Clarice’s boundaries are pushed more and she questions herself and her actions after she received a warning
Clarice’s second day away part 4
We were in the car and Bob comforted me, and made sure l will never go to the club again. He added not to worry as l will not set foot back in there. But will he in the future? Nevertheless l was relieved. What is the next step? Where is he bringing me?
“I am bringing you to a club, but we will have a private suite. It will be you and me. No funny business, no other tons of other guys... unless you want to... just you and me. It is all your decision in the end. You will never, NEVER, do something that you do not want to do. And l will always be there for you, and make sure that YOU are happy.”
Those words were comforting. This day has been... odd. As much as yesterday pure ecstasy, today is a mixture of pushing the barriers and nervousness. But Bob is pushing my barriers. Although l do love him and have total confidence in him, those barriers are pushed beyond the ‘normal’ for a girl my age. Heck, a girl my age shouldn’t even have sex, and if she does, it wouldn’t be with guys my dad’s age.
“We are here.” he says, as he climbs out of the car and opens my door. We go to the main door, and l was shaking a little. He comforted me saying everything will be okay. We go in and it is dark, with barely lights. There is a guy waiting at the door. Bob goes to see him. I can see he is giving him money. Probably paying my way in because l shouldn’t be in a place with alcohol. The man guides us and we follow. I can hear soft rock music playing as l was walking.
The man unlocks a door and it’s a lounge. Beautiful couches. Mirrors. Low lighting, and a big post in the middle, to which l knew exactly why it was there. We sat and Bob orders a drink. He asks me if l want anything. I never had alcohol before. I might have a coke. Maybe with something in it? He gestures to the guy ‘just a little’.
“I come here often. This is one of my favourite getaway places. What you see here, nobody else knows about. So keep it a secret.” This gesture made me feel so much better. Even though l was young, l knew this was a strip joint. But l am actually curious at what l might see. The lounges are on the second floor, so you sort of look down to the performers. Show will start soon. Drinks arrived. I had a sip of what is a rum and coke. I chocked. Bob laughed. Although it’s strong, l liked the taste. Bob told me to slow down and take small sips, snd not chug it down. He doesn’t want me to be sick tomorrow. Then he says...
“I know you like girls. I saw you with your friend how look at each other and talk to each other. Tell me your impressions of the girls who will be on stage...” l was okay with that. Yeah l do like girls, but l only have been with Sara. The rest was tv stuff.
First girl was name Desiree. How cliché. It was a cute blonde with a small frame, and obviously fake boobs. She dances well. Face looks okay, but boobs are a turn off. Bob laughed.
Second girl was Candice (close to my name). Tall skinny redhead. Great long beautiful legs. Quite stunning. She doesn’t dance well though as she mostly stretches her long leg to make herself attractive.
Third girl was Stephanie. A nice curvy brunette. Great body. Performance was sublime. Good set of tits, real tits. The way she moves is very sexy. Very desirable. She actually made me wet.
Fourth girl was Diane (just like Quark’s wife). I mentioned that to Bob, he laughed. A curvier blonde. Dances okay, but men loved her because she was very flirty.
Fifth girl was Jessica, young looking girl, very petite (almost like me), brown curly hair. Men REALLY loved her. She mostly crawled on all fours.
Then a paused.
I turned back to Bob.
“So... do you have a favourite between those fives?”
I had to go with Stephanie. There was just ‘something’ about her. Bob heard me and took a phone from somewhere, and said “Can you send Stephanie for a little while?”
I was shocked. Will this gorgeous woman come over and spend time with us? Bob told me yes. He will pay for whatever l want and need (whatever that means).
The girl comes in wearing the smallest bikini ever. She sees me.
“Oh, will l have someone else watching me with you?” talking to Bob but looking at me.
“Actually, you are here for her, and l will be the one watching.” She was a little surprised. I was floored! What in the world should l do? “It’s an all included.” Bob adds. Once again, whatever does that means?
Bob looks at me and say “An all included is you do whatever you want and she does whatever she wants. You can both say ‘no’ at any time and you have to respect each other.”
My body was stiff, and l was super nervous. Steph told me to sit back snd relax. So l tried to do that. Steph told me l was very very beautiful and she will be glad to provide me with anything l desire. Now my mind was starting to make images.
