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Cheri and Pierce decided to have a joint bachelor/bachelorette party, at which Pierce got drunk and passed out. Pierce's best man helped get him home, then fucks the bride-to-be... several times... and again at the wedding reception.
Pierce and Cheri had been dating for three years, and engaged for almost two more. They had moved into an apartment together about a year before getting engaged, and now the big day was finally approaching. They were knee deep in planning and protocols, when the topic of their bachelor and bachelorette parties came up. It didn’t take long before they both agreed to combine the two parties, and to have Pierce’s best man... Dirk... and Cheri’s maid of honor... her sister, Erica... work together to plan the big event.

Dirk and Erica were both happy to oblige, and immediately set about finding an event location, and figuring out who to invite.

Dirk was single, so had plenty of time to devote to the party planning, but Erica was married, with two young children at home, so she had more timing issues to juggle... but in the end, they were able to find a location, and get everyone invited, so that the joint celebration came together nicely.

The plan included Dirk driving Pierce to the party, and Erica driving Cheri to the party, so they both had rides back to their apartment afterwards and didn’t have to worry about drinking too much.

It ended up being a fairly small affair in the back room at a local bar, which was typically used for special events and parties just like this one. The guests only included the wedding party... six groomsmen and six bridesmaids... and about eight other friends of the engaged couple. Erica’s husband stayed at home with kids, and none of the other guests’ spouses attended, so it ended up being a much more risqué, crude and salacious type of event than anyone originally envisioned. Although the group was relatively small, they were hard partiers, and took full advantage of being in a dimly lit bar, where all kinds of crazy dancing, singing, laughing and groping were the order of the day.

After the party had been raging for a couple of hours, most of the attendees were a bit tipsy, and someone suggested a party game that got the entire group totally charged up.

The idea was that Dirk would be blindfolded, and all the bridesmaids would stand in a line.... with their tops off, and their naked breasts exposed. Dirk would have to fondle each pair of tits, and guess which ones belonged to Cheri. Then, Cheri would be blindfolded, and each of the groomsmen would unzip their pants, pull out their cocks, and Cheri would have to fondle each dick, and guess which one belonged to Dirk.

As they started the game, Dirk was blindfolded, and placed in the middle of the room. Each of the bridesmaids, and Cheri, took off their tops, and stood in a line in front of him. With a huge grin on his face, he went down the line of naked boobs, squeezing and fondling each pair... even pulling gently on the nipples... as he ostensibly tried to guess which ones were Cheri’s. It turned out to be way too easy, though, since Cheri’s breasts were quite large... 34E cups... and the others’ were mostly C cups, although one bridesmaid had nice D cups that everyone thought might throw Pierce a curve.... but, it didn’t. After spending much more time than was necessary squeezing and caressing all the bridesmaids’ breasts, Dirk correctly picked out Cheri’s... then stood there fondling them for an extra minute or two, as the group laughed and roared their approval.

Then it was Cheri’s turn. She was blindfolded and taken to the middle of the room. All of the groomsmen unzipped their pants and pulled out their mostly flaccid cocks, although a couple of them were semi-hard at this point, from having witnessed Dirk fondling a bunch of naked, wobbly tits. With a huge smile on her face, Cheri began groping the shaft and feeling around the head of each dangling penis, as the other partiers hollered and encouraged her.

Pierce was one person in from the left, so his was the second prick that Cheri fondled and stroked. It was a decent sized dick... about 7” long... and Cheri seemed to play with it a little longer than the first one she handled. Then she moved on to the others, grabbing and stroking each one as she went. All the guys’ pricks were pretty decent size, and Cheri seemed to be totally engrossed in her investigative task.

Dirk was at the very end of the line, and it was obvious to all those watching that he had the biggest cock in the group. It was at least 9” long, and was already semi-hard from him watching all the jiggling boobs and cock-grabbing that had been going on during this game. So, by the time Cheri approached the final penis in line, it was sticking out from Dirk’s hips, with a gentle bend to the shaft, and the bulbous tip pointing at the floor in front of him. Several of the women at the party were staring intently at Dirk’s enormous schlong, as Cheri stepped up and took it into her hands.

