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Our protagonist enjoys big sis's throat.
You head back to the traffic jam door you saw earlier. Getting road head sounds pretty awesome. Next to the door you find a small brown paper bag. Peering inside, you find a bottle of water and a sandwich. Not exactly sexual, but free food is free food. You peel open the bread – pastrami and gherkins, nice. You take a bite, grab the bottle of water and chuck the empty bag back into the corridor before opening the door and stepping through.

The first thing to hit you is the temperature, it’s quite a bit warmer than the cool corridor you just left. The sensation is akin to stepping off a plane at a holiday destination, or into a sauna.

A car horn startles you and you go to spin around before doing a double take and realize that - oh. You were sitting in a seat now. The middle back seat of your step-mom Clara’s car. The middle seat sandwiched between two half-naked teenaged girls squeezed up against you, to be even more specific. Your sisters’ sweaty, bare nubile teen flesh pressed up against your bare legs whilst your sweatpants remain pooled around your ankles, with your raging erection dripping precum onto the car seat, to be even more precise.

“Oh my god, shut the fuck up!” Clara yells out the window, flipping the bird at the guy in the car with the trigger happy horn fingers behind you. “Where do you want me to go? We’re backed up for miles, fuckface!”

You tear your eyes away from the smorgasbord of incestuous implications long enough to get a hold on the situation.

You walked through a magic door, you are now stuck in a traffic jam, surrounded on both sides and as far as the eye can see both in front and behind. No magic door anywhere to be seen. No alien technology. No pants. You’re basically trapped half-naked inside a small metal box with your fucking bitch step-mom Clara, young masturbatory fantasy-cum-rape-bait step-sister Rosalyn and your BFF 4 life, full-blooded sis Marie.

…or are they trapped in here with you?

It looks as though you guys were going camping - the front passenger seat is filled with various camping paraphernalia that would only fit in there with the seat pushed back. Rose, being the smallest of the group by far, has been relegated to the seat behind it, her already petite body cooped up with barely enough room to move her legs. Looking up, you can see stuff strapped to the top of the car through the obscured sunroof. No exit there. Marie sits to your right behind the driver's seat. She has a lot more room than her step-sister, but by god does she need it. Was your sis always this thicc? You sneak a peek at the pale expanse of thigh flesh squeezed in between the car door and your own naked thighs. Nope. This was a definite improvement.

No room for her to move all that much, either. Looks like all of you were stuck here for the foreseeable future.

The door you picked didn't exactly line out your options. Though, considering what the Entity said, did that even matter? If you screwed up, nothing bad was going to happen to you. You could climb over your sibling's legs, force your way out the door and walk up to another random car with no pants on if you really wanted to. Just reach into the open window of a random car, grab the female driver by the hair and drag her screaming onto your erection. Nothing bad would happen to you. You would be doing that at some point, you realise. To every female driver and passenger here, at some point in time, if you hadn't already.

For now though, it's time to vent some perverted incestuous fantasies. You look around and check out your options, like a hungry diner choosing which slab of meat to devour.

Your little step-sis Rosalyn is looking decidedly smaller and cuter than you recall. Subtle variations in quantum mechanics has cursed her with a tiny, flat, youthful body that would see her frustratingly reaching for her ID at bars well into her twenties in this timeline. She's dressed - if one could use that word - in a thin white crop top, half transparent with her sweat. You can easily make out the black bikini top underneath. White top over black underwear? God, the little slut. Not that she had much in the way of tits in this timeline. Perfect little mounds caused the skin-clad cotton to swell enticingly on her upper torso, leaving her skinny midriff and cute belly button fully exposed and glistening in the bright summer sun. Her smooth, skinny legs were almost completely in full display, adorned only in a tiny floral miniskirt. Her soft, dainty feet were completely bare.

On your right, your sis Marie is the polar opposite. Different genes, but in all the right ways. She always did have a decent pair of knockers, but this timeline seems to have jacked her oestrogen levels all the way up to 11. You would dearly love to describe the girl in detail, but staring at that, the primitive lizard part of your brain assumes direct control, and uhhh.... BIG FUCKING TITS. BREASTS. GIANT FUCKING HONKABADONKADONKS. BIG GIANT MILKY MOMMY AIRBAGS.