Music started as the girl was twirling on the post in the middle of the room. Her face was stunning. She was beautiful with puffy lips and big eyes. She couldn’t be older than 25. She would crouch and get back up with her ass poking out. Then the bikini top went off, and huge breasts popped out. I was too stunned to do anything so l just looked. She would rub them together, squeeze them, pinch her nipples. Suddenly. I wanted to do that to her. Then the lower part of the bikini came off. She had a nice set of puffy lower lips. All shaved. That thing looked delicious. She would open the lips so l can get a good view of her pinkish area. Very lovely. Then her hips would trust. She was so sexy and so beautiful. I looked at Bob, he was jerking off. Is it okay to touch ourselves? I really want to touch myself, touch HER too! But l was afraid to do anything!
Then she would slide herself over me, bringing her face right next to mine. She smelled terrific! She whispered in my ear “You are gorgeous. You can touch yourself like your friend there...” but l was too stunned to do anything. So she leaned back and did some more suggestive moves. Bob stopped touching himself and just watched us. Then Steph turned around and laid her back on me. Then she grabbed my hands and brought them to her breasts. The moment my hands were there, l squeezed them like crazy and my stress was relieved. So soft snd comfy. So round. My hands were having more than enough to have fun with. She then got back up and turned around. She came really close to my face.
“What’s your name sweetheart, and how old are ya?” She smelled really good. She smelled like hot flesh.
“My niece’s name is Clarice and she just turned 18, last week.”, Bob answered.
“Oh a little fresh one...” she adds. She put a hand on my cheek, and then she puts her lips on my upper neck. The wetness in my vagina exploded. I moaned super loudly and my head jolted backwards. She continued. My hand held the one on my face, the other one on the other arm. Her lips was exploring my neck. My panties were quickly getting moist.
“I like girls too...” she adds. “... and you are exactly the type l go for.” And then we kissed. And kissed some more. I was giving in and enjoying this. Steph was making me hot. My hands went to her breasts again. And then both arms were around her as l hold her closer so our tongues could wrestle together. Then the kissing stopped and l just dove my eyes into hers. She stared back. I held her face, her hands were on the couch.
“Unzip me...” l told this lady. So she did. I exposed my breasts to her and she grabbed them. Pinched the nip too sometimes.
“Oh... such cuties...” she adds. Then her tongue worked on my nipples. I was pulling the rest off of me when she decided to help. “What do you want me to do to you?”
“Whatever you wish...”, l responded.
So she slowly spread my legs and put her head between them. Her hot breath on my wet area was an exciting delight. And once her lips touched those lips. My body went into a small convulsing orgasm.
“Wow sweetheart. It doesn’t take much to make you cum..” she says before going back into eating me out.
She spread the area open and went for more. Goodness gracious she is going to make me cum again. And she did. Minutes later l hit another orgasm. I was more or less conscious of what was going on around me. My body collapsed after this second orgasm. She looked st me while wiping her chin.
“You my dear, are making me hot.” she says.
“You should finger her, if you are lucky, you will make her squirt.” Bob adds.
“What a weird information for an uncle to know...” was her reply while looking at him. Bob explained he is not really my uncle, but a friend of my dad. She still gave him a weird look. Afterwards, she put her head again between my legs and started licking me once more. I can feel the tip of her tongue circling my clit. She glued my thighs around her head. She went deeper. This was ecstatic! My hand was in her hair, grabbing it, while l pushed my hips towards her face. As l did that, l felt fingers go in me and rubbing the insides. I could feel myself cumming again, but l did not want to come yet. I looked around. I saw Bob jerking off at our view. I signaled him to come over. He did. I pulled him closer as l held his dick, and l shoved his thing in my mouth. I was blowing him hard, but l was aggressive in response of what Stephanie was giving me. Her fingers went quicker and faster. My body was cramping up! Suddenly l had no interest in Bob, only to what is about to happen. My hips jumped in the air as my legs were extended. Steph readjusted and continued. This is going to be volcanic! Everything went black. All l knew is what l felt. I went into total convulsions. I could feel myself jump everywhere. I knew juices were coming out but l couldn’t see. I was trying to hold on to what l could hold on to, but no success. I rolled off the couch and hit the floor. I was on my stomach. I felt my ass jumping up and down. I felt my legs vibrating. Am l even breathing? My body was finally starting to come down. I could feel more juices coming out of me. I was finally catching my breath. Or should l say starting to catch my breath. I was able to see around me. Bob was all smiling. I turned my head around and saw Steph wiping herself with a towel. Face, chest, stomach... l was breathing hard still when l saw splashes of liquid everywhere. The only thing l could say was “... the mess...”
