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Alecia, turns a chance meeting with her hero into a life changing job offer. When Cynthia stirs some strange feelings in her.. Alecia must find the balance between her personal and professional desires.
My name is Alecia Carmichael. My story begins when I was 24 and just finished my MBA in Finance from Indiana University (Top in the class and best piece of ass. I would joke with my best friend Mikey.) I was top in the class with a 4.0 GPA and near perfect score on the GRE 336 combined score. And I was clearly the hottest bod in the whole damned department.

Not trying to be conceited but I was blessed with great cheekbones and better than average tits. I work out like I study, all out. I have always been naturally motivated and can't sit still. Luckily, I have a knack for constructive endeavors.

My older sister Amber has the same energy, but lacks a compass, so she has had a more troubled life. She's had some substance abuse issues and frequents rehab facilities.

The bottom line is I am motivated by success and power. While Amber is motivated by drugs and rock and roll. Thus, we have taken very divergent paths.

I took a lot of flak for staying at IU and the Kelley School of business for grad school, but I knew life would change dramatically after graduation and wanted to enjoy life close to home a bit longer. Besides, I can run circles around the Harvard Grads. My knowledge and instinct Financial Market Strategies is second to none.

I have wonderful supportive parents that believed in me from an early age. By 9th grade I had convinced them to let me run my own 529 account and I tripled the value of the principal by 12th grade. By 10th grade my parents and grandparents had turned over control of half of their retirement accounts to me, and I outperformed their next best funds by 200% before I completed my undergrad degree. By the time I finished grad school I had taken on over 12 million dollars of investments for family and friends retirement accounts earning over $100K per year on the side. Thanks to scholarships my school was essentially free, and my parents sighed off the 529 unused funds to add to my nest egg. As I set off to begin my career, I had built the nest egg up to just over $300K. Not bad for a 24-year-old.

Now, off to the Big Apple, the only place to work if you're gonna be the next Muriel Siebert. (She was the first woman with a seat on the stock exchange and started her own investment company that went public.) She paved the way for women in a male dominated field.

The hot commodity (pun intended) in the world of finance now was Cynthia Liebert. At 34 she is responsible for over $50 Billion AUM and poised to become COO for one of the largest Investment firms in the US. I have fantasized about meeting her since high school. My Senior year in Highschool I set up a model of 3 different investment funds I have managed since. I have actually out performed her for the past two years.

I had lined up a few interviews and had two offers for jobs in Indy, but New York was the only choice. I leased a 2-bedroom 2 bath apartment on the 20th floor of the 71 Broadway Apartments, sight unseen paying 12 months in advance for only $60K. It was in the heart of the financial district with access wall street, freedom tower and the stock exchange in walking distance. Movers had delivered the basics and set it up for me prior to even seeing the place.

I insisted my parents wait at least until fall for a visit and had our tear filled good by at the Indy airport. I had five interviews lined up with major investment firms and knew I would be starting in six figures with at least a 2 for the first digit. I had listened to Alicia Keys and Jay Z's New York about 20,000 times in the last 8 years but had it on repeat for the flight. I think the business man next to me in first class was sick of the song before we took off.

It was Thursday, and I had my first interview Monday, so a fun weekend was planned with three New Yorker friends I met in college. Three separate meetings to get their unbiased advice and insights on New York. Monday I would hit the ground running and I planned to have at least two offers by the end of the week.

I arrived at LaGuardia at 8:30 PM and hit the cab to Manhattan right at sunset. I had been to New York only once with my friend Stacey, whom I would be seeing tomorrow but this time was special. Sunset, lights, traffic, on my own in the "big city where dreams are made of. There's nothing you can't do. Let's hear it for New York!" The smile on my face was giant. The cab driver was a young Arab sounding man, his eyes caught mine in the mirror.

"First time in New York?" he asked smiling.

"First time as a New Yorker," I said in disbelief. (I am a New Yorker!) "Moving here today."

"Moving to Manhattan?" he asked surprised.

"Yes," I said confidently

"Living at 71 Broadway?" he continued.


"Just married?" he asked condescendingly.

"No sir," I replied getting slightly annoyed.

"Are you a model? You are so beautiful." he said blushing a little.

Insulted and flattered at the same time, I could not help but blush. "No sir, I just graduated with my master's in finance coming to work on Wall Street. Can you please take me past the stock exchange on the way to my apartment please?"

As we passed, my throat tightened at the site of the bull statue.

"This is my weekend off if you need someone to show you around," he said rather confidently.

I glanced at the mirror and he was attractive in a tall dark and handsome sort of way.

"I got it covered thanks though," I said smiling a little flirtatiously.

When we arrived at the building, the fare was $49. I gave him a $100-dollar bill. "Keep the change Ghalib. Thanks for the offer," I smiled.

He handed me his card, "Please call if you need a ride. I stepped from the cab, the warm summer breeze was incredible. The resident assistant met me in the lobby and helped me to my apartment and the concierge got my bags. My heart raced when I stepped in. It was beautiful but a bit bare. I decided to wait for living room furniture until I saw the place.

The moving service did it all, setting up my bedroom with clothes in the drawers and closets, towels in the bathroom courtesy of mom and dad. It was amazing. I felt like royalty. I unpacked my luggage and headed up to the rooftop terrace. I sat and gazed in wonder at the freedom tower.

I would be interviewing there Monday with Moody. My web interview went extremely well, and Mr. Richards their VP of Investor Relations seemed ready to make me an offer on the spot, but I needed to talk to three more Executive VP's on Monday.

I did my best to keep direct eye contact with him during the interview adding just a touch of flirtation and making sure to stand while subtly leaning toward the camera for a touch of cleavage. When he squirmed in his seat I settled back into my seat. He gave a subconscious little cough and the remaining questions were mere formalities. It was a fact I leaned early on, men can be manipulated very easily by a pretty face and some subtle body language. I was blessed with a pretty face, but they rarely see that I am smarter than them, which creates an even greater advantage. The other three interviewers were all men, so I was sure an offer would be coming after Monday.

But Friday, Saturday and Sunday were going to be tourist time. I planned to be a full time sightseer with the obligatory I love NY shirt. I was meeting Stacey tomorrow morning to see the Chrysler building, Bank of America towers, 40 Wall Street and 70 Pine Street. Then we were going to finish off with a Yankee's game and maybe a night on the town.

Saturday was Delaney, a dance major from Brooklyn. She was a true New Yawker. Sunday was going to be with Lawrence, the gay business nerd from Carnegie Hill. He was in line to run his father's business someday, if he wanted it.

Stacey grew up in White Plains nearby and her dad grew up in Brooklyn, a die-hard Yankee fan. He got us tickets for the Tigers game. My dad was a Tigers fan and it rubbed off on me. But from now on, if I'm gonna live in New York, I would need to adopt the Yankees.

Stacey wanted out of New York for college and ended up at IU school of business. We hit it off and roomed together the last 2 years on campus. She was a business major and was looking for work but was struggling to find something.

She came in Friday Morning on the subway and we met at The Pearl Street Diner for an early breakfast 8:00 AM. She was not happy about the time but was the kind of friend that would do anything for you, so she showed up with a smile. The diner was only a mile and it was a beautiful summer day, so I walked. (Any excuse to walk down Wall Street).

I wore a pair of tight-fitting cutoff jeans and my I love NY bedazzled shirt as planned. I did a spin in front of the mirror. My butt was tight, my boobs were up, my spirits were high. I would be starting a lifetime of business suits and skirts next week, so my first weekend was all fun and casual. My dark brown hair was pulled back in a pony tail.

Stacey wore a cute little spaghetti strapped sundress. Her sandy blonde hair hung down tight to her cheeks hanging about half way down her neck. She had intense blue eyes and golden-brown tanned skin against a peach and white floral form fitting sundress. We would have some fun today with the New York men, I could tell.

