narges let a bit of spit drool out of her mouth. It ran over her lips, down her chin, and then hung in a long thread, dangling over her black dress.
God… this made my balls clench… pump… if it went on like this, she wouldn’t see much love-making. But she might learn about ejaculatio praecox.
I smiled at her, my balls jumping and pumping.
“Hey, you two… I’m still here!”
I looked at Cat… expecting jealousy or annoyance… but she was beaming, biting her hand, and mouthing a “yaay!”. And made a motion with her eyes for me to look at Narges.
I looked down on her… her head was now even closer to Cat’s pussy. She let some more spit drool out of her mouth, it hung in the air for a second and then dropped on my cock, just where it met Cat’s stretched opening. Some of it got on Cat’s clit.
I groaned and Cat yelped… her grin got even bigger and she rolled her eyes to the ceiling, biting her lips.
“Nana… you naughty little…”
Narges smiled… at me. “For lubrication. And… “ To Cat: “...I think it is nice that you will have something from me inside you…”
“Gosh, what happened to my shy friend who just wanted to watch and was against ‘manipulating genitalia’?”
“I’m… very excited, Catherine.” Back to me: “Sorry if I overstepped a line…”
Another fist-pump from Cat and a mischievous Joker grin.
“It’s ok, Nana… I like it... and I do want something from you… ohhhhh… inside me.”
By now my cock was twitching and pumping so hard, I didn’t even have to thrust to make Cat’s pussy stretch and vibrate.
Cat, a voice like honey: “Nana, how old are you?”
“No, look into his eyes and tell him.”
Narges looked at me… into my eyes… more spit running out of her mouth, coating my cock and Cat’s clit in transparent goo.
“I’m thirteen.”
“Do you like thirteen-year-old girls spitting on your cock, Daddy?”
More pumping… I tried to concentrate… Narges’ eyes were sparkling… the horn-rimmed frame on her nose had slipped down a little and when she was looking up I could see her eyes without glass between us… I felt a drop of pre-cum oozing out of my cock, my balls so tense they hurt…
Through clenched teeth… “Yes… I like… little girls… spitting… on… my… cock…”
“But I’m not little, Dan. I’m already a teenager.”
More spit… now a constant stream out of her mouth… I felt like I could cum any second… Narges’ eyes never shied away from mine… even while she talked I could see her tongue twirling the long thread of spit so it covered all of Cat’s pussy and my cock.
“But Catherine is very little… very little for such a big cock, Dan.”
I had to close my eyes… one more glimpse of Narge’s tongue and I would lose it…
“Catherine… tell your Daddy how old you are…”
The pumping got stronger, I could feel Cat’s pussy squeezing back against the pulsing head of my cock inside her… she squealed.
“Daddy… I’m…. oh-ohhhhhh… elev…auuu-ouuuu…”
I opened my eyes… looked at Cat… my approaching orgasm stopped… stopped cold.
Cat shrugged: “I skipped a grade…”. Licked her lips… gave me the sweetest smile… mouthed “Fuck me”.
“But don’t worry, Nana, my Daddy is very good with ki… aaaaarrrrrrgghhhh…”
Before she could say it, I rammed my cock into Cat… as deep as it would go, almost 4 inches…
Narges’ eyes were fixed on my cock, my cock in Cat’s pussy, Cat’s pussy around my cock. The pussy lips stretched to the max, pink and pulsing, still spit running down from her clit around the sides of my cock…
“Oh fuck… Daddy… not so deep… Nana… give me… your hand…”
Cat put Narge’s hand on her belly, and before Narges could see the bulge, she could feel it…
I settled into slow thrusts… I no longer felt like cumming, but Cat’s tight little pussy was still milking my cock better than ever before. Even with this avalanche of sensations all over me, my mind still wandered back to Cat’s age… just a day ago, this would’ve stopped me dead in my tracks. Would’ve made me recoil. But now… I felt my cock swelling, getting harder the longer I replayed the number in my head…
“Daddy… like this… mmmmmmm… this is nice… this is…. ahhhhh…”
I could feel Narge’s hand on Cat’s belly… there was too much skin and flesh between her hand and my cock to really feel every detail… but I felt how she pressed against it… how her hand was going up and down, caressing the bulge moving along Cat’s abdomen. When she squeezed it, I could feel it… like a numb pressure… and came a little… stopping the big release just in time before I lost control.
I watched Narges moving her other hand between her legs… still over the dress, but she had pressed the fabric down over her crotch, her hand pawing… it looked… helpless… needy…
Narges turned to Cat. I couldn’t hear it over Cat’s heavy breathing. Cat caressed Narge’s head, let her fingers run over the silken headscarf… and nodded.