“Oh don’t worry about that,” sais Stephanie, “we have a cleaning crew for that. Damn girl... you are something else, you know. I have never seen anything like this. You came all over me.”
I was now on my back. “... sorry...”
“Oh don’t be sorry sweetheart, you are one hot chick!”
I manage to get back up and went to her. I started kissing her on the mouth. She manage to say between kisses “Normally we are not supposed to kiss, but you are my exception” then she kissed back. I had a good grab of her breast. And then l looked at her and said “now l want to be the one eating you out.”
She lied backwards, looked at me, and said “Girl, l would be happy to give you my vagina.” And she opened her legs for me. I dove in like an Olympic champion. Not only was her slit thick, but it was warm and smelled inviting. This is exactly where l want to be right now. I was kissing it all over. Like French kissing her privates. Then her fingers spread them apart. The aroma from the area spelled ‘l want you’. Her vagina was ten times more inviting than Sara’s. It felt like l was under a spell. My tongue traveled around the hole, then slid on the left side, then the right. Then l would close my lips on the area. Then l would stretch it apart with those same lips and let my tongue taste the elixir of this woman. Then l would bring it up to her clit, to which l would slowly discover every little areas of her pleasure zone. I could eat her for hours and be totally comfortable with it. And that’s what l wanted to do. I could hear her moan more and more.
“Sweetheart... you’re good...” she said to me. But l didn’t care. I just wanted to feed myself with the food given to me. I put my arms and hands around her beautiful strong legs. I let my hands travel her torso and body. I cupped her huge breasts. Then my hands went to her back. I could feel her hair ticking the outside on my fingers. Then the hands went downwards, caressing her lustrous hips, and finishing on her butt cheeks, that were sticking out because she was sitting down. All that while my head was still between her legs.
She held my hair and rubbed herself on my face. I let my tongue go slightly inside her. She was getting wet, and l could taste her. The area was warmer and more hot. Her taste was wonderful. I could go on for hours like this. I am loving this! I am loving being with her like this! I want to do this forever!
“Lie on your back and bring your knees up”, l tell her.
“Oh l like your dominant side...”, she replied. “So cute and innocent, but when comes the time, she knows what she want.” Yeah, and that’s you!
She obliged. I went face down into her once more. She was moaning loudly now. I took a peek at her and l could see between her breasts that her eyes were closed. Now dear, my turn to finger you. And l shove two fingers into her. I could feel her vagina gripping on them.
“Yeah baby, finger me sweetheart.” And that’s what l was doing. Her hips were starting to jump a little. I decided to go a little harder. I played her clit with my thumb, then with my tongue while still having fingers in her. Her head went back. Her pussy tightened. Then relaxed. “You just made me cum, sweetheart. I haven’t had that in a while.” That made me happy. I smiled and continued. I pushed her legs a little further back and l put my tongue around the butthole, while still fingering her. Then l tried to slid my tongue in the ass, as far as l could go. She came harder this time.
Suddenly l felt a hand on my ass and a cock sliding into me. I knew it was Bob. I crisped. But then l relaxed and continued my performance on the performer. Then she turned around and she got on all fours. I shoved my face in her ass. My tongue went for the hole again while l had a cock in me on the other end. Then l decided to put one finger in there, then two, then three. I tried for four but that was pushing it. Bob decided it was time to fuck my ass, but l could care less as my concentration was on her. She came again. Then she got up and sat on the couch while Bob was holding my hips and screwing me anally. Steph was admiring the view.
“I guess your ‘uncle’ felt left out.” she said with a laugh.
Bob was pounding my ass hard. I was rubbing my clit and had another orgasm. My moans excited him as he came in me also. Then l just collapsed on the floor as he sat on the other end of the couch. Both him and Stephanie were admiring me. I turned myself on my back and looked at them. Bob asked “is there anything else you want, Clarice?”
Then Steph suggested the following to me. “How about some cuddles just you and l.” That was a great suggestion as l wanted to be close to the woman who made me feel do much. So l agreed.
Bob was sure l was good with it, and then got dressed and said that he will be in the lobby. Once done, Steph will go downstairs and tell him she is out and he can come back up. We all agreed. The door closed and Stephanie went to s drawer (they had drawers?) and took out a blanket, and then came over to lie down next to me. I reached for her and started making out. There was something mesmerizing about this woman that turned me on. She kissed me a little then asked me to stop for s minute to talk.