The Pearl St. Diner was a hit. The waffles and fruit were to die for. " I will be living here, I can tell," I said after taking my first bite.

"Can I try?" asked Stacey, stabbing a piece with my fork.

"Hey! eat your own." I protested, sliding my plate away.

"Mmmm," she sighed savoring the stolen bite of waffle. "Delicious, almost worth getting up at 5:30 for this. Wanna try my French toast?

"Sure," I said, taking the bite off her outstretched fork.

"Amazing," I said impressed with a unique flavor, I could not quite pinpoint. "Great coffee, great food. On the list!"

"I've never eaten here but it's on my list too!" she said shoving in another bite. She continued after swallowing, "So, 40 wall street first, 70 pine and then the Chrysler building ok?"

"Sounds great and finish off with Bank of America Tower," I replied happily gulping down coffee. "I can't believe I'm living in New freakin" York," I said grinning like Pennywise.

She grinned back," This is gonna be so much fun having you here!"

We caught up on family and hit the road. It was a dream come true walking the streets of Manhattan. We got to the Chrysler building around 11:00. Her family dentist had an office on the 79th floor. She got me in to sign up as a patient and we, seized the opportunity to sneak a peek of the view. It was breathtaking.

On the way out, in the elevator, we were happily discussing the next stop when it stopped on 78. "This could take all day if we stop on every floor," I said jokingly, when suddenly I looked at the sharp dressed lady that appeared as the doors opened, and my jaw dropped. I did a double take... Cynthia Liebert!

My heart raced and my throat tightened. "WTF, Cynthia Freakin' Liebert and I look like a freakin' tourist!" I thought to myself. "Arguably the most powerful woman on wall street, my hero. The person I emulated the past six years and would love to work for more than anyone in the world, was right here! This could be my big chance... Say something! But your dressed like a doofus!"

"Cynthia Liebert?" I asked extending a hand as she turned to look at me.

Her eyes quickly looked me up and down and then, rolled at the sight of my outfit. "Yes," she replied trying to be polite but not extending her hand.

"It is such an honor to meet you. I have admired you for so long. You are such an inspiration. Because of you, I graduated top of my class in finance and now, I'm in New York starting my career..."

"Top of your class... how old are you Miss..." She said extending her hand and looking at me confused.

"Alecia Carmichael," I said shaking her hand vigorously. "I'm 24 and just graduated from I U with an MBA in finance, I currently manage over 12 million in assets for family and friends. I use six investment models for investment funds that are on par with any in industry. Three of them since sophomore year in high school. I would do anything to work for you. I have admired you and followed your career since I was 13. Please forgive my appearance, this is the last weekend before my career begins and my friend Stacey and I are seeing the sites. I just can't believe it's you. You are my hero. (I took a quick breath through the nose as I had not bothered to breath since I started talking.) And your perfume is incredible..."

She gave me another look up and down," Wow, you are certainly not shy, that's for sure. I am heading for lunch and just fired my executive assistant. My gut tells me to hear you out. If you'd like to join me, we can talk about you filling that roll. I'm leaving for the Hamptons tonight and you would need to join me for the weekend if you choose to take it. It pays $1500/week flat salary. Interested?" She asked, blue eyes piercing mine.

The interview Monday with Moody would easily result in four times the salary, excluding performance bonuses. But this was Cynthia freakin' Liebert.

"Yes, I'm definitely interested and available right now." I said eagerly.

She was about two inches taller than me. (I'm 5' 7") Though she was in heals and a well-tailored navy suit jacket and form fitting mid-thigh cut skirt. She had light blond hair mid back length with an overlapping textured look. It was perfectly uniform in color and highlighted her light blue eyes. Her skin was flawless except for a mole on her left cheek. She wore a bold red lipstick with just a touch of barely there blue eye shadow with no sign of blush or concealer. Her perfume was a unique scent that had a hint of spice and a touch of... Honeysuckle? It was very distinctive but not overwhelming.

"Will you be joining us Stacey?" She asked turning to face the doors with her back to us.

I glanced at Stacey and she looked at me with a questioning expression. I quickly shook my head, wanting to maximize my time with Cynthia.

"Unfortunately, I have to meet Matt for lunch. It was a pleasure meeting you. Text me when you're done Alecia." She was lipping "OMG... Amazing... You got this!"

The doors opened, Cynthia stepped out and shook Stacey's hand, "Pleasure meeting you," she said walking quickly toward the exit. "I've got a con call in one hour, let's make it quick. We'll eat at New York Central. Do you have access to your resume?"

I was prepared, I had it and my self-made prospectuses for my investment funds. "Yes, I do, and some info on my investment funds. I will forward them to you if you give me your e-mail." I said confidently.

As we walked, she glanced over at me in my shorts and T and no purse. I had a cell phone in one pocket and a mini wallet with ID and credit card in the other. I pulled out my cell phone and had them e-mailed before we reached the restaurant.

I won't bore you with details of EBITDA, earnings ratios and market trends, but will sum it up that I made a good impression. She wanted to give me a trial at the job. She warned me this would be a thankless underpaying job, but I would be her right hand and get to learn on the front lines and I would need to start today and be on call 24/7.

Hoping to leverage my position I told her about my interview Monday with Moody and the subsequent meeting with other firms.

"Are you talking to Bill Richards?" She asked smiling.

"Yes Ma'am," I replied.

"I'm not that old, Sweetie. Call my Cynthia," She said laughingly.

"I'll make you a deal. Commit to eight months and I will fix it with Bill that in eight months he can have first dibs on hiring you after I've trained you. I promise you're gold... OK?" She said waiting for a response.

"Done!" I said, heart racing.

She dialed him and told him the plan, and he agreed, disappointed though he was. Then she asked who else I was interviewing with and called the other two companies for me, making the same deal. When she hung up with the last one, she excused herself to the ladies room. We were wrapping up and I need to get ready for the trip. First weekend in town and going to the Freaking Hamptons with Cynthia Freakin' Liebert!

I quickly texted Ghalib the cabby

Me: I need immediate pick up at the Hyatt by Chrysler and need to look important. Can you help?

Ghalib: 20 minutes away and driving your way. VIP got it.

Me: VIP Tip!

Then I texted Stacey.

Me: Can you meet me behind the Hyatt in 20 minutes?

Stacey: Sure, did it go well?

Me: Yes! Tell you all about it in 20

Cynthia returned and sat down. Her perfume refreshed. I was struck by the natural beauty of her skin. Very little make-up and flawless. She seemed to draw the eyes of everyone in the room. I still could not believe the incredible chain of events that occurred in the past hour.

"I don't really believe in destiny Alecia, but this is the best I've felt about a new hire, ever. An hour ago, I was lamenting the process and convinced I was in for a month of frustration. Of course, if you're as sharp as I think, it may be a short-lived role... You have the most piercing eyes. They will serve you well in this job. The old boys will be eating out of your hand." She held up her iced tea, "To new beginnings"

"New beginnings," I said grinning like a child on Christmas morning.

"Meet me at the Pier Six Helipad at 6:30. It's a white Augusta A109. We'll come back Sunday evening and be back in the office Monday 7:00 AM. Bring bathing suit, workout clothes, and casuals. Do you Jog?" She said finishing her shrimp salad.

"Yes, twice a week and tread mill and elliptical three days," I replied.

"Great, Saturday morning we can start with a beach jog and see how we feel after that. Four miles ok?" She asked and waved at someone one behind me.

"Sure," I said quickly, trying to wrap my head around all of this and not look too excited.

"Great, we'll just stay close to the house. They'll be a few friends for dinner Saturday, but other than that some, beach and pool time and get to know you planning session. Casual dress is fine. We can hit the ground running Monday morning. (She looked at her phone.) Gotta take this, see you at 6:30. Send me the bill, Mandy," she said to the waitress.

