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Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

As always, this is a story for and about consenting adults.

If you are put off by any of the themes indicated by the tags - or if you feel it might offend your religious or political beliefs, please skip it.
Black Cat (Part IV)

Chapter 10: Saturday Afternoon - Relaxing Bath

It was surreal: Cat and I, lying on the sofa. We watched Narges clean. She did it thoroughly and efficiently, careful not to step into any puddles and stains on the floor. Slowly, the scent of semen and piss was replaced by an artificial lemon and Febreze stench.

At some point, Narges asked us to move so she could clean the sofa. I took Cat into my arms, lifted her off the couch, and carried her upstairs to the bathroom. I lowered her down into the bathtub. Cat flinched when her skin hit the cold marble. I filled the bathtub with warm water, added some soothing bath essence, and joined Cat in the tub.

She curled up on top of me, still drowsy and exhausted. I started washing her from head to toe with a soft washcloth. I cleaned her face and hair, sticky with semen and pee. I cleaned her pussy, it was red and swollen. I cleaned her violated asshole, still gaping and leaking. Cat purred when I pushed the washcloth into her asshole.

“Mmmmmm… I still can’t move, but this feels really nice.”

“Don’t move, let me do all the work.”

We could still hear the vacuum cleaner outside. Together with very melodic singing. Afghan songs?

“Dan… I want you to know that I really enjoyed this. Everything hurts and I still can’t feel my legs… but I loved it.”

“I loved it, too… but I was worried about you…”

“On a scale from 1 to Nana, how fucked up am I?”

“Hahaha, you’re a Nana and then some.”

“She’s… I mean… you met her…”

“Sure did…”

“No, I mean, like before… I love her and she is literally my only friend. But she’s also the most repressed person I know. And then… I mean… whoah!”

“Yeah… I guess you pushed her a little too much…”

“This has always been our thing… our, you know, vibe? I say something cheeky and she ‘Catherine!’s me..”

“So this wasn’t planned?”

“What do you mean, ‘planned’? You think I could plan something like this?”

“I dunno… to me it felt like you knew what you were doing when you pushed her…”

“Nope. Like really: nope. I could feel that she was getting, you know… excited... when she asked about us. When she told about the stories she reads. And I just went with the flow. Until it became…”

“A torrent?”

“Yeah, something like that…”

Cat curled up against me and dozed off… I held her and felt her breath until the water got cold. Just when I tried to wake her up, the door opened and Narges stuck her head in.

“Sorry to intrude. I’m done, all clean and shiny. I have to run home to change… I’ll bring dinner when I come back. I understand we will have another guest later?”

“Thank you, Nana….”

She winked at me, closed the door. Another guest. I felt like I could stay in the bathtub - or in a soft bed - forever. My muscles ached. My balls felt numb and empty. My cock felt sore.

I kissed Cat until she opened her eyes. Carried her out of the bathtub, dried her off, and helped her dress.

Another guest. Please, let this be just another guest…


Chapter 11: Saturday Early Evening - Dinner Guests

It was almost 5pm when we got out of the bathtub. Everything moved in slow motion. Cat could barely walk and had to hold on to me. I walked like a grandpa, my balls twice their normal size.

Narges had done an amazing job, the living room looked just like before our little orgy. It smelled fresh. There was a small bowl with mint leaves and coffee beans on the coffee table.

“I’ll go downstairs and change. Back in a bit.”

“Do you need help?”

“Nah, I’ll manage… don’t fuck any kids while I’m away…”

“Kitty, just trust me on this, I ain’t fucking nobody today…”

“Hold that thought…”

And she was gone… well, slowly gone, limping bow legged towards the door.

Narges had said that she would bring dinner. I didn’t know what else to do, so I set the table for four. For four. Another guest. Images were swirling through my head. Two sex-crazed kids in one day. There couldn’t possibly be a third. This would be a normal evening, with some time to relax and recharge. Maybe I could make love to Cat later tonight? Maybe Narges would join us? But no more crazy stuff. My cock twitched. It hurt. Damn.


Cat came back a few minutes later, wearing a light yellow summer dress. A very short summer dress. The contrast to her pitch-black skin looked amazing. Her toned legs looked amazing. Her smile looked even amazing-er. That’s not a word. But you know what I mean.

“Do I look presentable?”

“Presentable and then some… my girlfriend is a real stunner!”

“Don’t you talk like this about little kids, you lovely pedo…”

“I wish you would stop calling me that…”

“Well, technically…”

“When is… your friend…. coming?”

“I told him 6-ish. I have a hunch he’s the punctual type.”

Cat sat down on the couch… she grimaced when she leaned back.

“Still hurts?”

“It’s fine… but… I admit, this was all a little much…”

She pulled her legs up. Her dress slid up her thighs. Cat wasn’t wearing panties.



“What are your thoughts on underwear?”

“My thoughts: it’s optional. Especially when your pussy feels like it has been fucked and fisted and your asshole won’t close all the way… Daddy.”

“I hear you.” Deep breath. “This is the second time I’m asking this today… but… what kind of visit will this be?”

“All part of my project. The first part did get a little out of hand… but it’s all good.”

I looked at her. Held her gaze.

“Oh come on. Do I look like I could just keep fucking? And if I may say so, you look a tiny bit exhausted as well…”

“Yes. I don’t think I can go another round without either a heart attack or my balls dropping off…”

“Then let’s have a lovely evening… I hope.”

The doorbell rang.

“Can you get that, Daddy? Getting up is still a bit of a challenge…”


I pressed the buzzer, waited for a bit until I heard steps outside and opened the door. Ti. Holy crap. This was the biggest guy I had ever seen. Not the tallest. The biggest. Not quite my height, but at least two times my weight. “Fat” was the wrong word, he looked like a brick house. Camo shorts. Black T-shirt. You could see his… breasts? under it. Arms the size of my legs. Hands like frying pans. Short ginger hair. A bit of stubble on his giant, red face. He looked out of breath. Hauling something like 400 pounds up the stairs must’ve been quite an exercise.

I tried a smile. “You must be Ti! Welcome!”

He held on to the door frame with one hand (one giant hand). He looked at me. A bit puzzled. Well, coming to see a black girl and a middle-aged white guy opening the door…

“Is Cat in? I’m here for her laptop…”

Now it was my turn to look confused. So we just stood there and stared at each other.

Cat, chirping in the background: “Daddy, who is it?”. Cat… Dammit…

“Please come in. Cat is waiting for you.”

He stepped inside. Both his hips rubbed against the doorframe when he squeezed through. Jesus.

“Hi Ti! Sorry I couldn’t come to the door, I’m a bit… exhausted…”


“Suppository. A big one.”


“Just kidding. Have a seat.”

Ti was standing next to the couch. Hunched over. He looked like a giant next to petite little Kitty. Why did this make my cock twitch?