“How are you doing, Clarice? I am assuming it’s your real name. Are you in danger? Do you need any help?”
I was a little surprised by the question. She saw i, because she came back with “l mean, older guy, younger girl, sexual stuff, sex places... l just want to be sure you are okay and not caught in something you cannot get out of. Because if you do, l can help you.”
I had to reassure her that Bob was a friend of the family that l happen to fuck. There is nothing against my will (if you exclude the club earlier).
“Okay...” she replies. “You look awful young for a girl that is having this type of sexual life.” I made her swear not to say anything but l revealed to her my real age. She was not surprised.
“Listen, l started like you. Falling for an older guy, we end up being together, then he would take me places, share me with other men, and five years later, l am stripping, and also fucking on the side. And every time l see a young girl here, l always reach out.”
I did the math. If she is 21 now, she was 16 when she got caught into this? I feel sad for her now.,,
“No, l am actually 17 now. But don’t say anything. No one knows.” My jaw dropped. I wanted to cry. “Just be careful. The guy might love you and care for you, but he is also grooming you. Maybe unintentionally, but he is still doing it. Go home when you have the chance and no more getaways.”
She sounded like a mom looking out for me. Come to think of it, she sounded more like my mom than my mom. I held her close, as l love this... girl. She is also very comfy. But l knew l will never see her again after tonight.
Clarice’s second day away part 5
Me and Bob were returning to the hotel, but the words of Steph kept coming back in my head. ‘He is unintentionally grooming you...’ and it was scary. Then l started to think. I had three strangers have sex with me today. Three guys l never met before, and never will again. I had other guys looking at me and undressing me with their eyes. I started to feel weird. But l had to get through this.
Bob gave me good sex this weekend, but it was starting to feel different as the day went by. I did not have an orgasm with him today, even though there was multiple occasions that could have happened. What l got was a few with my own personal help, and others from a girl. Now l will probably have to give myself to him again tonight, and probably tomorrow. But l will do it because now it’s what l have to do. I want to be home already.
I was thinking all of this as he was driving with one hand, and fingering me with the other. I was spread out, and even though my mind was not totally into it, my pussy thought otherwise and was dripping. That thing has a mind of its own. I accepted the idea that once we get to our room, we will get together again. So l was preparing myself for it.
In the elevator up, he slid a hand in my underwear from the back and grabbed my butt. He slid a finger between my cheeks, travelling hole to hole. My body was starting to react positively to his touch. Even though my mind is elsewhere, my body is giving me pleasure. I might as well enjoy it, l could still feel the wetness there.
“You have the most perfect ass, Clarice”, he tells me before we hear the ding that tells us we are on our floor. He pulls out his hand from my underwear and we walk out of the elevator. As we are walking down the hallway, l stopped to a door. I can hear a couple doing each other in that room. There is one deeper, rougher voice, and then there is a higher pitch, almost younger, voice. There were really going at it. If you listen closely, you could hear the bed squeak. From time to time, you could hear them talk during the act, but l couldn’t discern what were the words mentioned. I was getting turned on by this. After a while, the sounds stopped. So we walked back towards out room. Then l heard a door opened. It was that room. A young girl came out, completely nude, with a bucket, going to the ice machine. She was smaller in size and stature as l was. As she was about to close the door behind her, l could hear the guy said “fill it to the top!”, and her to respond “yeah, dad” to eventually close that door.
Bob unlocked our door and we went in. Even though what l have just witnessed and assumed was totally weird, l was strangely aroused by it. This father and daughter duo are doing each other? For how long? How did it start? I was getting myself worked up, and probably that’s what l needed because as soon as our door closed, l turned around and went for Bob’s pants. The part of me thinking slept away while the wild side of me has risen. Suddenly l was bursting with horniness. I wanted dick and l am about to get one.
I dropped to my knees and pulled the pants down. The thing peaked out. I did not even took it with my hand that my lips were already around it. I grabbed his ass and force my face in his pelvis repeatedly. It got hard in my mouth. I love when that happens. I took it out and aggressively licked the shaft from top to bottom and back. I started sucking on the balls and passing my tongue on his hairy sack while holding it with my hand. I licked it back to the tip and started blowing Bob again. He loved it! I loved it too. I was enjoying having his stiff cock between my lips and up my cheeks. He took his shirt off, and then his pants. He also undressed me while l was still kneeling on the floor. Then he picked me up and threw me on the bed like a rag doll. I barely landed that he was trying to climb between my legs already. He opened my legs up and l could feel his tip lining up with my entrance. I put my hands down there and spread my lips opened. And l told him...