I walked quickly with her and when we stepped out, Ghalib stood next to his cab with a sport coat and tie on. "Miss Alecia, very good to see you, where can I take you today?" He said loud enough to make sure Cynthia heard and opened the back door.

She stopped briefly took a quick look at Ghalib, as she talked, looked back at me and smiled and gave a wink of approval.

She continued on across the street without a look back. I climbed into the cab and as soon as he closed the door, I screamed like a child.

"Ghalib! Do you know who that was?"

"No, I don't..." he began until I cut him off.

"Cynthia Freakin' Liebert! The most powerful woman on Wall Street! Guess who I'm working for?"

He grinned, "Cynthia Freakin' Liebert?"

"Yes! Cynthia Freakin' Liebert! Thank you so much for coming! Your timing was perfect!

Well done. I need to go home and pack. I'm going to The Hamptons with Cynthia Freakin' Liebert tonight! Oh shit! almost forgot Stacey. She's behind the hotel."

As we rounded the block, I looked at Ghalib's eyes in the mirror and thought about how deep brown they looked. I felt a tingle down below at the thought of riding his hard-on in my new bed. "Christen the new place properly," I thought to myself.

The lust in my eyes must have been obvious, because the grin on Ghalib's face and the acknowledgement in his eyes was unmistakable. My cheeks reddened and I looked away quickly. Stacey was waiting and we picked her up quickly.

"Ghalib, can you take us to my apartment please. (I turned to Stacey) I'm going to the Hamptons for the weekend with Cynthia Freakin' Liebert!" I screamed.

I gave her the quick run-down and as we approached my apartment building, it hit me...

"Crap! What am I going to wear? She said casual and a bathing suit. What's casual in the Hamptons? Where can we go for clothes?" I asked Stacey.

"Um... Let's see... Bloomingdale's maybe?" She replied looking for approval.

"Sure. Ghalib, change of plans, Bloomingdale's please.," I said beaming with excitement.

The afternoon was a blur. Stacey and I picked out two bathing suits, (Bikini and one piece) some jogging clothes and my best guess at "Hampton's Casual." Ghalib dropped us at Bloomingdale and picked us up an hour later. We dropped Stacey at the subway, and I returned to the apartment.

It was 2:30, I was full of adrenalin and excitement. When we arrived, Ghalib walked around opening the door for me. He held out his hand and I took it as he guided me out of the car.

"Thank you so much," I said, giving him a hug without thinking.

His cologne smelled great as I broke the hug and kissed his cheek. I felt a wave of warmth down below at the feel of his firm body.

"I can't believe, I'm working for Cynthia Freakin' Liebert!" I said jumping up and down with my hands on his shoulders.

I wanted to take him in and do him in the new apartment, so bad. "Calm Down Alecia!" I told myself. "You don't screw random guys... just a quickie, I'm so cranked up right now!" I looked at my watch.

"Thank you Ghalib!" I need to be at the Pier Six Helipad at 6:30. Can you pick me up? What time should we leave? I'll need a ride home Sunday night too..."

"Whoa, take a breath, Alecia, you don't want to get too excited. You need to play it cool. This is Wall Street, they will chew you up and spit you out," he said calmly. "I'll pick you up at 5:30 right here. That will give us plenty of time."

I looked at my watch. " Ok gotta pack, see you soon," I said kissing his cheek again. "Thank you so much.

I handed him a $100 bill and ran for the apartment, "Congratulations!" he yelled as the door closed behind me. I waved without looking back.

I went in and closed the door behind me. Leaning against the door, I closed my eyes and took several slow deep breaths, trying to center.

"Ok, gotta pack," I said, the scent of her perfume seemed to be in my apartment. I shook my head. "Can't be," I smelled my hands. They did seem to have a touch of her scent on them.

I had almost three hours. I needed to pack, shower, Call Mom, Call Stacey and apologize for bailing on her and the Yankee game, Call Delaney and Lawrence and give them the news and my apology for the change in plans.

I made the calls first. I felt terrible for cutting Mom off after two minutes, but it was that or 2 hours. "Be careful, sweetie!" she said with a mix of excitement and fear for the adventure I had ahead. Her and I both! The others were all understanding and happy for me. I promised we'd do it soon.

Part of me knew that wasn't true. Cynthia made it clear, my life was hers for at least eight months. I spent over an hour agonizing over what to pack. I did the only thing I could do and overpacked. From Jean, to tennis shorts, jogging outfits (of course), yoga pants, business skirt, blouse and jacket, both bathing suits, running shoes, flip flops, heals and flats. I am a master packer and got it all into a roll on, with a brief case/make up bag, purse and hand bag, just in case.

It was 4:15 PM when I had a bit of an adrenaline crash. I had to shower and change and got my shorts and shirt off and threw myself onto the bed, spread eagle in panties and braw. I closed my eyes trying to relax, but the events of the day played over in my mind. I popped the front of my braw and let the girls breath. The flow of blood through my breast and the warm July air through the open windows felt amazing.

This time tomorrow I will be on the beach, I thought. I slipped off my panties and jettisoned the braw completely. I lay there, eyes closed, legs spread, the warm gently breeze, tickling my labia. "Five Minutes," I told myself, breathing slow and steady. "Cynthia Freakin' Liebert. The sound of the city below was music to my ears. I smelled my hand, detecting just a hint of her perfume. "Someday soon I will have my own custom blend perfume..."

I replayed the lunch in my head... Her handling of the competition, her pitch to me, she was a master. She was all I imagined and more. On top of all that perfect skin and gorgeous hair.

My adrenalin was pumping again, and my thoughts turned to Ghalib. If only he were here... The blood flowed and my lower regions tingled. I caressed my breasts softly, as my breathing deepened. All the excitement had nerve endings activated throughout my body. I hadn't touched myself like this in what seemed like forever, but today... today, I needed a release. There was too much excitement and I needed to take the edge off.

I pictured Ghalib standing before me, naked, chiseled and hard. He crawled on the bed on all fours, between my spread legs. He hesitated and raised up on his knees as his hand caressed my soft stomach. His brown eyes, locked on mine, he leaned forward stretching his gentle hand to touch my breasts. I could feel the heat and rapidly growing wetness. My nipples stiffed as his hand approached, gently tracing his fingers over my skin.

My eyes closed, my own hand played the part of Ghalib's, softly squeezing my full breast sending a tingling rush through my erect nibbles, imagining his lips gently kissing them. As my right hand reached my hot drenched labia, I imagined his hot stiff hard-on slowly pressing against my pelvis as his lips continued to gently work my screaming nipples.

Such soft lips, I thought as he pressed himself against me. His kisses moved slowly up toward my neck as he ever so slowly pushed his throbbing head against my steaming labia. My fingers pressed in as I fantasized. His lips, so soft against my shoulder as his hair caressed my neck like silk against my skin. I was dripping wet working my fingers more frantically as felt an orgasm build.

"Oh, please don't stop," I said almost singing. "Aaahhh, I need this bad. Oh yes make me cum. Auuuhhhhhh," I screamed.

I imagined his stiff boner thrusting in deep and hard, relentlessly sliding in and out. The soft kisses on my neck sending chills down my spine. Kisses so soft and delicate as the stiff shaft pushed. "Why was I smelling Cynthia's perfume?" I thought as my climax built. The soft lips moved up to meet mine, the long silky hair caressed my cheeks as our tongues intertwined. I whined loudly picturing passionately kissing as my orgasm approached.

"Oooohhhhh yeeesss! I'm cumming!" I yelled as my orgasm hit like a freight train. "Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed.

The image that flashed in my mind at the peak of my pleasure was Cynthia's face with her perfect skin and bright red lips, with her sandy hair dangling. The scent of her perfume stuck in my mind, as my fingers worked my clit. I pushed the image out of my mind and focused quickly on the thought of Ghalib's brown eyes and dark hair.