“Uhm… I just wanted to get the laptop and I’ll see if I can make it work ag…”

“It’s downstairs. But Ti… can you sit down, please?” Ti just stood there. “The laptop is… ok. No problem. I’m sorry, I know you make some extra money repairing tech stuff… and it was the best I could come up with to ask you to come here. I’m really sorry.”


“The laptop is not why I wanted you to come and see me. Us.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? I walked like half an hour to get here!”

“I’m sorry, but I swear I will make it up to you.”

I cringed. Kitty… no. What had she been thinking?

Ti stood there. Even from the back, I could see that he was angry… furious. Breathing heavily.

“I’m outta here. I thought you were… fuck… fuck you!”

Me: “Ti, I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I don’t think we need to…”

He turned around, his eyes looked like he was about to cry, sweat was running down his forehead. “Fuck you too… you and your… your…”

Cat, softly: “You can say it, Ti.”

“You… you… “

“Say it. Tell me what I am…”

Now I could see a tear in his eye… not quite enough to roll down his cheeks, but enough to make him look like a hurt deer.

Ti stomped towards me. For a moment it looked like he wanted to walk right over me, but he stumbled to the right, walked past me, and opened the door.

“Oh Hello. It is Ti, right?”

I turned around. Narges, standing in the doorway, blocked Ti’s way. She was wearing the same kind of black coat and black headscarf, but these were clean and looked freshly ironed.

“Yes, I’m… Sorry, I was about to…”

“Be a dear and help me with this.” Narges lifted a plastic container the size of a suitcase and heaved it into Ti’s arms.

“Dinner. Should be enough for all of us.” She walked by Ti, smiling first at him and then at me.

“Afghan mothers. Ask them to cook something and they will cook everything.”

I smiled back. Ti was still standing in the doorway, holding the container with his giant arms, looking outside.

“Ti, can you bring this to the kitchen? Thank you so much.”

Ti turned around. His face was… “confused” wasn’t enough. Helpless. Overwhelmed. Yes, buddy, meet the girls. This is what they do.

“Dan, are you feeling better? And Catherine, how is your… condition?”

“Come here, and I’ll give you a fistful of details…”

“I’m so happy to see that you are all well again - and even your voice is back!”

Ti slowly walked towards the kitchen. I joined him.

“Please stay. I know you are angry. Cat can be… a handful. But I swear to you she means well.”

“Man, I’ve been there before. Going to some place to meet some chick…”

I looked at him. Raised one eyebrow.

“Sorry, I mean… girl?”

“Better. You can put the stuff over here. I’m not sure what…”

“Oh leave this to me.” Narges opened her coat while she walked towards us and threw it over one of the chairs at the dining table.

“Can you just put everything on the table? Don’t worry about what goes where.”

“OK… uhm… Nargen?”

“Narges. My friends call me Nana.”

“OK… Narges…”

“Nana. When we eat together, call me Nana. Please.”

“Sorry, I was just about to…”

“Everything on the table. I’ll be right back with you.”

I helped Ti to take the food out of the container and place something like two dozen plates, bowls, and baskets on the table. It smelled fantastic. Something that looked like very thin pita bread. Dumplings covered in yogurt and sprinkled with mint leaves. Small skewers with meat, onions, and peppers. A stew, with a strong smell of cumin. Rice mixed with fruit, vegetables, and long, thin strips of grilled meat. Little cakes filled with a kind of porridge and dried fruit. And more. So much more.

For someone with hands like excavator buckets, Ti was exceptionally careful with each plate and bowl. He made sure that two plates with the same dish ended up on opposite sides of the table. Made sure that half a dozen sauces, dips, and oils with herbs were distributed evenly. Arranged the slices of bread like a fan.

“You’re doing great… I’ll be right back…”

I walked over to the couch. Cat and Narges were sitting next to each other, holding hands, Cat’s head on Narges' shoulder. Friends. I was relieved.

“Hey, Daddy!”

“I think you should… talk to your guest.”

“Yes. I will. But… where was I?”

Narges whispered something.

“Oh, yes. Nana: Biggest. Shit. Ever.”

Narges snorted into her hand.


“No, seriously. Got fucked by a man, now I can shit like a man.”

I put my finger on my lips. Cat looked at me, then at Ti a good 15 feet away at the table.

“And of course: got fisted by a psycho.”

She kissed Narges on her cheek. Narges returned the kiss on Cat’s cheek. So sweet. So chaste. I had real hopes for the evening. (Hold that thought).


“Ti, I want to apologize. I was not okay to lie to you. I’m sorry.”

“I… I really dunno. What do you want?”

“I promise I will explain. I promise I’m not… like… messing with you.”


“But…can we eat first?”


We sat down. The dining table was big enough for ten guests. And it looked like we had food for ten. Narges gave a short introduction for each dish, told us which ones go together, which ones were spicy or sweet.

And then we ate. For an hour. It was delicious. Every single dish like an explosion of foreign flavors, some so spicy we had to gulp down whole glasses of the yogurt-like drink Narges had brought. It tasted sweet and salty, with a hint of lemon and black pepper.

Ti: “This is really good. Thank you… Nana.”

“You are welcome, Ti. If you like I can give you the recipes for some of these.”

“Oh… we do not cook much. And my dad… he wouldn’t…”

Ti fell silent, looked down. His face was already red from the spicy rice with peppers, but now it turned a different kind of red. The embarrassed kind of red.

Cat: “I know, Ti. It’s ok. We know about your dad. The whole school knows.”

“He is… he is a good man. He is my dad. But he has his… ways. And he doesn’t allow…”

“Foreign food?”

“Yes.” Almost inaudible.

“Made by foreigners?”


“It’s ok. You are here. You are eating with us. He doesn’t have to know.”

“If he knew… I mean… I thought I was just picking up a laptop…”

“If he knew you were eating with…”

Ti shook his head.

“You can say it. I will not be offended. I promise. We try to be honest with each other here.”

Ti just stared down at his plate. A piece of bread, dripping with spicy sauce, in his hand.

“You are eating with niggers.”

Me: “Cat!”

“No, it’s ok… Ti?”

“Yes. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. This is your dad. What do you think?”

Ti looked up. Not angry. But like someone who has been pushed one too many times.

“He is not wrong about all of it, you know?”

“Nobody is wrong about everything. But you do understand that I don’t like this word?”


“Then all I’m asking of you is that you do not use it for me…”


“...unless I ask you to.”


Cat winked at him. “Just kidding. Food is getting cold.”

“A lot of it is cold. It’s supposed to be served like this, Catherine.”

“Of course, Mother Superior.”

“Ti… do you think I am a… you know?”

“It is… not the… same…”

“What do you call me?”

Ti looked down again.

“Please, look at me.”

Narges tried to touch his hand, but he drew it back.

“I heard… raghead?”

He shook his head.

“Terrorist?” She said it with fake doom in her voice.

He shook his head.

Cat: “Sandnigger?”

Ti nodded. Looked down on his plate.

This time, Narges leaned forward and grabbed his big hand with both of her hands.