Ahem. Your sister Marie would appear to be well endowed.

Rosalyn is being a little bitch as per usual, complaining about the heat as though you're not all stuck in the same situation, but you're more distracted by Marie's thicc as fuck thighs pushed tight up against you. It's not exactly unusual to be in skin-contact with Marie - plently of evenings in the past have been spent sprawled over each other playing on the Switch or your PS4.

However, context is everything, and the implication here is decidedly 'you can put your erect penis inside the mouth of any female present'. It's weirdly hot given that she's your sister. Whilst Rosalyn has always featured in your sick free use fantasies, Marie has been more of a solid friend to lean on during your childhood - but still...

That thought process was rapidly handing over control to your cock as she peeled off another layer of clothing. Already down to a black shirt and hotpants that were causing her thighs to bulge in all the right ways, she reaches up seductively and pulls of her top. Her enormous mammaries get caught under the shirt and rise, and rise until finally slapping down with a loud *smack* against her bare midriff. A deep valley of cleavage as far as the eye could see.

It would seem you guys have been stuck in this jam for quite some time, and have passed the 'I'm bored' phase and entered well into the 'let's strip half naked' phase. God bless this timeline.

Before you can decide which of your family members to molest, your sisters discover you still have a bottle of water on you. Marie immediately clings to you, smushing her considerable curves hard against your bare flesh. Making a pouty face that... oh god her lips... that make her thick DSLs look even bigger and juicier... she notices your bulging erection and rather than screaming or slapping you, she instead gives you a smug look, pushes her breasts together pouting innocently, and asks in a sickly-sweet submissive voice that redirects half the blood in your body to your cock.

"Can I have the rest of your juice, pretty please?" She begs.

"Ew, what the fuck, you disgusting pervert!" Rosalyn yells. "Mooooooom, Marie is being gross and John has my water, make him give it to me!"

"Rose, I love you darling, but please, give me a break," Clara says, voice strained. "John, give Rose whatever you have, please. And no arguing. I give you enough as it is, the least you could do is help out your sister."

Of course she'd take Rosalyn's side; she'd never snap at her perfect darling, not even in this idealised timeline. Sex-toy sisters? Sure, why not? Overly sexualised bodies? Not a problem! An unbiased step-mom? Impossible, get the fuck out of here. You make a mental note to pick a door that lets you violently rape Clara's throat next before realising with frustration that you wont remember any of this anyway. Perhaps you've already ploughed her throat and deposited billions of gallons of semen into her stomach already. If you haven't, you definitely will. Fucking biased hag. The thought brings you some satisfaction, but before you can enjoy it...

"John! Water. Now. Give." Your petite little sister demands, holding out her hand. “You heard her, now give it, you creep.”

She leans toward you, her cute, smug little face inches from your own. Your breath hitches and fists clench in sexual frustration. You can’t decide whether you’d rather slap her or kiss her.

“Or I swear to god I’ll get you in so much trouble you wont be allowed to play with those nerdy science toys for a month,” she whispers and smirks. “You know mom’ll take my side”.

The whole time Rose has been teasing you, your other sibling’s hand has been creeping up your leg and is now dangerously close to the tent you’re doing a not-so-great job at attempting to hide.

“Don’t worry David”, Marie says. “If the little brat tries to pull anything, you know I’ve got your back. You know that, right - Big Brother?”

Her words would be just about the cringiest thing imaginable if you weren’t overwhelmingly distracted by her fingers lightly brushing up the length of your erection. You turn to look at her and she tucks her hand back between the wide expanse of pale skin that is her thicc thigh and your own, now looking innocently at you with puppy dog eyes and a pout that emphasizes her already ludicrously thick DSL’s even further.

“What’s the matter, David?” she asks in an innocent sing-song voice. “You look a little thirsty right now.” She runs her tongue around her lips and bites the lower one seductively. “I’m pretty thirsty too, how about we share what you’ve got?”

Watching Marie run her tongue around her big, juicy lips, you take the chance to study this timeline’s perverted version of your sister. There are subtle differences, like how she has an e-thot goth look about her complete with black lipstick and excessive lip gloss - how her lips look more inflated than you remember. She was always on the thicc side, but looking down you realise this has been blown to another level.