My body went limp as my orgasm passed. I stared at the ceiling panting and regaining my composure. I was disturbed, trying to understand why her image had popped into my head at my moment of ecstasy...

"It's just the fact that such a powerful woman wanted to hire me," I thought to myself. "It perfectly normal transference."

My fingers were drenched as I could feel my cum running slowly down my ass cheeks. I jumped up," Gotta get a shower and get ready!" I told myself trying to refocus. My mind did seem to have a greater clarity after that quick release. There was a wet spot on my bed spread, I would need to deal with later. For now, I pulled it off an put it in the clothes basket

I cleaned myself up and put on a sharp looking grey double-breasted skirt suit. I put on a white blouse with a subtle collar. With the shirt unbuttoned to the 3rd button, the collar blended in, giving the appearance of wearing nothing beneath the jacket. The skirt was form fitting and ended just above the knee. I opted not to put on panty hose since Cynthia had not been wearing them earlier. I wore black heals that matched my slightly oversized purse and left my hair down, straight hanging about half way between my shoulders and the bottom of the jacket V-neck.

Ghalib dropped me at the helipad and there was only one white chopper there. He opened the door and I stepped out. In front of us was a black limo and a blond in skin tight designer jeans stepped out. I could only see her back but thought she must be a super model. She simply had the nicest ass I'd ever seen. She wore a 2-inch-wide heavy leather belt with a pattern of pencil sized holes scattered throughout. The belt pulled slightly down in the middle of her back where the center belt loop tugged downward from the strain the jeans covering her gorgeous round ass cheeks.

The crotch of the jeans pulled upward separating her ass cheeks in a V that extended half way up her ass. As she stood with her feet a couple inches apart, a triangle of light peaked through her inter thighs. He ass was not wide but as she turned slightly the protrusion of her ass was almost a perfect half sphere. The bottom of each cheek had a perfect little smiley face crease. Apart from that creases, there did not appear to be a wrinkle anywhere in her jeans except where the bottom of the pant legs covered the thick healed, high-heeled boots.

I glanced at Ghalib and he did a double take and tried not to stare. Her hair was in a pony tail and she wore a skin tight fitted white blouse with short cuffed sleeves. I could only recall one time when woman's ass sent a tingle between my legs, and I could not help but say, "Daaammnn," as she took a few steps and those cheeks clenched and bulged with each step.

The other time was Haley Williams from Paramore in their "Fake Happy" video. Something about the shimmering spandex just made me want to touch, it, kiss it and nibble on it... I recall watching the video about 100 times..

I shook my head and turned toward Ghalib. He smiled perkily, "Alecia...I think you have a naughty adventurous side young lady."

I blushed so strongly I could see the red glow off my cheeks. I widened my eyes and smiled a sexy smile. He began to blush as well. As my eyes locked back on the world class ass, she turned around and my jaw dropped...Cynthia Freakin Liebert! Not only the richest, smartest and most powerful woman on Wall Street, but the sexiest as well. Who said you can't have it all?

"Alecia, you clean up well," she said walking over and giving me a hug. Her body was firm! I was suddenly afraid of running and working out with her this weekend. Her perfume crept into my nostrils. "I did say casual, (a look of concern hit my face.) but you look great. I'm glad you made it. The copter should have us there in 30 minutes, Dinner and drinks on the beach when we arrive, sound good?"

"Sounds incredible," I said smiling like a child on Christmas.

She turned and walked toward the chopper. Her driver carried a suitcase for her and a should strapped leather, brief case. Ghalib followed suit and carried my bags to the chopper. I could not help watching those perfectly rounded globes flex and relax with each step.

The men loaded the bags and I gave Ghalib the Hampton's double cheek kiss, " Thank you Ghalib. I will see you Sunday."

"Are you sure you don't want to bring him with us?" asked Cynthia in a playful tone, smiling at Ghalib and giving him the once over, hungrily.

He blushed and nodded to her. "You ladies travel safe."

She walked over to him and said, "It's a shame you can't join us." Holding out her hand like the queen.

He took her hand and kissed the back of it., "Until Sunday, my lady."

I stared into Ghalib's eyes as he slowly backed away. The fact that Cynthia liked him made me want him even more. He smiled knowingly and headed for his cab. I did not even think about paying him, and he simple walked off without asking for payment. I would be sure to pay him later, I thought flashing back to my earlier session.

The stirring between my legs rekindled when I watched him walk away. As I turned toward Cynthia, she had sly grin on her face. He is simply delicious, and I see you agree. Again, I blushed as I followed her to the chopper. She stepped in before me highlighting her incredible ass again. I could not seem to stop staring.

Before today, I had never experienced the phenomenon of career excitement, manifesting itself with such a surge of sexual energy. Even after masturbating a little over an hour ago I was ready for more... And the pulsing vibration of the chopper did not help. Where was Ghalib when I need him?

The chopper had a female attendant and a full bar. The flight was only 30 minutes normally, but she had them do a tour of the bay and skirted the city. The view was amazing. I knew this was definitely the life for me. We were seated facing each other and it became apparent she was not wearing a bra. After we cleared the city, she asked the attendant to give me a computer bag.

"That has your new lap top in it. If you get it out, we can bring up my Calendar and bring you up to speed. Becky, I'll have a Martini and get miss Alecia..."

She paused looking at me. I said the only drink that seemed most appropriate, "A Manhattan please."

It was a brand-new HP elite book laptop, "State of the art. Very nice," I said. "Thank you so much."

"This will be your best friend, next to that," she said handing me a new I-phone XS.

"Thanks again," I said smiling happily.

"And last but not least," she handed me a business card, holding a box of them in the other hand. "Alecia Carmichael, Executive Consultant," I said beaming.

"Executive Consultant for Cynthia Freakin' Liebert!" I thought to myself.

We each had three drinks in when we landed. Every time she refilled, she gave me one. Three drinks were usually it for me. I was grateful when we landed. There was a limo to meet us and we rolled immediately toward her house.

"I'm famished," She said, as we drove on. "I hope fillet and scallops wil do. Phillip is preparing dinner as we speak. That would be perfect," I said thinking I sounded a little too sappy.

We arrived at an amazing house. It had five garages, a stone driveway and was a mixture of stone and cedar siding, six dormers and a torrent on either end that resembled a light house. The back yard overlooked the ocean with an infinity pool and built in oversized stone hot tub that sat at one end, elevated and flowing into the pool with a water fall.

We entered and she got us another drink ordered before I could protest. We drank as she gave me the tour. I had to steady myself on the stair case as the alcohol was kicking in. Luckily, we wrapped the tour up on the patio dining table as the dinner was served.

The view was amazing, as the cool breeze blew off the ocean, cooling down the hot July day. Dinner was delicious. Something about salt air makes food taste so much better. I was in a daze, sitting the patio next to an infinity pool overlooking the beach, in the Hamptons with Cynthia Freakin Liebert.

I expected a Devil Wears Prada relationship, but she was genuinely nice. During the tour of the house and dinner, she spent the entire time asking me about my family and friends. She really seemed interested and remembered details. She refused to talk about business or anything company related for the entire evening.

By the end of dinner, I had lost track of how many drinks I had. She ordered another round from the Christine the household assistant. She was 50ish and motherly looking. When she delivered the drinks, Cynthia released her and the staff for the evening and told her we they were all free for the weekend and the house would be empty all week, and for everyone to enjoy some beach time.

I had not felt this drunk... maybe ever. I knew this had to be the last one or I would be passed out and blacked out. It was 8:00PM and I could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks. "I must look like a tomato," I thought to myself. If I ever get tipsy, my cheeks immediately turn red and warm up. They were on fire.

"Shall we have a soak in the hot tub," she asked sounding like she was stone sober.

"shlure," I responded, embarrassed. "I'm slorry, these drinks are hitting me hard. I need to stlop after this one."