Cheri’s eyebrows shot up as she wrapped her fingers around Dirk’s thick pole, and started running her hand all along the shaft, then spent a little extra time fondling and rubbing the wide, mushroom-shaped tip. She reached between Dirk’s legs with one hand and began massaging his dangling nutsack, which she hadn’t done to any of the others along the line. Several of the women watching nodded their heads in silent approval, as Cheri continued caressing and fiddling with Dirk’s impressive cock.

Dirk’s prick was starting to grow in Cheri’s hand and, after spending an extra minute, or so, groping and stroking it, Cheri finally... reluctantly... released it, leaving it to flop up and down as it re-settled between Dirk’s legs.

Cheri moved back toward the front of the line, teasing and playing with each cock as she went, then stopped in front of Pierce’s dick, grabbed it, and claimed that this was her fiance’s. She pulled off the blindfold to a roar of approval from the room, then stroked Pierce’s penis for a few extra seconds, before letting it go so he could put it away.

As Pierce was laughing.... shoving his cock back inside his pants and pulling up his zipper.... Cheri glanced back toward Dirk, who was doing the same thing at the end of the line. Their eyes met briefly.... she flashed him a wry smile, and let her glance drop down to his crotch, then up to his eyes again. Still smiling, she nodded slightly and raised one eyebrow in silent appreciation of what he was tucking down one leg of his trousers, before pulling up his own zipper.

About twenty minutes later, Cheri needed to use the restroom, and headed down the hall in that direction. Just as she finished peeing, she heard the bathroom door open and two people enter, snickering quietly, as they maneuvered themselves into the stall next to hers. Curious, she stepped on the toilet seat and peered over the top of the stall to see what was going on.

Cheri let out a tiny gasp as she saw who it was in the stall next to hers... it was her sister, Erica, on her knees, giving one of Pierce’s groomsmen a sloppy blowjob. Cheri recognized the groomsman as Keith... a married friend of Pierce’s from college who lived about one town over. With a wry grin, she remembered that his was one of the bigger dicks in the cock line-up she’d done earlier. His eyes were closed and, between his moaning and Erica’s slurping, they hadn’t heard or noticed her watching them.

Cheri watched for another minute, or so, then smiled to herself and quietly climbed off the toilet seat, before walking out of her stall and stepping up to the bathroom sink. She noticed that the sucking and moaning sounds didn’t stop, even when she turned on the water to wash her hands before leaving the ladies room. Ten minutes later she watched as her sister and Keith re-joined the party.... her sister staying very close to him, and surreptitiously rubbing his crotch or squeezing his ass as they socialized and mingled with the other guests.

The party carried on, and the drinks flowed freely.... by midnight, Pierce was obviously drunk, and nearly passed out at the head table. The party was starting to break up by then, and... deciding it was a good time to leave.... Cheri tracked down Dirk and asked if he’d help her get Pierce home.

“Hey, Dirk.... do you mind helping me with Pierce? He’s had a lot to drink.... I think it’s time to take him home.”

Then, glancing over at her sister, who was still draped all over Keith, Cheri added, “And how about if I go with you back to the apartment... it’ll probably be easier, and I can help you get Pierce inside when we get there.”

Dirk said, “Sure... no problem. I’ll go pull the car around.”

As Dirk left to get the car, Cheri went over to Erica and said, “Hey, sis.... Dirk and I are going to take Pierce home, so I don’t need a ride back to the apartment. Sound OK to you?”

With a glimmer in her eye, and a quick glance at Keith, Erica said, “Sure, Cher.... that’ll work. Great party, by the way.”

“Yeah, it really was... thanks for helping Dirk pull this all together.”

Cheri joined Dirk back at the head table, and the two of them walked Pierce out toward the waiting car. As they were opening the rear door of the car to lay Pierce across the back seat, Cheri saw Erica and Keith walking toward Erica’s car four parking spaces away.

Cheri could see that Erica had her hand between Keith’s legs.... eagerly rubbing his crotch... as she giggled and said, “I can’t believe you’re hard again.... my husband never gets hard again after he cums.”