Directing your gaze below her now open mouth and long, thick drooling tongue, a strand of saliva hangs enticingly before dripping down between the deep valley of her cleavage. A steady dribble trickles like a little shiny brook between two giant, smooth pink mountains. God, her tits were definitely never this huge. Tenting her tight black t-shirt outwards, your sister’s breasts are just about the most perfect pair you’ve ever seen. Smooth, pale and with a hint of aureole peeking out from the world’s hardest working piece of cloth, her nipples form two prominent bumps under the thin material. No bra, the slut.

Rose slaps your leg, hard.

“Hey! Quit it!” you yell.

“I'm still waiting for that drink, John.” she demands. Come on already, hand it the fuck over!”

At the same time, somebody grabs you by the wrist and before you know it, your right hand is guided onto a huge, pillowy soft expanse of tit flesh. Your head snaps around to see Marie grinning and pressing your hand deeper into the softness of her chest.

Yeah, okay. No contest. You fumble to hand over the last bottle of water as you instinctively start groping and squeezing your big sister’s tits.

“What the fuck, John?” Rose screams. “That was miiiine! Mooom, Marie stole my drink, it’s like a million degrees in here, make her give it back!”

“I swear to God if I hear another word out of any of you, I’m turning this car around and vacation is cancelled!” Clara yells back. “Marie, learn to share with your sister.”

"Mmmm, thanks, bro" Marie says before licking her big, fat juicy lips and wrapping them around the rim of the bottle. You're not entirely sure she needed to pucker them quite so much, or push the head of the bottle a couple of inches inside mouth until her lips are stretched into a wide circle. And as she tilts her head back and starts to chug, you're quite certain that sticking out her tongue and licking the underside of the bottle is all for show. Her messy drinking style results in quite a bit dribbling down her chin.

You watch transfixed as a rivulet of water trickles off her chin and pools in the deep crevice of her cleavage alongside the trickle of drool from earlier, before over spilling and dribbling between her pressed together breasts and... yeah, okay. She's just being a cock tease now. The sound of her giggling has you reluctantly rip your gaze away from her perfect, insanely giant orbs in order to re-engage eye contact only to find her grinning at you. Her arms are tucked in, pushing her tits up in a makeshift arm-corset. She wiggles her arms, causing them to jiggle, her pale smooth flesh rippling with wet slaps against her chest.

"Sorry, sorry!" she laughs. "You're too cute when you're horny. Here, let me make it up to you. And thank you for the water, even if I spilled most of it." She runs her hands over her now wet t-shirt. Both nipples stand erect in the cool, wet cloth and one has nip-slipped entirely out of her shirt. She wipes the rest of the water from her hands across her legs. "It's much cooler now though. All’s well that ends well!"

"Let's make sure you get a good ending too, hmm?" she says, reaching for your painfully erect cock.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God. Could you two just not be fucking pervs for ten fucking minutes?" Rose snaps, slapping at your arm.

"Oh, shut up you little prude," Marie replies, handing your little sister the remains of the water. "Here, you can keep the rest if you keep your bratty little mouth shut."

Rose grabs the bottle. "Just keep it down or I'm telling mom", she says before turning to her window with a huff.

"I, on the other hand, will be keeping my mouth very, very open", Marie winks, sticking to her word and making a wide O with her thick, moist dick cushions.

God. The Marie you remember was always sexually active, always had a man or two on a string but this was insane. Was she just a complete slut, or was this a siblings-with-benefits deal or what? You're not going to complain, especially since her body, and tits, and those lips were just... thank any and every deity that you broke the universe, because it doesn't get any better than this.

Your big sister unbuckles her seatbelt, stretching in what limited space the car allows for. The gallons of milky breast tissue forming a deep valley of cleavage bounce free from the constricting strap and settle on her chest with a captivating ripple of smooth skin. Definitely no bra.

She leans over and presses her thick thigh up against you as she lowers her head to your crotch. Mouth agape, she holds your shaft at the base - your sister's hand is on your cock! Holy shit! - and you watch transfixed as the shaft slowly disappears between her lips. She doesn't make contact, not yet. Instead she holds her face directly above your shaft, breathing on it. She alternates between soft exhales, drooling, and blowing gently and then, right before you can grab her head and start to thrust, she does the honours.