"I didn't mean to lead you astray Lecia," she said smiling. "I'm not usually a drinker either, but I'm just so happy I found you. It's been a real joy spending time with you, I kind of lost count. As I said I usually get up around 5:00 for a jog and gym session on Saturday, so I usually turn in between 9:00 and 10:00 when I'm at home. I'm not the alcoholic, close the bars down business person. And I'm glad to hear you're not a party girl either. The stakes are too high these days to let yourself get in a compromising position.

Let's get our suits on, have a soak and call it a night. Are you still up for a morning workout?" she asked sounding genuinely concerned about me.

"Shlure... Sure thing," I replied. I could not help but giggle.

"Oh, my you do have it bad," she laughed, standing up. "Woah." She swayed and steadied herself. "I think I may be a bit lit, myself."

She laughed and stepped over to me, reaching out a hand. I grabbed her hand and steadied myself as I stood up. My head spun as I stood swaying a bit. "Oh my, I am feeling it... Wow... Note to self. Manhattans will sneak up on you."

She gripped my hand firmly and pulled it across her shoulders. "We'll steady one another, Lecia," she said as we began to step arms across each other's shoulders.

I had never liked the shortened version of my name, but from Cynthia, I loved it. It was like I was getting a new best friend. I wondered if I dared call her Cindy but decided I would not find out. Her room was almost directly across the hall from my room. Although I would not call it a room. It was and en suite plus. It had a bedroom, sitting area, walk in closet and full bath with tub and shower and double sink and separate toilet. I would have been a Master suite in 99.9% of homes. But here it was a guest room... One of four.

She felt warm and steady as we walked. When she released me, I focused and managed not to sway or stumble.

"I'll meet you in the hot tub in ten," she said happily.

"Sure thing!" I said emphatically, without slurring and both laughed.

"Well slaid," she laughed. I assumed slurring on purpose.

I went to the bathroom, peed, washed my hands and face. My cheeks were glowing, and my head was in full spin mode. I splashed cold water on my face and tried my best to sober up quick. I put on my new red bikini. When I looked at myself, in the mirror, I had to laugh. My cheeks seemed as red as the suit. I decided to go bikini, after seeing Cynthia in those painted on jeans, I knew she would definitely be a bikini girl. A woman with her confidence and that body would definitely show it off.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Yesterday I would have smiled and told myself I was the hottest thing anyone would see tonight, but after Cynthia in those jeans, I knew It was probably not true. I did grip my 36D's with one hand and position the top to highlight my girls. I took a step back and looked at how it fit. "You do look hot girl," I told myself smiling.

I turned and looked at my ass, in the mirror. I pulled the traditional cut suit down around my buns, shook it and smiled. "You can hold your own darlin. You look damn good sweetheart. Where is Ghalib, when you need him!"

I arrived at the hot tub first. I grabbed my drink from the dinner table and stood next to the hot tub, staring out at the gorgeous view. There were two large sail boats drifting leisurely by as the sun lowered behind me. I climbed in and sat sideways on the curved lounge seat, so I could look directly out at the ocean. The hot tub was large. It could probably seat ten people easily.

If I turned sideways, I could lay in the lounge seat with a cushioned head rest and get full body jets. But I sat on in like a bench seat so l could look straight out to sea. I leaned my head back on the edge of the tub, took a sip and let the warm water engulf me. The warmth, the view, the buzz, were just perfect.

"I could get used to this." I said smiling.

"Good, I'm..."

"Ah!" I screamed spilling some of my drink and jerking upright. "Oh God, I didn't know you were there. I'm sorry... You startled me! I did not mean to sound presumptuous, It's just the view and the food and your hospitality. I feel so comfortable. I would never presume to take this for granted..." (I realized I was rambling like an auctioneer on meth.)

"Woah, relax Lecia. I did not take it like that at all. I'm glad you're enjoying it. That is why I have this place. It's a refuge of sanity it a crazy world. Relax, enjoy and just be yourself. You will have a lot of things to stress about starting Monday, I assure you. On Monday you will be Ms. Carmichael and I will demand much from you. This weekend...enjoy and let's get to know one another, ok?"

As she spoke, she walked around the hot tub in a white bikini, revealing a perfectly tanned body that made the bright white pop. Her top was a string type with full coverage of her better than average sized breasts. Her nipples were barely visible through the silky looking material. Her arms were toned and her shoulders subtle but athletic looking. Here stomach was smooth with a hint of abs. Her legs tanned and toned and shapely. The triangle in front was full but sexy, with the stings tied in a bow on either hip.

I could not help but wonder if her skin was as soft and smooth as it looked. The bottoms fit tight and cleanly, it was just the right mix of sexy but not slutty. She was well kept, as I had imagined. She would not show off the fur, that would be tacky. The string ever so slightly indented into her hips. As she faced me, I could not help but wonder, what that ass was like in a bikini. The imagine in those jeans and its effect on me made me question myself. I hope the view wearing the bikini would somehow remove the mystery and set me back on the "straight" and narrow.

Suddenly her voice snapped me back to reality. "Lecia? Ok?"

My eyes darted up to see her blue eyes looking down at me. Her smile was mischievous. "You seem... preoccupied."

"I... a... (My eyes drifted back to the string bow and I thought about pulling the string and letting those bottoms fall to the deck.) It's just (Her belly looked so smooth and soft.) been a dream day. I can't believe I'm here. You're my hero and the person I aspire to be like and now I'm here at you house..." I said smiling, shocked at the reaction as my eyes meant hers.

My body tingled as her beautiful blue eyes cut through me. I stared at her perfect cheek bones and the cute little mole on her left cheek. The bright red lipstick was gone but her soft pink natural tone was... perfect. I took a large gulp of my drink to steady myself, when it occurred to me, that was the last thing I needed right now. I was not in my right mind... I felt like a hormone crazed teenager with her first crush.

"Crush?" I thought to myself. "You've never even thought of a woman that way... (Haley Williams glistening spandex aside.) You've got to stop and sober up Alecia!"

"Whooommm!" a loud boat horn bellowed.

Cynthia whipped around and began to wave. I gasped as she revealed her semi thong bikini bottom stretched tightly over her firm round ass. It formed a bright white heart shape over her perfectly tanned skin. The top of the heart began at the tie bows and arched gently, peaking at her lower back and lowering toward the center, where a seam in the beck crept deeper between her ass cheeks as it went toward her vagina. The point of the heart nearly disappeared between her cheeks at the top of her labia, just before the bikini bottoms widened out forming a subtle camel toe dipping between her lips.

I could hardly breath as a rush of heat ran through my pelvis, like I had never felt before. I marveled at the gap between her thighs forming a triangle with her camel toe. The ocean water between her tanned thighs and white bikini was strikingly blue. My mouth watered like a Pavlovian dog. I downed my drink, amazed at the perfect skin of her exposed cheeks, and the curve of her shapely hips. The top of the camel toe triangle gave way to the crease between her buns and thigh that curved gently below each cheek before fading into the silky-smooth skin of her golden-brown hips.

I could not help but imagine reaching out, cupping her ass in my hands and tracing the line of fabric across her skin. I swallowed hard as my throat seemed to tighten and body tingled in the bubbling water. Suddenly her ass jiggled playfully, and I glanced up to see her looking back at me over her shoulder.

"Leasie, I think I'm flattered," she said grinning widely.

My face must have been neon red as the reality of her catching me staring hit home. Even as the shock wore off my eyes returned to the bright white contrast to the bronze tan. (How did she find time to get a tan?) I the twilight the white suit seemed to glow even brighter.

"Eyes are here Leasie," she said smiling and turning to face me. I know what you're thinking... How does a powerful wealthy executive stay in such great shape? Am I right?"

Thankful for an out from the most awkward moment of my life, I jumped on it, really trying not to slur. "You are in incredible shape, how do you do it?"