Cheri smiled to herself as she realized that her sister was thoroughly enjoying her night out, and had found a boy toy to help out.

Cheri and Dirk took a few minutes to finish shoving Pierce into the car, then closed the door once they had him sprawled out on the back seat. As Cheri stepped around to the front passenger seat, she glanced over at her sister’s car to see what was going on. She smiled again when she saw Keith sitting in the passenger seat of Erica’s car.... Erica straddling his hips, and bouncing up and down on his stiff boner.... with her naked tits pressed into Keith’s face.

Cheri could see the euphoric smile on her sister’s face... her eyes closed, her head thrown back... as she relished the feeling of Keith’s stiff cock slamming in and out of her wet pussy. The last thing Cheri saw and heard before sliding into Dirk’s car was Keith sucking and squeezing Erica’s bouncing boobs, while Erica continued riding his erection.... grinding her clit against the base of his cock, then moaning out her pleasure as she creamed all over his pumping prick.

“Holy shit, Keith.... I’m cumming.... ah... ah... aaaaaaahhhhhhh.... my God, yes.... aaaaaaahhhhhh.... yeeeeaaaaahhh.... hmmmmmm.... wow.... so nice... hmmmmmm....”

Cheri chuckled as she climbed into Dirk’s car and closed the door.

Dirk glanced over and said, “What?”

“I just saw my sister getting fucked by Keith a few cars over in the parking lot.”

Dirk laughed and said, “Wow.... really? I guess I’m not surprised.... this turned into a pretty wild party.”

Cheri laughed with him, then added, “Yeah.... and I saw her giving him a blowjob in the ladies room earlier, too.”

“Holy shit, your sister really got after it tonight. I guess it’s lucky that none of the spouses came to the party.”

Still laughing, Cheri agreed, saying, “That would’ve been interesting.... shit, knowing her, I’ll bet she still could’ve pulled it off.”

As the two of them chuckled at the scene they were leaving behind, Dirk pulled out of the parking lot and began the 30 minute drive back to Cheri’s and Pierce’s apartment.

After about 5 minutes on the road, Dirk looked over at Cheri and, with a wide grin, said, “That party game was pretty wild... I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game where all the women’s boobs were hanging out in the open like that.”

Cheri laughed and said, “Yeah... or the guys’ dicks, either.... who came up with that idea, anyway?”

Dirk shook his head and said, “I don’t know... but I loved it.” Then he laughed and added, “And I have to admit, your tits were the greatest tits in that room... heck, maybe in the entire county!”

Cheri smiled at the compliment, then giggled and said, “Look who’s talking.... your cock was the longest and thickest one in that line-up... it wasn’t even close. And to be honest... I think it’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen.”

Still smiling, she added, “All the ladies were drooling when you unzipped your pants.... I was definitely the envy of every woman at the party!”

Cheri glanced over her shoulder at Pierce, who was still out cold on the back seat, then grinned at Dirk and leaned over toward him... running her hand along the thick outline of his dong pressing against his pants.

As she rubbed and squeezed the shaft of Dirk’s prick, she said, “I loved getting my hands on this big guy earlier.... do you mind if I take it out and get another look at it?”

Dirk laughed and said, “No... help yourself.”

With a wide grin on her face, Cheri unzipped Dirk’s slacks, reached in, and pulled his stiffening penis out through the opening. With her eyes locked onto his impressive dick, she began slowly stroking the length of the shaft, and occasionally rubbing her hand around the bulbous tip, as she jerked his growing boner until it was fully erect.

As she played with his engorged prick, Cheri leaned across the car’s center console so that she had easier access to his thick rod, and so that Dirk could reach inside her shirt and play with her soft breasts.

Between Dirk massaging her tits and pinching her nipples, and Dirk’s stiff hard-on staring her in the face, Cheri was totally aroused... she could feel her panties getting wet between her legs, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of Dirk’s enormous erection.

Since they were still fifteen minutes away from the apartment, Cheri figured... what the fuck? She leaned over a little more and sucked the tip of Dirk’s cock into her mouth. She began bobbing her head up and down on his rigid pole.... swirling her tongue around the edge of his wide, bulbous tip.... and bouncing his prick against the back of her throat.