Narges turned back around, her eyes again locked on mine… her mouth half-open, more spit drooling out… her eyes watery. She leaned down… put her head on Cat’s chest, looked down on her hand jerking the bulge… and moved her head further down… further down… until the bulge was just in front of her face.
Narges’ lips trembled… I could see her other hand moving between her legs… pressing at least two layers of fabric against her pussy while she felt my cock moving inside Cat.
She whimpered… kissed the bulge.
I almost lost it… I looked at her, her lips on Cat’s skin, when I pressed a little harder into Cat it felt like pressing against Narges’ mouth…
“Mmmmmm… Nana… this feels goooood…”
“”Catherine… “ Inhale. Exhale. Both of us. “You should thank your Daddy for sharing his penis… with both of us”.
Another twitch in my cock, Cat feels it and rolls her eyes with delight. Narges feels it and kisses the bulge harder… I wasn’t sure, but it felt like she was biting it.
“Ouch… Nana… careful there…”
“Sorry, Catherine… It is so beautiful…”
Cat caressed Narges’ head… pushed it against the bulge and I pushed into Cat until her eyes rolled back in her head… Narge’s hand moved up and down the bulge, sending waves of pleasure through my cock… her mouth on the tip of the bulge, spit running all over it… and her other hand now rubbing and slapping her own crotch…
I felt it in my balls first… tingling… vibrating… spasming… I looked at Cat… she looked back… shook her head, mouthed “Not yet” and relaxed her pussy around my cock… I stopped moving… but too late… I felt the cum boiling in my balls… my cock started to pump… I tensed every muscle in my body, clenched my buttocks… and I don’t know how, but I stopped it… almost… I felt one spurt of cum leaking into Cat… her eyes got wide and her smile told me that she could feel it… she put her finger on her lips… “Psst!”
“Mmmmmm… Daddy!”
I felt like I was going to burst… but I held it back… my balls ached in protest and my cock twitched like crazy… but the orgasm stopped.
Cat mouthed “love you” and I mouthed it back… and held still…
Narges was panting heavily, one hand grabbing the bulge and the other hand moving faster and faster… she hadn’t noticed my mini-orgasm… but when I saw that she had her whole mouth over the bulge and I was sure that my orgasm was on hold… I gave Cat one hard thrust, slammed my whole body into her, got in another inch or so…
“Daddy… fuck… no…”
…and pushed more of the bulge into Narges’ mouth. Narges let out a long, shivering sigh…
I could feel her mouth biting down on the bulge, even through Cat’s skin and flesh… and then she started shaking… slowly, waves of pleasure running down her body… until she kicked her legs, pressed her hand on her crotch, and screamed against the bulge in her mouth.
I held still… Cat stopped moving… and Narges flopped a few times, like a fish out of water… she let go of the bulge, with both her hand and mouth… and rolled on her back. Her glasses fogged up, her mouth wide open, her eyes darting left and right.
“Nana… sweetie… have you just manipulated your genitalia?”
We all needed a break. And water. I got a glass from the table and we all shared it. A sip for Narges, a big gulp for Cat, and the rest for me.
Cat burped… and we all laughed. Narges was still lying on her back. Now that Cat had sat up on the couch, Narges’ head was on her lap.
“Thank you. I have really enjoyed this.”
“Certainly looked like it, you little…” Again, only whispered into Narges’ ear, followed by a playful bite - and she blushed a bit.
Cat put her foot against my chest and rubbed around my nipple.
“You were wonderful, Daddy…”
I took her foot and kissed it. I really hadn’t noticed it during the action, but I was sweating. My whole upper body was wet and glistening with sweat. Cat put her other foot on my chest and rubbed my nipple with her big toe. Narges sat up and let her hand glide through the hair on my chest.
“You are very hairy, Dan. I like it.”
“Thank you… your hand feels good, Nana…”
“But you are not hairy at all… down there.”
“I shave it… every few weeks”
“You shave your… penis?” She giggled, but also she curled her fingers and raked her fingernails over my chest… hard…
“Yes… my penis and my…”
“...testicles…?” Her nails dug into my skin.
“...and ass.”
Narges hid her mouth behind her hand, the clawing with her other hand stopped.
“This is very weird, Dan. I would like to see that some day.”
Cat’s face lit up. “It’s a date. Daddy, you will shave for us. And maybe you can also … shave us…?”
“Uhm… there isn’t much to shave on you, Kitty…”
“True… but maybe putting the shaving cream on… and lotion afterward… is like half the fun?”
Narges: “I… have… something… to shave.”
We looked at her. Even after almost an hour of playtime, she still blushed.
“Better get used to it… I’m sure you will hear a lot of praise for it over the coming… uhm… years.”
“Are we finished with the… making love… part?”