I could not win. If I kept my eyes off the bikini, her blue eyes cut through me. I wanted to feel what it was like to kiss her soft lips and feel her breasts against mine. I needed to control my thoughts but there was no stopping it.

"Discipline. "She said walking over to the patio bar. "Every day I start with a workout. No matter what. I eat a little bit of everything but not a lot of anything."

She picked up a remote off the bar and turned the lights off Inside the house behind the pool. She grabbed a bottle of wine, two glasses and two towels from behind the bar and walked back to the edge of the hot tub. The sun was low behind the house creating a dark patio area. She set the wine and glasses on the deck next to the hot tub and then. Stood before me smiling down, the shimmering dark water behind her.

"Let's get comfy, shall we Leasie?" she said, untying the bikini top behind her neck. It dropped revealing two nicely shaped breasts. He areola were quarter sized with pencil sized nipples that barely protruded. I vaguely tried to think about her new nick name for me, but her hands reached behind to untie the top thrusting her breasts forward taking my full attention.

"No tan lines," I thought as the top dropped to the deck.

Next, she reached for the string on her left hip an pulled the string allowing the white triangle to fold down and dangle on her inner thigh. When the right string untied, the front flopped forward revealing a well-trimmed bush above her slit. The top of her labia poked out as the crotch of the bikini clung to her moist lips. She wiggled her feet apart opening the triangle enough for the bottoms to fall free, clinging briefly to her outer labia before it released.

I did not care that I was staring as her nakedness overwhelmed my senses. Her lips poked ever so slightly out the bottom of her cute hairless slit. I watched as she stepped slowly into the hot tub, standing on the seat before stepping all the way in. The water quietly engulfed her slit with the rustling water line reaching mid bush. Her belly button was a slight innie and I could detect a subtle tan line down below.

"Wine?" she asked spinning around revealing her upper ass above the water line.

"Shhhure," I said no longer caring about slurring.

She stood up on a lower step and leaned forward to poor the wine, giving a full view of her gorgeous ass and glistening pussy. I watched as water dripped from her dark pink labia. I was thankful for the hot tub, because my bottoms would be soaked through. Her pink little sphincter peeked at me between her golden buns. I can honestly say I have never seen another woman's anus before. It was a perfect little circle.

The deepening darkness made it hard to see and I found myself leaning forward for a closer look imagining slipping my fingers between those glistening lips. My heart raced and breath deepened in disbelief of the thoughts in my head.

She spun and stepped back down moving toward me with two glasses of wine. She stopped in front of me as I leaned back and reached for a glass, trying not to stare at her ample breasts. As my hand approached the glass, she pulled back.

"You're turn Leasie. Are you just in or are you all in?" she smiled raising her eye brows.

I reached under the water at my bikini top thankful the water provided some cover.

"Uh, uh, uh," she said shaking her head. "Stand up!"

I stood up as commanded, almost losing my balance as the buzz hit home.

"Steady Leasie," she said grinning. "Now take it off."

She wiggled the glass of wine as a reward. I unclipped the front of my bikini top letting it fly open. The warm air on my nipples was exhilarating. My areola are outies and my nipples, stiff protrude more than a quarter inch. My nips were at full attention as I stared at Cynthia's thinking I'm a little bigger but hers are just plain beautiful.

"Doesn't that feel better," she grinned.

"Ahhhh, yes it does," I said swinging the girls side to side, before grabbing the sides of my bottoms and wiggling them down.

As I leaned down, I lost my balance and fell forward. Realizing I would probably knock her over, I threw myself sideways off the seat, falling into the deeper water and completely submerging. I jumped up giggling bottoms stuck on my thighs. She was laughing hysterically.

"Judges score... 9.2," she giggled.

I stood up and leaned on the side stepping awkwardly onto the seat of the hot tub. I spun around and planted my naked ass on the deck of the hot tub with my feet on the seat. It felt good to be in the cooler air for a moment, so I worked my bottoms off and leaned back propped up with my extended arms behind me. I let my knees drift wide apart exposing my lady parts to the breeze. I tilted my head back looking up to the stars coming into view with the sun now set.

"Isn't that better?" she asked stepping closer.

I could not help but spread my legs a little farther as she stepped in front of me. She handed me a glass of wine and I leaned forward freeing my right hand to take the glass.

"To new beginnings," I said extending my glass.

We touched glasses and I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees taking a drink. I noticed her steeling a peak at my exposed lady part. I leaned back onto my elbows and let my legs extend wide and straight. As I did my mind went to the vision of Cynthia, stepping forward between my legs, leaning in and setting her wine glass next to me as she crawled herself on top of me. I leaned back flat on my back and closed my eyes imagining her soft breasts brushing my stiff nipples as she leaned in bringing her warm soft lips to meet mine.

I sighed as I imagined her tongue slowly pressing between my lips in a full passionate kiss..."Leasie, honey, what are your thinking about? I bet it's Ghalib, isn't it?"

I jerked myself back into a sitting position. "Uh... yes, is it that obvious? It has been a while for me with the move and everything..." I slid slowly into the tub, sinking back down into the hot water.

This time I sat my wine down on the deck, turned sideways and reclined on the lounge seat of the hot tub, tilting my head back on the cushioned head rest. Cynthia did the same on the other side.

"Just be careful darlin'. You're in the big city now. Although he is a fine specimen Um, um, um. You're not in Indiana anymore," she said sipping her wine.

"I can handle myself, trust me. Sometimes a girl just needs a good stiff one to scratch the itch, no strings attached if you know what I mean," I said hoping not to sound like an Indiana girl trying too hard to make a point.

"I believe you Leasie, you sold yourself very well today. Just stay on target and don't get distracted.

I still was not sure about the nick name she tagged me with, but it was Cynthia Freakin' Liebert. She could call me whatever she wanted.

"I like your de***********ion, he is a "fine specimen"," I said closing my eyes.

I let the bubbles and churning water do their work, trying to turn my thoughts to Ghalib and riding him for my personal pleasure.

"Oh Honey, you got it bad, don't you?" said Cynthia's voice getting closer. I'm gonna show you a little trick I have for just such problems.

I opened my eyes and she was standing next to me steam rising between us. She bent over me and leaned on the edge of the hot tub with her left hand, her breasts hanging over me.

"First, skootch down just a little she said gripping my thigh with her right hand and pulling me down until my chin touched the water. Good now (she reached between my legs and pulled my left thigh out a little.) just spread a little... Now hold the side with your right hand to brace yourself. It's gonna be a fun ride... Are you ready?"

I looked at her nervously, heart racing as she touched my naked body. "Ready for what?"

"I call it Mr. Happy," She said leaning in and lifting a control panel door. "Three, two, one..."

She pushed a button and a powerful jet of water kicked on blasting me in the taint and lower vagina. I thrust my hips upward and felt the jest hit my anus as I raised.

"Shhhh, it's ok set back down, you just need to find the sweet spot Leasie, trust me Honey," she said pushing on my pelvis gently.

I settled back down on my butt and the jet was hitting directly into my Vagina, making me feel stimulated and like I had to pee at the same time.

"Whoa," I said uncomfortably holding myself away from the jet, but already feeling the appeal and wanting a little more. I leaned my upper body forward aligning the jet with my clit. "Ooh!" I gasped.

"Sounds like you found it Leasie," she said still pressing her hand gently on my pelvis. Now move in closer Honey, you're gonna thank me, I promise.

I moved closer and the pulsating pressure increased stimulating my clit a bit, "Oh My!" I gasped starting to gyrate my hips a bit. "That feels reeeaaalllyyyy good," I sighed beginning to breath heavier.

"Almost there," she said sliding her hands between my thighs. "Trust me Honey..."

She pressed two fingers from each hand against my outer labia, pulling them apart, allowing the jet to firmly blast against my exposed clit. I gripped the edge of the hot tub with a death grip as a jolt of electricity shot from my clit all the way to my nipples. I gritted my teeth and grunted, gasping for air.