“I don’t like this word either. But I think… you can’t really hate what you don’t know. If you or your dad knew anything about me… I’m not a sandnigger. I’m a mountain nigger.”

Cat spit out a mouthful of food. Ti looked up, his face halfway between crying and smiling. Narges looked at him and squeezed his hand.

“My god, Nana has made a joke. Like a real joke.”

“Please be quiet, Catherine. Or we will have another… fistfight.” She winked at Cat.

“Ti, please look at me. I think you are better than that. I think you are a good man.”

Ti smiled. Shy. This mountain of a guy smiled like the moon in old children’s books.

“Let’s eat. When we have our mouths full, we won’t be tempted to say silly things.”

And so we ate. In peace. At some point, I noticed that Narges was still holding Ti’s hand.


Chapter 12: Saturday Evening - Truth or Dare

“I should leave.”

Cat: “No, please, stay.”

Narges: “Yes, Ti. I would like you to stay. Please.”

“For what it’s worth, I would like you to stay, too. Feel free to leave, but just know that you are among friends here.”



“Cat… you promised… Why am I here? What is this?”

“Yes, I promised. Let’s play a game. Truth or Dare. If you get Truth, you will get the truth. Deal?”


We left the dining table, there would be quite a mess to clean up later. We moved over to the living room, I pushed the table to the side and took four large cushions. We put the cushions on the floor, sat down on them. Ti opposite me, Cat to my left, Narges to my right.

“Let’s play.”

Ti: “Cat… Truth.”

“This is not how this…”

“Why am I here? Truth.”

“Fine. We have something in common. We’ve all been bullied. We’ve all been bullied by the same person.”

Ti looked at Cat. Looked over to Narges. Looked over at me, but I just shrugged.

“The Evil Queen.”

Both Ti and Narges looked down.

“Evil Queen?”

“Mikayla Mauss. Head cheerleader. Blonde. Tall. Tits and ass for two. Evil incarnate.”

“Mauss? I think that’s German for ‘mouse’”


“So… it’s Cat and Mouse?”

“Damn… talk about fate and all.”

Ti: “What about her? I have nothing to do with her!”

“Ti, Truth. What happened at the 5-mile run?”

“No. Don’t.”

“Ti… it’s truth. Your turn.”

Pause. Ti looked at her. His lips a thin line.

Narges: “I go first. Truth. I love swimming. But… I don’t want to wear a bikini. Or a swimsuit. Because… you know….”

We all nodded.

“I have this special swimsuit… like…”


Narges laughed. “No, not a burkini. They look horrible. It’s like… what divers wear?”

Narges took a deep breath.

“It covers my whole body and my head… I mean hair. I feel safe in it. Like I’m feeling safe right now. I didn’t notice how tight it was. Mikayla took pictures of me, getting out of the water, sitting on the poolside. You could see my… nipples? The outline of my… you know?”

“Camel toe…”

“Catherine, please… she sent the pictures to half the school. Some Telegram group. Everybody knows I have like… big…”

“That’s horrible. What kind of person does something like this?”

“Mikayla. She is exactly the type of person who does something like this.”

“Ti… I told mine. Do you want to tell yours?”

Ti shook his head. “No. It’s really nothing. But I don’t want to…”

“OK, here’s mine. I cut you a deal: if yours is worse than mine, you don’t have to tell it. Deal?”


“A while ago… well, actually, a long while ago, I kinda hooked up with a senior.”

Narges: “Josh…”

“Yes. Doesn’t matter. I didn’t know that he was also dating Mikayla at the time. I really didn’t. We kinda made out and he was… very rough. Made me do things I didn’t want. But I really had a big crush on him. A senior was making out with me… who cares if he is a bit out of line, right?”

She looked at us. I tried to give her a reassuring smile… but… Cat, dammit…

“He didn’t like that I was… inexperienced. Unskilled. I didn’t want him to leave. I didn’t like what he did but I still wanted him to stay and do more of it. And I did what I thought was… very sexy. To show him that I was into him. Was his.”

Cat took a deep breath. Looked at Ti. “I hope you understand that I haven’t told this to anyone. Not even Nana. If you can’t beat it, you tell yours. Do we still have a deal?”


“I was wearing yoga pants. Grey. Kinda thought they showed off what little I had… downstairs. And when he was about to leave, I asked him to look at me. He did. And I peed my pants.”

Ti’s mouth fell open. “What?”

“Judge me all you want. I thought this was hot. Like really hot. I had never done this for anyone. I had dreamed of it. I had tried it alone at home to see what it would look like. I thought it looked beautiful. The way it spread like a flower. Ran down my legs. It did look beautiful.

Josh looked at me, took his phone out, snapped a couple of photos, and left. It took me a minute to throw a dress over my soiled pants and run after him. Just around the corner, I could see that he had thrown up. Guess he didn’t find it sexy…”

Nana: “Catherine, I’m so sorry. You never told…”

“No. It was the most embarrassing thing I ever did. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“But what does this have to do with Mikayla?”

“He must’ve shown her the pictures. And since this day, every few weeks, I get a message from some anonymous account or email. Always one of the pictures. She didn’t share them - I think she didn’t. But she’s dangling them over my head.”

“How do you know it’s her?”

“Because I know. Josh went off to college about a year ago. He doesn’t give a fuck about me or school. And I see the way she’s smiling at me.”

“Fuck, I’m really sorry. Cat. That’s…”

“Well, does it beat yours?”

“I guess…”

“So, spill it. Truth. Ti, what happened at the 5-mile run?”

“Mr. Coogan makes us run five miles. Especially on hot days. Every time, I either tapped out or passed out. I’m not very… athletic. Mr. Coogan laughed. Other kids laughed.

Last run before summer break. I wanted to make it. Just once. Show him. Show them. It was like a 100 degrees out there. But I kept running. More like walking. I didn’t stop. Just this one time I would make it and then they could all go fuck themselves. Last mile. Cheerleaders training in the middle of the football field, most of the other kids had already crossed the finishing line. I was still running. Walking. Mikayla… started walking next to me. With her pom-poms. Cheering. One-Two-Three-Ti! I kept walking. She kept cheering. One of the other girls filmed us. I’ve seen the video. It looks like I’m about to have a stroke. I’m so wet with sweat… there’s spit running from my mouth. And Mikayla is dancing around me, throwing her legs up, cheering. I don’t know who has seen the video. I think a lot of people have.”

Narges: “But you made it to the finishing line?”


Narges scooched over to Ti and took his hand.

“I would’ve tapped out on this run, too.”

Cat: “So would I”.

“You made it to the end. Someone like Mikayla will never understand what this means. All she can do is sneer and bully. Forget about her. On this day, you finished a 5-mile run.”

Ti looked at Narges. A long look. It felt like the air was crackling.

“I’m very proud of you, Ti.”

“Thank… Thank you, Nana.”

Narges didn’t move back. She sat next to Ti and they were holding hands. Finally, a wholesome evening.

“So, what now? You got us here, we all told our stories. What now?”

