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Lily is fishing with her father by a lake, but he is more interested in her body.
The sun reflecting off of the lake was blinding Lily, making her vision hazy. She could not focus at all and felt like she had forgotten where she was and why she was there. After a moment of trying to focus, she found herself standing on the side of a lake, holding a fishing hook and line and wearing nothing but jean overalls.

She kept trying to thread the hook but could not get it right. Her fingers felt stubby and useless, like she could not control them properly. Without knowing why, she began to cry from her inability to perform such a simple task.

Her father noticed her noise and came back from his spot on the dock. He set down his pole and took the hook and thread from her. She smiled as she watched him attach the two pieces together but her smile vanished when she saw an eerie grin on Max’s face.

She thought he was going to hand them back to her, but instead he pulled the strap of her overall aside, exposing her bare breast. He grabbed it with his full fist and squeezed it until it was red. She watched in horror as he pressed the hook to the side of her deformed mammary and plunged it through. For some reason there was no blood and the sensation felt more numbing than painful. However, she knew it should’ve been painful and it upset her, making her cry more.

Max wound the fishing wire around the base of her breast to keep it deformed. He then cut the line off and proceeded to attach another hook. Lily eventually calmed down; it was hard to keep crying when Max was ignoring her and she really couldn’t feel anything.

Suddenly Max plunged another hook into her other breast, this time without any squeezing or wire. She stared at him in confusion, unable to process the sensation. She was not sure what she had done to anger him so much. Normally he only hurt or threatened her when she was not getting him off fast enough.

After a while, Lily’s focus waned and she found herself standing on the edge of the lake with her pole in hand and line already cast into the water. A tug alerted her to the fact she had caught something. The pole was practically yanked out of her small hands though and she had to call to her father for help.

Max appeared behind her without any noise and placed his arms around her waist, keeping her from stumbling into the lake as the pole in her hands beckoned her. She tried to wind the real but it was stuck. She then tried to hand the pole to her father but he was not paying attention anymore. Instead, he had pulled the straps of her overalls off her shoulders and was pulling the entire outfit down.

Lily was too preoccupied holding the pole to stop him and soon she was standing naked on the shore with her clothes around her feet. She was too confused to even ask why she had no panties on beneath her overalls. She winced when she felt Max’s fingers brushing against her labia. On instinct, she stepped out of her clothes on the ground and widened her stance, presenting her butt to him so he could poke her anus as he always did.

A hard slap to her ass informed her Max was not happy with her initiative. He instead continued to play with her clit and cunt. Lily’s eyes began to flutter and her hips started to shake. She let go of the pole and ignored it as it was dragged into the lake and under the water. She grabbed her face and looked straight up, trying to keep her eyes from crossing. She could not describe the sensation going through her loins but it felt more intense than any of the times her father had played with her asshole before.

Additionally, she could feel it more than the pain in her breasts or even the sun on her bare skin. For some reason, nothing else felt real to her. When Max finally plunged his cock into her, she was beyond confused. It felt smaller than any of the times he had forced it into her anus. It did not twist her bowels or stretch the hole at all. It felt more like his finger than his cock.

“What’s wrong, babygirl,” Max cooed in her ear. “Don’t you like it? Didn’t you want this? I saw you thrusting against the mower gear. You wanted to lose your virginity, didn’t you?”

Lily did not know how to respond. Instead she just stared down at her crotch. She could barely see her father’s cock entering her from behind but she could feel a tugging on her cunt. “Speak up already!” Max was getting annoyed with her silence. She did not know why as she hardly spoke while he was raping her usually.

Impatient waiting for a response, Max kicked Lily’s legs apart, causing her to fall to the ground. He then put his hand on the back of her head and plunged her face into the water in front of her. Lily’s eyes bulged as she began to kick and struggle. Last time he had put her head under water, he had lowered her slowly while kissing her. This time it was sudden and she was unprepared.

She felt a burning in her lungs as she struggled not to breathe in. At the same time she felt the cock reentering her cunt from behind. She tried to kick at Max to ward him off. How dare he try to fuck her while drowning her? She only obediently let him rape her because she feared he would kill her. If he was going to anyway, why should she let him enjoy her body first?

After a while of squirming and kicking with her eyes thoroughly clenched shut, Lily’s chest began to heave. She felt her lungs trying to breathe in against her sealed lips. She also felt a stinging on her cheek as Max slapped her repeatedly. That confused her more as she was sure he was fucking her from behind and could not slap her without turning her head which would allow her to breathe.

Finally she opened her eyes and to her shock, found herself lying on her back. Furthermore she was not by the lake shore and was actually in her own bed. She was almost naked with her night shirt above her chest and shorts down to her knees, but it was obvious everything else had been a dream; everything except for Max.

Her father was above her, straddling her stomach and slapping her face to wake her up. “Breathe,” he ordered her. “Why are you holding your breath?”

Lily gasped loudly as she realized her dream had been causing her to suffocate herself. Looking down her front she saw the redness in her breasts from having them played with, but there were no hooks through them, which explained the lack of pain. She felt her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. Why had she dreamed such a thing? Did she want her father to torture her more than he already did?

Further investigation revealed Max was in fact delving her cunt with his fingers, not his cock, which explained why it felt so different from her expectations. It was actually less surprising as Max had only ever touched her cunt and never actually penetrated it with his cock.

“What do you want?” Lily groaned from beneath Max. If they weren’t father and daughter it would be a romantically kinky sight; a man straddling his lover’s chest with his fingers inside her privates, posed to penetrate the valley of her breasts or perhaps her mouth.