"Sweet spot!" she said cheerily.

I began pumping my hips gently as an orgasm almost instantly built. "Oh! I squealed before biting hard to stop from screaming out. I began to snort in small burst of breath whimpering, my hips in constant tiny movements as the hot jet overwhelmed my clit.

"Oh Honey, you're cumming aren't you. So controlled," she said softly keeping her hand pressed against me holding my lips apart so the water could make full contact.

My whole body trembled as the orgasm rocked me. I wanted her fingers in me and moved my hips wider hoping she would slip and penetrate me.

"Oh yeah, you needed this didn't you?" She asked breathing heavy but maintaining firm contact without touching my inner labia.

I nodded rapidly, eyes closed and panting. "Oh yes, cumming, cu, u, um, ing," I grunted in rapid little breaths.

"I give you credit Honey, I'm pretty sure the boats hear me screaming when Mr. Happy gets me going," she said never breaking contact with me.

I convulsed and shook as my orgasm peaked, never letting out the scream of pleasure I wanted to and never getting to feel her inside me. I pushed up raising out of line of the jet, panting and opening my eyes.

"Holy crap, that's amazing!" I said looking at her as she released me and

sat on the edge of my lounge seat smiling at me.

"Who needs a man when you have Mr. Happy? Am I right?" She asked matter of factly.

I breathed deeply and nodded.

"Ok Honey, take a few deep breaths and let's go again, that was too damn fast, you can't possibly be satisfied..."

"What? I am good..." I tried to protest but she grabbed my ankles and lifted my feet off the bench, dropping my ass back down in the stream of the jet.

Before I knew what was happening, she placed my calves on her shoulders and got on her knees on the end of my lounge seat. Forcing my legs wide with my pussy in the path of the hot jet. She pushed forward and pinned me to the bench. I thought sure she was leaning in to kiss me I closed my eyes, opened my mouth slightly and gasped as the jet hit home again.

"Oh, oh, please, yes," I groaned as the wave of pleasure spread.

She reached down and put a thumb on one side and her pointer finger on the other, exposing my clit again.

"Please," I whined hoping for her fingers to enter me. "Oh yes," I said opening my eyes. "Feels so goooood!"

She looked at me hungrily. "Mr. Happy, can go all night Leasie."

I could still detect a hint of her perfume over the hot tub chemicals, as

my hips pumped up and down letting the water jet work its magic.

"Oh God Cynthia... " I said too loudly.

"That's it Leasie, let it out Honey," she said softly.

My jaw clinched closed as a high-pitched moan, escaped. "Ohhhhh Yyyyeeesss Cyn, thi, a..."

My hips gyrated and I lost balance. I threw my right arm around her neck and pulled us together, burying my face into her neck.

"I'm c, cum. Oh y, yes Cynthia. Yes, yes oh God yes!" I screeched pressing my open mouth against her shoulder to muffle the screams.

A pulse of pleasure shot through me in convulsive waves from my throbbing clit, like I had never felt before. I tried to pull away from the jet as the orgasm intensified, but she held me there, the relentless jet overwhelming my senses. My hips rocked and her fingers held me open, as I clung too tightly to her, powerless to release my grip as my body spasmed.

Cumming, cum, ming, oh God please Cynnnth, i, aaaaaaaaaaa!"

As my endless orgasm finally subsided, I collapsed back into my seat, panting and embarrassed. I looked awkwardly up to her with my calves still on her shoulder.

"You really had some pent-up passion Leasie. You need to let that out Honey. You still seemed a little reserved." She said calmly pushing my heels up and wiggling out from between my legs. "That was awesome. I will give you some time to collect yourself Honey. Five AM sharp on the beach if you want to run. I'm going to shower and get some sleep... Night."

She had picked up her bikini and wine glass. She tossed the bikini over her shoulder and raised the wine glass like a toast, grinning as she strutted off. I found myself sitting up quickly and staring at her frim beautiful ass as she strutted away.

Embarrassed, confused and ashamed at my behavior. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. What just happened? Had I blown the greatest career opportunity anyone could have hoped for? I quickly decided to run in, get a shower and get some sleep. I told myself, get a read from her in the morning and decide what to do then.

When I returned to my room, I could see a light under the door of Cynthia's room and thought about knocking to apologize but thought better of it. The alcohol was fully kicked in and I could barely walk let alone talk coherently.

Instead I took a long warm shower, cleaned up and shaved, put on some panties and a mid-thigh pajama T. I ponytailed my hair and was ready for bed. I felt a little more soberer, in control, and yes, a lot less stressed after Mr. Happy did his job.

I decided to peek out and see if her light was still on. I was still in shock and disbelief of my behavior. I wanted to make sure I had not messed up this opportunity.

The light was on so I put my ear to the door and could hear her talking to someone on the phone. "Get it done Alfonse, we have got to get back on schedule. I do not want any more Friday night call. This is my me time and I don't like breaking my no call policy. Let's go over it one more time and then I have to go!"

I decided against interrupting and took a stroll out by the pool for one more dose of the ocean air. The hot tub steamed slightly in the moon light. The sound of the waves and the salt air put the perfect ending on the evening.

When I walked back to the room, I saw the light under her door. I hesitated, leaned against it and could hear a Gossip Girls rerun on the TV. I heard a drawer or door close. I must have paced back and forth between our doors twenty times before deciding to go for it. I knocked way too lightly I was sure, but I heard a loud clear "Leasie."

I opened the door, "I'm glad you're still..."

"Ah!" she yelled as her body flew instantly from laying naked on the bed to a ball, with her knees to her chin and arms wrapped tightly across her shins. In her right hand a humming six-inch silver dildo hummed away.

I turned immediately putting my back to her.

"Oh Fuck, I'm so embarrassed" she said frantically.

As the hum of the dildo stopped, the realization of the reason she called my name hit me. "I'm so sorry, I knocked and heard you say my name and..." I suddenly froze not knowing what to say. "I'll just..."

"It's ok," she blurted. "Once again Ms. Carmichael, your timing is impeccable. I was trying to sleep and the thought of your encounter with Mr. Happy got me thinking about my own situation and five months of no man in my life and decided to relieve a little tension of my own.

"I just keep making things worse. I wanted to apologize for my behavior in the hot tub. I have no idea what got into me. It was completely unprofessional..."

"I already told you, Professional starts Monday. Everything's ok, were grown women with needs and no men in our life right now. You got to take the edge off every now and then. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning. You can turn around Leasie, it's nothing you haven't already seen." she said calmly.

I turned and she as stretched out leaning on some pillows fully nude, with her hands at her side on the bed. The silver dildo lay next to her and her legs were straight and slightly spread. Another awkward moment and another decision point. "Walk away, just walk away," I told myself. I was turning to go when the glimmer of the dildo caught my eye. An opportunity to even the score crossed my mind.

I'm not sure if the alcohol was to blame, but whatever the cause, I found myself walking toward her without thinking about it. She looked at me smiling apprehensively. Her expression grew more apprehensive with each step.

I sat on the edge of the bed, picked up the dildo and examined. It was still warm and sticky wet from her using it. I could see a gap in her labia where it had been inserted just moments ago. I turned the base and the hum resumed.

"These are great, but like Mr. Happy, it's always a little more satisfying if you're not doing it yourself," I said pointing the silver bullet toward the target. "I'll drive..."

Her eyes widened as the humming dildo tip touched her wet labia. She let out a whimper and closed her eyes as I gently ran the tip up and down her slit. I could see her juices glistening on the tip as I moved it ever so slowly toward her clit.

She gasped and jerked as it hit home. "Oh, fuck that feels good Leasie,"

"Just returning the favor Cynthia, it looks like you have a lot of pent up tension too. Just lay back and enjoy the ride," I said in a soft sultry voice I did not know I even had.

