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Clarice has another birthday and brings her best friend along
Clarice’s next birthday, and Sara

It was the next birthday , and l was upstairs at the table. My friend Sara was with me this year. She did not go to camp this year, therefore she could be with me for my birthday. Along with her was my parents, and their friends, minus Jack’s wife, who is now an ex-wife. The birthday cake came to the table, and l looked at Sara to not worry in a gesture, as l immediately knew what was coming up, and this year l submitted to my fate.

After l have forcefully kissed the cake, the three male friends took me and brought me outside. Once again, someone checked my pockets, and grabbed my butt at the same time. My butt grew a little outward in the past year. So l had more to be grabbed. This time l clearly saw that it was Quark’s hand who felt me.

« No wallets! », he screamed out. But l definitely knew that was not the reason he touched me. Dad did not follow us outside as he went to get towels. As l was about to be thrown in the pool, l felt his hand again on my ass. But this time, right between the cheeks, and the two middle fingers coming really close to where my vagina would be. It was Quark again, and he was holding me like a bowling ball! And then l flew in the pool,

I popped myself out of the water and all three men were looking at me. Here is this girl who was about to jump into high school in a week, with three older guys staring down at her. This year l had a little more breasts, a little more ass, and a few more curves than last year... and the guys’ eyes were locked on me. Not much laughing going on at that moment. So all l could say to myself was ´go ahead and take a good look’.


Me and Sara were ready to soon leave to go sleepover at her place. I got up from the table and thanked everyone for their gifts (bought by my parents, but they were « from everybody »). Traditionally, we give kisses on the cheeks and then a hug, l went to Bob first (because l still had a crush on him). I stretched out on the tip of my toes as he got up from the table. Give him two pecks on the cheeks, and gave him a huge hug. He hold me tight. His hand was caressing the upper part of my back. I thanked his wife too. Then l went to Jack, whose kid l now babysat, and bent over to give him two pecks. And a hug. He just held me by my shoulders. Then l went to Quark. I also gave him two pecks while bending over. I gave him a hug and he put his head on my ribcage, and caressed my lower back. By doing so, he managed to slip a few fingers under my shirt at the same time. When it was over, he gave me a few pats on the bum. « You’re welcome », he added.

Me and Sara decided to bike to her place afterwards. She lived not far from me and that is probably why we have been friends since kindergarten. Me and Sara shared everything and grew up together. She is the only friend l truly have.

Sara is my age, also starting high school with me soon. Sara is more curvy. But she is not fat. Sara looks like a woman while l still look like a girl. Sara has a dad who lives out of town. She does not see him much. Her mother is sweet and nice, but has a tendency to date jerks. Those jerks are one of the main reasons why we spend do much time together. She would sleep at my place, or me at her place, as often as it could happen.

You probably know where l am going with this... yeah Sara was sexually assaulted by some of her mom’s boyfriends. It went on for years until her mother caught one in the act. She came in the house, and no one heard her come in. When she came into her bedroom, she saw her boyfriend balls deep from behind into her daughter. She threw the guy out and when she saw her daughter crying, it hit her that these guys were dating her mom to be with the daughter. This has been happening for years. Sara developped breasts at 11, and she already had hips. So men noticed her. I also noticed men noticing her. And to be honest, they noticed me afterwards, which l kind of like. The boyfriends would try to catch Sara when changing, when coming out of the shower, that sort of thing. She was barely a year older when her mom’s then boyfriend starting grabbing Sara’s breasts, putting his hand in her shirt, or down her pants and panties. One guy started to make her touch him, stroking him. Which eventually led to oral sex. And then to vaginal sex. And finally to anal sex.

When you live that kind of live, two things can happen. You can be ashamed and hide your body, or you can exploit it. Sara at some point decided to exploit it and reveal her curves. She liked to flirt with older guys. And she would get them. But this was also beyond her. It wasn’t ´her’, but it was all she knew. So when her mother caught her with her boyfriend screwing Sara, it stopped the whole flirting part. She became Sara again. Now her mother is more mindful on who she is dating.

« What’s with that guy? », Sara asked. She was talking about Quark. « He just grabbed you in front of everyone before throwing you into the pool! And no one noticed? »

« I guess it’s sort of normal... » l added.

« Yeah well, be careful. This guy has the hots for you. I saw how he looks at you. How he touched you. How he tries to be close to you. This guys wants you. »

« Nah, you’re joking... » l said to brush it off. But she is probably right. He keeps touching my butt, or around it. At my birthdays. When l hug him, his hand is always in my lower back. He keeps looking « there » when l am walking. Even one time he came behind me in the kitchen and, as l was reaching for a glass, glued me to the counter while he reached for one himself, pushing his pelvis into me. I know he wants me.

« Well what can l say... », said Sara with some humour in her tone,  « ... men want you. » And we both giggled.