“Can’t I be here?” Max feigned innocence.

“Ever since Halloween, you’ve been touching or taking pictures of me non-stop,” Lily whined.

“And I’ll continue to do so for the rest of your life, until I get bored of you.”

“Don’t you mean ‘for the rest of my life, or until you get bored of me,’” Lily corrected him.

Max grinned while shaking his head. “Those 2 are one in the same. Trust me, babygirl, the day I get bored of you, I’ll end your life myself.”

Lily had no reason to doubt Max’s sincerity. While once Max seemed to care about his daughter too much to murder her, he also once cared enough not to rape her or kick her so hard she expelled gallons of water from her bowels. She had no doubt he was capable of killing her and further more, she had a feeling he intended to and was looking forward to it.

All she had to do was give him a reason or opportunity. At least then her tormented painful life as her father’s sex toy would finally end. However, Lily was sure the final event in her life would be more painful than everything she had suffered up until that point and she was definitely not looking forward to it. Her dream about being violently pierced with hooks and then drowned while her father fucked her was more of a premonition in her opinion.

Lily was shaken from her thoughts by Max shoving his cock into her mouth. She squeaked loudly when he sat on her chest and forced the air out of her lungs. He grabbed her bangs and pulled her head up so he could push straight into her mouth. It was uncomfortable for both of them and soon he dropped her head, causing it to bump against the side of her bed.

Gaining an idea, Max finally climbed off of Lily and instead stood by her bedside. He then tilted her head all the way back and pressed his cock against her lips. She made a minimal effort to resist and eventually spread her mouth apart so her father could fit inside her. Her mouth was dry as cotton. Any saliva had dried up overnight. It tugged against Max’s shaft rather than gliding like usual.

“Can't you drool a little or something?” Max slapped her cheek, but not hard enough to leave a mark.

Lily rolled her eyes in annoyance before moving her fingers to her own crotch. If she stimulated herself properly, she might begin to salivate. Max was impatient though and kept shoving into her mouth until he reached the back of her throat. Her position made it straight and easy to reach the end, but it also made it hard on her to breathe. Luckily, Lily had learned how to hold her breath for a long time after the incident in the bath.

Again they made for an interesting sight; a young girl with her head off the side of her bed and her father ramming his cock all the way down her throat while she masturbated with her pajama shorts around her knees in a vain attempt to turn herself on enough for her father to fuck her mouth faster.

Max seemed to think it would be funny to cover her nostrils with his thumbs so she could not breathe at all. Immediately she kicked off the bed, raising her naked lower half into the air. Max marveled at the sight of her still trying to masturbate. When he let go of her nose, her butt dropped back down to the bed and she began to piss in an arch right onto the floor.

Max leaned over the bed, burying his cock even further into her throat, and gave her squirting cunt a wet smack with his hand. Lily shrieked into his crotch, vibrating her throat against his cock. Her legs fell open obscenely as the arch of pee turned into a gush that soaked the sheets and her shorts.

Rather than continuing to masturbate, Lily just pried her cunt apart so she could piss more freely. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she seemed to just freeze in place beneath her father, still gushing. She had not been able to go to the toilet that morning after all. An entire night’s worth of urine was being released.

Max just laughed as he wished he had his camera with him. “Honey, is that you? Where are you?” Sandy’s voice called up the stairs. “Are you driving Lily to camp or am I?”

Max immediately yanked his cock out of Lily’s mouth and lifted her up by her hair. She looked like a complete mess with drool and precum all around her lips and hair sticking to her face. Her exposed breasts were red and raw and her cunt was still trickling. Max pulled her shirt down and her shorts up before setting her on her feet on the floor.

Lily stumbled forward a few feet before tipping forward straight onto her face. “Get up,” Max hissed at her. When she did not move he kicked her right between the legs. Her eyes crossed and she scooted forward on the carpet like a slug. He did it again and again until she managed to crawl out of her room. He led her to the bathroom and watched her try to climb over the edge of the tub.

When she was not fast enough for him, he grabbed her legs and flipped her over the edge. She landed with a loud thud. “What was that?” Sandy’s voice was getting closer. She had obviously started ascending the stairs. Max turned on the water to the shower and then left the bathroom. He closed the door to Lily’s room just before Sandy’s head appeared above the top step. She did not see him and instead made for the bathroom where the noise was.

“What are you doing,” Sandy gasped when she saw Lily lying in the tub on her back, letting the water fall straight onto her lower half, hiding the fact that her shorts were soaked with her own pee. Her eyes were crossed and her tongue was hanging out as she struggled to process the feeling of having her cunt kicked in by her father repeatedly. To her mother though, nothing looked sexual about her appearance and she just appeared to be a sloppy daughter that had slept in and was still half asleep.

While Sandy did her best to get Lily ready for camp, Max used the sheets from her bed to soak up all the liquid on the carpet until it was merely damp. He just managed to get them into the washing machine downstairs when Sandy and Lily went back to her room to get her scout uniform.

Sandy was in too much of a hurry to ask where her sheets were and soon they had left the house. Max went back to Lily’s room to put baking soda on the carpet to absorb the rest of the liquid and hopefully any smell. He sighed as he sat down on the edge of Lily’s mattress. He was starting to find it difficult to juggle his obsession with raping his daughter and his normal life. It would not be long before Sandy realized everything and he had to come up with a plan just in case.