Dirk moaned and rocked his hips.... squeezing Cheri’s boobs a little harder, and pulling on her nipples, as he relished the intense sensation of her warm mouth gliding up and down on his rigid boner.

Dirk’s breath started to catch as he was pulling into the apartment complex, and as soon as he pulled into an available parking space, he let out a growl and exploded.... blasting several ropes of hot, creamy splooge against Cheri’s tonsils. She struggled a little, at first, but managed to swallow the entire load.... losing only a couple of drops that dribbled over the fingers of her pumping fist.

She continued to bob her head up and down, sucking and licking, as she used her hand to pull out the last few drops of cum from his penis.... then licked them off the tip of his cock with her tongue.

As Dirk enjoyed the slowly ebbing sensations of his intense orgasm, Cheri continued to stroke his glistening boner.... impressed that it was still as hard as a rock, and enjoying the sheer size of it in her hand.

Dirk was happy to let Cheri continue jerking his still rigid pole... even though he had finished cumming... so they sat like this for another minute or two, until Cheri leaned over, planted a kiss on the tip of Dirck’s cock, then tucked it back into his pants and pulled up his zipper.

They both turned to look at Pierce.... still crashed out on the back seat.... then climbed out of the car and, between the two of them, dragged him into the apartment.

Once inside the apartment, they deposited Pierce.... still totally unconscious.... into the overstuffed chair in the living room.... then plopped themselves down onto the sofa right next to it to catch their breath.

Dirk looked over at Cheri and said, “Thanks for that amazing blowjob, Cheri.... I wasn’t expecting that.”

Cheri giggled and said, “Well... me, neither, but once I had your cock in my hand at the party, I was completely mesmerized. I guess it was inevitable.”

With a devilish smile, Dirk grabbed Cheri’s hand and placed it on the bulge in his pants. Then.... with a widening grin.... pushed her shirt up to her chin so he could fondle and caress her heavy breasts and stiff nipples.

Cheri’s eyes got big, as she exclaimed, “Holy shit, Dirk.... you’re still hard?”

“Yep.... that was a fantastic blowjob in the car, but...”, Dirk nodded at her hand gripping his still rigid shaft, and added, “.... I don’t think he’s finished yet...”

They both laughed, as Dirk leaned into Cheri and pressed her backwards until she was lying flat on the couch. With her hand still kneading his stiff rod through his pants, while Dirk massaged her soft boobs and teased her erect nipples, Cheri murmured, “We probably shouldn’t do this, Dirk.... I mean, Pierce is sleeping right over there...”

Dirk laughed and said, “He’s not sleeping, Cher.... he’s passed out.... he won’t be waking up until late tomorrow morning, at the earliest...”

As he talked, he pulled her blouse completely off of her and tossed it on the floor by the sofa. Then, he slid down between her legs, and pulled her panties down past her ankles.... tossing them on the floor next to her top.

Cheri moaned and said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right”, as she spread her legs and placed her hand on the back of Dirk’s head.... pulling his mouth closer to her glistening snatch.

Dirk ran his tongue up and down the slit of her pussy.... toying with her pussy lips and nibbling on her plump clitoris.... as he slipped two fingers inside her wet vagina and began sliding them in and out of her. Cheri moaned and rocked her hips as Dirk finger-blasted her cunt, while using his lips and tongue to suck and tease her engorged nub. It didn’t take long before Cheri let out a squeal, then moaned, as a delicious, tingly orgasm washed over her entire body like a tidal wave.

“Holy fuck, Dirk.... yeah.... right there.... yeah.... keep going.... keep going..... oooooohhhhhh..... my God, yes.... yes.... aaaaaahhhhhhh..... aaaaahhhhhhh.... shit, that’s amazing.... hmmmmmmm...”

Dirk lifted his face and smiled at Cheri from between her legs.... pussy juices smeared across his chin.... as she said, “For fuck’s sake, Dirk.... that was soooooo amazing.... I think that’s been building all night... my God, that was incredible.”

Dirk chuckled and said, “Glad you enjoyed it.... I definitely enjoyed doing it.”