Me: “It’s your life lesson, Nana… tell us what you want and we will try our best to do it for you.”
“You have not ejaculated yet?”
A short look at Cat, her making the zip gesture across her mouth. “No”.
“I liked the lovemaking very much… but I think I would also like to see the… you know…”
I wanted to chime in, but Cat held up her hand.
“Nana… you have to say it.”
“I don’t like using those words, Catherine.”
“Yes… but if you want to see it, you have to say it. Choose whatever words you want, but don’t just ‘you know’ us.”
Narges was squirming. Is this the girl who just a few minutes ago had jerked my cock through her friend’s abdominal wall? And had masturbated while doing it?
“Catherine, do not push me.”
“Yes, I’m pushing you. I’m pushing you outside of your little comfort zone.”
“Catherine, do you really want to go there? I’m serious…”
“Fuck yeah, I want to go there. Outside your comfort zone… that’s where the magic happens.”
“Very well, Catherine. Your choice. You better live up to it.” Narges took a deep breath.
“Dan, I want to watch you… fuck Catherine. I want you to fuck her… hard. Very hard, please. I like it very much when Catherine screams.”
“Yaay Nana!” Cat kissed her forehead. “Remember, you can always chicken out and use our safe word.”
Narges: “Hold that thought.”
Did the room just get colder?
We were getting good at this. Like a group of pro porn actors, we got back in position: Cat on the couch, on her back, legs spread wide open. I knelt in front of her. Narges next to Cat, cuddled against her. Friends again? Something was off.
“Hey listen… uhm… it like really hurts when Dan fucks me hard. I’m sorry, but I can’t take it all the way.”
“You mean it’s outside of your comfort zone?” Narges had the same polite and curious tone like always… but there was an edge to it. Something was off.
“What is…?”
“Forget it. Nana, if you don’t mind… give me your hand.” I took her hand and placed it in front of Cat’s pussy. Narges drew back a little but with just a little pull, I got her hand where I needed it.
“Make like an ‘O’ with your thumb and index finger… yes, like this. See, when I stick my… penis… through it and you hold it in place, I can’t get all the way into Cat. I can fuck her hard but she still doesn’t have to take more than she can handle.”
“Awww, Daddy…”
Narges looked at me. Her smile was genuine. Nothing cold or off about it. Maybe I was imagining things?
“You don’t have to touch or hold me… you’re just like a… buffer… between Kitty and me.”
Narges nodded. My cock was sufficiently hard, although not fully erect. But as soon as I pushed it through Narges’ fingers, felt her warm hand, felt that the ring she had formed with her fingers was a little tighter than it needed to be… I could feel my cock swelling.
The tip touched Cat’s pussy… Cat cooed… “Mmmmmmmm… go hard, Daddy…”
I thrust into her… and it worked. Cat yelped, not quite a scream… my groin slammed into Narges’ fist and her fist got pushed against Cat’s pussy… and even though I gave Cat hard thrusts, putting in my whole weight every time I rammed into her… we were still able to hold it at a steady 4 inches. Cat purred, put her hands over her head and held on to the backrest.
“Oh, that’s it… damn, Daddy… that’s it… mmmmmm… go a little harder… like this…”
Narges didn’t just hold my cock, she gently jerked it when I pulled out and twisted her wrist when I thrust back in. This was… perfect… and I could feel the cum building up inside me… no holding back this time…
Cat put her hand behind Narges’ back, I couldn’t see what she was doing. Until Narges got stiff… clenched her teeth… her eyes squinting…
“Catherine, what…”
“Shhh, shhh, shhh… it’s just a finger, Nana… just a finger… see, I’m not even going in… just a finger… I’m not even under your panties… just my finger…”
Narges leaned back, back against Cat’s hand.
“Oh, Catherine… not there… go to… yes… there… there…”
I kept fucking Cat but my eyes were glued to Narges’ face… it was like waves of different emotions were rolling over it… pleasure… shame… ecstasy… guilt…
“Catherine… no… don’t… don’t… don’t stop…”
Narges was breathing hard, her hips moved with Cat’s hand and her hand around my cock gripped even harder…
“Catherine… that’s my spot… that’s my… ohhhhhhhhhh…”
She started shaking, pressing her head against Cat’s chest, her hips bucking… a long, high-pitched scream and her hand squeezed my cock so hard I almost came.
“YES… Catherine… don’t stop… put it… put it in…”
Her legs kicking, it looked like she was having a seizure… she screamed something but there were no words, just sounds.
“Thank you. It felt very good… I really liked feeling your finger and Dan’s penis at the same time. I got very excited.”
“You sure did… anything you want to say?”