Lily was still pretty much out of it when her mother dropped her off at the camp grounds. Sandy had already driven off some minutes ago, before Lily realized she had been standing still at the edge of the camp without an expression.

Looking down she saw her full sash of scout patches, save for the overnight badge which she had procured from Mr. Richards on Halloween. Thinking back she recalled how he had pinned it through her breast and then demanded she wear it the same way when he next saw her; that and she was supposed to not have any panties on either.

Luckily she had stuffed the patch into the pocket of her green scout skirt right after removing it on Halloween and it was still there now. She walked over to a tree on the camp ground and faced it so no one could see what she was doing as she unbuttoned her olive blouse and pushed the safety pin through the top layer of skin on her chest.

It was not as painful as when Mr. Richards had punctured her areola, but it was much worse than what she had imagined in her dream. At least it was a straight needle instead of a curved hook designed to get caught in a fish’s mouth. Lily giggled as she thought of herself as a hooked fish, forced to do whatever her father wanted before he skinned and filleted her.

When Lily finally arrived at the inner camp ground where Mr. Richards was addressing the other scouts, she noticed him averting his eyes from her. She thought he would stare at her like a piece of meat as her father did, but instead he looked ashamed and concerned.

After all the scouts had been given assignments like collecting firewood or peeling vegetables, Mr. Richards retreated to one of the cabins to use his computer or phone, the very items he had banned the scouts from bringing with them.

Lily was only slightly pleased that Mr. Richards was too busy to follow up on his threat to molest her again. She had not been looking forward to it, but she had definitely been prepared for it and having him avoid her was confusing. He was much different than her father who seemed obsessed with using her body as much as possible. She welcomed the change but was also curious what was going through Mr. Richards’s head.

After everyone else had begun their assigned task and Lily was free to sneak off unnoticed, she entered the camp shed and closed the door behind her. Mr. Richards barely looked up from his phone but acknowledged someone else had come in. “What’s wrong. Did I forget to assign you a job, or are you missing a tool?” he asked calmly.

“You wouldn’t even look me in the eyes, let alone assign me anything to do,” Lily informed him.

He finally looked up from his phone and was obviously flustered. “Yes, well, we need to have a talk first,” he mumbled.

“I know.” She quickly undid the buttons on her blouse. He gawked in confusion while she hiked up her skirt to her belly and lowered her panties to the floor.

He saw the badge pinned through her breast and immediately rushed to remove it. “Did that hurt? I’m sorry.” He pulled a tube of Neosporin from his pocket and rubbed some on the wound. He retracted his hand when she overacted with a moaning gasp. When she kept her eyes closed, he hesitantly returned his hand to her breast and rubbed it more lewdly. “Are you okay with this?”

“What do you mean? You told me you’d give me next year’s badges early if I let you touch me and put your penis in my mouth again,” she reminded him.

“I'm sorry; I was drunk then,” he admitted. “I should’ve never asked that of you. You’re far too young to be doing that kind of thing.”

“Young? That’s what daddy likes about me though.” Lily tilted her head in confusion. Mr. Richards mimicked her behavior. “If he liked older women he would just keep touching Mommy and leave me alone.”

Mr. Richards thought back to Halloween and recalled seeing something dripping from her lower half before he had forced a blowjob on her. He had been so preoccupied wondering why he would do such a thing to one of his scouts he had forgotten it was because she’d already had sex with someone else that night. Now he knew who and he was dumbstruck.

“You need to tell your mother, or the police about that. Your father should not touch you that way.”

“You have no room to talk,” she scolded him. Mr. Richards hung his head guiltily. “Come on, you really want to touch me more, don’t you? As long as you give me those badges, I won’t tell anyone.”

“Why are you talking like that? Do you enjoy what your father does to you?”

“Enjoy? Am I supposed to enjoy it? It’s obvious he enjoys it. I didn’t realize I was supposed to enjoy it too. I just thought I might as well get something for it.”

“What about not tattling. Did he tell you that too?” Mr. Richards pried.

“He said he’d burn me if I told Mom. No, he didn’t say it but he sorta implied it. I don’t know why we can’t talk about it but we can’t. I don’t want him to hurt me.”

Mr. Richards looked even more guilty. She wasn’t even aware that it was her father she was protecting by not tattling. She thought it was herself. “What if you let me talk to your mother,” he suggested.

“No!” Lily practically shouted. She put her hand on the door to the shed before realizing she was still in a state of undress. She contemplated pulling up her panties but just stepped out of them instead. Mr. Richards had to grab her hand to keep her from opening the door. “Have you decided to give me the badges?” she asked in a calmer voice.

He nodded before leading her back to the only place to sit in the shed, a stack of plastic crates meant to hold sports gear. She winced when he set her on it as her bare ass and exposed crotch was quite uncomfortable. She did not see him taking out his phone while he set out a cushioned mat. He set the phone in the corner of the shed and started it recording before he returned to her.

She giggled when he touched her breasts, both at the same time for once. He was still cautious of the wound but it was not bleeding and she seemed fine. She stood up as his hands traveled down to her waist. She had a shapely butt despite her chest being so flat. As he was a larger man than her father, his fingers felt thicker when he touched her cunt. She winced and held her breath as he tried to work them inside her.

She was not wet at all, so he was going slowly. After a few minutes though, she seemed more bored than him. He took his tube of Neosporin out again and rubbed it over the outside of her cunt. She giggled in confusion. “It’s not a cut, I’ve always had a hole there.”

“Does your father touch this hole,” he asked nervously.

She shook her head. “It’s too small for his penis. He uses my butt because it stretches.”