« Well... », l shoot back, « ... men wants you too! »

« No they don’t! », she replied in her most serious tone. Girl, if you knew how many men looks at you when we go to the mall, you would have never said that sentence. « Name me one man that wants me. »

« How about my dad? », l threw back in my own serious tone. The look of shock on her face was genuine. I think the shock was that it came out of my mouth.

My father always got along great with Sara. They would joke around; they would tell each other off, in a joking way; they would even play fight sometimes. Thing is, she just play along with it, and l just laughed it off. It wasn’t until my mom asked me to have Sara come less often at the house, and even banned her from sleeping over that it hit me. She said it in a jealous way. My mother was very possessive and jealous. When l think back, l can see it. She would sleep over in her underwear and t-shirt. Since she was already developed, you could definitely see her curves, and sometimes you could see through her shirt. I am sure my dad noticed. My mom was okay with me going there, but her being here was another thing. Yet, these two got along great.

I think my dad was her father figure. They cared for each other. One night, while l was trying to sleep, l could hear my parents argue. My father said that there was nothing going on. My mother kept saying she was only 14. My mom said she could see how he looks at her. My dad defended himself again. My mom finished off with the fact that she does not want to see her here overnight, and when she is not home but he is. And that is why Sara cannot sleep over at my house.

I told Sara about this, on which she was sad, and kept apologizing. But she did not do anything wrong, neither does my dad. After a while, we brushed it aside. But l often bring it up to joke about it.

« Stop it. », was her answer. And then she came back with a question of her own. « In those three there, which one you like the best? »

« Definitely Bob », l said without hesitation. « He is so sweet, nice, gentle, and honestly, so sexy. » Sara gave me a curious look.

« Sara! », that was her mother from downstairs. She answered her back, asking what is it. Her mom notified she was leaving in a few minutes and there is leftover pizza if we wanted it. And then we heard the door slam. Sara went to sit on her desk, looking outside, as l went laying down on her bed.

« So Bob, huh? Where will you make your move? WHEN will you make your move? »

« I dunno... » l replied. « I wish we could be together, and l dream about it... heck, l even came to the idea... but what would he want with a young girl like me. »

Sara took her glance from outside and looked at me. « Hey you are quite pretty and sexy, men LOVE girls like you. Their only wish would be to have one more chance at reliving their youth, but with their current experience. If they are sure that it is consentual, and they could get away with it, they will. » Her eyes went back to the window.

« You think so? »

« Trust me. Men cannot resist girls our age. It is AFTER the act that regrets sinks in. »

« What can l do then? »

« My mom is leaving the driveway now... » Sara looked at her clock. « I will wait five more minutes. » She went back to her analysis. « Undies and t-shirts is good when you see him. You told me he talks to you. Talk to him too. Sort of tell him how you are feeling about guys, then say you feel the same way about him... »

« But to do all of those, l need to be alone with him. And that is kind of impossible since there is no reason for him to be alone with me. » Sara agreed that this would be difficult to establish.

« The good thing is l already know you have been practicing, and that you are also on birth control... », l had to regulate my periods, to the displeasure of my mother. « So you are ready. And you want to do it with an older man? »

« Yes. » l said in all seriousness. « C’mon Sara, you had older guys, you know how it is... »

« They weren’t the most joyful experiences... »

« But the ones YOU wanted and flirted to get, you enjoyed them, right? »

She agreed on that one. She added that a good lover (she used the word lover) would care about you and your pleasure. This excited me more.

After more than five minutes, she got off her desk and sat on the bed next to me, where l was still laying down.

« Sara... l never had a guy before. I see all of these pictures and movies and l wish it would be me in these situations. I can see myself being with these guys and having them on top of me. I want to be with them. I want to be there FOR them. I want to provide pleasure, and satisfaction. Parts of me wants to feel slutty and daring. But a part of me is also scared. » l paused. Realizing what l was saying. « When l masturbate now, l don’t just play with my clit, but l slides things into me. I started with pens. Then it was my cream tube. Then it was my cream tube with pens in my ass. Then the tube was back there. Now it is english cucumbers in front. Every time l gets more intense, but l need a cock! I want a guy IN ME! » l started crying. I was so frustrated and angry that l started to cry. Sara leaned over and gave me a huge hug. And then she sat back up.

« You will get your guy, l am sure. There are so much men that wants you right now, you have no idea. » l had to laugh. But how can l be truly sure? So l replied in the best way to ease the situation and tension.

« Like the way my dad wants you? », l laughed hard, snd Sara giggled, discouraged.

« I am not fucking your dad. », she answered back. « Anyway, l am way much more interested in his daughter. »

She leaned over and we kissed. Aside from porn and home made dildos, Sara was my other sexual escape. Not a guy mind you, but at least l felt desired. We always go all the way together. We discovered things together sexually. And tonight we will get together again.

If only she was a man.
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