“You put me in so much sexual positions and scenarios today, but you never truly had your chance with me, except for a quickie this morning. Now take me! Take me hard! I want to shiver on your cock!”
“That’s what you want?” he answers back. “That’s what you will get and what you deserve!”
He aimed his dick, shoved it hard and quickly in me. My body was in a strange mixture of pain and pleasure. He took my thighs and lifted my bum off the bed, and started pounding me hard! My little ass was getting slapped by his hips. He held me up with one hand and grab my breast, quite hard, with his other hand. He pinched my nip. I was still mixed with pleasure and pain. But l was in my ‘beast mode’. I wanted sex, l wanted to cum, l wanted to be slutty.
“Fuck me, Bob! It might take a while before you get that chance again, so fuck me hard!” And he fucked me harder. I dropped back on the bed. I spread my legs as much apart as l could. His body was on top of me. My head barely peaked out from his shoulder. He was holding my shoulders, and continued pounding me. He was moaning louder. Is he coming already? No he stopped and pulled it out. He started to put his fingers in me and fingering me rapidly. He was slowly, but surely, hitting my g spot. I could feel the intensity growing. My body was getting tighter, muscles were crisping, l started to slowly black out (I am starting to know the routine and signs), and l just let myself explode. My body was convulsing. I couldn’t see anything, nor really feel anything else than the shivering throughout my body.
When l started to snap out of my orgasm zone, l realized l was face first in the bed, and Bob was taking me from the back, in my vagina. He was on top of me and pounding me hard! In that position, he was hitting my g spot again. This time my body did not wait that long. It convulsed again, and l was screaming loudly. If this room is as sound proof as the one l heard before, they know that l am getting it good. I was still shaking when l got picked up and brought to the couch. He sat down with me on top of him. I slid him in me. I rode him and made sure my body would slap his when l go down. He grabbed my ass. Even stuck a finger in there. He played with my clit. I exploded again. I came all over his dick. His pelvis area was wet. He did not came yet.
“Fuck me more...” l tell him.
He rolls me around on the couch, and l end up on my back. He is pounding me some more. And he is going quicker and faster. That guy is going to give me another orgasm. It was a smaller one though. But one nonetheless.
He picks me up and puts me now face first into the balcony window, no drapes. Everyone who looked into our direction would see us (but l do not think anyone was looking). He is still doing me hard. At that poing l don’t think l will have another orgasm, so l just enjoy the sex. My nipples are quite erect next to the cold panel glass. He slid it out of me. I turn around and kiss him, but not a gentle kiss, but a slutty kiss, with tongues and everything.
“Go on the floor...” l ask him, which he does. I go down and suck his dick some more, l am moaning while sucking. Then l sit on it, but l turn my back to him while l ride him. He holds me by my hips and keeps pushing me down.
“Man, that ass...” he says.
He picks me up and puts me in front of our numerous mirrors. He takes the lube and says to me.
“Look at you now. You were such a sweet little gentle girl. Now look at you, having sex with older men. Look at you being so sexual...” he slid fingers in my ass, l moaned. “Look at you, taking it like a pro, like the little slut you have become...”
He continued fingering my butt while l was asking myself ‘did l become a slut that enjoys sex?’ Then something bigger went in there. He pushed his penis in my little, supposedly perfect, ass. And he was pounding me hard, and l could see it all in the reflection of the mirror. I looked like a slut. Giving myself up like that. And me l was just there, just ‘taking’ it. Bob was moaning loudly and l could feel him getting bigger in my rectum. I slid it out of me and dropped to my knees. I took the load in my face... like the slut l am. I sucked off the last few drops as my face was covered with his semen. He dropped to his knees also, trying to catch his breath.
“You... are so wild... Clarice...” The only thing l could say was thank you. I went to the bathroom to clean my face off. I looked at myself in the mirror. I think l might have a problem. I shouldn’t act like this, being all slutty and sexual. But now, can l stop myself? I mean its my decision in the end, and my life. No one can stop me. But will those urges ruin me? That’s something to think about.
I came back to the room, Bob was already sleeping. Wow... that didn’t take long. I decided l will at least try the pool before l leave. I changed, left him a note (in case he wakes up), took the room key, and went out.