“I don’t know. It’s not like I have a plan or something.”

Narges and I both looked at her.

“No, I really don’t. But I’m happy I’m here with you and we could tell each other the truth. Our truth. I don’t think I could’ve told it to anybody else. Not even you, Daddy…”

“What? Cat: Truth! Daddy?”

I interjected: “I’m her boyfriend.”

“What? Dude, you’re like 50…”

“Ouch… not quite… but yeah…”

“What the… I mean… how long…”

Cat: “This Christmas will be our 8-year anniversary!”


“Just kidding. But we do have an anniversary coming up. In about 2 ½ hours, it will be one day.”

“I really… I think I need to leave…”

“Pretty judgemental for someone holding hands with a sandnigger…”

Ti looked at Narges. She squeezed his hand. Or more like: she squeezed his finger. Her hand looked tiny compared to his.

Narges looked at him: “Mountain nigger…”

She leaned against him. “Ti… Truth. I like you. Do you like me?”


“Ti… Dare. Will you dare to stay even with a weird couple like those two?”


“I’m very happy. Do you want to put your arm around me?”


Narges looked like a doll with Ti’s arm around her. His upper arm was almost the size of her upper body. She cuddled up against him.

“You are very wet, Ti.”

“I’m sorry… the spicy food and…”

“No, no, I like it. You smell nice.”

Cat looked at me. Smiled. Damn.


“It’s called ‘Truth or Dare’... and so far we had like five truths and one dare. Daddy… Truth or Dare?”


“I dare you to kiss me… but not like a boyfriend. Like a Daddy would kiss his daughter.”

“Not much of a dare… but here we go…”

I leaned forward, grabbed the corner of the cushion Cat sat on, and pulled it towards me. Cat shrieked with delight as she glided over the floor. We sat face to face. I took her head between my hands and kissed her forehead. She looked up at me. Turned her head and I kissed her cheek. From the corner of my eye, I could see Narges snuggling up against Ti while he watched us, his mouth open, his eyes wide.

I kissed Cat’s other cheek. Kissed her neck. Slid her dress down over one shoulder and kissed the exposed skin. I could feel my cock getting hard. Cat licked from my neck up to my ear, whispered: “Bet you… in an hour, they will both drink my piss.” And she bit my earlobe.

I cleaned my throat. “I think this counts as a daddy-daughter kiss?”

Cat chuckled. “A very loving daddy…”

“A very cute daughter.” With all that had happened in the last 22 hours, she still blushed a bit.

Me: “Narges. Truth or Dare?”


“I dare you to hug Ti in a way that your arms go all around him.”

“What? I mean… how?”

“You’ll figure it out…”

Narges moved back a bit. Looked at Ti. He gave a shy smile. God, they were cute together.

She got up on her knees and threw her arms around his neck. She tried to pull him close, but it was more like she was pulling herself up to him. Their faces came closer. We both held our breath. Would they…? No, she put her cheek against his. His big arms wrapped around her, you couldn’t even see her back when his arms hugged her. Did she whisper something into his ear? We could see that he lowered one arm and re-arranged something in his pants.

Me: “How old are you, Ti?”

“I’m… 17.”

Narges looked at him.

“I had to… repeat two grades. I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for? You are very sweet.”

Ti smiled and looked at Narges.

“I’m 13. Does this bother you?”


“It doesn’t bother me either.”

And then they kissed. Not a deep French kiss. Just a short kiss on the lips. It still felt like fireworks, even from a few feet away.

Narges: “Ti. Truth or Dare?”


“No, Truth.”

“OK… Truth.”

“What do you like about me?”

He gave her a thoughtful look. Maybe the pause was a bit too long. Narges looked… tense?

“You are kind. I’m not good with… words. But you didn’t judge. And you are very pretty.”

Another kiss. Not longer, but a little more insistent.

“Nana. Truth or Dare?”


“What do you like about me? If you like…”

“Shhh, don’t be silly. I like how gentle you are. I like your face. And your smile. And I really like how big you are.”

“I don’t like how big I am.”

“Shhh again… I like it enough for both of us. I feel safe with you.”

The third kiss. Longer this time. Narges’ fingers caressed Ti’s face. Ti’s hand touched her headscarf.

Cat whispered: “Am I a matchmaker or what?” - “This is not you. This is all them.” - “Let a girl dream, dammit!”

Narges was now sitting half on Ti’s lap. He shifted to the side, trying to hide his erection.

Me: “Cat: Truth or Dare?”


“Help Nana sit more comfortably.”

All three looked at me with a puzzled face. Then Cat’s face lit up.

“Ahhhh… how considerate…”

She crawled over to them. Slowly. I knew that the way she crawled on all fours, they would both get a good look down her dress. At her lovely nipples. My cock twitched.

“You two lovebirds look like you’re playing some chaste version of Twister.”


“Ti, don’t try to hide it. It’s… a little too obvious to hide.”


Narges: “It’s ok… and it is obvious”. She chuckled. “It means you like me.”

“I do…”

“Look, stretch your legs out like this. Yes. And Nana, you sit on his leg… yes, like on his hip bone. See. Comfortable. And you don’t touch any naughty parts.”

“I like this.”

“Don’t you touch her the wrong way, Mister. She’s 13.”

“I didn’t want to…”

“Of course not. Who would press their boner against a kid, right?”

“But you…”

“What? Daddy and I, our relationship is platonic. What the hell did you think? I’m eleven. Jesus!”

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t…”

I couldn’t hold back a laugh. Cat joined in, then Narges.

Ti looked confused… then annoyed… then angry.

“Oh, come on. It was a little funny. Right?”

“I dunno… I want to trust you. So don’t…”

“If you trust me… let me run a quick test…”

Cat put her hand on Ti’s groin. Ti tensed up. Narges looked at her.


“Just a test… Ti, look at me.”

I couldn’t really see what Cat was doing… it looked like she was holding his cock through his pants.

“You liked my story, right?”


“I could see that you liked my story about peeing my pants. You didn’t have an erection before. When I told you about the little wet flower appearing on my pants… that’s when I noticed it first.”


“It’s ok, Ti. I liked it too. Catherine is very beautiful when she pees.”

“What? I… ahhhhhh… yes… I… I liked… it…”

“Oh yes, there it is. Damn, Nana. You’re one lucky girl. Just wait a few years until she’s 18 and you can both have lots of fun.”

Cat gave Ti a quick kiss on the cheek. Another kiss for Narges. And then she crawled back, grinning like a cat who had just caught a bird. I knew what kind of view Ti and Narges were enjoying. Narges smiled. Licked her lips. Ti’s eyes were as big as saucers while we watched Cat’s pussy crawl away from him.

Over her shoulder: “Ti: Truth or Dare?”

Croaking: “Dare.”

“Good boy. Take off your shirt.”


“What do you mean: no? Take off your shirt!”

“No. I don’t… I don’t want to.”

“This is not how this works…”

“I don’t care… I don’t want you to…”

“I want to see you, Ti. Please?”