Giggling, Cheri grabbed her panties from the floor and handed them to Dirk, saying, “Here... go ahead and use these to wipe your chin.... I think I creamed all over your face...”

Dirk laughed, then stood up by the sofa.... unbuckled his pants, pushed them down to the floor, and kicked them over to join Cheri’s clothes on the carpet. When he stood back up, his rigid pole was sticking out from his hips.... almost fully erect, and waving just a few inches from Cheri’s face.... as he took the panties she handed him and used them to wipe her pussy juices from his chin.

Cheri leaned up on an elbow and.... with her legs still spread wide open, and her dripping wet vagina totally exposed.... she grabbed the shaft of Dirk’s cock with one hand, sucked the tip of his hard-on into her mouth, then began bobbing her head back and forth on his stiff boner.

After just a few minutes, she pulled his engorged prick out her mouth, and guided it down to her drenched pussy opening between her spread legs. As Cheri held the tip of his erection at the opening to her twat, Dirk leaned in and crammed it all the way inside her with a single push.... then began sliding it slowly in and out of her vagina, as he enjoyed the warm, slick embrace of her dripping wet cunt.

Their grunts and groans mingled with each other as Dirk’s thrusting erection hit all the right spots deep inside Cheri’s pussy. Dirk began slamming his rigid pole in and out of Cheri’s snatch in earnest... causing her to grunt from the force of his jabs, and her heavy tits to bounce around wildly between them.

Dirk lowered his head and sucked her hard nipples into his mouth, one after the other... nibbling and teasing them, as Cheri writhed and moaned beneath him.

Cheri could feel an intense climax building between her legs, and the sensation became even more pronounced when Dirk hooked his arms under her knees and leaned forward.... pushing her legs toward her shoulders.... which raised her ass cheeks slightly, and left her gaping pussy fully exposed for even deeper pounding by Dirk’s steely rod.

It didn’t take long before Cheri closed her eyes and let out a guttural moan, as an electrifying orgasm coursed through her entire body.... causing her legs to shake and her voice to tremble.... as Dirk continued hammering his prick in and out of her cunt like a piston.

“Oh, shit, Dirk.... my God.... yes.... yes.... keep going.... eh.... eh.... aaaaaaaahhhhhhh..... aaaaaahhhhhhhh.... holy fuck.... aaaahhhhhhhh.... yeeeeaaahhhhhhh.... oh, my God, yeeeeeessssssss..... hmmmmmmm.... holy shit, Dirk, you go so deep.... just.... wow!”

Dirk smiled, then picked up the pace as he kept railing Cheri’s drenched pussy and watching her heavy tits flail up and down like a wave pool.... slapping into her chin with every one of his forward thrusts. He suddenly caught his breath and slammed his thick hard-on as far into Cheri’s snatch as it would go.... blasting stream after stream of hot, creamy splooge deep inside her cunt. He continued sliding his cock in and out of her pussy, even after he’d finished cumming, until there was semen leaking out from around his pumping shaft, and dripping down Cheri’s ass cheeks.

Dirk let Cheri’s legs fall back to the couch, and then collapsed on top of her.... his stiff boner still shoved deep inside her pussy.... as they both gasped for air and struggled to catch their breath.

They stayed in this position even after their breathing returned to normal, and then eventually fell asleep on the sofa.... barely moving at all until the following morning.

Dirk was the first to wake up the next day, and began gently caressing Cheri’s breasts, as he yawned himself awake. Cheri woke up with a start, and immediately looked over to where Pierce was still passed out on the chair next to the couch....worried that he might wake up.

Dirk laughed and said, “Don’t worry.... he’s still comatose.... he’ll be out til at least noon...”

Cheri stretched and said, “Yeah, you’re probably right.... well, I guess we should get up.”

Dirk chuckled and said, “I think I’m already up”, as he rubbed his morning wood against Cheri’s leg and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.

Cheri giggled and reached between them, found his stiff cock, and murmured, “Yeah, I can see that”, as she slowly ran her hand up and down his thick shaft.

When Dirk reached between her legs to fondle her pussy, Cheri said, “No.... don’t.... I’m a mess down there.... I need to take a shower.”