“Yes… Dan… how hard can you fuck a 6th-grader? Show me…”
I could see that she had splayed out her little finger, letting me a little deeper into Cat. I rammed my cock home, my eyes locked on Narges in her post-orgasmic glow.
Cat felt it and gasped… “Daddy… slow… not so deep…”
Again, one finger less, now Narges held me with just three fingers.
“Fuck… Nana… Daddy… fuck…”
I kept slamming against Cat, enjoying the feeling of my cock hitting a soft wall inside her pussy.
“Arrrrgh… arrrrrr… ayyyyyyyyy”
Her screams got louder and louder… I so wanted to empty my balls into that screaming little girl… but I kept pumping into her, realizing that Narges was now holding and guiding me with just her thumb and index finger.
“Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyy… no… no… no…” This was so loud I had to hold her mouth shut… and stopped…
I tried to catch my breath… “Someone is going to call the cops if you’re screaming like this, Kitty”
“They better… this really hurt… what happened to your… “ Air quotes. “...buffer?”
“I want to see it all the way inside you Catherine. Or you tap out. You know the word.”
Cat got up on her arms. A defiant look to both of us. “I don’t say no to dares.”
Narges leaned forward, whispered into Cat’s ear.
“Nana… that’s… kinky. But yes… what’s a little pain for…” A wink.
Narges got up, lifted her long black dress, and before either of us could see anything but knee-high black socks and a little bit of skin… she had pulled her panties down. Gray sports underwear, tight, with a Nike logo. And it was soaking wet. Not just wet, it was covered with a thick clear slime…
“Damn, girl, I could feel that you’re wet but this…”
Narges dangled the soiled panties in front of Cat’s face. Cat opened her mouth. Narges stuffed the wet panties into Cat’s mouth. Gently. Carefully. Pushing the parts that were still hanging out into her mouth.
“Mmmmmmmm…” Cat rolled her eyes… smiling was difficult with a stuffed mouth, but she still managed a crooked grin.
“What if I feel like screaming, too?”
Narges looked around, grabbed Cat’s panties off the couch, and held them in front of my face. I smiled, opened my mouth. Narges pushed them against my face… I inhaled Cat’s scent… and then she drew them back… I looked at her, confused. Narges smiled and this smile alone made my cock twitch so hard that Cat meowed on my cock.
Narges lifted her dress again, put Cat’s panties between her legs, and wiped them back and forth a few times. Her smile seemed frozen in place. My god, we had created a monster.
Narges let her dress fall back down, showed Cat’s panties to me, now covered in the same clear goo. I inhaled. The smell made my cock twitch again and I could hear Cat grunting in protest through Narges’ panties in her mouth.
I opened my mouth. Narges stuffed Cast’s panties in. If Cat’s tasted and smelled like fresh spring rain, Narges tasted like a sweltering summer night. Her taste was intoxicating. Best. Pussy. Ever.
Without even thinking I started thrusting… sucking Narges’ nectar out of Cat’s panties, feasting on her taste… Without the buffer, I felt my cock hitting the wall inside Cat’s pussy… Cat screamed into the panties in her mouth, her face got red. The harder I thrusted, the more she arched her back…
“Fuck her Dan… make her take it… fuck that little girl…”
Narges… she looked at me… was there something crazy in her eyes?
“Deeper… you can still go deeper… make her take it… make her…”
She held down Cat’s hands while Cat was thrashing left and right, her legs drumming against my waist… I slowed down… pulled out all the way…
“Fuck her…”
I rammed in, Cat’s scream was loud even through her gagged mouth. Almost all the way… I could feel my cock bend inside her. Another thrust, I lifted Cat up, both her hands on the backrest, her back arched to the breaking point and impaled on my cock… a high-pitched shriek when I drove in without pulling out, carrying her body weight on my cock and forcing it deep inside her…
“Fuck her… harder… she can take more… fuck her good…”
I didn’t pull out anymore, I just pushed and pushed and pushed… tears were running down Cat’s face… I had to hold her legs because she was trying to kick me… Narges had her hands locked against the backrest… and with one last thrust, with my whole body slamming against her, my cock drove all the way into her… it seemed like Cat’s scream wouldn’t stop… and I fell forward, on top of Cat… I could feel her closing her legs around me… her naked feet pressing against my ass cheeks… her arms around my neck… trembling… and Narges next to us, resting her head against mine.
“Shhhhhh… Catherine… you were right. Outside of the comfort zone, that’s where the magic happens.”
I pulled Narges’ panties out of Cat’s mouth. And I spat her panties out.
“Damn… Daddy… you almost broke me…”
“I wish I could say I’m sorry… but total honesty…”
“You loved raping me… again…”
“Shhh, we’re having a moment here.”
I kissed her. “You’re amazing.”
“And you’re a fucking rapist.”