Narges put her head against his cheek.

“Nana, you don’t understand…”

Narges stood up. Ti looked… sad. Defeated.

“I will be right back. Catherine, can you help me?”

Cat got up, took Narges’ hand and they both went to the bathroom.

“Wha? What just happened?”

“Don’t worry. She really likes you. And you don’t have to…”

“No. It’s not that. It’s… shit…”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No… you wouldn’t understand… it’s…”

He got up. “I need to leave. I’m sorry.”

“Sit. Down.”

Ti stood there. I could see tears in his eyes.

“She’s the first girl that didn’t… really, like the first… and I…”

“Sit down. Now. Whatever it is, you will figure it out. Together. We will help.”

“Man… I don’t want to fuck this up…”

“We are your friends. And I think… Nana is… your girlfriend?”

“What? I don’t know…”

“I do know. Relax. And… you might want to use the time to…”

I looked at his crotch.

“Oh…”. He stuck his hand down into his pants, fumbled a bit.

“Ahhhh… better…”

“Now sit down. I don’t know what those two are cooking up… but I’m pretty sure you will like it.”


He sat there like a Buddha. A very large Buddha. Waited. It looked like he was chewing gum.


The bathroom door opened, Cat and Narges walked out. Narges had something in her hand. Something like a small folded bundle. A towel?

“This is for you, Ti.”

She handed him the bundle. Ti looked at her. Looked at the tiny bundle in his big hands. Unfolded it. An olive T-shirt. A dark sports bra. Gray sports panties. His mouth fell open.

“I’m shy, too. I get it. And I can’t show you all… of me… yet.”

She touched his chin. Turned his head towards her. “I’m all naked underneath. For you. And I promise you will get to see… and touch… I just need time. OK? And you take all the time you need. But I want to see you, too. And I want to touch you.”

She kissed him. A soft kiss. Narges tilted her head. Straddled his leg. Moved on top of it. Both of her hands in his hair.

Cat: “Ti? Look at me.”

He broke the kiss… turned his head. Narges kissed his cheek. His neck. Nibbled on his ear.

Cat wiggled her shoulders and the yellow summer dress just fell down. She must’ve opened the zipper on the back. Cat was all naked. Her nipples erect. A small drop of liquid ran down her leg.

“Do you like what you see?”

Ti just looked. His eyes darted left and right. He looked at Narges.

“You can look. I’m not jealous. I think Catherine is very beautiful.”

She put her hand on his lap. Ti tried to cover his crotch with his hand.

“It’s ok… let me… Oh, Ti. You have a very thick penis. I like it.”

Ti groaned. Tried to steady himself.

“Do you want to touch her?”

Ti nodded. Cat stepped closer to him. Took his hand. Brought it up to her mouth. Put his index finger between her lips. I could see her tongue swirling around it, coating it with spit.


Narges kissed his neck… licked it. Her hand moved up and down in his lap.

“Put your finger here… yes, there… ohhhhhhhhhh…”

Narges took his other hand. Did the same with his other finger, but she took the finger a little deeper into her mouth. She had to spread her legs under the black dress to push his big hand underneath it.

“Touch me… be gentle. No man has touched me there before.” I had to smile. No man.

Ti closed his eyes. One finger rubbed Cat, it looked like she was balancing just on his finger, slowly gyrating her hips: “Mmmmm, yes, you can stick it in if you want…”

Narges hissed… her hands dug into his T-shirt. “Careful, Ti… just… just touch it… yes, like this… oh my…”

My cock was all hard… watching them, my girlfriend fucking herself with his finger. Narges moved slowly, her legs trembling. Both hands in his lap, pumping… I opened my pants. Cat looked at me. Licked her lips. Let a little bit of spit run down her chin.

“Ti. Can we take your T-shirt off?”

“Yes… but you will not like…”

“Shhh shhh…”

Both leaned forward and kissed both corners of his mouth. I could see Cat’s tongue darting out, licking his lips. Narges watched her and did the same. Ti opened his mouth and two little tongues pushed into it… he moaned… Narges and Cat grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up. Ti lifted his arms. His enormous belly, pale and full of small liver spots. His breasts… like B-cups? A good handful. They jiggled as the T-shirt lifted them a bit and then let them drop.

And then I saw it. A tattoo, the size of a saucer, on the left side of his chest. Over his heart. A square cross with an interlocking circle. All black with a white edge. Fuck.

Cat and Narges pulled the T-shirt over his head. Ti tried to cross his arms over his chest.

“Don’t. I think you’re very… sexy.” Narges giggled. This was probably the first time she had said this word.

Cat: “Ti, what is this?”

“It’s… for… it was a birthday present.”

“From your dad?”


“What does it mean, Ti?”

“It’s about… the future… and ancestry… and…”

Me: “It stands for ‘White Pride’”

All three looked at me.

Narges: “Is this true, Ti?”

He looked down. It felt like I could see his erection shrivel down.

“Yes. I’m sorry.”

“This might be the first time you really have something to be sorry about. It looks nice. But it is a symbol for something very ugly.”

Ti said nothing. Neither of them moved. Cat stood there, Ti’s hands between her legs. Narges sat on his leg, his hand between her legs. Her hands were no longer in his lap. They were spread out around the tattoo, like a frame.

“We have to make this right, Ti. Do you trust me?”

“Yes. I’m… I’m…”

“Ti, could you lean back a little? Please?”

Ti took his hands away from both girls and placed them on the floor behind him. Leaned back. It looked like he was lounging on a sunchair.

“Catherine, would you step over Ti? Yes, like this.”

Cat had one leg between his left arm and chest, the other leg next to the right side of his neck. Crouched down a little.

“Catherine, would you be so kind and urinate on my boyfriend?”


Before Ti could move, I saw the golden arc emanating from Cat’s pussy. I could hear her pee splatter against his chest. Pissing directly on his tattoo.

“No… what… no…”

Nana, in her sternest voice: “Quiet. You owe us…”

Cat’s pee was running over Ti’s chest, down his belly, soaking his shorts. Narges leaned forward and started kissing and licking the tattoo. Licking up Cat’s piss. Drinking it. Cat’s piss ran all over her glasses, over her cheeks, soaked her lips. She licked his nipple. Turned her head a bit so Cat could piss directly into her mouth. Then she let it run from her mouth over the cross while she pinched his nipple, pulled it, lifted his breasts… Ti groaned. I could see that his erection was back… sticking up even through the thick, heavy army shorts.

“Ahhhh… god…”

“You want some nigger piss, white boy?”


Cat pushed her hips forward and aimed her golden stream at Ti’s mouth. He opened his mouth and I could hear the piss gurgling in his mouth… I could see him swallowing. Narges joined him, putting her mouth next to his, sharing Cat’s pee with him. When she got some in her mouth, she turned her head and let it run into Ti’s overflowing mouth. Both of them had one hand on Cat’s ass, guiding her stream all over their faces. Narges’ hand looked ridiculously small compared to Ti’s.