“That must be uncomfortable for you,” Mr. Richards was sympathetic.

“Everything he does to me is uncomfortable now. I wish I never went trick or treating with him.”

“Oh, it all started that night?” Mr. Richards was actually curious about how long Max had been molesting his daughter.

Lily nodded while frowning. “Sometimes he makes excuses, calling me too cute, or maybe my Pokémon costume. I hate Pokémon now. Other times he says he can do what he wants because he’s my dad. When I said it hurt so much I was dying, he told me no one would care if my dad killed me. It was his right to.”

Mr. Richards took off his glasses and set them on the crates Lily had hopped off of. He did not want to look at her clearly anymore. He felt a rage toward her father he could not describe, but he felt it more toward himself for not being any better.

While using being drunk as an excuse, he had taken advantage of her on Halloween despite her just having been raped by her father for the first time. He knew he was not a good person but he already had a plan to solve that. He took a long look at his phone recording in the corner, before kneeling down on the mat and dragging Lily with him.

He laid on his back while she crawled on top of his waist. Though it was dark, he could see her cunt glistening above him. He undid his cargo shorts and let his cock spring up between her legs. Lily looked confused as he tried to lower her down onto it. She expected him to go for her asshole as her father always did, but instead he pushed the head toward her cunt. “Stop,” she grunted.

“Does it hurt?” he was cautious.

“I don’t know. It feels weird.” She pulled on her cunt to open it a little. “Will it fit? I had the stick from the mower in there yesterday but it’s smaller than you are.”

“You lost your virginity to a stick?” Mr. Richards was confused and a little disappointed.

“I don’t know what that is,” Lily admitted.

He just sighed while pulling her down further. “It’s okay. My stick bends and squishes,” he assured her. She winced as he forced his hard cock head past her cunt lips. Her vision went white for a moment when it popped inside, which was disorienting in the dark shed. She let him keep pulling her down by her waist until she could reach his hands which she grabbed hold of.

He thought she looked cute trying to grip onto anything and he lifted his head off the mat to kiss her. She was used to Max kissing her but he never did it for long, just enough to keep her voice down. Mr. Richards plunged his tongue into her mouth and swirled it around. She was reminded of the times he and Max had forced their cocks past her lips and wondered why they did not do it this way instead. It made more sense to put their privates in her privates and their mouths in her mouth. She did not understand why they would enjoy doing it any other way.

It took a while for Lily to sink all the way down onto Mr. Richards’s cock, but when she finally did, he immediately pulled her back up. She thought he was trying to get her off of him so she stood up completely, pulling his cock out of her. He was confused and disappointed so he pushed her down onto her back and plunged back into her from between her legs. She gasped and covered her face.

It felt much stranger than when Max tried to push into her asshole too quickly. It did not fold inside out and did not hit any bends. She was starting to realize that her pussy was the hole for sex while her father was weirdly obsessed with her anus.

While thinking of the difference between the two of them and how much slower Mr. Richards was, Lily accidentally spoke out loud. “Daddy, harder.” She immediately covered her mouth with her hands but Mr. Richards already got the message. Compared to the stick she’d had up her cunt yesterday, he was less stimulating. He had to pick up the pace, even at the risk of hurting her.

She gasped when she felt him bucking his hips against her. His cock slid further up inside her and caused her tiny cunt to spread. Obviously it could not reach her cervix like the mower gear, but it was fatter and was touching all the walls, which overloaded her senses.

She gripped his shoulders and tried not to be pushed up on the mat by the force of his groin hitting hers. When he pulled back, she felt his cock leaving her cunt and felt extremely empty, like he had stretched her and shaped her insides. It was not the same as her bowels that returned to normal after being straightened by Max’s cock. It was more like her anus which always remained gaping for hours after Max was done with her.

Again Lily accidentally let slip what was on her mind. “Daddy always fills my butt,” she moaned. “What would getting stuffed in 2 holes feel like.”

“Sorry I don’t have 2 dicks,” Mr. Richards groaned in her ear. Wanting to satisfy her though, he reached below his cock and pushed his fingers into the tight ring of her anus. Lily’s eyes bulged and she immediately began to squirm. She tried to push him away by the chest enough to look down her own front. She could not see her butt as he was in the way and instead resorted to grabbing her own hair and rolling her head around deliriously.

Thinking he was doing something right, Mr. Richards continued to plunge his fingers into her asshole. He pushed four of them inside and pried it apart. Lily could feel cold air rushing inside her. She could not beg him to stop after having been the one to suggest it. Instead she just covered her eyes to hide her tears.

Mr. Richards pulled his cock out of her cunt and lifted her butt off the mat by her anus alone. With only her shoulders touching the mat, he spat a glob of saliva into the gaping hole and then pushed his cock inside, straight down like a piston. Lily shrieked as her asshole was stretched to the limit; four fingers and an adult man’s cock.

“Daddy please,” she finally begged for mercy, despite not actually saying the word stop. Mr. Richards did not seem to notice and only removed his fingers from her asshole in order to pull her up into his arms. Her whole body swung upward as he pulled on her waist. She had to grab onto his shoulders to keep from falling back down.

He finally noticed the tears streaking her face and could think of nothing else to do but to kiss her. It was sloppy and wet but somehow the most he had ever been into kissing a girl. She wrapped her legs around his waist to keep from sliding down. Her asshole was still wrapped around his cock, though it felt loose without his fingers prying her apart.