We kissed… a long, soft kiss. Her tongue licking around my lips… darting into my mouth.
“And you lady… what the fuck… my boyfriend raping the shit out of me is one thing… but my best friend cheering him on…” She dragged Narges closer. “...was so fucking hot.” She tried to kiss Narges, but she drew back.
“I’m not a lesbian, Catherine!”
“Could’ve fooled me…”
Narges gave her a sour look.
“Dan, have you ejaculated yet?”
“No… things were a bit crazy and I kinda… forgot…”
Cat burst out laughing. “Makes two of us. I forgot while screaming my lungs out… not that anybody cared…”
“I did… it was really hot…”
“Catherine, can I make a wish?”
“Nana… I’d say you’re out of wishes for today. I would walk away but I’m afraid I will not be able to walk for a few days.”
“Please… I saw this on… a picture… and I would very much like to see it in real life.”
Cat rolled her eyes. “It better not involve dogs… or horses.”
“Never mind… spill it… and I’ll… consider it.”
Another whisper into Cat’s ear… and Cat smiled.
“You little slut… you dirty little slut…”
“Oh come on, this isn’t swearing… this is just a statement of fact.”
Narges looked down. “Please?”
“Oh, as if I could say no to you… or fight back when you’re holding me down.” A wink.
“But you kinda have to help me… I wasn’t joking when I said I can’t walk or get up.”
Narges pulled her off the couch and helped her down on her knees. Knelt behind her. Put her hands on her cheeks. Hooked the index and middle finger of each hand into Cat’s mouth. Pulled it open.
“Say ahhhhh…”
“Dan… would you like to ejaculate into Catherine’s mouth? Please?”
With all the passion, all the shared orgasms, and love… this seemed like a bit of an anticlimactic ending to our “life lesson”... but then again, this was Narges’ wish and, well, this was what this was all about. Wasn’t it?
I stepped closer… my cock was semi-hard and I started jerking it… holding the tip close to Cat’s mouth. Cat’s eyes were warm and moist… Narges looked at me like a hungry tigress.
Cat’s tongue darted out of her mouth and gave the tip of my cock a quick lick.
“No tasting… keep your mouth open… you… you…”
Narges’ face was over Cat’s face, her chin resting on her forehead. Cat looked up… bent her head back… nodded… say it…
“ fucking whore…”
Cat purred and looked back at me.
“...take his semen, you whore… and don’t you swallow… whores swallow when they’re told to swallow…”
With this, I didn’t need much more… my balls started pumping while Narges was talking… I looked at her… she licked her lips… let some spit run out of her mouth, let it drip on Cat’s face who welcomed it with more purrs.
I came… not in an explosion, not even real spurts… it was a long, thick stream of warm, white cum, pouring from my cock into Cat’s mouth. I could see her tongue swirling in it. I came more, another big gob of semen dumped into a little girl mouth… Narges forced her mouth open, held her for me, made her head follow my erratic movements when I shuddered with the last spasms… and then it was over…
Narges let go of Cat’s mouth…
“Don’t you swallow!”
Cat didn’t… and showed off her mouth overflowing with cum to me and to Narges. Beaming with pride. Mommy, Daddy, look: no hands.
“You look so beautiful, Catherine. I knew you would… but… it’s perfect…”
Another whisper into Cat’s ear… what now?
Cat nodded enthusiastically… a little cum spilled out of her mouth and she pushed it back in with her finger…
Narges stood up, lifted her dress and stepped over Cat’s face. Cat bent her head back, her eyes sparkling with desire…
“Now you can swallow, whore…”
And Narges started pissing… a thick, warm stream of golden pee… she hit Cat’s face first, but both moved so she could piss into Cat’s mouth while Cat was swallowing furiously… catching some splatters of piss with her hand and rubbing it all over her face and upper body… Narges grabbed her head and pressed Cat’s face against her pussy… I still couldn’t see what had now become a legend in our little circle… but the way Cat lapped at Narges’ pee, the way her tongue licked and her lips sucked… I knew that she loved that pussy… and what it fed her.
I said “Wow…”
Cat swallowed one last time and leaned back… her face and hair drenched… “Yes, wow…”
“It felt very good. And it looks beautiful. Thank you, Catherine. Thank you, Dan. This has been really special for me.”
Both of us: “You’re welcome”.
Chapter 9: Saturday Afternoon - Comfort Zones
I wanted to help Cat back up on the couch… she could barely balance on her knees without one of us holding her.
“One last thing, Catherine”
Cat turned her head, slowly.
“Nana… I’m like really spent… I think I’m done for today.”
“No, you’re not. You’re stronger than that. But of course, you can always tap out.”
A long look between the two. Uh-uh…
“You should clean your boyfriend’s penis. With your mouth. It is the polite thing to do… and I would like to watch you do it.”