It was only then that I noticed that I had been jerking my cock this whole time. I felt like I could shoot my load just from watching Narges and Ti drinking my girlfriend’s piss.

Cat’s stream withered down until it was barely there. Narges moved her mouth up and gave Cat’s pussy a good, long lick, all the way from her slit to her dripping pee hole. Cat purred. Narges turned back to Ti, stuck her tongue out, and let her harvest trickle into his mouth. Ti took her tongue between his lips and sucked it gently.

“Oh god… I have never…”

“Neither have I. It is our first time. Together. Thank you, Catherine!”

“You’re so welcome… this was like the hottest thing ever.”

She bent down to both and kissed Ti, licked his face clean. She looked at Narges. “Allow me?” Narges smiled and Cat kissed her on the mouth, letting the piss she had lapped up from Ti’s face run into Narges’ mouth. … she licked around Narges’ lips. Licked the pee off her face and glasses and spit it back into Ti’s mouth.

“I love you. Both of you.”

“I love you, Catherine. Ti?”

He looked at her. His face wet, it looked like he had tears in his eyes.

“I love you, Ti.”

“I love you, Nana.”

Pause. Cat cleared her throat.

Ti smiled at her. “I love you, too, Cat… but… it’s different.”

“I know. But it’s still good to hear it.” She winked.

“This might not be the most significant thing right now… but… you ruined my scarf.”

Narges fumbled under her chin and then pulled the drenched headscarf off. A flood of chestnut brown hair poured out of it.

“Nobody here has ever seen me… like this.”

“You look beautiful, Nana.”

“Thank you, Ti.”

They kissed. Now that was a kiss. A real kiss. Mouths open, their tongues dancing with each other, Ti’s hands in her hair, Narge’s hands on his tattoo, pinching his nipple before they found their way back down to his lap.

Cat stepped to the side. Looked at me. Her grin almost went all the way around her head. She mouthed “Told you!”.


I moved over to the couch. Sat down and enjoyed the view. Cat’s eyes locked on mine as she rubbed her pussy against Ti’s arm. Narges closed her eyes and let her head fall back when Ti moved his hand under her dress again. I massaged my cock, all hard.

“Ti, can you stand up, please?”

He got up, a bit shaky, his whole upper body glistening wet, mostly pee but also some spit and sweat. The girls stood, too… moved around him like predators circling their prey.

Cat: “Did you like this?”


“I liked it a lot. Seems you were very thirsty. Be a good boy and there’s more for you…”

“I… I think I’d like that.”

Narges pressed against his belly, turned around, and rubbed her back against the bulge in his shorts.

“But next time, you will get some of mine.”

“I really want that.”

“Can you taste me on your fingers?”

Ti brought the fingers of his right hand to his face. Smelled them. Licked them.

“You taste really good, Nana.”

“How about me?” Cat, standing behind him, gliding up and down his body, I knew her hard nipples were poking his skin.

“You got your finger in quite deep. Tell me… how does black pussy taste?”

Ti brought his other hand to his lips… licked his whole index finger.

“I like… it… It’s all over my hand…”

Narges took his hand and pressed it against her crotch. Over the dress. She moved up and down, rubbing her back against Ti’s hard cock.

“Ti… I want to see it. It feels… very big…”

Ti pressed his hand against her crotch… it looked like he lifted her just with his hand between her legs. Cat looked at me, drooling. Rolling her eyes with delight. Looked at my cock… moved her hands like she was jerking me off and winked at me.

Cat hooked her hands in the waistband of Ti’s shorts and started pulling them down. Slowly. Ti groaned as he felt his shorts sliding down. Pulled Narges even higher up, her feet off the floor, her legs kicking as his big hand pressed against her pussy. Cat kissed Ti’s buttocks as she pulled the shorts further down… I could see that they didn’t slide down in the front… something was in the way… something held them up. Something. Cat gave them a hard pull and Ti let out a long “Ahhhhhhh”... followed by an audible slap when the cock bent down by the shorts got free and whipped up against Narges’ ass. Narges covered her mouth with her hand… her legs went limp… “Ohhhhhhhhhh… I can feel it…”

Ti stepped out of his shorts. Cat helped him and threw them to the side… kissed her way back up to his ass. Ti let Narges down gently… held her steady until she had found her footing.

Narges rubbed her back left and right, up and down against Ti’s naked cock. Ti tried to lift her dress, but she stopped his hands… wiggled her ass, and threw her head back against his chest.

“Nana… turn around.” You could hear the sugar in Cat’s voice. “I think your boyfriend got something for you.”

Narges covered her whole face with both hands… and slowly turned around. Took a step back. I could see it before Cat or Narges did. What the… Ti’s cock was a bit shorter than mine. 5, maybe 5½ inches. Circumcised. But… “thick” doesn’t even begin to describe it. This thing looked bigger than the business end of a baseball bat. Fat and blunt, so heavy it didn’t stick up but stood away from his body at a right angle. As thick as my lower arm? Maybe… His heavy balls hung like oranges in a net. I jerked my cock faster. Cat made her way around Ti’s giant waist, like a kid peeking around a corner.

“Holy shit! Nana… open your eyes. Now.”

Narges spread the fingers in front of her face… peeked through them. Her hands fell down. She took another step back.

“Oh, Ti… your penis is beautiful.”

“I… I don’t…”

“Shhh shhh shhh… don’t speak. Can I touch it?”

Ti nodded.

“Damn, Nana, this thing will split you in half…”

Narges touched Ti’s cock with the tip of her fingers… both hands… reluctantly… ran her fingertips up and down his shaft. Ti gasped.

“It feels nice… so hard and soft at the same time. I like the…”

She traced one of the fat blue veins with one fingernail. Ti shuddered.

“I’m a bit scared. It is very big.”

“Someone will have to go way out of her comfort zone today…” Cat winked at her, looked at me, her mouth a big O mixed with a grin.

“I don’t want… please, Ti… is it ok?”

“Yes. I don’t want to… hurt you.”

Narges put one hand on the head of his cock. It couldn’t even reach halfway around it. She touched Ti’s face with her other hand. Put her thumb on his lips. He opened his mouth and welcomed her thumb between his lips.

“But I… I want to see…” Narges looked down. She straightened her back. Looked up. Her chin raised high. “I want to see you ejaculate. On me.”

Ti touched her face. “Are you sure? It’s been a long time since I… I’m afraid I might… make a mess.”

“I think I would like… a mess. A big mess.”

Narges grabbed Ti’s cock with both hands. Even with two hands, she couldn’t reach all the way around it. Cat’s hand came from the back, between Ti’s legs, and cupped his balls. It looked like she was trying to hold two oranges with one hand. The side of her head pressed against Ti’s enormous butt, she could barely reach his balls.

“Catherine… please… let me… this is for me…”

“Fine… but…”

Her hands shot up between Ti’s legs, grabbed Narges’ hands, and pulled them back. Narges head slammed against Ti’s giant belly. “What…?”