I arrived at the pool and there were just a few people there. I went in the water. I was happy to see it was warm. I did not swim, l just walked around in there with the few people in it, and the others on lounge chairs. It is quite surprising to see how many people are in the pool area so late on a Saturday evening. I was expecting to be alone.
There was another young girl in the pool. I recognized the one that came out of the room naked earlier. But she recognized me first.
“Hey, l’ve seen you on our floor. You were going into a room with a guy while l was coming out of mine...”
We chit chatted for a while. She is two years younger than me. She is here with her father who is a salesman (like Bob, imagine). They often travel together. She pointed me to the guy. He was on one of the chairs. He looked serious for some reason. The girl, Rebecca was her name, said her dad doesn’t like it when she talks to other people (maybe because others might find out your screwing your daughter). The girl was sweet but kinda shy, even though she talked to me first.
Becky, short for Rebecca, asked me about my guy. I told her he was my uncle. She believed me. Told her he too was a salesman. But this is our first time travelling together. She adds...
“I... uh... heard... you while we were coming out to go downstairs. (Pause) You know... like you heard me?”
I did not know what to answer. It was a total shock. My hand went to my mouth in disbelief.
“It’s fine. It’s nice to know that l am not the only one.”
“Only one what?”, l dared ask.
“To be with a family member...”
Am l actually having THAT conversation? What am l suppose to do or say? I thought about Stephanie who looked out for me earlier...
“Do you need help? Are you okay?” I ask her.
“There is not much l can do since mama died. I live with him now.”
I was getting uncomfortable. I glared at the father, he was still looking at us but his eyes have changed. He is not as serious but definitely looking at us. A few people left.
“Is it... weird? I mean with your dad?”
“I love my dad. I make him happy. He is happy with me...”
“But are you happy?”
“I learned to be happy”, is what she said.
“Aren’t you afraid to get pregnant?”
“Oh no, he got operated a long time ago. And now we can just enjoy it without accidents. Do you enjoy your uncle?”
“Sometimes yes, sometimes no...” and that is now the truth.
“Yeah me too. I wish he wouldn’t come so quickly...”
Please don’t ask me to get into details, l am sure l lived much more crazy things than you. A few more people left the area. Dad was now in the pool coming towards us. It was only us three.
“Hello”, he says, “how are you?”
“Dad, this is Clarice, the girl from the room we heard on the way here?” I blushed.
He was a little shocked. Said l sounded like an older woman and not a teen. I can’t believe this is what l am hearing.
“So just like Becky, you are an active little lady, right?”
I guess l am. What are you getting at?
“Yeah the guy is her uncle!” Rebecca adds. “They are like you and me!” Becky was way too excited to announce this to her father.
“Oh really... maybe we should double date and swap.” Did he just say that?!? “I am sure my little Becky could make another man happy... and then you can make another guy happy...”
“Oh really?” Becky says. “You’d let me have a special moment with someone else? And you would let Clarice have a special moment with you?”
She turns her head towards me. “Do you want to have a special moment with my daddy?” Shut up! You’re not helping!
“I don’t think my uncle would like to have a... ‘special moment’... with someone else...” hoping to defuse this situation because now my mind is mixed with repulsiveness but my body is with excitement.
The dad goes on “Then maybe it could just be you and me...” l was never hit on so directly before. His intentions are so clear l do not know what to do. I spent the whole freaking day having sex. Will this continue?
“Oh Clarice, please do my daddy! That will make him so happy!”
Then the guy untied his bathing suit and took them off and threw them to the side of the pool. “C’mon, you know you are curious. You know you want it...”
A part of me did.
Then Becky grabbed it and asked me to look. “Isn’t it pretty?” she adds. She shakes it around, even jerks it off a little.
I am thorn between running out of there, or grabbing the old man’s cock. Shit! What can l do?
I sighed. “Stupid, son of a...” and grabbed it and started to give the guy a hand job in the pool. The guy moaned.
“Daddy loves it.” He better!
It was getting hard. If l was lucky, he would come quick. But Becky had other plans. She came behind me and pulled down the bottom part of the bikini.
“Here daddy, you can put it in here.” Becky said with such innocence in her voice. The guy turned me around. Might as well let him do me at this point. I slightly bent over and held onto the side of the pool. He slid it in me. And yes, he came quickly. Becky was all joy. She kept saying l made her daddy happy. After a few minutes, l took my stuff and went to my room.
I opened the door, Bob was still sleeping.
I pug my jammies on, covered him with the blankets, turned off the lights, and went to bed.