Lowering her mouth completely and wrapping her plush lips flush against the skin of your crotch, the head of your cock finally makes contact with her mouth as she tilts her head to look up and wink. A split second later, she sucks like a vaccuum, her cheeks drawing in as the full length of your cock is instantly engulfed in a warm, wet embrace.

As soon as every millimetre of your cock is in contact with the inside of her mouth, she takes no prisoners, immediately engaging every skill in her impressive blowjob arsenal to get you off. Her tongue frantically swirls around your shaft, she bobs so the head of your shaft tickles her gag reflex, using it to coat the inside of her mouth in thick, warm saliva.

Once you're sufficiently lubricated in her gag-spit, she makes a lewd slurping noise as her lips slowly withdraw up the length of your shaft, her cheeks starting to bulge a little as she sucks up all the precum and sloppy throat juice. Grabbing and tilting your cock vertically, she hovers her head over it and slowly drools all over the tip, allowing the warm spit to dribble down and coat your shaft. With her other hand, she cups your balls, pooling the runoff spit and gently rubbing it all back in.

As your testicles are treated to a sisterly spit-bath, Marie starts covering your shaft with sloppy kisses. Her thick lips leave black lipstick marks all over the place. Once your cock is completely smothered in smeared makeup, she dips her now wet and smudged face down into your balls, slurping and blowing spit bubbles like a pig at a trough. Alternating between sucking on your balls and spitting the increasingly frothy puddle of throat-juice back onto your shaft, your goth-lite sister-slut never stops working your shaft with her hands. Not content with the typical jerk-off you'd give yourself whilst indulging in your depraved fantasies, she expertly twists her wrists in alternating directions whilst jackhammering at breath-taking speed. Her grip is loose to prevent you blowing too early - a problem which is increasingly relevant as you look down at your new incestuous sex toy half-drowning herself in your crotch.

Your cock twitches as her head dips lower, her tongue swirling around your balls before tickling your gooch and circling your anus. You're not sure how to feel about that, but the sheer nastiness on display in the backseat of your family car has you near to tipping point. You start to buck your hips involuntarily, desperate to reach climax at the hands of your talented sibling.

Marie, however, has other plans. Backing off before you can blow your load, her messy face emerges from under you.

"Not yet, buddy. Here, distract yourself with these" she smirks, grabbing your wrists and pulling them to her chest.

She guides your hands to her breasts and lets go. It takes you a second to realise you've been given permission to grope your big sister's tits, but before long your fingers flex and sink into the thin cloth of her top. Even through the material, she's so soft. You readjust your hands to cup her breasts from below, hefting them up to feel the weight. You have to exert some effort, these puppies are fucking heavy. Sagging around your hands, you bounce the sacks of tit-flesh up and down, relishing in their weight and size. The skin ripples as you jiggle them, wet and glistening from the spit polish she gave them earlier.

Before you can continue, Marie gives you a look that's partway between slyness and confusion.

"You can get that thing out the way, you know?" she says, before grabbing your wrists again.

Annoyed at having your boob playtime interrupted, you're about to object - but then your hands are making skin contact with her breasts as she slides them under her top. Shimmying the straps off her shoulders, she slides your palms down and under her clothes until your hands are covering her nipples. Thick, puffy and hard as diamonds, you can feel them digging into your skin.

"There you go! Enjoy!" Marie says with a grin, removing her hands from your wrists and leaving you groping her tits and covering her nipples like a makeshift bikini.

And grope them you do. Your fingers sink deep into soft, pale flesh, eliciting a soft moan from its owner. You rub your palms across her nipples, enjoying how hard they are. The fucking slut is loving this. You rub one of them gently between your fingers, and Marie grips your cock and pumps you a little harder.

"Oh fuck yeah, just like that," she moans.

You oblige, twisting and tugging lightly on both her nipples as she starts to pump your shaft in earnest, fast and hard.

"Uhhh, yeah. It's okay, you can tug on them. I'm a big girl, I wont break!" Marie giggles. "I like it a little rough."

Your cock twitches at that, but you hesitate - it's one thing to be told to molest your sister whilst knowing you're in a fantasy timeline without consequence, and quite another to actually do it. You've never been rough with a woman before, but if that's what she wants, then...