“Nana, I told you… no blow jobs… red line….”
“It’s not a… blow thing… just… lick him clean.”
“Oh, for the love of…” She turned to me, visibly annoyed. “Dan… boyfriend… Daddy… I apologize for the lack of enthusiasm… but here we go…”
No apologies necessary. Say what you want about Cat, but when she commits, she commits. She started with my groin and licked up all the little drops of cum. Then my balls, licking all around, collecting every little speck of semen. She made sure to show it to us when she had enough in her mouth, then swallowed. And then she licked the whole length of my cock, from the base up to the tip, on all sides, tilting her head, making sure she didn’t miss a spot.
Narges took my cock and held it up. This alone took me from quite hard to all hard… what was it about her little hands that sent little electric jolts through my balls?
“Very good, Catherine. You are a good whore.”
Cat’s face didn’t look excited. She was getting tired of this game.
“Now… you have to… I don’t know, but in my stories, they called this ‘cleaning the pipes’”
“Nana, what the…”
“Or you can tap out. Please, Catherine. It’s just the tip. You’re afraid of it… going down your throat, yes?”
“Yes. But I really don’t have to explain…”
“No, you don’t have to. That’s your red line and I will respect it. Only the tip. So you can… clean your boyfriend’s… pipes? Please?”
Again, when Cat does something, she does it right. Her soft lips closed around the head of my cock. With her tiny mouth, even just the head made her mouth look stuffed. I could feel her tongue licking around it… and gentle sucking… gentle… sucking the last drops of cum out of my cock.
“Dan, please hold Catherine’s hands up.”
I did it without thinking… mesmerized by my girlfriend’s face stuffed with my cock… by her tongue licking the little piss slit on the head of my cock… and by Narges’ commanding tone.
I grabbed Cat’s hands and held them next to her shoulders. She didn’t fight back, she just looked at me and gave my piss-slit another loving tap with her tongue.
Narges grabbed the back of Cat’s head and with one hard, fast push, forced her mouth down on my cock… I could feel the head of my cock hit the back of Cat’s throat. Now Cat fought back… tried to turn her head away, tried to break her arms free, her whole body twisting and turning. Narges grabbed her hair, wrapped it around her fist and pulled her back… and slammed her forward again, Cat gagged and coughed around my cock… the tip of my cock in her throat, but still only a little over three inches of my cock inside her mouth.
Narges pulled her back. Used her other hand to get a better grip… and pushed so hard that I could hear a loud and kinda sickening “plop!” and my cock was inside this little black girl’s throat. Narges moved her back and forth, not pulling out, just moving her back and forth on the last inch, still one more inch to go…
Narges yanked Cat’s head back… my cock pulled out of her throat, followed by a big gob of spit… Narges forced Cat to look at her.
“I know this is way out of your comfort zone, Catherine. But how do they say? In for a penny…”
Cat spat into her face. Not a little girl spit, but a big lump of chunky saliva.
“Thank you, Catherine. I think I can use this. One red line down, one to go…”
She forced Cat’s head back on my cock… Cat fought back with all she got… but with me holding her arms and Narges’ merciless hands, her mouth closed around my cock again and I felt her tight throat around my cock. Narges wiggled and yanked her head until Cat’s lips touched my groin… the feeling was incredible… I could feel Cat cough and swallow around my cock… I started thrusting a little… my balls on fire…
Narges collected the spit off her face with two fingers… and put her spit-smeared hand between Cat’s ass cheeks.
“Shhhhh, shhhh, shhhh…. It’s just a finger, Catherine… just a finger. See, I’m not even going in… oh, sorry, I did… your rectum is very tight, Catherine.”
Cat’s angry screams around my cock and her throat massaging the head, every swallow like a tight fist jerking me off.
Out again, Cat tried to breathe… tried to spit but all she could muster was a bubble of saliva hanging down from her lower lip.
“Say the word if you want to stop, Catherine. Please. Say it.”
Cat burped. More spit drooling from her lips, and Narges collected it with her hand.
Defiant: “Bring it.”
“Very well, Catherine. Two fingers”.
She slammed her head back down, this time my cock just slipped in and Cat barely fought back… her lips and nose pressed against me and she just took it. All the way.
Narges pushed two fingers into Cat’s ass and Cat whimpered… bucked her hips… I could see Narges moving her hand in and out…
“No worries, Catherine. You’re not making a mess. It is all good. See?”
Pulling Cat’s head back, she showed Cat her two fingers…wet but clean. Narges put them into her own mouth and licked them slowly.
“You taste very good, Catherine. Nothing nasty here. Such a clean little girl.”
Narges pushed her own fingers deeper until she gagged… and coughed up a good handful of spit, into her hand.