"Oh fuuuuccck," she moaned as I slowly twisted it into her. Aaaaaahhhhh Yyyyeeeesssss, fuck yyyyeeeessss, fuuuuuck me please!

I could not believe her dirty mouth, and how loud she was getting and more disturbingly how excited I was getting to hear her talk dirty. I could feel myself getting hotter and wetter by the second. I have never had thoughts like this about a woman before.

I began to pump it in and out with increasing speed and she met every thrust with a thrust of her own, shoving the plastic cock in as far in as she could. My fingers were getting soaked with her juices and her scent... The mixture of her natural scent mixed with her special perfume sent tingles straight to my vagina.

I pulled it out to move to back to her stiff little clit.

"No, don't fucking stop! Put that fucking cock back in me please!" she commanded.

"Trust me Cynthia, I've got this. You just lay back and enjoy," I said pressing the vibrator against her clit. "Just close your eyes and let this little beauty do its thing.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck" she grunted, gyrating her hips, rubbing the vibrator against her clit., OOOOOOHHHHHHH FUUUUUCK! I'M CUMMING," She screamed throwing her head back.

Her hips were moving at an incredible pace. I could only hold the silver dildo still and let her move. She moved like a belly dance, so smoothly but at incredible speed.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," she yelled "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

She came in a convulsive spasm of her whole body, pulling away from the dildo when it became too much. As she started to recover, I inserted the tip back inside her and slowly worked it in and out at a slow and steady pace.

"Oh shit, I needed that," she panted. "You are right about someone else driving... Wow."

I pushed it in as far as it would go holding it at the end with my pointer and thumb wrapped around the base. When It fully inserted, I could feel her soaking wet warm lips touch my thumb and finger.

Her breathing settled into a slow, steady and deep pattern, matching the pace of the dildo.

"Thank you Leasie, I feel better now. That did the trick. I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight. That itch has been thoroughly scratched." she sighed.

"Has, it really?" I replied shoving the dildo in deep causing her to gasp again. "Sounds like you're still a little itchy."

"Oh God, don't get me sta, aaaarted again," She squealed as I drove the dildo home.

"I still owe you one sweetie," I said wiggling the dildo inside her.

After a moment, I pulled it out and for reasons I still don't fully understand, I wanted to fuck her doggie style with the dildo.

"Roll over and spread 'em please," I whispered.

Her eyes widened, and she rolled over and scooched down to lay flat on her stomach and spread her legs. That incredible ass was front and center with her glistening pink lips peeking out below. I slid down the bed for better access. Sitting up next to her I slid the dildo in my left hand toward her waiting slit. I watched he asshole pucker and her cheeks clinch when the vibrator touched her tender labia.

I wanted to lean in and kiss that ass but was afraid to cross that line. She moaned and raised her ass ever so slightly with first contact.

"That's it, just relax and let Leasie drive," I said apparently accepting my new nick name.

I pressed it in watching her lips suction onto the dildo as it penetrated. She whimpered her approval. "You like letting me drive don't you Cynthia?"

Her head nodded as it lay on the pillow with her eyes closed. I picked up the pace and she began to pump her hips to the rhythm. When her moans got louder, I pulled it slowly out, pressed the tip against her clit and slowly drug it up her slit, repeating the process. The next time, I continued between those sweet cheeks, tickling her dark pink sphincter. She let out a sigh of pleasure.

I continued the tease, dragging it from her taint to the top of her perfect ass and then gently tapped her buns with the dildo tip.

Each time I repeated her hips raised her ass little higher, chasing the dildo.

"Come and get is Cynthia," I teased.

She wined and raised herself up on her knees with her head still on the pillow, forcing that ass high in the air giving full access to her spread pussy.

"That's it, let's see about scratching that itch for you." I slid it slowly in until my fingers toucher her hot wet lips and wiggled it back out increasing the speed with each thrust.

"Oo, oo, ooh fu, u, u, ck," her voice quivered. Fuck me please, I need that fucking cock in me... Oh fuck pound me baby, make me fuck-ing cum!" she growled as I began pounding it in and out.

"You like it like this don't you sweetie? Hard and fast?" I said beginning to pant myself.

My panties were soaking through watching the gorgeous woman offer herself to my so freely.

"Oh, fuck that's good Leasie, fuck me with it please! Make me fucking cum again, I need it so fucking bad." She yelled as she shoved her face in the pillow screaming wildly.

I was so turned on, I wondered what her hot cum would taste like and wanted to toss the dildo aside and shove my tongue into her steaming pussy. Hearing her talk dirty, made my pussy flow with excitement.

"Aaahhhh! Aaahhhh! Aaahhhh! Aaahhhh!" She screamed into the pillow and raised her head. "Pound my fucking pussy Leasie! I am fucking cumming Honey. Oh fuuuuccckkk! Aaahhhh! Aaahhhh! Aaahhhh! Aaahhhh!"

The smell of her hot juices made my mouth water and I wanted to taste her but somehow that would cross the line and I was afraid how she would react. Her pussy sloshed as I pounded her with the silver cock. She continued to scream into the pillow, my arm getting tired. I was amazed how long her orgasm seemed to last. Finally, she pulled off and collapsed onto the bed panting.

I sat there in my soaked panties, holding the dildo as she lay flat and satisfied, eyes closed and breathing deep. I turned off the dildo and starred at her round ass, thinking about touching her and running my fingertips across every inch of her skin. I pictured planting gentle kisses on her back and neck as I stretched out my naked body on hers, feeling her warmth and silky smoothness.

"Get control Alecia," I told myself. "You've worked too hard to mess this up. You're drunk and not in your right mind!"

I looked at her face, content with a slight smile eyes closed and at peace. "Cynthia," I whispered.

She just breathed deeply.

"Are you sleeping?" I asked hopeful for a quiet escape.

With no response, I slinked off the bed. I noticed I had soaked through my panties and the ass of my night shirt. I stood for a moment looking at her, confused and horny. I thought about the day. Three orgasms and still revved up. I simply could not believe how off track I let myself get.

As I left her room, the little voice inside was asking, "Why are you taking the dildo Alecia?" Deep down I knew, I was not quite done for the night.

I sat the dildo on my night stand and removed my panties and night shirt. I climbed in under the covers and grabbed the silver bullet. I held it to my nose and breathed her scent in deeply sending a wave of warmth through me. Without thought I put it to mouth pushing it in.

The taste was salty sweet, causing me to swirl my tongue around it to savor her flavor. I knew this was a mistake the second the rush of hot wetness washed over me. The taste of her cum pushed everything out of my mind. My fingers dove into my hot wet pussy as her cum flooded my taste buds.

I closed my eyes, imagining what it would be like to taste her sticky sweet pussy, feeling her writhe with pleasure as I probed her steamy wetness with my tongue. I removed my fingers and replaced them with the humming dildo that had been inside her only moments earlier. The vibration hit my clit rocking my hips upward.

"Oh God Cynthia, you taste so good," I said surrendering to the tingling hum. "You make me so wet. Oooohhhhh you're making me cum again. Please..."

I shoved my wet fingers into my mouth sucking my own juices as my clit burst with un believable pleasure for the fourth time. I sucked and whimpered undulating, to the rhythm as I probed myself thinking of her screams of joy as I plunged it into her tight little body.

I pressed the vibrating tip against my clit as my stiff little pleasure center sent me into a convulsive spasm of ecstasy.

"Oh God, I'm cumming for you. Aaahhhhhhh! Aaahhhhhhh! Aaahhhhhhh! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!" I whined as I came for the fourth time.

I gently sucked the dildo clean, trying to imagine my face buried in her warm sweetness as she came in my mouth. I drifted off to sleep, satisfied from four powerful climaxes, afraid of what she might think sobered up in the morning, excited by the new desires that were awakening in me...

To definitely be continued...


2024-07-25 13:58:16
well written as always, such a talented pen, and amazing story.

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