Cat spat a big mouthful onto Narges’ hands and rubbed them together.

“You can thank me later.”

Narges drew her hands back… let them glide over Ti’s balls, weighed them gently… then up along his shaft, her fingers curled so he could feel her nails raking the sensitive skin.

I could see the wet trail of Cat’s spit and fading red lines from Narges’ nails. I jerked my cock harder.

“I’m back here if you need me…”

“Catherine, please be quiet…”

Narges held the head of Ti’s cock between her fingers… pressed her nails against his glans.

“Am I doing it right?”

“Yesssss… careful with the… ouuuuu… nails…”

Narges’ hands moved down his shaft, stretched out, no nails scratching him, but I could see how she pressed the palms of her hands together, squeezing his fat cock.

Cat looked at me, making a mock Ahegao face. She licked her lips. Spread Ti’s butt cheeks with both hands, like one would try to pull open a heavy curtain. She winked at me… and dove head-first between Ti’s cheeks.


Narges looked at Ti. Bent her upper body to the side. With his size, it was difficult to see around him. But she could see a bit and her eyes got wide… with a sly smile on her lips.

She pumped his cock a bit harder, her hands moving all the way down to his balls and all the way back up, using her nails only for the head of his cock. Ti threw his head left and right.

“Ti… what is Catherine doing?”

“She is… god… in my… ahhhhhhhh”

“Is her tongue on your rectum?”

“Ahhh… haaaaaa”

“Inside your rectum?”

Muffled, from the back “on’t ‘all it a ‘ectum!”

“Fuck… I…”

“Language, Ti. Don’t use ugly words for something beautiful.”

“Sore… ooouuu… of…”

Her hands moved a bit faster… the nails on her thumbs left visible red lines up and down his cock…

Cat reached around his hips and pressed her head harder against his butt… Narges cupped his balls with one hand and squeezed them… as much as her little hand could squeeze something this big. She jerked him with one hand, fast, her wrist twisting and turning, pumping up and down, clawing her nails at the head and rubbing her palm down his pulsing rod.

“Make a mess for me, Ti… mark me with your semen…”

Ti let out a long growl, threw his head back… thrust his hips… Cat moved her head up and down between his butt cheeks, licking his asshole and fucking it with her tongue.

Narges let go… both hands moved up to her chest.

“Ti? Look at me.”

Ti shivered, trembled… but forced his head to look down on her… confused about how she could stop right before his climax. Out of breath, a thin thread of spit hanging from his lower lip.

Narges grabbed the collar of her dress and tore it open with one hard, swift move. Buttons popped off, I could hear them jingling on the tiled floor. Her tits… my god… two perfect cones with tiny, hard nipples. She gave the dress another jerk and it was all open… she wiggled her shoulder and let it fall back.

“I want your sperm… on my body… now!”

A brief moment without any motion. Ti looked at Narges, his eyes wide. Narges stood up straight, pushed her chest out, her breasts stood away from her body, nipples pointing left and right. Cat held her face between Ti’s butt cheeks and I could see the muscles in her neck moving…

Narges’ smile… she licked her lips… her hands moved back to Ti’s cock.


A thick blob of white cream appeared on the head of Ti’s cock… it didn’t shoot out, it looked like milk boiling over. It hung in the air for a second and fell to the floor.

“Oh Ti…”

Her hands had almost reached his cock… Then it started. A long stream of cum shot out of his cock. The way his rod stood away from his body, it splashed all over Narge’s belly and crotch.

“Ohhhhhhh Ti…”

She grabbed his cock and bent it towards her… the stream didn’t stop and Narges aimed it at her chest… cum splattered against her, soaking her tits in warm, white cream. A thick drop was hanging from her left nipple… Narges looked down, one of her hands moved from her belly up to her tits, moving through the cum that was still pouring all over her.

She jerked his cock with her other hand… the long spurt turned into a drip…

“Ti… come…”

“Fuck… don’t stop… there’s more…”

Narges looked up… opened her mouth… another blast of cum burst out of Ti’s cock, not a stream, more like a spray, drops of cream flying in all directions. It hit Narges’ face and hair, ran all over her glasses. Followed by three short spurts of cum, most of it shot into Narges’ open mouth… she licked her lips, turned her head left and right so she could shower in his cum.

“Tiiiiiii… yessss… more…”

One last blast, a big one, it looked like someone had thrown a ladle of whipped cream against Narges’ face. It ran down from her glasses, her nose, her cheeks, her lips, over her chin, and dripped onto her drenched tits.


“I’m… sorry, you’re all…”

“No sorry… this is… perfect. Thank you for your semen, Ti!”

Cat pulled her head out from between Ti’s cheeks. Crouched down so she could look at Narges from down between Ti’s legs.

“What did I miss? Oh.” Now it was her turn to cover her mouth with her hand, wide-eyed.

“Holy mother of…”

Narges dropped down on her knees. Kissed Ti’s cock. It was still dripping. She licked the head. Her whole face was covered in so much cum that she couldn’t see, but she found her way using her lips and tongue.

“Nana… damn… seems you got some white pride all over you.”


Narges took her glasses off and licked them clean. She purred as she swallowed Ti’s cum. Licked all around her lips, scooped some of the cum into her mouth. More purrs. She rolled her eyes.

“Ti… this was so wonderful. Is so wonderful. I’m your woman now. Yours.”

Cat crawled towards her. “Wanna share the joy with a friend?”

Narges held up her hand. It was dripping with cum.

“One moment, Catherine. I’ll be right with you.”

She gave Ti’s cock another kiss and bit the glans gently.

“I would like nothing more than to cuddle with you now. But I have to finish something first. Can you give me a moment?”

Ti was panting heavily. His cock was twitching, still leaking thick drops of cum.


He didn’t step to the side, it was more like toppling over and he fell on the couch next to me. His weight made me bounce a couple of times. He rearranged his cock and laid on his side. Resting.

“Catherine. I want to share more than just joy with you.”

Narges ran both hands from her belly up over her tits and her neck, scooping up cum on the way.

“I so want to kiss you right now…”

“You had your tongue in my boyfriend’s rectum. Have you asked for permission before doing that?”

“Don’t call it a rec…”

Narges’ hands shot forward and grabbed Cat between her legs, from the front and from the back. Cat shrieked, caught off guard. Narges’ cum-covered fingers stretched out, she forced three fingers each into Cat’s pussy and asshole. Now Cat howled “Aaaaaarrrrrrgh”, and tried to escape Narges’ grip.

“I’ll share Ti’s semen with you, whore.” She gave both hands a hard push, lifted Cat off the floor, brought her up to her eye level. Cat’s eyes rolled back in her head.

“But you will ask…”

Another push, Cat groaned “oooooofff”.

“...for permission…”

Two hard pushes, Narges’ fingers were inside Cat, knuckle-deep.

“...before you lick my boyfriend’s…”.