“Say it, Catherine. Say it and it stops immediately.”
Cat just looked at her. A crooked grin on her face.
“Three fingers… go down or do I have to force you?”
She didn’t have to… Cat took my cock into her mouth and sucked and swallowed until she had me all the way inside her throat… and now I could feel her tongue licking the base of my cock, trying to find my balls…
I watched as Narges pushed her index, middle, and ring finger into Cat’s ass… fucking her ass with long, deep strokes. I let go of Cat’s arms and she wrapped them around my ass, held on to me, and massaged my cock with her throat…
“Very good, Cathrine. I can get in almost all the way. Almost.”
Cat thrusts her ass back against Narges’ hand… reached back with one of her hands, grabbed Narges’ wrist and fucked her own ass with her best friend’s fingers.
Narges pulled Cat’s head back… Cat coughed up some spit and let it run over her face. She smiled… a victorious smile.
“Dan, do you think you can cum for your whore girlfriend?”
I shook my head… and couldn’t take my eyes off Cat. Panting. Drooling. Smiling.
“You testicles have to produce new sperm before you can ejaculate again?”
I nodded… Cat licked her lips.
Narges whispered into my ear. I guess Cat must’ve seen how my eyes changed… she nodded… whatever it is… bring it…
Narges stepped behind me… reached around me… took my cock… her grip was so tight I had to groan… and then she started jerking me… not gently… not skillfully… just hard, fast jerks that made my cock feel like it was stuck in a vice.
I closed my eyes… and then I let go. It wasn’t an orgasm. It wasn’t pissing… it felt like both at the same time and unlike anything I had ever felt. Like someone was pulling barbed wire out of my cock… it sprayed in all directions, only some of it hit Cat’s face… she tried to catch it with her hands, but was too weak to raise her arms… so she just bathed in my golden shower… I screamed… Narges kept jerking me while I pissed all over Cat… Cat fondled my balls while she tried to drink as much of me as possible… even when my stream had withered down to a trickle, Narges kept jerking and Cat kept lapping at my cock.
I couldn’t stand anymore and just fell over on the couch… I wanted to hug my girlfriend… help her… but all strength had left my body.
“You look more beautiful with every step out of your comfort zone, Catherine.”
Cat licked her lips… sucked more of my piss off her fingers.
“Are you ready, Catherine? I promise, last act. Pinky swear it is, yes?”
Cat looked at me. She ignored Narges. Mouthed “I love you” and I mouthed it back.
“A girlfriend shouldn’t withhold any of her holes, wouldn’t you agree? These are not your holes, anyway, they belong to Dan now.”
Now Cat looked at Narges. With a big grin, piss dripping from her face and hair.
Her voice so hoarse it sounded like a growl: “uck ‘u”
“What? Never mind… Dan, can you pull Catherine on top of you… yes, like… no, the other way around. I would like to watch her when she learns a girlfriend’s duties.”
I pulled Cat up, her back to me, made her crouch over me. She felt limp, no power to fight back… but I knew she also wouldn’t back down. Narges wouldn’t break her. Not my girl.
I also didn’t have much power left. It felt like dragging Cat up to me was pretty much the last thing I could muster before passing out.
We both looked down. Narges stood between both our spread legs. She crouched down and the way we were lying, we could only see the top of her head.
I could feel Narges’ hand on my cock… I don’t know how it could still be erect, but it was.
“Here we go… there, there… oh, Catherine, your rectum is really pretty. And very open.”
“ont ‘all it a ‘ectum”
“Dan, don’t worry, she is old enough to take it…”
Narges’ head popped up between our legs, like the crocodile in a Punch & Judy show.
“No, she isn’t, but age is just a number, right?” Eleven…
I felt my cock against Cat’s asshole. Again, Narges’ vice-like grip holding it in place.
“Last chance, Catherine. Just say the word and…”
Cat slammed her whole body down on my cock… I could feel my cock being squeezed and it felt like sandpaper gliding over it. Not enough lubricant. My god…
“A-na… ‘ook ah meee… ‘is is ay ass… ‘is is ay ‘ock… ‘uck ‘ee”
The way Cat moved was incredible… her ass still felt like sandpaper, but… where the hell did she find the strength… she fucked her ass with my cock, gyrated and moved, she took it all the way and arched her back to glide up on it.
“I adore you, Catherine. Dan, you are lucky to have her. “ No shit…
Cat looked at me… I had seen love in her eyes before… but never like this… this was it… this was all there was. Forget Narges. Forget the world. You and me, kiddo.
“I want to try something from my stories. This might hurt a tiny bit…”
Narges chuckled.