Finally realizing he had done something wrong, Mr. Richards lifted her enough to slide his cock out of her asshole and back into her cunt. She sighed with relief, letting her head hang backwards and roll around on her shoulders.

He walked over to the wall of the shed and pressed her against it so he could get deeper into her cunt. She made noise with each thrust but was probably not going to scream again unless he messed with her asshole more.

Unsurprisingly as this was the youngest and tightest cunt he had ever fucked, Mr. Richards was on the verge of orgasm after only a few thrusts. Not knowing if she even could and not wanting Lily to get pregnant, he pulled out and dropped her to the ground. Her legs were too far apart for her to stay standing and she hit her knees a moment later.

She had little time to complain as a spurt of cum hit her in the face. She tried to put her mouth over his cock but when the second spurt went into her throat, she had to turn and vomit immediately. The next 2 spurts hit her cheek and eye, gluing her eyelashes down and causing her to keep one eye shut.

“What a mess.” She shook her hands as if she could get the cum off of them like water. She resorted to wiping them on the underside of her skirt which was still around her belly. Mr. Richards stood there panting and looking at the cute naked girl coated in his cum, proud of himself instead of guilty like before. “What about my badges,” she brought him back from his bliss.

Annoyed he retrieved his shorts and took out a badge for her. It was the only next level badge he had on him at the time so 1 would have to do. He was shocked when she pushed the pin through the skin of her other breast and thrust her chest out proudly to show it off. He shook his head in disbelief. He had taught this once innocent girl to degrade herself.

Not sure how else to praise her for her diligence, he retrieved his phone from the corner of the room and snapped a picture of her disgraceful presentation, bare chest thrust outward with cum on her face and badge piercing her skin. “What’s your name,” he asked.

“You know my name,” she was confused.

“Right, but I want you to say it while posing.” He repositioned her right hand to make a victory V, showing off how proud she was to be a cum slut.

“Lily Standford. 1st yr girlscout at Memphis mid.” She gave her school as well.

“Perfect.” Mr. Richards ruffled her hair. “Get dressed and go to the lake to wash yourself.”

Lily’s eyes bulged as she looked down at her pierced breast and recalled her dream. “Are you going to drown me?” she asked bluntly.

“What? Why would you think that? Does Mr. Stanford drown you?”

“Sometimes,” Lilly admitted.

Mr. Richards sat down on the crates and pinched the bridge of his nose. The more he learned about Lily’s father, the more he wanted to punch him. Of course that would definitely lead to him ending up in jail. As Lily disappeared out of the shed, he began to re-watch the video of them having sex. He was feeling guilty again and was hoping getting horny again would help him get over it.

It was when he heard Lily shouting ‘daddy’ that an idea hatched in his head. Due to the dark, it was impossible to tell who was in the video until Lily stated her full name. Mr. Richards spent the rest of the afternoon messing with the video on his phone, making sure he was not recognizable in it at all.


All of the scouts were to stay the night, including Lily. While normally the Stanfords fought against this, Sandy had insisted. She had noticed there was a lack of recent intimacy between her and Max and thinking they just needed a night to themselves had earned his ire by sending his sex toy daughter out for the night.

As it was the first time Lily had been allowed to stay out overnight, she was quite nervous. Some of the other girls congratulated her on finally gaining her parents’ trust while other teased her for being coddled for so long.

Mr. Richards was doing his rounds, checking on each tent to make sure everyone was asleep, when he heard the soft crying of one of the girls. When he investigated he found Lily sitting outside her tent, huddled with her knees to her chest. “What happened?” he asked in a panic.

“Nothing,” she lied. “I just don’t want to disturb the others with my noise.”

“Why are you crying at all though?” He asked. He quickly recalled that he had been shoving his adult cock inside her tiny cunt that afternoon and decided to backtrack. He was the last person who should’ve been wondering what reason she had to cry. “Does it still hurt?” he tried to touch her legs.

She looked up at him in confusion. While their coitus had been far from comfortable for her, she was used to it hurting a lot more with her father. Mr. Richards seemed positively tame in comparison. He could see from her expression she had no idea was he was talking about. He sighed with relief after realizing he was not the reason for her tears.

“Are the other girls always mean to you?” he made another guess.

She shook her head. “They’re not wrong,” she admitted with a shrug. “I don’t understand why Mom always refused to let me stay before. I hate standing out but she just wouldn’t listen.”

Mr. Richards sighed. He knew that young people liked to rag on each other for being different. Parents did not understand that the slightest actions they took could cause their offspring extreme ostracizing.

“Do you want to sleep in my tent,” Mr. Richards offered.

Lily frowned at him. “Will I have to be naked?”

“You won’t have to be, but I wouldn’t say no if that’s how you like to sleep at home.”

She shook her head. “That’s how daddy likes me to sleep. He’s always taking off my clothes and taking pictures. I don’t understand what he does with them all.”

“He looks at them while thinking of you,” Mr. Richards stated the obvious.

“He doesn’t think of me at all anymore, not as his daughter. I am a toy and a hole for him to use. He likes stretching me.” Mr. Richards did not know how to respond. “Why does he like it so much?” Lily stared at him with a hauntingly inquisitive expression. She knew he could answer because he enjoyed playing with her the same way.

“Men like to fuck women; it’s in their biology,” he gave a simple answer.

“But he can… fuck mommy, can’t he?” she tried out the word she did not understand.

“They have been fucking for a decade now. He’s bored of her. He wants something new and a mini version of her with a tighter pussy is his preference.”