"Mmmmm!!!!!" Marie yelps as you grab both nipples and roughly twist them both. Pulling them towards you, you pull her stupendous, pendulous breasts up and out, their full and considerable weight hanging from the twisted nubs pinched between your digits. Letting go, they fall back to her chest with a wet SLAP!

"Oh, fuck yes!" Marie pants, before diving back into your crotch with renewed vigour.

She opens her mouth wide and practically dives on to your cock. Engulfing the entirety, she only stops when your cock punches up against the back of her throat. You give her bulging cheeks a couple of quick slaps before reaching down and grabbing her nipples again, twisting them and mauling her massive tit-flesh under your fingers. You’re not gentle, your fingers sinking in deep enough to leave red fingerprints. If it causes Marie any discomfort, she shows no sign of it. Marie grabs both your legs and presses harder into you, finally starting to gag as she mauls the head of your cock against her tonsils.

Your step-mom Clara remains blissfully oblivious as her step-daughter deepthroats you in the back seat, wet gagging noises barely obscured by the honking of traffic jam road rage and the obscene display only hidden by virtue of your sister's thick ass obscuring the passenger window. Rose has shuffled as far as possible towards the window on her side with her legs tucked up under her, pressing her feet against your side in an attempt to push the two of you as far away from her as she can.

It's of no concern to you. As soon as the head of your cock popped into the tight, warm embrace of Marie's throat, you lost all hesitation. Removing your hands from her mauled tits, you grab her hair with both hands and start bucking your hips. Marie's hands surreptitiously disappear between her thick thighs, and the rapid movement suggests she's having some fun of her own.


Jerking off with your sister's throat, it isn't long before the telltale signs appear. You feel your orgasm reach a tipping point and, burying yourself balls deep, your ballsack contracts and you unleash what feels like a torrent of semen directly into Marie's stomach. Your big sis withdraws slowly with a wet shlorp. Opening her mouth wide, her makeup completely ruined, you look down at her. Tears streaked in black mascara trace lines down her pretty face from watery eyes, lipstick smeared and her chin covered in dangling strands of gag-spit and drool. She pumps the last few strands of chunky cum into her gaping mouth and makes a show of swirling her tongue around. Scooping the slop from your shaft and balls, she licks you clean and opens her mouth again, gargling the filth before closing her lips and swallowing with an exaggerated gulp. She licks her lips and smiles.

"Yummy!" She exclaims. "Buuut, it seems a shame not to share."

Scooping up all the left over cum and throat slop from the middle seat under your crotch into cupped palms, she taps Rose on the shoulder. Rose turns around with a roll of her eyes before promptly getting a double palm full of your combined body fluids slapped into her face with a laugh from Marie.

She screams in horror as your nut-juice and her sister's spittle drips from her face.

"Oh my god, would you please be quiet. This day is stressful enough as it is!" Clara yells in response to Rose's screeching. "I love you honey, but I've told you kids to be quiet already! Once we get there, your phone is confiscated! I've had enough of your drama!"

Your step-mom finally looks in the rear view mirror, but Marie has already scooted back to her seat, pulled up her top and is facing the window as if nothing happened. You pull your shirt down over your exposed crotch as best you can, leaving Rose gesticulating wildly with a face dripping with cum.

"Oh, you had best not be making a mess back there Rose! That's it, you are grounded! No, stop arguing. No phone, no laptop, no arguing. Honestly, I must be spoiling you. You could take a lesson from John and Marie once in a - stop talking back to me young lady!"

Clara's unjust admonishment continues, but slowly fades into silence as your senses start to dull. You turn to look at Marie, but the shadows creeping up around you have already engulfed her. Huh. Well, you got what you came for. You suppose there's nothing stopping you from jerking off and shoving your cock back inside one of your sisters to keep this scenario going - and in other timelines you suppose you must - but for now, you decide to try something new. In a few scant seconds, everything returns to a calming void and you find yourself standing once again in the endless data mining liminal space.


For an alternative timeline where Rose gets her throat plugged, see Ch.2B.


2023-10-21 11:42:43
Superb work! Keep it coming


2023-10-21 11:42:10
Your stories aren't showing up in your profile, which is a bug with the site. Try to add all your own stories to your Favorites so people can see them somewhere in your profile

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