“‘Ou ‘razy ‘itch… i ‘uckin ‘ate ‘ou”
“Catherine, language! I believe this is called ‘fisting’. Now, deep breath…”
We kept our eyes locked on each other… Cat didn’t flinch… a single tear rolled down her cheek… she whimpered… her body shook but I held her down.
I didn’t have to look… I could feel it… what a few seconds ago seemed impossibly tight now became insane… as Narges pushed her whole hand into Cat’s pussy, my cock was squeezed so hard that it felt like it would burst…
Cat’s breath stopped… she closed her eyes… only for a few seconds… when she opened them again, it was like she had seen the light. She was relaxed. She snuggled up against me, her head against my neck, like a baby curling up against her dad.
I could feel Narges’ hand move… I could feel her spread her fingers inside Cat… and then… the world went dark as she grabbed my cock through the thin membrane between Cat’s colon and pussy… and started to jerk me off inside Cat.
“Oh… my… god…”
“Do you like this, Dan? I like it a lot. I hope Catherine likes it, too”.
I don’t know at which point Cat started peeing… it didn’t spurt out, it just flowed from her pussy over Narges’ arm, down over my cock and balls, a wonderful warm river. I could hear it splatter on the floor… my groin felt warm…
“Catherine, a little warning please. This is my good dress!”
Cat rested against my neck, little moans from her lips… I kissed her face… I could taste my own piss on her, but I didn’t mind. Nothing can break my girl and I sure as hell wouldn’t flinch because of a little pee.
Narges jerked me harder… whatever was left inside my balls started pumping… pumping while Cat’s pee bathed my balls in warm nectar.
“‘addy… ‘um… ‘um in‘ide ‘eee…”
Narges had found the right rhythm… I could feel Cat’s body moving with the thrusts of Narges’ arm inside her. I could feel her hand gliding up and down my cock in Cat’s ass… Cat found my lips and kissed me… her hands on my face… our tongues met and then I came… I came inside my girlfriend’s black ass… slow… I started thrusting and Cat moaned a little more… Narges’ finger massaged the head of my cock while I unloaded deep inside my little 6th-grader… and our kiss continued long after I had stopped cumming… long after Narges pulled her hand out…
Cat smiled. I had to kiss that smile again.
“i ‘ove ‘ou”
“I love you.”
Narges came up next to us. Cat tried to push her away.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh… it’s over… and I’m so proud of you, Catherine.”
With Cat against me, I opened my arms and welcomed Narges into our hug. She snuggled up against Cat, her headscarf against Cat’s drenched hair.
Without anger or malice, like a statement of fact: “‘’ur a ‘uckin ‘ycho-’ath”
“Shhhhh… I did ask you if you want to cross this line. Repeatedly. You said yes. We both got out of our comfort zones.”
“‘a-na… ‘uck ‘ou”
“You’re still my best friend and I love you. But don’t test me again.”
A long look. A nod.
“i ‘ove ‘ou ‘oo… ‘ou ‘uckin ‘ycho-ath…”
“Dan, I apologize for dragging you into our little fight. Best friends shouldn’t fight. But sometimes it is necessary.”
We all hugged for a long time.
We must’ve passed out at some point. I really don’t remember. I opened my eyes. Cat was still on top of me, snuggled against me… my cock had slipped out of her gaping asshole. I could still feel cum dripping out of it.
Narges stood next to us. She had cleaned her dress a bit and rearranged her headscarf.
“You must both be very exhausted. Catherine, Dan, please rest. I will handle the cleaning. And it seems there is a lot to clean. Everything here is covered in semen and urine.”
Cat opened her eyes.
“‘ome ‘ith one ‘ore ‘ish an i ‘ill ‘uckin ‘urder ‘ou”
“No Catherine, no more wishes for today. Dan, where is your mop and cleaning utensils?”
“There’s a wet vacuum cleaner in the hallway closet.”
Looking back on this afternoon, this maybe weren’t the best last words, but what can you do?
Thanks again, axs.
It had me so hard throughout, and I had to make myself wait before cumming. I loved all of it, but the pissing pushed me over the edge again. Hottest new writing on the site.
Dear readers,
I'm genuinely interested in feedback, especially if you didn't like it (and voted negative). I kindly ask you to comment what you didn't like.
But if you did like it and if it made you cum, I'd be happy about comments what you liked and which part(s) made you cum.
I loved building up to the pissing climax and I may or may not have cum myself while writing it ;)
It had me so hard throughout, and I had to make myself wait before cumming. I loved all of it, but the pissing pushed me over the edge again. Hottest new writing on the site.
I'm genuinely interested in feedback, especially if you didn't like it (and voted negative). I kindly ask you to comment what you didn't like.
But if you did like it and if it made you cum, I'd be happy about comments what you liked and which part(s) made you cum.