Dirk chuckled and said, “Works for me”, and they both laughed, as they climbed off the sofa and picked up their clothes from the living room floor. Cheri playfully swatted Dirk’s erection, then grabbed it with one hand and led him into bathroom to take a shower.

Once the shower was running, Cheri and Dirk basked in the warm flow of the water, as they lathered each other up.... Cheri, using her hand to stroke Dirk’s nearly erect boner; and Dirk, using soap and shampoo to lather up Cheri’s boobs and play with her pussy.

After Cheri had Dirk’s cock fully erect, Dirk turned her toward the shower wall, and pushed her firmly on the back, so that she was bent at the waist.... with her heavy breasts dangling beneath her chest, and using her hands on the wall for support. Dirk nudged her legs apart with his knees, grabbed her hip with one hand, and used the other hand to line up the tip of his cock with her dripping wet pussy hole. He leaned forward... shoving his rigid boner into her vagina, then began sliding it in and out of her, as he reached around to grab hold of her swinging tits.

Dirk squeezed and slapped Cheri’s boobs, then pulled on her nipples until they were as stiff as erasers... all the time slamming his thick cock in and out of her cunt like a jackhammer.

Cheri was grunting from the force of his thrusts, and pushing her hips back into every one of his forward jabs, as she murmured, “Uhnn.... uhnn.... shit, yeah.... God, that feels so fucking good.... uhnn.... uhnn.... yeah, a little harder.... yeah.... yeah.... just like that.... damn, that feels fantastic....”

Cheri suddenly caught her breath and let out a guttural moan.... creaming all over Dirk’s prick as he pounded her tingling pussy from behind.

“Yeah.... uhnn....uhnn.... fuck, I’m cumming.... uhnn.... yeh.... yeh... aaaaaaahhhhhhh.... aaaahhhhhhhhh.... holy fuck, Dirk.... keep going.... yeeeeaaaaahhhhh.... aaaahhhhhhhhh.... oh, my God.... uhnn.... that feels amazing.... uhnn.... uhnn.... hmmmmmmm..”

As Cheri leaned her head against the shower wall and relished her warm, delicious orgasm, Dirk started to catch his breath, so she knew he was getting close to his own climax. Dirk released Cheri’s tits, grabbed her hips, and pounded his raging hard-on into her pussy several more times, then suddenly pulled his cock out of her cunt, and jerked himself off onto her lower back and ass cheeks.

“Oh, God, Cheri.... yeah.... yeah.... uhnn.... uhnn.... fuck, yeah.... eh.... eh .... aaahhhh.... aaahhhh.... yeeaaahh.... aaahhhhh.... nice.... fucking amazing... damn, you feel good...”

Dirk stroked his cock until he’d finished cumming, then jerked it a few more times, as it slowly softened in his hand. When it was still semi-hard, he dropped it, then shoved his hips forward so that the top of the shaft rubbed up and down Cheri’s drenched pussy lips. Then he leaned onto her back to catch his breath.... reaching around to play with her dangling boobs, and gently pulling on her still hard nipples.

Even though he was only semi-hard, Cheri could feel his thick shaft rubbing up against her pussy lips and clitoris, and she wiggled her ass against his gentle nudges to let Dirk know that she was enjoying it.

After relishing their ebbing orgasms for a few minutes, they finished washing each other, then stepped out of the shower and dried each other off. Cheri spent a little extra time running the towel up and down Dirk’s now flaccid shaft. She couldn’t take her eyes of his impressive penis, and reluctantly turned it loose so he could finally get dressed after they were done with their shower.

Cheri threw on a short robe, tied at the waist, and walked Dirk out of the bathroom... past a still unconscious Pierce in the living room... and to the front door of the apartment, where they said their goodbyes. Dirk reached inside Cheri’s robe and gave her soft breasts one final squeeze, while Cheri playfully grabbed his crotch through his pants, before opening the door so he could head out to his car and drive home.

Cheri spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the apartment, then most of the afternoon helping Pierce deal with his inevitable hangover.