“He doesn’t fuck my pussy, just my butt. He says it stretches more and it’s round like his penis so it fits better.”

“Well maybe Mrs. Stanford doesn’t like anal,” he suggested.

“So it’s okay for mommy to refuse, but I can’t.” She crossed her arms.

He took hold of her hands and pulled her to her feet. She stumbled reluctantly as he led her back to his tent. “You are young. You have to do what adults say. That’s also why your dad likes fucking you more than your mother; he likes being able to boss you around and control you.”

Lily nodded. She could tell that much from how he grabbed her or talked down to her or even hit her. What she did not understand was why he thought he had the right to do all that to her.

Lily was patient as Mr. Richards took off her jacket. It was when he began undoing the buttons to her pajamas that she got upset. “You really want to fuck me again?” she complained. “Didn’t you get enough this afternoon?”

“Men don’t get enough of this, ever. And I don’t know if I’ll ever see you again after today. Sorry if you wanted some peace away from your father, but I need to get as much out of this as I can before it’s too late.”

Lily rolled her eyes as she let her arms fall to her sides so he could continue removing her clothes. First was her pajama shirt and then her shorts. Soon she was standing in the warm tent with her shiny white skin completely exposed. Goosebumps formed all over her arms and shoulders as she shivered in the night air.

Mr. Richards ran his hands down her arms and stopped on her waist. He picked her up and brought her close to himself. She had to wrap her legs around him to keep from sliding out of his grip. He managed to undo his pants with one hand and soon his cock was resting right beneath her exposed cunt. She gulped nervously. She knew she did not enjoy having her pussy penetrated but it definitely did not hurt as much as anal and for that she was grateful.

Lily’s cunt was not wet at all and Mr. Richards could not penetrate it. Instead he just held her up with the tip pressed to the opening. He could slightly understand why Mr. Stanford felt the need to be forceful but he had no plans of acting in kind. He felt guilty enough as it was.

Lily was surprised when he set her down on his cot. She was not surprised when he pulled her legs apart though. She lied down and closed her eyes as he poked at her crotch with his fingers. He thought back to that afternoon and how he had gotten her excited enough to penetrate.

He then recalled he had just used the Neosporin tube to moisten her a little. He was not sure if she had actually gotten turned on in the end. Luckily he had more lubricants in his rucksack, including sunscreen and just plain skin lotion.

Lily gasped when he squirted a glop of lotion right onto her pelvic area. It was quite cold. She moaned when he spread it in-between her legs and winced when his fingers curved inside of her.

She recalled how much easier it was for Max to rape her in the bathtub with the aid of the water and wondered why he had made little effort to lubricate her asshole the way Mr. Richards did with her pussy. Perhaps he liked it when she got wet on her own, or perhaps he just did not care if he hurt her.

When Mr. Richards was confident he had significantly prepared Lily’s opening, he kneeled on the cot between her legs and positioned the tip of his cock against her cunt. She held her breath in anticipation. He did not keep her waiting. With one thrust he was inside her.

Lily felt the walls of her cunt expanding and was surprised it did not hurt like her asshole. That afternoon, she had not paid too much attention because she was worried about being caught by the other campers, and she was trying to keep her resolve after approaching Mr. Richards to trade sex for badges.

This time she just wanted to get it over with so she could go to bed. “Hurry up,” she accidentally voiced her thoughts.

“You want it that badly?” Mr. Richards snickered while grabbing her legs and pulling them apart so he could push into her. She contemplated correcting his misunderstanding but decided not to. Whenever Max raped her, she felt the need to keep as quiet as possible, lest she anger him and he hurt her as punishment.

With Mr. Richards it was different, but that also meant she had less she wanted to say. If she could put up with Max mercilessly stretching her asshole, she had no reason to be discontent with Mr. Richards gently prodding her pussy at all.

Of course, it was not actually all that gentle. She was small compared to the grown man and he was bigger than her father, both in stature and in the girth of his cock. It felt incredibly tight and she was wincing constantly. The outside of her cunt seemed to get pulled inside with each thrust and the folds in her skin got pinched enough to bother her. Additionally, the lotion made a popping sound she did not like.

After watching her face contort in pain and annoyance for a while, Mr. Richards pushed his thumbs into her mouth and pulled her cheeks apart. “Ut are u oing (what are you doing?)” she mumbled as saliva began to form in her mouth.

Mr. Richards found her slurred speech enduring. A girl trying to talk with something in her mouth was always adorable. He pushed on her tongue so that the saliva pooling in her mouth ran to the back. She sat up and spat out a mouthful of drool, before shooting him and angry glare.

He ignored her as he had already adopted other plans. He pulled his cock out of her cunt while pulling on her mouth so she not only was fully sitting up, she was leaning forward. He pushed on the back of her head until his erect cock was resting against her lips. She glared up at him through her bangs, trying to get his attention so he would know she was uncomfortable.

He simply shoved on the back of her head until his cock was fully in her mouth. It slid in easily because of the drool but she still tried to resist. She did not like the taste of the lotion. It was bitter and stung her tongue slightly.

Mr. Richards tapped on the back of her head a little harder. When she still resisted he got annoyed and made a fist which thudded against her head. His cock hit the back of her throat and popped past her uvula. Lily began pounding her tiny fists against Mr. Richards thighs immediately, trying to make him release her head.

Instead, he stood up so she was no longer leaning forward but was instead kneeling on the cot. When he thrust forward her head moved back and she nearly fell off the cot. He gripped her head tighter and pulled her back onto his cock forcefully.