Narges shook Cat on her fingers like a rag doll. Cat hissed through clenched teeth.

Narges brought her face closer to Cat’s, whispered: “...rectum.”

Cat grabbed Narges’ face with both hands, pulled her close, and kissed her. Hard. Narges moved her fingers in and out of Cat’s holes, making her bounce. Their tongues licked each other, little love bites… Cat licked a mouthful of cum off Narge’s face and spat it into her mouth. Narges spat it right back, all over Cat’s face, and licked it off and spat it back again, this time into Cat’s mouth. Cat showed the gob of cream in her mouth, pretended she would spit it back, grinned, and swallowed it.

Narges was pumping into her with both hands, Cat moaned and panted. Narges pulled her fingers out of Cat’s asshole, scooped up another handful of cum from her tits, and stuffed her hand into Cat’s mouth, throat-fucking her with her cum-drenched fingers. Cat still held Narges’ head between her hands, even when Narges shoved her fingers so deep into her throat that she had to bend her head back and gagged and coughed up a whole mouthful of spit. Cat wiped it off her chin with one hand and rubbed it all over Narges’ face. Narges pulled her hand out of Cat’s mouth and licked it clean. Spitting Cat’s saliva back at her. Cat licked Narge’s face clean, spitting her own saliva into Narges’ mouth.

Ti: “What the…”

“She’s your girlfriend, man. Meet the other Nana.”

He looked at me. Slightly… worried…

“Naa, she’s only like this with Kitty. It’s their thing…”

“OK.” This still sounded… worried. Uneasy. But I could see that he was massaging his cock while he watched his girlfriend raping little Kitty.

Cat licked all the cum off Narges’ face, neck, and body… she even sucked some out of her hair. She gave Narges one mouthful after the other, sometimes spitting it at her, sometimes letting it trickle into her mouth, sometimes sharing a long French kiss with two tongues bathed in Ti’s cum.

I don’t know how long this kept going. I don’t know when they started to rub their tits against each other, turning the rest of Ti’s cum into a creamy foam as they slid up and down against each other. I don’t know when both Ti and I started to jerk off to our girlfriends making out with his cum. I don’t know at which point Cat started squirting or pissing. With Narges’ fingers hammering into her, it was impossible to tell. I don’t know when Narges pulled her fingers out of Cat’s pussy and throat-fucked her with her own pussy juice (or piss?). But I do know that every single second of it was precious.

They had both collapsed down on their knees. Holding each other. Their lips pressed against each other, but not kissing. Just breathing.

“I love you, Nana.”

“I love you, Catherine.”

“Dan, Ti… meet my girlfriend, Nana. Nice girl, just a bit of a psychopath. And I’m afraid you will have to share us.”

“Works for me.”


I looked at Ti. “Dude… say something else but just ‘OK’.

“Ok… I mean… next time you do… that… come closer first. I really want to see your fingers in her asshole.”

“There you go!”

Cat and Narges crawled towards us. We had to help both of them up on the couch. Narges rested on top of Ti’s big belly, her head against his shoulder. Cat laid half on top of me, rubbing her creamy pussy up and down my leg.

“Sorry for leaving you unattended for such a long time, Daddy.”

“No worries… I enjoyed watching you. All of you.”

I kissed her.

“Sorry… I might taste of cum… and…” A side glance to Narges. “...rectum…”

“I don’t mind. You taste like my girlfriend.”

Cat cuddled up against me.


We rested for some time. Neither of us said anything, but we did exchange looks and glances. Cat, again beaming with happiness. Narges, all laid back and satisfied, a zen smile on her face. Ti, with at least a dozen different emotions on his face… but it relaxed as soon as he looked at Narges.

“Catherine. May I ask for your help?”

“Sure… but could you like keep your hands out of me for a little longer? I feel pretty beaten up.”

“It’s not like… that.”

Narges took Cat’s hand, made her stand up, and whispered to her. She had to bend down to reach tiny Cat’s ear. Cat whispered something back. Narges smiled. And then she whispered into Cat’s ear for like a minute. The grin on Cat’s face got bigger and bigger.

She kissed Narges on the lips and then they both stood up straight, facing us. Holding hands.

Narges: “Uhm… I learned a lot today. But I’m still not good with… words. Words for… things. You know. So this is what I want to say. These are my words. Catherine is just translating for me.”

She bent down again and Cat whispered into her ear.

“Ti, I love you and I love your… cock.”

She turned to Cat and Cat nodded. She bent down again, another whisper. She looked at Cat, Cat grinned and nodded. Narges frowned.

“I know you came this hard because my… awesome friend Catherine…”. A side glance to Cat who was just one big grin. “...licked your… asshole so thoroughly.”. She rolled her eyes.

Another whisper. “I want more, Ti. And I want it with you. And I want it now.”

Cat squeezed Narges’ hand. Stood on her toes, shielding her mouth from us as she whispered more.

“I want you to… fuck… me, Ti. I want you to fuck me good.”

More whispers.

“But… you can’t…”. She looked at Cat, who whispered one word. “...cum inside me. It is not safe.”

A long whisper.

“But my… awesome friend Catherine… “ Another eye roll. “...volunteered to help us. I want you to… fuck me until the last moment… and then… switch holes and cum into Catherine.”

If Cat’s grin got any bigger, the top of her head would fall off.

“And I want to suck your sem… cum… out of her…”. Another one-word whisper. “...fuckhole and drink it.”

Narges stood up straight.

“Would this be okay for you?”




2025-01-09 00:43:16
I love your series!
espacially that the girls want him and take the aktion..
I would like to read more about throatjobs (like Nana made Cat doin!) for both girls

Pleas do keep writing


2024-07-26 07:57:09
Loving the story so far...... Keep up the sexiness


2023-11-03 00:02:37
As always, thanks for your feedback.
I assume your dislike of anal includes fingering/licking?
(The only "real" anal so far was at the end of Part III)
If so, there is some in Part V (currently in review by but a *lot* in Part VI. Sorry if this is a turn-off for you :(

But I do appreciate the feedback.
I got some feedback about other turn-offs via PM.
Surprisingly enough, a lot of it is religious (Narges being Muslim... which, uhm, yes, that's what she is) and/or political (Ti being "MAGA"... which, uhm, no, not really).

All in all, I'd say: I write what turns me on. This does include anal. And I also (try to) write what I think makes sense in terms of the story - which does include the religious, cultural, and political stuff.
And I understand that not all of it resonates with every reader.


2023-11-02 21:42:53
I love your stories, but if you want feedback of any kind: personally I don’t get off on the anal. And that's probably why I preferred the first three chapters of this. But that’s just my taste.
Please do keep writing.


2023-10-30 09:36:51
Dear readers,
I have posted six stories. In all six, less than 1% of readers voted. Of those, less than 1% wrote a comment.
I'm very interested in your feedback, both positive and negative.
Please be kind enough to leave a short comment, telling me what you liked, what you didn't like, and why. It would help me a lot.
Thank you!

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