Two weeks later, Pierce and Cheri got married in a beautiful wedding ceremony, followed by a lively reception with great food, lots of laughter, and plenty of dancing. During one of the dances between Cheri and the best man, Cheri whispered into Dirk’s ear to wait ten minutes, then meet her by the conference room near the ladies room.

After ten minutes had passed, Dirk slipped away and found Cheri standing by the conference room, waiting for him. They quietly opened the door, planning to slip in quickly, but were surprised to find that Cheri’s sister, Erica, was already in there. She was bent over the conference table, with the bottom of her bridesmaid’s dress pushed up onto her lower back and her naked boobs flailing back and forth beneath her, as Keith pounded his stiff cock in and out of her pussy from behind.

Since the two of them were too busy fucking, they hadn’t noticed Dirk and Cheri in the doorway.... so they quickly and quietly stepped out, then went in search of a different room where they could find a little privacy. They found another conference room in the hallway near a storage room, so they stepped inside and closed the door behind them.

In no time, Cheri had pulled Dirk’s zipper down, fished out his cock, and was sucking and stroking it until it became fully erect. Once he was hard, Dirk lifted Cheri up onto the edge of the conference table, while she pulled the bottom part of her wedding dress up to her waist... holding it there with one hand, while using the other hand behind her for support. Dirk pulled her panties to the side, exposing her already sopping wet pussy, and slid the tip of his rigid cock into her vagina.

Cheri let out a groan as Dirk entered her.... then moaned softly as he began to rock his hips, shoving his stiff pole deeper and deeper into her pussy with each thrust. Once Dirk was all the way inside her, Cheri began rocking her hips so that her clit was rubbing deliciously against the base of Dirk’s erection. Cheri stifled her moans, as Dirk’s thick penis hit all the right spots inside her.... sending warm, tingly tentacles of pleasure throughout her entire body.

This position was perfect for Dirk’s huge prick and Cheri’s engorged clit.... it didn’t take long before Cheri suddenly caught her breath, grabbed Dirk’s ass and pulled him hard into her crotch, as she erupted into a pulsating orgasm.... grinding her clitoris against the base of his shaft, and rocking her hips to keep the climax going as long as possible.

“Oh, fuck, Dirk... that’s amazing.... keep going.... yeh.... yeh... oh, my God... yeh... yeeeeeaaaahhhh... holy shit.... aaaahhhhhhhh.... fuck, yeeaaaaahhhhhh.... oooooohhhhhhhh.... daaaaammmmnnnn.... that’s incredible.... hmmmmm...”

As Cheri closed her eyes and enjoyed her lingering orgasm, Dirk suddenly let out a grunt and shoved his cock as far into her pussy as it would go.... blasting several ropes of spunk deep inside Cheri’s dripping wet cunt.

They enjoyed their waning orgasms for a few brief minutes, then quickly put themselves back together and returned to the reception.... Cheri stopping off at the ladies room to clean up before joining Pierce at the head table for toasts and cake cutting.

Interestingly, that was the last time that Cheri and Dirk fucked... and, fortunately for everyone, Pierce never found out about it.

But Cheri’s sister, Erica, had found something she liked, and she began sneaking off to fuck Keith whenever the two of them could slip away from their respective families. It didn’t happen often.... but maybe three or four times a year, they’d find a way to get together for a quick fuck in a nearby motel, or in the back room of an out-of-town bar.... re-living some of the pleasures they’d enjoyed leading up to Cheri’s and Pierce’s wedding.


2024-10-29 15:58:14
LOL... it's not a story about nobility, alandee... it's a story about fucking and getting fucked, set against a bachelor/bachelorette party. It should be enjoyed... not critiqued! Anyway, I hope you liked the story.


2024-06-11 16:39:51
Your stories make me incredibly horny. Very well written!


2024-06-11 16:39:47
Your stories make me incredibly horny. Very well written!


2024-04-16 19:37:57
Best bachelor / bachelorette party... EVER!!!!


2023-11-13 04:52:53
Well how noble of his fiance/bride and best man, to never cheat on the person they both claim to love......... again. To only betray him after their bachelor party and on his wedding day is a sacrifice worthy of his friendship and companionship. What a lucky man to have the 2 closest people to him in the world treat him so honorably.

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