Lily squealed as saliva squirted out of the corners of her mouth. The tip of his cock was pressing into her throat and trying to enter her esophagus but it was harder to do when she was kneeling than when she was lying down.

Mr. Richards wished there was a wall for him to press her head against like on Halloween, but the tent was far too flimsy. Instead he kept doing the same thing, thumping his fist on the back of her head and forcing her down more and his cock deeper.

Lily glared up at him through stringy sweat drenched hair the whole time. She could not tell if her eyes were hidden from him or if he was intentionally ignoring her. With each thump she became angrier. If she had the range to move her jaw, she would have bitten him.

Finally, after a rather painful thud, the head of his cock popped into her esophagus, triggering her gag reflux. Her whole stomach churned as she prepared to vomit. Of course, with her throat clogged, there was nowhere for the bile to go and she had to just swallow it back down. The swallowing motion massaged Mr. Richard’s cock and made him wince.

Lily tried to stand up to pull her head off, so Mr. Richards swung her whole body off the side of the cot so that her feet were not touching anything. She struggled, kicking her legs and trying to grip the edge of the cot with her toes but he just moved her further away from it.

She dangled by her head alone for a few moments before he lost his grip and she was able to fall to the floor. She immediately vomited and then began a fit of coughing. Mr. Richards watched her rolling on the floor in a naked mess and felt less guilt than before. He stepped off the cot and placed one foot on the floor and the other on her bare back, pushing her face into the pool of bile she had just expelled.

Lily thrashed and flopped on the floor of the tent, but only managed to roll over, soaking her hair in vomit. Mr. Richards applied more pressure to her chest, knocking the wind out of her lungs. He played with her hard nipples with his toes until his foot slid up to her neck. Lily froze in fear, waiting for him to remove it.

When he began applying more pressure instead, effectively strangling her, she began to panic and kick. Her back lifted off the floor as she arched her spine and a stream of urine shot out from her legs as she lost control of her bladder. Mr. Richards played with applying more and less pressure repeatedly, which caused the force of her pee being expelled to change as well.

Mr. Richards only stopped when he noticed bubbles of mucus and saliva frothing from her nose and mouth. He stepped off of her and expected her to start breathing deeply, but lying on her back with saliva in her mouth made it impossible, and her nose was clogged with mucus.

He pushes two fingers into her nostrils and lifted her into a sitting position. When enough drool had poured down her chest, she finally started breathing again. Her face returned from a pale blue to a heated red.

When he was confident she had caught her breath, he lifted her to her feet by her nose and led her back to the cot. He pushed on her forehead so she fell over onto her back with her legs dangling off the side.

After expelling her bladed contents, her cunt was much wetter, which pleased Mr. Richards. He pushed three large fingers inside her and lifted her lower half off the bed while rubbing his thumb over her erect clit at the same time.

“Why are you being so rough?” Lily covered her eyes with the back of her hands, trying to keep from crying.

“Because you’re too tight,” he informed her. “I can’t get inside you unless I force my way in.”

“Then just leave me alone,” she whimpered.

“Wasn’t this your idea? You wanted badges, right?” He produced a badge from his rucksack. She shook her head but he ignored her. She screamed when he pushed the pin through her clit. He was unsure how to make her shut up and resorted to punching her in the face.

Blood trickled from her nose. She went silent as she stared at him in wide eyed shock. He thought he had gone too far for a moment but changed his mind quickly. He was now on a time limit to get as much from her as he could before she threw a fit he could not control.

He pressed the head of his cock into her now wet cunt and pulled on her legs to get inside of her. She stifled another scream to avoid getting hit again but he was beyond doing it just for that reason. Now he just wanted to. Her head wobbled on her shoulders when his fist collided with her face. A purple spot was forming on her cheek below her eye.

Mr. Richards grinned as he felt her cunt tighten around his cock with each hit. In order to keep her from falling unconscious he lessened the blows to simple slaps before giving up on her face and moving to her chest. He slapped her breasts from both sides but then tried grabbing her hard nipples and pulling on them.

She could not keep from screaming again and actually began to piss again too. He pulled her up into a sitting position by her nipples alone and brought her face close to his. “I'm not a toilet,” he scolded her for pissing on him. Her eyes widened as she felt something hot filling her cunt as his revenge was to piss inside her cunt.

She began to sob as she tried to pull away from him. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her put as he pumped his cock inside her. It was slightly softer but still quite thick.

He kept her face buried in his shirt so her voice would not escape the tent as he kept pumping her cunt with his cock. Every once in a while she would lurch, trying to leap off of him, but he would always pull her back.

This went on for more than half an hour. He just kept fucking her while she struggled pointlessly to escape. He also pulled on her nipples and flicked her pierced clit several times to keep her conscious and squirming whenever he thought she was becoming too much like a rag doll.

Finally after nearly an hour of abuse, Lily felt the familiar sensation of warm slimy cum filling her. Normally it would sooth her stretched insides, but that was not where she felt pain today. It did nothing to calm the burning in her nipples, face or clit.

Confident he was finally done with her, Lily tried to stand up. Mr. Richards tossed her off the cot and stood up to fix his clothing. Lily had barely recovered from bouncing off the floor when he grabbed a fist full of her hair and dragged her out into the cold night air.

She struggled to keep her roots from being ripped out but there was little she could do but cling onto Mr. Richards’s arm and try supporting her body weight herself.

He did not stop dragging her until he got to the lake. She barely had time to take a deep breath before he had tossed her into the icy cold water. The bank was shallow enough for her to find the bottom and stand up, but he stepped on her face and pushed her back under immediately.

She struggled to swim further away from the bank and pop up again. She assumed correctly that he would not enter the water himself. “I knew you wanted to drown me!” she sputtered. “Why? What is gonna happen when I’m dead? Why does my dad want to kill me so much too? You won’t be able to fuck me anymore.”

Mr. Richards’s eyes widened slightly as he was reminded of how cruel Mr. Stanford had been to his own daughter and how he now was no better. “I'm not trying to kill you,” he lied. “Just clean the vomit out of your hair.”

“Oh,” Lily was surprised. With shaking shivering hands she did her best to wash her stringy hair and then swam back to the bank. Mr. Richards pulled her out and placed her on his shoulder to carry her back to his tent.

He remained silent while walking back. He tried to tell himself he only wanted to wash away the evidence of his crime but he could not completely convince himself he would not have let her drift away had the current been strong enough to take the most damning piece of evidence, the girl herself.

Lily was smiling and giggling while still shivering with chattering teeth. Despite the abuse he just put her through, she was just happy to be alive. Mr. Richards retrieved two more badges and plunged them through the flesh of her chest without warning. She had to cover her mouth to keep from screaming. She did not question why though as she was used to it.

She let him dress her in her discarded night clothes again and lay her down on the cot. She was extremely cold from the lake and kept shivering the whole night, even with him sleeping next to her.


The next morning, Lily was not surprised to be rudely awakened by Mr. Richards forcing his morning wood inside of her. She was surprised that his choice of hole was her anus though. It slipped in easily with the help of lotion, but it still felt much bigger than any time Max had raped her.

To keep her quite, he pressed on the back of her head and forced her face into the cot. She felt no need to restrain her groaning with him already trying to stifle her. After depositing a large amount of sperm inside her butt, he finally pulled out of her and began looking around the tent for anything to clean her up with. He was not going to be able to bathe her in the lake again in front of the rest of the campers.

Instead of a rag to wipe her with, he found his spare golf balls in his rucksack. Lily’s eyes widened and then went cross when she felt something hard and round being forced into her slime filled butthole. It lodged itself an inch deep and prevented his cum from dribbling out of her. “What did you put inside me?” she groaned.

“You’ll find out when you use the bathroom,” he assured her.

“Let me go now then,” she whined.

“You have to go?” he was concerned.

“You just put something in my butt. Of course I have to go.”

“Not yet,” he refused, “when you get home.” She frowned but did not argue. Looking down he saw his deflating morning wood and felt the usual need to pee that always arrived in the morning. His eyes lit up as he got an idea.

Lily yelped when she felt him plunge two fingers into her asshole. They gripped the dimples of the golf ball skillfully and pulled it back out. Lily gasped in relief. “I thought you said to leave it in.”

“I will, just let me use that bathroom first.” He pushed his deflating yet still thick cock into her gaping anus.

By now she was used to the feeling of being filled with urine as much as cum. “I'm not a toilet,” she quoted him from last night.

“Yes you are. I’ve never met a more useless girl. The only thing you are good for is getting your holes filled. Even your own father would rather drown you than stop fucking your holes. You are worthless to him as a daughter.”

Lily pressed her face down into the cot as Mr. Richards finished filling her bowels with urine. After another pop, the golf ball was back inside her, keeping anything from leaking out. Lily swore her stomach was sloshing as she stood up and shuffled to the door of the tent. It was actually her intestines but she did not know her own anatomy well enough.


Lily was surprised that her mom did not come to pick her up that afternoon. Instead Mr. Richards had to drop her off back home. Her stomach hurt from having liquid and a ball shoved inside her all morning and she just wanted to get inside and go to the bathroom.

She barely acknowledged Sandy standing in the kitchen doorway when she entered the house. As soon as the door was shut behind her, she felt a hard slap across her face, causing her to spin around and fall to the floor. “You little slut!” Sandy screamed at her.

“What did I do?” Lily whimpered.

“Like you don’t know. You father’s in jail because of you!”

“Why? What did he do?”

“Stop playing dumb!” Sandy screeched. “Because of what you’ve been doing together, the police came to question him. They found photos of you posing in the garage and arrested him.”

“Mommy, you make me pose in costumes all the time. What’s the difference?”

Sandy’s eyes grew wide and she immediately lowered her voice. How had she forgotten that she was talking to her own daughter? Why would Lily have any reason to question anything Max told her to do? For her it must’ve been a normal request from her father, not something shady and inappropriate. “I'm sorry.” Sandy hugged Lily tightly. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“I don’t know either,” Lily was still confused. “What’s going on? What’s happening?”

“Lily, can you tell me what you’ve been doing with Daddy since Halloween?” Sandy asked in an excessively sweet voice. Lily shook her head. “Why not?”

“Daddy will burn me or drown me or strangle me,” she muttered quietly.

Sandy looked even more shocked than before. She had assumed Lilly kept it a secret because she knew sex with her father was wrong. She had never even contemplated Max threatening her. “How did I let this happen?” She stood up and pulled Lily to her feet but immediately collapsed into a chair herself. “What kind of mother am I?”

She seemed to want Lily to comfort her and tell her it was not her fault, but Lily still did not understand what was going on. Despite having been wholly uncomfortable being raped by two grown men over the past week, they had both told her it was normal and she just had to get used to it. Why would two adults say that to her if it wasn’t the truth? She could not comfort Sandy because she did not know what mistake Sandy had even made.
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